Unit Pricing
Unit Pricing
Unit Pricing
What it costs?
Total selling price (subtotal) The cost of your items pre sales tax
Sales tax rate A tax on the selling price of an item or service that you purchase
Total purchase price (total) Selling price plus the sales tax
Subtotal is $719.15 Sales tax rate is 7% Sales tax is (719.15 * .07) = 50.3405 or $50.34 Total purchase price = $719.15 + $50.34 = $769.49
Unit Pricing
Unit price-a system that allows shoppers to compare the prices of various items quickly and easily
Garbage bags (2o count) $3.49 v. Garbage bags (56 count) $6.49
Unit Price
Total Price
$3.49 $6.49
Count 20 56
Better Buy
Unit Price
Total Price
$3.99 $6.99
fl oz 64.00 128.00
Better Buy
Item Measure Unit Price Total Price Best Buy
8.50 oz
25.50 oz 50.00 fl oz 100.00 fl oz 1 ea. 3 ea.
$5.49 $8.99 $15.49 $0.99 $2.79
14 oz
20 oz
More Practice
Derron wants to purchase some batteries. A 6pack costs $4.77. An 8-pack costs $5.67. A package of four 4-packs costs $7.95. Create a chart to show your work and indicate which is the best buy?
On your own
Steffon is buying potato chips. He notes that the following sizes are for sale: 1 ounce for $0.50, 5 ounce for $1.00, and a 2-pack of the 5 ounce size for $1.88. Create a chart to show your work and indicate which size is the best buy?