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Activate Local SLD

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SAP System Landscape Directory

Activate Local SLD


INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 2

2 2.1 2.2

INSTALLATION....................................................................................... 3 Check the local SLD.................................................................................3 Provide SLD permissions ..........................................................................3

Creation J2EE SLD Administrator. ................................................................ 3 Creation J2EE SLD Guest............................................................................ 4

2.2.1 2.2.2


Assign default user groups to J2EE security roles ........................................5

Assign the groups ..................................................................................... 5 Check the security roles Double-stack........................................................ 5 Check the security roles Single-stack J2EE.................................................. 7

2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3

3 3.1 3.2

LOCAL SLD SETUP .................................................................................. 9 Launch SLD ............................................................................................9 Configure SLD ........................................................................................9

4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

CHECK SLD SETUP ................................................................................ 13 Introduction. ........................................................................................ 13 Check SLD supplier should have been ok yet: ........................................ 13 Check SLD bridge forwarding.................................................................. 14 Check & Setup SLD Client ...................................................................... 15



A local SLD can only be activated if a J2EE stack is available because it is part of it. During installation of the J2EE the local SLD can be activated immediately by selecting the flag for it: In this example the local SLD activation has been skipped:

This document is provided to describe how to activate the local SLD in a later phase.




Check the local SLD

Following errors will be produced if there is no local SLD:


Provide SLD permissions

Create at least the SLD Administrator role LcrAdministrator to setup the SLD. More roles and how to set them up standard are described in the chapter Configuring SLD Security Roles of the SLD Post-Installation Guide. It is our intention to provide standard Roles & Groups for the portal for these functions (separate project).


Creation J2EE SLD Administrator.

General information:

Single J2EE-stack: assign it to group administrators (standard LDAP groups have to be created for this purpose) & user administrator:


Double stack

assign it to group SAP_SLD_ADMINISTRATOR (R3 role)

Assign the correct action:


Creation J2EE SLD Guest.

Cuurently only created in double stack (to be finalized for J2EE-only when LDAP groups have been defined): General information:

Double stack

assign it to group SAP_SLD_GUEST (R3 role):

Assign the correct action:



Assign default user groups to J2EE security roles


Assign the groups

This is only required to assign the R3 ABAP roles (UME Groups) to the J2EE security roles. The J2EE assignments are already done and therefore this action should not be executed on a single J2EE-stack. Launch Visual Administrator and select service SLD Data Supplier. Execute Assign application roles to user groups:


Check the security roles Double-stack

DataSupplierLD, LcrAdministrator, LcrClassWriter, LcrSupport:


Other security roles:



Check the security roles Single-stack J2EE

All roles except LcrUser:




Local SLD Setup


Launch SLD

Use http://<host>:<port>/sld/ and login with SLD Administrator rights. Permission errors now have disappeared:


Configure SLD

Launch Initial Setup: - Object server name: unique name - Gateway Hostname/Port: only for ABAP where we use the gateway of the J2EE central instance - Deselect Import Software Catalog will be done later


Start Initial Setup:

Check Log:

- 10 -

Check Details:

Import CR & CIM until last version. First Import initial CR content (can also be done during initial setup, but this takes time!!):

Na imports:

- 11 -

- 12 -

Check SLD Setup



Finally check and change the SLD setup so that it meets the Standard requirements (separate document). By default every SLD client (J2EE & ABAP) points to its own local SLD. Actually there are 2 exceptions: 1) If the J2EE server is not used, the local SLD should not be setup neither and a Java SLD client is not required. The ABAP SLD client should point to the central SLD. 2) If the ABAP system is used as PI Proxy (Integration server) the ABAP SLD client should point to the central SLD. Example of setup check/set for J2EE-only system:


Check SLD supplier should have been ok yet:

Trigger SLD DS:

- 13 -


Check SLD bridge forwarding

Setup the central SLD so that is returns the SLD data back to the local SLD:

- 14 -

Check if the data is returned to the local SLD (first trigger a data push) On XD6:

On ED2 can take some time (more then a day ):


Check & Setup SLD Client

Take care! Export the JCO destination data from the actual configured SLD client to the newly created SLD by exporting and importing.

- 15 -

In central SLD:

Export from central and import in local SLD:

After import in local SLD:

- 16 -

Switch SLD Client:

- 17 -

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