Clean and green Singapore has beaten the odds to come this far. For the next lap of our development, we strive to forge a country that will give our people and all who come after them, their best home possible, exercising wise and judicious stewardship of our resources, and optimising the balance between Man and Nature. With intelligent innovation and strategic partnerships, we will prevail over our limitations, to build a Singapore that will endure for generations to come.
Singapores Response Singapore supports this endeavour, as is evident from our various bilateral, regional and international co-operation programmes. We look towards expanding these programmes in tandem with the action plans to be adopted at the Johannesburg Summit. Singapore is committed to contributing to global sustainability efforts within our capability and resources. We continue to support the capacity-building efforts of fellow developing countries in the area of human resource development even as we learn from other countries best practices in sustaining a quality living environment. We also collaborate with interested partners to bring about the spread of these best practices and continue to work with stakeholders such as industry and academia to promote innovation in environmental management. We know that what we have achieved today cannot be taken for granted. Sustaining the environment requires endless vigilance, action and innovation. Even as the world is still grappling with traditional environmental concerns, new ones emerge. The Singapore Green Plan 2012 sets out our response to the challenges of sustaining a quality environment while pursuing economic progress. Our geographical circumstances and limited resources make it a daunting task. But rather than resigning ourselves to fate, we are making it a rallying point. While continuing to learn from others, we will tap on our stakeholders resourcefulness and innovativeness to customise sustainability solutions for our circumstances. The real test of our Green Plans success will be the state of our environment in generations to come. As we reaffirm our commitment to sustainable development, we realise the paramount importance of a people who are personally committed to and involved in sustaining a quality living environment for the long term. Addressing sustainable development is like aiming at a moving target: It is not enough to adjust policies to present-day realities; we have to anticipate change and be ready to respond to challenges of tomorrow. With our continued focus on sustainable development, coupled with good governance and forward planning, I have no doubt that we will rise to the challenge.
The world faces the threat of environmental disaster brought Singapore on by unsustainable consumption patterns and the overexploitation of natural resources. Will Singapore too fall prey to such a threat? Land-scarce, water-short and energypoor, the question is a pertinent one. Singapore has only 682 square kilometres to its name, limited water and no mineral resources of its own. The Garden City poses the severest challenges to development planners. How does it support the four million people who live here? How does it find sufficient water to meet industrial and residential needs? How does it, indeed, ensure its continued existence beyond the lifespan of its current generations? By the yardsticks of some external observers, it is surprising to see Singapore what it is today - a thriving, prosperous economic hub attracting many people from around the world. A preliminary study on Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) commissioned by the World Economic Forum (WEF), and reported in Newsweek magazine in late 2000, reminded us once again of that point. The study compiled an index based on 67 factors, and rated Singapore among the worst 10 in a ranking of the environmental sustainability of 122 countries. For Singapore, that preliminary finding highlighted the fragility of its physical existence. We felt, however, that the researchers might not have appreciated fully Singapores resource limitations or the extent of the efforts that it makes in striving towards sustainability. This was a country that had placed environmental laws high on its order of priorities at Independence, and had indeed located its Anti-Pollution Unit within the Prime Ministers Office in its early years. How could it be that despite our best efforts, we were still ranked more likely than the rest of the world to be on the brink of environmental disaster one day in future?
SGP 2012 begins with a focus on optimising the use of Singapores limited land. Our limited land availability requires us to pursue a zero landfill objective in the longer term - an admittedly ambitious but not impossible target. Towards that end, a national waste recycling programme, with a target to achieve 60 percent recycling by 2012, began in 2001, bringing the means to recycle closer to homes and workplaces. In tandem with this, we hope to minimise waste generation and reduce our need for additional incineration plants, from the current one every 5 to 7 years, to one every 10 to 15 years, and longer if possible. We recognise that recycling can take off and grow only if the industry is commercially viable. More commercial applications for recycled products are therefore being developed. An Eco-Recycling Park, with 30-year land leases and located near feed industries for synergy purposes, has also been set up in Tuas. The Waste Minimisation and Recycling Association of Singapore came into being last year, a private-sector initiative for mutual assistance and collaboration among industry players.
Public transportation is gradually switching to cleaner energy such as compressed natural gas (CNG), which burns much cleaner than diesel. The first CNG refuelling station in Singapore opened on 22 April 2002, the same day that the first CNG public bus took to the road. More industries and power stations are also switching to CNG. Singapore is also embarking on an exciting project that aims to recover waste heat from the petrochemical plants on Jurong Island to power a centralised cooling system for the Jurong Industrial Estate. Expected to begin operating in 2008 when it is assessed to be more economically viable, that system could slash more than 20 percent off the Jurong Industrial Estates cooling bill.
We enjoy productive working relationships with many countries, both developed and developing, and from both East and West, who share with us their expertise on a wide range of environmental issues. These include clean technology, water reclamation, the management of hazardous chemicals, and the monitoring of ambient air quality. On Singapores part, we offer several programmes for sharing our experiences as a small and developing island-state. These include the Singapore Co-operation Programme, the Singapore Technical Assistance Programme for Sustainable Development, the Third Country Training Programme, and the Small Island Developing States Technical Co-operation Programme. Along with other nations, we are active participants at various environmental fora, at both the regional and international levels. These platforms benefit us through the exchange of ideas and technical information. We are also parties to various multilateral agreements, and believe firmly in doing our utmost to fulfill our obligations under these important international treaties.
Following the example of other countries, Singapore is moving towards less environmentally-pollutive fuels like compressed natural gas and alternatives like hydrogen gas and solar power. Singapore is also working with global companies to research into cutting-edge clean technology such as hydrogen-fuel cells. We are one of four countries in the world where DaimlerChryslers New Electric Car or Necar is being test-bedded. We have set up a $20-million Innovation for Environmental Sustainability Fund to provide financing for innovative projects that will help Singapore attain its goal of environmental sustainability. Any Singapore-registered company can apply for funds from it if it has an idea that shows strong innovation qualities as well as the early adoption of emerging technologies. Singapore is also positioning itself as a hub for environmental technology. This not only gives us an advantage in the early adoption of cutting-edge technology, we can also help transfer such technology to neighbouring countries. We believe that we are well-positioned for this role, given our good track record in environmental management, technology infrastructure, strong protection for intellectual property rights, and a government that is committed to supporting research and development activities. The first seeds of the hub vision are bearing fruit in One-North, our multi-billion dollar icon of the New Economy. Not only will this be a vibrant Biopolis where talented entrepreneurs and researchers work, live and play, it will also be an environmentallyfriendly one, with energy-efficient technology, solar power, water-recycling and even clean-energy transport, all of which will be integrated into the green and serene surroundings that characterises the Buona Vista area where the development is located.
Conserving Nature
Clean Air
Water Supply
i) ii) iii)
Public Health
Become a leading regional centre in epidemiological surveillance and research on environment-related infectious diseases. Retain low incidence of environment-related infectious diseases. Develop a syndromic reporting system for the early detection of emerging infectious diseases. Take pre-emptive action against international health problems reaching Singapore. Step up public education on environmental protection and nature conservation. Strengthen joint 3-P (public, private and people sector) ownership of environmental concerns. Build stronger 3-P partnerships for environmental protection. Continue to work closely with ASEAN neighbours on common environmental concerns. Increase capacity-building partnerships with developing countries. Intensify collaboration with partners at regional and global levels to tackle environmental challenges. Remain committed to international environmental efforts and obligations under international environment treaties. Enhance the environmental management industry in Singapore through greater use of technology. Stay at the forefront of innovation and adopt best practices from the world to achieve environmental sustainability.
Community Partnership
i) ii) iii)
International Collaboration
i) ii)
Singapores push to become clean and green was driven initially by the need to attract investors. But the more fundamental reason is the need to make every inch of land and every drop of water count. Economic development within its small area of 682 square kilometres means having to ensure that while we extract economic benefit from our resources, it is not at the expense of future generations of Singaporeans. It means far-sighted long-term planning and paying attention to small and multifaceted details. Take Singapores approach to water resources. We have to collect as much of our rainfall as we can, as we have no other domestic sources of water. Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Singapores first prime minister, spelt it out graphically in his memoirs, From Third World to First: I put Lee Ek Tieng, then the head of the Anti-Pollution Unit, in charge of a plan to dam up all our streams and rivers. The plan took about 10 years to implement. He had to ensure that all sewage, sullage and other soiled water from homes and factories emptied into the sewers. Only clean rainwater run-off from the roofs, gardens and open spaces was allowed into the open drains that flowed into dammed-up rivers. By 1980 we were able to provide some 63 million gallons (or 286,000 cubic metres) of water per day, half of our daily water consumption then.
Sustainability can be no mere fad for Singapore. Our very survival depends on it. Two watchwords hold the key in our drive to be sustainable: to conserve, and to balance. To conserve means a wise and judicious stewardship of what resources we have by way of land, nature, water and air. It means minimising wastage and maximising utility value. To conserve, however, may not always mean limiting the use of our resources to the extent of compromising human development needs. It must mean striking the right balance with Nature, giving it the care and respect due to ensure that it does not give up on us. What kind of world will Singapore be 30 years from now? How big a population will our small island be able to support then? Will it be conducive to a good quality of life? How do we ensure that air stays clean and fresh? Will we have enough water to satisfy human and industrial needs? How do we best plan our land use in such a way that it can support a high population density? Will there be land for landfills in future? Or will the land creak under the pressure of industrialisation? These are questions that deeply concern Singapores policy-makers. They should also concern every Singaporean. The chapters that follow explain how Singapore will go about ensuring it stays green and sustainable.
To avert that disaster, Singapores policy towards waste management covers the entire spectrum from generation to recycling to disposal. Because of our limited land only 682 square kilometres - we aim for zero landfill, by minimising the amount of waste generated and recycling as much as is feasible. That way, we need not allocate any of our scarce land resources for landfills. Waste collection takes place daily, and covers all homes, industries, public places and even offshore islands. All high-rise homes and offices come with hygienic garbage disposal chutes while landed houses and commercial premises are equipped with weather- and pest-proof trashcans. Regulations also stipulate how hazardous or bulky waste is to be disposed of. Illegal dumping, once rampant, is no longer a major problem. Singapore recycled about 44 percent of its waste in 2001. Most of the materials recovered came from the industrial and commercial sectors. We target to raise the overall recycling rate to 60 percent by 2012. In tandem with this, we also hope to reduce the need for additional incineration plants, from the current one every 5 to 7 years, to one in 10 to 15 years, and longer if possible.
One day the earth woke up, said Boy I feel half-dead Somebodys turning up the poison And its getting in my head Sometimes I wish my guests Would move away somewhere Yes Im burning up all over I cant even breathe the air.
Food Paper/cardboard Plastics Construction & Demolition Wood/timber Horticultural waste Ferrous metal Non-ferrous metal Used slag Glass Textile/leather Scrap tyres
30,536 446,504 57,031 299,764 21,300 88,793 969,618 101,881 205,411 5,156 415 6,823 2,233,232
Because of scarce land resources, most of the waste that is not recycled is sent for incineration at one of our four incineration plants. This reduces waste to its minimum possible volume and conserves our limited landfill capacity. We hope to reduce the demand for refuse disposal facilities to such an extent that the need to build new facilities is minimised. Getting the message to all Singaporeans is urgent: Not to use and throw, but to reduce, reuse and recycle. Schools, community organisations, waste management and recycling companies, government agencies and the mass media will be partners in this educational drive. Because this land belongs to all Singaporeans, caring for it should be a responsibility that belongs to all.
Instead of the more usual granite, there is a stretch of road in the Jurong Industrial Estate that has as its base material, incineration bottom ash recycled from the Senoko Incineration Plant. That 150-metre stretch along Jalan Buroh is the focus of a pilot project that used 1,200 tonnes of bottom ash as a road-base material, which was then covered with asphalt. But the ash did not go from the incineration plant straight to the road. It was aged for eight to ten weeks before use, to allow normal oxidation, carbonation and hydration processes to occur. These help to improve the physical and chemical properties of the ash. After aging, the ash was processed to remove ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and unburned materials, before being used for the construction of the road-base. The road was opened in May 2002. It is being monitored closely to make sure it is safe. Groundwater quality is monitored regularly to make sure that the processed ash will not cause water pollution. Using bottom ash for roads is common in Germany and the Netherlands, where more than half of the bottom ash generated is used for this and other similar applications. Some American states, such as Texas, Massachusetts and California, use ash to build highways and car parks. Some countries, including Japan, use ash for land reclamation. For Singapore, the chief benefit of using ash for roads is not cost savings, but reducing the amount of ash sent to landfills.
1. Barges carry non-incinerable refuse and ash from the incineration plants to Pulau Semakau every night. When they reach the island, the barges berth inside a transfer building to unload. Large excavators, with specially designed grabs, unload refuse from the barges. 2. The refuse is transported by dump trucks to the landfill cells. Here, bulldozers and compactors level and compact the refuse. 3. Once a cell is full, it will be levelled off with sand. Wild shrubs soon grow on the ground. 4. Mangroves have been planted along the coasts. They serve to rehabilitate an ecosystem affected during development of the landfill, and to act as a biological early warning system should any leachate get into the sea. Early action can then be taken to address the problem.
Singapore takes a cradle-to-grave approach towards toxic waste. Only industries which can manage, store and dispose of their toxic waste effectively are allowed to set up shop here. They are audited annually to ensure their continued safe operations. Singapore also keeps a close eye on new hazardous materials. Controls to prevent and contain their accidental release into the environment will be kept up-to-date. We encourage co-regulation by industry to adopt best practices in the world and to adopt more stringent standards on their own.
will know
Singapore identified 19 sites, totalling 3,130 hectares or 5 percent of our terrain, as Nature Areas 10 years ago. These are areas where natural flora and fauna remain relatively undisturbed by human activity, and which provide food, shelter and breeding sites for diverse biological species. The 19 sites include different ecosystems: primary forests, secondary forests, freshwater swamps, mangroves, and marshlands. Three principles guide our selection of Nature Areas: They must be rich in biodiversity; they must be mature, not transient, sites, and they must be sustainable. Sites identified as Nature Areas will be kept for as long as possible. They represent the balance struck between nature conservation and our other land use needs. Singapores National Parks Board is the scientific authority on nature conservation in Singapore. This role can be traced back 143 years to the birth of the Singapore Botanic Gardens in 1859. It co-ordinates and monitors measures to maintain the health of the Nature Areas.
The Heritage Roads Scheme was initiated by the Garden City Action Committee to safeguard the more scenic and significant tree-lined roads in Singapore. More than 50 such roads have been identified as Heritage Roads. Through the scheme, agencies and developers are encouraged to retain the mature trees and greenery when working out their development plans.
Trees designated as Heritage Trees are of magnificent size, generally with a girth of at least 5 metres when measured 1 metre from the ground. Other considerations include their educational, historical and cultural significance. The charming old Tembusu tree (Fagraea fragrans) pictured here is located in the Singapore Botanic Gardens and is 5.3 metres in girth and 32 metres tall. It is native to Singapore and probably stood in the Botanic Gardens when the Gardens were first laid out in 1859.
First introduced in November 1971, this is an annual affair in which all Members of Parliament and their community leaders plant trees in their constituencies. Saplings planted in November need minimum watering as the rainy season begins then. Mr Lee Kuan Yew, the then prime minister, said at his first tree-planting: We must educate all our people - adults, youngsters and motorists parking their cars - to nurture and care for trees and not to damage them. Then, we shall have a green, cool and luxuriant Singapore by 1980.
The core of Singapores 19 Nature Areas is made up of the Nature Reserves in the Bukit Timah and Central Catchment Areas; here a full 2,100 hectares of forest enjoy legal protection from other development claims. Active management measures include the reforestation of degraded areas, and the gradual re-introduction of indigenous species back into the forests. In 2001, in a historical milestone for Singapore, Sungei Buloh Nature Park and Labrador Nature Park were promoted from Nature Areas to Nature Reserves. They brought to four the number of nature reserves accorded legal protection under the National Parks Act. They were also the first to be accorded that status in post-Independence Singapore.
A network of park connectors is a long-term project that aims to link up all the major parks in Singapore. It will enable people to jog or cycle all round the island. It may also function as a green corridor for wildlife.
Young volunteer divers dive in for a Reef Appreciation Programme at Pulau Hantu to chart the growth and development of coral reefs.
The Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing, also at the National University of Singapore, uses satellite images to track Singapore waters. The diving communities, the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club, Singapore Institute of Biology, Singapore Underwater Federation, the Marine Conservation Group of the Nature Society (Singapore), Singapore Reef Survey and Conservation Project and the Singapore Reef and Marine Conservation Committee are all partners in promoting public awareness of the marine environment.
The tropical island of Singapore has intrigued scientists since the 1800s, among them the great English naturalist Alfred Wallace who came here several times from 1854 to 1862 to collect specimens. It has rewarded visiting scientists with new discoveries, such as that of the pinhead crab, which, at 2mm, proved to be the smallest crab in the world. It was first described here in 1909. In the last 150 years, more than 8,300 species have been recorded in Singapore. These included more than 85 mammals, 360 birds, 920 fishes and 2,300 vascular or higher plants. Scientists believe there are new species out there waiting to be discovered.
Between 1991 and 1997, the National Parks Board coordinated a survey of the flora and fauna at the Nature Reserves, involving the Nature Society (Singapore), the National Institute of Education and many other individuals; this was the first comprehensive biodiversity survey ever carried out in Singapore in recent years, and a necessary step in planning for long-term sustainability. For the fauna alone, the survey chalked up 10 additions to Singapores trove of vertebrates, and 13 rediscoveries of species thought to be extinct in Singapore. Four species of semi-aquatic bugs were new records, of which one - Hydrometra papuana - is very rare not only in Singapore but also in the region. The results of the Nature Reserves Survey facilitated the zoning of the reserves for multiple and varied functions, ranging from recreation and the maintenance of ecological life processes to education and scientific research. A Recreational Masterplan for the Nature Reserves was formulated, taking into account the distribution of sensitive species. Biological databases were established for the taxonomic groups surveyed during this project and these will form the foundations of a proposed National Biodiversity Reference Centre under the National Parks Board. The information will be made available on the Internet and will be accessible to everyone. The centre will act as a clearing house not only for centralising biodiversity data about Singapore, but also for co-ordinating and facilitating research into biodiversity and ecology issues. An inventory of the biodiversity of all the natural areas in Singapore - not just the Nature Reserves - is presently being considered. It will seek to verify and update information on indigenous flora and fauna. Accurate estimates, based on scientific quantitative methods, are important tools in objective and informed decision-making.
Singapore ratified the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora in 1986. It works with wildlife and conservation organisations around the world in regulating the trade in endangered species of flora and fauna. The Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act is in place to regulate the import and export of endangered animals and plants. A list of such animals and plants is maintained and updated constantly.
Singapore is constantly mindful of the environmental impact that land development may have. Studies are done for specific projects which may affect the environment adversely. Steps are then taken to mitigate and minimise their environmental impact. Where industries are concerned, Singapore enforces stringent pollution control measures on companies which plan factories here. They are required to do Quantitative Risk Assessment studies on their hazardous and toxic chemicals and how these are managed and disposed of. They are also required to comply with regulations on their air pollutants, effluent discharge and noise pollution. Some may be required to do pollution control studies to propose and implement measures to prevent, reduce or control pollution. Co-regulation by industry is actively encouraged, as we believe that it is ultimately in industrys self-interest, as it is in the private citizens, to be responsible custodians of their immediate environments.
Keeping our air clean so that birds can continue to thrive in Jurong.
lets build more cars and drive away before we choke suddenly its always night time
Singapore maintains an unceasing vigilance over its air quality standards. In the past, air samples were manually collected and analysed in the laboratory to give general information about air quality. These have grown in sophistication over time, and today, there is the Telemetric Air Quality Monitoring and Management System which comprises 17 remote air monitoring stations linked electronically to a Central Control System.
Fourteen of the stations monitor ambient air quality while three measure the quality of roadside air. The automatic analysers and equipment at the stations measure the concentrations of pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, ozone and respirable suspended particles. In the heart of the Jurong Industrial Estate in the western part of Singapore, where millions of industrial products ranging from sausages to sequins to semi-conductors are churned out everyday, lies the Jurong Bird Park. Here, 8,000 birds from 600 species live on 20 hectares of land, their fate dependent on the effectiveness of Singapores air quality control measures. Because power generation, heating and motor vehicle emissions are the main contributors to air pollution in Singapore, maintaining clean air requires a focus on three particular areas: reducing energy consumption, pursuing cleaner energy, and recovering energy more. Our approach combines emissions curtailment, constant monitoring of air quality, consumer education, and the active encouragement of clean technology.
Singapore aims to keep its air quality high by reducing emissions, using more clean energy sources and promoting greater energy efficiency. We aim for the Pollutant Standards Index to be within the good range at least 85 percent of the time, and within the moderate range for the remaining 15 percent.
We see clean air not only as a competitive advantage but as a key to our sustainability and survival. It is a necessary means of keeping the night at bay.
0 96 97 98 Year 99 00 01
60 g/m3
98 Year
Household appliances are being labelled according to their energy efficiency levels. These labels will provide consumers with factual information on an appliances energy consumption. These energy labels are an extension of the existing Green Label Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Environment Council for environmentally-friendly household products, like biodegradable detergents or recycled containers. Refrigerators and air-conditioners, which account for between 40 to 65 percent of an average household electricity bill, were the first appliances to be labelled for energy efficiency. Other household appliances such as washing machines, water heaters and dishwashers will be included at a later stage.
ExxonMobil Chemical began operating its Singapore Chemical Plant (SCP) on Jurong Island in 2001. Consistent with ExxonMobils worldwide operational practices, the plant maintains high standards of environmental care. The Jurong Island plant comprises five integrated units that deliver a wide range of petrochemical products. The facilitys focus on efficient operations allows it to reduce waste, energy consumption and emissions. ExxonMobil utilises an onsite cogeneration plant to meet its electricity and steam needs rather than relying on conventional power generation, which entails large energy losses. The plants 155-megawatt cogeneration unit provides power to both the chemical plant and the adjacent ExxonMobil refinery. Use of cogeneration produces electricity and steam twice as efficiently as separate conventional power generation units, and reduces carbon emissions. Natural gas, a clean fuel, is used in combination with other gaseous fuel generated from recycled by-products to fire the plants cogeneration unit. Reliance on natural gas as a fuel compared to conventional heavy liquid fuel reduces total sulphur dioxide emissions of up to 36 percent. In ongoing efforts to optimize resources, the Jurong plant also recycles residual and low-value process by-products. For example, residual tar from SCPs ethylene cracker is processed to generate synthetic gas, which is then utilised as a feedstock or fuel resource. In conventional crackers, the residual tar is disposed of as waste by incineration. As part of ExxonMobils commitment to efficient and responsible operations, the facility supports the Public Utilities Boards water conservation initiatives. It has also launched a paper-recycling programme, which has expanded to include participation from other neighbouring companies on Jurong Island.
Singapore currently consumes about 1.4 million cubic metres of water a day, inclusive of industrial water. Besides tapping rainwater from local sources, Singapore also imports water from Malaysia. As Singapores population grows, the challenge in the coming years will be to ensure the sustainability of our water supply. Conservation will continue to be stringently observed, but two other measures will also have high priority: increasing our domestic catchment, and diversifying our sources of supply.
Sad canals green black water Somewhere bicycles and beds Wet and windy afternoons And pigeons coo in garden sheds
About half of Singapores land surface is now used for water catchment. The ratio will increase to two-thirds with the building of more reservoirs, canals and drains to catch and channel rainfall. By 2009, the Marina Basin will be converted into a freshwater reservoir, while new reservoirs will be developed downstream of the present Lower Seletar Reservoir. Reservoirs in Singapore will also be linked up so as to maximise the yield of the various catchment areas.
Singapore is monitoring closely the development of desalinated water for municipal supply around the world, as it is a potentially major alternative source of water. The cost of desalination has declined steadily by more than 50 percent over the last 10 years, and is expected to slide further. The Public Utilities Board is securing 136,000 cubic metres of desalinated water per day by the year 2005.
Water reclamation began more than two decades ago when the Jurong Industrial Water Works started treating used water for supply to factories as industrial water for their washing, cooling and other process purposes. Today, Singapore is at the leading edge of water reclamation. It is a new frontier for sustainable supply in Singapore. Starting with two plants at Bedok and Kranji with a total capacity of 72,000 cubic metres per day, these plants make use of the state-of-the-art dual-membrane technology (microfiltration/ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis) to produce high-grade water, which is called NEWater. Eight wafer fabrication plants and two electronic companies located in northern and eastern Singapore have signed up to buy NEWater as a feedstock for their ultra-pure water needs, an affirmation of their confidence in its quality.
More than 37 square metres of composite polyamide membrane is coiled tightly in each missile tube.
By 2003, the Public Utilities Board will be supplying NEWater to these eight wafer fabrication plants in Tampines, Woodlands and Pasir Ris via a dedicated reticulation system. The NEWater delivery network will be expanded progressively to other industrial estates and commercial hubs throughout Singapore. More NEWater will be produced to cater to Singapores future needs. By 2010, the supply of NEWater to the industrial and commercial sectors is expected to exceed 250,000 cubic metres a day, or more than 15 percent of Singapores total water needs. NEWater could also be considered for indirect potable supply. Water reclamation is sustainable and environmentally-friendly. It is an important source of supply because it multiplies existing supplies, instead of merely adding to it. A 50 percent reclamation rate, for instance, eventually doubles our water supply, while a 75 percent reclamation rate leads to four times the initial amount.
The Public Utilities Board monitors and upgrades its pipelines and water mains constantly to minimise leakages. Any leakage detected will be attended to promptly, saving precious resources. In 2002 alone, it will be spending $542 million on water, drainage and sewerage projects to develop new facilities, enhance the reliability of supply, and increase operational efficiency. These efforts have made Singapores amount of unaccounted-for water one of the lowest in the world.
Pricing has proven to be an effective tool for managing water consumption. The Public Utilities Board raised water tariffs for domestic consumers gradually between 1997 and 2000, bringing them into line with those for non-domestic users. The adjustments resulted in a clear reduction in usage. Water consumption, which had been rising by an average of 4.5 percent annually between 1988 and 1997, tapered off, to 1.2 percent since.
Even as Singapore strives to ensure the sustainability of its water supply, equal attention is also paid to ensuring that our water remains of the highest quality. The range of measures currently in place will be expanded as and when necessary.
Singapores $7-billion Deep Tunnel Sewerage System is its long-term solution for treating every drop of used water cost-effectively. It also holds promise as a potential large-scale supply of used water for reclamation as NEWater.
The scene is straight out of Lord of the Rings. Deep in the bowels of the earth beneath Singapore, tunnels wide enough for cars to drive through are being dug by sophisticated machines. When completed, these tunnels will span the length and breadth of Singapore. No goblins will scurry through them though: Instead, it will be used water from homes and factories that will fill their depths. That used water will course through some 80 kilometres of these tunnels. To conserve energy, gravity has been cleverly called into use. The tunnels slope downwards towards the final treatment plants, of which there are two - one in the east and the other in the west. At these treatment plants, used water undergoes comprehensive physical and biological treatment processes. The challenge is to treat and recover treated used water cost-effectively. In the long term, after the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System is in place, the land on which the existing water reclamation plants and sewage pumping stations sit on can be released for other uses in the land-scarce republic.
To minimise pollution of our inland and coastal waters, the law requires all wastewater from domestic and non-domestic premises to be discharged into sewers. Industries are required by law to pre-treat their trade effluent to stipulated standards before discharging into the sewerage system. Industries which use or store large amounts of chemicals are also barred from being sited within water catchment areas. To prevent farm waste from polluting inland and coastal waters, poultry farmers are required to rear their poultry in covered sheds and remove chicken dung in solid form. For vegetable farms, the import of highly toxic and persistent pesticides, such as chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds, is prohibited. The Ministry of the Environment monitors water quality in and around Singapore closely. Samples are collected from catchment areas, non-catchment areas and coastal waters. These are then subjected to physical, chemical and bacteriological examinations. Benchmarks are reviewed regularly and will be tightened where necessary. Together with a modern and well-maintained sewerage system, and first-rate treatment facilities, these measures have helped to ensure that water piped by the Public Utilities Board to consumers is of a quality that far exceeds standards set by the World Health Organisation.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) awarded Singapore the World No Tobacco Day Medal in 1999 for its achievements in creating a smoke-free environment. The WHO cited its well-enforced legislative measures and the protection of the health of non-smokers. Singapore is one of the few countries in the region where all indoor, air-conditioned public places are smoke-free, it noted.
Sustained and concerted efforts by both Government and people have been effective in keeping our public areas clean. Gone are the indiscriminate littering and the dumping of refuse, which used to be rampant before the 1970s. Dirty roads, choked drains and filthy waterways are now very much things of the past. The sweeping and cleaning of public roads and places, which used to be done by manual labour, was first mechanised in 1972. Today, all expressways and about half of all other roads are swept by mechanised sweepers safely and effectively.
Singapore places much emphasis on food safety. Pesticides in food crops, carcinogens and toxic chemicals in food products, and the migration of chemicals from packaging into food, are all under stringent surveillance. Several lines of defence are in place, from the importation stage to the retail. These are constantly monitored to ensure that Singapore stays ahead in the quest for food safety.
The world is witnessing the emergence of new infectious diseases, and the re-emergence of old ones such as dengue and malaria. There is also the threat of animal-related diseases crossing the species barrier to infect humans. The outbreak of the Nipah virus in Malaysia in 1999 and its spread to Singapore via livestock imports is a case in point. The introduction of the West Nile virus to the United States is another. Singapores high population density of almost 6,000 per square kilometres makes it imperative that diseases are curbed before they spread. We take a comprehensive approach: eliminating vector-breeding sources, comprehensive monitoring, research and diagnostics, and education and legislation.
Singapores vector control efforts focus on mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue haemorrhagic fever. The Anopheles mosquito, which is responsible for malaria, has been kept in check through the regular maintenance of anti-malarial drains, and the surveillance of potential mosquito-breeding places. The World Health Organisation declared Singapore malaria-free in November 1982. This, however, does not mean that Singapore will not have any more cases, as we are located in a tropical region. Malaria requires constant vigilance to guard against. Dengue fever, a viral disease transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, is seeing a resurgence in the tropical regions of the world, including Southeast Asia. Singapore is thus intensifying its efforts to combat the disease. In 1996, the Ministry of the Environment embarked on a $4.7 million nation-wide programme to install anti-mosquito valves in the gully traps on the void decks of all public housing estates to render these mosquito-proof. We are constantly looking for ways to get rid of as many breeding places as possible. At the same time, health education and stringent enforcement actions against those who breed the Aedes mosquito are also implemented. Regional weather patterns, such as the El Nino Southern Oscillation, poses a challenge for the effective control of dengue. Singapore has found that the warmer temperatures brought by the El Nino causes Aedes mosquitoes to mature faster, thus enabling them to spend a longer part of their lifecycle as adults, transmitting dengue viruses. It is a reminder that mosquitoes are highly adaptable, and are able to overcome control measures after a time. It is thus an on-going challenge to keep ahead of their adaptability.
To ensure that diseases are swiftly identified, investigated and contained, Singapore has been improving on its disease-monitoring capabilities. In 1999, for example, the Ministry of the Environment collaborated with the Nanyang Technological University to develop a Geographical Information System. This not only provides more comprehensive information on where in Singapore a particular vector or disease is occurring, it serves also to alert analysts to impending outbreaks. An interesting new project being explored is a syndromic reporting system, called the Rapid Syndrome Validation Project, that will help doctors identify symptoms and signs of potential infectious diseases, including those which might be the result of bio-terrorism.
The Rapid Syndrome Validation Project (RSVP) is Singapores planned response to the heightened threat of environmentrelated diseases and bio-terrorism. Still in the exploratory stage, it is intended to enable rapid response to sudden outbreaks of diseases like botulism and smallpox. The project will involve selected general practitioners who will be enlisted as sentinels to help detect signs of emerging infectious diseases. These doctors will be equipped with a specially-designed software programme that enables them to report - real-time - suspicious or unusual combinations of signs and symptoms in patients. They will also be able to check if similar symptoms are being reported elsewhere, again real-time. These computers form the nodes of an international syndrome-based reporting system, with reportable syndromes configured to detect emerging infectious diseases or bio-terrorisms according to local context. Once a pattern emerges from these reports, action can then be taken rapidly to counter and contain the outbreak.
Countering the invisible enemies of bacteria and viruses calls for sophisticated detective work and the best technology you can get. Singapore continues to work with partners in both the private and public sectors of other countries to enhance surveillance methods and laboratory diagnostic capabilities. New laboratories are being set up and existing ones upgraded to identify dangerous infectious diseases swiftly. One will specialise in food safety, checking that food meant for consumption has not been damaged or contaminated by bacteria and viruses. It will also aim to stop new plant and animal diseases from making their way here to Singapore. Another will be equipped to handle potentially deadly viruses like Japanese encephalitis and the Nipah virus. In co-operation with universities in Singapore, multi-disciplinary research is being undertaken to improve disease surveillance and control. This includes developing a rapid molecular genetic method to detect and type dengue virus infection in Aedes mosquitoes caught in the field, finding a reliable index for epidemic transmission of dengue, using geographical information systems to monitor trends of the Aedes population, and an updated study of the bionomics of the Aedes mosquito.
Environmental consciousness was kindled as schools set up Environment Clubs; social and grassroots bodies, including non-government organisations, joined in with enthusiasm, coming up with programmes on their own or in collaboration with the government. The Singapore Environment Council, which today spearheads a number of citizen initiatives to promote environmental consciousness, was borne out of that ferment, in 1995. To ensure that the flame continues to burn, universities teach environmental subjects to both undergraduates and graduates. Environmental law, environmental engineering and environmental management are fast becoming popular courses to sign up for. This year, as Singapore launches its Green Plan for the next decade, we aim for that consciousness to mature into personal responsibility and civic participation. We aim for a population that is not only environmentally aware, but also committed to positive action and crucial community partnerships.
Close partnership among the people, private and public sectors is absolutely crucial to forging a nation that is environmentally aware and responsible. Within the people sector, every individual can make a difference to the environment in the choices he or she makes in daily living. What to buy, what to discard and what to send for recycling are just some of the decisions that have an impact on environmental sustainability. Non-governmental organisations like the Nature Society (Singapore), Singapore Environment Council, the Waterways Watch Society and the Habitat Forum help to nurture environmental consciousness among Singaporeans. In the private sector, industries and companies are pivotal in the balance of Man with Nature. Their choice of manufacturing processes and materials used determine whether they are responsible corporate residents of Planet Earth or latter-day pirates and plunderers. The government, represented in particular by the Ministry of the Environment, aims on its part to become a network facilitator, helping groups and companies find partners, in Singapore and overseas, to tackle environmental challenges.
Singaporeans doing their bit for the environment.
It will foster closer relationships with employers, employees, civic groups, labour unions, educators and the media to strengthen and deepen the message of environmental sustainability. The 3-P partnership got off to a good start during focus group discussions in 2001. Singaporeans took part actively to suggest what the country could do towards environmentally sustainable development. They were also generous with their feedback on the draft Green Plan in late 2001 and early 2002. Such continuous consultation has been invaluable for surfacing fresh insights and concerns.
ISO 14000
Industries are an indispensable partner in environmentally sustainable development, their co-operation crucial to the latters success. Self-regulation and enlightened environmental management are thus imperative. In line with this, companies in Singapore are being encouraged to seek ISO 14001 certification, which signals a companys compliance with a set of standards for environmentally-friendly management, production and administration. ISO 14001 is part of the internationally established ISO 14000 system, which takes a holistic view of the entire operations of a company. It covers five areas: environmental management system, environmental auditing, environmental performance and evaluation, product labelling, and life-cycle assessment. Achieving ISO 14001 is however not an end in itself. It is a platform from which companies can derive ongoing benefits as well as financial savings through the recycling of materials, reduced energy consumption, and the minimization and proper handling of waste.
National schools play an important part in cultivating environmental responsibility in Singaporeans. Apart from environmental issues being woven into the teaching curriculum, schools also take part in numerous programmes run by the Ministry of the Environment and the Singapore Environment Council in conjunction with Clean and Green Week, World Environment Day and Earth Day. Some schools go even further by making environmental protection a part of their daily routine. To strengthen the emphasis on environmental education, Environment Clubs in schools will be recognised as an optional Co-Curricular Activity, which students can participate in, in addition to other co-curricular activities. At the tertiary level, environmental studies are on an uptrend. Polytechnics and universities teach numerous environmental subjects. The National Institute for Education / Nanyang Technological University in 1998 even made environmental studies a compulsory module for all arts and science undergraduate degree courses.
The Law Faculty at the National University of Singapore offers various courses in Environmental Law for undergraduate and graduate law students as well as for students from other disciplines. Its Asia Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (APCEL) trains law professors and government officers in the region, in collaboration with international bodies such as the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Centre for Environmental Law, better known as IUCN-CEL. In July 2001, the university started a programme leading to a Master of Science in Environmental Management. This unique multi-disciplinary programme involves seven faculties - Arts & Social Sciences, Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science, and the School of Design and the Environment, which hosts the programme. A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, providing for staff and student exchanges and collaboration. One of the core courses is taught by staff from Yale. The first intake included students from China, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Vietnam, the United States and Singapore.
Green Volunteers Network Started in 1997, the Green Volunteers Network now has about 800 volunteers who offer their time and assistance for nature walks and other environmental programmes. Habitat Forum Habitat Forum is a community-action group that aims to alleviate littering problems in Singapore and to foster a culture of civicmindedness for a clean living environment. In 2001, members interviewed littering offenders undertaking their corrective work orders to find out their views on the problem. In 2002, they organised a dialogue session on littering jointly with the Ministry of Community Development and Sports. National Parks Board Through its Nature Awareness Programme, the National Parks Board reaches out to people from all walks of life to promote appreciation of Singapores rich natural inheritance. Groups can take part in Nature Hunts in the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, or take guided walks in the Singapore Botanic Gardens and along the Sensory Trail on Pulau Ubin. Volunteer guides are often at hand to share their passion for nature and wealth of knowledge. Nature Society (Singapore) The Nature Society (Singapore) is a non-government, non-profit organisation dedicated to the appreciation, conservation, study and enjoyment of the natural heritage in Singapore, Malaysia and the surrounding region. First started in 1954 as the Singapore branch of the Malayan Nature Society, it is one of the oldest NGOs in Singapore, as well as one of the most active in nature conservation matters. Waterways Watch Society The Waterways Watch Society patrols Singapore waterways weekly to help keep them clean and free of pollution. They send regular reports to either the Ministry of the Environment or the Maritime and Port Authority based on their patrols.
Thumbs Up for Earth This programme trains pre-school teachers to develop environmental values in our children through fun and creative ways. It involves the use of songs, nursery rhymes, games, storytelling and outdoor activities to nurture and cultivate in our young an appreciation for nature and love of the environment. Journey Through Our Sewers This programme focuses on efforts by the government to improve and manage our wastewater systems over the years. It highlights how wastewater is collected, channelled to and treated at the wastewater reclamation plants. Students get to visit a PUB installation, watch an educational video, and learn from an activity book under this programme. Seashore Life Programme Through a hands-on clean-up session at the beach, this programme teaches students the importance of keeping the beaches clean so that the waters will not be polluted. How Green is Your School? This is a green audit designed to promote awareness of resource conservation in schools. Students calculate the schools usage of water and electricity, and the amount of waste generated. From these findings, they suggest ways to cut down on unnecessary usage, and to reduce and recycle garbage that is generated. The audit has been tied up with an award scheme for participating schools. There are five tiers of awards and schools have the opportunity to upgrade themselves as their environmental performance improves. National Youth Achievement Award Councils Youth Environmental Award Established in 1998, the award recognises young people (aged 14 to 25) who have distinguished themselves in the area of environmental protection and nature conservation in Singapore. Singapore Environment Lecture The annual lecture, started in 1998, hopes to introduce new perspectives and ideas on business and the environment, and to facilitate networking and keep industry leaders and Singapore abreast of innovations and developments that synergise good environmental practice, excellent management and good business. The programme is on-going. Singapore Environmental Achievement Award The award is given annually to recognise the efforts of local companies and government agencies to improve the environmental performance of their processes and practices. In addition to improved environmental performance, the Award also recognises management commitment, business viability and transferability of specific initiatives.
Many environmental problems are today transboundary in nature, and call for closer co-operation at the regional and global levels. Singapore believes strongly that partnerships at the bilateral, regional and international levels are crucial in overcoming such environmental challenges. We detail some of these partnerships in the sections below.
Environmental challenges confronting the world today are increasingly complex and far-reaching in their impact. Those receiving greater attention include global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, improper disposal of hazardous wastes and various forms of transboundary pollution. Singapore is committed to joining international efforts in addressing these challenges. Along with other nations, we are parties to various multilateral agreements and we believe firmly in doing our utmost to fulfill our obligations under these important international treaties. Some treaties to which we are a party to include the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, and the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. Singapore is currently working towards acceding to two relatively new conventions: the Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent (Procedures for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides) in International Trade, which opened for signing in 1998, and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, which opened for signing in 2001.
Singapore ratified the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1989. By 1996, we had The United States Environmental Protection completed a series of measures in line with that protocol, Agency honoured Singapore with the Stratosphere well ahead of the schedule for developing countries. Ozone Protection Award for Corporate Leadership in ODS Phase-Out in 1995, in recognition of its achievements in eliminating ozone-depleting substances from the environment. In 1997, Singapore was awarded the Outstanding National Ozone Unit Award for its commitment and efforts made in the phasing out of ODS such as Halons and CFCs.
Since 1977, ASEAN member states have been working together on various environmental issues of mutual concern through the framework provided for under the ASEAN Sub-Regional Environment Programme. This regional framework was further enhanced with the adoption of the ASEAN Vision 2020 by the leaders of ASEAN member states in December 1997. This Vision charts the direction for ASEAN to be clean and green, with fully established mechanisms for sustainable development to ensure the protection of the regions environment, the sustainability of its natural resources and the high quality of life of its people. More recently, ASEAN member states signed the landmark ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution which sets out a legal framework for greater collaboration to prevent, monitor and mitigate the haze problem. Singapore is an active participant in environmental fora under the ASEAN framework and played a key role in the formulation of the Strategic Plan of Action on the Environment or SPAE (1999 - 2004), which details a set of common strategies and environmental programmes towards realising the Vision. The SPAE covers activities in areas such as land/forest fires and transboundary haze, coastal and marine environment, nature conservation and biodiversity, and multilateral environmental issues. Singapore will continue to work closely with its ASEAN neighbours on issues of common environmental concern.
3) The Small Island Developing States Technical Co-operation Programme, which was launched in 1999. It provides training opportunities to 300 government officials from the small island developing states over five years. Apart from technical assistance and co-operation programmes, Singapore also shares its experience and expertise in environmental management at various international fora. More recent ones include: 1) UNEP-organised regional workshop on municipal solid waste management, in Manila in September 2001 2) World Bank-organised Clean Air Regional Workshop on Fighting Urban Air Pollution, in Bangkok in February 2001 3) Workshop on motor vehicle control and technology, in Hong Kong in September 2000, organised by the Hong Kong Environment Protection Department 4) Asia Pacific Conference on Transportation and Environment, in Beijing in April 2000, organised by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
Singapore recognises that many developing countries require technical and financial assistance in dealing with environmental problems effectively. With its strategic location, as well as existing environmental infrastructure and training facilities, Singapore continues to be proactive in facilitating the transfer of technology from the developed world to the region through the staging of environmental activities and events. Since the early 1990s, Singapore has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and Agreements with countries such as Germany, Australia, and Vietnam to foster closer co-operation in the transfer of environmental technology to the region.
Singapore enjoys a good working relationship with the US on environmental matters through the US-Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP) programme, under which US experts share their knowledge on issues such as the management of hazardous chemicals and ambient air quality monitoring. The chemical and petrochemical industries have benefited particularly from workshops on emergency planning and response, and the control of emissions such as fine particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size (PM2.5) and trace organic emissions.
Retaining natural habitats poses special challenges for land-scarce Singapore. But they are not insurmountable ones. Working with botanists and other experts, the National Parks Board has taken proactive measures to assist in the regenerating of nature. Indigenous species have been re-introduced into nature areas. Mangroves along some coastal areas which were affected by land reclamation have also been given a helping hand.
Singapores efforts at environmentally-friendly development have not gone unnoticed. A 2001 study done by the multinational Greening of Industry Network, in co-operation with Thailands Chulalongkorn University and the United States-Asia Environmental Partnership, cited Singapore as a model in how to handle the environment while pursuing economic progress. Their study, published in January 2001, also developed an index for measuring the synergy between economic and environmental improvement. Singapore emerged eighth in the list of 36, which Japan topped. The report noted: Singapore is an advanced country. The type of technology industries use tends to be newer, more eco-friendly and produces much less waste than the older technology used in some other countries. Singapore is encouraged by positive affirmation such as the above. It strengthens our resolve to be innovative as we scour the world for best practices we can learn from and adapt to Singapores unique conditions.
appreciated fully Singapores resource limitations or the extent of the efforts that the island republic makes in striving towards sustainability. We felt that it was a mistake to compare Singapore, a city-state, with countries which are geographically bigger and betterendowed. We argued - and passionately believe - that it is possible for a city-state to protect its environment while striving for economic progress. The two are not necessarily incompatible if we work at it. This, after all, was a country that had placed environmental laws high on its order of priorities after Independence in 1965, and that indeed had located its Anti-Pollution Unit within the Prime Ministers Office - how could it be on the threshold of environmental disaster so soon? After considering Singapores unique features, the ESI team did a re-rating. When the study team issued its inaugural report two months later, the republic emerged 65th out of 122. This year, 2002, the team decided, for better comparison, to leave out all countries smaller than 5,000 square kilometres in size, which included Singapore. But still, the ESI study was a sober reminder of the limits to economic growth that Nature has put in the way of Man. It spurred us to take a closer look at our environment. The reason is simple: We want a Singapore that is beautiful - and prosperous - not only for ourselves, but for our children and grandchildren. We have to think long-term. The Green Plan we have outlined for the next 10 years highlights our commitment to that long term. In it, we have striven to strike the right balance between Man and Nature, and between present and future. Our pursuit of environmental sustainability will bring us into areas yet untried in Singapore, such as the utilisation of new energy sources and the development of alternative water supplies. Experimentation and innovation will go hand in hand with resource conservation and nature protection; the sooner we tie up with new technology, applications and services, the faster we can learn their strengths and weaknesses, and adapt them to suit our requirements. All the best technologies in the world, however, will mean nothing if there is no human drive to extract the most benefit from them. The government will therefore be placing strong emphasis on educating Singaporeans, inculcating in them the commitment to and responsibility for the environment that can be transmitted to future generations, and be translated into a life-long spirit of innovativeness in sustaining Singapore. The business and civic communities have been at the forefront of many environmental initiatives in recent years, and are crucial co-players with the government in the countrys drive for environmental sustainability. This tripartite collaboration will continue to be strengthened. Singapore, the Garden City, has beaten the odds to come this far. In the coming years, we will continue to exercise wise and judicious stewardship of our resources, and optimise the balance between Man and Nature. With intelligent innovation and strategic partnerships, we will prevail over our limitations. We believe Singapore will continue not only to provide us with good living standards and a quality living environment; it will also endure for many more decades to come.
A Kuroki Abdul Rashid Ibrahim Adele Tan Shiao Ling Akbar Jhon Alvin Tan Amy Hing Andrew Chan Y K Ang Siew Kwai Angela Goh Angeline Ang Anne Liew B. K. Ng Belinda Yuen Benedict Lee Benedict Tan BP Singapore Pte Ltd Bruce Anderson Byong C J Ng Capt Khong Shen Ping Casey Tang Chan Kean Chan Kim Chwee Stephen Chang Siew Wen Chang Soo Yee Charles Foo Cheng Aik Toong Cheong Koon Hean Cheong Loong Fah Chew Ping Ting Chia Ah Tee Chia Hock Jin Chia Wee Boon Chiang Kok Meng Chim Chee Kong Chou Loke Ming Chris Keong Christina Goh Chua-Lim Yen Ching Col (Ret) Chua Tiong Guan Citiraya Holdings (S) Pte Ltd Colin Chee Cpt Chua Eng Kat Cynthia Lee DaimlerChrysler David Yan Desmond Chan Diong Cheong Hoong Edwin Khew Eileen Leow Eric Lim Eugene Heng Eugene Seah Eugene Tay Euston Quah ExxonMobil Chemical Singapore Pte Ltd F. Y. Szeto Fong Wing Chor Foo Kim The Ministry of the Environment wishes to thank all who have assisted in Boon Foong Hin Cheong Francis Phun Teow Kie one way or another in the production of this book. In particular, we are Fung John Chye G Jagathisan Geh Min Gek Fong Georges indebted to the following for their expertise and knowledge which they shared so generously: Grosliere Gilbert Tan Goh Boey Keng Goh Hee Puay, Alan Goh Jiu Kiat Goh Lay Guan Goh Lih Shiun Goh Agri Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore Toh How Grace Tan Grant W Pereira Haryati bte Asia Pacific Centre for Environmental Law Building and Construction Authority Mohamed Heng Chye Kiou Ho Kheng Hian Ho Energy Market Authority Siew Lian Hong Yu Shun Howard Shaw Institute of Housing Development Board Land Transport Authority Environmental Science and Engineering Iris Goh Jac Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Lau Hong Fai Jack Chuang Jagdish Ramakrishnan Ministry of Education James Soh Jan Tan Jarrod Wee Jeffrey Chua Leong Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of National Development Chuan Jeffrey Lee Jenny Soh Jeraldine Ong Jonathan Ministry of Trade and Industry R Matias Jonson Lai Joseph Lai Tuck Kwong Josephine Ministry of Transport Kwa June Sim June Tay Justin Taylor K. National Environment Agency National Parks Board Vaithilingam Katherine Ng Kathy Lai Kay Julia Diaz Nature Society (Singapore) Kay Kuok Kelvin Ang Kelvin Sim Kheng Hua Iseli Peoples Association Kho Soo Pei Khoo Hong Woo Koay Sim Huat Koh Public Utilities Board Review Committee for Conservation and Waste Minimisation Kheng Lian Koh Swee Guan Kok King Min Lai Chun Review Committee for Environmental and Clean Technology Wah Lai Lee Tan Lam Keng Gaik Lam Kit Wing Lam Review Committee for Environmental Education Review Committee for Nature Conservation Meng Seng Lau Khoon Chor Lawrence Koh Lee Bee Hua Singapore Environment Council Lee Bee Wah Lee Hee Boy Lee Hin Peng Lee Kai Meng Singapore Tourism Board Lee Keng Hai Lee Tzu Yang Lee Wai Chin Leo Tan Waste Management and Recycling Association of Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority Leonard Lau Leow Meng Hong Liew Chee Yin Lim Chiow Giap Lim Choon Lim Hock Chye Lim Hock Kee We also express our gratitude to the three Focus Group Chairmen, Mr Chia Lim Hung Siang Lim Quee Huat Lim Soon Chung Lin Wee Boon, Mr Simon Tay and Prof Leo Tan, and hundreds of Singaporeans who contributed valuable insights and suggestions, through the focus groups Yangchen Lo Nam Fatt Loh Tse Lynn Loh Wah Sing Loh and directly to the Ministry through letters and email. Without them, the Wai Kiew Lok Kek Seng Loo Fey Shien Loo Kit Wan Green Plan would not have been possible. Look Boon Gee Low Koh Lip Low Seow Chay Low Our thanks also to Ms Chua Lee Hoong for writing the book, and the British Tien Sio LTC Chan Yoon Kum Lye Lin Heng Lynette rock band, Electric Light Orchestra, for use of its powerfully-evocative Thomas Mah Yu Ling Mak Yue Chong Mathew Yap song lyrics. May Yap Melissa Wong Michael Loke Michael Last but not least, we would also like to thank the following agencies, Wong Mike Ng Muhd Jamal bin Abdullah Neo Koon Boo organisations and persons for their photo contributions: Ng Cheng Siong Ng Kim Choon Ng Teck Lee Ng Tju National Parks Board Public Utilities Board Lik Noelene De Foe Ong Lip Hua Ong See Hee Ong Sin Singapore Tourism Board Singapore Zoological Gardens Seng Ooi Ah Guat Ooi Chwee Kim Ooi Giok Ling Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve Berita Harian P Menon Pamelia Lee Patrick H M Loh Paul Tan The Business Times The New Paper The Straits Times BP Singapore Pte Ltd Penelope Phoon Peter Govindasamy Peter Sim ExxonMobil Chemical Singapore Pte Ltd Tuas Power Limited Peter Voegele Poh Po Ting Poh Seng Choon Rai Little Skool House Mr Lam Chuan Leong Mr Francis L. K. Lim Shriniwas Raymond Chua Seng Chye Rebecca Yip Richard E Hale Richard Hoo Robin Cheng Wak Heng Rodney Seow S Ganesh S J Hwang Sally Sally Tan Saw Teong Chin Alvin Seah Bee Leng Seow Kah Ping SembCorp Cogen Pte Ltd Shawn Lum Shawnna Sim Choon Siong Sim Pern Yiau Simon Tay Stan G Tebbe Stephen Wong Su Chee Chang Susan de Silva Susan Yang Suzaina Bte Abdul Kadir Sydney Chew Sze Thian Siong T.K.Ng Tam Li Phin Tan Ah Chor Tan Chee Chiang Tan Cheng Guan Tan Ee Khoon Tan Gee Paw Tan Hiang Seng Tan Hup Foi Tan Kim Sing Tan Peng Hwa Tan Sing Ong Tay Joo Hwa Tay Tong Seng Teh Joo Jing Teo Chai Seng Teo Yock Ngee Teoh Zsin Woon Tham Poh Kuan Thomas Frischmuth Thomas L Nelson Tjong Kiun Jin Tom Ng Tommy Chng Tow Yin Tuas Power Limited Valentine Ng Victor Lim Victor Savage Voo Soon Sang Walter Yam Wang Hui Hua William Tan Wong Chong Wei Wong Kin Nyen Wong Kok Choen Wong Teck Hong Wong Teo Suan Wong Tuan Wah Wong Won Koon Woon Shih Lai Xie Rong Jing Yap Swee Cheng Yeo Ker Soon Yeoh-Looi Mei Fong Yio Su-San
Cover design: The green crested lizard, also known locally as sumpah-sumpah, is native to Singapore and the Southeast Asian region. Bright green, it often turns brown, grey or black when under threat. Its ability to change colour has led to it being labelled a chameleon, a mistake as the latter is found only in Africa, Southern Europe, and South and Southwest Asia. Two other commonly-held but also mistaken beliefs are that it is a blood-sucker and that its bite is poisonous. During the breeding season, the male acquires a crimson throat and cheeks and courts by inflating the pouch under his throat while moving towards the female, bobbing his head. Once the commonest agamid on Singapore island, the green crested lizard is facing increasing competition from the more robust and aggressive Changeable Lizard in the urban areas. It is however still holding its own in the forest areas. Engaged in continuous battle against uncompromising conditions, the green crested lizard epitomises the spirit behind the Singapore Green Plan 2012. It symbolises Singapores tenacity and ability to harmonise the seemingly incompatible demands of urbanisation, economic development and environmental sustainability to produce a nation with good living standards and a quality living environment that will endure for many decades to come.
Published 2002 Ministry of the Environment Writer Chua Lee Hoong All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, without the written permission of the copyright holder, application for which should be addressed to the publisher. Such written permission must be obtained before any part of this publication is stored in a retrieval system of any nature. Ministry of the Environment 40 Scotts Road Environment Building Singapore 228231 Republic of Singapore ENV Online: ISBN 981-04-6905-5