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Himia Fizika ta Tehnologia Poverhni
Latest Publications





Published By Co. Ltd. Ukrinformnauka

2079-1704, 2079-1704

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 326-343
A. M. Eremenko ◽  
I. S. Petryk ◽  
Y. P. Mukha ◽  
N. V. Vityuk ◽  

The aim of this work is a comparative analysis of the biocidal efficiency of Ag nanoparticles (NPs) in the colloidal state, in the structure of films and dispersions of SiO2 and in the composition of textile fabrics, dependent on the method of synthesis, based on literature data and on own researches. Chemical reduction of silver (with borohydrides, hydrogen, hydrazine, etc.) allows one to adjust and control the size and shape of NPs. The shape of the NPs is mostly spherical, what is confirmed by the presence of a band of surface plasmon resonance in absorption spectra and by electron microscopy measurements. To prevent aggregation of NPs obtained by the method of chemical reduction in solution, the optimal ratio of two stabilizers based on surfactants and polymer at their minimum concentration was found, namely NaBH4 as a reductant and polyvinylpyrrolidone + sodium dodecyl sulfate as binary stabilizer of Ag NPs, with bactericidal activity of 99 % and stability for more than 3 years. Chemical reduction of silver ions was carried out also by the amino acid tryptophan (Trp) which has a dual function – a biocompatible reducing agent and stabilizer of silver NPs while maintaining their shape, size and stability for long-term use. Effective methods of photochemical synthesis of Ag NPs have been developed in different ways: by UV irradiation of Ag+ ions in solution in the presence of solid-state photosensitizer SiO2 with adsorbed benzophenone (SiO2/BPh); by UV irradiation of Ag+ ions in solution in the presence of the amino acid tryptophan (Trp); on silica surface when Ag/SiO2 sol-gel films production via irradiation of adsorbed Ag+ ions on SiO2 film (Ag+/SiO2) in the BPh solution. It is shown that when Ag NPs are adsorbed on the surface of highly dispersed SiO2, the logarithm of the reduction of microorganisms reduces and the time of their deactivation increases. A cheap and convenient way to modify of cotton textiles with Ag NPs by soft heat treatment of Ag+/cotton samples with high (90–95 %) efficiency of destruction of bacteria E. coli, K. pneumoniae, E. aerogenes, P. vulgaris, S. aureus, C. albicans, etc., with saving of biocidal activity after 5 cycles of washing has been developed. The dynamics of silver ions release from the surface of NPs in the structure of textile upon their contact with water for 72 hours and the number of irreversibly bound particles have been studied. The electrical resistance of the tissue is proportional to the quantity of NPs. That is NPs in the structure are in different degrees of binding, a certain part of them is retained (adsorbed) irreversibly, saving bactericidal properties after repeated contacts with water. On the basis of literature analysis it is shown that ecologically safe “green synthesis” is a promising way to silver NPs produce with pronounced bactericidal efficiency, which is becoming more common due to the large resource of cheap plant raw materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 314-325
P. O. Kuzema ◽  
A. V. Korobeinyk ◽  
V. A. Tertykh ◽  

Fumed silica has found widespread application in industry due to variety of fascinating properties. Owing to its specific manufacturing process, it consists of finely dispersed particles and is featured with large specific surface area covered by profoundly reactive silanol groups which are available for chemical grafting. Spherical shape of fumed silica particles and lacking porosity provides a space-filling structure. These characteristics implement the fume silica’s utilization as high-surface-area carriers for various catalysts, i.e. metallic nanometer-sized particles, organic moieties, etc. Currently a great attention is called to on-surface grafting to improve the silica-based carrier. Most of research is carried out in area of liquid phase chemistry involving an abundance of expensive and often toxic solvents while the space-filling properties of silica are favoring reactions in fluidized bed conditions. In current research fumed silica (A-300) was a subject for hydridesilylation with triethoxysilane under fluidized bed conditions. In all synthesis reported in current research the insignificant amount of solvent (1.00 wt. % of the amount used in typical wet-chemical modifications method) was spent for the silica surface silylation. While the mass ratio of silica/TES was kept constant, other conditions, i.e. solvent/catalyst presence, surface pretreatment, additional treatment with water, and the fluidized bed heating mode have been varied. FTIR spectroscopy revealed the interaction between groups of triethoxysilane and silica surface silanol groups and demonstrated the effect of modification conditions on the density of the hydridesilyl groups coverage. The results of FTIR spectroscopic studies have confirmed the presence of grafted silicon hydride groups on the surface of modified silica, as well as the presence of ethoxy and/or silanol groups – either intact or formed due to hydrolysis of the ethoxy groups. Titrimetric and spectrophotometric analysis was performed to estimate the concentration of grafted SiH groups (in all samples prepared under fluidized bed conditions their concentration ranged within about 0.28–0.55 mmol/g as dependent on the reaction conditions). Other important aspects of fluidization such as the presence of solvent and/or hydrolyzing agent, bed heating mode and the effect of the silica sample thermal pre-treatment are also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 283-290
O. V. Filonenko ◽  
A. G. Grebenyuk ◽  
V. V. Lobanov ◽  

By the method of density functional theory with exchange-correlation functional B3LYP and basis set 3‑21G (d), the structural and energy characteristics have been considered of the molecular models of SnO2 nanoclusters of different size and composition with the number of Sn atoms from 1 to 10. Incompletely coordinated surface tin atoms were terminated by hydroxyl groups. It has been shown that the Sn–O bond length in nanoclusters does not depend on the cluster size and on the coordination number of Sn atoms, but is determined by the coordination type of neighboring oxygen atoms. Namely, the bond length Sn–O(3) (@ 2.10 Å) is greater than that of Sn–O (2) (@ 1.98 Å). The calculated values of Sn–O (3) bond lengths agree well with the experimental ones for crystalline SnO 2 samples (2.05 Å). The theoretically calculated width of the energy gap decreases naturally with increasing cluster size (from 6.14 to 3.46 eV) and approaches the experimental value of the band gap of the SnO 2 crystal (3.6 eV). The principle of additivity was used to analyze the energy characteristics of the considered models and to estimate the corresponding values for a cassiterite crystal. According to this principle, a molecular model can be represented as a set of atoms or atomic groups of several types that differ in the coordination environment and, therefore, make different contributions to the total energy of the system. The calculated value of the atomization energy for SnO2 is 1661 kJ/mol and corresponds satisfactorily to the experimentally measured specific atomization energy of crystalline SnO2 (1381 kJ/mol). It has been shown that a satisfactory reproduction of the experimental characteristics of crystalline tin dioxide is possible when using clusters containing at least 10 state atoms, for example, (SnO2)10×14H2O.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 374-381
G. I. Kovtun ◽  

The interfacial properties (dynamic and equilibrium surface tension, viscosity and elasticity moduli) of chitosan lactate have been studied at the liquid/air interface by the oscillating drop shape method. Isotherms of dynamic surface tension of chitosan lactate are similar to dependences for other polyelectrolyte solutions, in particular for proteins. Chitosan is a weak cationic polyelectrolyte which can change its conformation from a linear rod to a chaotic and compacted coil. Therefore, the experimental dependence of the equilibrium surface tension on concentration of chitosan lactate was analyzed with the adsorption model proposed earlier for proteins. This model accounts the possibility of polyelectrolyte molecules existence in surface layer in n states with different molar surface varying from the maximum value at very low surface coverage by polyelectrolyte molecules to a minimum value at high surface coverage. Good agreement between the calculated and experimental values of surface tension was observed. The dependences of the elasticity and viscosity moduli of chitosan lactate solutions on the drop oscillations frequency are conditioned by the influence of exchange processes both between the surface layer and the bulk solution and in the surface layer itself. An increase of the solution concentration intensifies the exchange processes, and an increase of the oscillation frequency suppresses them. It is shown that the dependence of the surface viscoelasticity modulus of chitosan lactate is extreme in nature with a pronounced maximum. The reason for such behavior is the possibility of changing the molar surface area of the polyelectrolyte at the interface dependent on the amount of adsorption and its structural properties. Attempt of theoretical description of the viscoelasticity modulus within the framework of model accounting mono- or bilayer adsorption did not lead to a satisfactory result, possibly due to barrier adsorption mechanism of chitosan. But bilayer model provide qualitative description of extreme behavior of surface viscoelasticity on concentration. The values of the surface viscoelasticity modulus of chitosan lactate occupy an intermediate position in comparison with the data available in the literature for globular and flexible-chain proteins, that is consistent with their molecular structure. In addition, the work shows the applicability of the adsorption model, developed earlier for proteins in the framework of a nonideal two-dimensional solution theory, for describing the surface properties of other polyelectrolytes. This makes it possible to obtain qualitative and quantitative information about the processes occurring in the systems under study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 291-300
P. P. Gorbyk ◽  
A. L. Petranovska ◽  
N. V. Kusyak ◽  
N. M. Korniichuk ◽  

One of the most widely used antitumor chemotherapeutic drugs is “Cisplatin” (active substance - cis-diaminodichloroplatinum), the side effects of which are the cumulative ototoxic, nephrotoxic and neurotoxic effects. The use of drug carrier systems for targeted delivery and adsorbents for extraction, in particular magnetite-carbon nanocomposites, will minimize unwanted toxic effects without reducing the therapeutic effect of cisplatin. For this purpose, a nanocomposite (NCs) of Fe3O4/Al2O3/С with a carbon surface was synthesized, where a layer of alumina protects magnetite during the pyrolysis of carbohydrates. The synthesized samples were characterized by TEM, XRD, mass spectrometry methods, magnetic properties and specific surface area were studied. It has been found that the used heat treatment mode (T = 500 °С, argon medium) is sufficient for complete carbonization of sucrose and preserves the phase of magnetite which does not lead to deterioration of magnetic characteristics. The results of TEM studies and magnetic measurements indicate the formation of the Fe3O4/Al2O3/С nanocomposite of the core-shell type. The adsorption of Cisplatin on the surface of NCs Fe3O4/Al2O3/С was performed and the adsorption process dependent on the contact time, pH of the solution and cisplatin concentration was studied. The experimental results of kinetic studies were analyzed for compliance with the theoretical models of Boyd and Morris-Weber, models of pseudo-first and pseudo-second orders. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were used to model adsorption processes. The limiting factor of adsorption is the external diffusion mass transfer processes, which correlates with the calculated parameters of the pseudo-first-order model (r2 = 0.985). The correlation of theoretical and practically obtained values of adsorption capacity indicates the possibility of using the Freundlich model to describe the adsorption of Cisplatin on the surface of Fe3O4/Al2O3/C.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 382-392
O. M. Lavrynenko ◽  
O. Yu. Pavlenko ◽  
M. N. Zahornyi ◽  
S. F. Korichev ◽  

X-ray phase and thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersion spectroscopy were used to study the products of phase formation during the precipitation of lanthanum and cerium salts in the presence of silver nitrate and recipients of precipitators, nucleating agents and hydrolysis regulators. Thermogravimetric analysis shows the completion of the La(OH)3 lattice dehydroxylation process at a temperature of ~ 300 °С and probable destruction of sulfates at a temperature of ~ 340 °С. The phase interaction of lanthanum oxide(III) with silver ends at T ~ 400 °C. The DTG curve shows a two-stage weight loss, which characterizes the destruction of lanthanum and silver hydroxides (250 °C) and the removal of sulfates (~ 340 °C), respectively. According to the TG, the total weight loss is 21.6 %. For the cerium-containing system the only endothermic effect of dehydroxylation of cerium hydroxide at T = 250 °C with its conversion into cerium dioxide is observed. The destruction of nitrates (anionic component of solutions) takes place at the temperature of 400 °C. Weight loss takes place at T = 150 °C and is 53.9 %. Thus, on the basis of TG-DTA data, it can be assumed that the formation of composites particles based on lanthanum and cerium oxides, modified with silver, ends at the temperature of 400 °C. The X-ray diffraction data shows that at the initial stage the system undergoes the formation of cerium and lanthanum hydroxides, and during lyophilization of the precipitate (T = 160 °C) the crystal lattice of hydroxides partial dehydroxylation takes place with the formation of trigonal oxides La2O3 and Ce2O3. It has been found that the presence of silver cations in the solution can affect the phase composition of lyophilized structures and the formation of the CeO2 phase. It is shown that the hydroxylamine chloride injection into the system can initiate the silver restoration on the lanthanum oxide surface and also partially restore it to the LaO phase. Temperature treatment of the samples (T = 400 °С) promotes homogenization of the precipitate composition: formation of 30 nm cerium dioxide particles with silver clusters evenly distributed on its surface, and hexagonal lanthanum oxide plates with individual silver particles as the second phase. In three-component systems, two modifications of lanthanum oxides (trigonal and cubic), cerium dioxide and metallic silver are formed. It is found that the chemical composition of the precipitates contains the main elements – La, Ce, O, Ag and impurity – S or Cl, as the anionic component of the initial solutions, N and K in the composition of the initial suspension. It is shown that the morphology of the samples is represented by hexagonal structures of lanthanum hydroxide and oxide, spherical and pseudocubic particles of cerium dioxide and lanthanum oxide, spherical clusters of silver.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 344-357
O. V. Perlova ◽  
Yu. S. Dzyazko ◽  
A. A. Malinovska ◽  
A. V. Palchik ◽  

As opposed to polymer sorbents, inorganic materials are stable against ionizing radiation. This gives a possibility to use them for the removal of radionuclides from water. As a rule, highly selective inorganic sorbents are obtained in a form of finely dispersive powder. This makes it difficult to use them in practice. Here the composites based on hydrated titanium dioxide containing K2Co[Fe(CN)6] have been developed. The modifier was inserted into partially (hydrogel) and fully (xerogel) formed oxide matrices. Modifying of hydrogel followed its transformation to xerogel provides the formation of potassium-cobalt hexacyanoferrate(II) nanoparticles (up to 10 nm), which are not washed out in aqueous media due to encapsulation in hydrated oxide. A number of the methods for sample characterization were used in this work: transmission electronic microscopy for vizualization of embedded nanoparticles, optical microscopy to measure granule size, FT-IR spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy for chemical analysis of the samples, potentiometric titration to estimate ion exchange properties, and spectrophotometric analysis of the solution to determine U(VI) concentration. The features of U(VI) sorption from nitrate and sulfate solutions are considered: the effect of the sorbent dosage and solution composition was in a focus of attention. The influence of the modifier is the most pronounced at pH ³ 4, when U(VI) is in a form of one-charged cations (UO2OH+): the removal degree of U(VI) is close to 100 %. This positive effect of the selective constituent is expressed in a presence of an excess of NO3–, SO42– and Na+ ions. The model of chemical reaction of pseudo second order has been applied to sorption. Both pristine sorbent and composite are most completely regenerated with a 0.1 M KOH solution - the regeneration degree is 92 and 96 % respectively. In this case, the half-exchange time is minimal and equal to » 23 min (initial hydrated titanium dioxide) and 47 min (composite). Desorption obeys the model of particle diffusion: the diffusion coefficients for ions being exchanged are (1.7–7.6)´10–13 m2s–1.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 365-373
V. L. Demchenko ◽  
M. V. Iurzhenko ◽  
S. M. Kobylinskyi ◽  
L. A. Goncharenko ◽  

The addition of silver ions or nanoparticles to impart antimicrobial properties to polymeric or other materials is a widely used method. However, it should be noted that the antiviral and antimicrobial effect of silver nanoparticles that come into contact with the environment, associated with their size, with a decrease in the size of nanoparticles, their effectiveness increases sharply. In the present work, we used a biodegradable polymer polylactide (PLA), which is obtained by condensation of lactic acid or ring-opening polymerization of lactide. These studies will further contribute to the development of new safe materials, in particular for food packaging, which is undoubtedly an urgent problem. The work aims is to obtain the silver-containing polymer composites based on polylactide by thermochemical reduction of Ag+ ions using natural (chitosan) and synthetic (polyethyleneimine (PEI)) polymers and to study the structure, morphology, thermomechanical and antimicrobial properties of the obtained nanocomposites. Thermochemical reduction of Ag+ ions in the bulk of polymer films, containing PLA, silver palmitate as a precursor of Ag NP and reducing agent (PEI or chitosan), has been performed by keeping them at 100–170 °C within 5 minutes. The polymeric film composites, cast from chloroform solution, were heated in an oven using precise thermal regulator VRT-3. As a result of reduction, the films get attained silver color, the Ag content in the bulk of films varied from 1 to 4 wt. %, and the thickness of the films was 110 μm. Structure, morphology, thermomechanical and antimicrobial properties of two types of nanocomposites – PLA-Ag-PEI and PLA-Ag-chitosan, formed by the thermochemical reduction of Ag+ in polymer films have been studied using wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) (a DRON-4-07 diffractometer), a transmission electron microscope (TEM) (JEM-1230 JEOL, Japan), and thermomechanical analysis (a UIP-70M device). Antimicrobial activity of the obtained nanocomposites was investigated applying reference strains of opportunistic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. It has been found that thermochemical reduction of Ag+ ions in the bulk of polymer films, when using synthetic or natural polymers (PEI or chitosan) as a reducing and stabilizing agent of silver nanoparticles occurs at 160 °C during 5 minutes. It has been found that the average size of Ag nanoparticles in the polymeric matrix is equal to ~ 7 and ~ 4 nm for PEI and chitosan, respectively. It has been shown that PLA-Ag-chitosan nanocomposites have much higher antimicrobial activity against S. aureus and E. coli strains as compared to PLA-Ag-PEI nanocomposites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 301-305
V. F. Zinchenko ◽  
I. R. Magunov ◽  
O. V. Mozkova ◽  
O. V. Sviridova ◽  

The main idea of the work is the development of a cheap and easy method for the manufacture of nanostructured systems based on the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). Beginning with a new class of materials for interference optics in the infrared (IR) range of the spectrum, the evaporation of composites of systems germanium-metal chalcogenide (oxide), in particular, of the Ge-ZnS and Ge-Sb2Se3 systems was studied. They evaporate in vacuum congruently, and upon condensation on substrates form nano-structured thin-film coatings. In the first of these systems, the coating has an X-ray amorphous nature: the formation of a nano-dispersed composite in a Ge-ZnS film is confirmed by the absence of characteristic peaks of Ge and ZnS in X-ray diffraction patterns, but the formation of a characteristic halo takes place. At the same time, upon evaporation and condensation of a sample of the Ge-Sb2Se3 system, a glassy structure is formed; this is confirmed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM), where no crystalline regions were found. The energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy measurements of the coating (about 10 at.% of Ge, 40 at.% of Sb and Se, respectively) indicate a certain deviation from the stoichiometry compared to the initial sample of the system. This may indicate a slightly lower volatility of germanium selenides compared to antimony selenides. The EDX line scans along the cross-section of the coating exhibited strong fluctuations in the concentration of elements, and, consequently, the heterogeneity of the coating in terms of composition. Both coatings have high mechanical strength (group 0). At the same time, their optical properties differ significantly: the refractive indices are 3.00 and 3.66 for the Ge-ZnS and Ge-Sb2Se3 systems, respectively. It is believed that nano-structuring in the above systems is due to the high capability of germanium to amorphize upon condensation on a glass substrate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 306-313
S. I. Pokutnyi ◽  
N. G. Shkoda ◽  

It is shown that electron tunneling through a potential barrier that separates two quantum dots of germanium leads to the splitting of electron states localized over spherical interfaces (a quantum dot – a silicon matrix). The dependence of the splitting values of the electron levels on the parameters of the nanosystem (the radius a quantum dot germanium, as well as the distance D between the surfaces of the quantum dots) is obtained. It has been shown that the splitting of electron levels in the QD chain of germanium causes the appearance of a zone of localized electron states, which is located in the bandgap of silicon matrix. It has been found that the motion of a charge-transport exciton along a chain of quantum dots of germanium causes an increase in photoconductivity in the nanosystem. It is shown that in the QD chain of germanium a zone of localized electron states arises, which is located in the bandgap of the silicon matrix. Such a zone of local electron states is caused by the splitting of electron levels in the QD chain of germanium. Moreover, the motion of an electron in the zone of localized electron states causes an increase in photoconductivity in the nanosystem. The effect of increasing photoconductivity can make a significant contribution in the process of converting the energy of the optical range in photosynthesizing nanosystems. It has been found that comparison of the splitting dependence of the exciton level Eех(а) at a certain radius a QD with the experimental value of the width of the zone of localized electron states arising in the QD chain of germanium, allows us to obtain the distances D between the QD surfaces. It has been shown that by changing the parameters of Ge/Si heterostructures with germanium QDs (radius of a germanium QD, as well as the distance D between the surfaces of the QDs), it is possible to vary the positions and widths of the zones of localized electronic states. The latter circumstance opens up new possibilities in the use of such nanoheterostructures as new structural materials for the creation of new nano-optoelectronics and nano-photosynthesizing devices of the infrared range.

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