Many-Body Physics: Unfinished Revolution: Piers Coleman
Many-Body Physics: Unfinished Revolution: Piers Coleman
Many-Body Physics: Unfinished Revolution: Piers Coleman
Abstract.The study of many-body physics has provided a scientic playground of surprise and continuing revolution over the past half century. The serendipitous discovery of new states and properties of matter, phenomena such as superuidity, the Meissner, the Kondo and the fractional quantum hall eects, have driven the development of new conceptual frameworks for our understanding about collective behavior, the ramications of which have spread far beyond the connes of terrestrial condensed matter physics- to cosmology, nuclear and particle physics. Here I shall selectively review some of the developments in this eld, from the cold-war period, until the present day. I describe how, with the discovery of new classes of collective order, the unfolding puzzles of high temperature superconductivity and quantum criticality, the prospects for major conceptual discoveries remain as bright today as they were more than half a century ago.
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discipline of statistical mechanics. In this informal article, I shall talk about the evolution of our ideas about the collective behavior of matter since the advent of quantum mechanics, hoping to give a sense of how often unexpected experimental discovery has seeded the growth of conceptually new ideas about collective matter. Given the brevity of the article, I must apologize for the necessarily selective nature of this discussion. In particular, I have had to make a painful decision to leave out a discussion of the many-body physics of localization and that of spin glasses. I do hope future articles will have opportunity to redress this imbalance. The past seventy years of development in many-body physics has seen a period of unprecedented conceptual and intellectual development. Experimental discoveries of remarkable new phenomena, such as superconductivity, superuidity, criticality, liquid crystals, anomalous metals, antiferromagnetism and the quantized Hall eect, have each prompted a renaissance in areas once thought to be closed to further fruitful intellectual study. Indeed, the history of the eld is marked by the most wonderful and unexpected shifts in perspective and understanding that have involved close linkages between experiment, new mathematics and new concepts. I shall discuss three eras:- the immediate aftermath of quantum mechanics many-body physics in the cold war, and the modern era of correlated matter physics. Over this period, physicists view of the matter has evolved dramatically- as witnessed by the evolution in our view of electricity from the idea of the degenerate electron gas, to the concept of the Fermi liquid, to new kinds of electron uid, such as a the Luttinger liquid or fractional quantum Hall state. Progress was not smooth and gradual, but often involved the agony, despair and controversy of the creative process. Even the notion that an electron is a fermion was controversial. Wolfgang Pauli, inventor of the exclusion principle could not initially envisage that this principle would apply beyond the atom to macroscopically vast assemblies of degenerate electrons; indeed, he initially preferred the idea that electrons were bosons. Pauli arrived at the realization that the electron uid is a degenerate Fermi gas with great reluctance, and at the end of 1925[2] gave way, writing in a short note to Schrdinger that read o With a heavy heart, I have decided that Fermi Dirac, not Einstein is the correct statistics, and I have decided to write a short note on paramagnetism. Wolfgang Pauli, letter to Schrdinger, November 1925[2]. o
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a) Anderson-Higgs Mechanism
Meissner Effect
Asymptotic Freedom
Figure 1:
Two mysteries of the early era, whose ultimate resolution 30 years later linked them to profound new concepts about nature. (a) The Meissner eect, whose ultimate resolution led to an understanding of superconductivity and the discovery of the Anderson-Higgs mechanism, (b) The Kondo resistance minimum, which is linked to the physics of connement.
superconductivity[3]. Ferromagnetism had emerged as a shining triumph of the application of quantum mechanics to condensed matter. So rapid was the progress in this direction, that Nel and Landau quickly went on to generalize the idea, pree dicting the possibility of staggered magnetism, or antiferromagnetism in 1933[4]. In a situation with many parallels today, the experimental tools required to realize the predicted phenomenon, had to await two decades, for the development of neutron diraction[5]. During this period, Landau became pessimistic and came to the conclusion that quantum uctuations would most probably destroy antiferromagnetism, as they do in the antiferromagnetic 1D Bethe chain - encouraging one of his students, Pomeranchuk, to explore the idea that spin systems behave as neutral uids of fermions[6]. By contrast, superconductivity remained unyielding to the eorts of the nest minds in quantum mechanics during the heady early days of quantum mechanics in the 1920s, a failure derived in part from a deadly early misconception about superconductivity[3]. It was not until 1933 that a missing element in the puzzle came to light, with the Meissner and Ochensfeld discovery that superconductors are not perfect conductors, but perfect diamagnets.[7] It is this key discovery that led the London brothers[8] to link superconductivity to a concept of rigidity in the many-body electron wavefunction, a notion that Landau and Ginzburg were
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to later incorporate in their order parameter treatment of superconductivity[9]. Another experimental mystery of the 1930s, was the observation of a mysterious resistance minimum in the temperature dependent resistance of copper, gold, silver and other metals[10]. It took 25 more years for the community to link this pervasive phenomenon with tiny concentrations of atomic size magnetic impurities- and another 15 more years to solve the phenomenon - now known as the Kondo eect- using the concepts of renormalization.
Many-body physics blossomed after the end of the second world war, and as the political walls between the east and west grew with the beginning of the cold war, a most wonderful period of scientic and conceptual development, with a frequent exchange of new ideas across the iron curtain, came into being. Surprisingly, the Feynman diagram did not really enter many-body physics until the early 60s, yet without Feynman diagrams, the many-body community made a sequence of astonishing advances in the 1950s[11].
Figure 2: Illustrating the Pines-Bohm idea, that the physics of the electron uid can be divided
up into high energy collective plasmon modes and low energy electron quasiparticles.
The early 1950s saw the rst appreciation by the community of the importance of collective modes. One of the great mysteries was why the non-interacting Sommerfeld model of the electron uid worked so well, despite the presence of interactions that are comparable to the kinetic energy of the electrons. In a landmark early paper, David Bohm and his graduate student, David Pines[12] realized that they could separate the strongly interacting gas via a unitary transformation into two well-separated sets of excitations- a high energy collective oscillations of the electron gas, called plasmons, and low energy electrons. The Pines-Bohm paper is a progenitor of the idea of renormalization: the idea that high energy modes of the system can be successively eliminated to give rise to a renormalized picture of the residual low energy excitations.
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Feynman diagrams entered many-body physics in the late 1950s[11]. The rst applications of the formalism of quantum eld theory to the many-body physics of bulk electronic matter, made by Brueckner[13], were closely followed by Goldstone and Hubbards elegant re-derivations of the method using Feynman diagrams [14, 15]. A urry of activity followed: Gell-Mann and Brueckner used the newly discovered linked cluster theorem to calculate the correlation energy of the high density electron gas[16], and Galitskii and Migdal[17, 18] in the USSR applied the methods to the spectrum of the interacting electron gas. Around the same time, Edwards[19] made the rst applications of Feynmans methods to the problem of elastic scattering o disorder. One of the great theoretical leaps of this early period was the invention of the concept of imaginary time1 . The earliest published discussion of this idea occurs in the papers of Matsubara[20]. Matsubara noted the remarkable similarity between the time evolution operator of quantum mechanics
h U (t) = eitH/
where = 1/(kB T ) and kB is Boltzmanns constant. This parallel suggested that one could convert conventional quantum mechanics into nite temperature quantum statistical mechanics by using a time-evolution operator where real time is replaced by imaginary time, t i . h (3)
Matsubaras ideas took a further leap into the realm of the practical, when Abrikosov, Gorkov and Dzyaloshinski (AGD) [21] showed that the method was dramatically simplied by Fourier transforming the imaginary time electron Green function into the frequency domain. They noted for the rst time that the antiperiodicity of the Green function G( + ) = G( ) meant that the continuous frequencies of zero temperature physics are replaced by the discrete frequencies n = (2n + 1)T , that we now call the Matsubara frequency. In their paper, the nite temperature propagator G(n , p) = [in + (p)]1 (4)
for the electron makes its rst appearance. Another great conceptual leap of the early cold war, was the development of the concept of the elementary excitation, or quasiparticle, as a way to
1 The key ideas of the imaginary time approach were certainly known to Kubo prior to the rst publication by Matsubara. P. W. Anderson recalls being shown the key ideas of this technique, including the antiperiodicity of the Fermi Green function, by Kubo, Matsubaras mentor, in 1954.
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understand the low-energy excitations of many-body systems. The idea of a quasiparticle is usually associated with Landaus pioneering work on the Fermi liquid, which appeared in 1957. The basic concept of elementary excitation appears to have been in circulation on both sides of the Iron Curtain throughout much of the fties. The term quasiparticle certainly appears in Boguilubovs[22] paper on the theory of superuidity in 1947. However, Landaus work on Fermi liquids certainly added tremendous clarity to the quasiparticle idea. Landau[23], stimulated by early measurements on liquid He-3, realized that interacting fermi gases could be understood with the concept of adiabaticity- the notion that when interactions are turned on adiabatically, the original single-particle excitations of the Fermi liquid, evolve without changing their charge or spin quantum numbers, into quasiparticle excitations of the interacting system. Today, Landaus Fermi liquid theory is the foundation for the modern standard model of the electron uid.
Broken Symmetry
Two monumental achievements of the cold-war era deserve separate mention: the discovery of broken symmetry and the renormalization group. In 1937, Landau[24] formulated the concept of broken symmetry- proposing that phase transitions take place via the process of symmetry reduction, which he described in terms of his order parameter concept. In the early fties, Onsager and Penrose[25], rened Landaus concept of broken symmetry to propose that superuidity could be understood as a state of matter in which the two-particle density matrix (r, r ) = (r)(r ) can be factorized: (r, r ) = (r)(r) + small terms where (r) = s ei = N 1|(r)|N . (7) (6) (5)
is the order parameter of the superuid, s is the superuid density and the phase of the condensate. This concept of o-diagonal long-range order later became generalized to fermi systems as part of the BCS theory of superconductivity[26, 27], where the o-diagonal order parameter F (x x ) = N 2| (x) (x )|N , (8)
denes the wavefunction of the Cooper pair. Part of the inspiration for a state with o-diagonal long-range order in BCS theory came from work by Tomonaga[29] involving a pion condensate around the nucleus. Bob Schrieer wrote down the BCS wavefunction while attending a manybody physics meeting in 1956 at the Stephens Institute of Technology, in New Jersey. In a recollection he writes[28]
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While attending that meeting it occurred to me that because of the strong overlap of pairs perhaps a statistical approach analogous to a type of mean eld would be appropriate to the problem. Thinking back to a paper by Sin-itiro Tomonaga that described the pion cloud around a static nucleon [29], I tried a ground-state wave function |0 written as uk + vk c c (9) |0 = k k |0
is the creation operator for an electron with momentum k where and spin up, |0 is the vacuum state, and the amplitudes uk and vk are to be determined. One of the remarkable spin-os of superconductivity, was that it led to an understanding of how a gauge boson can acquire a mass as a result of symmetry breaking. This idea was rst discussed by Anderson in 1959[30], and in more detail in 1964[31, 32], but the concept evolved further and spread from Bell Laboratories to the particle physics community, ultimately re-appearing as the Higgs mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking in a Yang Mills theory. The AndersonHiggs mechanism is a beautiful example of how the study of cryogenics led to a fundamentally new way of viewing the universe, providing a mechanism for the symmetry breaking between the electrical and weak forces in nature. Another consequence of broken symmetry concept is the notion of generalized rigidity[33], a concept which has its origins in Londons early model of superconductivity[8] and the two-uid models of superuidity proposed independently by Tisza[34] and Landau[35], according to which, if the phase of a boson or Cooper pair develops a rigidity, then it costs a phase bending energy U (x) 1 s ( (x))2 , 2 (10)
c k
from which we derive that the superow of particles is directly proportional to the amount of phase bending, or the gradient of the phase js = s . (11)
Anderson noted[33] that we can generalize this concept to a wide variety of broken symmetries, each with their own type of superow (see table 1). Thus broken translation symmetry leads to the superow of momentum, or sheer stress, broken spin symmetry leads to the superow of spin or spin superow. There are undoubtedly new classes of broken symmetry yet to be discovered.
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Table. 1. Order parameters, broken symmetry and rigidity. Name Crystal Broken Symmetry Translation Symmetry Rigidity/Supercurrent Momentum superow (Sheer stress) Matter superow
Gauge symmetry
Charge superow
Spin superow (x-y magnets only) Angular momentum superow Energy superow ?
Rotation symmetry
Renormalization group
The theory of second order phase transitions was studied by Van der Waals in the 19th century, and thought to be a closed eld[36]. Two events- the experimental observation of critical exponents that did not t the predictions of mean-eld theory[37, 38], and the solution to the 2D Ising model[39], forced condensed matter physicists to revisit an area once thought to be closed. The revolution that ensued literally shook physics from end to end, furnishing us with a spectrum of new concepts and terms, such as scaling theory[40, 41, 42], universality- the idea that the essential physics at long length scales is independent of all but a handful of short-distance details, such as the dimensionality of space and the symmetry of the order parameter. renormalization- the process by which short-distance, high energy physics is absorbed by adjusting the parameters inside the Lagrangian or Hamiltonian. xed points- the limiting form of the Lagrangian or Hamiltonian as shortdistance, high energy physics is removed
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running coupling constant a coupling constant whose magnitude changes with distance, upper critical dimensionality- the dimension above which mean-eld theory is valid. that appeared as part of the new renormalization group[43, 44, 45, 46]. The understanding of classical phase transitions required the remarkable fusion of universality, together with the new concepts of scaling, renormalization and the application of tools borrowed from quantum eld theory. These developments are a main stay of modern theoretical physics, and their inuence is felt far outside the realms of condensed matter. One of the unexpected dividends of the renormalization group concept, in the realm of many-body theory, was the solution of the Kondo eect: the condensed matter analog of quark connement. By the late fties, the resistance minima in copper, gold and silver alloys that had been observed since the 1930s[10], had been identied with magnetic impurities, but the mechanism for the minimum was still unknown. In the early 60s, Jun Kondo[47] was able to identify this resistance minimum, as a consequence of antiferromagnetic interactions between the local moments and the surrounding electron gas. The key ingredient in the Kondo model, is an antiferromagnetic interaction between a local moment and the conduction sea, denoted by HI = J(0) S (12)
S is a spin 1/2 and (0) is the spin density of the conduction electrons at the origin. Kondo[47] found that when he calculated the scattering rate 1 of electrons o a magnetic moment to one order higher than Born approximation, D 1 [J + 2(J)2 ln ]2 , (13) T where is the density of state of electrons in the conduction sea and D is the width of the electron band. As the temperature is lowered, the logarithmic term grows, and the scattering rate and resistivity ultimately rises, connecting the resistance minimum with the antiferromagnetic interaction between spins and their surroundings. A deeper understanding of this logarithm required the renormalization group concept[48, 46, 49]. By systematically taking the eects of high frequency virtual spin uctuations into account, it became clear that the bare coupling J is replaced by a renormalized quantity D (14) that depends on the scale of the cuto, so that the scattering rate is merely given by 1/ (J())2 |T . The corresponding renormalization equation J() = J + 2(J)2 ln J = (J) = 2(J)2 + O(J 3 ) ln (15)
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contains a negative function: the hallmark of a coupling which dies away at high energies (asymptotic freedom), but which grows at low energies, ultimately reaching a value of order unity when the characteristic cut-o is reduced to the scale of the so called Kondo temperature TK De1/J . The Kondo eect is a manifestation of the phenomenon of asymptotic freedom that also governs quark physics. Like the quark, at high energies the local moments inside metals are asymptotically free, but at energies below the Kondo temperature, they interact so strongly with the surrounding electrons that they become screened or conned at low energies, ultimately forming a Landau Fermi liquid[49]. It is a remarkable that the latent physics of connement, hiding within cryostats in the guise of the Kondo resistance minimum, remained a mystery for more than 40 years, pending purer materials, the concept of local moments and the discovery of the renormalization group.
The end of the cold-war period in many-body physics is marked by Andersons statement of the concept of emergence. In a short paper, originally presented as part of a Regents lecture entitled More is dierent at San Diego in the early seventies[50], Anderson dened the concept of emergence with the now famous quote at each new level of complexity, entirely new properties appear, and the understanding of these behaviors requires research which I think is as fundamental in its nature as any other. Andersons quote underpins a modern attitude to condensed matter physicsthe notion that the study of the collective principles that govern matter is a frontier unto itself, complimentary, yet separate to those of cosmology, particle physics and biology.
By the end of the 1970s few condensed matter physicists had really internalized the consequences of emergence. In the early eighties, most members of the community were for the most part, content with a comfortable notion that the principle constraints on the behavior and possible ground-states of dense matter were already known. Superconductivity was widely believed to be limitedto below about 25K[51]. The vacuum state of metallic behavior was rmly believed to be the Landau Fermi liquid, and no signicant departures were envisaged outside the realm of one-dimensional conductors. Tiny amounts of magnetic impurities were known to be anathema to superconductivity. These principles were so entrenched in the community that the rst observation[52] of heavy electron superconductivity
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in the magnetic metal UBe13 was mis-identied as an artifact, delaying acceptance of this phenomenon by another decade. By the end of the 80s all of these popularly held principles had been exploded by an unexpected sequence of discoveries, in the areas of heavy electron physics, the quantum Hall eect and the discovery of high temperature superconductivity.
Figure 3: Illustrating the binding of two vortices to each electron, to form the = 1/3 Laughlin
4.1.1 Fractional Quantum Hall Eect In the 1930s Landau had discussed the quantum mechanics of electron motion in a magnetic eld[53], predicting the quantization of electron kinetic energy into discrete Landau levels
2 h 2 2 (kx + ky ) h eB 1 (n + ), 2m m 2
(n = 0, 1, 2 . . . ).
Landau quantization had been conrmed in metals, where it produces oscillations in the eld-dependent resistivity (Shubnikov de Haas oscillations) and magnetization (de Haas van Alphen oscillations), and the eld was thought mature. In the seventies, advances in semiconductor technology and the availability of high magnetic elds, made it possible to examine two dimensional electron uids at high elds, when the spacing of the Landau levels is so large that the electrons drop into the lowest Landau level, so that their dynamics is entirely dominated by mutual Coulomb interactions. Remarkably, the Hall constant of these electron h uids was found to be quantized with values RH = V = e2 , where at lower elds, I = 1, 2, 3 . . . is an integer, but at higher elds, acquires a fractionally quantized values = 1/3, 1/5, 1/7 . . . . Laughlin[54] showed that the fractional quantum Hall eect is produced by interactions, which stabilize a new type of electron uid
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where the Landau level has fractional lling factor = 1/(2M + 1). In Laughlins approach, the electron uid is pierced by vortices which identify zeroes in the electron wavefunction. Laughlin proposed that electrons bind to these vortices to avoid other electrons, and he incorporated this physics into his celebrated wavefunction by attaching each electron to an even number 2M of vortices. ({zi }) =
2 |zi |2 /4lo
h /eB is the magnetic length. The excitations in this state are where lo = gapped, with both fractional charge and fractional statistics: an entirely new electronic ground state. Moreover, the wavefunction is robust against the details of the Hamiltonian from which it is derived. This break-through opened an entire eld of investigation[55, 56] into the new world of highly correlated electron physics, bringing a whole range of new concepts and language, such as fractional statistics quasiparticles composite fermions Chern-Simons terms. Equally importantly, the fractional quantum Hall eect made the community poignantly aware of the profound transformations that become possible in electronic matter when the strength of interactions becomes comparable to, or greater than the kinetic energy. 4.1.2 Heavy Electron Physics The discovery of heavy electron materials in the late seventies[57, 58] forced condensed matter physicists to severely revise their understanding about how local moments interact with the electron uid. In the late seventies, electron behavior in metals was neatly categorized into 1. delocalized behavior, where electrons form Bloch waves, and 2. localized behavior, where the electrons in question are bound near a particular atom in the material. Such unpaired spins form tiny atomic magnets called local moments that tend to align at low temperatures and are extremely damaging to superconductivity. Heavy fermion metals completely defy these norms, for they contain a dense array of magnetic moments, yet instead of magnetically ordering the moments develop a highly correlated paramagnetic ground-state with the conduction electrons. When
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this happens, the resistivity of the metal drops abruptly, forming a highly correlated Landau Fermi liquid in which electron masses rise in excess of 100 times the bare electron mass[59]. Heavy electron physics is, in essence the direct descendant of the resistance minimum physics rst observed in simple metals in the early 1930s. Our current understanding of heavy fermions is based on the notion, due to Doniach[60], that the Kondo eect seen for individual magnetic moments, survives inside the dense magnetic arrays of heavy fermion compounds to produce the heavy fermion state. The heavy electrons that propagate in these materials are really the direct analogs of nucleons formed from conned quarks. Curiously, one of the most useful theoretical methods for describing these systems was borrowed from particle physics. Heavy electrons are formed in f -orbitals which are spin-orbit coupled with a large spin degeneracy N = 2j + 1. One of the most useful methods for developing a mean-eld description of the heavy electron metal is the 1/N expansion, inspired by analogies with the 1/N expansion in the spherical model of statistical mechanics[61] and the 1/N expansion in the number of colors in Quantum Chromodynamics[62, 63, 64, 65]. Here the basic idea is that 1/N plays the role of an eective Plancks constant 1 ef f , h N (18)
so that as N , certain operators, or combinations of operators in the Hamiltonian behave as new classical variables. The physics can then be solved in the large N limit as a special kind of classical physics, and the corrections to this limit are then expanded in powers of 1/N . In this way much of the essential physics of the heavy electron paramagnet is captured as a semi-classical expansion around a new class of mean-eld theory, where the width of the heavy electron band plays the role of an order parameter. 4.1.3 High Temperature Superconductivity The discovery of high temperature superconductivity, with transition temperatures that have spiraled way above the theoretically predicted maximum possible transition temperatures, to its current maximum of 165K, stunned the physics community. These systems are formed by adding charge to an insulating state where electrons are localized in an antiferromagnetic array. Several aspects of these materials radically challenge our understanding of correlated electron systems, in particular: The close vicinity between insulating and superconducting behavior in the phase diagram, which suggests that the insulator and superconductor may derive from closely related ground-state wavefunctions[66, 67]. The strange metal behavior of the optimally doped materials. Many properties of this state tell us that it is not a Landau Fermi liquid, such as the
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extending from the transition temperature, up to the melting temperature. This linear resistivity is known to originate in an electron-electron scattering rate (T ) kB T , that grows linearly with temperature, which has been called a marginal Fermi liquid [68]. In conventional metals, the inelastic scattering rate grows quadratically with temperature. Despite 15 years of eort, the origin of the linearity of the scattering rate remains a mystery. The origin of the growth of a pseudogap in the electron spectrum for underdoped superconductors. This soft gap in the excitation spectrum signals the growth of correlations amongst the electrons prior to superconductivity, and some believe that it signals the formation of pairs, without coherence[69]. The radical simplicity of many of the properties of the cuprate superconductors leads many to believe that their ultimate solution will require a conceptually new description of the interacting electron uid.
max(T,E) tr
Figure 4: Schematic phase diagram for cuprate superconductors, where x is doping and T the temperature, showing the location of a possible quantum critical point. The qualitative phase diagram is shown in Fig(4), showing three distinct regions- the over-doped region, the fan of marginal Fermi liquid behavior and the under-doped region. The theoretical study of this phase diagram has proven to be a huge engine for new ideas, such as Spin charge separation- the notion that the spin-charge coupled electron breaks up into independent collective charge and spin excitations, as in one dimensional uids.
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Hidden order- the notion that the pseudo-gap is a consequence of the formation of an as-yet unidentied order parameter, such as orbital magnetism (d-density waves)[70, 71] or stripes[72]. Quantum criticality- the notion that the strange-metal phase of the cuprates is a consequence of a quantum critical point around a critical doping of about xc 0.2[73] In this scenario, the pseudo-gap is associated with the growth of hidden order and marginal Fermi liquid behavior is associated with the quantum uctuations emanating from the quantum critical point. Pre-formed pairs- the idea that the under-doped pseudo-gap region of the phase diagram is a consequence of the formation of phase-incoherent pairs which form at the pseudo-gap temperature[69]. Resonating Valence Bonds- the idea that superconductivity can be regarded as a uid of spinless charged holes, moving in a background of singlet spin pairs.[66] New forms of gauge theory, including Z2 [74], SU (2)[75] and even supersymmetric gauge theories[76] that may describe the manifold of states that is highly constrained by the strong coulomb interactions between electrons in the doped Mott insulator. Many of these ideas enjoy some particular realization in non-cuprate materials, and in this way, cuprate superconductivity has stimulated a huge growth of new concepts and ideas in many-body physics.
Quantum Criticality
The concept of quantum criticality: the idea that a zero temperature phase transition will exhibit critical order parameter uctuations in both space and time, was rst introduced by John Hertz during the hey-days of interest in critical phenomena, but was regarded as an intellectual curiosity.[77] Discoveries over the past decade and a half have revealed the ability of zero-temperature quantum phase transitions to qualitatively transform the properties of a material at nite temperatures. For example, high temperature superconductivity is thought to be born from a new metallic state that develops at a certain critical doping in copperperovskite materials.[73] Near a quantum phase transition, a material enters a weird state of quantum criticality: a new state of matter where the wavefunction becomes a uctuating entangled mixture of the ordered, and disordered state. The physics that governs this new quantum state of matter represents a major unsolved challenge to our understanding of correlated matter. A quantum critical point (QCP) is a singularity in the phase diagram: a point x = xc at zero-temperature where the characteristic energy scale kB To (x) of excitations above the ground-state goes to zero. (Fig. 5.).[78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84] The QCP aects the broad wedge of phase diagram where T > To (x). In this region
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of the material phase diagram, the critical quantum uctuations are cut-o by thermal uctuations after a correlation time given by the Heisenberg uncertainly principle h . kB T (20)
As a material is cooled towards a quantum critical point, the physics probes the critical quantum uctuations on longer and longer time-scales. Although the quantum critical region of the phase diagram where T > To (x) is not a strict phase, the absence of any scale to the excitations other than temperature itself qualitatively transforms the properties of the material in a fashion that we would normally associate with a new phase of matter.
(T) T
Critical Point
Heavy electrons
Quantum Critical Point
Figure 5:
Quantum criticality in heavy electron systems. For x < xc spins become ordered for T < To (x) forming an antiferromagnetic Fermi liquid ; for x > xc , composite bound-states form between spins and electrons at T < T0 (x) producing a heavy Fermi liquid. Non-Fermi liquid behavior, in which the characteristic energy scale is temperature itself, and resistivity is quasi-linear, develops in the wedge shaped region between these two phases. The nature of the critical Lagrangian governing behavior at xc is currently a mystery.
Quantum criticality has been extensively studied in heavy electron materials, in which the antiferromagnetic phase transition temperature can be tuned to zero by the application of a pressure, eld or chemical doping. Close to quantum criticality, these materials exhibit a number of tantalizing similarities with the cuprate superconductors[84]: a predisposition to form anisotropic superconductors, the formation of a strange metal with quasi-linear resistivity in the critical region
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the appearance of temperature as the only scale in the electron excitation spectrum at criticality, reminiscent of marginal Fermi liquid behavior Hertz proposed that quantum criticality could be understood by extending classical criticality to order parameter uctuations in imaginary time, using a Landau Ginzburg functional that includes the eects of dissipation:
F =
dd x |(
where Qo is the ordering vector of the antiferromagnet, the correlation length which vanishes at the QCP and FD =
( = 2nT )
is a linear damping rate derived from the density of particle-hole excitations in the Fermi sea. An important feature of this 4 Lagrangian is that the momentum dependence enters with twice the power of the frequency dependence, the time dimension counts as z = 2 space dimensions, and the eective dimensionality of the theory is D = d + z = d + 2, (23) so that D = 5 for the three dimensional model, pushing it above its upper critical dimension. In heavy electron materials, there is a growing sense that the Hertz approach can not explain the physics of quantum criticality. Many of the properties of the QCP, such as the appearance of non-trivial exponents in the quantum spin correlations, with T as the only energy scale, suggest that the underlying critical Lagrangian lies beneath its critical dimension. Also, all experiments indicate that the energy spectrum of the quasiparticles in the Landau Fermi liquid either side of the QCP, telescopes to zero, driving the masses of quasiparticle excitations to innity, and pushing the characteristic Fermi temperature to zero at the quantum critical point. Yet the Hertz model predicts that most the electron quasiparticle masses should remain nite at an antiferromagnetic QCP. This has led some to propose that unlike classical criticality, we can not use Landau Ginzburg theory as a starting point for an examination of the uctuations: a new mean-eld theory must be found. One of the ideas of particular interest, is the idea of local quantum criticality, whereby the quantum uctuations of the spins become critical in time, but not space at a QCP[83]. Another idea, is that at a heavy electron quantum critical point, the heavy electron quasiparticle disintegrates into separate spin and charge degrees of freedom. Both ideas require radically new kinds of mean-eld theory, raising the prospect of a discovery of a wholly new class of critical phenomena[84]. I should add that Chapline and Laughlin have suggested that quantum criticality may have cosmological implications, proposing that the event horizon of a
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black hole might be identied with a quantum critical interface where the characteristic scales of particle physics might, in complete analogy with condensed matter, telescope to zero[85].
No. inequivalent Atoms/unit cell e.g. Binary Tertiary
Si Elemental Insulator
MgB 2
40K SC
UPd Al 2 3
YBa2 Cu O 3 7
10 2
10 4
Figure 6:
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the simplest collective properties of the elements, out towards the most dramatic emergent phenomenon of all- that of life itself. Curiously, this new frontier continues to preserve its links with technology and applications. During the past four decades, the size of semi-conductor memory has halved every 18 months, following Moores law[88]. Extrapolating this unabated trend into the future, sometime around 2020, the number of atoms required to store a single bit of information will reach unity, forcing technology into the realm of the quantum. Just as the rst industrial revolution of the early 19th century was founded on the physical principles of thermodynamics, and the wireless and television revolutions of the 20th century were built largely upon the understanding of classical electromagnetism, we can expect that technology of this new century will depend on the new principles- of collective and quantum mechanical behavior that our eld has begun, and continues to forge today.
Much of the content in this article was rst presented as a talk at the 1999 centennial APS meeting in Atlanta. I am indebted to P. W. Anderson for the analogy with the gold atom, and would like to thank M. E. Fisher for pointing out that many of the key developments derive from revisiting areas once thought to be closed. I have beneted from discussions and email exchanges with many people, including E. Abrahams, P. W. Anderson, G. Baym, P. Chandra, M. Cohen, M. E. Fisher, K. Levin, G. Lonzarich, R. Laughlin and D. Pines. This research has been been supported by the NSF through grants DMR 9983156 and DMR 0312495.
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Piers Coleman Center for Materials Theory Rutgers University Piscataway, NJ 08855, U.S.A.