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Acta agriculturae Slovenica
Latest Publications





Published By Biotechnical Faculty

1854-1941, 1581-9175

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Maya AL-ABDALA ◽  
Afraa SALLOWM ◽  

<p class="042abstractstekst">The objective of this research was to classify the determinant factors of irrigated vegetable problems and the amount of variance that is explained by each factor in Swaida Governorate/ Syria by using the Exploratory Factor Analysis. The research is based on the data which were collected through questionnaires that were obtained according to the opinions of farmers. It included questions about some of the social and economic characteristics of farmers, and the concerning problems related to irrigated agriculture by using multiple-choice questions (on a 3-point scale) during the 2019-2020 Based on a sample size of 92 farmers, representing 54.9 % of the studied statistical community, and distributed randomly within the areas of spread of irrigated vegetable cultivation.. The results showed the success of using the exploratory factor analysis technique, using the Principal components methodology and Varimax in classifying six factors with an initial eigenvalues greater than one for each, and these factors are: agricultural technological progress, agricultural employment, sale outlets, natural conditions, prices, production requirements. These factors explained (13.21 %, 12.65 %, 12.55 %, 11.12 %, 10.94 %, and 9.85 %) of the total variance respectively, and together explained 70.33 %.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Mohamed SABER ◽  

<p class="042abstractstekst"><span lang="EN-US">To sightsee the bearings of the certain remediation amendments, usually applied in the bioremediation of soils irrigated with low quality water for extended periods on the indigenous microbial population, a greenhouse experiment was conducted at National Research Centre (NRC) where the soil ecosystem was supplied with varied mineral remediation amendments and the carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) refluxes were followed up. In this study, microbial activity through CO<sub>2</sub> efflux was taken as an indicator to evaluate the effectiveness of eight soil amendments in minimizing the hazards of inorganic pollutants in soil ecosystem irrigated with low quality water s for more than 40 years. Results showed that Ni and Zn were the most dominant contaminants that adversely influenced indigenous microbial activities in untreated soil, while Cu was the most persuasive. All trailed remediation amendments significantly minimized the hazards of inorganic pollutants in treated soil ecosystems. In addition, modified bentonite (Probentonite) was the best persuasive one. Mechanisms take place between trailed remediation amendments and inorganic pollutants in the studied soil ecosystems were discussed. In conclusion application of certain raw or modified clay minerals especially Probentonite could be a good tool in decreasing the rate of the studied inorganic pollutants in a contaminated soil ecosystem irrigated with low quality water for extended periods. </span></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Mohammad Monirul Hasan TIPU ◽  
Raunak JAHAN ◽  
Jubaidur RAHMAN ◽  
Md Mizanur RAHMAN ◽  
Md Ariful ISLAM ◽  

<p class="042abstractstekst">The sweet potato weevil (<em>Cylas formicarius</em>, 1798) is one of the most damaging sweet potato pests. To prevent an economic crop loss, it is very important to develop a suitable and efficient integrated pest management strategy. A field experiment was set up with three replications at Jamalpur to select the best integrated management package from eight different treatments against sweet potato weevil. The results showed that the lowest percentage of infestation by number (2.94 %) and mass (3.22 %) was found when the crop was planted on November 01; earthing-up for two times, Carbofuran 5G was sprayed @ 15 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> at 60 days after planting with irrigation and tuber was harvested at 130 days after planting. The marketable yield (23.75 kg) and percent increase of yield than control (50.86 %) performed the highest in the same combination. These findings suggested an effective integration of different management strategies to reduce sweet potato weevil infestation in Bangladesh successfully.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Natalia KAZNINA ◽  
Natalia REPKINA ◽  
Yulia BATOVA ◽  
Alexandr TITOV

<p class="042abstractstekst">The deficiency or excess of zinc (Zn) cause negative effect on plant metabolism and development. Therefore, plants have established a tightly controlled system, including protein transporters to balance the uptake and utilization of metal ions. In this study, the relative expression of <em>HvIRT1</em> gene, encoding the transmembrane protein IRT1 was analyzed in shoots and roots of barley (<em>Hordeum vulgare </em>‘Nur’) under zinc deficiency at optimal (22 °C) or low (4 °C) temperatures. The Zn deficiency (0 μmol) caused an increase in <em>HvIRT1</em> gene expression under both optimal temperature condition and cold. Although, the difference in mRNA content of <em>HvIRT1</em> gene in roots of barley under optimal and low temperature was not observe. However, the <em>HvIRT1 </em>expression in leaves was higher at optimal temperature compare with cold condition. Moreover, long-term (7 days) of low temperature influence along with zinc deficiency leads to a significant decrease in the amount of <em>HvIRT1</em>transcripts in leaves, that corresponds to a decrease of photosynthesis rate and biomass accumulation. Overall, these findings suggest that <em>HvIRT1 </em>gene play an important role in plant’s response to zinc deficiency under optimal temperatures condition as well as at cold.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Faith Ewewluegim EMEGHA ◽  
David Adebayo ANIMASAUN ◽  
Folusho BANKOLE ◽  
Gbadebo OLAOYE

<p class="042abstractstekst"><span lang="EN-US">Genetic diversity information among a population is important in exploiting heterozygosity for the improvement of crop species through breeding programmes. This study was therefore, conducted to assess genetic diversity and establish molecular relationships among 20 selected exotic sugarcane accessions from the Unilorin Sugar Research Institute germplasm using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) molecular markers. Genomic DNA was extracted from the sugarcane leaf. Fragments amplification was then performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with ISSR markers and the data obtained were analyzed using MEGA 4 software. Analysis of the electropherogram showed a total of 39 loci consisting of 369 bands, out of which 95.8% were polymorphic. The biplot analysis showed all the markers contributed to the observed diversity with the least achieved with ISSR6. The principal co-ordinate analysis grouped the accessions into four clusters, comprising mixtures of all the six collection sites. The polymorphism obtained in the present study showed that the ISSR markers are effective for assessment of genetic diversity of the sugarcane accessions as it reveals the genetic similarity or divergence of the accessions regardless their place of origin or cultivation.</span></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Manel SALMI ◽  
Zine El Abidine FELLAHI ◽  
Abdelkader BENBELKACEM ◽  

<p class="042abstractstekst">Plant height, straw mass and flag leaf area are recognized by physiologists as morphological markers of drought stress tolerance. Developing varieties intended for arid and semi-arid zones need to select for these traits. Understanding the genetic control of a given trait helps breeder to handle the segregating populations under study in a more efficient and consistent manner by choosing the best breeding method available to realize significant genetic advance. For this purpose, six generations: parents, F1, F2, BC1, BC2, derived from MBB x ‘Gaviota’ durum wheat (<em>Triticum durum </em>Desf.) cross were grown to investigate the nature of gene action involved in the inheritance pattern of the three traits. The results indicated that the six-parameter model fitted the best the data related to the variability present in the generation means of the studied traits. Generation mean analysis indicated that non-allelic interactions were important factors controlling the expression of these characters with complementary type of gene action governing FLA and STW inheritance. High heritability estimates, moderate to high expected responses to selection, significant genetic correlations with grain yield and greater role of non-additive effects in controlling the inheritance of the three studied traits suggested that breeding methods exploiting both fixable and non-fixable components be applied to break unfavorable linkage and to accumulate useful genes in the base population, followed by mono-trait or index based selection in late advanced generations.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Mersija DELIĆ ◽  
Fikreta BEHMEN ◽  
Šaćira MANDAL ◽  

<p class="042abstractstekst">The aim of this study was to study the impact of crop load on the yield and grape quality of ‘Merlot’ and ‘Vranac’ (<em>Vitis vinifera</em> L.) in Trebinje vineyard. The crop load levels studied in this trial were 9 buds (V1) and 12 buds (V2) per vine at each variety trained on Lenz-Moser bilateral cordon system. The impact was determined by measurements of yield per vine and grape quality characterized by the contents of total soluble solids, titratable acidity, total phenolics, total flavonoids and by total antioxidant capacity. The measured parameters of grape quality of ‘Merlot’ and ‘Vranac’ were not influenced significantly by crop load levels. V2, compared to the V1, showed the potential for increasing grape yield only for Merlot variety under experimental conditions. The results of this study also showed a positive correlation between total phenolics/flavonoids and total antioxidant capacity of grape berries in both varieties, regardless of crop loads applied.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Marjan DYANAT ◽  

<p class="042abstractstekst">In the present study the bioherbicidal activity of essential oils hydrodistilled from <em>Nepeta glocephalata </em>Rech.f and <em>N</em>. <em>ispahanica</em> Boiss were investigated on four weed species (barnyard grass (<em>Echinochloa crus-galli</em> (L.) Beauv), redroot pigweed (<em>Amaranthus retroflexus </em>L.), lambsquarters (<em>Chenopodium album </em>L.) and canary grass (<em>Phalaris canariensis </em>L.)). A total of 37 components were identified from the essential oils of <em>N. glocephalata and N. ispahanica</em> constituting approximately 98.61 % and 96.1 % of the oils, respectively. In laboratory bioassay different concentrations (0, 1, 2, 4 and 8 μl ml<sup>-1</sup>) of two <em>Nepeta </em>essential oils on germination, root and shoot length were studied. Results showed by increasing the concentration of oils, all studied traits of the weeds were decreased compared with control. In a glass house bioassay post-emergence application of <em>Nepeta</em> essential oils (1.25 %, 2.5 %, 5 % and 10 %, v/v) on 3-week-old weed plants caused visible injury (7-days after spray) ranging from chlorosis to necrosis of plant weeds. In foliar application under glasshouse conditions, both<em> Nepeta</em> essential oils reduced the seedling dry mass and concentrations of chlorophyll a chlorophyll b. The study concludes that <em>Nepeta</em> essential oils have phytotoxic effects and could be used as bioherbicides but the selectivity of these compounds should be considered also.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Fouzia BENALI ◽  

<p>This article focuses on the study of the influence of ozonised water irrigation on the morphological, bacteriological and sensory characteristics of ‘Saint-Pierre’ tomatoes grown in Algeria. The results were compared with those irrigated with non-ozonised tap water called control of the same varietal type and grown under the same conditions. The work was carried out on seedlings of tomatoes grown and irrigated with ozonised water at different ozonisation times: 10- seconds, 20- seconds and 30-seconds, corresponding to lot I (tomato at 10-s), lot II (tomato at 20-s) and lot III (tomato at 30-s), respectively. Irrigation with ozonised water does not cause defects in shape, skin or colour of the fruits. They are, distinguished by a round shape, very red in colour, consistent and slightly acidic in taste. With good microbiological stability in accordance with the standard and good organoleptic quality except for the taste character of tomatoes at 30-seconds where a majority of evaluators estimated that ‘they were bland and no big difference for the other criteria analysed. In general, our results showed that the ozonisation of irrigation water improves the growth, development, vigour and yield of tomato plants without altering the marketability of the fruits. This process encourages the use of ozonised water in agriculture since it has a high added value from an environmental and economic point of view and it can be generalized to other crops.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 117 (4) ◽  
pp. 1
Morteza KOSARI-NASAB ◽  
Sakineh MOHAMMADI ◽  

<p class="042abstractstekst">The impact of combinations of plant growth regulators (PGRs) on callus culture of <em>Satureja sahendica </em>Bornm. was investigated. In nodal explants, the response of secondary metabolite production to different concentrations of PGRs was analyzed regarding the presence and absence of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). The explants were cultured on MS media in presence of auxins (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and naphthylacetic acid) and cytokinins (thidiazuron and kinetin); which were used in equal concentrations of 0.5, 1, and 2 mg l<sup>-1</sup>. The treatment of 2 mg l<sup>-1</sup> 2,4-D + 2 mg l<sup>-1 </sup>Kin (MD3) led to the highest production of total phenolics (4.303 ± 0.449 mg GAE g<sup>-1</sup>) and flavonoids (24.903 ± 7.016 mg QE g<sup>-1</sup>). Moreover, the effect of salicylic acid (SA) on the production of secondary metabolites in cell suspension culture of <em>Satureja sahendica</em> was evaluated. The cell suspension culture was established by culturing the nodal-derived friable callus in the liquid medium containing different concentrations of SA (0, 100, 150, 200 µM). An inverse relationship exists between the fresh mass and secondary metabolites contents. In addition, there was a significant difference among concentrations of SA in the production of total phenolics and flavonoid compounds. SA enhances secondary metabolites production and decreases cell fresh mass.</p>

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