Classroom Observation Form
Classroom Observation Form
Classroom Observation Form
The purpose of this exercise is to assist you in identifying the strategies different teachers use so that you can make the most of your time observing other teachers and glean usable ideas for your own classrooms. This form will guide you in selecting specific dynamics in order to make your experience more manageable. READ OVER this document. Become familiar with the questions. Record your observations. After the three observations are complete, write a reflection stating specific benefits you gained through this exercise. Cite specific things you would like to incorporate in your own classroom. Feel free to include proactive plans that would assist you in avoiding any negative situation you may observe. Go to Click Course Info, Click Current Semester, Click Forms next to Practicum, Select Classroom Observation Form from the list. Use Save as option to save it on your computer. Type directly into the form and submit hard copy when due. Click here (online) to review observation strategies.
Seating arrangement, windows, displays, location of desk, obvious equipment
1. Describe the professional conduct of the teacher, i.e. uses of authority, language, appearance, attitude towards students, attitude towards subject matter, etc. 2. Describe the teachers relationship with students in the class, i.e. stance, comments, tone, responses directed to individual students, attitude towards, collaborative work, etc. 3. What are the methods of instructionlecture, collaborative work, writing workshop, etc.? How well does the teacher use class time, i.e. ratio of instructional methods, pacing, etc.? 4. How does the teacher accommodate a variety of student learning styles in the classroom? 5. How does the teacher manage transitions? 6. How does the teacher integrate todays discussion with prior and subsequent topics listed on the syllabus? 7. Does the teacher demonstrate familiarity with course material?