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Graph Theory (Helsinki)

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Lecture Notes on

Tero Harju
Department of Mathematics University of Turku FIN-20014 Turku, Finland e-mail: harju@utu.



Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1 Graphs and their plane gures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2 Subgraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3 Paths and cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Connectivity of Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.1 Bipartite graphs and trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.2 Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Tours and Matchings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Eulerian graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Hamiltonian graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Matchings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colourings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Edge colourings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Ramsey Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Vertex colourings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graphs on Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Planar graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Colouring planar graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Genus of a graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 30 32 36 43 43 47 52 60 60 67 74

Directed Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 6.1 Digraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 6.2 Network Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

1 Introduction
Graph theory can be said to have its beginning in 1736 when E ULER considered the (general case of the) Knigsberg bridge problem: Is there a walking route that crosses each of the seven bridges of Knigsberg exactly once? (Solutio Problematis ad geometriam situs pertinentis, Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae 8 (1736), pp. 128-140.) It took 200 years before the rst book on graph theory was written. This was done by KNIG in 1936. (Theorie der endlichen und unendlichen Graphen, Teubner, Leipzig, 1936. Translation in English, 1990.) Since then graph theory has developed into an extensive and popular branch of mathematics, which has been applied to many problems in mathematics, computer science, and other scientic and not-so-scientic areas. For the history of early graph theory, see N.L. B IGGS , R.J. L LOYD Press, 1986.

R.J. W ILSON, Graph Theory 1736 1936, Clarendon

There seem to be no standard notations or even denitions for graph theoretical objects. This is natural, because the names one uses for these objects reect the applications. So, for instance, if we consider a communications network (say, for email) as a graph, then the computers, which take part in this network, are called nodes rather than vertices or points. On the other hand, other names are used for molecular structures in chemistry, ow charts in programming, human relations in social sciences, and so on. These lectures study nite graphs and majority of the topics is included in J.A. B ONDY

U.S.R. M URTY, Graph Theory with Applications, Macmillan, 1978.

R. D IESTEL, Graph Theory, Springer-Verlag, 1997. F. H ARARY, Graph Theory, Addison-Wesley, 1969. D.B. W EST, Introduction to Graph Theory, Prentice Hall, 1996. R.J. W ILSON, Introduction to Graph Theory, Longman, (3rd ed.) 1985. In these lectures we study combinatorial aspects of graphs. For more algebraic topics and methods, see N. B IGGS, Algebraic Graph Theory, Cambridge University Press, (2nd ed.) 1993. and for computational aspects, see S. E VEN, Graph Algorithms, Computer Science Press, 1979.

3 In these lecture notes we mention several open problems that have gained respect among the researchers. Indeed, graph theory has the advantage that it contains easily formulated open problems that can be stated early in the theory. Finding a solution to any one of these problems is on another layer of difculty. Sections with a star () in their heading are optional.

Notations and notions

For a nite set X, |X| denotes its size (cardinality, the number of its elements). Let [1, n] = {1, 2, . . . , n}, and in general, for integers i n. For a real number x, the oor and the ceiling of x are the integers x = max{k Z | k x} and x = min{k Z | x k}. A family {X1 , X2 , . . . , Xk } of subsets Xi X of a set X is a partition of X, if X=

[i, n] = {i, i + 1, . . . , n}



Xi Xj = for all different i and j .

For two sets X and Y , X Y = {(x, y) | x X, y Y } is their Cartesian product. For two sets X and Y ,

is their symmetric difference. Here X \ Y = {x | x X, x Y }. / Two numbers n, k N (often n = |X| and k = |Y | for sets X and Y ) have the same parity, if both are even, or both are odd, that is, if n k (mod 2). Otherwise, they have opposite parity. Graph theory has abundant examples of NP-complete problems. Intuitively, a problem is in P 1 if there is an efcient (practical) algorithm to nd a solution to it. On the other hand, a problem is in NP 2 , if it is rst efcient to guess a solution and then efcient to check that this solution is correct. It is conjectured (and not known) that P = NP. This is one of the great problems in modern mathematics and theoretical computer science. If the guessing in NP-problems can be replaced by an efcient systematic search for a solution, then P=NP. For any one NP-complete problem, if it is in P, then necessarily P=NP.
1 2

XY = (X \ Y ) (Y \ X)

Solvable by an algorithm in polynomially many steps on the size of the problem instances. Solvable nondeterministically in polynomially many steps on the size of the problem instances.

1.1 Graphs and their plane gures

1.1 Graphs and their plane gures

Let V be a nite set, and denote by E(V ) = {{u, v} | u, v V, u = v} . the subsets of V of two distinct elements. D EFINITION . A pair G = (V, E) with E E(V ) is called a graph (on V ). The elements of V are the vertices, and those of E the edges of the graph. The vertex set of a graph G is denoted by VG and its edge set by EG . Therefore G = (VG , EG ). In literature, graphs are also called simple graphs; vertices are called nodes or points; edges are called lines or links. The list of alternatives is long (but still nite). A pair {u, v} is usually written simply as uv. Notice that then uv = vu. In order to simplify notations, we also write v G instead of v VG . D EFINITION . For a graph G, we denote G = |VG | and G = |EG | . The number G of the vertices is called the order of G, and G is the size of G. For an edge e = uv EG , the vertices u and v are its ends. Vertices u and v are adjacent or neighbours, if e = uv EG . Two edges e1 = uv and e2 = uw having a common end, are adjacent with each other. A graph G can be represented as a plane gure by drawing a line (or a curve) between the points u and v (representing vertices) if e = uv is an edge of G. The gure on the right is a drawing of the graph G with VG = {v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v6 } and EG = {v1 v2 , v1 v3 , v2 v3 , v2 v4 , v5 v6 }.







Often we shall omit the identities (names v) of the vertices in our gures, in which case the vertices are drawn as anonymous circles. Graphs can be generalized by allowing loops vv and parallel (or multiple) edges between vertices to obtain a multigraph G = (V, E, ), where E = {e1 , e2 , . . . , em } is a set (of symbols), and : E E(V ) {vv | v V } is a function that attaches an unordered pair of vertices to each e E: (e) = uv. Note that we can have (e1 ) = (e2 ). This is drawn in the b gure of G by placing two (parallel) edges that connect the common ends. On the right there is (a drawing of) a multigraph G with vertices V = {a, b, c} and edges (e1 ) = aa, a c (e2 ) = ab, (e3 ) = bc, and (e4 ) = bc.

1.1 Graphs and their plane gures Later we concentrate on (simple) graphs. D EFINITION . We also study directed graphs or digraphs D = (V, E), where the edges have a direction, that is, the edges are ordered: E V V . In this case, uv = vu.

The directed graphs have representations, where the edges are drawn as arrows. A digraph can contain edges uv and vu of opposite directions. Graphs and digraphs can also be coloured, labelled, and weighted: D EFINITION . A function : VG K is a vertex colouring of G by a set K of colours. A function : EG K is an edge colouring of G. Usually, K = [1, k] for some k 1. If K R (often K N), then is a weight function or a distance function.

Isomorphism of graphs
D EFINITION . Two graphs G and H are isomorphic, denoted by G H, if there exists a = bijection : VG VH such that uv EG (u)(v) EH for all u, v G. Hence G and H are isomorphic if the vertices of H are renamings of those of G. Two isomorphic graphs enjoy the same graph theoretical properties, and they are often identied. In particular, all isomorphic graphs have the same plane gures (excepting the identities of the vertices). This shows in the gures, where we tend to replace the vertices by small circles, and talk of the graph although there are, in fact, innitely many of such graphs. Example 1.1. The following graphs are isomorphic. Indeed, the required isomorphism is given by v1 1, v2 3, v3 4, v4 2, v5 5.
v2 v5 v1 v4 v3 1 3 5 2 4

Isomorphism Problem. Does there exist an efcient algorithm to check whether any two given graphs are isomorphic or not?
n The following table lists the number 2( 2 ) of graphs on a given set of n vertices, and the number of nonisomorphic graphs on n vertices. It tells that at least for computational purposes an efcient algorithm for checking whether two graphs are isomorphic or not would be greatly appreciated.

1.1 Graphs and their plane gures n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

graphs 1 2 8 64 1024 32 768 2 097 152 268 435 456 236 > 6 1010 nonisomorphic 1 2 4 11 34 156 1044 12 346 274 668

Other representations
Plane gures catch graphs for our eyes, but if a problem on graphs is to be programmed, then these gures are (to say the least) unsuitable. Matrices of integers are ideal for computers, since every respectable programming language has array structures for these, and computers are good in crunching numbers. Let VG = {v1 , . . . , vn } be ordered. The adjacency matrix of G is the n n-matrix M with entries Mij = 1 or Mij = 0 according to whether vi vj EG or not. For instance, the graphs of Example 1.1 has an adjacency matrix on the right. Notice that the adjacency matrix is always symmetric (with respect to its diagonal consisting of zeros). 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

A graph has usually many different adjacency matrices, one for each ordering of its set VG of vertices. The following result is obvious from the denitions. Theorem 1.1. Two graphs G and H are isomorphic if and only if they have a common adjacency matrix. Moreover, two isomorphic graphs have exactly the same set of adjacency matrices. Graphs can also be represented by sets. For this, let X = {X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn } be a family of subsets of a set X, and dene the intersection graph GX as the graph with vertices X1 , . . . , Xn , and edges Xi Xj for all i and j (i = j) with Xi Xj = . Theorem 1.2. Every graph is an intersection graph of some family of subsets. Proof. Let G be a graph, and dene, for all v G, a set Xv = {{v, u} | vu EG }. Then Xu Xv = if and only if uv EG .

Let s(G) be the smallest size of a base set X such that G can be represented as an intersection graph of a family of subsets of X, that is, s(G) = min{|X| | G GX for some X 2X } . = How small can s(G) be compared to the order G (or the size G ) of the graph? It was shown by KOU , S TOCKMEYER AND W ONG (1976) that it is algorithmically difcult to determine the number s(G) the problem is NP-complete.

1.2 Subgraphs

Example 1.2. As yet another example, let A N be a nite set of natural numbers, and let GA = (A, E) be the graph dened on VGA = A such that rs E (= EGA ) if and only if r and s (for r = s) have a common divisor > 1. As an exercise, we state: All graphs can be represented in the form GA for some set A of natural numbers.

1.2 Subgraphs
Ideally, in a problem the local properties of a graph determine a solution. In such a situation we deal with (small) parts of the graph (subgraphs), and a solution can be found to the problem by combining the information determined by the parts. For instance, as we shall see later on, the existence of an Euler tour is very local, it depends only on the number of the neighbours of the vertices.

Degrees of vertices
D EFINITION . Let v G be a vertex a graph G. The neighbourhood of v is the set NG (v) = {u G | vu EG } . The degree of v is the number of its neighbours: dG (v) = |NG (v)| . If dG (v) = 0, then v is said to be isolated in G, and if dG (v) = 1, then v is a leaf of the graph. The minimum degree and the maximum degree of G are dened as (G) = min{dG (v) | v G} and (G) = max{dG (v) | v G} .

The following lemma, due to E ULER (1736), tells that if several people shake hands, then the number of hands shaken is even. Lemma 1.1 (Handshaking lemma). For each graph G, dG (v) = 2 G .


Moreover, the number of vertices of odd degree is even. Proof. Every edge e EG has two ends. The second claim follows immediately from the rst one. Lemma 1.1 holds equally well for multigraphs, when dG (v) is dened as the number of edges that have v as an end, and when a loop vv is counted twice. Note that the degrees of a graph G do not determine G. Indeed, there are graphs G = (V, EG ) and H = (V, EH ) on the same set of vertices that are not isomorphic, but for which dG (v) = dH (v) for all v V .

1.2 Subgraphs

D EFINITION . For a graph G, a 2-switch with respect to the edges uv, xy EG with ux, vy EG / replaces the edges uv and xy by ux and vy. De2s note G H if there exists a nite sequence of 2-switches that carries G to H.
2s 2s

Note that if G H then also H G if we can apply the sequence in reverse order. Before proving Berges switching theorem we need the following tool. Lemma 1.2. Let G be a graph of order n with a degree sequence d1 d2 dn , where 2s dG (vi ) = di . Then there is a graph G such that G G with NG (v1 ) = {v2 , . . . , vd1 +1 }. Proof. Denote d = (G) (= d1 ). Suppose that there exists a vertex vi with 2 i d + 1 such that v1 vi EG . Since dG (v1 ) = d, there exists a vj / with j d + 2 such that v1 vj EG . Here di dj , since vj vi v1 j > i. Since v1 vj EG , there exists a vt (2 t n) such that vi vt EG , but vj vt EG . We can now perform / a 2-switch with respect to the vertices v1 , vj , vi , vt . This vt gives a new graph H, where v1 vi EH and v1 vj EH , / and the other neighbours of v1 remain to be its neighbours. When we repeat this process for all indices i with v1 vi EG for 2 i d + 1, we obtain / a graph G as required. Theorem 1.3 (B ERGE (1973)). Two graphs G and H on a common vertex set V satisfy dG (v) = dH (v) for all v V if and only if H can be obtained from G by a sequence of 2-switches. Proof. If G H, then clearly H has the same degrees as G. In converse, we use induction on the order G . Let G and H have the same degrees. By 2s 2s Lemma 1.2, we have a vertex v and graph G and H such that G G and H H with NG (v) = NH (v). Now the graphs G v and H v have the same degrees. By the 2s 2s induction hypothesis, G v H v, and thus also G H . Finally, we observe that 2s also H H by the reverse 2-switches, and this proves the claim. D EFINITION . Let d1 , d2 , . . . , dn be a descending sequence of nonnegative integers, that is, d1 d2 dn . Such a sequence is said to be graphical, if there exists a graph G = (V, E) with V = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn } such that di = dG (vi ) for all i. Using the next result recursively one can decide whether a sequence of integers is graphical or not.

1.2 Subgraphs

Theorem 1.4 (H AVEL (1955), H AKIMI (1962)). A sequence d1 , d2 , . . . , dn (with d1 1 and n 2) is graphical if and only if d2 1, d3 1, . . . , dd1 +1 1, dd1 +2 , dd1 +3 , . . . , dn . is graphical (when put into nonincreasing order). Proof. () Consider G of order n 1 with vertices (and degrees) dG (vd1 +2 ) = dd1 +2 , . . . , dG (vn ) = dn dG (v2 ) = d2 1, . . . , dG (vd1 +1 ) = dd1 +1 1, (1.1)

as in (1.1). Add a new vertex v1 and the edges v1 vi for all i [2, dd1 +1 ]. Then in this new graph H, dH (v1 ) = d1 , and dH (vi ) = di for all i. () Assume dG (vi ) = di . By Lemma 1.2 and Theorem 1.3, we can suppose that NG (v1 ) = {v2 , . . . , vd1 +1 }. But now the degree sequence of Gv1 is in (1.1). Example 1.3. Consider the sequence s = 4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1. By Theorem 1.4, s is graphical 3, 3, 2, 1, 1 is graphical 2, 1, 1, 0 is graphical 0, 0, 0 is graphical. The last sequence corresponds to a discrete graph K 3 , and hence also our original sequence s is graphical. Indeed, the graph G on the right has this degree sequence.

v2 v6




Special graphs
D EFINITION . A graph G = (V, E) is trivial, if it has only one vertex, i.e., G = 1; otherwise G is nontrivial. The graph G = KV is the complete graph on V , if every two vertices are adjacent: E = E(V ). All complete graphs of order n are isomorphic with each other, and they will be denoted by Kn .


/ The complement of G is the graph G on VG , where EG = {e E(V ) | e EG }. The complements G = K V of the complete graphs are called discrete graphs. In a discrete graph EG = . Clearly, all discrete graphs of order n are isomorphic with each other. A graph G is said to be regular, if every vertex of G has the same degree. If this degree is equal to r, then G is r-regular or regular of degree r.

1.2 Subgraphs


Note that a discrete graph is 0-regular, and a complete graph Kn is (n 1)-regular. In particular, Kn = n(n 1)/2, and therefore G n(n 1)/2 for all graphs G that have order n. Example 1.4. The graph on the right is the Petersen graph that we will meet several times (drawn differently). It is a 3-regular graph of order 10.

Example 1.5. Let k 1 be an integer, and consider the set Bk of all binary strings of length k. For instance, B3 = {000, 001, 010, 100, 011, 101, 110, 111}. Let Qk be the graph, called the k-cube, with VQk = Bk , where uv EQk if and only if the strings u and v differ in exactly one place.
110 111

The order of Qk is Qk = the number of binary strings of length k. Also, Qk is k-regular, and so, by the handshaking lemma, Qk = k 2k1 . On the right we have the 3-cube, or simply the cube.

2k ,


101 010 011 001


Example 1.6. Let n 4 be any even number. We show by induction that there exists a 3regular graph G with G = n. Notice that all 3-regular graphs have even order by the handshaking lemma. If n = 4, then K4 is 3-regular. Let G be a 3-regular graph of order 2m 2, and suppose that uv, uw EG . Let VH = VG {x, y}, and EH = (EG \ {uv, uw}) {ux, xv, uy, yw, xy}. Then H is 3-regular of order 2m.
x y

w u

D EFINITION . A graph H is a subgraph of a graph G, denoted by H G, if VH VG and EH EG . A subgraph H G spans G (and H is a spanning subgraph of G), if every vertex of G is in H, i.e., VH = VG . Also, a subgraph H G is an induced subgraph, if EH = EG E(VH ). In this case, H is induced by its set VH of vertices. In an induced subgraph H G, the set EH of edges consists of all e EG such that e E(VH ). To each nonempty subset A VG , there corresponds a unique induced subgraph G[A] = (A, EG E(A)) .

1.3 Paths and cycles To each subset F EG of edges there corresponds a unique spanning subgraph of G, G[F ] = (VG , F ) .





For a set F EG of edges, let GF = G[EG \ F ] be the subgraph of G obtained by removing (only) the edges e F from G. In particular, Ge is obtained from G by removing e EG . Similarly, we write G + F , if each e F (for F E(VG )) is added to G. For a subset A VG of vertices, we let GA G be the subgraph induced by VG \ A, that is, GA = G[VG \ A] , and, e.g., Gv is obtained from G by removing the vertex v together with the edges that have v as their end. Many problems concerning (induced) subgraphs are algorithmically difcult. For instance, to nd a maximal complete subgraph (a subgraph Km of maximum order) of a graph is unlikely to be even in NP. Reconstruction Problem. The famous open problem, Kelly-Ulam problem or the Reconstruction Conjecture, states that a graph of order at least 3 is determined up to isomorphism by its vertex deleted subgraphs Gv (v G): if there exists a bijection : VG VH such that Gv H(v) for all v, then G H. = =

1.3 Paths and cycles

The most fundamental notions in graph theory are practically oriented. Indeed, many graph theoretical questions ask for optimal solutions to problems such as: nd a shortest path (in a complex network) from a given point to another. This kind of problems can be difcult, or at least nontrivial, because there are usually choices what branch to choose when leaving an intermediate point.

1.3 Paths and cycles


D EFINITION . Let ei = ui ui+1 EG be edges of G for i [1, k]. Here ei and ei+1 are compatible in the sense that ei is adjacent to ei+1 for all i [1, k 1]. The sequence W = e1 e2 . . . ek is a walk of length k from u1 to uk+1 . We write, more informally, W : u1 u2 . . . uk uk+1 or W : u1 uk+1 .

Write u v to say that there is a walk of some length from u to v. Here we understand that W : u v is always a specic walk, W = e1 e2 . . . ek , although we sometimes do not care to mention the edges ei it uses. The length of a walk W is denoted by |W |.

D EFINITION . Let W = e1 e2 . . . ek (ei = ui ui+1 ) be a walk. W is closed, if u1 = uk+1 . W is a path, if ui = uj for all i = j. W is a cycle, if it is closed, and ui = uj for i = j except that u1 = uk+1 . W is a trivial path, if its length is 0. A trivial path has no edges. For a walk W : u = u1 . . . uk+1 = v, also W 1 : v = uk+1 . . . u1 = u is a walk in G, called the inverse walk of W . A vertex u is an end of a path P , if P starts or ends in u. The join of two walks W1 : u v and W2 : v w is the walk W1 W2 : u w. (Here the end v must be common to the walks.) Paths P and Q are disjoint, if they have no vertices in common, and they are independent, if they can share only their ends. Clearly, the inverse walk P 1 of a path P is a path (the inverse path of P ). The join of two paths need not be a path. A (sub)graph, which is a path (cycle) of length k 1 (k, resp.) having k vertices is denoted by Pk (Ck , resp.). If k is even (odd), we say that the path or cycle is even (odd). Clearly, all paths of length k are isomorphic. The same holds for cycles of xed length.



Lemma 1.3. Each walk W : u v with u = v contains a path P : u v, that is, there is a path P : u v that is obtained from W by removing edges and vertices.

1.3 Paths and cycles


Proof. Let W : u = u1 . . . uk+1 = v. Let i < j be indices such that ui = uj . If no such i and j exist, then W , itself, is a path. Otherwise, in W = W1 W2 W3 : u ui uj v the portion U1 = W1 W3 : u ui = uj v is a shorter walk. By repeating this argument, we obtain a sequence U1 , U2 , . . . , Um of walks u v with |W | > |U1 | > > |Um |. When the procedure stops, we have a path as required. (Notice that in the above it may very well be that W1 or W3 is a trivial walk.) D EFINITION . If there exists a walk (and hence a path) from u to v in G, let dG (u, v) = min{k | u v}

be the distance between u and v. If there are no walks u v, let dG (u, v) = by conven tion. A graph G is connected, if dG (u, v) < for all u, v G; otherwise, it is disconnected. The maximal connected subgraphs of G are its connected components. Denote

c(G) = the number of connected components of G . If c(G) = 1, then G is, of course, connected. The maximality condition means that a subgraph H G is a connected component if and only if H is connected and there are no edges leaving H, i.e., for every vertex v H, the / subgraph G[VH {v}] is disconnected. Apparently, every connected component is an induced subgraph, and NG (v) = {u | dG (v, u) < } is the connected component of G that contains v G. In particular, the connected components form a partition of G.

Shortest paths
D EFINITION . Let G be an edge weighted graph, that is, G is a graph G together with a weight function : EG R on its edges. For H G, let (H) =


be the (total) weight of H. In particular, if P = e1 e2 . . . ek is a path, then its weight is (P ) = k (ei ). The minimum weighted distance between two vertices is i=1
d (u, v) = min{(P ) | P : u v} . G

In extremal problems we seek for optimal subgraphs H G satisfying specic conditions. In practice we encounter situations where G might represent a distribution or transportation network (say, for mail), where the weights on edges are distances, travel expenses, or rates of ow in the network; a system of channels in (tele)communication or computer architecture, where the weights present the rate of unreliability or frequency of action of the connections; a model of chemical bonds, where the weights measure molecular attraction.

1.3 Paths and cycles


In these examples we look for a subgraph with the smallest weight, and which connects two given vertices, or all vertices (if we want to travel around). On the other hand, if the graph represents a network of pipelines, the weights are volumes or capacities, and then one wants to nd a subgraph with the maximum weight. We consider the minimum problem. For this, let G be a graph with an integer weight function : EG N. In this case, call (uv) the length of uv. The shortest path problem: Given a connected graph G with a weight function : EG N, nd d (u, v) for given u, v G. G Assume that G is a connected graph. Dijkstras algorithm solves the problem for every pair u, v, where u is a xed starting point and v G. Let us make the convention that (uv) = , if uv EG . / Dijkstras algorithm: (i) Set u0 = u, t(u0 ) = 0 and t(v) = for all v = u0 . replace t(v) by min{t(v), t(ui ) + (ui v)} . Let ui+1 {u1 , . . . , ui } be any vertex with the least value t(ui+1 ). /

(ii) For i [0, G 1]: for each v {u1 , . . . , ui }, /

(iii) Conclusion: d (u, v) = t(v). G

Example 1.7. Consider the following weighted graph G. Apply Dijkstras algorithm to the vertex v0 . u0 = v0 , t(u0 ) = 0, others are .
2 v1 2 v0 3 v2 1 v4 2 3 2 2 1 v3 1 v5

t(v2 ) = min{3, t(u1 ) + (u1 v2 )} = min{3, 4} = 3, t(v3 ) = 2 + 1 = 3, t(v4 ) = 2 + 3 = 5, t(v5 ) = 2 + 2 = 4. Thus choose u2 = v3 .

t(v1 ) = min{, 2} = 2, t(v2 ) = min{, 3} = 3, others are . Thus u1 = v1 .

t(v2 ) = min{3, } = 3, t(v4 ) = min{5, 3+2} = 5, t(v5 ) = min{4, 3 + 1} = 4. Thus set u3 = v2 . t(v4 ) = min{5, 3 + 1} = 4, t(v5 ) = min{4, } = 4. Thus choose u4 = v4 . t(v5 ) = min{4, 4 + 1} = 4. The algorithm stops. We have obtained: t(v1 ) = 2, t(v2 ) = 3, t(v3 ) = 3, t(v4 ) = 4, t(v5 ) = 4 . These are the minimal weights from v0 to each vi .

1.3 Paths and cycles The steps of the algorithm can also be rewritten as a table: v1 2 - v2 3 3 3 v3 3 v4 5 5 v5 4 4 4 4 4


The correctness of Dijkstras algorithm can veried be as follows. Let v V be any vertex, and let P : u0 u v be a shortest path from u0 to v, where u is any vertex u = v on such a path, possibly u = u0 . Then, clearly, the rst part of the path, u0 u, is a shortest path from u0 to u, and the latter part u v is a shortest path from u to v. Therefore, the length of the path P equals the sum of the weights of u0 u and u v. Dijkstras algorithm makes use of this observation iteratively.

2 Connectivity of Graphs
2.1 Bipartite graphs and trees
In problems such as the shortest path problem we look for minimum solutions that satisfy the given requirements. The solutions in these cases are usually subgraphs without cycles. Such connected graphs will be called trees, and they are used, e.g., in search algorithms for databases. For concrete applications in this respect, see T.H. C ORMEN , C.E. L EISERSON Press, 1993.

R.L. R IVEST, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT + x y + z y

Certain structures with operations are representable as trees. These trees are sometimes called construction trees, decomposition trees, factorization trees or grammatical trees. Grammatical trees occur especially in linguistics, where syntactic structures of sentences are analyzed. On the right there is a tree of operations for the arithmetic formula x(y+z)+y.

Bipartite graphs
D EFINITION . A graph G is called bipartite, if VG has a partition to two subsets X and Y such that each edge uv EG connects a vertex of X and a vertex of Y . In this case, (X, Y ) is a bipartition of G, and G is (X, Y )-bipartite. A bipartite graph G (as in the above) is a complete (m, k)bipartite graph, if |X| = m, |Y | = k, and uv EG for all u X and v Y . All complete (m, k)-bipartite graphs are isomorphic. Let Km,k denote such a graph. A subset X VG is stable, if G[X] is a discrete graph. The following result is clear from the denitions. Theorem 2.1. A graph G is bipartite if and only if VG has a partition to two stable subsets. Example 2.1. The k-cube Qk of Example 1.5 is bipartite for all k. Indeed, consider A = {u | u has an even number of 1 s} and B = {u | u has an odd number of 1 s}. Clearly, these sets partition Bk , and they are stable in Qk . K2,3

2.1 Bipartite graphs and trees Theorem 2.2. A graph G is bipartite if and only if it has no odd cycles.


Proof. () Let G be (X, Y )-bipartite. For a cycle C : v1 . . . vk+1 = v1 of length k, v1 X implies v2 Y , v3 X, . . . , v2i Y , v2i+1 X. Consequently, k + 1 = 2m + 1 is odd, and k = |C| is even. () Suppose that all cycles in G are even. First, we observe that it sufces to show the claim for connected graphs. Indeed, if G is disconnected, then each cycle of G is contained in one of the connected components, G1 , . . . , Gp , of G. If Gi is (Xi , Yi )-bipartite, then (X1 X2 Xp , Y1 Y2 Yp ) is a bipartition of G. Assume thus that G is connected. Let v G be a chosen vertex, and dene X = {x | dG (v, x) is even}, Y = {y | dG (v, y) is odd} .

Since G is connected, VG = X Y . Also, by the denition of distance, X Y = . Let u, w G be both in X or both in Y , and let P : v u and Q : v w be (among the) shortest paths from v to u and w. Assume that x is the last common vertex of P and Q: P = P1 P2 , Q = Q1 Q2 , where P2 : x u and Q2 : x w are independent. Since P and Q are shortest paths, P1 and Q1 are shortest paths v x. Consequently, |P1 | = |Q1 |. So |P2 | and |Q2 | have the same parity, i.e., |P2 |+|Q2 | is even, and so uw EG . Hence G[X] and G[Y ] are dis/ crete induced subgraphs, and G is bipartite as claimed. Checking whether a graph is bipartite is easy. Indeed, this can be done by using two opposite colours, say 1 and 2. Start from any vertex v1 , and colour it by 1. Then colour the neighbours of v1 by 2, and proceed by colouring all neighbours of an already coloured vertex by an opposite colour. P1
v x


uw Q2

Q1 1 2

1 2 1 1

2 2 1 2

If the whole graph can be coloured, then G is (X, Y )-bipartite, where X consists of those vertices with colour 1, and Y of those vertices with colour 2; otherwise, at some point one of the vertices gets both colours, and in this case, G is not bipartite. Example 2.2 (E RDS (1965)). We show that each graph G has a bipartite subgraph H G such that H 1 G . 2 Indeed, let VG = X Y be a partition such that the number of edges between X and Y is as large as possible. Denote F = EG {uv | u X, v Y } , and let H = G[F ]. Obviously H is a spanning subgraph, and it is bipartite.

2.1 Bipartite graphs and trees By the maximum condition,


1 dH (v) dG (v) , 2 since, otherwise, v is on the wrong side. (That is, if v X, then the pair X = X \ {v}, Y = Y {v} does better that the pair X, Y .) Now H = 1 2

dH (v)

1 2


1 1 dG (v) = G . 2 2

D EFINITION . An edge e EG is a bridge of the graph G, if Ge has more connected components than G, that is, if c(Ge) > c(G). In particular, and most importantly, an edge e in a connected G is a bridge if and only if Ge is disconnected. On the right the two horizontal lines are bridges. The rest are not. Theorem 2.3. An edge e EG is a bridge if and only if e is not in any cycle of G. Proof. First of all, note that e = uv is a bridge if and only if u and v belong to different connected components of Ge. () If there is a cycle in G containing e, then there is a cycle C = eP : u v u, where P : v u is a path in Ge, and so e is not a bridge. () Assume that e = uv is not a bridge. Hence u and v are in the same connected com ponent of Ge. If P : v u is a path in Ge, then eP : u v u is a cycle in G that contains e. Lemma 2.1. Let e be a bridge in a connected graph G. (i) Then c(Ge) = 2. (ii) Let H be a connected component of Ge. If f EH is a bridge of H, then f is a bridge of G. Proof. For (i), let e = uv. Since e is a bridge, the ends u and v are not connected in Ge. Let w G. Since G is connected, there exists a path P : w v in G. This is a path of Ge, unless P : w u v contains e = uv, in which case the part w u is a path in Ge. For (ii), if f EH belongs to a cycle C of G, then C does not contain e (since e is in no cycle), and therefore C is inside H, and f is not a bridge of H.

2.1 Bipartite graphs and trees


D EFINITION . A graph is called acyclic, if it has no cycles. An acyclic graph is also called a forest. A tree is a connected acyclic graph. By Theorem 2.3 and the denition of a tree, we have Corollary 2.1. A connected graph is a tree if and only if all its edges are bridges. Example 2.3. The following enumeration result for trees has many different proofs, the rst of which was given by C AYLEY in 1889: There are nn2 trees on a vertex set V of n elements. We omit the proof. On the other hand, there are only a few trees up to isomorphism: n trees 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 3 6 6 7 8 11 23

n 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 trees 47 106 235 551 1301 3159 7741 19 320 The nonisomorphic trees of order 6 are:

We say that a path P : u v is maximal in a graph G, if there are no e EG for which P e or eP is a path. Such paths exist, because G is nite. Lemma 2.2. Let P : u v be a maximal path in a graph G. Then NG (v) P . Moreover, if G is acyclic, then dG (v) = 1.

Proof. If e = vw EG with w P , then also P e is a path, which contradicts the maximality / assumption for P . Hence NG (v) P . For acyclic graphs, if wv EG , then w belongs to P , and wv is necessarily the last edge of P in order to avoid cycles. Corollary 2.2. Each tree T with T 2 has at least two leaves. Proof. Since T is acyclic, both ends of a maximal path have degree one. Theorem 2.4. The following are equivalent for a graph T . (i) T is a tree. (ii) Any two vertices are connected in T by a unique path. (iii) T is acyclic and T = T 1.

2.1 Bipartite graphs and trees Proof. Let T = n. If n = 1, then the claim is trivial. Suppose thus that n 2.


(i)(ii) Let T be a tree. Assume the claim does not hold, and let P, Q : u v be two different paths between the same vertices u and v. Suppose that |P | |Q|. Since P = Q, there exists an edge e which belongs to P but not to Q. Each edge of T is a bridge, and therefore u and v belong to different connected components of T e. Hence e must also belong to Q; a contradiction.

(iii)(i) Assume (iii) holds for T . We need to show that T is connected. Indeed, let the connected components of T be Ti = (Vi , Ei ), for i [1, k]. Since T is acyclic, so are the connected graphs Ti , and hence they are trees, for which we have proved that |Ei | = |Vi | 1. Now, T = k |Vi |, and T = k |Ei |. Therefore, i=1 i=1
k k

(ii)(iii) We prove the claim by induction on n. Clearly, the claim holds for n = 2, and suppose it holds for graphs of order less than n. Let T be any graph of order n satisfying (ii). In particular, T is connected, and it is clearly acyclic. Let P : u v be a maximal path in T . By Lemma 2.2, we have dT (v) = 1. In this case, P : u w v, where vw is the unique edge having an end v. The subgraph T v is connected, and it satises the condition (ii). By induction hypothesis, T v = n 2, and so T = T v + 1 = n 1, and the claim follows.

n 1 = T =


(|Vi | 1) =


|Vi | k = n k ,

which gives that k = 1, that is, T is connected.

Example 2.4. Consider a cup tournament of n teams. If during a round there are k teams left in the tournament, then these are divided into k pairs, and from each pair only the winner continues. If k is odd, then one of the teams goes to the next round without having to play. How many plays are needed to determine the winner? So if there are 14 teams, after the rst round 7 teams continue, and after the second round 4 teams continue, then 2. So 13 plays are needed in this example. The answer to our problem is n 1, since the cup tournament is a tree, where a play corresponds to an edge of the tree.

Spanning trees
Theorem 2.5. Each connected graph has a spanning tree, that is, a spanning graph that is a tree. Proof. Let H G be a minimal connected spanning subgraph, that is, a connected spanning subgraph of G such that He is disconnected for all e EH . Such a subgraph is obtained from G by removing nonbridges:

2.1 Bipartite graphs and trees


To start with, let H0 = G. For i 0, let Hi+1 = Hi ei , where ei is a not a bridge of Hi . Since ei is not a bridge, Hi+1 is a connected spanning subgraph of Hi and thus of G. H = Hk , when only bridges are left. By Corollary 2.1, H is a tree.

Corollary 2.3. For each connected graph G, G G 1. Moreover, a connected graph G is a tree if and only if G = G 1. Proof. Let T be a spanning tree of G. Then G T = T 1 = G 1. The second claim is also clear. Example 2.5. In Shannons switching game a positive player P and a negative player N play on a graph G with two special vertices: a source s and a sink r. P and N alternate turns so that P designates an edge by +, and N by . Each edge can be designated at most once. It is P s purpose to designate a path s r (that is, to designate all edges in one such path), and N tries to block all paths s r (that is, to designate at least one edge in each such path). We say that a game (G, s, r) is positive, if P has a winning strategy no matter who begins the game, negative, if N has a winning strategy no matter who begins the game, neutral, if the winner depends on who begins the game. r The game on the right is neutral. s L EHMAN proved in 1964 that Shannons switching game (G, s, r) is positive if and only if there exists H G such that H contains s and r and H has two spanning trees with no edges in common. In the other direction the claim can be proved along the following lines. Assume that there exists a subgraph H containing s and r and that has two spanning trees with no edges in common. Then P plays as follows. If N marks by an edge from one of the two trees, then P marks by + an edge in the other tree such that this edge reconnects the broken tree. In this way, P always has two spanning trees for the subgraph H with only edges marked by + in common. In converse the claim is considerably more difcult to prove. There remains the problem to characterize those Shannons switching games (G, s, r) that are neutral (negative, respectively).

2.1 Bipartite graphs and trees


The connector problem

To build a network connecting n nodes (towns, computers, chips in a computer) it is desirable to decrease the cost of construction of the links to the minimum. This is the connector problem. In graph theoretical terms we wish to nd an optimal spanning subgraph of a weighted graph. Such an optimal subgraph is clearly a spanning tree, for, otherwise a deletion of any nonbridge will reduce the total weight of the subgraph. Let then G be a graph G together with a weight function : EG R+ (positive reals) on the edges. Kruskals algorithm (also known as the greedy algorithm) provides a solution to the connector problem. Kruskals algorithm: For a connected and weighted graph G of order n: (i) Let e1 be an edge of smallest weight, and set E1 = {e1 }.

(ii) For each i = 2, 3, . . . , n 1 in this order, choose an edge ei Ei1 of smallest possible / weight such that ei does not produce a cycle when added to G[Ei1 ], and let Ei = Ei1 {ei }. The nal outcome is T = (VG , En1 ).

By the construction, T = (VG , En1 ) is a spanning tree of G, because it contains no cycles, it is connected and has n 1 edges. We now show that T has the minimum total weight among the spanning trees of G. Suppose T1 is any spanning tree of G. Let ek be the rst edge produced by the algorithm that is not in T1 . If we add ek to T1 , then a cycle C containing ek is created. Also, C must contain an edge e that is not in T . When we replace e by ek in T1 , we still have a spanning tree, say T2 . However, by the construction, (ek ) (e), and therefore (T2 ) (T1 ). Note that T2 has more edges in common with T than T1 . Repeating the above procedure, we can transform T1 to T by replacing edges, one by one, such that the total weight does not increase. We deduce that (T ) (T1 ).

The outcome of Kruskals algorithm need not be unique. Indeed, there may exist several optimal spanning trees (with the same weight, of course) for a graph. Example 2.6. When applied to the weighted graph on the right, the algorithm produces the sequence: e1 = v2 v4 , e2 = v4 v5 , e3 = v3 v6 , e4 = v2 v3 and e5 = v1 v2 . The total weight of the spanning tree is thus 9. Also, the selection e1 = v2 v5 , e2 = v4 v5 , e3 = v5 v6 , e4 = v3 v6 , e5 = v1 v2 gives another optimal solution (of weight 9).


v2 1

v3 2 2

1 2 v4 1

2 v5 3


2.1 Bipartite graphs and trees


Problem. Consider trees T with weight functions : ET N. Each tree T of order n has exactly n paths. (Why is this so?) Does there exist a weighted tree T of order n such that 2 the (total) weights of its paths are 1, 2, . . . , n ? 2 In such a weighted tree T different paths have different weights, and each i [1, n ] is a weight of one 2 path. Also, must be injective. No solutions are known for any n 7. TAYLOR (1977) proved: if T of order n exists, then necessarily n = k2 or n = k2 + 2 for some k 1. Example 2.7. A computer network can be presented as a graph G, where the vertices are the node computers, and the edges indicate the direct links. Each computer v has an address a(v), a bit string (of zeros and ones). The length of an address is the number of its bits. A message that is sent to v is preceded by the address a(v). The Hamming distance h(a(v), a(u)) of two addresses of the same length is the number of places, where a(v) and a(u) differ. For example, h(00010, 01100) = 3 and h(10000, 00000) = 1. It would be a good way to address the vertices so that the Hamming distance of two vertices is the same as their distance in G. In particular, if two vertices were adjacent, their addresses should differ by one symbol. This would make it easier for a node computer to forward a message. A graph G is said to be addressable, if it has an addressing a such that dG (u, v) = h(a(u), a(v)).
010 000 100 110 111 1 5 2 8 4

We prove that every tree T is addressable. Moreover, the addresses of the vertices of T can be chosen to be of length T 1. The proof goes by induction. If T 2, then the claim is obvious. In the case T = 2, the addresses of the vertices are simply 0 and 1. Let then VT = {v1 , . . . , vk+1 }, and assume that dT (v1 ) = 1 (a leaf) and v1 v2 ET . By the induction hypothesis, we can address the tree T v1 by addresses of length k 1. We change this addressing: let ai be the address of vi in T v1 , and change it to 0ai . Set the address of v1 to 1a2 . It is now easy to see that we have obtained an addressing for T as required. The triangle K3 is not addressable. In order to gain more generality, we modify the addressing for general graphs by introducing a special symbol in addition to 0 and 1. A star address will be a sequence of these three symbols. The Hamming distance remains as it was, that is, h(u, v) is the number of places, where u and v have a different symbol 0 or 1. The special symbol does not affect h(u, v). So, h(10 01, 0 101) = 1 and h(1 , 00 ) = 0. We still want to have h(u, v) = dG (u, v).

2.2 Connectivity We star address this graph as follows: a(v1 ) = 0000 , a(v3 ) = 1 01 , a(v2 ) = 10 0 ,
v3 v1 v2 v4


a(v4 ) = 11 .

These addresses have length 4. Can you design a star addressing with addresses of length 3?

W INKLER proved in 1983 a rather unexpected result: The minimum star address length of a graph G is at most G 1. For the proof of this, see VAN L INT AND W ILSON, A Course in Combinatorics.

2.2 Connectivity
Spanning trees are often optimal solutions to problems, where cost is the criterion. We may also wish to construct graphs that are as simple as possible, but where two vertices are always connected by at least two independent paths. These problems occur especially in different aspects of fault tolerance and reliability of networks, where one has to make sure that a breakdown of one connection does not affect the functionality of the network. Similarly, in a reliable network we require that a break-down of a node (computer) should not result in the inactivity of the whole network.

Separating sets
D EFINITION . A vertex v G is a cut vertex, if c(Gv) > c(G). A subset S VG is a separating set, if GS is disconnected. We also say that S separates the vertices u and v and it is a (u, v)separating set, if u and v belong to different connected components of GS. If G is connected, then v is a cut vertex if and only if Gv is disconnected, that is, {v} is a separating set. The following lemma is immediate.
Lemma 2.3. If S VG separates u and v, then every path P : u v visits a vertex of S.

Lemma 2.4. If a connected graph G has no separating sets, then it is a complete graph. Proof. If G 2, then the claim is clear. For G 3, assume that G is not complete, and let uv EG . Now VG \ {u, v} is a separating set. The claim follows from this. / D EFINITION . The (vertex) connectivity number (G) of G is dened as (G) = min{k | k = |S|, GS disconnected or trivial, S VG } . A graph G is k-connected, if (G) k.

2.2 Connectivity In other words, (G) = 0, if G is disconnected, (G) = G 1, if G is a complete graph, and otherwise (G) equals the minimum size of a separating set of G. Clearly, if G is connected, then it is 1-connected. D EFINITION . An edge cut F of G consists of edges so that GF is disconnected. Let (G) = min{k | k = |F |, GF disconnected, F EG } .


For trivial graphs, let (G) = 0. A graph G is k-edge connected, if (G) k. A minimal edge cut F EG is a bond (F \ {e} is not an edge cut for any e F ). Example 2.8. Again, if G is disconnected, then (G) = 0. On the right, (G) = 2 and (G) = 2. Notice that the minimum degree is (G) = 3. Lemma 2.5. Let G be connected. If e = uv is a bridge, then either G = K2 or one of u or v is a cut vertex.
Proof. Assume that G = K2 and thus that G 3, since G is connected. Let Gu = NGe (u) and Gv = NGe (v) be the connected components of Ge containing u and v. Now, either Gu 2 (and u is a cut vertex) or Gv 2 (and v is a cut vertex).

Lemma 2.6. If F be a bond of a connected graph G, then c(GF ) = 2. Proof. Since GF is disconnected, and F is minimal, the subgraph H = G(F \ {e}) is connected for given e F . Hence e is a bridge in H. By Lemma 2.1, c(He) = 2, and thus c(GF ) = 2, since He = GF . Theorem 2.6 (W HITNEY (1932)). For any graph G, (G) (G) (G) . Proof. Assume G is nontrivial. Clearly, (G) (G), since if we remove all edges with an end v, we disconnect G. If (G) = 0, then G is disconnected, and in this case also (G) = 0. If (G) = 1, then G is connected and contains a bridge. By Lemma 2.5, either G = K2 or G has a cut vertex. In both of these cases, also (G) = 1. Assume then that (G) 2. Let F be an edge cut of G with |F | = (G), and let e = uv F . Then F is a bond, and GF has two connected components.

2.2 Connectivity


Consider the connected subgraph where e is a bridge. H = G(F \ {e}) = (GF ) + e,

G . . . F

. . .

H . . .

e . . .

Now for each f F \ {e} choose an end different from u and v. (The choices for different edges need not be different.) Note that since f = e, either end of f is different from u or v. Let S be the collection of these choices. Thus |S| |F | 1 = (G) 1, and GS does not contain edges from F \ {e}. If GS is disconnected, then S is a separating set and so (G) |S| (G) 1 and we are done. On the other hand, if GS is connected, then either GS = K2 (= e), or either u or v (or both) is a cut vertex of GS (since HS = GS, and therefore GS H is an induced subgraph of H). In both of these cases, there is a vertex of GS, whose removal results in a trivial or a disconnected graph. In conclusion, (G) |S| + 1 (G), and the claim follows.

Mengers theorem
Theorem 2.7 (M ENGER (1927)). Let u, v G be nonadjacent vertices of a connected graph G. Then the minimum number of vertices separating u and v is equal to the maximum number of independent paths from u to v.
Proof. If a subset S VG is (u, v)-separating, then every path u v of G visits S. Hence |S| is at least the number of independent paths from u to v. Conversely, we use induction on m = G + G to show that if S = {w1 , w2 , . . . , wk } is a (u, v)-separating set of the smallest size, then G has at least (and thus exactly) k independent paths u v. The case for k = 1 is clear, and this takes care of the small values of m, required for the induction.

(1) Assume rst that u and v have a common neighbour w NG (u) NG (v). Then necessarily w S. In the smaller graph Gw the set S \ {w} is a minimum (u, v)-separating set, and the induction hypothesis yields that there are k 1 independent paths u v in Gw. Together with the path u w v, there are k independent paths u v in G as required.
(2) Assume then that NG (u) NG (v) = , and denote by Hu = NGS (u) and Hv = NGS (v) the connected components of GS for u and v.

(2.1) Suppose next that S

NG (u) and S

NG (v).

2.2 Connectivity


Let v be a new vertex, and dene Gu to be the graph on Hu S {v} having the edges of G[Hu S] together wk with vwi for all i [1, k]. The graph Gu is connected ... and it is smaller than G. Indeed, in order for S to be a v w2 minimum separating set, all wi S have to be adjacent u to some vertex in Hv . This shows that Gu G , and, w1 moreover, the assumption (2.1) rules out the case Hv = {v}. So |Hv | 2 and Gu < G . If S is any (u, v)-separating set of Gu , then S will separate u from all wi S \ S in G. This means that S separates u and v in G. Since k is the size of a minimum (u, v)separating set, we have |S | k. We noted that Gu is smaller than G, and thus by the induction hypothesis, there are k independent paths u v in Gu . This is possible only if there exist k paths u wi , one for each i [1, k], that have only the end u in common. By the present assumption, also u is nonadjacent to some vertex of S. A symmetric argument applies to the graph Gv (with a new vertex u), which is dened similarly to Gu . This yields that there are k paths wi v that have only the end v in common. When we combine these with the above paths u wi , we obtain k independent paths u wi v in G. (2.2) There remains the case, where for all (u, v)-separating sets S of k elements, either S NG (u) or S NG (v). (Note that then, by (2), S NG (v) = or S NG (u) = .)
Let P = ef Q be a shortest path u v in G, where e = ux, f = xy, and Q : y v. Notice that, by the assumption (2), |P | 3, and so y = v. In the smaller graph Gf , let S be a minimum set that separates u and v. If |S | k, then, by the induction hypothesis, there are k independent paths u v in Gf . But these are paths of G, and the claim is clear in this case. If, on the other hand, |S | < k, then u and v are still connected in GS . Every path u v in GS necessarily travels along the edge f = xy, and so x, y S . / Let Sx = S {x} and Sy = S {y} .

These sets separate u and v in G (by the above fact), and they have size k. By our current assumption, the vertices of Sy are adjacent to v, since the path P is shortest and so uy EG / (meaning that u is not adjacent to all of Sy ). The assumption (2) yields that u is adjacent to all of Sx , since ux EG . But now both u and v are adjacent to the vertices of S , which contradicts the assumption (2). Theorem 2.8 (M ENGER (1927)). A graph G is k-connected if and only if every two vertices are connected by at least k independent paths. Proof. If any two vertices are connected by k independent paths, then it is clear that (G) k. In converse, suppose that (G) = k, but that G has vertices u and v connected by at most k 1 independent paths. By Theorem 2.7, it must be that e = uv EG . Consider the graph Ge. Now u and v are connected by at most k 2 independent paths in Ge, and by Theorem 2.7, u and v can be separated in Ge by a set S with |S| = k 2. Since G > k

2.2 Connectivity


(because (G) = k), there exists a w G that is not in S {u, v}. The vertex w is separated in Ge by S from u or from v; otherwise there would be a path u v in (Ge)S. Say, this vertex is u. The set S {v} has k 1 elements, and it separates u from w in G, which contradicts the assumption that (G) = k. This proves the claim. We state without a proof the corresponding separation property for edge connectivity. D EFINITION . Let G be a graph. A uv-disconnecting set is a set F EG such that every path u v contains an edge from F . Theorem 2.9. Let u, v G with u = v in a graph G. Then the maximum number of edge disjoint paths u v equals the minimum number k of edges in a uv-disconnecting set. Corollary 2.4. A graph G is k-edge connected if and only if every two vertices are connected by at least k edge disjoint paths. Example 2.9. Recall the denition of the cube Qk from Example 1.5. We show that (Qk ) = k. First of all, (Qk ) (Qk ) = k. In converse, we show the claim by induction. Extract from Qk the disjoint subgraphs: G0 induced by {0u | u Bk1 } and G1 induced by {1u | u Bk1 }. These are (isomorphic to) Qk1 , and Qk is obtained from the union of G0 and G1 by adding the 2k1 edges (0u, 1u) for all u Bk1 . Let S be a separating set of Qk with |S| k. If both G0 S and G1 S were connected, also Qk S would be connected, since one pair (0u, 1u) necessarily remains in Qk S. So we can assume that G0 S is disconnected. (The case for G1 S is symmetric.) By the induction hypothesis, (G0 ) = k 1, and hence S contains at least k 1 vertices of G0 (and so |S| k 1). If there were no vertices from G1 in S, then, of course, G1 S is connected, and the edges (0u, 1u) of Qk would guarantee that Qk S is connected; a contradiction. Hence |S| k. Example 2.10. We have (Qk ) = k for the k-cube. Indeed, by Whitneys theorem, (G) (G) (G). Since (Qk ) = k = (Qk ), also (Qk ) = k. Algorithmic Problem. The connectivity problems tend to be algorithmically difcult. In the disjoint paths problem we are given a set (ui , vi ) of pairs of vertices for i = 1, 2, . . . , k, and it is asked whether there exist paths Pi : ui vi that have no vertices in common. This problem was shown to be NP-complete by K NUTH in 1975. (However, for xed k, the problem has a fast algorithm due to ROBERTSON and S EYMOUR (1986).)

2.2 Connectivity


Diracs fans
D EFINITION . Let v G and S VG such that v S in / a graph G. A set of paths from v to a vertex in S is called a (v, S)-fan, if they have only v in common. v Theorem 2.10 (D IRAC (1960)). A graph G is k-connected if and only if G > k and for every v G and S VG with |S| k and v S, there exists a (v, S)-fan of k paths. / Proof. Exercise.

... S

Theorem 2.11 (D IRAC (1960)). Let G be a k-connected graph for k 2. Then for any k vertices, there exists a cycle of G containing them. Proof. First of all, since (G) 2, G has no cut vertices, and thus no bridges. It follows that every edge, and thus every vertex of G belongs to a cycle. Let S VG be such that |S| = k, and let C be a cycle of G that contains the maximum number of vertices of S. Let the vertices of S VC be v1 , . . . , vr listed in order around C so that each pair (vi , vi+1 ) (with indices modulo r) denes a path along C (except in the special case where r = 1). Such a path is referred to as a segment of C. If C contains all vertices of S, then we are done; otherwise, suppose v S is not on C. It follows from Theorem 2.10 that there is a (v, VC )-fan of at least min{k, |VC |} paths. Therefore there are two paths P : v u and Q : v w in such a fan that end in the same segment (vi , vi+1 ) of C. Then the path W : u w (or w u) along C contains all vertices 1 is a cycle of G that contains v and all v for i [1, r]. This of S VC . But now P W Q i contradicts the choice of C, and proves the claim.

3 Tours and Matchings

3.1 Eulerian graphs
The rst proper problem in graph theory was the Knigsberg bridge problem. In general, this problem concerns about travels around a graph such that one tries to avoid using the same edge twice. In practice these eulerian problems occur, for instance, in optimizing distribution networks such as delivering mail, where in order to save time each street should be travelled only once. The same problem occurs in mechanical graph plotting, where one avoids lifting the pen off the paper while drawing the lines.

Euler tours
D EFINITION . A walk W = e1 e2 . . . en is a trail, if ei = ej for all i = j. An Euler trail of a graph G is a trail that visits every edge once. A connected graph G is eulerian, if it has a closed trail containing every edge of G. Such a trail is called an Euler tour. Notice that if W = e1 e2 . . . en is an Euler tour (and so EG = {e1 , e2 , . . . , en }), also ei ei+1 . . . en e1 . . . ei1 is an Euler tour for all i [1, n]. A complete proof of the following Eulers Theorem was rst given by H IERHOLZER in 1873. Theorem 3.1 (E ULER (1736), H IERHOLZER (1873)). A connected graph G is eulerian if and only if every vertex has an even degree.
Proof. () Suppose W : u u is an Euler tour. Let v (= u) be a vertex that occurs k times in W . Every time an edge arrives at v, another edge departs from v, and therefore dG (v) = 2k. Also, dG (u) is even, since W starts and ends at u. () Assume G is a nontrivial connected graph such that dG (v) is even for all v G. Let W = e1 e2 . . . en : v0 vn


ei = vi1 vi

be a longest trail in G. It follows that all e = vn w EG are among the edges of W , for, otherwise, W could be prolonged to W e. In particular, v0 = vn , that is, W is a closed trail. (Indeed, if it were vn = v0 and vn occurs k times in W , then dG (vn ) = 2(k 1) + 1 and that would be odd.) If W is not an Euler tour, then, since G is connected, there exists an edge f = vi u EG for some i, which is not in W . However, now ei+1 . . . en e1 . . . ei f is a trail in G, and it is longer than W . This contradiction to the choice of W proves the claim.

3.1 Eulerian graphs Example 3.1. The k-cube Qk is eulerian for even integers k, because Qk is k-regular.


Theorem 3.2. A connected graph has an Euler trail if and only if it has at most two vertices of odd degree.
Proof. If G has an Euler trail u v, then, as in the proof of Theorem 3.1, each vertex w {u, v} has an even degree. / Assume then that G is connected and has at most two vertices of odd degree. If G has no vertices of odd degree then, by Theorem 3.1, G has an Euler trail. Otherwise, by the handshaking lemma, every graph has an even number of vertices with odd degree, and therefore G has exactly two such vertices, say u and v. Let H be a graph obtained from G by adding a vertex w, and the edges uw and vw. In H every vertex has an even degree, and hence it has an Euler tour, say u v w u. Here the beginning part u v is an Euler trail of G.

The Chinese postman

The following problem is due to G UAN M EIGU (1962). Consider a village, where a postman wishes to plan his route to save the legs, but still every street has to be walked through. This problem is akin to Eulers problem and to the shortest path problem. Let G be a graph with a weight function : EG R+ . The Chinese postman problem is to nd a minimum weighted tour in G (starting from a given vertex, the post ofce). If G is eulerian, then any Euler tour will do as a solution, because such a tour traverses each edge exactly once and this is the best one can do. In this case the weight of the optimal tour is the total weight of the graph G, and there is a good algorithm for nding such a tour: Fleurys algorithm: Let v0 G be a chosen vertex, and let W0 be the trivial path on v0 . Repeat the following procedure for i = 1, 2, . . . as long as possible: suppose a trail Wi = e1 e2 . . . ei has been constructed, where ej = vj1 vj . Choose an edge ei+1 (= ej for j [1, i]) so that (i) ei+1 has an end vi , and (ii) ei+1 is not a bridge of Gi = G{e1 , . . . , ei }, unless there is no alternative. Notice that, as is natural, the weights (e) play no role in the eulerian case. Theorem 3.3. If G is eulerian, then any trail of G constructed by Fleurys algorithm is an Euler tour of G. Proof. Exercise.

3.2 Hamiltonian graphs


If G is not eulerian, the poor postman has to walk at least one street twice. This happens, e.g., if one of the streets is a dead end, and in general if there is a street corner of an odd number of streets. We can attack this case by reducing it to the eulerian case as follows. An edge e = uv will be duplicated, if it is added to G parallel to an existing edge e = uv with the same weight, (e ) = (e).
4 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 4 3 1 2 2 2 3 4 3 3 1 3

Above we have duplicated two edges. The rightmost multigraph is eulerian. There is a good algorithm by E DMONDS AND J OHNSON (1973) for the construction of an optimal eulerian supergraph by duplications. Unfortunately, this algorithm is somewhat complicated, and we shall skip it.

3.2 Hamiltonian graphs

In the connector problem we reduced the cost of a spanning graph to its minimum. There are different problems, where the cost is measured by an active user of the graph. For instance, in the travelling salesman problem a person is supposed to visit each town in his district, and this he should do in such a way that saves time and money. Obviously, he should plan the travel so as to visit each town once, and so that the overall ight time is as short as possible. In terms of graphs, he is looking for a minimum weighted Hamilton cycle of a graph, the vertices of which are the towns and the weights on the edges are the ight times. Unlike for the shortest path and the connector problems no efcient reliable algorithm is known for the travelling salesman problem. Indeed, it is widely believed that no practical algorithm exists for this problem.

Hamilton cycles

D EFINITION . A path P of a graph G is a Hamilton path, if P visits every vertex of G once. Similarly, a cycle C is a Hamilton cycle, if it visits each vertex once. A graph is hamiltonian, if it has a Hamilton cycle. Note that if C : u1 u2 un is a Hamilton cycle, then so is ui . . . un u1 . . . ui1 for each i [1, n], and thus we can choose where to start the cycle. Example 3.2. It is obvious that each Kn is hamiltonian whenever n 3. Also, as is easily seen, Kn,m is hamiltonian if and only if n = m 2. Indeed, let Kn,m have a bipartition

3.2 Hamiltonian graphs


(X, Y ), where |X| = n and |Y | = m. Now, each cycle in Kn,m has even length as the graph is bipartite, and thus the cycle visits the sets X, Y equally many times, since X and Y are stable subsets. But then necessarily |X| = |Y |. Unlike for eulerian graphs (Theorem 3.1) no good characterization is known for hamiltonian graphs. Indeed, the problem to determine if G is hamiltonian is NP-complete. There are, however, some interesting general conditions. Lemma 3.1. If G is hamiltonian, then for every nonempty subset S VG , c(GS) |S| .
Proof. Let = S VG , u S, and let C : u u be a Hamilton cycle of G. Assume GS has k connected components, Gi , i [1, k]. The case k = 1 is trivial, and hence suppose that k > 1. Let ui be the last vertex of C that belongs to Gi , and let vi be the vertex that follows ui in C. Now vi S for each i by the choice of ui , and vj = vt for all j = t, because C is a cycle and ui vi EG for all i. Thus |S| k as required.

Example 3.3. Consider the graph on the right. In G, c(GS) = 3 > 2 = |S| for the set S of black vertices. Therefore G does not satisfy the condition of Lemma 3.1, and hence it is not hamiltonian. Interestingly this graph is (X, Y )-bipartite of even order with |X| = |Y |. It is also 3-regular. Example 3.4. Consider the Petersen graph on the right, which appears in many places in graph theory as a counter example for various conditions. This graph is not hamiltonian, but it does satisfy the condition c(GS) |S| for all S = . Therefore the conclusion of Lemma 3.1 is not sufcient to ensure that a graph is hamiltonian. The following theorem, due to O RE, generalizes an earlier result by D IRAC (1952). Theorem 3.4 (O RE (1962)). Let G be a graph of order G 3, and let u, v G be such that dG (u) + dG (v) G . Then G is hamiltonian if and only if G + uv is hamiltonian. Proof. Denote n = G . Let u, v G be such that dG (u) + dG (v) n. If uv EG , then there is nothing to prove. Assume thus that uv EG . / () This is trivial since if G has a Hamilton cycle C, then C is also a Hamilton cycle of G + uv. () Denote e = uv and suppose that G + e has a Hamilton cycle C. If C does not use the edge e, then it is a Hamilton cycle of G. Suppose thus that e is on C. We may then assume

3.2 Hamiltonian graphs


that C : u v u. Now u = v1 v2 . . . vn = v is a Hamilton path of G. There exists an i with 1 < i < n such that uvi EG and vi1 v EG . For, otherwise, dG (v) < n dG (u) would contradict the assumption.






But now u = v1 vi1 vn vn1 vi+1 vi v1 = u is a Hamilton cycle in G.

D EFINITION . For a graph G, dene inductively a sequence G0 , G1 , . . . , Gk of graphs such that G0 = G and Gi+1 = Gi + uv , where u and v are any vertices such that uv EGi and dGi (u)+dGi (v) G . This procedure / stops when no new edges can be added to Gk for some k, that is, in Gk , for all u, v G either uv EGk or dGk (u) + dGk (v) < G . The result of this procedure is the closure of G, and it is denoted by cl(G) (= Gk ) . In each step of the construction of cl(G) there are usually alternatives which edge uv is to be added to the graph, and therefore the above procedure is not deterministic. However, the nal result cl(G) is independent of the choices. Lemma 3.2. The closure cl(G) is uniquely dened for all graphs G of order G 3. Proof. Denote n = G . Suppose there are two ways to close G, say H = G + {e1 , . . . , er } and H = G + {f1 , . . . , fs } , where the edges are added in the given orders. Let Hi = G + {e1 , . . . , ei } and Hi = G + {f1 , . . . , fi }. For the initial values, we have G = H0 = H0 . Let ek = uv be the rst edge / such that ek = fi for all i. Then dHk1 (u) + dHk1 (v) n, since ek EHk , but ek EHk1 . , and thus also d (u) + d (v) n, which means By the choice of ek , we have Hk1 H H H that e = uv must be in H ; a contradiction. Therefore H H . Symmetrically, we deduce that H H, and hence H = H. Theorem 3.5. Let G be a graph of order G 3. (i) G is hamiltonian if and only if its closure cl(G) is hamiltonian. (ii) If cl(G) is a complete graph, then G is hamiltonian. Proof. First, G cl(G) and G spans cl(G), and thus if G is hamiltonian, so is cl(G). In the other direction, let G = G0 , G1 , . . . , Gk = cl(G) be a construction sequence of the closure of G. If cl(G) is hamiltonian, then so are Gk1 , . . . , G1 and G0 by Theorem 3.4. The Claim (ii) follows from (i), since each complete graph is hamiltonian.

3.2 Hamiltonian graphs


Theorem 3.6. Let G be a graph of order G 3. Suppose that for all nonadjacent vertices u and v, dG (u) + dG (v) G . Then G is hamiltonian. In particular, if (G) 1 G , then G is 2 hamiltonian. Proof. Since dG (u) + dG (v) G for all nonadjacent vertices, we have cl(G) = Kn for n = G , and thus G is hamiltonian. The second claim is immediate, since now dG (u)+dG (v) G for all u, v G whether adjacent or not.

Chvtals condition
The hamiltonian problem of graphs has attracted much attention, at least partly because the problem has practical signicance. (Indeed, the rst example where DNA computing was applied, was the hamiltonian problem.) There are some general improvements of the previous results of this chapter, and quite many improvements in various special cases, where the graphs are somehow restricted. We become satised by two general results. Theorem 3.7 (C HVTAL (1972)). Let G be a graph with VG = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn }, for n 3, ordered so that d1 d2 dn , for di = dG (vi ). If for every i < n/2, di i = dni n i , then G is hamiltonian. Proof. First of all, we may suppose that G is closed, G = cl(G), because G is hamiltonian if and only if cl(G) is hamiltonian, and adding edges to G does not decrease any of its degrees, that is, if G satises (3.1), so does G + e for every e. We show that, in this case, G = Kn , and thus G is hamiltonian. Assume on the contrary that G = Kn , and let uv EG with dG (u) dG (v) be such that / dG (u)+dG (v) is as large as possible. Because G is closed, we must have dG (u)+dG (v) < n, and therefore dG (u) = i < n/2. Let A = {w | vw EG , w = v}. By our choice, dG (w) i / for all w A, and, moreover, |A| = (n 1) dG (v) dG (u) = i . Consequently, there are at least i vertices w with dG (w) i, and so di dG (u) = i. Similarly, for each vertex from B = {w | uw EG , w = u}, dG (w) dG (v) < / n dG (u) = n i, and |B| = (n 1) dG (u) = (n 1) i . Also dG (u) < n i, and thus there are at least n i vertices w with dG (w) < n i. Consequently, dni < n i. This contradicts the obtained bound di i and the condition (3.1). Note that the condition (3.1) is easily checkable for any given graph. (3.1)

3.3 Matchings


3.3 Matchings
In matching problems we are given an availability relation between the elements of a set. The problem is then to nd a pairing of the elements so that each element is paired (matched) uniquely with an available companion. A special case of the matching problem is the marriage problem, which is stated as follows. Given a set X of boys and a set Y of girls, under what condition can each boy marry a girl who cares to marry him? This problem has many variations. One of them is the job assignment problem, where we are given n applicants and m jobs, and we should assign each applicant to a job he is qualied. The problem is that an applicant may be qualied for several jobs, and a job may be suited for several applicants.

Maximum matchings
D EFINITION . For a graph G, a subset M EG is a matching of G, if M contains no adjacent edges. The two ends of an edge e M are matched under M . A matching M is a maximum matching, if for no matching M , |M | < |M |. The two vertical edges on the right constitute a matching M that is not a maximum matching, although you cannot add any edges to M to form a larger matching. This matching is not maximum because the graph has a matching of three edges. D EFINITION . A matching M saturates v G, if v is an end of an edge in M . Also, M saturates A VG , if it saturates every v A. If M saturates VG , then M is a perfect matching. It is clear that every perfect matching is maximum. On the right the horizontal edges form a perfect matching. D EFINITION . Let M be a matching of G. An odd path P = e1 e2 . . . e2k+1 is M -augmented, if P alternates between EG \ M and M (that is, e2i+1 EGM and e2i M ), and the ends of P are not saturated. Lemma 3.3. If G is connected with (G) 2, then G is a path or a cycle. Proof. Exercise.

3.3 Matchings


We start with a result that gives a necessary and sufcient condition for a matching to be maximum. One can use the rst part of the proof to construct a maximum matching in an iterative manner starting from any matching M and from any M -augmented path. Theorem 3.8 (B ERGE (1957)). A matching M of G is a maximum matching if and only if there are no M -augmented paths in G. Proof. () Let a matching M have an M -augmented path P = e1 e2 . . . e2k+1 in G. Here e2 , e4 , . . . , e2k M , e1 , e3 , . . . , e2k+1 M . Dene N EG by / N = (M \ {e2i | i [1, k]}) {e2i+1 | i [0, k]} . () Assume N is a maximum matching, but M is not. Hence |N | > |M |. Consider the subgraph H = G[M N ] for the symmetric difference M N . We have dH (v) 2 for each v H, because v is an end of at most one edge in M and N . By Lemma 3.3, each connected component A of H is either a path or a cycle. Since no v A can be an end of two edges from N or from M , each connected component (path or a cycle) A alternates between N and M . Now, since |N | > |M |, there is a connected component A of H, which has more edges from N than from M . This A cannot be a cycle, because an alternating cycle has even length, and it thus contains equally many edges from N and M . Hence A : u v is a path (of odd length), which starts and ends with an edge from N . Because A is a connected component of H, the ends u and v are not saturated by M , and, consequently, A is an M -augmented path. This proves the theorem. Example 3.5. Consider the k-cube Qk for k 1. Each maximum matching of Qk has 2k1 edges. Indeed, the matching M = {(0u, 1u) | u Bk1 }, has 2k1 edges, and it is clearly perfect. Now, N is a matching of G, and |N | = |M | + 1. Therefore M is not a maximum matching.

Halls theorem
For a subset S VG of a graph G, denote NG (S) = {v | uv EG for some u S} . If G is (X, Y )-bipartite, and S X, then NG (S) Y . The following result, known as the Theorem 3.9 (H ALL (1935)). Let G be a (X, Y )-bipartite graph. Then G contains a matching M saturating X if and only if |S| |NG (S)| for all S X. (3.2)

3.3 Matchings


() Let G satisfy Halls condition (3.2). We prove the claim by induction on |X|. If |X| = 1, then the claim is clear. Let then |X| 2, and assume (3.2) implies the existence of a matching that saturates every proper subset of X. If |NG (S)| |S| + 1 for every nonempty S X with S = X, then choose an edge uv EG with u X, and consider the induced subgraph H = G{u, v}. For all S X \ {u}, |NH (S)| |NG (S)| 1 |S| , and hence, by the induction hypothesis, H contains a matching M saturating X \ {u}. Now M {uv} is a matching saturating X in G, as was required. Suppose then that there exists a nonempty subset R X with R = X such that |NG (R)| = |R|. The induced subgraph H1 = G[R NG (R)] satises (3.2) (since G does), and hence, by the induction hypothesis, H1 contains a matching M1 that saturates R (with the other ends in NG (R)). Also, the induced subgraph H2 = G[VG \ A], for A = R NG (R), satises (3.2). Indeed, if there were a subset S X \ R such that |NH2 (S)| < |S|, then we would have |NG (S R)| = |NH2 (S)| + |NH1 (R)| < |S| + |NG (R)| = |S| + |R| = |S R| (since S R = ), which contradicts (3.2) for G. By the induction hypothesis, H2 has a matching M2 that saturates X \ R (with the other ends in Y \ NG (R)). Combining the matchings for H1 and H2 , we get a matching M1 M2 saturating X in G. Second proof. This proof of the direction () uses Mengers theorem. Let H be the graph obtained from G by adding two new vertices x, y such that x is adjacent to each v X and y is adjacent to each v Y . There exists a matching saturating X if (and only if) the number of independent paths x y is equal to |X|. For this, by Mengers theorem, it sufces to show that every set S that separates x and y in H has at least |X| vertices. Let S = A B, where A X and B Y . Now, vertices in X\A are not adjacent to vertices of Y \B, and hence we have NG (X \A) B, and thus that |X \A| |NG (X \A)| |B| using the condition (3.2). We conclude that |S| = |A| + |B| |X|.
x X \A A Y \B B y

Proof. () Let M be a matching that saturates X. If |S| > |NG (S)| for some S X, then not all x S can be matched with different y NG (S).

Corollary 3.1 (F ROBENIUS (1917)). If G is a k-regular bipartite graph with k > 0, then G has a perfect matching. Proof. Let G be k-regular (X, Y )-bipartite graph. By regularity, k |X| = G = k |Y |, and hence |X| = |Y |. Let S X. Denote by E1 the set of the edges with an end in S, and by E2 the set of the edges with an end in NG (S). Clearly, E1 E2 . Therefore, k |NG (S)| = |E2 | |E1 | = k |S|, and so |NG (S)| |S|. By Theorem 3.9, G has a matching that saturates X. Since |X| = |Y |, this matching is necessarily perfect.

3.3 Matchings


Applications of Halls theorem

D EFINITION . Let S = {S1 , S2 , . . . , Sm } be a family of nite nonempty subsets of a set S. (Si need not be distinct.) A transversal (or a system of distinct representatives) of S is a subset T S of m distinct elements one from each Si . As an example, let S = [1, 6], and let S1 = S2 = {1, 2}, S3 = {2, 3} and S4 = {1, 4, 5, 6}. For S = {S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 }, the set T = {1, 2, 3, 4} is a transversal. If we add the set S5 = {2, 3} to S, then it is impossible to nd a transversal for this new family. The connection of transversals to the Marriage Theorem is as follows. Let S = Y and X = [1, m]. Form an (X, Y )-bipartite graph G such that there is an edge (i, s) if and only if s Si . The possible transversals T of S are then obtained from the matchings M saturating X in G by taking the ends in Y of the edges of M . Corollary 3.2. Let S be a family of nite nonempty sets. Then S has a transversal if and only if the union of any k of the subsets Si of S contains at least k elements. Example 3.6. An mn latin rectangle is an mn integer matrix M with entries Mij [1, n] such that the entries in the same row and in the same column are different. Moreover, if m = n, then M is a latin square. Note that in a m n latin rectangle M , we always have that m n.

We show the following: Let M be an m n latin rectangle (with m < n). Then M can be extended to a latin square by the addition of n m new rows.

The claim follows when we show that M can be extended to an (m+1)n latin rectangle. Let Ai [1, n] be the set of those elements that do not occur in the i-th column of M . Clearly, |Ai | = n m for each i, and hence iI |Ai | = |I|(n m) for all subsets I [1, n]. Now |iI Ai | |I|, since otherwise at least one element from the union would be in more than nm of the sets Ai with i I. However, each row has all the n elements, and therefore each i is missing from exactly n m columns. By Marriage Theorem, the family {A1 , A2 , . . . , An } has a transversal, and this transversal can be added as a new row to M . This proves the claim.

Tuttes theorem
The next theorem is a classic characterization of perfect matchings. D EFINITION . A connected component of a graph G is said to be odd (even), if it has an odd (even) number of vertices. Denote by codd (G) the number of odd connected components in G. Denote by m(G) be the number of edges in a maximum matching of a graph G. Theorem 3.10 (Tutte-Berge Formula). Each maximum matching of a graph G has m(G) = min elements.

G + |S| codd (GS) 2


3.3 Matchings Note that the condition in (ii) includes the case, where S = .


Proof. We prove the result for connected graphs. The result then follows for disconnected graphs by adding the formulas for the connected components. We observe rst that holds in (3.3), since, for all S VG , m(G) |S| + m(GS) |S| + G + |S| codd (GS) |VG \ S| codd (GS) = . 2 2

Indeed, each odd component of GS must have at least one unsaturated vertex. The proof proceeds by induction on G . If G = 1, then the claim is trivial. Suppose that G 2. Assume rst that there exists a vertex v G such that v is saturated by all maximum matchings. Then m(Gv) = m(G) 1. For a subset S Gv, denote S = S {v}. By the induction hypothesis, for all S Gv, m(G)1 1 1 (G 1) + |S | codd (G(S {v})) = ((G + |S| codd (GS)))1. 2 2

The claim follows from this. Suppose then that for each vertex v, there is a maximum matching that does not saturate v. We claim that m(G) = (G 1)/2. Suppose to the contrary, and let M be a maximum matching having two different unsaturated vertices u and v, and choose M so that the distance dG (u, v) is as small as possible. Now dG (u, v) 2, since otherwise uv EG could be added to M , contradicting the maximality of M . Let w be an intermediate vertex on a shortest path u v. By assumption, there exists a maximum matching N that does not saturate w. We can choose N such that the intersection M N is maximal. Since dG (u, w) < dG (u, v) and dG (w, v) < dG (u, v), N saturates both u and v. The (maximum) matchings N and M leave equally many vertices unsaturated, and hence there exists another vertex x = w saturated by M but which is unsaturated by N . Let e = xy M . If y is also unsaturated by N , then N {e} is a matching, contradicting maximality of N . It also follows that y = w. Therefore there exists an edge e = yz in N , where z = x. But now N = N {e} \ {e } is a maximum matching that does not saturate w. However, N M N M contradicts the choice of N . Therefore, every maximum matching leaves exactly one vertex unsaturated, i.e., m(G) = (G 1)/2. In this case, for S = , the right hand side of (3.3) gets value (G 1)/2, and hence, by the beginning of the proof, this must be the minimum of the right hand side. For perfect matchings we have the following corollary, since for a perfect matching we have m(G) = (1/2)G . Theorem 3.11 (T UTTE (1947)). Let G be a nontrivial graph. The following are equivalent. (i) G has a perfect matching. (ii) For every proper subset S VG , codd (GS) |S|.

3.3 Matchings


Tuttes theorem does not provide a good algorithm for constructing a perfect matching, because the theorem requires too many cases. Its applications are mainly in the proofs of other results that are related to matchings. There is a good algorithm due to E DMONDS (1965), which uses blossom shrinkings, but this algorithm is somewhat involved. Example 3.7. The simplest connected graph that has no perfect matching is the path P3 . Here removing the middle vertex creates two odd components. The next 3-regular graph (known as the Sylvester graph) does not have a perfect matching, because removing the black vertex results in a graph with three odd connected components. This graph is the smallest regular graph with an odd degree that has no perfect matching. Using Theorem 3.11 we can give a short proof of P ETERSENs result for 3-regular graphs (1891). Theorem 3.12 (P ETERSEN (1891)). If G is a bridgeless 3-regular graph, then it has a perfect matching. Proof. Let S be a proper subset of VG , and let Gi , i [1, t], be the odd connected components of GS. Denote by mi the number of edges with one end in Gi and the other in S. Since G is 3-regular, dG (v) = 3 Gi and dG (v) = 3 |S| .
vGi vS

The rst of these implies that mi =


dG (v) 2 Gi

is odd. Furthermore, mi = 1, because G has no bridges, and therefore mi 3. Hence the number of odd connected components of GS satises 1 t 3
t i=1


1 3


dG (v) = |S| ,

and so, by Theorem 3.11, G has a perfect matching.

Stable Marriages
D EFINITION . Consider a bipartite graph G with a bipartition (X, Y ) of the vertex set. In addition, each vertex x G supplies an order of preferences of the vertices of NG (x). We write u <x v, if x prefers v to u. (Here u, v Y , if x X, and u, v X, if x Y .) A matching M of G is said to be stable, if for each unmatched pair xy M (with x X and / y Y ), it is not the case that x and y prefer each other better than their matched companions: xv M and y <x v, or uy M and x <y u.

3.3 Matchings We omit the proof of the next theorem.


Theorem 3.13. For bipartite graphs G, a stable matching exists for all lists of preferences. Example 3.8. That was the good news. There is a catch, of course. A stable matching need not saturate X and Y . For instance, the graph on the right does have a perfect matching (of 4 edges). Suppose the preferences are the following: 1: 5 5: 4 < 1 < 3 2: 6 < 8 < 7 6: 2 3: 8 < 5 7: 2 < 4 4: 7 < 5 8: 3 < 2
4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5

Then there is no stable matchings of four edges. A stable matching of G is the following: M = {28, 35, 47}, which leaves 1 and 6 unmatched. (You should check that there is no stable matching containing the edges 15 and 26.) Theorem 3.14. Let G = Kn,n be a complete bipartite graph. Then G has a perfect and stable matching for all lists of preferences. Proof. Let the bipartition be (X, Y ). The algorithm by G ALE as follows.

S HAPLEY (1962) works

Procedure. Set M0 = , and P (x) = for all x X. Then iterate the following process until all vertices are saturated: Choose a vertex x X that is unsaturated in Mi1 . Let y Y be the most preferred vertex for x such that y P (x). / (1) Add y to P (x). (2) If y is not saturated, then set Mi = Mi1 {xy}. (3) If zy Mi1 and z <y x, then set Mi = (Mi1 \ {zy}) {xy}.

First of all, the procedure terminates, since a vertex x X takes part in the iteration at most n times (once for each y Y ). The nal outcome, say M = Mt , is a perfect matching, since the iteration continues until there are no unsaturated vertices x X. Also, the matching M = Mt is stable. Note rst that, by (3), if xy Mi and zy Mj for some x = z and i < j, then x <y z. Assume the that xy M , but y <x z for some z Y . Then xy is added to the matching at some step, xy Mi , which means that z P (x) at this step (otherwise x would have proposed z). Hence x took part in the iteration at an earlier step Mk , k < i (where z was put to the list P (x), but xz was not added). Thus, for some u X, uz Mk1 and x <z u, and so in M the vertex z is matched to some w with x <z w. Similarly, if x <y v for some v X, then y <v z for the vertex z Y such that vz M .

4 Colourings
4.1 Edge colourings
Colourings of edges and vertices of a graph G are useful, when one is interested in classifying relations between objects. There are two sides of colourings. In the general case, a graph G with a colouring is given, and we study the properties of this pair G = (G, ). This is the situation, e.g., in transportation networks with bus and train links, where the colour (buss, train) of an edge tells the nature of a link. In the chromatic theory, G is rst given and then we search for a colouring that the satises required properties. One of the important properties of colourings is properness. In a proper colouring adjacent edges or vertices are coloured differently.

Edge chromatic number

D EFINITION . A k-edge colouring : EG [1, k] of a graph G is an assignment of k colours to its edges. We write G to indicate that G has the edge colouring . A vertex v G and a colour i [1, k] are incident with each other, if (vu) = i for some vu EG . If v G is not incident with a colour i, then i is available for v. The colouring is proper, if no two adjacent edges obtain the same colour: (e1 ) = (e2 ) for adjacent e1 and e2 . The edge chromatic number (G) of G is dened as (G) = min{k | there exists a proper k-edge colouring of G} . A k-edge colouring can be thought of as a partition {E1 , E2 , . . . , Ek } of EG , where Ei = {e | (e) = i}. Note that it is possible that Ei = for some i. We adopt a simplied notation G [i1 , i2 , . . . , it ] = G[Ei1 Ei2 Eit ] for the subgraph of G consisting of those edges that have a colour i1 , i2 , . . . , or it . That is, the edges having other colours are removed. Lemma 4.1. Each colour set Ei in a proper k-edge colouring is a matching. Moreover, for each graph G, (G) (G) G . Proof. This is clear.

4.1 Edge colourings


Example 4.1. The three numbers in Lemma 4.1 can be equal. This happens, for instance, when G = K1,n is a star. But often the inequalities are strict.

A star, and a graph with (G) = 4.

Optimal colourings
We show that for bipartite graphs the lower bound is always optimal: (G) = (G). Lemma 4.2. Let G be a connected graph that is not an odd cycle. Then there exists a 2-edge colouring (that need not be proper), in which both colours are incident with each vertex v with dG (v) 2. Proof. Assume that G is nontrivial; otherwise, the claim is trivial. (1) Suppose rst that G is eulerian. If G is an even cycle, then a 2-edge colouring exists as required. Otherwise, since now dG (v) is even for all v, G has a vertex v1 with dG (v1 ) 4. Let e1 e2 . . . et be an Euler tour of G, where ei = vi vi+1 (and vt+1 = v1 ). Dene (ei ) = 1, 2, if i is odd , if i is even .

Hence the ends of the edges ei for i [2, t 1] are incident with both colours. All vertices are among these ends. The condition dG (v1 ) 4 guarantees this for v1 . Hence the claim holds in the eulerian case. (2) Suppose then that G is not eulerian. We dene a new graph G0 by adding a vertex v0 to G and connecting v0 to each v G of odd degree.

In G0 every vertex has even degree including v0 (by the handshaking lemma), and hence G0 is eulerian. Let e0 e1 . . . et be an eulerian tour of G0 , where ei = vi vi+1 . By the previous case, there is a required colouring of G0 as above. Now, restricted to EG is a colouring of G as required by the claim, since each vertex vi with odd degree dG (vi ) 3 is entered and departed at least once in the tour by an edge of the original graph G: ei1 ei . D EFINITION . For a k-edge colouring of G, let

2 v0 1 2 1

1 2

c (v) = |{i | v is incident with i [1, k]}| . A k-edge colouring is an improvement of , if

4.1 Edge colourings c (v) >

vG vG

45 c (v) .

Also, is optimal, if it cannot be improved. Notice that we always have c (v) dG (v), and if is proper, then c (v) = dG (v), and in this case is optimal. Thus an improvement of a colouring is a change towards a proper colouring. Note also that a graph G always has an optimal k-edge colouring, but it need not have any proper k-edge colourings. The next lemma is obvious. Lemma 4.3. An edge colouring of G is proper if and only if c (v) = dG (v) for all vertices v G. Lemma 4.4. Let be an optimal k-edge colouring of G, and let v G. Suppose that the colour i is available for v, and the colour j is incident with v at least twice. Then the connected component H of G [i, j] that contains v, is an odd cycle. Proof. Suppose the connected component H is not an odd cycle. By Lemma 4.2, H has a 2-edge colouring : EH {i, j}, in which both i and j are incident with each vertex x with dH (x) 2. (We have renamed the colours 1 and 2 to i and j.) We obtain a recolouring of G as follows: (e), if e EH , (e) = (e), if e EH . / Since dH (v) 2 (by the assumption on the colour j) and in both colours i and j are now incident with v, c (v) = c (v) + 1. Furthermore, by the construction of , we have c (u) c (u) for all u = v. Therefore uG c (u) > uG c (u), which contradicts the optimality of . Hence H is an odd cycle. Theorem 4.1 (KNIG (1916)). If G is bipartite, then (G) = (G). Proof. Let be an optimal -edge colouring of a bipartite G, where = (G). If there were a v G with c (v) < dG (v), then by Lemma 4.4, G would contain an odd cycle. But a bipartite graph does not contain such cycles. Therefore, for all vertices v, c (v) = dG (v). By Lemma 4.3, is a proper colouring, and = (G) as required.

Vizings theorem
In general we can have (G) > (G) as one of our examples did show. The following important theorem, due to V IZING, shows that the edge chromatic number of a graph G misses (G) by at most one colour. Theorem 4.2 (V IZING (1964)). For any graph G, (G) (G) (G) + 1. Proof. Let = (G). We need only to show that (G) + 1. Suppose on the contrary that (G) > + 1, and let be an optimal ( + 1)-edge colouring of G.

4.1 Edge colourings We have (trivially) dG (u) < + 1 < (G) for all u G, and so Claim 1. For each u G, there exists an available colour b(u) for u.


Moreover, by the counter hypothesis, is not a proper colouring, and hence there exists a v G with c (v) < dG (v), and hence a colour i1 that is incident with v at least twice, say (vu1 ) = i1 = (vx) . Claim 2. There is a sequence of vertices u1 , u2 , . . . such that (vuj ) = ij and ij+1 = b(uj ) . (4.1)

Indeed, let u1 be as in (4.1). Assume we have already found the vertices u1 , . . . , uj , with j 1, such that the claim holds for these. Suppose, contrary to the claim, that v is not incident with b(uj ) = ij+1 . We can recolour the edges vu by i+1 for [1, j], and obtain in this way an improvement of . Here v gains a new colour ij+1 . Also, each u gains a new colour i+1 (and may loose the colour i ). Therefore, for each u either its number of colours remains the same or it increases by one. This contradicts the optimality of , and proves Claim 2. Now, let t be the smallest index such that for some r < t, it+1 = ir . Such an index t exists, because dG (v) is nite.
ur ur1 . . . u2 .. . ir = it+1 ir1 v i2 i1 i1 u1 x it ut


Let be a recolouring of G such that for 1 j r 1, (vuj ) = ij+1 , and for all other edges e, (e) = (e). Claim 3. is an optimal ( + 1)-edge colouring of G. Indeed, c (v) = c (v) and c (u) c (u) for all u, since each uj (1 j r 1) gains a new colour ji+1 although it may loose one of its old colours. Let then the colouring be obtained from by recolouring the edges vuj by ij+1 for r j t. Now, vut is recoloured by ir = it+1 . Claim 4. is an optimal ( + 1)-edge colouring of G. Indeed, the fact ir = it+1 ensures that ir is a new colour incident with ut , and thus that c (ut ) c (ut ). For all other vertices, c (u) c (u) follows as for .

ur1 . . . u2 .. . ir = it+1 ir v i3 i2 i1 u1 x ur ur1 .. . . . u2 ir+1 ir v i3 i2 i1 u1 x ir ut . it ut

4.2 Ramsey Theory


By Claim 1, there is a colour i0 = b(v) that is available for v. By Lemma 4.4, the connected components H1 of G [i0 , ir ] and H2 of G [i0 , ir ] containing the vertex v are cycles, that is, H1 is a cycle (vur1 )P1 (ur v) and H2 is a cycle (vur1 )P2 (ut v), where both P1 : ur1 ur and P2 : ur1 ut are paths. However, the edges of P1 and P2 have the same colours with respect to and (either i0 or ir ). This is not possible, since P1 ends in ur while P2 ends in a different vertex ut . This contradiction proves the theorem. Example 4.2. We show that (G) = 4 for the Petersen graph. Indeed, by Vizing theorem, (G) = 3 or 4. Suppose 3 colours sufce. Let C : v1 . . . v5 v1 be the outer cycle : u . . . u u the inner cycle of G such that v u E for all i. and C 5 1 1 i i G Observe that every vertex is adjacent to all colours 1, 2, 3. Now C uses one colour (say 1) once and the other two twice. This can be done uniquely (up to permutations): v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v1 . Hence v1 u1 , v2 u2 , v3 u3 , v4 u4 , v5 u5 . However, this means that 1 cannot be a colour of any edge in C . Since C needs three colours, the claim follows. Edge Colouring Problem. Vizings theorem (nor its present proof) does not offer any characterization for the graphs, for which (G) = (G) + 1. In fact, it is one of the famous open problems of graph theory to nd such a characterization. The answer is known (only) for some special classes of graphs. By H OLYER (1981), the problem whether (G) is (G) or (G) + 1 is NP-complete. The proof of Vizings theorem can be used to obtain a proper colouring of G with at most (G) + 1 colours, when the word optimal is forgotten: colour rst the edges as well as you can (if nothing better, then arbitrarily in two colours), and use the proof iteratively to improve the colouring until no improvement is possible then the proof says that the result is a proper colouring.
2 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3

4.2 Ramsey Theory

In general, Ramsey theory studies unavoidable patterns in combinatorics. We consider an instance of this theory mainly for edge colourings (that need not be proper). A typical example of a Ramsey property is the following: given 6 persons each pair of whom are either friends or enemies, there are then 3 persons who are mutual friends or mutual enemies. In graph theoretic terms this means that each colouring of the edges of K6 with 2 colours results in a monochromatic triangle.

Turans theorem for complete graphs

We shall rst consider the problem of nding a general condition for Kp to appear in a graph. It is clear that every graph contains K1 , and that every nondiscrete graph contains K2 .

4.2 Ramsey Theory


D EFINITION . A complete p-partite graph G consists of p discrete and disjoint induced subgraphs G1 , G2 , . . . , Gp G, where uv EG if and only if u and v belong to different parts, Gi and Gj with i = j. Note that a complete p-partite graph is completely determined by its discrete parts Gi , i [1, p]. Let p 3, and let H = Hn,p be the complete (p1)-partite graph of order n = t(p1)+r, where r [1, p 1] and t 0, such that there are r parts H1 , . . . , Hr of order t + 1 and p 1 r parts Hr+1 , . . . , Hp1 of order t (when t > 0). (Here r is the positive residue of n modulo (p 1), and is thus determined by n and p.) By its denition, Kp H. One can compute that the number H of edges of H is equal to T (n, p) = p2 2 r n 2(p 1) 2 1 r p1 . (4.2)

The next result shows that the above bound T (n, p) is optimal. Theorem 4.3 (T URN (1941)). If a graph G of order n has G > T (n, p) edges, then G contains a complete subgraph Kp . Proof. Let n = (p 1)t + r for 1 r p 1 and t 0. We prove the claim by induction on t. If t = 0, then T (n, p) = n(n 1)/2, and there is nothing to prove. Suppose then that t 1, and let G be a graph of order n such that G is maximum subject to the condition Kp G. Now G contains a complete subgraph G[A] = Kp1 , since adding any one edge to G results in a Kp , and p 1 vertices of this Kp induce a subgraph Kp1 G. Each v A is adjacent to at most p 2 vertices of A; otherwise G[A {v}] = Kp . / Furthermore, Kp GA, and GA = n p + 1. Because n p + 1 = (t 1)(p 1) + r, we can apply the induction hypothesis to obtain GA T (n p + 1, p). Now G T (n p + 1, p) + (n p + 1)(p 2) + which proves the claim. When Theorem 4.3 is applied to triangles K3 , we have the following interesting case. Corollary 4.1 ( M ANTEL (1907)). If a graph G has G > triangle K3 .
1 2 4 G

(p 1)(p 2) = T (n, p) , 2

edges, then G contains a

4.2 Ramsey Theory


Ramseys theorem
D EFINITION . Let be an edge colouring of G. A subgraph H G is said to be (i-) monochromatic, if all edges of H have the same colour i. The following theorem is one of the jewels of combinatorics. Theorem 4.4 (R AMSEY (1930)). Let p, q 2 be any integers. Then there exists a (smallest) integer R(p, q) such that for all n R(p, q), any 2-edge colouring of Kn [1, 2] contains a 1-monochromatic Kp or a 2-monochromatic Kq . Before proving this, we give an equivalent statement. Recall that a subset X VG is stable, if G[X] is a discrete graph. Theorem 4.5. Let p, q 2 be any integers. Then there exists a (smallest) integer R(p, q) such that for all n R(p, q), any graph G of order n contains a complete subgraph of order p or a stable set of order q. Be patient, this will follow from Theorem 4.6. The number R(p, q) is known as the Ramsey number for p and q. It is clear that R(p, 2) = p and R(2, q) = q. Theorems 4.4 and 4.5 follow from the next result which shows (inductively) that an upper bound exists for the Ramsey numbers R(p, q). Theorem 4.6 (E RDS and S ZEKERES (1935)). The Ramsey number R(p, q) exists for all p, q 2, and R(p, q) R(p, q 1) + R(p 1, q) . Proof. We use induction on p + q. It is clear that R(p, q) exists for p = 2 or q = 2, and it is thus exists for p + q 5. It is now sufcient to show that if G is a graph of order R(p, q 1) + R(p 1, q), then it has a complete subgraph of order p or a stable subset of order q. Let v G, and denote by A = VG \ (NG (v) {v}) the set of vertices that are not adjacent to v. Since G has R(p, q 1) + R(p 1, q) 1 vertices different from v, either |NG (v)| R(p 1, q) or |A| R(p, q 1) (or both). Assume rst that |NG (v)| R(p 1, q). By the denition of Ramsey numbers, G[NG (v)] contains a complete subgraph B of order p 1 or a stable subset S of order q. In the rst case, B {v} induces a complete subgraph Kp in G, and in the second case the same stable set of order q is good for G. If |A| R(p, q 1), then G[A] contains a complete subgraph of order p or a stable subset S of order q 1. In the rst case, the same complete subgraph of order p is good for G, and in the second case, S {v} is a stable subset of G of q vertices. This proves the claim. A concrete upper bound is given in the following result.

4.2 Ramsey Theory Theorem 4.7 ( E RDS and S ZEKERES (1935)). For all p, q 2, R(p, q) p+q2 p1 .


Proof. For p = 2 or q = 2, the claim is clear. We use induction on p + q for the general statement. Assume that p, q 3. By Theorem 4.6 and the induction hypothesis, R(p, q) R(p, q 1) + R(p 1, q) which is what we wanted. p+q3 p+q3 + p1 p2 = p+q2 p1 ,

In the table below we give some known values and estimates for the Ramsey numbers R(p, q). As can be read from the table1 , not so much is known about these numbers. p\q 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 6 9 14 18 23 28 36 40-43 4 9 18 25 35-41 49-61 55-84 69-115 80-149 5 14 25 43-49 58-87 80-143 95-216 121-316 141-442 The rst unknown R(p, p) (where p = q) is for p = 5. It has been veried that 43 R(5, 5) 49, but to determine the exact value is an open problem.

Theorem 4.4 can be generalized as follows. Theorem 4.8. Let qi 2 be integers for i [1, k] with k 2. Then there exists an integer R = R(q1 , q2 , . . . , qk ) such that for all n R, any k-edge colouring of Kn has an i-monochromatic Kqi for some i. Proof. The proof is by induction on k. The case k = 2 is treated in Theorem 4.4. For k > 2, we show that R(q1 , . . . , qk ) R(q1 , . . . , qk2 , p), where p = R(qk1 , qk ). Let n = R(q1 , . . . , qk2 , p), and let : EKn [1, k] be an edge colouring. Let : EKn [1, k 1] be obtained from by identifying the colours k 1 and k: (e) = (e) k1 if (e) < k 1 , if (e) = k 1 or k .

By the induction hypothesis, Kn has an i-monochromatic Kqi for some 1 i k2 (and we are done, since this subgraph is monochromatic in Kn ) or Kn has a (k 1)-monochromatic = K . In the latter case, by Theorem 4.4, H and thus K has a (k 1)subgraph H p n monochromatic or a k-monochromatic subgraph, and this proves the claim.

S.P. R ADZISZOWSKI, Small Ramsey numbers, Electronic J. of Combin., 2000 on the Web

4.2 Ramsey Theory Since for each graph H, H Km for m = H , we have


Corollary 4.2. Let k 2 and H1 , H2 , . . . , Hk be arbitrary graphs. Then there exists an integer R(H1 , H2 , . . . , Hk ) such that for all complete graphs Kn with n R(H1 , H2 , . . . , Hk ) and for all k-edge colourings of Kn , Kn contains an i-monochromatic subgraph Hi for some i. This generalization is trivial from Theorem 4.8. However, the generalized Ramsey numbers R(H1 , H2 , . . . , Hk ) can be much smaller than their counter parts (for complete graphs) in Theorem 4.8. Example 4.3. We leave the following statement as an exercise: If T is a tree of order m, then R(T, Kn ) = (m 1)(n 1) + 1 , that is, any graph G of order at least R(T, Kn ) contains a subgraph isomorphic to T , or the complement of G contains a complete subgraph Kn .

Examples of Ramsey numbers

Some exact values are known in Corollary 4.2, even in more general cases, for some dear graphs (see R ADZISZOWSKIs survey). Below we list some of these results for cases, where the graphs are equal. To this end, let Rk (G) = R(G, G, . . . , G) (k times G).

The best known lower bound of R2 (G) for connected graphs was obtained by B URR E RDS (1976), 4G 1 (G connected). R2 (G) 3 Here is a list of some special cases: n 1, R2 (Pn ) = n + 2 6 if n = 3 or n = 4, R2 (Cn ) = 2n 1 if n 5 and n odd , 3n/2 1 if n 6 and n even, R2 (K1,n ) = 2n 1 2n if n is even, if n is odd, R2 (K2,3 ) = 10, R2 (K3,3 ) = 18.

The values R2 (K2,n ) are known for n 16, and in general, R2 (K2,n ) 4n 2. The value R2 (K2,17 ) is either 65 or 66. Let Wn denote the wheel on n vertices. It is a cycle Cn1 , where a vertex v with degree n 1 is attached. Note that W4 = K4 . Then R2 (W5 ) = 15 and R2 (W6 ) = 17.

4.3 Vertex colourings


For three colours, much less is known. In fact, the only nontrivial result for complete graphs is: R3 (K3 ) = 17. Also, 128 R3 (K4 ) 235, and 385 R3 (K5 ), but no nontrivial upper bound is known for R3 (K5 ). For the square C4 , we know that R3 (C4 ) = 11. Needless to say that no exact values are known for Rk (Kn ) for k 4 and n 3. It follows from Theorem 4.4 that for any complete Kn , there exists a graph G (well, any sufciently large complete graph) such that any 2-edge colouring of G has a monochromatic (induced) subgraph Kn . Note, however, that in Corollary 4.2 the monochromatic subgraph Hi is not required to be induced. The following impressive theorem improves the results we have mentioned in this chapter and it has a difcult proof. Theorem 4.9 (D EUBER, E RDS, H AJNAL, P SA, and RDL (around 1973)). Let H be any graph. Then there exists a graph G such that any 2-edge colouring of G has an monochromatic induced subgraph H. Example 4.4. As an application of Ramseys theorem, we shortly describe Schurs theorem. For this, consider the partition {1, 4, 10, 13}, {2, 3, 11, 12}, {5, 6, 7, 8, 9} of the set N13 = [1, 13]. We observe that in no partition class there are three integers such that x + y = z. However, if you try to partition N14 into three classes, then you are bound to nd a class, where x + y = z has a solution. S CHUR (1916) solved this problem in a general setting. The following gives a short proof using Ramseys theorem. For each n 1, there exists an integer S(n) such that any partition S1 , . . . , Sn of NS(n) has a class Si containing two integers x, y such that x + y Si . Indeed, let S(n) = R(3, 3, . . . , 3), where 3 occurs n times, and let K be a complete on NS(n) . For a partition S1 , . . . , Sn of NS(n) , dene an edge colouring of K by By Theorem 4.8, K has a monochromatic triangle, that is, there are three vertices 1 i < j < t S(n) such that t j, j i, t i Sk for some k. But (t j) + (j i) = t i proves the claim. There are quite many interesting corollaries to Ramseys theorem in various parts of mathematics including not only graph theory, but also, e.g., geometry and algebra, see R.L. G RAHAM , B.L. ROTHSCHILD 1990.

(ij) = k, if |i j| Sk .

J.L. S PENCER, Ramsey Theory, Wiley, (2nd ed.)

4.3 Vertex colourings

The vertices of a graph G can also be classied using colourings. These colourings tell that certain vertices have a common property (or that they are similar in some respect), if they share the same colour. In this chapter, we shall concentrate on proper vertex colourings, where adjacent vertices get different colours.

4.3 Vertex colourings


The chromatic number

D EFINITION . A k-colouring (or a k-vertex colouring) of a graph G is a mapping : VG [1, k]. The colouring is proper, if adjacent vertices obtain a different colour: for all uv EG , we have (u) = (v). A colour i [1, k] is said to be available for a vertex v, if no neighbour of v is coloured by i. A graph G is k-colourable, if there is a proper k-colouring for G. The (vertex) chromatic number (G) of G is denes as (G) = min{k | there exists a proper k-colouring of G} . If (G) = k, then G is k-chromatic. Each proper vertex colouring : VG [1, k] provides a partition {V1 , V2 , . . . , Vk } of the vertex set VG , where Vi = {v | (v) = i}. Example 4.5. The graph on the right, which is often called a wheel (of order 7), is 3-chromatic. By the denitions, a graph G is 2-colourable if and only if it is bipartite. Again, the names of the colours are immaterial: Lemma 4.5. Let be a proper k-colouring of G, and let be any permutation of the colours. Then the colouring = is a proper k-colouring of G. Proof. Indeed, if : VG [1, k] is proper, and if : [1, k] [1, k] is a bijection, then uv EG implies that (u) = (v), and hence also that (u) = (v). It follows that is a proper colouring. Example 4.6. A graph is triangle-free, if it has no subgraphs isomorphic to K3 . We show that there are triangle-free graphs with arbitrarily large chromatic numbers. The following construction is due to G RTZEL: Let G be any triangle-free graph with VG = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn }. Let Gt be a new graph obtained by adding n + 1 new vertices v and u1 , u2 , . . . , un such that Gt has all the edges of G plus the edges ui v and ui x for all x N (vi ) and for all i [1, n].

Claim. Gt is triangle-free and it is k + 1-chromatic Indeed, let U = {u1 , . . . , un }. We show rst that Gt is triangle-free. Now, U is stable, and so a triangle contains at most (and thus exactly) one vertex ui U . If {ui , vj , vk } induces a triangle, so does {vi , vj , vk } by the denition of Gt , but the latter triangle is already in G; a contradiction. For the chromatic number we notice rst that (Gt ) (k +1). If is a proper k-colouring of G, extend it by setting (ui ) = (vi ) and (v) = k + 1.

4.3 Vertex colourings


Secondly, (Gt ) > k. Assume that is a proper k-colouring of Gt , say with (v) = k. Then (ui ) = k. Recolour each vi by (ui ). This gives a proper (k 1)-colouring to G; a contradiction. Therefore (Gt ) = k + 1. Now using inductively the above construction starting from the triangle-free graph K2 , we obtain larger triangle -free graphs with high chromatic numbers.

Critical graphs
D EFINITION . A k-chromatic graph G is said to be k-critical, if (H) < k for all H G with H = G. In a critical graph an elimination of any edge and of any vertex will reduce the chromatic number: (Ge) < (G) and (Gv) < (G) for e EG and v G. Each Kn is ncritical, since in Kn (uv) the vertices u and v can gain the same colour. Example 4.7. The graph K2 = P2 is the only 2-critical graph. The 3-critical graphs are exactly the odd cycles C2n+1 for n 1, since a 3-chromatic G is not bipartite, and thus must have a cycle of odd length. Theorem 4.10. If G is k-critical for k 2, then it is connected, and (G) k 1. Proof. Note that for any graph G with the connected components G1 , G2 , . . . , Gm , (G) = max{(Gi ) | i [1, m]} . Connectivity claim follows from this observation. Let then G be k-critical, but (G) = dG (v) k 2 for v G. Since G is critical, there is a proper (k 1)-colouring of Gv. Now v is adjacent to only (G) < k 1 vertices. But there are k colours, and hence there is an available colour i for v. If we recolour v by i, then a proper (k 1)-colouring is obtained for G; a contradiction. The case (iii) of the next theorem is due to S ZEKERES Theorem 4.11. Let G be any graph with k = (G). (i) G has a k-critical subgraph H. (ii) G has at least k vertices of degree k 1. (iii) k 1 + maxHG (H). Proof. For (i), we observe that a k-critical subgraph H G is obtained by removing vertices and edges from G as long as the chromatic number remains k. For (ii), let H G be k-critical. By Theorem 4.10, dH (v) k 1 for every v H. Of course, also dG (v) k 1 for every v H. The claim follows, because, clearly, every k-critical graph H must have at least k vertices. For (iii), let H G be k-critical. By Theorem 4.10, (G) 1 (H), which proves this claim.

W ILF (1968).

4.3 Vertex colourings


Lemma 4.6. Let v be a cut vertex of a connected graph G, and let Ai , for i [1, m], be the connected components of Gv. Denote Gi = G[Ai {v}]. Then (G) = max{(Gi ) | i [1, m]}. In particular, a critical graph does not have cut vertices. Proof. Suppose each Gi has a proper k-colouring i . By Lemma 4.5, we may take i (v) = 1 for all i. These k-colourings give a k-colouring of G.

Brooks theorem
For edge colourings we have Vizings theorem, but no such strong results are known for vertex colouring. Lemma 4.7. For all graphs G, (G) (G) + 1. In fact, there exists a proper colouring : VG [1, (G) + 1] such that (v) dG (v) + 1 for all vertices v G. Proof. We use greedy colouring to prove the claim. Let VG = {v1 , . . . , vn } be ordered in some way, and dene : VG N inductively as follows: (v1 ) = 1, and (vi ) = min{j | (vt ) = j for all t < i with vi vt EG } . Then is proper, and (vi ) dG (vi ) + 1 for all i. The claim follows from this.

Although, we always have (G) (G) + 1, the chromatic number (G) usually takes much lower values as seen in the bipartite case. Moreover, the maximum value (G) + 1 is obtained only in two special cases as was shown by B ROOKS in 1941. The next proof of Brooks theorem is by L OVSZ (1975) as modied by B RYANT (1996). Lemma 4.8. Let G be a 2-connected graph. Then the following are equivalent: (i) G is a complete graph or a cycle. (ii) For all u, v G, if uv EG , then {u, v} is a separating set. / (iii) For all u, v G, if dG (u, v) = 2, then {u, v} is a separating set. Proof. It is clear that (i) implies (ii), and that (ii) implies (iii). We need only to show that (iii) implies (i). Assume then that (iii) holds. We shall show that either G is a complete graph or dG (v) = 2 for all v G, from which the theorem follows. First of all, dG (v) 2 for all v, since G is 2-connected. Let w be a vertex of maximum degree, dG (w) = (G). If the neighbourhood NG (w) induces a complete subgraph, then G is complete. Indeed, otherwise, since G is connected, there exists a vertex u NG (w){w} such that u is adjacent / to a vertex v NG (w). But then dG (v) > dG (w), and this contradicts the choice of w. Assume then that there are different vertices u, v NG (w) such that uv EG . This / means that dG (u, v) = 2 (the shortest path is u w v), and by (iii), {u, v} is a separating

4.3 Vertex colourings


set of G. Consequently, there is a partition VG = W {u, v} U , where w W , and all paths from a vertex of W to a vertex of U go through either u or v. We claim that W = {w}, and thus that (G) = 2 as required. Suppose on the contrary that |W | 2. Since w is not a cut vertex (since G has no cut vertices), there exists an x W with x = w such that xu EG or xv EG , say xu EG . Since v is not a cut vertex, there exists a y U such that uy EG . Hence dG (x, y) = 2, and by (iii), {x, y} is a separating set. Accordingly, VG = W1 {x, y}U1 , where all paths from W1 to U1 pass through x or y. Assume that w W1 , and hence that also u, v W1 . (Since uw, vw EVG {x,y} ).

u w x v y

There exists a vertex z U1 . Note that U1 W U . If z W (or z U , respectively), then all paths from z to u must pass through x (or y, respectively), and x (or y, respectively) would be a cut vertex of G. This contradiction, proves the claim. Theorem 4.12 ( B ROOKS (1941)). Let G be connected. Then (G) = (G) + 1 if and only if either G is an odd cycle or a complete graph. Proof. (=) Indeed, (C2k+1 ) = 3, (C2k+1 ) = 2, and (Kn ) = n, (Kn ) = n 1.

(=) Assume that k = (G). We may suppose that G is k-critical. Indeed, assume the claim holds for k-critical graphs. Let k = (G) + 1, and let H G be a k-critical proper subgraph. Since (H) = k = (G) + 1 > (H), we must have (H) = (H) + 1, and thus H is a complete graph or an odd cycle. Now G is connected, and therefore there exists an edge uv EG with u H and v H. But then dG (u) > dH (u), and (G) > (H), / since H = Kn or H = Cn . Let then G be any k-critical graph for k 2. By Lemma 4.6, it is 2-connected. If G is an even cycle, then k = 2 = (G). Suppose now that G is neither complete nor a cycle (odd or even). We show that (G) (G).

By Lemma 4.8, there exist v1 , v2 G with dG (v1 , v2 ) = 2, say v1 w, wv2 EG with v1 v2 EG , such that H = G{v1 , v2 } is connected. Order VH = {v3 , v4 , . . . , vn } such that / vn = w, and for all i 3, dH (vi , w) dH (vi+1 , w) .

Therefore for each i [1, n 1], we nd at least one j > i such that vi vj EG (possibly vj = w). In particular, for all 1 i < n, |NG (vi ) {v1 , . . . , vi1 }| < dG (vi ) (G) . Then colour v1 , v2 , . . . , vn in this order as follows: (v1 ) = 1 = (v2 ) and (vi ) = min{r | r = (vj ) for all vj NG (vi ) with j < i} . (4.3)

4.3 Vertex colourings


The colouring is proper. By (4.3), (vi ) (G) for all i [1, n 1]. Also, w = vn has two neighbours, v1 and v2 , of the same colour 1, and since vn has at most (G) neighbours, there is an available colour for vn , and so (vn ) (G). This shows that G has a proper (G)-colouring, and, consequently, (G) (G). Example 4.8. Suppose we have n objects V = {v1 , . . . , vn }, some of which are not compatible (like chemicals that react with each other, or worse, graph theorists who will ght during a conference). In the storage problem we would like to nd a partition of the set V with as few classes as possible such that no class contains two incompatible elements. In graph theoretical terminology we consider the graph G = (V, E), where vi vj E just in case vi and vj are incompatible, and we would like to colour the vertices of G properly using as few colours as possible. This problem requires that we nd (G). Unfortunately, no good algorithms are known for determining (G), and, indeed, the chromatic number problem is NP-complete. Already the problem if (G) = 3 is NP-complete. (However, as we have seen, the problem whether (G) = 2 has a fast algorithm.)

The chromatic polynomial

A given graph G has many different proper vertex colourings : VG [1, k] for sufciently large natural numbers k. Indeed, see Lemma 4.5 to be certain on this point. D EFINITION . The chromatic polynomial of G is the function G : N N, where G (k) = |{ | : VG [1, k] a proper colouring}| . This notion was introduced by B IRKHOFF (1912), B IRKHOFF AND L EWIS (1946), to attack the famous 4-Colour Theorem, but its applications have turned out to be elsewhere. If k < (G), then clearly G (k) = 0, and, indeed, (G) = min{k | G (k) = 0} . Therefore, if we can nd the chromatic polynomial of G, then we easily compute the chromatic number (G) just by evaluating G (k) for k = 1, 2, . . . until we hit a nonzero value. Theorem 4.13 will give the tools for constructing G . Example 4.9. Consider the complete graph K4 on {v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 }. Let k (K4 ) = 4. The vertex v1 can be rst given any of the k colours, after which k 1 colours are available for v2 . Then v3 has k 2 and nally v4 has k 3 available colours. Therefore there are k(k 1)(k 2)(k 3) different ways to properly colour K4 with k colours, and so K4 (k) = k(k 1)(k 2)(k 3) . On the other hand, in the discrete graph K 4 has no edges, and thus any k-colouring is a proper colouring. Therefore K 4 (k) = k4 .

4.3 Vertex colourings


Remark. The considered method for checking the number of possibilities to colour a next vertex is exceptional, and for more nonregular graphs it should be avoided. D EFINITION . Let G be a graph, e = uv EG , and let x = x(uv) be a new contracted vertex. The graph G e on VGe = (VG \ {u, v}) {x} is obtained from G by contracting the edge e, when EGe = {f | f EG , f has no end u or v} {wx | wu EG or wv EG } . Hence G e is obtained by introducing a new vertex x, and by replacing all edges wu and wv by wx, and the vertices u and v are deleted. (Of course, no loops or parallel edges are allowed in the new graph G e.)
u e v x

Theorem 4.13. Let G be a graph, and let e EG . Then G (k) = Ge (k) Ge (k). Proof. Let e = uv. The proper k-colourings : VG [1, k] of Ge can be divided into two disjoint cases, which together show that Ge (k) = G (k) + Ge (k): (1) If (u) = (v), then corresponds to a unique proper k-colouring of G, namely . Hence the number of such colourings is G (k). (2) If (u) = (v), then corresponds to a unique proper k-colouring of G e, namely , when we set (x) = (u) for the contracted vertex x = x(uv). Hence the number of such colourings is Ge (k). Theorem 4.14. The chromatic polynomial is a polynomial. Proof. The proof is by induction on G . Indeed, K n (k) = kn for the discrete graph, and for two polynomials P1 and P2 , also P1 P2 is a polynomial. The claim follows from Theorem 4.13, since there Ge and G e have less edges than G. The connected components of a graph can be coloured independently, and so Lemma 4.9. Let the graph G have the connected components G1 , G2 , . . . , Gm . Then G (k) = G1 (k)G2 (k) . . . Gm (k) . Theorem 4.15. Let T be a tree of order n. Then T (k) = k(k 1)n1 . Proof. We use induction on n. For n 2, the claim is obvious. Suppose that n 3, and let e = vu ET , where v is a leaf. By Theorem 4.13, T (k) = T e (k) T e (k). Here T e is a tree of order n 1, and thus, by the induction hypothesis, T e (k) = k(k 1)n2 . The graph T e consists of the isolated v and a tree of order n 1. By Lemma 4.9, and the induction hypothesis, T e (k) = k k(k 1)n2 . Therefore T (k) = k(k 1)n1 .

4.3 Vertex colourings


Example 4.10. Consider the graph G of order 4 from the above. Then we have the following reductions.

e G

= Ge


= G {e, f }

(G e) f


Theorem 4.13 reduces the computation of G to the discrete graphs. However, we know the chromatic polynomials for trees (and complete graphs, as an exercise), and so there is no need to prolong the reductions beyond these. In our example, we have obtained Ge (k) = G{e,f } (k) (Ge)f (k) and so G (k) = Ge (k) Ge (k) = k(k 1)2 (k 2) k(k 1)(k 2) = k(k 1)(k 2)2 = k4 5k3 + 8k2 4k . For instance, for 3 colours, there are 6 proper colourings of the given graph. Chromatic Polynomial Problems. It is difcult to determine G of a given graph, since the reduction method provided by Theorem 4.13 is time consuming. Also, there is known no characterization, which would tell from any polynomial P (k) whether it is a chromatic polynomial of some graph. For instance, the polynomial k4 3k3 + 3k2 is not a chromatic polynomial of any graph, but it seems to satisfy the general properties (that are known or conjectured) of these polynomials. R EED (1968) conjectured that the coefcients of a chromatic polynomial should rst increase and then decrease in absolute value. R EED (1968) and T UTTE (1974) proved that for each G of order G = n: The degree of G (k) equals n. The coefcient of kn equals 1. The coefcient of kn1 equals G . The constant term is 0. The coefcients alternate in sign. G (m) m(m 1)n 1 for all positive integers m, when G is connected. G (x) = 0 for all real numbers 0 < x < 1.

= k(k 1)3 k(k 1)2 = k(k 1)2 (k 2) ,

5 Graphs on Surfaces
5.1 Planar graphs
The plane representations of graphs are by no means unique. Indeed, a graph G can be drawn in arbitrarily many different ways. Also, the properties of a graph are not necessarily immediate from one representation, but may be apparent from another. There are, however, important families of graphs, the surface graphs, that rely on the (topological or geometrical) properties of the drawings of graphs. We restrict ourselves in this chapter to the most natural of these, the planar graphs. The geometry of the plane will be treated intuitively. A planar graph will be a graph that can be drawn in the plane so that no two edges intersect with each other. Such graphs are used, e.g., in the design of electrical (or similar) circuits, where one tries to (or has to) avoid crossing the wires or laser beams. Planar graphs come into use also in some parts of mathematics, especially in group theory and topology. There are fast algorithms (linear time algorithms) for testing whether a graph is planar or not. However, the algorithms are all rather difcult to implement. Most of them are based on an algorithm designed by AUSLANDER AND PARTER (1961) see Section 6.5 of S. S KIENA, Implementing Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica, Addison-Wesley, 1990.

D EFINITION . A graph G is a planar graph, if it has a plane gure P (G), called the plane embedding of G, where the lines (or continuous curves) corresponding to the edges do not intersect each other except at their ends. The complete bipartite graph K2,4 is a planar graph.

D EFINITION . An edge e = uv EG is subdivided, when it is replaced by a path u x v of length two by introducing a new vertex x. A subdivision H of a graph G is obtained from G by a sequence of subdivisions.

5.1 Planar graphs


The following result is clear. Lemma 5.1. A graph is planar if and only if its subdivisions are planar.

Geometric properties
It is clear that the graph theoretical properties of G are inherited by all of its plane embeddings. For instance, the way we draw a graph G in the plane does not change its maximum degree or its chromatic number. More importantly, there are as we shall see some nontrivial topological (or geometric) properties that are shared by the plane embeddings. We recall rst some elements of the plane geometry. Let F be an open set of the plane R R, that is, every point x F has a disk centred at x and contained in F . Then F is a region, if any two points x, y F can be joined by a continuous curve the points of which are all in F . The boundary (F ) of a region F consists of those points for which every neighbourhood contains points from F and its complement. Let G be a planar graph, and P (G) one of its plane embeddings. Regard now each edge e = uv EG as a line from u to v. The set (R R) \ EG is open, and it is divided into a nite number of disjoint regions, called the faces of P (G). D EFINITION . A face of P (G) is an interior face, if it is bounded. The (unique) face that is unbounded is called the exterior face of P (G). The edges that surround a face F constitute the boundary (F ) of F . The exterior boundary is the boundary of the exterior face. The vertices (edges, resp.) on the exterior boundary are called exterior vertices exterior edges, resp.). Vertices (edges, resp.) that are not on the exterior boundary are interior vertices interior edges, resp.).

F2 F1 F0


Embeddings P (G) satisfy some properties that we accepts at face value. Lemma 5.2. Let P (G) be a plane embedding of a planar graph G. (i) Two different faces F1 and F2 are disjoint, and their boundaries can intersect only on edges. (ii) P (G) has a unique exterior face. (iii) Each edge e belongs to the boundary of at most two faces. (iv) Each cycle of G surrounds (that is, its interior contains) at least one internal face of P (G). (v) A bridge of G belongs to the boundary of only one face. (vi) An edge that is not a bridge belongs to the boundary of exactly two faces.

5.1 Planar graphs


If P (G) is a plane embedding of a graph G, then so is any drawing P (G) which is obtained from P (G) by an injective mapping of the plane that preserves continuous curves. This means, in particular, that every planar graph has a plane embedding inside any geometric circle of arbitrarily small radius, or inside any geometric triangle.

Eulers formula
Lemma 5.3. A plane embedding P (G) of a planar graph G has no interior faces if and only if G is acyclic, that is, if and only if the connected components of G are trees. Proof. This is clear from Lemma 5.2. The next general form of Eulers formula was proved by L EGENDRE (1794). Theorem 5.1 (Eulers formula). Let G be a connected planar graph, and let P (G) be any of its plane embeddings. Then G G + = 2 , where is the number of faces of P (G). Proof. We shall prove the claim by induction on the number of faces of a plane embedding P (G). First, notice that 1, since each P (G) has an exterior face. If = 1, then, by Lemma 5.3, there are no cycles in G, and since G is connected, it is a tree. In this case, by Theorem 2.4, we have G = G 1, and the claim holds. Suppose then that the claim is true for all plane embeddings with less than faces for 2. Let P (G) be a plane embedding of a connected planar graph such that P (G) has faces. Let e EG be an edge that is not a bridge. The subgraph Ge is planar with a plane embedding P (Ge) = P (G)e obtained by simply erasing the edge e. Now P (Ge) has 1 faces, since the two faces of P (G) that are separated by e are merged into one face of P (Ge). By the induction hypothesis, Ge Ge + ( 1) = 2, and hence G (G 1) + ( 1) = 2, and the claim follows. In particular, we have the following invariant property of planar graphs. Corollary 5.1. Let G be a planar graph. Then every plane embedding of G has the same number of faces: G = G G + 2

Maximal planar graphs

Lemma 5.4. If G is a planar graph of order G 3, then G 3G 6. Moreover, if G has no triangles C3 , then G 2G 4.

5.1 Planar graphs


Proof. If G is disconnected with connected components Gi , for i [1, k], and if the claim holds for these smaller (necessarily planar) graphs Gi , then it holds for G, since

G =

Gi 3


Gi 6k = 3G 6k 3G 6 .

It is thus sufcient to prove the claim for connected planar graphs. Also, the case where G 2 is clear. Suppose thus that G 3. Each face F of an embedding P (G) contains at least three edges on its boundary (F ). Hence 3 2G , since each edge lies on at most two faces. The rst claim follows from Eulers formula. The second claim is proved similarly except that, in this case, each face F of P (G) contains at least four edges on its boundary (when G is connected and G 4). An upper bound for (G) for planar graphs was achieved by H EAWOOD. Theorem 5.2 (H EAWOOD (1890)). If G is a planar graph, then (G) 5. Proof. If G 2, then there is nothing to prove. Suppose G 3. By the handshaking lemma and the previous lemma, (G) G It follows that (G) 5. Theorem 5.3. K5 and K3,3 are not planar graphs. Proof. By Lemma 5.4, a planar graph of order 5 has at most 9 edges, but K5 has 5 vertices and 10 edges. By the second claim of Lemma 5.4, a triangle-free planar graph of order 6 has at most 8 edges, but K3,3 has 6 vertices and 9 edges. D EFINITION . A planar graph G is maximal, if G + e is nonplanar for every e EG . / Example 5.1. Clearly, if we remove one edge from K5 , the result is a maximal planar graph. However, if an edge is removed from K3,3 , the result is not maximal! Lemma 5.5. Let F be a face of a plane embedding P (G) that has at least four edges on its boundary. Then there are two nonadjacent vertices on the boundary of F . Proof. Assume that the set of the boundary vertices of F induces a complete subgraph K. The edges of K are either on the boundary or they are not inside F (since F is a face.) Add a new vertex x inside F , and connect the vertices of K to x. The result is a plane embedding of a graph H with VH = VG {x} (that has G as its induced subgraph). The induced subgraph H[K {x}] is complete, and since H is planar, we have |K| < 4 as required. dG (v) = 2G 6G 12 .


5.1 Planar graphs


By the previous lemma, if a face has a boundary of at least four edges, then an edge can be added to the graph (inside the face), and the graph remains to be planar. Hence we have proved Corollary 5.2. If G is a maximal planar graph with G 3, then G is triangulated, that is, every face of a plane embedding P (G) has a boundary of exactly three edges. Theorem 5.4. For a maximal planar graph G of order G 3, G = 3G 6 . Proof. Each face F of an embedding P (G) is a triangle having three edges on its boundary. Hence 3 = 2G , since there are now no bridges. The claim follows from Eulers formula.

Kuratowskis theorem
Theorem 5.5 will give a simple criterion for planarity of graphs. This theorem (due to K URA TOWSKI in 1930) is one of the jewels of graph theory. In fact, the theorem was proven earlier by P ONTRYAGIN (1927-1928), and also independently by F RINK AND S MITH (1930). For history of the result, see J.W. K ENNEDY, L.V. Q UINTAS , AND M.M. S YSLO, The theorem on planar graphs. Historia Math. 12 (1985), 356 368. The graphs K5 and K3,3 are the smallest nonplanar graphs, and, by Lemma 5.1, if G contains a subdivision of K5 or K3,3 as a subgraph, then G is not planar. We prove the converse of this result in what follows. Therefore Theorem 5.5 (K URATOWSKI (1930)). A graph is planar if and only if it contains no subdivision of K5 or K3,3 as a subgraph. We prove this result along the lines of T HOMASSEN (1981) using 3-connectivity. Example 5.2. The cube Qk is planar only for k = 1, 2, 3. Indeed, the graph Q4 contains a subdivision of K3,3 , and thus by Theorem 5.5 it is not planar. On the other hand, each Qk with k 4 has Q4 as a subgraph, and therefore they are nonplanar. The subgraph of Q4 that is a subdivision of K3,3 is given below.
0000 1010 1001









5.1 Planar graphs


D EFINITION . A graph G is called a Kuratowski graph, if it is a subdivision of K5 or K3,3 . Lemma 5.6. Let E EG be the set of the boundary edges of a face F in a plane embedding of G. Then there exists a plane embedding P (G), where the edges of E are exterior edges. Proof. This is a geometric proof. Choose a circle that contains every point of the plane embedding (including all points of the edges) such that the centre of the circle is inside the given face. Then use geometric inversion with respect to this circle. This will map the given face as the exterior face of the image plane embedding. Lemma 5.7. Let G be a nonplanar graph without Kuratowski graphs such that G is minimal in this respect. Then G is 3-connected. Proof. We show rst that G is 2-connected. On the contrary, assume that v is a cut vertex of G, and let A1 , . . . , Ak be the connected components of Gv. Since G is minimal nonplanar with respect to G , the subgraphs Gi = G[Ai {v}] have plane embeddings P (Gi ), where v is an exterior vertex. We can glue these plane embeddings together at v to obtain a plane embedding of G, and this will contradict the choice of G. A1 A2

Assume then that G has a separating set S = {u, v}. Let G1 and G2 be any subgraphs of G such that EG = EG1 EG2 , S = VG1 VG2 , and both G1 and G2 contain a connected component of GS. Since G is 2-connected (by the above), there are paths u v in G1 and G2 . Indeed, both u and v are adjacent to a vertex of each connected component of GS. Let Hi = Gi + uv. (Maybe uv EG .) If both H1 and H2 are planar, then, by Lemma 5.6, they have plane embeddings, where uv is an exterior edge. It is now easy to glue H1 and H2 together on the edge uv to obtain a plane embedding of G + uv, and thus of G. H1 H2

We conclude that H1 or H2 is nonplanar, say H1 . Now H1 < G , and so, by the minimality of G, H1 contains a Kuratowski graph H. However, there is a path u v in H2 , since G2 H2 . This path can be regarded as a subdivision of uv, and thus G contains a Kuratowski graph. This contradiction shows that G is 3-connected. Lemma 5.8. Let G be a 3-connected graph of order G 5. Then there exists an edge e EG such that the contraction G e is 3-connected. Proof. On the contrary suppose that for any e EG , the graph G e has a separating set S with |S| = 2. Let e = uv, and let x = x(uv) be the contracted vertex. Necessarily x S, say S = {x, z} (for, otherwise, S would separate G already). Therefore T = {u, v, z} separates G. Assume that e and S are chosen such that GT has a connected component A with the least possible number of vertices.

5.1 Planar graphs There exists a vertex y A with zy EG . (Otherwise {u, v} would separate G.) The graph G (zy) is not 3connected by assumption, and hence, as in the above, there exists a vertex w such that R = {z, y, w} separates G. It can be that w {u, v}, but by symmetry we can suppose that w = u.


u T v z A

Since uv EG , GR has a connected component B such that u, v B. For each y B, / there exists a path P : u y in G{z, w}, since G is 3-connected, and hence this P goes through y. Therefore y is connected to y also in GT , that is, y A, and so B A. The inclusion is proper, since y B. Hence |B| < |A|, and this contradicts the choice of A. / By the next lemma, a Kuratowski graph cannot be created by contractions. Lemma 5.9. Let G be a graph. If for some e EG the contraction G e has a Kuratowski subgraph, then so does G. Proof. The proof consists of several cases depending on the Kuratowski graph, and how the subdivision is made. We do not consider the details of these cases. Let H be a Kuratowski graph of G e, where x = x(uv) is the contracted vertex for e = uv. If dH (x) = 2, then the claim is obviously true. Suppose then that dH (x) = 3 or 4. If there exists at most one edge xy EH such that uy EG (or vy EG ), then one easily sees that G contains a Kuratowski graph. There remains only one case, where H is a subdivision of K5 , and both u and v have 3 neighbours in the subgraph of G corresponding to H. In this case, G contains a subdivision of K3,3 .
v2 x v1 v3 v1 v4 v2 u v v3 v4

Lemma 5.10. Every 3-connected graph G without Kuratowski subgraphs is planar. Proof. The proof is by induction on G . The only 3-connected graph of order 4 is the planar graph K4 . Therefore we can assume that G 5. By Lemma 5.8, there exists an edge e = uv EG such that G e (with a contracted vertex x) is 3-connected. By Lemma 5.9, G e has no Kuratowski subgraphs, and hence G e has a plane embedding P (G e) by the induction hypothesis. Consider the part P (G e)x, and let C be the boundary of the face of P (G e)x containing x (in P (G e)). Here C is a cycle of G (since G is 3-connected). Now since G{u, v} = (G e)x, P (G e)x is a plane embedding of G{u, v}, and NG (u) VC {v} and NG (v) VC {u}. Assume, by symmetry, that dG (v) dG (u). Let

5.2 Colouring planar graphs


(1) If NG (u) \ {v} Pi,i+1 (i + 1 is taken modulo k) for some i, then, clearly, G has a plane embedding (obtained from P (G)u by putting u inside the triangle (v, vi , vi+1 ) and by drawing the edges with an end u inside this triangle).

NG (v) \ {u} = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vk } in order along the cycle C. Let Pi,j : vi vj be the path along C from vi to vj . We obtain a plane embedding of Gu by drawing (straight) edges vvi for 1 i k.

(2) Assume there are y, z NG (u) \ {v} such that y Pij and z Pij for some i and j, where y, z {vi , vj }. / / Now, {u, vi , vi+1 } {v, z, y} form a subdivision of K3,3 . By (1) and (2), we can assume that NG (u)\{v} NG (v). Therefore, NG (u)\{v} = NG (v)\{u} by the assumption dG (v) dG (u). Also, by (1), dG (v) = dG (u) > 3. But now u, v, v1 , v2 , v3 give a subdivision of K5 .

u v

u v

Proof of Theorem 5.5. By Theorem 5.3 and Lemma 5.1, we need to show that each nonplanar graph G contains a Kuratowski subgraph. On the contrary, suppose that G is a nonplanar graph that has a minimal size G such that G does not contain a Kuratowski subgraph. Then, by Lemma 5.7, G is 3-connected, and by Lemma 5.10, it is planar. This contradiction proves the claim. Example 5.3. Any graph G can be drawn in the plane so that three of its edges never intersect at the same point. The crossing number (G) is the minimum number of intersections of its edges in such plane drawings of G. Therefore G is planar if and only if (G) = 0, and, for instance, (K5 ) = 1. We show that (K6 ) = 3. For this we need to show that (K6 ) 3. For the equality, one is invited to design a drawing with exactly 3 crossings. Let X(K6 ) be a drawing of K6 using c crossings so that two edges cross at most once. Add a new vertex at each crossing. This results in a planar graph G on c + 6 vertices and 2c + 15 edges. Now c 3, since G = 2c + 15 3(c + 6) 6 = 3G 6.

5.2 Colouring planar graphs

The most famous problem in the history of graph theory is that of the chromatic number of planar graphs. The problem was known as the 4-Colour Conjecture for more than 120 years, until it was solved by A PPEL AND H AKEN in 1976: if G is a planar graph, then (G) 4. The 4-Colour Conjecture has had a deep inuence on the theory of graphs during the last 150 years. The solution of the 4-Colour Theorem is difcult, and it requires the assistance of a computer.

5.2 Colouring planar graphs


The 5-colour theorem

We prove H EAWOODs result (1890) that each planar graph is properly 5-colourable. Lemma 5.11. If G is a planar graph, then (G) 6. Proof. The proof is by induction on G . Clearly, the claim holds for G 6. By Theorem 5.2, a planar graph G has a vertex v with dG (v) 5. By the induction hypothesis, (Gv) 6. Since dG (v) 5, there is a colour i available for v in the 6-colouring of Gv, and so (G) 6. The proof of the following theorem is partly geometric in nature. Theorem 5.6 (H EAWOOD (1890)). If G is a planar graph, then (G) 5. Proof. Suppose the claim does not hold, and let G be a 6-critical planar graph. Recall that for k-critical graphs H, (H) k 1, and thus there exists a vertex v with dG (v) = (G) 5. By Theorem 5.2, dG (v) = 5. Let be a proper 5-colouring of Gv. Such a colouring exists, because G is 6-critical. By assumption, (G) > 5, and therefore for each i [1, 5], there exists a neighbour vi NG (v) such that (vi ) = i. Suppose these neighbours vi of v occur in the plane in the geometric order of the gure.
v5 v v4 v1 v2 v3 P13

Consider the subgraph G[i, j] G made of colours i and j. The vertices vi and vj are in the same connected component of G[i, j] (for, otherwise we interchange the colours i and j in the connected component containing vj to obtain a recolouring of G, where vi and vj have the same colour i, and then recolour v with the remaining colour j). Let Pij : vi vj be a path in G[i, j], and let C = (vv1 )P13 (v3 v). By the geometric assumption, exactly one of v2 , v4 lies inside the region enclosed by the cycle C. Now, the path P24 must meet C at some vertex of C, since G is planar. This is a contradiction, since the vertices of P24 are coloured by 2 and 4, but C contains no such colours. The nal word on the chromatic number of planar graphs was proved by A PPEL H AKEN in 1976. Theorem 5.7 (4-Colour Theorem). If G is a planar graph, then (G) 4. By the following theorem, each planar graph can be decomposed into two bipartite graphs. Theorem 5.8. Let G = (V, E) be a 4-chromatic graph, (G) 4. Then the edges of G can be partitioned into two subsets E1 and E2 such that (V, E1 ) and (V, E2 ) are both bipartite. Proof. Let Vi = 1 (i) be the set of vertices coloured by i in a proper 4-colouring of G. The dene E1 as the subset of the edges of G that are between the sets V1 and V2 ; V1 and V4 ; V3 and V4 . Let E2 be the rest of the edges, that is, they are between the sets V1 and V3 ; V2 and V3 ; V2 and V4 . It is clear that (V, E1 ) and (V, E2 ) are bipartite, since the sets Vi are stable.

5.2 Colouring planar graphs


Map colouring
The 4-Colour Conjecture was originally stated for maps. In the map-colouring problem we are given several countries with common borders, and we wish to colour each country so that no neighbouring countries obtain the same colour. How many colours are needed? A border between two countries is assumed to have a positive length in particular, countries that have only one point in common are not allowed in the map colouring. Formally, we dene a map as a connected planar (embedding of a) graph with no bridges. The edges of this graph represent the boundaries between countries. Hence a country is a face of the map, and two neighbouring countries share a common edge (not just a single vertex). We deny bridges, because a bridge in such a map would be a boundary inside a country. The map-colouring problem is restated as follows: How many colours are needed for the faces of a plane embedding so that no adjacent faces obtain the same colour. The illustrated map can be 4-coloured, and it cannot be coloured using only 3 colours, because every two faces have a common border. Let F1 , F2 , . . . , Fn be the countries of a map M , and dene a graph G with VG = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn } such that vi vj EG if and only if the countries Fi and Fj are neighbours. It is easy to see that G is a planar graph. Using this notion of a dual graph, we can state the map-colouring problem in new form: What is the chromatic number of a planar graph? By the 4-Colour Theorem it is at most four. Map-colouring can be used in rather generic topological setting, where the maps are dened by curves in the plane. As an example, consider nitely many simple closed curves in the plane. These curves divide the plane into regions. The regions are 2-colourable. That is, the graph where the vertices correspond to the regions, and the edges correspond to the neighbourhood relation, is bipartite. To see this, colour a region by 1, if the region is inside an odd number of curves, and, otherwise, colour it by 2.
2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1

History of the 4-Colour Theorem

That four colours sufce planar maps was conjectured around 1850 by F RANCIS G UTHRIE, a student of D E M ORGAN at University College of London. During the following 120 years many outstanding mathematicians tried to solve the problem, and some of them even thought that they had been successful.

5.2 Colouring planar graphs


In 1879 C AYLEY pointed out some difculties that lie in the conjecture. The same year A LFRED K EMPE published a paper, where he claimed a proof of the 4CC. The basic idea in K EMPEs argument (known later as Kempe chains) was the same as later used by H EAWOOD to prove the 5-Colour Theorem, (Theorem 5.6). For more than 10 years K EMPEs proof was considered to be valid. For instance, TAIT published two papers on the 4CC in the 1880s that contained clever ideas, but also some further errors. In 1890 H EAWOOD showed that K EMPEs proof had serious gaps. As we shall see in the next chapter, H EAWOOD discovered the number of colours needed for all maps on other surfaces than the plane. Also, he proved that if the number of edges around each region is divisible by 3, then the map is 4-colourable. One can triangulate any planar graph G (drawn in the plane), by adding edges to divide the faces into triangles. B IRKHOFF introduced one of the basic notions (reducibility) needed in the proof of the 4CC. In a triangulation, a conguration is a part that is contained inside a cycle. An unavoidable set is a set of congurations such that any triangulation must contain one of the congurations in the set. A conguration is said to be reducible, if it is not contained in a triangulation of a minimal counter example to the 4CC. The search for avoidable sets began in 1904 with work of W EINICKE, and in 1922 F RANKLIN showed that the 4CC holds for maps with at most 25 regions. This number was increased to 27 by R EYNOLDS (1926), to 35 by W INN (1940), to 39 by O RE AND S TEMPLE (1970), to 95 by M AYER (1976). The nal notion for the solution was due to H EESCH, who in 1969 introduced discharging. This consists of assigning to a vertex v the charge 6 dG (v). From Eulers formula we see that for the sum of the charges, we have (6 dG (v)) = 12.

Now, a given set S of congurations can be proved to be unavoidable, if for a triangulation, that does not contain a conguration from S, one can redistribute the charges so that no v comes up with a positive charge. According to H EESCH one might be satised with a set of 8900 congurations to prove the 4CC. There were difculties with his approach that were solved in 1976 by A PPEL AND H AKEN. They based the proof on reducibility using Kempe chains, and ended up with an unavoidable set with over 1900 congurations and some 300 discharging rules. The proof used 1200 hours of computer time. (KOCH assisted with the computer calculations.) A simplied proof by ROBERTSON , S ANDERS , S EYMOUR AND T HOMAS (1997) uses 633 congurations and 32 discharging rules. Because of these simplications also the computer time is much less than in the original proof. The following book contains the ideas of the proof of the 4-Colour Theorem. T.L. S AATY AND P.C. K AINEN, The Four-Color Problem, Dover, 1986.

5.2 Colouring planar graphs


List colouring
D EFINITION . Let G be a graph so that each of its vertices v is given a list (set) (v) of colours. A proper colouring : VG [1, m] of G is a (-)list colouring, if each vertex v gets a colour from its list, (v) (v). The list chromatic number (G) is the smallest integer k such that G has a -list colouring for all lists of size k, |(v)| = k}. Also, G is k-choosable, if (G) k. Example 5.4. The bipartite graph K3,3 is not 2choosable. Indeed, let the bipartition of K3,3 be (X, Y ), where X = {x1 , x2 , x3 } and Y = {y1 , y2 , y3 }. The lists for the vertices shown in the gure show that (K3,3 ) > 2.
{1, 2} y1 {1, 3} y2 {2, 3} y3

x1 {1, 2}

x2 {1, 3}

x3 {2, 3}

Obviously (G) (G), since proper colourings are special cases of list colourings, but equality does not hold in general. However, it was proved by V IZING (1976) and E RDS , RUBIN AND TAYLOR (1979) that (G) (G) + 1 . For planar graphs we do not have a 4-list colour theorem. Indeed, it was shown by VOIGT (1993) that there exists a planar graph with (G) = 5. At the moment, the smallest such a graph was produced by M IRZAKHANI (1996), and it is of order 63. Theorem 5.9 (T HOMASSEN (1994)). Let G be a planar graph. Then (G) 5. In fact, T HOMASSEN proved a stronger statement: Theorem 5.10. Let G be a planar graph and let C be the cycle that is the boundary of the exterior face. Let consist of lists such that |(v)| = 3 for all v C, and |(v)| = 5 for all v C. Then G has a -list colouring . / Proof. We can assume that the planar graph G is connected, and that it is given by a neartriangulation; an embedding, where the interior faces are triangles. (If the boundary of a face has more than 3 edges, then we can add an edge inside the face.) This is because adding edges to a graph can only make the list colouring more difcult. Note that the exterior boundary is unchanged by a triangulation of the interior faces. The proof is by induction on G under the additional constraint that one of the vertices of C has a xed colour. (Thus we prove a stronger statement than claimed.) For G 3, the claim is obvious. Suppose then that G 4. Let x C be a vertex, for which we x a colour (x) (x). Let v C be a vertex adjacent to x, that is, C : v x v.

5.2 Colouring planar graphs Let NG (v) = {x, v1 , . . . , vk , y}, where y C, and vi are ordered such that the faces are triangles as in the gure. It can be that NG (v) = {x, y}, in which case xy EG .
v y vk v1 v x


2 Consider the subgraph H = Gv. The exterior bound... ary of H is the cycle x v1 vk y x. Since |(v)| = 3, there are two colours r, s (v) that differ from (x). We dene new lists for H as follows: (vi ) (vi ) \ {r, s} such that | (vi )| = 3 for each i [1, k], and otherwise (z) = (z). Now H = G 1, and by the induction hypothesis (with (x) still xed), H has a -list colouring . For the vertex v, we choose (v) = r or s such that (v) = (y). This gives a -list colouring for G. Since (z) (z) for all z, we have that is a -list colouring of G.

Straight lines and kissing circles

We state an interesting result of WAGNER, the proof of which can be deduced from the above proof of Kuratowskis theorem. The result is known as Frys Theorem. Theorem 5.11 (WAGNER (1936)). A planar graph G has a plane embedding, where the edges are straight lines. This raises a difcult problem: Integer Length Problem. Can all planar graphs be drawn in the plane such that the edges are straight lines of integer lengths? We say that two circles kiss in the plane, if they intersect in one point and their interiors do not intersect. For a set of circles, we draw a graph by putting an edge between two midpoints of kissing circles. The following improvement of the above theorem is due to KOEBE (1936), and it was rediscovered independently by A NDREEV (1970) and T HURSTON (1985).

Theorem 5.12 (KOEBE (1936)). A graph is planar if and only if it is a kissing graph of circles. Graphs can be represented as plane gures in many different ways. For this, consider a set S of curves of the plane (that are continuous between their end points). The string graph of S is the graph G = (S, E), where uv E if and only if the curves u and v intersect. At rst it might seem that every graph is a string graph, but this is not the case. It is known that all planar graphs are string graphs (this is a trivial result).

5.2 Colouring planar graphs


Line Segment Problem. A graph is a line segment graph if it is a string graph for a set L of straight line segments in the plane. Is every planar graph a line segment graph for some set L of lines? Note that there are also nonplanar graphs that are line segment graphs. Indeed, all complete graphs are such graphs. The above question remains open even in the case when the slopes of the lines are +1, 1, 0 and . A positive answer to this 4-slope problem for planar graphs would prove the 4-Colour Theorem.


The Minor Theorem

D EFINITION . A graph H is a minor of G, denoted by H G, if H is isomorphic to a graph obtained from a subgraph of G by successively contracting edges. A recent result of ROBERTSON AND S EYMOUR (1983-2000) on graph minors is (one of) the deepest results of graph theory. The proof goes beyond these lectures. Indeed, the proof of Theorem 5.13 is around 500 pages long.

a subgraph

a contraction

Note that every subgraph H G is a minor, H G. The following properties of the minor relation are easily established: (i) G (ii) H (iii) H G, G and G L and L H imply G H, = G imply H G.

The conditions (i) and (iii) ensure that the relation is a quasi-order, that is, it is reexive and transitive. It turns out to be a well-quasi-order, that is, every innite sequence G1 , G2 , . . . of graphs has two graphs Gi and Gj with i < j such that Gi Gj . Theorem 5.13 (Minor Theorem). The minor order is a well-quasi-order on graphs. In particular, in any innite family F of graphs, one of the graphs is a (proper) minor of another. Each property P of graphs denes a family of graphs, namely, the family of those graphs that satisfy this property.

5.3 Genus of a graph


D EFINITION . A family F of graphs is said to be minor closed, if every minor H of a graph G F is also in F. A property P of graphs is said to be inherited by minors, if all minors of a graph G satisfy P whenever G does. The following families of graphs are minor closed: the family of (1) all graphs, (2) planar graphs (and their generalizations to other surfaces), (3) acyclic graphs. The acyclic graphs include all trees. However, the family of trees is not closed under taking subgraphs, and thus it is not minor closed. More importantly, the subgraph order of trees (T1 T2 ) is not a well-quasi-order. WAGNER proved a minor version of Kuratowskis theorem: Theorem 5.14 (WAGNER (1937)). A graph G is nonplanar if and only if K5 G. Proof. Exercise. ROBERTSON

G or K3,3

S EYMOUR (1998) proved the Wagners conjecture:

Theorem 5.15 (Minor Theorem 2). Let P be a property of graphs inherited by minors. Then there exists a nite set F of graphs such that G satises P if and only if G does not have a minor from F. One of the impressive application of Theorem 5.15 concerns embeddings of graphs on surfaces, see the next chapters. By Theorem 5.15, one can test (with a fast algorithm) whether a graph can be embedded onto a surface. Every graph can be drawn in the 3-dimensional space without crossing edges. An old problem asks if there exists an algorithm that would determine whether a graph can be drawn so that its cycles do not form (nontrivial) knots. This problem is solved by the above results, since the property knotless is inherited by minors: there exists a fast algorithm to do the job. However, this algorithm is not known! Hadwigers Problem. H ADWIGER conjectured in 1943 that for every graph G, K(G) G,

that is, if (G) r, then G has a complete graph Kr as its minor. The conjecture is trivial for r = 2, and it is known to hold for all r 6. The cases for r = 5 and 6 follow from the 4-Colour Theorem.

5.3 Genus of a graph

A graph is planar, if it can be drawn in the plane without crossing edges. A plane is an important special case of a surface. In this section we study shortly drawing graphs in other surfaces.

5.3 Genus of a graph


There are quite many interesting surfaces many of which are rather difcult to draw. We shall study the easy surfaces those that are compact and orientable. These are surfaces that have both an inside and an outside, and can be entirely characterized by the number of holes in them. This number is the genus of the surface. There are also non-orientable compact surfaces such as the Klein bottle and the projective plane.

Background on surfaces
We shall rst have a quick look at the general surfaces and their classication without going into the details. Consider the space R3 , which has its (usual) distance function d(x, y) R of its points. Two gures (i.e., sets of points) A and B are topologically equivalent (or homeomorphic) if there exists a bijection f : A B such that f and its inverse f 1 : B A are continuous. In particular, two gures are topologically equivalent if one can be deformed to the other by bending, squeezing, stretching, and shrinking without tearing it apart or gluing any of its parts together. All these deformations should be such that they can be undone. A set of points X is a surface, if X is connected (there is a continuous line inside X between any two given points) and every point x X has a neighbourhood that is topologically equivalent to an open planar disk D(a) = {x | dist(a, x) < 1}. We deal with surfaces of the real space, and in this case a surface X is compact, if X is closed and bounded. Note that the plane is not compact, since it it not bounded. A subset of a compact surface X is a triangle if it is topologically equivalent to a triangle in the plane. A nite set of triangles Ti , i = 1, 2, . . . , m, is a triangulation of X if X = m Ti and any i=1 nonempty intersection Ti Tj with i = j is either a vertex or an edge. The following is due to R AD (1925). Theorem 5.16. Every compact surface has a triangulation. Each triangle of a surface can be oriented by choosing an order for its vertices up to cyclic permutations. Such a permutation induces a direction for the edges of the triangle. A triangulation is said to be oriented if the triangles are assigned orientations such that common edges of two triangles are always oriented in reverse directions. A surface is orientable if it admits an oriented triangulation. Equivalently, orientability can be described as follows. Theorem 5.17. A compact surface X is orientable if and only if it has no subsets that are topologically equivalent to the Mbius band. In the Mbius band (which itself is not a surface according the above denition) one can travel around and return to the starting point with left and right reversed. A connected sum X#Y of two compact surfaces is obtained by cutting an open disk off from both surfaces and then gluing the surfaces together along the boundary of the disks. (Such a deformation is not allowed by topological equivalence.) The next result is known as the classication theorem of compact surfaces.

5.3 Genus of a graph Theorem 5.18 (D EHN


76 H EEGAARD (1907)). Let X be a compact surface. Then

(i) if X is orientable, then it is topologically equivalent to a sphere S = S0 or a connected sum of tori: Sn = S1 #S1 # . . . #S1 for some n 1, where S1 is a torus. (ii) if X is nonorientable, then X is topologically equivalent to a connected sum of projective planes: Pn = P #P # . . . #P for some n 1, where P is a projective plane. It is often difcult to imagine how a gure (say, a graph) can be drawn in a surface. There is a helpful, and difcult to prove, result due to R AD (1920), stating that every compact surface (orientable or not) has a description by a plane model, which consists of a polygon in the plane such that each edge of the polygon is labelled by a letter, each letter is a label of exactly two edges of the polygon, and each edge is given an orientation (clockwise or counter clockwise). Given a plane model M , a compact surface is obtained by gluing together the edges having the same label in the direction that they have. a a b b a Torus a b b a Klein bottle a b a a b

b Sphere

b Projective plane

From a plane model one can easily determine if the surface is oriented or not. It is nonoriented if and only if, for some label a, the edges labelled by a have the same direction when read clockwise. (This corresponds to the Mbius band.) A plane model, and thus a compact surface, can also be represented by a (circular) word by reading the model clockwise, and concatenating the labels with the convention that a1 is chosen if the direction of the edge is counter clockwise. Hence, the sphere is represented by the word abb1 a1 , the torus by aba1 b1 , the Klein bottle by aba1 b and the projective plane by abb1 a. These surfaces, as do the other surfaces, have many other plane models and representing words as well. A word representing a connected sum of two surfaces, represented by words W1 and W2 , is obtained by concatenating these words to W1 W2 . By studying the relations of the representing words, Theorem 5.18 can be proved. Klein bottle

5.3 Genus of a graph


Drawing a graph (or any gure) in a surface can be elaborated compared to drawing in a plane model, where a line that enters an edge of the polygon must continue by the corresponding point of the other edge with the same label (since these points are identied when we glue the edges together).
a e4 e5

Example 5.5. On the right we have drawn K6 in the Klein bottle. The black dots indicate, where the lines enter and leave the edges of the plane model. Recall that in the plane model for the Klein bottle the vertical edges of the square have the same direction.

e3 b e2 e1

e1 e2 b e3

e4 a


D EFINITION . In general, if S is a surface, then a graph G has an S-embedding, if G can be drawn in S without crossing edges. Let S0 be (the surface of) a sphere. According to the next theorem a sphere has exactly the same embeddings as do the plane. In the one direction the claim is obvious: if G is a planar graph, then it can be drawn in a bounded area of the plane (without crossing edges), and this bounded area can be ironed on the surface of a large enough sphere.

Clearly, if a graph can be embedded in one sphere, then it can be embedded in any sphere the size of the sphere is of no importance. On the other hand, if G is embeddable in a sphere S0 , then there is a small area of the sphere, where there are no points of the edges. We then puncture the sphere at this area, and stretch it open until it looks like a region of the plane. In this process no crossings of edges can be created, and hence G is planar.

Another way to see this is to use projection of the sphere to a plane:

Theorem 5.19. A graph G has an S0 -embedding if and only if it is planar. Therefore instead of planar embeddings we can equally well study embeddings of graphs in a sphere. This is sometimes convenient, since the sphere is closed and it has no boundaries.

5.3 Genus of a graph


Most importantly, a planar graph drawn in a sphere has no exterior face all faces are bounded (by edges). If a sphere is deformed by pressing or stretching, its embeddability properties will remain the same. In topological terms the surface has been distorted by a continuous transformation.


Consider next a surface which is obtained from the sphere S0 by pressing a hole in it. This is a torus S1 (or an orientable surface of genus 1). The S1 -embeddable graphs are said to have genus equal to 1.

Sometimes it is easier to consider handles than holes: a torus S1 can be deformed (by a continuous transformation) into a sphere with a handle.

If a graph G is S1 -embeddable, then it can be drawn in any one of the above surfaces without crossing edges.

1 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 1 1

Example 5.6. The smallest nonplanar graphs K5 and K3,3 have genus 1. Also, K7 has genus 1 as can be seen from the plane model (of the torus) on the right.

Let Sn (n 0) be a sphere with n holes in it. The drawing of an S4 can already be quite complicated, because we do not put any restrictions on the places of the holes (except that we must not tear the surface into disjoint parts). However, once again an Sn can be transformed (topologically) into a sphere with n handles.

5.3 Genus of a graph


D EFINITION . We dene the genus g(G) of a graph G as the smallest integer n, for which G is Sn -embeddable. For planar graphs, we have g(G) = 0, and, in particular, g(K4 ) = 0. For K5 , we have g(K5 ) = 1, since K5 is nonplanar, but is embeddable in a torus. Also, g(K3,3 ) = 1. The next theorem states that any graph G can be embedded in some surface Sn with n 0. Theorem 5.20. Every graph has a genus. This result has an easy intuitive verication. Indeed, consider a graph G and any of its plane (or sphere) drawing (possibly with many crossing edges) such that no three edges cross each other in the same point (such a drawing can be obtained). At each of these crossing points create a handle so that one of the edges goes below the handle and the other uses the handle to cross over the rst one. We should note that the above argument does not determine g(G), only that G can be embedded in some Sn . However, clearly g(G) n, and thus the genus g(G) of G exists. The same handle can be utilized by several edges.

Eulers formula with genus

The drawing of a planar graph G in a sphere has the advantage that the faces of the embedding are not divided into internal and external. The external face of G becomes an ordinary face after G has been drawn in S0 . In general, a face of an embedding of G in Sn (with g(G) = n) is a region of Sn surrounded by edges of G. Let again G denote the number of faces of an embedding of G in Sn . We omit the proof of the next generalization of Eulers formula. Theorem 5.21. If G is a connected graph, then G G + G = 2 2g(G) .

5.3 Genus of a graph


If G is a planar graph, then g(G) = 0, and the above formula is the Eulers formula for planar graphs. D EFINITION . A face of an embedding P (G) in a surface is a 2-cell, if every simple closed curve (that does not intersect with itself) can be continuously deformed to a single point. The complete graph K4 can be embedded in a torus such that it has a face that is not a 2-cell. But this is because g(K4 ) = 0, and the genus of the torus is 1. We omit the proof of the general condition discovered by YOUNGS: Theorem 5.22 (YOUNGS (1963)). The faces of an embedding of a connected graph G in a surface of genus g(G) are 2-cells. Lemma 5.12. For a connected G with G 3 we have 3G 2G . Proof. If G = 3, then the claim is trivial. Assume thus that G 4. In this case we need the knowledge that G is counted in a surface that determines the genus of G (and in no surface with a larger genus). Now every face has a border of at least three edges, and, as before, every nonbridge is on the boundary of exactly two faces. Theorem 5.23. For a connected G with G 3, g(G) 1 1 G (G 2) . 6 2

Proof. By the previous lemma, 3G 2G , and by the generalized Eulers formula, G = G G + 2 2g(G). Combining these we obtain that 3G 3G + 6 6g(G) 2G , and the claim follows. By this theorem, we can compute lower bounds for the genus g(G) without drawing any embeddings. As an example, let G = K8 . In this case G = 8, G = 28, and so g(G) 5 . 3 Since the genus is always an integer, g(G) 2. We deduce that K8 cannot be embedded in the surface S1 of the torus. If H G, then clearly g(H) g(G), since H is obtained from G by omitting vertices and edges. In particular, Lemma 5.13. For a graph G of order n, g(G) g(Kn ). For the complete graphs Kn a good lower bound was found early. Theorem 5.24 (H EAWOOD (1890)). If n 3, then g(Kn ) (n 3)(n 4) . 12

Proof. The number of edges in Kn is equal to G = 1 n(n 1). By Theorem 5.23, we obtain 2 g(Kn ) (1/6)G (1/2)(n 2) = (1/12)(n 3)(n 4) .

5.3 Genus of a graph This result was dramatically improved to obtain Theorem 5.25 (R INGEL


YOUNGS (1968)). If n 3, then g(Kn ) = (n 3)(n 4) . 12

Therefore g(K6 ) = 3 2/12 = 1/2 = 1. Also, g(K7 ) = 1, but g(K8 ) = 2. By Theorem 5.25, Theorem 5.26. For all graphs G of order n 3, g(G) (n 3)(n 4) . 12

Also, we know the exact genus for the complete bipartite graphs: Theorem 5.27 ( R INGEL (1965)). For the complete bipartite graphs, g(Km,n ) = (m 2)(n 2) . 4

Chromatic numbers
For the planar graphs G, the proof of the 4-Colour Theorem, (G) 4, is extremely long and difcult. This in mind, it is surprising that the generalization of the 4-Colour Theorem for genus 1 is much easier. H EAWOOD proved a hundred years ago: Theorem 5.28 (H EAWOOD ). If g(G) = g 1, then 7 + 1 + 48g (G) . 2 Notice that for g = 0 this theorem would be the 4-colour theorem. H EAWOOD proved it only for g 1. Using the result of R INGEL AND YOUNGS and some elementary computations we can prove that the above theorem is the best possible. Theorem 5.29. For each g 1, there exists a graph G with genus g(G) = g so that 7 + 1 + 48g . (G) = 2 If a nonplanar graph G can be embedded in a torus, then g(G) = 1, and (G) (7 + 1 + 48g)/2 = 7. Moreover, for G = K7 we have that (K7 ) = 7 and g(K7 ) = 1.

5.3 Genus of a graph


Three dimensions
Every graph can be drawn without crossing edges in the 3-dimensional space. Such a drawing is called spatial embedding of the graph. Indeed, such an embedding can be achieved by putting all vertices of G on a line, and then drawing the edges in different planes that contain the line. Alternatively, the vertices of G can be put in a sphere, and drawing the edges as straight lines crossing the sphere inside. A spatial embedding of a graph G is said to have linked cycles, if two cycles of G form a link (they cannot be separated in the space). By C ONWAY and G ORDON in 1983 every spatial embedding of K6 contains linked cycles. It was shown by ROBERTSON , S EYMOUR AND T HOMAS (1993) that there is a set of 7 graphs such that a graph G has a spatial embedding without linked cycles if and only if G does not have a minor belonging to this set. This family of forbidden graphs was originally found by S ACHS (without proof), and it contains K6 and the Petersen graph. Every graph in the set has 15 edges, which is curious. For further results and proofs concerning graphs in surfaces, see B. M OHAR

C. T HOMASSEN, Graphs on Surfaces, Johns Hopkins, 2001.

6 Directed Graphs
6.1 Digraphs
In some problems the relation between the objects is not symmetric. For these cases we need directed graphs, where the edges are oriented from one vertex to another. As an example consider a map of a small town. Can you make the streets one-way, and still be able to drive from one house to another (or exit the town)?

D EFINITION . A digraph (or a directed graph) D = (VD , ED ) consists of the vertices VD and (directed) edges ED VD VD (without loops vv). We still write uv for (u, v), but note that now uv = vu. For each pair e = uv dene the inverse of e as e1 = vu (= (v, u)). Note that e ED does not imply e1 ED . D EFINITION . Let D be a digraph. Then A is its subdigraph, if VA VD and EA ED , induced subdigraph, A = D[X], if VA = X and EA = ED (X X). The underlying graph U (D) of a digraph D is the graph on VD such that if e ED , then the undirected edge with the same ends is in U (D). A digraph D is an orientation of a graph G, if G = U (D) and e ED implies e1 ED . / In this case, D is said to be an oriented graph.
D EFINITION . Let D be a digraph. A walk W = e1 e2 . . . ek : u v of U (D) is a directed walk, if ei ED for all i [1, k]. Similarly, we dene directed paths and directed cycles as directed walks and closed directed walks without repetitions of vertices. The digraph D is di-connected, if, for all u = v, there exist directed paths u v and v u. The maximal induced di-connected subdigraphs are the di-components of D.

6.1 Digraphs


Note that a graph G = U (D) might be connected, although the digraph D is not diconnected. D EFINITION . The indegree and the outdegree of a vertex are dened as follows dI (v) = |{e ED | e = xv}|, D dO (v) = |{e ED | e = vx}| . D

We have the following handshaking lemma. (You offer and accept a handshake.) Lemma 6.1. Let D be a digraph. Then dI (v) = |ED | = D dO (v). D


Directed paths
The relationship between paths and directed paths is in general rather complicated. This digraph has a path of length ve, but its directed paths are of length one. There is a nice connection between the lengths of directed paths and the chromatic number (D) = (U (D)). Theorem 6.1 (ROY (1967),G ALLAI (1968)). A digraph D has a directed path of length (D) 1. Proof. Let A ED be a minimal set of edges such that the subdigraph DA contains no directed cycles. Let k be the length of the longest directed path in DA. For each vertex v D, assign a colour (v) = i, if a longest directed path from v has length i 1 in DA. Here 1 i k + 1. First we observe that if P = e1 e2 . . . er (r 1) is any directed path u v in DA, then (u) = (v). Indeed, if (v) = i, then there exists a directed path Q : v w of length i 1, and P Q is a directed path, since DA does not contain directed cycles. Since P Q : u w, (u) = i = (v). In particular, if e = uv EDA , then (u) = (v). Consider then an edge e = vu A. By the minimality of A, (DA) + e contains a directed cycle C : u v u, where the part u v is a directed path in DA, and hence (u) = (v). This shows that is a proper colouring of U (D), and therefore (D) k + 1, that is, k (D) 1. The bound (D) 1 is the best possible in the following sense: Theorem 6.2. Every graph G has an orientation D, where the longest directed paths have lengths (G) 1.

6.1 Digraphs


Proof. Let k = (G) and let be a proper k-colouring of G. As usual the set of colours is [1, k]. We orient each edge uv EG by setting uv ED , if (u) < (v). Clearly, the so obtained orientation D has no directed paths of length k 1. D EFINITION . An orientation D of an undirected graph G is acyclic, if it has no directed cycles. Let a(G) be the number of acyclic orientations of G. The next result is charming, since G (1) measures the number of proper colourings of G using 1 colours! Theorem 6.3 (S TANLEY (1973)). Let G be a graph of order n. Then the number of the acyclic orientations of G is a(G) = (1)n G (1) , where G is the chromatic polynomial of G. Proof. The proof is by induction on G . First, if G is discrete, then G (k) = kn , and a(G) = 1 = (1)n (1)n = (1)n G (1) as required. Now G (k) is a polynomial that satises the recurrence G (k) = Ge (k) Ge (k). To prove the claim, we show that a(G) satises the same recurrence. Indeed, if a(G) = a(Ge) + a(G e) then, by the induction hypothesis, a(G) = (1)n Ge (1) + (1)n1 Ge (1) = (1)n G (1) . For (6.1), we observe that every acyclic orientation of G gives an acyclic orientation of Ge. On the other hand, if D is an acyclic orientation of Ge for e = uv, it extends to an acyclic orientation of G by putting e1 : u v or e2 : v u. Indeed, if D has no directed path u v, we choose e2 , and if D has no directed path v u, we choose e1 . Note that since D is acyclic, it cannot have both ways u v and v u. (6.1)

We conclude that a(G) = a(Ge) + b, where b is the number of acyclic orientations D of Ge that extend in both ways e1 and e2 . The acyclic orientations D that extend in both ways are exactly those that contain
neither u v nor v u as a directed path.


Each acyclic orientation of G e corresponds in a natural way to an acyclic orientation D of Ge that satises (6.2). Therefore b = a(G e), and the proof is completed.

One-way trafc
Every graph can be oriented, but the result may not be di-connected. In the one-way trafc problem the resulting orientation should be di-connected, for otherwise someone is not able to drive home. ROBBINS theorem solves this problem.

6.1 Digraphs


D EFINITION . A graph G is di-orientable, if there is a di-connected oriented graph D such that G = U (D). Theorem 6.4 (ROBBINS (1939)). A connected graph G is di-orientable if and only if G has no bridges. Proof. If G has a bridge e, then any orientation of G has at least two di-components (both sides of the bridge). Suppose then that G has no bridges. Hence G has a cycle C, and a cycle is always diorientable. Let then H G be maximal such that it has a di-orientation DH . If H = G, then we are done. Otherwise, there exists an edge e = vu EG such that u v e u H but v H (because G is connected). The edge e is / not a bridge and thus there exists a cycle P P Q
C = eP Q : v u w v

in G, where w is the last vertex inside H. In the di-orientation DH of H there is a directed path P : u w. Now, we orient e : v Q : v u u and the edges of Q in the direction Q : w v to obtain a directed cycle eP w v. In conclusion, G[VH VC ] has a di-orientation, which contradicts the maximality assumption on H. This proves the claim. Example 6.1. Let D be a digraph. A directed Euler tour of D is a directed closed walk that uses each edge exactly once. A directed Euler trail of D is a directed walk that uses each edge exactly once. The following two results are left as exercises. (1) Let D be a digraph such that U (D) is connected. Then D has a directed Euler tour if and only if dI (v) = dO (v) for all vertices v. D D (2) Let D be a digraph such that U (D) is connected. Then D has a directed Euler trail if and only if dI (v) = dO (v) for all vertices v with possibly excepting two vertices x, y for which D D |dI (v) dO (v)| = 1. D D

The above results hold equally well for multidigraphs, that is, for directed graphs, where we allow parallel directed edges between the vertices.

Example 6.2. The following problem was rst studied by H UTCHINSON AND W ILF (1975) with a motivation from DNA sequencing. Consider words over an alphabet A = {a1 , a2 , . . . , an } of n letters, that is, each word w is a sequence of letters. In the case of DNA, the letters are A, T, C, G. In a problem instance, we are given nonnegative integers si and rij for 1 i, j n, and the question is: does there exist a word w in which each letter ai occurs exactly si times, and ai is followed by aj exactly rij times. For instance, if n = 2, s1 = 3, and r11 = 1, r12 = 2, r21 = 1, r22 = 0, then the word a1 a2 a1 a1 a2 is a solution to the problem.

6.1 Digraphs


Consider a multidigraph D with VD = A for which there are rij edges ai aj . It is rather obvious that a directed Euler trail of D gives a solution to the sequencing problem.

D EFINITION . A tournament T is an orientation of a complete graph. Example 6.3. There are four tournaments of four vertices that are not isomorphic with each other. (Isomorphism of directed graphs is dened in the obvious way.)

Theorem 6.5 (R DEI (1934)). Every tournament has a directed Hamilton path. Proof. The chromatic number of Kn is (Kn ) = n, and hence by Theorem 6.1, a tournament T of order n has a directed path of length n 1. This is then a directed Hamilton path visiting each vertex once. The vertices of a tournament can be easily reached from one vertex (sometimes called the king). Theorem 6.6 (L AUDAU (1953)). Let v be a vertex of a tournament T of maximum outdegree. Then for all u, there is a directed path v u of length at most two. Proof. Let T be an orientation of Kn , and let dO (v) = d be the maximum outdegree in T . T Suppose that there exists an x, for which the directed distance from v to x is at least three. It follows that xv ET and xu ET for all u with vu ET . But there are d vertices in A = {y | vy ET }, and thus d + 1 vertices in {y | xy ET } = A {v}. It follows that the outdegree of x is d + 1, which contradicts the maximality assumption made for v. Problem. dms conjecture states that in every digraph D with a directed cycle there exists an edge uv the reversal of which decreases the number of directed cycles. Here the new digraph has the edge vu instead of uv. Example 6.4. Consider a tournament of n teams that play once against each other, and suppose that each game has a winner. The situation can be presented as a tournament, where the vertices correspond to the teams vi , and there is an edge vi vj , if vi won vj in their mutual game. D EFINITION . A team v is a winner (there may be more than one winner), if v comes out with the most victories in the tournament.

6.1 Digraphs


Theorem 6.6 states that a winner v either defeated a team u or v defeated a team that defeated u. A ranking of a tournament is a linear ordering of the teams vi1 > vi2 > > vin that should reect the scoring of the teams. One way of ranking a tournament could be by a Hamilton path: the ordering can be obtained from a directed Hamilton path P : vi1 vi2 . . . vin . However, a tournament may have several directed Hamilton paths, and some of these may do unjust for the real winner. Example 6.5. Consider a tournament of six teams 1, 2, . . . , 6, and let T be the scoring digraph as in the gure. Here 1 2 4 5 6 3 is a di rected Hamilton path, but this extends to a directed Hamilton cycle (by adding 3 1)! So for every team there is a Hamilton path, where it is a winner, and in another, it is a looser.

1 6 5

2 3 4

Let s1 (j) = dO (j) be the winning number of the team j (the number of teams beaten by T j). In the above tournament, s1 (1) = 4, s1 (2) = 3, s1 (3) = 3, s1 (4) = 2, s1 (5) = 2, s1 (6) = 1 . So, is team 1 the winner? If so, is 2 or 3 next? Dene the second-level scoring for each team by s2 (j) = s1 (i) .

This tells us how good teams j beat. In our example, we have s2 (1) = 8, s2 (2) = 5, s2 (3) = 9, s2 (4) = 3, s2 (5) = 4, s2 (6) = 3 . Now, it seems that 3 is the winner,but 4 and 6 have the same score. We continue by dening inductively the mth-level scoring by sm (j) =

sm1 (i) .

It can be proved (using matrix methods) that for a di-connected tournament with at least four teams, the level scorings will eventually stabilize in a ranking of the tournament: there exits an m for which the mth-level scoring gives the same ordering as do the (m + k)th-level scorings for all k 1. If T is not di-connected, then the level scoring should be carried out with respect to the di-components. In our example the level scoring gives 1 3 2 5 4 6 as the ranking of the tournament.

6.2 Network Flows


6.2 Network Flows

Various transportation networks or water pipelines are conveniently represented by weighted directed graphs. These networks usually possess also some additional requirements. Goods are transported from specic places (warehouses) to nal locations (marketing places) through a network of roads. In modeling a transportation network by a digraph, we must make sure that the number of goods remains the same at each crossing of the roads. The problem setting for such networks was proposed by T.E. Harris in the 1950s. The connection to Kirchhoffs Current Law (1847) is immediate. According to this law, in every electrical network the amount of current owing in a vertex equals the amount owing out that vertex.

D EFINITION . A network N consists of an underlying digraph D = (V, E), two distinct vertices s and r, called the source and the sink of N , and a capacity function : V V R+ (nonnegative real numbers), for which (e) = 0, if e E. / Denote VN = V and EN = E. Let A VN be a set of vertices, and f : VN VN R any function such that f (e) = 0, if e EN . We adopt the following notations: / f + (A) = [A, A] = {e ED | e = uv, u A, v A} , / f (e)
e[A,A] 5 s 6 4 4 5 4 2 5

4 2 r


f (A) =

f (e) .

In particular, f + (u) =

f (uv)


f (u) =

f (vu) .

D EFINITION . A ow in a network N is a function f : VN VN R+ such that 0 f (e) (e) for all e, and f (v) = f + (v) for all v {s, r} . /

Example 6.6. The value f (e) can be taught of as the rate at which transportation actually happens along the channel e which has the maximum capacity (e). The second condition states that there should be no loss.

6.2 Network Flows


4 5 s 4 4 3 3 0 4 1 r

If N = (D, s, r, ) is a network of water pipes, then the value (e) gives the capacity (x m3 /min) of the pipe e. The previous network has a ow that is indicated on the right.

A ow f in N is something that the network can handle. E.g., in the above gure the source should not try to feed the network the full capacity (11 m3 /min) of its pipes, because the junctions cannot handle this much water. D EFINITION . Every network N has a zero ow dened by f (e) = 0 for all e. For a ow f and each subset A VN , dene the resultant ow from A and the value of f as the numbers A ow f of a network N is a maximum ow, if there does not exist any ow f such that val(f ) < val(f ). The value val(f ) of a ow is the overall number of goods that are (to be) transported through the network from the source to the sink. In the above example, val(f ) = 9. Lemma 6.2. Let N = (D, s, r, ) be a network with a ow f . (i) If A N \ {s, r}, then val(fA ) = 0. (ii) val(f ) = val(fr ). Proof. Let A N \ {s, r}. Then 0=

val(fA ) = f + (A) f (A)


val(f ) = val(fs ) (= f + (s) f (s)) .

(f + (v) f (v)) =


f + (v)


f (v) = f + (A) f (A) = val(fA ),

where the third equality holds since the values of the edges uv with u, v A cancel each out. The second claim is also clear.

Improvable ows
Let f be a ow in a network N , and let P = e1 e2 . . . en be an undirected path in N where an edge ei is along P , if ei = vi vi+1 EN , and against P , if ei = vi+1 vi EN . We dene a nonnegative number (P ) for P as follows: (P ) = min (e),

where (e) =

(e) f (e) if e is along P , f (e) if e is against P .


D EFINITION . Let f be a ow in a network N . A path P : s r is (f -)improvable, if (P ) > 0. On the right, the bold path has value (P ) = 1, and therefore this path is improvable.

5 s 4 3

4 3 4 0

1 r 4

6.2 Network Flows


Lemma 6.3. Let N be a network. If f is a maximum ow of N , then it has no improvable paths. Proof. Dene f (e) + (P ) f (e) = f (e) (P ) f (e) if e is along P , if e is against P , if e is not in P .
4 4 5 s 5 4 3 2 0 4 2 r

Then f is a ow, since at each intermediate vertex v {s, r}, we have (f ) (v) = (f )+ (v), / and the capacities of the edges are not exceeded. Now val(f ) = val(f )+(P ), since P has exactly one edge sv EN for the source s. Hence, if (P ) > 0, then we can improve the ow.

Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem

D EFINITION . Let N = (D, s, r, ) be a network. For a subset S VN with s S and r S, / let the cut by S be / [S] = [S, S] (= {uv EN | u S, v S}) . The capacity of the cut [S] is the sum [S] = + (S) =

(e) .

A cut [S] is a minimum cut, if there is no cut [R] with [R] < [S]. Example 6.7. In our original network the capacity of the cut for the indicated vertices is equal to 10. Lemma 6.4. For a ow f and a cut [S] of N , val(f ) = val(fS ) = f + (S) f (S) .
5 s 6 4

4 5 2 4 4 2 5 r

Proof. Let SI = S \ {s}. Now val(SI ) = 0 (since SI N \ {s, r}), and val(f ) = val(fs ). Hence val(fS ) =val(fs ) f (sv) +

f (vs) f (vs)

+ val(fSI ) +

f (sv)

=val(fs ) = val(f ) .

6.2 Network Flows


Theorem 6.7. For a ow f and any cut [S] of N , val(f ) [S]. Furthermore, equality holds if and only if for each u S and v S, / (i) if e = uv EN , then f (e) = (e), (ii) if e = vu EN , then f (e) = 0. Proof. By the denition of a ow, f + (S) =

f (e)

(e) = [S] ,

and f (S) 0. By Lemma 6.4, val(f ) = val(fS ) = f + (S) f (S), and hence val(f ) [S], as required. Also, the equality val(f ) = [S] holds if and only if (1) f + (S) = [S] and (2) f (S) = 0. This holds if and only if f (e) = (e) for all e [S] (since f (e) (e)), and (2) f (e) = 0 for all e = vu with u S, v S. / This proves the claim. In particular, if f is a maximum ow and [S] a minimum cut, then val(f ) [S] . Corollary 6.1. If f is a ow and [S] a cut such that val(f ) = [S], then f is a maximum ow and [S] a minimum cut. The following main result of network ows was proved independently by E LIAS , F EIN S HANNON, by F ORD AND F ULKERSON, and by ROBACKER in 1955 56. The present approach is due to Ford and Fulkerson.

Theorem 6.8. A ow f of a network N is maximum if and only if there are no f -improvable paths in N . Proof. By Lemma 6.3, a maximum ow cannot have improvable paths. Conversely, assume that N contains no f -improvable paths, and let
SI = {u N | for some path P : s u, (P ) > 0} .

Set S = SI {s}. Consider an edge e = uv EN , where u S and v S. Since u S, there exists a / path P : s u with (P ) > 0. Moreover, since v S, (P e) = 0 for the path P e : s v. / Therefore (e) = 0, and so f (e) = (e). By the same argument, for an edge e = vu EN with v S and u S, f (e) = 0. / By Theorem 6.7, we have val(f ) = [S]. Corollary 6.1 implies now that f is a maximum ow (and [S] is a minimum cut).

6.2 Network Flows


Theorem 6.9. Let N be a network, where the capacity function : V V N has integer values. Then N has a maximum ow with integer values. Proof. Let f0 be the zero ow, f0 (e) = 0 for all e V V . A maximum ow is constructed using Lemma 6.3 by increasing and decreasing the values of the edges by integers only. The proof of Theorem 6.8 showed also Theorem 6.10 (Max-Flow Min-Cut). In a network N , the value val(f ) of a maximum ow equals the capacity [S] of a minimum cut.

Applications to graphs
The Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem is a strong result, and many of our previous results follow from it. We mention a connection to the Marriage Theorem, Theorem 3.9. For this, let G be a bipartite graph with a bipartition (X, Y ), and consider a network N with vertices {s, r} X Y . Let the edges (with their capacities) be sx EN ((sx) = 1), yr EN ((yr) = 1) for all x X, y Y together with the edges xy EN ((xy) = |X| + 1), if xy EG for x X, y Y . Then G has a matching that saturates X if and only if N has a maximum ow of value |X|. Now Theorem 6.10 gives Theorem 3.9. Next we apply the theorem to unit networks, where the capacities of the edges are equal to one ((e) = 1 for all e EN ). We obtain results for (directed) graphs. Lemma 6.5. Let N be a unit network with source s and sink r. (i) The value val(f ) of a maximum ow equals the maximum number of edge-disjoint directed paths s r. (ii) The capacity of a minimum cut [S] equals the minimum number of edges whose removal destroys the directed connections s r from s to r. Proof. Exercise.

Corollary 6.2. Let u and v be two vertices of a digraph D. The maximum number of edge disjoint directed paths u v equals the minimum number of edges, whose removal destroys all the directed connections u v from D. Proof. A network N with source s and sink r is obtained by setting the capacities equal to 1. The claim follows from Lemma 6.5 and Corollary 6.10. Corollary 6.3. Let u and v be two vertices of a graph G. The maximum number of edge disjoint paths u v equals the minimum number of edges, whose removal destroys all the connections u v from D. Proof. Consider the digraph D that is obtained from G by replacing each (undirected) edge uv EG by two directed edges uv ED and vu ED . The claim follows then easily from Corollary 6.2.

6.2 Network Flows The next corollary is Mengers Theorem for edge connectivity.


Corollary 6.4. A graph G is k-edge connected if and only if any two distinct vertices of G are connected by at least k independent paths. Proof. The claim follows immediately from Corollary 6.3.

Seymours 6-ows
D EFINITION . A k-ow (H, ) of an undirected graph G is an orientation H of G together with an edge colouring : EH [0, k 1] such that for all vertices v V , (e) =
e=vuEH f =uvEH

(f ) ,


that is, the sum of the incoming values equals the sum of the outgoing values. A k-ow is nowhere zero, if (e) = 0 for all e EH . In the k-ows we do not have any source or sink. For convenience, let (e1 ) = (e) for all e EH in the orientation H of G so that the condition (6.3) becomes (e) = 0 .


1 2

Example 6.8. A graph with a nowhere zero 4-ow.

1 3 2 2

The condition (6.4) generalizes to the subsets A VG in a natural way, (e) = 0 ,



since the values of the edges inside A cancel out each other. In particular, Lemma 6.6. If G has a nowhere zero k-ow for some k, then G has no bridges. Tuttes Problem. It was conjectured by T UTTE (1954) that every bridgeless graph has a nowhere zero 5-ow. The Petersen graph has a nowhere zero 5-ow but does not have any nowhere 4-ows, and so 5 is the best one can think of. Tuttes conjecture resembles the 4Colour Theorem, and indeed, the conjecture is known to hold for the planar graphs. The proof of this uses the 4-Colour Theorem. In order to fully appreciate Seymours result, Theorem 6.11, we mention that it was proved as late as 1976 (by JAEGER) that every bridgeless G has a nowhere zero k-ow for some integer k. S EYMOURs remarkable result reads as follows:

6.2 Network Flows Theorem 6.11 (S EYMOURs (1981)). Every bridgeless graph has a nowhere zero 6-ow. Proof. Omitted.


D EFINITION . The ow number f (G) of a bridgeless graph G is the least integer k for which G has a nowhere zero k-ow. Theorem 6.12. A connected graph G has a ow number f (G) = 2 if and only if it is eulerian. Proof. Suppose G is eulerian, and consider an Euler tour W of G. Let D be the orientation of G corresponding to the direction of W . If an edge uv ED , let (e) = 1. Since W arrives and leaves each vertex equally many times, the function is a nowhere zero 2-ow. Conversely, let be a nowhere zero 2-ow of an orientation D of G. Then necessarily the degrees of the vertices are even, and so G is eulerian. Example 6.9. For each 3-regular bipartite graph G, we have f (G) 3. Indeed, let G be (X, Y )-biparte. By Corollary 3.1, a 3-regular graph has a perfect matching M . Orient the edges e M from X to Y , and set (e) = 2. Orient the edges e M from Y to X, and set / (e) = 1. Since each x X has exactly one neighbour y1 Y such that xy1 M , and two neighbours y2 , y3 Y such that xy2 , xy3 M , we have that f (G) 3. / Theorem 6.13. We have f (K4 ) = 4, and if n > 4, then f (Kn ) = Proof. Exercise. 2 3 if n is odd , if n is even .


acyclic, 19 digraph, 85 addressable, 23 adjacency matrix, 6 adjacent, 4 augmented path, 36 available colour, 43, 53 bipartite, 16 bond, 25 boundary, 61 bridge, 18 capacity, 91 capacity function, 89 choosable, 71 chromatic number (G), 53 chromatic polynomial G , 57 closed walk, 12 colouring, 53 complement G, 9 complete bipartite Km,k , 16 complete graph Kn , 9 connected, 24 connected (component), 13 connected sum, 75 connectivity number (G), 24 contracted vertex, 58 critical, 54 crossing number, 67 cube, 10 cut (in a network), 91 cut vertex, 24 cycle, 12 degree dG (v), 7 di-connected di-component, 83 di-orientable, 86 digraph, 83

directed Euler tour, trail, 86 walk, path, cycle, 83 directed graphs (digraph), 5 disconnected, 13 disconnecting set, 28 discrete graph, 9 disjoint walks, 12 distance, 13 distance function, 5 edge, 4 edge chromatic number (G), 43 edge colouring, 5, 43 edge cut, 25 embedding, 77 end (of a path), 12 end (of an edge), 4 Euler trail, tour, 30 Eulers formula, 62 eulerian, 30 even component, 39 even cycle, 12 exterior: face, boundary,vertex,edge, 61 face, 61 fan, 29 ow, 89 ow number, 95 forest, 19 genus, 79 graph, 4 graphical sequence, 8 Hamilton path, cycle, 32 hamiltonian, 32 Hamming distance, 23 homeomorphic, 75 improvable (path), 90

improvement (colouring), 44 incident colours, 43 indegree, 84 independent paths, 12 induced subdigraph, 83 induced subgraph, 10 interior: face, vertex, edge, 61 intersection graph, 6 inverse pair, 83 inverse walk (path), 12 isolated vertex, 7 isomorphic, 5 join of walks, 12 king, 87 kiss (circles), 72 Kuratowski graph, 65 latin rectangle, 39 latin square, 39 leaf, 7 line segment graph, 73 linked cycles, 82 list chromatic number, 71 list colouring, 71 loop, 4 Mbius band, 75 map, 69 matching, 36 maximal planar graph, 63 maximum degree (G), 7 ow, 90 matching, 36 minimum cut, 91 degree (G), 7 weighted distance, 13 minor, 73 monochromatic, 49 multigraph, 4 near-triangulation, 71 neighbour, 4 neighbourhood NG (v), 7 network, 89 nontrivial graph, 9 NP-complete problems, 3 odd component, 39 odd cycle, 12 optimal colouring, 45 order G , 4 orientable surface, 75 orientation, 83 oriented, 75 oriented graph, 83 outdegree, 84 parallel edges, 4 partition, 3 path, 12 perfect matching, 36 Petersen graph, 10, 33 planar graph, 60 plane embedding, 60 plane model, 76 proper colouring, 43, 53 Ramsey number, 49 ranking, 88 regular graph, 9 resultant ow, 90 same parity, 3 saturate (matching), 36 separates, 24 separating set, 24 Shannons switching game, 21 sink and source, 89 size G , 4 spanning subgraph, 10 spanning tree, 20 spatial embedding, 82 sphere, 77 sphere with a handle, 78 stable matching, 41 stable set, 16 subdigraph, 83 subdivision, 60 subgraph, 10 surface, 75 symmetric difference, 3 topologically equivalent, 75 torus, 78 tournament, 87 trail, 30 transversal, 39 tree, 19 triangle, 75 triangle-free, 53 triangulation, 75 trivial graph, 9 trivial path, 12 2-cell, 80 2-switch, 8


underlying digraph, 89 underlying graph, 83 unit networks, 93 vertex, 4 vertex colouring, 5 walk, 12 weight, 13 weight function, 5 wheel, 51 winning number, 88 zero ow, 90


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