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Journal of the Geological Society
Latest Publications





Published By Geological Society Of London

2041-479x, 0016-7649

2021 ◽  
pp. jgs2021-061
Zongjun Yin ◽  
Weichen Sun ◽  
Joachim Reitner ◽  
Maoyan Zhu

The embryo-like fossils from the early Ediacaran Weng'an Biota (Southwest China, 609 million years ago), widely interpreted as members of holozoans, potentially provide insights to understanding the early evolution of development of metazoans and the rise of the animal kingdom. However, the biodiversity of the embryo-like fossil assemblage is largely underestimated, and its more precise phylogenetic affinities within the holozoan tree are still under debate. Here we describe a new species of embryo-like fossil Ostiosphaera rara n. gen. n. sp. from the Ediacaran Weng'an Biota. These three-dimensional, phosphatized specimens exhibit a spherical morphology, an ornamented thick envelope with a circular opening and a membrane-bounded, multicellular inner body. In terms of biological characteristics, Ostiosphaera rara show similarities to a number of extant and fossil analogues including testate amoebae, unicellular green algae, cellular slime mold Fonticuida and co-occurring Weng'an embryo-like fossils. Although the phylogenetic affinity of Ostiosphaera rara is difficult to constrain very precisely based on the available evidence, it is reasonable to follow the holozoan interpretation for them, since that they share the same grade complexity with the co-occurring embryo-like fossils such as Megasphaera and Helicoforamina in terms of the combination of biological features. It is worth mentioning that the new holozoans resemble asexual reproductive gemmules of fossil and living demosponges in size, morphology, circular opening, and cellular anatomy. If the similarity between them reflects biological affinity rather than convergent evolution, this discovery would force us to rethink the evolutionary history of Precambrian sponges.Thematic collection: This article is part of the Advances in the Cambrian Explosion collection available at: https://www.lyellcollection.org/cc/advances-cambrian-explosion

2021 ◽  
pp. jgs2021-115
Neil S. Davies ◽  
Russell J. Garwood ◽  
William J. McMahon ◽  
Joerg W. Schneider ◽  
Anthony P. Shillito

Arthropleura is a genus of giant myriapods that ranged from the early Carboniferous to Early Permian, with some individuals attaining lengths >2 m. Although most of the known fossils of the genus are disarticulated and occur primarily in late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) strata, we report here partially articulated Arthropleura remains from the early Carboniferous Stainmore Formation (Serpukhovian; Pendleian) in the Northumberland Basin of northern England. This 76 × 36 cm specimen represents part of an exuvium and is notable because only two comparably articulated giant Arthropleura fossils are previously known. It represents one of the largest known arthropod fossils and the largest arthropleurid recovered to date, the earliest (Mississippian) body fossil evidence for gigantism in Arthropleura, and the first instance of a giant arthropleurid body fossil within the same regional sedimentary succession as the large arthropod trackway Diplichnites cuithensis. The remains represent 12–14 anterior Arthropleura tergites in the form of a partially sand-filled dorsal exoskeleton. The original organism is estimated to have been 55 cm in width and up to 2.63 m in length, weighing c. 50 kg. The specimen is preserved partially in three dimensions within fine sandstone and has been moderately deformed by synsedimentary tectonics. Despite imperfect preservation, the specimen corroborates the hypothesis that Arthropleura had a tough, sclerotized exoskeleton. Sedimentological evidence for a lower delta plain depositional environment supports the contention that Arthropleura preferentially occupied open woody habitats, rather than swampy environments, and that it shared such habitats with tetrapods. When viewed in the context of all the other global evidence for Arthropleura, the specimen contributes to a dataset that shows the genus had an equatorially restricted palaeogeographical range, achieved gigantism prior to late Paleozoic peaks in atmospheric oxygen, and was relatively unaffected by climatic events in the late Carboniferous, prior to its extinction in the early Permian.Supplementary material: Images of 3D mesh model of Arthropleura are available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5715450

2021 ◽  
pp. jgs2021-109
Igor V. Kemkin ◽  
Andrei V. Grebennikov ◽  
Xing-Hua Ma ◽  
Ke-Ke Sun

We present new U–Pb age data for granitoids in the Central Sikhote–Alin orogenic belt in SE Russia, which refute the established opinion about the absence of the Late Cretaceous magmatism at the eastern margin of the Paleo-Asian continent. It was previously thought that a period of magmatic quiescence occurred from 88 to 50 Ma, related to subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate under the eastern margin of the Paleo-Asian continent, although this is inconsistent with evidence from the Sikhote–Alin, Sakhalin, and Japan regions. Three suites of plutonic rocks with different ages were identified in this study. The first suite has ages of 105–92 Ma and formed in a syn-orogenic setting. The second (86–83 Ma) and third (ca. 73 Ma) suites formed during the post-orogenic stage of the Sikhote–Alin orogenic belt. The second and third suites were coeval with Late Cretaceous granitoids that formed in a suprasubduction continental arc known as the Eastern Sikhote–Alin volcanic–plutonic belt (ESAVPB). However, the studied rocks are located far inland from the ESAVPB. The ages of the studied granitoids coincide with the timing of a change in the angle of convergence between the Paleo-Pacific Plate and eastern margin of the Paleo-Asian continent. This change in motion of the oceanic plate with respect to the continental plate was probably caused by a rupture in the subducted slab (i.e., a slab tear), followed by asthenospheric upwelling and partial melting of the overlying crust, which ultimately generated post-orogenic intrusive magmatism.Supplementary material:https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5738616

2021 ◽  
pp. jgs2021-083
Louis P. Howell ◽  
Charlotte Priddy ◽  
Andrew J. Mitten ◽  
Adam J. Jeffery ◽  
Stuart S. Egan ◽  

The block and basin tectono-stratigraphic framework for the northern Pennine (rift) Basin, within which buoyant granite intrusions core intra-basin fault-bound blocks, has long held traction. However, many of the elements of this framework are rooted in primitive tectonic models and, perhaps unsurprisingly, corresponding depositional models often reflect this. Using sedimentological and sedimentary provenance approaches, the syn-rift (Mississippian) fluvio-deltaic Fell Sandstone Formation and age-equivalent strata within the northern Pennine Basin are examined. Highlighted divergences from classically depicted models relate to occurrences of pre-Carboniferous basement domes or monoclines, which are unbound by major vertically displacing (>100 m) fault systems. Such structures in the northern Pennine Basin are all granite-cored and their origins are associated with their buoyancy and flexural isostatic processes. One such basement dome, the Cheviot Block, confined and deflected the Fell Sandstone fluvio-deltaic system from the west, causing locally elevated net sand content and variations in dominant palaeodrainage direction. Central parts of the Alston Block, which forms a regional monocline along an E-W axis, were comparatively uplifted because of flexural isostatic responses to granite intrusions. The findings presented are not just at variance with classically depicted depositional models for the region, but also with more general depictions of dominantly normal fault-driven rift basin systems.Supplementary material: [table of data locations with derivation, trace element data, and major element (oxide) data] is available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5733257

2021 ◽  
pp. jgs2021-111
Martin R. Smith ◽  
Alavya Dhungana

Exceptionally preserved fossils are key to reconstructing the origin of the modern animal body plans in the Cambrian radiation. The Panarthropod phyla Euarthropoda, Onychophora and Tardigrada have roots in a ‘lobopodian’ grade typified by broadly cylindrical organisms with sclerotized dorsal plates and paired ventral projections. A similar anatomical configuration has been taken to link certain palaeoscolecid worms with the earliest ecdysozoans. Shi et al. (2021) contend that these similarities evolved convergently, and that palaeoscolecids are priapulan relatives with little bearing on the panarthropod evolution.Here we show that this conclusion holds only under a particular treatment of inapplicable character states with known shortcomings. When inapplicable tokens are handled more rigorously, palaeoscolecids are most parsimoniously reconstructed as stem-group panarthropods with homologous dorsal plates and ventral projections – highlighting the degree to which the treatment of inapplicable data can influence fundamental evolutionary conclusions. As the position of palaeoscolecids depends so strongly on the underlying methodology, and is highly uncertain under a Bayesian approach, we consider it premature to exclude the possibility that panarthropods evolved from a grade of palaeoscolecids with dorsal plates and ventral projections.Supplementary material:https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.16419522

2021 ◽  
pp. jgs2021-094
Renée Tamblyn ◽  
Martin Hand ◽  
Alexander Simpson ◽  
Sarah Gilbert ◽  
Ben Wade ◽  

The development of in-situ laser ablation Lu–Hf geochronology of apatite, xenotime and garnet has opened avenues to quickly and directly date geological processes. We demonstrate the first use of campaign-style in-situ Lu–Hf geochronology of garnet across the high- to ultrahigh-pressure Western Gneiss Region in Norway. Mafic eclogites from this region have been the focus of much work, and were clearly formed during continental subduction during the Caledonian Orogen. However, abundant quartzofeldspathic and pelitic lithologies record a more complex history, with some preserving polymetamorphic age data, and most containing no indication of high-pressure mineral assemblages formed during subduction. Twenty metapelitic and felsic samples spanning 160 lateral kilometers across the Western Gneiss Region have been analysed using garnet Lu–Hf geochronology. The results reveal Caledonian ages for the majority of the garnets, suggesting some quartzofeldspathic and metapelitic lithologies were reactive and grew garnet during high- to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. However, two ultrahigh-pressure eclogite locations, Verpeneset and Fjørtoft, preserve both Caledonian and Neoproterozoic-aged garnets. Despite significant uncertainties on some of the Lu–Hf geochronologic ages, laser ablation Lu–Hf efficiently identifies the polymetamorphic history of parts of the Western Gneiss Region, illustrating the effectiveness of this novel analytical method for rapid mapping of metamorphic ages.Thematic collection: This article is part of the Caledonian Wilson cycle collection available at: https://www.lyellcollection.org/cc/caledonian-wilson-cycleSupplementary material:https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5715453

2021 ◽  
pp. jgs2021-022
Guillem Gisbert ◽  
Hugo Delgado-Granados ◽  
Martin Mangler ◽  
Julie Prytulak ◽  
Ramón Espinasa-Pereña ◽  

Popocatépetl is one of the most active volcanoes in North America. Its current predominantly mild activity is contrasted by a history of large effusive and explosive eruptions and sector collapse events, which was first summarised by Espinasa-Pereña and Martin-Del Pozzo (2006). Since then, a wealth of new radiometric, geophysical and volcanological data has been published, requiring a re-evaluation of the evolution of the Popocatépetl Volcanic Complex (PVC). Herein, we combine existing literature with new field observations, aerial imagery and digital elevation model interpretations to produce an updated and improved reconstruction of the growth and evolution of the PVC through all of its history. This will be fundamental for the assessment and mitigation of risks associated with potential future high-magnitude activity of the PVC. The PVC consists of four successive volcanic edifices separated by three sector collapse events producing avalanche deposits: Tlamacas (>538 - >330 ka, described here for the first time), Nexpayantla (∼330 - >96 ka), Ventorrillo (∼96 ka - 23.5 ka) and Popocatépetl (<23.5ka) edifices. The newly described Tlamacas collapse propagated towards ENE forming part of the Mayorazgo avalanche deposit.Supplementary material:https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5709190

2021 ◽  
pp. jgs2021-096
M. Machek ◽  
I. Soejono ◽  
J. Sláma ◽  
E. Žáčková

The high-grade complexes along the northern Moldanubian periphery of the central Bohemian Massif provide an outstanding structural record of all episodes of the Variscan collisional evolution. Kinematics and timing of orogenic processes have been examined by structural and microstructural study of middle and lower crustal rocks combined with xenotime and monazite geochronology. Four distinct tectonic events have been identified in the studied units. A first relict sub-horizontal fabric S1 associated with the HP/HT metamorphism is developed only in the lower crustal rocks and was related to back-arc extension or lower crustal flow in a supra-subduction domain. This fabric was at c. 340 Ma completely reworked to the sub-vertical foliation S2 by the major collisional thickening leading to the lower and middle crust juxtaposition. Thereafter, the extensional collapse of thickened orogenic system caused strong refolding to the HT sub-horizontal fabric at c. 325 Ma. The region was subsequently affected by the NNE–SSW oriented horizontal shortening related to the dextral shearing and clockwise rotation of crustal blocks adjacent to the large scale dextral shear zone, the Elbe Zone. It led to the fragmentation and reorientation of the Moldanubian margin to the current position.Supplementary material:https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5708800.v1

2021 ◽  
pp. jgs2021-071
Roger Burgess ◽  
David Jolley ◽  
Adrian Hartley

The Triassic sediments of the Central North Sea (CNS) are considered to have been deposited in a continental environment under a semi-arid climate. The Skagerrak Formation in particular, comprises an alternation of sandstone and mudstone members, the development of which is considered to be climatically driven. However, conflicting models exist as to how climate influences member deposition. Here we analyse the climatic signal using a multivariate statistical approach in which de-trended correspondence analysis (DCA) is applied to palynological observations to quantify environmental reconstruction. Using DCA it has been possible to define paleoecological groups and construct a relative hydrological state trend showing hydrological conditions within the centre of the CNS basin during the Triassic. The resultant trends reveal that the relationship between hydrological conditions in the basin and the development of individual sandstones and mudstone members is perhaps not a simple as indicated by existing models. In particular our data suggest that whilst influenced by broader climate trends, in the basin centre, there is no simple relationship between climate change and sandstone/mudstone development. The data also indicates that the Julius and Jonathan mudstone members were deposited under differing hydrological conditions. The DCA trends shown here also suggest that the Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE) documented from the South Permian Basin and Tethys is not expressed in the CNS.

2021 ◽  
pp. jgs2021-050
Sean McMahon ◽  
Julie Cosmidis

It is often acknowledged that the search for life on Mars might produce false positive results, particularly via the detection of objects, patterns or substances that resemble the products of life in some way but are not biogenic. The success of major current and forthcoming rover missions now calls for significant efforts to mitigate this risk. Here, we review known processes that could have generated false biosignatures on early Mars. These examples are known largely from serendipitous discoveries rather than systematic research and remain poorly understood; they probably represent only a small subset of relevant phenomena. These phenomena tend to be driven by kinetic processes far from thermodynamic equilibrium, often in the presence of liquid water and organic matter, conditions similar to those that can actually give rise to, and support, life. We propose that strategies for assessing candidate biosignatures on Mars could be improved by new knowledge on the physics and chemistry of abiotic self-organization in geological systems. We conclude by calling for new interdisciplinary research to determine how false biosignatures may arise, focusing on geological materials, conditions and spatiotemporal scales relevant to the detection of life on Mars, as well as the early Earth and other planetary bodies.Thematic collection: This article is part of the Astrobiology: Perspectives from the Geology of Earth and the Solar System collection available at: https://www.lyellcollection.org/cc/astrobiology-perspectives-from-geology-of-earth-and-solar-system

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