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The Singapore Green Plan 2030 - Zero Waste Consultant

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The Singapore Green Plan 2030

 Remi Cesaro April 2, 2021

On the 10th of February 2021, the government unveiled its new comprehensive national plan, the
Singapore Green Plan 2030. It was spearheaded by the five ministries, and supported by the whole

Ministry of Education
Ministry of National Development
Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment
Ministry of Trade and Industry
Ministry of Transport

The Green Plan seeks to achieve concrete key targets over the next 10 years, strengthening
Singapore’s commitments under the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and Paris
Agreement, and to achieve long-term net zero emissions aspiration as soon as viable.

It comprises of five key pillars:

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City in Nature – Creating a green and beautiful City in Nature for Singaporeans.
Energy Reset – Utilising cleaner and better energy to tackle climate change in Singapore.
Sustainable Living – Become a circular economy, with high rate of recycling, effective resource
management and waste reduction.
Green Economy – The Singapore government will introduce a new Enterprise Sustainability
Programme, to help enterprises, especially SMEs, embrace sustainability and develop
capabilities in this area.
Resilient Future – Singapore will put physical defences to protect coastlines along City-East
Coast, around Lim Chu Kang, Sungei Kadut, and Jurong Island.

The Green Plan also aims to reinforce national sustainability efforts and mitigation measures with
several initiatives and targets, including:

Reduce waste sent to our landfill per capita per day by 20% by 2026, with the goal of reaching
30% by 2030.
“80-80-80 by 2030” for infrastructure and building. This target include:
Greening 80% of all buildings by 2030 (covering buildings with vegetation)
80% of building to be classified as Super Low Energy by 2030
Best-in-class buildings to see a 80% energy efficiency improvement compared to 2005.
Produce 30% of our nutritional needs by 2030 locally (30-by-30 target).
Introduce an Enterprise Sustainability Programme, to help enterprises, especially SMEs,
embrace sustainability and develop capabilities in this area.

You can access the list of initiatives and targets under each pillar by visiting this website:

The information below (also available on this link: https://www.greenplan.gov.sg./cos/) offers a simple
way to visualise the targets and goals.

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Due to its geography as a low laying state, Singapore is particularly vulnerable to the impact of climate
change, hence the main reason for strengthening its commitments on sustainability. As a business in
Singapore, you can take advantage of this government initiative to:

Adopt environmentally friendly habits in the workplace – waste, water and energy reduction
and proper management can make a huge difference.
Practice 3R
Boost Energy Efficiency
Encourage Recycling
Conserve Water
Build Organisational Awareness
Conscious Purchasing
Empower businesses by upskilling staff and adopting innovative practices – the government is
committed to working with enterprises throughout their transformation journeys (rules and
licensing framework, speed up processes and other new business ideas). International
Enterprise Singapore and SPRING came together on 1 April 2018 as a single agency to form
Enterprise Singapore. It is a government agency championing enterprise development. They

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offer financial or non-financial assistance for start-ups, local companies, etc. Visit their site to
learn more: https://www.enterprisesg.gov.sg/financial-assistance/grants

Overall, the Green Plan reiterates government’s previous programmes, schemes, and initiatives which
were already highlighted in the Zero Waste Masterplan, such as:

New regulatory obligations:

Mandatory Packaging Reporting
Mandatory Waste Reporting
Funding program from the NEA: 3R Fund.

The information above is a summary taken from the Singapore Green Plan 2030 website:

Watch the official video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNFeOl7pW9s

Want to share your ideas for the Singapore Green Plan 2030? Click the link:

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About Zero Waste City

Zero Waste City is a consulting business specialised in waste reduction for commercial and industrial
facilities. We help companies to save money by reducing waste and to achieve Zero Waste goals. Our
services include:

Our services include:

Waste audit (quantifying waste streams and identifying immediate cost saving opportunities)
Compliance with regulations such as:
Mandatory Packaging Reporting
Mandatory Waste Reporting

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Mandatory Food Waste Segregation

Project implementation and on-going support
Measurement and Verification of savings
Guidance to achieve Zero Waste goals and certifications.

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