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KnE Social Sciences
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2021 ◽  
Martha Christianti ◽  
Rahmatul Irfan ◽  
Nur Cholimah ◽  
Fuad Reza Pahlevi

My Writing is a tool that preschool children can use to improve their reading and writing skills, which can be used both at school and at home. This tool was developed based on the Language Experience Approach (LEA) and is in the form of an Android application designed for children. It is used to help children understand that the spoken language can be altered into the written one and still retains its meaning. 10 teachers were included in this study and data were collected from teacher opinions and assessments. The findings showed that My Writing is an effective application for developing literacy in young children, and that it is easy to use by children and parents, making it simple for teachers to assess children’s literacy skills while they study at home. Keywords: Language Experience Approach (LEA), Digital LEA, E-LEA, My Writing, early reading and writing

2021 ◽  
Mami Hajaroh ◽  
Riana Nurhayati ◽  
Fajar Sidiq ◽  
Amrih Setyo Raharjo ◽  
Ebni Sholikhah

This study aimed to evaluate the impact of school zoning policies on equal access to education for underprivileged students in Yogyakarta City. This research was motivated by the low quality and inadequate access to education for underprivileged students in Indonesia. Starting in 2018, the Central Government implemented a school zoning policy to improve the quality and equitable access to education for underprivileged families in every region. This research was carried out in 16 State Junior High Schools in Yogyakarta City. This was the research location because it was one of the national pilot areas chosen by the Central Government. A quantitative approach was used to evaluate secondary school data before and after the implementation of the zoning policy. The results showed that: (1) there was an increase in access to education for underprivileged students; and (2) the imbalance in the quality of favorite and non-favorite schools did not change and this was influenced by the economic conditions of each region. It can be concluded that the school zoning policy increased equal access to education for underprivileged students, but the next challenge for the Yogyakarta City Government is ensuring equal quality of education across junior high schools. Keywords: school zoning policy, equal access, junior high school, underprivileged student

2021 ◽  
Kukuh Miroso Raharjo ◽  
Sucipto . ◽  
Zulkarnain . ◽  
Monica Widyaswari ◽  
Muhammad Fahrurozi ◽  

This study aimed to describe and examine a strategy of community empowerment and its influence on community-based learning. A quantitative approach was used. This research included 40 respondents and random sampling was used for recruitment. Data were collected through a questionnaire and were analyzed using descriptive techniques and regression analysis. The results showed that Fcount > Ftable (12.684>4.10) and Sig F<5% (0.001<0.05). We can therefore conclude that the strategy of community empowerment had a significant effect on community-based learning. Keywords: community empowerment, tourism village development, community-based learning

2021 ◽  
Nurlaila Kurnia Dewi ◽  
Indyah Sulistyo Arty

The aim of this research was to develop an enrichment book of colloid industry products as a source of literacy and to determine the quality of this book. The approach used in this study was Design-Based Research, which included four phases of development: 1) a questionnaire about needs was filled in by 5 teachers and 83 students; 2) the book was developed using CorelDraw X8 software and a literature search was conducted of online articles, journals and other supporting books; 3) cycles of testing were conducted, in which three experts and three peer reviewers assessed the book, and several revisions were produced; and 4) reflection and final evaluation were conducted, in which 5 teachers and 20 students from SMA N 2 Sleman, SMA N 2 Yogyakarta, SMA 1 Tempel, and MAN 3 Sleman assessed the substance, presentation, language and graphics of the book. Through this process, an enrichment book of colloidal industry products titled “Proses Pembuatan Koloid di Industri untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI” was produced. The book received a score 62.8 out of a maximum score of 70, which corresponded to a rating of ‘very good quality’. Keywords: colloid, literacy, enrichment book

2021 ◽  
Shely Cathrin ◽  
Reno Wikandaru ◽  
Indah Listiana ◽  
Devi Ratnasari ◽  
Warsidah Warsidah ◽  

Pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) have become character-building institutions trusted by the Indonesian people; however, as educational institutions, pesantren must adapt to the national education curriculum which can be challenging. The purpose of this study was to critically identify and analyze the implementation of the educational curriculum at the pesantren Al Falah Gorontalo, based on the educational philosophy point of view. A qualitative approach was employed, using the hermeneutics method. Interpretation, description, synthetic analysis, internal coherence, holistic, reflection, and heuristics were used. The results indicated that the pesantren Al Falah Gorontalo combined two educational curriculums. Analysis from the educational philosophy perspective found that the implementation of education was based on essentialism educational philosophical ideas, which assume that education is full of flexibility and helps students to adhere to noble values, spiritual characteristics, and human guidance to achieve a more noble life. Keywords: pesantren, curriculum, combination, essentialism, education

2021 ◽  
Mirza Yuda Pratama ◽  
Budi Astuti

Successfully optimizing the right and left sides of the brain can help to improve intelligence, logic and social intelligence. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the brain gym game in optimizing the right and left sides of students’ brains. A quantitative approach was used with a pretest/posttest design. Random sampling was used to recruit participants and the sample consisted of 53 students at XI MIPA Senior High School. The results showed that the brain gym game was effective in optimizing students’ right and left sides of the brain. Based on these results, innovation is recommended that contributes to the novelty of guidance and counseling media using the brain gym game to reflect on the functions of students’ right and left sides of the brain. Keywords: brain gym games, right brain, left brain

2021 ◽  
Hiryanto Hiryanto ◽  
Entoh Tohani ◽  
Lutfi Wibawa ◽  
Akhmad Rofiq

This study aimed to describe the forms of community involvement in the Sekolah Sungai program. As a social institution, Sekolah Sungai needs support from all parties to tackle the range of problems in the Winongo River and thereby lower the disaster risk. A descriptive qualitative approach was used in this study and data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation analysis. The results showed that there were two elements of community involvement: 1) contribution: community involvement in the forms of energy, notions, funding and provision of Sekolah Sungai facilities; and 2) attitude. Various forms of community involvement were aimed at maintaining the existence of the program. Without the involvement of the community in the process of building awareness, this program would not have been successful. The involvement of the community allowed Sekolah Sungai Winongo to maintain its existence and provide benefits to the surrounding communities in its efforts to reduce disaster risk and act as a water quality control agent along the Winongo River. Keywords: community involvement, Sekolah Sungai

2021 ◽  
Christina Fajar Sri Wahyuniati ◽  
Furqan Hidayatullah ◽  
Sapta Kunta Purnama ◽  
Siswanyoto Siswanyoto

The purpose of this research was to examine the level of knowledge of sports teachers in the rhythmic gymnastics training program in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This was descriptive research and data were collected through a questionnaire. Purposive sampling was used and the sample size was 24. Data were analyzed though descriptive statistics. The results showed that the level of knowledge of sports teachers in the rhythmic gymnastics training program were as follows: 54.2% in the top level (excellent), 41.7% in the second level, 4.2 % in the third level, and 0% in the bottom level. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the level of knowledge of these sports teachers is acceptable. Keywords: sports teachers, coaches, rhythmic gymnastics, training program

2021 ◽  
Dian Grace Puspita ◽  
Sugiyono Sugiyono

This study aimed to introduce education practitioners and the general public to the strategies that schools have undertaken to improve the quality of education. This research used qualitative methods to explore existing phenomena. The research was conducted at one of the junior high schools in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews whose questions were developed after being in the field. The data were processed using qualitative data analysis techniques. Source triangulation was carried out with three teachers. The results showed that there were strategies that were considered effective in improving the quality of education. This quality improvement was indicated by the good student output and the trust of the community who considered the school to be one of their favorite schools in the area; through this quality improvement, the school became an example for others. Some of the strategies that were considered effective were implementing student-centered learning, increasing the number of high achieving new student admissions, strengthening human resources, providing educational rewards, and learning outside the classroom. Keywords: junior high school, education quality improvement

2021 ◽  
Ali Muhtadi ◽  
Dian Wahyuningsih ◽  
Monika Sidabutar

The study from home policy was implemented to reduce crowds as an effort to suppress the spread of Covid-19. All levels of education were asked to learn from home, guided and facilitated by educators and educational institutions. Ideally, the learning process should run smoothly even though learning activities are carried out online. However, the shift in learning modes from face-to-face to online has created many learning problems. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the implemention of online learning models in Indonesia. This was a descriptive study and a quantitative approach was used. Data were collected online using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed interactively through three components of analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. Based on the results, it was found that the implementation of online learning was effective. 100% of the lecturers implemented online learning using LMS, of which 86.67% were skilled at using the LMS platform in carrying out online learning. The lecturers used various strategies to organize learning, including integrating cognitive materials in core activities to improve student preparation, involvement and independence in online learning activities. In addition, 50% of the lecturers have conducted student satisfaction surveys on online learning. Keywords: effectiveness, learning model, online learning

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