Graphs and Algorithms Lecture Notes For 142 2011-2012: Iain Phillips
Graphs and Algorithms Lecture Notes For 142 2011-2012: Iain Phillips
Graphs and Algorithms Lecture Notes For 142 2011-2012: Iain Phillips
Iain Phillips
1 Graphs and Graph Algorithms 1.1 GraphsBasics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2 Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Representations of Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Big-Oh Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 4 5 7 7 7 9 11 12 12 13 15 17 18 18 21 23 23 24 27 30
Graph Isomorphism and Planar Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 Isomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Planar Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colouring Maps and Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Connectedness, Euler Paths and Hamiltonian Circuits . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 Paths and Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Euler Paths and Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hamiltonian Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.4 1.5
Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graph Traversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.1 1.5.2 Depth-rst and Breadth-First Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Weighted Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 Minimum Spanning Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prims Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kruskals Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Shortest Path Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.6.5 2
33 35 35 36 38 41 42 43 47 49 51
Algorithm Analysis 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Searching an unordered list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Searching an ordered list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orders of complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 Lower Bound for Sorting by Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . Mergesort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quicksort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parallel Sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This course falls into two parts. In Part 1 we study graphs and graph algorithms. In Part 2 we analyse algorithms for searching and sorting. Some of the algorithms discussed in Part 2 have already been introduced and veried in 141 Reasoning about Programs. Acknowledgements. Thanks to Istvan Maros for pointing out some errors in an earlier version. I have beneted from consulting Ian Hodkinsons lecture notes on algorithms.
Main recommendations: S. Baase & A. Van Gelder, Computer Algorithms. Third Edition. AddisonWesley 2000. Chapters 1,4,7,8. J. Gersting, Mathematical Structures for Computer Science. Sixth edition. Freeman, 2006. Chapters 2,5,6. Also: R. Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics. Seventh edition. Prentice Hall, 2008. Chapters 7.3,8,9. J.K. Truss, Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists. Second Edition. AddisonWesley, 1999. Chapters 8,10.
Part 1: Graphs, graph isomorphism, planar graphs, Euler paths, Hamiltonian circuits, trees, depth-rst search, breadth-rst search, weighted graphs, minimum spanning trees, Prims algorithm, Kruskals algorithm, Dijkstras shortest path algorithm, travelling salesman problem. Part 2: Time complexity, worst-case and average case analysis, decision trees, optimality, orders of complexity (big-Oh and ), binary search, quicksort, mergesort, odd/even mergesort.
Chapter 1
Graphs are used to model networks of all kinds. They give rise to many interesting computational problems. It is easiest to think of graphs in terms of pictures. A graph is a set of points joined by lines. For instance a road map may be thought of as a graph, with the points being the towns and the lines the roads. In graph terminology, points are referred to as nodes (or vertices), and lines are referred to as arcs (or edges). Figure 1.1 shows a graph with 7 nodes and 7 arcs. We have labelled the nodes. Notice that each arc has two endpoints. We see that graphs may have the following: parallel (multiple) arcstwo arcs with same endpoints (here 1 and 7) loopsa loop is an arc with both endpoints the same (here there is a loop on 3) 1
disconnected componentshere 1,2,6,7 and 3,4,5 Denition 1.1.1 A graph is a set N of nodes together with a set A of arcs, such that each a A is associated with an unordered pair of nodes (the endpoints of a). A graph is simple if it has no parallel arcs and no loops. We will refer to graphs by G, . . .. We talk about nodes(G) and arcs(G) in an obvious way. In these notes we only consider nite graphs. Terminology 1.1.2 An arc is said to be incident on its endpoints. A node n is said to be incident on any arc a which has n as one of its endpoints. An arc joins two nodes if they are its endpoints. Two nodes n, n are adjacent if they are joined by some arc. The degree of a node is the number of arcs incident on it, where loops are counted twice. A node is said to be odd (even) if its degree is odd (even). For instance in Figure 1.1, the degrees are as follows: node degree 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 2 5 1 6 2 7 4
The total of all the degrees is 16, which is twice the number of arcs (8). This is true of all graphs. The reason is that each arc contributes twice to the total, once for each endpoint. Theorem 1.1.3 In any graph, the total of the degrees of all the nodes is twice the number of arcs. Moreover the number of odd nodes is even. There is a natural notion of subgraph: Denition 1.1.4 Let G1 , G2 be graphs. We say that G1 is a subgraph of G2 if nodes(G1 ) nodes(G2 ) and if arcs(G1 ) arcs(G2 ). For example, in Figure 1.2 we see that G1 is a subgraph of G2 . Notice that nodes in the subgraph G1 may have fewer connections than nodes in G2 . Any set X nodes(G) induces a subgraph G[X] with nodes(G[X]) = X and G[X] inheriting all arcs of G between nodes in X. A graph G is a full (or induced) subgraph of G if G = G[X] for some X nodes(G). If G is a subgraph of G and nodes(G ) = nodes(G), we say that G spans G (or is a spanning subgraph of G).
Representations of Graphs
It is often useful to represent a graph by its adjacency matrix. Suppose that a graph has k nodes n1 , . . . , nk . Dene ad j(i, j) = the number of arcs joining ni to n j Version of January 20, 2012 5
1 5
4 G1 5
4 G2
2 3
For example, the graph in Figure 1.1 has a 7 7 adjacency matrix whose rst two rows are: 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 As an exercise, complete the remaining 5 rows. You will notice that the matrix is symmetric. This is because the arcs are undirected, so that if node i is joined to j then j must be joined to i. In directed graphs (which we are not considering at present), the arcs have directionone endpoint is the start and the other the nish. In diagrams the arcs will have arrows on them. We saw such diagrams when considering relations. If we had chosen a different order for the nodes, then we would have obtained a different matrixthe difference being that the rows and columns are reordered (in a consistent way). So a single graph can have a number of adjacency matrices, corresponding to different enumerations of the elements. If a graph has n nodes then there are n2 entries in the adjacency matrix. When dealing with a sparse graph, i.e. one with much fewer than n2 arcs, then it can save time and space to represent the graph by its adjacency list, rather than by its adjacency matrix. The adjacency list representation consists of an array of n pointers, where the ith pointer points to a linked list of the nodes which are adjacent to node i. For example, the graph in Figure 1.1 has the following adjacency list: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 6 3 3 4 2 1 7 7 4 5
7 1
Notice that each arc is recorded twice (except for loops, which only appear once). If there are n nodes and m arcs, then the total number of entries in the adjacency list is bounded by n + 2m.
1 B
2 3
Big-Oh Notation
multiply together two n n matrices, as in the following 3 2 0 2 1 3 5 6 1 0 5 = 11 19 4 2 14 18 36 5 8 20
Each entry in the product takes n multiplications and n 1 additions. Since there are n2 entries, the total number of multiplications is n3 , the total number of additions is n3 n2 , and the total number of arithmetical operations is 2n3 n2 . Often we dont wish to be so precise. So we use the big-Oh notation; O(nk ) means bounded by some constant factor times nk . Thus we can say that the total number of multiplications is O(n3 ), the total number of additions is O(n3 ), and the total number of arithmetical operations is O(n3 ). For some values of k we use special names: O(1) O(n) O(n2 ) constant linear (in n) quadratic (in n)
Consider the two graphs in Figure 1.3. Although the nodes are labelled differently, they are connected in the same way. To make this similarity more precise, let us see how the individual nodes correspond. First, 3 matches with D, since they are the only nodes with degree two. Next, 1 matches with B, since they are not joined to 3, D respectively. Finally 2 matches with A, and 4 matches with C (we could equally well match 2 with C Version of January 20, 2012 7
n1 a n2
and 4 with A). We have set up a bijection between the two sets of nodes. What is more, this is a bijection which preserves the connectedness of the nodes. Thus the adjacency matrix of the rst graph is 0 2 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 0 If we order the nodes of the second graph as B, A, D, C we get the same matrix. The bijection we have just given is an example of a graph isomorphism. Denition 1.2.1 Let G, G be graphs. An isomorphism from G to G is a bijection f : nodes(G) nodes(G) together with a bijection g : arcs(G) arcs(G) such that for any arc a arcs(G), if the endpoints of a are n1 , n2 nodes(G), then the endpoints of g(a) are f (n1 ) and f (n2 ). See Figure 1.4. If there is an isomorphism from G to G we say that G is isomorphic to G , or that G and G are isomorphic. It follows that if G is isomorphic to G and n1 , n2 nodes(G), then f (n1 ) and f (n2 ) are connected by the same number of arcs in G as n1 and n2 are connected by in G. If two graphs are isomorphic then they must clearly have the same number of nodes. Also their adjacency matrices must be the same, apart from the rows and columns possibly being reordered. If we wish to test whether two graphs are isomorphic, there are a number of obvious checks we can make rst. For instance do they have the same number of nodes? do they have the same number of arcs? do they have the same number of loops? do their nodes have the same degrees (possibly reordered)? If they fail tests of this kind then they cant be isomorphic. Suppose that they pass the initial tests. Then we attempt to set up the bijection on nodes. We must match nodes with the same degree, and preserve connectedness, as in the example at the start of the section. If we get the adjacency matrices to match then we know we have been successful. In practice with small graphs the eye can detect an isomorphism, or a reason why there can be no isomorphism, fairly easily. However an algorithm to check Version of January 20, 2012 8
whether two arbitrary graphs with n nodes each were isomorphic would appear to have to check the n! possible different bijections. This makes the task apparently intractable. Denition 1.2.2 Let G be a graph. An automorphism on G is an isomorphism from G to itself. It is nontrivial if it is not the identity. As an example, consider the square graph in Figure 1.5. One possible automorphism maps 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4 and 4 to 1. The mapping on arcs is determined once the mapping on nodes is given, since there are no multiple arcs. In this case the automorphism corresponds to the geometrical rotation of the square through 90 clockwise, though in general an automorphism does not necessarily have a geometrical interpretation. The square graph has other automorphisms. For instance, there is one that maps 1 to 3, 2 to 2, 3 to 1 and 4 to 4, corresponding to reecting the square across the diagonal from 2 to 4. Suppose we wish to count the number of automorphisms of a graph. We could just list all possibilities, but this could be tedious and we might miss some. A good system is to go through the nodes 1 to n in turn, seeing how many possibilities there are for where node i can go, given that nodes 1 to i 1 are already xed. We then multiply together the numbers of possibilities. Let us follow this system for the square: To start with, 1 can map to any of the four nodes. Given that 1 is xed, 2 can map to only two of the remaining three nodes, namely the nodes which are adjacent to where 1 has been assigned. Once both 1 and 2 are xed, the positions of nodes 3 and 4 are determined. There are therefore 4 2 = 8 possible automorphisms. One of these is of course the identity.
Planar Graphs
In our diagrams we are perfectly happy to allow arcs to cross. For instance the cube graph of Figure 1.6 is ne. For some applications it is better to have graphs whose arcs do not crossfor instance if the graph represents a circuit which is to be engraved on a microchip. Say that a graph is planar if it can be embedded in the plane (by rearranging the nodes and arcs). Exercise 1.2.3 Show that the cube graph of Figure 1.6 is planar, by redrawing the arcs so that they do not cross. Version of January 20, 2012 9
In fact, if a (simple) graph is planar, we can always draw the arcs as straight lines which do not cross. Exercise 1.2.4 If you have not already done so, redraw the cube graph with straight lines which do not cross. Figure 1.7 shows two examples of non-planar graphs. K5 is the complete graph on ve nodes (where every node is joined to every other node). K3,3 is the graph with all possible arcs between two sets of size 3. There is no way to redraw either of these so that no arcs cross (though one can reduce the number of crossings). Denition 1.2.5 Two graphs are homeomorphic if they can be obtained from the same graph by a series of operations replacing an arc x y by two arcs x z y. Theorem 1.2.6 (Kuratowski, 1930) A graph is planar iff it does not contain a subgraph homeomorphic to K5 or K3,3 . So in a sense Figure 1.7 shows all possible ways a graph can fail to be planar. Hopcroft & Tarjan (1976) gave a linear time algorithm for testing whether or not a graph is planar. Linear time here means O(n + m) where n is the number of nodes and m is the number of arcs. Any planar graph splits the plane into various regions which are called faces. For instance, the cube graph has 6 faces (the region surrounding the graph counts as a face). Euler gave a formula connecting the numbers of nodes, arcs and faces: Version of January 20, 2012 10
Theorem 1.2.7 (Euler, 1752) Let G be a connected planar graph. Let G have N nodes, A arcs and F faces. Then F = A N + 2.
We conclude this section by mentioning a very famous result related to planar graphs the Four Colour Theorem. Imagine that we have a map and we want to colour the countries in such a way that no two neighbouring countries have the same colour (meeting at a point does not count as sharing a border). How many colours do we need? For instance, how many colours do we need to colour the map in Figure 1.8? Each map can be turned into a graph by placing a node inside each country (its capital city), and joining two nodes precisely if the countries share a border. Call this the dual graph of the map. Clearly the dual graph will be (simple and) planar. Try drawing the dual graph for the map in Figure 1.8. Also, any simple planar graph is the dual graph of some map. Exercise 1.2.8 Find a map whose dual graph is the cube graph of Figure 1.6. How many colours does it need? Any colouring of a map gives rise to a colouring of the nodes of the dual graph, in such a way that no two adjacent nodes have the same colour. Say that a map is k-colourable if it can be coloured using no more than k colours. Denition 1.2.9 A graph G is k-colourable if nodes(G) can be coloured using no more than k colours, in such a way that no two adjacent nodes have the same colour. So colouring simple planar graphs is equivalent to colouring maps. Colouring graphs is an interesting problem even when the graphs are not planar. K3,3 (Figure 1.7) is an example of a bipartite graph, i.e. a graph which can be split into two parts with all arcs going across from one part to the other. Denition 1.2.10 A graph G is bipartite if nodes(G) can be partitioned into two sets X and Y in such a way that no arc of G joins any two members of X, and no arc joins any two members of Y . Version of January 20, 2012 11
We drew K3,3 in such a way that it was obviously bipartite. There are other cases where graphs are bipartite but not obviously so. For instance, the cube graph of Figure 1.6 is bipartite. Proposition 1.2.11 A graph is bipartite iff it is 2-colourable. Returning to map-colouring, for a very long time it was conjectured that every map is 4-colourable, but no proof could be found. The result was nally shown with the aid of a computer which generated and checked 1482 possible cases. Theorem 1.2.12 (Four Colour Theorem, Appel & Haken 1976) Every map (equivalently, every simple planar graph) is 4-colourable. With such a lengthy proof there were naturally concerns about its correctness. A different computer proof was produced in 1994. This proof was checked by Gonthier and Werner in 2004 using the general-purpose proof assistant Coq. This means that we do not have to trust the various ad hoc computer programs used to check the various caseswe only have to rely on the correctness of Coq. Of course, if a graph is not planar we may well need more than four colours to colour it.
A path in a graph is a sequence of nodes and arcs n1 , a1 , n2 , a2 , ..., ak1 , nk such that each ai joins ni to ni+1 . We generally describe paths by sequences of nodes, omitting the arc names. As an example, consider the graph in Figure 1.9. Possible paths include 1, 2, 3, 4 and 2, 5, 2, 3, 3, 4. Notice that the arc joining 2 to 5 is used twice (in opposite directions) in the latter case. The length of a path is the number of arcs in the path. If Version of January 20, 2012 12
an arc is used twice it is counted twice. Thus the length of 2, 5, 2, 3, 3, 4 is 5. We allow zero-length paths. A cycle is a path which nishes where it started, i.e. n1 = nk , which has at least one arc, and which does not use the same arc twice. Cycles are sometimes called circuits. In Figure 1.9 possible cycles include 1, 2, 3, 4, 1 and 3, 3. The path 2, 5, 2 is not a cycle, since it uses the same arc twice. Of course, not every graph has a cycle. If a graph has no cycles we say that it is acyclic. Denition 1.3.1 A graph is connected if for any two different nodes n, n there is a path from n to n (n and n need not be joined directly). For example, the graph in Figure 1.9 is connected. However the graph in Figure 1.10 is not, since there is no path from 2 to 3 (for instance). Given a graph G, we can dene a relation on nodes(G) by: n n iff there is a path from n to n . It is easy to see that this is an equivalence relation (reexive, symmetric and transitive). The equivalence classes of are called the (connected) components of G. Each component is a connected graph, and there is no path from a node in one component to a node in another component. For instance, in Figure 1.10, there are two connected components, one with nodes 1, 2, 6, 7 and one with nodes 3, 4, 5.
In the eighteenth century the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707-83) considered the K nigsberg Bridge Problem, which concerns the town of K nigsberg1 , where o o there were two islands in the river Pregel, giving four regions connected by seven bridges as in the schematic map (left-hand diagram) of Figure 1.11. The problem is to start at any of the four regions and cross each bridge exactly once. Euler converted the map into a graph with four nodes and seven arcs (right-hand diagram in Figure 1.11). The task now is to start at any node and travel along each arc exactly once. Notice that the degrees of 1,2,3,4 are 3,5,3,3, respectively. If we think of the arcs as railway lines
1 Then
in Prussia. Now called Kaliningrad and part of Russia, lying between Lithuania and Poland.
1 4 2 3 4
joining cities then we have what can be called the railway inspectors problem: nd a path which traverses every mile of track exactly once. Terminology 1.3.2 An Euler path is a path which uses each arc exactly once. An Euler circuit (Euler cycle) is a cycle which uses each arc exactly once, i.e. a cycle which uses all the arcs of the graph. Suppose that a graph G has an Euler path P starting at node n0 and ending at nk . If P passes through a node n, it must enter n as many times as it leaves it. Hence the number of arcs incident on n which are used by P must be even. So if n has odd degree, then P cannot use all arcs incident on nthere must be at least one left over. So every node of G must have even degree except for n0 and nk . By similar reasoning, if n0 and nk are different then they must have odd degree, and if they are the same (so that P is in fact a cycle) then n0 = nk must have even degree. Putting this together shows that if a graph has an Euler path then either exactly two nodes have odd degree or every node must have even degree Clearly the K nigsberg bridge problem cannot be solved, since o the graph has 4 odd nodes. Theorem 1.3.3 (Euler, 1736) A connected graph has an Euler path iff the number of odd nodes is either 0 or 2. A connected graph has an Euler circuit iff every node has even degree. The theorem gives us a very simple algorithm to check whether a connected graph has an Euler path (or circuit): just count the number of odd nodes. This can be done in O(n2 ) time, where n is the number of nodesjust make a single pass through the adjacency matrix row by row, maintaining a counter for the number of odd nodes and a counter for the degree of the node corresponding to the current row. Remarks on the proof of Theorem 1.3.3. We have just seen that the condition (the number of odd nodes is either 0 or 2) is necessary. It is also sufcient. A rigorous proof of this is beyond the scope of these notes. So instead we sketch an algorithm for nding an Euler path in a connected graph where exactly two nodes (n, n ) have odd degree: Start at node n and follow any path until you can go no further. You must have reached n . This is because you cant have nished at n, since you would then have used Version of January 20, 2012 14
n P n n C
up evenly many arcs incident on n, and there would be a spare arc. Similarly, you cant have stopped at n different from n, n , since you would have used up an odd number of arcs incident on n , and n has even degree. Notice that now every node has an even number of unused arcs. Call the path so far P. If you have an Euler path then stop. Otherwise take some node n on your path so far which has unused arcs (such a node must exist by the connectedness condition), and start a new path there.This must return to its start n to form a cycle C, since if it stopped at any other node there would be an unused arc. Now merge P and C to form a longer path (see the diagram in Figure 1.12). The problem is to start at any of the four regions Keep on doing this until all arcs are exhausted. This gives the desired Euler path.
Hamiltonian Circuits
Very similar to the problem of whether we can traverse every arc of a graph exactly once is the problem of whether we can nd a path which visits every node exactly once. Denition 1.3.4 A Hamiltonian2 path is a path which visits every node in a graph exactly once. A Hamiltonian circuit is a cycle which visits every node exactly once. The Hamiltonian circuit problem (HCP) is: given a graph G, determine whether G has a Hamiltonian circuit. The Hamiltonian path problem is dened in a similar fashion. For instance, the graph in Figure 1.13 has a Hamiltonian path, but no Hamiltonian circuit (once node 1 is reached, which must be from 2, we cannot leave it without repeating node 2). Exercise 1.3.5 Find a graph with no Hamiltonian path. We can make some easy observations about whether a graph has a Hamiltonian circuit. Firstly, we may as well only consider simple graphs, since removing loops and parallel arcs makes no difference to whether a Hamiltonian circuit exists. Secondly, two conditions which are clearly necessary are:
2 Named
after William Rowan Hamilton (1805-65), who rst posed the problem
2 1 3
1 5
2 3
1. The graph must be connected (also needed for a Hamiltonian path to exist). 2. Each node must have degree at least two, since we must approach it and leave it via two different nodes. But even with both these conditions satised, there is no guarantee of a Hamiltonian circuit existing. For instance, the graph in Figure 1.14 does not have a Hamiltonian circuit. Of course, since graphs are nite, we can simply check each possible circuit in turn and see whether it is Hamiltonian. Suppose that G has n nodes labelled 1, . . . , n. Possible Hamiltonian circuits involve all n nodes exactly once. So they can be described by a permutation of 1, . . . , n. Such a permutation is a bijection : {1, . . . , n} {1, . . . , n}. There are n! different permutations of 1, . . . , n. We generate and check each possible circuit to see whether it is an actual circuit in G. Checking means asking for each i = 1, . . . , n: is (i) is adjacent to (i + 1)? Here we adopt the convention that n + 1 is identied with 1. For instance, letting G be the graph in Figure 1.14, the possible circuit 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 is not an actual circuit, since 3 is not adjacent to 1. The checking of each can be done quicklyit is O(n). The problem is the number of permutations to be checked: n! is worse than exponential (larger than 2n ). As n gets large our method becomes far to slow to be practical. Of course, the above discussion does not rule out the existence of some clever algorithm that solves the HCP much more quickly. But such an algorithm has not been found, and in fact there is good reason to think that it will not be, since HCP has been shown Version of January 20, 2012 16
to be NP-complete. NP-completeness is beyond the scope of the present lectures, and so we simply state that NP-complete problems are believed not to admit polynomial (that is, O(nk ) for some k) solutions. Thus the HCP is strongly contrasted with the Eulerian path problem, since we saw that the latter can be solved in polynomial (in fact O(n2 )) time.
1.4 Trees
Denition 1.4.1 A rooted graph is a pair (G, x) where G is a graph and x nodes(G). The node x is the root of the tree. A tree is a rooted, acyclic, connected graph. An nonrooted tree is an acyclic, connected graph. Note that sometimes the word tree is used to refer to nonrooted trees. In this case what we have called a tree will be called a rooted tree. We use T, . . . to stand for trees. In a tree there is a unique (non-repeating) path between any two nodes. This is because if there were two even partially different paths then the tree would have a cycle, which is not allowed. We can therefore meaningfully talk about the depth of a node x, which is dened to be the length of the (unique) path from the root to x. If x is not the root, we can also dene the parent of x to be the unique node which is adjacent to x on the path from x to the root. Now any arc a of a tree T joins a unique non-root node f (a) to its parent. Also, if x is a non-root node then there is a unique arc g(x) which joins x to its parent. Clearly f and g are mutual inverses. So there is a bijection between non-root nodes and arcs. If T has n nodes, then it has n 1 non-root nodes. Hence: Proposition 1.4.2 Let T be a tree with n nodes. Then T has n 1 arcs. The same is true for nonrooted treesjust make any node into the root. Denition 1.4.3 Let G be a graph. An nonrooted tree T is said to be a spanning tree for G if T spans G, i.e. T is a subgraph of G and nodes(T ) = nodes(G). Suppose that G is a connected graph. Then we can obtain a spanning tree as follows: If G has a cycle C then remove any arc of C, joining nodes x and y, say. Now there is still a path from x to y going round the remainder of C. Hence the new graph G1 is still connected. Also we have nodes(G1 ) = nodes(G). Continue this process to get graphs G1 , G2 , . . . . The process must terminate (why?). Eventually we must arrive at an acyclic graph, which will be a spanning tree for G. Hence: Proposition 1.4.4 Let G be a connected graph. Then G has a spanning tree.
3 5
8 7
Spanning trees are not necessarily unique. Graph G in Figure 1.15 has both T1 and T2 as spanning trees. Of course, any two spanning trees for the same graph with n nodes must have the same number of arcs, namely n 1.
In depth-rst search (DFS) we start from a particular node start and we continue outwards along a path from start until we reach a node which has no adjacent unvisited nodes. We then backtrack to the previous node and try a different path. The procedure continues until we have backtracked to start and all nodes adjacent to start are visited. At this point every node will have been visited.
3 5
8 7
We illustrate on graph G in Figure 1.16. The starting node is 1. From 1 we go to 2. We could have chosen 8 instead. Next we go to 3. The path can go no further, and so we backtrack to 2. From here we go to 4 and 5 (we could have chosen 6 instead of 5). We backtrack to 4 and then go to 6, 7 and 8. At 8 we see that all adjacent nodes are visited. We backtrack to 7, 6, 4, 2 and 1, at which point the DFS is complete. The right hand diagram in Figure 1.16 shows the forward direction of the search. We see that it forms a spanning tree. The root of the tree is the start node. Notice that node 8 is at depth 5 in the search tree, while its shortest distance from the start node is only 1. In breadth-rst search (BFS) we start from a particular node start and we fan out from there to all adjacent nodes, from which we then run breadth-rst searches. In our example graph G (Figure 1.17) we start at node 1. We next go to 2 and 8 (in either order). Next we fan out from 2 to visit 3 and 4 from 2, and 7 from 8. We dont visit 4 from 8, since we already visited 4 from 2. Next we visit 5 and 6 from 4 and nally 7 from 8. Summing up, the order of visiting the nodes is 1, 2, 8, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6. We get a spanning tree from BFS which is different from the DFS tree. In terms of the BFS tree, we visit all the nodes at depth k before visiting any node at depth k + 1. Notice also that the depth of a node in the BFS tree is its shortest distance from the start node. Both search procedures traverse all nodes in a connected graph, but the order of visiting is different. For some purposes either procedure will do, while for other purposes one procedure is to be preferred. Let us now formalise DFS and BFS as algorithms. We assume that the graph to be traversed is given as an adjacency list (Section 1.1.2). We shall create a Boolean array to keep track of visited nodes, and a parent function to keep track of the search tree. We shall output nodes in the order visited. Initially no nodes are visited. DFS is most naturally carried out by recursion: Algorithm Depth-rst Search (DFS): procedure dfs(x): Version of January 20, 2012 19
visited[x] = true print x for y in adj[x]: if not visited[y]: parent[y] = x dfs(y) # backtrack to x Once DFS is completed we see that every node has a parent except for the start node. The parent of a node is its parent in the DFS tree. For instance, in our example the parent of 8 is 7. Of course, if we dont need the parent information we can omit the line parent[y] = x from the code. It is easy to see that dfs(x) is applied to each node at most once (in fact it will be exactly once if the graph is connected). Also each application of dfs(x) runs through the arcs incident on x (i.e. adj[x]) exactly once. Therefore the running time of DFS is O(n + m), where n is the number of nodes and m is the number of arcs. BFS is naturally expressed using a queue of nodes. Queues store items in such a way that they leave the queue in the same order that they were placed in the queueFIFO (rst in, rst out) order. The queue is initialised to contain just the start node x. We then process nodes from the front of the queue. For each node we visit its immediate neighbours, adding them to the back of the queue. Algorithm Breadth-rst Search (BFS): visited[x] = true print x enqueue(x, Q) while not isempty(Q): y = front(Q) for z in adj[y]: if not visited[z]: visited[z] = true print z parent[z] = y enqueue(z, Q) dequeue(Q) Let us look at how this works on our example graph G. Let us write the queue as a list with the head of the queue to the left and nodes added to the right. Initially the queue is [1]. We process 1, adding 2 and 8 and removing 1 to get [2, 8]. We then process 2 to get [8, 3, 4], and so on. The nodes are added to the queue in the order 1, 2, 8, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6 and removed in the same order. Notice that the queue grows and shrinks during the computation. The size of the queue represents in some sense the breadth of the front on which the traversal is being carried out. Much as with DFS we see that each node is processed once and each adjacency list is processed once. Therefore the running time of BFS is again O(n + m). Version of January 20, 2012 20
We discuss three applications of DFS and BFS. Determining Whether a Graph Is Connected So far we have assumed that the graph to be traversed is connected. But we can traverse non-connected graphs as well. Of course we will only visit nodes which are in the same connected component as the start node. We can easily adapt either DFS or BFS to return a list of visited nodes. Clearly the graph is connected iff this list is the same (up to reordering) as the complete list of nodes. This gives us an O(n + m) algorithm to determine whether a graph is connected. Determining Whether a Graph Has a Cycle Suppose a connected graph has n nodes. If it has n arcs then it contains a cycle (exercise: in fact this holds even if graph not connected). We can use this to check easily whether a graph has a cycle. But this method does not nd a cycle. As an alternative, we can use DFS. Suppose that we are using DFS to traverse a graph. If we encounter a node which we have already visited (except by backtracking), this tells us that the node can be approached by two different routes from the start node. Hence there is a cycle in the graph. Conversely, if we never encounter an already visited node, it is reasonably clear that the graph is in fact a tree, with no cycles (this statement would require some proof, which we omit). Therefore we can adapt DFS to test whether a graph has a cycle. Algorithm Test for Cycles Using DFS: procedure cycleDfs(x): visited[x] = true # print x for y in adj[x]: if visited[y] and (parent[x] undened or y = parent[x]): # cycle found involving x and y return (x,y) if not visited[y]: parent[y] = x cycleDfs(y) # backtrack to x return acyclic The algorithm can be used to nd a cycle if one exists. Suppose that nodes x and y are returned. Then they are adjacent, but have different paths back to the start node in the DFS tree, as in Figure 1.18. These paths can be obtained from the parent function. Suppose that z is the last node in common along the paths from start to x and y. Now Version of January 20, 2012 21
we can get the cycle by starting at z, travelling to x and then y, and then returning along ys path to z. If we apply the algorithm to our example graph G in Figure 1.16 the rst cycle we nd is when processing node 8. We nd that node 1 is already visited, and return (8, 1). This corresponds to the cycle 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 1. We could have used BFS instead of DFS. Calculating Distances From the Start Node Comparing Figures 1.16 and 1.17 we see that BFS nds the shortest path from the start node to any reachable node, while DFS may well give a longer distance than necessary. We can easily adapt BFS to calculate the distance from the start node. We add a new function distance which records the depth of each visited node in the BFS tree. Algorithm Shortest Path (Unweighted Graph): visited[x] = true distance[x] = 0 enqueue(x, Q) while not isempty(Q): y = front(Q) for z in adj[y]: if not visited[z]: visited[z] = true parent[z] = y distance[z] = distance[y] + 1 enqueue(z, Q) dequeue(Q) Clearly the shortest path from a node y to the start node can be read off from the parent array as y, parent[y], parent[parent[y]], . . ., start.
1 4 4
3 5
2 1 4 4 3 4
3 5
2 1 4 3 4
2 1
2 4
3 4
Recall that every connected graph has a spanning tree. When dealing with weighted graphs we would naturally like to nd a minimum spanning tree, that is, a spanning tree where the sum of the weights of its arcs is as small as possible. For instance, if we had to build a road network joining some cities, a minimum spanning tree would represent the cheapest network which would connect all the cities (assuming that we cannot fork roads except at a city). Denition 1.6.2 Let G be a weighted graph. The weight of a spanning tree T for G is the sum of the weights of the arcs of T . T is a minimum spanning tree (MST) for G if T is a spanning tree for G and no other spanning tree for G has smaller weight. Consider the graph drawn on the left in Figure 1.19. We show three spanning trees. The rst has a weight of 12, while the other two both have a weight of 9. The last two clearly have minimum weight, since any spanning tree must have three arcs, and Version of January 20, 2012 23
they have selected the three arcs of least weight. The example shows that minimum spanning trees are not necessarily unique.
Prims Algorithm
Suppose we want to grow an MST starting from a root node. At each stage the best thing we can do in the short term is to add the shortest arc which will extend the tree. This is the so-called greedy approach, where we do what gives a short-term advantage, even if it may not be the best overall. Let us apply this approach to the graph in Figure 1.19, choosing 1 as our start node. Since the arc to 2 is the shortest, we add it to our tree. Now we look for the shortest arc which joins either 1 or 2 to one of the remaining nodes. We can choose either the arc (1, 4) or the arc (2, 3). Suppose we choose (1, 4). We now look for the shortest arc which joins node 4 to the tree. This will be the arc (4, 3). We end up with the rst of the two MSTs in Figure 1.19. The greedy algorithm we used is due to Prim. At an arbitrary stage in Prims MST algorithm, there are three kinds of nodes: those which are in the tree constructed so far (tree nodes), those which are candidates to join at the next stage (so-called fringe nodes), and the rest (so-called unseen nodes) Initially all nodes are unseen. Here is an informal statement of the algorithm: Algorithm Prims MST AlgorithmScheme: Choose any node start as the root Reclassify start as tree Reclassify all nodes adjacent to start as fringe while fringe nonempty: Select an arc of minimum weight between a tree node t and a fringe node f (*) Reclassify f as tree Add arc (t, f ) to the tree Reclassify all unseen nodes adjacent to f as fringe If we analyse the algorithm as it stands, we see that each time the while loop is executed another node is added to the tree. Hence the while loop is executed O(n) times. The line marked (*) involves nding the shortest arc among all possible arcs between O(n) tree nodes and O(n) fringe nodes. This is therefore O(n + m), which makes the whole algorithm O(n(n + m)). We can improve the performance of the algorithm if we keep track of which arcs might be used. Consider the example graph of Figure 1.19 when the tree so far is just the arc (1, 2). The fringe nodes are 3 and 4. The arc (1, 3) of weight 5 was an option before 2 was added, but now it is longer than (2, 3) and therefore no longer a candidate. The candidate arcs are (1, 4) and (2, 3). Version of January 20, 2012 24
1 4 4
3 5
2 1 4 4 3 4
3 5
2 1 4 3 4
2 1 4 4 3 4
It is convenient to look at this using the parent array we adopted for graph traversal. We let the parent of a node f in the fringe be the node in the tree t such that (t, f ) has least weight. So initially in our example parent[3] = 1, but after 2 is added we change to parent[3] = 2, making (2, 3) a candidate arc. See Figure 1.20. This leads us to recast Prims Algorithm as in Figure 1.21. Clearly we can obtain the weight of the MST by just adding the weights of the nodes (apart from start). We analyse this more rened version: As before there are O(n) executions of the while loop. Testing whether the fringe is empty is O(n). Finding the fringe node f such that weight[ f ] is minimum is O(n). The updating of the candidate arc for each y in adj[ f ] is O(1). Hence the for loop is O(n). We conclude that the algorithm is O(n2 ), which is an improvement on our earlier estimate of O(n(n + m)) (recall that m can be as large as n2 ). We now turn to the correctness of Prims Algorithm. Theorem 1.6.3 Let G be a connected weighted graph. Then Prims algorithm constructs an MST for G. Proof. For simplicity we concentrate on the schematic version of the algorithm (page 24) rather than the optimised version of Figure 1.21. Let G have n nodes. Each stage of the algorithm adds an arc to the subgraph constructed so far. Let the subgraphs constructed at each stage be T0 , . . . , Tk , . . .. We start with T0 having just the node start. Let Tk+1 be got from Tk by adding arc ak+1 . Since a new node from the fringe is added at each stage, clearly Tk has k + 1 nodes, and so there are n 1 stages, with Tn1 being returned by the algorithm. We shall show by induction on k that each Tk is a subgraph of an MST T of G. Version of January 20, 2012 25
Algorithm Prims MST Algorithm: Choose any node start as the root tree[start] = true for x in adj[start]: # add x to fringe fringe[x] = true parent[x] = start weight[x] = W [start, x] while fringe nonempty: Select a fringe node f such that weight[ f ] is minimum fringe[ f ] = false tree[ f ] = true for y in adj[ f ]: if not tree[y]: if fringe[y]: # update candidate arc if W [ f , y] < weight[y]: weight[y] = W [ f , y] parent[y] = f else: # y is unseen fringe[y] = true weight[y] = W [ f , y] parent[y] = f Figure 1.21: Prims MST Algorithm
y ak+1 x y
Tk x P
Base case k = 0. T0 has one node and no arcs. Clearly T0 T for any MST T of G. Induction step. Assume that Tk T , some MST T of G. Let the new arc ak+1 join node x of Tk to a new fringe node y not in nodes(Tk ). If ak+1 arcs(T ) then Tk+1 T as required. So suppose ak+1 arcs(T ). Since T / is a spanning tree, there must be a path P in T from x to y. So P {ak+1 } forms a cycle. There must be an arc a in P which joins a node x of Tk to a fringe node y not in nodes(Tk ). See Figure 1.22. We can form a new spanning tree T from T by removing a and adding ak+1 . Since the algorithm chose ak+1 rather than a, we have W (ak+1 ) W (a). Hence W (T ) W (T ) and so T is an MST (since all MSTs have the same weight, we must actually have W (ak+1 ) = W (a)). Also, Tk+1 T as required. Now Tn1 has n 1 arcs, and Tn1 T for some MST T . Since all spanning trees for G have n 1 arcs, we must have Tn1 = T . Hence Tn1 is an MST, as required. Remark 1.6.4 We can regard the induction hypothesis in Theorem 1.6.3 as an invariant. This invariant is established initially, and maintained through each execution of the while loop of the code (Figure 1.21). Remark 1.6.5 It is clear that each Tk constructed by Prims algorithm is connected. Also, though this would need proving, in fact Tk is an MST for the subgraph of G induced by nodes(Tk ) (i.e. the subgraph with nodes nodes(Tk ) and all arcs of G which join nodes in nodes(Tk )). We did not require either of these pieces of information when proving Theorem 1.6.3.
Kruskals Algorithm
We have seen that Prims algorithm is greedy: it always chooses the shortest candidate arc, thereby pursuing short-term advantage. Remarkably, this turned out to give optimal results, as we saw that the algorithm is guaranteed to construct an MST. Version of January 20, 2012 27
1 4 4
3 5
2 1 4 4 3 4
3 5
2 1 4 4 3 4
2 1 5 4 4 3 4
An even greedier strategy is the following: At each stage choose the shortest arc not yet included, except when this would give a cycle. This is the basis of Kruskals MST algorithm. We illustrate on the graph in Figure 1.23. First we choose (3, 4) as it has the least weight. Then we choose (1, 2). This shows that during the construction process we have a forest (i.e. an acyclic graph) rather than a tree, since the graph need not be connected. Finally we choose one of (1, 4) or (2, 3). The process is nished, since adding any other arc would give a cycle. Here is the algorithm in outline: Algorithm Kruskals MST algorithmScheme: / F = 0 # forest being constructed R = arcs(G) # remaining arcs while R nonempty: remove a of smallest weight from R if a does not make a cycle when added to F: add a to F return F Notice that arcs are added in increasing order of weight. So a good implementation strategy could be to work on a list of arcs sorted by weight in increasing order. Theorem 1.6.6 Let G be a connected weighted graph. Then Kruskals algorithm constructs an MST for G. Proof. Our strategy is much the same as for Prims algorithm (Theorem 1.6.3). Let G have n nodes. Each stage of the algorithm adds an arc to the subgraph constructed so far. Let the subgraphs constructed at each stage be F0 , . . . , Fk , . . .. We start with F0 empty. Let Fk+1 be got from Fk by adding arc ak+1 . So each Fk has k arcs. Clearly there should be n 1 stages, since any spanning tree must have n 1 arcs. But we need to check this, since the algorithm executes the while loop as long as it can add a new arc without creating a cycle. If there is any unused node or Fk is not connected then a further stage is possible. Any connected acyclic graph with n nodes must have
n 1 arcs (Proposition 1.4.2). Hence there are at least n 1 stages. Since we then have a spanning tree we stop at stage n 1, with Fn1 being returned by the algorithm. We shall show by induction on k that each Fk is a subgraph of an MST T of G. Base case k = 0. F0 is empty. Clearly F0 T for any MST T of G. Induction step. Assume that Fk T , some MST T of G. Let the new arc ak+1 join node x to node y. If ak+1 arcs(T ) then Tk+1 T as required. So suppose ak+1 / arcs(T ). Since T is a spanning tree, there must be a path P in T from x to y. So P {ak+1 } forms a cycle. There must be an arc a in P which does not belong to Fk , since otherwise the algorithm could not add ak+1 to Fk as it would form a cycle. Suppose that a joins x to y . There cannot be a path from x to y in Fk or else there would be a cycle in T (recall that Fk Tk ). Hence a is a candidate for the algorithm to add to Fk . Since the algorithm chose ak+1 rather than a, we must have W (ak+1 ) W (a). We can form a new spanning tree T from T by removing a and adding ak+1 . We have W (T ) W (T ) and so T is an MST (since all MSTs have the same weight, we must actually have W (ak+1 ) = W (a)). Also, Tk+1 T as required. Now Tn1 has n 1 arcs, and Tn1 T for some MST T . Since all spanning trees for G have n 1 arcs, we must have Tn1 = T . Hence Tn1 is an MST, as required. What about the complexity of Kruskals algorithm? Suppose that there are m arcs. A good sorting algorithm can sort these in time O(m log m). But we also have to check whether adding a new arc would produce a cycle. The way to do this efciently is to use dynamic equivalence classes. Put nodes in the same equivalence class if they belong to the same connected component of the forest constructed so far. We map each node to a representative node from that equivalence class. Initially all nodes are in different classes. An arc (x, y) can be added if x and y belong to different equivalence classes, which can now be checked easily, giving O(m) for these checks overall. If (x, y) is added, then combine the equivalence classes of x and y. A naive implementation would take O(n) to perform each such merge, and there will be O(n) merges, giving O(n2 ) overall for the merges. But using the Union-Find ADT with a weight-union, path compression implementation (see Baase and Gelder, Section 6.6) So assuming m n, as is normally the case, the time for the checking and the merging can be improved to O(m log m). This gives an overall complexity of O(m log m) for Kruskals algorithm. It is interesting to compare this with the O(n2 ) of Prims algorithm. The number of arcs m is bounded by n2 . If m is large (order n2 ) then Kruskal gives O(n2 log n) and Prim is to be preferred. On sparse graphs, where m is small (say O(n log n)), then Kruskal gives better results than Prim.
start 1 3 3
2 7
9 4
6 4 7 nish
6 5
Suppose we have a network of cities connected by roads of varying lengths and we wish to nd the shortest route between two cities. We can represent this by a weighted graph where the arcs are labelled with distances. In Figure 1.24 there are seven cities (labelled from 1 to 7). The problem might be to nd the shortest path from 1 to 7. The path 1,2,6,7 has length 10+7+4 = 21. A shorter path is 1,3,4,5,6,7 which has length 20. T HE S HORTEST PATH P ROBLEM: Given a weighted graph (G,W ), and two nodes start and nish, nd the shortest path from start to nish in the graph. You will see an algorithm due to Floyd in the 141 Reasoning lectures. This is an excellent algorithm for nding all shortest paths between any pairs of nodes. It runs in O(n3 ) time. Suppose instead that we only want to nd the shortest distance from a start node to a nish node. Floyds algorithm requires us to compute all shortest paths simultaneously. There seems to be no way of speeding up the algorithm if we are only interested in particular i, j. However we can compute the shortest path between two particular nodes in time O(n2 ) using an algorithm due to Dijkstra which is very closely related to Prims MST algorithm. Call the two nodes start and nish. As in Prims algorithm, we build up a spanning tree starting from the start node. We classify nodes into tree nodes: already included fringe nodes: not in the tree yet, but adjacent to a tree node unseen nodes: the rest The new idea in the shortest path algorithm is that we have already computed the shortest path from start to all the tree nodes: it is the path given by the tree. As far as the fringe nodes are concerned, we know the shortest path using the tree constructed so far. Version of January 20, 2012 30
This path might be improved as the tree grows. We know nothing about the shortest path to an unseen node. We store two values for each tree or fringe node: its parent node in the tree, and the length of the shortest path known. At each stage the next node to be added is the fringe node with the smallest length. We can obtain the shortest path to a node x in reverse order from the parent function: x, parent[x], parent[parent[x]], . . . , start Let path(x) denote this path in the forwards direction: start, . . . , parent[parent[x]], parent[x], x This is dened for all tree or fringe nodes. Dijkstras algorithm is stated in Figure 1.25. It should be compared with Prims algorithm (Figure 1.21). Notice that the algorithm does not need to complete computing the entire spanning tree, since it can stop as soon as nish joins the tree. When the algorithm terminates, the length of the shortest path is distance[nish] and we can read off the path through the tree using the parent function. The result of running the algorithm on the example of Figure 1.24 is shown in Figure 1.26. In this case we got a spanning tree for the entire graph, since the nish node was the last to be added to the tree. It is not a minimum spanning tree. Remark 1.6.7 The algorithm will work perfectly well for directed graphs. The running time of Dijkstras algorithm is O(n2 ) by much the same analysis as for Prims algorithm. It is easy to see that the algorithm terminates, since we clearly increase the tree each time we execute the while loop. To see why the algorithm is correct we need to formulate an invariant. It has three conditions: 1. If x is a tree or fringe node (other than start) then parent[x] is a tree node. 2. If x is a tree node (other than start) then distance[x] is the length of the shortest path, and parent[x] is its predecessor along that path. 3. The fringe nodes are precisely those non-tree nodes f reachable from start by a path in the tree (except for the nal arc to f ). If f is a fringe node then distance[ f ] is the length of the shortest path where all nodes except f are tree nodes. Furthermore, parent[ f ] is its predecessor along that path. When the program terminates, nish is a tree node, and by (2) we then have the required shortest path. It is easy to see that the initialisation establishes the invariant. It is also easy to see that (1) is always true. It guarantees that when we nd a shortest path it will lie wholly Version of January 20, 2012 31
Algorithm Dijkstras Shortest Path Algorithm: Input: Weighted graph (G,W ) together with a pair of nodes start, nish Output: Length of shortest path from start to nish tree[start] = true for x in adj[start]: # add x to fringe fringe[x] = true parent[x] = start distance[x] = W [start, x] while nish not a tree node and fringe nonempty: Select a fringe node f such that distance[ f ] is minimum fringe[ f ] = false tree[ f ] = true for y in adj[ f ]: if not tree[y]: if fringe[y]: # update distance and candidate arc if distance[ f ] +W [ f , y] < distance[y]: distance[y] = distance[ f ] +W [ f , y] parent[y] = f else: # y is unseen fringe[y] = true distance[y] = distance[ f ] +W [ f , y] parent[y] = f return distance[nish] Figure 1.25: Dijkstras Shortest Path Algorithm
start 1 3 3
2 7
9 4
6 4 7 nish
6 5
inside the tree. The main work is in seeing that parts (2) and (3) of the invariant are maintained by the while loop. To see that (2) is maintained when f is added to the tree, we need to check that distance[ f ] is the length of the shortest path, and that parent[ f ] is the predecessor along that path. Let path( f ) be the path given by the algorithm: start, . . . , parent[ f ], f Suppose we have a different and shorter path P (not necessarily in the tree). Let x be the last node on P to belong to the tree, and let y be the next node along P (possibly f itself). In the diagram, path( f ) is along the top and P is along the bottom: start parent[ f ] f x P Now by (3) we know that distance[y] the distance from start to y using P. Hence the length of P distance[y]. But distance[y] distance[ f ] by our choice of f . Hence P is at least as long as path( f ). We leave the proof that (3) is maintained as a (not so easy) exercise. Hence we have established: Theorem 1.6.8 If (G,W ) is a connected weighted graph with nodes start and nish, then Dijkstras algorithm nds the shortest path from start to nish. y
Given some cities and roads between them, a travelling salesman wants to nd a tour of all the cities with the shortest distance. T HE T RAVELLING S ALESMAN P ROBLEM (TSP): Given a complete weighted graph (G,W ), nd a way to tour the graph visiting each node exactly once and travelling the shortest possible distance. An example with ve cities is shown in Figure 1.27. The restriction to complete graphs is not quite as strong as it might seem, since if arcs were missing from the graph we could make it complete by adding ctitious arcs with weights made high enough to ensure that they would never be chosen.
1 3 5 1 2 4 9 6 4 5 10 7 3 8 2
TSP is clearly related to both the Hamiltonian Circuit Problem (HCP) (Section 1.3.3) and the Shortest Path Problem (Section 1.6.4). We have to nd a Hamiltonian circuit (HC) which is of minimum weight. The difculty is not in nding an HC, since we have assumed that the graph is complete. But to nd the shortest HC involves potentially checking n! different tours if G has n nodes. Just like HCP, TSP is NP-complete and so unlikely to have a polynomial solution. A better algorithm than just checking every possible tour yields a running time of O(n2 2n ), which is worse than exponential. But we still want to solve TSPthere are applications in circuit design, etc. So we are led to consider approximate methods. For instance, we could try a greedy algorithm which always chooses the shortest available arc, the so-called nearest neighbour heuristic (NNH). On the example of Figure 1.27, starting from node 1 we get the tour 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1 with a total weight of 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 19 which is quite good. However such a shortsighted method can also fail dramatically. Suppose that we change the weight of (1, 3) from 5 to 500. Then clearly this arc should be avoided, but NNH is forced to choose it on the last step.
Chapter 2
Algorithm Analysis
2.1 Introduction
In Part 2 of the course we look at how to measure the efciency of various algorithms, some of which will have been developed in 141 Reasoning about Programs. Suppose we have a problem P and S is the set of all possible algorithms which solve P. For instance the problem might be to sort a list, or to nd the shortest path between two nodes in a graph. We would like to know which of the available algorithms is best. This will mean ranking the members of S in some way. In these lectures we shall rank algorithms according to how fast they runtheir time complexity, in the jargon. There are other methods of ranking which may be just as valid, depending on the circumstances, but there are certainly obvious reasons for preferring algorithm A to another algorithm A which takes twice as long as A. Apart from discovering which of the available algorithms is best, we would also like to know the answer to a more fundamental question: can we improve our algorithms and solve P faster? Is there a best algorithm, and have we found it, or should we go on looking? This seems like a very difcult question, since there may be many algorithms in S which have not been invented, so that endless improvement might be possible. The solution to this difculty is to reason about the problem P itself, and the steps that an algorithm must take if it is to solve P. For instance, an algorithm to nd the greatest element of an unordered list must inspect every element of the list, or else it could not be correct. Reasoning of this kind gives us a minimum amount of work which any algorithm must do if it is to solve P. We are putting a lower bound on the time complexity of all members of S. If we have already found a member A of S which does no more than this amount of work, then we can safely assert that A is optimal. No amount of ingenuity can improve A. We shall concentrate on the problems of searching and sorting. This is for two reasons:
Since searching and sorting are carried out so frequently, it is especially important that they are carried out as efciently as possible. The theory is well worked out and optimal algorithms are known. Terminology 2.1.1 When we talk about searching through a list L or sorting it, we assume random access to L. The kth element of L is denoted L[k] (starting to count from 0). So we are really regarding a list as an array.
Worst-case analysis: Let W (n) be the largest number of comparisons made when performing LS on the whole range of inputs of size n. In this case W (n) = n. Average-case analysis: Let A(n) be the average number of comparisons made when performing LS on the whole range of inputs of size n. It might seem obvious that average-case analysis is to be preferred. However before we can say that it gives a better measure, we need to know what the probability distribution of inputs is. If we dont know this, we have to make assumptions, such as that x occurs with equal probability in all positions in the list. Furthermore, worst-case analysis has two great advantages: 1. It offers us a guarantee that LS will never take longer than W (n). 2. W (n) is easier to compute than A(n), and often yields almost as good results. When we discuss orders of complexity we shall see that W (n) and A(n) are often of the same order. For these reasons it is usual to start with worst-case analysis. Remark 2.2.2 One might think that best-case analysis B(n) could be worthwhile. However it is easy to fake good results. Suppose that an algorithm is very poor in general, but happens to do well when x occurs in the rst position. Then perhaps B(n) = 1, but this is highly misleading. By judicious tampering the most inferior algorithm can be tuned up to look good on hand-picked inputs. Terminology 2.2.3 We shall refer to functions from N to N like W (n) and A(n) as complexity functions. Now LS can be varied (e.g. we could search L backwards, or in some other order), but it is hard to see how it can be improved. In fact LS is optimal. The argument is as follows. Take any algorithm A which solves the problem. We claim that if A returns not found it must have inspected every entry of L. Suppose for a contradiction that A did not inspect L[k] (some k < n). Dene a new list L as follows. L is the same as L except that L [k] = x. Since A did not inspect L[k] it will not inspect L [k] either, since the two lists are otherwise identical. So A must still return not found. However A has now given the wrong answer. Contradiction. We conclude that in worst case A must inspect every entry, meaning that n comparisons are needed. So LS is optimal. Notice how the argument was about all possible algorithms to solve the problem, not just those which have been so far devised. Of course proofs of optimality are not always so easy, and may require a lot of ingenuity. There are many problems, such as matrix multiplication, for which it is not known whether the best algorithm so far discovered is in fact optimal.
A convenient representation of the algorithm is by means of decision trees. A node in a decision tree represents a comparison, and its children represent the next step in Version of January 20, 2012 38
3 1 5 2 fail fail fail fail 4 fail fail fail Figure 2.1: Decision tree for Binary Search (n = 8) 6 7 fail
1 fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail 2 3 4 5 6 7
the algorithm depending on the result of the comparison. We illustrate for n = 8 in Figure 2.1. The left-hand child of a node k corresponds to x < L[k]. The right hand child corresponds to x > L[k]. If x = L[k] then the algorithm of course stops straight away. The tree shows us for instance that if L[4] = x and L[3] < x, L[5] > x, then BS takes three comparisons to return the answer 4. It is immediate that the worstcase number of comparisons is 4 (when x > L[6], so that L[3], L[5], L[6] and L[7] are inspected). So W (8) = 4. We can draw a similar decision tree for every n, giving a complete description of how BS performs on any input of size n, and allowing us to nd W (n). Notice that the tree will contain n nodes, one for each of 0, . . . , n 1 (as well as nodes for fail). As an illustration of how BS is better than MLS, Figure 2.2 shows a decision tree for MLS on n = 8. It has the same number of nodes, but greater depth, corresponding to higher worst-case complexity. BS has succeeded in reducing depth by widening the
tree. BS is in fact optimal, and the reason is that it does the best possible job of keeping the tree-depth low for a given number of nodes. Before showing that BS is optimal, we calculate W (n). Since BS is recursive, we cannot nd W (n) directly. However we can write down the following recurrence relation: W (1) W (n) = 1 = 1 +W (n/2)
Either we nd L[mid] = x immediately, or else we call the procedure on a portion of the array which has half the length. We solve for W (n) by repeated expansion: W (n) = 1 +W (n/2) = 1 + 1 +W (n/4) ... = 1 + 1 + + 1 +W (1)
The number of 1s is the number of times that we can divide n by 2. Suppose that 2k n < 2k+1 . We can always nd such a k. Then the number of 1s in the summation is k. If we denote the logarithm to base 2 of n by log n then k = log n. Therefore (since W (1) = 1) W (n) = log n + 1 As a check, note that log 8 = 3, so that W (8) = 4, which is the value we found from the decision tree. Consider any algorithm A for searching an ordered list of length n. We can represent it by a binary decision tree. The tree will have at least n nodes since the algorithm must have the capability to inspect every member of the list (by an argument similar to that for unordered lists). Let the depth of the tree be d (not counting fail nodes, since fail is not a comparison). The worst-case performance of A will be d + 1. We shall show that d has a minimum value. Terminology 2.3.3 A binary tree is a tree where each node has at most two children. Denote the depth of a tree T by depth(T ), the number of nodes in T by #nodes(T ), and the root node of T by root(T ). Lemma 2.3.4 Suppose that T is a binary tree with depth d. Then T has no more than 2d+1 1 nodes. Proof. By induction. Base case d = 0. Then T has at most 1 node (the root), and 1 20+1 1. Induction step. Assume true for all numbers d and show for d + 1. Let T be a tree of depth d + 1. Suppose root(T ) has children T1 , T2 . Then depth(T1 ) d, depth(T2 ) d. So by induction T1 and T2 each have no more than 2d+1 1 nodes. But #nodes(T ) = 1 + #nodes(T1 ) + #nodes(T2 ) Version of January 20, 2012 40
Hence #nodes(T ) 1 + 2(2d+1 1) = 2(d+1)+1 1. If root(T ) has only one child then the argument is similar but easier. From Lemma 2.3.4 we see that if T has n nodes and depth d then n 2d+1 1. So d + 1 log(n + 1). Lemma 2.3.5 log(n + 1) = log n + 1. Proof. Let k = log n. Then 2k n < 2k+1 . So 2k < n + 1 2k+1 . Hence k < log(n + 1) k + 1 and the result follows. Using Lemma2.3.5 we see that the worst-case behaviour of A (namely d + 1) is at least log n + 1. This gives us: L OWER B OUND FOR S EARCHING. Any algorithm for searching an ordered list of length n for element x, and which only accesses the list by comparing x with entries in the list, must perform at least log n + 1 comparisons in worst case. But W (n) for BS is log n + 1. We conclude that BS is optimal.
An algorithm which is order nlogn is said to be log linear. We now give the precise denitions. Denition 2.4.1 Let R+ be the real numbers 0. Let f , g : N R+ . 1. f is O(g) ( f is big Oh of g) iff there are m N, c R+ such that for all n m we have f (n) c.g(n). 2. f is (g) ( f is order g) iff f is O(g) and g is O( f ). We may read f is O(g) as saying that the order of f the order of g. f is (g) then says that f has the same order as g. In practice the ofcial notation is seldom used, and f is O(n3 ) is often pronounced as f is order n3 , and really means the stronger statement f is (n3 ). But of course there are times when the true complexity of the problem is unknown. For instance we have just seen that there is a matrix multiplication algorithm which is (n3 ). But there might be (and indeed there is) a faster algorithm. So without further analysis, the most we can say about the problem of matrix multiplication is that it is O(n3 ). Its true order might be as low as n2 (the best lower bound currently known). Example 2.4.2 8n2 + 300n + 70 is (n2 ). Proof: First show 8n2 + 300n + 70 is O(n2 ). Take c = 16. We need to nd m such that for all n m, 8n2 + 300n + 70 16n2 , i.e. 300n + 70 8n2 . m = 40 will do, or if we wished we could take m = 106, or any other large number. Also clearly n2 is O(8n2 + 300n + 70). Hence 8n2 + 300n + 70 is (n2 ).
2.5 Sorting
Problem 2.5.1 Sort a list L of length n over a totally ordered data type D. We look at algorithms which use comparisons, i.e. take any two members of the list and see which is below the other. There are other methods which can be employed if D is of certain special kinds. We wish to discover what are the most efcient sorting algorithms, and whether there are optimal algorithms. Just as with searching, we will do two things: measure the time complexity of known algorithms obtain a lower bound for the amount of work required. Version of January 20, 2012 42
We start by considering a simple sorting algorithm and measuring its worst-case complexity. Insertion Sort works as follows. Suppose that L[0..i 1] is known to be sorted (where 1 i < n). Then insert L[i] into L[0..i 1] in its correct position. When this is done, L[0..i] will be sorted. sorted unsorted
Algorithm Insertion Sort: i=1 while i < n: # insert L[i] into L[0..i 1] j=i while L[ j 1] > L[ j] and j > 0: Swap( j 1, j) # swaps L[ j 1] and L[ j]. L[ j] will always be the value to be inserted j = j1 i = i+1 How many comparisons does Insertion Sort take? The insertion can be done by comparing L[i] successively with L[i 2], L[i 2], . . . until we nd the rst L[ j] such that L[i] L[ j]. Once this is found L[i] should be inserted between L[ j] and L[ j + 1]. In the best case, L[i] L[i 1] (so that L[0..i] is already sorted). Only one comparison is needed. However in worst case we need to perform i comparisons. This will happen if L[i] < L[0]. Therefore in worst case we need to perform i comparisons for i = 1, 2, . . . , n 1. So for Insertion Sort:
W (n) =
n(n 1) 2
The worst case arises when sorting a list which is in reverse order. So we have a sorting algorithm which is (n2 ). We shall see that there are faster algorithms. First we establish a lower bound for sorting.
Terminology 2.5.2 Say that a node of a tree is a leaf if it has no successor nodes. Otherwise it is internal. Any algorithm for sorting by comparison can be expressed as a decision tree. A decision tree for sorting a list L of length n is a binary tree with the following properties. Version of January 20, 2012 43
0, 1 1, 2 > 1, 2
[0, 1, 2]
0, 2
0, 2
[2, 1, 0]
[0, 2, 1] [2, 0, 1] [1, 0, 2] [1, 2, 0] Figure 2.3: Decision tree for 3-sort
Every internal node of the tree consists of a pair i, j where i, j < n. This represents comparing L[i] with L[ j]. The left- hand path is followed if L[i] L[ j] and the right-hand path if L[i] > L[ j]. i, j L[i] l[ j] L[i] > L[ j]
Every leaf node represents a possible outcome expressed as a permutation of [0, 1, ..., n 1]. For example if n = 4 a possible leaf will be [1, 0, 3, 2]. This means that the original list can be sorted by placing L[0], L[1], L[2], L[3] in the order L[1], L[0], L[3], L[2]. Thus, once a permutation is given the list is in effect sorted. Of course the actual algorithm may well rearrange L during the stage when the comparisons are carried out.
Example 2.5.3 The algorithm 3-sort for sorting a list of length 3 is described by the decision tree in Figure2.3. We note the following: The worst-case number of comparisons is 3, and the best is 2. There are 6 leaf nodes, one for each of the 6 possible permutations of [0, 1, 2]. Now we argue that any sorting algorithm for n = 3 must do at least 3 comparisons in worst case: First note that the algorithm should have every possible permutation of [0, 1, 2] as a leaf in its decision tree. If it did not have a certain permutation, then it could not correctly deal with a list which was jumbled in that particular way. So its tree must have at least 6 leaves. Now the worst-case number of comparisons is equal to the depth of the tree. If a binary tree has depth 2 then it can have no more than 4 leaves. So the tree must have depth at least 3, and the algorithm must do at least 3 comparisons in worst case. Version of January 20, 2012 44
Therefore 3-sort is optimal. Now we generalise what we have just done to obtain a lower bound for all values of n. Proposition 2.5.4 If a binary tree has depth d then it has 2d leaves. Proof. By induction on d. Base case d = 0. Then no more than 1 = 20 leaves. Induction step. Assume true for all trees of depth d. Suppose the tree has depth d + 1. The root has one or two successors, which have depth d. By the inductive hypothesis, the successors have at most 2d leaves each. So the total number of leaves in the tree 2d + 2d = 2d+1 . Consider a decision tree for sorting a list of length n. It must have at least one leaf for every permutation of [0, ..., n 1]. Now there are n! such permutations. So the tree needs at least n! leaves. Now the worst-case performance of the algorithm is exactly the depth d of the tree. By the proposition, d must satisfy n! 2d . Hence d log(n!). Since d is an integer we can improve this to d log(n!). Hence: L OWER B OUND FOR S ORTING IN W ORST C ASE. Any algorithm for sorting a list of length n by comparisons must perform at least log(n!) comparisons in worst case. We now give a table showing the lower bounds for n = 1 to 10 compared with the worst-case performance of Insertion Sort: n 1 2 3 log(n!) 0 1 3 n(n 1)/2 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 7 10 13 16 19 6 10 15 21 28 36 10 22 45
Although Insertion Sort is optimal for n 3, it seems that there is a big difference as n gets larger. This means that there is room for improvement, either by nding a faster sorting algorithm, or possibly by nding a better lower bound argument. We shall see how the algorithm Mergesort improves on Insertion Sort. However rst we consider the lower bound for average-case analysis. One might expect this to be signicantly less than the worst-case bound, but we shall nd that it is almost the same. Let us return to the example 3-sort. There are 6 possible rearrangements of a list of length 3. From the tree (Figure 2.3) we see that [0, 1, 2] and [2, 1, 0] can be sorted in 2 comparisons, while the other four take 3 comparisons. It is reasonable to assume that each of the 6 is equally likely. Therefore the average number of comparisons is (2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3)/6 = 2 2/3 which is scarcely less than the worst-case number 3. We must now generalise to arbitrary decision trees. Call the sum of all the depths of the leaf nodes in a tree its total path length. This is closely related to the average number Version of January 20, 2012 45
d d 1 d
of comparisons. Suppose that the tree has n! leaves and total path length b. Then the average number of comparisons is b/n!. So for a given number of leaves (n!) we want to nd a lower bound on the total path length. Now notice that the tree for 3-sort has depth 3, and all its leaves have depth 3 or 2. Denition 2.5.5 A binary tree of depth d is balanced if every leaf node is of depth d or d 1. Proposition 2.5.6 If a binary tree is unbalanced then we can nd a balanced tree with the same number of leaves without increasing the total path length. Proof. Suppose a tree of depth d is unbalanced. Then it has a leaf of depth d, and a leaf of depth d d 2. In this case we can construct another tree with the same number of leaves, which is more balanced in a sense that we do not make precise, and where the total path length has not increased. Take a node of depth d. There are two cases: 1. If this node has no sibling (i.e. it is the only child of its parent) then remove it. An example is shown on the left-hand side of Figure 2.4. The parent becomes a leaf node of depth d 1. The total path length has reduced by 1. The depth of the tree may or may not have been reduced. The number of leaves is unchanged. The tree is more balanced. 2. If the node of depth d has no sibling, remove it and suspend two new leaf nodes below the leaf of depth d . An example is shown on the right-hand side of Figure 2.4. The old two leaves contributed d + d to the total path length, while their replacements contribute 2(d + 1). So the total path length has not increased (and will have been reduced if d < d 2). The number of leaves is unchanged. Again the tree is more balanced. We repeat the above procedure until we can no longer nd a pair of nodes of depth d and d d 2. The tree is now balanced. The number of leaves is unchanged and the path length has not increased (and may have reduced).
In view of the proposition, if we are trying to nd the minimum total path length of a tree with n! leaf nodes, we can restrict our attention to balanced trees. But in this case the average depth of a leaf node must be only slightly less than the depth of the tree. In fact if the tree has depth d, then the average leaf depth must be between d 1 and d. We conclude that the lower bound for average-case is almost the same as for worstcase. L OWER B OUND FOR S ORTING IN AVERAGE C ASE. Any algorithm for sorting a list of length n by comparisons must perform at least log(n!) comparisons in average case. Remark 2.5.7 We have not mentioned the possibility that the list to be sorted will contain repeats. This will of course reduce the number of possible different permutations. However it does not alter the work we have done above in any essential way.
We would now like to see how various well-known algorithms match up against the lower bounds we have calculated. In this section we consider Mergesort. Mergesort splits the list into two roughly equal halves, and sorts each of these recursively before merging the two sorted sublists. When sorting a list L of length n, the following procedure will be called initially with left = 0, right = n 1. Algorithm Mergesort: procedure Mergesort(left, right): if left < right: mid = (left + right)/2 # left mid < right Mergesort(left, mid) Mergesort(mid + 1, right) Merge(left, mid, right) The procedure Merge(left, mid, right) merges the two sorted sublists L[left..mid] and L[mid + 1..right] to form a new sorted list, and puts the result in the space occupied by those two lists. It works by writing the merged list into an auxiliary array and then copying it back into L when the merging is over. We require left mid < right as a precondition for calling Merge. We now see how many comparisons Merge performs. Of course this depends on how Merge works, but we shall assume that it follows the following obvious procedure: Generate the merged list in ascending order by repeatedly removing the current least value from the two lists to be merged. Since the lists to be merged are sorted, it is enough to compare the leftmost elements of each list until one of the lists is exhausted, after which the remainder of the other list is transferred automatically. We see that each element is placed in the merged list at the expense of at most one comparison, apart Version of January 20, 2012 47
from the last element, which can always be transferred automatically. So the number of comparisons is one less than the length of the merged list, i.e. right left. It can be shown that this form of merge is optimal in worst case. We now obtain the following recurrence relation for the worst-case behaviour of Mergesort. The n 1 is for the number of comparisons to perform the merge. W (1) W (n) = 0 = n 1 +W (n/2) +W (n/2)
This allows us to calculate W (n) for n = 1, . . . , 10, and to compare this with the lower bounds we obtained earlier. n 1 2 log(n!) 0 1 W (n) 0 1 3 4 5 3 5 7 3 5 8 6 10 11 7 13 14 8 16 17 9 19 21 10 22 25
It is apparent that there is a fairly tight, though not exact t. In particular, we can be certain that Mergesort is optimal for n 4. We would like to discover whether Mergesort continues to be close to the lower bound as n gets large. We therefore solve the recurrence relation for W (n) by repeated expansion. To simplify matters we assume n = 2k (k 0). W (n) = = = ... = n 1 + 2W (n/2) (n 1) + 2(n/2 1) + 22W (n/22 ) n + n (1 + 2) + 22W (n/22 ) n + n + + n (1 + 2 + 22 + ... + 2k1 ) + 2kW (n/2k )
Now there are k ns in the sum. Also 1 + 2 + ... + 2k1 = 2k 1 = n 1. Hence W (n) = k.n (n 1) + 0 . Now k = log n and so we have: W (n) = n log(n) n + 1 This is of course for n a power of 2. It can be shown that for general n the solution is W (n) = nlog n 2log n + 1 We now wish to compare W (n) for Mergesort with the lower bound we obtained earlier. On the face of it there should be little connection, since n log(n) n + 1 and log(n!) seem quite different. However the two functions are of the same order. Notice that log(n!) = log i
i=1 n
Moreover this is roughly the area under the curve y = log x between 1 and n, so that
log i
log x dx
(as n gets large). Now log x is a constant multiple of ln x (logarithm to base e), and
n 1
We conclude that Mergesort is of the same order as the lower bound we obtained.
Quicksort works by splitting the list L around a member of L, which we shall take to be L[0] = d. This involves comparing every L[i] (i = 0) with d, and placing it before or after d depending on whether L[i] d or L[i] > d, as in the following diagram (s is the new index of the element d):
d 0
d s
>d n1
The portions before and after d are then sorted recursively, after which the whole list is sorted. Algorithm Quicksort: procedure Quicksort(left, right): if left < right: s = Split(left, right) Quicksort(left, s 1) Quicksort(s + 1, right) Split(left, right) splits L[left..right] around d = L[left], and returns the index s of the splitpoint. The result is a reordering of L[left..right] with left s right and left i s implies L[i] d s < i right implies L[i] > d Although we omit the details of how Split works, it should be clear that applying Split to a list of length n takes n 1 comparisons. Quicksort is harder to analyse than Mergesort because the list can be split into sublists of varying lengths. The split might be roughly in the middle, or it might be near to one end. In order to minimise the number of times that Quicksort is called recursively, it is desirable for the split to occur at the midpoint of the list. The worst case is when the split occurs at one end. This gives us the following recurrence relation for the worst-case: W (1) = 0 W (n) = n 1 +W (n 1) Version of January 20, 2012 49
n1 i=0
n(n 1) . 2
This is no better than Insertion Sort. Ironically the worst case arises in particular when L is already sorted. However Quicksort performs well in practice. The reason is that the split is unlikely to be near one of the ends, and if it is near the middle then we get performance similar to that of Mergesort. Earlier we said that average-case complexity is often of the same order as worst-case complexity. Quicksort is an exception, with a signicant improvement for average-case complexity. We now obtain a recurrence relation for A(n), the average number of comparisons to sort a list of length n. When Quicksort(0, n 1) is invoked it will split the list at some position s. We assume that s is equally likely to take each of the possible values 0, . . . , n 1. Each of these values therefore has a probability of 1/n. If the split is at s, then Quicksort(0, s 1) and Quicksort(s + 1, n 1) will be invoked, taking A(s) and A(n s 1) comparisons respectively. Hence A(0) = 0 A(1) = 0 A(n) = n 1 + This can be simplied to A(1) A(n) = 0 = n1+ 2 n1 A(i) n i=2 1 n1 (A(s) + A(n s 1)) n s=0
This is not easy to solve. However we have the following: Proposition 2.5.8 A(n) is (n log n). Proof. We show that A(n) 2n ln n. This is enough to show A(n) is O(n log n), since logarithms to different bases differ by a constant factor. We then deduce that A(n) is (n log n), using the fact that the lower bound for sorting in average case is (n log n). By induction. Clearly holds for n = 1. Assume that for all i < n we have A(i) 2i ln i. A(n) n 1 + n+ Version of January 20, 2012 2 n1 A(i) n i=2
The following table shows (to two decimal places) the lower bounds for the average case and the values of A(n) for Quicksort. The gures are very similar to those given for the worst-case lower bounds and W (n) for Mergesort. It is clear that Quicksort gives good performance in average case. n Lower bound A(n) 1 2 0 1 0 1 3 2.67 2.67 4 4.67 4.83 5 6.93 7.40 6 9.58 10.30 7 12.37 13.49 8 15.37 16.92 9 18.56 20.58 10 21.84 24.44
Remark 2.5.9 It might seem that Mergesort should be preferred to Quicksort, since W (n) for Mergesort is almost as good as A(n) for Quicksort. However Quicksort has the advantage that it can be performed in place without using extra space, whereas Mergesort needs extra space to perform the merges. Also, our values for A(n) may be a little pessimistic, since it is often possible to increase the chances of a favourable split (that is, one near the middle of the list).
Parallel Sorting
If we want to sort more rapidly, we can try sharing out the work between a number of processors and operate them in parallel. Note 2.5.10 For convenience, in this section we assume that n is a power of 2. Divide and conquer algorithms like Mergesort and Quicksort are obvious candidates for parallelisation. In these the list is divided into two portions, which are sorted recursively. The two recursive calls may be executed in parallel. Of course this will need more than two processors, since the list will then be divided further. In fact for Mergesort we will need n/2 processors for a list of length n. How much time can we save? Let us assume that each comparison takes one time unit. We consider Mergesort. In the sequential form (using only one processor) the recurrence relation for the worstcase analysis number of comparisons was W (1) W (n) = 0 = n 1 +W (n/2) +W (n/2)
This is also the time taken in worst case. Call the parallelised version parMergesort. Since we perform the two recursive calls in parallel, we obtain a revised recurrence relation for the time taken in worst case: W (1) W (n) = 0 = n 1 +W (n/2)
We can solve this by repeated expansion, obtaining W (n) = 2n 2 log n Version of January 20, 2012 51
4 2 3 1
2 1 4 3
Figure 2.5: An O/E network for sorting a list of length 4
1 2 3 2 3 4
We have made a signicant improvement: W (n) is (n) while W (n) was (n log n). It is possible to speed up sorting still further by parallelising the merge. One way this can be done is by a so-called odd/even merge. By the odd (resp. even) members of a list L we mean L[1], L[3], . . . (resp. L[0], L[2], . . .). Take two ordered lists of the same length n and instead of merging them directly, merge the odd and even members separately and in parallel. This gives two new ordered lists L and L of length n. Although it is not obvious why this works, L and L can then be merged by comparing L[i + 1] with L [i] for i = 0, . . . , n 2. The merged list is L[0], followed by L[1], L [0] in the correct order, followed by L[2], L [1] in order, etc., and nishing with L [n 1]. The odd/even merge gives great scope for parallelism, and is exploited in so-called O/E networks. These are networks of comparators, which are simple processors which take in two numbers and output them in order. Figure 2.5 shows an O/E network for sorting lists of length four, with the example input [4, 2, 3, 1]. It has ve comparators, and clearly takes the time of three comparisons to perform the sort. Notice that in an O/E network, each comparator is used exactly once. The odd/even merge is performed by the nal three comparators. The time taken by an O/E network (again deeming each comparison to take one unit of time) is log(n)(log(n) + 1)/2 . This is clearly a signicant improvement on parMergesort, being (log2 n) (that is, ((log n)2 )). Here is a table showing the time taken by parMergesort and O/E networks for lists of size n. n parMerge O/E 1 2 0 1 0 1 4 8 16 4 11 26 3 6 10 32 57 15 64 120 21 128 247 28 256 502 36 512 1013 45 1024 2036 55
It might seem that these low times violate the lower bound results we obtained earlier. However this is not the case, since the lower bounds were for the number of comparisons. The parallelised algorithms gain on time but not on numbers of comparisons.
The O/E network for n = 4 given above has 5 comparators and therefore makes 5 comparisons, which is the same number as Mergesort. For n = 1024, the O/E network has around 23000 comparators, whereas Mergesort takes 9217 comparisons. See D. Harel, Algorithmics (Addison-Wesley, 1987) for more details.