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Published By Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

2614-4328, 1979-7567

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Desy Tri Anggarini

The purpose of the research is to contribute to the development of technology in the financial sector, to give influence to the community in terms of cashless, then also to provide insight into financial technology on financial literacy by using QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian). MSME  use facilitate their business activities by implementing fintech in terms of transaction management and the role of financial technology, is the QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian) application as a means of payment. The research method used in the research on the application of QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian) as a Payment Tool in digitizing MSMEs is a qualitative descriptive study using field research methods. This study uses interviews with 10 traders and 10 UMKM consumers who use QRIS. The research location is in BSD Modern Market, using non-probability techniques. Primary data taken directly from the object of research. With the direct observation method at the BSD modern market, South Tangerang with interview techniques for both consumers and traders who use QRIS as well as secondary data also obtained through various literatures. The result of the research is that QRIS as a digital payment tool for MSMEs is non-cash digital payment using Gopay, Ovo and others. QRIS has the potential to expand MSME sales, with QRIS an increase in digital sales traffic and a decrease in cash, minimizing the risk of paying counterfeit money, automatically recording transactions, building credit profiles for banks, making it easier to get working capital, payment of retribution, bills, purchasing goods in cash easily.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Putri Noviati ◽  
Elva Nuraina ◽  
Nur Wahyuning Sulistyowati

This study aims to analyze PT INKA's export marketing strategy towards competitive advantage until 2018. Researchers use primary and secondary data sources with interview and documentation data collection techniques. The results of the study revealed that PT. INKA has: (1) Strength, very competitive pricing power and strong human resources, especially the marketing team, in addition to the influence of marketing assistance from the ambassador (RI for overseas); (2) Weaknesses in the export marketing strategy lie in production, one of which is engines and wheels which are still imported by China, which does not yet have the International Railway Industry Standard Certification (IRIS); (3) Opportunities, can make efforts to further strengthen the penetration of Indonesian companies in the African region; (4) Threats, to providers of facilities and infrastructure needs that must be obtained from imports from other countries, besides that competitors are afraid to dare to reduce interest costs or extend the tenor for the purchase of goods. The high taxes that must be issued for the delivery of goods are the biggest threat, this is confirmed by the informants.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Riza Praditha ◽  
Megawati Megawati ◽  
Lasty Agustuty

The purpose of this study is the role of ownership concentration, firm size, and leverage in influencing good corporate governance. This research design is quantitative. The population used is 45 companies indexed LQ45 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and with the Purposive Sampling method, obtained 17 companies with 3 years of observation, so the number of samples in this study is 51. The results show that the concentration of ownership, company size, and leverage have a significant effect. The test results show a positive and significant effect on the implementation of corporate governance partially for each variable and simultaneously for all variables.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 88
Diah Ayu Gustiningsih ◽  
Mediaty Mediaty ◽  
Alimuddin Alimuddin ◽  
Andi Kusumawati

This study was conducted to find the form of a wife's responsibility in Islamic household accounting, with a transcendental phenomenological approach. Transcendental phenomenological analysis techniques include 5 stages, namely: noema, noesis, epoche, intentional analysis and eidetic reduction. The results of the study indicate that the responsibility carried out by the wife in an Islamic household carried out in her household is accountability with the aim of maintaining self-esteem and maintaining self-image of her husband, for the expenses made, where there are 6 responsibilities, namely: income, maintenance, ZIS , consumption, investment, and saving into 4 responsibility centers, namely: revenue center, cost center, investment center and wealth center.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Ani Rakhmanita ◽  
Ratih Hurriyati ◽  
Puspo Dewi Dirgantari

The aims of this research is to measure the effect of gamification, variety of beverage products and prices on  buying interest of Fore Coffee consumers. The data collection technique was in the form of a questionnaire using a google form link that was distributed in several whatsapp groups. The results of the questionnaire were processed using the Structural Equation Modeling Analysis Technique with the SmartPLS application. The results show that the Gamifications contained in the application have an influence on consumer buying interest, seen from the results of testing the proposed model hypothesis. The T-value for the gamification variable is 2,934, which is greater than 1.96. The variety of beverage products found in the coffee application has an influence on consumer buying interest, seen from the results of hypothesis testing with a Tstatistic value of 3.646 which is greater than 1.96. Hypothesis testing shows that the price is not significant to the buying interest of front coffee consumers with a value of 1.94 which is smaller than 1.96. For further research, it can be developed with other gamification benefits embedded in online shopping applications, so that it can add to the repertoire of knowledge in the world of digital marketing.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Holy Maria Basa ◽  
Lidia Yuni Yanti ◽  
Delvi Meilani Br. Pinem ◽  
Dora Kristyna Munthe ◽  
Wirda Lilia

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of turnover intention, locus of control, audit fees, and work motivation on the quality of auditor performance at the Medan City Public Accounting Firm in 2021. The choice of the sector in this study is due to very tight competition conditions like now. In this case, the auditor must always maintain their performance so that audit quality is not compromised. Auditors must perform work by professional standards so that trust in the auditor can be maintained. The data used is sourced from quantitative data in the form of questionnaires. Using the Simple Random Sampling technique, a sample of 50 auditors was drawn from five Medan City KAPs.The results showed that locus of control, audit fees, and work motivation had a positive and significant effect on the quality of auditor performance at KAP Medan City. Meanwhile, the turnover intention has a negative effect and does not significantly affect the quality of auditor performance at KAP Medan City. But all variables are affected simultaneously. 

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Rifqi Aliza Syukhron ◽  
Aprih Santoso ◽  
Ardiani Ika Sulistyawati

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of CR, ROE, DER, ROA on stock prices of pharmaceutical sub-sector companies listed on IDX) 2013-2019. The population of this research is all pharmaceutical sub-sector companies listed on IDX during 2013-2019, which amount to 8 companies. The technique of determining the sample is by purposive sampling. The test instruments used in this research are: normality test, heteroscedasticity test, multicollinearity test, coefficient of determination, model test (F test) and hypothesis test (t test). The data analysis method used multiple linear regression. The results show that there is no influence between CR, DER and ROE on stock prices in pharmaceutical sub-sector companies listed on IDX in 2013-2019. . There is a positive and significant influence between ROA on the company's stock price, in the pharmaceutical sub-sector companies listed on IDX in 2013-2019).

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Maria Endang Jamu ◽  
Santy Permata Sari

The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of electronic word of mouth on social media, as well as the impact of tourist attractions in the traditional hamlet of Bena on visitor decision-making. The descriptive and quantitative research methods were applied. The sampling method utilized is purposive sampling, with the informants being visitors who have visited Bena's traditional village. The findings revealed that social media and electronic word of mouth (E-WOM) in tourism destinations influenced tourists' decisions to visit Bena's traditional village. The findings of this study suggest that pleasant experiences of visiting the Bena Traditional Village, which are shared on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, have a significant impact on the number of visitors to these attractions by social media users.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Chairul Iksan Burhanuddin ◽  
M Hidayat

Coronavirus ior ireferred ito ias icovid-19 ihas icaused ivarious ikinds iof inegative ieffects, iespecially iin ithe ieconomic ifield. iThe isoaring iunemployment irate, ithe icontraction iin ithe ivalue iof ithe irupiah iand iother icurrencies ihas iresulted iin ian iincreasingly isluggish ieconomic imovement iin irecent itimes iuntil ithe ipanic iof ithe ivalue iof igold icontinues ito irise iin irecent imonths. iThe iqualitative imethod iis iused iby iscientifically idescribing ithe iimpact iof ithe iCovid i19 ivirus icase ion ithe imovement iof icurrency iand igold ivalues. iThe iresults iof ithis istudy iindicate ithat ithe iCovid i19 ivirus ihas ia iquite inegative iimpact ion ithe ieconomic isector, iespecially ion icurrency iand igold ivalue imovements. iThe imovement iin ithe ivalue iof ithe irupiah icontracted ito itouch iRp.14,000 iwhile ithe ivalue iof igold itended ito irise isignificantly. iThe irising igold ivalue ishows ia ipositive itrend itowards ithe ipossible iimplementation iof ithe ilegal iuse iof ithe idinar iand idirham icurrency iin ithe icommunity. iGold iis ino ilonger iseen ias ia iSave iHaven, ibut iits irole ias ian iextension iof imuamalah iactivities i(buying iand iselling) iin ithe icommunity iis iincreasingly ivisible. iThere iis ipanic iand ipsychologically idisturbing ieconomic iand icommunity iactors iin iresponding ito ithis iincident.iCoronavirus ior ireferred ito ias icovid-19 ihas icaused ivarious ikinds iof inegative ieffects, iespecially iin ithe ieconomic ifield. iThe isoaring iunemployment irate, ithe icontraction iin ithe ivalue iof ithe irupiah iand iother icurrencies ihas iresulted iin ian iincreasingly isluggish ieconomic imovement iin irecent itimes iuntil ithe ipanic iof ithe ivalue iof igold icontinues ito irise iin irecent imonths. iThe iqualitative imethod iis iused iby iscientifically idescribing ithe iimpact iof ithe iCovid i19 ivirus icase ion ithe imovement iof icurrency iand igold ivalues. iThe iresults iof ithis istudy iindicate ithat ithe iCovid i19 ivirus ihas ia iquite inegative iimpact ion ithe ieconomic isector, iespecially ion icurrency iand igold ivalue imovements. iThe imovement iin ithe ivalue iof ithe irupiah icontracted ito itouch iRp.14,000 iwhile ithe ivalue iof igold

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 132
Bekti Wiji Lestari ◽  
Erma Setiawati ◽  
Noer Sasongko

The researcher's view of the CAPM model is not in accordance with the Islamic economy because there is an Rf element as an instrument that contains an interest element, so a modified model of CAPM based on sharia is introduced, namely SCAPM. This study aims to analyze the differences in the SCAPM method according to Tomkins & Karim (1987) SCAPM non Rf, Ashker (1987) SCAPMZ, Shaikh (2010) SCAPM NGDP, and Hanif (2011) SCAPMI. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling and obtained 19 samples. Data analysis used is the calculation of Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), Mean Square Error (MSE), and the coefficient of determination. The results of the calculation of Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and Mean Square Error (MSE) explain that there are differences from the SCAPM models without risk free rate, SCAPMZ, SCAPM NGDP, and SCAPMI. Meanwhile, SCAPMI has the best explanatory power than the other four SCAPM models. It is recommended that Islamic and conventional investors use SCAPMZ modeling in predicting stock returns.

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