The post-pandemic world of adolescents is a kaleidoscope of many changes. The research area of problems and challenges faced by adolescents during the pandemic, emerging from numerous studies, undoubtedly requires in-depth research, even extremely demanding and rarely conducted in sociology so-called longitudinal studies. The starting point for further research in this kind of diagnosis, however, is a preliminary review of the research available worldwide on the problems faced by youth during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in its first and second waves. After researching and analysing the most important, interesting and conducted on a large population of empirical research findings in Poland and around the world, those that are symptomatic for the diagnosis of problems and challenges were selected to be mapped for further observation and study. The article is exploratory in nature, outlining the problem phenomena that clearly emerged in the youth population during the pandemic period. The purpose of the article is to review the studies, their comparative analysis, and then to identify the most important phenomena and issues worthy of investigation in the adolescent population during and after the fourth wave of the pandemic, during the pandemic era.