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Jukema (Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Aceh)
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh

2549-6425, 2088-1592

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-131
Wirda Hayati ◽  
Suwarni Suwarni ◽  
Nova Riska Jasna ◽  
Meutia Yusuf

Background: The nurse's verbal and non-verbal communication greatly affects the readiness of the patient and the patient's family to undergo surgery. Unclear communication causes misperceptions and the emergence of communication barriers in the nurse-client interaction process. The limited time and information provided are the causes of communication barriers in the client care process. This of course greatly affects patient care, especially in conditions that require intensive care. Methods: This study aims to determine the relationship between verbal and non-verbal communication between nurses and perceptions of communication barriers in families of pre-surgery patients in the intensive care unit, with a correlation design using a Cross Sectional study approach. The number of samples was 95 families of preoperative patients in the intensive care unit using purposive sampling technique. Results: 51.6% of nurses' verbal communication was good, and 50.5% of nurses' nonverbal communication was good, and there were no communication barriers between nurses and patients' families (54.7%). There was a significant relationship between nurses' verbal communication with perceptions of family communication barriers in pre-surgery patients in the intensive room (P=0.001) and there was a correlation between nurses' nonverbal communication with perceptions of family communication barriers in pre- surgery patients in the intensive room (P=0.002). Recommendation: Nurses are expected to continue to communicate effectively verbal and non-verbal with patients and families to prevent barriers in communication

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-160
Putri Rahmadani ◽  
Besral Besral ◽  
Masrizal Masrizal

Background: The measles rubella (MR) immunization coverage rate in Padang City is only 30.82%, still far below Indonesia's national target of 95%. The coverage of measles rubella immunization at the Rawang Health Center is around 62.1%. This study aims to determine the role of health workers in the success of measles rubella immunization in the Rawang Public Health Center, Padang City. Methods: This study used a cross sectional design. The study was conducted in October 2018-July 2019. The research population is mothers who have children aged 12-59 months (toddlers) as many as 1807 respondents. The sampling method is proportional random sampling with a sample of 87 respondent. Data was collected by interview using a questionnaire. Results: The results showed that 37.9% of children under five had not been immunized against measles rubella and 44.8% of health workers had an unfavorable role. The results of the chi-square test showed a significant relationship  between  the role of officers in  the success of measles rubella immunization  (p-value=0.020). Recommendation: It is hoped that health workers can increase health promotion activities regarding the risks due to children not being immunized against measles rubella and intensify door-to-door programs in the implementation of measles rubella immunization

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-42
Nurehan Maulana ◽  
Leni Novianti ◽  
Sutriyati Sutriyati

Background: Satisfactory and quality service will form patients/customers loyalty, and satisfaction is very closely related to word of mouth. The next effect will continue on the process of forming an improved image of health care agencies. The standard of patient satisfaction in health services is set nationally by the Ministry of Health at a minimum for patient satisfaction, which is above 95%. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between the quality of service in aspects of staff attitude, service facilities, and rates/fees with patient satisfaction in polyclinic acupuncture and herbal LKTM Palembang. Methods: This research is quantitative and uses an analytic survey with a cross sectional design. The sample in this study were all patients of the Palembang Community Traditional Health Workshop (LKTM) in 2020 who visited during the study period, numbering 85 people. Result: Based on the results of the study, 62.4% expressed satisfaction with the services in Polyclinic Acupuncture and Herbs (LKTM). The dimension that needs to be improved is the Assurance dimension in the officer's capability section. Based on the result of Chi-Square statistical test, the level of patients satisfaction to the service attitude of the officer, with a p-value of 0.000. Recommendation: for LKTM Palembang, it is expected to improve the quality of existing health workers and always play an active role in health services, maintain existing facilities, and review the costs set.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-75
Riza Septiani ◽  
Tiara Mairani

Background: Electronic Health Record (EHR) utilization has been improved nowadays and it is believed that the adoption of Information Technology (IT) that has been implemented in various setting may also accelerate qualified implementation in health care setting. This study aimed to evaluate EHR utilization in various settings by systemic literature review. Methods: systemic literature research was conducted with keywords “(evaluat* model OR evaluat* framework) AND (health professional* OR health staff*) AND (electronic health record OR EHR) AND (us* OR engagement OR implementation OR adoption) AND hospital”. Result: 833 literatures found at the beginning of literature search, after apply limitations, remove duplicates and exclude of irrelevant literatures, finally total 7 articles were included in the review. Conclusion: there are benefits and drawbacks of EHR utilization among health professional in different healthcare settings in some countries that included in this review. Some health professionals had positive experience of using EHR that its use can improve clinicians’ involvement, better clinicians’ representation and decrease workload. Meanwhile, others had different views that EHR use are ineffectiveness due to inability of the systems to meet users’ need, poor integration with existing workflows, poor IT skills among users and limited resources and training of EHR. Recommendation: Therefore, it is important to improve better design of EHR system with customized functionalities so it could improve the implementation and adoption of EHR by health professionals as end user.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-34
Rahmil Azzati ◽  
Hermasnyah Hermasnyah ◽  
Irwan Saputra ◽  
Nurjannah Nurjannah ◽  
Aulina Adamy

Background: Smoking is a major risk factor against the burden of disease in the world. The large number of coffee stalls found in Banda Aceh is one of the causes of the high number of smokers, so it shows that coffee and cigarettes are inseparable. The purpose of this research is to find out the factors that affect smokers in stopping smoking habit in the coffee shop in Banda Aceh in 2019. Methods: This research is analytical observational, using Cross Sectional design. The research site at coffee shops in Banda Aceh was conducted in August 2019. The samples in this study were active smokers. The data was analyzed with a logistic regression test using Stata 13. Result: The results showed that the percentage of respondents who mad efforts to quit smoking was 72.19%. Bivariate analysis shows that there is a link between the number of cigarettes per day that is heavy (p=0.003), medium (p=0.005) and severe (p=0.026) with smoking cessation efforts, while the variable age, the first age of smoking, marital status, income, education, anxiety, alcohol consumption, knowledge, smoking time lag in the morning, and other smokers influences in the family environment has no relationship with quitting smoking. Multivariate analysis shows that the association to quitting smoking is in the in the variable number of cigarettes per day in the moderate, heavy, and severe categories. Conclusion: The most dominant variables that has a connection to smoking cessation is the heavy, moderate and severeamount of cigarettes per day.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Riska Novita ◽  
Asnawi Abdullah ◽  
Hermasnyah Hermasnyah

Background: Pulmonary TB in children is still a serious public health problem in Aceh Province, this can be seen from the increase in cases in the last three years that are suspected to be related to immunization status, nutritional status, income, knowledge, the presence of TB sufferers, occupancy density and exposure to cigarette smoke. This study aims to determine the risk factors associated with pulmonary TB incidence in children in Banda Aceh. Method: This research is an analytic observational study using a case control design. The population in this study was children suffering from pulmonary TB in Banda Aceh as many as 30 respondents. Using a ratio of 1:2 comparison, the research sample of 90 respondents consisted of 30 cases and 60 controls.  Data collection was conducted from 15 October to 15 December, conducted in the respondent's home. Data analysis using conditional multiple logistic regression test. Results: Risk factors associated with pulmonary TB in childrenare: the employment of self-employed fathers (p=0.046; OR=2.7; 95% CI: 1.01-7.50), low income (p=0.046; OR=2.7; 95% CI: 1.01-7.50), the presence of TB patients in home (p=0.001; OR=31; 95% CI: 4.11-234), cigarette smoke exposure (p=0.004; OR=4; 95% CI: 1.54-10.3), no BCG immunization (p=0.023; OR=4.6; 95% CI: 1.23-17.2), malnutrition status with the occurrence of pulmonary TB in children in Banda Aceh (p=0.002; OR=5.9; 95% CI: 1.93-18.5). The results of the multivariate analysis concluded that the tendency of pulmonary TB in children in the city of Banda Aceh to occur in the presence of TB patients at home was almost 4 times more dominant than other variables. Recommendation: To Banda Aceh Health Office in order to increase the number of pulmonary TB screening in children, especially in children with parents who suffer from pulmonary TB.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-68
Fadli Syahputra

Background: The lack of PKH Beneficiary Families (KPM) who participated in the health examination of pregnant women and toddlers as well as the lack of optimal implementation of education, and still low healthy lifestyle among the community tha causes vulnerable to various diseases, the ability of the community to carrying out daily activities, as well as the ease of access to information, etc. are some factors that affect the level of quality of life of PKH beneficiaries. This study aims to determine factors related to the quality of life of poor families of PKH beneficiaries. Methods: This research is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The sample in the study was 73 respondents in KPM PKH in Meuraxa Subdistrict, Banda Aceh. Analyze data using univariate and Likert scales. Result: Research shows that respondents were predominantly primary education (72.6%), unemployed (58.9%), moderate income (52.1%), number of extended family members (68.5%), long receiving PKH benefits for 3 years (41.1%), ownership of small family assets (60.3%), and respondents with poor quality of life (58.9%). The domain image of physical health quality almost half had a good quality of life (47.6%), psychological domain mostly had a good quality of life (54.1%), the domain of social relations had half good quality of life (50.1%), and the environmental domains almost half have a good quality of life (46.2%). Recommendation: The government needs to intensify the family planning program, so that every household beneficiary of PKH can plan their household better, as well as conduct training and capital loan for small businesses in housewives that can later help the family economy so as to improve the quality of life of the beneficiaries poor of PKH.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-81
M. Ichsan Nawawi ◽  
Hikmawati Pathuddin ◽  
Rofia Masrifah

Background: Anecdotal evidence suggests that Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, shows differences in morbidity and mortality between the gender. The gender category is one of the simple categories but it is very important to look at the relationship between gender (male/female) and  Covid-19 positive patient status (life/death). Metods: In this study used odds ratios. Result: The results showed that the chances of men affected by Covid-19 to recover were 0.75 times the chances of women with positive Covid-19 to recover. Recommandation: For further research, can use more diverse variables and  larger sample sizes

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-90
Naimah Naimah ◽  
Asnawi Abdullah ◽  
Fahmi Ichwansyah

Background: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in Indonesia, especially Aceh Province, is the number one contributor to death at this time. The prevalence of CHD by province at the age ≥ 15 years was reported that Aceh ranks in the top two with the highest CHD provinces (D 0.7% and D/G 2.3%). This research needs to be analyzed further aimed to determine the determinants of CHD in Aceh Province because CHD in Indonesia is one of the main problems most noticed by the government. Various programs to anticipate and find solutions of health problems, especially CHD has beeen made for the good of the people of Indonesia. Methods: Further analysis of this secondary data is descriptive analytic using cross-sectional design. The research location in Aceh Province was conducted in May-June 2013. The secondary data was reprocessed by researchers in 2019. The population and samples in this study were 11.617 households and 40,951 household members. Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate analysis. Result: The results showed that there is a relationship between age and coronary heart disease (p value 0.001), gender (p value 0.001), low education level (p value 0.002), employment status (p value 0.008), Diabetes mellitus (p value 0.001), hypertension (p value 0.001), and smoking (p value 0.0001). Recommendation: It is hoped that the provincial government implements the No Smoking Area (KTR) policy in every public area such as schools, terminals, hospitals and create qanuns that truly public health precision.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-98
Nopa Arlianti ◽  
Wardiati Wardiati ◽  
Humairah Lutfia

Background: The increase in the number of elderly in the world causes a variety of problems, one of which is the low quality of life of the elderly which is influenced by several factors such as housing factors, physical and psychological conditions, and social and cultural factors. This study aims to find out the difference in the quality of life of elderly people living in communities and living in nursing home. Methods: This study uses cross-sectional design with a population consists of 2 groups, namely the elderly living in the communities and nursing home. The elderly sample in the nursing home is determined by the total method of the population. While sampling elderly samples in the communities using purposive sampling method with a sample ratio 1:1. Data collection was conducted by interview using the WHOQOL-Bref questionnaire. Univariate and bivariate analysis was used to analyze the data and t-test independent was utilized to examine the difference in the quality of life among studied groups. Result: The results showed that the average age of the elderly living in the nursing home was younger, and majority of respondents did not graduate from elementary school. Univariate analysis shows that elderly people living in the nursing home have a better quality of life compared to the elderly living in the community. Bivariate analysis showed that there is a significant differences between the quality of life of eldery people living in nursing home and in the community, both from the physical domain of the eldery (p-value: 0.0003), the psychological domain (p-value: 0.0349), the social domain (p-value: 0.0001), and the environmental domain (p-value: 0.0001). Recommandation: Efforts to improve the elderly’s quality of life are required to be done by families, communities, and governments. Thus, the elderly can go through their old age in a healthy, safe and comfortable manner.

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