Politics and Society in Medieval India - Habib (Vol 2)
Politics and Society in Medieval India - Habib (Vol 2)
Politics and Society in Medieval India - Habib (Vol 2)
Collected Works
Professor Mohammad Habib
Vol. Two
Edited by Professor K. A. Nizami
Centre of Advanced Study, Department of History
Aligarh Muslim University
Price: Rs. 150.00
Printed by Jiten Sen at the New Age Printing Press, Rani Jhansi Road, Ne,,: Delhi:
11 "nel nnblished bv him for People's Publishing House (Pl Ltd" R<lDI Jhanl
volume of'Professor Habib's collected works covered three
. Approach and Method, 2. India and the Asiatic Environ-
S; Medieval Mysticism..
volume deals with the political history of medieval
important events and personalities trom the Arab
to the middle of the fourteenth century. It contains
assessment of the main political figures of medieval
nr()vHiP" a fresh perspective for the study of the attitudes
ieVemlents of the medieval Sultans. These articles were written
of 46 years (from 1924 to 1970). As is perfectly under-
on many matters underwent a change dming this
his .basic approach remained unaltered, his tools
and interpretation changed. In his earlier contribu-
is absolutely no reference to Dialectical Materialism, but
articles (e.g. Introduction to Elliot arid Dowson's flis-
reHect an attempt to interpret medieval Indian His-
of Marxist theories.
articles which Professor Habib wrote on themes con-
medieval Indian history but could not be included in this
to copyright difficulties, are the following conh'ibutions
volume of the Comprehensive History of Indi-a: chapter 1:
Environment (Comprehensive History, pp. 1-131), chap-
IX: Nasiruddin Khusrau Khan (Comprehensive History,
V Section IV: Successors of Firuz Shah Tughluq
pp. 620-629).
on Envil'Onment he has dealt with the rise
the nature of the governing class among the M us-
the role of the Khwarazmian Empire, the rise
the Mongol invasion of 'Ajam, the Qa'ans and the
uluses and Amir Timur. Professor Habib was of the view
a proper understanding of medieval Indian History, it is
to follow the march of events in Cenh'al Asia and Persia.!
always thought that the IntroductOiy chapter should provide de-
to the main study, It was at his instance that a long introductory
and Politics in India during the thirteenth Century was devoted by
of "the political expansion and ideological integration of Islam till
. Sir Hamilton Gibb, however, did not agree with the need of such
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
Once when the scope of the Vth volume of the His-
tory of India was being informally discussed, Ram
Sharma expressed his doubt about the need and deSlfablhty of a
lengthy Introduction. Professor Habib's reply was that for a
understanding of the ideals of the Sultans and the ot thea
administrative institutions it wa5 necessary to keep m Vlew the evo-
lution of Islamic It is in the broad framework of Asiatic
and Islamic history that the institutional
India can be properly appreciated. The chafter on Aswttc. Envtron-
ment in the Comprehensive History of Indw IS by. a
critical evaluation of the stages of development m polIty
and provides a veritable background to the undel:standmg of the
administrative and political institutions of the I?elhl Sultanate. The
section dealing with the Mongols not to the
character and personality of Chenglz and Tlmur, but a
mlcresting assessment 01 the Mongol institutions and It IS
practically impossible to appreciate nature and magrutude of
Mongol problem without an insight. the of the rIse
ot Mongols and their social and mlhtary . ..
The article on Nasiruddin Khusrau Khan IS based on an mClSlve
analysis of the circumstances tha.! led to the of the
nature of his government. Baram s account gIves the that
the rise of the Baradu (or PaI'Waris) was a successful assertion of
Hindu pressure groups to snatch power from Muslim
fessor Habib has shown the baselessness of such an ImpreSSIOn.
Dr. R. P. Tripathi was the first to hint that the nature or the coup
was not communa1.3 Professor Habib has dealt with the
thoroughly in the light of contemporaI'y sources. He up hIS
assessment of the rise of Khusrau Khan in the follow1llg words:
"The Baradu insulTection is important because it brought about a
',' . th Empire of Delhi during the period of its greatest strength,
CrIsIS me.. . the
.. . the j'ole of monarchy it was not a cnSlS tn
ut tt was a cnstS tn '. "( 448\
role of Islam or of Hinduism or in Hindu-Muslim relatwns p. If
He has dismissed BaI'anrs account of Khusrau Khan figment 0
hb imagination. This chapter is, in fact, a valuable crItique of the
2. Tarikh-i Firuz Shahi, pp. 410-413. Inspired by Ba,:",i's account Ish:v
Prasad remarks: "Khusrau's object was to re-establish Hmdu supremacy. (MedIeVal
India, p. 220). , _1
Some A;llects of MusUm AdmiU1stmtwn, p. 54. Stanley Lane-Poole (Medlevu.
under Mohammedan Rule, London, p. 119) had some vague realization of fue
non-communal character of t!)is development when he observed: "The reign of an
unclean pariah was as revolting to the Hindus as t? Mu_slims." But },e
could not analyze the reasons for this. Professor Habib s analysIs IS sharp and penetra-
. of medieval India and shows how pre-
predlledion of a contemporary writer can blur historical
dealing ,:ith the successors Firuz Shah Tughluq
nahlre of a bnef resume of the main developments of the
other aI'ticles of Professor Habib which could not be m-
this volume aI'e those which are not relevant to the theme
in this volume. 1n 1924 he contributed to Swarajya an article
origin of the Purdah system"; sometime later an article
in the Aligal'h MagaZine on 'Mahatma Gandhi as a Man
. Professor Habib wrote a long aIticle dealing
admmlstrahve system of model'll Persia4 and in 1933 an-
aI'ticle on fhe administration of justice in model'll Persia.5 In
he contributed an article on Maulana Abul Kalam Azad under
title 'The RevolutionaI'y Maulana' to the Abul Kalam Azad
Volume edited by Professor Humayun Kabir.6
PrAf<.ce,",,' Habib's forte as a historian is his exceptionally powerful
imagination buttressed by a meticulous study ot the origi-
material and mastery of minute details. As he wades
the contemporary accounts, his mind starts conjuring up
of the bygone societies and he lives in that atmosphere till
concept and elusive picture becomes clear to him.
neither in pedantic quantification of data nor in that
scaHolding of which obscure the main structure
Guided by the creative spark of his fertile imagination,
nllrrr",,,p, the spirit of an age as a background against which he
his characters. While discussing the character and value
Mahmud's work he says: "All men are more or less the product
their environment, and a rational criticism of Mahmud's work must
with an eXaIllination of the spirit of his age." (p. 66). Not only
4. Published in The Muslim University Journal, Vol. J, No.4, April-July 1932,
447-527. He concludes his article (hus: "The adminL.trative system of the coun-
the importance of which in the progress of a nation cannot he ignored, has been
ne."Alr.Diru" with malvellous rapidity. It has still many defects and shortCOmings, and
commented upon them in detail. But they should not blind us to 1he colossal
the pahlavi regime during the first decade of its existence, Neither Ardesher
nor Shah Abbas Safavi-perhaps not even Akbar the Great-accomplished
that can be compared with its administrative achievements." (p. 527). Little
Habib realise at !:hat time that within less than half a century the
in Iran would become a tale of the past. This article, though based
documents and state papei"s, gives too good a certificate to the Pahlavi
5. Islamic Culture, Vol. I, April, July, Odober 1933.
6. Moolana Abu! Kalam Azad..-A Memorial Volume, Asia 1959, pp. 79-100.
vi Politics and Society dllring tl,e Early Medieval' Period
in his study of Mahmud but in all other studies, Professor Habib
has gone deep into the spirit of the age and all his characters which.
have been painted with this background are so lively and real that.
one can view them in their proper perspective without any difficulty.
Professor Habib is no doubt parsimonious in foot-notes but that
does not mean that he wrote without reference to authorities. He used
to read the contemporary authorities over and over again. He then
took down detailed notes from them and, haVing assimIlated all that
they contained, transfened his ideas to paper. His prodigious me-
mory made it possible to mlalyse and synthesize his data in any
framework that he designed for his study. He worked so hard before
writing on any subject that he felt completely exhausted when he
finished his work. unce he told me that none of his main contribu-
tions-onMahmud ot Ghazni, Amir Khusrau of Delhi, Ziauddin
tlarahi etc.-exceeded 100-125 pages; the reason being that he work-
ed on a theme so long as his imagination supported him. He disdained
dilating on a theme unnecessmily. As soon as he had effectively pre- .
sented the essence of his investie:ations to the reader, he felt satis-
tied and put down his pen. He did not believe in hi;tory being an
agglomeration. of incoherent details. For him it meant insight into
the spirit of an age. If conflicting data ever seemeJ to weaken his
hypothesis, hE' il1l1ocently remarked: "The fault liespm"tly with the
tacts themselves for they have aI, unfortunate habit of going wrong"
(p. 124), and pushed his thesis further.
Professor Habib wrote only when he had something new to say;
some new perspective to prOVide or some fresh approach to suggest.
It IS for this reason that his ,major works have prOVided inspiration
to scholars to pursue the themes fur"ther. If his study of Sultan Mah-
IToUd of Ghazni prOvided the perspective to Dr. Mohd. Nazim, his
brjef monograph on Khusrau encouraged Dr vVahid Mirza to carry
tlle study furtlrer. His article on Muhammad bin Tughluq inspired
Agha Mahdi Husain. Professor Habib will remain a pioneer in all
these studies. A pioneer is bound to have his shortcomings and Pro-
feswr Habib's studies cannot be considered perfect or final and for
the matter ot that no work can claim perfection or finality-but he
showed the way and l&ter generations owe a debt to his scholarship
tor having opened fresh vistas of knowledge and provided new angles
tor the :;tudy of medieval Indian history: .
Professor Habib laid great emphaSiS on effective presentation. He
worked over his articles meticulously, like an artist. His search for
ap)"'lOpriate words continued till the exposition became pedect and
absorbing. He told me once that he had revised his study of Sultan
Mahmud a dozen times before sending it for publication.
Habib's approach in his articles on the 'Arab Conquest
and 'Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni' seems to have been deter-
his conviction that the abstract principles of creeds should
"Ol.u"'lll" "from the motives actually g"oveming the lives of the
of theiJ (p. 1). He believed that neither the Omayyad
of Smd nor the Ghaznavid invaders of India represented
of Islam in their political attitudes and hehaviour.
as a world force is to be ind!!ed bv the life of the Prophet
policy of the Second Caliph" (P. 78). He has shown that the
, motive of the lives of the rulers that followed the "Ortho-
,Caliphs" was not Islam. They had mund,ane motives and fought
.econjlm:ic, reasons. "The missionarv zeal of the earlier Muslims
evaporated in the signal success it had achieved', and the creed
pad ,come. into the world for the elevation. of the lower classes
being used as a bulwark for the protection of vested interests
. ,continuation of the time-honoured abuses" (n: 37). He
,in the secular character of all Muslim political organizations
states after the fall of the Khilafat-i-Rashida. .
a time. when the history of medieval India was being interpreted
terms and Muslim rulers were being presented in re-
colours, Professor Habib gave a new dimension to historical
by emphasizing that economic and imperialistic 'consider-
tiran religiOUS zeal was the inspiring motive of the lives
Sultans and that the adminish'ation of the Sultanate was
ar When he came across Fatawa--i-/ahandari wherein
says that !"tllers have to frame zawabit which have no-
to do with Sha'l'i'at laws, he had the greatest historian of me-
India on his side. He criticised remarks alfainst tire
the low-born people, but appreciated his clear
vision in assessing the real nature of the administrative
of the Sultanate.
The Arab conquest of Sind, compared with Mahmud's wanton
destnlCtion in India,7 represented a better and more liberal approach
to some of tlle fundamental problems of religion and nolitics. "An
'effic:ient of the cou'ntry was impossible", he ohserves.
"withQut . the help of the most talented and experienced men; and
Qasim, who was free from the sterile fanaticism
shed innocent blood), Ain-i Akbm'i II, p. 198.
Charge of 'sterile fanaticism' the Sultans 'is hardly sustainable. Even
of Ghur had to make adjustments with the native population. The
viii Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
the later Ghaznavid and Ghurial1 Turks, freely appointed Hindus to
the highest (p. 14). He has highlighted the principles that
gui.ded the Arab ('onquerors and remarked: (a) "He (Muhammad bin
appointed people from among the villagers and the chief
cilIzens to collect the fixed taxes from the cities and villages, that
there might be a feeling of strength and protection" (p. 15). (b) To
a query of Muhammad bin Qasim, Hajjaj replied: "Nobody must be
forbidden or prevented from following his religion. They may live in
their houses ill whatever manner they like" (p. 17). Summing up the
role of Muhammad bin Qasim in Indian history, Professor Habib
observes: "Alone among the many Muslim invaders of India, Mu-
hammad Qasim is a character of whom a conscientious MU$alman
need not be ashamed"9 (p. 23). This observation seems to have been
based on the following assessment: "He (Muhammad bin Qasim)
seems to have felt keenly that Islam as a relillion would be judged
by the behaviour of the Arabs and he did all he could to obtain the
goodwill of the Indians for his government as well as his faith" (p. 24).
Regardinf! jizya which was levied bv Muhammad bin Qasim, Pro-
fessor Habib has an explanation to offer: "The iizya, conceived as a
tax on a non-Muslim or_ remaininf! a non-Muslim, can be regarded
as fair and just only by tho:;e who stand to p'ain by its imposition. But
it must be confessed, that as interpreted by Muhammad Oasim, it
lost much of its invidiousness" (p 24).10 Explaining the position fur-
ther in a foot note (p. 31) he says: "That Muhammad Qasim's jizua
was a tax and told heavilv on the people, we can hardly
doubt. It was, nevertheless, accepted by the conquered population
with a of relief. They had expected the destruction of their
temples and the of their civilization and were surprised to find
that the Arah conquest meant only one tax more. Nor was the reli-
gious aspect of the tax so objectionable in the eighth century a.s today
we might be inclined to think, if it was a on non-MuslIms for
remn.ining non-Muslims, it was also (as interpreted by the second
Caliph ;1nd Muhammad Oasim) a means of conferring on the non-
Muslims the legal and political status of the Muslims."
Hindu rajas of Delhi and Ajmer were continued even after the conquest of thSse
regions. The coins of Slunabuddin have the figure of goddess Lakshmi on it. Barring
Firuz Shah Tughluq and Sikandar Lodi no other Sultan ever gave expression to fana-
tical views even as personal bias, let alone as State policy. Professor Habib himself
believed in this but, in this context, his remark is inspired by a comparative assess-
mmt of the broad and tolerant policy of the Arab conqueror of Sind.
9. But why should any Musalman be proud or ashamed of any Muslim ruler's actions?
Every one acled in a particular situation, inspired by his own selfish interests. Posterity
should try to understand, rather than condemn or defend, them. .
10. On page 28, f. n. 12 Malunud bin Qasim should btl rearl as Muhammad blO
Qasim, It is a printinr, lIlista\<e,
of the character-sketches in the article on the Arab Conquest
are sharp and penetrating. He observes about Hajjaj: "The
. blo.o,d never he is one of the greatest mur-
In hIstory. dId It allure him. and he was entirely
. that mor!nd cravI.ng for the sight of human suffering in
alone. ChengIz and TImur could nnd their happiness." (p. 6).
praIses another quality of Hajjaj: "The zeal of an intolerant
was as alien to his mind as the revolutionary and democratic
of the second Caliph (Hazrat Omar), who had stubbornly
to. tolerate inequality in any form" (p. 5).
article, despite all the inSight displayed in it, was written
an extensive use of the Arab accounts of Sind and Hind. In
the full of Chach Namah was not available in print.ll
edItion of Chach Namah appeared in 1939, ten vears
publication of this article. Furthermore Professor Habib was
to give either as epilogue to his article on Arab Conquest
or as prologue to his study of Mahmud, an account of Indo-
. contacts to bring to fuJI lil!ht the nature of Arab relations with
particularly trade relations, presence of Arab colonies on
areas, the role of hllnarman in Indo-Muslim community life
sin.ilar aspects of medieval Indian culture. Later on con-
work appeared in Urdu on Indo-Arab relations, while the
of Geniza records brought new facts to light. Anart from
Sulaiman Nadvi's classical work Amb wa Hind kay
raltuaat,l:< Maulana Athar Mubarakpuri's volumes on Arab States
and Indo-Arab Relations during the early period
have pro-
very illuminatin!! background to the Arab rule in Sind. Not-
the fact that Professor Habib did not have access to
of the material which has recently come to light, his article
a perspective which helps us in understandini! many later deve-
The accounts of the Arabs in Sind as [!'iven by Maulana
Mubarakpuri, Francisco Gabrieli.I4 N. M. BilIimoria
throw valuable light on Muhammad bin Qasim and his work
Again, the chief value of Professor Habib's studv of Sultan
n. All references to Chach Namah in Professor Habib's article are from Elliot and
History of India. Vol. I. pp. 131-211.
Kalichbeg Fredunbig's English translation, appeared in 1900 (Commissioner's
Karachi), but it has not been referred to by Professor Habib.
Hindustan Academy, Allahabad, 1930.
Arab-wa-Hind Ahd-i Risalat main, Delhi 1965; Hindu.,tan main Arbon k:i haku-
Delhi 1967; Islami Hind ki azmut-i rafta, Chapter III, pp. 91-"131.
EMt and West, XV, 1004-65, pp. 281-295, "Muhammad ibn Qasim a!h-Thaqafi
the Ara1:i Conquest of Sind".
15. Journal of the Smd HiStorical Society, June 1.9.38, pp. 7-42.
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
Mahmud lies in its perspective. He has shown that the Sultan who
is extolled by some as a religious hero, was really fighting for the
greed of gold and glory. "His outlook on life", he remarks, "was es-
sentially secular." (p. 45). The inspiring motive of his life was not
Islam but the spirit of Persian Renaissance. "The non-religiOUS cha-
racter of the expeditions", he observes, "will be obvious to the critic
who has grasped the salient features of the spirit of the age. They
were not ('rusades but secular exploits waged for the greed of glory
and gold. It is impossible to read a religious motive in them." (p. 77).
Then looking at the campaigns from the Islamic point of view, he
ren!arks: "Islam sanctioned neither the vandalism nor the plunder-
ing motives of the invader; no principle known to the Shal'i'at justi-
fied the uncalled for attack on Hindu princes who had done Mahmud
and his subjects no harm ... " (p. 7S). Regarding Mahmud's place in
Indian history, Professor Habib is constrained to remark: "With the
proper histOlT of our ('ounh-y Mahmud has nothing to do. But we
have inherited from him the most bitter drop in our cup." (p. SO).
The first Indian historian who drew attention to this impact of
Mahmud's invasions 01'. Indian mind was Maulana Zakaullah of
Delhi who remarked: 16
. -; f .
... ,
Dr. Nazim17 is of the view that Zakaullah's argument was adopt-
ed and amplified by Professor Habib. It is true, but Professor Ha-
bib's delineation ot'the spirit of Persian Renaissance which Mahmud
and Firdausi represented in their respective spheres, is original and
penetrating and provides an explanation for the political behaviour
of Mahmud. In fact Professor Habib was inspired by Alberuni who'
makes the following observation about the impact of Mahmud's
invasions on Indian mind:
"Mahmud utterly ruined the prosperitv of the country, and
performed these wondeIful explOits, by which the Hindus
became like atoms of dust scattered in all directions, and
like a tale of old in the mouth of the people. Their scat-
tered remains cherish, of course, the most inveterate aver-
sion towards all Muslims."18
Some of the remarks of Professor Habib have heen elaborated bv
later modern wliters. For instance, he observes:
16. Tarikh-i Hinau>lall, Vol. I, p. 304.
17. The Life and Times of Sultan Mahmud of Gha.na, p. 162.
l/l. A,lberuni's India, Vol. I, p. 2Z. .
from being a missionary, he (Mahmud) was not even
though like a clever man with a clear eye to his
profit, he fought with Hindus and Musalmans alike
the extension of his empire." (p. 44).
the same idea, Dr. Nazim writes:
he harassed the Hindu rajas of India, he did not spare
Muslim sovereigns of Iran and Transoxiana. The drama
plunder and bloodshed that was enacted in the sacred
Doab was repeated with no less virulence on the
of the Mount Damawand and the banks of the river
Religious considerations rarelv carry weight with a
and the Sultan does not' appear to have been
by them in his schemes of conquest."19
Habib's study of Sultan Mahmud's character and cam-
is no doubt revealing and perceptive and provides a perspec-
the analysis of the Ghaznavid role in Indian history, but it
stated that Professor Habib did not have access to as many
contemporary and early sources as Dr. Nazim or Dr.
had. In meticulous study of the details of Mahmlld's life
Nazim far excels Habib; Bosworth's Central Asian
is stronger than Habib's, though his analysis of the spirit
is cursory.
Habib'; observations: "Mahmud was no pahilwan; feats
prowess were beyond his strength" (p. 44) or that
seldom, if ever, shared the hard life of his soldiers," (p.
contradicted by historical facts. Mahmlld usually plunged
into the thickest part of the battle.
It is said that he re-
seventy two cuts and wounds during his numerous wars.21
of Multan he killed so many of the enemy that his hand
to the hilt of his sword with congealed blood and had
lUlJmerse:u in a bath of hot water before it could be 100sened.22
and T,mes of Sultan Mal!mud of Ghazna, pp. 163-164.
129; Farruklti, f. 8b as cited by M. Nazirn.
Amab f. 246a.
xii Politics and Society during the Early MedievaL period
He was known for the use of the sword and qalachU1'i.
to Shabankara'i, he had a mace of 60 mans weight which he could
whirl round his head and throw 20 gaz.
Similarly Professor Habib's remark that administrative questions
never interested Mahmud (p. 71) is contradicted by 'Utbi.
An im-
pOltant fact which escaped Professor Habib's notice but which, ac-
cording to Alberuni facilitated Mahmud's Indian campaigns was the
consh'uction of roads by Subuktigin. "In the interest of his succes-
sors", remarks Alheruni, "he constructed, in order to weaken the
Indian frontier, those roads on which afterwards his son Yamin Ab-
daullah Mahmud marched into India during a period of thirty years
and more."25
,"Vhile discussing the spirit of the Persian Renaissance, Professor
Habib has referred to Shaikh S8'di's works and observed: "" .Sa'di's
Gulistan has taught to the children of later generations-a wisdom
essentially selfish in its outlook and superbly unconscious of all
higher aims" (pp. 67-68). This observation, though inspired by
Browne,26 is hardly justified. Assessments of Sa'di's teachings his
position in Muslim Calendar were entirely different in medIeval
India and thb appraisal of Gulistan is totally unwarranted. Shaikh
Nasiruddin Chiragh27 and descendants of Shaikh Hamiduddin Na-
ganri28 looked upon him as a mystic teacher par excellence who
believed and practiced higher values of religion and morality. To
attribute Maehiavellian ethics to him, as Browne has done, is to
misunderstand and misinterpret the entire spirit of his work.
"The contemporaries of Mahmlld", observes Professor Habib, "were
aware of no difference between the lessons of the Shah Namah and
the principles }f the Quran" (p. 67). Notwithstanding all the emin-
ence enjoyed by Shah Namah in medieval times, it is an exaggera-
tion. It would be nearer truth to say that the political powers
derived their inspiration from the Shah Namah and' not the Quran,
but to say th9.t the contemporaries were not aware of any difference
between the two would be hardlv correct.
Identification of some geoflraphical places, and persons also, in
Professor Habib's study of Sultan Mahmud needs correction. Dr.
.Nazim has observed on the basis of contemporary evidence that Pro-
23. Adab ul Harb, pp. 267-8.
24. As cited by Bosworth, The Choznadds, p. 120.
24a. Tarikh-; Yamini, Lahore, ed. p. 304.
25. Alberunis India, tr. Sachau, Vol. I, p. 22.
26. Literary History of Persia, Vol. II, Cambridge 1;'. 526.
27. Khai"ul Majalis, p. 7.
28. Sartlr-us S'ldur (MS),
close to Nahlwala or Patan
refers to 'the ruler of. the Upper Sind' as Shaikh
(p. 47). As is evident from Mas'udi30 and others it
not Lad!. Raverty had pOinted out long ago this mistake
by some earlier historians also.3l
to Professor Habib about some place
IS mterestmg and may be quoted here: .
and your masterly study of Sultan
of Ghazl1l1l, a copy of which was sent to me bv
.. Rushbrook Williams. It is one of the most illD'-
studies of that conqueror and his peliod which I
ever seen ...
. very little criticisms to offer. Some of the place
call for remark. I think, for instance, that Waillind
satisfactorily idelttified with Und, and Gorkan
be Gurgan, the dish'ict to the east of the southern
of the Caspian. This is the modern spelling and vocali-
of the name and tllat it has not changed is establish-
the forms J wian and J urgan used by the Arab geo-
who nearly always use to represent as
for Gilan. V '
mysterious colony of Khurasanis, exiled from Persia to
,by Mrasiyab calls for some explanation. It is incon-
that such a colony should have remained, during
centwies, aloof from the people of the country in
had settled. They must have been absorbed by
social system, even as the Sakas, the Jats, the
the white Huns, and other invaders were 9.bsorbed.
in the Cambridge History of India, that
in fact one of Persis. They may have told
story to Sultan Ibrahim in order to conceal
him the fact that they were the descendants of those
. fled from their native land rather tltan embrace Islam.
'not, of course pretend that this can be proved, but it
oilly explanation of the existence of a Persian Colony
to me, for the story of their expulSion by Afra-
I think, be regarded as mythical. .. "
on "Indian Culture and Social Life at the Time of the
Vol. I, pp. 152-228), Professor Habib has survey-
and Times of Su!tan Mahmud of Chazna, pp.214-2l8.
. Zahab, pp. 234-385.
p.. 1\25.
Poliiics and Society dW'ing the Early Medieval Period
ed the Indian social scene in the light of Alberuni's Kitab-ul Hind,
using Manu and Kautaliya as corroborative evidence for the state-
ments of Alberuni. He lays his finger on the caste-system as the
basic cause of Indian failure
in the face of Turkish invasions.
"The Ghurian conquest of Northem India, when all factors are kept
in mind", he observes, "can be explained by one fact only-the
caste-system and all that it entails; the degeneration of the oppres-
sor and the degeneration of the oppressed, .priest craft, king-craft,
idol-worship with its degrading cults, the economic and spiritual ex-
plOitation of the multitude, the division of the people into small
water-tight sub caste groups resulting in the total annihilation .of any
sense of common citizenship or of loyalty to the country as a whole."
(I, p. 155). In his Inb'oduction to Elliot and Dowson's History of
India, (Vol. I, pp. 33-110) he developed this theme further and point-
ed out that the Turkish conquest of northem India "was not a con-
quest, properly so called. This was a tum over of public
sudden tum-over, no doubt, but still one that was long over due. (I,
p. 72). He then makes two other observations:
(a) "The essence of the social question was this. Face to
face with the social and economic provision of the
Shari'at and the Hindu Smritis as practical altematives,
the Indian city worker preferred the Shari'at. And the
decision of the City-Worker was decisive ... " (I, p. 72).
(b) "Viewed ill a proper scientific and non-communal pers-
o pective in the context of and of futw.:
Indian history, the so-called Ghurian conquest of IndIa
was really a revolution of Indian City labour led by the
Ghurian Turks," (I, p. 73).
Both these statements need to be further substantiated and investi-
gated. The concept of and "ci.ty as organized
sources or systems for the expresslOn of publIc opimon seems doubt-
ful and anachronistic. Situation as described in (a) above cannot ex-
plain the establishment, though it can throw some light on the con-
tinuance of Turkish rule in India. Shari'at and Smritis could hardly
be the basis of any such decision at that early stage. With mere
theoretical position neither the Hindus were concemed nor the
Mllslims. The caste-ridden society of India could have the
social principles of Islam in operation only after the establishment
32. This been developed by Nizami in Religion Gnd Politics in India
ing the thilteenth century. Dr. Buddba Prakash has. with this analYSIS m
Some Aspects of Indian Culture on the Eve of Mushm InvaSIOns (The Research Bul-
letin (Arts) of the Universitll of the l'anjab), No. XXXIX, (VII) 1962.
; ,Turkish rule. Military factors rather than theoretical postulates
the success of Turkish arms in India.
lJe,veJlonin!!: his thesis of the Urban Revolution he remarks:
"We have, in view of all these circumstances, no altemative
but to conclude that the acceptance . of Islam by the City
workers was a decision of local professional groups, and in
making their decisions they were naturally more concem-
ed with mundane affairs and their position in the social
order than with abstract theological truths ... " (Vol. I,
p. 77).
" The portion in italics contradicts Professor Habib's views as express
.earlier and the concept of Urban Revolution needs further subs-
Habib's use of Marxist tools for interpretation of me-
Indian history, in his later articles, is interesting no doubt but
can read between the lines there is a realization of the futility
such tools of interpretation. If his Marxism was plus God and
violence, one should search for another name for his histo-
Commenting on Professor Habib's application of
theories to medieval Indian history, Dr. P. Hardy remarks:
. Significant feature of Professor Habib's Marxist interpretation
medieval Indian history is not that Marxism has absorbed Islam
that Islam has absorbed Marxism."33 Be it as it may, the fact is
Professor Habib had to use whip and spur in his narrative to
nn'Or1lll(,p. Marxist theories which, in any case, could not be applied
to medieval Indian historv.
Habib's article on Shihabuddin of Ghur, though mainly
on Tabaqat-i Nasiri, brings to light some very interesting
of the Ghurian polity. "Vhile examining the features of the
of Ghur he makes a very thought-provoking observation:
"Behind the Ghurian .empire there was no imperial idea,
no conception of kingdom, state or even government of
any sort. Historical parallels are dangerous, but if we ignore
mere difference in size, the institution that approaches the
Shansabani kingdom most closely is the jOint-family system
of the Hindus." (p. 124).
'Kr-'""rrt"mg the Karamiyan sect,34 which represented the popular
of Ghur, Ghaliistan and the area around it, he remarks:
Karamis were neither Sunnis nor Shias; they were Muslim
Historians of India, Pakistan and Ceylon, p. 309.
For sources about Karamis, K. A. Nizami, Supplement to Elliot and Dowson's
of India, Vol. II.
xvi Politics and Society during the Emly Medieval Period
pagans. Allah was to sit on His throne just as Buddha (before Him)
had sat on his lotus." (p. 128). These views about Ghuxiau polity and
religion deserve to be worked out in the broader frame-work of In-
dian cultural influences in Afghanistan. Lately some comprehensive
discussions of the Karamis have appeared in journals and attention
has been drawn to many earlier sources about the religious and
social attitude of the Karamis but no attempt has so far been made
to study in depth the impact of Buddhist traditions on them.
According to Professor Habib it was the mystic movement of
Shaikh Abdul Qadir Gilani which brought about a cha.nge in the
cultural and religious milieu of Afghanistan (p. 128).
Professor Habib's assessment of the cultural and economic posi-
tion of Ghur is not complete due to paucity of material at that Hme.
Recent archaeological discoveries have shown that Ghur had
achieved great cultural eminence under the The
minaret ot J3.m
and the madrasah relics of Gharjistan
pOint to
fairly advanced cultural position of Ghui. That Maulana Fakruddin
Razi had, for long, been associated with the Ghurian court, shows
that religiOUS sciences had made a fairly significant advance in that
Another imJ2..ortant factor which Professor Habib failed to
notice was the fact that the entire area from Ghur and Kabul to
QarJugh was metal-working
and was known for the manufacture
ot weapons.
The availability of iron in huge quantity placed the
Ghurians in a position of military advantage.
Referring to Shihabuddin's achievements and problems, Professor
Habib remarks:
"Shihabuddin's tenacity of purpose and unscrupulous diplo-
macy had secured a decisive viCtOlY. But the conquest of
Hindustan wa5 a different matter. Subordinate to the great
rai of Ajmer were a number of smaller rajas, all determined
to make a desperate stand against the invader. Every city
had its walls and towers and was determined to stand a siege.
Almost every village was fortified and would not pay a dir-
ham of land tax Ulliess compelled to do so at the point of
35. A Maricq, Le minaret de Diam, Le decouve1te de I" capitale des SU/tCUIs
gl101'icies (XlI-XIII Siseles) (MDAFA, XVI), Paris 1959.
36. Michael J. Casimir and Bernt Glatzer in EG8t and West, New Series, Vol. 21,
March-June 1971, pp. 51-68.
37. Nizami in Comprehensive History of Indja, Vol. V, pp. 152-55.
38. Zaki Velledi Tagan in ZDMG, Vol. XC, 1936, pp. 33-34.
39. Hudud til Alam, p. 110.
See also C. E. Bosworth's article, "The Early Islamic History of Chur" in e,mtl'lll
AWtio Journal, Vol. VI, 1961, pp. 118-121.
. the sword. The country could only be annexed piecemeal.
village after village and town after town. Neither
buddin nor his successors succeeded in making the power
of their government felt as a permanent force in the open
country, but it is a tribute to their military resourcefulness
and courage that after a series of Sieges, most of them not
recorded by the historians, the Ghurid generals succeeded
in bringing the towns of northern India under their sway
(pp. 115-116).
But Professor Habib's introduction to Elliot and Dowson, written
22 years after this article, gives a different assessm?.nt of.
Conquest of northern India. Here shows that Cities
India fell like autumnal leaves (Vol. I, p. 71), the re-
of the open country were exclusively in the hands of the
(Vol. ], p. 72), and that the turn-over of public was
iStldd!en and that "the rais, rawats and mnas of the counbyslde, who
other alternative made a written contract with the invader
collection of land revenue for him from the areas under their
.. and this put a final end to the conflict." (Vol. I, p. 72). It
. difficult to reconcile the two approaches, except in so far as they
. change of views and assessment during .a period .of two
If the situation was, as stated in IntroductIon to EllIOt, the
. as explained in the article on Shihabuddin (pp. 115-116) i.s
sustainable. Perhaps truth lies half-way between the two POSI-
. The Indian social milieu no doubt facilitated the success of
Turks, but it would be wrong to ignore the military all
"A turn-over of public opinion" was neither possIble nor
take place. Excepting Bihar and Be.ngal, there was
'ol1,.irlel':flhle and persistent resistance to the estabhshment of Tur-
rule. One comes across large number of references to the con-
and reconquest of areas like Gwalior, JaIore" Naga].lr,
thalml)h()r etc. Turkish rule took time to strike roots mto the SOIL
Campaigns of 'Alauddin Khalji". is t;he translation
.Am.ir Khusrau's Khazdin-ul Futuh whICh IS wrItten m extremely
style and is replete with puns, alliterations, and
. Khusrau follows here the tradition of and
.through the medium of metaphors. Professor HabI? was
by D. S. Margoliouth to undertake its tran.slatIOn and III
L".'JULU'>'" stages he revised some part of the translation., In trans-
work of this types, one is beset :vith one difficulty: . If
. to the text and attempts a hteral h-anslation, .the enti:e
becomes a meaningless agglomeration of facts hidden III
of speech; it, on the other hand, he. attempts a readable trans-
Politics and Society during the Ea1'ly Medieval Period
lation, he. h.as to face at every step the charge of not being faithful
to. on&mal.. Professor Mahmud Sherani's extensive review and
cntlcIsm of Habib's transiation40 is mainly due to this diffi-
culty. a ImgUlst Sherani seems to be very particular about literal
translation of every word; Habib as a historian seems more anxious
t? .convey real me.aning to his readers. Though much of the cri-
of ?y is nothing more than hairsplitt-
and hterruy faultfindmg, It must be accepted that some of the
lillprove.ments and .corrections suggested by Sherani cannot be com-
p,letely 19nored. WIth the publication of a cIitical edition of Khaza
m-ul Futuh, by Dr. Wahid Mirza,41 it has become easier now to
correct .some of the errors which have crept in Professor Habib's
translatIon due. to non-availability of a dependable printed text.42
However, the following corrections may be made in the English
trallslation :
On page 163, foohIote 11, Professor Habib says: "Alf Khan or
Khan was the title 'A.lauddin's younger brother, Almas Beg."
ThIS IS not correct. Baram says that on his accession to the throne
'A.lau.ddin.had given the title of Ulugh Khan to his brother (p. 242):
w ahId edition. of Khaza 'in-ul Futuh has Ulug Khan (p. 10).
AU Khan IS an error ot the copyist;
. On 157 p. 165 foohlote 37, dang does not mean 'a triH-
mg weIght. In thIS context it means a small coin;
On pages 190 and 200 footnote 41 and p. 219 etc., Professor Habib
refers to Malik Naib Kafur Hazardinari as Sah-Kash "because he had
till then, led three expeditions to the Deccan." (p. 200). The word
is sipah-kash (commander of armv);
On page 171: "Ali Beg and Tartaq, the two kings of the chess-
board, were checkmated by their large-boned enemy, the Malik
Akhur Beg." Khusrau uses the word 1.JJJ0I/l but it is a weapon
and its translation as "large-boned enemy" is incorrect;
On page 171, .I has been wrongly translated as
Nagauri rose". The word used is J (gil=earth) not Jf
40. College. Magazine, Nov. 1935; Feb, May, August 1936. Maqalat-I
Hafiz Mahmud Sheram, ed. by Mazhar Mahmud Sherani, (Mailis-i Taraqqi-' Ad b
Lahore, 1972), Vol. VI, pp. 210-340. 1 a ,
41. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, 1953.
42. The Aligarh edition published in 1927 is not reliable. See also Maqal t-i lJ. t.
Mahmud Sherani, Vo!' VI, pp. 195-209. a a .IZ
(gul = rose);
page '173, 'angels of the Lord' is wrong translation of
/:JJJ{/. Here JY' is the darogha of hell;
On page 186, 'geographers' is not the correct translation of
which means 'engineers';
On page 207, Others, 'who had not stones, were busy in throwing
bricks and iavelins.' Here bricks is not the correct translation of
which means a small spear;
On page 207, 'reclining yard-measures'. Here gaz has been trans-
lated as yard. though it means 'the tree of ihao';
. On page 172, Mudbir and Mudabir do not fonn part of the names
ot Iqbal and Tai Bu. These are mere adjectives;
On page lO, 'Reforms of the affairs of nobles and commoners. is
not the correct translation of It should be 'public works
or works of public utility'.
Professor article on Muhammad bin Tughluq written in
1930, is really a turning point in the study of the character, projects
and policy of that much maligned Sultan. At a time when history
text books and monographs were condemning the Sultan either as a
lunatic or a tyrant, Professor Habib opened fresh avenues for the
study of his character and his role in Indian history. What seems to
have set Professor Habib thinking about the vaIious projects of the
Sultan was his study of contemporary mystic literature, particularly
Siyar-ul Attliya. He could read in Amir Khurd's work a new
proach to the Sultan's relations with ulama and the
and the far-reaching impact of his poliCIes. It must be admItted
that the inspiration to Professor Agha Mahdi Husain to study the
Sultan's character and projects more intensively and in the light of
non-political literature came from Professor Habib.43
43. Though it was Sir Syed Ahmad Khan who first drew Sir Henry Elliot's atten-
tion to the use of non-political literature, particularly Fawa'jd-ul ju'ad, it was Dr. R.
P. Tripathi who .first referred to Fawaid-u: ju'ad; in his Some Aspects of Muslim Ad-
ministration (p. 217), wlitten in 1926, but published in 1936. Thus, so far as pub-
lished works are concerned, Professor Habib was the first to realize the value of
mystic literature for a clearer study of medieval institutions.
Politics ana Society during the Em'ly Medieval Pel'lod
In this article Professor Habib has referred to the so-called autobio-
graphy of Muhammad bin Tughluq in these words:
"The great Sultan was not unaware of the misunderstan-
dings and. suspicions by which he had been pta'sued
his career and, like many educated Nluslim
Kings, he wrote an account of his reign with his own hand.
The invaluable volume, which would have explained the
whole mystery to us, has perished, or, as is more likely, it
been intentionally But four or .five pages
have escaped the hand of the despoiler and may be seen
appended to beautiful volume of the Tabaqat-i-Nasi1'i in
the Briti'ih Museum." (p. 271)
But these page;, as I have shown else where44 and as Professor
Habib also accepted, are apocryphal and fabricated.
Habib's study of the life and thought of Ziyauddin
Baram IS perhaps the most thrilling account of the historian's ap-
proach and methodology, his hopes and failures, his predilections
and prejudices. As the editor has closely seen this article grow and
deve:op, it will not be out of place if the background is given in some
detaIl. Professor Habib had initially wriLen only a few pages (given
in Appendix) by way of Introduction to the English translation of
Fatawa-i lahandal'i prepared by Dr (Mrs) Afsar Salim Khan. 45 I felt
that Professor Habib's mind was bubbling with ideas about Barani,
but he had hardly written 10-15 pages which were inadequate. He
accepted my suggestion and wrote several chapters which were ap-
pended to the English translation of Fatawa-i /ahandal'i.
Though a number of studies of Ziyauddin BaI'ani have been made,
Protessor Habib's analYSis of Bru'ani's life and thought is perhaps the
most penetrating. Based on a very careful study of Barani's Tal'ikh-i
Firuz Shahi and his Fatawa-i lahandari, this study is characterized
'by an unique freshness of approach, depth of understanding and
clear analYSis of the attitudes and predilections of Ziyauddin Barani.
It is a feat of Professor Habib's historical imagination; he visualizes
every aspect of Barani's life and thought and portrays it with rare
deftness and elaIity. He has woven Fi1'UZ Shahi's historical facts
with Fatawa's political maxims Barani the historian and Barani the
44. Studies in Mediewl Indian H.istOJ'Y and Culture, pp. 65-72.
Late .Agha Mahdi 'H,;sain however did not change his opinion and has argued in
favoW' of the Autobiography in his TugMuq Dynasty, pp.
45. The PersIan text of Fatawa-i lahandari also has since been edited by DT Mrs.
Salim Khan and published by the Research Society of Pakistan, University of' Jhe
Punjab, Lahore, . .
political philosopher stand clearly analysed in this article. His con-
cluding lines are graphic:
.. "Todav the graves of Balban and 'Alauddin Khalji are
unknown, only two mounds in Siri indicate the place
where the Hazar Sulun Palace once stood. But Barani, old,
half-blind and in acute distress, brought the dead to life by
a h'emendous effort of memory and very deservedly he lives
. along .with them. No histOlian under conditions so distres-
sing and at an age so advanced has produced a work so
great." (p. 366).
Referring to Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya in footnote 2 (VoL
I, p. 357)," Professor Habib says that this is not
. rect for auli1(a means saints-not a saint. But, as pomted out by Shah
'Abdul 'AziZ' of Delhi in his commentary on Shah Waliullah's Qaul-
'IIl laniil,46 in the Arabic language itself there are examples where,
in order to emphasize some quality, a plural is used for a Singular.
Even in the holy Quran, Hazrat Jbrahim is called 'Ummat'. In my-
ipc calendar, KIlwaja 'Uhaidullah is called Ahral' and Ka'ab is called
Ahbar,though these are all plural terms.
Professor -Habib thus translates a passage from Barani:
"There has been affection and friendship between me and
Amir Khusrau and Amir Hasan for veal's. They could not
'live without my company and I too 'could not forsake their
company Owing to my friendship with these two
masters also became friends and began to VISIt each other
. at their houses."
Barani's lines are the following: 47
> )}j;'
.. .. ," J .::.Y;IJ() .>j.
.... . :1 (,." ,-/1 "t... .A!:/
If Professor Habib's translation is accepted, Barani's statement
Will have to be rejected oUhight as was in. his cradle when
Hasan and Khusrau were both in the serVIce of Prmce Muhammad.
have been wrongly translated as
46. Kanpur edition, p. 135.
11.7. Tarikh-i Firuz Shahi, p. 360,
xxii Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
'became friends'. This would lJave been correct if the word was
.... .. ld
~ q y wou mean here matrimonial relationship which,
quite understandably, might have been arranged by Barani and the
t"yo houses would have come closer.
The last article in this volume deals with the organisation of the
Central Government during the early period of the Delhi Sultanate
and was presented at the third session of the All India Oriental C o n ~
ference in 1924. With the publication of more exhaustive works on
the administrative aspects of the Delhi Sultanate by Dr R. P. Tri-
pathi and Dr. I. H. Qureshi the article ceases to have the same fas-
cination which it had when it first appeared.
Perhaps Professor Habib's reluctance to publish all his articles in
a book form was his realization that considerable work has since been
done on those themes and topics. The fact, however, remains that
in many spheres of research in medieval Indian history he was a
pioneer. He showed the way which others followed. The date on
which a particular article was first published has been given at the
end of each article. It would make it easier to assess the impact
that this article had on subsequent historical writings. All the 'pre-
facf's' and 'dedications' that Professor Habib wrote for his works are
aisn given in appendices. These 'dedications' reveal Professor Habib's
predilections at different times.
Aligarh K. A. NtZAMI
Uctober 27, 1980
Arab Conquest of Sind
Mahmud of Ghazni
The Muslim World in the Tenth Century
Career of Sultan Mahmud
The Character and Value of Mahmud's Work
Fall of the Ghaznavid Empire
ihalbudldin of Ghur
The Rise of Ghur
Campaigns of Shihabuddin Ghori
Last Years of Shihabuddin
Being the English
ation of "The Khaza'inul Futuh" of Amir Khusrau
Accession, Reforms and Public Works
Campaigns Against the Mugha!s
Gujarat, Rajputana, Malwa and Deogir
Campaign of Arangal
The Campaign of Ma'abar
\.l1".ll1l1l<1U hin Tughluq
Literary Works
Ziyauddin Barani: Family and Early Life
State Laws
Ziyauddin Barani: Youth and Age
Theory of Kingship
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
Empire of Delhi in Early Middle Ages: Organization of the
Central Government 367-388
l. The Emperor
2. The Imperial Council
3. The Imperial Court
4. The Four Ministries
5. Departments
6. The Imperial Bureaucracy
1. Preface to the First Edition of
Sultan Mahmud of Ghozni-A Study
2. Preface to the Second Edition of
Sultan Mahmud of Gluizm
3. Preface to the Khozain-ul Futuh
4. Introduction to the Campaigns of 'Alauddin Khal!i
by Dr. S. Krishnaswamy Aiyangar
5. Foreword to Fatwa-i-lahandari
by Professor K. A.. Nizami
.6. Introduction to Fatawa-i lahandari
7. Dedications
we are to study the history of eastern institutions aright, we
carefully distinguish the abstract principles of creeds from the
. actually governing the lives of the mass of their followers ..
are millions of Musalmans, Christians and Buddhists who
every day-and witp pedect sincerity-the moral lessons
bv the founders of tHeir religions; and yet the prayer is hardly
when the devotee returns to the actual business of life and,
the words that were on his lips a inoment before, acts
l:l:ln"U'Llll! to the ideas of the country, class or profession. Here and
a troublesome spirit may be found bold enough to remind them
their customary and prudent lives are a constant violation of
fundamental principles of their religion, but the mass of the
are conscious of no such contradictions; and if ever any doubt
assails their minds, they cOmfOlt themselves with the
that the behaviour approved by the most respected or the
men around them cannot possibly be wrong. Among
feelings and aspirations that guide the lives of men,
is often only a factor of secondalY impOltance; the promi-
its name assumes in the war-cries of nations is due, not so
to the desire of the people to live up to the best ideals of their
as to the facility with which the religiOUS sentiment-in itself
force like love and hunger-can be exploited by politicians
misdirected by priests. There is nothing so pitifully tragic in
histOlY of humanity as this exploitation of the principles of a creed
. those who profess to follow it; that the exploitation is often
deepens the tragedy by proving it to be a part of
!J"VU.IVIIJ!!lC'U nature a hereditarv taint of our blood.
J:i:arlwn to mv 0 Men!" the Arabian Apostle said in his
at "f;r I know not whether I snaIl see you here
the customs of paganism have been abolished under my feet.
Arab is not superior to the non-Arab; the non-Arab is not
to the Arab. You are all sons of Ad.am, and Adam was roB.de
. Verily all Muslims are brothers,
2 Politics and Society dl/ring the Eady Medieval Period
"Your slaves! Feed them as you feed yourselves and dress theni
as you dress yourselves.
"The of the Time of Ignorance are prohibited, and,
first of all, I forgive the blood of (my kinsman), Rabi'ibn-ul Hal's.
"The usury of the Time of Ignorance is prohibited, and, first of
all, I remit the interest due to (my kinsman), 'Abbas ibn 'Abdul
"Remember Allah in (your dealings with) women. You have lights
over them, and they have rights over you.
"Verily, you should consider each other's blood, property and re-
put.ation inviolable unto the Day of Judgment even as this month
(Zil Hijjah), day (day of Hap and place (Mecca) are inviolable ...
"Beware! Go not ash:ay after I have departed and cut not each
other's throats; for you have to meet your Lord and He will ask you
concerning that which your hands have done.
"Verily, a man is responsible only for his own acts. A son is not
responsible for the crimes of his father, nor is a father responsIble
for the crimes of his son.
"If a defonnedl Abyssinian slave holds authority over you and
leads you according to the Book of Allah, hear him and obey.
"Verily, Satan has despaired of being again worshipped in this
city of yours till the Day of Judgment, but you will be misled by
him in matters you consider insignificant, and this will cause him
"Worship the Lord, pray five times a day, fast dming the prescribed
month, act as I have comrrianded, and you shall enter the Heaven
of your Lord. .
"Hearken to my words, 0 men, for I have conveyed my message
to you and have left among you (two) things, which if you hold fast
to them, will prevent your ever going astray-the Book of Allah and
the example of His Apostle.
"Let those who are present inform those who are absent. Now,
have I delivered my message?"
They answered, "Aye."
"Be Thou my witness, 0 Lord"! 2
All the fundamental principles of the Muslim state are here. Racial
differences are to count for naught, all are equal, all are brothers,
neither law nor social opinion must make any difference between
the high-born and the low. A man's rights to his person, to the pro-
duce of his labour and to the reputation his character has earned
for him are as sacred and inviolable as the holiest of places; no
alleged state-necessity, no fanatical prejudices or party interests can
A"ab of Sind
allowed to infringe theni. Civil war is to be abhorred. No mono-
of offices or power, no kings, no oligarchy, no priesthood-the
of slaves has as much right to be at the head of the state
the noblest of Quraish. A righteous government alone is entitled
the allegiance of its subjects; all ebe is, usurpation and must be
aside. There are to bc no pariahs or low-castes'; the slave is
to the same food and drink as his master and has the sanie
privileges as a freeinan. The customs of paganism-blood-
usury, the subjection of women-are abolished once and for
is the message-simple and dear.
And yet the history of
nations, during the thilteen centuries that have elapsed, has
a constant violation of every political principle bequeathed to
by the great Apostle. '
King-craft and priest-craft, wars of succession and orgies of
saint-worship and grave-worship, the rapacity of govern-
.and the starvation of the peasantry-these, and the like, stain
pages of history from generation to generation, though every
creed and palty pretended that it was striving to 'fulfil the law'.
::ip,iriltua,Uy as well as politically Islam was a revolutionary protest
customs of paganism, but Lucifer, driven out of the
door, came back by the back window and began to beguile
faithful in matters 'they considered insignifieant'. 'Umar the
caliph (A.D. 634-43)-acknowledged on all hands as the
st.atesman Islam has produced-canied on a relentless war
every form of religiOUS obscurantism and political oppression.
task proved too great for the generation that followed. His
conquests, moreover, created problems of bewildering per-
Victory often proves more demoralising than defeat. Two
empires lay prostrate at the feet of the conquering Muslims.
to be the position and status of the conqilerecf people-
as equal to the victorious Arabs or brutally suppressed as
ect races? Would generals and politicians, who in the course
few years had established their authority over extensive terri-
remain submissive to the dictates of public opinion or seek
their power as irresponsible and hereditary rulers?
the caliph had been, directly or indirectly, elected by the
of Medina and considered himself responsible to them; and
as the caliphate was confined to the two holy cities or even
Arabian desert, the procedure seemed quite fair. But what
had the people of Medina-a small town in a desert-to elect
head of a government extending from Egypt to Khorasan and
a dozen races, great and srriall? Representative govern-
4 and Society dlwing the Eai"ly Medieval 'Period
ment in its mod81TI form was not known; and, if known, would not
have been practicable for an empire so extensive and heterogeneous.
There were only two alternatives-hereditalY monarchy or civil war.
"Do not cli'f1 off each othersF heads
', the Apostle had said; and
slowly, painfully and reluctantly the sanest Musalmans consented
to give their support to the Umayyad caliphate which emerged from
the smoke and dust of civil conflict. What else could they do? The
continuation of internal strife threatened to ruin the future of their
creed. In a situation somewhat similar Augustus Caesar had, seven
centuries before, established the Roman empire On the ruins of the
republic with the active support of the middle classes in the pro-
The Umayyad caliphate was a compromise between Medina and
Rome, with a strong tendency to incline more and more towards the
latter. As in the early days of the Roman empire, a semblance of
democratic fOlms was preserved. 'The futile ceremony of bai'at.
(homage) was substituted for the free election which Muslim senti-
ment demanded. The legal validity of the caliph's power depended
on his having obtained the allegiance (bai'at) of the majority of the
citizens; but as this allegiance was demanded after he had ascended
the throne, only those who were prepared to face the consequences
of rebellion could venture to withhold it. The mass of the people had
to accept an accomplished fact. That the caliphate should become
confined to the House of Mu'awiya was not, under the circumstances,
a matter of surprise. But the reaction went further still, and the
aristocratic Arab clans, whose predominance Islam had sought to
destroy, succeeded in monopolising all political power. The Arab
aristocrat, whatever his other faults, yielded to none in the astuteness
of his diplomacy and his valour on the. field of battle. A liberal distribu-
tion of the revenues of the government and the spoils of war won for
the caliphate the support of the great Arab clans and made it one
of the strongest, as well as the m,ost extensive, governments the world
has seen. The conversion of the missionalY conquests of Islam into
an empire of the Arab clans was neveltheless a very serious degrada-
tion of the spirit of the faith. The conquered Persians were among
the earliest to protest. The whole empire swmmed with sectarians_
revolutionaries and conspIrators; and the ninety years of the Umavyad
caliphate at Damascus were an unceasing series of bold rebellions
brntally suppressed, but always breaking out afresh. The memory of
the Apostle's message was fresh in many hearts: "The Arab is not
superior to the non-Arab; nor is the non-Arab superior to the Arab. You
are all sons of Adam, and Adam was made of earth."
That in spite of these difficulties, the Umayyad caliphs succeeded
A1'Qb Conquest of Sind
the extent of their empire is a singular tribute to their
Arabs of Syria were steeped in Ronian influences, and
at their best, combined the finest elements of Roman
and Arab valour. Whatever we may think of them in
respects, no one except 'Umar the Great has conhibuted more
expansion of Islam tllan the Caliph al Walid bin Abdul Malik
and Hajjaj bin Yusuf Saqafi. Hajjaj had wOn his early blood-
laurels in the effective suppression of rebellions in Arabia and
a 'Man of Blood and Iron' if ever there was one, the memory
dark deeds sits like a nighhnare on Muslim consciousness; but,
intensely hated, Hajjaj was implicitly obeyed, and his appointment
al Walid, the strongest of the Umayyad caliphs, as governor of
and, in fact, of the whole of Iran and Turan,' led to the
great Muslim expansion in the east. The second caliph had
the Persians within the fold of Islam. Hajjaj brought
and the Tatars beneath his sway. "Under the
, says Sir Henry Elliot, "of tlle clUel tyrant, Hajiaj, who
nominally governor only of Iraq, was in fact lUler over all the
which constituted the former Persian kingdom, the spirit of
extended conquests arose, which had hitherto, duting the civil
and before the re-establishment of political nnity nnder Abdul
and his son Walid, confined itself to mere partial efforts on
frontiers of the empire. By his orders, one army under
after the complete subjugation of Khwarazm, crossed the
and reduced, but not without great difficulty, Bokhara, Khojand,
Samarkand and Farghana-some of which places had been
though not thoroughly subjected, at a previous pedod by the
LW.1<""llUlmH anus. Kutaiba penetrated even to Kashghar, at which
Chinese ambassadors entered into a compact with the invaders.
army had, by Hajjaj's directions, already operated against the
of Kabul, and a third (under Muhammad Kasim) advanced to-
the lower course of the Indus through Mekran."
eastern exploits show him at his best. He displayed in his
with men of his own race a brutal ferocity and vindictiveness,
he laid aside in his dealings with non-Muslims. The zeal of an
bigot was as alien to his mind as the revolutionary and
emocl-ati.c fervour of the second caliph, who had stubbornly refused
tolerate inequality in any fOlm. His plain and simple object was
of Umayyad caliphate. If the conquered population
sechon of It accepted Islam, well and good; if not, Hajjaj con-
himself with levying the jizya and showed no undue anxiety
their spiritual salvation. He never thought that the principles O'f
obliged him to interfere with the religiOUS and social customs
6 Politics alld Society durillg the Early Medieval Period
of the idolators. He respected the vested interests of their higher
classes and guaranteed even the most unjust of their class privileges.
Purely secular and political considerations seem to have led him to
this tolerant attitude. Every inch a conservative and an aristocrat, he
did not like meddling with the established order of things, while his
unfailing political insight convinced him that a strong govel11irtent,
which had no native Muslim population to support it, could only rest
secure on the basis of religious toleration. He had not come to plunder
but to govern and did not fail to see that a government which wishes
to last must not be too irksome to the people, and should be able to
win the active support of a minority at least. He had in his earlier
career a good opportunity of gauging the strength and force of popular
fanaticism among his own people, and saw the wisdom of winning
over-or of at least neutralising-the influence of the priests of the
idolators by convincing them that a change of government would
not intedere with their time-honoured perquisites and privileges.
Hajjaj was too masteliul and domineering to give his subordinates
carte blanche. Everything had to be reported to him and his orders
obeyed. The substance, if not the form, of a number of his letters
has been preserved, and gives us a strange insight into the mind of
this statesman. The sight of blood never nauseated Hajjaj; he is one
of the greatest murderers in history. But neither did it allure him, and
he was entirely free from that morbid craving for the sight of human
suffering in which alone Chengiz and Timur could find their happiness.
Countries cannot be conquered without war; and war means killing.
Hajjaj was not loth to kill, but he saw clearly that his object would
he best achieved by a mixture of conciliation and terrOlism. His
generals had orders to kill the soldiers of the opposing army ruthlessly,
not only on the field of battle but even afterwards, if caught in arhls;
and seldom, if ever, was the rule relaxed. The object of these measures
was to prevent the civil population of the country from dabbling in
the profession of anns; and it certainly had the desired effect. On the
other hand the mass of the people-the merchants, artisans and agri-
culturists, as the historian oJ Sind calls them-were never molested,
and, on fortunate occasions, even received cOllipensation for the losses
they had suffered from the war. Hajjaj's conquests were therefore
achieved with a minimum of bloodshed. He regarded his flocks like
a provident shepherd; if better tended, they would yield more milk
and wool.
The dynasty, which governed Sind at the time of the Arab invasion,
had been founded by Rai Chach son of Silaij, a Brahnian politician,
who seems to have ascended the thronc in A.D. 632 on the dcath of
his master, Rai Sahasi. The governors of the four provinces, into
Arab Conquest of Sind
Sind was then divided, naturally resented the power of the
upstart, but Chach, in spite of his caste, was a notable war-
-He defeated the ruler of Chitor, who had been induced by the
of Rai Sahasi to march against him, and after four long
amipalgI1S brought the whole of the province from Sikka Multan to
sea-coast under his sway. Though later Persian writers knew little
Buddhism as a creed, and seldom refer to it bv name in their
of Muhmrtmad Qasim's invasion, the Arab" chroniclers and
Nama leave us in no doubt that Buddhism was then the
creed of Sind. But Hinduism was gaining ground, and
JJUlULUH,'L priests complained that the worship of Buddha was
abandoned. The exact relation of the two creeds, which was
of neutrality nor hostility nor love, is hard to define. Although
was a Brahman, there is no reason to suppose that he attempt-
to interfere with the then popular religion of Buddhbm. Brahman-
is, indeed, so accomniodating to .anything that partakes of idol-
that Chach and Dahir might have made their offerings in a
temple, without any greater sacrifice of consistency, than
Roman was guilty of in worshipping Isis and Osiris, or than we
every day in a Hindu presenting his butter .md flowers at
shrine of Shaikh Saddhu, Ghazi Mian, Shah Madar or any other
the apotheosized Muhammadan impostors of Hindustan. There is
no irlCompatibility in supposing that Chach, though a Brahman
bilth, still continued a Buddhist in his persuasion, for the divisions
caste were at that time secular, not religious.6
Rai Chach after a prosperous reign of forty years and was
,u"'",,,;u"'.u by Ius Chandar, who patronised the religion of
Naszks (BudeUusts) and monks and promulgated their doctrines.
brought man)' people together with the sword and made them
. to his religion.". Chan dar died in the eighth year of his reign
hIS nephew, Dallir son of Chach, mounted the throne at Alor
capital of the kingdom.
Raj, a son of Chandar, established
at Brahmanabad, the most important city of southern Sind, but
seems to have been ousted by Dharsaya, another son of Chach,
he l:ad for a years. Bai, a daughter of Chach, had pre-
to lIve WIth Dharsa),a, who arranged for her marriage with
the king of Bhatia in the country of Ramal, and sent her to
her way to her husband's territory9. But Dahir scandalised
and foe by marrying his sister, when she came to his court,
his astronomers predicted that her husband would be 'the
of Hind and Siner. The incestuous marriage led to a war between
brothers; Dhrasaya was slain and Dahir found himself in posses-
of the whole of his father's dominion. "He relrtainecl for one year
8 Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
in Brahmanabad in order to reduce the neighbouring chiefs. He sent
for the son of Dharsaya and o'eated him kindly. He then went to
Siwistan (Sehwan) and thence to the fort of Rawa.r,of which his father,
Chach, had laid the foundation, and ordered it to be completed."l0
The chiefs of Ramal were presumptuous enough to attack him, but
Muhammad Allafi, an Arab adventurer who had entered Dahir's ser-
vice, "attacked them on all sides and killed and captured 80,000
warriors and 50 elephants". The kingdom seemed as strong as it had
ever been.
For centuries before the rise of Isl.am, Arabian mariners had been
navigating the Indian Ocean and had formed small settlements in
Ceylon and the East Indian Islands. In order to ingratiate himself
with Hajjaj, the king of Ceylon sent him as a present "certain Muhain-
madan girls, daughters of merchants who had died there". But the
ship was seized by the Meds of Dewal (Thatta)ll before it could
reach the coast of Mehan and .an Arab woman of the tribe of Yabu
cried out, "0 Hajjaj, Come to my help!" The great pro-consul
not a man to fail his subjects in their hour of need. "Here I am I" he
replied when the news was conveyed to him, .and sent a message to
Rai Dahir demanding the immediate release of the captives. Dahir
replied that the act had been comrriitted by pirates over whom he
had no control. H.ajjaj then sent a punitive expedition under Ubaidul-
lah bin Nabhan against Dewal but the Musalmans were slaughtered
almost to a man, .and a second expedition under Budail bin Tahya
fared no better. Hajjaj was annoyed at the repeated defeats and ap-
plied to the Kh.alifah al Walid for permission to fit out a force that
would be strong enough not only to conquer Dewa! but the whole
of Sind. Al-Walid was reluctant and could only be induced to give
his permission on Hajjaj's solemn assurance that, in case of failure,
he would pay the expenses ent.ailed by the venture out of his own
Hajjaj organised the expeditionary force with the greatest care
and entrusted its command to his own cousin and son-in-law,
Muhammad bin Qasim;12 a brilliant youth of seventeen, who had
already distinguished himself as govel110r of Faras. An adv.ance
guard under Abu'! Aswad Jahm was ordered to meet him on the
frontier of Sind; Muhainmad bin Harun, the governor of Mekran,
joined him with the troops of his territory, while a squadron of boats
carrying Dve munjaniqsl.3 sailed along the Persian coast and up the
mouth of the Indus. Muhammad Qasim marched with "six thousand
picked cavalry from Syria and Iraq, six thousand calliel riders
thoroughly equipped for milit.ary operations, and a baggage train
of three thousand Bactrian came!s" from Shhaz, through Kannazbur
Arab Conquest of Sind 9
Aramabe! (Bela), to Dewal and l.aid siege to it as soon as his
arrived. His cousin had "carefully provided him with all he
require, not even omitting thread and 'needles". He w.as in
communication with Hajjaj; letters were sent ,and received
third day .and took about a week to reach their destination.
great temple of the besieged town Hoated a long black Hag,
the inhabitants credited with a magical power for protecting
Muhammad Qasim asked Ja'wiyah, his munjaniq-master, to
at the Hag, and it was knocked down in three shots. Consterna-
among the besieged. They attempted a sortie, but it was
.and the invaders scaled the walls and captured the town.
governor of Dewal Hed, and the priests of the temple were
,o,a,.".,;<1." A ganison of four thousand was left at Dewal and the
moved up the river to Nirun (Hyderabad). The citizens of
town had with commendable foresight sent two samanis (Buddhist
to Hajjaj at the time of Budail's invasion and obtained a
promise of protection from him by undertaking to pay an
tribute. Muh.ammad Qasim had orders not to molest them.
Buddhist governor of Nirun was received with great honour when
to see the Arab general and undertook to guide him to
gener.al had quickly learnt all he could of the religion and.
of the people. The massacre of Dewal priests
a mistake he took care not to repeat. He was
anxious to assnre the public that those who submitted
him would lose nothing while his hand was going to
heavily on the recalcitrant. The plivileges of the Buddhist and
priests were repeatedly guaranteed; the coinmon people
left free to worship as they pleased, provided they were willing
to the Arabs the same taxes they had previously paid to the
of Rai Dahir. This policy had the expected effect, and as
as his military supeliority became evident the priests and the
<-..,VH'U"'U masses decided to throw in their lot with him. Bajhra
of Chandar, the govemor of Siwistal1, was determined to defend
city with vigour, but the Buddhists refused to help him. They
him a message: "we are nasik (mendicant) devotees. 0111' religion
of peace, and fighting and slaying is prohibited as well as all
of shedding of blood. You are secure in a lofty place, while
are open to the invasion of the enemy, and liable to be slain
plundered as your subjects.1
'''Ie know that Muhmlimad Qasim
a fal'man from I-Iaijaj to gr.ant protection to everyone who
it. vVe trust therefore, that yOU will consider it fit and
that we terms with for the Arabs are faithful
10 Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
and keep their promises." When Bajhra, naturally, refused to follow
this cowardly advice, they proceeded to make peace with Muham-
mad Qasim. "All the subjects, farmers, tradesmen, merchants and
the lower classes", they informed him, "hate Bajhra and do not
yield him allegiance. He does not possess any force with which he
can oppose you or give battle." Thus encouraged, the Arabs pressed
on the siege with vigour. Bajhra fled after a week, and took refuge
with Kaka son of Kotal, the Samani chief of Budhiya, whose strong-
hold was Sisam15, while the Arabs entered Siwistan un-opposed.
"Muhammad Qasim appropriated all the silver, jewels and cash (of
the royal treasury). But he did not t.ake anything from the samanis,
who had made terms with him." The government of the city was
placed in charge of civil officers, and Muhammad Qasim started for
Sisam after leaving a garrison in the fOlt. A force of one thousand
Jats, who had started for a night attack on the Arab camp, lost their
way in the dark and again found themselves at the gate of Sisam
in the morning. Kaka, who was personally inclined to deselt the
falling fortunes of Dahir, took this for a had oinen. "You know full
well that I am famous for my determination and courage", he told
his chiefs, "1 have achieved many enterprises at your head. But in
the books of the Buddh.a it is predicted, upon astrological calculations,
that Hindustan shall be taken by the Musalmans and I also believe
that this will come to pass." He stmted with his followers for the
Arab camp and was accorded a warm reception. "1 will be your
guide in subduing and overpowering your enemies", he assured
Muhainmad Qasim, "Be firm and set your mind at rest." And then,
according to "the custom of his ancestors and of the Jat samanis" he
proceeded to bestow the highest honour on the Arab general by
dressing him in a silk robe and tying a turban on his head. All the
chiefs and headmen of the sUl'rounding places now wished to submit
to Muhammad Qasim, probably because "they were enemies of Dahir
who had put some of them to death". "Hence they revolted against
him, and sent ambassadors to Muhammad Qasim, and agreed to pay
a tribute of one thousand dirhams weight of silver and also sent
hostages to Sivistan. Muhammad Qasim dispelled the fear of the
Arab m'my from the niinds of those who offered allegiance and
brought to submission those who were inimically disposed." Bajhra,
now deserted by his friends, was driven away from Sisam, under the
walls of which he had encmriped; his supporters fled in all directions
and an Arab lieutenant, Abdul Malik, was established in the territory
to punish "all enemies and revolters",16
'While his garrisons wcre being overpowered and his subjects se-
duced by the enemy, Rai had been passing his time in ease and
The Arab Conquest of Sind
comfort at Rawar. He may have deluded himself with the hope that
the invaders would retire after captming Dewal and one or two
other towns; if so, he was bitterly undeceived. Hajjaj had made up
his mind to conquer as large a palt of as possible, and
while warning Qasim to take a
him at the same tune-to push on to Chma . On retuIlllng
to Nirun, the general received orders to cross the Indus
and put an end to the power of the somnolent Dahir, who had flatly
refused the Arab proposal that he should a and ,Pay
tribute. Moka bin Bisaya, a claimant to the chieftamslllp of BaIt, a
fort on the opposite (eastern) hank of Inc:us, .and
brought to Muhmnmad Qasim, who recelVedlum WIth kmd-
ness. "The country of Bait was given to him, a grant was wntten to
that effect, and a hundred thousand dirhams were offered as reward.
A green umbrella sUl1nounted ?y a a cha.ir a robe. of
'honour were bestowed upon hIm, whIle hIS thakUls were favoured
with robes and saddled horses." Guided by the invaluable Moka, the
invaders built a pontoon over the Indus and drove away Rasi!: a loc.al
chief whom Dahir had sent to defend the eastern bank. Ral Dahlr,
as later events proved, was a valiant soldier, who won .the l'espect. of
the Arabs for the strength of his bow. But his ,:"as
and his irritable and overbearing temper made It ImpossIble for hIS
officers to give him any sane advice. of the Indus at last
awoke him from his untimely slumber mto a blmd fury that he slew
the innocent chamberlain who brought him the fateful news. It was
high time to move. Dahil' came out of Rawar an? encarriped the
side of a lake at some distance. But even now, mstead of tryll1g to
maintain his power in the open country and to cut
enemy's communications, he sat . sullen and m Ius camp wlule
his chiefs, one after another, offered their allegrance to Muhammad
Qasirri. The Arab general had marched to Bait from the Indus and,
after depositing his heavy baggage there, m?ved towards Rawar. Re-
connoitring parties were sent in all directIons, and a for?e of fi>:e
hundred horse was despatched to preve.nt any help Dal1ll'
fWIri his son Fufi, who was at Alor. RasIl, who was now gUldmg the
Arab ariny in cooperation. ;vith Moka, took it to the on the. op-
posite side of which Dal1ll's army lay Then, If are to
believe the Clutch Nama, he ferried them across 111 a boat wInch c,ould
only carry three men at a time and landed at
a village between the fort of Rawar and Dahlr S c<lmp, a
place for their encampment, for there they attack Dalur
in front and rear and sllccessfully enter Ius posItion and occupy It .
Muhammad Qasim's object was at last attained. No help could now
12 Politics and Society du,.ing the Early Medieval Period
reach Dahir from Alor or Multan; if the Rai remained in his camp,
his communication with Rawar would he cut; if he fled back
to Rawar, he would have to stake his kingdom on the
chance of a single battle or stand a siege with the resources of the
country in the hands of the enemy. With incredible fatuity the mis-
guided Rai had permitted the net of his astute antagonist to close
around him. "Alas! vVe are lost", Dahir's minister, Sisakar, exclaimed
when he heard that the enemy had encamped at Jaipur. Dahir blazed
forth with indignation at his njinister's remark but, none the less,
hurried back to Rawar.
There followed a five-day battle outside the fort. Dahir equalled the
heroes of Indian mythology in his personal prowess. But it was the
last flicker of a dying lamp. On the afternoon of the fifth day, after
the field had been irretrievably lost, he was retreating to the fort with
the remnant of his broken army, when his attention was attracted by.
sounds of wailing coming from the left. "I am here! Come hither",
he shouted, thinking that it was a body of stragglers. "0 King! We
are your women,17 who have fallen into the hands of the Musalinans.
vVe are captives!" The Rai was too chivah'ous to seek the
safety of the fort while his women were in the hands of
the enemy. "I live as yet!" he replied, "Who captured you?" He
ordered the driver to turn back his white elephant and drove it
straight against the Musalmans. "It is your opportUliity", Muhammad
Qasim told the naphtha-throwers as soon as the Rai was within reach.
A powerfully shot naphtha-arrow shuck the Rai's howdah and set it
on fire. The frightened elephant, in spite of the effOlts of its driver,
ran to the water-side, and plunged into the stream; the Musalmans
followed close on the heels of the flying animal while the Hindus
rushed forward to rescue their Rai. The driver at last managed to
bring the elephant out of the water and "a dreadful conflict ensued
such as had never been heard of". An arrow hit Dahir in the breast
and he fell down from his elephant; but though weak and bleeding,
the Rai continued to fight till an Arab shuck him with a sword on
the very centre of his head, and "cleft it to his neck". Thus, after a
reign of thirty-two years, died Raja Dahir of Sind at sunset-tinie on
Thursday, the 10th Ramazan, 93 A.H. (June, 712 A.D.). Arrogant and
self-willed, lacking in diplomatic tact and political insight, but bold
and fearless in the face of death-he was of the stuff from which the
heroes of national tragedies are made.
Jaisiya, the .ablest of Dahir's sons, succeeded in taking his defeated
forces to the fort of Rawar and was joined by inany stragglers next
morning. He desired to COlne out and die fighting like his father, but
Sisakar and Muhammad Allafi induced him to fly to Brahmanabad.
Arab Conquest of Sind 13
Bai, the widow and sister of Dahir, refus .. ed to accompany him
and took the command of the men, about 15,000 in number, who were
still left. When the Arabs had undelmined the walls, and no hope
remained, she collected her women in a house and set it on fire.
Muhammad Qasim slew six thousand fighting men whom he found
in the fort, and despatched the head of Dahir to Hajjaj along with
.the spoils.
The Arabs then moved towards Brahmanabad but their advance
was delayed by the fOltS of Bahrur and Dhalila, which lay on the
route and could only be reduced after protracted sieges. Jaisiya
wisely decided to remain outside Brahmanabad, which he had placed
under the charge of sixteen selected officers, four for each gate. Every
day a skilmish took place, but the garrison consisting of 40,000
soldiers defended their city with courage while J aisiya kept harassing
, the beSiegers and cutting off their supply of fodder. The siege dr.agged
on for six months; Muhammad Qasim grew pensive and asked Moka
for help. The astute Hindu saw that J aisiya was the real obstacle;
an expedition led by him shattered the latter's force and compelled
them to fly from Sind; The fate of Brahmanabad was now sealed.
But the officers and soldiers, kno,,;,ing that the Arab general would
show them no mercy, persisted in continuing the useless struggle,
while the civil population longed for peace. Four leading merchants
of the town met to decide the question. "They had neither power
nor wealth to enable them to fight the enemy. If he stayed a few
days more, he would at last be victorious, and they would have no
ground on which to ask for protection. If they could get any assurance,
.' 'it would be better to make terms and surrender the fort to him, for
if peace were made, those found in arms would be slain, but all the
rest of the people-the merchants, the handicraftsmen and the cul-
tivators-would find protection." To this opinion they all agreed and
sent their messengers to Muhammad Qasim; the latter was quite will-
ing to guarantee the life and property of the civil population, and
. a plot was formed to deceive the soldiers. On a day fixed beforehand
with Muhammad Qasim the people came out to fight and, according
to their prearranged scheme, left the gate of the city open. The
Mus.almans entered the town, but Muhammad Qasim ordered them
kill none but those who showed fight. "Protection was given to
the artificers, the merchants and the COJ11mon people, and those who
been seized from these classes were all liberated; but he sat on
seat of cruelty and put all those who had fought to the sword.
said that about six thousand fighting men were slain, but ac-
to othcrs sixteen thousand were killed and the rest were
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
Before the investment of Brahmanabad, Sisakar, the rriinister of Rai
Dahir, had sued for protection
, and Muhammad Qasim, always
gracious to his Sindhi allies of talent and standing, immediately con-
fen'ed upon him "the office of wazir". Sisakar now became the coun-
of the Musalmans. Muharrimad Qasim told him all his secrets,
always took his advice, and consulted him in all the civil affairs of
the government, on his political measures and the means of prolong-
ing his success. Sisakar used to say that "the regulations and ordinances
which the just Ami'r (Muhammad Qasim) had introduced would con-
finn his authOrity in all the countries of Hind. They would enable
him to punish and overcome all his enemies, for he comforted the
and malguzars
, took the revenHe according to the old laws
and regulations, never bHrdened anyone with new and additional ex-
actions, and instructed all his functionaries and officers." The fall of
Brahmanabad had brought the whole of southern Sind into his hands,
but VictOlY had not turned his head and he knew wen enough that
his great enterprise, which was no less than the conquest of the whole
of llindustan, could not succeed by force alone-even if force were
to be on his side-and that the goodwill, or at least the neutrality,
of the people was an indispensable condition of success. GOOd. gov-
ernrrient, a government in which every possible regard was paId to
the religiOUS ideas, institutions and customs of the people, had to go
hand in hand with military conquest. While vigorously putting to
death all enemv soldiers found in arms in order to prevent the en-
listment of recI:uits by his onponents, he scrupulously refrained from
everything likely to wound the religiOUS susceptibilit.ies of the
and this tolel'ant policy, frorri which he never deVIated, had dnven
a wedge between the government of Dahir and the rriass of the
people, who gradually veered round to his side. Against such a states-
man it was difficult to excite the racial or religiOUS patriotism of the
public, while the Brahmans and Buddhist priests, the keepers of the
public conscience, were SUlVrised to find that one of the first acts of
the conqueror was to regrant their time-honoured privileges and pub-
lic offices. An efficient government of the country was impossible
without the help of the most talented and experienced men; and
Muhammad Qasim, who was free from the sterile fanaticism of the
later Ghaznavid and Ghurian Turks, freelv appointed Hindus to the
highest offices. He never lost sij!ht of t.he fact his adrriinistrative
measures, if just and fair, would contnbute matenally to the success
of his arms, and as the countly carrie into his hands bit by bit, he
made careful arrangements for its efficient government. The scttle-
The Amb Conquest of Sind
ment of Brahamanabad after its conquest has been described by the
Chach Nama iil greater detail than the laws and the regulations pro-
mulgated elsewhere, and may well be taken as a specimen of Muham-
mad Qasim's political attitude and method. It will be best to let the
historian speak in his own words.
The city of was placed in charge of four prefects,
of whom was responSIble for one of the gates. "Muhammad
QasIm also gave them as tokens of his satisfaction saddled horses and
.for their hands. and feet, according to the custom of the
kmgs of Hmd. And he aSSIgned to each of them a seat in the great
public assemblies."2o
The Jizya
"I-Ie fixed a tax upon .all the subjects according to the Law of the
Prophet. Those who the Muhammadan faith were exempted
from sIavety, the tnbute and the poll-tax; and from those who did
not change their creed a tax w,as exacted according to three grades.21
The first grade was of. great men and each of these was to pay silver
eCJnal to forty-eight di'rhams in weight, the second grade twenty-four
dirhams .and the lowest grade twelve dirhams. It was ordered that all
who be carrie Musalmans at once should be exempted from the pay-
ment, but those. who were desirous of adhering to their old persuasion
must pay the tnbute and the poll-tax. Some showed an inclination to
their and some having resolved upon paying tribute,
held fast by the faIth of their forefathers, but their lands and property
,were not taken from them.
. people, the merchants, artisans and agriculturists, were
dIVided mto their respective classes, and ten thousand men, high and
were counted. Muhammad Qasim then ordered twelve dh'hams
of silver to be assigned t? each man, because all their property
, He appoznted people from among the villagers
(J-nd the chl'ef clttzens to coll'ect the fixecl taxes from the cities and
villages, that them might he a feeling Of strength and protection.
the Brahmans saw this, they represented their case and the
and principal inhabitants of the city gave evidence as to the
IrJiwirwii'1J of Bmhmans.24 Muharrirriad Q.asim maintained their dig-
and passed orders confirming their pre-eminence. Thev were
against opposition and violence. Each of them was er;tlUsted
an office, for Muhammad Oasim was confident that they would
be inclined to dishonesty. Uke Rai Chach, he also appOinted each
to a .duty. He ordered all Brohmans
to be brought before him,
remmclec1 them that they had held grcat offices in the tirrie of
Politics and Society during the Ea1'l1l Medieval Pel'iod
Dahir, and that they must be well acquainted with the city and the
suburbs. If they know any excellent character worthy of his consi-
deration and kindness they should bring him to notice, that favours
and rewards might be bestowed on him. As he had entire confidence
in their honesty and virtue, he had entrusted them with these offices,
and all the affairs of the country would be placed under theil' charge.
These offices were granted to them and their descendants and would
never be l'eSllmed or tmnsfel'1'ed.
"Then the Brahmans and the government officers went into the dis-
tricts and said, '0 Chiefs and leaders of the people! You know for
certain that Dahir is slain, and that the power of the infidels is at an
end. In all parts of Sind and Hind the rule of the Arabs is firmly
established, and all the people of this counhy, great and small, have
become as equals, both in town and country. The great sultan (caliph)
has shown favour to us humble individuals, and you are to know that
he has sent us to you to hold out great inducements. If we do not
obey the Arabs, we shall neither have property nor means of living.
But we have made our submission in hope that the favour and kind-
of our masters may be increased to us. At present we are not
driven from our houses; but if you cannot endure this tribute, which
is fixed on you, nor submit to the heavy burden then let us retire at a
suitable opportunity to some other place in Hind or Sind, with all
your families and children where you may find your life secure. Life
is the greatest of all bleSSings. But if we can escape from this dreadful
whirlpool and can save our lives from the power of this army, our
property and children will be safe.' Then all the inhabitants of the city
attended and agreed to pay the taxes. They ascertained the amount
from Muhammad QasiIri27 and to the Br.ahmans, whom he had ap-
pOinted revenue managers over them, he said, 'Deal honestly between
the people and the Sultan, and if distribution is required, make it with
eqUity, and fix the revenue according to the ability to pay. Be in con-
cord among yourselves, and oppose not each other so that the country
may not be distressed: Muhammad Qasim admonished every man
separately and said, 'Be happy in evelY respect and have no anxiety,
for vou will not be blamed for anything. I do not take any agreemeilt
or bond from you. Whatever sum is fixed and we have settled you
must pay.28 Moreover, care and leniency shall be shown you and
whatever may be your requests, they should be represente'd to me
so that they may be heard, a proper reply be given and the wishes
of each man be satisfied:"
Muhammad Qasim had, hitherto, freely confirmed the Hindu and
Buddhist priests in the enjoyment of their as the religious
teachers of the people. A deputation of Brahmanabad Brahmans
The Arab Conquest of Sind
Politics alld Society during the Early Medieoal Pel'iod
Rai Chach, the Lohanas, viz., Loklla .and San'ima, were not allowed
to wear soft clothes or cover their hands with velvet; but they used
to wear a black blanket beneath and throw a sheet of coarse cloth
over their shoulders. They kept their heads and feet naked. Whenever
they put on soft clothes, they were fined. They used to take their
dogs with them when they went out of doors, so that they might by
this means be recognised. Wherever guides were required by the kings,
they had to pedorm the duty; it was their business to supply escorts
and conduct parties from one tribe to another. If any of their chiefs
or ranas rode upon a horse, he had no saddle or bridle, but threw a
blanket on its back and then mounted. If an injury befell a person on
a road, these tribes had to answer for it, and if any person of their
tribe committed a theft, it was the duty of their headman to burn him
and his family and children. The carawans used to travel day and night
under their guidance. There is no distinction between them of great
and small. They have the disposition of savages and have always
rebelled against their sovereign. They plunder on the roads, and
within the territolY of Dewal all join them in their highway robberies.
It is their duty to send fire-wood for the kitchen of kings, and to
serve them as menials and guards.' On hearing this, Muhammad
Qasim said, 'What disgusting people! They are just like the savages
of Persia and the mountains.' Muhammad Qasim maintained the
same rules regarding them. As the Commander of the Faithful, 'Umar
son of AI-Khattab, had ordered respecting the people of Shain, so did
Muhammad Qasim also make a rule that every guest should be enter-
tained for one day and night, but if he feels sick then for three days
and nights.",33
N O1'them Sind
Hajjai congratulated Muhammad Qasim on the wisdom and prud-
ence of his political measures and directed him to march 011 Alar and
Multan. 'So that he may subdue the country of Hind to the boundaly
of China.' The general made eareftil arrangements for the preservation
of peace and order in the territory he had subdued. The small Muslim
force he had brought from Persia would not have sufficed for garri-
soning a third part of southern Sind, but he had from the first been
fiber.al in enlisting the warlike local tribes and it was with a mixed
force, in which the Arabs must have been a minolity, that he advanced
towards Alar. All the tribes and towns on his line of march offered
their submission and he kept halting at various stages to organise
the government of the counhy. At Manhal, in the vicinity of Sawandi,
"all the merchflnts and chiefs Samanis, while the agriculturists
The Arab Conquest of Sind
were Jats." Muhammad Qasim fixed the annual revenue they were
required to pay and appOinted a man from each tribe as the head
of the tribe. 'Emphatic orders' from Hajjaj were also received about
this time: "The altisans and merchants were not to be heavily taxed.
Whosoever took great pains in his work or cultivation was to be
encouraged and supported. From those who espoused the dignity of
, Islam, only a tenth part of their wealth and the produce of the land
was to be required; but those who followed theil' own religion were
to pay from the produce of their manual indushy, or from the land,
the usual sums, according to the established custom of the counh'Y,
and bling it to the govemment collectors." At Silita the chiefs and
peasants appeared barefooted and bareheaded before him. He gr.anted
ithem protection, fixed the taxes they were to pay, took hostages from
.chiefs and asked them to guide his almy to Alar.
Alar (or Aror), the greatest city of Sind, had been left by Dahir in
of his son, Fufi. FuR resolutely refused to believe in the news
father's death and clung to the hope that he had gone to bring
army from Hindustan. The citizens were inclined to share his illu-
Muhammad Qasim asked Ladi,34 a widow of Rai Dahir, to
thein of the buth. Ladi rode up to the fOltifications on the
camel of the late Rai, and after uncoveling her face, told them
Dahir's defeat and death: "she then shrieked out, wept bitterly
sang a funeral song." But the besieged cursed her and said that
had joined the 'Ghandals and cow-eaters'. More reliance, how-
was placed on the repmt of a sorceress, who assured them,' that
the three watches of a day,35 she had flown aU round the
from Qaf to Qaf without finding Dahir anywhere in Hind or
The civil population began to waver, and knowing how faithful
lu.tlaUCUUau Qasim was in the observance of his promises, decided
Fufi Hed away on discovering that he had lost all support,
the citizens opened the gates on the usual tertns-death for
who refused to submit, protection for the civil population and
of the old taxes. "Your temples", Muhammad Qasim
"shall be unto us as the churches of the Christians, the
of the Magians and the synagogues of the Jews."
Mulhalffirrlad Qasim placed Alar in charge of a governor and a qazi
then advanced to Habibah, a fOlt to which Kaksa, son of ChandaI',
Hed after the battle of Rawar. Muhammad Qasim, who wanted
evcu.o'v",,, of standing, well acquainted with the condition of NOlth-
as Sisakar was with south, received Kaksa's messenger very
, , declared that "the princes of Dahir's family were all wise,
trustworthy and honest", and promised to make Kaksa his
in all aH'a.irs with the office of wizarat. The offer was natu
20 Politics and Society during the Eady Medieval Period
rally accepted. "The miY{ister Kaksa was a leamed man and a philo-
sopher of Hind. When he came to transact business, Muhammad
Qasim used to make him sit before the throne and then consulted
hiIll, and Kaksa took precedence in the army before all the nobles and
commanders. He collected the revenue of the countly and the treasure
was placed under his seal. He assisted Muhammad Qasim in all his
undertakings, and was called by the title of 'Mubamk Mushir' (pros-
perous counsellor)." Kaksa proceeded to justify the confidence of his
master by helping him to conquer the forts still held by the princes
of Dahir's family. The advance guard of the invading army, led by
him, defeated the garrison of Askalanda and pressed the siege so
vigorously that the chiefs fled to Sikka while 'all the people, the
artisans and merchants' sued for peace.
The old fort of Sikka stood opposite to Multan On the southern
bank of the Ravi, which then Hawed between the two forts.36 It was
held by Bajhra,fl7 who fiercely defended it for seventeen days, during
which the beSiegers lost heavily, and then withdrew to Multan, which
was commanded by Gursiya, son of Chandar. Muhammad Qasim
demolished the fOlt of Sikka and then crossed the Raw. The garrison
of Multan came out to fight and the battle raged from moming to
sunset. But neither side gained a decisive victory and the garrison
withdrew behind their walls. After the city had been besieged for
two months, a Multani, who had asked for quarter, showed the
invaders a spot where the wall could he mined, and after two or three
days of stiff fighting, they broke into the city. "Six thouS<'lnd war.riors
were put to death, and all their relations and dependants were taken
as slaves, but protection was given to the merchants, artisans and
agriculturists." Muhammad Qasim, for the first time, relaxed the
rigour with which he had, since the fall of Dewa1, sent a fifth part
of the spoils to the caliph,88 and allowed his army to have the whole
of it. "Then all the great and principal inhabitants of the city asseni-
bled together, and silver to the weight of sixty thousand dirhams was
distributed and every horseman got a share of four hundred dil'hams
weight,89 Muhammad Qasim had nothing left to send to the caliph but
a Brahman solved his difficulty by leading him to a hidden treasure
huried by an old king beneath an idol of gold with eyes of ruby.
Two hundred and thirty mans of gold were obtained and forty jars
filled with gold dust. They were weighed and the sum of thirteen
thousand two hundred mans40 weight of gold was taken out. This
is the only instance in which Muhammad Qasim found his way to
one of thOse accumulated hoards of gold and precious stones which
we meet so often in SultariMahmud's invasions. On the same day
a letter from Haiiai shOwed that-apart from the Mu1tarr treasure-.
Arab 0; Sind
Sind expedition, as a business venture, had yielded 100 per cent
to the caliph's exchequer: "I had agreed and pledged myself .
the time you marc?ed with a11llr to repay the whole expense,
by l?ublic treasury 111 fitting out the expedition, to the
Walid bIll Abdul Malik and it is incumbent On me to do so.
the accounts of the money due have been exani,ined and checked
is found that sixty thousand dfrha1n8 in pure silver have been
'''X[)ellUt'U for Muhammad Qasim, and up tQ this date there has been
in cash, goods and stuffs altogether one hundred and twenty
';th,m",,,nN dirhams weight."
Qasim treasure to Dewal, to he despatched
and, after appollltlllg officers over the territory of Multan,
roc,eecled fmther north. He probably reached the foot of the Kashmir
the Jhelani, enters the plain and where Rai Chach had
a poplar a fir tree to mark the boundary between his
and Kashmlr. Muhammad Qasim renewed the mark of the
, but he had decided to advance eastwards, and sent a
througl: Abu Hakim Shaibani, accompanied by ten thousand
to Rat Har (son of Rai Jahtal) of Kannauj inviting
. and Kal1l1auj was then the largest and
kmgdom m IndIa, but Muhammad Qasim felt quite con-
success. In the course of three years he had advanced from
to the Could not another three years take him to
border of Chma? He had carefully studied the religion and the
the an? understoo;J to.penection the policy that
hIS and mcreased hIS fnends. His army, far from
of Its work, longed for more victories. Moreover, it was
who had helped him to his greatest victories of peace
war, and so long as he to his policy of toleration, there
reason to expect theIr support as soon as his superior
. had made the military issue clear. He was just twenty-
111 the bloom of health and youth, and in a mood to embark on
almost superhuman enterprise.
Ral Har Chandar gave Qasiiri's messenger the reply
was to be expected: ThIS country for about sixteen hundred
has been under our rule and govemance. During Our sovereignty
enemy has ever dared to encroach on our kingdom ... What fear
I of y.ou that you should revolve such propositions and absurdity
m111d? Go back to your master and tell him that we must
Muhammad Qasim consulted his officers. They advised him
declare war on Rai Har ChandaI', and he had commenced his pre-
for the proposed campaign when a dromedary rider arrived
llflrm:m from thA nAw..,,,linh. hfTl AhCl111 M"Hlr li1'rl",._
22 Politics and Society dU1'ing the Early Medieval Period
ing him to be deposed, arrested and sent to Salih bin Abdur-Rahman,
the new gove11l0r of Iraq. Muharrimad Qasim's plans of conquest in
[ndia entirely depended for their success on the support of the home
gove11lment. The death of Hajjaj bin Yusuf in the summer of A.D. 714,
had made him pause, but the great Walid still lived and so long as
he was on the throne, Muhanimad Qasim felt quite safe. But al-Walid
died unexpectedly in January 715, and the gove11lment of Damascus
underwent a complete change. The Caliph al-Walrd, who well knew
the character of his brother and heir-apparent, Sulaiman, had sought
to disinherit him in favour 6f his own son, and his design had been
supported by Hajjaj, the power behind the throne. But al-Walld died
before he could complete his plan and Sulaiman ascended the throne
with the determination to satisfy his grudge against the palty of
Hajjaj. While all the snialler fry, whom the dead lion had humbled
and punished, collected together for an orgy of revenge.
It is impossible to guess the feelings of Muhammad Qasim when
he saw the promised cup dashed from his lips. All authorities agree
in stating that he submitted to the order of arrest with a soldids
sense of duty. But was there an alternative? Fly, but whither? Would
any Indi.an ruler care to offer him an asylum? Rebel and defy? The
first ten soldiers whom he met would hand him over to the caliph's
messenger, so well had he taught them the duty of obeying higher
orders. Officers, who had sought to rivet the chains of the caliphate
on the civilised world, had no chance of escape when it strangled their
own necks. He knew the venomous hatred of the new rulers at
Damascus for the party of Hajjaj and could have had no doubt about
his own ultimate fate. But without a protest or a groan-for his mind
was too strong for unseemly tears-he passed silently through the
prolonged tortures that awaited him the region of ete11lal rest.
"The people of Hind", says the laconic histOlian,41 "wept for Muham-
mad Qasim and preserved his likeness at Kiraj. He was imprisoned
by Salih al Wasit. Salih put him to torture, together with other per-
sons of the family of Abu Aqil, until they expired;42 for Hajjaj had put
to death Adam, Salih's brother, who professed the creed of the Khari'is.
Hamzah, the son of Baiz Hanafi, says:
'Ve1'ily, coumge and generosity and liberality
Belonged to Muhammad son of Qasim son of Muhammad,
He led amiies at the age of seventeen years,
He seemed destined for command tram the day of his birth.'
The young hero whose career was thus cut shalt is one of the
most attractive figures in the history of. the Muslim world. His
appointment by his own cousin as the head of the invading army
Mal:, Conquest 0; Sind 23
like one more instance of Umayyad nepotism and we are in-
to suspect that he was a mere figure-head, placed atop owing
his kinship with Haijaj, while abler men, behind the scenes, acted
his name. But a careful examination of the records completely dis-
the suspicion.
Hajj-aj no doubt kept the supreme control in his
hand and all important civil and military measures required his
But 'the great distance was an obstacle', and though the
was profuse in his enunciation of general principles, his deci-
had to be based on the facts snpplied to him by Muhammad
and we do not come across any instance in which an important
of the latter was overruled or ignored. The success
the enterprise, .after all, depended on the ability of the rrian on
spot. Muhammad Qasim placed implicit reliance in the talented
whom he appointed without hesitation to the highest offices
they never betrayed his trust; for confidence begets confidence
as suspicion begets suspicion. Early historians, unfortunately,
to have left us no account of his personality. It rriust have been
odd sight to see the. young general-his chin barely covered with
soft down and his calm authoritative voice strangely contrasting
the look of bOyishness that still lingered on his face-riding at
head of his scarred and bushy-bearded veterans, or interviewing
chiefs with the help of interpreters, and by turns surprised,
and horrified by the institutions he was trying to study. But
one could afford to trifle with Muhammad Qasim on account of
and we feel tempted to speculate what the future course
history would have been if the criminal fatuity of Sulaiman
not cut short one of the most promising careers in history. By
time he was forty he might have conquered China. "But the bud
his genius had not withered before it could blossom." On the
hand, it must be remembered that precocious genius is often
dOOrried to an early decay, and the Saracenic armies might have been
repelled from the Doab as they were from southern France. The
promise of his youth was too great to be fulfilled.
Alone among the many Muslim invaders of India Muhammad Qasim
a character of whom a conscientious Musalrrian need not be asham-
Though only the lieutenant of the governor of Persia, his work
compadson with the later exploits of Mahmud and Shiha-
Of the three, Muhal1imad Qasim alone had a conscience and
to his patrician birth-the instincts and feelings of a gentle-
He never sought a shortcut to success through fraud and guile
Shihabuddin Ghuri, and his whole career was free from the cons-
vandalism to which the pillage of peaceful non-Muslim
pOPu.latiion seems a service to Islam. Muhammad Qasirri's painful
24 Politics ani Sociei y during the Early Medieval Petiod
advance up the Indus appears hollow to contrast with the brilliant
adventures of Sultan Mahmud in northem India, but the Arab gene-
ral, unlike the Ghaznavid, had to arrange for the administration of
the conquered territory before he could proceed further. Shihabuddin
has been credited by some historians with an administrative capacity
of which we find little evidence in his career. Muhammad Qasim's
political insight, on the other hand, was remarkable. He seems to
have felt keenly that Islam as a religion would be judged by the
behaviour of the Arabs and he did all he could to obtain the goodwill
of the Indians for his govemment as well as his faith. He admitted
them to the highest offices, allowed himself to be guided by their
advice and never interfered with their religious freedom. Ahd they
trusted him as they never again trusted a Musalman for eight hundred
years. The civil population of one city after another opened its gates;
because Muhammad Qasim offered reasonable terms and they knew
that he never broke his promise. We shall search in vain for an in-
stance of similar confidence in the Ghurian or the Ghaznavid Turks.
If statesmen are judged not by the magnitude of their winnings, but
the method of their play, Akbar alone among the Muslim rulers of
medieval India deserves to be placed on the same pedestal as Muham-
mad son of Qasim. There was, to be sure, a great difference between
the two. Akbar believed that all religions were tme prOvided they
satisfied the moralJ aspirations oE their followers. To Muhammad
Qasim, Islam was the only h'ue faith. But he looked at the problem
as a Romanised Arab. A people accepting the suzerainty of the caliph
and paying the jizya obtained thereby an incontestable right to reli-
gious freedom and equality before the law. The jizya, conceived as
a tax on a non-Muslim fot remaining a non-Muslim, can be regarded
as fair and just only by those who stand to gain by its imposition. But
it must be confessed, that as interpreted by Muhammad Qasim, it
lost much of its invidiousness. It was in public law, equivalent to
conversion, for nothing more could be reasonably demanded, and
secured for the non-Muslim subjects of the caliph the political rights
and privileges of the Muslims. If it was wise of Fate to ordain that
rulers profeSSing the Muslim faith should conquer and govem India'
for six hundred years-a question on which opinion will be naturally
divided-one cannot help wishing that the new faith had been estab-
lished in northem India by armies of the second caliph or, failing
that, by Muhammad Qasim. The Umayyads had lost much that was
noblest and finest in Islam, but something still remained. Being less
priest-ridden, they were less fanatical; and the generous instincts of
the Arab aristocracy, their love of fair play and their conception
of duty as something different froni self-interest would have thorough-
Mab Conquest of Sind 25
. acclimatised the foreign faith and later centUlies would have had
different, and a better, tale to tell.
Modem writers sometimes speak as if the Arab attempt to advance
India through Sind was a strategic blunder. An invasion of the
through the nOlth-westem passes was not possible till IsLam
been established in Mghanistan, but the Arabs had command
sea and their boats brought men and material of war up the
to Alor and Multan. Muhammad Qasim had shown that war,
a financial investment, yielded a handsome return; and depending,
he did on Indian hands for the success of his enterprise, he im-
no' burdens on the resources of the caliphate. But his death
. the progress of Arab arms to an end and the govemors who
succeeded him were unable to maintain his acquisitions north of
Multan. The provincial history of Sind does not concem us here. F?r
over a century govemors appointed by Umayyad
caliphs ruled over the province; and then, like other outlymg portIOns
.of the caliphate, Sind also ceased to the mandates of
and we hear little of it in the Arab chromcles. By a process of whICh
. is known, the Carmathians, driven from the rest of the Muslim
.world, succeeded in establishing themselves in the province, while
the Hindus also regained part of the lost ground. Sultan Mahmud
found Multan in the hands of a Carmathian govemor subordinate to
the Raja of Lahore, and Uchh was govemed by a Hindu Raja when
Shihabuddin attacked it in the last quarter of the twelfth century. It
is difficult to say how the mass of the people were won over to Islam.
Muhammad Qasim never tried to accomplish by the what
the sword can never accomplish, and the number of converSIOns dur-
ing his conquest were negligible. There is no .reason to
that as in Persia, Mawaraun Nahr and Mghamstan, the COI1verSIOn
of the Sindhis to Islam was the slow result of centuries of mi"sionary
labour both before and after the of the ejnpire of
[Appeared in Islamic Culture, Hyderabad-Deccan, January 1929 and the subse-
quent issues-Editor.]
1: Literally, one whose nose has been cut off.
2. Ibn Khaldun; Maulana Shibli, Siratun Nabi, Vol II, pp 118-32. Only a few
s,llltences of the famous speech, probably those in which the Apostle had summarised
his teachings, have survived. .
3. I would not be understood to mean that Islam prescribes any particular form of
. government; that is a question for secular reason acting on the basis of experience.
'Po/itics and Society Juring the Emiy M eJievai Period
No one form of government can suit all people at all time. But Islam does lay down
quite definitely the fundamental principles ;Of social organisation and individual
rights, and declares implicitly and explicitly that public affairs should be directed
by public opinion (Wa-umru hum-shura bainahunv-and they settle their affairs by
consultation and, wa shawir hum fil amr-You [Apostle] should consult them in your
aflairs). A single ruler may at times be a better representative of public opinion than
an assembly, but the contralY is more probable. Monarchy as such is un-Islamic; for
Islam, while prescribing obedience to the head of the state as a cardinal duty, never
speaks of kings; and the early monarchs and their subjects, at any rate, were painfully
conscious that the institution was flot sanctioned by Islam and violated its funda-
mental principles.
4. The contemporaries of Amir Mu' awiya bin Abi Sufyan, the first Umayyad caliph
((j61:79), :vere confronted with the same difficulties as the contemporaries of Augustus.
MedIlla, hke Rome, had expanded from a city-state into an empire; the governmerit
of the empire by the people of Medina or by a caliph elected by and responsible to
them, would have involved great hardship on the provinces, and was bitterly resented.
It was probably in consideration of this fact that the second caliph directed the
election of his successor by a committee appointed by himself, instead of leaving
it t? the public of Medina. animosities aroused by the struggle between Ali and
Mu aWlya become the hentage of the Muslim world. But the political problem
of ,the age seldom understood. The Arab had an instinctive dislike of monarchy,
ana the dislIke was further mcreased when monarchical power came into the hands
eI a family that had jained Islam at the last moment and represented the section of
traclitionally apposed to the Hashimi sectian to which the Apostle belanged
hllllself had never preached the supremacy of Quraish 0.1' of the Arab; and
nHther of the first two caliphs belonged to clans of the first rank. The principle af
the Quran itself is clear: "Those who are most viltuouS amongst you are mo;t
hanoured by the Lord" (Inna akl'amaku"l 'inda'llahi atqakum); and so far as the
was concerned, the best person should have been chosen by public opinion
of the or. the camn:onalty .. the really important constitutianal question
was lost SIght of IU the tenSIOn of CIVIl war. Today, on a calm review of subsequent
events, we can see that the Umayyad gavernment was accepted by a large number
of sane and honest Musalmans for the simple reasan that it was the sole bulwark
between them and anarchy and the af the second caliph by keeping
the Musalmans together. The dIVlSlon of the empIre into self-governing City-states,
under the suzerainty of a caliph elected by their delegates, wauld have probably
been the best salution of the constitutianal problem of the age. But anythinrr like a
'ff'deral sentiment' was entirely absent, and even the Kharijis, in spite of their revo-
lutionary fervour, failed to recagnise that a 'democratic caliphate' was a contradiction
in tenns except On the basis of lacal self-government. But nobody wanted federalism
of any smt; a strong central govel1lment was considered the one thing needful, and
the Umayyad caliphate was the inevitable consequence.
5. Ferishta's description of the Sind expedition is short, confused and inaccurate.
A brief account of it will, however, be found in many Arab chronicles of the early
}ears of Islam and specially in the Futuhul-Buldan 'of Ahmad ibn Yahya ibn Jabir
Al Baladuri, an extract from which is given in Vol I of Elliot and Dawson's History
of India. But by far the most detailed and reliable history of the period is the Tarikh-i-
Hind tVa Sind, generally known as the Chaeh Nama. It is a translation from an Arabic
original, now lost, by Muhammad 'Ali hin Hamid bin Ahu Bubr Kun, who. lived
in the time of Sultan Nasil'l1ddin Qubacha. The internal evidence af the Persian text
conclusively proves that, though the translator has added to it here and there the
original Arabic history was written at the time of the invasion and by a per;on-
Arab Conquest of Sind
the Qazi appointed by Muhammad Qasim at Alor-well informed as to the
question is carefully discussed in Sir Hemy Elliot's introduction to his
"An air af truth pervades the whole, and though it reads more like a
than a histOlY, yet this is occasioned more by the intrinsic interest of the
by any fictions proceeding from the imagination of the authar .. , The
of the original work is manifest, not only fram the internal evidence of the
but from some omissions which are remarkable, such as the name 01
which must have been mentioned had it been in existence at theUme.
was built in the beginning of the reign of the Khalif Al Mansur, who
in 753 A.D. It ;s evident th"t the work must have been written before that
Again it is manifest that the mass of the people were Buddhists, which nc,
especially a foreign one, would have described them as being, had he lived
the extinction of that religion in India. We read of samanis, monks and a royal
elephant, which are no longer heard of at the later invasion of Malunud of
Again, some portions of the history are derived from oral testimony, recdved
third or fOUlth hand, from those who were participators in the events
just in the same way as Tabari, who wrote in the third centuly af the
probably later than OUI' author traces all his traditions to eye or ear-witnesses."
I, pp 136-37) I might add that the ideas of the author of the Chach Nama are
ideas of the seventh and not the thirteen century; a book lil<e it could not
been possibly written by a contemporary of Shihabuddin Ghuri or Qubacha.
therefore, confidently trust the Chach Nama as the safest of guides for the
and, thaugh not to the same extent, for the earlier history of Sind. Elliot
a long extract. The Persian text has not yet been printed.
6. Elliot, Vol I, p 505.
7. Sir Hemy Elliot gives the following dates On the basis of the Chach Nama.
The accession of Chach to the throne of Sind 10 A.H.
His'lxpedition to Kinnan, in the fourth year. 14 A.H.
Mughaires attack, in the fifth year. 15 A.H.
Chach's death after a reign of forty entire years ... 51 A.H.
Chandar's death, in the eighth year of his reign .. ,. 59 A.H.
Dahir's death, after a reign. of thirty-three entire years ... 93 A.H.
The following table gives the principal members of the Hause of Chach.
Dahir=Bai, Dharsaya
Bai Raj
. 9. Bai simply means 'lady'; her real name is not known.
10. Chae" Nama.
Kaksa Gursiya
11. The identification of the places mentioned by the Chach Nama and other
seems a difficult, if not insuperable, task. An attempt to identify the more
FoiitiC8 and Society during the Early Medievai Period
important places was made by Sir Hemy Elliot (Appelldix I, Vol I), but his learned
conjectures are hardly convincing. Reference may be also made to two later works,
Mr Abbot's Silld dnd the Indus Delta Country by Sir Wolseley Haig. Mr Abbot's
small book is written in an exquisite style very pleasant to read, but it seems to
me a work of literature rather than history. Sir Wolseley approaches the problem
with the extraordinalY grasp of facts, which one always finds in his works; and so
far as the Indus Delta is concemed, he tells us all that we can at present expect to
know. The historical geography of the rest of the province is still involved in obscurity.
Rivers have altered their cow'ses; many old cities have changed theh" names or
disappeared, while new towns have arisen to perplex and mislead the too confident
theorist. I have contended myself with indicating the main line of Muhammad Qashn's
campaign; the detailed references of the Chach Nama can only be explained by a
writer acquainted with the geography of Sind and gifted with a genius for com
prehending the moods and movements of its erratic river.
Sir Henry Elliot identifies Armabel with the modern Bela of Mekran. Sir
IIaig agrees with Ferishta in identifying Dewal (or Debal) with the town of Thatta,
which still exists. Sir Henry Elliot's attempt to show the Dewal is the same as Karachi
creates more difficulties than it solves. Nirun is generally believed to be the old na,me
of Hyclerabacl, while the town of Sehwan is called Siwistan in all the Persian histories
of the early middle ages.
12. Muhammad bin Qasim manied HajJaj's daughter after the commencement
of the invasion, probably at Brahamanabad. Persian writers often substitute
an izafat for the Arabic word bin (son of); thus Mahmud-bin-Qasim and Mahmud
bm-Subuktagin becanie Muhammad-i-Qasim and Mahmud-i-Subuktagin. In popular
parlance the izafat seems to have been dropped, and this is (I believe) how the
present system of names among the Musalmans of India has been derived from the
clumsy Arab method in which, thanks to the extraordinary shortage of names, confu_
sion could often be prevented only by giving a man's ancestors to the sixth
generation. I have followed the later custom and called him Muhammad Qasim.
Faras, Pers or Fars is the southwestern part of Persia containing the well-known
towns of Isfahan and Ray.
13. "A single catapult or mllnianiq required no less than five hundred men to worl<
it. These heavy. machin.es had been used by the Prophet in the siege of Taif, and
had done effecttve serVlCe only a few years before at Damascus 'Ind Mecca, as well
as in the reconquest of northern Africa; but they were so ponderous that they
could be rarely used, except where the means of transport by water existed, or
but a short distance by land had to be traversed" (Elliot, p 435). It is strange that
machines depending on water for their transport should have done effective service
Damascus and Mecca. Munianiq8, like modern guns, were of different sizes and
'.n an age when gun. powder was they were often used in sieges. Munianiqs
II adas and '."ughrabts are referred to m almost all medieval sieges, and were pro-
badly machmes of the same general type but differing in details. The exact
is .not known, but roughly speaking a munjaniq was like a cricket-bat
n,ovmg on a Plvot. The most powerful men of the army were selected to pull back
one beam (or palla), so that the other boom moved forward and hit the ball. The
sang-i-maghrabi or munianiq-ball was an artificially rounded piece of stone about
the size of a football. I succeeded in discovering several such stones in the older
p.art of the fortifications of Chitor; as the munjaniqs had fallen into disuse by the
bme of Akbar, these balls. must have been left there in ihe earlier operations of
Alau.ddin Khalji; many forts, moreover, kept large stocks of 7/lunjnniq-!Jal/s in
to the problem of transport, I am inclined to think that the larger
rnun/a1llqs, In any case, were constructed on the spot. The name maghril.bi (westerner)
Noh Conquest of Sind 29
significant. It does not appear from the Ch.ach Nama that the forts of Sind were
with munianiqs; but all types of the machine were tc be found in plenty
forts of Rajputana in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The Hindus
learnt their use from the Musalmans just as the Musalmans had
learnt it from the Romans. In Indian sieges, at any rate, they were more
effective; a munianiq-ball might kill a man here and there but was
againt the fOltifications of a fort like Chitor and 'merely rebounded'-
borrow a simile from Khusrau-Iike a nut thrown by a school boy at a wall'.
14. Referring probably to the fact that Bajhra was in the fort of Siwistan, while
subjects had to seek shelter behind the weaker defences of the city.
15. "It would appear that the old tract of Budh, or Budhiya, very closely cor-
to the modem province of Kach Gandawa, on all four sides except the
where it seems to have acquired a greater extension of which it is impos-
sible to define the precise limits. It is worthy of remark that, in the very centre
Kach Gandawa, there is still a place called Budha on the Nari river, and it is
. possible that the Nari is also preserved in the Kakar tract of Bori, or Bura, forming
part of the. Afghan' province of Siwistan. In the Ain-i-Akpari the town of Budhyan
is mentioned as being on the northern frontier of sirkar Thatta, one hundred kos
from Bandar Lahori.' (Elliot).
16. In spite of the difficulty of tracing in detail the route followed by Muhammad
Qasim, his general movement seems clear. He first marched up the Indus, and his
boats were helpful in keeping him in touch with his base at Dewal. From Nirun
proceeded to Siwistan and then westward to Sisam, his object being to subjugate
the western bank of the Indus, i.e., the tribes between the Indus and Mekran who
Kaka for their. chief. This being accomplished, he once more returned to Nirun
and prepared for an invasion of the eastern bank, which was still in the hands of
Dahir. The fort of Hawnr could not have been far from the Indus. Sir Henry Elliot
confuses it with Alar, which was the old capital of Sind, the
'Clm,;tnlction of the fort of. Rawar, as we are definitely told by the author of the
Chach Na11U! was begun by Rai Chach and completed by From he
'Illoved on to Brahmanahad, which is found in most maps. This completed the
subjugation of southern Sind.
, 17. Meaning, probably, the wives of his soldiers or subjects. It does not seem likely
any of the Rai's wives would not have been taken to the fort for safety.
He is also said to brought with him the Arab women who had been
by the pirates of Dewal.
19. Meaning, apparently, the wealthier tax-payers.
20. The 'prefects' here mentioned seem to have had the same duties as the katwals
later days, i.e. maintenance of order, control of the markets, etc. They must have
Hindus or Buddhists. There was no reason why Muhammad Qasim should gel
of his way to bestow "ornaments for hands and feet according to the custom of
kings of Hind" on his own Arabs. By "the great public assemblies" is probably
. the public durbars held by the Arab general, the bar-i-'am of later medieval
Three impositions are here mentioned-slavery, tribute and poll-tax or iizya;
is claimed that Muhammad QasiIri adhered to "the Law of the Prophet".
Now 'the Law of the Prophet' only permits slavery in One case--soldiers cap-
. on the. field of battle should not be killed but reduced to slavery. So far as
was concerned, the only persons who came under the law were the
'who had been pardoned after the seizure of the town.
(b) There remained the tribute and the poll-tax (jizya). Three 'grades of the latter
we given 48, 24 and 12 dir/wm, weight of silver per year. It is difficult to find out
30 Politics alld Society during the Early Medieval Period
the real value of a dirham weight of silver at that time. The dirham or drachm.a was
a Roman coin adopted by the Arabs. The lower and poorer classes must have been
exempted for the simple reason that they had nothing, and nothing could be taken
from them. It was only 'the merchants, agriculturists and artisans" who counted.
A poll-tax of the type naturally pressed hardest on the poorer tax-payers, a rich
merchant could pay 48 silver dirham. without feeling it, while a well-to-do artisan,
whose income did not amount to a hundredth part of the merchant's profits, may
have had to sell all his belongings to provide the 12 dirhams demanded by the tax-
The point requires some elucidation.
Muslim advocates of jizya base their arguments on a text of the Quran 'till they
(the infidels) pay the jizya with their hands and they are subdued". The words, 'with
their hands', have been interpreted by later legists to mean a poll-tax, a tax on a
p('rson and not on his property. The Apostle and the second caliph had asked non-
communities, who came within the territories governed by them, to pay to
the central power a tribute or tax roughly calculated on the basis of the population
of those communities. This was not an tmfair method of calculation in a country not
lharacterised by flagrant inequalities of wealth; the collection of the tax, moreover,
\Va.- left to the communities themselves; and so long as they provided the fixed amount,
they could distribute the tax between their members as they pleased. These com-
munities were divided into three grades, according to their wealth, and were required
to pay an amount which, if divided among their well-to-do members, would have
come on a very rough calculation to Rs 3 per head for the poorest and Rs 6 per head
for the middle and Rs 12 for the richest community. Now in later ages a tax, not
unfair when originally imposed, was exacted by methods radically different by poli.
hcians who argued from the etymological meanings of words and their syllogistic
conclusions in utter disregard of the economic conditions of the country. The jizya,
as levied by Aurangzeb, is not, in my opinion, sanctioned by the principles of Islam.
But admitting, for the sake of argument, that Islam sanctioned a poll-tax for the
economic degradation of non-Muslims, such a tax should have been wisely planned
to secure its object, it should have taxed the richest Hindus to the hilt and' brought
their wealth to the public treasury. This, however, is just what it failed to do. The
JllOportion of 3, 6 and 12 may indicate the comparative wealth of communities but
Cel tainly not of individuals, and a tax distributed on this basis practically left the
richest classes and the greatest amount of wealth untouched, while it pressed heavily
On the least able to pay and most likely to rasent. A retrogressive tax is an
Economic absurdity and naturally led to unpopularity without profit. But nothing
else can happen when administrative and political problems are decided On the basis
of manqulat, i.e. logical deductions from authorities wrongly understood, and in utter
disregard of time and circumstances.
If Muhammed Qasim wanted to be just and fair, he should have either imposed
the jizya in conformity with the tradition of the Prophet and a,ked for nothing more
or continued the old taxes of Dahir without adding the Jizya to them. The imposition
of the jizya along with and in addition to the previOUS taxes seems to be a clear
departure from the example of the Prophet. But Muhammad Qasim was free from
the fatuity of laterday fanatics, who have adhered to the monetary standards adopted
by the Prophet in Arabia without any to the constantly changing value of silver,
and have tried to enforce them in all countries without paying any attention to the
wealth or the poverty of the people. The retrogressive effect of Muhammed Qasint's
was modified by the important principles "that the distribution was to be made
with equity and the revenue fixed according to the ability to pay." How did this work
in practice? We are told that "all the people, the merchants, artisans and agriculturists
were counted" and amounted to ten thousand in number, We have seen before that
Arab Conquest of Sind 31
was defended by 40,000 soldiers and at least 6,000 were put to death
the town was captured; the figure 10,000, therefore, does not include the total,
only the taxable citizens, who in the eye of the revenue officer are all the people
count. There could not, moreover, have been many farms or cultivated fields within
walls of Brahmanabad and the inclusion of agricultulist in the jizya_1"01l coupled
the statement that Muhammad Qasim appointed collectors of the tax from among
villagers' . proves that the list gave the name of the jizya-payers in the whole
under the jurisdiction of Brahmanabad, and not merely from the town. The
was divided into three classes and gave the total revenue to be collected
tt)rritory under that head. Now the jizya was not collected by a separate .set
the Brahman revenUe collectors of Dahir were reapPOinted and asked to
the old taxes and the jizya. The duty of assessing the individual tax_payer
to the Brahmans; so long as they collected the required amount and the tax-
not seriously complain, Muhammad Qasim saw no reason to interfere; his
to tax people 'according to ability to pay' meant that the Brahmans were
make up for the retrogres,ive effect of the iizya when apportioning the other taxes.
That Muhammad Qasim's jizya was a substantial tax and told heavily on the people,
can hardly doubt. It was, nevertheless, accepted by the conquered population with
of relief. They had expected the de,truction of their temples and the ruin of
civilisation and were surprised to find that the Arab conquest meant only one
Nor was the religious aspect of the tax so objectionable in the eighth century
we might be inclined to think; if it was a tax on non-Muslims for remaining
no:'Hviuslilns, it was also (as'interpreted by the second caliph and Muhammad Qasim)
for conferring on the non-Muslims the legal and political status of the
as to the tribute, the 1181,, or one-tenth of the produce is the tax which
to the general hclief of the Musalmans has the sanction of the Apostle. It is
while the Apostle and his ,ucceSSOrs could have income of the Musal-
by their own officer, a different ,ystem has to be devised for the non-
who collected their own taxe,. It is much easier to estimate the
p of a community than its wealth or income and so the jizua was calculated
the basis of population.
We are often told that Muhammad Qasim kept to the old system and demanded
n') 'more than the people had been accustomed to pay. But that may have been
heavy enough. I shall refer later On to a letter of Hajjaj in which he directs that
a tenth part of the produce of their land or wealth was to be exacted from those
became Musalmans', while those who adhered to their old faith were to pay 'the
sums according to the estahlished custom of the country'. The previous tax must,
have been more than a tenth of the produce of land or capital. A Musalman,
escaped by paying a tenth while a Hindu or Buddhist had to pay the jizya on
top of the custom my taxe,. Muhammad Qasim, however, tried to compensate for
undeniable injustice hy his fail11ess in apportioning the taxes, by entrusting- the
to the Brahmans, and by his measures of religious tolerance. The people
judged his government, not by any particular regulation, but the general
and purport of its policy.
obvious mistake.
23. Plundered by whom? The conqueror, we have been told had ordered the property'
the merchants, agricultud<ts and altisans to be spared. But Brahmanabad had stood
for six months in which' all classes must have suffered heavily. The subsidy was
meant to help the resumption of peaceful occupations, but it is difficult to
why the amount given was equal to one year's jizya for the lowest grade.
32 Politics alld Society during the Early Medieval PeI'iod
24. Brahman here seems to mean the priestly or the highest .class of Hindus as
well as Buddhists.
25. There are, as we all know, Brahmans and Brahmans, to wit, two sorts of
Brahmans: those who are Brahmans by birth but devote themselves to civil occupations,
and those who are Brahmans by occupation as well as birth and spend their time in
prayer, mendicancy, etc. It was Brahmans of the first class only who had to be consi-
dered for appointments to revenue office. The 'religious Brahmans' were a different
problem and the measures respecting them are given in a succeeding
26. I am thus inclined to interpret the somewhat disconnected narrative. First
Muhammad Qasim, in order to create a feeling of confidence in the govermnent, decided
to appoint revenue collectors from among the people. Some of the persons selected
were 'new men', whereupon the 'civil Brahmans'-if we may so call them to distingnish
them from their 'religious' brethren, represented that they had a prior claim, and
the principal inhabitants, naturally afraid of adventures in the revenue department, gave
to support their claims. Muhammad Qasim accepted the suggestiori, and
(al appointed the claimants to their previous posts, (b) so that the whole system from
top to bottom came into the hands of the Brahmans; (c) their posts, moreover, .were
granted to them and their descendants in perpehlity as custom demanded, (d) while
'llew men' could also be accommodated owing to the many vacancies that had occurred,
(e) lastly, like a true Arab, who misses no chance of displaying his eloquence, he
expressed 'his entire confidence in their honesty and virhle' and hinted that it was lIOW
for. them to perform their part of the business by pacifying the people and preventing
rebellions against his government.
27. Hajjaj in his letters congratulates Muhammad Qasim on the accuracy and e1ear-
n!'ss of his reports. The young general, who seldom missed an oppOltunity of delivering
the Friday semion to his soldiers, was also an eloquent orator, as ready to speak as
to fight.
28. i.e. though complaints against the apportionment of taxes would be heard, the
final decision lay with the government.
29. i.e. 'the religious Brahmans', who lived on alms, the offerings at the temple and
private charity. They must have been hard hit by the wat, when their followers were
starving and could give them little or nothing.
30. This may mean a temple of Gautama Buddha. Sir Henry Elliot thinks that the
Persian word 'but' has been derived from Budh or Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.
31. The follOwing would be a more accurate rendering of the Persian sentence, which
Elliot quotes in a foot-note-'Three dirhams out of every hundred dirham. of the total
revenue received were to he given to them (the' religious Brahmans) as is customaly;
the rest of the collection belonged to the treasury and must be kept safe and accounted
for: Dahir and the predecessor had prohahly allotted 3 per cent of their revenue to
religiOUS Brahmans as charity, and Muhammad Qasim directed the continuation of the
customary payment. The charity was to be given to the same recipients as before.
32. This was 'not a degradation imposed by the conqueror. By Brahmans is here
meant the Buddhist monks, who by the mles of their order are reouired to heg for
livelihood in the manner described. Muhammad Qasim simply allowed the conti-
nuation of an old practice. .
33. Sir Henry Elliot says that Muhanimad Qasim won over the Jats to his side
in his campaign against Dahir, but suppressed them after they had fought in his army
and led him to victory. /
This is incorrect. There is no reaSOn to suppose that the Jats like other races, the
Tmks or Tartars for instance, did not differ in culture and civilisation from place to
place. These regulations applied only to the Jats hackward, and savage section of the
Conquest of Silld
It is difficult to say who the Lohana Jats were, but it is clear that the time-
stem regulations did not apply to the whole race.
She had been captured, according to the Chach Nama, at Brahmanabad, along
two daughters of Dahir by another wife.
. 35. i.e. twelve hours.
36. Traces of the old river-loed, it is said, are still discernihle.
37. Elliot calls him Bajhra Taki, 'grandson of Bajhra', but his manuscript is clearly
at this place, and a little alteration would make it read: 'Bajhra who was
detenrtined to fight: I am inclined to think that he is the same Bajhra, whom
met at Siwistan before.
fifth part of the spoils, ,according to the Quran belong to and His
,ft.. __ l._<" to the state. Muhammad Qasim had strictly adhered to thIS precept. A
was sent to the caliph's exchequer, which had paid the expenses of the
and the remainder was distributed among the soldiers.
39: This would only be possible if there were nO more than 150 horsemen.
40. As will be seen from the following extract from the Chach Nama, the figures
in different sentences do not ouite agree: "Suddenly a Brahman came forward
"I have from the elders of Multan tbat in ancient times there was
this city, whose name was Jihawan. and who was a descendant of the
. He was a BrahTTh,n and a monk; he strictly followed the of hIS
and always spent his time in worshipping. his idols. When. hIS treasure
all limit and computation. he made a reservOIr on the eastern SIde of Multan
was a hundred yards ;ouare. In the middle of it he built a temple fi:ty yards
and he made there a chamher in which he concealed forty copper ,ars each
was filled with African gold-dust. A treasure of three hundred
of gold was buried there. Over it there is a temple in which there 's an 1(:01
of . red gold, and trees are planted round the reservoir ... Muhammad
the ielol to he taken un. Two bundred and thirty mans of gold were oht.amed
jars filled with !!old dust. Thev were weighed an,l the sum of thllieen
and two hundred mans of gold was taken out." Thus we have, firs:, a
or probably a lake; in the centre of it a temnle; within :he. temple an :dol
and buried under the idol. 40 jars of !'old dust. I a:n heheve
the 230 mans of gold here referred to is the Q"old In .the and
13.200 mans, I would prefer to read as 13,200 di"ham-welghts, whIch WIll make
account more consistent.
41. AI-Baladuri, Fatuhul-Buldan. .
Th popular story of Muhammad Oasim's death has heen copied by one Perstan
another and, with negligihle differences, they all give th" same
the followin" as a specimen. from Ferishta, who probably got it. from Mlr
"Raia Dahir's dauQ"hters, who had been sent hy Haiiaj to the. caPltal of the
remained for a long time in al-vValid's harem. It was not t.11 98 A.H.
of them and ordered them to he brought to his presence. He askerl the.r
Thn eldet sister said she was SlIriva Devi and the younger that she was
AI-Walid was captivated hv the elder sister and lost his ",;If-con;rol. But
wonld not accede to his wishes. 'I am not fit for the caliph shed, sh.e nroteste ,
Muhammad Qasim kept us or' an unlawful purpose at hIS house for
d M
be it is a custom amon!! the Musalmans for the ,ervants to stretch
avs. ay , h t' AI W l"i! fle int a
dishonest hands before sendinQ' cantives to t eir rna: er. - 1 W 0_
. and immediatelv wrote a firma" with his oWl! hands Muhammad ?"':m. where
he mav be to be sewn 11n in a cow-hide and sent to the can' tal. The
'placed in a raw cow-hide on the receipt of the firman and ordered .t ,0
34 Politics and Society during tIle Early Medieval Periou
he despatched to the caliph in a coffin. 'This is how I punish the dishonest', AI-Walid
told Suriya Devi when the coffin arrived. 'The Caliph', she replied, 'should not paso
orders on the unconfhmed representation of his enemies or his friends without sub-
jecting them to a critical examination. His action shows him to be wanting in judgment;
it is only through good fOltune that he sits on the throne. Muhammad Qasim was like
a brother to us and we were like sisters to him. He never touched us. But he had
put our father, brothers, kindred and people to death and had reduced uS from royalty
to slavery. We naturally wished to destroy him and have achieved our object by the
invention of our stmy.' Al-Walid felt ashamed of what he had done. But the hero had
been put to death and nothing could bring him to life again."
The interesting but tragic story involves insuperable difficulties. It is certain that
AI-Walid died hefore Muhammad Qasim, who was deposed and arrested by the orde!
of AI-Walid's brother Sulaiir:an. To admit a change of caliph deprives the story of all
,,,nse and meaning. There is no reason to disbelieve the account of the Arab historian,
which is perfectly consistent with all we know of the period-Sulaiman's resentment
against the party of Haijai and its fall after Sulaiman's accession, the hitterness with
which the new caliph's adherents persecuted the relations of Hajjaj and the intolei'ance
of Umayyad politicians towards their fallen foes. The manner in which Muhammad
Qasim was really put to death was probably no less painful, and even more humiliating,
than the story would have uS believe. But the rest is a myth, though an early one. We
first meet it in tbe Persian translation of the Chach Nama but it seems to have been
manufactured soon after Muhanimad Qasim's death, and was added by the translator
to the original Arabic work, The almost morbid defication of chastity, AI-Walid's
resentment against Muhammad Qasim as well as the latter's real self-restraint are
essentially Indian. The people of Sind knew and understood little of the revolution in
Damascus politics wbich preceded Muhammad Qasim's fate; but they had seen the
princesses of their royal family sent to Damascus to be married to the caliph and bis
relations; and 1ater without any ohviollS reason, they saw the all but omnipotent
general whirled away from their midst. In a bypothesis, probably borrowed from one
of their old folk tales, an explanation for all known facts was sought and found.
Uncritical historians did the rest.
43. "Muhammad Qasim was in the hloom of youth, being only seventeen years of
age, when this iniportant command was conferred upon bim. It is probable that, althougb
he is represented to have already administered tbe province of Fars with ability, he
obtained his appointment less from personal merit than from family interest, for he
was cousin and son-in-law of Hajjaj; hut tbe result sbowed tbe wisdom of the selection.
His succeSSes like those of his contemporary, Tariq, in Spain, were as much attrihu-
table to his temper and policy as to his courage and strategy. There was though
by no means little (as Dehal and Multan hear witness) yet much less wanton sacrifice
of life than was freely indulged in hy most of the ruthless bigots who have propagated
the same faith elsewhere. The conquest of Sind took place at the very time in which,
at the opposite extremes of the known world, the Mohammadan arms were suhjugating
Spain, and pressing on the southem frontier of France, wbile tbey were adding
Khwarazm to their already mighty empire. In Sind, as in Spain, where submission
was preferred, quarter was readily given; the people of the country were permitted
the exercise of their own creeds and laws; and natives were sometimes placed in
responsible situations of the govemmen!. Much of the unwonted toleration may, in
hoth instances, have arisen from the small number of the invading force, as well as
from ignorance of civil institutions; hut we must still allow tbe leaders credit for
faking the best means of supplying these deficiencies and seeking assistance froIT;
the quarters most able to afford it" (Sir Henry Elliot). As I bave already explained
the massacre of Dewal priests was a mistake committed by Muhammad Qasim
Arab Conquest of Sind 35
ignorance and never repeated afterwards. Sikka and Multan were captured
aiter a very stiff fight in which both sides lost heavily, but there is no evidence of
any wanton slaughter.
44. Abu! Fazl's epitaph on 'Urfi.
45. Historians have unfortunately failed to study gradual cbanges and confirmed
themselves to revolutions that arrest attention by their rapidity. The problem of
conversion perplexes uS in all countries conquered by the second caliph and the
which are at present (with the exception of southern Spain) entirely
Muslim. That the conquests. were not followed by conversion seems incontestable, and
we find solid masses of unconverted population so late as the fifteenth and th,,
. rixteenth centuries. See Sir Thomas Arnold, Preachings of Is/am, and Professor Edward
Browne, Literary History of Persia. Vol II.
Chapter I
"Almost all ethical doctrines and religiOUS creeds", says John.Stuart
Mill, "are full of meaning and vitality to those who originate them
and to the direct diSciples of the originators. Their meaning continues
to be felt in undiminished strength, and is perhaps brought out into
fuller consciousness, so long as the struggle lasts to give the doctrine
or creed an ascendency over other creeds. At last it either prevails, and
becomes the general opinion, or its progress stops; it keeps possession
of the ground it has gained, but ceases to spread further. From this
time may be usually dated the decli'ne in the living power of the
doctrine. For when it has become a hereditary creed, and comes to be
received paSSively, not actively-when the 'mind is no longer com-
pelled, in the same degree as at first, to exercise its vital powers on
the questions which its beliefs present to it, there is a progressive
tendencv to forget all of the belief except the formulmies, or to give
it a dull and torpid assent, as if accepting it on trust dispensed with
the necessity of realising it in consciousness."
This weakening of spiritual zeal has shown itself in all religions at
various stages, and IS p-ainfully ohvious in the history of Islam from
the decline of the Ahhasid caliphate in the ninth centmy to the
Mongol conquest of Muslim Asia and the growth of mysticism in the
thirteenth. It was a period of great achievements in sdence, literature
art, and the area of human knowledge was enlarged hy scholars
trained in the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. It was a period of
fevelish political activity; empires were estahlished and pulled down,
cities were founded and destroyed. But it was a period of refinement
* Professor Habib preferred in this book "Gbaznin" to "Ghazni" as explained at
the end of the preface to the second edition (see Appendix). However in the Delhi
Sultan at (fifth volume of A Comprehensi-ve History of India) he allowed the use of the
mnrp. nonnlar "Ghami" __ F:nrron.
culture, of an alluring, materialistic civilisation-not of faith. The
zeal of the earlier Muslims had evaporated in the signal
it had achieved, and the creed that had come into the world
the elevation of the lower classes was being used as a bulwark for
protection of vested interests and the continuation of tiine-
ahuses. Of hairsplitting theology there was enough and to
and the sectarian fanaticism which such theology excited dis-
the annals of many generations, dming which 'orthodox' and
ihEirel:ics and tortured each other with an inhumanity they
yed in their dealings with the non-Muslims, who were re-
as the honourable opponents of an honourable war. Islam had
a matter of custom and tradition and a means for procming the
llvl'Ition of the individual soul. It was no longer a world-wide force of
. upheaval. People prayed and fasted and rea? the Quran
devotion, they lived according to what they consldered to be
true interpretation of the law, but the vision of a new heaven and
new earth, such as had inspired the Saracenic invaders of Persia,
totally beyond their ken. They had lost their proselytising fe:vour
were content to keep their creed to them.selves. The boundanes of
Muslim world remained where the Umayyad caliphs had left
and no new countries or peoples were brought within the fold.
also the political, religiOUS and social unity of the
was being gradually undermined by the forces of dis-
Political Divisions: Decline of the Caliphate
The idea that all purely Musli)Jl populations should be under the
of the caliph has never been ahsent from Muslim consci-
the lands of the caliphate were too extensive to
,..""",m<.rl from a: single centre, and in the course of the last two
the political and administrative power of the caliph had
declined. Local princes raised their heads and the orders
ceased to command the implicit obedience that had been
to them in the good old days of Harun-ur Rashid. Spain had
independent, a rival caliphate had been founded by the
of Egypt, and, nearer home, the growth of a number of
dynasties' par.alysec1 the caliph's Iraq, Persia an?
fUlke:,talll. Yet the moral prestige of the cahph 111 the eyes of hls
was immense. He was the successor of the Prophet
serltItnerlt regarded him with deep respect. He was the
authority, kings and trihal chiefs were
to him, and his sanction alone could provide
for their power. The m.addest of political adventUl'ers
Politics alld Society dW'ing the Early Medieval Period
would think many times before he directly defied the caliph's
The 'Minor Dynasties'
O the 'minor dynasties' that jostled each other in Persia and
Turkestan, the most important and powedul was the house of Saman
founded by Amir Ismail Samani in A.D. 911. The Samanids with
their capital at Bukhara, held an insecure sway over Trans-Oxiana
(Mawaraun and Khurasan, their power being almost constantly
defied by rebellIOUS governors and insubordinate officials. Beyond the
the unconverted Turks and Tartars were ruled by their tribal
chIefs, the of whom was the Khan of Kashghar. In
Eastel1l PerSIa the Shlalte dynasty of Buwaih, with its capital at
Ray, was by Ruknu.ddoulah Daylami in 933 and gradually
ItS power m Iraq tIll. Baghdad within its grasp.
calIph was le!t.to slumber m hIS palace, as a venerable phantom',
the rulers assumed the powers and the tHle of
and directed the secular affairs of the capital.
other dynastIes are too many and too unimportant to be men-
tIoned here. They were constantly at war with each other.
(ii) Religious Divisions-Sunnis, Shias and 'Heretics'
As if. o.f rol!tical was not enough to paralyse
the energIes of .acute dIfferences on questions of dogma
appeared WIth an mtenslty of bitterness which Musalmans now
can hardly realise. The division of Musalmans into Sunnis and
had very The Shias cI.aimed that the Prophet's
COusm and son-lll-Iaw, AlI, should have been his immediate successor
while the Sunnis upheld the legality of the actual order of succession .
-Abu Bah, and Ali. tllis political difference
slowly developed llltO dIfference of a more fundamental nature' and
became. the Persian interpretation, as against Sunnism the
A.rab llltell)l"etahon, of the Prophet's teachings.! As yet, however, the
dIfference. between the Sunnis and the main body of Shias was not so
.as It after,:ards. became; . one sect shaded off into another by
gradahons, It was chfficult to say where Sunnism ended
Sillmsm and many persons then living would have found
It. hm'd t.o de.clde to which sect they really belonged. But the most
bItter annnosity prevailed between the 'orthodox' Sunnis and the ex-
;ring of the who believed in only 'seven' out of the
Imams Sillalsm, and were generally known as the 1leretics'
(mHlahldah). TIllS extreme wing, though divided into many groups,
the Ismailis of Arabia and the Cantiatlrians of Multan were
notorious, was unified by a common hatred of tlre Sunnis owing
punishment which the latter inflicted on 'heretics' in general,
trying to distinguish between one kind of heresy and another.
great dogmatiC fault, from the orthodox view-pOint, was their
in the Prophet's Family as a Divine Incarnation. But every
of a vice was attributed to them; and it was their supposed
character rather than their actual religiOUS beliefs that excited
fmntic intolerance of the orthodox. They were accused of permit-
incest and of legalising marriages within prohibited degrees; they
blamed, and with more truth, for resorting to assassination as
a political weapon and of hying to establish a heretieal hierarchy
place of the secular state. A 'heretic' was slain wherever he was
. but simple death, as a rule, was considered too mild a punish
and the 'heretic' who escaped being torn to pieces by infuriated
was put to death by the governments with the most revolting
... ..... -.. that the mind of man could invent. To tlris insensate persecu-
the 'heretics' replied with weapons which are always in the
of a determined minoritv. Thev -formed secret societies which
could not be unearthed by spy-system of the states and
their propagandists (da'is) in various disguiSes penetrated into every
of tlre Muslim world. Growing yet bolder, they established
rival caliphate of Egypt, captured the Holy Places and removed
Black Stone from the sacred temple of Mecca. Finally, they
a number of forts in Persia, the chief of which was Alamut,
murder into a fine art, and Sunni kings, statesmen and
. Ult:UJLUg.ldl1' were kept in pell)etual fear of death by the unseen dagger
tlre assassinating neretic'. It was a mad dance, but none the less
continued till the middle of the thilteenth cenhlry when 'orthodox'
neretic' alike were compelled to lick the dust under the Mongol
<::onqueror's iron hee1.2
(iii) Racial Divisions-Persians, Arabs and Turks
"And this is my last advice unto you", the Prophet said in his last
at Mecca, "You are of one brotherhood." And there is no
principle of their f.aith to which the Musahrtans have been
true; religiOUS unity has always overridden all tribal and racial
Ql!,tDICI:IOlllS. Nevertheless there have been avowed, though futile, at-
at racial supremacy; in Muslim lands, as elsewhere, racial
has been an uncomfortable aspect of human nature. The Umay-
caliphs made a bold attempt to convert the empire into a heritage
the Arab aristocracy; the Persian revolution, which overthrew the
and placed the Abbasids on the throne of the caliphate,
40 Potitics and Socidy during the Eal'iu Medieval PeJ"iod
naturally brought the Arab regime to an end and transferred to the
Persians the superimity fomierly enjoyed by the Arabs. But a rival
race soon appeared to contest the prize with the victorious Persians.
From the marshes of Anatolia in the west to the shores of the Pacific
Ocean in the east, there extended the various tribes of the Sino
Mongolian race-Turks, Tartars, Turkomans, Tibetans, Chinese and
Mongols-distinguished by some very marked common features. They
had allied scripts all written from top to bottom. They were short
of stature; with high cheek-bones and small eyes, but remarkably
well-built and. inured to the hardships of war. With the expansion
of the Muslim frontier to the n01th and west of Persia one Turkish
oibe after another was brought within the Islamic pale, and the
Turks surprised their conqueiors by the remarkable courage of their
men and the no less remarkable beauty of their women. Turkish body'
guards were appOinted to watch over the safety of kings, Turkish
slave-girls inhigued in royal harams, and slowly, but surely, Turkish
adventurers shouldered out the Persians fro):11 all places of military
command. By the middle of the tenth centUlY the revolution was
complete, and the Turks had t.aken up among the Musalmans a
position broadly similar to that of the Kshattriyas among the Hindus.
That ol}ly a Turk should 1111e a Muslim land or lead its armies on
the field of hattIe was considered by the ordinary citizen an immu-
table precept of political morality. Of the dynasties that have ruled
Muslim .Asia from the tenth to the eighteenth century, an over-
whelming majoritv has belonged to the Turkish stock.s Administra-
tive posts were still left to the Persians and they had an exclusive
monopoly of art and literature, for which the Turks never showed
much aptitude. A Persian was not regarded as a sudra or treated
as a member of the subject race; his function in the state was
different, but his social status was as honourable as that of the
Turk. Nevertheless Turkish military predominance had its darker
side; the govemment of even the most toler,ant Turkish rulers seemed
to keep the mailed fist in reserve; and Persian genius, compelled
to Occupy a secondroy pllace in politics, found an outlet flor its
energies in organising religiOUS agitation against the orthodox Turks.
Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni 41
Chaptm' U
In A.D. 962 Abdul Malik, the Samanid king of Bukhara, died and
his brother and uncle both claimed the throne. Alptagin, the governor
of Khmasan, was consulted by the nobles of the capital and advised
in favour of the uncle; but before his messenger reached Bukhara,
the common consent of the nobles had raised Mansur, the brother
of the deceased monro'ch, to the throne. Realising that he had backed
the wrong horse, Alptagin acted with loyalty and discretion. Leaving
Khurasan to its legitimate 111ler, the Samanid king, he marched to
Ghazni with his personal retainers, drove out its 1111er, Abu Bakr
Lawik, and frustrated Mansur's attempts to dislodge him from his
new principality. Alptagin died in A.D. 969 after a prosperous reign
of eight years during which his general Subuktagin kept tinkering
at the Indian frontier. He was su,cceeded by his son, Abu Ishaq, who
died before he had reigned for a year. After him three of Alptagin's
Turkish generals were raised one after another to the throne. The
first, Bilkatagin (969-77), was a pious and brave man, but his suc-
cessor Piray (977) turned out to be 'a great villain' and was deposed
in favour of the famous Subuktagin.
Amir Nasiruddin Subuktagin had been for several years the most
'prominent man in the kingdom when the people, 'quite sated with
'the villainies of Piray', placed him on the tlu'one in 977. He eradicated
the 'foundations of tyranny and 'spread the carpet of justice and
mercy over the land'. What was no less important, he kept the
.,officers in hand and started his city-state on that career of aggres-
"sive conquests which brought to the notice of the eastern world.
after his accession he annexed the territories of Bust and
, and marching towards the Indian frontier, 'captured a few
and built some mosques' (978). It was a small affair but had
till the eighth century had been politically and cul-
a prot of India, and its native population had adopted the
DU!UUJ.llSl frontiers of ISlam had 'been gradually
'across 'the country and now the two forces stood opposite to
42 Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
each other in the province of Lamaghan on the southern side of the
Kabul river. Rai Jaipal of Lahore, overlord of the Punjab was, driven
to by this . slo,,: diminution of his ancestral kingdom;
Subuktagm s repeated mvaSlOns had made his life uncomfortable;
and resolved to drive matters to it final issue, he marched to the
valley of Lamaghan with 'soldiers black as night and iinpetuous as
a torrent'. Subuktagin and his son Mahmud advanced from Ghazni.
The battle raged for several davs, but the victor could not be dis-
tinguished from the vanquished: Then an untimely snow-starin
shattered Jaipal's calculations.
"All at once the sky was covered
with clouds; thunder and lighting appeared; the light of day was
changed into the darkness of night; and the cold became s6 severe
that most horses and beasts of burden died, and the blood of the
Hindus froze wrthin their veins." There was no alternative to a
humiliating surrender, and Jaipal promised a million dirhams and
fifty elephants to the enemy who had ret.ained his activity in the
intense cold.
Seconcl War with Iaipal-Annexaiion of Lamaghan and Peshawar
But in the safety of Lahore Rai Jaipal forgot the promise he had
made, and Subuktagin's envoys, instead of receiving the promised
hibute, found themselves in prison. "I will not release these Inen",
Jaipal declared:, "unless Subuktagin sets free the hostages he has
taken from me. The consequence was another war. Subuktagin
retaliated ?y plundering Lamaghan and Jaipal appealed to his
brother Rms, who responded ,to the call. The rulers of Delhi, Ajmer,
Kmlauj and Kalanjar sent him men and money, and thus strengthened
he once more mm'ched to the Lamaghan valley with a hundred
horse and soldiers beyond all computation. The battle
whIch followed demonstrated the futility of an unmanageable
?rowd. Subuktagin wore out the patience of the Indians by attack-
mg them repeatedly with picked bodies of five hundred horse; and
after a desperate onslaught in which 'swords could not be distinguish-
ed from spears, men from elephants and heroes from cowards', drove
them pell-mell back to the Indus. Lamaghan and Peshawar fell into
the hatnds of the victor. Subuktagin established his tax-collectors
over the conquered territOlY and garrisoned Peshawar with two
thousand men.
AcquiSition of Khul'asan
'S'ome twelve or 'thhteen vcars after these events, a rift in the
Samanicl kingdom opened the door to' a more important acquisition.
Sultan Mahmud of Glwzni 43
AbU: Ali Simjuri, the governor of Khurasan, and Faiq, an unscrupu-
lous politician expelienced in such business, rebelled against the
,Samanicl king, Amir Nuh, a respectable nonentity; and Nuh appeal-
ed to Subuktagin for help. The latter came to the assistance of his
overlord with an alacrity that should have made AmiI' Nuh pause.
, Subuktagin and Mahmud crushed the rebels in a fierce battle before
Herat, and as a reward fer this loyal selvice, Mahmud was appOinted
govemOl' of Khurasan in A.D. 994 and he established himself at
Naishapur. The finest province of Persia thus became for all practical
pUl1?oses a part of the kingdom of Gha7.ni. The glory of the victory
remained with AmiI' Nuh; its fruits with his allies. It was not
Mahmud's prinCiple to give back, what had once come within his
iron grasp.
AmiI' Ismail
Amir Subuktagin died in Balkh in A.D. 997 after a reign of twenty
years, and in accordance with his will his son, Ismail, was placed
on the throne. But Mahinud was not prepared to be ousted by his
younger brother, and Ismail was unwilling to agree to a reasonable
compromise. The consequence was civil war. Mahmucl marched
against Ghazni from Naishapur while Ismail hurried to protect it
'from Balkh. The two brothers met near the capitaL Mahmud's charge
broke Ismail's centre and the 'iron-hearted sword wept tears of
blood over the fate of warlike men'. Ismail was imprisoned in a
fOlt of JUlian and provided with all the requisites of a comfortable
AmiI' Mahmud-Pel'sonality and Chamctel'
The new amiI', who ascended the throne at the age of thirty, was
destined to surprise and stagger his contemporaries with the brili-
ance of his achievements and to establish a shortlived empire extend-
, ing from the Punjab to the Caspian and from Samarkand to Ray.
Ever since the decline of the Abhasid caliphate, men of small ima-
ginations and small means had been striving for a supremacy totally
, beyond their reach. In Mahmud the long expected hero seeined to
have anived. The princes of Persia and Turkistan trembled at his
name; and Subuktagin's mystic dream of a tree rising out of his
fire-place and overshadowing the world was realised. But contem-
pOl'mies were too dazzled with the genius of the man, who never
lost a battle during forty years of ceaseless warfare, to discover the
impermanence of his work. To posterity, on the other hand, Mahmud
becaine a legend and a name. Latter-day fanatics have 'loved to
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
portray him as a hero after their own heruts-the 'Holy Wardor' in
the 'Path of the Lord' in whose footsteps all pious Muslim kings
should aspire to tread; and moralists of a different type have held
him up as an example, not of righteousness but of personal greed,
of the avarice that clings Lo worldly possessions, 'so laboriously won,
so precmiously held, so inevitably lost'. Yet the astute, wine-loving
sultan of Ghazni was neither the one nor the other. Far from being
a missionruy, he was not even a fanatic, though like a clever man
with a clear eye to his own profit, he fought with Hindus and
Musalmans alike for the extension of his empire. But if his faith
never rose to the heights of a sublime passion, neither did his
stinginess amount to a disease. He did not gloat over his horu'ds like
a miser but kept them intact for the financial stability of his govern-
The gift of a commanding personality had been denied to Mah
mud. He was a man of medium height with well-proportioned
limbs, but the small-pox marks on his face deprived him of all ex'
ternal beauty and grace. It is said that on seeing his face in the
mirror once he felt very dejected. "Looking at the face of kings
is believed to strengthen the eye,sight of men", he remarked to his
wazi1', "but a face such as mine will probably injure the onlooker's
eye." "Not one in a thousand sees your face", the quick witted
wazil' replied, "but your moral qualities affect them all. Strive in
the path of viltue and you will be loved by all." Mahmud was
no pahilwan; feats of personal prowess were beyond his strength,
though his frame bore all the hardships entailed by his continuous
campaigns. But he did not subject himself to more discomforts on
his campaigns than was absolutely necessaly, and his travelling camp
sUlptised his subjects by its splendour. He was too good a general
to endanger his personal safety by needless herOism; nevettheless,
when the occasion requnred, he mounted an elephant and plunged
bravely into the thickest of the enemy lines. His unquestioned
supremacy over his fellowmen was due to the qualities of the mind-
the acuteness with which he unravelled a complicated situation and
read the character of those ru'ound him, the restless activity of a
man determined to be great combined with the illstinctive behaviour
of one born to command. A king had to be reserved, but Mahmud
never cast off the veil even before his most intimate companions.
He had no favourites in state .affairs. The play-things of his idle
hours were not allowed to meddle in matters too high for their
understanding. The devotion with which hc was served by his offi
cers did not evoke an equal c()nfidence on his side. Even towards
his all but indispensable wazi1', the great Khwaja Ahmad 'bin 'Hasan
, Sultan, Mahmud of Ghazlli
Maimalldi , his attitude was one of distant respect. The smaller fry
were pawns on the chesshoard whom the master-mind moved
hither and thither at will.
The sultan's pe'sonal faith, as distinct from the policy of his gov-
ernment, is a matter of interesting speculation. Contemporary
gOssip credited him with a disbelief in of Judgment" and
. in. the Tr-adition (Hadis), dear to the Mushm pnests of all ages, that
the scholars (ulama) are the successors of the prophets".7 The ap-
pearance of the Holy Prophet a dream to have put. his
mind at rest; and Mahmud, hke most Muslim never fmled
fo pay a visit to saints of renown, though with exception .of
Shaikh Abul Hasan Kharqani none seems to have mfluenced him
deeply. But his outlook on life was essentially secular, and he .was
1'00' conscioiis of his position as the head of the state to allow pnest-
hood to become supreme. His persecution of the 'heretics', apart
from the pressing demand of the 'orthodox', may have been due to
. lii:s conviction that their 'inimoral' doctrines would shake the founda-
tions on which Muslim society was based; and greed for money and
power, not an enlightened .desire for the spre:d o.f. Islam; the
motive of his Indian campaIgns. A deep and faIth m the
one and the unseen God, Mahmud certainlv had, and it brought him
tne consolation he needed. Apmt from that, it would be safe to
3:ssume that he shared the rationalistic tendencies of his fliend,
Ahmad Husain bin Mikal (Hasnak), who refused to believe in anv
mvstifying nonsense, and the firmness with which he protected
from the caliph's wrath confirms this view. The private
life of the sultan celtainlv shows him to be anything- but the paragon
'of virhte idolised by Muslim fanatics. He was morallv neither better
worse than most of the princes who preceded and followed him.
shared their fondness for war and wine and women as well as
appreciation of poetry and music. He was not above quarrel-
'with his officers for the possession of Turkish slaves. and sc.andal,
mayor may not he tnie, credited him with illel-ritimate
i'hlrlrf,cpn.8 . But the 'plime concern of the historian is not the private
of Mahmud but' the chara<;ter and value of his work.
of the Samanid Kingdom
Amir Nun of Bukhara died in the same year as Subuktagin. His
Mansur, appointed. one Beg:tuzun governor of Khurasan. and
Mahmud : was fighting- with Ismail, Be).?tuztin estahlished him-
at Naishapur. ' Mahhiud's protests were disreQ'arcled:and whe:n
marched on Naishapur, Mansur hastened to defend It. Mahmud
Politics and Society dUling the Em'ly Medieval Period
was niore than a match for the Samanid king but he refrained from
pushing matters to extremes on account of the blame that
attach to him for defying his overlord. But as fate would have It,
Begtuzun, joined by the ever-mischievous Faiq, captured and blind-
ed Mansur and placed his brother, Abul Malik, a boy of tender
years, on the Samanid throne. Mahmud's hands were now fl'ee. He
cleared Khurasan of the enemy and Abdul Malik fled to Bukhara.
But flak Khan of Kashghar, who had been watching the course of.
events from beyond the Jaxartes, marched on Bukhara and put the
Samanid kingdom to an end in A.D. 999. I'lak Khan and Mahmud
congratulated each other and divided the Samanid kingdom between
themselves with the Oxus as the boundary line. This political al-
liance was cemented bv a farriilv alliance and the intercourse of the
two kingdoms resulted in the cO{1Version of a large number of Tartars
to Islam.
Towards the end of year A.D. 999 Mahrriud, the first Muslim ruler
to be credited with the title of sultan, received a robe of honour
from the caliph with the title of 'Aminul Millat' and 'Yaminuddoulah'.
He now stood in the place of the Samanids, his former overlords, in
direct subordination to the caliph, and recognised the duties of his
new position by taking a vow to wage a 'Holy W.al against the
Hindus evelY year. Though he invaded India only seventeen times
in the thirty years of life yet left to him, it must be acknowledged
that the vow was fulfilled in the spirit in which it was made.
(1) Fl'ontiel' towns
In A.D. 1000 Mahmud crossed the Indian frontier but retreated
after captUling a few forts.
(2) Peshawal' and Waihincl
Next year (1001-2) he moved again and pitched his tents before
Peshawar with ten thousand horse while Rai Jaipal marched against
him with twelve thousand horse, thirty thousand foot and three
hundred elephants. On 28 November 1001, the armies fell on each
other and 'did justice to their traditions of warlike courage'.9 But
Rai .Taipal was captured with fifteen royal pJinces and five thous.and
Hindus diea on the battle-field. Mahrriud marched on and captured
Jaipal's capital, Waihind (or Und), whf:re some Hindus had collected
toe:ether for a second battle.l
Taipal and other prisoners were
released on pavment of tribute, but the defeated Rai, in conformIty
with the custom of his people, transferred his kingdom to Anandpal
pnrlpcl hi< lif" on a funeral pvre.
Sultan Mahmild of Ghazni
(3) Biji Ral of Bhera(1006-e1007)
DUling the next two years Mahmud was busy with the westel11
.affairs of his kingdom and the conquest of Siest.an. In the autumn
of A.D. 1006 he crossed the Indus for the first time and appeared
before Bhera on the bank of the Jhelum. Biji Rai of Bhera, who
possessed 'elephants headstrong as Satan' and had never cared to
pay homage either to Subuktagin or Jaipal, carrie out of.-the fort and
offered battle. The struggle continued desperately for three days
and the condition of the Muslim armv became critical. But on the
fOUlth day, after the battle had raged indecisively from moming to
noon, a desperate charge led by Mahmud in person broke the Hindu
centre and Biji Rai fled to the fort with his broken columns.
Mahrriud sat down to beSiege it. The Rai, 'a prey to pel1)lexity and
feal, fled from the fort at night, but was surrounded by a number
of Mahmud's soldiers and escaped an inglol'ious captivity by plung-
ing a dagger into his breast. The city of Bhera and its dependent
territory was annexed to the Ghaznavid empire and Mahrriud re-
turned with two hundred and eighty elephants and other spoils.
(4) Fil'st Invasion of Multan (1004-1005)
The province of Sindh, conquered by Mohamrri.ad bin Qasim in
the beginning of the eighth century, had been convelted to the Car-
mathian heresy about a century before Mahmud. According to the
ideas of the age l1eretics' were as wOJthy objects of Holy War as
'unbelievers'. Shaikh Hamid Lodi, ruler of the Upper Sind, had kept
Subuktagin pleased with occasional presents but his gr.andson, Abul
.Fath Daud, left the cautious policy of his predecessor. FeaJing
that the fall of Bhera would leave Multan open to Mahmud's attack,.
he made an ineffectual attempt to come to Biji Raj's assistance-
act totally beyond the bounds of propriety and reason. Mahmud
at it for a time but next year (1005-6) he marched on a
campaign against the Carmathian Daud. Daucl in desperation
.dIJ'IJ""""'U to Ananclpal, son of Jaipal, and Anandpal made a bold
to block Mahmud's progress. But Mahrriud, not unwilling
obtain 'two paradises', turned aside to fight the Hindu before
struck at the 'heretic'. Anandpal's officers were driven back, the
himself was pursued over l1ill and dale' up to the Chenab and
path to Multan was cleared. Daud, who was in no condition to
an open battle, shut himself up in the fort, and after a siege
seven days promised to recmit frorri his heresy to the religiOUS
(shariat) of the orthodox and to pay an annual tribute of 20,000
'J,1,T,rul1'flS But the treaty was hardlY'conclui:lecl when Mahmud heard
Politics (Ilia Society during the EM/Y M.edleval Period
of the danger threatening his capital and marched back ill desperate
haste to protect the home-lands of his empire from the Eastern Turks.
if.lak Khans Invasi:on of Khurasan-Battle of Balkh
Ilak: Khan and Malmiud had made an alliance in A.D. 999 on the
basis of an equitable division of the Samanid ldngdoni,. But. this did
not prevent the Khan from casting longing looks on the fertile lands
on the other side of the Oxus. In A.D. 10045 when Mahmud was
away at Multan, I1ak: Khan found his opportunity. He overran
Khul'asan and Balkh and Arslan Jazib, Mahmud's governor of Herat,
was forced to to Ghazni. But the simple-minded Ilak had
calculated without the host. Mahmud reappeared at Ghazni long
before he was expected; his boundless reviv.ed the failing
courage of his officers; the army was reorgamsed WIth remarkable
speed; and Mahmud faced the invader with a powerful.
Balkh, The careful way in which Mahmud attended :0 the dISpOSItion
of his columns shows the terror his opponent inspIred. At first the
Turkish attack seemed to carry all before it, but the. e?d the
Ghazn.avids, led bv the sultan in person, succeeded In drIVIng the
enemy away. Mahmud pursued the Hying enemy for two stages,
the severity of the winter made a campaign in the desolate regto?
of Trans-Oxiana impOSSible, while an unexpected revolt drew hiS
attention to India once more.
(5) Sukhpal (1005)
Bhera was the only territory Mahmud possessed on eastern
side of the Indus. While returning from Multan he had aSSIgned the
governorship of Bhera to Sukhpal Shah), a son of
who had been converted to Islam. Seem):! Mahmud absoI?ed 111 ,a
deadly struggle with the Turks, returned to the of Ins
ancestors and drove .away Mahmud s officers. The sultan started for
Bhera after the battle of Balkh, but before he could reach the
of action, the frontier amtin: capll:ured Sukhpal, and brought hl'.m
captive to the royal carrip. He was forced ;'0 glVe up ,the 400,000
dirhams he had accumulated and was impnsoned for hfe,
(6) Anandpal and the Hindtt Confederacy-Second Battle of
Waihind: N agarkot (1008-1009)
The strategical Importance of Bhera explains of
Sukhpal as well as Mahmud's anxiety to it it could
he garrisoned by a. strong Indian force. From hiS footmg on the
he could strike either at Multan in the south or at Anandpal
the east. Multan was lying prQstrate at his feet but not much
to be got out of that poor and harassed kingdom. The gates of
were in Anandpal's possession. Mahmud's relation with
were already strained. Anandpal cherished the 'bitterest
towards the Musalmans ever since the capture of his SOIl,
at Peshawar (1001-2). His attempt to prevent Mahmud's
011 Multan had fumished the latter with a technical cause
declaring war, but when Mahll1ud was fighting with his back to
wall against the Kashghar army, AnandpaJ sent hhn a heroic offer
in h spirit which won the approbaticn of the philosopher,
"1 have leamed", ran Anandpal's letter, "that the Turks
"AI""II",I against you and are spreading in Khurasan. If you wish,
come to you with 5,000 horsemen, 10,000 foot soldiers, and
elephants, or, if you wished shall send you my SOil with double
number. In acting thus, I do not speculate on the impression this
make on you. I have been conquered by you and, therefore, I
wish that another man should conquer you." The impression
by the letter may, none the less, have had a share in main-
for the next three years. But so long as Anal1dpal
strong and independent, a permanent peace between him
Mahmud was impOSSible. The sultan had as yct only touched
ringe of .a continental country, and the spoils he had obtained
insignificant. Beyond the Sutlej lay the temples to which genera-
of pious Hindus had dedicated their wealth. It was necessary
Mahmud to stlike down Anandpal, if he was ever to possess himself
the treasures of the Punjab and the prosperous Trans-Gangetic
Conversely, the rais of Hindustan could not fail to recognise
Oltance of Anandpal as a buffer between them and the aggres-
kingdom of Ghazni. So long as the struggle had been waged
the Indus, they could afford to look on unconcemed a"c/ leave
rai of Lahore to 'protect his non-Inclia'l subjects .. The arrogance
Biji Rai made them indifferent to his fate, nor did anyone, save
UdllUI."". feel it his duty to come to the help of the Multan 'heretics'.
the deluge that 'took no account of heights and depths' had
their sacred frontiers .and was threatening to put an end to
fratricidal warfare, their local independence and their SOll11lOJcnt
importance of the struggle was well understood on both sides
Mahmud marched against Anandpal at the end of the rainy
A.D. 1008. Anandpal appealed to the other tais and their
v showed that the national snirit of the countrv, though
''}}llI","(I. ,vas not deael. The rulers of Ujjain, Gwalior,'
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
Kanauj, Delhi and Ajmer marched to the Punjab with their troops.
Help came from every side. Even 'the infidel Gakldlars' crowded under
Anandpal's banner. A patriotic breeze swept over the towns and
hamlets of Hindustan calling its men to arms. 'Hindu women sold
their jewels and sent the money from distant parts to be used against
the Musalmans.' Their poorer sisters, who had no jewels to sell,
worked feverishly at the 'spinning-wheel or as hired labourers to be
able to send something to the men of the army'. All that excites a
nation to heroic deeds was there-the preservation of an ancient and
ever-living civilization, the sacred temple and the no less sacred
Yet the patriotic spirit of the people was paralysed by
created by years of civil war; the rais were doubtful of each other s
intentions and their followers shared their doubts. Anandpal was
impOttant enough to take precedence but not strong enough to issue
orders, and the Indian army was directed by nQ Single commander on
the field of battle. But discipline reigned supreme in the camp of
the warrior-statesman of Ghazni. His troOps, more racially hete-
rogenous than the citizen-mob opposed to them, had been welded
into one by years of continuous campaigning; and their
opponents, they knew their master and were not hable to pamc.
Even so the scales hung evenly.
Anandpal marched bravely to Waihind (Und) with the largest Indian
armv Mahmud was ever destined to face. The sultan, whose extra-
ordi;lary intuition never played him false, saw that the Indians would
'fight with devotion' and was more cautious than usual. He dug a
trench on both sides of his camp, and reluctant to begin the engage-
ment, sat facing the enemy for forty days. But hourly the strength
of the Indian army increased with new reinforcements, and M.ahmud,
afraid lest furthei delay should enable Anandpal to overpower the
Ghaznavid veterans tht:ough sheer force of numbers, sent fotward a
thousand archers to commence the engagement. But almost im-
mediately his calculations were thrown into disorder by thirty thou-
sand Gakkhars, 'who with bare heads and feet, crossed the trenches
in the fit'st attack, broke into the camp from both sides, and falling
on the Muslim cavalry with desperate courage, cut down man and
horse, so that in the twinkling of an eve three or four tholisand Musal-
mans had tasted the wine of martvrdom.' Mahmud was desperately
trying tG clear his camp of the Gakkhars when a whim of the (lod of
battles decided the shuggle in his favour. Ananclpal's elenhant.
frightened bv the explosions of naphtha. fled awav from the field of
hattIe and the Indian soldiers concluded this to be a base desertion
of their cause hy the 'premier king of Hindustan'. A general rout
enslled, and the Gh<Jz,navids pursued the flying enemy for two days
nights. The Indian losses were not more than eight thousand,
tIle phenomenon of a multitudinous army breaking up frOrri sheer
of internal cohesion and flying away before an enemy not strong
to meet it in the open field was thoroughly demoralising. Thus
y national opposition ever offered to Mahmud ended in a storm
recriminations. HencefOtth he had no Indian confederacv
the rais were one after another overpowered and deprived
valuables in a stmggle which the superior generalship of the
""aZla'Vltl never left in doubt.
Mahmud took advantage of the disorganisation of his Opponents
make a dash for the temple of Nagarkot (Kangra), known as the
of Bhim, situated on the top of a hill on the upper Bias,12 He
already penetrated as far as the Chenab and the new expedition
took him twelve marches further. The Rajputs of the place
to fight at Waihind and the quickness of Mahmud's move-
left them behind. The Brahmans, who alone were there,
their gates after a siege of seven days and allowed Mahmud
the fort with a few companions. The temple contained more
than existed in the treasury of any king and the fine exacted
sultan from the helpless Brahmans was immense-'700,000
dinars, 700 maunds of gold and silver vessels, 200 maunds of
gold, 2,000 maunds of u'npurified sHver and 20 maunds of
jewels which had been collected together from the time of
It was the sultan's first great find and naturally whetted his
for more.
Anandpal had lost his reputation but not his power at the second
of Waihind and the sultan's next move (1009-10) was a de-
" . L-- L!. __ rather than a campaign. He is said to have marche(l
direction of Gujar.at, but his teal object was to terrorise Anand-
receding from the btittle alliance in which his position was
uncomfortable. The sultan 'urged his horses over ground,
and soft, put to the sword the vagabonds of the counhy and
delay and circumspection proceeded to accomplish his design'.
friends of God 'did not fail of their object after having com-
slaughhir in every hill and valley'; for Anandpal's messengers
on the sultan at Ghazni with offers of peace and 'their best
fol' hi-s future pl'ospel'it1j'. The raj's mind was made-up. 'He
witnessed the calamities which had inflicted min on his country
subjects in consequence of his contests with the sultan' and
to desert the confederacy which had left him to his fate.
was rapidly concluded, Anandpal promised an annual hibute
Politics alld Society durillg the Early MedteDal Periad
of thirty elephants and offered two thousand men for service at the
sultan's court. The way to the heart of India was now open. Mah-
mud could march over the friendly territory of Anandpal and strike
at the rais beyond.l
Conquest of Ghur
Mahmud utilised the summer of A.D. 1010 for bringing some pre-
sumptuous inhabitants of Ghur to a sense of their insignificance. The
Ghurians, ten thousand in number, dug a trench round their camp
and fought bravely from morning till noon. But the stout-hearted
hill-men were no match for the greatest milit.ary genius of the age.
Mahmud lured the simple folks out of their safe position by a feign-
ed retreat and annihilated them in the plain below. Muhammad bin
Suri, one of the chiefs of Ghur, was so heart-broken that he sucked'
a pOisoned jewel when brought a captive to Mahniud's court and
died immediately. The princes of Ghur remained suborclinate to
Ghazni till the time of Alauddin Jahansuz.
Second :Invasion of Multan
Next winter (lOlO-ll) Mahmud marched against the kingdom of
Multan, which had been long waiting for the day of its extinction.
The city was captured 'through terror and force' and Mahmud pleas-
ed the 'Olihodox' by slaying a large number of Carmathian 'heretics'
and cutting off the hands and feet of many others. Daud ended his
life as a prisoner in a Ghurian fort.
In lOll-12 Mahmud, who had heard that Thaneswar, owing to its
idol, Chakrasvamin, was as holy in the eyes of the Hindus as Mecca
in the eyes of the Musalmans, marched thither for the treasures a
place so ancient was sure to possess.l
Anandpal inconsonance with
his treaty, provided all the 'requisites of hospitality' by ordering his
merchants and shopkeepers to look after the needs of the commis'
sariat and his brother accompanied the sultan with two thousand
men. Mahmud refrained from injuring the rai's tenitory but refused
his suggestion that an indemnity and a yearly tribute should be ac
cepted from the people of Thaneswar, because 'm)' roval wish is to
remove the practice of idolatory tot.ally from all the lands of Hin-'
clustan'. Too late in the dav, the rai of Thaneswar reHected on the
necessitv of an Indian "If we do not raise a dam to
keep off this deluge",he wrote to his brother rais, "it will soon spremr-
'Sultan Mahmud of C!WZIl; .
over the whole plain and submerge all kingdoms, great and sn1al1."
This was true enough. But Mahmud reached Thaneswar before
the clumsy machinery of a confederacy could stir and the rai
fled in despair. Mahmud collected the treasures and broke the
idols of the undefended city at leisure.l
He wished to march
{miher east, but as such a movement would have left him entirely
.at Anandpal's mercy, he accepted the advice of his officers and
turned back with a fabulous number of 'servants and slaves'.
'Mahmud's army, like the almy of most Asiatic conquerors, was es-
sentially a cosmopolitan institution, kept intact by its esprit de crops
and loyalty to its master's person. Mahmud took good militmy men
.into his service wherever he found them. Indians, who were, of
course, non-Muslims, were freely enrolled, and at a later stage were
formed into a separate regiment commanded by a Hindu general,
who enjoyed a velY high status among his fellow-officers.
'Mah117:ud and the caliph
In 1012-13 Mahmud's officers conquered Gharjistan, and the sultan
compelled the caliph, AI Qadir Billah, to hand over to him those
districts of Khurasan which were still in his hands. But the caliph
refused Mahmud's further demand that he should be given
and also. "I will do no such thing", he replied, "and if you
possession of Samarqand without my permission, I will disgrace
before the whole world." Mahmud was furious. "Do you wish
to come to the capital of the caliphate with a thousand elephants,
. threatened the caliph's ambassador, "in order to lay it waste and
its earth on the backs of my elephants to Ghazni?" But the
of plundering the centres of Muslim and Hindu civilizations
was too bold even for Mahmud, and he had to apo-
humbly to the power which even in its hour of weakness could
shattered the moral foundations of the Ghaznavid kingdom.
the less he established his power over Sauiarqand.
j'u(}CUnm:ll and Bhimpal-Ninduna (10]8-14)
Meanwhile Anandpal's death had upset Mahmud's calculations in
The new rai, Trilocanpal, unlike his father, was well inclined
the Musalmans, but he seems to have been a weak iuan and
direction of affairs came into the hands of his son, known to
as 'Nicl.ar' (Fearless) Bhim, who stoutly reversed the
his grandfather and put an end to the Ghaznavid alliance.
was once more forced to fight the kingdom of Lahore in
to keep the road to Hindustan open. I-Ie started from Ghazni
S4 Politics and Society during ti,e Early Medieval Pel'iod
in the autumn of 1013 but snow began to fall before. he reached
the Indian frontier, and it was found necessary to go into winter-
quarters. With the spdng the Ghaznavids moved forward once
more, 'ascending the hills like mountain-goats and descending them
like torrents of water'. Nidal' Bhim fortified himself in the Margala
pass,16 which was narrow, precipitous and steep, but on the arrival
of his vassals he came down and offered battle. The Ghaznavids
won after a severe contest. Bhim threw a garrison into the fort of
Ninduna on the hm of Balanath and fled to the pass of Kashmir.
Mahmud, who nOw seems to have made up his mind to annex the Pun-
jab, reduced Ninduna, and after placmg a garrison in it, pushed on
in pursuit of Bhim. But the elusive hero could not be captured
and the sultan turned back from the foot of the Kashmir hills.
The Kashmir Pass-Lohkot
Next year (1015-16) the sultan again attempted to force his way
through the Kashmir pass. But the fOliress of Lohkot defied all his
effolis. Reinforcements reached the garrison from Kashmir, snow
began to fall, and for the first time Mahmud retired discomfited from
before an Indian fort. While retreating he lost a large number of
his men in the floods of the Jhelum, extricated himself with difficulty
from the watery peril, and returned to Ghazni 'without having achiev-
ed anything'.
Annexation Of Khwarazm (1016)
This failure in the east was conipensated by an acquisition in the
north. Mahmud's sister had been married to Abul Abbas Mamun,
the lUler of Khwarazm. But the bride had hardly been in her new
home for a year, when Abul Abbas was slain by rebels. Mahmud
marched forth to revenge his brother-in-law's death, defeated the
rebel army before the famous fortress of Hazar Asp and appOinted
his general, Altuntash, governor of the newly conquered territory with
the title of 'Khwarazm Shah'. .
The Doab Baran & Mahaban
Towards the end of the rainy season, 1018, Mahmud at last started
on that expedition to the Trans-Gangetic plain of which he had been
dreaming for years. His regular army of one hundred thousand was
strengthened by twenty thousand volunteers from Khurasan and
Turkistan. The omens were favourable. The Hindu confederacy had
disappeared and none of the rais was strong enough to oppOse Mah-
, .. L L. __ .l .l hn.l aoh.l-.!;e1'lI"rl " l"pnlltllti()n for p'eneralshin
Suitan Mai,mud of dtwzni
which none could question, and everyone knew that his methods were
thorough. Trilocanpal and Nidar Bhim, though still eluding their
pursuers, were driven beyond the Punjab, while Sangram, rai of Kash-
mir, made peace with the sultan and led the van of the invading
troops. The Ghaznavids marched through forests in which 'even winds
lose their way', forded the five rivers of the Punjab, and crossing the
Jumna ,on December 2nd, moved against Baran (Bulandshahr) 'like
the waves of the sea'. But Rai Hardat solved the problem by coming
,out of his city with ten thousand men who, either from policy or
conviction, proclaimed 'their anxiety for conversion and their rejec-
tion of idols',11 This 'conversion' saved the citizens and Mahmud
marched down the Jumna to Mahaban. Its lUler, Rai Kulchand, who
had established a reputation for invincibility in local walfare, drew
up his army in the midst of a thick forest. But Mahmud penetrated
the forest 'like a comb through a head of hair' and scattered the Maha-
ban army. Many of the fugitives were drowned in the attempt to
cross the Jumna, and the valiant Kulchand escaped the disgrace of
captivity by slaying his wife and son and then plunging the dagger
into his own breast.
On the other side of the Jumna lay the ancient and famous city of
Mathura, the birth-place of Krishna-Basdeo. 'The wall of the city
was constructed of hard stone, and the two gates, which opened upon
the river flOWing under the city, were erected on strong and lofty
foundations to protect them against the floods of the river and rains.
On both sides of the river there were a thousand houses, to which
idol temples were attached, all strengthened from top to bottom by
rivets of iron, and all made of masonry work, and opposite to them
were other buildings, supported on broad wooden pillars to give them
strength. In the middle of the city there was a temple larger and
firnier than the rest, which can neither be described nor painted; the
inhabitants said it had been built not by men but by genU.' In po-
pulation and splendid edifices the city of Mathura was unrivalled;
the human tongue cannot describe the wonderful things it contained.'
But no attempt was made to defend this inimitable monument of
Hindu art when Mahmud crossed the Jumna, and the inhabitants,
anxious to save their skins, left him to work havoc with their sacred
inheritance. 'The sultan gave orders that all the temples should be
burnt with naphtha and fire and levelled with the ground.' Envy
rather than fanaticism seems to have been the predominant lYiotive
in Mahmud's artistic mind. "In this city", he wrote to the nobles of
,,,,aiel> "f what his vandalism had destroyed, "there are C!
56 Politics and Society during tlie Early Medicoa! Period
thousand towering palaces, most of them constructed of huge stones.
The temples. are than can be counted. Anyone wishing to con-
struct the like will have to spend a hundred thousand dinars
and employ the most skilled workmen for two hundred years." As
a financial venture the expedition succeeded beycnd all expectations-
98,300 misq(ds of gold were obtained from idols of that metal; the
silver idols, two hundred in number, could not be weighed 'without
being broken and put into scales'; two rubies valued at 5000 dinars,
a sapphire weighing 450 misqals, and in addition such other spoils
as a rich and prosperous city could not fail to yield. A fe"v lniles
from Mathura, is the historic town of Brindaban, where seven proud
forts raised their heads to the sky by the riverside. The owner of
the fOltS fled at Mahmud's approach he took from them all that they
Kanauj, Asni and Shorwa
The sultan then left behind him the greater part of his army,
was too large for the rapid movements he desired, and proceeded
against Kanauj with his best veterans. This ancient city had risen to
prominence as the capital of Harshavardhana, it was defended by
seven forts washed by the Ganga and contained about ten thotlsaild
temples, great and small. The rais of Kanauj had not been slow in
helping Jaipal and Anandpal against the aggression of Ghazni, but the
reigning prince, Rajyapa].a,19 fled away at Mahniud's approach. Most
. of the citizens followed the example of their rai, and Kanauj repeated
the story of Mathura. Mahmud captured the seven forts in a single day
and plundered the undefended city. Further down the Ganges, near
the modern Fatehpur, was Rai Chandal Bhor's fort of Asni. Chandal
Bhor, who had been busy in Rghting the rai of Kanauj, also fled and
Asni was plundered. Then proceeding southwards Mahmud came
across the fort of Munj20 (Mujhavan) the garrison of which, 'inde-
pendent as head-strong camels', fought like 'obstinate satans', and
when all hope had disappeared, threw their women and children into
the fire and died fighting to the last man. The next objective was
Chand Rai of Sharwa
, who had been harassing the unfortunate
Trilocanpal of Lahore in the east while Mahmud had been pressing
him So hard on the other side. To prevent this suicidal strife, Trilocan ..
pal had cven sought his enemy's daughter in marriagc for his son, but
Nidar Bhim was imprisoned by his father-in-law when he went to
bring his bride and the strife continued. As Mahmucl marcheel east-
wards, Trilocanpal fled before him and found a refuge with Chandal
Bhor of Asni. Comnion misfortunes at last created some synipathy
between the dynasties of Lahore and Sharwa, and Nidar Bhim, who
Sultan Ma/'mucl of GTlOZI1i
seems to have regained his freedom, sent Chand Rai a piece of friendly
advice. "Sultan Mahmud is not like the rulers of Hind. He is not a
leader of black men. Armies flyaway before the very nanie of him
and his father. I regard his bridle as much stronger than yours, for
he never contents himself with one blow of the sword, nor does his
army content itself with one hill out of a whole range. If you wish
for your own safety, you will remain in concealment." The suggestion
was .adopted. Chand Rai fled to the hills with his elephants and trea-
sures. But Mahmud captured Sharwa and then hastened after the
flying rai, whom he managed to discover and defeat on the night of
January 6, 1019. The campaign beyond Kanauj had not taken more
than seventeen days, when Mahmud turned back with Chand Rai's
much coveted elephants.
Mahmud's exploits could not fail to captivate the imagination of
his co-religionists. Neither Alexander the Great nor the heroes of the
Shah Nama had anything so romantic to their credit. A mysterious
wonderland had been explored. Beyond the thick and impenetrable
frontier forest, beyond the Rve great rivers of the Punjab, the muizzin's
call to prayer had re'sounded over many a desolate wilderness and
. amidst the conflagrations of many a hamlet and town. The success
was duly celebrated. The ealiph summoned a special dl.tl:bar to receive
Mahmucl's message of victory. Accounts of the expechtlon were read
out from the pulpits, and pious Musalmans fondly imagined that 'what
the Companions of the Blessed Prophet had. done Arabi.a, Persia,
Syria and Iraq, Mahmud has achieved in Hmdustan. Nothmg could
have been farther from the tmth. He had rolled in immense riches
but had only disO'usted the Indians with his faith. The plundered
people were not likely to think of IslalIi when it
to them' in the shape of the Ghaznavlcl conqueror and left behmd
it an everlasting story of plundered temples, desolated cities and
trampled crops. As a Islam. had been momlly disgraced, not
elevated, by the Ghaznavld s ac1uevement. The beaty am?unted to
3,000,000 dirhams. "The number of prisoners may be conceIved frOil1
the fact that each of them was sold for two to three These
were afterwards taken to Ghazni and merchants came from distant
cities to purchase them, so that the countries of Mawaraun NaIll", Iraq
and Khurasan were filled vdth them, and the fair and tlle dark, the
rich and the poor, were commingled in one common slavery." It was
perhaps the remembrance of M.athura led. Mahmud to bUild. a
Juma mosque and a college at C:hazl1I after IllS. retUl1l .. The
followed his example and Ghazlll was soon adorned With palatial
58 Potitics and Society during die Early Medievai Perioci
Tl'ilocanpaZ and Nanda-the Rahib (1019-20)
Two distant storm-centres still troubled Mahmud's mind. Triloean-
pal and his son, Nidar Bhim, had been defeated but not crushed and
were still in the Doab. In Bundelkhand rai Nanda
of Kalanjar had
also adopted a hostile attitude. After Mahmud's withdrawal from the
he had ma.rched with the rai of Gwalior against Rajyapala,
and eIther as a pUlllshment for the lattd s cowardly attitude towards
J'v!allmud, or on of some other forgotten grievance, had put
hIm to death. An .allIance between Trilocanpal and Nanda was natural.
But it was not principle to let the grass grow under his
feet. He determmed to crush the possibility of another Hindu con-
federacy, .and,in winter of 1019-20 he again crossed 'the five and
the two nvers. Tnlocanpal withdrew beyond the lower Rahib (R.am-
ganga)., bu.t forced their passage across the river
by on mflated slans (mashaks) , and .after scattering Tlilo-
canpal s arm!, plundered the ne,:"ly built town of Bari,23 which Rajya-
p.ala had after des.tructlOn of Kanauj. Whether to help Tlilo-
canpal, or wIth the mtentlOn of fighting the invader Single-handed,
Nanda had already stalted from Kalanjar with 36,000 horse, 40,000 or
50,000 foot .and 640 elephants. The sultan also moved fOlward. It is
difficult to say where the two met, but on surveying the enemy troops
from .an eminence, the sultan regretted the dangerous expedition he
had undeltaken. The rai was even more afraid, for that very night a
great terror took possession ?f his mind, .and he left all his baggage
and fled. Mahmud, after makmg sure that the Hindus had not attempt-
ed an the deserted camp. Five hundred and eighty
elephants, m .adchtlOn to the two hundred and seventy obtained fr01n
Trilocanpal, fell into his hands. But the Punjab ,was still unsubdued.
Mahmud's position in a far off telTitory with the armies of Nanda
yet undefeated was extremely critical, and afraid lest his retreat
should be cut off, he marched back rapidly to Ghazni.
Annexation of the Punjab (1021-22)
The conquest of India was not Mahniud's aim. Nevertheless the
Doab campaigns had brought him far from his base, and he saw
that if his armies were to penehate to such distant territories as
Bundelkhand, he must at least have the Punjab under his complete
control. In 1021 he started from Ghazni with 'a large number of
carpenters, blacksmiths and stone-cutters' with the definite intention
o.f establishing a government over the Punjab. The first objec-
tive were the frontier trIbes of Swat, Bajaur and Kafirist.an, who had
'not yet put the yoke of Islam round their necks' and worshipped the
Suitan Mahmud of Giwzni
Buddha in the form of the lion (Sakya Sinha). The inhabitants were
subdued and conveIted, and a fort was built in their territory.24
Marching further, Mahmud repeated his former attempt, and tasted
again the bitterness of his fonner. failure, .at the foot. of Lohkot, :he
impregnable fortress of the Kashmrr pass. But the Punjab was
and Mahniud forsook plundering and established .a regular admmIs-
tration. A reliable governor was placed at the rest the
provirice was aSSigned to various .and garrIsons were estabhshed
at impOltant points. Trilocanpal had died soon battle of
Rahib; Nidar Bhim fled to the rai of Ajmer .and dIed m 1026. WI.th
him the house of Kallur came to an end. A contemporary Muslrm
scholar, untouched by the passions and prejudices of those
him supplied a befitting epitaph to the dynasty that had ended WIth
such a hero. "They were men of noble sentiment and noble bearing.
In all their grandeur, they never slackened in the desire of doing
what is good and right."25
Gwaliol' and Kalanjar
Next year (1022-23) Mahniud once more marched by way of Laho:e
against N anda. But he had taken all that. best from the m
the direction of his march, and was not mclined to push matters to
extremes. Gwalior was invested, but the rai obtained peace by a
present of thirty-five elephants. Even Nanda, when besieged in Kalan-
jar, found the sultan reasonable. present of three hundred eleph.an:
whom the rai turned uuceremomously out of the fOlt for the Turks
to 'captrrre and ride on', served to good will, was
strengthened by some Hindi verses wntten by. the rar the sultan,S
praise. All the scholars of Hind, Persi.a and ArabIa present m s
camp applauded Nanda's composition, and sent hIm an
order (farrnan) confirrriing him in the posseSSIOn of hIs fifteen fOlts.
Nanda acknowledged the favorrr by a present of money and costly
jewels, and the sultan turned back from the most eastern point he
was ever destined to reach.
Mahmud in Trans-Oxiana (1023)
On returning to Ghazni, the sultan held .a niuster of his forces.
Apart from the troops stationed in the provinces, the royal army at
Ghazni amounted to 54,000 horse and 1,300 elephants,26 with
this he crossed the Oxus and proceeded to overawe the duefs of
Trans-Oxiana. Ali Tigin, the recalcitrant l:uler of w.as
brought in chains before the sultan ar:cl sent . .as a prlsoner to IndIa.
The smaller chiefs crowded to offer theIr allegIance. Even Yusuf Qadr
60 Politics and Society during tlze Early Medieval Period
Khan, brother of the late Ilak Khan,27 came to meet him and request-
ed him to transport the Seljuqs across the Oxus to Khurasan.
The Seliuqs
This body of pastoral and barbaric Turkomans, destined to an un-
expected, but not undeserved greatness, had long been a source of
trouble to its neighbours. During the reign of the Samanid kings they
had migr,ated from Turkistan, and crossing the Jaxartes, had settled
at Nur in Bukhara from where they used to migrate annually to
Darghan in Khwarazm. Their leader, Israel, son of Seljuq, the chi'ef
after whom the tribe came to be named, was a perpetual terror to
the maliks of Turkistan and Trans-Oxiana. "He was wont to enter the
chase or the conflict like a whirlwind and a thunder-cIoud and van-
quished everyone who ventured into a personal contest with hhn.
Not a bird in the air and not a deer in the forest escaped his arrow."28
Like others, he came riding at the head of his Turkomans to offer his
allegiance to Mahmud, 'with a cap placed jauntily on one side of
his head and beshiding a horse like the spur of a mountain'. The
astute sultan looked suspiciously at the ambitious young chief and
asked him how many men he could bring to the army. "If you send
one of these arrows into our camp", Israel replied, "fifty thousand
of your servants will mount on horse-back." "And if that nUiIiber",
continued Israel, "be not sufficient, send the second arrow to the horde
of Balik (Bilkhan Koh), and you will find fifty thousand niore." "But",
said the Ghaznavid, dissembling his UIL'dety, "if I should stand in
need of the whole force of your kindred tribes?" "Despatch my bow",
was the last reply of Israel, "and as it is circulated arolind, the sum-
mons will be obeyed by two hundred thousand horse."29 Mahmud
made up his mind to crush the Seljuqs before it was too late. An
order was served on Israel comllianding him to reniain within his
tent, while four thousand Seljuq families with their goods and chattels
were transported across the Oxus under the eyes of' the Ghaznavid
anIiy. The sultan's chamberlian, Arsalan I-Iajib, suggested that the bar-
barians should be drowned while crossing the river. "Destiny cannot
be averted by perfidy any more than by valour", Mahmud
and refused to break his promise:
Israel with his two scns was
despatched to the distant fortress of Kalanjar, where he died after
seven years.
The exiled families were allotted grazing grounds in
the districts of north-west Khurasan and placed under the guardian"
ship of the Khurasani officers, who were ordered to disarm theill. But
it was easier to bring the Seljuqs into the more fertile tracts of Persia
than to keep them in subjection. The migration, once begun, could
not be stopped and the Ghaznavid empire was ultimately converted
Sultan Mahmud' of G!wzhi
into a Seljuq pasture-Iand.SOl These troubles, however, lay in the
womb of the future. For the present Mahmud was supreme, and th:
fall of Israel, whatever its future effects, served as an example to all
TurkolIian chiefs.
Somnath (192.5-26)
Northern India had ceased to attract Mahmud, for the spoils of its
most wealthy telIiples were already i.n his treasury. But the rich .and
prosperous province of v.:as st:ll untGuche.d, and on 18:
1025 he started from GhazlU With IllS regular tIoops and thnty thou
sand'volunteer-horsemen for the temple of SGlnnath, at
dist.ance of a bow-shot from the mouth of the Saraswatr, by the Side
of which the emthly body of Lord Krishna had brcathed its last.s,s
The temple of Somnath
"The people of Hind", says Ferishta (following Ibn-i Asir) "believed
that souls after separating from their bodies SGlnnath, and the
god assigned to each soul, by way of n
as it deserved. They thought that the trdes rose and fell 111 (,ldel . to
worship the idol. The Brahmans said that as the god. was angry wI.th
the idols Mahmud had broken, he did not come to their help; otherWIse
he could destroy anyone he wanted in the twinkling an eye.
nath was the king while other idols were merely 1115 door-keepels
chamberl.ains. A hundred thousand peGple used to collect toge
ther in the temple at the time of the solar and l.unar eclipses. Presents
came to it from distant parts. The princes of Hmdustan had endow:d
it with about ten thousand villages.
A thousand Brahmans
ped the idol continuously; and every night. it :vas fr.esh
water from the Ganga, although the Ganga IS SIX hunched k.l1ohs
there.:35 A chain of gold, weighing two hundred mans, WIth
bells fastened to it, was hung in a corner of the temple;
it was shaken at the appOinted hours to inform the
that the time for prayer had arrived. Five sl:lgmg
and 'dancing girls .and two hundred musicians. were 11l the service of
temple, and all their requisites were prOVIded out of the, endow-
ments and offerings. Three barbers empl.oyed to shav.e
the heads and beards of the pilgrIms. Many rajas of I-Imdustan dech-
' their daucrhters to Somnath and sent them there. The temple
ca b bfif' 't
was U spacious edifice .and its roof was suppor.ted y ornamen -
e'd columns. The idol was cut out of stone; It was fi;e long" of
which two yards were below, and three above tHe glound.
Tarikh-i Zainul Ma'asil' says that the inner chamber of the temple, 111
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval period
which the idol was placed, was dark, the requisite light being supplied
by the rays of fine jems attached to the hanging lamps."36
The maTch th1'Ough Ra;putana
The Soinnath expedition is the one by which Mahmud is most
remembered. It was the finest achievement of his military genius.
His marches into Hindustan hitherto had been through a fertile terri-
tory and he was never in danger of starvation: In s.outhwards
Mahmud for the first and last time threw hIS cautlon aSIde, defied
the inclemencies of nature as well as the spears of his opponents and
ventured into a tenitory where the slightest mishap would have
meant complete ruin. Multan was reached by the middle of Ramazan
(November) and Mahmud made careful preparations for crossing the
extensive desert of Rajputana. EvelY man in the army was ordered
to carry enough water and corn for several days, and thirty thousand
camels were loaded as a further precaution. The r.ai of Ajmer fled
at the approach of the' invader. plundered the city b:r
refused to delay his march by investmg the fort. A general pamc
seems to have depdved the galTisons on the line of his advance of
all power of resistance. Even Anhilwara, the capital of Gujarat, was
left undefended, and Mahmud after taking from the city the provi-
sions he required, moved down the Saraswati and reached the famous
temple in the second week of January. 'The fOtt of So.ninath
its towers to the sky; the waves of the sea washed Its feet. The
Hindus had climbed' the ramparts to vvitness the arrival of the be-
siegers. "Our god, Somnath", they shouted to the Musalmans, "has
brought you here to destroy you at one blow for the idols you have
broken in Hindustan."
Battle of Somnath
Next morning, which was Friday, the struggle commenced. The
Ghaznavids succeeded in scaling the city-walls and the Hindus made
a desperate attempt to dislodge them. But night on before
battle on the ramparts could end and the besiegers WIthdrew to theIr
camp. On Saturday Mahmud the ramparts and entered the
city. The Hindus, driven out of theIr houses, collected round the
temple for a last despairing struggle. Hand after band prayed fervent-
ly to the idol, and after bidding: it farewell in 'sorrow and tears', sallied
forth to fight. 'A dreadf;11 slaughter followed at the gate o! the temple
and few were left alive. But once more the darkness of mght stopped
Mahmud's hand, while the intervention of a new factor reminded
him of the fickleness of fate.
Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni 63
The sultan's march had been too rapid to allow the rais of Gujarat
to collect thier forces for the defence of the temple. But the desperate
resistance of the beSieged gave them the time required; their clumsy
rriilitary machine began to work with feverish haste; and on the morn-
. ing of the third day Mahmud found his camp being encircled by an
Indian force sent by the neighbouring rais for the relief of the garrison.
Mahmud left a part of his army to continue the siege and advanced
to meet the neWCOlJ.1ers with the rest. 'Both sides fought with indes-
cdbable courage and valour, and the field of battle was set aflame
with their anger and their hate.' But the Indian anny was constantly
strengthened by new reinforcements and the Ghaznavids were brought
. to the verge of an irretdevable disaster. Mahmud's position was ex-
tremely critical. Defeat would have meant annihilation, and fmther
delay would have entailed defeat. So after a fervent prayer to the
Almighty with the cloak of Shaikh Abul Hasan Kharqani in his hands,
he led his anny to a last attack, and with the good fOttune that never
permanently deserted him, succeeded in breaking the enemy ranks.
The defeat of the relieving force decided the fate of Sonmath, and
the garrison, overcome by panic and fear, offered no further resistance.
Mahmud entered the temple and possessed himself of its fabulous
wealth. 'Not a hundredth part of the gold and precious stones he
obtained from Somnath were to be found in the treasury of any king
of Hindustan.' Later historians have related how Mahmud refused the
enormous ransom offered by the Brahmans, and preferred the title
of 'Idol-breaker' (But-shikan) to that of 'Idol-seller' (But-fal'osh). He
shuck the idol with his mace and his piety was instantly rewarded
by the precious stones that came out of its belly. This is an impossible
story.37 Apart from the fact that it lacks all contemporary confirmation,
the Somnath idol was a solid unsculptured linga, not a statue, and
stones could not have come out of its belly. That the idol was broken
is unfortunately hue enough, but the offer of the Brahmans, and
Mahmud's rejection of the offer, is a fable of later days.
Mahrnud at Anhilwam
From Somnath Mahmud advanced against Deo, rai of An-
hilwara, who seems to have been mainly responsible for the relieving
force that had pushed the Ghaznavids so hard. The rai took refuge
in the fort of Khandah, forty fm'sakhs from Somnath, which was sur-
rounded by the sea. But when Mahmud forded the sea at low tide,
the rai fled away, leaving the fort and its treasures to the sultan. On
returning to Anhilwara, Mahmud for the first and last time seems
to have harboured the desire of establishing himself in India. He
to make Anhilwara his capital, while assigning Ghazni to
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Pm'iod
Mas'ud. The climate of Gujarat, 'the beauty of its inhabitants, its
alluring gardens, flowing rivers and productive soil', attracted him;
and his cupidity was further excited by the treasures to be obtained
from Southern India and the islands bevond the sea. But his officers
would have none of it. "To leave the' country of Khurasan", they
protested, "for which we have sacrificed the finest of gems-our own
lives-and to lnake Gujarat our capital, is far from political wisdom."
Mahmud had to yield. He aSSigned the governorship of Gujarat to
Dabshilim (Devasarum), an ascetic of Somnath, and started for Ghazni.
Dabshilim loyally sent the tribute due to the sultan fer some time,
but his power failed to take root and he was overthrcwn by his
The rais of Rajputana, who had been taken unawares by Mahmud's
march through their country, now prepared to contest his return. But
the sultan's anTIY was loaded with spoils. He had no stomach for
campaigns in a wilderness where nothing was to be had save hard
blows and preferred to march to Multan through the Sind desert.
Even this route was full of dangers. First a Hindu devotee of Somnath
undertook to guide the army, and after leading it for a day and a
night confessed that he had intentionally led it on a path where no
water could be found. Mahmud slew the guide and a 'mysterious
light' that appeared in the horizon in response to his prayers led the
Musalmans to fresh water. Then after crossing the desert, the army
was harassed by the Jats. But in spite of many hardships, it succeeded
in reaching Ghazni.
The fats
Mahmud's last invasion (1027) was intended to punish the Jats, who
had so wantonly insulted his army while returning from Somnath.
He constructed a flotilla of fourteen hunch'ed boats at Multan, and
placing twenty men atmed with bows, arrows and flasks of naphtha
in every boat, proceeded against the recalcitrant tribe. The Jats col-
lected together four thousand boats and offered a stout resistance; but
they were defeated in the naval battle owing to the superior con-
of the sultan's boats, which had been provided with one
pointed iron spike in front and one on each side, and the havoc
wrought by the explosions of naphtha. Many of the Jats were drown-
ed and their families, which had removed to the islands of the Indus
for safety, were captured.
Annexation of Isfahan and Ray
The sultan's remaining years were exclusively absorbed in western
affairs. The Seljuq trouble increased day by day. His generals were
Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni
unable to subdue them and appealed to him to come in person. He
did so. The Seljuqs were defeated and dispersed, but their pastoral
bands parted only to unite again. Meanwhile his officers had over-
thrown the Buwaihid kingdom of Ray and the sultan marched thither
to establish his government over the newly conquered territory. His
hand fell heavily on the 'heretics' and Carmathians who had multi-
plied under the protection of that Shia dynasty, and everyone against
whom .heresy c()uld be provcd was put to death. But the sultan's
days were numbered, and the first symptoms of phthisis (sil) had
already appeared when in the autumn of 1029 he assigned the govern-
ment of Isfahan and Rav to Mas'ud and returned to Balkh. Here
his condition grew though 'he bere up bravely before thp.
eyes of the people'. In the spring he moved to Ghazni, where on
the 30th April 10.30 A.D. after forty years of ceaseless activity he was
called back to the land of everlasting rest at the age cf sixty-three.
The Last Campaign
"The world grips hard on the hard-striving", Hafiz has said; and
tradition will have us believe that two days before his death the
great sultan, unable to reconcile himself to the loss of a world that
was slipping out of his grasp, ordered the precious stones of his
treasury to be brought and displayed in the court-yard of his palace.
He gazed at them yearningly and with weeping eyes ordered them
to be locked up again, without finding it in his heart to give any-
thing in charity. Next day he got into his litter and reviewed his
horses, elephants and camels, and still more overcome, burst into
loud and helpless sobs.39 But it would be unbecoming to pause over
the last moments of a strong and powerful mind. Perlnps the slow
and wasting disease had so bereft him of his strength, that at the
J door of death he was no longer able to hold over his face the veil
with which he was wont to conceal his human frailties! Perhaps
his rationalistic mind, too critical for the commonplace orthodoxy of
the day and not profound enough for the deeper convictions of the
philosopher and the mystic, trembled at the mysteriOUS lancl before
him as he saw it approaching nearer hour by hour, .and he was unable
to embark on his last campaign with that confident courage with
which he had plunged into the forests of Hinclustan! It is by the
manner of his life, not by the lTIode of his de.ath, that a man is to
be judged. The invincible hero of thitty campaigns had disappeared
weeks before his officers buried his emaciated body in the Firuzah
Palace of Ghazni. .
Politics and Society dUl'ing the Eal'ly Medieval Period
Chapter III
All men are more or less the products of their environment, and
a rational criticism of Mahmuc1's work must begin with an examina-
tion of the spirit of his age.
FOUT Epochs of Muslim History
Most Musalmans imagine that their faith has always been what
it is today, or in the alternative, they deplore that it has since the
time of the Pious Caliphs been subject to a slow but continuous
decline. This is, of course, absurd. Islam, like all other religions, has
had its recurring periods of spiritlial rise and fall; it has been
differently conceived by different people at different times; like all
things really and truly human, it is always changing and never
permanently the same. We are here only concerned with the broadest
changes in the Muslim world, and these from the rise of Islam to the
conquest of Muslim Asia by Chengiz Khan, may be divided into
four parts. (1) The period of expansion (622-748), which includes
the conquests of Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Persia, and Northern Africa
under the Pious Caliphs and their Umayyad successors. It is an epoch
characterised by fervent religious zeal, and owing to the captivating
appeal Islam made to the depressed classes, the conquered peoples
were converted to the new faith. (2) The period of the Great Abbasid
Caliphs (748-900) is a period of prosperity and peace with no con-
quests to its record. It is characterized by a cosmopolitan civiliza-
tion in which Arabic became the language of the educated classes
of all countries, while a centralized administration kept the Muslim
world together. (3) The period of 'minor dynasties' (900-1000) is
essentially a period of transition in which the achninistration of
the caliph disappears and a numher of small principalities lise on
its ruins. Its most prominent feature is the Persian renaissance,
which made Persian the Language of literary classes and brought a
new impelialistic idea to the forefront in rlace of cosmopolitan
caliphate of the Abbasids. (4) The period of the Turko-Persian em-
pires (1000-1220) is to be regarded as the political expression of Persi.an
ideals and includes the reigns of the Ghaznavid, the Seljuq and the
Khwarazmian dynasties.
Mahmud was the last of the 'minor kings' and the first of the great
Turko-Persian emperors. The inspiring motive of his life and the
lives of his contemporaries was not Islam but the spirit of the Persian
Sultan Mahmlld of Glwzni 67
Spirit of the Persian Renaissance
The age of Mahniud of Ghazni was devoid of the higher spirit of
faith; and theological discussions, which prosper most when religion
is dead, diverted such zeal as existed towards a war of sects. \iVhen
men find it difficult to believe in God, they try to prove Him; when
they cease to love their neighbour, they attempt to convince them-
selves hating him is a moral dutv. The conversion of the 11011-
Muslim was given up in favour of the more entertaining game of
exterminating the 'heretic'. From east to west the Muslim world was
torn by sectarian feuds and the strong arm of the persecutor was
called in vain to heal the troubles of a people, weltering in fanaticism
but innocent of faith. From this war of hair-splitting theologians
the finer minds o.f Persia turned with a sense of relief to the
resuscitation of their national culture; and the minor dynasties, that
had grown up after the devoid of the caliphate, gave them the
rrotection and patronage they needed. EvelY provincial COlut
became the centre of a revivalist movement. Ancient Persian
leg;ends were rediscovered .and popularised. The Persian language,
which had been cast aside as the vernacular of the common
people, assuirted the dignity of a national tongue. Everyone,
who could, began to turn ont verses in a language singukrly capable
of conforming to the hardest mles of niet!'e and rhyme, and
even poets of mediocre abilities could be sure of a good career.
Moreover the glories of the Kiani and the Sassanid empires, alIudng
with the dream of a half-forgotten greatness, exercised on mOi'e
imaginative minds a fascination which slowly but definitely drew
them aw"y from the path' of the Prophet. The change W1S, of course,
unconscious. Like the schoolmenof medieval Europe. who talked
as if the philosophy of Alistotle was a commentary on the Ten
COinmandments, the contempomi"ies of Mahmud were aware of no
difference between the lessons of the Shah Nama and the principles
of the Ounm. Feridun and Jamshed, Kai-Kans and Kai-Khusrau, the
heroic Rustam and the Macedonian Alexander won from the rising
genemtions the homage which all true Musalmans should have paid
to the Prophet and his COlrtpanions. Now while the Prophet 'and
his COinpanions stood for celtain principles to be established at all
costs and had resorted to war as a means 01' their promulgation,
the legendary heroes of Persia onlv evokecl in their devotees an
ambition for greatness and ruthless itrtperialism without the sense
of a mor.al mission, and instilled into them precents of word Iv
wisdom, such as Polonious bequeathed to Laertes and such a Sa'di's
GlIlistan h<ls to children of later wisrIritrj
Politics and Society dl/ring the Emly Medieval Pe,<iod
essentially selfish in its outlook and superbly unconscious of all higher
Advent of M ahmud
Thus the new spirit, on one hand, helped the evolution of a new
culture .and brought an atmosphere of refinenient and polish to the
court and the camp; and, on the other hand, it heralded in an era
of futile and purposeless wars through which provincial kings, re-
bellious governors, tribal chiefs and even daring robbers, expected
to reach the insecure eminence of Alexander the Great. Fighting
was looked upon, thanks to the militant spirit of the Turks, as a
sport and an3.ttribute 'of manliness, a good thing to he sought for
itself-not as a painful process for the attainment of human pros-
perity. For a century before Mahmud, princes of the 'minor dynasties'
h3.d been acting J am shed and Kai-Khusrau, and their court-poets,
richlv paid for the work, had proclaimed their greatness in pane-
gyrics of which men less lost in ambition would have felt ashamed.
Then came the great Mahmud to .achieve that for which others had
fought and died in vain, and kings and princes licked. the dust
humbly before the figure of a new Alexander. But .the gwnt for all
his grandeur was made df the same moral stuff as the dwarfs that
had gone before. It was his abilities, not his character, that raisec1
him to an unquestioned
Patron of Arts
The literary renaissance of Persia found in Mahmud its most magni-
ficent, it not its niost discriminating, patron. Four hundred poets,
with Unsuri, the poet-laure-3.te, at their head, were in constant atten-
dance at the sultan's court. Their official duty was to sing his praises
and the sultan, in spite of the stinginess attributed to him, seems to
have been extremelv generous. Ghazali Hazi, a poet from Ray, was
awarded fourteen thousand dirhams fa:' a qasida that pleased the
, while the poet-laureate's mouth vvas tlllice filled with pearls
for an unpremeditated qUa. Among ethers who came flocking from
far and near, Farrukhi, the author cf a qasida reinarkable for its
captivating rhythm, Minuchihri, who in the cult of
and Asjac1i, who is responsible for the fcHow'llg well-known quatram,
are most famous.
I do repent of wine and talk of wine;
Of idols faiT with chins lilee silr;eT fine.
A lip-Tepentance and a lustful hearl-
o God, forgive this penitence of mine!
Suitan Mai,muci of Ghazl1i 69
But it is obvious that the sultan's patrcnage, while stimulating men
of decent merit to do their best, would fail to reach the highest geniUS,
which in every country and in every age has scorned to bow its knees
to democracies and kings. For this Mahmud is in no way to blame.
Mankind has yet to discover a method for dealing with its finest
products. 'Whatever be the element of truth in the famous Firdausi
legend, the tradition that represents the great peet, in whom Persian
nationalism amounted toa religion, as Hying from an emperor of
Mrasiyab's (Turkish) race, certainly gives us an idea of the gloom
that sat oppressively on the most sensitive Persian minds. Two per-
s.ons of a radically different stamp were destined to share Firdausi's
fate. The great phYSician and biologist, Shaikh Bu Ali Sina (Avicen-
na), refused to come to the court of a king to whom the scientist's
views and his sense of personal independence would have been equal-
ly unpalatable, and after flying from tGwn to town before the agents
of Malllnud's wrath, he at last found a safe asylum with the Buwai-
hid ruler of Ray. His friend, the mathematician-scholar Abu Rihan
Alberuni, whose appreciative study of Hindu philosophy stand in
such pleasant contrast with the prejudices of a stormy time, was less
fOltunate. Brought a prisoner from his native Khwarazm; he was
thrown into plison and thence exiled to India on that life of wander-
. ing to which we owe the immortal Kilabul Hind.
The poetry of Mahmud's age reHects the spirit of the time. It is
brilliant but not deep. Mystic ideas had not yet become current
coin, and the .ghazal, the grand vehicle of mystic emotion, had not
yet been discovered. Qasidas (panegyric odes) in praise of generous
were the poet's principal occupation. The genius of Firdausi
the l1Ulsnavi (romance) into vogue, while his master Asacli,
credited with the not very commeildable invention of the muna:zi-
or composition which leaves little room for poetic
Qttas (fragments) and l'ubais (quatr.3.ins) served to express
lighter moods. Yet the Ghaznavid poets, for all their
have a certain freshness which succeeding ages have
There is no artificiality about them. They had tasted the
of material prosperity and loved to praise the beauty of women
and blood the alluring intoxication of wine. The reality
. theIr human emotIOns prevented them from falling into the mean
verbos!ty of later ages; and if they lack the deeper perception
mystic successors, whose songs begin and end with a sym-
representation of the Absolute, their poetry is at least in touch
life. The poet sang of what his audience knew ancl felt-the
of arms on the field of strife, the joys of companionship in the
camp, the innumerable emotions of men and women whom
Politics al"l Society during the Early ilIedieval Period
an artificial culture had not yet deprived of their native intensity of
feelings,. and, above all, of the glOlies and sorrows of their much
loved Iran. The thoughts and emotions of the educated men of the
day were the 1ll0St favoured themes of the poet's verse. The great
period of Persian poetry, which begins with Sa'di and ends with )ami,
was yet to come. Nevertheless the constructive genius of the poet
won victories more solid than the wanior's futile campaigns. The
empire of Mahmud crumbled to dust nine years after the sultan's
death. The Shah Nama lives for ever.
Mahmud's work in India is reserved for a separate discussion but
the sultan was essentially a Central Asian prince. The historic soil
of Ajam was the garden and the grave of Ghaznavid hopes. The
cosmopolitan administration of the caliphate had been shattered be-
yond the possil;>ility of reconstruction, and the new i.mperialism with
its secular and Persian outlook had been in the air for some genera-
tions past. Now 'imperialism' meant two things-first, a conquest of
the smaller principalities that would bring all Muslim peoples, who
had been infused with the spirit of Persian civilization, within the
fold of a single state; and secondly, the erection of a just and bene-
ficent administration that would reconcile every section of the sub-
jects to their common government by an era of prosperity and peace.
Mahmud's petformance of the first part of his work is as remarkable
as his failure to petform the second. The rise of the Ghaznavid
empire struck contemporaries with wonder; but they were no less
surplised with the rapidity of its fall.
A man of refinement and culture with an instinctive admiration
for everything in literature and art, it was in gener.alship that Mah-
mud excelled. "Val' was the prevailing madness, but never since
the fall of the Sassanian empire before the armies of the Second
Caliph had an invader so invincible appeared on the Persian soil.
The exploits of Alexander in the east were rivalled alld; in fact,
surpassed. The Tartar barbarians of the north were driven pell-mell
beyond the Jaxartes. The 'minor dynasties' of Persia were crushed
to death. From Isfahan to Bunclellclland and from Samarqand to
Gujarat, the Ghaznavid subdued every opponent and struck down
every rival. The conquered people were no cowards. They fought
bravely and were as willing to die as their Ghaznavid opponents.
It was Mahmud's scientific imagination that made the difference.
Against the clumsy organisation of the Indians and their childish
trust in mere numbers, he breught into the field an army that had .
been trained to obey the commands of.a single will. The thick-
headed Tartars found to their cost that mere courage and confidence
in fate were no match for the fierce onslaught of diSciplined ranks.
Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni
But strategy rather than tactics was Mahmud's strong paint. From
his throne at Ghazni his eagle-eye surveyed everything in east and
west. He knew where to strike and he always struck hard. The
rapidity of his marches surplised and bewildered his opponents.
The man who, in the course of a single year, overawed the Car..;
mathians at Multan, defeated the Tmtars at Balkh and yet found
time enough to captme a rebellious governor on the banks of the
Jhelum, could not fail to create havec among his stout-headed but
slow-moving contemporaries. And yet Mahmud, for all his daring,
was the most cautious of men. He never attacked an enemy he was
not strong enough to ovel1?ower. He never failed in what he under-
took because he undertook nothing impossible. The Indi,an invasions,
in which his military genius shows itself at its best, are a marvellous
mixture of boldness with caution.
Administrative questions, on the other hand, never interested Mah-
and while taking up the conimand of the .army in person, he
left the prosaic task of carrying on the gevernment to his ministers.
His civil officers had the efficiency he reqnired; they were strict and
heavy-handed and worked their machinelY with the same diScipline
and order as their militmy colleagues. But they lacked that breadth
of vision, which would have enabled them to supplement the con-
quests of their rrfaster by a far-sighted statesmanship and construct
a machinelY of imperial administration on pennanent and durable
foundations. His wazi'J's were celtainly clever and thorough in their
methods, but l'ike all administrative experts they were devoid of
idealism; and an empire without ideals is an edifice on quicksands.
For the first two years of his reign, his father's waziT, Abul Abbas
Fasih Ahmed bin Isfarieni, continued at his post. Abul Abbas was
of and .made Persian the official language-an in-
novatlOn abolished by hIS famous successor. But if lacking in edu-
cation, he had that extensive knowledge of affairs which was to be
expected of one who had lisen to be the second greatest man in
the kingdom from the hnmble position of a clerk, and he 'worked
marvels in the administration of the state and the army'. The sultan,
however, quarrelled with him over the possession of a Tmkish slave
and the fallen wazh' was tortured to death by the officers who wishecl
to deplive him of all his wealth. Abul Abbas' successor. the crreat
Ahmad bin Hasan Maimandi, left on his contemi)orari.fs an
ImpresslOn second only to that of Mahmud. A foster-brother and
of the Khwaja Ahmad was distinguished through-
out hIS life by an unulipeachable loyalty to the house of Ghazni
which in no way intelfered with the stern obedience he demandecl
of his slibordinates for himself. His father, Hasan M.aimandi, col-
Politics a",1 Society during tite Early Mec/ie"a/ Period
lector of revenue at Bust, was hanged by Subuktagin on a charge of
peculation, but the sad event had no elfect on the son's career. It
would have been difficult, if not impossible, for the sultan to embark
on his conquering career without the organising capacity of his min-
ister to SUppOlt him. An excellent schclar, an intriguer of the highest
order and a stern man of business, Ahmad directed the affairs of
the government for eighteen years with an eJRciency none could
deny. But a strong wazi'l' and a strong sultan were really incom-
patible; the Khwaja's soft tongue and effusive loyalty delayed, but
could not finally prevent, the inevitable rupture. His extraerdinary
ascendancy was painful to many, and a strong party, headed by the
sultan's son-in-law, Amir Ali, and the great general, Altuntash, was
formed against him. The sultan made up his mind to prove that the
Khwaj.a was not indispensable and imprisoned him in an Indian fort.
As if to show that the office could be abolished if necessarv Mahmud
refrained from appointing a wazir for some His ultimate-
ly fell on Ahmad Husain bin Mikal, genel'ally known as Hasnak. The
new w(tzi'l', a close personal friend of the sultan, was remarkable for
his 'conversational powers', .and unfortunately also for 'the impetuo-
sity of his temperament', which impelled him to take the wrong side
in the succession-question that arose towards the end of. Mahmud's
An extensive empire had been establishecl over the ruins of many
governments. What for? \i\Te are not told that Mahmud's administra-
tion was better than what had existed before, while the coUection of
revenue was cettainly more strict. Everybody complained that the
sultan went on conqueling without being able to establish peace
and order in the conquered lands. The condition of the Punjab was
chaotic and other provinces fared no better. Caravan routes were un-
safe, and the occasional effOlts of the govemment to provide for the
safety of its merchants display its weakness rather than its strength.
"He is a stupid fellow", a Muslim mystic is said to have remarked
of him, "Unable to administer what he already possesses, he yet goes
out to conquer new countries." A strong .sense of justice Mahmud
certainly had, ane! many stOlies and anecdotes are tokl about him,
but he never weut beyond deciding with acuteness and wisdom the
few cases that came before him. No general effo,rt was made to sup-
press the robber chiefs, whose castles prevented all intercommunica-
tion between the various parts of the empire. No imperial police sys-
tem was organised to perform the work which smaller princes pre-
sent on the spot had done before. Thc armed and or.e:anised popu-
lations of medieval cities and towns recluired hut littlc help :from
the state to stand up against the forces of disorder, but even that
Sultan Ma/l1nud of Ghazni 75
little was not forthcoming. vVe have only to contrast the Ghaznavid
government with the empires of the Seljuqs and of the sultans of
Delhi to see the elements Mahmud woefully lacked. No laws, good
or bad, stand to his name. No administrative measures of importance
emanated from his acute mind, which failed to see anything gre.ater
or nobler than an ever-expanding field of military glory. The peoples
forcibly brought within the empire-Indians, Afghans, Turks, Tartars
and Persians-were joined together by no bond except their subordi-
nation fa a common monarch. A wise, firm and beneficent adminis-
tration would have reconciled them to the loss of their local liberties,
but that is just what Mahmud failed to provide. The sultan and his
officers alone were interested in the contiuuation of the empire; and
when nine years after Mahmucl's death, the Seljuqs knocked down
the pUl})oseless structure, no one cared to weep over its f.ate.
These observations \vill enable us to assign Mahmud his proper
place in eastern history. He was essentially the pioneer of the 'new
impelialism' brought into vogue by the Persian renaissance. The era
of the 'universal Muslin caliphate' had gene, never to return, and
the successor of the Prophet was no more the administrative head
of the faithful. The 'minor dynasties' had proved themselves a pest
by their unceasing inhigues and purposeless wars. The only possible
alternative was a 'secular empire,' or 'saltanat' as Mahmud called it,
which would unite the Muslim world together and give it the peace
and prospelity .it longed for. Islam had neither contemplated nor
sanctioned the moral foundations of the new institution, which drew
its inspiration from ancient Persia and breathed its pagan spirit; and
the shariat, in spite of its democratic outlook, was gradually twisted
to suit the .requirements of the time and ended by pre::tching sub-
mission to the monarch, who assumed, under the pretence of being
'. the 'Shadow of God' (zilullah), the airs of the 'divine' Sassanian
emperors. The result \-vas both good and bad. The deniocratic feeling,
which has persisted in the social life of the Musalmans in spite of
all opposing forces. was eliminated from politics, and political subser-
vience, froni l:leing a postulate of necessity and prudence, was elevated
to the dignitv of a religiOUS duty. "Obedience to kings", says Abul
Fazl, summing up the 'wisdom and the folly of six hundred years, "is
a kind of divine worship." At the same time the monarchical idea and
the secularisatiOli of politics led to much that was undoubtedly bene-
ficial. The peoples of Ajam were welded together by their loyalty to
a common king in spite of their racial differences and sectarian strifes.
Moreover it became possible for Muslims and non-Muslims to live
together when religion was considered a plivate affair of the king
" I
74 Politics and Society dllrlng the Early MedieVal Period
and the sphere of government was restricted to the secular affairs of
the subjects. '
To Mahniud of Ghazni belongs the credit of being the first Muslim
emperor, and to him more than to anyone else the rise of 'monarchical
sovereignty' among the M usalmans is' due. It does not deb'act froni his
merit that he was followed by statesmen abler than himself and by
dynasties more permanent than his own. The Seljuqs of Persia and
the emperor-sultans of Dellli smpassed him as administrators, and
Chengiz and Timur in conquering might. A pioneer is bound to have
his sholtcomings. His Central Asian policy was devoid of statesinan-
ship wllile his work in Indi.a was even more deplorable.
Though India took up much of Mahmud's time, she had no place
in his dreams. His real aim was the establishment of a Turko-Persian
empire and the Indian expcditions were .a means to that end. They
gave him the prestige of a 'holy warrior', which was required to raise
him and shoulders above the basketful of Ajmni princes, every
one of whom was detennined to be great, while the wealth of the
temples made the finmlcial position of his kingdom seCUl'e and enabled
him to organise an army which the minor princes were in no position
t9 resist. Beyond this Mahmud, who knew the limitations of his power,
did not tq to go. No conquest wa, intended because no conquest was
pOSSible. A Muslim govenllllent over' the country was beyond the
region of practical politics without a native Muslini population to
SUppOlt it. Mahmud was no missionary; conversion was not his object;
and he had too much of good sense to waste away his army in a
futile attenipt to keep down a hostile population by armed garrisons.
He took at a sweep-stake all that centuries of Indian inclusby had
accuniulated, and then left the Indians to rebuild, as well as they
could, the ruined fortifications of their cities and the fallen altars of
their gods. HG obtained the gold and the prestige he needed and he
had aspired for nothing else. Except for a passing mood at Anllilwara,
he never thought of establishing his power over the counby. Annexa-
tion was not his object. The addition of the Punjab to his kingdom
so late as 1021-22 proves, rather than disproves, his non-territorial
ambitions. He had at first expected his alliance with Anandpal to
enable him to penetrate to the trans-Gangetic plain. That alliance
failed owing to the latter's death and Mahmud felt the necessity of
having his footing somewhere in the countly. Even then he seems
to have looked at Lahore and Multan simply as robber's perches; froin
where he could plunge into Hindustan and Gujarat at wilt His
western campaigns, on the other hand, give evidence of a different
policy. They .always led to annexations, and very often Mahmud
Sultan Malmwd of Ghazni
personally supervised the establishment of his government over the
conquered territOlY.
The .Indian campaigns are one of the finest achievenients of military
genius. Mahmud was venturing into an unknown counhy of large
rivers, thick forests and .a bitterly hostile people of whose language
and customs he was ignorant. To another man it would have beell
a leap in the dark but Mahmud, unwilling to take any risks, proceeded
wmily and advanced from point to point with a mixture of boldness
and caution, which is as admirable as the fearless and dashing courage
of his subordinates. A false step would have meant disaster; the loss
of a Single battle would have left his clisorgmlised forces at the
mercy of the population. At first he never ventured more than ten
or twelve marches from his base and his .acquisition of Bhera enabled
him to strike safely at the enemy. But caution brought success, suc-
cess brought prestige, and Mahmud, finding that his mere name had
grown powertul enough to overawe his enemies, plunged thlice into
the trans-Gangetic plain and a fourth time into Gujarat. The cam-
paigns look like triumphal marches but were really full of danger.
Even an indecisive battle would have revived the spirit of the much
harassed Indimls and brought unexpected forces into the field. Mah-
'mud trembled when in 1019-20, after an uncontested march of three
months from his capital, he at last came across the r.ai of Kalanjar,
who could show a good fight; yet the flight of the rai at night shows
the terror the sultan inspired. Still jf Ivlahmud was to possess himself
of the treasures of the temples, the risk had to be undertaken; for a
piecemeal annexation of the country was beyond his strength. The
issue showed that he had not miscalculated any important factor in
the situation. .
Organized Anarchy of the Indians
The sultan's great advantage over his Indian opponents was the
unitaq organization of his state. The resources of Ghazni were at
the dispos.al of a single inind; the strength of Hindustan was divided
among a multitude of factious mis, sub-mis, local chiefs and village-
headmen, betweCli whom anything; like sensible was
impOSSible. The feudal organization of the Indians, with its divided
allegiance, clannish spirit and love of local independence, left them
helpless before an enemy to whom feudalism and clannish feeling
was alike unknown. The Ghazll-avids knew and obeyed their master;
the Indians had no master to obey. The power of the rai of Lahore
was defied by the mis subordinate to him, who refused to be relegated
to the position of mere governors; and inste.ad of meeting the enemy
Politics and Society during the EilI'Zy Medieva! Period
as the loyal generals of the chief whom his position and pre-eminence
alike seemed to mark off as the national hero, they preferred to be
defeated by the Ghaznavid one by one. An internal revolution, which
would have placed the defensive strength of the country in the hands
of a power, was abso.lutely necessUlY if the newly-arisen
enemy was to be resisted with success. But the hand of the reformer
was numbed' by the time-honoured customs of ages; and the tribal
feuds of the Indians, their complicated system of militUl'y tenures and
local rights, prevented them fwm mustering in full force on the field
of battle. The resullt was defeat, cl:isgr.ace, disas'ter. after
temple was plundered; the centres cf Indian civilization ",ere ruined;
and neither the wisdom of the Brahman, nor the heroism of the
Kshattliyas, ncr !lle pious adoration of silent millions could prevent
their idols of gold .and silver from being melted into Ghaznavid coin.
The Indians did not lack fighting spirit, and they had a countly and
a religion fully wor!llY of their devoticn. The carnage round the
Soninath temple, !lle courage with which the ganisoll of many an
unknown fort died to the last man before the unwavering Ghaznavid
ranks, showed what better leadership might have achiev.xl-and
proved, if proof was needed, that even in the hour of deepest gloom
the Indians had not forgotten how to die. But ilieir social and political
customs paralysed them; for with us, unfortunately, custoni is not an
accident but the essence of faith.
The great sultan did not fail to take advantage of this organized
anarchy' once he had discovered its real nature. His first steps were
tentative, but the spectacle of an army, innumerable as ants and
locusts, flying away from Waihind (1008) before even the battle had
become warm, convinced him that the Indian confederacy was a soul-
less ghost before which he had needlessly trembled. With ceaseless
care he .and his father had forged a terrible machine which could be
now used to good pUll)ose. The Ghaznavid army was composed of
heterogeneous material, but stl'ict discipline, years of comradeship
in arms, the memOty of past victories and hopes of future spoliation
and plunder, had welded Indians, Afghans, Turks and Persians toge-
ther. Training had created confidence .and c.:mfidence led to success.
Above all, the subordination of everything to the penetrative intellect
and conimanding will of the sultan gave it an irresistible momentum
against its factiOIi-ridden opponents. Mahmud flashed like a lighhling
across the path of the bewildered mis, thrust himself between them
before they could unite, drove them away from one another and
defeated them in detail. There was no resisting his might.'Veni, vidi,
vid.' A dark fear began to oppress the Indian mind. It was imagined
that the Musalmans would be always victorious and that a new race
Sultan Mallmud of Ghazni
of I-Iuns would hold the sacred soil of Aryavarta in perpetual terror-
ism. could be farther from truth. Th<? Ghaznavid had not
come to stay.
Economic Motir;es of the Invasions
The non-religious character d the expeditions will be to
tlle critic who has grasped the salient features of the spirit of the
age. They were not crusades but secular exploits waged for the greed
of glOlY and gold. It is impossible to read a religious motive into
them. The Ghaznavid army was not a host of holy warriors resolved to
live and die for the faith; it was an enlisted and paid .army cf trained
veter.ans accnstomed to fight Hindus and Musalmans alike. Only in
two of the later campaigns were any volunteers present, and insigni-
ficant as was their proportion to the regular troops, Mahrriud found
them nnfit for the rapid and disciplined movements he desired. The
sultan was too undemocratic in outlook and temper for marshalling
ilie forces of a triumphant fanaticism and he never essayed the task,42
The missionary spidt, that might have wept over the fate of so many
souls 'lost to paradise' or seen in India a fertile soil for implanting
the Prophet's faith, was denied to him. His object was lower and
more realizable. Content to deprive the 'unhelievers' of their worldly
goods he never forced them to chane:e their faith and left India
the land he found it. v
The Wealth of the Temples
For time out of mind the expmts of India had been in excess of
her imports and precious metals had been slowly drawn into the
. country. Mines were also being worked in various pr.:lVinces. The
natural consequence was .an ever-accumulating mass of gold and
silver, which won for India a reputaticn for fabulous riches, and, by
ilie time of Mahmud, had become a sedous national danger. Add to
it, generations of pious Hindus had gradually transferred the wealth
of the country to the temples, which, unlike the peasants' purse and
the mi's treasmy, never lost what they had once gained. It was im-
possible that the Indian temples, like the catholic church in Europe,
should not S0011el or later terript some one strong Ulld unscrupulous
enough for the impious deed. Nor was it to be expected that a man
of Mahmud's character would allow the tolerance Islam inculcates
to restrain him from taking possession of the gold, 'to which his
heart turned as a magnet turns towUl'Cls iron', when the Indians
themselves had simplified his work by concentrating the wealth of
'their country at a few selected places. Plundering an enemy's place
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval pmiod
of worship was regarded by contemporaries as act of
war-the unavoidable consequence of a defeat. HIS I-Imdu opponents
were infuriated, but not Sllll}rised, at what he did; they
motives were economic, not religious, and provided a sufficient 111-
demnity was offered, he was not unwilling to their idols. He
took away the gold they would have loved to retam .but ne:r
pelled them to join a creed in which they did not belIeve.
soldiers were free to blow their sankh and bow before theIr Idols III
imperial Ghazni. He acc.epted the of in the
tricted form in which hIs age understood It; and It would be ft:hle
to blame him for not rising to the moral height of the generattons
that followed and the generations that had gone .before.
Islam-an a posteriOli Justification
No honest historian should seek to hide, and no Musalman ac-
quainted with his faith will try to justify, the destruction cf
temples that followed in the wake of the Ghaznavld
porary as well as later do :10t attempt veIl ,the
acts but relate them wIth pl'lde. It IS easy to twISt
and we know onlv too well how easy it is to find a relIgIOus JustIfica-
tion for what people wish to do from worldlr Islam
tioned neither the vandalism nor the plundermg motIves of the 1l1-
vader; no plinciple blOwn to the Shal'iat justified the for
attack on Hindu princes who had done Mahnmd IllS subjects
no harm; the wanton destruction of places of worshIp IS condemned
by the law of every creed. And yet Islam, though. it. ,;as . not .an
inspiring moti'lJe, could be utilized as an a
for what had been done. It was not difficult to identIfy the spolIatIOn
of non-Muslim populations with service Islam, persons to
whom the argument was addressed found It too III
with the promptings of their own to examme .It cntIcally.
So the precepts of the Quran were. mlSlnterpreted. or :gnOl'ecl and
the tolerant policy of the Second CalIph was cast aSIde :n order that
Mahmud and his mvnnidons mav be able to plunder I-Imdu temples
with a clear and m{troubled coriscience.
It is a situation to make one pause. With a new faith evervthing
depends on its method of presentation. ':-rill be welcomed if it
appears as a message of hope, and If It :veal's the mask. of a
brutal terrOlism. Islam as a world force IS to be Judged bv the lIfe of
the Prophet and the policy of the Second c:aliph. Its early.
were reallv due to its character as a force agamst relIgI-
ons that l;ad lost their hold on the minds of the people and against
one1 nnlitknl svstems that were grinding clown the lower classes.
Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni 79
Under such circumst.a!1CeS the victory of Islam was considered by
populatlOn as something inhinsically desirable; it end-
the regIme an priesthood and a decrepit n:ionarchy,
the doctnne of equality, first preached in the eastern world,
a career to the talent of the depressed masses and resulted
111 the wholesale conversion of the populations o Arabia, Syria,
and IraCJ.. No,,:, I-Iinduism with its intense and living faith was
__ qUIte unlIke the Zoroastrianism of Persia and the Chris-
. Asia Minor, which had so easily succumbed before the
It suffered from no deep seated internal diseases and, a
of national character of the Hindus, 'deeply seated
them and mamfest to evelybody', was their intense satisfaction and
pride in their customs. "They believe", says AlbelUni, "that there is
. but. theirs, no nation like theirs, no kings like theirs, n6
lIke no scienc: like theirs. They are haughty, foolishly
valll, self-conceIted and stolId. According to their belief, there is nO
counhy on earth but theirs, no other race of men but theirs, and no
created besides them have any knowledge or science what-
. soever. Then: haughtiness is such if you tell them of any science
?r l!1 and Pel:SIa, will think you both an
and a hal'. People WIth tlus insularity of outlook were
not lIkely to lend their. em:s to a new message. But the policy of
the rejectIon of Islam without a hearing.
A rehglOn IS n.aturally judged by the character of those who be-
lieve in it; their faults and their virtues are believed to be the effect
of their creed. It was inevitable that the Hindus should consider
Islam a deviation from the truth when its followers deviated So de-
from .the path of rectitude and justice. A people is not con-
clhated by bemg robbed of all it holds most dear, nor will it love a
faith that COmes to it in the guise of plundering armies and leaves
devastated fields and ruined cities as monuments of its victorious
for reforming the morals of a prosperous but erratic world.
They came, burnt, killed, plundered, captmed-and went away" was
a descripti?n of the Mongol of his counhy; it would
be an mappropnate summary of iVlahmud s achievements in Hindu-
It was not that the Prophet had preached Islam in Arabia;
one need be surprised that the career of the conquering Ghai-
created a Imming hatred for the new faith in the Hindu mind
blocked its progress more effectually than armies and fOltS. "Mah-
" says the observant Alberuni, "utterly ruined the prosperity of
, .and. perfOlmed those wonderful exploits, by which the
became hke atoms of dust scattered in all directions and like
of old in the mouth of the people. Their scattered remains
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
chelish, of course, the most inveterate hatred of all Muslims. This
is the reason, too, why Hindu sciences have retired far away from
those parts of the country conquered by us, and have fled to places
where' our hand cannot yet reach, to Kashmir, Banaras and other
places. And there the antagonism between them .and all foreigners
receives more and more nonnshment both from pclitical and religiOUS
and other causes."
'The evil that men do lives after them; the good is often buried
with their b o n e ~ ! ' Mahmud's work, whatever it migilt have been,
was swept off fifteen years after his death by the Hindu revival.
'Those who had taken up the sword perished by the sword.' East
of Lahore no trace of the Musalmans remained; and Mahmucl's vic-
tories, while they failed to shake the moral confidence of Hinduism,
won an everlasting infamy for his faith. Two centuries later, men
who differed froql Mahmud as "videly as two human beings can pos-
Sibly differ, once more brought Islam into the land. But times had
changed. The arrogance of the Musalmans had disappeared with the
conquest of Ajam by the Mongolian hordes. The spirit of the Persian
renaissance had blossomed and died, and the new mysticism, with
its cosmopolitan tendencies and with doctrines which did not essential-
ly differ from what the Hindu rishis had taught in ancient days, made
possible that exchange of ideas between men of the two creeds which
Albemni had longed for in vain. Instead of the veterans who h.ad
crossed the frontier in search of their wiliter-spoils, there came a host
of refugees from the blU11ing villages of Central Asia, longing for a
spot where they could lay their heads in peace and casting aside all
hopes of retuming to the land of their birth. The serpent had re-
appeared but without his poisonous fangs. The intellectual history
of medieval India begins with the advent of Shaikh Mu'inuddin cf
Ajmer and its political history with the accession of Sultan Alauddin
Khalji; the two features which distinguish it from preceding genera-
tions are the mystic propaganda started by the Chishti saint and the
administrative and economic measures inaugurated by the revclu-
tionary emperor. \tVith the proper history of our country Mahmud
has nothing to do. But we have inherited from him the most bitter
drop in our cup. To later generations Mahmud became the arch-
fanatic he never was; and in that 'incamation' he is still wcrshipped
by such Musalmans as have cast off the teachings of Lord Krishna
in their devotion to minor gods. Islam's worst enemies have ever
been its own fanatical followers.
. Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni
Chapter IV
The Question of Succession
Sultan Mahmud's two eldest sons, Mas'ud and Muhammad, were
born on the same day and it was difficult to decide the question of
precedence between them. But Muhammad, a virtuous and educated
prince who composed verses in Arabic, had neither the energy nor
the strength necessary for Wielding a sceptre, and the eyes of all men
were naturally turned towards his brother, who had the physique and
personality of a Rustam. No one could lift Mas'ud's mace with one
hand from the ground and his arrow pierced through a plate of steel.
But the sultan, somewhat envious of feats totally beyond his own
strength, made a will in favour of Muhammad and obtained a farman
confinning it from the caliph. The wazir, Hasnak, also worked for
Muhammad and a brittle alliance of the nobles was formed in his
favour. Mas'ud refused to submit. 'The sword is a truer authority
than any writing', he stoutly declared; and the sultan, to whom. his
son's answer was conveyed, felt it to be painfully true.
Sultan Muhammad
The conquests in eastern Persia during the last years of Mahmlid's
reign had been mostly due to Mas'ud, and when returning from Ray
to Balkh in 1029, the sultan had left him in charge of Khurasan and
the newly conquered territories. It was, consequently, easier for Mu-
hammad's supporters to obtain control of the capital on his father's
death. They summoned him. from Gorkan and placed him on the
throne. The new sultan distributed large sums to make himself
popular. His subjects and soldiers thanked him for the kindness but
refused to take him seriously. Everyone expected Mas'ud would
come and overthrow the rickety govemment. Less than two months
. after his accession. the famous Abun Najm Ahmad Ayaz, Ali Dayah
. and a body of slaves took horses from the royal stables in broad day-
light and started for Bust. They were overtaken by Soyand Ral,
the commander of the Hindus, and in the battle that followed most
of the slaves were slain. But Soyand Rai himself was killed, and
Ayaz and Ali Dayah succeeded in reaching Mas'ud's camp at Naisha-
Mas'ud:s Advance
Mas'ud had offered to remain content with Khurasan and Iraq
prOvided his name was given precedence in the khutba, but on re-
PS (11)-6
ceiving a harsh reply from his brother, he decided .to march. on
Ghazni. Muhan1mad, on his side, fr0
the to Takll1a-
bad, where he passed the rrionth of Ramazan. But his strongest. suP:
porters, Yusuf bin Subuktagin, a brother ?f. the late sultan, Amll" All
Kheshawand and the wazir Hasnak, decided to make a belated at-
tempt to please Mas'ud by a betrayal of their own cal'ldidate.. Two
days after the 'ld. on the night of October 3, they dragged him out
of his tent, sent him to a fort of Kandahar, and then advanced to
welcome his brother at Herat. Mas'ud, however, refused to overlook
the fault of those who had conspired against him for years. Muham-
rriad was blinded by his brother's Amir Ali
put to death and Yusuf bin Subuktagm was ,thrown mto pnson where
he died. .
. I
Fall of Hasnak
Hasnak was reserved for the disgrace, of a public execution Balkh.
Mas'ud recalled his father's farrious wazh', Khwaja bm Hasan
Mairriandi, from his Indian prison and entrusted him With the office
he had held for eighteen years with such dignity and The
fate of the fallen tVazir, so graphically described by Balhaql, ,:on
the sympathy of all hearts. After weeks of and
prisonment, Hasnak was. summoned to the chwan where the
Khwaja behaved with politeness. He' was asked to
a bond giving up all his property to the and}he two .wazl1 s
parted with a touching forgiveness a?,d affectto? In the of.
'Sultan Mahmud", Hasnak apologized, and by his orders, I ndlculed
the Khwaja; it was a fault but I had no help but to obey. The post
of wazir was to me, though it was no place for me. .Shll I
fOlmed no design against the Khwaja and I always favoured peo-
ple. I am weary of life but some care ought be of my
and my family and Khwaja must me. He mto
tears and the Khwaja s eyes were filled With tears also. 'You, are
forgiven", he replied, "but you must not be dejected f?r
is still possible. I have and accept It ,?f the AlmIghty: I Will
take care of your family If you are doomed. But ..had
made up his mind and the intrigues of Sahl. Zauzlll, the mU:lster
of war left the issue in no doubt. While passmg through Syna on
his from Mecca during the reign of. Mahmud,
Hasnak had received a robe of honour from the anh-cahph of Egypt,
this had laid him open to the charge of being a Carmathian. Th,e
caliph of Bagdad had but knew
rationalistic beliefs, would not. allow him to be fm an 1m
putation so
Sultan Mahrnur! of Ghazn.i 83
"Write to this doting old .caliph", Mahillud had ordered his secre-
talY, "that for the sake of the Abbasids I have meddled with all the
world. I am hunting for Cannathians, and whenever one is found
who is proved to be so, he is impaled. If it was proved that Hasnak
it Carmathian, the COrrimander of the Faithful would soon learn
qf .YI'gat had happened to him. But I have brought him up and
hc;J stands On an equality with my sons and my brothers. If he isa
Carmathian, so am I also." The old charge was now revived. Two
men were dressed up as messengers from the caliph demanding Has-
. na1<'s death as a Cannathian, and Mas'nd, with pretended reluctance,
acceded to the caliph's demand. But everybody knew the truth. "If
Mas'udmountsthe throne, let me be hanged", Hasnak had declared
in the days of his arrogant power; and Mas'ud haVing succeeded, Has-
nak had to mount 'the steed he had never ridden before'.
A Ghaznavid Execution
At the foot of the scaffold Hasnak threw off his coat and shirt. 'His
hody was white as silver and his face like hundreds of thousands of
pictures.' All men were clying with grief. He replied neither to the
insults of his enemies nor to the questions asked, but his lips were
seen moving in some silent prayer. He was made to wear a helmet and
vizor lest his head, which was to be sent to the caliph, should be
battered beyond recognition by the stones the public was expected
to throw. But the public, barring a few vagabonds hired by the govern-
ment, threw no stones. A great uproar would have arisen, if the royal
horsemen had not prevented it. His fellow-citizens, the Naishapurians,
wept bitterly when the hangman cast a rope round his neck and
suffocated him. For seven years Hasnak hung from the gibbet. His
corpse dried up; the bones of his feet dropped off, and 'not a remnant
of him was left to be taken down and buried in the usual way-no one
knew where his head was or where his body'. A last touch to the
tragedy was given by Hasnak's mother who refused to weep as women
weep; but a deep cry of anguish burst from her 'lips when she was
told of his death. 'What a fortune was my son's!" she exclaimed, "A
king like Mahmud gave hini this world, and one like Mas'ud the next."
Mas' ud and His Difficulties
Mas'tid now seemed 'as secure as his father had ever been. He had
a commanding personality and a sh'ong and unbending resolutIon. He
was surrounded by a body of efficient and loyal officers; whohad served
his father for years.' He had no rival to fear: The government appeared
strong in the extent of its tenitory, its annies, its revenue and its mass
Politics alld Society during the Eady Medieval Petiod
of hoarded wealth. Nevertheless a careful observer would have found
the forces of decay everywhere at work. It was not easy to wield
Mahmud's sceptre. Mas'ud paid no heed to the advice of his wisest
counsellors. His superb self-confidence gave way to a senseless panic
in the hour of danger and showed him to be totally lacking in that
calmness of nerve which comes through the strength of the intellect
rather than the power of muscle and bone. He struck thoughtlessly
and in the wrong quarter with a total incapacity to distinguish the
most dangerous of his enemies from the most contemptible of his foes.
The firmness with which he wielded his axe and his spear in the field
of battle shone in tragic contrast with the folly with which he directed
his campaigns and destroyed the morale of his troops before the
enemy could fall upon them. Equally lacking in the gifts of a states-
man and a general, Mas'ud would have done well to rely on the
judgment of a wiser man. Khwaja Hasan Maimandi, restored to more
than his former glory, directed the government with efficiency so far
as civil affairs were concerned. But the Khwaja never' meddled in
military matters; his death in W37 left Mas'ud free to mismanage
things to his heart's content; and within ten years of his' father's
death Mas'ud had lost his army and his enipire and was flying a help
less fugitive to an inhospitable land.
The two dangers Mas'ud h.ad to fear were the rais of Hindustan in
the east and the Seljuqs in the west. The fOlmer, terrorised rather than
subdued by Mahmud, were sure to wake uP. when the invincible
conqueror was no more. But they were a lethargic people and would
in any case remain on the defensive. Mas'ud's obvious plan should
have been to crush the Seljuqs before it was too late and leave the
rais for a more favourable season. But while the Seljuq peril was
growing apace, he prefened to divert his strength towards Hindustan
in a useless emulation of his father's achievements, who, with a wis-
dom and a generalship denied to his son, had struck simultaneously
In the east and the west. We will first describe the cOniparative prosaic
events -of the Punjab.
Admini'Stration of the Puniab
The peculiar position of this Indian province had induced Mahmud
to take the extraordinary step of separating its civil and military
authorities. All administrative affairs were placed in the hands of
Abul Hasan Ali, knO\vn as Qazi Shir.azi, a man of common-place
capacity, whom sultan in one of his humours had thought of pItting
against the august dignity of the great Khwaj-a, while Ali Ariyaruk, a
Turkish general of remarkable dash and cOllnlge, appointed
S uitan M ahmud 01 CIIO%n/
The qazi and the general were independent of
each other and indirect subordination to Ghazni. To keep them both
in check, Bul Kasim bul Hakam was appointed superintendent of the
news-caniers and his duty was to report everything important to
Ghazni. This division of power was intended to keep the province in
check by preventing the concentration of authOlity in a Single hand,
while by the appOintment of a general, whose sole business was to
wage war against the thakw's (mis), Mahmud sought to make the
plunder of Hindustan a permanent affair. The plan miscarried. Ariya-
ruk bore down all opposition and made himself supreme; the qazi in
retaliation dressed himself in )IlilitalY clothes, but was relegated to a
secondary position. The soft words of the Khwaja, however, succeeded
in alluring Ariyaruk to Balkh, where he was arrested and thrown into
prison (March 1031).
Ahmad Niyaltigin
The instructions of the Khwaja to the new
Allmad Niyaltigin, could leave him in no doubt that cordial cooper-
ation between him and the qazi would be looked upon with suspicion
at Ghazni. "This self-sufficient fellow of Shiraz wishes the generals to
be under his command. You must not say anything to any person
respecting revenue or political matters, but you must perform all the
duties of a comm-ander, so that the fellow may not be able to put
his hand on your sinews and drag you down." On Niyaltigin's arrival
at Lahore, the strife between the civil and military authorities recom-
menced. The qazi complained of the semi-regal state which
NiyaHigin was keeping up, of his Turkoman slaves and of his
?ossible designs. But the Khwaja supported Niyaltigin, and
the general in high spirits led a campaign into Hindustan.
Marching with the rapidity he had learnt from his master, he crossed
the Jumna and the Ganga and appeared unexpectedly before Banaras.
It would have been dangerous to remain long in the city, but he
succeeded in holding it from morning to midday, during which short
interval the markets of drapers, jewellers and perfumers were plun-
dered, 'though it was impossible to do more'. The qazi found his
opportunity. He confidential reports to Ghazni of the immense
wealth Niyaltigin had obtained and withheld from the sultan. "What
his intentions are nobody knows, but he calls himself a son of Mah-
mud." Fear or ambition actually incited Niyaltigin to treason, and on
returning to Lahore he beSieged the qazi in the fort of Mandkakar.
86 Potitics and Society during tile Eai-ly Medieval Fmiod
It was' a, bid for The sultan consulted his high officers
but none of them was mclmed to lead a campaign to India in the
the rains (July 1033). "When one lUllS away frOtri Ahmad
Nlyalhgm, there cannot be much honour left", the minister of war
:'but the general sent him will have enough to do,
fOI there IS a strong force at Lahore. Ashamed of the pusillanimity
of colleagues, it Hindu general stepped forward and offered his
serVIces. They were gratefully accepted by the sultan.
Tilak; the Ilindu -
.The career of Tilak, the Hindu, shows the rapidity with which
were J;>oth forgetting their religious differences
In the selvlce of a common king and the superbly oriental feeling of
loyalty to the salt. Though the son of a barber, he was of handsome
appear.ance, had studied 'dissimulation, amours and witchcraft' in
Kashmrr. and wrote excellent Hindi and Persian. He had first entered
the serVice of. Qazi Shirazi but left it for the better prospects offered
by the KhwaJa, to. who;n. he acted as. secretary and interpreter and
was by him With the most delIcate affairs. Even the Khwaja's
fall did him. no, harm, for Mahmud wanted clever and energetic young
men and '!Ilak s fortune kept. on . Soy and Rai, the general
of the IndIan troops, took the wrong SIde on the succession question,
when he was slain the skirmish against Ayaz, Ma'sud appointed
Tilak to the vacant post. Thus he obtained the name of a man.' "Kettle-
ru:uns were beaten in his quarters according to the custom of Hindu
banners with gilded tops were granted." He had an army
under his. command, the and the umbrella a Ghaznavid general.
sat m the charmed CIrcle of the sultan s confidential officers.
"Wise men do not. wonder at such facts", says the reflective Bailraqi,
because nobody IS born great-inen became such. This Tilak had
excellent qualities and all the time he lived he sustained ll() injury
on account of -being the son of a barber." . . .
. Tilak drew up the plan of his campaign, and as soon as it was
sanctioned by the sultan, hastened against the rebeL NiyaltigiIi was
unable to hold Lahore and fled towards the desert and Tilakfollowed
close on his heeh with an army consisting mostly of Hindus. He set
a price of. 500,000 dirhams. on Niyaltigin's head, cut off the right
hands of his Musalman supporters whenever they Jell into his clutches
and promised .a who would desert him. This policy had
the result deSired. Nlyaltigm was defeated in battle and hiS Tuiko-
soldiers came over to Tilak in a body. 'The span of Ahmad's
lIfe was narrowed, his men deserted him and at'lastmattets -reached-
So far that the J ats and evely kind of infidel joined in the pursuit.' lIe
was ultimately slain by the Jats while attempting to cross the Indus.
Mas'ud abolished the plan of two independent jurisdictions in the
Punjab and assigned the government to his son, Prince Majdud, with
supreme command of civil as well as militmy affairs. Nevertheless the
province remained in a state of turmoil and disorder. Ghaznavid garri-
sons held the towns: Hinduism and freedom reigned supreme in the
countryside. Nothing else was possible when the government was so
incompatible with the spirit of the people.
The Hansi Expedition
In the winter of 1037 Mas'ud decided on an expedition against
Hansi. The condition of the Punjab was no doubt unsatisfactory, but
the capture of another Hindu fort could not make the government
stable. The Seljuqs were becoming more powerful every day and the
Khwaja advised him to postpone the Indian venture till he had sub-
dued his western enemies. "If my lord should not go to Khurasan, if
the Turkomans should conquer a province, or if they should conquer
even a village, and do that which they m'e accustomed to do, namely,
mutilate, slaughter and bum, ten 'holy wars' at Hansi would not
compensate." But Mas'ud was deaf to all advice. He said he had
made a vow and must fulfil it. He marched by way of Kabul to the
bank of the Jhelum where an illness, owing to which he gave up
drinking for a time, prevented him from moving further for a fort-
night. Another march of three weeks brought him to the virgin fort
of Hansi. The ganison made a desperate defence and relaxed no
effort, but the fort was stormed after a siege of ten days and its trea'
sure divided among the mIDy. Mas'ud next mm'ched against Sonpat,
but rai, Dipal Hari, fled away and his city was annexed to the
Punjab. Another chief, named Ram, sent treasures to the invader but
apolOgized that he could not come in person owing to old age and
On relturning to Ghazni, the sultan discovered that during his
absence the Seljuqs had plundered Taliqan and Fariyab and were
besieging Ray. He felt ashamed of his Indian expedition and promised
to advance against theni, in the coming sumni,er. The Ghazni-Seljuq
contest was rapidly drawing to a head.
Rise of the Seliuqs
"The rustic, perhaps the WIsest, portion of the Turkoirians", Says
,Gibl,:lOn, "continued to dwell in the tents of their ancestors, while the
Turks of the court and the city were refined by business and softened
Politics and Society dU1'ing tIle Early Medieval Period
by pleasure." No love existed between the two sections of the race.
The civilised Turkish population of the great cities of Turkistan and
the Turkish peasantry, who had learnt the value of agriculture, found
the ways of their untamed brethren intolerable. For two centuries
the chiefs of Mawaraun Nahr had acted as the frontier outposts
against the barbaric Tartars. But the rise of the Ghaznavid empire
had greatly weakened their strength and it was impossible for them
to discharge their former function with efficiency. The remnant of
the Seljuq tribes left in Mawaraun Nahr was' intensely hated by
the neighbouring chiefs, whose territOlies they constantly raided. The
sons of Ali Tigin, who had re-established the power of their family
over Samarqand and Bukhara, refused to tolerate them, and the ruler
of Jund, named Shah, for whom they had an innate enwty, made
a sudden raid on their wandering camp, and with a double portion
oE their vindictive animosity, slew eight thousand of their males
at a single stroke while seven hundred men, who escaped his wrath,
fled to other side of the Oxus. But in 1031 Yusuf Qadr Khan of
Kashghar died and in the follOwing year Altuntash, the Ghaznavid
general whom Mahrriud had appointed governor of Khwarazm, was
ordered by Mas'ud to advance against Ali Tigin's sons and in a fierce
battle, which cost him his life, he crushed their army and deprived
them of Bukhara. Altuntash's son, Harun, whorri Mas'ud appointed
to his father's post, repaid his kindness by treason and soon met his
punishment. The result of these events was to remove every power
that wght have prevented the march of the Tartar tribes from
eastern Turkistan across Mawaraun Nahr to the tempting fields of
Persia. The officers of the empire proved totally incapable of either
exterminating or subduing the migratory hordes that had crossed the
Oxus. They had no settled habitation and it was impossible to crush
them in a battle. They dispersed and reunited with remarkable ease.
And yet it is easy to imagine what the unexpected raid of the Tartar
shepherds, who came bUlning and plundering, meant to a population
accustomed to law and order.
The leadership of the irrimigrants naturally fell to the Seljuqs, and
in 1036 three chiefs of the tribe, tired of the continuous conHict and
hard-pressed for land, sent a petition to the sultan asking for the dis-
tricts of Nisa and Farawah, the land between the mountains on the
northwest of Khurasan, the Oxus and the desert of Kara-Kum, to be
granted to them as pasture. This humble petition signed by Beghu,
brother of Israel bin Seljuq, and Beghu's two nephews, Tughril and
Daud, concluded with a desperate threat, 'because they had no place
on earth and none remaIned to them'. Mas'ud bitterly complained
of his father's error in bringing these camel drivers into the empire,
Suitan Mahmud of Ghazni
and while beguiling the Seljuqs with soft words, sent a force of 15,000
a ~ a i n s t them. Begtaghdi, the Ghaznavid general, defeated the Seljuqs
after a stubborn battle, but when his men had dispersed in search
of plunder, they returned from the mountain -defiles and practically
annihilated his -army. There was no alternative but to concede the
Seljuq demands; but their ambitions expanded with their success, and
they began to aspire for the cities of Merv and Sarakhs, situated on
the frontier of their tenitory, and even for the whole of Khurasan.
But Mas'ud, when he should have concentrated his forces on the
southern side of the Khurasan hills, preferred a Pyrrhic victory over
the Hindus of Hansi; and dUling his absence in 1036-37, the plunder
of Taliqan and Fariyab enabled the Seljuqs to organise their strength,
and placed them in a position to challenge Mas'ud's power in nOlthem
In the spring of 1037 Subashi, govemor of Khurasan, was ordered
by Mas'ud to proceed against the Seljuqs. He protested that he was
too weak, but the sultan insisted on his order being obeyed, and the
reluctant govemor led his troops to the expected defeat. At one blow
Sarakhs, Merv and the whole of Khurasan came into the hands of the
Seljuqs. Tughril was crowned king at Naishapur. A permanent peace
between Mas'ud and the Seljuqs was now impossible and a victory
gained by Mas'ud at Sarakhs in the follOwing year only delayed the
last stage of the contest.
The Campaign of Mem
In, the summer of 1040 the Seljuqs collected around Sarakhs, and
Mas ud, though he had made no pl'eparations, resolved to march
against them. A terrible famine was raging and his advisers re-
quested him to postpone the campaign, Mas'ud refused to listen.
The Seljuqs retreated as he advanced and concentrated their forces
at Merv. But Mas'ud's army became more disorganised at every
stage. Grain had to be brought from distant places; the heat was
unbearable; the enemy had filled up the weIrs and harassed the
Ghaznavids on evelY side. Most of the men were unhorsed; no
diScipline or order remained; and finally at Dandaniqan, near Merv,
Mas'ud was sUlTounded by the Seljuqs and had to offer battle, His
generals. disgraced themselves' by treason and Hight, and the men
followed the example of their officers. 'The TUl'kish troops went
one way, and the Indians another, and neither Arabs nor Kurds
could be distinguished.' Only the royal body-guard remained round
the sultan, who surprised friend and foe by his valour and strength,
and spear in hand, stl1lck down all who came within the reach of
Poiitics and Society during--tile E!lI'iy MediBv'di Pe/'iod
his arms. But the field was irrehievably lost. "I saw Prince Maudud,
son of the sultan", says the historian, "galloping here and there, and
endeavouring to rally his men, but no one gave ear to him for every-
one was for himself." The sultan managed to extricate himself and
reached his capital feadully shaken and terrorised. The empire of
Ghazni was no more.
End of Sultan Mas'ud
The officers who had deserted the sultan on the battlefield were
imprisoned. Prince Maudud was despatched with an army to Balkh,
but Mas'ud hiniself was so afraid of the Seljuqs that he dared not
remain at Ghazni. He sent Majdud to Multan and ordered Prince
Izad-yar to hold the Afghans in check, and then with the royal
haram and the choicest treasures of Sultan Mahmud loaded on. three
hundred camels, he started for Lahore. Everyone advised the sultan
against the step. His desertion of the capital throw every-
thing into anarchy and disorder. The journey. ltselJ) was ?,f
danger. "I have no very high opinion of the fidelity of the Hmd!;ls ,
the Wazil' Khwaja Muhammad bin Abdus Samad remarked, and
what faith has my lord in his othel:, servants,. that he should
his treasures to them in the desert? But mlsf01tune had only m-
creased Mas'ud obstinacy, and he caustically accused his officers of
treason. At the pass of Marigalah the wazil" S ominious 'Words were
fulfilled. A number of Turkish and Hindu slaves plundered a pmt
of the royal treasure; and seeing that their Clime woulicl not be
pm'doned by Mas'ud, they besieged him in the inn where he was
staying and placed his brother, the blind on the throne.
Mas'ud was captured and sent to the fort of Gm where he was soon
after put to death.
Placed on the throne after nine years of iniprisonment, the blind
Mnhammad contented himself with dly bread while the affairs were
directed by his son, Ahmad, who was reputed to be mad. Mau-
dud gave Sh01t shrift tl) his father's mmderers. He hurned
Balkh to Ghazni and thence marched towards the Indus. Muham-
mad's mmy, which had marched to meet him, was defeated Nagra-
hal' and Mnh-ammad and his sons were captured and slam on the
spot (1041). Maudud built an inn and a village on the site. of ?is
victory; which he named Fathabad. and returned to Ghazlll wlth
his father's coffin. But the battle of Nagrahar had not placed the
Punjab in his hands. His brother, Majdud: wh?m the l.ate.
had appOinted governor of Multan, lost no m consohdatmg Ius
. Suitail Mahmud of ciwzni
'pbwer;and with the help of the famous Ayaz, he captured Lahore
ahd established his government from the Indus to Hansi and Thanes-
war. Maudud marched on Lahore in 1042, but Majdud arrived just
ih time to save it. A critical battle was imminent and Maudud's
(units began to waver. But on the morning of the 'Id of Sacrifice
Majdud was found dead in his tent; a few days later Ayaz also died:
and the Punjab passed into Maudud's hands without a battle. But
fmther troubles were yet in store.
The Hindu Revival: Hansi, ThaneswaI', Nagal'kot & Lahore. -
It was not to be expected that the Hindu rais would fail to take
advantage of the troubles of their enemy, now that the Seljuqs had
made theil' task so easy. The empire of Ghazni, shrunk to the di-
mensions of a little kingdom, was torn by civil dissensions and, in a
pellJetual danger of being swallowed up by its western neighbours.
Maudud was in no condition to defend his Indian possessions; and
the mis of the Punjab and other lands, 'whom fear of the Musahrtans
had driven like foxes to the forest, again raised their heads with
confident courage'. The tide turned rapidly. A Hindu confederacy,
headed by the rai of Delhi, captured Hansi and Thaneswar; Ghazna-
vid officers were driven off from town and country; the oppressive
despondency that had taken possession of the Hindu mind disappear-
ed; and the rais determined to crush the prestige of the invader by
a vict01y that would bring joy to evelY village of Hindustan. Of
the sacred places of Hinduism which Sultan MahiTIud had conquered,
Nagarkot was the only one he had kept in has hands. To the average
Hindu mind the Muslini possession of Nagarkot symbolised the
conquest of religion by brute force, and it was the first duty of the
confederates to put an end to this standing insult to their creed. The
army of hiumphant Hinduism marched to the foot of the fort and
laid siege to it with all the sincerity of faith. The Muslim ganison
prepared for resistance, but its appeals for help to the amil's of La-
hore went unheeded and it had no alternative but to capitulate on
ferms that saved its life and honour. The temple was rebuilt. A
new idol was placed on the pedestal. The news spread through all
Hindustan. Hindu pilglims were juhilant and once more came to
visit it in crowds. 'The market of idolatOlY was busier than ever:
Islam had become a losing cause and it seemed as if another decisive
blow would dlive it off from the land. The Ghaznavid amirs of Lahore,
busy in fighting each other, had forgotten tlleir allegiance to Mau-
dud and tin-ned a deaf ear to the prayers of the ganison of Nagarkot.
But when they heard that ten thousand Hindu cavalry supported
by a large infanhy was marching against them, they at last awoke
Poiitics and Society during the Eariy Medieval Pm'iod
to the Insecurity of their position, and taking an oath of loyalty to
Maudud, collected their forces with the determination to defend their
city to the 'last. The Hindu army retired without pressing the siege.
Thus Lahore and the large towns west of the Ravi were saved. Over
the rest of the counhy Hinduism soon forgot the Musalmans. Such
traces of Islam as Mahmud might have left in India were simply
swept off. On the other hand, the Hindus learnt no lessons from
their adversity. No national govenm\ent arose to end the civil wars
of Alyavalta and after a century and a half Shihabuddin Ghuri found
the Hindu rais as disunited as ever.
Later Histo1"Y ot the Kingdom ot Chazni
The later history of the kingdom of Ghazni need not detain us
for long. Its petty plinces were content to eke out a humble ex-
istence under the shadow of the Seljuq empire; its unending palace
intrigues were a source of derision to its enemies and of despair to
its friends. Sultan Maudud died in December 1049, and his son,
Mas'ud II, a child of four years, was overthrown by Maudud's
brother, Abul Hasan Ali, who in his turn was defeated by Abdur
Rashid, a son of Sultan Mahmud, in 1051. In 1054 AbdUl: Rashid
was put to death by his general Tughril, the traitor, but the usurper
was slain before he had occupied the throne for forty days. Next
Farrukhzad, son of Mas'ud, was brought out of prison and reigned
for seven years (1052-59), while his brother and successor, Sultan
Raziuddin Ibrahim, a pions king, was blessed with a long reign of
over fOliy years which came to an end in 1099. He was blessed also
with thirty-six sons and forty daughters, and the latter, for want of
suitable princes, were married to Sayyids and pions scholars. Sultan
Ibrahim is credited with two Indian expeditions of which he led
the second in person (1079-80). Ajodhan, the present Patan of Shaikh
Farid of Shakarganj, was reached, and marching thence the sultan
captured the fort of Rupar, situated on a hm with a river on one
side and a thorny forest full of snakes on the other. Still more poetic
was the conquest of Darah, a town of Khurasan colonists, exiled
from Persia to India by the Afrasiyab of the Shah Nama! "They wor-
shipped idols and passed their lives in sin", but their city
was considered impregnable and consequently the rais of India
never succeeded in plundering the foreigners in their midst. But
Ibrahim cut his way through the thick forest that surrounded Darah
and reduced it by fOl'ce. Apart from this somewhat mythic exploit,
Sultan Ibrahim was a sane and sensible man, who never forgot the
serious limitations of his power and s e c u ~ e d for his subjects a long
Deriod of uninterrupted peace. '
Sultan Mahmud of Ghazn;
Ibrahim's son, Alauddin Mas'ud, married a sister of the Seljuq
emperor, Sultan Sanjar, and died after a peaceful reign of sixteen
years in 1115. His son, Arsalan Shah, signalized his accession by put-
ting his brothers to death. Only one of them, Bahram Shah, succeeded
in escaping to his uncle Sanjar, who drove out Arsalan and placed
Bahram on the throne. But Arsalan returned and besieged Bahram
and Sanjar once more marched to Ghazni (1117). Arsalan was captured
and a year later put to death. Muizzuddin Bahram Shah was a magni-
ficent king. He twice defeated the governor of the Punjab, Muhammad
Bahalini. Shaikh Nizami Canjavi dedicated the Makhzanul Asmr to
him and the Kalila and Dimna was translated from Arabic into Persian
during his reign. But a quarrel with the chiefs of Chur led to the
sack of Ghazni and Sultan Bahram's reign of forty-one years ended
in disgrace and ruin (1152).
The Seliuq Empire-Sultan Tughril
Meanwhile, like all things mortal, the empire of the Seljuqs had
been progressing through its career of expansion, consolidation and
decay. The battle of Dandaniqan had placed the Persian provinces
. of the Ghaznavid empire in th'ir hands. Sultan Tughril (1039-63), the
first emperor of the dynasty, fixed has capital at Ray and assigned
Khurasan to his brother, Dal)d Jafar (Chaghr) Beg. The ease with
which the conquered people reconciled themselves to the new
dynasty is a credit at once to the moral character of the house of
Seljuq and the captivating power of civilization. The new rulers
threw off their barbaric wavs and conformed to the time-honoured
traditions of Persian monarchy; the military vigour of the Turk com-
bined with the administrative genius of the Persian to establish an
empire that came into contact and conflict with the anti-caliphs of
Egypt and the Byzantine empire in the west and the infidels of
Cathay in the east; and in the centurv of peace that followed no one
regretted the fall of the Ghaznavid administration. "It would be
superfluous", says Gibbon, "to praise the valour of a Turk, and the
ambition of TughriI was equal to his valour. In his own dominions
Tughril was the father of his soldiers and people; by a firm and
equal adminIstration Persia was relieved from the evils of anarchy;
and the same hands which had been embmed in blood became the
guardians of justice and the public peace." The kings of Chazn!
were allowed to eke out their vears of inglorious existence but the
Mus.almans and Christians of I;aq and Asia MInor felt the hand of
'the Conquering Turk', Azarbaiian was annexed to the empire; the
power of the Buwaihids, which Mahmud had crushed in Isfahan and
Ray, was finally annihilated in Baghdad and the Commander of the
Politics alld Society duril1g the Early Medieval Pel'iod
Faithful, relieved from the vexations to which he Jlacl bee11. exposed
by the presence and poverty of this Persian dynasty, bestowed on
Tughril the titles of 'Sultanud Doulah' and 'Yamin-i-Amirul
A Seljuq general, Atisiz, overran Syria and even reached. the Nile,
while the Byzantine empire felt the vigour of the TurkIsh troops
across a frontier of six hundred miles from Tam'as to Erzrum. The
contest was, however, undecided when Tughril died at the age of
Alp A1-salan
Alp Arsalan (i063-72), son of Daud, who succeeded to the empire
of his uncle after a brief peIiod of civil wars, continued the- eastern
c,onquests to Tughril. Arnlenia and Georgia were and
years (1068-71) of war decided the fate of the ASiatic possessIOns
of Constantinople. The initiative was taken by the emperor, Romanus
Diogenes, who advanced with a hundred thousand soldiers and an
auxiliarv force of disorderly allies. After three well fought oam-
paigns the Turks were driven beyond the Euphrates, and when the
sultan advanced against him with fOlty thousand men,' the emperor
contemptuously ordered the barbarian to cede and .city
of Ray as the condition of peace. But the sultan s rapid and skIlful
evolutions distressed and dismayed the supelior numbers of the
Greeks", and at the battle of Mulazgird (Madikerb) the Turkish
veterans crushed the power of their vain and disorganised oppenents
beyond the possibility of redemption. Romanus Diogenes, a
captive to the court, was treated with that SURerb generosl.ty
Alp Arsalan showed his fallen enemies. hiS
western mission, the sultan marched eastward for the .of
Mawaraun Nahr. But an assassin's dagger cut short the sultan slIfe
after he had crossed the Oxus and brought his conquering career
to an untimely end after a reign of nine years and a half.
Malik Shah
The reign of Alp Arsalan's son, Malik Shah .(1072-92!, was period
of prosperity and peace, and shows the SelJu9- empIre at Its best.
The unrealised scheme of his father was accomplIshed by the conquest
of Mawaraun Nahr and Malik Shah's khutba was read beyond the
Jaxartes at But _ rest of !eifS.n
kept perambulating his extensive empire and.supervI.smg Its CIVil admi-
nistration so th.at "few depalted from his WIthout reward and
none without jlistice". The calendar which fallen. into .disorder
s reformed by a committee of mathematiCians (mcludmf,!; the
Omar' Khayyam), who inaugurated the 'Jalali er<l'
Sultan Mahmud of Ghaznl
of Malik Shah, 'a computation of ti'JIie, which sU!l)asses the Julian,
and approaches the accuracy of the Gregorian style'. With the naines
of Alp Arsalan and Malik Shah is intimately associated the name of
their great minister, Nizamul Mulk, author of the Siyasat Nama43
and one of the most famous wazil's of the E.ast. Deeply leamed in
all the political wisdom of the day, a patron of literature and art to
whom tlIe 'Nizamiah' University of Baghdad owed its establishment,
Nizamul Mulk served the Seljuq dynasty with zeal and devotion for
thirty years and won for it the loyalty of its subjects and tlIe grateful
remembrance of posterity. But the influence of tlIe queen, Turkan
Khatun, who wished to secure the succession of her son Mahmud
alienated the sultan's mind from him, and at the age of
years the venerable statesman was dismissed by his master, accused
by his enemies, and murdered by a fanatic. Malik Shah himself
. died in the following montlI.
Malik Shah's two sons, BarHamq (1092-1104) and Muhammad (1104-
17), were succeeded by their brother, Sanjar (1117-57), a great, 'dignifi-
ed and mighty monarch', under whom affairs again came back to 'the
highway of legality a.nd the beaten track of equity and justice', from
which tlIey had been unhappily deflected during the reigns of his pre-
decessors. Iraq, Khurasan and Mawaraun Nahr increased in popula-
tion and prospClity; the empire was more extensive than it had been
ever before. Nevertheless Sanjar's long reign was a period of dis-
integration and decay. Provincial govemors (atabeks) began to aspire
for independence; a new race of Turkomans poured across the Jaxartes;
and by slow degrees the foundations of the empire were sapped. San-
jar struggled valiantly against the rising deluge and won seventeen
out of the nineteen great battles he is said to have fought. But he did
.not know how to take advantage of his successes, and his defeats were,
'consequently, more important than his victories. In 1141 a number
of Qara-khitai hibes, who had migrated into Turkistan, rebelled a.!!ainst
the empire. Sanjar was defeated near Samarqand and the whole of
Mawaraun Nahr passed into infidel hands. Another body of emigrants,
the Ghuzz Turks, defeated and captured the sultan in 1153, and carried
him about as a captive in their camp for three years. '%en the sultan
last escaped to his capital, the empire had ceased to exist. Khurasan
been devastated by the Ghuzz; the atabeks had thrown off their
al1e![ianlce to the central power; .and the last of the "Great Seliuqs"
eyes after a strenuous 1ife of seventy-two years spent in an
defence of the work of his ancestors and the civilization
the protection of the Seljuq dynasty, Persian clvWzation
a height which it hilS never since attained. The middle of
Politics alld Society durillg the Early Medieval Period
the twelfth century wiblessed the final extinction of the kingdom of
Ghazni and the collapse of the Seljuqian einpire. The kingdoms of
Khwarazm and Ghur rose on the ground thus left vacant, but neither
had grown to its full stature when the Muslim world was overwhelmed
by the Mongol barbarians.
1. 'The point requires some elucidation. The great religions of the world may be
divided into two groups-the Semitic (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and the
Aryan (Hinduism, J ainism and Buddhism). .speakin
, Semitic rel.igions give
more importance to the ethical, and the Aryan re!IglOns to the metaphysIcal, aspect
of faith. Now after the Arab conquest of Persia, the Persians naturally interpreted
the new faith in the light of their already existiug metaphysical conceptions which
they largely shared with the Hindus. One of the most important of these was the
idea of incarnation, the appearance of the Supreme Being in a human form. Every
religion has felt the necessity of finding some means of intercourse between the
real and the sensible world. In Islam the angel Gabriel brings the message of the
one world to the other. Aryan religions explain it by a series of incarnations by
which the Creator comes to teach the law to the created. In the extreme forms of
Shiaism a highly Aryanised interpretation of Islam, the Prophets and the Imams
become' Divine Incarnations, a belief which the orthodox considered t.o be identical
with idolatry. And yet a priMi Shiaism and Sunnism must be consIdered equally
valid interpretations of a common faith; nor is it possible to give vali.d reaSOn why
the Arab outlook on life should be in greater consonance WIth realIty than the
Persian. Another Indo-Aryan doctrine was 'monism' the belief. which regarded
existence as the emanation of one Being and all change as the eVIdence of a CosmIC
P e To the Semitic conception of law as an external command, the Aryans had
urposd' th belief that law was an inner aspiration of the sonl itself. What is known
oppose e . h I' h f I I P .
as Ta.,awWuf (Muslim mysticism) is Islam interpreted m t.e t 0 nc 0-
monism in which god ceases to be a being external to the mdIVldual and :aw IS no
longer cominand imposed from without. Muslim mystics have always claImed that
their doctrines are based on the Quran and rightly so, however a
confession may appear to those who imagine that a religion can .Iong :"Itho.ut
developing a system of metaphysics. But the contention the. Mushm mystIcs !S qUIte
'bl th the foct that the development of mystIcIsm In Islam was mamly the
COmpal eWI q ..' d h .
work of Persian thinkers, who were steeped In the doctnne of momsm; an . t at In
its matnre form the teachings of Tasawwuf are broadly the same. as the. phIlosophy
of the Neo-Platonists and the Upanishads. Thus Islam interpreted m the. hght of
Incarnation-idea has given us Shiaism, which in its orthodox claIms that Air
should have been the first Caliph and in its heretical phase asserts hIm Imams
to be Divine Incarnations, while interpreted in light ?f A;ryan momsm, It has led
to Tasawwuf, the finest achievement of Indo-PerSIan ge?lUS In the realm Of.
2. A detailed stndy of the Carmathians and Ismaibs does not come WIthIn our
\Sultan Mahmud of 97
Their ideals and their organisation are equally interesting. Like all IllVolutiollary
'lIiiIibrities they seem to have included men of alI shades of opinion from toletant
like Hakhn Nasir Khusr",u to mere cut-throats and assassins. Nizamul
Mulk in his Slyasat Nama considers them a pte-Muslim Persian sect, founded by
Mazdak a generation before the Prophet and continued into Islam. A mysterious cblmn
the fortress of ,Alamut (eagle's nest) and its 'mock paradise, from whence
the 'Old Man of the Mountain' was wont to send out his young men to assassinate
iris opponents. The word 'assassin' comes from 'httshish (hemp) with which the victim
of the fraud was drugged before being taken to the 'paradise'; its houris, it is said,
had' such an influence On his imagination that his soul found no rest in the WOrld
outside and the promise that he would reach "paradise' at once by the performance
-cif a heroic deed was enough to induce him to wield the assassin'S"!mife and face the
inevitable punishment at the hands of the orthodox. The fort was destroyed by
Flalaku, grandson of Chengiz. For literature on the subject; besides the SIYl1$at Nama
see the' chapters on the 'heretics' in Rauzatwi Safa and Tarikh-i Guzidah. The third
volume of Alauddin Ata Malik Juwayni's Tarikh-i Jahan' Gu.sha was written on the
'basis of the Alamut library.
"'.3. One of greatest of hiStorical errors Is the prevalent opinion that the kings of
Medieval India were, It was originated by General Briggs, the most Stupid
of translators and the most pedantic of historians. Barring the nondescript, Khaljls,
all dynasties of Delhi callie from the Turkish stock, except the Sayyids Lodisand
The sultans. of Ghazni and Ghur, the Slave kings, the Tughlaqs and the
Great Moghuls all belonged to the Turko-Mongolian race. An Afghan king In
Afghanistan even would have .been an anomaly before the days of Ahmad Shah
Abdalf. '
4. Some historians have ignored, while others have denied, the existence of
flilkatagln and Plray. Their reigns are, however, proved by their coins and the most
reliable chronicles refer to them. A great confusion prevails as to dates. Colonel
Raverty, after an arrogant criticism of Mlnhajus Siraj, "ives the following
dates of .the HI1ri era: Alptagin (322-52), Abu Ishaq (352-53), Bilkatagln
{353-,52), PIray (362-67). All authorities are agreed in declaring 367 as the vear
<>f, Subuktagln's accession, but a little reflection would have shown the
Cc;>lonel that his other dates were preposterous. Abdul Malik died In 350, and
who was gove:,,?r of Khurasan in the'reign of that monarch and conquered
ChaznI after Abdul MalIk s death, could not have reigned in Ghazni from 322 to 353.
J?e. date of the conquest of Ghazni Is 351 according to the joint testimony of Minhajus
Hamdullah Mustawfi and Ferishta. The' Question remains-how to divide the
years 351 to 367 between the four reigns? Hamdullah Mustawfi and Ferishta give sixteen
years to Alptagln and one to Abu Ishaq. But they ignore Bilkatag;n and Piray who
h?ve to be accomm.odated. In spite of the criticism of his translator, Minhajus Siraj
gIves the m?st ratronal account-Alptagln, 8 years; Ishaq, 1 year; Bilkatagin, 10
years; and Pira:, 1 year. From this I get the years of the Christian era given above .
. The con'espondmg dates for the Samanid kings, On the testimony of Minhajus Siraj
and Hamdullah Mustawfi, are: Abdul Malik bin Nuh (343-50) Mansur bin N h
Nuh bin Mansur (365-87). ' u
5. SOme before the Christian era the Turki Shah! (Kushan) dynasty of Scythia
Turks by Barhatagin began a career of conquest till under its
monarch, Kamshka, a large part of Northern India, Afghanistan, Turkistan and
Mawaraun Nahr was included in the Kushan empire. The Turks were quickl
assimilated by Indian civilisation, but the result was not altogether fortunate F y
Buddhism, instead of raising the barbarians to its own level, found easier to
,;s'(m..:.7 '
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period'
to their idolatrous beliefs; and that preposterous mixture of rationalism and priestcraft,
known as Mahayana Buddhism, in which the philosophy of the Te.acher is,
reconciled with the gods of every locality, became the creed of the peoples. mcluded
th Kushan empire. Kanishka's capital Peshawar, became a centre for disseminat-
: new faith, and centuries later' the Musahnans found the wild tn'bes of
.J hanlstan worshipping the Buddha in the form of the lion (Sakya . From
th; dowofaII of the Kushan empire till the Saracenic invasion of Afghamstan m t1;e'
eighth centw:y all is dark. Alberuni states that the Tttrki Shah! dynasty of Barhatagtnby'
included no less than sixty kings, the last of whom, Lagaturman, was deposed
his Brahman wazir, Kallur,. the 11m ruler of the Hind ..
ubukta found rulin over the Punjab. The pedigree of the kings wntten on SIlk
!as prJ:rwa in the f!rtress of N agarkot but says he was unable to see it.
The order .of the Hind .. Shah! dynasty is given by hIm as follows: :ra
KamaJu, BhIni, Jaipal, Auandpal, Tarojanpal (T1'!10canpal) and BhimpaJ (Alberum,.
Sachau's Tr. Vol. ii, p. 13). d th into a
6 The ow-storm is said to have been caused by some irt rown
. erions SO I of clear water by Mahmud's order. Similar bello:s were Widely.
:.:!uent a!:g the Mongols and Turks. It is obvious that. the IndIan army would
sulfer more than the enemy who was accustomed to the chmate. his
7 H' . d was also by a dark suspicion that Subuktagin not
reai ra::'er
While returning to his palace one the sultan ordered b,S
lamp to given to a poor student, whom he in a
'8 of Sflbu1dagln' the Prophet appeared to hIm ill II ream t ru . ' .. Th
G:i honour thee both the worlds as thou hast honoured my $!Icce .. sorl e
suit ' three doubts were thus removed. . . .
an s . alti'n commander-in-chief of Lahore in Ma'sod's relgo, WIlS'
8. Alunad NlY f M hm d "People used to tell stories about
considere.d to be an illegltImate son a aU. 1. frl dl relation.
his birth, his mother Amir
& D.,.
between the king and hIS mot er- u 0
Vol. ii, lJl2). . . . I d' Mahmud generally left Chazn!;
. 9 Winter was the campalgmng' season In ",a. d' h 'nter in India
in ;utunin (i.e. the end of the rainy season), and after 5po;n Ing t .e W1 . ently"
ed t Ch
. by the bemnning of the summer. HIS campalgos, eonsequ ,.
return 0 azrn 0............ .
have to be indicated by two years of the ",,,,,,stian era.
.. lace of considerable. lnIportance On the western bank of the
10. "TblS !sft a P'I b Attoc" k on the old high-road from Lahore to Peshawar.
Indus about D een lll1 es a ove, 4 8)
and three marches from the latter" (E. & D., Vol. ii. p. S .
h li
th st bank of the Jhelu:m, under the Salt Range. It bears
11. "B era es on e w: . be a posite side of the river the
evident marks of great aAnhd h; strike every beholder with,
extensive mins of BUfane, above ma a , . .
astonishment" (E. & D., Vol. ii, p. K a admit of no doubt for the
12. "That is the sa:n
as ot surround it are the Banganga
name Nagarkot is used. The which is a mile from the fort, is now
and the Biyah (BIas). The to\v:, 0 1m, W tem Ie raised tu a Sakti, 01' female
On a spot called Bhawan, whICh means. p. resumed foundation by the
is probabl
temples were fortified 1!-nd
herolC Bhnn (E, & D" Vo. 11, p. .
so were most towns and villages. ., . . Meal references. The
18. Uthi's account of tbe campaIgn IS obscure In ;ts d tbis inter-
real object, undo)1bte?ly: was. to by utM
pretation of s mtenti.on annon17.eS we
Sultan Mah'flWll of Ghozll; 99
later. The 'best wishes' for the sultan's 'future prosperity' apparently inU>lied willing-
ness to allow him to march across the Punjab.
14. Utbi places the Tbaneswar campaign after the Nardin (Ninduna) expedition.
and Elliot follows him in the error. This is clearly wrong. The Thaneswar campaign
, was undertaken during the life of Auandpa!; consequently, the Ninduna campaign,
which was directed against his son, Trilocanpal, eouId not have preceded it. Fenshta
adheres to the correct order.
15. The ChakTllS'Vamin was a bronze image of Vishnu, which' held the weapon,
Chakra, in one of its hands. It was taken to Ghazni and thrown into the hippodrome
of the city (Albertini).
16. "The action which preceded the capture of Ninduna appears to have been
fonght at the MargaJa pass, which answers well to the description given oEit by
utbi. The hill of Balanath is a COnSpiCllOUS mountains overhanging the Jhelum and
now generally called TilIa, which means a bilL It is still occasionally called Balanatb,
and there is a famous i0gi establishment on its highest summit, of great repute and
resorted to by members of that fraternity from the niost distant parts of India"
(E. &: D.). .
17. Nizamuddin and Ferishta by mistake attribute this conversion to the ra; of
Kanauj, and they also mention Kanauj as the lIrst city attaoked by Mahmud. They
also confused the line of Mabmud's march and make him cross and recross the
Jumna many times over. I have followed Utbl's contemporary account which is free
from the geographical blunders of 'Iater writers. .
18. The situation of Matbura by the side of the Jumna is charming beyond descrip-
and walking by the river-side On a summer evening under the guidance of its
citizen, Pandlt Radha Krishna, I could just have a dream of what the place
been in the days of its glory. The road to Brindaban, so famous in the
of Lord Krishna, still retains its poetic associations. Even today a visitor, with
can see, will 11nd much to captivate him in the work of later artists-and
is as beauttful as It was in the days of the Mahabharata. (A fnisqal ""
Utbi calls him Ral Jaipal,' which is . equivalent to RajyapaIa, but he is 'not to be
with Rai Jaipal of Lahore, who had been dead for years. But further on
of Pur-i Jaipafs war with Chand Rai, Pur-i Jaipa! is not Anandpal but
whom Alberuni calls Tarojanpal, for which Pur-I Jaipal (Jaipal's SOli) is a
misreading. Much confusion bas, however, been caused by later historians.
gives the name of Korah to the rai of Kanauj. V. A. Smitb transfers the name
to Rajyapal's son. It is useless to mention what a mess of names and
scholars have been responsible for. But the list of the Hindu Shahi dynasty
lhernni, and enumerated in a foregoing note, settles the question definitely.
other difficulties will be removed if the 'Pur-i Iaipa!' of Utbi is read as Trilocanpal,
not as Jaipafs son.
Utbi calls Munj 'the fort of Brahmans' and places it before the capture of Asnl.
bighly improbable as Mahmud would come across the fort only when
ing Sbarwa. Utbi would seem to take him to Bundelkhand twice.
Seunra on the Ken between Kalan/ar and Banda, or Sriwagarb, on the
far from Kunch' (E. & D., Vol. ii, P. 659).
. A. Smith calls him 'Ganda'.
lies to the west of the Ganges, a. very large town, but most of it i.
ruins since the capital hail been transferred thence to tile city of Bari. east
Between the two towns is a dislance of three to four days' marches'
vol. i, p 199). The battle must have 'taken place not far from wb"rF! .h",
100 Politics and Society during the Early Medieoal Period
Ramganga falls into the Ganges. V. A. Smith's identification of the defeated prince
with the son of Rajyapal is a',mistake;' Utbi's account leaves no doubt that Trilocanpal,
son of Anandpal, is meant.
24. The Persian cnronicles speak of Qirat and Nardin (or Nur), which Elliot, on
the authority of Alberuni, identifies with the Nur and Kira rivers that fall into the
river Kabul. Doubtless the frontiertn"bes are meant. Plenty of Buddhist remains ,
sUrvive to explain the worship of lions (E. & D., Vol. ii, p. 444). "On hreaking a great
temple sitoated there, the ornamented figure of a lion came out of it; which according
to the belief of the Hindus was four thousand years old" (Femhta). The carpenters,
hlacksmiths and stone-cutters were brought for the constrnction of forts at strategic
points On the frontier and in the Punjab.
25. Alberoni, Vo1. II, p. IS.
26. The total number of elephants possessed by Mahmud is said to have been
27. 'l1ak Khan' was the title of the khans of Kashghar. Mir Khwand, Ferishta and
HamdulJah Mustaw/i greatly differ in their account of Qadr Khan; the Rahatus Sadm
of Mohammad lbn-i Ali lbn-i Sulaimanur Rawandi (edited by Dr. M. Iqbal) calls
him nak Khan. The question is of the remotest interest to the student of Indian
history. It will be remembered that the caliph had refused to transfer Samarqand
to Mahmud.
28. Tabaqat-i Nasir!.
29. Gibbon, Vol. vi. I have adopted the great historian's version of the famous
conversation. Rahatus Sadm is more explicit: the first arrow would raise 100,000
horse from Israel's own followers, the second arrow 50,000 from the Turkomans
settled in Trans-Oxiana, while his bow would bring 200,000 from the Turkomans
stin in Turkistan.
30. Tabaqat-i' NaSiri. The Rahatus Sadur says that the Seljuqs were allowed to cross
the Orus at their own request after the imprisonment of Israel, Mahmud allowed this
in spite of Arslan's advice to tbe contrary.
31. He escaped 'out of prison once, but lost his way and was' recaptored.
32. Ferishta, Rauzatus Sala, Raha,tu8 Saaur and Tabaqat-i, Nasiri greatly differ in
their accounts of the earlier events that brought the Seljuqs into prominence. The
matter cannot be discussed here in greater detail and I must content myself with gimg
what appears to me to be the most rational account. See also Alt. 'Seljuq' in Ency.
Brit, by Prof. Houtsma.
33. The Somnath expedition is not desqribed by Utbi, whose chronicle closes after
the defeat of Trilocanpal on the Rahib. The earliest authority seems to be the Kamilut
Tawarikh of the Arab historian, Ibn-i Asir. Ferishta gives a detailed account, but he
bas included later accretions which require a critical examination.
34. I have corrected the figures in this paragraph from Ibn-i Asir.
35. Alberuni says they also brought a basket of Howers from Kashmir.
36. The legend to which Somnath owed its origin is thus described by A1beruni:
"The Moon being married to the daughters (lunar stations) of Prajapati preferred one
of them, Rohini, to all others, and Prajapati, unable to induce his son-in-law to do
justice to all bis wives, cursed him so that he became leprous. The Moon repented, but
Prajapati's curse was beyond recall. He, how.ever, promised to cover the Moon's shame
for half the month and advised him to raise a linga of Mahadeo to wipe off the trace
of his sin. This the Moon did. The Zinga he raised was the idol of Somnath, for soma
means 'moon' and nath 'means 'master' so that the whole word means the master of
the moon. The image was destroyed by Prince Mahmud in 416 A.H. He ordered the
upper part to be broken and the remainder to be transported to his residence, Ghazni.
S,dtan Mahmud of Ghazni
all its coverings aDd trappings of gold, jewels and embroidered garments. Part of
It been thrown into the hippodrome of the town, together with the Chakrasvamin
an ldol of that had been brougbt from Thaneswar. Another p!lft of the idol
of Somnath lies before door of the mosque of GhazDi, on which people rub their
feet to clean from and wet. The reason why SOJ1!1lath,i
particular, has be-
come, so famo.ns IS that It was a harbour for sea-faring people. The fortress which
con tamed the Idol and its treasures was not ancient but was bUilt onl a h dr d
ago The a 'g'n I 'ti' f h d y un e years
. n, 1 a pasIon ate i 01 was three miles from mouth of the Saraswati
at a spot, which uncovered when the tide receded; hence the legend of the Moon
the lmga., Later on, the temple was built at a bow-shot from the mouth
ate nver. (Alberuw, Vol. ii, p. 103).
37. It is f?und in :he TawQ1'ikh. The earliest autbority seems to have
been :he Ta"kh-. Alfi, wntten SIX hundred years after Mahmnd. The story could have
bfeen mvented (and believed) only by those who were igoorant of the true Structure
o the Somnath Idol.
38, Ferishta's detailed of the two Dabshilims seems to have' no better
foundatIOn than the Allwar-. Suhaili. It is difficult to say what element of truth it
39. This account is found io Ferishta, who says that Mabmud died 'th' h
rehlc;ance and regret', and all later histOrians repeat the incident. Its Ori';in is n;,:d
to It may, have been, taken from the lost portions of Baihaqi. There is
nothing Improbable m the story. Consumptive diseases have such effects.
40. The details of the lives of the poets cannot be given here nor an exam' t'
of their work attempted. Prot'. Browne's Literary Hiti01'y of Pm"&Uz V J. II Ch
Maulana Shibli Numani's Shirul-Aillm, Vol. I, have Put in 'I
found III :he old See also Hadi, Studies in Persian Literattlre, published
y the Umverslty, Aligarh. The Firdausi legend has been sub'ected to a
trenchant cnhclsm by the journal 'Urdu', edited by Maulvi Abdul Haq h' h
has robbed the time-honoured story of all its charm. ' w IC
. 41. SO,me very interesting anecdotes about Albeluni and Bu Ali Sina will be found
In the Maqala at Nizami al-Aluzi al-Samarqandi (Gibb's Memorial S ' ) A
short bIOgraphy at Bu Ali Sina is given in the Habibus Siyal'. enes .
4:. It is a fact that Mahmud seldom, if ever, shared the hard life of bis
soldiers. Such a thing would have been below the dignity of the 'new monarchy'.
43. The Siyasat Nama is sometimes supposed to be a treatise on polit' I .
hut it's reall b k I" I Ica SCIence,
1 Y a 00 on po Itlca trickery and a violent pamphlet ao-ainst the 'h t' '
Its historical value is very great. '" ere ICS
[First published in The Hindustan Review, (pp. 9-45), later published in book form
by? B. Ta.'aporevala & Co" Bombay, 1927. The second Cosmopolitan
Publishers, Ahgarh, 1951-EDlTOR] ,
1. Early Authorities:
(a) Political
Politics and Society during the EarlV Medieval Period
(1) Akl!bur ud Duwali'l Munqutia: by Jamaluddin Abul Hasan Ali ibni Zafir.
Eady 7th century A.H. Th.rows light on Mahmud's relations with. the caliph. MS. British
Museum Or. 3685.
(2) Al-Kumil jit-Twarikh: by Izzuddin ibn al Asir (1160-1234).
A General History of Islam up to A.D. 1231, edited by C. J. Tomberg, Leyden,
(3) Al Muntazam Ii Tawarikhi'l Muluk WIll umam: by Ibn ul Jawzi (ob. A.D. 1201).
Mabmud's relations with the Caliph. MS. Berlin 9436.
(4) A<labul Muluk wa Kifayatul Muluk: by Fakhr-i Mudabbir.
Early 13th century. A treatise on the art of war; contains historical anecdotes
relating to Mahmud. MSS-ludia Office 647, British Museum Add. 16853. Also
called: Adabul Harb wa'sh Shuja'at.
(5) Kitabul Hind: by Abu Raihan Alberuni.
Arabic text, edited by E. C. Sachau, London, 1887. Translated into English by
E. C. Sachau as Alberunfs India, 2 vols., London, 1910.
(6) Majmaul Amab: by Mohammad bin Ali.
Composed in A.D. 1333. Contains an account of Mahmud's predecessors. MS. BibL
Nat. Supplement 1218.
(7) Milatuz zaman Ii 2'01ikh ul Ayyam: by Sibt ibn al Jawzi (1186-1256), a grand-
son of lbn al J awzi. .
Contains quotations from Mahmud's letters of victory to the Caliph. MS. British
Museum Or. 4619. Extracts ed. and tr. in Recueil des historiens des croisades (Vol
HI Paris 1884), Part VlIi reproduced in facsimile by James R. Jewett, Chicago, 1907.
(8) Rahatus Sudur: by Abu Baler Mohd. bin Ali ar Rawandi.
Edited by Dr. Mohd. Iqbal, Cambridge, 1922,
(9) Siyasat Nama: by Nizamul Mulk TllSi.
Composed in A.D. 1092. Edited by Charles Scheffer, Paris, 1897; edited by Khal-
khali (Tehran).
(10) Tabaqat-i Nasiri: by Minhajus Siraj Jurjani.
Written ahout the year A.D. 1260. Edited by N. Lees, Khadim Husain and Abdul
Hay. Bib. Indica, Calcutta, 1864. Translated into English by H. G. Raverty. Bib.
Indica, Calcutta, 1897.
(11) Tarikh-i- Aal ... Subuktigin: by Abul Fazl Baihaqi.
Edited by W. H. Morley. Bib. Indica, Calcutta, 1862. Edited by Agha Said Naficy,
Tehran, 1327 A.lL
(12) Tarikh-i-Yamini: by. Abun Nasr Mohd. bin Mohd. al Jabbar al-Utbi.
Arabic text edited with annotations by Ahmad Manini, Cairo, 1286 A.H. Arabic
text, Lahore, 1300 A.H. Persian translation by Abul Sharaf Nasib bin Zafar bin Sa'd,
Tehr!ll\, 1271. English translation hy Rev. James Reynolds, Oriental Translation Fund,
London A.D. 1838.
(13) Tarlkh-i Guzldah: by Hamdullah Mustaufi.
Edited by E. G. Browne. Gibb Memorial Series, London, 1913.
(14) Tarikh-l Jahan Gusha: by Alauddin Ata Malik bin Mohd. Juwayni.
Cibb Memorial Series 1912. Tehran 1351 A.H.
(15) Zafn-ul-Akhbar: by Abu Said Abdul Haq bin Abdul Haq bin Mahrnud Carc1lzi.
: ~ u l t a " Mahmud of Ghazm 103
Written under Sultan Abdur Rashid Ghaznavi 441-444 A.lL MS. Bodleian Library
Quseley 240. Edited by Dr. M. Nazfm Siddique.
(b) Non-Political.
(16) Chahal' Maqala; by Nizami-i-ArUZi-i-Samarqandi.
Edited by Mirza Mohd., London, 1910. Translated by E. G. Browne, London, 1921.
(17) Diwan-i-Fa,.,.ukhi: Abul Hassan Ali Farrukhi (ob.l0S8).
Tehran (1301-1302 A.H.) MS. India Office 1841.-,ntikhab-i-F:auukhi, Lahore,
1354 A.H.
(18) Diwan-i-Masud Sa'd Salman:
(ob. 1121 A.D.). Valuable for later Ghaznavid period. MS. British Museum, Egerton
701. Edited, Tehran, 1318 A.a.
(19) Diwan-i-Syed Hassan:
For later Ghaznavids. MS. India Office No. 931.
(20) Diwan-i-Usman-i-Mukhtari:
(ob. 1149 A.D. or 1159 AiD.) Valuahle for Bahram Shah's reign. MS. in Bankipore
(21) Gulistan: Shaikh Sadi.
Persian text, Lucknow, Delhi, etc.
(22) Hadiqatus Shir: by Sanai Ghaznavi (ob. 1131 A.D.)
Valuable for later Ghaznavid period. B. R. A. S. Calcutta_Bombay 1275 A.lL-
Lucknow 1304 A.H. lJitVan i Sanai: Tehran, 1274 A.H.
(23) Jawamiul Hikayllt tVa Lawam,<wr Riwayat: by Sadiduddin Mohd. al Awfi.
British Museum RS. Add. 16862. Introduction by Nizamuddin, London, 1929.
(24) Kulliyat-i-Anwari: Auhaduddin Ali Anwari (ob. 1191 A.D.).
Valuable for later Ghaznavids. Tabriz, 1260, 1266 A.B. Lucknow, 1880.
(25) Lubabul Albab: by Mohd. Awfi.
Edited by E. G. BrownE' and Mirza Mohd. ibn Abdul Wahhab Qazwini, London,
(26) Mantiq ut Tai,': by Shaikh Fariduddin Attar.
Edited by Carcin de Tassy, 1851-Kulliyat, Lucknow, 1811.
(27) Makhzan ul Asrar: by Nizami Ganjawi (ob. 1202).
Edited by N. Bland, London, 1844.
(28) Shah Nama: by Firdausi (ob. A.D. 1021).
Edited by Turner Macan, Calcutta, 1829. Edited by Mohl., Paris, 1818.
(29) Tazkiratul Auliya: by Shaikh Fariduddin Attar.
Edited by Nicholson, London & Leiden, 1905-01.
(30) TazkiratlJ8h Shuara: by Daulat Shah Samarqandi.
Edited by E. G. Browne, London, 1901.
(31) Qanun-i Masud;: by Alberuni.
MS. Lytton Library, Muslim University, Aligarh.
U. Later Works:
(32) Asarul Wuzara: by Saifuddin Haji (9th century A.H.).
Account of the Wazirs of Mahmud. MS. India Office No. 1569.
(33) Futuh-us Salotin: by Isami.
Edited by A. Mahdi Husain, Agra, 1938. Edited by M. Usha, Madras, 1950.
(34) Habibus Slyar: by Chiyasuddin bin Humamuddin alias .Khwandmir.
Tehran, 1270 A.H. Bombay, 1857 A.D.
(35) Khulasatut Tawarikh: by Sujan Rai Bhandari.
Edited by K. B. Zafar Hasan, Delhi, 1918.
104 Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
(36) Kitab taiziyatul amsar wa tairabatul GSal': by Abdulla bin Fazlullah Wassai,
Tabriz, 1272 A.H. Bombay, 1269 A.H.
(37) Kitabul Ibar: by Ibn Khaldun (written in 1398 A.D.), Cairo, 1284 A.H.
(38) Muntakhabut Tawarikh: by Abdul Qadir Badaoni.
Vol. I-Persian Text, edited by Lees and others, Bib. Indica, Calcutta 1869. Eng.
Trans. by Ranking, B. Indica.
(39) Rauzatus Safa: by Mohd. bin Khwand Shah alias Mir Khwand.
Lncknow, A.H. 127074, Tehran, A.D. 1874. Partially translated into English by
E. Rehatsek, Oriental Translation Fund, New Series, London, 189l.
(40) Tabaqat-i Akbari: by Nizamuddin Bakhshi.
Bib. Indica 192735. English Tr. B. De, Bib. Indica.
(41) Tarikh.i-Alfi: by Mulla Ahmad Tattawi and others.
MS. I. O. Ethe 110112.
(42) Tarikh-i-Ferishta (Gulshan i Ibrahim i) : by Mohd. Qasim Hindu Shah Ferishta.
Text, Lucknow, 1865. Poona, 1832. English translation by J. Briggs as "HistOlY
uf the Rise of Mahomedan Power in India", Calcutta, 1910. A most unreliabll'"
Ill. Modem Works:
(43) A History of Persia: by Sir Percy Sykes, London, 1930.
(44) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: by Edward Gibbon.
(45) History of India as told by its own historians: Sir H. M. Elliot, Vol. II.
Edited by Dawson, London.
(46) Lite"Q1'Y History of Persia: by E. G. Browne, (London 190224).
(47) She1'-ul Aiam: by Shibli Numani. 5 Volumes, Aligarh, 1324-37 A.H.
(48) Turkestan down to the Mongol I",;asian: by W. Barthold, English Tr. by
H. A. R.. Gibb, London, 1928.
(49) The Eney. Britannica: article on "Seljuq" by Prof. Houtsma.
(50) The Eney. of Islam: 4 Volumes, London & Leyden, 1913.
Alone among the ruling dynasties of the east, the royal line of
Ghur-known as the Shansabani dynasty-is distinguished by the
strength of its family affections and the absence of fratricidal con-
!licts. The early history of the dynasty is lost in myth and romance,
but in A.D. 1010 Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni
is said to have defeated
Muhanunad, son of Suri, the prince of Ghur, and reduced the prin-
cipality to a position of dependence.
When the power of the Seljuqs
increased after the fall of the Ghaznavids, the Ghurian princes were
content to pay hibute and homage to the new masters as well as the
old. In the reign of Sultan Bahram Shah of Ghazni, Izzuddin Hu-
sain, the ruler of Ghur, died. He had seven sons, generally known
as the 'seven stars'. Fakhruddin Mas'ud, the eldest of the 'stars', was
the son of slave-girl, while Qutbuddin Muhammad was the son of
"an ordinary woman, who was a maid-servant of the mother of the
other five princes". They were, consequently, passed over in favour
of Saituddin Suri, the eldest of Izzuddin's sons by a Shansabani
princess. The luxuries of civilization were recent importations into
Ghur and though Izzuddin Husain seems to have made a good start,
Ghurian law of succession and the public opinion of the tribe had
not yet reconciled itself to the political and legal consequences of a
royal haram, in which princesses of the highest families, slave-girls
purchased in the open market, and adventuresses from the brothels
strove, on a basis of perfect equality, to win and retain the inconstant
affections of their master, and in which the offsprings of all mothers
were perforce given the same rights because there was an equal doubt
'about the paternity of all. Saifuddin Suri, if we are to judge him
from his actions, was scrupulously fair to his brothers; while retain-
ing for himself the seniority to which he was entitled by law, he
. divided his father's territory equitably between his brothers. Fakhrud-
din Mas'ud, though clumsily ambitious, was also blissfully thick-
,skinned and reconciled himself. to his subordinate position without
much ado. Qutbuddi.o Muhammad, who had received Warshad as
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
his share, was touchy and sensitive. Though he had laid the founda-
tions at a palace-tort at Firuz Koh, he could not to
the law at Kuf which relegated him to a secondary posItion or to
the opinion of the tribe, which regarded his existence as anomalous.
Nevertheless, his affection for his brothers was strong enough to sur-
vive the strain. He handed over Warshad to Bahauddin Sam, the
fourth star and retired to Ghazni. But misfortunes dogged Qutbud-
din's tootsteps. His urbanity of manner made him at Ghazni
and popularity brought enemies. Bahram Shah,. the ill-starred
reckless king of Ghazni, was assured by his courtiers that 9utbuddin
was casting evil eyes on his haram and the prmce to b,e
thrown into prison. There he was soon after pOlsoned by Bahram s
order. The tatal die was cast.
Qutbuddin.'s brothers swore that his death would not go
ed. Saituddin Suri collected the troops of Ghur and marched agamst
Bahram. The latter was too weak to resist and fled from his capital
to the territory of the Afghans. Saifuddin mounted the throne oj!
Ghazni with the title of 'Sultan' and, as becaine a just king, refused
to make any distinction between the Ghurians and the C?hazriavids.
The latter received him with effusive loyalty, and he felt so sure
of his new subjects that he sent his aIn1y back to Ghur. under his
brother, Bahauddin Sam. Then, with the approach of wmter, snow
began to fall, the roads between Ghazni and Ghur were blocked,
Saituddin's communications with his tribe cut off. The GhaznaVld
officers, who had only paid lip-homage to the .master, secretly
wrote to Bahram Shah and advised him to return, while, on the other
hand, they lured Saifuddin into a false sense of by continued
protestations of loyalty and devotion. Ignorant of danger to the
very end, Saifuddin marched out to meet Bahram W1th army of
Ghazni but before the battle could commence the GhaznaVld officers,
on words he had relied, seized him and handed him over to
Bahram.s Bahram ordered Saifuddin's face to be blackened. He ,,:"as
then placed on an old and feeble cow, which took every step With
infinite reluctance, and paraded through the city. The children. of
Ghazni, and even its white-bearded old men, ran after the
prince, abusing him and jeering. When the parade was over,
din was put to death with torture; his head was sent to Sultan San1ar
in Iraq, and his wazir, Syed Majiduddin, was hanged.
Bahauddin Sam, on whom the headship of the family now devolv-
ed, started for Ghazni but on the way died of an ulcer, and left
duty of revenging. the wrongs his family had suffered to Alauddin
:Shihabuddin of Goo. 107
Husain, surnamed ']ahansuz,' (the conflagrator o:li the w'arld), the
youngest of the stars.
Alauddin was boiling with rage and made up his mind to kill or
die. "Your wicked deed", he wrote in reply to a threatening letter
of Bahram Shah, "shows that the fall of Ghazni is near. No doubt,
kings make war on each other, and, on capturing their enemies, put
them to death also-but never with such disgrace and dishonour.
.I feel sure of victory, for fate will certainly punish you for your wicked
deeds in order to set an example to the world." In the battle that
followed, the Ghaznavids were signally defeated. Bahram fled to
Ghazni and thence to Lahore, where he died soon after and was
succeeded by his son, Khusrau Shah. Alauddin continued his
triumphant march to Ghazni and sacked it for seven days. 'He order-
ed his troops to kili and plunder the citizens without hesitation. For
seven days the massacre raged in full fury. The buildings of the
dty were burnt and destroyed.
It had come to Alauddin's ears that
when Saifuddin Suri was being paraded through the city, the women
of Ghazni had followed him with drums and cymbals and celebrated
the occasion as a festival. So he ordered a large number of women
to be put to death. As a punishment for the murder of Syed Majidud-
din, he ordered a number of Ghaznavid syeds to be seized. Bags
filled with earth were fastened to their necks and in this plight they
were marched to Firuz Koh. On reaching there, Alauddin ordered
their heads to be wt off, and their blood, mixed with the earth they
had brought from Ghazni, was used in constructing the towers of
that fort:
Though an achievement like the sack of Ghazni would, at a later
date, have done honour to Chengiz or Tului, Alauddin Jahansuz was
not a monster of brutality. He had a ready wit and was fond of
turning out second rate verses. Success, however, turned his head.
He challenged the power of the Seljuqs and was defeated and captur-
ed by Sultan Sanjar, who, at Alauddin's own request, ordered him
to be imprisoned in a golden cage. But Sanjar was, on his part, pre-
paring for a desperate struggle with the Ghuzz Turks.6 The captive's
ready wit and flattering verses pleased hini and he sent Alauddin
back to his capital with a handsome present. Alauddin's son, Saifud-
.din, died in a battle against the Ghuzz Turks after he had reigned for
a year only. The next heirs to the throne were the two sons of Baha-
uddin Sam, Ghiyasuddin and Shiliabuddin who are well-known for
tp,eir Indian campaigns. .
After returning from Ghazni, Alauddin Jahansuz had appOinted
nephews, Ghiyasuddin and Shihabuddin, to the governorship of
Politics and Society during the Eady Medieval Period'
Sanjah. The young pnnces soon made a reputation. for themselves.
by collecting good soldiers from every quarter. This aroused. the
suspicions of their uncle, who imprisoned them in a fort in
without much ado. Saifuddin, however, brought them out of pnson.
Ghiyasuddin on coming to the throne after his cousin's death, appoint-
ed his younger brother, Shihabuddin, governor. of Takinabad, with.
instructions to capture Ghazni. After the desolation of the famous.
city by Alauddin Jahansuz, Bahrain's son, Khusrau Shah, had tried
to recapture it with the help of Sultan Sanjar. Alauddin Jahansuz
was not unwilling to come to terms with the son of his enemy, and
offered to restore Ghazni to the descendants of Mahmud if they would
consent to his retention of Takinabad. But Khusrau Shah, who was
confident of Sanjar's assistance, rejected these reasonable terms and
Alauddin Jahansuz, who never missed an opportunity for versification,
sent a quatrain to Khusrau Shah:
Thy father, who of hatred laid the roots,
Did untold tl'Oubles for his subjects find.
Be careful! Do not for Takinabad
Scatter the House of Mahmud to the wind.s
But Sanjar was captured by the Ghuzz Turks who also seized
Ghazni, and Khusrau Shah had to content himself with the storm-
tossed kingdom of Lahore.
After a series of raids against the Ghuzz principality of Ghazni,
Ghiyasuddin and Shihabuddin marched against it in person and cap-
tured it in A.H. 565 (A.D. 1169).1
It pleased Ghiyasuddin's affectionate
heart to give his younger brother a little kingdom of his own.
Throughout their long reigns-Shihabuddin survived Ghiyasuddin by
two years-the two brothers were on excellent terms and no jealousy
or suspicion ever man-ed the harmony of their relations,1l !hough
Shihabuddin's subordinate principality of Ghazni expanded mto an
empire, he always recognized his elder brother as his sovereign and
abided by whatever orders Ghiyasuddin was pleased to give.l
latter at the same time was too sensible or too indolent to grudge his
younger brother a position of prominence and never meddled in his
affairs. But he was not the roi faineant one might be inclined to take
him for. Shihabuddin never embarked on an expeditioIl: without his
brother's permission, and Ghiyasuddin always kept the foreign policy
of their joint kingdoms in his own hands. Cautious and conservative
by naturf', Ghiyasuddin exercised a useful restraining influence .on
his brother's ambition. The blunders committed by Shihabuddin after
'Shihabuddln of Ghur ,109
b,is death,give us an of the pitfallsfrom w,hichGhiyasuddin had
'sived him. '. .
, While the dynasties of Ghaznl and Ghur were fighting in Afghani-
'stan, a new power had risen in the north. Atisiz, governor of Khwar-
had thrown off the yoke 9f the. Seljuq empire after two
lions, One by one, all the provil1ces that had been a .part the
empire were brought under the throne of and m the
of Sultan AIauddin Muhammad, styled the Second Alexander, a
younger contemporary of Shihabuddin, the empire ex-
1;ended from the Iraq to the Jaxartes:; The KhwarazmIans never at-
tained to the administrative efficiency of their Seljuq predecessors.
Their empire was loosely kllit;. the g<?vernors were not always obedient
to the sultan while the subordinate. officers of the governors were
even less obedient to them. Keen observers did not fail to see that
the forces of decay were everywhere at work. But the
were good fighters, and won a reputation for by wagmg
a relentless war against the unconverted Qara Khital Turks beyond
the Jaxartes. They could, when necessary, place an army of over four
hundred thousand in' the field.
The Khwarazmian empire,. which' he was not strong enough to
challenge, naturally turned Shihabuddin's ambitions in the
of India. The memories of Mahmud still clung to the stones of Ghazm
and could not fail to inspire the ambitions of its ruler. But times had
changed. Though India' could not boast of a national go:ernment: the
three strong Rajput principalities of Anhilwara (Guprat),
(Rajputana), and Kanauj (Doab) were prepared to challenge the m-
vader. The hoarded wealth of centuries had been captured by
Mahmud. All that the foreigner could now expect was hard knocks
at every step and the annual revenue of the conquered if
he succeeded in establishing and maintaining his authonty. LIttle
was to be got from the toiling peasantry and the second-rate temples
which Mahmud had not cared to touch. The Musalmans themselves
were a different people. The best elements of the Persian
and its humanizing spirit had disappeared; the new mystICIsm, Its
succesSOr in the field of morals, had not yet become a popular move-
ment. Never has public life among the Musalmans sunk to lower
depth than in the period between the death of SanJar.
the sack of Baghdad by Halaku Khan. Assassination of
opponents, breaking one's word of honour convement, m-
trigue, chicanery and fraud were rampant. Patriotism of sort,
national or provincial, was considered as a stupidity and a mIstake;
and public life, divested of all ideals, became a field for purely per-
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period'
sonal ambitions,13 Even the most permanent and widespread of .orien-
tal traditions-loyalty to a master's salt-was more honoured m the
breach than the observance. Nobody acted, or was expeCted to act,
except for the promotion of his own interest. .It is a tribute
to Shihabuddin's persistent courage and capacJtyof orgamzatlOn that
he succeeded in his Indian adventures in such a moral atmosphere.
(1) Shihabuddin's first steps were cautious and In
A.D. 1175-76 he was directed by his brother to march agamst Multan,.
which had once more fallen into the hands of the Carmathians,14 and
succeeded in capturing it. He next proceeded to Uchch which also-
fell into his hands but not after a fair battle. "As it would have been
difficult to fort of Uchch, orto the raja in open.
battle Shihabuddin sent a message to the raja s wife, who had great
over her husband, and 'deceived her out of her loyalty. 'If
you help me to conquer the city', he promised, '1 will marry you
make you my queen: The raja's wife was afraid of Shihabuddfn s
strength and considered his victOlY' certain. 'I am too old', she replied,
'but I have a very beaiitiful and intelligent daughter. If the sultan
promises to marry her and from my when
the city falls into his hands, I WIll do away With the raja .. The
agreed to the terms and within a few days the fruthless wife
had her husband murdered and handed over the city to him. Shihab-
uddin fulfilled his promise. He converted the raja's daughter to Islam
and married her according to the Law of the Prophet. and
daughter were sent to Chazni to learn the Quran and the ntes
fasting and prayer. But the sultan been horrified by the mother s.
atrocious crime. He never trusted eIther of them and never con-
summated the marriage. The mother died soon after and the daughter
followed her to the grave after two years of disappointment.
The sultan assigned Multan and Uchch to Ali Kirmaj and
ed to Chazni.l6 His duplicity on the occasion need not surprIse us;
this is neither the first nor the last instance of it in his conquering
career. He had never hesitated in resorting to assassination in his
struggle with the Turkish chiefs of Mghanistan. No moral scruples
restrained him from breaking his most solemn word. of honour whe?
such a step was likely to serve his purpose. In all however horrI-
fied he might feel when the same crime was commItted by others, he
was the typical representative of his age. When, some twenty years
after his death. the conquering armies of Chengiz Khan appeared on
Shihabuddln of Ghur III
the frontiers of Islam. Muslim politicians vied with each other in
selling the rights of co-religionists and the freedom of their faith for
a mess of pottage. Political slavery is the logical consequence of poli-
tical unscrupulousness.
(2) In 574 A.H. (A.D. 1178-79) Shihabuddin marched frOin Multan
to Cujarat through the Sind desert. Beyond Gujarat lay the rich tem-
,pies of the Deccan, which the hand of the despoiler had not yet
touched, and Shihabuddin may have hoped to achieve in the south of
India what Mahmud had performed in the north. If s6, the campaign
was a pitiful failure. Rai Bhiin Deo of Cujarat collected his Rajput
veterans and after a stiff battle, in which most of the invaders were
slain, drove SIiihabuddin away from his kingdom.
(3) But it was not the sultan's habit to acknowledge defeat. His
bull-dog tenacity of purpose was remarkable. The rebuff, neverthe-
less, compelled him to change his plan to advance. He rriay have
recognized that for him, a second-rate officer, the military exploits of
the great Mahmud were impossible; in any case, he took the line of
least resistance and, instead of fighting the infidels, began to attack
the Muslirri kingdom of Lahore with the definite intention of annexing
the Punjab. His first step in this direction was the annexation of
,Peshawar in A.D. 1179-80. It provided him with a base for his future
(4) Next year (1180-81) he marched on Lahore. Khusrau Malik,
who had succeeded his father, Khusrau Shah, in A.D. 1180 was too
weak to offer battle. "As his throne had been tottering from the
attacks of the raja of Delhi and other rajas as well as the opposition
.of the Mghans" he sought safety by shutting hirriself up in Lahore.
.He. was, however. submissive enough.to offer his son, Malik Shah, as
hostage, and Shihabuddin, deciding that peace was the best policy
'for the present", returned to Ghazni.17 .
(5) But the tiger had tasted blood. In A.D. 1184 Shihabuddin once
rriore marched on Lahore and Khusrau Malik was again forced to
shut himself up within the city walls. Shihabuddin plundered the
country round Lahore and retired after constructing a fort at Sialkot
in.order to secure a foothold in the province. This wholly tiniustiRable
provoked the weak and inefficient Khusrau Malik into
retaliation. He laid siege to Sialkot with the help of the Khokars,
whom the new Ghurian fort must have been equally obnoxious.
'he was unable to accomplish anything' and returned ignorriinious-
to Lahore.
(6) Shihabuddin now made up his rriind to put the tottering king-
of Lahore to an end. But it was not his habit to achieve bv
Politics and Society during tile Early Medieral Period
force what guile could accomplish. He adopted a friendly attitude
towards Khusrau Malik and sent Malik Shah to see his father in
1186-87. The young prince was accompanied by Shihabuddin's con-
-Iidentialofficers arId IJrovided with all the luxuries of a royal iourney.
'Induce him to drink as much wine as possible', was Shihabuddin's
instruction to his officers. 'so that he may proceed slowly and stop at
many places on the way.' Khusrau. Malik rejoiced at the news of his
-son's return, and relying op. Shihabuddin's friendship, gave himself up
to music and pleasure. But while Malik Shah was still. on his way,
Shihabuddin started from Chazni with twentv thousand horsemen,
and moving rapidly by a different route, on the bank of the
Ravi. Next morning,. when Khusrau Malik rose from his careless
-slumber and found the river bank in the hand of the enemy, he had
no alternative but to sue humbly for peace and give himself up to
Shihabuddin. Through this trick Lahore was captured without any
bloodshed. The deposed king was first imprisoned in a fort in Charji-
-stan and then put to death. 'Not a single member of the house of
Ghazni was allowed to survive.'
(7) The whole of upper and lower Sind, and the larger part of the
Punjab was now in Shihabuddin's hands. A conHict with the Rajput
forces could not now be evaded for long. Shihabuddin felt himself
strong enough and proceeded to challenge the rriost powerful of the
Rajput principalities. The Persian authorities on the carripaign have
been carefully summarised bv Ferishta.
"In 587 A.H. (A.D. 1191) Shihabuddin again marched from Chazni
to Hindustan. He captured Bhatinda, which had once been the capital
-of powerful rai as, from the officers of the. rai of Ahner and placed
it in charge of Malik Ziyauddin Tulaki and twelve hundred picked
horsemen .. After this exploit Shihabuddin wanted to return; but all at
once he heai"d that Pith ora, the rai of Ajmer, with his brother Khanday
Rai, the ruler of and a large nu.mber of Rajput chiefs-in
all, an army of three thoiIsand elephants and two hundred thousand
horse-was coming by forced marches to dispute the possession of
Bhatinda. Shihabuddin turned back and advanced to meet the enemy.
By the bank of the river Sarsuti, in the village of Tarain, now known
as Patrawari,. at a distance of seven karohs19 from Thaneswar and
forty from Delhi, the battle took place. Shihabuddin's left and right
wings were broken and not many men rerriained in his centre. At that
moment one of the sultan's officers said to him: 'The amirs of the
left and right wings, who have been brought up by your royal family,
have broken and led. The Afghan and Khalji aniirs, who forrried the
vanguard and always _ boasted of their rrianliness and courage, are
Shillabuddin oj Ghur
not be found on the field of battle. Under these circumstances the
best cOurse would be to tum your reins immediately towards Lahore:
The sultan was displeased at the advice. He drew out his sword and
his centre to an on the enemy; Friend and foe applauded
hIS courage and dexterIty. Khanday Rai s eyes fell on the sultan20
and he moved his huge elephant in that direction. The sultan also
flew at Khanday Rm, lance in hand, and struck hinl so hard on the
mouth that many of his teeth fell out. The rai, however, displayed
. coolness and courage and dealt such a blow on the
sultan s shoulder that he nearly toppled down from his horse. At
a Khalji footman, who happened to observe the sultan's
plight, Jumped on to his horse and seating hinlself behind the sultan
caught hold of him, spurred the horse out of the field and canied
to the Churid amii's, who by now were twenty karohs away.
The s presence order in the remnants of his army."
ThIS account. however, IS not supported by the Zainul Ma'asir.
From this it appears that when the sultan was wounded by
Khanday Rm, he felt very weak and dropped down from his horse. No
one who he was or paid any attention to him. When a part of
the mght had passed, a number of his Turkish slaves came to the
to for him aIllong the slain. The sultan recognized
the of and cal.led out to them. They were overjoyed
to find hIm alIVe. DUrIng the mght they carried him on their shoulders
by turns. Next morning they reached their camp and placed him in
a litter.
(8). "Be this as it may, Rai Pith ora besieged Ziyauddin Tlllaki in
Bhatmda for. a year. and a. rrio?-th, when the garrison capitulated
on terms. Shlhabuddin, on hIS SIde, placed his Indian dominions in
charge of reliable officers and returned to Chur. FrOrri considerations
of policy nothing to .the Afghans,21 but the Churid, Khalii and
Khurasam am1rs were pumshed. Wallets full of oats were tied to
necks and in this plight they were paraded through the city.
If anyone refuses to eat what is placed in his wallet cut off hIS head'
ordered. So they had to eat oats to' save their lives:
Shihabuddm then parted from his brother and went to Chazni. He
would neither eat nor drink. He was sirriply bent un revenge and
laboured to organize an anny. Next year he started from Chazni with
a force of one hundred and seven thousand Turks, Persians, and
and without consulting any of his nobles. took the road to
Hmdustan. On reaching Peshawar an old man of Chur, who was bold
of. speech, nlaced his forehead on the ground before the sultan and
smd: \Ve have not vet been told where the sultan is going and what
PS (II)-8
Politics and Society during the Eal'ty Medieval Period
his intentiolls are.' 'Know, that from the time I have been defeated
by the rajas of Hind', Shiliabudd;in replied. 'I have not been to
wife nOlO have I changed the clothes 1 then wore to my .. skin.
I have passed this year ;in sorrow and anger. The Ghund, Khalli
Khurasani mni1's who, in spIte of havmg been so long 111 my servlce,
deserted me on the field of battle and fied-I have not allowed
to enter my presence. I have now placed trust in God and am gomg
to Hindustan to seek revenge for my lirst I expect no ,help
from the old mnirs whom the favour of my family has brougHt up
from their cradles.' The old man kissed the ground. 'May success and
victory accompmy the. sultm's stirrups!' he said, "TIlls time,
helping, yow: amirs will display such, courage as
compensate for their former shortcommgs and will preserve theu
good in the world. But 1 hope the sultm will forgive their crinies
and graciously grmt them audience, that by the royal
kindness, they may feel asha.ni,ed of then preVlous behaVlour md do
their best to transform their vices into virtues: The was pleased
by the old mm's speech. He called the amirs to his mafltS
and held
a great feast. They were presented with robes of honom: and daggers
according to their status. Their former sins were forgIven and the
sultm appealed to them to be firm in the forthconring holy war.
"Next day they broke their camp and started for
sultan promoted such ami1's of the place as had .been loyal his
absence, and had helped the of LallOre III sup-
pressing the neighbouring mias. He did everythmg he could to
them. On reaching Lahore, he sent Qawamul
Hamza, one of his great officers, .as ambassador to AJmer and mVlted
the rai to Islam and submission. Rai PUhora sent back a reply
and appealed to .all the rajas of Hindustan for help. Accordmg to the
correct account, he advanced with an army of three hundred thousand
Rajput and Afghan horsemen. The sultan also moved and
in 588 A.H. (A.D. 1192) the armies once more encamped each
other on the bank of Sarsuti at Tarain.
The Rajput raras, ?ne
hundred and fifty in number, marked their foreheads, and, accordmg
to their customs, took fearful oaths, vowing that they :vould
to death or defeat the enemy. Inspired by their first VlctOry WIth
arrogance and pride, they sent a. haughty letter to the sultan: 'The
strength and numbers of our army will be soon known. to you, and
reinforcements are coming to us from aU parts of Hmdustan, 13e
merciful, if not to yourself, at least to the misguided men you have
brought hither. If you repent of your venture and go we
by our idols that we will not harass your retreat; otherwtse we \VIll
'Shlhabuddln of Ghur 115
.attack and crush you tomorrow with more tharl three hundred
thousmd horsemen, archers beyond all computation and an army
which the field of imagination is not wide enough to contain.' 'Your
message is wonderfully affectionate and kind'. Shihabuddin replied,
'but I have not a free hand;in the matter. It is by my brother's order
that I have COllle here and undertaken the hardships of the campaign.
.If you will give me sufficient time, I will send some messengers to
inform him of your overpowering strength and obtain his permiSSion
,to conclude peace on the terms that Sirhind, Multan and Sind belong
to me md the rest of Hindustm remain l1llder your sway:
'The Rajput leaders thought that the humility of the reply was
due to the weakness of the Muslim army and went to sleep. But
Shihabuddin spent the night in preparing for battle; md when, in
the morning, the Rajputs came out of their entrenched position to
satisfy the call of nature and wash their hands and faces, he fell upon
them with his lines dra,'I'Il in order. The Hindus were taken aback by
the unexpected attack. but somehow or other, they hurriedly took up
their arms md came to the field. The sultan knew the fearless courage
of the Hindu forces md had divided his army into four diviSions,
which came forward to fight the enelllY by turns. When the Hindu
elephants and horses attacked Shihabuddin's army, it fled away; but
when the enemy deceived by the trick, followed in pursuit, it turned
back md with the blows of its axes relieved the bodies of the enemy
of the weight of their heads. Thus the battle raged from forenoon to
afternoon, when Shihabuddin put on his helmet and armour and
charged the enemy at the head of twelve thousmd men with ill'awn
swords and lances. The blood of brave warriors was mingled with
the earth and in the twinkling of an eye the Hindu lines began to
break. At the same time Kharmfi and the other amirs attacked the
Bajputs on all sides and drove them away from the field. Khanday
Rai, the ruler of Delhi, and many other ra/as were slain in battle.
Bai Pith ora was captured in the neighbourhood of Sarsuti and put to
death by the sultm's order. Enormous spoils fell into the hands of
the Muslim army."
Shihabuddin's tenadty of purpose and unscrupulous diplomacy
had secured a decisive victory, 13ut the conquest of Hindustan was a
dilferent matter. Subordinate to the great rai of Ajmer were a numher
of smaller rajas, .all determined to make a desperate stand against the
invader, Every city h.ad its walls and towers and was deterfriined to
. stmd a siege. Alrrtost every village was fortified and would not pay
a dirham of land tax unless compelled to do so at the point of the
sword. The country could only be annexed piecemeal, village after
Politics and Society 'during the Early Medieval Perioee
village and town after town. Neither Shihabuddin nor his successors.
succeeded in making the power of their government felt a
nent force in the open country, but it is a tribute to therr nulitary
resourcefulness and courage that after a series of sieges, most of
not recorded by the historians, the Ghurid generals succeeded ill
bringing the towns of northern India under their sway.
Shihabuddin captured Sarsuti, Hansi, and Samana after the
battle of Tarain. He then marched on to Ajmer, but contented himself
with assigning it to Rai Kola, a son-in-law. of Rai The of
Delhi, pr9bably a relation of Ral, sav.ed h1S C.lty for a time
by submission and a handsome tribute, alld Shihabuddin returned. to
Ghazni after appointing Qutbuddin Aibek governor of Pun)<l?
alld establishing him at Kuhram. The new governor earned out his
master's orders with effiCiency and thoroughness.
forts of Meerut alld Delhi, and made the latter h15 capItal. Koil
(Aligarh) was seized next but further progress in Doab was not
possible without a decisive victory against. the RaJputs of ilie
(10) Rai Jai Chand of Kanauj, whose !dJ:gdom, roughly speaking.
corresponded! wiili tlle modern United PrOVInces of and A:vadl:,
had seen no reason for supporting his enemy, Ral Pliliora, III his
struggle against Shihabuddin, with the inevitable consequence, .that
in his turn he had to face the invader single handed. In the wmter
of A.D. 1194-95 Shihabuddin once more marched into and
invaded ilie Doab. Rai Jai Chand moved forward to meet him and
came face to face with Qutbuddin Aibek, who was leading the van-:
guard of the invading af'!ll,y, between the towns of and
Chandwar. Qutbuddin won a decisive battle before the.
led by the sultan in person, could come to his support. Ral s-
body was recognized among the slain by the Wlth .whICh,
owing to old age, his teeth had been tied togeilier. cap-
tured the treasure fort of Asni and then proceeded to Banares, where
he converted about a thousand idol-temples into houses for the
Musalmans'. This newly acquired territory was added to ilie already
extensive governorship of Qutbuddin Aibek. .
(11) In A.D.- 1195-96 the sultan m
erson, and assigned it to Bahauddm Tughl'll Wlth to to
Gwalior. It was not, apparently, ilie sultan s to
allow anv of his officers to become too powerful. There were to be
three Ghurid governors in India-one for Sind and anoilier
for Delhi and the Doab, and a third for Central Indta. the
failed. Bahariddin Tughril carried on a vigorous.
the rai of Gwalior, and after laying waste his temtory, hesIeged hIm
:"hihabuddin of Ght<r
.in his fort. But ilie rai preferred to hand over his fort to Qutbuddiu,
against whom he had no personal grievance, and the latter sent his
ollicers to take possession of it. Bahauddin considered this an un-
pardonable insult from his aggressive and grasping colleague, and
was prepaling to march against him wiili all army, when his sudden
.death put all end to the unseemly conflict. Shihabuddin acquiesced
in the accomplished fact. With the exception of Sind, which re-
mained a sepal'ate government, Qutbuddin became the vicel'Oy of all
the Indian dominions of Shihabuddin. The sequel proved that he
-deserved his masters confidence.
We must now turn our attention to ilie affairs of Central Asia.
Atisiz, the founder of ilie kingdom of Khwarazm, died in A.D. 1156
and was succeeded by his son, n Arsalall (1156-69) who further
increased ilie strength of ilie new dynasty. But I'l Arsalan's reluctance
m sending ilie tribute of 36,000 gold dinars, w\llch his failier had
promised to the Qara Khitai Turks as price of ilie assistance they had
given him against Sultan Banjar, subjected him to iliewraili of those
formidable infidels. The Khitans marched towards Khwarazlll and
defeated I'l Arsalan's advance guard. It is difficult to say hO\v the
-crisis would have ended wheu n Arsalan's deaili, while preparing to
march at the head of his troops, led to a war of succession and for the
time, reduced Khwarazm to impotence. Sultan Shah, the younger son
of n Arsalan, ascended ilie throne at Khwarazm, but his elder brother,
Iilladuddin Takash, appealed to the ruler of Khita, and with tlle help
{) a Khitan army drove away his brother from Khwarazm. The de-
grading tribute to the infidels was perforce continued, but if the
Khitans expected Takash to be a puppet in iliei1' hands, they were
greatly disappOinted. A patron of poets, an expert :alash
was also a clever diplomat, a shrewd man of affaIrs and like all
members of his family and his race, a soldier by instinct and profes-
sion. His first efforts were directed against his brother, Sultan Shah,
'a rash and impetuous prince', who was ouly saved from an eady
destruction by his reckless courage and energy. The governor of
Khurasan, who had presumed to help Sultan Shah, was signally de-
feated and Sultan Shah himself fled to Ghiyasuddin at Ghur. Ghivas-
uddin was too wise to put himself into trouble for oilier people. He
received the defeated prince with the greatest courtesy and assigned
some lands for his maintenance. Beyond that he refused to go, and
insisted on maintaining the good relations that had always existed
between him and Khwarazm. Sultan Shah left Ghur in disgust and
appealed to the Khitans. The latter were not unwilling to strIke at
their former allv and a Khitan amty was fitted out to restore Sultan
Politics and Society dwring tile Early Medieval PetiolC
Shah to his throne. But a keen disappoint!I\ent waited the
Takash was strong and popular; the Khitans were intensey hated and.-
not a single Khwarazmian raised his hand in support 0.1: Sultan Shah.
The Khitans besieged Khwarazm but were driven off before long.
Sultan Shah, however, succeeded in inducing the Khitans to send a.
force against Merv, which he succeeded in captw.ing. The next ten
years (1180-91) were spent in a futile war between the two brothers.
If Ghiyasuddin imagined that he could remain on good terms with
both Sultan Shah and Takash, he was Takash never gave him
any cause for complaint but Sultan Shah, on plinciple, preferred.-
to seek quarrels with his neighbours. Not content with fighting and-
what was worse-abusing his patient elder brother, he thought it his
duty to plunder the outlying districts of Ghur. 'He was joined by
some Sanjari slaves like Bahauddin Tughril and created tumult and
disorder.' Ghiyasuddin was not the to submit to an uncalled for
attack; forced to fight against his will, he sat down to his task with
the grim determination of a Ghurian chief. Shihabuddin was sum-
moned with his army from Ghazni while Shamsuddin Muhammad
and Tajuddin were called to Ghur with the armies of Baniiyan and
Herat. The Ghurian princes marched towards Merv and encamped at
Dazjak and Marwand, determined to wear out their opponent. 'The
two armies confronted each other for six months. Sultan Shah used to<
display great audacity and boldness, and used to cut off the foragers
of the Ghurian army. Mter six months an engagement took place.
The Ghurians crossed the river and attacked. Sultan Shah had not
the strength to make a stand. Perplexed and distracted he retired
towards Merv. Bahauddin Tughril of Herat was captured and put to
death. Shamsuddin of Bamiyan was given the title of 'Sultan.' A treaty
of peace was at last made, but Sultan Shah's power was shattered ancI
his prestige had vanished. Soon afterwards (in 1191) he died by
swallOwing, perhaps by mistake, an excessive dose of some poison
had been in the habit of using as a dnrg. His subjects had no alter-
native but to accept Takash as their king. The latter's power was now
at its height. He had after repeated efforts at last succeeded in can-
Khurasan and had been crowned at Tus in the previous year
(1190). The unremitting war between the surviving Seljuq princes ana
the officers who had been raised bv their favours gave Takash an opporc
tunitv of interfering in Iraq. In 1190 Qutlugh Inanij, a rebel governor.
asked for his help against the valiant but ill-advised Sultan Tti!!hriT
Seljuqi. Having entered the country, Takash est.ablished his power at
Rav and refused to depart. Tn the course of the next three veal'S, he
reduced all the important forts of the province and defeated ana
Shihabuddin oj Ghur 119
drove away rivals. He had now (1193) the whole of the Trans-Caspian
region and Persia under his sway.
Ghiyasudclin had carefully avoided friction with Cenh'al Asiatic
powers. Neither the appeals of Sultan Shah nor the more insidious
propaganda of the caliph, whose messengers did their best to con"
vince him that Takash was an apostate and an infidel, had succeeded
in shaking his neutrality. Khwarazm, in fact, was too sh'ong to be at-
tacked with safety while Qara Khitai was a veritable hornets' nest.
But the death of Sultan Takash in 1199 seemed too good an oppor-
tunity to be missed. Now, if ever, was the time to pull down the
obstacle that was hindering the expansion of the Ghurian kingdom
in the north and west. Shihabuddin, who was free from his Indian
campaigns, seems to have been the moving spirit of the new policy,
though Ghiyasuddin certainly acquiesced. Alauddin Muhammad, the
eldest surviving son of Sultan Takash, who ascended the throne of
Khwarazm in August, 1200, did his best to avoid a conflict. His mes-
sengers appeared at Ghur with terms humble and submissive beyond
all expectations. He was prepared to acknowledge himself a depen-
dent and a subordinate chief; he was even willing to give up the right
of keeping a separate mint so dear to all oriental monarchs, and pro-
mised to put the name of Shihabuddin on his coins. A dynastic alliance
was also suggested. Shihabuddin was to marry Turkan Khatun, Ala-
uddin's mother-'although' Alauddin confessed, '1 am not possessed
of the wOlthiness of being your son.' This vicious, self-willed and
intriguing lady, who was destined to be the evil genius of the house
of Khwarazm, was regarded by her contemporaries as the embodi-
ment of all wickedness. The daughter of a Qipchak chief, she had
been married by Takash for political reasons. The intrigues of an
oriental haram soon developed the worst features of her character
and she becran her political career by a murderous assault on her
b f
husband. Ghiyasuddin was shrewd enough to approve the terms, or
'the purport of the message coincided with his personal
But Shihabuddin was of a different mind. Chaste and abstemIOUS III
his personal life, he felt no inclination to share the bed of an elderly
and pleasure-loving widow. His Indian experience had led him t::>
dislike compromises; it was victory and conquest that he longed for.
Ghivasuddin"s hands, for once, were forced by the overvaulting ainbi-
tior: of his younger brother, and the two sultans embarked on a futile
and aggressive war. .'
The campaigns that followed have been descnbed by Alauddm
Ata Malik Tuwavni: "When the Sultans Ghivasuddin and Shihab-
uddin heard of the death of Sultan Takash thev began to harh:)Ul'
120 Poliilcs and Society during the Early Medieval Period
impossible ambitions and hopes that could not be realized. Great
greed took possession of their minds. The advance guard of their
army proceeded to Merv and Muhammad Kharang was placed in
charge of that city. The sultans themselves moved with a large army
and ninety elephants. They reduced and plundered Tus and then
advanced against Shadyakh, which was held by Sultan Alaudclin's
brother, Ali Shah. The two sultans were going round to examine the
fortifications of the city and many Sight seers among the besieged had
climbed a tower in front of them to get a view of the invading army.
Suddenly the tower fell down. The sultans took it for a good Oillen.
They captured the city that very day and began to plunder it. But
shuhnas (superintendents) were stationed before the houses of
'religiOUS people' to keep the soldiers away. For half the day the
Ghurian army continued to plunder; then an order was given to stop
it and so rigorous was the discipline of the Ghurian army that the
soldiers stayed their hands immediately. When the spoils were
collected, every citizen who could find out his belongings was allowed
to take them back. The object of the sultans was to terrorise and
punish. The anny of Khwarazm, with Tajuddin Ali Shah and the
nobles, was brought out of the city, severely treated and sent to Ghur.
The officers of the revenue department were punishe<;l; Ghurian
shuhnas were established up to Jurjan and Bustam and all that
territory was brought under the sway of the two sultans. The forti-
fications of the city were repaired and Malik Ziyauddin was stationed
with a large army to hold Khurasan in subjection. Ghiyasuddin then
returned to Herat. Shihabuddin marched against the 'heretic'
forts in Qahistan; but peace was concluded after "1 little fighting and
Shihabuddin also rehlrned to Herat, leaving Qazi Tulki to guard
that region.
"When Sultan Alauddin Muhammad heard of the misfortunes of
the people of Khurasan, he jumped up like a ferocious tiger and
advanced with the rapidity of lightning. In September, 1201, he alight-
ed before Shadyakh and surrounded it with his troops. The Ghurians,
vain of their power and prestige, came out to fight. But on seeing the
valour of the Khwarazmian army, they realized their mistake and
fled behind the city-walls even as rats fly for refuge to their holes.
But the fortifications of Shadyakh were pulverised by the Khwaraz-
mian munianiqs; the ditch was filled up; and realizing that they would
in any case fall into the hands of Khwarazm Shah, the Ghurians sent
messengers to sue for peace and requested the scholars and shaikhs
of the city to plead in their favour. Alauddin was determined to show
the generosity that becomes a victor in his hour of triumph. He
Shihabuddin of Ghur 121
granted them honourable terms and sent them with presents to Ghur.
He next marched towards Merv and Sarakhs, which his nephew,
Hindu Khan, was holding on behalf of the sultans of Ghur. Hindu
Khan retired to Ghur at the sultan's approach; but the kotwal of
Sarakhs did not come out to pay hOIli,age to Khwarazm Shah. A
detachment of the Khwarazmian troops reduced the city of Sarakhs
and captured the kotwal. Meanwhile Alauddin had returned to
Khwarazm by way of Merv.
"Next year Alauddin Khwarazm Shah again prepared for war
and marched in August, 1202, against Herat. He alighted at the
MW'ghzal'i Radkan, and after collecting his great army of Turks and
Arabs, moved to the suburbs of Herat. The city was surrounded.
The Khwarazrnian munianiqs began their work and the fortifications
were demolished. Izzuddin Muraghazi, the kotwal of Herat, realized
that there was no alternative but to submit. He opened negotiations
with the sultan and sent his son with a large ransom. Khwarazm
Shah accepted his submission. Meanwhile the sultans of Ghur also
had begun plundering Khurasan in order to prevent Khwarazm Shah
from continuing the siege of Herat. When Alauddin heard of this, he
marched back by way of Marwar Rud, while Shihabuddin advanced
by way of Taliqan. Alauddin considered it advisable to keep thp,
river between him and the enemy. Opinion in his ariny was diviued
on the question of crossing the river, and sonie of his men did actually
cross it. But Alauddin did not feel himeslf strong enough to offer
battle and retreated in the direction of Merv. The Ghurians followed
him. At Sarakhs he stopped and negotiations between the two parties
began. The Ghurians wanted him to give them some districts of
Khurasan, but he refused to consider their proposals and .moved on
from Sarakhs to Khwarazm. Shihabuddin marched with hiS army to
Tus and began to harass the inhabitants. As provisions in his camp
were not sufficient, he compelled the citizens to sell corn to him. Many
citizens had taken their com to the mausoleum of Tus, hoping to be
secure under the protection of the sanctuary. Shihabuddin sent
his men to seize the com. This, in addition to his previous severities,
alienated the people. Rich and poor began to detest the rule of the
Ghurians and their love for Khwarazm increased in proportion.
"About this time Sultan Ghiyasuddin died. Shihabuddin returned
to his capital after appointing' Muhammad Kharang governor of
Merv. This Kharang was a leading noble and pahilwan of Ghul', and
the backbone of its armies in time of war. His strength was such
that the sultans of Ghur often asked him to fight with elephants
and tigers and he prevailed over both. As he was required to repeat
122 Politics and Society during the Ea1'ly Medieval Period';
the perfOl:mance quite often, he would complain: 'How long will
I be asked to disgrace myself by fighting with pigs and dogs( He
was, in fact, the Rustam of his age. Kharang attacked Abuward.
where he captured some Khwarazmian nobles and slaughtered many
inhabitants. Thence he marched against Tajuddin Khalji of
who sent his son with offers of submission. The amirs of Murgh
also did the same Flushed with these victories, Kharang was
returning to Merv, when he heard that the army of Khwarazm was
also marching to Merv by way of the desert. Kharang flew to meet
it. In the battle that followed, tlle Khwarazmians, tllough not even.
half the number of their opponents, gained a decisive victory.
Kharang mmlaged to reach Melv with great difficulty, but tlle
Khwarazmians mined the walls and captured the city. Kharang was
taken prisoner and, from fear of his tremendous strength, a Khwaraz-
mian noble cut off his head, which was sent to Khwarazm. Alauddin.
denied all responsibility for his death. When the news reached.
Sultan Shihabuddin, he became very depressed and gloomy.
"After Merv had been recaptured, Alauddin Khwarazm Shah's
nobles tried to induce him to conquer the territory of Herat. 'Sultan
Ghiyasuddin, the elder brother is dead', they said, 'and his. sons are
quarrelling over the distribution of their patrimony. If the royal
standards cast their shadow over that land, most of the nobles will
come to offer their submission.' Alauddin accepted their advice and
marched with a well-prepared army to Herat in 1204. Alp Ghazi, the
governor of Herat, was a nephew of Sultan Shihabuddin, and one of
the leading nobles of Ghur. When the stones from the Khwarazmian
mttnjaniqs began to fall like hail over the houses and bazars of Herat,
the citizens appealed to Alp Ghazi in despair. Alp Ghazi sent a
messenger to the Khwaraz1l1 Shah, saying: 'I have authority from my
sultan to conclude a binding peace, so that no one from our side wilI
attack Khurasan and none of your men may molest this region.' He
promised to pay a large ransom and undertook to keep the Ghurians
true to the treaty, Khwarazm Shah with his usual kindness and
regard for the liv'es of Musalmans agreed to these terms. Alp Ghazi
came out to meet him and was sent back with great honour. On re-
turning to the city. however, Alp Ghazi had to exh'act money from
the people with. great harshness in order to give the ransom he had
promised. When the sultan heard of his severe he e:-
empted citizens of Herat from the ransom, and accordmg to hIS
promise, marched away from the city. Two or three days after his
deparhlre. Alp Ghazi. who had been commissioned by Shihabtiddin
to' conclude a binding treaty, died."
Shilwbud4in of Gil .. '
Ghiyasuddu:'s deaili in 1204 left Shihabuddin in supreme con-
trol of tile kingdom. He placed the royal crown on his head in.
accordmlce willi his brother's will.and ascended tlle tlu'one at Ghazni.
The hereditm-y dominions of the house of Ghur were divided among
Ghiyasuddin's legal successors. Ghiyasuddin's son, Mallmud, whom
Shihabuddin considel-ed to be .an irredeemable slacker, was given tlle
districts of Farah ana Isfarar; while Firuz Koh, the ancient seat of
the Shansabani dynasty, was bestowed on Ghiyasuddin's nephew
. and son-in-law, Malik Ziyauddin; while another nephew, Nasiruddin,
obtained the territory of Herat. Shihabuddills distribution of his
brother's heritage did not fail to cause considerable resentment;
. Mahmud, in particular, felt wronged at ilie way in which he had been
cast aside. But it was not safe to protest against Shiliabuddin's
orders and loyalty to the authority of their paterfamilias was still
sh'ong among the princes of Ghur.
The kingdom of Ghur at Ghiyasuddin's death was so different
from the other monarchies of the middle ages that it is worth while
examining its salient features with some care. It is difficult to find a.
political llieory that will fit it. It was neither unitary, nor federal,
nOr feudal-neither a satrapy of the Achemenian nor an empire of the
Roman type. It was a kingdom to which at least two other kingdoms,
Ghazni and Bmnian-were attached. But how? No superior title
distinguished the overlord from the feudatory, for there was no over-
lord and no feudatolY. Ghiyasuddin was 'Sultan,' but Shillabuddin
was also 'Sultan' and the same title was bestowed on Shamsuddin
Muhammad, son of Fakhruddin Mas'ud, after the victory over Sultan
Shah. No tribute was fixed. Shiliabuddin and Shamsuddin sent
what they could, though in case of ilie former the amount was consi-
derable; but Ghiyasuddin also demanded what he wanted and it was
paid without hesitation. Foreign powers and subordinate chiefs
treated the two brothers as one; there was no possibility of playing
. them off against each other. The employees of the goyernment clearly
knew to which of the three sultans iliey were subordinate and were
. never allowed to appeal to Ghiyasuddin against their decisions.
Nevertheless Ghivasuddin was an autocrat. Shmabuddin, who
governed an' which was several times larger than the princi-
pality directly administered by his brother, decided the most important
questions on his own responsibility, yet ilie most trifling orders from
Cnur had to be attended to, and if Ghiyasuddin made up his mind to-
interfere, there was no alternative but to obev. The reader may be in-
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
dined to think of the Roman empire, one and indivisible, separately
administered by the Caesars of Constantinople and Rome. But
two institutions were essentially dissimilar. Behind the Ghunan
empire there was no imperial idea, no conception of kingdom, state or
even government of any sort. Historical parallels are dangerous, but
if we ignore mere difference in size, the institution that approaches the
Shansabani kingdom most closely is the jOint-family .system of the
Hindus. Somehow or other a tundamental conceptIOn of Axyan
civilization had been imbibed by a Ghurian tribe along with the
Buddhist creed which they accepted, degraded and transtormed; and
long after they had forgotten their old faith and its Rrinciples, they
continued to regulate their social life by the old I-Imdu standard.
With other Muslim dynasties the nue was clear: there could only b,e
one monarch, one supreme will, in the state. As for the monarch s
brothers and cousins, the rule was clear also: 'Kingship knows no
kinship.' The king's sons (except the chosen one), his brothers, uncles,
and nephews, were not even granted the extended to .all
other subjects; it was assumed that they were gmlty of
treason through the accident of their birth; and poets, pnests, and
moralists advised the occupant of the throne to regard them as out-
casts and to punish them in anticipation of their .. But ?hur
was a peculiar principality. Here kinship knew kingshIp. Shihab-
uddin was not a king like other kings; he was, m status, the second
most important member of a 'family corporation', Ghur
for its pahimony; throughout Ghur, therefore, the Wlll of hIS
brothers, as representing the corporation, was The
empire.. Shihabuddin's own creation, was Ius. pnvate affatr,
peculium; he could do with it what he pleased; It would go to hIS
descendants, or to his slaves, if he had no descendants. He could
even give it away by will or by. a in. f.act, he did.
The Shansabani dynasty, for all ItS ImpenalIstic ambItions, never
emerged from the swaddling-clothes of peasant
peasant conception of law and right. In the of croWll;ng
glory, the two sons of Bahauddin and cousm of Bamlan
administered one of the most extenSIVe empIres of the east on the
principles of a well-managed family farm; practical good sense, by
accommodating closely related people to each other, made a legal
limitation of duties and powers unnecessary.
It is not to be imagined that the hypothesis here put forward will
cover all the facts. The fault lies partly with the facts themselves. for
thev have an unfortunate habit of 'going wrong'. Other considerations
besides family-feeling and regard for law influenced the actions of the
Shihabuddk of Ghur 125
Shansabani princes. Alanddin J ahansuz of
Bahauddin Sam and kept their pati'imony of Fll'uz. Koh m hIS Owll
hands; his son, Saifuddin, while setting the)Jl free, left them to starve,
even Shihabuddin, when dividing the family inheritance among the
Shansabani princes after his brother's death, gave the
of Firuz Koh not to Ghiyasuddins son, Mahmud, but to Ghlyasuddm s
son-in-law Malik Ziyauddin. Pattly, also, the fault lies with the
theory, fo; theories do not always appear in tim,e. to direct p.eople
aright. The Shansabanis had no gift for they
kept in mind what their forefathers and hled. to m
their footsteps. No clear law of succeSSlOn IS laId down eIther m the
speeches attributed to them or in the histories of early writers. '!oday,
eight hundred years after the events, we can only hope rediscover
their law, with which their conception of royal authonty was or-
ganically connected, by studying the actual division of inheritance
at each'stage. There was injustice in the division the law
was not clear; but even if the law. had been clear as daylight, there
would have been many cases of gross injustice, and this makes it
possible for us to find any rule that will cover all the cases.
these two reservations, it may be confidently stated that the Hmdu
jOint-family is the nearest counterpart to the Shansabani
Ghiyasuddin governed his brother, nephews n?t as
suzerain or overlord but as their patel', hIS WIll was the WIll to theIr
'father'; no resistance to it was possible, for rebellion is only per-
mitted against 'kings'. Though the system of family
rights often assured a safe and comfortable hfe for the younger
brothers and nephews of the ruler, it must not be imagined that the
conception of the royal family as a 'corporation-if that tertn may
be permitted-tended to make its power permanent. The
was towards a more rapid dissolution. It was less pennanent, m
fact, than the father-poisoning, brother-killing, son-suspecting
dynasties with whom history is only too familiar. For a generation,
however, the affection and good sense of the two brothers prevented
its faults from being seen.
The brothers were. indeed, remarkable. No two sons of the same
mother could have b'een more unlike. Ghiyasuddin had the tempera--
ment of a wise and epicurean. He took to the pleasures
of life in moderation. The sparkling of the crystalline glass and in-
spiration of good fellowship had drawn to wine in his
days. But he gave it ujJ-{lpparently WIthout anv effort-as hIS
physical -powers declined and consoled himself With pomegranatf'
juice, which was still served to him with the same aneT
126 Politics and Society during the E(};r/y Medieval Period
from the same vessels. Another substitute for drinking, if we may be-
lieve the historian, was charity, which also produces. a pleasant nervous
exhilaration. 'He distributed his gifts among the plOUS and the needy
in east and west, in Arabia, Persia, Turkistan, and Hind. Their names
were recorded in his Diwan and their allowances were regularly sent
to them.' His only passion so far as he ::as capable of a
hunting, and his game-laws were stern. .From Fn:uz Koh, whI:h
his summer capital, to the territory (zamtn) and CIty of Dawar, there
is a distance ot forty faTsang; no human being dared p'ursue any game
between these 'iWO places. In Zamindawar he had lard out a
which he named the 'Garden of Aram'. "By God I No king III the
world has possessed a garden equal to it in pleasantness and fresh-
ness. Its length was more than sufficient for two courses of a horse
and its O'lades were adorned with pine and juniper trees and shrubs
and herbs. Adjoining the wall of the garden he
ordered a plain equal to it in length and breadth to be
"Once every year, at the sultan's direction, a nargah (semIcIrcle)
of fifty or sixty farsangs was drawn and it took a whole month for
the huntsmen at the two extremities to join. More than ten thousand
wild beasts were thus driven into the plain adjOining the
The sultan came to the pavilion of the gar'den and a conVIVIal
entertainment while his officers and slaves were permItted, one by
one, to enter fue plain and kill the game before him." But even inore
than the chase, Ghiyasuddin loved good company. Though men ?f
scholarlv ability ancl genius were wanting in he s.ucceeded m
attractir;,g persons whose company was to. lum. A .man
like Ghivasuddin was not likely to do anythmg herOIC; but
was he 'in danger of ruining his by .dissipation or of bemg
caught napping by his vigilant and hostile neIghbours. He ascended
the throne at the age of twenty and ruled for forty-three leal's. He
had no love for administrative work. He hated the of lon.g
campaigns and only llndertook to the .lus
throne. His most remarkable quahtv was hIS sense of pIOpOl hon.
He saw men and things in their proper perspective and clearly
distinguished the possible from the impossible. the saf: from
dangerous. There was no danger in fighting Ghuzz or m
Herat. But Khwarazm anct Khita were fOl'nildable powers. Ghlvas-
uddin was not the man to bow his head to anvone. but he knew h?w
to maintain peace and good relations bv a polite
seemed to indicate conscious strength and power. Ghivasudchn
never embarked on the sea of political adventure, his nvals also took
care not to get into his way. -
Shilwbuddin oj Ghur
Shihabuddin was a man of different stamp. He worked at fever-
heat and achieved through repeated and unflagging efforts what others
have Won through genius and ability. His restless energy was a source
{)f misfortune tp himself and a cause of grave discomfort to others.
Worse than that, he attempted tasks totally beyond his strength,
and, left to himself. would have dragged everything to ruin. For-
tunately for the Ghurian state, Ghiyasuddin was no adventurer, and
so long as he lived. he directed the unquiet spirit of his younger
brother into safe and profitable charmels. Of the two, Ghiyasuddin
was deCidedly the superior; no one knew this better than Shfuabuddin
himself, who always ran to Ghm' for advice, orders, or suggestions
whenever he was in trouble.
A few words may be added about the religion, or rather the sect,
of the two brothers. The Shansabani princes, like the people around
them, belonged to the Karami sect. "The founder of this sect, Abu
Abdullah (Muhammad) bin Karam, was a pious but ignorant man
from Sijistan, who collected something from every religion into his
book and succeeded in getting his views accepted by the illiterate
peasants of Gharjistan, Ghur and Khurasan. A new sect was thus
manufactured. Sultan Mahmud bin Subuktagin lent him con-
siderable support and the Shias as well as the traditionists (orthodox
Sunnis) suffered much at the hands of the Karamis. They believe
in a material Goel and are akin to the sect of the Kharijis. vVe consider
the Karamis among the sifatis
because Abu Abdullah bin Karam
believes in the reality of God's attributes and, in addition, believes
Him to be material and acmally like unto other matter. The Karami
sect, later on, became divided into twelve sections of which six are
more important-Abidiah, Nuniah, Zal'iniah, IIshaqiah, Wahidiah, and
(the best) Haisamiah. Everyone of these sects has' difterent doctrines
of its own, but as these opinions are confined to illiterate fools, we
do not consider them established schools of thought We confine
ourselves to the works of the leamed. Abu Abdullah (bin Karam)
asserts that the station of God on the throne (al'sh) , that He is ahol,e
the throne and that He possesses attributes. In his book Punishment
at the Grave (Azab-i Qabl') he says that God is single in his 'substance'
and 'attributes' and that He is pressing the throne on the upper side.
He thinks that God can change His position in space as well as His
'namre and that He can descend. Some of the Karamis hold that
God onlv occupies a part of the throne others hold that He
occupies' the whole of it. According: to the latter sect, the station
of Goel is above the throne and within its confines."25
There can be little rloubt that the rapid spread of the Karami sect
Politics and Society dwing the Early Medieval Period
was due to a reaction against the fundamental spiritual conceptions
vf Islam. The Karamis were neither Sun.nis nor Shias; they were
Muslim pagans. Allah was to sit on His throne just as (before:
Him) had sat on his lotus. He was also, lIke. the prevlOus gods of
Gharjistan and Ghur, to possess all human .. It must not be
forO'otten that these hill tribes had for centunes worshIpped the gods
of 1,Iahayana Buddhism and that there was an in
their minds to interpret Islam along idolatrous lines. peasant
imagination could not, even negatively, conceive of a bemg for whom
time and space did n01 exist. Left to the!, would
made Allah into a god-as anthropomorphIc and matenal as the Idols
that had gone before Him. There had been a change in the
of deities-the one had displaced the many-but no change the
conception of the deity was possible till the mind of the
had changed. Some literal knowledge of Quran, a re-
solve not to understand its message and spmt, and a smattermg of
Aristotle's logic and of his (wholly indefensible) distinction between
'substance' and 'athibutes' was sufficient to rriake out a case for an
idolatrous interpretation of Islam. The Karamian cosmogony also de-
rived great strength from the age long yearning of the pagan heart f?f
a god that can be seen, heard and adored. For a thIs,
the most backward of Muslim sects, held the fieldm these hIlly tracts.
Then a great change came over the Muslim Sheikh Abd:l!
Qadir of Jilan took the revolutionary step of p.ubhshmg esoteric
doctrines of mysticism. which he in wI:h all mystics held to
be the fundamental principles of the Mushn: broadcast
the Musalrrians. The new mystic movement, If It may be so called lP..
contradistinction to the esoteric mysticism of days,
with rerriarkable rapiditv The chan!!e inaugurated by the shaIkh
met with the approval' of all thoughtful Muslims. The
organized into re!!ular 'orders' (silsilahs) and took to theIr work WIth
an eamestness and zeal which has, in the history of Islam, been
surpassed by the fiery revolutionism of early Educatmg
the Musalmans, most of whorri were still Immersed m the old-worl.d
ideas of anthropomorphic paganism, was as rriuch the wo:k ?f a mystic
missionary as the conversion of the infidel. Now a IS the V?ry
opposite of a pagan. He lives by the light of his i:mer. faith, prefernng
the unseen to the visIble. He holds space and time m contempt and
denies their reality. The materialistic references in sacred .texts are
explained, or explainer!. away. G?d: th: one, the absolute, IS the to-:
taUtv of existence. There is no dlstmctwn between God and no-God,
he alone exists. The 'threats of hell' are as immaterial to the true
Shihabuddin of Ghur
mystic as 'the hopes of paradise'-':"both are dismissed away as
'ingless fears. VVe live for the Lord alone. '
'Even the hill-tribes of Ghur were included in the extension propa-
ganda of the new mystic leaders. Though Ghiyasuddin and Shihabud-
din had been brought up in the Karami faith, its influence had begun
to wane. The two sultans of Ghur were naturally affected by the
change that was taking place in the religious consciousness of their
contemporaries. But each adapted himself to the situation in a charac-
teristic manner. 'When Shihabuddin ascended the throne of Ghazni,
he found that the citizens of Ghazni and its neighbourhood believed in
Imarri Abu Hanifa Kufi and he confonried to their faith by becoming a
Hanafi.' This was a wise and diplomatic move. A difference of opinion
between the king and his subjects is not desirable; a wise monarch
will either bring over his subjects to his own religion or else go over
to theirs, the latter being the easier and the most politic course. But
if, perchance, the citizens of Ghazni had still been Buddhists? ..
Ghiyasuddin's conversion to Shafi'ism seems to have been more sincere
and was, apparently, th0 result ofa long deliberation. He dreamt one
night that he was pre<;ent in a mosque with Qazi ';Yahiduddin Mar-
war-rudi, when Imam Sh8fi'i came in and led them both in prayer.
Next day the sultan asked Qazi ';Yahiduddin to deliver a sermon.
Before cOlrimencing the sermon the qazi related a dream he had the
previous night. It was in every detail the same as the sultan's dream.
This incident decided Ghiyas{lddin's waveIing mind and he formally
went over to the Shal"'i sect. The sultan's conversion was naturally
resented by the Karmni scholar-priests, who stood to lose the royal
patronage which had hitherto been extended to them. Their leader,
Imam Sadruclclin Ali Haizarri Naishapuri, who was professor at a
college in Afshin (Gha1iistan) wrote a satire on the sultan: "There
are plenty of Shafi'i merchants in Khurasan. Your majesty will find
therri waiting before tIl(' palaces of all the princes. But you will search
the seven climes in vain for a king who belongs to the Shafi'isect. ..
If. it was necessary to change your ancestral faith, you might have
become a Hanan like other kings. " By God! Imam Abu Hanifa and
Irriam Shafi'i will both tell you on the Day of Judgment: 'It is not
good to fly needlessly from one door to another.''' It was not safe to
live in Ghiyasuddin's dominious after satirising him; but Imam
uddin repented after a year of exile and Ghiyasuddin, never a perse-
cutor, allowed him to return. .
. 'TIle peace concluded by Alp Ghazi with Khwarazm Shah soon after
Sultan Ghiyasuddin's death did. not last long. Alauddin's attitilde
seems to have been pacific; the campaigns of the last war had ruined
130 Politics a1ld Society during the Early Medieval Period
two harvests of Khurasan; he had other enemies also and would have
preferred peace. But Shihabuddin was in a bellicose mood. His suc-
cess in India had turned his head. His khutba was read in all mosques
from Herat to Assam and his power was acknowledged supreme. He
would brook no rival. It was not enough that Khwarazm Shah should
be willing to allow him precedence as a senior man; his kingdom had
to be wiped off the map. So long as Persia, Iraq and Khwarazm
remained united under a single sceptre, the king of Ghazni would
be reckoned a ruler of secondary importance. The war of 1202-4 had
been a failure; the ravages of the Ghurian army had ruined the
reputation of Shihabuddin in Khurasan. But not an. inch of territory
had been gained. Why? Khwarazm Shah was obviously weak. He
had retired before the Ghurian armies without venturing to challenge
them to a single battle. It was Ghiyasuddin who had carefully limited
the sphere of the conflict. He would never allow his armies to march
far from his base and insisted on taking advantage of every oppor-
tunity for opening negotiations. Nothing was further from Ghiyas-
uddin's thoughts than R war of life and death with his northern rival.
Left to his own designs by his brother's death, Shihabuddin not
only recommenced the struggle but changed the character of the con-
flict. He was determined to strike at the heart of the enemy; if
Khwarazm was captured and Alauddin driven away from his capital,
it would be easy to overrun Khurasan and Iraq. It was a purely
aggressive war, but Shihabuddin expected success to justify his
vandalism. The sequel showed that he had miscalculated every im-
portant factor in the situation. Instead of having to fight with Alaud-
din Khwarazm Shah hI' was met by a population in arms, bent on
fighting to death to pretect their homes and hearths from the barba-
rians of Ghur and convinced by their sultan and their priests alike
that a struggle against Shihabucldin was a 'holy war'. Here was no
distinction between Brahmans and Kshattriyas, between Aryans and
non-Aryans. Every peasant and citizen who could shoot an arrow or
draw a sword came out to have a fling at the unprincipled aggressor.
Driven to the wall, Khwarazm Shah bowed his proud head to the
ground and appealed to his overlord, the,king of Qara-Khita, for help.
The Gar Khan decided to help him, and his feudatories, the Afrasiyabi
of Turkistan and the sultanus salatin of Sain-arqand, also
marched to the relief of Khwarazm. Shihabuddin was caught in a vice.
To quote Juwayni once more: "Shihabuddin started the war again.
This time he was determined to strike at the capital of the empire
of Khwarazm. When Alauddin heard of his advance, he marched by
way of the desert to Khwarazm. The arm v of Ghur W(\s mOre iil
Shihabuddin of Ghar
number than ants and locusts. Khwarazm Shah informed the citizens
of .the intention of the enemy and the sudden danger that was threat-
enmg them. They rallied to the call. With one heart and one voice
they determined to fight it out the last. All possible preparations
made. Imam Muhammad Shihabuddin Khayuqi, a pillar for the
faIth and a castle the repeatedly preached to the people on
the. duty of defendlllg theIr homes and their fatherland; and on the
of the h'adition (hadis)-ne who dies for the protection of his
and his property is a martyr'-he declared it to be a just and
l:lghteous ,:ar The patriotic of the people
lose to a hIgh pItch; they were thoroughly umted in their determina-
tion to fight. Alauddin sent messengers to summon his horse and foot
from the 'provinces and also appealed to the Gor Khan for help. He
formed hIS camp on the bank of the Nuzwar Canal and in a few days
some seventy thousand people had collected under his banner. The
Ghurians with bluff and bluster-and they were numerous enough
to turn the Oxus lllto a desert-encamped on the (opposite) eastern
bank.. Shihabuddin asked them to search for a ford and began to
put hIS men and elephants in order with the intention of crossing the
Nuzwar next day and offering battle to Khwarazm Shah.
"Suddenly news arrived that Taniku of Taraz, the commander of
the Qara Khi.tai troops, was very near. He was accompanied by the
sultanus salatlll of Samarqand. The GhUlians foresaw the defeat and
disgrace that awaited them and determined to decamp without
achieving their object. Shihabuddin ordered them to burn their heavy
baggage at night and keep awake. When the Ghurians began their
retreat, Khwarazm Shah pursued them like a ferocious tiger. At Hazar
Saf (or Hazar Asp) Shihabuddin tUlned back and offered battle. The
Khwarazmians attacked his right wing. Many Ghurian officers and
amil's were captured. their standards were knocked down, and their
glory The remnant of the Ghurian army was pursued by the
as a horse might pursue a mare-up to Saif-
abad, whIch they succeeded in reaching in a state of utter demoraliza-
tion. Alauddin returned to Khwarazm with the treasure elephants
' ,
came s, and horses, which he had captured, to enjoy the good fortune
that had befallen him."
But further misfortunes were in store for Shihabuddin. Alauddin
did not care to his beyond Saifabad, but a more danger-
ous enemy lay waltmg for hIm. The Oara Khitan general, Taniku, who
was ackn.owlede:ed by all.parties to he the .e:re1test military genius of,
the age, mstead of marchmg to Khwarazin, as Shihabuddin expected
had rapidly moved southwards .and blocked up the route by which
Politics and Society during the Early Medieual 'Period
the flying Ghurians wished to retum to Balkh. Even ,the .sultan's iron
nerves failed him when he discovered the clever move of the enemy.
"The Khitan anllY and the maliks of Turkistan",. Minhajus .Siraj tells
us, "had crossed the Oxus and lay on the path of the Ghunan
When the sultan reached Andkhud, the vanguard of the
infidels attacked hb camp on Wednesday afternoon. The Ghunan
advance guard, led by Husain Kharmil, governor of drove
them away. Husain Kharmil then came to the sultan. The Musalmans
are victorious at this moment', he said, 'and the infidels been
defeated. It would be best if your majesty ordered the n:am army
to attack the infidels immediately, so that they may dnven away
and a great victory fall to our lot.' 'I have been longmg. for such a
holy war for years', the sultan replied, 'and the hour WIll n?t
me wanting. Tomorrow morning, with the help of God, I ,WIll glVe
them battle and see to which party the Lord grants Sllccess. Though
still film in his religious conviction, Husain Kharmil saw that the
sultan was greatly upset. oHe knew also that the infidels were
numerous for the Ghurians. The Musalmans had been wom out III
their retreat from Khwarazm; their horses had grown lean for want
of fodder and were in no position to n1ake a st.and. The Tartars, on
the other hand, were well supplied with provisions ,and had been
allowed a good rest. Kharmil withdrew from the sultan s presence
fled away in the night to with the five thou:and
he commanded. Most of the Ghunan cavalry, whose horses were too
weak to fight, also fled away. Only a few of and
the royal slaves were left with the sult.an III the Sll1hab,-
uddin formed his lines and began the batt.le. ,troops sur,
rounded him on all sides and enclosed him m then' COIls. Only a :ew
persons from the army of Islam been left', his
him, 'we must not march to battle. But the sultan Onl) a
hundred Ghurian horsemen and Turkish slaves. and a elephants
., 1 ft with him' thev took their I) osition in tront of IllS horse and
wer e e , J l' b tl
ave up their lives in trying to protect hin1. T le cano?y a ove ,le
head was riddled with Tarftar arrows. but nothmg 111-
duce him to tunl back. Finallv, one of his Turlosh
Jo!!i, came and caught of his reins and forced hUll to fly for refune
. . TI
"The Khitans surrounded Andkhud and began to m1l1e the wa s.
The place was about to fall when Shiha!)uddin
from the sultanus salatin of Samarqand: Out of re)Zard fOt th.e farth,
r do not wish a sultan of Islam to fall into the hands of
who. are sure to put him to death. I would advise yOU to give up aU
Shihabuddin of chur 133
your men, elephants and horses for the sal<e of your life. I will inter-
cede for you with these infidels.' Shihabuddin gave up all the treasures
and arms he had for the sake of his personal security and, thanks
to the intermediation of the suIt-anus salatin, he was allowed, after
much difficulty, to come out of the fort. Soon afterwards he received
a confidential message from Khwarazm Shah: 'You began the war.
We should now make peace.' Shihabuddin swore that he would live
at peace with Khwarazm Shah and promised to come to his help
whenever he was commanded to do so, So peace between the two
sultans was made."
Shihabuddin's defeat at Andkhud was the signal for a general revolt
in his dominions. Yilduz, the governor of Ghazni, made up his niind
to ignore the sultan.
Another officer, Aibak, who was with the sultan
at Andkhud, flew in haste to Multan, and after assassinating the
governor, Amir Dad Hasan, in a private interview, succeeded in con-
vincing the people by a forged fal'man that the sultan had appointed
him their governor. Still more ominous was the revolt of Sarka, the
leader of the Khokars of the Judi hills, who wished to carve out an
independent prinCipality for himself, and with the intention of ulti-
mately capturing Lahore had raised a tumult froni the Jhelum to the
Indian Ocean. Qutbuddin, the viceroy of India, however, remained
The skill and perseveranCe with which Shihabuddin reestablished
his authority over the empire, shines in pleasant contrast with the
military and political blunders which had led to the cat.astrophe of
Andkhud. Yilduz, the governor of Ghazni, offered Shihabuddin battle
instead of welcoming him, and the sultan, who was in no position to
fight, proceeded to Multan. Aibak also proved .a traitor, but many
loyal soldiers had by now gathered round Shihabuddin. He defeated
and captured Aibak and then returned to Ghazni with such forces
as he could collect on lhe frontier. The nobles of Ghazni repented of
their haste .and error, for a rebellion against the sultan had no chance
of success so long as he was loyally supported by the grcat viceroy
of India. The sultan forgave them and their leader and entered his
capital in peace,
The trihal tumults in India, which had cut off all cOililliunications
between Ghazni and Lahore, had still to be suppressed, and in the
winter of 1205-6 Shihabuddin started on his last Indian expedition.
The frontier tribes were the first difficultv. Sultan Mahmud had estab-
lished garrisons and built forts in their'territory, but thev were still
Buddhists and Shihabuddln realised that nothing short of their con-
version would solve the problem, "S6 the Tarahiyh infidels-who lived
134 Politics and Society dUl'ing the Early Medieval Period
in the hills between Ghazni and the Punjab, and considered the
slaying of a Musalman the straight path to paradise-were brought
within the pale of Islam, partly through kindness and partly through
force. About three or four lakhs of infidels, who wore the sacred
thread, were made Musalmans in this expedition." .
Sfiihabuddin next summoned Qutbuddin Aibek, and Shamsuddin
Iltutmish, who was then governor of Badaun, with their forces, and
sent contingents of his troops to suppress the Khokar chiefs. "The
Khokars, whose territory extended from the Indus to the feet of the
Siwalik Hills, were a grave source of trouble and disgrace to the
Musalmans, for they used to put to the rack every Musalman they
captured. The Musalmans, whom the sultan had settled round about
Peshawar, were in special danger from the attack of Khokars and
their communications with the Punjab were cut off. The Khokars had
neither religion nor creed. 'When a daughter was born to one of them
he would stand at the door of his house and cry: 'Is there anyone
who will accept this girl for his wife?' If some one accepted her, well
and good, otherwise he would instantly put his daughter to death.
Among them one woman had many husbands. When any of the
husbands was with their common wife, he left a sign of his at the
door; if another husband came at the same time, he would see the
sign and depart. Such were the people who considered it all act -of
piety to oppress the Musalmans." The Khokar chiefs were subdued
with a thoroughness that left a rankling bitterness in their hearts. But
at the same time vigorous attempts to convert them were made by
private individuals and Shihabuddin gave great favours to the chiefs
who joined his faith.
A year and a half of hard work had restored his empire to its
former strength and Shihabuddin made up his mind to challenge the
Qara-Khltai Turks 'I have determined', he wrote to the governor of
Bamiyan, 'to wage a holy war against the infidels of Turkistan.
Collect the forces of your tel'litory on the bank of the Oxus immedi-
ately on the receipt of this order, and construct a bridge across the
river so that the army may have no difficulty in crossing it. He started
from Lahore in Februarv 1206, but was not destined to lead the cam-
paign. At a place, called' Damyak, on the bank of the Indus, he was
ass.assinated by a 11eretic'.28 The triumphant march was turned into
a funeral procession. and it was with great difficulty that the wazir,
Khwaja Moidul Mulk, succeeded in preventing the royal treasure
from being plundered by the sultan's slaves, and conveyed his master's
bier to Ghazni, where he was buried in the mausoleum of his
Shihllbuddin of Gkur
1. Ghazni is generally written in Persian as GhaZlliall, or the two Ghaznis. The two
cities were situated on the two banks of the river Helmand. 'Ghaznin' though some-
what inaccurate is more tolerable in English. Later the author accepted 'Ghazni'-ED.
2. See Appendix One for the early history of Ghur.
3. According to Minhai!ls Si1'lli, Saifuddin fled at Bahram's approach but was cap
tured and brought back.
4. Fel'ishta. According to Min/wius Sil'ai both the bodies were fixed on the one
arch bridge of Ghazni.
5. Alauddin even ordered all the graves of the sultans of Ghazni, with the exception
of the graves of Sultan Mahmud, Sultan Mas'ud and Sultan Ibrahim, to be dug
up. The skeletons unearthed were thrown into the flames.
6. See Appendix Two.
7. Ferishta says the brothers were re-appointed governors of Sanjah. According to
the Tabaqat-i Nasiri, however, both the brothers had a very difficult time after
their release from prison. Their great misfortune was their poverty. Shihabuddin
sought refuge at the court of his uncle, FakI,ruddin Mas'ud, whom Alauddin had
appointed governor of Bamian after conquering that province. Ghiyasuddin kept
hanging about his cousin's court and seems to have depended for his sustenance on
the charity of his father's seryants.
8. Awwal pidarat nillad kill m blmyad
Ta khalq-i-ia/wn j1l11l1a ba bidad uftad
Han! Ta na-dihi za bahr-i Takillabad
Sar ta S{lI'-i-11lulk-i-Aal-i-Mahmlld bi bac!.
9. Ferishta's account is inaccurate and conflicting: at one place he says that Ghazni
was captured by Alauddin J ahansuz while later on he asserts that it was conquered
by Khusrau Shah. I am inclined to think that the barbarities practised by AIauddin
had made the annexation of Ghazni impossible; the inhabitants were too hostile. After
the defeat of Sultan Sanjar, the Ghizz chiefs plundered Merv and Khurasan with
barbaric atrocities and their wandering bands overran the whole empire. One of
these bands seems to have conquered Ghazni.
10. Ghazni was not taken without considerable difficulty and risk. The barbarous
Ghizz had neither the engineering skill nor the foresight to reconstruct the old fort
of Ghazni. Too weak to meet the army of Ghur in the open field, they dug a trench
round their camp, and fought with the reckless and desperate valour of their tribe.
The Ghurian attempt to storm the trenches proved a signal failure, Ghiyasuddin gave
up the task in despair and retired after sending sonie of his men to Shihabuddin, who
was stin grimly sticking to his duty. The Ghizz cheered by their success, rushed
across the trench, broke the Ghurian centre, and capturing the royal standard of
Ghur, bore it back triumphantly with them. The Ghurian right and left, seeing
their standard cross the trench. imagined that their centre had pierced through
the defence. They rushed to its aid. The hostile troops were mixed together
hopelessly; fighting fiercely round the standard, the Ghizz and the Ghurians crossed
the trench in a mingled throng. Ghiyasuddin returned to the front when he
. heard of the lucky turn of events and his attack decided the issue. 'The Ghurian army
then proceeded to strike off the heads of the Ghizz.' The city and its territories were
conquered and annexed.
11. We hear of a friction however in the early years of Ghiyasuddin's reign. Shihab-
uddin was dissatisfied with his position as a mere officer of his brother's court and
...".tirjQrl tn ~ i c : . h m whf':rp: h ~ liverl for a whole winter at the court of a Sistani malik.
136 Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
With the spring Ghiyasuddin's love for his brother returned, I-Ie sent his officers
to invite Shihabuddin back and bestowed on him the southern tracts of his kingdom
as a semi-independent governorship.
12,. If the tern,s 'kingdom' and 'empire' are to be applied to the Ghurian state, it
would be more correct to say that Ghiyasuddin was emperor, while Shihabuddin, as
ruler of Ghazni, was a subordinate king. Neveltheless, in accordance with the customs
of Ghu
, Sbihabuddin's conquests in India and elsewhere were his own by right and
would descend to his sons, or, failing them, to his slaves. The situation was, no
doubt, illogical and, but for the good sense of the two brothers, would have led to .
13. I venture to add a passage from a monograph I am preparing on the period:
"vVith the accession of Saifuddin II, in 557 we come face to face in Ghm with
that school of politicians which had appeared two or three decades earlier in other"
parts of the Muslim world, The great ideas of the Persian renaissance-its devotion
to the sacred soil of Iran and loyalty to the imperial throne as the symbol of Persian
culture and civilization, its standard of gentlemanly conduct and good breeding, its
code of hononr in war and its canons of morality in peace--had been gradually dis-
appearing from the minds of men, The rapid fall of the Seljuq monarchy in the sixth
decacle of the twelfth century made matters worse. No genuine Persian family came
to the front to bear the Herculean bmden of Nizamulmulk and Sanjar, while the
Turkish dynasties which had forcibly seized a iimb or two of the gre'lt Leviathan,
were unable to accommodate themselves to the time-honoured traditions of Persia;'
monarchy. Worse than that, neither the politicians nor the conunon people had any
sane political philosophy to live by. Of course humQ.ll life must be based on some
principles or other. It is a question of better 01' 'GOrse; of morality or selfishness. So
the age of the Shah Nama was followed by the age of the Gulistan; for the Gui-istan
also, like all other great books, has principles and maxims-of a sort.
"It is possible to trace something of a family likeness between the characters that
in all countries come to the front at the fall of great empires. Lack of deep political
or personal loyalties, freedom from moral scruples and the trammels of tradition,
diplomatic clevemess and restless ambition are, perhaps, the most nniversal features.
But the differences are also remarkable, Some empires leave their subjects di.l'!mited
and wellk while others leave their subjects disunited b'ut strong. The Seljuq empire
belonged to 'the latter class. ,Ve will seek in vain among the officers and politicians
of the post-Sanjar period for the effeminacy and luxurious idleness so characteristic
of the nobles of the later Mnghal empire, They were brave and fearless and regarded
a life of ease and comfOlt with contempt. And one great strain of the Persian renais-
sance at least survived in them in full vigour-the spirit of mad, dare-devil and
reckless adventure. Failing in other things, here they failed not. But neither individuals
nor societies can be saved by strength alone. The age of Shihabuddin was a doomed
"As we follow the of the three ruling dynasties of the age-the Imams of
Alamut, the Ghurians, and the Khw::uazmians-ancl the officers who surrounded them,
we carmot help noting a remarkable difference between the character of the new
generation and the old. The new generation is 1110re efficient but less scrupulous; it
has greater fondness for warfare but is even more given to diplomacy, intrigue and
craft. The loyal and simple-hearted Qutbuddin of Khwarazm is succeeded by his
spare-framed and astute SOll) Atisiz, model for all traitors, 'whose greatness as a
soldier lay in fact that he won all his campaigns without risking a serious battle. The
humble and self-sacrificing zeal of Hasan bin Sabbah and Kia Buz1l1'g Umid is not
to be found in their succ"ssors at Alumut; the remarkable organization they had
Shihabuddin at Ghur 137
,,,tablished was callonsly utilized to obtain the Imamat for Zindus Salam and his
successors and to secure for them the status of gods among men, Alauddin Jahansuz
may, very imprudently, destroy a prosperous city he could have annexed, but he
would not have stooped to strike an enemy below the mee, and in spite of great
refrained I'orn resorting to the assassin's dagger to revenge the un-
deniably great wrong his Family had suffered, I-Ils son and nephews were men of
different stamp--less educated but more unscrupulous. The traditional morality of
the Ghurian hill chiefs was not allowed to stand in the way of their imperialistic
14. A section of the Ismaili Shias, So known after their reputed founder. The
Ismailis only believe in [the first seven Imams while the orthodox (aslla ashari) Shias
believe in the twelve Imams.
15. in Ferishta. Nizamuddin Ahmad, whose brief account has been incorporated
by Ferishta in his more detailed narrative, says nothing about the raja's wife,
16. Minhajus Siraj on whom we have to depend for most of the inforl1ll\tion we get
about Ghur, is velY brief in his account of Shihabuddin's invasion, This is unfortunate,
for Minhajus Siraj, though a coOOly historian, was a truthful man and a critical
student of the Tabaqat-i Nasiri has little difficulty in separating official plaudits from
bare talth, Apart from the works referrcd to later, I have relied on Ferishta, N izam-
uddin and the brief references in the Tabaqat-i Nasiri for the events of this chapter.
17. The Ghaznavid princes were put to death when Ghiyasuddin and Shihabuddin
were startinrr on a famous campaign against Khwarazm .shah, It was apparently done
to prevent ';,.lefactors from 'using any of the princes for the fllltherance of their
designs, This seems to have been the prevailing; practice. At a later date, when
Alauddin Khwarazm Shah was flying from his capital at the approach of Chengiz
Khan, his mother, Turkan Khatull, ordered all the captive princes at Khwarazm to be
put to death,
18. Delhi was not then an important town. Its importance dates from the Slave
kings. Here, as elsewhere, Ferishta overrates the importance of Delhi,
. 19. Roughly, a karoh might be reckoned as .equal to a modern Indian kos, a
distance of two miles.
20 .. As appears from the sequel, Khanday Rai WflS not aware that he was fighting the
sultan himself. His attention was merely drawn to a person he considered to be a
formidable warrior in the enemy ranks.
21. The Afghans, properly so-called, were the tribes known by that name, who
inhabited the rerrion between Kabul and Peshawar. They had only been Partially con-
verted by the ti;;;e of Shihabuddin. Afghanistan is a modern term, since Ahmad Shah
Abdali helonged to an Afghan trihe, the name was given to the whole country over
which he and his successors ruled. There was no 'Afghanistan' in the middle ages. vVe
read of Ghazni, Ghur, Kabul, lIm'at, Balkh, etc., but never of Afghanistan. The group
of tribes, called Khaljis, lived in the southern region between Takinabad and Sistan,
They seem to have been quite distinct from the Afghans as well as the Turks. vVhat-
ever their origin or early history, they considered thelllsc1ves a different people. It wi1l
be obselVed that while 'the Ghurians, and to an extent the Khaljis were the aIel suhj,cts
of the Shansabani dynasty, the Afghans \vefe a later acquisition. Shihabuc1c1in seems
to have felt that he had not the same claims to their loyalty.
22. Maill .. means meeting or assembly. The meetings at the sultan's palace or
pavilion werc of two kinds: thc Majli .. -i KIlOS or a confidential meeting of the
officers for discllssion of important administrative and political measures, and iHa/!rs-1
Am or Ba'l'-i-Am (Darbar) which was a public sitting of the sultan for administrative
and judicial business, when in theory at least, the right of approaching the sultan and
Politics alld Society during tile Early Me,iievai Period
laying before the throne was accorded to evelY subject. Inform'll meetings
lor dancmg, musIC, elephant-fights, drinking, etc., were also held and the tenn Majlis-i
Aish was given to them.
23. Shihabuddin, in his anxiety to wash off the disgrace pf his former defeat,
seems to have chosen for the second battle the spot where he had been defeated
24. Silar means attribute; silaris are those who believe in the attributes of God.
25: Shahrastani, Klrabul Mllall-i-Wall NaM. I am indebted for the translation of this
passage from the Arabic text to Maulana Abu Bah Shis Sahib, the leamed, pious and
tolerant Dean of the Muslim Universitv.
26. He is not to be identified with Tajuddin Yilduz, who was then govemor of
27. The conversion of the Khokars, according to Ferishta, was due to a Muslim
who won ov.er a Kh?kar chief to his religion. On presenting himself at the
. s ,;as. gIVen a robe of honom together with a farman confirming
hIm In his prmClpahty. With this he retumed and converted most of the Khokars
to the Muslim religion. and only such of them as lived in out-of-the-way places failed
to embrace the new faith. But the conversion was not So rapid as Ferishta seems to
imagine, for the Khokars whom we meet later on are mostly non-Muslim.
28. It is generally thought that Shihabuddin was assassinated by the Khokars
and a detailed account of how they accomplished their purp"se is given by Ferishta.
'Twenty Khokar infidels', he says, 'whose sons and relations had fallen in the battlles
against the sultan, vowed revenge even at the cost of their Own live., and were on the
look out for an opportunity of assassinating him.
'At marching time when the royal pavilion was being taken down, the Khokars
carefully observed the places where the sultan lived and slept. On the 3rd of Sha'ban
602 A. H. a Khokar came forward, wounded the sultan's porter with a dagger and
Hed. A tumult arose; all those near the place, and even the sultan's personal atten-
dants, crowded round the injured man. This gave the assassins their opportunity.
They cut a peg of the royal pavilion with their daggers forced in ineir entrance and
came to the sultan's chamaer with their daggers drawn. The two or three Turkish
slaves, who were present, becam' immovable like dry wood from fear, and the Khokars
unopposed, fell on the sultan and despatched him with twentytwo Jagger wounds:
These are the circumstantial details of a latter day story. Minhajus Siraj Jurjani,
who was fifteen or sixteen years old at the time of the sultan's death, merely states
that he was assassiuated hy a 'heretic devotee' (fida-i-mulahida). I see no reason
for distrusting Minhajus Siraj's contemporary account. He bore no love for the
'heretics' and had no motives for misrepresenting a fact of which everybody was
aware. Attempts have been made to prove that the 'heretic assassin' was se;'t by
Khwarazm Shah. But this is a far-fetched hypothesis. All that we know of Khwarazm
Shah's later career inclines us to believe that he looked upon Shihabuddin as an ally.
The wings of the eagle had been clipped at Andkhud. Alaud';;1l was in no danger
from him; and he had reasons to expe?t the latter's SUppOlt against the Qira-Khitai
Turks whom he was preparing to challenge. Shihabuddin, it will be remembered, had
marched against the 'heretic' forts during the Khurasan campaign. There seems no
reasou to doubt that the 'heretic devotee' was sent by the Imam of Alamut.
Shihabuddin of Ghur 139
It is difficult to say anything definite about the early history of Ghur. Unlike the
Ghaznavids, the Ghurians were not patrons of literature. Muslim civilization and
culture, moreover, had not taken deep roots in that hill tract when Ghiyasuddin and
Shihabuddin brought it into a sudden but shortlived prominence. It is doubtful
whether posterity would have under any circumstances cared to preserve the works
of the few second and third rate writers and poets whom the two brothers patronized.
But only a few years after Shihabuddin's death Ghazni and Ghur were conquered
by the Khwarazmians, and foJlo\\ing hard upou the heels of the Khwarazmiaus came
the Mongols, who swept everything clean. The libraries, if any, must have been burnt;
many cities were razed to the ground; every fort that could offer resistance was
demolished, and th" number of persons who were killed in battles or butchered in
cold blood surpasses auything recorded in historic times. FilUz Koh, the capital of
Ghur, disappeared from the map and the Shansabani dynasty was completely exter-
minated. The exotic civilization of the hill-tribes could not survive the holocaust.
Qazi Minhajus Siraj J urjani, who is our earliest and best authority on the Shansabani
dynasty regrets in the TaiJaqat-i Nasiri that he was unable, when composing that
volume, to consult the authOlities he had had with him at Ghur. They had been left
behind when the Qazi Hed from the Mongols after shOwing some fight, aud in writing
the earlier sections of his chapter on the dynasty, he had to trust to memOly. The
Qazi's great grandfathel was one of the forty sons-in-law of Sultan Ibrahim of Ghazni,
His father, Minhajuddin Usman, enjoyed a long and prosperous career in the service
of the Ghurian brothers and was ofteu employed on important and delicate missions.
Though Qazi Minhajus Siraj was only fifteen years of age at the time of Shihabuddin's
death, he had excelleut opportunities of obtaining first-hand information from people
who had witnessed the events he undertakes to describe. He moved, throughout his
life, among the highest officers of Shihabuddin Ghuri and one of his cousins, Ziyauddin
Tuki, had the distinction of defeuding Bhatinda against Rai Pithora.
Though the Indian campaigns of Shihabuddin are summarized with unpardonable
brevity, the Tabaqat-i N [l;ir; is a detailed and reliable authority on the Shausabani
dyuasty from the time of Alauddin J ahansuz. The same reliance cannot be placed
ou its account of earlier rulers. The author, who was quite capable of believing that
the Mongols and the Tartars were the Gog and Magog of ancient prophecy and that
the Day of Doom wa. uncomfortably near, approached history in a more rational
spirit. His official duties as a qazi had taught him the necessity of weighing
evidence where human affairs and not religious dogmas were concemed. His account
of the earlier princes of Ghur, which he gives for what it is worth, may be brieHy
summarized. When Zuhak Tazi, the Arab tyrant so graphically described in the
Shah Nama was overthrown by Faridun, some of his descendants Hed to the valley
of Zu Mayandish (Do not be afraid of him!) in the heart of Ghur. In that safe spot,
surrounded by hills over 18,000 feet high, they were soon joined by other Arabs,
whom the fall of Zuhak had scattered on the face of the globe; and, as is the habit
of the Arabs, they multiplied rapidly. When, in later ages, they were converted to
Islam, they showed the excellence of their religious temper by their devotion to the
house of the Prophet. Though the rest of the MuslinJ world was, 'It Muawiya's order,
abusing the Fourth Caliph from its pulpits, the Ghurians refused to partake in the
vice, and when three generations later Abu Muslim Khurasani raised his standard
against the Umayyad Caliphate, Faulad, son of. Shansab, a redoubtable Ghurian chief,
led his tribesmen to the support of the great revolutionist. They also gave evidence
of their Semitic blood by the protection they offered to the Jews. The following story
140 Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Pe1'iod
is a tYJ?ical baclition. In the time of the Caliph Harunur Rashid the supremacy
of Amir Ban)l, the Shansabani chief, was challenged by Shis, son of Bahram, chief
of th.e nval tribe. Civil' war seemed imminent, but saner counsels prevailed
and It was deCided to submit the matter to the arbitration of the caliph. Both chiefs
started for Baghdad. Banji on his way came across a Jewish merchant who undertook
to provide him with all the paraphernalia of a civilized prince and instructed him
In the etiquette of courts in return for his promise to expand bis protection to the
Jewish colony in his tenitOlY. Shis, less fortunate, had to display himself in the
lUXUflOUS capI:al of the caliphate in the short dress and barbaric manners of Ghur.
Harunur Rashid was charmed by the excellent demeanour of Banji and assigned him
the throne of Ghur.
'He is a the caliph remarked. The command of the Ghurian army was,
aSSIgned to Shis and his descendants as a hereditary right. The two families
eOlhIllUed to quarrel till the time of Ghiyasuddin, who finally cruslled the power of the
Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni is said to have brought the independence of
Ghur to an end by overpowering Muhammad, son of SUri, in 1010. A list of tbe
rulers of Ghur from Abu Ali, son of Muhammad, son of Suri whom Sultan Mahmud
appointed king of Ghul', to the rise of the seven stars is given by Minhajus Siraj.
These traditions assume that the Ghurians were converted to the faith in the first
or second generation of 'Islam and that the Shansabani dynasty was prominent from
the very first. Both claims can be definitely disproved. The extinct volume of Imam
Abul Fazl Baihaqi's Tart'kh-l' AI-Ii Subuklagill, written some two hundred yeam before
the Tabaqat-i Na.si1'i, gives us a very different picture of the heroic and disunited hill-
tribes. Mahmud' s invasion of A.D. 1010 and. his stili fights with m'lny chiefs, who had
bUIlt thell' forts on the tops of their inaccessible hills, are described in detail. Among
the names. of these. chiefs, Muhammad, SOn of Suri, does not appear. The chiefs,
mOl:eover, mstead of being pious Mnslim devotees of the hous", of the Pmphet are
staunch 'infidels' imbned with the strength of their native hills and inspired b; the
love of their gods. Mahmncl pulls down their tcmples but he does not advance beyond
a few stages. Nothing was to be had in that hilly region except hard blows: no golden
idols, no rich temples, not even the possibility of a permanent land-tax. The great
invader of India SOon saw the futility of the campaign and gave it up. Ghur remained
unsubdued. When embarking on the campaign Mahmud had concentrated his
in the provinces of GalIDsir and Nilll1'oz on the banks of the river Helmand. He
intended to penetrate into Ghur through the son them passes. This was apparently the
best, if not the only, means of approach. The sultan is said to have taken his two
sons, Muhammad and Mas'ud, along with his youngest brother, Yusuf, with him.
!"hen the army ventured into the land of infidels, the three princes were left behind
III .of Abul Fail Baihaqi's grandmother. Our author had, therefore, good
opportruuties of. knowing the characters of the Ghurian frontiers. He could not have
called the Ghurians infidels if they had really been Musalmans.
A second attempt to overpower Ghnr was made hy Sultan Mas'ud son of Sultan
Mahmnd. Of this campaign also Baihaqi has left ns a detailed a:count. Mas'ud .
unlike his father, attacked GhDr from the west. He concentrated his forces alt Hera;
lI,:arched up the valley of the river Murghab. Again we have a picture of infidel
hilI-chiefs devoted to their idols and defending their rocky fortresses to the last. A
few chiefs on the western frontier, in the neighhourhood of Herat. had heen conveiied
to Islam. But the names of the n'st are like the names of demons rather than of Mus,il-
Shihabuddin of GhU1'
mans. Mas'ud won great glory in the campaign by his personal powers. But the
enteII,rise on the whole was a failure. The sultan's cOinmissariat fell into disorder'
his '\rmy was becoming demoralized; and he wisely retired while the laurels of
were still fresh on his brow. Ghur reinained independent and barbaric as beforc, a
land of infidelity in which 'every fort (koslwk) was at war with evelY other fort'.
Neither Mahmud nor Mas'ud succeeded in reaching the heart of Ghur. which is the
valley of Zu Mayandish. There is nothing positive to disprove that the infidel ances-
tors of the Shansabani princes did not wield their inconspicuous sway over their
native valley. In the century that followed Sultan Mahmud's death, two great events
changed the character of the region. In the first place, the inhabitants were gradually
converted to Islam. What Mahmud's alIDS had failed to achieve, or perhaps never
attempted, was accomplished by the peaceful propagandists of the new mystic move-
ment. Secondly, the Shensabani princes succeeded in establishing their seniority,
jf not their supremacy, over the hilly region. When for the first time the cmiain riscs
ovcr the scene in which the 'seven stars' are desprately struggling with Sultan Bahram,
the conversion and unification of Ghur are accomplished facts.
Ghur is not a city, as some people iniagine, but a province. MoclcIl1 investigators
have not done any work there and it is difficult to define its proper limits. In the valley
of Zu Mayandish referred to above. the later princes of the dynasty built the palace-
fort of Fituz Koh. As in the middle-ages the names of the capital and the countly were
sometimes unchanged, Firuz Koh is occasionally, but inaccurately, referred to as
Ghur. The province of Ghur was bounded on the northem side by a region of lower
hills, kriown as Gharjistan. To its west lay the well known province of Herat. The
,outhem frontier of Ghur adioined the warmer provinces of GalIDsir and Nimtoz,
which were then parts of the Ghaznavid kingdom. A high range of impassable
mountains. nmning nOlih to sonth, cuts off Ghur from. Ghazni on the west. A traveller
wishing to go from Ghur to Ghazni, had to move southwards to Gannsir
and then go up north again through the valleys and passes hetween the mountain
Among the earlier authotities on the Shansabani dynasty, Minhajus Siraj refers
to the Nisab Nama of Maulana Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah Marwarrudi. "He
began composing that book in verse and dedic8:ted it to Alauddin J ahansuz.
later. on, for some reason the s towards Alauddin changed. and he
,refrained from completing the work. When Ghiyasuddin ascended the throne,
Maulana Fakhruddin completed his work and dedicated it to him." .The prose intro-
duction of Fakhruddin Muharak Shah's work has heen edited loy Sir Denison Ros.s. hut
his .extensive genealogical accounts have yet to see the light. The Nisab Nama
must have been one of the scores of hooks the Shah Nama has in.spired. Its historical
account of the Shansabonis could hardly have been reliable. It was a. court annal
and sought to glorify thc ancestors of the prince to. whom. it was dedicated ... 1;Iinhajus
Siraj's neat and well-trimmed account of the Shansabani princes before the days
Sultan Mahinud seems to have been ta,ed on such verses of the Nama as
his fliends could remember. In a later section of the Tabaqat-i.Nas;1';' he adds:
"I ani unable to give a concecutive account of the .Shansaha.ni .princes. frQ':" AmiI'
Banii to Muhammad. son of Suri, as J have not found it in any hook. I am writing
these pag-es in Delhi. The countries of 10:1am have been devastated. by the. Mongols
(Mal' . Allah damn them 1) and their inhahitants scatfered. I. am
10' the which I read when I was iI). GhUl'. and have to flut down
what I can gather from the TariklH Nasir'i and. the. Tar'ikh-i Haizam Nai .. or have
hearc;l from the shaikh of Ghur. The reader should forgive me."
Politics and Society durillg the Early Medieval Period
We know very little of the early history of the Ghizz Turks, who sprang suddenly
into prominence in A.D. 1153 and almost entirely disappeared in the course of two
decades. They are said to have crossed the Oxus in the reign of the Abbasid caliph,
Mahdi (775-85) and settled in the desert south of Lake Aral. Tbis deselt is SOme-
times called after their name. Mokanna, the 'Veiled Prophet of Khurasan: found
'Orne followers among them but they did not care to follow his waning fortunes.
Towards the end of. Sanjar's reign we find them living in Khutlan, Chaghanian and
lhe territory of Balkh. They had been accorded a special status and were independent
of the governor of Balkh; their 4,000 tribes paid a yearly tribute of 24,000 sheep
:0 an agent of the controller of the royal kitchen (khawll-i-salar), and as long as this
was done, the emperor left them to manage their own affairs. One of the controller's
agents having proved harsh and exacting, the Ghizz murdered him secretly and
stopped paying the usual tribute. The controller kept quiet from fear of the sultan's
wrath, and made up the deficit from his own pocket; but when some time later,
Qimaj, the governor of Balkh, came to Merv, the controller explained the situation
to him and asked for his 'lssistance. Qimaj was confident of his power of managing
the tribesmen. He induced Sanjar to appoint him superintendent (sllUlma) of the
Ghizz and promised to extract a yearly tribute of 30,000 sheep from them. On
,eturning to Balkh, Qimaj sent an officer to the tribe to demand all 'lrrears. The
Ghizz refused to acknowledge the governor's authOrity and drove away his officers
with disgrace. 'We are the chosen subjects of the sultan', they said, 'and shall obey
no one but him.' Qimaj marched against them but was defeated and killed. Matters
had now become serious. The sultan's officers insisted on the necessity of punishing
slich turbulence. The Ghizz, On their side, were also frightened. Their representatives
came to the sultan and offered to pay as blood-;";oney "a hundred thousand dinars
and a hundred Khitai slaves, beautiful as the moon and Venus, anyone of whom,
if he happened to please the sultan, would be equal to a hundred Qimajes". The
sultan would have accepted their submission but his officers insisted on refusal. When
Ihe imperial army reached their territory, the frightened Ghizz once more sued for
peace. They placed their women and children in front and with cries and tears, offered
an ingot of gold for each household.
The sultan's generous inclinations wem once more frustrated hy his officers, Maid
Aihah, Barnaqash and Yunus Hameri, who declared, pel'haps rightly, that the prestige
"f the empire would vanish if criminal tribes, like the Ghizz, went unpunished.
Driven to desperation, the hardy tribesmen fought for all they were wor-th. Sanjar's
factious and intriguing officers failed to do their duty and their slackness led to a
disastrous defeat. The sultan fled with a few officers towards Merv. The Ghizz
Followed in pursuit. Their march was, however, delayed by a curious mistake. They
took a baker of the royal kitchen for the sultan, and, in spite of his declarations as to
his true status, placed him On the throne and did him homage. But they recognized
their error in time and succeeded in capturing the real Saniar before he could find
safety behind the ramparts of Merv. The sultan was treated with the respect the
Ghizz had previously accorded to the baker. All day he was made to sit on his throne
while the Ghizz chiefs, such as 'futi, Kurgharat, Malik Dinar. Ibl'ahim and Khutali.
<toad before him with folded hands. At night he was made to sleen in a cage.
'Th" fiction was kept UP that Sanjar still reigned, hut the Ghin chiefs did what
they liked and compelled him to sign the orders they had prepared.
Thus arnied ,vith the legal authority of the empire, the harbarous trihesmen pro-
Shihabuddin of Ghur i43
ceeded to capture the capital city of Merv and the prosperous province of Khurasau.
'From the time of Chagher Beg the people of Khurasan had been sleeping in the
cradle of prosperity and peace. The wealth of the city was belond comprehension.
The Ghizz sacked it for three days. They first seized and took away all things above
the ground; then they tortured the citizens to find out where they had buried their
treasures. Nothing was left above the ground or below it. Naishapur was the next
objective. The citizens defeated in battle, Hed to the Juma mosque. But the Ghizz
had the habits of infidels; they broke open the doors 'lnd making no distinction
between men and women, young and old, laymen and priests, slew them all mercilessly
On the s'lored Hoor. After sunset they proceeded to another mo,que, where also the
people had collected together for safety. The ornamented wooden columns of the
sacred building were set on fire and illuminated the city; and in this light the Ghizz
killed and plundered till the morning. Nothillg visible was left; they tortured the
citizens by thrusting earth ~ n d salt into their noses and throats to compel them to
reveal their hidden treasures. Scholars, shaikhs, and nobles all fell into the hands of
Ihe Ghizz and were martyred. There was not a single village in Khurasan which the
l;arhalians failed to desolate: The woes of the unhappy province drew a pathetic cry
from the heart of the poet Anwari:-
The mosque 110 more admits the pious race;
Constrained, they yield to beasts the holy place;
A stable now. 110r dome nor pO"ch is found;
Nor' can the savage foe proclaim his reign,
For Khu1'asania's criers all are slain,
And all her pulpit, levell;id with the ground.
The province of Kirman was also laid waste. Sultan Sanjar escaped from his
ignoble captivity in 1157; hut his power had been crushed beyond redemption and he
died SOon after. The reign of the Ghizz, though terrible, was shortlived. They
established no stable political system. Their chiefs ceased to act together when unity
was not urgently felt, and their wandering bands were suppressed by the Se!juq
governors, who were now independent. In other territories, like Ghazni, the Ghizz
chiefs succeeded in maintaining their sway for a decade or more.
[Appeared in The Muslim University Journal, No.1, January 1930, pp. 1O-51-Editorl
Shihabuddin's career is generally dismissed as a side issue in the
general history of Muslim Asia. His defeat at Andkhud sadly tarnish,
ed his reputation, while the rise of Chengiz Khan soon after his death
and. the establishment of the largest empire that ever existed irt
the continents of Asia and Europe made his parochial victories look
hollow and insignificant in contrast. For palt of the oblivion that has
befallen him, Shihabuddin is himself to blame. He never patronized
men of letters and his achievements have not therefore been treasur-
ed up for the edification of posterity. No great bard coniposed the
epic of his conquests, and the work of the middling poets, with whose
turning his victories into verse he was quite cOlitent, were not thought
worthy of being saved from the Mughals and the moths: Materials
for a history of his reign are sadly wanting arrd Ferishta's brief ac-
count of his Indian campaigns gives almost all that can be 'gleaned
froni the earlier authorities. A man of unexpansive nature and with'
few interestsbesicles his work, Shihabuddin never attempted to make
Ghazni a great centre of civilization as it had been in Mahmml',
days and a1l0wed the scholars, poets and artists of the aqe to drift.
to the rival COl1l't of Khwarazm or to the provincial capitals of hi5
own empire.
is interes:ting to compare him with his great Ghaznayic1 pre-
decessor. Shihabudc1in was undeniablv a m,an of smaller stature; in
spite of the carping satire attributed to him by Firc1ausi Mahmuc1
was eveIY inch a king and never violated a king's code of honour.
He never broke his plighted word hec.luse, as he hiniself expressed
it, 'fate cannot he averted by duplicity allY more than hv valour'. It
may have been due to his superh confidence in his own capacity, hut
Mahmud always respected the moral feelings of his ,age, and when in
A.D. 999 AmiI' Mansur summarily took possession of Khurasan, Mah-
mud generously retired to Ghazni to avoid an unbecoming contest
with the dynasty his predecessors had served. His plunder of tem-
ples and uncalled for attacks on Indian princes, who had done him
no harm, appears to a modern critic the one unpardonable fault of
FIeritage 0/ the Slave Kings
his career; but his Hindu and Muslim contemporaries both con-
sidered plundering an enemy's place of worship as a legitimate act
of war, and a nation that refrains from robbing and oppressing its
weaker neighbours, when it can afford to .do so with impunity, has
yet to be born on this planet. Though often tempted to do so, Mah
mud neyer struck an enemy below the knee.
Shihabuddin's character, like the character of the age in which he
lived, was devoid of all moral ideals. He never hesitated in resOlting
to assassination as a political weapon and it is hardly surprising that
he himself fell a victim to the 'fine art' which more than anyone else
he had taught his age. His diplomacy was throughout crooked and
dishonest.. The end justifies means and that the only rational end of
a man's activity in his personal aggrandizement were the two great,
unexperienced, convictions of the age, and Shihabuddin was not one
of those heroic statesmen who are in advance of their times. The
ordinary citizens had become unable to visualize the state as a moral
agency for the improvement of its subjects, and the princes and
politicians, unsupported by strength of public patriotism, found it
impossible to achieve their objects without craft and guile. Shihabud-
din's unscrupulousness, in other words, was a confession of his in-
capacity to perform in a fair way the extremely difficult task he had
set before himself. But his moral shortcomings shOuld not blind us
to the magnitude of his work. He was not, like Mahmud, the.
presentative of a great movement and could appeal to no patnotic
feeling an:iong his subjects. Neither had he militarv
genius, with its strange mixture of and .cautlOn .. second-
rate general and a second-rate admmlstrator, Shlhabuddm s success
in life was due to a vaulting ambition backed by a tenacity of pur-
pose such as few men have possessed. No fa!lure ever damped the
ardour of his spirits; no ohstacles prevented hIS advance. ter
misfortune he alighted on all foms and was ready to climb agam.
We have seen the unsparing labour with which he organized his
armv and remarkablv reestablished his power over the empire when
his enemies fondly believed that it had been crushed for ever. In
anv age and in any station of life such a man was bound to come
to the front. , .
Shihabuddin's only child, daughter, had died .in her father s
time. The weak and amiable Mahmud bin Ghiyasuddin mounted the
throne of his uncle, but the powerful governors who
trolled the empire-Quthuddin Aihek in Hindustan,
Qubacha in Sind, Tajllddin Yalduz in Ghazni and Bakhtiyar Khalp
. PI> all-10
and Society during the Early Medieval Period
in Bengal-only yielded him a nouiinal homage and never even cared
to consult him in war and peace. It is difficult to guess what arrange-
ment Shihabuddin would have made for the government of his ex-
tensive dominions after his death, if the assassin's dagger had not
suddenly cut short his life.
Taunted once with his lack of an heir, the sultan replied that un-
like other kings, he had thousand heirs-his Turkish slaves to continue
his work aiter his death. This may have been more than a passing
fancy; in Muslim as in Roman law, the man, who has no heirs, is
inherited by his slave. Shihabuddin's slaves often betrayed the hust
reposed in them, but he could hardly fail to realize that it was through
them that his greatest victories had been won and his empire in
India established.
The subject deserves a closer examination. The 'minor plinces',
who established their power in the ninth and the tenth centuries,
were not likely to overlook the warlike talents of the Turkish race
to which they themselves belonged. They were afraid, moreover,
that their subordinate officers, might follow their example and over-
throw their power just as they had themselves overthrown the power
of the Abbasid caliphs. Under these circumstances the institution of
slavery proved very useful to the rising power of monarchy. Though
the Apostle had commanded the slave to be clothed and fed like
the master, he was, nevertheless, in law-thanks to the influence of
Roman jurisprudence--absolutely in his master's power. He had to
marry with his master's permission and his property after his death,
went to his master and not to the heirs of his body. It was obvious
that a prince would have-so far as law could procure it-a greater
personal authority over his dominion if all the higher and subordinate
officers were his slaves. And to it his slaves alone could supply the
efficient. civil and military bureaucracy required by the prince .. Slave
trade was one of the most profitable business ventures of the age,
and expeditions for capturing young Turkish slaves from the tribes
beyond the Muslim frontier was a regular annual phenomenon. The
maiority of the captives, tom from the bosom of their family and
the land of their forefathers, must have led a very unhappy life; the
bovs l!l'ew into 'hewers of wood and drawers of water' or enlisted
as nrivates in the army, while the girls were employed as domestic
servants in middle class household or became mistresses and prosti-
tutes. .
But for a reallv good Turkish slave, one who was handsome, pro-
mising and well-educated in the military and polite arts of the age.
Heritage of the Slave
the princes and governors were prepared to pay a surprisingly high
price, and the slave-dealers saw that educating their best boys. -:vas
a sage and profitable investment; the more
Turkish slaves received the best educatlon the age could prOVIde
and were carefully trained for the performance of their future civil
and military duties. It was out of these Turkish slaves, carefully
chosen from a large and then tested by actual service in
department of the state, aU dynasties the
to the Khwarazmian had formed theIr bureaucracIes. The
quality of the Turkish slave was th.e efficiency of his work. Startmg
with an education which seldom fell to the lot of a free man of
the middle class, he won his way to the top by a care.er of loyalt!'
and service; that he was a stranger in the land only lllcreas.ed hIS
ro Tal masters confidence in him by making a rebellIon on hIS part
probable. \Ve need not be sUI1JIised, therefore, to fine!
of the greatest dynasties-Ghaznavid and the .or 111-
st.ance-were founded by bureaucrats who had lIves as
Educated with a which shone m bnlhant con-
S aves., . b' I d nurtured
trast with the inefficiencv of pnnces orn 111 purp e an Ie
. th I of luxury and tested in the stern ordeal of stmgg
the more fortunate Turkish slaves carved out such calreers
x, d I 1 f free men The atter
for themselves as were beyon tIe reac 1 0 .
were not excludecl from puhlic office hut preference was gIven to
slaves, specially in the army. . .
The custom of the time permitted, in fact reqUIred, that a slave
of good moral qualities, and particularly one who had belonged to
a noble family in the land of his birth, should be treated on a pal'
with his master's children and nohodv was sUIprised when a
king manied his daughter, probably the child of a Turkish WIfe OJ'
minister. to one of his slaves.
Shihabuddin's instinct was not at fault when he declared that his
Turkish slave-bureaucracy was the true heir of his achievements and
his hopes. Other kings founded dynasties; he had organized a
svstem; and for somt' ninety years after his death his generals and t1wir
descendants continued to govern Hindustan while the kingdoms of
Ghur and Khwarazm were swept away by the Mongols. The Indo-
Turkish oligarchy of the thirteenth century had the many grievous
faults and its history is a continuous round of intrigues and assasi-
nations, plots and counteI1Jlots. But it had the ambitious spiIitof
its founder, and however selfish in its ainis. displayed, alike in its
architectural designs and its plans, a boldness of thought that
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Pel10d
.!lave, been madness for less competent men. The Indian em-
pire w/,lich Shihabuddin left to his successors was, nevertheless, a
fJilDsy stlUcture. Unloved by the people and dependent entirely on
a Turkish oligarchy honeycombed with intrigues, maintaining itself
by terrorism in the towns but unable to establish its power in the
countryside, it had neither the material strength nor the moral pres-
which a permanent government needs. Nor could it rely on the
support of any friendly power beyond the northwestern frontier in
the time of need.
In the 'ordinary course of events the Turkish throne and the Tur-
kish oligarchy would have been swept elf sooner or later by a com-
bination of Hindu forces.
But untoward movements buttressed its failing columns and pre-
served it for nearly a century. The Mongol invasion of Centr.al Asia
and Persia, which will be described' in a succeding chapter, resulted
in immigration of a large number of Muslim families into
they were generally welcomed by the sultans of Delhi, and, carefully
settled in between masses of Hindu population, helped to prevent
its getting out of control. Few of immigrants thought of returning
to' their desolated homes; thev were naturally loval to the government
and helped it in obtaining s'ome control the open countrv. The
second movement was of profounder, significance. A few vears before
the first battle of Tatain, Khwaia Muinuddin Chishti had penetraterl
into the heart of RajDutana with a few unarmed disciples ann spreaa
his prayer carpet before the roval tank. had be.en sent .there. bv
his master, who had allotted him the spirItual empIre of
and refuS,ed to leave the city he was determined to make hIS caDlt81.
Ba' pithora founnit impossible to expel the fearless missionarv, who
praved and converted the poorer to faith. N.or
could the tolerant raja see in the poor hermIt and hIS ?oorer ch:-
cipIes, not externally different from thousand of wandenng. menih-
't' India the 'moral force that W'IS to convert a conslderahle
can s m" h Kh . k h'
pm-hon of the people of In9ia to Islam. Rut t. e . waJa
'. ' d l'n 'thA course of his loner and active Me sp.nt hiS mls-
,usmess an . '- h d h'
.. " ." to eve nook and comer of the countrv. He a not mcr
SlOnanes ry , , ' 'h d l' ttl
td "th the government of Delhi and that Q"overnment a. 1 e
:th him. But there !!few up. as a result of mvstic ?m-
'd' t t d b the ChI'shti saint a native MuslIm populatJOn,
pap'an a s ar e . y , ..,. C tb
which had to be reckoned with in political 0\ '. e
Chapter I
THIS BOOK, which contains an account of victories, has been give>:
the title of 'Khaza'inul Putuh' from I-Jeaven.l All praises are for, the
Opener, who opened the gates of victories for the religion of Muham-
mad and raised His helpers high with Divine assistance: Exalted is
His Dignity and Supreme His Kingdom r And blessings on the Pro-
phet of the Sword, who with a sign cut open the moon and the breast,
and showed with conclusive proofs: 'And Allah did certainly assist
you at Badr.'2 And peace to his Family and his pious Companions,
who woke up the sleepers with the tongue and the sword. Maylove
for them never cec:se to cling to our hearts even as victory clings to
the sword of the pIOUS Sultan of the world r After praises of God in all
sincerity, and of the Prophet in particular, the treasury o praises is
not deserved by anyone except the august Emperor. It wal be right
if I said in his praise, that he is thel exalted Sltn which illuminates the
moon. And he is the Sultan of the monarchs of the eatth more blil-
liant than the sun and moon when they rise r The of God'
over the heads of men! The protector of all creatures from the vicis-
situdes of time! The crystal sphere of excellence! The exalted sun!
Alauddunya wad din! The equal of the sun and moon on high! The
light of both the worlds in darkness etc, etc. Adorned with every
exalted virtue, Muhanimad Shah, the Sultan! May God cast His
shadow over all things so long as the clouds drop dew over the earth
from On high! 3
4The panegyrist of the Alai Empire, the servant Khusrau, states that
however high his pen may raise its feet and crawl through all the
1'o/itics alld Society durillg the Early Medieval Period
regions of black and white, it is unable to pass the first stage of the
Emperor's praise. But as it was written in the Book of Creation that
the pen, waich eulogiscs the Einperor, should come within my fingers
'like the shooting-star within the crescent or the sun in its constella-
tion', Divine kindness, the key to unlimited blessings,-'and for Allah
are the of Heaven and Earth' -opened to me the gates of
His treasures. Gems such as had never been bestowed on Bakhtari
and Abu Tamam were showered on my pages; though everyone of
thein was such as Venus could not afford to purchase, yet none was
wortiny o:li being used in praise of the celestial inonarch. Nevertheless,
since more precious gems were not to be found in the human ;niind, as
a matter of necessity, I stlinged these in order, expecting that the Em-
perol" will be an ocean of mercy, which out nothing that falls
into it.
51 believed that my crooked words, like the offerings of an ant
before Solomon's throne6 (May it rule for ever over men and jins I )
will be accepted, .for every poem I present to the Emperor, though
it be nothing else but a dried up river, is yet filled with water through
the stream of his kindness, and, aided by the favourable current,the
boats of my mind can float through all the regions of land and sea.
been drowned in his favours :in the past, I am emboldened to
proceed further; and having often dived in oceans of poetry and
brought out heaps of pearls, I also wished to adorn some pages of
prose for the high festiv.al. And even like th(; effect the stln on
preciolls stones the Empe:l'Or's look will t'llm them into things of value.
As my pen, like a tirewoman, has generally curled the hair of her
maidens in verse and has seldom shown them in pages of prose, she
raises her grateful face to the Emperor; 'May the august eyes dis-
regard my defect.'7
8If the stream of my life was given the good news. of eternal
existence, even then I would not offer the thirsty any drink except
the praises of the Second Alexander.9 But as I find that human life
is such that in the end we have to wash our hands off it, the fountain
of my words will only enable the reader to moisten his lips. Since
the achievement of my life-tiine, from the cradle to the grave, cannot
be more than this, I did not consider it proper to plunge to the bottom
of endless oceans but contented myself with a small quantity of the
water of life. 10The ni.irror of the Second Alexander 11 is such that, if
totally illuininated, its iinages cannot be contained by the looking-
glass of the sky. How, then, can they appear in the rust-eaten inind
of his servant? Still some things, which I have, I will show according
to the capacity of my iniagination and in such a way as I can,-so
that if critics have any doubts about Illy talents, such doubts may be
The Campaigns ot 'Alallddin Khalii
removed. I hope that when this spotless mirror, in which his virtuous
existence has been pol'b'ayed, comes before the eyes of the Second
Alexander, he will compare it with the original; if it is well con-
structed and its iinages are correct, he will place it among his select
but, if from inartistic or crooked execution, there is anything
In It contrary to the picture of fire, he will Signify so, in order that I
may correct it so far as possible. I hope, however, that he will not
tum away his face from it, for then my images will vanish as if
they had never been. But I know that a mirror constructed in the reign
of Alexander can never be crooked. 12In this book, known as the
Khaza'inul Futuh, I have only narrated one out of a hundred events
from the conquest of Deogir to the conquest of Arangal. It will
be seen in his 'Chapter of the Iron'13 what Hindu kingdoms have
disappeared from the face of the earth, and how far the 'Word of
Light' has overcome the 'darkness of infidelity'; so that the success of
the faith may be estimated from the light and the smoke. May the
kindness of the Merciful bless the Emperor!
141 will also narrate some events of the reign of this Caliph, who is
Muhammad in name, Abu Bakr in truthfulness, and Umar in justice. I
will show how, like Usman, he has brought the benevolent words of
God into the book of realization, how like Ali he has opened the gates
of knowledge in the' city of Islam, Delhi, with the key of his favour.
Through his munificence, which flows like the Tiglis, he has raised
this imperial city to the greatness of a new Baghdad. The Abbasid
standards, which had fallen down owing to great cataclysms, he has in
his Caliphate again raised upon foundations of justice.l
Through the
exercise of his strong judgment, he has maintained peace in the
countries of the world. And in all matters he has sought the aid of,
and held fast to Allah. Sh'ange is his prosperity, for God holds his
wishes in special regard I For instance, fire is killed by water the
moment the two are united, yet if it crosses his mind that the two
elements should be married, the Diwan-i-Quza will at once perform
the ceremony.I6 The powers of nature are much his. orders,
that though the earth is by the wmd wmd .IS dusty
with the earth, yet ill he gIVes the SIgn, the twam wIll be umted and
the guardians of the atmosphere will tmn the wind into water and mix
it with the earth. If his mind so desires, it is not impossible that
opposites should be made to m,eet I.
1 Allusiom to victories.
2 TI,e Qman, chap, iii, sect. 13; refers to a famous battle of the Prophet.
152 Politics and Society.dwing the Eari y Medieval Period
3 Persian doxologies are usually very florid and the Khaza'inul Futuh is no excep-
tion. I have omitted a few sentences from this paragraph. It does not come within
the scope of these notes to explain intricate literary allusions, which have no historical
4 Allusions to authorship.
5 Allusions to prose and verse.
S i.e., the throne of Sultan 'Alauddin. He is referred to under the names of past
monarchs at various places in the book. For the mysterious beings called jins see
the QUlan, chap. lxxii, and for the stmy of Solomon and the Aant, chap. xxvii, sect. 2.
7 'Poetry was Amir Khusrau's mother-tongue; prose he wrote with great difficulty
aud effort:
8 Allusions to water.
9 'Alauddin, as Barani tells us, had assmned the title of the 'Second Alexander';
it is found in his inscriptions and on his coins.
lO Allussion6 to the mirror.
11 The mirror of the First Alexander was supposed to have been made by Aristotle
and placed on the top of a tower constructed at Alexandlia.
12 Allusions to the word of God.
13 Title of Chap. I vii of the Qwan.
14 Allusions to the Caliphs of Islam. The nrst caliph, Abu Babr, was reputed for
his truthfulness; the second, Umar, for his stern justice; the third, Usman, collected
the chapters of the Qman; and the fourth, Ali, was famous for his learning and courage.
15 The Abbasid caliphate had been Clushed by the Mongol barbarians. Baghdad
itself had been sacked by Halaku Khan in A.D. 1258 and the soJe surviving scion of
the dynasty of Harunur Rashid had fled for refuge to Egypt.
16 Muslim marliages required the presence and the certificate of the qaz; or state
law-ollieer. The Diwan-i-Quza was the Imperial Department of Justice, presided. over
by the Sadrus Sud",' or the Head of Qazi of Delhi.
Chapter II
Here begins the Khaza'inul Futuh, every gem of which is a lamp for
the soul. IvVhen the breeze of Divine favour began to blow over the
wishes of the youthful monarch, not a hundredth part of whose good
fOltune has been yet realized (May God always strengthen his
branches!), many victories blossomed on his sword and from
the Bihar2 of Lakhnauti to the Bihar of Malwa. He grew like a tree
in the tenitory of Kara by the bank of the and out
his bl'anches (so wide) that he attained to the dIgmty of the Shadow
of God'.3 Wherever in the forest or by the bank of the dver, there
was .a mawas 4 whether in cultivated land or wilderness, he trod it
underfoot with his army. Then on Saturday, the 19th Rabi'ul Akhir,
A.H. 695 he moved towards the garden of Deogir, from which
The Campaigns of 'Al.aucidin Kl.alji
direction the spring comes; and striking its branches like a stonn,
cleared them ot theuleaves and fruits. Ram. Deo, a tree of noble
origin in that garden, had never before been injured by the tempestu-
ous wind of ffilsfotune; but (the Sultan) in his anger first uprooted
him and then planted him again, so that he once more grew into a
green tree. .Next, loadi,ng his elephants with precious stones as the
rainy season clouds (are laden wim water), and placing bags of gold,
more in quantity than the saman-i-za1'5 that grows on the earth, over
Bactrian camels and horses
swift as the wind, he arrived in Kara-
Manikpur on the 28th of Rajab, A.H. 695. Now that
bulbul, the pen, sings by its scratchings on paper, of the accession of
this tall cypress to the throne. From tile first day of his accession till
now, A.H. 709, whichever way he has turned his bridle under the
shadow of the canopy, the odour of his conquests has been dissemina-
ted with the winds. Indeed all forts opened at his impetuosity as buds
'open' at the blowing of the breeze. 71 hope from AlmIghty God that
He will for ever preserve the memOlY of piOUS kings on the pages of
time. And may the excellent virtues of the Emperor be recorded (in
this book) in such a way as to become famous throughout the world,
and may the pitch of (my) voice rise high enough to drown the drums
of Sanjar and Mahmud, though in affairs of government and conquests
they were great and successtul monarchs! 8
Account of the accession of the conquering monarch, the sales of
whose feet have. brought happiness to the throne. 9As Providence had
ordained that this Muslim Moses was to seize their powerful swords
from all infidel Pharaohs and dig out of the earth the immense (Qaruni)
treasures of the mis, till the calf-worshipping Hindus in their hearts
began to consider the cow contemptible and the Emperor, with the
bow of Shuaib,lO became the shepherd of all his subjects, therefore
the deceased Alf Khan
was sent to him as Aaron had been sent to
Moses. The hopeful message came ta his. ear: 'We will
your arm with your brothel' and we will glVe you an .authonty.
With the auspicious advice of his brother, the Impenal Moses
mounted the throne, which was high as the Tur, on Wednesday the
16th Ramazan, A.H. 695. He gave away qinta1's after qintars
gold-'her colour is intensely yellow, giving delight to the beholder
-to evelY ignoble person. time he opened the .of
his hand to give away some preclOus pearls, he showed the wlllte
hand' of Moses in generosity. Owing to the scattering of emeralds,
it seemed that the meadows of Manikpur were inlaid with gems.
And as the enemy13 preponderated in strength, both the brothers
raised their hands' in prayer: '0 our Lord! Surely we are afraid that
he may hasten to do evil to us,' 'J1.Le heavenly voice replied to give
154 Politics allCI Society drll'illg tire Early Medieval Period
strength: 'Fear not, surely I am with you.' At the appointed
time the Emperor reached the precincts of the City.l3 But as the
ruler of this side, with the pride of Pharaoh in his head, waited for
him on the bank of the blue Jumna, the inspiration from Heaven came
again to his herut: 'Fear not, surely you will be the uppermost.'
So relying on his dragon-spear, he crune to the precincts of the
Imperial Capital. On Monday, 22nd Zil Hijj.ah, A.H. 695 the Emperor's
proclamation, 'Obey my command J' was heard from e.ast to west.
And then owing to his justice he became thg shephet"d of the people;
the wolf in killing goats became like the wolf of Joseph.
If I am allowed, I will show the superiority of good government
ave, the glory of conquests. 14Every man gifted with the crown of
wisdom, if he takes correct judgment for his guide, will after a little
cogitation come to the conclusion that the dignity of the 'ruler' is
superior to that of the 'conqueror'. For the term 'ruler' is rightly applied
to Almighty God, while the title of 'conqueror' cannot be legitimately
used for any but kings of the earili. Philosophers have said that the
conquest of the world is with the object of retaining it: the man, who
conquers but cannot retain, is in fact himself conquered. And it is
inevitable that when he seizes the world, the world should seize him
also. Thus, too, is deru' as day to all men that the conquering and
keeping of the world is a quality of the sword of the sun; for
from east to west the sun brings the eruth under ilie rays of his sword
and keeps it. But the mere conqueror is like a flash of lightning;
for an instant he seizes the whole world and then immediately
disappears. The conqueror of this age (May God strengthen his
hand over the capital and the provinces!) so highly excels in the
qualities of the 'ruler' as well as the 'conqueror', that neither the
pen nor ilie tongue can describe his powers. As a matter of necessity,
therefore, I will speak of his virtues in such manner as my
capacities allow; and according to the premises stated above, a
description of his administrative measures will precede the account
of his conquests in the arrangement of iliis book; so that every item
may find a proper place without disturbing the continuity of the
narrative. The sock is for the foot and the hat is fOI" the head; the man,
who hM brains in his head, does not wear his sock over i05
Account of the administrative measU1"eS that have been promulgat-
ed in the 1'eign of the Emperor, who is extremely deuoted to this art:-
l6The fortunate star of all mankind arose on the day when it was
made evident to the Emperor's enlightened mind:' 'And agaInst
these we have given you a clear authority.'17 For when I raise
up my eyes; I see that this exalted Dawn
has a love and
affection for the sons of Adam than the sun 11as for the moon and the
The Campaiglts of 'Alaruld;" Klwli; 155
stars of the sky or the moon for the particles of the ealth. In the
first place, throughout the empire, from east to west and from north to
south, he has often remitted the tribute from the ra'lyat. Secondly
he has seized from the Hindu mis with the blows of his sword, just as
ilie sun absorbs water from the eartll, treasures which they had
been collecting since the time of Mahraj and Bikulmajit, star by star.
The public treasUlY is so full that it can be neither described by
the pen of Mercury nor weighed in ilie balance of Venus. He
gives away treasures by the balance of Virgo, so iliat people, who only
possessed copper, drowned under tankas19 of gold and silver like
the Pisces. On the day of the Empe/"01.'s munificence, the balance in
the sky is lighter than the balances on the earth.
Account of the distribution of treasures of gold by elephant-loads .
and a t.,.ifle more:- "Before iliis time when Mahmud, the giver of gold,
gave away an elephant-load of gold, his great liberality became famous
through the world. But the Emperor distributes gold in a rrieasure
which nothing can excel. He has ordered large elephants to be
weighed in boats, and the gold-bricks used in weighing them have
been given away to the poor. What monarch can rival the prince in
whose city treasures, weighed out by elephants, are given away.
Account of the distribution of horses swift as the wind, when every
gift consisted of more than a hundred horses: - 21 If I were to describe
his gifts oE horses, the stable of my praises would be unable to
include them. Kings are munificent; and the Emperor every day
gives away fortunes to the necessitous. It is seldom that he makes
a smaller gift than of a hundred fifty (horses); but if he gives one horse
only, it is such that another like it cannot be found. With the blows
of his sword he has seized the stables of all the mis. Some of these
horses he gives to the horse-breakers, so that with the strokes of their
whips they may make the horses run as swift as deer. Others are
given to the paiks (footmen) so that they may ride on them with the
help of their sharp stirrups. The grooms (mufradan-i rikab) are also
given horses. In former days the calves of the runners had grown
thin from running on foot, but now their feet seldom leave the
stirrup. Some horses are given to the amirs, who formerly owned
unbroken coIts but now ride horses swift as the wind. As this clou{t22
rains horses, there is no doubt that the rose, which was formerly a
foot-man, will now come out of the ground on horseback.
Account of his making the means of happiness abundant for every-
one, so that no one may be restrained in his en;oyment durin{!. the
,.eign: - 23N ext in Ol'der to increase the means of livelihood for the
general public, he reduced the tax on shop-keepers, who had been
selling their wru'es dear. An honest officer (l'ais) was installed over
156 Politics and Society during the Ea/'Iy Medieval Pe/'iod
them to converse with sharp-tongued sellers through the whip of
justice and to givc the capacity of talking to the dumb (purchasers).
Clever inspector (mutafahhis) made full inquiries into the weight of
the stones.
Every dishonest (seller), who used his own black heart
for his 'stone', had all hardness knocked out of him. Severity and
rigour reached such a pitch that all 'stones' (weights) were made of
iron and their correct weight written upon them; so that if anyone
gave less than the correct measure. the iron turned into a chain round
his neck. If he was impudent still, the chain became a sword and
the extreme punishment was meted out to him. When the shop-
keepers saw this seveli.ty, they did not meddle with the iron-weights;
in tact, they considered them to be castles of iron round their hearts
and regarded the inscriptions on the weights as amulets for the pro
tection of their souls. You might say that the inscriptions were really
not on iron but on hearts ot iron. For on heart sllch as these the
Empel'Or's just 1'egulations came as easily' as inscriptions on wax and
mmained as permanently as insc1'iptions on iron.
Description of the justice meted out in this reign, so that the dragon
has become submissive before the ant. 251 I attempt to describe the
justice of the imperial COUl't that two-horned deer, the pen, will
have to put a chain round the neck of the lion of meaning.
tul, indeed, is his justice, when from fear of his punishment mad
elephants kneel down betore panting ants, and tigers repent of their
rooming draught of animal blood under his arched sword! His justice
has broken the necks and claws of lions and! overthrown the power
ot dog-taced tyrants.
The head of the pig-eating oppressors hangs
low, and the blood of goat-stealing criminals has been shed on the
ground like the blood of goats. . ..
Reform of the affairs of nobles and commons-Proh!b!t!.on 0t
adultery and drink. 28Though the giving of water (to the thirsty) IS
one of the most notable viltues of the pious Emperor, yet he has
moved wine and all its accompaniments from vicious assemblies; for
wine, the daughter of grape and the sister of sugar, is the mother
of all wickechless. And wine, on her part, has washed herself with
and sworn that she will henceforth remain in the form
of vinegar, freeing herself from all evils out of regard for
the claims of 'salt'.29 Moreover, all prostitutes, who with their
locks under their ears, had broken their chains and stretched their
feet, have now been lawfully married. . From the ribbon, that!: tied
their hair, they have now turned to the 'ribbon' that ties them
in marriage. Those whose skirts had obtaind a bad reputation, be-
cause they eamed their living by prostituti.on, have been. so
reformed that they sit in theu' houses, patching up theIr skuts WIth
The Campaigns of 'Alnuddin Khalil 157
the greatest repentance and rubbing their hands together.
All the
roms of sin and crime have been cut 9ff.
Peace and order during the Emper01's reign, when no one da?'e
pick up a fallen jewel from the street. SIOut of regard for all his
subjects, this maintainer of peace has so worked with his sharp sword,
that trom the banks of the river Sind (Indus) to the seacoast no one
has heard the name of robber, thief or pickpocket. Night-prowlers,
who formerly used to set villages on fire, now attend to travellers
with a lighted lamp. In whatever part of the country a traveller
might lose a piece of rope, either the rope is produced or compensa-
tion giv.en. Cutpurses, pickpockets and those who dig open graves
had been busy in their profession from ancient times. But now the
sword of punishment has cut off their hands and feet. And if some
of them are still sound in body, their hands and feet have become
so useless, that you would think they were born without them.
Massacre of blood-sucking magicians, when blood bubbled out of
the neck of those whose lips had worked mischief. 3SBlood-sucking
magicians-who by the use of (magical) words sharpened their un-
wise teeth on the Hesh of other people's children and caused a stream
of blood to How, which pleased them greatly-were buried in the
earth up to their neck, while people thtew stones at. them. Thus
punishment for the blood they had drunk was meted out on their
heads. All men ha1;e to suffer the agonies of death, but those who
drink this wine (i.e. human blood) aTe thus destroyed,S4
Massacre of the 'fmternity of incest' (ashab-i ibahat), when p,mish-
ment for their deeds was meted out to them. 35Next the pious sup-
porter of the shari 'at ordered all members of the 'fraternity of
to be bronght before him. Truthful inquisitors were appointed to
catch evervone of them and make thorough inquiries into their
assemblies: It was discovered that among these shameless wretches,
mothers had cohabited with their own sons and aunts (mother's sisters)
with their nephews; that the father had taken his daughter for his
bride and there had been connection between brothers and sisters.
Over the head of all of them, men as well as women, the saw of
punishment was drawn... The saw with its heart of iron laughed
loudly over their heads in tears of blood. Those, who by a 'secret
stroke' (zarb-i pinhan) had become one, were now openly sawed into
two, and the soul that had sought union (wasn with another soul,
was now compelled to leave its own body.SG. ,. ,
Account at the cheapness of com, when it smgle dang
. turned
the 38As this cloud of generosity is extremely anxious for the
public welfare and the comfort and pr?sperity of and com-
mons, he has kept low the price of gram, from whIch VIllagers and
Politics alld Society duril1g the Early Medieval Period
citizens derive an equal advantage, dming periods when not a drop
of rain has tallen trom the painted clouds. Whenever the white
clouds have had no water left and destruction has stared people in
the face, he has cheapened the price of grain for every section of the
public by generously opening tlle royal stores.
The clouds, COll-
sequently, have felt ashamed at their own niggardliness and in envy
of his bountiful hands have dissolved into rain. To spur them on
to this act, the lightning has often laughed loudly over the heads of
waterladen clouds and then fallen on <the ground.
For the lightning
knows well that the clouds sometimes rain and sometimes do not
and when they rain, they rain water only. How can they be
pared to our beneficent Emperor, who always rains and always rains
Regulatiom of the 'Place of Justice.'(Darul Adl),41 the generolts {!.ate
of which has been opened fm' the public. 42Next he constructed-the
'Place of JustiC(; more open than the forehead of honest business-
men and brought to it all things thUlt the people require. He ordered
that all packages of cloth brought the provinces were to be
opened here and nowhere else; and once opened, they were not to
be tied up again.
And if anyone opened his packages elsewhere,
the ioints of his body were to be 'opened' with the sword. As to
the commodities of the 'Place of Justice' and lhe cloth which is re-
quired. by pOOl', there are all varieties of cloth from kil'pas
to ham whICh hIde the body; from behari to guli baqli, which are
used both in summer and winter; from shi'r to galim, which differ
greatly in their fibres; from ;uz to khuz, which are similar in their
structure; and from Deogiri to Mahadeonagl'i, which are an allure-
ment both for the body and the mind.44 As to fruits and other neces-
sities of the table,45 if I were to describe in detail all the fine fruits
that grow out of the ground, the narrative would become too long
and I would be kept back from my real purpose; but the Emperor
has prOvided in the 'Place of Justice' fruits and all other things that
nobles and commons require for their meals, so that in the midst of
the noise and tumult everyone may be able to select carefully the
best and most suitable articles.
You profess to give a just (judg-
ment). Can you find (a judgment) just enough to the Emperor's
Account of the sacred buildings, which the Emperor has constructed
for the pleasw'e of God. 47Because there is a secret understanclina
between God and the Emperor concerning sacred and public work;:
he has constructed such sacwd buHdings' as su'ike the sky with
wonder. With a pure motive lle began his series of buildings with
the Roval Tuma Masiid (Masiid-i Iama-i Hazrat).48 He ordered a
The Campaigns of 'Ah"cldill Klwlii
fourth court (maqslt1'll), with lofty pilIars to he added to the pre-
existing three courts; it was to be so high that the fourth heaven
may call it a second Mecca. In a day, stones like the sun were
brought from the sky, and the (structure of) stunes rose from If:he
earth to the moon. Verses from the Quran were engraved on stone
as if it was wax; on one side the inscription ascended so high that
you would think the word of God was going up to heaven; on the
otller side it came down in such a way as to symbolize the descent
of the (Juran to earth. Through the elevation of this inscrip<iion a
conversation, which will never end, has been started between heaven
and earth. Mter this wide and high edifice had been finished from
top to bottom, other mosques were built in the city, so su-ong tllat
when the nine ]1oofs of the thousand-eyed sky fall down in the
universe-quake of resurrection, not an arch of these mosques will be
injured. Next the columns of the old mosques, whose walls were
kneeling and bowing in prayer and whose roofs were about to fall,
were made to s'tand up so that they onCe more became the 'pillars
of faith' and prayers were said in them. -The four walls (of the
. mosques) were strengthened and so brilliantly plastered irrside and
outside that theii- light outdid the colour of the azure sky.
Of the extension of the Jami and the subsequent construction of
the Minar. 49When by the grace of God50 the decayed mosques
had been so firmly repaired, that like the sacred Ka'ba they became
safe from deshuction, the Emperor's noble ambition prompted him
to build a peer to the high Minar+Jami, a umivalled
throughout the world. Tl\e dome of sky was to be bestowed on the
(new) Minar, for it could not rise higher than that. First, he ordered
the courtyard of the mosque to be extended as much as possible,
so that the 'fraternity of Islam', which is fortunately too large for
the whole world, may vet be contained in this world within a world.
Next, in order to the Minar strong, and to cany it so high
that the dome of the old Minar might look like an arch of the new,
he ordered its circumference to be twice that of the old Minar.
On a sign from the Emperor, the planets, who <Ire the shop-keepers
.of the sky, began to move their chariots. Mercury became busy in
buying iron and stone and the moon began to drive the Taurus. Yes,
when the 'House of God' is being built, the stars have to cany stones
on their And if they refuse to stir from thp-it' places, the Minar
itself wilt 1ise up to them and st1'ike thei1' heads with stones. People
Were sent to search for stones on all sides. Some struck the hills
with their cbws, and as they were anxious to find stones, they ton'
up the hill-side to pieces like lovers.
Others were keener than steel
in overturning inlidel buildings. They sharpened their iron instru-
Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
ments, went to wage a holy war against the castles of the (old) rah.
and taught a ferocious battle against the stones with their muscles
of steel. Wherever an idol temple had kneeled down in prayer, the
arguments' of the strong-tongued spade removed the foundations of
infidelity from its heart, till finally the tcmple placed its head in thanks-
giving on the ground.
The stone slabs bore ancient inscriptions
made by the 'Preceptor of Angels'53; but as the pen of Destiny had
ordained that all these stones would have the good news-'Indeed
he builds the mosques of Allah'-written upon them, they thrust the
point of their pickaxes into the hard hearts (of the buildings) and
threw (the stones) to the ground. Then the iron of the shovels,
having turned into a magnet in contrariety to its nature, drew the
stones to itself, and labourers with bodies of S\tee1 brought these
stones tram temples a hundred farsangs away. The stony back of the
mosque had a large mass of stones put upon it; stones, such as the
sky could not have drawn to itself, were taken to the sky; and rocks,
such as the mountains could not hold on their backs, were brought
upon the backs of the animals.
The stone-cutters of 'Hind, who excel Farhad in their art, took out
their hatchets and smoothed the stones so artistically, that if imagi-
nation had put its feet upon them, it would have certainly slipped.
The masons of Delhi, who consider Nu'man Munzir a novice in the
art of building, used their profeSSional skill and joined stone to
stone so that there was no danger of any secret crevice or cavity
remaining between them. The doors and walls of the mosque, which
tormerly performed their tayammmn
with the dust, have now been
raised so high that they perform their ablutions with water from the
clouds. This has happened in the year A.H. 711. To carry it higher,
human life must be based on a foundation firmer than that of the
minar; only then could the tower, which has risen out of the earth,
be carried to the sky. And though 1 wish to see it finish, my life
will have to be long before I am able to witness its completion and
send my blessings to its pious founder. Besides my sight cannot
reach its end; I am one of those who come and see and depmi.
Construction of the strong fort of the city, in which a second wall
of Alexander55 appems on the face of the globe: fort of
Delhi, the deputy of the sacred Kaba, had fallen down. Owing to the
ravages of tiJne, it was in a condition of dilapidation worse than that
whiCh has overtaken tavems
in the reign of the august Emperor.
Like a man dead drunk, it had fallen down in place and out of
place, quite unable to keep its stones together. Sometimes it placed
its head on the ground before the common people of. the public
hi{!hwav; on oilier occasions, it had bowed dowp. ill salutaf:ion to the
The Cam.paiglls ot 'A/alle/di" Klw!ji
worthless ditch. Its towers had once been so high that a nian's hat
tell dO'wn if he attempted to look at them; but nOw, from continued
ill-treatment, they lay down to sleep on the earth. When the Alai
era of public works arrived (May it last for ever!), the Emperor
ordered stones and bricks of gold to be taken out of the flourishing
exchequer and spent in defraying the expenses of the fort.58 Skilful
applied .themselves to the and a new fort was qUickly
bruIt III place of the old. The uewfort with its strong foreann and
seven shakes hands with the coloured Pleiades' squeezes the
powerful Mars under its amiJ-pit, and uses the high sky as a sort of
waistband. It is a necessary condition that blood be given to a new
building; consequently, many thousand croat-bearded Mughals have
been sacrificed for the PUll Jose. When the edifice-many congra-
tulations to its founder-was completed, the Guardian of the Universe
took it under His protection. How will any trouble or insurrection
find its way to the place of which God. is the guardian?
Construction of other forts, which, owing to the emperor's favour,
now ,'aise theil, heads to the sky: _59 vVhen the masons of the imperial
capital had been recompensed for the buildings in the city, the
Em,peror Ol:dered that in any part of the empire there was
a fort, whwh had been affected by the moist winds of the rainy
season, or was about to doze or go to sleep, or had opened wide its
cracks and cast away its teeth (from old age), Or grew yellow flowers
the rainy season, or was laughing through its walls or falling on
Its neck, or had the snakes of Zuhhak60 living in its ears (comers),
or bred rats in its arms (wings), it was to be repaired; so that instead
of crevices frequented by scorpions and snakes, its towers rose
stronger than the constellation of Scorpio, and as high as the
SagittariUS and the Pleiades.
Of the new buildings in the country, and cities, which fill
the whole empire with 'taslJih' (praises of God) and 'azan' (call to
prayers) 61AlI mosques which lav in ruins-the vaults of some had
fallen to the ground, the walls -of others had crunibled down after
haVing been repeatedly patched and repaired, the (interior of) some
was compelled by the wind to perform an ablution (tayam11ltl1n) with
dust every clay, the piUars of others had daily bathed in the .rain
and then laid themselves dowll-were built anew by a profuse
scattering of silver. Prayers were said regularly in all, with blessings
on their pious founder.
Account of the royal tank (Hallz-i-SlIltani), which holds the water
of immortality in solution. 62The royal tank, known as the 'Shamsi
Tank',63 will (now) shine like the sun tiIl the dawn of resurrection.
162 Politics and Society dUJ'ing the Early Medieval Period
But (formerly) the sun eveq day made it a rriirror for seeing its
own face, and it reflected back the light of the sun. But as the
latter shone hotIyupon it, it slowly sank down out of respect for
the sun. 'If your water should go down', the sun asked in its rage,
'who is it then that will bring you flowing water?' And the tank
dried up from fear. This year the revolving sky flared up all of
a sudden, and the water of the. tank evaporated so thoroughly that
its bottom cracked and broke into pieces. In his contempt for the
'kind of the planets', the 'Emperor of the worId'64 ordered the sand
and mud to be removed from the bottom of the tank. And as the
sun from on high had been drying up its water, a dOine, such as
put that luminalY into falling fits, was built over it. Then rain carrie
on, and tIle 'eyes' of the clear-hearted tank, which had dried up
at the sun, were again filled with water. Strange the sympathy of
the tank, that it should weep (at the helplessness) of the sun! But
such is the custom of noble persons. Immediately sweet water be-
carrie available in the City and a tumult l'ose up froin the City wells.
But though it had rained once through the kindness of Heaven, the
bottom of the tank was too dry to become moist with a Single draught.
All clear water, that fell f1"Om the cloud, sank into the earth like the
FJ'eaSU1'e of Qantn.
66There can be rio doubt that Delhi is a city,
which even the Nile and the Euphrates cannot provide with sufficient
drinking water. And so the people of the City were faced with the
same that had threatened the followers of Moses. The
Emperor-whose sharp sword has thrown the Pharaohs of infidelity
into the Nile, or, to put it differently, whose Nile-like sword has been
drowned in the yellow blood of Jewish tempered
in this general scarcity of water, when even the Jumna had become
dry, raised up his 'white hand', like Moses, to pray to God for water.
Immediately, in proof of the text,-'And we made the clouds to give
shage over you'-the shadow (of his hand) fell over a little dly earth,
The spades and the pickaxes in the hands of the excavators became
like the staff of Moses. Two or three springs appeared on the four
sides of the embankment (chautra). 'So there flowed from it twelve
springs; each tribe knew its drinldng place.' In a few days the
water reached the edge of the embankment; and having rriet it (the
embankment) after a long tirrie, the water shook hands with it and
hugged it with a hearty embrace, just as the sea embraces the land.
Khusrau has written these lines in praise of the tanl" and its dOnie:
'The dome in the centre of the tank is like a bubble on the sUlfrtce
of the sea. If you see the dome and the tank rightly, you will say
that the former is like an ostrich egg, half in water and half out f)f
The Campaigns of 'Alm/(Zd;n Klwlii 163
1 A1l1lSions to the spring.
2 A play on the word which means spring and is written in the same way
as Bihar.
3 i.e., became Sultan of Delhi. The sultan was styled the 'Shadow of God'
(Zilu!!ah) .
4 A fortified village. The medieval Kara is near the modern Allahabad.
5 A fragrant yellow flower. For an account of Alauddin's Deogir expedition, see
Appendix A.
6 Najibs.
7 AllUsions to history and book,.
8 'Alauddin was appointed governor of Kara-Manikpur (Allahabad) after
the suppression of Malik Chajju's rebellion in the second year of J alaI uddin's
reign. He distinguished by ravaging Chanderi, and then without Jalalu-
ddin's permission, he marched to Deogir and plundered it. Rai Ram Deo had to
pay an enormous indemnity but was left in possession of his lands. On returning
to Kam, 'Alauddin succeeded in prevailing all the Sultan, who was his uncle
and father-in-law, to come to see him unattended, and had him murdered
during the interview On the 16th Ramazan, A.H. 695 (Wednesday, 17 July 1296).
Apart from the Deogir exploit, these events were not creditable to 'Alauddin,
and Amir Khusrau, who was deeply attached to the murdered SUltan, has not
attempted to justify them. For more details, see Barani and Ferishta.
9 Allt/sions to the history of Moses.
10 J etluo, the fathet-in-Iaw of Moses. The quotations from the Quran in this
paragraph refer to Moses' conversation with God.
11 Alf Khan or Ulugh Khan was the title of Alauddin's younger hrother, Almas
Beg. It was Almas Beg's duplicity that induced Ialaluddin to Come to Alauddin's
camp without his almy.
12 A weight of fOl'ty tlqiyats (ounces) of gold. Here used in the general sense
of ox-loads and bags.
13 After Sultan Jalaluddin's assassination, his yonngest son, Ruknuddin Ibrahim,
was placed on the throne by Jalaluddin's widow, the Malka-i Jaban. But Alauddin
IVan over the people and organized his anny by a liberal distrihution of the treasure
he had obtained at Deogir; and the Malka-i Jahan and Ruknuddin fled away to
as soon as anny crossed the }umna and encamped at Siri.
13a The City (shaT".) in the language of those days always meant Delhi. Other
cities were called by their names. A certain sanctity was attached to the capi-
tal of the country, and it was referred to with respect.
14 Allusions to the dignities of States.
15 In spite of his dazzling conquests, it was as an administrator that Alauddin
excelled. Amir Khusrau's florid rhetoric simply comes to this: it is much better
giving good government to your own subjects than to conquer foreign lands, which
you mayor may not be able to retain. 'One can do anything with bayonets except
sit upon them: It is to be regretted that in spite of his sensible views the author
should have given us sneh a scanty account of 'Alauddin's administrative economic
lfl Alil/sions to stops.
17 The Qwan. chap. iv, sect. 12. The full extrnct will make the meaning clearer.
Politics and Society during the Early Me:dieval Period
'rf they (the non-Muslims) withdraw from you and do not fight YOll and offer you
peace, then Allah has not given you a way against them. '. If they do !lot withdraw
from you and (do not) offer you peace and restrain their hands, then seize them
and kill them wherever you find them; and against these we have given you a clear
18 i.e. the Sultan.
19 Tanka, the ancestor of the modern rupee, was the silver and gold coin of the
Empire of Delhi. The copper coin was called jita!.
20 Allu";olls to gold and balances at gold.
21 Allusions ,to horses, swift the wind.
22 i.e. the Emperor.
23 Allusions to govenunent (,illasat) and shop-keepers. The shop-keepers were
controlled by the diiiJan-i ,.iyasat or ministry of markets. For the working of the
diwan":; riyasat under the harsh but efficient Yaqub Nazir, see Em'ani, pages 315-17,
(Persian text published by the Bengal Asiatic Society and edited by Sir Syed
Ahmad Khan).
. M i.e. weights used by shop-keepers.
25. Aliusions to the traditions of justice and equity.
26 i.e. the Emperor's justice surpasses description.
27 Referring to the chaudharis, kllOts and nlllqaddams whose power Alauddin had
overthrown. They had started as village headmen but aspired to transform them-
selves into landlords and claimed the ownership of their villages. Alauddin's reforms
deprived them of their perquisites and reduced .them to the position cif tenants.
28 .Allusions to vil1ttle and vice.
29 Wine and sugar may be both produced from the same grapes, and the
addition of salt turns wine into vinegar.
30 The regulations for the prohibition of intoxicants are mentioned by Barani,
but he says nothing about the compulsory' marriages of prostitutes. It is likely
that brothels were closed along with taverns and gambling dens.
.31 Allusions to peace and order.
32 Apparently, in cirder to steal the winding-sheet.
33 Allusions to man-eating magicians.
34 The punishment of magicians, stoned after being half buried, has not been
described by Barani, but it is only too probable considering the universal belief
in magic and the atrocious punishments inflicted on those who were supposed
to dabble in anything dark and mysterious. 'No one in 'Alauddin's days.' Barani
tells us, 'had the courage to profess a knowledge of alchemy or magic from fear
of the emperor.'
35 Allusions to incest and punishment.
36 This is confirmed by Barani. 'In those years', he says, 'people who com-
mitted incest and libertines appeared in the City. By the Sultan's orders they
were found out after a careful and diligent search and were put to death with
tortures. The saw of punishment was drawn over their heads and they were
cut into two. After this punishment the name of incest did not come to
anyone's lips in the City.' By the 'fraternity of incest' is meant the Carmathians,
Ismailes and other Shia 'heretics" of the sect of Seven Imams, whom the 'ortho-
The. CamlJaiglls of <Alanadin KlIOI;i 165
dox' Sunnis accused of permitting marriages within prohibited degrees and of
practising incest in their secret assemblies. The charge, whether right or wrong,
was generally believed. The Carmathians had captured Multan a century
before Mahmud of Ghazni and made their existence felt again and again in the
succeeding centuries.
37 The fourth part of a misqal; a trifling weight.
38 Allusions to seasons, corn and its rates.
39 "'Alauddin used to take 'royal dues from the peasants of the Doad in kind.
The corn was stored in the .royal granaries and brought to the market in
times Of famine and sold at the tariff rates". The economic and administrative
regulations of Sultan 'Alauddin are described by Barani in detail.
40 Out of 'respect fo,[ the Emperor apparently,
41 Barani calls it the Sf!ra-i- Adi. It was constructed on the plain before the
Badaun gate, and placed under the supervision of (he (Super-
viser of the Cloth Market). Barani gives the tariff and the detailed regulations
of the Cloth Market.
42 Allusions to opening and closing .
43 The prices in the Sera-iAd!, owing to the subsidy granted by 'AJauddin to
Multani merchants, were lower than in other t(,'Nns. Cloth once brought to it
was not allowed to be taken out again; nor could cloth be sold anywhere else
in Delhi except Sera-i Adl.
44 The phrases added after the names of the cloths are a play upon the
names of the cloths, wilich it would not be worth while explaining in English.
45 Allusions to fruits, ripe and sweet.
46 Barani does not speak of fruits being sold in the Sera-i Adl, but it is quite
possible that a part of the market was allotted to fruit shops. Alauddin was
very particular about the maintenance of order in the markets and no distur-
bance was permitted.
47 Allusions to building,
48 The Qutb Mosque, of which the Qutb Minar is a part, is known by
various names. 'In histories,' Sir Syed Ahmad Khan 'says in the famous AsarlU
Sanadid, 'I have always seen this mosque referred to as the 'Masjid-i-Adana-i-
Delhi or the Masjid-i-Jama-i-Delhi but never as the 'Masjid-i-Quwwatnl
Islam, It is not known when the name of 'Quwwatul Islam' was given to
it but it might have obtained this name when the temple was conquered and
the mosque was built. Such mosques are seldom kno,wn to the public by their
real names but only by the general designation of J ama-i Masjid.
49 Allusions to the mosque and the Minar.
50 The following extracts from the ASQl'us Sanadid of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
will enable the reader to attach a meaning to Khusrau's florid narrative.
'The incomple'te Mtnar: - The Emperor Alauddin was very desirous of fame.
Consequently when he ordered the extension of the (Qutb) Mosque in A.H. 711
(A.D. 1311), he also commanded a new Minar (to,wer) to be built in the courtyard
of the mosque, twice the size of the old (Qutb) Minar. The new Minar had a
circumference of one hundred yards and its foundations were laid in the
Muslim fashion-i.e., with a platform and the first door opening on the western
side. It was proposed to build the new Minar 200 yards high. But though the
Emperor had laid its foundations firmly, his own life was less secUre; even the
166 Politics alld Society during tlte Early Medieval Period
first storey had not been finished when he died and the wonderful structure
was left incomplete. Some parts of the incomplete Minar have fallen down;
only a mass of stones and lime is left.
'The Large Gate near the Qutb Millar: - When Sultan 'Alauddin became
emperor and developed an ambition for public works, he built an enormous
gate for this mosque near the Qutb Minar in A.H. 710 (A.D. 1311). This gate is
almost wholly of red sand stone, although here and there marble has been
,used. On the four sides of the large gate he constructed four smaller gates,
and on the western, southern, and eastern gates he has put inscriptions with
his name on them. But many of the inscribed stones have fallen down and
rain has eaten into many letters. The roof of the gate consists of a heavy
dome. Everywhere there is fine inlaid and mosaic work, and 'traditions' and
verses from the Quran have been inscribed.
'The Court of (the Qutb Mosque): - After the gate was finished, the Emperor
urdered a fourth, court (darja) to be added to the mosque. The court in the
centre had been constructed by Sultan Mu'izzuddin, and the two courts on
either side of it by Sultan Shamsuddin. Alauddin's court was 115 yards long,
counting three feet to the yard; the foundatiolls of nine doors had been laid
and the central door was sixteen yards. In A.H. 711 (A.D. 1311) the court was
being built; but unfortunately the Emperor died in A.H. 715 (A.D. 1315) and the
mosque was left incomplete. If the edifice had been completed, the whole
mosque would have measured 241 yards in length from east to west, and 132
yards in breadth from north to south. On the northern side the Emperor
began the construction of a door, but that, too, was left unfinished. There was
fine mosaic work on all these incomplete buildings, and texts and "traditions"
had been inscribed. It is not known who removed these (inscribed) stones
but it is clear that they have been removed. Nothing is now left except (plain)
stones and lime'.
51 In allusion to Farhad, the lover of Shirin, who perforated a huge mountain
to please his mistress.
52 Only the ruined palaces of the old rais or temples that had ceased to be
places of worship and had fallen down, were touched. A temple used as a place
or worship was inviolable by the Imperial Law
53 i.e. Satan. A farsang, roughly speaking, is a distance of three to three
a half miles.
54 The Muslim practice is to perform ablutions (wazu) with water before
prayer; but when water is not available, sand or dry earth can be used, and
the ablution is then known as the tayammum.
55 Referring to the famous wall which Sikandar Zulqarnain (probably Darius
I of Persia) constructed to keep off Gog and Magog (The Quran, chap. xviii,
sect. 2.)
56 Allusions to the buildings of the fort.
57 'Alauddin had ordered all taverns and gambling dens of Delhi to be closed.
58 'The Alai Dellzi, or Alai Fort or Koshak-i Sid: This fort was built by
Sultan 'Alauddiil KhaljL When in A.H. 703 (A.D. 1303) the Emperor ma'rched
against Chitor in person and at the same time sent a large force against Warangal
in Telingana, Targhi and the Mughals came and laid siege to Delhi, expecting
to find it empty. But after many battles the Emperor was victorious. After-
wa'rds he built this fort. A village, called Siri, existed here at that time;
The Campaigns' of 'Al.auddin K/wiji 167
consequently, the fort was also known as the fort of Siri. In Sher Shah's time
it was called the "Koshak-i Siri". The fort, as built by Alauddin, was circular,
with strongly built walls of stone, brick and lime, and had seven gates. Before
the fort was completed, another battle with the Mughals took place, and eight
thousand Mughal heads were used in place of stones in building the walls of
the fort. Though' the fort has quite crumbled down, yet some traces of it are
found on the left hand side when going to the Qutb Minar. In A.H. 96 Sher
Shah pulled down the fort of Siri and built a new city near Old Delhi (i.e.,
Indarpat). A village, named Shahabad, exists at the place now.' (Asarus Sanadid.)
59 Allusions to buildings.
60 A king of the Peshadian dynasty, proverbial for his cruelty. He had
two snakes growing out of his shoulders whom he fed on human beings.
61 Allusions to buildings again.
62 Allusions to the tank, clear and moist.
63 A play on the name of the Emperor Shamsuddin (Sun of Faith).
64 i.e. 'Alauddin.
65 Cousin of the Prophet Moses. He is believed to be constantly sinking
down and down, into the earth, along with all his treasures, in punishment of
his niggardliness and greed.
66 Allusions to the story of Moses.
67 Because given to hoarding.
68 'The Hauz-i Shamsi'-'This tank was built by Sultan Shamsuddin some-
time about A.H. 627 (A,D. 1229) in the neighbourhood of Qutb Sahib. It is said
that the tank was constructed of red stone, but now it is quite broken and only
a lake is left This lake is 276 pukhta bighas in area. What, then, must have
been the extent of the tank when it was in good repair? In A.H. 711 as it had
been filled up with mud, Sultan 'Aiauddin had it dredged; and exactly in its
centre he constructed a platform over which he built a very beautiful dome
(bUljl). This dome exists till to-day. Firoz Shah, too, repaired the tank in his
reign and cleared the passages by which the water used to come. But now the
tank has been nearly filled up with earth, and water does not remain in it for
more than three or four months' (Asarus Sanadid).
Chaptm' III
lAs the public works which have been, and are being, constructed
by tltis pious builder (May he live for ever!), surpas9 what the pen
can describe, out of many iniperial buildings I have contented
myself with the description of those given above in acknowledge-
ment of my own limitations. Now Iwil'l move my tongue, which is
surrounded bv wise teeth, and describe some of the victories this
Alexander has achieved through heavenly assis-
168 Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
tance, the territories he has conquered and the forts he has reduced.
Thus I will bring out of my mind the treasures that lie buried there,
at every Dietary 'I will scatter (pl'Ose) tinder the foot of my lJen
tn these pages.
. The first .victory of the arlnY over the gluttons of Kadar
In confines of. !aran. iUanju!. 2This is the account of the victory
V;luch champlOns of the trIumphant army obtained, for the first
durmg the reign of this Sanjar-like Sultan (May God protect
IllS standards!) over the soldiers of the accursed Kadar in the land
When ,the subtle Tatar, accompanied by an army
like an avenglllg deluge, came as presumptuous as ever from the
. mountains, and crossed the Bias, Jhelum and Sutlej,3 the advanc-
lllg wave of the helUtes burnt down all the vlllages (talwamh4) of
tlle that the flames illumina'ted the suburbs of the city,
and the of Qusur were demolished. Such a wailing arose
that the sound 01 it reached the august Emperor of the world.5 6The
la:e Ulugh Khan, the arm of the state, was sent with the right
Wlllg of the army, supported by great generals and troops, to wage
a holy war. He to go to the infidels to show them his strong
aneZ closed fist. 'The Khan, whose bow was like that of Arsh 8
flew as fast as one of his own arrows; and making two marches in
one, he reached the borders of Jaran of Manjur, the field of battle.
Only tlle distance of a bowshot remained between the two armies.
On Wednesday, the 22nd Rabiul Akhir, A.H. 697 the are-at Muslim
Khan came into contact with the infidels. He ordered tile standard-
bearers to bind the victorious standards to their backs; for the sake
tJleir they tm'ned their faces towards the Sutlej, and
WIthout the aId of boats, they swam OV(W the striking out their
like oars impelling a boat. lOThe Mughals seemed velY brave
before the victorious army had plunged into the river; but when
the wave of Muslim troops reached the middle of the stream, they
gave way. Unable to bear ,the fire of the sword, they fled desperately;
and though in number like ants and locusts, they were trampled
the the horsemen like an army of ants. The Mughals
WIshed to slllk mto the ground; for the sword was so busv on the
bank that blood flowed like surkhab
on the river. The
of the .army could split a hair of the eyelash without injuring the
eye; and in the twinkling of an eye, they had sewn up the stony
eyeballs of some Mughals as you mi!!ht sew up the eyes of a hawk,
their arrows pierced the iron hearts of others as a key goes
mto a lock. When a breast, like a rust,! lock, refllses to open, it
should be opened in no other way tlian this. In short, twenty thou,
The Campaigns of 'AI.auJdin Klwlii 169
sand ferocious Mughals were sent to sleep on the ground in mourn-
ing at their own death by the powerful (imperial) lions. A very large
palt of Kadar's aim)' (tuman) was cut to pieces with blows of axe
and spear. Some Mughals whose bones had been ground to pow-
der, were sent off to their journe
12 in that condition. Others had
become unconscious through fear, but life stiU remained in their
bodies, their heads ,,,ere cut' off, and so they departed without their
heads. Most of the survivors were imprisoned. 'Lay hold on him, then
put a chain on The iron collar, which loves the lVlughal necks,
enclosed them with the affection and squeezed them hard.
'This is the punishment of the enemies of Islam', cried their chains
with a lOlld voice .
l4When the blood-smeared heads of the Tatars had RUed the battle-
field with thousands and thousands of wine glasses, the jackals of the
f0l'est collected together and heM a feast by the river-side. After
slaughtering the execrable carcass-eaters of Qaidu,15 who are both
Turks of the tribe of Qai (vomit) and the eaters of vomit (qai), the
anny of the Khatifa (May he reign for ever!) prepared
to return. The late Ulugh Khan (May God give him pure wine to
drink!) first held a pleasure-party to commemorate the great victOlY
and scattered gold and jewels a:mong his comrades of war and peace.
Then intoxicated with happiness, he spurred his horse to kiss the
ground before the impelial court. The prisoners, who looked like
the teeth of mad elephants, were put to death. Meanwhile, the
Emperor, lIke Kai-Khusrau,16 had seen the image of this victory in
the world-compassing mirror of his own mind, and :moved his tongue
in gratitude at the realization of his wishes. 'If you are grateful, I
would certainly give to you more.'17 He then gave himself up to
rejoicings. He called tile commanders (khans) of the left and right
wingslll to a great feast, and bestowed such favours on the citizens
and the army, that they were freed from all labour (God protect us
from it!). If you asked water in alms f1'Oln; a beggar, he would give
you wine.l
This is the account of another VictOl'y of the MusUm army over the
Mughals. 20When Ali Beg, Tartaq and Targhi came with drawn
swords from the borders of Turkistan to the river Sind (Indus), and
after crossing ,the Jhelum like an arrow, tumed their faces in tilis
direction, Targhi, who had once or twice fled away from the attacks
of tlle victors, already saw his bald head on the spears of the cham-
pions of Islam, like a wine cup placed over a ladle. Although he
had an iron heart, yet he dare not place it within the reach of
anvil-breaking warriors of God. But he was at last shot by an arrow
170 Politics alld Society during the EGl1y Medieval Pe'riod
which penetrated his heali and passed to the other side. Ali Beg
and Tartaq, who had never bcen to this countrv before mistook the
arched swords of Musahnans for those of n{ere pre;chers. They
ventured wi,th single heads on their shoulders into a countrv where
if a man brought a thousand heads, he could not take one' them
back. They had fifty thousand trained and ferocious horsemen; the
lillis trembled at their tread. The confounded inhabitants at the foot
of the hills lied mvay at the fierce attack of -these wretches and
rushed to the fords of the Ganges. But the lighhling; of Mughal fury
penetrated to that region also and smoke arose out of the towns of
People fled from their bW11ing houses, and with their
heads and feet on fire, threw theniselves into rivers and torrents. At
last from these desolated tracts news came to ,the inipelial court.
The Eniperor sent his confidential officer, Malik Naik, akhu1"-bek
i-maisara, with thirty thousand powerful horsemen, and directed him
to slaughter without stint and to shoot such an arrow at the accursed
mark as might create a fearful rent in their work (strategy). Across
a distance which was longer than the day of the idle, the victorious
anny passed more quickly than the lives of the busy. On Thursday,
12 Jamadius Sani, A.I-I. 705 they overtook the doomed enemy.
Immediately on seeing the dust of the Muslim army, the groveUing
Mughals became like particles of sand, revolving above and below.
Hard-lived though they were, their souls fled out of thein; nor
could tl:heir iron hearts' remain in their places to serve as anchors for
their souls. Like a swarm of gnats waning against a hun-icane, in
proportion to their attempt to move fOlward, they were taken further
back. And the Angel of Death cried out to thein: 'Flight shall
not do you any good if 'you fly frolll death or slaughter:
necessity (rather than choice), they made a feeble att.ack though their
enthusiasm had declined. But the army of the Second Alexander,
which you might call an iron wall, was not a thing that would bend.
It drove away those doers of the deeds of Gog; and in expectation of
divine assistance-,-'and He has sent an army, which you do hot see'
-the sharp sword began to do its work. Soon fire-coloureC! faces
fell to the ground. One would think that the Muslim swordsmen
were throwing balls of fire over running water. In this universal
cutting of heads, Ali Beg and Tartaq,' the two 'heads' of the
Mughals, saw the sword above them and the time of their faH near.
Their faces grew dark' from the blazing heat of the all-conqueIing
. sword, and they threw themselves under the shade of the Musliin
standard. 'The rays of the swotd have smuck us with such a fire',
they said, 'that we will never be satisfied till we have reached the
The Campalgl)s' of 'Aiatuldill Khal;l
"Shadow of God",' The man laid low with misfortunes ,cannot find
happiness anywhere except itndel' the 'shadow of God'.
23The field of battle, strewn with elephant-bodied :Mughals, look-
. edlike a chess-board. Their faces (castles) had been cut into two
with the sword, and their bodies, pounded with the clubs (gurz),
looked like bags for holding the chess:men. The dead lay
right and left like so lIiany captured pleces. Of the 110rses (kmghts)
which had filled the squares, some had been knocked down with
blows and others had been captured. Such knights, as after the man-
Del' of pawns, refused to go back, were turned into (pawn.
and since thev moved still further, they became faTzm (queens), I.e.
they were to place their heads on the ground.
Ali Beg
Tal'taq, the two kings of the chess-board, were cl:eckmated by theIr
large-boned eneniy, the Malik Akhur-bek, who to send them
to the Emperor, so that he may either spare their hves 01' cast
them under the feet of the elephants (bishops). 25When Satans pup-
pets, i.e. the infidel troops, wel'e brought b.oun.d the
throne, the two adventurers, who had claImed equality (wlth <the
'Sultan) cast their eyeballs like dice on the cmvet of submission, and
to the Emperor's manHness in order to save their yves.
different orders were given concenling these 'red and wlute ones ;26
some were to be put to death and others implisoned. The two cap-
tured pieces,27 who had hitherto rentained in suspense, were brought
to their prison and freed from the danger of death. In the course of
time one of them died, without any harm having been done to him,
and the other reinained alone. The Emperor was so in the
sport that he took their lives in one game after another.28
Account of another victory and the slaughter of the Mughal tumans,
who had misrd an uprOar under the dog, Kapak.
30When the fierce
inndel army (God destroy it!) came proudly the
garden of Hinclustan, the southemmost of the ferlile countnes, to-
wards the end of Diy,31 dust arose from the borders of the land of
Sind and the inhabitants threw away <their property and dispersed
like autumnal leaves. But the starin of destruction, being unable to
raise any dust in the regions of Kuhram and Samana, <tWl1ed towards
the wildemess of Nagaur, and overpowered the inhabitants of that
region. \Vhen the stench of these doomed carcass-eaters led by a
hound increased, the sweet Nagauli rose, which smells like rubbed
sandal-wood, turned fetid. Messengers fast as the wind brought news
of this stench to the perfumed palace of the victorious Empcror,
whose virtues are fragrant like the navel of a musk-deer. abhor-
rence of those men with stinking brains, he ordered the MuslIm army
172 Politics and Society during the Early Medieval Period
l?roceed against them; but the news was to be kept a secret, lest
III fear of the sandal, the horrid stench should fly back
to the fragrant wJl:lows of Khurasan. The Malik of fragrant virtues,
Izzuddaulah waddm Kafur-i Sultani (May the irrtperial court be per-
,:ith his talents!). was appointed to lead the ariny. The deer-
ndmg lions went so qUIckly that they made no distinction between
the darkness of night and the light of dawn till they had reached
their. stinking prey. And when the turmelic-coloured dust of the holy
warnors had bathed the anice-smelling Mughals, the latter also be-
canie fragrant. 320n the banks of the Abi-i Ali33 the Mughals were
overtaken by a weak wave from the swelling stream of Muslim enthu-
siasm. The accursed Kapak fell into a rushing torrent of swords
and began to strike OUit his hands and feet; the sharp sword was
about to cut off his head, when the kind-hearted Musalmans rushed
in from all sides and took him prisoner, in order to send the water-dog
with the other aquatics to the impelial court. AU the followers of
Kapak were either killed or imprisoned; some were shot with arrows
and became cold where they stood; the rest had still some wate::
frOin the stream of life left, but the wind of Divine wrath blew against
theni and they were put into chains. .
Another Mughal army, under Iqbal Mudbir,34 and Mudabir Tai Bu,
followed close behind Kapak's, thirsty for the blood of Musalinans,
but well fiUed with the blood of 'their own bibes. Suddenly a torrent
of blood of the slaughtered infidels fl0wed towards them, but as
they were well accustomed to such a flood, they dived to the bottom.
The swelling stream of blood, however, reminded them of the sharp
sword; for a great slaughter was awaiting thein. Though they tried
to strike out their feet, they found no space to stand on. Meanwhilf'
the van of the Muslin} army advanced like clouds and rain, and fell
like a raging stOlm on these men from Jaihun. All of them fled
from the rain of arrows, and wished like dogs to seek refuge in any
gutter. On every side the army advanced like waves of a deluge
that goes ODer mountains and caverns with tumult and noise. 35News
was brought 'to the commander of the Muslim troops36 that the
Mughals had two heads, one Iqbal and the other Tai Bu. When the
right wing of the imperial army fell upon them, they lost all conscious-
ness of hand and feet, and the two Mughal leaders were flying by
the same passage across the Sind (Indus). But as they had forgotte11
their 'feet', neither did their 'feet' remeinber their 'heads'; and it
was high time for the imperial sword to strike off their 11eads' and
throw them before their 'hands' and 'feet'! 37 38So by the firman of
the commanders of the army, bold and strong-.armecl warriors took
The Campaigns of 'Aim/delia Khalii 173
their swords in hand, spurred their horses across the extensive desert
and SOOIl overtook the retreating Mughals. In that garden of death
heads were struck off ancl necks were cntopen, so ,that the sword
sometimes reached the throat and sometimes the waist. Owing to the
sword of the holy warriors, the deluge of blood came U1J to the nose
of the infidels; yet not a dmp of blood came out of a Musalman's nose.
When the victorious army, which had girded up its loins for holy war
in defence of the Faith of the Lord, saw conclusive proof of the text,
-'And surely Allah wilt help him who helps His cause'-it enacted
the scenes of resurrection on the innumerable bodies of these accursed
wretches. You would have thought that the Day of Judgment had
arrived, and that the angels of the Lord were collecting the dead
bodies of stony-hearted infidels to light the fire of hell, 'of which inen
and stones are the fuel'. Countless infidels having been sent to Hell in
that extensive territory, another great multitude of them was con-
signed to the angels of torture to be put in 'chains and shackles' and
bJ"Ought to the review. At the head of the chain was the accursed
Kapak, a hound {rani .am,lngst the hounds of Hell. He had been
captured among the ami-rs of Jar Tai Bu's tnman and testified with
him to the fact that the people of the north had resorted to flight. All
the other (Mughals) were either despatched to the pit of Hell or else
put in the same cilains with those destined for that place. The vir-
tuous Malik
9 moved back with his troops to the court of the august
Emperor (May his kingdom last for ever!). Tillie after time he kept on
sending fresh news to the Lord's dcputy,40 and was in reply favour-
ed with a robe of honour. Finallv he reached the imperial cOUli,
and bronght the hellish crew to the muster of the Judgiuent Day.
'When the earth is shaken with her (violent shaking, cried the huge
elephants as they -threw most of these cutton wearers (i.e. Mnghals)
high up in the air; and (the cotton wearers) became like 'loosened
woof. 41But as even the enOl1UOUS elephants, who aI'e like strong
houses on moving pillars, were not able to destroy all the desolators
of this country, order was given that the base of the towers of the
. Fort (kangar-i-hisar) was to be cOllstructecl from the blood and bones
of the remaining (Mughals). Imllipdiately in obedience to the imperial
command, Tatars and Chinese were hung from the fort as negroes
with heads inDerted hang down from a new building. 430wing to
the mirlUle of the Mughal bodies with the material of the towers,
the confluence of Mars ancl Saturn was witnessed, and the evil in-
fluence of the confluence fell on the lives of these men of Mars. For
even after all the towers had been constructed, many of these doollied
men were left. Their wretched heads were cut off with shining
174 Politics alld Society during the Early Pvriod
swords and a bastion, so high that it 'touched the head of the sky,
was formed of them. Mars hung its head (in shame) at the sight.
The constellations of the sky have but a single 'head', but here you '\
may see a hundred thousand 'heads' in a single constellation (bastion).
u *
Later historians have so confused the account of these generals that I have,
for the sake of clearness, reserved their discussion for a separate note.
As to the other authorities, Amir Khusrau has devoted some lines of his
DaIVal Rani to the same campaigns. 'After this (defeat of Ali Beg and Tartaq)
three fierce (Mughal) generals, who moved more rapidly than the wind, crossed
the territory of MuItan and began to ravage the land of the Ravi. One of them
was Tai Bu, the other was Iqbal Mudbir and the third was Kapak, wise in war
and revenge. Their armies, innumerable as grains of sand (had come) to take
revenge for the fate of Tartaq and Ali Beg. According to his custom, the
Emperor ordered the Minister of the State, Kafur (camphor), to disperse the
stench of Tai Bu, so that no trace of it may remain. The great warrior marched
rapidly, and crossing two stages in one night, came upon the Mughals like a
storm and dispersed their wretched ranks. The blood of the Tatars rose high
up to the breast of the horses in that extensive desert. The infidel dogs fled in
panic; the holy warriors pursued them like lions. Iqbal and Tai Bu fled from
the battlefield towards the rivers. Though they had collected spoils before this,
now the preservation of their own heads was all they wished for. The Army
of Faith advanced like a river and Kapak ,vas drowned; it ponnced like a falcon
and carried off Kapak as if he was a partridge. A collar was placed ronnel the
neck of the great hound and he was sent to the Emperor of the World.' In spite
of the mixed metaphors, these lines will leave on the reader the impression that
Iqbal, Tai Bu, and Kapak were three generals taking part in the same campaign,
though, of course, each commanded a different army.
Barani's account is loose and inaccurate.
"On another occasion, in another year, the army of Islam came to a battle
with the accursed Kank and the Mughal troops at Khakar. God granted victory
to Muslim arms. The accursed Kank, leader of the Mughal army, was brought
captive and aliVe before the Snltan's throne, and there cast under the feet of
elephants. On this occasion also, either in the field of battle or else after being
brought to Delhi, enormous numbers of Mughals were slain. A tower of their
heads was raised before the Badaun Gate; people see it till today and if reminds
them of Alauddin.
'On another occasion, in another year, three or four Mughal amirs of
broke into the Siwaliks suddenly and heedlessly with thirty or fourty thousand
horse and engaged in plunder and slaughter. 'Alauddin sent the army of Islam
against them with orders to seize the road by which the M ugha Is were to return
to the river; when the Mughals returned thirsty to the water.side, it was to, mete
out their punishment to them. The Mmlim army seized the passages of the
The. Campaigns of 'ArulIddii, Khalji 175
Mughal retreat and encamped by the riverside. As God had ordained, having
laid waste the Siwaliks and travelling a long distance thence, the Mughals and
their horses reached the river thirsty and in disorder. The Muslim army, which
had been waiting for their return for a few days, obtained the desired supremacy
over them. The Mughals, taken by surprise, begged for water from the Muslim
army. They were all taken captive along with their women and children. A
great victory had crowned the Muslim arms. Th0usands of Mughals were sent
to the fort of Naraniya with ropes round their necks; their women and children
were brought to the Delhi slavemarket and sold away like Hindustani slaves.
The Malik KhasiHajib was sent to Naraniya from the capital. He went there
and put unhesitatingly to the sword all the Mughals who had been brought to
the fort after the victory. Streams ran with their foul blood.
'In another year Iqbalmandacame with the Mughal army. Sultan Alauddin
sent the army of Islam from Delhi against them. This year also the Muslim
army gained a victory over the Mughals. After a feebly fought battle, Iqbal
manda was slain and thousands of Mughals were put to the sword. The hazara
and sada amirs, who had been caught alive, were brought to Delhi and cast
under the feet of elephants. On the occasion when Iqbalmanda was slain. no
Mughal escaped alive.'
Two later historians deserve citation.
'In the year A.H. 705', says Ferishta, 'one of. the great amirs of Dawa Khan,
named Kank, came with alarge army to seek revenge for Ali Beg and Khwaja
Taryai. He had passed the precincts of Multan and reached the Siwaliks, when
Ghazl Malik Tnghluq prepared his army for battle and seized the banks of the
river NiJab, thus cutting off the Mughal retreat. The Mughals plundered and
ravaged; then after a long journey, when the air was hottest, they came back
to the banks of the Nilab with inflamed livers and parched lips, ignorant of the
snare of their enemy. But when they saw the river of life in the enemy's hands,
they naturally despaired of their lives and gave battle to the army of Hindustan.
Most of the Mughals were slain; Kank was captured alive while those who
escaped from the battlefield died of thirst in the forest. Their women and
children were taken prisoners. This was a strange event, for out of fifty or
sixty thousand Mughals not more than three or four thousand were left alive.
Ghazi Malik, who became very famous on account of this victory, sent Kank
with a large number of Mughal prisoners to the Sultan. 'Alauddin had Kank
and his comrades thrown under the elephants' feet near the Hazar Sutun Palace,
and then constructed a tower of Mughal heads in the plain before the Badaun
Gate. It is said that traces of it remain till today. This year the Mughal women
and children were sold in Delhi and the rest of Hindustan like Hindi prisoners
of war.
'A long while after this a Mughal, named Iqbalmand, came to Hindustan with
an immense army and wrought much damage. But Ghazi Malik Tnghluq
marched against Iqbalmand and after slaying him sent many live Mughals to
Delhi to be trodden down by the enormous elephants. Fear and terror now
overtook the Mughals; the desire of coming to Hindustan was washed off from
their breasts; and they created no trouble till the end of Sultan Qutbuddin's
reign. Ghazi Malik Tughluq was stationed at Depalpur. Every year he led
e:Kpeditions to Kabul, Ghazni, Qandahar and Garmsir, plundered and ravaged
those regions and levied tribute from their inhabitants. The Mughals had not
the courage to corrie and defend their own frontiers against him.'
Nizamuddin's account is based on Barani. .
Politics and Society during the Early Mt'{iieval Period
'Next time a Mughal, named Kabik, came with a large army and fQught a
battle with the .army Qf Delhi at Khakur. Most of the Mughals were slain and
a ,tQwer of thelf heads was cQnstructed near the Badaun Gate.
After a whIle a Mughal anny of thilty thousand horse came to the Siwatiks
and began to' plunder. Whe?- Sultan heard Qf it, he sent a large army against
them. The army Qf Delhi seIZed the banks of the Ravi, across which the
had to' return; and when the Mughals, loaded with spoils, came to' the
nv.er-slde, the army Qf and defeated them. Many Mughal
we!e captured and JfllpnsQned ill the fQrt Qf Tarainah, which is situated
that nelghbQurhQod, while their families and fQIlQwers were brought to' the
city SQld as slaves. this the Malik Khas-i Hajib was Qrdered to' gO'
to' Taramah to' put the pnSQners to' death. '
'A IQng time after this IqbaImandah, a famQus Mughal, came to' India with a
large An tQok place between him and the army Qf Delhi at
Daradahmdah Amlr (1). Iqbalmandah was slain and the Qther Mughals
were brQught to' Delhi, where they were thrown under the feet Qf elephants.'
Of the five aCCQunts befQre us, Nizamuddin merely summarizes Barani and
need nQt be further cQnsidered. The Qnly additiQn he makes is the identificatiQn
the mentiQned by B.arani with the Ravi. Ferishta apparently had Qnly
Nlzamuddm and Dawal Ram befQre him, and ;llays havQC with facts and names.
Of the three O'riginal authQrities Tarikh-i-Firozshahi, Dawal Rani and Khazainul
Flllllh the last twO' are fairly cQnsistent, but it is difficult to' recQncile them with
the Tariklz-i Amir speaks Qf the three generals as if they
had planned a JQmt push, Kapak leadmg the advanced cQntingents while the
other twO' marched behind. Malik Kafur (nQt Ghazi Malik as in Ferishta) was the
cQmmander Qf the Delhi army. Barani speaks Qf three campaigns in three dif-
ferent, if nQt successive, years. The first is led by Kapak, the name of the CQm-
mander of the second is not given, while the third is assigned to IqbaImanda.
I a.m to' agree with Amir Khusrau, whO' wrQte during 'Alauddrn'i; reign
whtle Barams paragraphs may nQt have been written till years after. Military
matters did nQt interest Barani, his geQgraphical knowledge was meagre and ,his
dates are often incQrrect.
1 Allusions to territories and torts.
. The Qr MQngQls, whO" are the heroes Qf this chapter, ,requir.e some
mtrQductlOn. They were first brQught intO' prominence by oChengiz Khan in' the
beginning of the thirteenth century. The early lifeQf Chengiz was spent in a
prQtracted struggle against the surFounding tribes, but 'he emerged victoriQus
through a 'cQmbinatiQn Qf craft and guile, brutal strength and ,cQnstructiw states-'
.His as 'Khan' Qf the MQngQI tribes was fQI1Qwed by a
Qf hiS people the mQst efficient fighting machine in the wQrld,
Qrgamzed Qn a system Qf umversal cQnscription and ,blind obedience to' ,orders.
Chengiz first invaded China and then attacked the Khwarazmian Empire with
an army of 800,000. No power in the Muslim world was able to' withstand him.
City after city fell befQre the barbarians, and Sultan Alauddin Muhammad
The Campaigns of 'Alamldin Khalji 177
Khwarazm Shah died in Qne Qf the islands of the Caspian to' which he had
fted fQr refuge. Chengiz retired to' his own cQuntry frQm the eastern bank O'f
the indus, but the empire he had founded persisted for three generatiQns, and
'was a terrQr to' all mankind.
Chengiz Khan had four SQns. Juji (or Tushi), the eldest, died in the life
time of his father, but Juji's son, Batu, cQnquered SQuthern Russia, Bulgaria
and part Qf Poland and founded his dynasty there. Ogtai, the eldest surviving
SQn, succeeded Chengiz as 'Khan', 'Qa-an' or 'Khaqan'. Chaghatai and Tului
were given domains under the suzerainty of their brQther. Ogtai was succeeded
by his son, Kayuk (Qr Kapakl. but after Kayuk's shQrt reign, the unity of .the
empire disappeared. The quirilta; or assembly of MQngQI princes, representmg
the majQrity, elected Mangu, son of Tului, to the 'Khakanship' in 1251, but
Qaidu Khan, supported by the descendants Qf Chaghatai and Ogtai, established
himself in Mawaraun Nahr and maintained his independence till his death in
1301. In spite Qf this rift in the Jute, the quiriltai Qf 1251 launched twO' important
expeditiQns. QubJai, brother of Mangu (the 'KubJa Khan' Qf CQleridge), was
sent against China, while his younger brQther, Halaku Khan, was despatched
against the 'heretics' (Ismailis) of Persia. Halaku first captured the fQrts Qf
the 'heretics' and then prQceeded to' overthrow the Caliph Qf the' Qrthodox.
Baghdad was captured and sacked in 1258 and Halaku's descendants, knQwn as
the '11 Khan's', while acknowledging the formal superiority Qf the 'Khakan',
continued to' govern Persia in practical independence during the thirteenth
century. Meanwhile in the east Mangu was succeeded by Qublai, who Com-
pleted the cQnquest Qf the Chinese empire.
The early successes Qf the MongQls had been due to' the strength of their
military QrganizatiQn, the genius of their leaders and the hardships, which the
rank and file were prepared to' bear. A generatiQn Qf civilization sufficed to
degenerate them. The II Khans of Persia became Musalmans and adQpted
Persian ways. The SUccessors of Qublai were driven pell-mell out Of China to
their barbaric land and its barbaric ways.
Sultan Alauddin's cQntemporaries among the 'II Khans' were-Ghazan Khan
son Qf Arghnn Khan son of Abaka Khan son Qf Halaku Khan. whO' ruled
from A.H. 694 to 703 and Ghazan's bmthe'r, Khuda Bandah Aljaitu Suita'n,
whO' ruled from A.H. 703 to 716. While the ruling dynasty had accepted Islam,
many soldiers and Qfficers adhered to' their O'ld faith. But whether Musalman
or infidel, the MongQls had not forsaken their Qld plundering habits and their
taste fQr blQodshed, as the career Qf Timur conclusively shQws.
A detailed account of the Mongols will be fonnd in Sir Henry HQwQrth's
History of the Mon[?o/s, 4 VQls. a monument Qf careful and painstaking scholar-
ship. Sir Henry has depended mostly Qn translatiQns and has, therefQre, nQt
been able to give as graphic an aCCQunt of the character of the MQngQls and
their social system as some of the early Persian writers. The earliest account
of the MQngols seems to' be the Tabaqat-i-Nasiri Qf Minhajus Siraj Jurjani Qf
Delhi. The author had a first-hand knowledge Qf the Chengizi MongQls, agaInst
whom he had fought. and regarded them with a bitter hatred. Writing at a
safe distance from the barbarians. Oazi Minhaius Sirai had nO' hesitatiQn in
abusing the 'Mu.ghal infidels', and the thirteenth chapter Ctabaqah) Qf his wQrk.
de.vQted to the 'Rise of the MQngols'. reads like a thrilling short story. The
military superiority Qf Chengiz Khan had convinced the learned Qazi that the
Day of Judgment was near and he quotes chapter and verse to prove this.
Some chapters (including the thirteenth) of the Tabaqati-Nasiri have been
Politics alld Societu durillg the Earlu ;l1edieval Period
printed by the Royal Asiatic Society! of Bengal and the inestimable Col
Raverty devoted twelve years to translating it into English. The most
history of the Mongols is the Tarikh-i4ahan Gusha of Alauddin Ata Malik
Juwayni, who compiled his work in the time of Halaku Khan. The fi t tw
volumes of Juwayni's book comprising an account of the
Mongols, have been. excellently edited for the Gibb's Memorial Series by
Mr. .Abdul Wahhab Qazwini. A later work, the Jami'ut
Tawankh who wrote in the time of Aljaitu sultan, incorporates
much fresh InformatIOn and continues tbe history of Chengiz Khan' .
The fi t vol f th J'" s successors.
rs ume 0 e amzut'I'awankb is said to have been printed in Russia'
the second volume on the 'Successors of Chengiz Khan' has been d't db'
Mr. Blochet for Gibb's Series. Three other Persian
may .here .be mentioned-the Tarlkh of Wassaf, who was a contemporary of
Rashiduddm, the Tarikh-i-Guzidah of Hamdullah Mustawfi and th R
Safe: of. Muhammad ibn-i Khawind Shah. All these writers rely mo:tlY
Tarlkh-z-Jahan Gusha and the Jami'ut Tawarikh.
, The some explanation. Early writers generally sa
Magnul, but m later wnters the Waw is dropped The 'n' of 'Mo I" Y
found in Pers' 't S '11' . . ngo IS not
. lan wn. ers. tJ It IS convenient to apply the word 'Mongol' to
ChenglZ Khan and his successors and reserve the word 'Mugbal' for the Indian
emperors of house of Babur, who though belonging to the same .race
;epresented a different culture and civilization. But where the Persian text s '
Mughal', I have kept that word. . ays
2 Allusions to war and victory.
3 :This is the order observed in the original'. (Elliot).
4 The w:ord falwarah is a. common name for a village in many parts of the