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Genesis исторические исследования
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Published By "Aurora Group, S.R.O"


Mikhail Vladimirovich Krichevtsev

The Institution of garnisaires was intended for providing lodging to bystanders in the homes of residents in order to comply with the requirements of the government. In France of the early XIX century, it was implemented as a repressive measure to ensure conscription of the recalcitrant. The article describes the legal regulation of the institution of garnisaires in conducting conscription in France of the period of the Consulship and the First Empire. The object of this research is the Institution of garnisaires in the early XIX century; while the changes in legal regulation of this institution throughout the ruling of the First Consul and Emperor Napoleon I. The article employs the normative legal acts of the early XIX century: imperial decrees, governmental acts, executive orders and instructions of the officials of the central and local administration; as well as contextual analysis of legal acts, comparative-historical, and chronological methods. Taking into account that the topic of legal regulation of the institution of garnisaires is poorly covered, the article comprehensively analyzes the content of the fundamental legal acts, determines the peculiarities of stern measures applied for maintaining conscription at different stages of the reign of Napoleon I. The conclusion is made that the legal regulation of the institution of garnisaires during the indicated period has evolved from the first attempts to establish the practice of lodgment as repression, initially not implying specific restrictions, to introduction of more balanced and detailed regulation of the institution with a range of restrictive measures. The formation of legal framework of the institution was completed by 1807–1808 with issuing of the decrees of the Emperor and instructions of the Director General of Military Conscription Jean-Girard Lacuée.

Alena Ivanovna Arkhipova

The topic of studying periodical press as a communication channel in the process of regional administration found its reflection in modern historiography. The object of this research is the Russian-language periodical press “Yakut Eparchial Bulletin” and “Yakut Regional Bulletin” issued in the Yakut Region in the late XIX century. The subject of this research is the content of newspaper periodicals, including decrees and circular letters, announcements and orders of the regional administration. The need for the development of information space of the Yakut region contributed to the development of periodical press. The article examines the activity of the local administration – governors A. D. Lokhvitsky, G. F. Chernyaev, V. Z. Kolenko aimed at opening the official periodical in the Yakut Region. The scientific novelty is determined by the poor degree of development of the topic on the material of Yakut periodical press. Analysis is conducted on the content of the formal part of the “Yakut Eparchial Bulletin” and “Yakut Regional Bulletin”. Characteristics is given to the target audience of the newspaper in the first years of its existence. The author resumes that the governors believed that newspaper is the fastest way for distributing information, which could reduce interdepartmental correspondence and improve the functionality of administrative institutions. In the late XIX century, the “Yakut Regional Bulletin” was used by the administration as a means of informing the officials.

Viktoriia Viktorovna Filippova

The subject of this research is displacement of the indigenous small-numbered peoples in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation neighboring with Yakutia. The object is the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North residing in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Irkutsk Oblast, Zabaykalsky Krai, Amur Oblast, Khabarovsk Krai, Magadan Oblast, and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. These constituent entities of the Russian Federation have contiguous territories with the Sakha Republic. The author examines the displacement and size of the indigenous population of the regions of the Russian Federation neighboring with Yakutia. Special attention is given to clarification of the places of traditional dwelling of the indigenous small-numbered peoples in the aforementioned regions of the Russian Federation. It is established that the following ethnic groups reside in the territory contiguous to Yakutia: Dolgans, Evenks, Evens, Yukaghirs and Chukchi. The areas of residence of the listed ethnic groups border with the areas of settlement of the corresponding indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North in the territory of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The author’s special contribution lies in the analysis of displacement and size of the indigenous population in the regions of the Russian Federation neighboring with Yakutia on the local level. The novelty of consists in the territorial analysis of the places of traditional dwelling of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North.

Ekaterina Olegovna Chekushkina

Leaning on the archival materials, this article examines the work of the Prosecutor's Office of Khakass Autonomous Oblast in the 1960s, as well as highlights positive and negative aspects therein. The object of this research is the Soviet Prosecutor's Office. The subject is the activity of the Prosecutor's Office of Khakass Autonomous Oblast in the 1960s. Archival sources contain meeting protocols, briefing notes on the work of city and district prosecutor's offices of Khakass Autonomous Oblast, internal reports on the work of the prosecutor's office, etc. The article employs the historical-comparative method for studying the types of activity of district prosecutor’s offices of Khakass Autonomous Oblast and criminal situation in these districts; quantitative methods for tracing the amount of crime, percentage ratio, number of cases, etc.; systemic-functional method for consideration of tasks faced by the prosecutor's office. The main types of activity in the 1960’s indicate oversight activity, crime prevention, legal propaganda, monitoring the execution of the decrees of the Prosecutor General of the Soviet Union, participation of the prosecutors in court hearings, consideration and resolution of citizens’ complaints.

Timur Maratovich Nadyrshin

Examination of the role of school in Soviet ethnography remains a blank spot in the anthropology of education. However, despite the absence of this subdiscipline, the author indicates the interest of Soviet ethnographers in reorganization of educational sphere. Use of the method of content analysis of the journal “Soviet Ethnography” reveals the role of general education on the map of ethnographic science of the era of totalitarianism (1937– 1953). This stage is characterized by one of the major intrusions into science, which is clearly reflected in publications of humanities journals. The author highlights the common semantic structures – patterns and repetitive statements typical for most articles. These statement lead to the following conclusions: criticism of the prerevolutionary system of education, exclusion of religion from the system of education, and exposure of the problems in the system of education of foreign capitalist countries. At the same time, there was the task to emphasize the successes of Soviet education: elimination of illiteracy; growing number of schools, students, and teachers; and the role of schools in cultural development the Soviet Union. In face of ideological restriction, many ethnographers have identified separate issues and offered their recommendations for the Soviet system of education. These unique observations are the contribution made by the Soviet ethnographic science to the cultural interpretation of the school.

Viktoriya Vladimirovna Nomogoeva ◽  
Altyna Munkozhargalovna Shoidonova

The subject of this research is examination of the activity of the Soviet pedagogues in teaching foreign students based on the materials of the Mongolian worker’s faculty. The object of this research is the Soviet-Mongolian cooperation in educational sphere that developed in the 1920s – 1930s. The Mongolian worker’s faculty was formed in Verkhne-Udinsk for teaching Mongolian and Tuvan students. It is noted that the academic staff was represented by the prominent pedagogues of the Buryat ASSR. The teaching of foreign students was carried out within the framework of international cooperation and allowed distributing Soviet ideology. The Mongolian People's Republic and Tuvan People's Republic viewed the USSR as the model for further development. The analysis of activity of the pedagogues of Mongolian worker’s faculty allowed reveals the key vectors of work with foreign students from the Mongolian People's Republic and the Tuvan People's Republic. Besides intense educational and upbringing activity, the teaching staff paid special attention to the adaptation of students and formation of worldview in the spirit of socialist values. The authors’ special contribution lies in determination of the peculiarities of organizing political and educational activity in the institution. The novelty of this consists in examination of the contribution of the pedagogues of the Mongolian worker’s faculty to the establishment of friendly relations with the neighboring states – Mongolia and Tuva.

Elena Vladimirovna Sennitskaya

The subject of this research is the socioeconomic basis of the key characteristics of Christianity: proselytizing nature, refutation of violence, fasts, baptism, support of feudalism, negative stance on nomadic pastoralism, system of monasteries, use of churchyards as burials, as well as special cult symbols. The article employs the following methods: 1) material-cultural (juxtaposition of religious views with the level of technological development of a particular era); 2) geophysical (juxtaposition of religious views reflected in historical sources with natural conditions affecting economic activity and emergence of a particular ideology); 3) systemic (Christianity is viewed as an element of state policy aimed at the development of secured trade routes, unobstructed tax collection and control over population); 4) linguistic (analysis of names); 5) hermeneutical (interpretation of Christian symbols in the context of economic activity of ancient times). The conclusion is made that initially Christianity was aimed at solution of the following tasks by the government: 1) development of navigation and creation of secured trade routes (namely sea routes); 2) alleviation of social tension in coastal fortress cities via adoption of a special code of conduct and reduction of urban population through implementation of the system of monasteries; 3) creation of the system of wayside markers and fortified strongpoints for sailors in form of temples and monasteries; 4) development of agricultural structure (namely through posts) for the procurement of coastal fortress cities and organizing long-term sea and land expeditions; 5) displacement of caravan trade routes with sea routes 6)  registration of population by securing the name given at baptism.

Al'bert Tagirovich Akhatov

The subject of this research is the woodworking tools of the Bashkirs in in the XVII– XVIII centuries. The goal lies in examination of the tools used by the Bashkirs for wood processing during the XVII – XVIII centuries leaning on the archaeological materials obtained in the course of exploration of Aznayevo settlement and Berekovo rural localities. The article also involves the written record of the authors of the late XVIII sources and the data of historical-ethnographic researcher of later periods. The research relies in the comprehensive approach of the available archaeological, written and ethnographic materials; as well as descriptive, historical-comparative methods, and analysis of real sources. This article is first to examine the woodworking tools used by the Bashkirs in XVII – XVIII centuries. The archaeological collections allows establishing that the Bashkirs used axes, knives, scraper, graver and drill for wood processing. For basket weaving from bast and birch bark was used the curved awl. According to the written sources, the woodworking tools also included adzes and chisels. The explored archaeological and written materials allow concluding that the woodworking tools of the XVII – XVIII centuries continued to exist among the Bashkir population until the XIX – early XXI centuries, which is proven by the results of historical-ethnographic research.

Erzhene Lopson-Dorzheevna Nanzatova

The subject of this research is the soteriology of Amidism as a single formative force that contributed to the spread and acquisition of new features of the doctrine. The object of this research is the theory of salvation and rebirth in the Pure Land, which undergoes modification and adopts the elements of other schools and denominations. This article examines soteriology of the School of Amidism as a driving force that develops and promotes the doctrine of the Pure Land in the Far Eastern region during the Middle Ages. Comprehensive approach towards studying the system of soteriological aspects of Amidism allows comprehending the patterns of the process of establishment and strengthening of the doctrine in new sociocultural realms. An attempt is made to trace the peculiarities of the impact of other schools of Buddhism upon soteriology of Amidaist doctrine. The scientific novelty lies in the original approach towards examining the soteriological representations of the Buddhist direction. The soteriological aspects of Amidism are viewed as a single substrate, linking element, foundation for the doctrine of the Pure Land, which promotes its development and distribution on the Asian continent and neighboring states. Amidaist teaching has walked a long path, since conception of the idea of Pure Land to development of the complex doctrinal system. In the spatial context, Amidism transcends the boundaries, growing from the local belief to a major trend of Mahayana Buddhism. Soteriology of the doctrine has become the foundation, formative force, which contributed to strengthening and development of doctrine.

Yurii Federovich Chistyakov

  The object of this research is the Russian imports of grain and grain products (flour and cereal) over the period from 1802 to 1917. The subject of this research is the dynamic processes of changes in the volume and commodity structure of the import of grain and grain products in the XIX – early XX centuries. The article leans on the analysis of sources that contain data on the Russian imports of grain and grain products (annual “Reviews of Russian foreign trade through European and Asian borders”), which characterizes import of grain to the Russian Empire of this period. The study employs the methods of historical, source studies, and statistical analysis. The analysis of sampling relies on the tabular summary of data and graphic representation of data. The novelty lies in the analysis of the key trends in the development of import of grain to the country throughout a prolonged historical period, which is carried out virtually for the first time. Based on examination of the statistical data in the import of grain, the following results were obtained: 1) a significant dependence of the volume of grain imports on the state of domestic grain production and the absence or presence of “lean years” in particular is underlined; 2) the periods of excess of grain imports over exports is determined. 3. The conclusion is made on the significant increase in the volume and transformation of the structure of the Russian grain imports in the beginning of the XX century. It is also indicated that due to insignificant volumes of import, compared to export, the grain imports did not affect the overall level of grain consumption among the Russian population.  

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