Articles From Wire Reinforcement Institute
Articles From Wire Reinforcement Institute
Articles From Wire Reinforcement Institute
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
How To Specify, Order & Use Welded Wire Reinforcement In Light Construction
Welded Wire Reinforcement (WWR) Widely Used Literally millions of square feet of residential slabs, driveways, sidewalks, patios and slabs for light construction are reinforced with welded wire reinforcement (WWR). Welded wire reinforcement must be properly placed if it is to perform effectively. This publication will briefly discuss the reasons for using welded wire reinforcement, its benefits and how to place it properly. WWR Used To Control Cracking Concrete by its very nature tends to crack. In residential and light construction, cracking is due primarily to drying shrinkage, temperature and moisture changes, weak subgrades and sometimes poor quality concrete. Steps can be taken to reduce cracking while other procedures control cracking. The primary purpose of welded wire reinforcement in slabs is to control cracking and crack width-in both directions. Welded wire reinforcement keeps the cracked sections of a slab closely knit together so that the slab will act as a unit.
Welded wire reinforcement should be placed 1/3 the depth from top of slab. Welded wire reinforcement puts more strength in your concrete.
WWR Helps Aggregate Interlock When a slab cracks, the faces within the crack are jagged. If the sections on each side of the crack are held closely together, the jagged faces of the concrete are interlocked which helps transfer loads across the crack. This factor is called aggregate interlock. As the crack becomes wider the interlock between the faces of the crack decreases and becomes less effective. In residential and light construction, aggregate interlock is usually ineffective when the crack width exceeds 1/16 in. (0.06). Welded wire reinforcement holds the cracks closely together so that aggregate interlock will function properly. Closely knit cracks are also less noticeable, and they minimize the movement of water through the slabs at cracks.
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Some Thoughts for Builders About Welded Wire Reinforcement Probably every builder has at one time or another said, If I eliminate the welded wire reinforcement, Ill save some money, or someone might have said, Take out the WWR and add another inch of concrete, its cheaper. Someone else might have said, The stuff stays down on the bottom and doesnt do much good. Lets critically look at these statements. Proper Placement is Essential Welded wire reinforcement should be placed in the middle one third of a 4 to 6 inch thick concrete slab or driveway. WWR, partially buried in the subgrade, has little value. The reinforcement should be placed to reinforce the concrete, not the subgrade. When welded wire reinforcement is properly placed, it does its job and does it well. Thicker Slabs vs. Reinforcement This argument frequently arises but it overlooks three key points about cracking: Most cracks formed in residential and light construction are due to drying shrinkage and temperature changes. Both four and five inch slabs will contract the same amount due to drying shrinkage, and will contract equally as the temperature drops. Thickening the slab does not change shrinkage and temperature contraction and reinforcement is still needed. The material cost of reinforcement is almost always less than the material cost of extra concrete. As a matter of fact, the in-place cost of welded wire reinforcement may be less than the material cost of an extra inch of concrete and the WWR reinforces the entire slab. For example, the material cost of an inch of concrete per square foot is $0.15-0.18 when concrete reinforcement used is small. Two widely used styles of reinforcement used in residential and light construction are 6x6 W1.4 x W1.4 (10 gauge) and 6x6 W2.9 x W2.9 (6 gauge). These sheets of WWR only weigh 0.21 lb and 0.42 lb per square foot respectively. We suggest that you compare total costs. A reinforced slab may cost the same or less than a slightly thicker unreinforced slab and there is a difference.
Some Additional Reasons to Use WWR The main purpose of reinforcement is crack control. Crack control is important in a residence. A home is generally a familys largest investment and is a source of great pride. Concrete slabs with cracks or uneven surfaces are a matter of no little concern to homeowners. The proper placement of welded wire reinforcement in slabs will go a long way in reducing this concern. WWR Reinforcement will: Improve performance of concrete work which means higher owner satisfaction. Reduce or even eliminate callbacks for repairs by dissatisfied customers. Make compliance with NAHBs Home Owners Warranty (H.O.W.) provisions easier because of improved crack control. H.O.W. requires repairs when cracks exceed limits of H.O.W.s Performance Standards (see Table 1). Require fewer joints. The only practical way to control cracking in plain concrete is to use joints at very close intervals generally less than 15 ft. apart. Joints are acceptable in sidewalks and driveways. Joints are not particularly desirable in floor slabs, porches, carports and garages. Welded wire reinforcement reduces the need for many joints in these slabs.
Table 1
Any crack which significantly impairs appearance or performance of the finish flooring material is not acceptable.
Published by Home Owners Warranty Corporation, National Housing Center, Washington, D.C. 20005
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Proper Placement The proper placement of welded wire reinforcement is relatively simple and inexpensive. There is no acceptable reason for its improper placement. Welded wire reinforcement should be placed in the middle third of 4 to 6 inch slabs. Two inches below the surface is recommended in most cases. The most common ways of placing WWR are: (1)chairing WWR, (2)placing concrete in two courses and placing WWR on the first course. Chairs or concrete blocks cost very little. Reinforcement is placed in a slab primarily to control cracking. When considering the cost of concrete, reinforcement, and vapor barriers, the cost ensuring proper placement is a small, but important, part. Properly placed WWR can make a tremendous difference in slab performanceand for only cents per square foot. Depressing or walking-in WWR and hooking WWR are not methods of placement. Neither method is considered accurate for proper placement.
Table 2
proper placement within the slab. The spacing will depend upon the wire size and the wire spacing. Common practice is to place supports 2 to 3 feet apart. Placing WWR in Two-Course Work This is usually the most effective way of placing WWR. It does require more time. The first course of concrete is placed generally to mid-depth or perhaps slightly more. The WWR is then placed and the second course should be placed before the lower course starts to harden to prevent formation of a cold joint between the courses.
Proper Location of WWR in Slab Slab Thickness Location of WWR 4 Middle of slab 5 2 below top surface 6 2 below top surface
Chairing WWR The most widely used method is to chair or support WWR. A number of concrete accessory suppliers sell chairs and supports for this purpose. The supports are usually steel wires or plastic units and should have a solid base so they will not sink into the subgrade or subbase. Base plates are particularly important when a sand subbase is placed over the subgrade. The chair or support should not puncture the vapor barrier if one is used. Small concrete blocks with an imbedded wire or grooved on top are used for supports and require no base plates. These are the most economical and effective way to bolster welded wire reinforcement for slabs on grade. A very simple chair or support is simply a piece of concrete 2 or 3 inches thick and about 4 x 4 inches square. Many other styles of supports are available and effective. The important part is the use of support to achieve
Various supports for welded wire reinforcement. Place supports 2-3 feet apart for proper positioning of welded wire reinforcement during concrete placing. Concrete block, wire or plastic supports to hold reinforcement. These units are economical and effective.
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
WWR is sold in rolls or sheets. Roll width varies in the area where it is sold and is generally 5 to 7 ft. Roll length is normally 150 or 200 ft. Rolls or sheets are easy to haul and store. The biggest advantage of sheets is the fact that there is no need to unroll and straighten the WWR. Sheets are thus easier to place and give better placement control. Sheets are commonly 5 to 10 feet wide and 10 to 20 feet long. Also, 25 foot sheet lengths are common and available from stock in the Western, USA. Other sizes are available. In other instances, WWR is produced specifically for an individual job or project. When specifying non-stock items, the volume must be sufficient to justify production at an economical cost. In many instances the WWR producer must draw wire to produce special orders. In addition, the machine must be stopped and the wires changed for the next order of WWR. Quantity requirements vary with different producers. Generally, a minimum quantity of 40,000 lb. is required to produce a special order involving a major change, such as a change in longitudinal wire size or spacing. The minimum quantity on minor changes involving the same size longitudinal wire is considerably less. Minor changes might be a change in size or spacing of transverse wires, length of side or end overhangs, or length changes. The production of WWR has a facet similar to precast production or the use of forms in cast-in-place work the greater the repetition the less the cost It is therefore urged that a minimal number of styles be used for maximum economy, thus saving on the cost of WWR. Equally important, fewer styles reduce on-site or inplant costs, since there are fewer pieces to inventory and handle, ensuring quality control.
Table 3
Requirements for 4-Inch Thick Lightly Reinforced Slab-On-Ground Maximum Style Of WWR Dimension Up 36 ft. 46 ft. 61 ft. to to to to 35 45 60 75 ft. ft. ft. ft. 6 6 6 6 6 6 x x x x x x 6 6 6 6 6 6 W1.4 W2.0 W2.5 W2.9 W3.0 W4.0 x x x x x x W1.4 W2.0 W2.5 W2.9 or W3.0 W4.0
Intermediate Control Joints Intermediate control (or contraction) joints can be formed or sawcut in concrete reinforced with WWR for additional crack control. Sidewalks and driveways which are sometimes quite long should have control joints. The WWR continues across the control joint and is very helpful in the control of vertical displacement due to the dowelling action of the WWR. For heavier styles of WWR it may be necessary to cut 1/3 to 1/2 of the wires to guarantee full depth crack control. How to Specify and Order Welded Wire Reinforcement Welded wire reinforcement is a prefabricated reinforcing material, and thus the method of specifying and ordering it is different from other types of reinforcement. It is available in both rolls and sheets. Some styles of WWR are commonly stocked by WWR producers, supply houses, distributors and fabricators. Table 4 lists many of the commonly stocked items.
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Specifications The American Society for Testing and Materials publishes specifications for the wire used to manufacture WWR for both smooth and deformed welded wire reinforcement . The Canadian Standards Association publishes similar standards for use in Canada. The corresponding titles and numbers are given in Table 5. These are considered to be the governing specifications for both wire and welded wire reinforcement. Some governmental agencies have special specifications which will control if cited. Minimum Strengths Welded wire reinforcement is a high strength reinforcement material. The minimum yield strength for smooth welded wire reinforcement is 65,000 psi.
Wire Size Designation In 1970 ASTM changed from the gauge system to a more rational numbering system which relates to the cross-sectional area of the wire. The new numbering system was designed to simplify the use of welded wire reinforcement. The designation of wire sizes by gauges gives no pertinent information such as diameter or cross-sectional area. In addition, the cross-sectional area of most gauges are given in complex numbers. i.e., 2 gauge=0.054sq. in., 2/0 gauge=0.086 sq. in. (both in cross-sectional areas). It is also difficult to relate gauges and cross-sectional areas, and this often requires frequent reference to tables.
The current system involves a letter-number combination. ASTM uses the letter W to designate smooth wire and the letter D to designate deformed wire. The number following Table 4. Common Styles of Welded Wire Reinforcement the letters W or D gives the crosssectional area of the wire in hunSteel Area Sq. In. Per Ft. Style Designation dredths of a square inch. For Weight Approx. New Designation Old Designation instance, a W5.0 is a smooth wire Lbs. Per (by W-Number) (by Steel Wire Gauge) Longit. Trans. 100 S.F. with a cross-sectional area of 0.05 sq. in. A W5.7 wire has a cross- sec6X6 - W1.4xW1.4 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 .028 .028 21 tional area of 0.057 sq. in. D6.0 6X6 - W2 x W2 6x6-8x8 .040 .040 29 would indicate a deformed wire with 6X6 - W2.9xW2.9 6x6-6x6 .058 .058 42 a cross-sectional area of 0.06 sq. in. 6X6 - W4xW4 6x6-4x4 .080 .080 58 4X4 - W1.4xW1.4 4 x 4 - 10 x 10 .042 .042 31 WWR should be specified using the 4X4 - W2xW2 4x4-8x8 .060 .060 43 W or D numbers designation rather than gauge number. Table 7 gives a comparison between the gauges and the W and D numbers. There are four widely used styles of WWR namely 4-, 6-, 8-, and 10-gauge.
Table 5.
The minimum yield strength of deformed welded wire reinforcement is 70,000 psi. Higher yield strengths up to 80,000 psi are available. See Table 6 for minimum properties of steel wires. Welded Smooth Wire Reinforcement There are two types of wire, plain (or smooth) and deformed. Plain WWR develops anchorage of the steel at the welded intersections. In plain WWR the smaller wire should have a cross-sectional area equal to at least 40 percent of the area of the larger wire. ASTM specifies a weld shear strength of 35,000 psi times the area of the larger wire. Welded Deformed Wire Reinforcement Deformed wire has two or more lines of deformations along the wire depending on the size of the wire. Anchorage is developed along the wire by virtue of the deformations and at the welded intersections. In deformed WWR the smaller wire should have at least 40 percent of the cross-sectional area of the larger wire. The weld shear strength for deformed WWR is 35,000 psi times the area of the larger wire.
ASTM A 497
CSA G 30.15
*The Titles of the ASTM Specifications and CSA Standards are identical.
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Their corresponding W-numbers for plain WWR are: 4 gauge equals W4.0 6 gauge equals W2.9 8 gauge equals W2.1 10 gauge equals W1.4 It is preferred that these wires be ordered by the proper W-number. The current numbering system makes it extremely easy for the designer. For instance, if a steel cross-sectional area of 0.15 sq. in. per lin. ft. is needed, it can be met with W5 wires on 4-in. centers (3 wires pr lin. ft. each with a cross- sectional area of 0.05 sq. in.).
Table 6
is 6x8 W8 x W4. The first number gives the spacing in inches of the longitudinal wires. The seond number gives the spacing of the transverse wires in inches. The first letter-number combination gives the type and size of the longitudinal wire, and the second combination gives information on the transverse wire. Thus, in the above example the longi- tudinal wires are 6 in. apart while the transverse wires are 8 in. apart. The longitudinal wire is plain and has a cross-sectional area of 0.08 sq. in. while the transverse wire is also plain and has an area of 0.04 sq. in. Longitudinal wire spacings vary. Typical spacings are 2,3,4,6,8,12,16,18, and 24 in. The concrete pipe uses considerable welded wire reinforcement with 2 in. and 3 in. spacings. Most building, paving and structural reinforcement have 4 in. through 18 in. longitudinal wire spacings. Transverse wire spacings are normally 4,6,8,12, 16 and 18 in. It is possible to order other wire spacings but these will normally cover most situations. Other Dimensions End overhangs, unless otherwise specified, are one-half of the transverse wire spacing, For instance, a 6x6 reinforcement would have a 3 in. overhang on each end. Specific lengths of end overhangs can be specified.
ASTM and CSA Minimum Properties of Steel Wires in Welded Wire Reinforcement
Type of WWR
Welded Plain Wire Reinforcement Welded Deformed Wire Reinforcement
Min. Tensile Min. Yield Weld Shear Strength Strength (psi) (psi) Strength
75,000 80,000 65,000 70,000 35,000 35,000
*Yield strength is measured at 0.005 inch per inch extension of gage length
Designating Style of WWR Welded wire reinforcement is designated by two numbers and two letter-number combinations. An example
W&D Size Number Plain W45 W31 W30 W28 W26 W24 W22 W20 Deformed
Table 7 Wire Size Comparison Nominal Steel Wire W&D Size Number Diameter (In.) Gauge Deformed Plain
D45 D31 D30 D28 D26 D24 D22 D20 D18 D16 D14 D12 D11
D10 D9
.450 .310 .300 .280 .260 .240 .220 .200 .189 .180 .167 .160 .146 .140 .122 .120 .110 .105 .103 .100 .095 .090 .086
.757 .628 .618 .597 .575 .553 .529 .504 .490 .478 .4615 .451 .4305 .422 .394 .390 .374 .366 .3625 .356 .348 .338 .331
W8.5 W8 W7.5 W7 W6.5 W6 W5.5 W5 W4.5 W4 W3.5 W3 W2.9 W2.5 W2 2/0 W1.4
.085 .080 .075 .074 .070 .065 .063 .060 .055 .054 .050 .047 .045 .040 .035 .034 .030 .029 .025 .021 .020 .017 .014
.329 .319 .309 .3065 .298 .288 .283 .276 .264 .2625 .252 .244 .240 .225 .211 .207 .195 .192 .177 .162 .159 .148 .135
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
However, the sum of both end overhangs should equal the transverse wire spacing. The length of a WWR roll or sheet is the tip-to-tip length and includes the end overhangs. Length is usually expressed in feet. Side overhangs will not be furnished unless specified. ASTM does permit an overhang up to 1 inch on each side. An example of how to specify a side overhang might be +1 +3 designation which indicates a 1 inch overhang on one side and a 3 inch overhang on the opposite side. The width of WWR is the center-to-center distance between the outside longitudinal wires and is expressed in inches. The overall width includes side overhangs and is the tip-to-tip length of the transverse wires. Information on Ordering Certain information is needed when ordering. The example on this page illustrates how a typical order of welded wire reinforcement might appear using the nomen-clature described. Calculating Weights The calculation of welded wire reinforcement weights is relatively simple. Use the following formula to find weight of both longitudinal and transverse wires.
Weight per 100 sq. ft. = 100/8x20 x wt. sheet Weight of 165.9 = 103.7 lb. per 100 sq. ft.
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Concrete Shrinks with AgeA Cause of Cracking Concrete has its greatest volume when it is first placed in the forms. As it sets, it starts to contract or shrink, The shrinkage process continues for several years. It is estimated, however, that 60% to 70% of the shrinkage will occur by the time the concrete is three to six months old. Shrinkage varies with many factors, such as amount of mixing water and cement used, type of aggregate, humidity and slump. In plain concrete, the drying shrinkage varies from 1/2 to 1 inch per 100 ft. Assuming an average shrinkage of 3/4 in.per 100 ft., a 30 x 60 slab would shrink or contract slightly over 1/5 inch in the 30 ft. dimension, and 0.45 or almost 1/2 inch in the long direction. If a plain (unreinforced) slab is not divided by joints, it will almost always crack. If there are, for instance, only one or two cracks, they may become entirely too wide for satisfactory performance. Subgrade Settlement and Loads A Cause of Cracking The subgrade (or subbase, if one is used) must provide uniform support for the slab. If uniform support is not provided, loads may cause the slab to crack and one section could drop considerably below the other a condition referred to as vertical displacement. This problem is often observed in residential work. It is due to two factors the crack opens too wide for aggregate interlock to act and the support by the subgrade is not uniform causing uneven settlement of the subgrade. Loads such as vehicles on a driveway increase the problem. The use of sound fill material, careful placement of fill materials and adequate compaction are important. This is especially true of the area over trenches excavated for utility lines. Many builders place a double layer of WWR over the trenched area. This provides additional structural strength. Subgrades inside foundation walls are difficult to fill and compact adequately. Excessive moisture under slabs also reduces support. The loads on residential and light slabs are usually not heavy enough to cause a problem. Point loads, such as bearing walls or fireplaces, may sometimes necessitate special design. Driveways, garage and carport slabs, and sidewalks where they cross driveways are generally exposed to the severest loads. However, a faulty subgrade or unusual load or the combination of both can cause severe cracking problems.
Temperature Changes Affect ConcreteA Cause of Cracking As the temperature increases, a slab expands and as the temperature drops, it contracts. Since there is relatively little temperature change within a house, temperature may have little effect on interior slabs. Temperature does, however, affect exterior concrete, such as sidewalks, driveways and porches, carport and patio slabs. The effects of temperature changes must be considered in the construction of garage slabs, unheated buildings and outside flatwork. A drop of 100 degrees F, in temperature will cause a contraction of approximately 2/3 inch per 100 ft. A temperature drop of 50 degrees, F, say from 80 degrees to 30 degrees, will cause a contraction of 1/3 inch per 100 ft. Drying shrinkage and temperature contraction are independent of each other. If a slab contracts 3/4 inch per 100 ft. from drying shrinkage, it will contract or expand additionally for temperature changes. Thus the total contraction on a cold day is considerable, often causing cracks to open up excessively in unreinforced concrete.
Table 8
.93 1.25
* For 100 F difference, increase contraction 1/3; for a 50 difference, subract 1/3 temperature contraction value.
Summary The Benefits of Welded Wire Reinforcement Are: Holds cracked sections closely together enabling slab to act as a unit through effective aggregate interlock action. Aggregate interlock decreases rapidly as crack width exceeds 1/16 inch. Maintains level, even surface so one cracked section will not drop below the other which often happens when a wide crack develops on a weak subgrade. Adds some structural strength to slabs although amount of steel is small. The use of WWR will normally reduce number of cracks. Permits larger panels and thus fewer joints. Improves appearance of slab by holding cracks together.
TF 203-R-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
ASTM A82 & A496 Plain and Deformed Wire Test Data
[Note: A496 deviations are in () when different from A82]
A370, 5. I The Tension test related to the mechanical testing of steel products subjects a machined or full-section specimen of the material under examination to a measured load sufficient to cause rupture. The resulting properties sought are defined in Terminology E6. A370, 13.2 Yield Strength is the stress at which a material exhibits a specified limiting deviation from the proportionality of stress to strain. The deviation is expressed in terms of strain, percent offset, total extension under load, etc. Determine method by Extension under load. 11.3 (13.3) If the purchaser considers it desirable to determine compliance with the yield strength requirements in 5.1 (8.1.3), yield strength tests may be made in a recognized laboratory, or their representative may make the test at the mill if such tests do not interfere unnecessarily with the mill operations.
TABLE 2 - Tension Test Requirements (Material for Welded Wire Reinforcement) A82
Size Wl.2 and Larger Smaller than Size Wl.2
Tensile strength, min ksi, (MPa) Yield strength, min, ksi (MPa) Reduction of area, min, %
75 (515) 65 (450) 30
70 (485) 56 (385) 30
For material testing over 100 ksi (6.0 MPa) tensile strength, the reduction of area shall be not less than 25%
TABLE 4 - Tension Test Requirements (Material for Welded Wire Reinforcement) A496
psi (MPa) min
Tensile strength 80 000 (550) Yield strength 70 000 (485) TABLE 3 - Bend Test Requirements A82
Size Number of Wire Bend Test
Bend around a pin the diameter that is equal to the diameter of the specimen Bend around a pin the diameter that is equal to twice the diameter of the specimen
Bend Test
Bend around a pin the diameter that is equal to twice the diameter of the specimen Bend around a pin the diameter that is equal to four times the diameter of the specimen
A370, A4.7.1 The wrap test is used as a means for testing the ductilty of wire. A4.7.2 The test consists of coiling the wire in a closely spaced helix tightly against a mandrel of a specified diameter for a required number of turns. (Unless other specified, the required number of turns shall be five). The wrapping may be done by hand or a power devise. The wrapping rate may not exceed 15 turns per minute. The mandrel diameter shall be specified in the relevant wire product specification.
For material testing over 100 ksi (6.0 MPa) tensile strength, the reduction of area shall be not less than 25%
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requirements shall be made for each 75,000 ft2 (6968 m2) of reinforcement or remaining fraction thereof. 10.2 (12.2) One test for conformance to weld shear strength requirement shall be made for each 300,000 ft2 (27 870 m2) or remaining fraction thereof. A4.7.3 The wire tested shall be considered to have failed if the wire fractures or if any longitudinal or transverse cracks develop which can be seen by the unaided eye after the first complete turn.Wire which fails in the first turn shall be retested, as such fractures may be caused by bending the wire to a radius less than specified when the test starts. A370, A4.5 Reduction of Area TestThe ends of the fractured specimen shall be carefully fitted together and the dimensions of the smallest cross section measured to the nearest 0.001 inches (0.025mm) with a pointed micrometer.The difference between the area thus found and the area of the original cross section, expressed as a percentage of the original area, is the reduction of area. A370, 7.4 Speed of TestingThe speed of testing shall not be greater than that at which load and strain readings can be made accurately. 7.4.1 Any convenient speed of testing may be used up to 1/2 the specified yield point or yield strength. If the machine is equipped with a device to indicate the rate of loading, the speed of the machine from half the specified yield strength through the yield strength may be adjusted so that the rate of stressing does not exceed 100,000 psi (690 MPa) or a minimum of 10,000 psi (70 MPa) per-minute. WRI Comment Many use a rate of 40,000 psi per minute with success. WRI Comment All welded wire reinforcement shall pass weld-shear testing to ensure complete and quality welding. General Comment Since 1996, ASTM A82, A185, A496 and A497 have included a supplement. The supplement refers to high strength wire and welded wire. Building codes, for example, ACI 318, permit the use of reinforcement with a yield strength up to 550 MPa (80,000 psi). WRI Comment The WRI Industry and Associate members are dedicated to providing quality control and assurance that all products are tested and meet latest Codes and Standards before material leaves the plants. Institute members have a vast knowledge of manufacturing capabilities to help engineers, fabricators and conFIG. 1 Welded Wire Reinforcement tractors Weld Tester refine designs on an individual project basis.
Vertical Wire Horizontal Wire
TF 204-R-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Flat and curved tilt-up wall panels make up the facade of this Ohio project
One of these may be the very absence of the large plant; it is frequently claimed that the lack of a sizeable investment in fixed facilities is one of the things that make tilt-up work feasible. Shipping costs are almost always lower, as it is cheaper to move raw materials rather than finished products. The panels require less handling and there is less danger of damage. Ordinarily tilt-up panels are cast as required and therefore no storage problems arise. The expense of bottom forms is eliminated since the wall units are cast on a floor slab. It may be necessary to require more careful finishing of slabs than normal to achieve desired wall finishes. Perhaps the most important feature is reduction or elimination of size restrictions. Since most plant-cast members must be moved by truck, their width is generally limited to about 80, although sometimes wider shipments can be arranged. Maximum weights and lengths are also regulated by law, and extremely long and heavy pieces, unless prestressed, may require elaborate and expensive precautions to avoid breakage in transit. Permissible size and weight may also be governed by handling equipment in the plant or at the site. However, for the panel cast at the site these are minor problems. Width and length can be of any convenient dimension up to the maximum weight that can be raised with lifting equipment. Greater thicknesses and weights may be required and this, too, is of less concern with site casting.
Wire Reinforcement Institute, Inc. 2003
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Flat wall panels, cast on the floor slab, had been tilted into position before work began on the curved panels.
treatment such as facing aggregates, reveals, form liners, and scuppers. Details Architectural details showing bevels, miters, chamfers, tapered recesses, door and window conditions, roofing, and flashing connections. Panel elevation Panel elevations drawn from the viewpoint of the fabricator (will panel be cast face up or face down) showing typical reinforcement and special reinforcement at major and minor openings. Recommended scale 1/8 in. = 1 ft. and with each panel uniquely numbered. Key plan Key plan to indicate location of panels and panel designation. Structural details Structural details showing typical thickness (is facing aggregate and grout or architectural relief included in the structural thickness) and special thicknesses and widths of pilasters. Reinforcement Reinforcement details showing typical placement and clear cover requirements, pilaster reinforcement and tie configurations and welded wire reinforcement or rebar dowels for slab connection. Connection details Connection details showing anchor devices, embedded structural steel, base grouting, and connecting materials. Miscellaneous details Other items include necessity for mechanical and electrical coordination of openings, sleeves, conduits, and junction boxes. Specifications Specifications should include the specified compressive strength of concrete at 28 days, design yield strength of reinforcement, minimum strength, and density of concrete at time of lift, and allowable lift stresses. Requirements, if considered necessary, of a sample panel to include finishes, miters, corners, and other details. Shop drawings The contractor should be required to submit shop drawings which depict each panel. An engineering feature to consider is the usual practice of making some allowance for impact. This can be reduced by careful handling, preventing bond by using a bond breaker or breaking by horizontal movement. A more significant consideration is tensile stress on the outer face of the concrete. As in any reinforced concrete member, cracks develop when the applied forces increase to a point where the ultimate tensile strength of the concrete is exceeded. Additional load increase may widen the cracks. This effect must not be allowed
While some tilt-up panels have been prestressed, by far the greater portion of them have been of mild reinforced design. The reinforcement will perform several important functions: 1. To prevent damage due to lifting and handling stresses. 2. To increase the resistance of the surface to cracking because of shrinkage and temperature changes. 3. To assist in carrying the vertical loads as bearing walls. 4. To resist wind, earthquake, and other lateral forces. Welded wire reinforcement (WWR), with high strength wires accurately spaced, is well suited for all of these uses. The action of precast panels is similar to that of other reinforced concrete members, and their design is very much like that of cast-in-place walls. Three kinds of forces must be considered; horizontal or wind and seismic forces, the weight of the member, and the forces received from the roof load in a load bearing situation. Stresses induced when lifting the panel are resisted by the panel inserts, usually no additional reinforcement is necessary for those stresses. A complete discussion of the design of tilt-up panels is beyond the scope of this brochure. High strength welded wire reinforcement with yield strength, fy up to 80,000 psi is a viable and cost-effective reinforcement material. Spacings of 3 to 16 can be provided with wire sizes up to D20 (1/2 diameter). More readily available WWR can be specified when spacings are 4 or 6 and wire sizes are less than D12 (3/8). It is recommended to refer to ACI 551R on Tilt-Up Concrete Structures for a more complete review of methods and procedures. It may be of interest to use the following checklist (Ref. ACI 551R) when preparing design documents. Checklist when preparing architectural/engineering project drawings: Elevations Exterior architectural elevations showing panel dimensions, jointing, openings, areas of special
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to cause permanent damage to the member. It is extremely difficult to compute with any certainty the width of cracks that will form or to know what size can be tolerated. Any restriction in this respect must usually be based on judgement and experience; however, the short time during which maximum stresses will occur indicates that there is less likelihood of trouble due to crack damage. Because the bending moment drop off as the panel is tilted, stresses will decrease and cracks will close. Note: reinforced concrete is elastic over a considerable range. For wall reinforcement welded wire reinforcement provides a superior type of reinforcement; it is not only effective in carrying tensile stresses but it will also minimize shrinkage cracks and control crack widths. An additional provision found in most building codes is one governing the minimum amount of steel required in walls. The American Concrete Institutes Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318) requires in Sections 14.3 and 21.5.2 that: Minimum ratio of vertical reinforcement area to gross concrete area shall be no less than 0.0012 for welded wire reinforcement (plain or deformed). Minimum ratio of horizontal reinforcement area to gross concrete area shall be 0.0020 for welded wire fabric (plain or deformed). For seismic, the minimum ratios (v) for shear walls is 0.0025 for both longitudinal and transverse reinforcement. The larger figure for horizontal steel is justified because the length of a wall between points of support or control joints is generally more than its height and there is a greater possibility of cracking in that direction because of shrinkage and temperature change. Table 1 gives minimum vertical and horizontal steel areas required by the ACI Building Code for walls from 4 to 8 in thickness, using welded wire reinforcement. After a design analysis has been made, it is necessary to select sheets of welded wire reinforcement to furnish the required steel areas. There are several conditions that may occur. If a uniform distribution of forces has been assumed a style of reinforcement with constant size and spacing of wires will be suitable. If the maximum computed steel area is less than the minimum required by code, the latter would be employed. Sheet size is another matter that must be given attention. Although widths up to 130 can be manufactured, they usually cannot be transported without special permits. For truck shipments, 86 is the limit. As far as length is concerned, sheets up to 30 or 40 can be obtained. In splicing WWR, a splice of 1.51d (or min. of 2) measured on the wires parallel to the splice is sufficient, when: As provided 2 (Section 12.19.2) As required
TABLE 1 Minimum Areas of WWR Reinforcement in Accordance with the ACI Building Code Wall Thickness (in.) Vertical Asv .058 .065 .072 .079 .086 .094 .101 .108 .115 Steel Area (sq. in. per ft.) Horizontal Ash .096 .108 .120 .132 .144 .156 .168 .180 .192
4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8
/2 /2 /2 /2
The ACI Building Code specifies one wire space plus 2 (two-wire splice) when the calculated stress exceeds one-half of the yield strength. In tilt-up panels, laps are generally vertical; that is the horizontal wires are spliced. When the panel width is small, or if there are several pickup points across the panel, stresses in the transverse wires frequently will not be large and the 2 minimum splice discussed above is adequate. However, if very high stresses exist, then the two-wire overlap would be required. For panels too wide for a single piece of welded wire reinforcement, the total width of WWR required is obtained by subtracting edge clearances from the panel dimension and adding the required splice, then dividing by 8 or 86 (max. shipping width allowed without permit), and the remaining width of sheets may be cut in the field from standard widths or made to order. Sheet length is simply the panel length less end clearances. It may be necessary to add or subtract to get a length which is an even multiple of the transverse-wire spacing.
With the welded wire reinforcement on chairs, the 3 inch exterior facing concrete was cast and struck off with a special template.
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t= 9.25 IN fc = 3.00 KSI fy = 60.00 KSI WT = 0.145 K/FT3 Pdl = 0.18 KLF Pll = 0.24 KLF e = 9.125 IN p = 0.0025 d= 8.25 IN L = 40.00 FT
Consulting engineers should be contacted for specific tilt-up project designs. Most can provide manual analyses on a given wall project. Many can provide computer analyses similar to the one included in this Tech Fact report. For guidance on panel inserts along with tilt-up panel safety contact the Tilt-Up Concrete Association, P.O. Box 204, Mt. Vernon, IA 52314 and the American Concrete Institute, 38800 Country Club Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331, (ask for Committee Report, ACI 551).
Example of the computer developed analysis was provided by Baumann Engineering, 567 San Nicholas Dr., Newport Beach, CA 92660. Credits and acknowledgements for assistance in editing this document are: Edward Sauter, Executive Director, Tilt-Up Association, Mt. Vernon, IA Bill Brewer, Brewer Associates, Maumee, OH Don Musser, Consultant, Hendersonville, NC Robert C. Richardson, Consultant, Sun Lakes, AZ We are very grateful to the Haskill Company, James McFarlane, Jacksonville, FL, and the Ohio Ready Mixed Concrete Association for the use of their construction photos of a facility in Troy, OH for Worldwide Logistics Operations, United Retail Group, a NJ apparel retailer.
This report is furnished as a guide to industry practice. The Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI) makes no warranty of any kind regarding the use of this report for other than informational purposes. This report is intended for the use of professionals competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and who will accept responsibility for the application of the material it contains. WRI provides the foregoing material as a matter of information and, therefore, disclaims any and all responsibility for application of the stated principles or the accuracy of the sources other than material developed by the Institute.
Pwall = 2.24 Ec =3155.92 n= 9.19 fr = 273.86 Ig = 791.45 Sg = 171.13 Mcr = 46.86 K/FT KSI PSI IN4 IN3 IN-K
Pu = 2.84 KLF Ase = 0.32 IN2/FT a = 0.64 IN c = 0.75 IN Icr = 169.63 IN4 PER FEET
Mn = delta crack = delta n = delta service = Ms = Ws = ALLOW. LATERAL LOAD = 154.60 0.45 6.93 3.20 92.58 38.57 IN-K/FT IN IN IN IN-K PLF
33.53 PSF
Use 9-1/4 x 40-0 W// 6x6-W13.9 x W5.6 60 KSI EACH FACE OR W/ 6x6-WII.1 x W4.5 75 KSI EACH FACE
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1Minimum steel area is based on a shrinkage and temperature reinforcement ratio of 0.0018 for WWR with 60 ksi yield strength. When WV/F with greater than 60 ksi is used, a reduced shrinkage and temperature ratio is used in accordance with AC1 318, Section 7.12.
See Table 2 for suitable WWR styles for one-way and two-way pan joist slabs. It is advantageous to utilize the benefit that high strength wire for WWR offers. Cold working increases the yield strength of low carbon steel rod. AC! 318 allows the use of high strength reinforcement when tests show that the specified yield strength (usually 70, 72.5, 75, & 80 ksi) is developed at 0.35% strain. (Testing of wire to ASTM standards measures yield strength at 0.50% strain.)
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Table 2 shows two columns of suitable styles that can be compared by engineers and contractors to measure the cost savings using high strength wire. Many times the cost benefit can be 20 - 25% less cost for the high strength reinforcing. WWR styles in Table 2 show wire areas that are best suited for current manufacturing efficiencies and exceed minimum area requirements in Table 1. Capabilities of producing the various levels of high strength wire as well as the different wire sizes vary between manufacturers. Check with your nearest WRI manufacturer for advise on the most economical styles available. TABLE 2 One-Way and Two-Way Pan Joist Slab Reinforcing
Slab Thickness (in.) 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2
Structural Welded Wire Reinforcement If flexural computations indicate requirements greater than the minimum areas set out in Table 1 then Table 2 will be inadequate. The engineer will need to specify the required WWR styles with wire sizes designed to resist flexural stresses and thermal and shrinkage stresses. See Figure 1 below for an example of structural WWR. Similarly, for two-way pan joist slabs, styles giving minimum areas to resist thermal and shrinkage stresses in accordance with ACI 318, Section 7.12 can be selected from Table 2. Welded wire reinforcement can also be used to advantage as negative steel over the supporting beam or solid portion of the slab. Here the wires placed parallel to the beam provide minimum slab steel (or that indicated by flexure for the span between ribs) and the wires perpendicular to the beam provide the negative slab steel, as indicated by design calculations. Figure 1 shows a layout for such a situation. Note that styles and sizes of wire indicated fit a particular load situation and may not be suited for other applications. Consult your structural engineer on design for specific project applications. FIGURE 1 I = Sheet of WWR 3x6 - W9 x W4.5 H = Sheet of WWR 6x6 - W4.5 x W4.5
Suitable WWR Styles To Provide Minimum Steel for One-Way and Two-Way Pan Joist* 60 ksi 60 ksi 12x12 - W3.2 x W3.2 12x12 - W4.3 x W4.3 12x12 - W5.4 x W5.4 12x12 - W6.5 x W6.5 12x12 - W7.6 x W7.6 12x12 - W8.6 x W8.6 12x12 - W9.7 x W9.7 12x12 - W10.8 x W10.8 12x12 - W11.9 x W11.9 80 ksi2 12x12 - W2.5 x W2.5 12x12 - W3.4 x W3.4 12x12 - W4.2 x W4.2 12x12 - W5.0 x W5.0 12x12 - W5.9 x W5.9 12x12 - W6.7 x W6.7 12x12 - W7.6 x W7.6 12x12 - W8.4 x W8.4 12x12 - W9.3 x W9.3
Minimum steel areas are controlled by the minimum ratio 0.0014 (see ACI 318, Section 7.12).
Industry Method of Designating Style: Example - 6 x 12 - W12 x W5* Longitudinal wire spacing Transverse wire spacing Longitudinal wire size Transverse wire size
* Note - The prefix W is for plain wire but may also be deformed wire with a prefix D when areas exceed 0.04 sq. in.
This publication is furnished as a guide for the selection of welded wire fabric reinforcement with the understanding that while every effort has been made to insure accuracy, neither the Wire Reinforcement Institute, Inc., nor its member companies make any warranty of any kind respecting the use of the publication for other than informational purposes.
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One of the legacies of the decades-old and as-yet unrealized attempt to convert the U.S. measuring system to the metric system is that a small percentage of jobs today specify metric styles of reinforcement. Yet, even though few if any WWR producers possess the necessary machinery to meet the metric specification, this does not preclude taking advantage of the performance and cost benefits of using WWR. With its greater strength, generally higher ductility, and significantly lower placing costs, WWR is a highly practical and cost-efficient alternative to traditional rebar concrete reinforcement. WWR may be used in virtually any structural applicationbuildings, bridges, highways, tunnels, pipelines and precast component systems, for instancethat typically would rely on rebar to fortify concrete. In fact,
Structural WWR sheets in the foreground; base rod material in the background.
A1 (mm2/m) A1 & 4 88.9 127.0 184.2 254.0 59.3 84.7 122.8 169.4 196.9 199.0 199.0 362.0 342.9 351.4 192.6 351.4 186.3 338.7 186.3 338.7 177.8 317.5 175.7 317.5 Metric Styles (MW = Plain wire)2 102x102 102x102 102x102 102x102 152x152 152x152 152x152 152x152 102x102 152x152 305x305 305x305 152x152 152x152 305x305 305x305 152x152 152x152 305x305 305x305 152x152 152x152 305x305 305x305 MW9xMW9 MW13xMW13 MW19xMW19 MW26xMW26 MW9xMW9 MW13xMW13 MW19xMW19 MW26xMW26 MW20xMW20 MW30xMW30 MW61xMW61 MW110xMW110 MW52xMW52 MW54xMW54 MW59xMW59 MW107xMW107 MW28xMW28 MW52xMW52 MW57xMW57 MW103xMW103 MW27xMW27 MW48xMW48 MW54xMW54 MW97xMW97
2 3
Wt. (kg/m2) 1.51 2.15 3.03 4.30 1.03 1.46 2.05 2.83 3.17 3.32 3.47 6.25 5.66 5.81 8.25 9.72 3.22 5.61 3.22 5.61 3.08 5.52 3.08 5.52
Equivalent US Customary Style 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 6x6 6x6 6x6 6x6 - W1.4xW1.4 - W2.0xW2.0 - W2.9xW2.9 - W4.0xW4.0 - W1.4xW1.4 - W2.0xW2.0 - W2.9xW2.9 - W4.0xW4.0
A1 (in2/ft) .042 .060 .087 .120 .028 .040 .058 .080 .093 .094 .094 .171 .162 .166 .091 .166 .088 .160 .088 .160 .084 .150 .083 .150
4x4 - W3.1xW3.1 6x6 - W4.7xW4.7 12x12 - W9.4xW9.4 12x12 - W17.1xW17.1 6x6 - W8.1xW8.1 6x6 - W8.3xW8.3 12x12 - W9.1xW9.1 12x12 - W16.6xW16.6 6x6 - W4.4xW4.4 6x6 - W8xW8 12x12 - W8.8xW8.8 12x12 - W16xW16 6x6 - W4.2xW4.2 6x6 - W7.5xW7.5 12x12 - W8.3xW8.3 12x12 - W15xW15
Group A - Compares areas of WWR at fy = 60,000 psi with other reinforcing at fy = 60,000 psi Group B - Compares areas of WWR at fy = 70,000 psi with other reinforcing at fy = 60,000 psi Group C - Compares areas of WWR at fy = 72,500 psi with other reinforcing at fy = 60,000 psi Group D - Compares areas of WWR at fy = 75,000 psi with other reinforcing at fy = 60,000 psi Group E - Compares areas of WWR at fy = 80,000 psi with other reinforcing at fy = 60,000 psi
Wires may also be deformed, use prefix MD or D, except where only MW or W is required by building codes (usually less than a MW26 or W4). Also wire sizes can be specified in 1mm2 (metric) or .001 in.2 (US Customary) increments. For other available styles or wire sizes, consult other WRI publications or discuss with WWR manufacturers. 4Styles may be obtained in roll form. Note: It is recommended that rolls be straightened and cut to size before placement.
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When specifying WWR in metric styles, convert the U.S. Equivalent Customary (in-pound) styles to Metric styles and round to whole numbers. The balance of this Tech Fact discusses this soft conversion technique and provides examples.
*Metric wire sizes can be specified in 1mm2 increments. **U.S. customary sizes can be specified in .001 in2 increments. Note For other available wire sizes, consult other WRI Publications or discuss with WWF manufacturers. Note Wires may be deformed, use prefix MD or D, except where only MW or W is required by building codes (usually less than MW26 or W4).
STRUCTURAL WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT METRIC STYLES (styles with wire areas from MW or MD26 to MW or MD290)
will have both wire spacings and wire areas rounded to whole numbers.
as with the structural WWR styles, wire spacings and wire areas will be rounded to whole numbers. Pipe fabric styles and wire sizes will be published in another tech fact.
1. A typical metric structural WWR style is: 305 x 305 - MD 71 x MD 71 The equivalent inch-pound structural WWR style is: 12 x 12 - D11 x D11 2. A typical metric building fabric style is: 152 x 152 - MW 19 x MW 19 The equivalent inch-pound building fabric style is: 6 x 6 - W2.9 x W2.9 Note: Wire spacings are in millimeters (mm) and wire areas are in square millimeters (mm2). The MD (metric) or D (inch-pound) prefixes designate deformed wire. The MW (metric) or W (inch-pound) prefixes designate plain wire. To determine sheet sizing, soft convert width of sheets from inches to millimeters and lengths of sheets from feet to meters. An example is: 2438 mm x 6.1 m equals 96 x 20 Building fabric rolls are figured similarly, for example: 1524 mm x 45.7 m equals 60 x 150 For mass (weight) calculations use: wire area in mm2 x 0.00784 = mass (kg/meter). For the inch-pound unit equivalent use: wire area in in2 x 3.4 = weight (Ibs./foot). *Conversion faclors: 25.4 mm = 1 inch, 645 mm2 = 1 inch2, 304.8 mm = I foot. A reminder, the inch-pound wire areas in the examples are in2 multiplied by 100.
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
A Consolidated Guide
*The provisions in this Tech Fact can be found in ACI 318-02. This Tech Fact may be inserted in the WRI Structural Detailing Manual section and will be updated as future Codes are published. The last page has a listing of applicable ASTM Standards for wire and WWR.
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Section 1
Welded plain wire reinforcement fabric (WWR) and welded deformed wire reinforcement fabric are both defined in ACI 318, Section 2.1, as Deformed Reinforcement. Since welded wire reinforcement is supplied in sheets or mats instead of individual bars, additional descriptive provisions are necessary and are found in Section 2. See Appendix C, for wire diameters, wire areas and areas per unit of width. Other Wire Reinforcement Institutes publications are available for areas of reinforcement with various strengths, as well as development and splice lengths for different styles. For the convenience of architects and engineers, some provisions related to WWR are reprinted from ACI 318 and will be referred to by code chapters and pertinent sections in this manual. Some metric data and formulas are presented in the Wire Reinforcement Institutes Manual of Standard Practice, Structural Welded Wire Reinforcement, copyright, 1999.
forcement (ASTM A 497), except that for wire with a specified yield strength fy exceeding 60,000 psi, fy shall be stress corresponding to a strain of 0.35 percent if the yield strength specified in the design exceeds 60,000 psi. Welded intersections shall not be spaced father apart than 16 in. in direction of calculated stress, except for wire fabric used as stirrups in accordance with 12.13.2. - Epoxy - Coated wires and WWR shall comply with ASTM A 884. 3.8 Standards cited in this code 3.8.1 - Standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials referred to in this code are listed below, and are declared part of this code: A 82 A 185 A 496 A 497 A 884 Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement *Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Deformed, for Concrete Reinforcement Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement *Fabric, Deformed, for Concrete Standard Specification for Epoxy - Coated Steel Wire and Welded Wire Fabric for Reinforcement
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bundled longitudinal bars. Deformed wire or welded wire fabric of equivalent areas is allowed. - Vertical spacing of ties shall not exceed 16 longitudinal bar diameters, 48 tie bar or wire diameters, or least dimension of the compression member. 7.11 - Lateral reinforcement for flexural members 7.11.3 - Closed ties or stirrups shall be formed in one piece by overlapping standard stirrup or tie and hooks around a longitudinal bar, or formed in one or two pieces lap spliced with a Class B splice (lap of 1.3 d), or anchored in accordance with 12.13. 7.12 - Shrinkage and temperature reinforcement 7.12.1 - Reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stresses normal to flexural reinforcement shall be provided in structural slabs where the flexural reinforcement extends in one direction only. - Area of shrinkage and temperature reinforcement shall provide at least the following ratios of reinforcement area to gross concrete area, but not less than 0.0014: (a) Slabs where Grade 40 or 50 deformed bars are used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.0020 (b) Slabs where Grade 60 deformed bars or welded wire fabric (plain or deformed) are used . . .0.0018 (c) Slabs where reinforcement with yield stress exceeding 60,000 psi measured at a yield strain of 0.35 percent is used . . . . . . . . . . .0.0018 x 60,000 fy - Shrinkage and temperature reinforcement shall not be spaced farther apart than 5 times the slab thickness, nor 18 in. - At all sections where required, reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stresses shall develop the specified yield strength fy in tension in accordance with Chapter 12.
Note - For additional details of WWR refer to ACI 318-95, Chapter 7. - For nonprestressed members, shear reinforcement may also consist of: (a) Stirrups making an angle of 45 degrees or more with longitudinal tension reinforcement. (b) Longitudinal reinforcement with bent portion making an angle of 30 degrees or more with the longitudinal tension reinforcement. (c) Combinations of stirrups and bent longitudinal reinforcement. (d) Spirals. 11.5.2 - Design yield strength of shear reinforcement shall not exceed 60,000 psi, except that the design yield strength of welded deformed wire fabric shall not exceed 80,000 psi. 11.5.3 - Stirrups and other bars or wires used as shear reinforcement shall extend to a distance d from extreme compression fiber and shall be anchored at both ends according to 12.13 to develop the design yield strength of reinforcement. 11.5.4 - Spacing limits for shear reinforcement - Spacing of shear reinforcement placed perpendicular to axis of member shall not exceed d/2 in nonprestressed members and 3/4h in prestressed members, nor 24 in. 11.6 - Combined shear and torsion strength for non-prestressed members with rectangular or flanged sections 11.6.7 - Torsion reinforcement requirements - Torsion reinforcement, where required, shall be provided in addition to reinforcement required to resist shear, flexure, and axial forces. - Reinforcement required for torsion shall be combined with that required for other forces, provided the area furnished is the sum of individually required areas and the most restrictive requirements for spacing and placement are met. - Torsion reinforcement shall consist of closed stirrups, closed ties, or spirals, combined with longitudinal bars. - Design yield strength of torsion reinforcement shall not exceed 60,000 psi. - Stirrups and other bars and wires used as torsion reinforcement shall extend to a distance d from extreme compression fiber and shall be anchored according to 12.13 to develop the design yield strength of reinforcement. - Torsion reinforcement shall be provided at least a distance (bt + d) beyond the point theoretically required. 11.6.8 - Spacing limits for torsion reinforcement
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974] - Spacing of closed stirrups shall not exceed the smaller of (x1 + y1)/ 4, or 12 in. - Spacing of longitudinal bars, not less than #3, distributed around the perimeter of the closed stirrups, shall not exceed 12 in. At least one longitudinal bar shall be placed in each corner of the closed stirrups.#3, distributed around the perimeter of the closed stirrups, shall not exceed 12 in. At least one longitudinal bar shall be placed in each corner of the closed stirrups.
12 in. of fresh concrete is cast in the member below the development length or splice . . . . .1.3 Other reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.0 = coating factor Epoxy-coated bars or wires with cover less than 3db1 or clear spacing less than 6db . . . . . . . . .1.5 All other epoxy-coated bars or wires . . . . . . .1.2 Uncoated reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.0 However, the product of need not be taken greater than 1.7. = reinforcement size factor No. 6 and small bars and deformed wires . . .0.8 No. 7 and larger bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.0 = lightweight aggregate concrete factor When lightweight aggregate concrete is used 1.3 However, when fct is specified, shall be permitted to be taken as 6.7 but not less than . . . . . . . .1.0 When normal weight concrete is used . . . . . .1.0 c = spacing or cover dimension, inc. Use the smaller of either the distance from the center of the bar or wire to the nearest concrete surface or one-half the center-to-center spacing of the bars or wires being developed. It shall be permitted to use Ktr=0 as a design simplification even if transverse reinforcement is present. 12.3 - Development of deformed bars in compression 12.3.1 - Development length d1 in inches, for deformed bars in compression shall be computed as the product of the basic development length db of 12.3.2 and applicable modification factors of 12.3.3, but d shall be not less than 8 in. 12.3.2 - Basic development length db shall be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.02dbfy/ * but not less than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.0003dbfy** 12.3.3 - Basic development length db shall be permitted to be multiplied by applicable factors for: - Excess reinforcement Reinforcement in excess of that required by analysis . . . . . . . . . . . .(As required)/As provided) 12.7 - Development of welded deformed wire fabric in tension 12.7.1 - Development length d, in inches, of welded deformed wire fabric measured from the point of critical section to the end of wire shall be
* Expressions or factors being considered for change in future codes. **The constant carries the unit of in.2/lb.
in which the term (c + Ktr )/d b shall not be taken greater than 2.5. 12.2.4 - The factors for use in the expressions for development of deformed bars and deformed wires in tension in Chapter 12 are as follows: = reinforcement location factor Horizontal reinforcement so placed that more than
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computed as the product of the development length d, from 12.2.2 or 12.2.3 times a wire fabric factor from 12.7.2 or 12.7.3. It shall be permitted to reduce the development length in accordance with 12.2.5 when applicable, but d shall not be less than 8 in. except in computation of lap splices by 12.18. When using the wire fabric factor from 12.7.2, it shall be permitted to use an epoxy-coated factor of 1.0 for epoxy-coated welded wire fabric in 12.2.2 and 12.2.3. 12.7.2 - For welded deformed wire fabric with at least one cross wire within the development length and not less than 2 in. from the point of the critical section, the wire fabric factor shall be the greater of: or but need not be taken greater than 1. 12.7.3 - For welded deformed wire fabric with no cross wires within the development length or with a single cross wire less than 2 in. from the point of the critical section, the wire fabric factor shall be taken as 1, and the development length shall be determined as for deformed wire. 12.7.4 - When any plain wires are present in the deformed wire fabric in the direction of the development length, the fabric shall be developed in accordance with 12.8. 12.8 - Development of welded plain wire fabric in tension. Yield strength of welded plain wire fabric shall be considered developed by embedment of two cross wires with the closer cross wire not less than 2 in. from the point of the critical section. However, the development length d, in inches, measured from the point of the critical section to the outermost cross wire shall not be less than: - For #5 bar and D31 wire, and smaller, and for #6, #7, and #8 bars with fy of 40,000 psi or less, a standard hook around longitudinal reinforcement. - For #6, #7, and #8 stirrups with fy greater than 40,000 psi, a standard stirrup hook around a longitudinal bar plus an embedment between midheight of the member and the outside end of the hook equal to or greater than 0.014dbfy/ - For each leg of welded plain wire fabric forming simple U-stirrups, either: (a) Two longitudinal wires spaced at a 2 in. spacing along the member at the top of the U. (b) One longitudinal wire located not more than d/4 from the compression face and a second wire closer to the compression face and spaced not less than 2 in. from the first wire. The second wire may be located on the stirrup leg beyond a bend, or on a bend with an inside diameter of bend not less than 8db. - For each end of a single leg stirrup of welded plain or deformed wire fabric, two longitudinal wires at a minimum spacing of 2 in. and with the inner wire at least the greater of d/4 or 2 in. from middepth of member d/2. Outer longitudinal wire at tension face shall not be farther from the face than the portion of primary flexural reinforcement closest to the face. 12.15 - Splices of deformed bars and deformed wire in tension 12.15.1 - Minimum length of lap for tension lap splices shall be as required for Class A or B splice, but not less than 12 in., where: Class A splice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.0 d. Class B splice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.3 d. where d is the tensile development length for the specified yield strength fy in accordance with 12.2 without the modification factor of 12.2.5. 12.15.2 - Lap splices of deformed bars and deformed wire in tension shall be Class B splices except that Class A splices are allowed when: (a) the area of reinforcement provided is at least twice that required by analysis over the entire length of the splice, and (b) one-half or less of the total reinforcement is spliced within the required lap length.
except that when reinforcement provided is in excess of that required, this length may be reduced in accordance with 12.2.5. d shall not be less than 6 in. except in computation of lap splices by 12.19. 12.13 - Development of web reinforcement 12.13.2 - Ends of single leg, simple U-, or multiple U-stirrups shall be anchored by one of the following means:
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12.18 - Splices of welded deformed wire in tension 12.18.1 - Minimum length of lap for lap splices of welded deformed wire fabric measured between the ends of each fabric sheet shall be not less than 1.3 d nor 8 in., and the overlap measured between outermost cross wires of each fabric sheet shall not be less than 2 in. d shall be the development length for the specified yield strength fy in accordance with 12.7. 12.18.2 - Lap splices of welded deformed wire fabric, with no cross wires within the lap splice length, shall be determined as for deformed wire. 12.19 - Splices of welded plain wire fabric in tension Minimum length of lap for lap splices of welded plain wire fabric shall be in accordance with the following. 12.19.1 - When area of reinforcement provided is less than twice that required by analysis at splice location, length of overlap measured between outermost cross wires of each fabric sheet shall be not less than one spacing of cross wires plus 2 in., nor less than 1.5 d, nor 6 in. d shall be the development length for the specified yield strength fy in accordance with 12.8. 12.19.2 - When area of reinforcement provided is at least twice that required by analysis at splice location, length of overlap measured between outermost cross wires of each fabric sheet shall be not less than 1.5 d, nor 2 in. d shall be the development length for the specified yield strength fy in accordance with 12.8.
14.3.3 - Minimum ratio of horizontal reinforcement area to gross concrete area shall be: *(a) 0.0020 for deformed bars not larger than #5 with a specified yield strength not less than 60,000 psi, or (b) 0.0025 for other deformed bars, or (c) 0.0020 for welded wire fabric (plain or deformed) not larger than W31 or D31. 14.3.4 - Walls more than 10 in. thick, except basement walls, shall have reinforcement for each direction placed in two layers parallel with faces of wall in accordance with the following: (a) One layer consisting of not less than 1/ 2 and not more than 2/ 3 of total reinforcement required for each direction shall be placed not less than 2 in. nor more than 1/ 3 the thickness of wall from exterior surface. (b) The other layer, consisting of the balance of required reinforcement in that direction, shall be placed not less than 3/ 4 in. nor more than 1/ 3 the thickness of wall from interior surface. 14.3.5 - Vertical and horizontal reinforcement shall not be spaced further apart than three times the wall thickness, nor 18 in. 14.3.6 - Vertical reinforcement need not be enclosed by lateral ties if vertical reinforcement area is not greater than 0.01 times gross concrete area, or where vertical reinforcement is not required as compression reinforcement. 14.3.7 - In addition to the minimum reinforcement required by 14.3.1, not less than two #5 bars shall be provided around all window and door openings. Such bars shall be extended to develop the bar beyond the corners of the openings but not less than 24 in.
14.2 - General 14.2.7 - Quantity of reinforcement and limits of thickness required by 14.3 and 14.5 are waived where structural analysis shows adequate strength and stability. 14.3 - Minimum reinforcement 14.3.1 - Minimum vertical and horizontal reinforcement shall be in accordance with 14.3.2 and 14.3.3 unless a greater amount is required for shear by 11.10.8 and 11.10.9. 14.3.2 - Minimum ratio of vertical reinforcement area to gross concrete area shall be: (a) 0.0012 for deformed bars not larger than #5 with a specified yield strength not less than 60,000 psi, or (b) 0.0015 for other deformed bars, or (c) 0.0012 for welded wire fabric (plain or deformed) not larger than W31 or D31.
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974] - In regions of moderate seismic risk, reinforced concrete frames resisting forces induced by earthquake motions shall be proportioned to satisfy only 21.8 of Chapter 21 in addition to the requirements of Chapters 1 though 18. - In regions of high seismic risk, all structural reinforced concrete members shall satisfy 21.2 through 21.7 of Chapter 21 in addition to the requirements of Chapters 1 through 17. - A reinforced concrete structural system not satisfying the requirements of this chapter is allowed if it is demonstrated by experimental evidence and analysis that the proposed system will have strength and toughness equal to or exceeding those provided by a comparable monolithic reinforced concrete structure satisfying this chapter. - Welding of stirrups, ties, inserts, or other similar elements to longitudinal reinforcement required by design shall not be permitted. R21.2.6.2 - Welding or tack-welding or cross reinforcing bars can lead to local embrittlement of the steel. If such welding will facilitate fabrication or field installation, it must be done only on bars added expressly for construction. Provisions for tack-welding of crossing reinforcing bars do not apply to materials that are welded with welding operations under continuous competent control as in the manufacture of welded wire fabric. 21.3.3 - Transverse reinforcement - Hoops shall be provided in the following regions of frame members: (1) Over a length equal to twice the member depth measured from the face of the supporting member toward midspan, at both ends of the flexural member. (2) Over lengths equal to twice the member depth on both sides of a section where flexural yielding is likely to occur in connection with inelastic lateral displacements of the frame. - The first hoop shall be located not more than 2 in. from the face of a supporting member. Maximum spacing of the hoops shall not exceed (a) d/4, (b) eight times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal bars, (c) 24 times the diameter of the hoop bars, and (d) 12 in. - Where hoops are required, longitudinal bars on the perimeter shall have lateral support conforming to - Where hoops are not required, stirrups shall be spaced at no more than d/2 throughout the length of the member. - Stirrups or ties required to resist shear shall be hoops over lengths of members as specified in 21.3.3, 21.4.4, and 21.5.2. - Hoops in flexural members are allowed to be made up two pieces of reinforcement: a U-stirrup having hooks not less than 135 deg. with six-diameter (but not less than 3 in.) extension anchored in the confined core and a crosstie to make a closed hoop. Consecutive crossties engaging the same longitudinal bar shall have their 90-deg. hooks at opposite sides of the flexural member. If the longitudinal reinforcing bars secured by the crossties are confined by a slab only on one side of the flexural frame member, the 90-deg. hooks of the crossties shall all be placed on that side. 21.6 - Structural walls, diaphragms, and trusses 21.6.1 - Scope 21.6.2 - Reinforcement - The reinforcement ratio, rv, for structural walls shall not be less than 0.0025 along the longitudinal and transverse axes. If the design shear force does , the minimum reinforcement for not exceed Acv structural walls shall be in conformance with 14.3. The minimum reinforcement ratio for structural diaphragms shall be in conformance with 7.12. Reinforcement spacing each way in structural walls and diaphragms shall not exceed 18 in. Reinforcement provided for shear strength shall be continuous and shall be distributed across the shear plane. - At least two curtains of reinforcement shall be used in a wall if the in-plane factored shear force assigned to the wall exceeds 2Acv
* Expressions or factors being considered for change in future codes. **The constant carries the unit of in.2/lb.
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
A Listing of
This report is furnished as a guide to industry practice. The Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI) and its members make no warranty of any kind regarding the use of this report for other than informational purposes. This report is intended for the use of professionals competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and who will accept the responsibility for the application of the material it contains. WRI provides the foregoing material as a matter of information and, therefore, disclaims any and all responsibility for application of the stated principles or the accuracy of the sources other than material developed by the Institute.
TF 208-R-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Welded wire shear cages with D4 and D6.4 wire sizes for concrete girders in Jacobs Field Ball Park - Cleveland OH
With better techniques for assessing ductility, as well as to increase this propertys presence in the finished product, the trend for WWR is toward higher ductility wire while maintaining desired minimum yield strengths and producing larger wire diameters (now up to 3/4). In fact, recent production research has focused on using rod sizes that are closer to the finished wire sizes. This reduces the amount of cold-working needed to attain the desired wire size and that, in turn, raises the level of ductility. There are a great many examples of WWR used in structural applications throughout the country, and WRI has a number of research reports and case studies available that demonstrate how and where high strength and higher ductility WWR has been used.
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Wall reinforcing used for precast correctional cells Adult Detention Center, Fairfax County, VA
wire numbers are usually whole numbers. For a style designation of 12x12-D10xD10, the first set of numbers is the spacing of wires in inches for both the longitudinal and transverse directions, respectively. The second set is the cross sectional areas of the respective wires in square inches multiplied by 100 (.10 sq. in. x 100 = 10, etc.). Spacings of longitudinal wires can vary from 2 to 16 (larger spacings are obtainable and vary with individual manufacturers). Transverse spacings are usually 4, 6, 8, 12, or 16. Wires can be cut flush or have overhangs on the sides of the welded wire. The ends will generally have overhangs of one-half the transverse spacing unless other multiples of the transverse spacing are requested, i.e. for 12-inch transverse spacing, 6 & 6 or 8 & 4 or 10 & 2, etc.
WWRs strength, flexibility and other advantages have long been relied upon by the precast industry, particularly for applications that may be subjected to high flexure and shear stresses. In recent years, with advances in assessment and manufacturing technologies, WWRs use in a broader base of structural applications is growing rapidly. With respect to this greater interest in and growing use of WWR, the following discussion examines important aspects of this superior product, including manufacturing, specifications and applications, handling and unloading, placing, coated WWR and metric WWR.
Frequently referred to as fabric or wire mesh, WWR is manufactured from hot rolled steel rods. The rods are cold drawn or cold rolled through a series of dies or carbide rolls to reduce the diameter and to increase the yield strength of the steel. WWR for construction is usually manufactured in 5 to 8 foot-wide sheets and rolls. Sheets 12 wide and some larger are produced primarily for highway paving and precast components. Special widths can be furnished on request. Sheets can be provided up to 40 feet or more in length, but 12-foot 6-inch, 15feet, 20-feet and 25-feet are the more common lengths for ease in shipping and placing. Pipe and standard building fabric are produced in roll form. Most standard building fabric is available in sheet form. Wire sizes are available from W1.4-W45 and D4-D45. Other wire sizes are available and vary with individual manufacturers. The W for plain or D for deformed
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Welded wire reinforcement can be used as ties and stirrups for column, beam and joist cage (confinement) reinforcement. WWR cage reinforcement is also used for concrete encased columns. The WWR supplier uses a welded wire bending machine to shape the materials into required configurations. The placing drawings will identify the location and details of the cage assemblies. When WWR is used for wall reinforcing, form support accessories are available to hold the sheets of WWR in place to provide the necessary cover.
If the rolls or sheets must be lifted by crane at the job site, the customer may request the WWR manufacturer to install lifting eyes. Sheet bundles without lifting eyes are placed on dunnage (as specified by the customer) for easier unloading with either a forklift or a crane using a sling chain hooked or threaded through the bundle. At all times during off loading of materials, caution must be exercised and all safety regulations and practices must be observed.
WWR rolls are unrolled, cut to proper length and turned over to prevent ends from curling. Flattening the material is best accomplished, mechanically; i.e., roller straightener, which will provide the necessary flatness to achieve proper positioning. All WWR should be placed on support accessories to maintain the required position and cover as specified by the engineer. Splices or laps, either structural or temperature/ shrinkage types, should be specified by the engineer and in conformance with the ACI Building Code. Typically, structural laps for welded wire fabric are a minimum length of 6 + overhangs for plain wire and 8 including overhangs for deformed wires. The Code requires that one or two cross wires, depending on type of wire, occur in structural laps of WWR. Deformed wire structural laps, when no cross wires are included in the splice region, are a minimum of 12. In areas of low stress, splice lengths can be reduced. For slab on grade construction: With slab thicknesses less than 5, a single layer of welded wire is placed in the middle of the slab. For slabs 6 and greater, the top cover is 1/3 the depth of the slab.
When two layers are specified (usually over 8 thick), the top cover will be 1 to 2 depending on saw cuts
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(WWR is placed below the saw cuts). The bottom cover will be 1-1/2 min. on earth or 1 on vapor barriers. Support manufacturers produce concrete blocks or steel (coated and uncoated) and plastic chairs, bolsters, and WWR support accessories made specifically for either single layer or double layer reinforcing applications. Placing WWR on appropriately spaced concrete blocks, steel or plastic supports with base plates and typing the WWR at laps is adequate to maintain its position during concrete placement. WWR should not be placed on the sub grade and pulled up during concrete placement. Following is a suggested guide for spacing support accessories: Heavy WWR styles - W9 or D9 and larger: . . . . . . .4-6* Medium WWR styles -W5 or D5 to W8 or D8: . . . . . . .3-4 Light WWR styles - W4 or D4 or less: . . .2-3 or less**
Wide spaced 12x12 - D7xD7 WWR for slab on grade construction to obtain proper positioning in this auto parts distribution facility in Zanesville, OH.
Note: Conversion factors used: 25.4 mm = 1 inch, 645 mm2 = 1 in2 A reminder, the inch-pound wire areas in the examples are in2 multiplied by 100. Note: Table 3 is included for use in selecting areas of steel with various wire spacings.
* Spacing of supports for WWR with wires larger than W or D9 could possibly be increased over the spacings shown depending on the construction loads applied. **Consider using additional rows of supports when large deflections or deformations occur also spacing of supports may be increased provided supports are placed and properly positioned as concrete is needed.
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Metric Units Inch-pound Units (conversions) Mass (kg/m) 2.27 1.57 1.02 .941 .784 .706 .627 .549 .510 .470 .431 .392 .353 .314 .274 .235 .204 .196 .157 .149 .118 .102 .078 .071 Size (W=Plain) (in2x100) W45 W31 W20.2 W18.6 W15.5 W14.0 W12.4 W10.9 W10.1 W9.3 W8.5 W7.8 W7.0 W6.2 W5.4 W4.7 W4.0 W3.9 W3.1 W2.9 W2.3 W2.0 W1.6 W1.4 Gage Guide Area (in2) .450 .310 .202 .186 .155 .140 .124 .109 .101 .093 .085 .078 .070 .062 .054 .047 .040 .039 .031 .029 .023 .020 0.16 .014 Diameter (in) .757 .628 .507 .487 .444 .422 .397 .373 .359 .344 .329 .314 .298 .283 .262 .245 .226 .223 .199 .192 .171 .160 .143 .135 Weight (lb./ft.) 1.53 1.054 .687 7/0 .632 6/0 .527 5/0 .476 .422 4/0 .371 3/0 .343 .316 2/0 .289 .263 .238 1 .214 .184 .160 .136 .133 .105 .098 .078 8 .068 .054 .048 10 6 2 3 4 1/0
Size (MW=Plain) (mm2) MW290 MW200 MW130 MW120 MW100 MW90 MW80 MW70 MW65 MW60 MW55 MW50 MW45 MW40 MW35 MW30 MW26 MW25 MW20 MW19 MW15 MW13 MW10 MW9
Diameter (mm) 19.22 15.95 12.9 12.4 11.3 10.7 10.1 9.4 9.1 8.7 8.4 8.0 7.6 7.1 6.7 6.2 5.7 5.6 5.0 4.9 4.4 4.1 3.6 3.4
*Metric wire sizes can be specified in 1 mm 2 increments. **Inch-Pound sizes can be specified in .001 in 2 increments. Note - For other available wire sizes, consult other WRI publications or discuss with WWR manufactures. Note - Wires may be deformed, use prefix MD or D, expect where only MW or W is required by building codes (usually less than MW26 or W4).
Metric Styles (MW = Plain wire)2 102x102 102x102 102x102 102x102 152x152 152x152 152x152 152x152 102x102 152x152 305x305 305x305 152x152 152x152 305x305 305x305 152x152 152x152 305x305 305x305 152x152 152x152 305x305 305x305 MW27xMW27 MW48xMW48 MW54xMW54 MW97xMW97 3.08 5.52 3.08 5.52 MW28xMW28 MW52x52 MW57xMW57 MW103xMW103 3.22 5.61 3.22 5.61 MW52xMW52 MW54xMW54 MW59xMW59 MW107xMW107 5.66 5.81 8.25 9.72 6x6 - W8.1xW8.1 6x6 - W8.3xW8.3 12x12 - W9.1xW9.1 12x12 - W16.6xW16.6 6x6 - W4.4xW4.4 6x6 - W8xW8 12x12 - W8.8xW8.8 12x12 - W16xW16 6x6 - W4.2xW4.2 6x6 - W7.5xW7.5 12x12 - W8.3xW8.3 12x12 - W15xW15 MW20xMW20 MW30xMW30 MW61xMW61 MW110xMW110 3.17 3.32 3.47 6.25 4x4 - W3.1xW3.1 6x6 - W4.7xW4.7 12x12 - W9.4xW9.4 12x12 - W17.1xW17.1 .093 .094 .094 .171 .162 .166 .091 .166 .088 .160 .088 .160 .084 .150 .083 .150 65 68 71 128 116 119 69 125 63 115 66 120 60 108 63 113 MW9xMW9 MW13xMW13 MW19xMW19 MW26xMW26 MW9xMW9 MW13xMW13 MW19xMW19 MW26xMW26 1.51 2.15 3.03 4.30 1.03 1.46 2.05 2.83 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 6x6 6x6 6x6 6x6 W1.4xW1.4 W2.0xW2.0 W2.9xW2.9 W4.0xW4.0 W1.4xW1.4 W2.0xW2.0 W2.9xW2.9 W4.0xW4.0 .042 .060 .087 .120 .028 .040 .058 .080 31 44 62 88 21 30 42 58 Wt. (kg/m2) Equivalent US Customary Style A1 (in2/ft) Wt (lbs/CSF)
A1 (mm2/m)
A1 & 4
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Group A - Compares areas of WWR at a minimum fy = 65,000 psi. Group B - Compares areas of WWR at a minimum fy = 70,000 psi Group C - Compares areas of WWR at a minimum fy = 72,500 psi Group D - Compares areas of WWR at a minimum fy = 75,000 psi Group E - Compares areas of WWR at a minimum fy = 80,000 psi
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2Wires may also be deformed, use prefix MD or D, except where only MW or W is required by building codes (usually less than a MW26 or W4). Also wire sizes can be specified in 1mm2 (metric) or .001 in.2 (US Customary) increments. 3For other available styles or wire sizes, consult other WRI publications or discuss with WWR manufacturers. 4Styles may be obtained in roll form. Note: It is recommended that rolls be straightened and cut to size before placement.
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Wire Size Number* (area of steel x 100) Plain W45 W31 W20 W18 W16 W14 W12 W11 W10.5 W10 W9.5 W9 W8.5 W8 W7.5 W7 W6.5 W6 W5.5 W5 W4.5 W4 W3.5 W3 W2.9 W2.5 W2.1 W2 W1.5 W1.4 Nominal Diameter Inches .757 .628 .505 .479 .451 .422 .391 .374 .366 .357 .348 .338 .329 .319 .309 .299 .288 .276 .265 .252 .239 .226 .211 .195 .192 .178 .162 .160 .138 .134 Nominal Weight Lbs./Lin. Ft. 1.530 1.054 .680 .612 .544 .476 .408 .374 .357 .340 .323 .306 .329 .272 .309 .238 .221 .204 .187 .170 .153 .136 .119 .102 .098 .085 .070 .068 .051 .049 Area in Sq. In. Per Ft. Of Width For Various Spacing Center-To-Center Spacing 3 4 6 12 16 1.800 1.350 .90 .45 .34 1.240 .930 .62 .31 .23 .800 .720 .640 .560 .480 .440 .420 .400 .380 .360 .340 .320 .300 .280 .260 .240 .220 .200 .180 .160 .140 .120 .116 .100 .084 .080 .060 .056 .600 .540 .480 .420 .360 .330 .315 .300 .285 .270 .255 .240 .225 .210 .195 .180 .185 .150 .135 .120 .105 .090 .087 .075 .063 .060 .045 .042 .40 .36 .32 .28 .24 .22 .21 .20 .19 .18 .17 .16 .15 .14 .13 .12 .11 .10 .09 .08 .07 .06 .058 .05 .042 .04 .03 .028 .20 .18 .16 .14 .12 .11 .105 .10 .095 .09 .085 .08 .075 .07 .065 .06 .055 .05 .045 .04 .035 .03 .029 .025 .021 .02 .015 .014 .15 .135 .12 .105 .09 .083 .079 .075 .071 .068 .064 .06 .056 .053 .049 .045 .041 .038 .034 .03 .026 .023 .022
Note: The above listing of plain wire sizes represents wires normally selected to manufacture welded wire reinforcement styles to specific areas of reinforcement. Wires may be deformed using prefix D, except where only W is required on building codes (usually less than W4). Wire sizes other than those listed above may be available if the quantity required is sufficient to justify manufacture. *The number following the prefix W identifies the cross-sectional area of the wire in hundredths of a square inch. The nominal diameter of a deformed wire is equivalent to the diameter of a plain wire having the same weight per foot as the deformed-wire. Refer to ACI 318 for The ACI Building Code requirements for tension development lengths and tension lap splices of welded wire reinforcement. For additional information see Welded Wire Reinforcement Manual of Standard Practice and Structural Welded Wire Reinforcement Detailing Manual, both published by the Wire Reinforcement Institute.
This report is furnished as a guide to industry practice. The Wire Reinforcement Institute (WWR) and its members make no warranty of any kind regarding the use of this report for other than informational purposes. This report is intended for the use of professionals competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and who will accept the responsibility for the application of the material it contains. WRI provides the foregoing material as a matter of information and, therefore, disclaims any and all responsibility for application of the stated principles or the accuracy of the sources other than material developed by the Institute.
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
A skip pan joist and slab floor system with high strength WWR.
For a complete up to date listing of WRI members, e.g. producers, associates, professional, honorary and life members - call or write to the WRI. The WRI staff would also like to answer your questions and discuss your needs about specific reinforcement requirements on individual projects.
This report is furnished as a guide to industry practice. The Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI) and its members make no warranty of any kind regarding the use of this report for other than informational purposes. This report is intended for the use of professionals competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and who will accept the responsibility for the application of the material it contains. WRI provides the foregoing material as a matter of information and, therefore, disclaims any and all responsibility for application of the stated principles or the accuracy of the sources other than material developed by the Institute.
TF 209-03 Metric
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Design Aids For Structural Welded Wire Reinforcement (Metric Units for WWR/Rebar Comparison Tables)
This Tech Fact* provides basic information on coldworked wire and welded wire reinforcement (WWR) to assist in the design and detailing of WWR systems for concrete structures. Tables are included to compare metric steel areas and diameters for reinforcement with a minimum yield strength of 420 MPa and three higher minimum yield strengths, i.e., 485 MPa, 515 MPa and 550 MPa, for WWR1. Tables 3-6 consider steel wire diameters ranging from 5 mm to 16 mm. The American Concrete Institutes (ACI) publication 318M ACI 318, Building Requirements for Structural Concrete defines deformed reinforcement for structural concrete in Section 2.1. The section states that welded plain wire reinforcement, welded deformed wire reinforcement and deformed wire are defined as deformed reinforcement. For further definition and acceptance for the use of high strength reinforcement see 318M ACI 318, Chapter 3.
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) publishes specifications for the wire used to manufacture reinforcement and for both plain and deformed WWR. The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) publishes similar specifications for use in Canada. The appropriate titles and numbers are given in Table 1. These are considered to be the governing specifications for both wire and WWR. Federal, State and local governmental agencies have special specifications that will control. The AASHTO specification numbers are a prime example of this. They are also stated in Table 1. Table 2 has minimum strength properties and weld shear test values. See the section on Minimum Yield Strengths for specific references to high strength reinforcement.
Type of WWR Minimum Tensile Strength MPa Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain Welded Wire Reinforcement, Deformed
1 2
520 550
Rebar sizes of #3, #4, #5 and #6 are not available in strengths higher than 420 MPa. For use of WWR with higher minimum yield strengths see the section on Minimum Yield Strengths.
*This Tech Fact may be inserted in the WRI Structural Detailing Manual, Chapter 2 and will be updated as manufacturing capabilities are changed.
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
13mm wires @ 450mm c/c. Select 6.4mm diameter wires @ 150mm spacings Aw = 282 x 420 x 150 = 32.3mm2, then db = 32.3 = 6.4mm - ok 550 1000 0.7854 To satisfy ASTM weld/shear requirements of 40% differential areas of larger to smaller wires: 58.2mm2 x 0.4 = 23.3mm2, and 32.3 is greater than 23.3mm2 ok The style of WWR sheet for the positive moment reinforcement (bottom) is: 150 x 150 8.6x6.4
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Definition of expressions:
As - Area of steel (per meter width or per foot of width) Aw- Area of wire db - diameter of bar or wire
Conversion Multipliers
kg/cm2 x 14.2234 = psi MPa x 145 = psi MPa x 10.188 = kg/cm2
When the WWR style is required to furnish tension reinforcement in only one direction, the cross-wire should be the smallest size permitted at the maximum spacing permitted. ASTM and CSA specify the minimum size as noted above. The maximum spacing is 3 times the slab thickness or 450 mm as specified in ACI 318, Chapter 7.
WRI provides the material herein as a matter of information and therefore, disclaims any and all responsibility for application of the stated principles or the accuracy of the data other than material developed by the institute.
100 9.4 8.4 7.7 7.1 6.7 6.3 6.0 5.7 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.9 4.7 4.6 4.4
Area (mm2/m) 699 559 466 399 349 310 279 254 233 215 200 186 175 164 155
Mass (kg/m2) 5.49 4.39 3.66 3.14 2.74 2.44 2.20 2.00 1.83 1.69 1.57 1.46 1.37 1.29 1.22
100 12.7 11.4 10.4 9.6 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.7 7.3 7.1 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.0
Area (mm2/m) 1270 1016 847 726 635 564 508 462 423 391 363 339 318 299 282
Mass (kg/m2) 9.98 7.98 6.65 5.70 4.99 4.44 3.99 3.63 3.33 3.07 2.85 2.66 2.50 2.35 2.22
100 15.8 14.2 12.9 12.0 11.2 10.6 10.0 9.5 9.1 8.8 8.5 8.2 7.9 7.7 7.5
15.8 14.7 13.7 12.9 12.3 11.7 11.2 10.8 10.4 10.0 9.7 9.4 9.1
15.8 14.9 14.2 13.5 12.9 12.4 12.0 11.6 11.2 10.9 10.6
Area (mm2/m) 1969 1575 1312 1125 984 875 787 716 656 606 562 525 492 463 437
Mass (kg/m2) 15.47 12.38 10.31 8.84 7.73 6.88 6.19 5.63 5.16 4.76 4.42 4.13 3.87 3.64 3.44
Welded Wire Reinforcement @ 420 MPa Wire Diameter (mm) at Various Spacing (mm) 150 200 300 400 450
15.4 14.3 13.3 12.6 11.9 11.4 10.9 10.5 10.1 9.7 9.4 9.1 8.9
15.4 14.6 13.9 13.3 12.8 12.3 11.9 11.6 11.2 10.9
15.8 15.4
Area (mm2/m) 2794 2235 1863 1597 1397 1242 1118 1016 931 860 798 745 699 657 621
Mass (kg/m2) 21.96 17.56 14.64 12.55 10.98 9.76 8.78 7.98 7.32 6.76 6.27 5.85 5.49 5.17 4.88
100 8.8 7.8 7.2 6.6 6.2 5.9 5.6 5.3 5.1 4.9 4.7 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.1
Area (mm2/m) 605 484 403 346 302 269 242 220 202 186 173 161 151 142 134
Mass (kg/m2) 4.75 3.80 3.17 2.72 2.38 2.11 1.90 1.73 1.58 1.46 1.36 1.27 1.19 1.12 1.06
100 11.8 10.6 9.7 8.9 8.4 7.9 7.5 7.1 6.8 6.6 6.3 6.1 5.9 5.7 5.6
Area (mm2/m) 1100 880 733 628 550 489 440 400 367 338 314 293 275 259 244
Mass (kg/m2) 8.64 6.91 5.76 4.94 4.32 3.84 3.46 3.14 2.88 2.66 2.47 2.30 2.16 2.03 1.92
100 14.7 13.2 12.0 11.1 10.4 9.8 9.3 8.9 8.5 8.2 7.9 7.6 7.4 7.1 6.9
14.7 13.6 12.8 12.0 11.4 10.9 10.4 10.0 9.6 9.3 9.0 8.8 8.5
15.7 14.7 13.9 13.2 12.6 12.0 11.6 11.1 10.8 10.4 10.1 9.8
Area (mm2/m) 1705 1364 1136 974 852 758 682 620 568 525 487 455 426 401 379
Mass (kg/m2) 13.40 10.72 8.93 7.65 6.70 5.95 5.36 4.87 4.47 4.12 3.83 3.57 3.35 3.15 2.98
100 15.7 14.3 13.3 12.4 11.7 11.1 10.6 10.1 9.7 9.4 9.1 8.8 8.5 8.3
Welded Wire Reinforcement @ 485 MPa Wire Diameter (mm) at Various Spacing (mm) 150 200 300 400 450
15.2 14.3 13.6 13.0 12.4 11.9 11.5 11.1 10.7 10.4 10.1
Area (mm2/m) 2420 1936 1613 1383 1210 1075 968 880 807 744 691 645 605 569 538
Mass (kg/m2) 19.01 15.21 12.68 10.86 9.51 8.45 7.61 6.91 6.34 5.85 5.43 5.07 4.75 4.47 4.23
100 8.5 7.6 7.0 6.4 6.0 5.7 5.4 5.1 4.9 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.0
Area (mm2/m) 570 456 380 326 285 253 228 207 190 175 163 152 142 134 127
Mass (kg/m2) 4.48 3.58 2.98 2.56 2.24 1.99 1.79 1.63 1.49 1.38 1.28 1.19 1.12 1.05 0.99
100 11.5 10.3 9.4 8.7 8.1 7.7 7.3 6.9 6.6 6.4 6.1 5.9 5.7 5.6 5.4
Area (mm2/m) 1036 829 690 592 518 460 414 377 345 319 296 276 259 244 230
Mass (kg/m2) 8.14 6.51 5.43 4.65 4.07 3.62 3.26 2.96 2.71 2.50 2.33 2.17 2.03 1.92 1.81
100 14.3 12.8 11.7 10.8 10.1 9.5 9.0 8.6 8.3 7.9 7.6 7.4 7.1 6.9 6.7
15.3 14.3 13.5 12.8 12.2 11.7 11.2 10.8 10.4 10.1 9.8 9.5
Area (mm2/m) 1605 1284 1070 917 803 714 642 584 535 494 459 428 401 378 357
Mass (kg/m2) 12.62 10.09 8.41 7.21 6.31 5.61 5.05 4.59 4.21 3.88 3.60 3.36 3.15 2.97 2.80
100 15.2 13.9 12.9 12.0 11.4 10.8 10.3 9.8 9.4 9.1 8.8 8.5 8.3 8.0
Welded Wire Reinforcement @ 515 MPa Wire Diameter (mm) at Various Spacing (mm) 150 200 300 400 450
15.8 14.8 13.9 13.2 12.6 12.0 11.6 11.2 10.8 10.4 10.1 9.8
Area (mm2/m) 2279 1823 1519 1302 1139 1013 911 829 760 701 651 608 570 536 506
Mass (kg/m2) 17.91 14.32 11.94 10.23 8.95 7.96 7.16 6.51 5.97 5.51 5.12 4.77 4.48 4.21 3.98
100 8.2 7.4 6.7 6.2 5.8 5.5 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.0 3.9
Area (mm2/m) 533 427 356 305 267 237 213 194 178 164 152 142 133 126 119
Mass (kg/m2) 4.19 3.35 2.79 2.40 2.10 1.86 1.68 1.52 1.40 1.29 1.20 1.12 1.05 0.99 0.93
100 11.1 9.9 9.1 8.4 7.9 7.4 7.0 6.7 6.4 6.2 5.9 5.7 5.6 5.4 5.2
Area (mm2/m) 970 776 647 554 485 431 388 353 323 298 277 259 242 228 216
Mass (kg/m2) 7.62 6.10 5.08 4.35 3.81 3.39 3.05 2.77 2.54 2.34 2.18 2.03 1.91 1.79 1.69
100 13.8 12.4 11.3 10.5 9.8 9.2 8.7 8.3 8.0 7.7 7.4 7.1 6.9 6.7 6.5
16.0 14.8 13.8 13.0 12.4 11.8 11.3 10.9 10.5 10.1 9.8 9.5 9.2
16.0 15.2 14.4 13.8 13.3 12.8 12.4 12.0 11.6 11.3
Area (mm2/m) 1503 1203 1002 859 752 668 601 547 501 463 429 401 376 354 334
Mass (kg/m2) 11.81 9.45 7.88 6.75 5.91 5.25 4.73 4.30 3.94 3.63 3.38 3.15 2.95 2.78 2.63
100 14.7 13.5 12.5 11.7 11.0 10.4 9.9 9.5 9.1 8.8 8.5 8.2 8.0 7.8
Welded Wire Reinforcement @ 550 MPa Wire Diameter (mm) at Various Spacing (mm) 150 200 300 400 450
15.3 14.3 13.5 12.8 12.2 11.7 11.2 10.8 10.4 10.1 9.8 9.5
15.5 14.7 14.1 13.5 12.9 12.5 12.0 11.7 11.3 11.0
16.0 15.5
Area (mm2/m) 2134 1707 1422 1219 1067 948 853 776 711 657 610 569 533 502 474
Mass (kg/m2) 16.77 13.41 11.18 9.58 8.38 7.45 6.71 6.10 5.59 5.16 4.79 4.47 4.19 3.95 3.73
TF 209-R-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974] 942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Design Aids For Structural Welded Wire Reinforcement (includes WWR/Rebar Comparison Tables)
This Tech Fact* provides basic information on coldworked wire and welded wire reinforcement (WWR) to assist in the design and detailing of WWR systems for concrete structures. Tables are included to compare steel areas for reinforcement with a minimum yield strength of 60,000 psi and three higher minimum yield strengths, i.e., 70,000, 75,000 and 80,000 psi, for WWR.1 Tables 3-6 consider steel wire sizes ranging from W1.4 (1/8 to W or D 45 (3/4). The American Concrete Institutes (ACI) publication ACI 318, Building Requirements for Structural Concrete defines deformed reinforcement for structural concrete in Section 2.1. The section states that welded plain wire reinforcement, welded deformed wire reinforcement and reinforcement are defined as deformed reinforcement. For further definition and acceptance for the use of high strength reinforcement see ACI 318, Chapter 3.
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) publishes specifications for the wire used to manufacture reinforcement and for both plain and deformed WWR. The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) publishes similar specifications for use in Canada. The appropriate titles and numbers are given in Table 1. These are considered to be the governing specifications for both wire and WWR. Federal, State and local governmental agencies have special specifications that will control. The AASHTO specification numbers are a prime example of this. They are also stated in Table 1. Table 2 has minimum strength properties and weld shear test values. See the section on Minimum Yield Strengths for specific references to high strength reinforcement.
Type of WWR Minimum Tensile Strength MPa Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain Welded Wire Reinforcement, Deformed
1 2
520 550
Rebar sizes of #3, #4, #5 and #6 are not available in strengths higher than 60,000 psi (Grade 60). For use of WWR with higher minimum yield strengths see the section on Minimum Yield Strengths.
*This Tech Fact may be inserted in the WRI Structural Detailing Manual, Section 2 and will be updated as manufacturing capabilities are changed.
Page 2 TF 209-R-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Since W5 wire is greater than 40% of W9 wire, the minimum wire size requirement by ASTM is satisfied. Reviewing Table 6 (WWR with fy =80,000 psi) check the amount of temperature reinforcement required, compared to #4 @ 18 (fy =60,000 psi). For a 6 inch slab, W5 wire @ 6 in. furnishes the desired steel area. The WWR style for the bottom reinforcement (positive moment) is then: 6 x 6 - W9 x W5.
When the WWR style is required to furnish tension reinforcement in only one direction, the cross-wire should be the smallest size permitted at the maximum spacing permitted. ASTM and CSA specify the minimum size as noted above. The maximum spacing is 3 times the slab thickness or 18 as specified in ACI 318, Chapter 7. Cross-wire: 40% of W11.6 = W5 wire @ 12 in. (ASTM A185, Chapter 7). Use W5 wire @ 12 in. for efficiency, since it is the same size used in the positive moment reinforcement. The WWR style for the top reinforcement (negative moment) is then: 6 x 12 - W11.6 x W5.
EXAMPLE: (Showing Use of Comparison Tables 3-6) Select the styles of WWR with minimum yield strength, fy = 80,000 psi to be used in lieu of fy = 60,000 psi (Grade 60) reinforcing bars. The slab is for a one-way slab, 6 inches thick. The positive moment reinforcement is #4 bars @ 10 c/c. (As = .24 in2) The temperature reinforcement is #4 bars @ 18 c/c. (As = .133 in2) The negative moment reinforcement is #5 bars @ 12 c/c. (As = .31 in2)
Use Table 6-Reinforcing Bar: fy = 60,000 psi,Welded Wire Reinforcement: fy = 80,000 psi Begin with 6 in. by 6 in. WWR spacing and adjust as necessary.
#4 bars @ 18 in. c.c. - select W5 wire @ 6 in.
As = .20 x 12 x 60 2 = 0.05 in2 18 80
WRI provides the material herein as a matter of information and therefore, disclaims any and all responsibility for application of the stated principles or the accuracy of the data other than material developed by the institute.
Page 3 TF 209-R-03
BARS #4 @ 4 #4 @ 5 #4 @ 6 #4 @ 7 #4 @ 8 #4 @ 9 #4 @ 10 #4 @ 11 #4 @ 12 #4 @ 13 #4 @ 14 #4 @ 15 #4 @ 16 #4 @ 17 #4 @ 18
Rebar As 0.600 0.480 0.400 0.343 0.300 0.267 0.240 0.218 0.200 0.185 0.171 0.160 0.150 0.141 0.133 Rebar As 0.930 0.744 0.620 0.531 0.465 0.413 0.372 0.338 0.310 0.286 0.266 0.248 0.233 0.219 0.207
Rebar #/CSF 200 160 134 114 100 89 80 73 67 62 57 53 50 47 45 Rebar #/CSF 313 250 209 179 156 139 125 114 104 96 89 83 78 74 70
4 IN. 20.0 16.0 13.3 11.4 10.0 8.9 8.0 7.3 6.7 6.2 5.7 5.3 5.0 4.7 4.4
Wire Sizes For Various Spacings 6 IN. 8 IN. 12 IN. 30.0 24.0 20.0 17.1 15.0 13.3 12.0 10.9 10.0 9.2 8.6 8.0 7.5 7.1 6.7 40.0 32.0 26.7 22.9 20.0 17.8 16.0 14.5 13.3 12.3 11.4 10.7 10.0 9.4 8.9 40.0 34.3 30.0 26.7 24.0 21.8 20.0 18.5 17.1 16.0 15.0 14.1 13.3
16 IN. 40.0 35.6 32.0 29.1 26.7 24.7 22.7 21.3 20.0 18.8 17.8
18 IN. 45.0 40.0 36.0 32.7 30.0 27.8 25.7 24.0 22.5 21.2 20.0
WWR As 0.600 0.480 0.400 0.343 0.300 0.267 0.240 0.218 0.200 0.185 0.171 0.160 0.150 0.141 0.133 WWR As 0.930 0.744 0.620 0.531 0.465 0.413 0.372 0.338 0.310 0.286 0.266 0.248 0.233 0.219 0.207
WWR #/CSF 200 160 134 114 100 89 80 73 67 62 57 53 50 47 45 WWR #/CSF 313 250 209 179 156 139 125 114 104 96 89 83 78 74 70
BARS #5 @ 4 #5 @ 5 #5 @ 6 #5 @ 7 #5 @ 8 #5 @ 9 #5 @ 10 #5 @ 11 #5 @ 12 #5 @ 13 #5 @ 14 #5 @ 15 #5 @ 16 #5 @ 17 #5 @ 18
4 IN. 31.0 24.8 20.6 17.7 15.5 13.8 12.4 11.3 10.3 9.5 8.9 8.3 7.8 7.3 6.9
Wire Sizes For Various Spacings 6 IN. 8 IN. 12 IN. 37.2 31.0 26.6 23.3 20.7 18.6 16.9 15.5 14.3 13.3 12.4 11.6 10.9 10.3 41.3 35.4 31.0 27.6 24.8 22.6 20.7 19.1 17.7 16.5 15.5 14.6 13.8 41.3 37.2 33.8 31.0 28.6 26.6 24.8 23.3 21.9 20.7 Spacings 12 IN. 44.0 40.6 27.7 35.2 33.0 31.1 29.3
BARS #6 @ 4 #6 @ 5 #6 @ 6 #6 @ 7 #6 @ 8 #6 @ 9` #6 @ 10 #6 @ 11 #6 @ 12 #6 @ 13 #6 @ 14 #6 @ 15 #6 @ 16 #6 @ 17 #6 @ 18
Rebar As 1.320 1.056 0.880 0.754 0.660 0.587 0.528 0.480 0.440 0.406 0.377 0.352 0.330 0.311 0.293
Rebar #/CSF 451 360 300 257 225 200 180 164 150 139 129 120 113 106 100
4 IN. 44.0 35.2 29.4 25.2 22.0 19.6 17.7 16.1 14.7 13.6 12.6 11.8 11.0 10.4 9.8
Wire Sizes For Various 6 IN. 8 IN. 44.5 37.7 33.0 44.0 29.4 39.1 26.4 35.3 24.0 32.0 22.0 29.3 20.3 27.1 18.9 25.1 17.7 23.5 16.6 22.0 15.6 20.7 14.7 19.6
18 IN. 44.0
WWR As 1.320 1.056 0.880 0.754 0.660 0.587 0.528 0.480 0.440 0.406 0.377 0.352 0.330 0.311 0.293
WWR #/CSF 451 360 300 259 225 200 180 164 150 139 129 120 113 106 100
Page 4 TF 209-R-03
BARS #4 @ 4 #4 @ 5 #4 @ 6 #4 @ 7 #4 @ 8 #4 @ 9 #4 @ 10 #4 @ 11 #4 @ 12 #4 @ 13 #4 @ 14 #4 @ 15 #4 @ 16 #4 @ 17 4 @ 18
Rebar As 0.600 0.480 0.400 0.343 0.300 0.267 0.240 0.218 0.200 0.185 0.171 0.160 0.150 0.141 0.133 Rebar As 0.930 0.744 0.620 0.531 0.465 0.413 0.372 0.338 0.310 0.286 0.266 0.248 0.233 0.219 0.207
Rebar #/CSF 200 160 134 114 100 89 80 73 67 62 57 53 50 47 45 Rebar #/CSF 313 250 209 179 156 139 125 114 104 96 89 83 78 74 70
4 IN. 17.1 13.7 11.4 9.8 8.6 7.6 6.9 6.2 5.7 5.3 4.9 4.6 4.3 4.0 3.8
16 IN. 39.2 34.3 30.5 27.4 24.9 22.8 21.1 19.6 18.3 17.1 16.1 15.2
18 IN. 44.1 34.4 30.9 28.1 25.7 23.7 22.1 20.1 19.4 18.2 17.1
WWR As 0.514 0.411 0.343 0.294 0.257 0.229 0.206 0.187 0.171 0.158 0.147 0.137 0.129 0.121 0.114 WWR As 0.797 0.638 0.531 0.455 0.399 0.354 0.319 0.290 0.266 0.245 0.228 0.213 0.199 0.188 0.177
WWR #/CSF 171 137 115 98 86 76 69 62 57 53 49 46 43 40 38 WWR #/CSF 268 214 179 153 134 119 107 98 89 83 77 71 67 63 60
BARS #5 @ 4 #5 @ 5 #5 @ 6 #5 @ 7 #5 @ 8 #5 @ 9 #5 @ 10 #5 @ 11 #5 @ 12 #5 @ 13 #5 @ 14 #5 @ 15 #5 @ 16 #5 @ 17 5 @ 18
4 IN. 26.6 21.3 17.7 15.2 13.3 11.8 10.6 9.7 8.9 8.2 7.6 7.1 6.6 6.3 5.9
16 IN. 42.5 38.7 35.5 32..7 30.4 28.4 26.5 25.1 23.6
BARS #6 @ 4 #6 @ 5 #6 @ 6 #6 @ 7 #6 @ 8 #6 @ 9 #6 @ 10 #6 @ 11 #6 @ 12 #6 @ 13 #6 @ 14 #6 @ 15 #6 @ 16 #6 @ 17` #6 @ 18
Rebar As 1.320 1.056 0.880 0.754 0.660 0.587 0.528 0.480 0.440 0.406 0.377 0.352 0.330 0.311 0.293
Rebar #/CSF 451 360 300 257 225 200 180 164 150 139 129 120 113 106 100
4 IN. 37.7 30.2 25.1 21.5 18.9 16.8 15.1 13.8 12.6 11.6 10.8 10.1 9.4 8.9 8.4
WWR As 1.131 0.905 0.754 0.646 0.566 0.503 0.453 0.412 0.377 0.348 0.323 0.302 0.283 0.266 0.251
WWR #/CSF 385 309 257 220 193 174 154 141 129 119 110 103 97 91 86
Page 5 TF 209-R-03
BARS #4 @ 4 #4 @ 5 #4 @ 6 #4 @ 7 #4 @ 8 #4 @ 9 #4 @ 10 #4 @ 11 #4 @ 12 #4 @ 13 #4 @ 14 #4 @ 15 #4 @ 16 #4 @ 17 #4 @ 18
Rebar As 0.600 0.480 0.400 0.343 0.300 0.267 0.240 0.218 0.200 0.185 0.171 0.160 0.150 0.141 0.133 Rebar As 0.930 0.744 0.620 0.531 0.465 0.413 0.372 0.338 0.310 0.286 0.266 0.248 0.233 0.219 0.207
Rebar #/CSF 200 160 134 115 100 89 80 73 67 62 57 53 50 47 45 Rebar #/CSF 313 250 209 179 156 139 125 114 104 96 89 83 78 74 70
4 IN. 16.0 12.8 10.7 9.1 8.0 7.1 6.4 5.8 5.3 4.9 4.6 4.3 4.0 3.8 3.6
16 IN. 42.7 36.5 32.0 28.4 25.6 23.3 21.3 19.7 18.3 17.1 16.0 15.1 14.3
18 IN. 41.1 36.0 32.0 28.8 26.3 24.0 22.2 20.6 19.2 18.0 17.0 16.1
WWR As 0.480 0.384 0.320 0.274 0.240 0.213 0.192 0.175 0.160 0.148 0.137 0.128 0.120 0.113 0.107 WWR As 0.744 0.595 0.496 0.425 0.372 0.331 0.298 0.271 0.248 0.229 0.213 0.198 0.186 0.175 0.165
WWR #/CSF 160 128 107 92 80 71 64 58 53 49 46 43 40 38 36 WWR #/CSF 250 200 167 143 125 111 100 91 83 77 71 66 62 59 56
BARS #5 @ 4 #5 @ 5 #5 @ 6 #5 @ 7 #5 @ 8 #5 @ 9 #5 @ 10 #5 @ 11 #5 @ 12 #5 @ 13 #5 @ 14 #5 @ 15 #5 @ 16 #5 @ 17 #5 @ 18
4 IN. 24.8 19.8 16.5 14.2 12.4 11.0 9.9 9.0 8.3 7.6 7.1 6.6 6.2 5.8 5.5
16 IN. 44.1 39.7 36.1 33.1 30.5 28.4 26.4 24.8 23.3 22.0
18 IN. 44.7 40.7 37.2 34.4 32.0 29.7 27.9 26.3 24.8
BARS #6 @ 4 #6 @ 5 #6 @ 6 #6 @ 7 #6 @ 8 #6 @ 9 #6 @ 10 #6 @ 11 #6 @ 12 #6 @ 13 #6 @ 14 #6 @ 15 #6 @ 16 #6 @ 17 #6 @ 18
Rebar As 1.320 1.056 0.880 0.754 0.660 0.587 0.528 0.480 0.440 0.406 0.377 0.352 0.330 0.311 0.293
Rebar #/CSF 451 360 300 257 225 200 180 164 150 139 129 120 113 106 100
4 IN. 35.2 28.2 23.5 20.1 17.6 15.6 14.1 12.8 11.7 10.8 10.1 9.4 8.8 8.3 7.8
WWR As 1.056 0.845 0.704 0.603 0.528 0.470 0.422 0.384 0.352 0.325 0.302 0.282 0.264 0.249 0.234
WWR #/CSF 359 288 240 206 180 160 144 131 120 111 103 96 90 85 80
Page 6 TF 209-R-03
BARS #4 @ 4 #4 @ 5 #4 @ 6 #4 @ 7 #4 @ 8 #4 @ 9 #4 @ 10 #4 @ 11 #4 @ 12 #4 @ 13 #4 @ 14 #4 @ 15 #4 @ 16 #4 @ 17 #4 @ 18
Rebar As 0.600 0.480 0.400 0.343 0.300 0.267 0.240 0.218 0.200 0.185 0.171 0.160 0.150 0.141 0.133 Rebar As 0.930 0.744 0.620 0.531 0.465 0.413 0.372 0.338 0.310 0.286 0.266 0.248 0.233 0.219 0.207
Rebar #/CSF 200 160 134 114 100 89 80 73 67 62 57 53 50 47 45 Rebar #/CSF 313 250 209 179 156 139 125 114 104 96 89 83 78 74 70
4 IN. 15.0 12.0 10.0 8.6 7.5 6.7 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.6 4.3 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.3
16 IN. 40.0 34.3 30.0 26.7 24.0 21.9 20.0 18.5 17.2 16.0 15.0 14.2 13.4
18 IN. 45.0 38.6 33.8 30.0 27.0 24.6 22.5 20.8 19.2 18.0 16.9 15.9 15.0
WWR As 0.450 0.360 0.300 0.257 0.225 0.200 0.180 0.164 0.150 0.139 0.128 0.120 0.113 0.106 0.100 WWR As 0.698 0.558 0.465 0.398 0.349 0.310 0.279 0.254 0.233 0.215 0.200 0.186 0.175 0.164 0.155
WWR #/CSF 150 120 100 86 75 67 60 55 50 46 43 40 38 35 33 WWR #/CSF 235 188 156 134 117 104 94 86 78 72 67 62 59 55 52
BARS #5 @ 4 #5 @ 5 #5 @ 6 #5 @ 7 #5 @ 8 #5 @ 9 #5 @ 10 #5 @ 11 #5 @ 12 #5 @ 13 #5 @ 14 #5 @ 15 #5 @ 16 #5 @ 17 #5 @ 18
4 IN. 23.3 18.6 15.5 13.3 11.6 10.3 9.3 8.5 7.8 7.1 6.7 6.2 5.8 5.5 5.2
16 IN. 41.3 37.2 33.9 31.1 28.7 26.7 24.8 23.3 21.9 20.7
18 IN. 41.9 38.1 34.9 32.2 30.0 27.9 26.2 24.6 23.3
BARS #6 @ 4 #6 @ 5 #6 @ 6 #6 @ 7 #6 @ 8 #6 @ 9 #6 @ 10 #6 @ 11 #6 @ 12 #6 @ 13 #6 @ 14 #6 @ 15 #6 @ 16 #6 @ 17 #6 @ 18
Rebar As 1.320 1.056 0.880 0.754 0.660 0.587 0.528 0.480 0.440 0.406 0.377 0.352 0.330 0.311 0.293
Rebar #/CSF 451 360 300 257 225 200 180 164 150 139 129 120 113 106 100
4 IN. 33.0 26.4 22.0 18.9 16.5 14.7 13.2 12.0 11.0 10.2 9.4 8.8 8.3 7.8 7.3
WWR As 0.990 0.792 0.660 0.566 0.495 0.440 0.396 0.360 0.330 0.305 0.283 0.264 0.248 0.233 0.220
WWR #/CSF 337 270 225 193 169 150 135 123 113 104 97 90 85 80 75
TF 306-R-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
TF 306-R-03 Page 2
simply, this provision allows the producer to concentrate the placement of the steel to the regions or "quadrants" of the pipe wall where it is needed. When a concrete pipe is loaded, tension develops in the crown and invert on the inside face of the pipe wall, and at the springline on the outside face of the pipe wall. The quadrant mats are placed in these areas to resist the tensile forces that develop. Opposite these locations the pipe wall is in compression, which the concrete alone can resist. The typical quadrant mat configuration consists of a full circular cage having an area of at least 25% of the specified area for that cage, with the remaining area provided by each of two 90o quadrant mats placed as shown in Figure 1. The combined areas of the full circular cage and either single quadrant mat must be equal to or greater than the area specified for that cage. A more practical quadrant mat configuration is the use of a "quadrant cage" and a single quadrant mat (Figure 2). The quadrant cage is rolled 11/4 turns (450o) and overlapped by 90 to include the first "quadrant mat". Then a single 90 quadrant mat is rolled and placed opposite the 90 overlap. The quadrant cage and quadrant mat are rolled from the same style which is at least 50% of the specified cage area. Where the overlap occurs and where the quadrant mat is placed, the total area is equal to or greater than the specified cage area. When this configuration is used, labor is minimized and a steel savings of up to 25% is realized. This quadrant cage (QC) and quadrant mat (QM) configuration is used throughout the following tables where specified areas exceed 0.60 in.2 per linear foot of pipe wall. Probably the least understood provision in C76 is found under Permissible Variations Section 12.5.2 Area of Reinforcement. It uses the alternate elliptical cage area listed in the table for a given pipe diameter and class to calculate the permissible variations of the inner and outer cages. It states that when inner and outer circular cages are used, the area of the inner cage must be at least 85% of the specified alternate elliptical cage area and the area of the outer cage must be at least 51% of the elliptical area, but the total area of the inner and outer cages must be at least 140% of the elliptical area. This allows for small adjustments in the inner and outer cage areas that can result in savings of nearly 10% (see page 10 66" Class III C-wall design). The designs created using Permissible Variations Section 12.5.2 are identified by a u in the following tables. The format of the tables on the following pages has been revised from previous printings of this Tech Fact. The left third of each table lists the design requirements of ASTM C 76-97, including diameter, class, 0.01-inch crack and ultimate D-Loads, wall designation and thickness, and concrete strength. The center third lists the inner cage data, including minimum area required, wire spacing, wire size, cage length, and cage weight per lin-
ear foot of pipe. The right third lists the corresponding outer cage data, and along the far right side of each table is the total cage weight per linear foot of pipe and the specified alter-nate elliptical cage area used in Section 12.5.2 calculations. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and suggestions for reinforcing configurations that meet the minimum reinforcing requirements of the ASTM C 76-97 Specification. Naturally there are many other configurations available to the concrete pipe producer for their use. These are simply the most common being used in todays market. Contact a WRI member producer for specific requests and conditions that are not addressed in this document. Styles and wire sizes other than those shown in the tables are available upon request. This Tech Fact was prepared under the direction of the Pipe Fabric Committee of the Wire Reinforcement Institute, Inc. Publication of the data herein is not intended as a warranty on the part of the Wire Reinforcement Institute, Inc. or its member companies, with respect to its suitability for any general or particular use, or of freedom from infringement on any existing patent or patents. The user assumes all liability arising from any such contingencies.
Note: In the following tables, where quadrant designs appear below an alternate design identified by a , the quadrant design represents the alternate design.
Wire Sizes Wire Sizes W or D
D-Load Internal Pipe Diameter Class Ult. 0.01" in. lbs./ft./ft. lbs./ft./ft. Wall Thickness in. W or D
2.0 x 2.5 2.0 x 2.5
Concrete Area Wire Strength Req'd Spacing psi in. lbs./ft. Area Wire Req'd Spacing in.
4,000 4,000 0.07 3x6 0.07 3x6
12" C 2 3/4"
2.5 x 2.5
2.03 1.76
2 1/4"
2.0 x 2.5
2.20 2.20
2 1/4"
2.5 x 2.5
2.54 2.20
2 1/4"
3.5 x 2.5
3.22 2.20
2 1/2"
2.0 x 2.5
2.42 2.42
2.42 2.42
0.07 0.07
2 1/2"
3.5 x 2.5
5'-6" 5'-6"
3.54 2.42
3.54 2.42
0.11 0.07
2 1/2"
5'-6" 5'-6"
4.85 2.79
4.85 2.79
0.16 -
TF 306-R-03 Page 3
Wire size increments of 0.1 W-number and sizes larger than W12 are available.
Wire Sizes Wire Sizes W or D
D-Load Internal Pipe Diameter Class Ult. 0.01" in. lbs./ft./ft. lbs./ft./ft. Wall Thickness in. W or D
2.0 x 2.5 2.0 x 2.5
Concrete Area Wire Strength Req'd Spacing psi in. lbs./ft. Area Wire Req'd Spacing in. lbs./ft.
2.86 2.86 4,000 4,000 0.07 3x6 0.07 3x6
21" C 3 1/2"
2 3/4"
2 3/4"
5.0 x 3.0
5.73 2.86
0.17 0.07
2 3/4"
4.0 x 2.5
6.40 3.30
0.21 -
2.0 x 2.5
3.30 3.30
0.07 0.07
24" C C 3 3/4" 4,000 0.14 3x6 3.5 x 2.5 7'-6" 3 3/4" 4,000 0.07 3x8 2.0 x 2.5 7'-4" 2.92 4.83
4.5 x 2.5
0.07 -
3x8 -
2.0 x 2.5 -
8'-0" -
3.19 -
0.23 0.08 -
5.0 x 3.0
7'-6" 7'-4"
9.16 3.92
2.0 x 2.5
9.16 7.11
0.24 0.13
3 1/4"
8'-0" 8'-0"
5.43 3.52
5.43 3.52
0.11 0.07
3 1/4"
3x6 3x6
8'-0" 8'-0"
5.70 3.52
5.70 3.52
0.14 0.07
TF 306-R-03 Page 4
Wire size increments of 0.1 W-number and sizes larger than W12 are available.
Wire Sizes Wire Sizes W or D
2.0 x 2.5 9'-4" 3.72 -
D-Load Internal Pipe Diameter Class Ult. 0.01" in. lbs./ft./ft. lbs./ft./ft. Wall Thickness in. W or D
5.5 x 3.0 2.0 x 2.5 2.5 x 2.5 4.0 x 2.5
Concrete Area Wire Strength Req'd Spacing psi in. lbs./ft. Area Wire Req'd Spacing in. lbs./ft.
10.59 6.91 5.43 5.70 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.15 2x6 3x6 0.08 3x8 0.31 2x6
3 1/4"
3 1/4"
0.38 0.36 0.14 3x8 3.5 x 2.5 8'-0" 4.82 0.08 3x8 2.0 x 2.5
2x8 2x8
8'-0" 8'-0"
11.82 11.00
0.23 0.24
2x8 2x8
3 1/2"
3.5 x 2.5
5.80 3.96
0.12 0.07
3 1/2"
4.5 x 2.5
7.02 4.57
0.15 0.08
30" C C 4 1/4" 4,000 0.16 3x6 4.0 x 2.5 4 1/4" 4,000 0.09 3x8 2.5 x 2.5 8'-8" 9'-0"
3 1/2"
6.0 x 3.0
0.07 -
3x8 -
2.0 x 2.5 -
10'-0" -
3.98 -
0.28 0.10 -
3 1/2"
2x8 2x8
0.46 0.20 -
4 1/4"
3 3/4"
2x6 3x6
9'-6" 9'-6"
6.44 6.77
6.44 6.77
TF 306-R-03 Page 5
Wire size increments of 0.1 W-number and sizes larger than W12 are available.
Wire Sizes Wire Sizes W or D
D-Load Internal Pipe Diameter Class Ult. 0.01" in. lbs./ft./ft. lbs./ft./ft. Wall Thickness in. W or D
2.0 x 2.5
Concrete Area Wire Strength Req'd Spacing psi in. lbs./ft. Area Wire Req'd Spacing in. lbs./ft.
4.18 4,000 0.07 3x6
4 1/2"
3 3/4"
5.0 x 3.0
8.38 5.47
0.17 0.10
33" C C 4 1/2" 4,000 0.18 3x6 4.5 x 2.5 9'-6" 7.41 4 1/2" 4,000 0.11 3x8 3.0 x 2.5 10'-0" 5.34 0.07 3x8 2.0 x 2.5 -
3 3/4"
4.5 x 2.5
4.0 x 2.5
10'-8" 10'-8" -
7.15 4.25 -
0.30 0.12 -
3 3/4"
0.46 0.45 0.23 0.22 2x8 3x8 4.0 x 2.5 5.5 x 3.0 10'-0" 10'-0" 9.42 8.99 0.14 0.14
2x8 2x8
10'-0" 10'-0"
18.08 16.81
0.28 0.27
0.51 0.25 -
4 1/2"
36" B C C 4 3/4" 4,000 0.16 3x6 4.0 x 2.5 4 3/4" 4,000 0.07 3x8 2.0 x 2.5 10'-8" 10'-6" 4" 4,000 0.20 3x6 5.0 x 3.0 10'-6"
3.0 x 2.5
0.07 0.07 -
3x8 3x8 -
11'-4" 11'-4" -
4.51 4.51 -
0.13 0.08 -
36" B C C 4 3/4" 4,000 0.20 4 3/4" 4,000 0.08 3x8 3x6 4" 4,000 0.30 2x6
0.10 0.07 -
3x8 3x8 -
11'-4" 12'-0" -
5.28 4.78 -
0.19 0.09 -
TF 306-R-03 Page 6
Wire size increments of 0.1 W-number and sizes larger than W12 are available.
Wire Sizes Wire Sizes W or D
4.5 x 2.5 2.0 x 2.5 12'-0" 4.78 11'-4" 8.36
D-Load Internal Pipe Diameter Class Ult. 0.01" in. lbs./ft./ft. lbs./ft./ft. Wall Thickness in. W or D
5.0 x 3.0 3.5 x 2.5
Concrete Area Wire Strength Req'd Spacing psi in. lbs./ft. Area Wire Req'd Spacing in. lbs./ft.
20.85 11.20 4,000 4,000 0.14 3x8 0.30 2x8
36" C 4 3/4"
36" C 4 3/4" 6,000 0.27 2x8 4.5 x 2.5 10'-8" 11.14 0.16 3x8 4.0 x 2.5
8.5 x 3.5
5.0 x 3.0
11'-4" 12'-0"
13.27 8.04
33.65 19.18
0.56 0.30
4 1/2"
12'-0" 12'-0"
7.63 8.04
2.5 x 2.5
5 1/4"
42" 0.20 C 5 1/4" 4,000 0.12 3x8 3.0 x 2.5 12'-0" 6.41 0.12 0.07
4 1/2"
0.23 0.13
4 1/2"
6.0 x 3.0
16.50 16.50
0.21 0.20
0.39 -
5 1/4"
5.0 x 3.0
3.0 x 2.5
4 1/2"
12'-0" 12'-0"
26.90 16.50
0.36 0.22
2x8 3x8
13'-4" 14'-0"
18.34 12.59
45.24 29.09
0.67 0.40
0.20 0.15
5 3/4"
TF 306-R-03 Page 7
Wire size increments of 0.1 W-number and sizes larger than W12 are available.
Wire Sizes Wire Sizes W or D
3.5 x 2.5 2.5 x 2.5 15'-4" 7.15 15'-4" 9.23
D-Load Internal Pipe Diameter Class Ult. 0.01" in. lbs./ft./ft. lbs./ft./ft. Wall Thickness in. W or D
4.0 x 2.5 4.0 x 2.5
Area Concrete Wire Strength Req'd Spacing psi in. lbs./ft. Area Wire Req'd Spacing in. lbs./ft.
21.79 16.08 4,000 4,000 0.16 3x8 0.24 2x8
48" C 5 3/4"
0.42 0.42 0.26 2x8 4.5 x 2.5 13'-4" 13.92 0.16 3x8 4.0 x 2.5
2x8 2x8
13'-4" 13'-4"
21.06 21.06
0.25 0.24
2x8 2x8
0.47 0.29
5 3/4"
0.73 0.72 0.47 0.48 2x8 2x8 8.0 x 3.5 8.0 x 3.5 13'-4" 13'-4" 24.11 24.11 0.28 0.27 2x8 2x8
2x8 2x8
13'-4" 13'-4"
37.36 36.00
0.44 0.42
2x8 2x8
0.81 0.52 -
5 3/4"
5 1/2"
3x8 3x8
15'-4" 15'-4"
13.79 13.79
0.24 0.19
6 1/4"
5 1/2"
0.29 0.30 0.21 0.20 2x8 3x8 3x8 3.5 x 2.5 5.5 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0 15'-4" 15'-4" 15'-4"
2x8 2x8
15'-4" 15'-4"
0.32 0.23 -
6 1/4"
5 1/2"
2x8 2x8
0.55 0.38 -
6 1/4"
6 1/4"
0.58 0.57
2x8 2x8
15'-4" 15'-4"
34.37 32.81
0.35 0.33
2x8 2x8
17'-4" 17'-4"
23.84 22.07
58.21 54.88
0.64 -
TF 306-R-03 Page 8
Wire size increments of 0.1 W-number and sizes larger than W12 are available.
Wire Sizes Wire Sizes W or D ft.-in. lbs./ft. lbs./ft. W or D
4.5 x 2.5 4.0 x 2.5 0.16 0.13 0.12 3x8 3x8 3.5 x 2.5 3.0 x 2.5 19'-4" 19'-4" 5.5 x 3.0 5.5 x 3.0 16'-8" 16'-8" 14.99 14.99 16'-8" 15.70 16'-8" 17.40 0.15
D-Load Internal Pipe Diameter Class Ult. 0.01" in. lbs./ft./ft. lbs./ft./ft. Wall Thickness in. B 6"
0.34 0.33
2x8 2x8
16'-8" 16'-8"
22.92 21.22
0.20 0.20
3x8 3x8
18'-8" 18'-8"
15.52 15.52
38.44 36.74
0.38 -
6 3/4"
4.5 x 2.5
0.28 -
0.59 0.57 QC QM 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 7.0 x 3.0 7.0 x 3.0 16'-8" 16'-8" 26.32 26.32 5.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0 20'-8" 4'-8" 24.21 5.47
2x8 2x8
16'-8" 16'-8"
37.36 35.66
0.35 0.36
2x8 2x8
18'-8" 18'-8"
25.67 25.67
63.03 61.33
0.66 -
FC 0.25 0.24
6 3/4"
0.41 0.42
6 3/4"
2x8 2x8
0.42 0.42
2x8 2x8
19'-4" 19'-4"
30.53 30.53
75.53 73.83
0.78 -
7.0 x 3.0
6 1/2"
5.0 x 3.0 4.5 x 2.5 2.5 x 2.5 4.0 x 2.5 4.0 x 2.5
0.34 0.28 -
7 1/4"
TF 306-R-03 Page 9
Wire size increments of 0.1 W-number and sizes larger than W12 are available.
Wire Sizes Wire Sizes W or D
4.5 x 2.5 4.0 x 2.5 5.0 x 3.0 4.5 x 2.5 21'-4" 21'-4" 17.73 15.75 20'-8" 20'-8" 21.58 19.47
D-Load Internal Pipe Diameter Class Ult. 0.01" in. lbs./ft./ft. lbs./ft./ft. Wall Thickness in. W or D
7.0 x 3.0 7.0 x 3.0 5.5 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0
Area Concrete Wire Strength Req'd Spacing psi in. lbs./ft. Area Wire Req'd Spacing in. lbs./ft.
50.01 47.90 40.65 36.83 4,000 0.41 0.42 0.31 0.30 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8
6 1/2"
7 1/4"
6 1/2"
0.69 0.66 QC QM FC 0.31 0.30 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 FC 4.5 x 2.5 4.5 x 2.5 22'-8" 4'-8" 23.67 4.87 8.5 x 3.5 8.5 x 3.5 18'-0" 18'-0" 34.39 34.39 5.5 x 3.0 5.5 x 3.0 22'-8" 4'-8" 28.86 5.94
2x8 2x8
18'-0" 18'-0"
46.76 44.47
0.41 0.42
2x8 2x8
20'-8" 20'-8"
32.64 32.64
79.40 77.11
0.77 -
7 1/4"
0.51 0.51 QC QM
5.0 x 3.0
7 1/4"
0.84 0.84 QC QM 2x8 2x8 7.0 x 3.0 7.0 x 3.0 22'-8" 4'-8" 35.80 7.37
(2) 2 x 8 (2) 2 x 8
18'-0" 18'-0"
56.86 56.86
0.50 0.48 QC QM
97.62 95.44
0.93 -
72" 0.36 C 7 3/4" 4,000 0.30 2x8 2x8 6.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0
6.0 x 3.0
0.39 0.33
0.49 0.48 QC QM
0.29 0.30
2x8 2x8
22'-8" 22'-8"
26.55 26.55
64.76 62.72
0.54 -
2x8 3x8
22'-8" 22'-8"
26.55 20.38
7 3/4"
TF 306-R-03 Page 10
Wire size increments of 0.1 W-number and sizes larger than W12 are available.
Wire Sizes Wire Sizes W or D
8.0 x 3.5 7.5 x 3.0 22'-8" 22'-8" 40.99 38.11 104.15 97.19
D-Load Internal Pipe Diameter Class Ult. 0.01" in. lbs./ft./ft. lbs./ft./ft. Area Concrete Wire Strength Req'd Spacing psi in. W or D
7.0 x 3.0 6.5 x 3.0 6.5 x 3.0 6.5 x 3.0 10.5 x 4.5 10.0 x 4.0 5.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0
Cage Length
Cage Weight
Wall Thickness in. 7" 5,000 0.79 0.78 QC QM 7 3/4" 5,000 0.61 0.60 QC QM 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 (2) 2 x 8 (2) 2 x 8
7 3/4"
0.99 0.96 QC QM 2x8 2x8 8.0 x 3.5 8.0 x 3.5 24'-8" 5'-4" 44.61 9.64 QC QM 2x8 2x8
(2) 2 x 8 (2) 2 x 8
20'-0" 20'-0"
76.42 72.34
0.59 0.60
2x8 2x8
127.23 123.15
1.10 -
7 1/2"
0.40 0.39 0.35 0.36 2x8 6.0 x 3.0 21'-4" 29.34 2x8 6.0 x 3.0 21'-4" 29.34 0.21 0.20
2x8 2x8
21'-4" 21'-4"
33.69 31.51
0.24 0.24
4.0 x 2.5 4.0 x 2.5 3.5 x 2.5 5.5 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0
8 1/4"
0.39 -
7 1/2"
0.57 0.57 QC QM 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 7.0 x 3.0 7.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0
2x8 2x8
0.34 0.33
2x8 2x8
24'-0" 24'-0"
33.01 30.56
78.66 76.21
0.63 -
FC 0.25 0.24
8 1/4"
0.42 0.42
TF 306-R-03 Page 11
Wire size increments of 0.1 W-number and sizes larger than W12 are available.
Wire Sizes Wire Sizes W or D
7.5 x 3.0 7.0 x 3.0 24'-8" 24'-8" 41.47 38.95
D-Load Internal Pipe Diameter Class Ult. 0.01" in. lbs./ft./ft. lbs./ft./ft. Wall Thickness in. W or D
12.0 x 5.0 11.5 x 5.0 6.0 x 3.0 6.0 x 3.0
Area Concrete Wire Strength Req'd Spacing psi in. lbs./ft. Area Wire Req'd Spacing in. lbs./ft.
99.07 94.37 5,000 0.71 0.69 QC QM 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8
8 1/4"
0.46 0.45 0.41 0.42 2x8 2x8 7.0 x 3.0 7.0 x 3.0 23'-4" 23'-4" 36.85 36.85 0.25 0.24 2x8 2x8 4.5 x 2.5 4.0 x 2.5
2x8 2x8
23'-4" 23'-4"
42.20 39.23
0.28 0.27
2x8 2x8
0.51 0.46 -
8 3/4"
0.64 0.63 QC QM FC 0.30 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 4.5 x 2.5 4.5 x 2.5 28'-8" 6'-0" 29.93 6.26 8.5 x 3.5 23'-4" 44.58 5.5 x 3.0 5.5 x 3.0 28'-8" 6'-0" 36.50 7.64
2x8 2x8
23'-4" 23'-4"
57.65 55.27
0.38 0.39
2x8 2x8
26'-0" 26'-0"
38.41 38.41
96.06 93.68
0.71 -
2x8 2x8
26'-0" 26'-8"
38.41 31.23
8 3/4"
5.0 x 3.0
8 3/4"
(2) 2 x 8 (2) 2 x 8
0.51 0.48 QC QM
129.40 121.92
0.94 -
8 1/2"
2x8 2x8
0.31 0.30
2x8 2x8
28'-0" 28'-0"
35.65 32.80
82.77 79.92
0.57 -
5.0 x 3.0
TF 306-R-03 Page 12
Wire size increments of 0.1 W-number and sizes larger than W12 are available.
Wire Sizes Wire Sizes W or D
5.0 x 3.0 4.5 x 2.5 28'-8" 28'-8" 33.58 29.93
D-Load Internal Pipe Diameter Class Ult. 0.01" in. lbs./ft./ft. lbs./ft./ft. Wall Thickness in. W or D
8.0 x 3.5 8.0 x 3.5 4.0 x 2.5 4.0 x 2.5
Area Concrete Wire Strength Req'd Spacing psi in. lbs./ft. Area Wire Req'd Spacing in. lbs./ft.
78.19 74.54 4,000 0.48 0.48 QC QM 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8
9 1/4"
8 1/2"
0.69 0.69 QC QM FC 0.35 0.36 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 FC 5.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0 30'-8" 6'-8" 35.92 7.81 10.0 x 4.0 9.5 x 4.0 24'-8" 24'-8" 55.29 52.78 6.0 x 3.0 6.0 x 3.0 30'-8" 6'-8" 42.17 9.17
2x8 2x8
24'-8" 24'-8"
64.08 64.08
0.41 0.39
2x8 2x8
28'-0" 28'-0"
44.22 41.36
108.30 105.44
0.77 -
9 1/4"
0.59 0.57 QC QM
6.0 x 3.0
0.57 0.57 QC QM 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 2x8 4.5 x 2.5 4.5 x 2.5 9.5 x 4.0 9.0 x 4.0 26'-0" 26'-0" 32'-8" 6'-8" 5.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0 32'-8" 6'-8" 38.26 7.81 55.63 52.98 34.11 6.96
2x8 2x8
26'-0" 26'-0"
55.63 55.63
0.34 0.33
2x8 2x8
30'-0" 30'-0"
41.26 38.20
96.89 93.83
0.63 -
FC 0.33 0.33
9 3/4"
0.55 0.54 QC QM
5.5 x 3.0
(2) 2 x 8 (2) 2 x 8
0.46 0.48 QC QM
131.07 125.76
0.84 -
TF 306-R-03 Page 13
Wire size increments of 0.1 W-number and sizes larger than W12 are available.
Wire Sizes Wire Sizes W or D
7.0 x 3.0 30'-0" 47.38
D-Load Internal Pipe Diameter Class Ult. 0.01" in. lbs./ft./ft. lbs./ft./ft. Wall Thickness in. W or D
12.0 x 5.0 6.0 x 3.0 6.0 x 3.0
Area Concrete Wire Strength Req'd Spacing psi in. lbs./ft. Area Wire Req'd Spacing in. lbs./ft.
117.58 5,000 QC QM 2x8 2x8 0.70 2x8
9 3/4"
102" QC QM FC 0.37 2x8 2x8 7.0 x 3.0 6.5 x 3.0 C QC QM FC 2x8 2x8 2x8 5.5 x 3.0 5.5 x 3.0 34'-8" 7'-4" 44.14 9.34 10 1/4" 5,000 0.62 2x8 10.5 x 4.5 28'-0" 66.33 2x8 2x8 6.0 x 3.0 6.0 x 3.0 34'-8" 7'-4" 47.68 10.09
9 1/2"
11.5 x 5.0
7.0 x 3.0
31'-4" 32'-0"
49.48 47.27
107.25 113.60 -
6.5 x 3.0
102" QC QM C QC QM 2x8 2x8 7.0 x 3.0 7.0 x 3.0 34'-8" 7'-4" 10 1/4" 5,000 0.83 (2) 2 x 8 7.0 x 3.0 28'-0" 88.44 54.75 11.58 2x8 2x8 7.5 x 3.0 7.5 x 3.0 34'-8" 7'-4" 58.28 12.33 QC QM
9 1/2"
(2) 2 x 8
7.5 x 3.0
120.03 0.50 QC QM 2x8 2x8 2x8 8.5 x 3.5 4.5 x 2.5 4.5 x 2.5 32'-0" 40'-0" 8'-0" 61.13 41.76 8.35 149.57 -
108" QC QM C QC QM 2x8 2x8 10 3/4" 5,000 0.70 2x8 2x8 2x8 6.5 x 3.0 6.5 x 3.0 12.0 x 5.0 6.0 x 3.0 6.0 x 3.0
(2) 2 x 8
6.5 x 3.0
0.46 QC QM 0.42
111.11 132.89 -
7.0 x 3.0
TF 306-R-03 Page 14
Wire size increments of 0.1 W-number and sizes larger than W12 are available.
Wire Sizes Wire Sizes W or D
11.0 x 4.5 5.5 x 3.0 5.5 x 3.0 10.0 x 4.0 5.0 x 3.0 5.0 x 3.0 34'-0" 42'-0" 8'-8" 41'-4" 8'-8" 52.63 11.03 76.21 49.19 10.15 33'-4" 82.36
D-Load Internal Pipe Diameter Class Ult. 0.01" in. lbs./ft./ft. lbs./ft./ft. Wall Thickness in. W or D
9.0 x 4.0 9.0 x 4.0 9.0 x 4.0 8.5 x 3.5 8.5 x 3.5 8.5 x 3.5
Area Concrete Wire Strength Req'd Spacing psi in. lbs./ft. Area Wire Req'd Spacing in. lbs./ft.
201.90 5,000 QC QM 2x8 2x8 (2) 2 x 8 2x8 2x8 1.08 (2) 2 x 8
151.95 188.29 -
10 3/4"
450o Quadrant Cage 90o Quadrant Mat 360o Full Circular Cage
Where quadrant designs appear below an alternate design identified by a , the quadrant
TF 306-R-03 Page 15
Wire size increments of 0.1 W-number and sizes larger than W12 are available.
W or D Number Nominal Diameter
(sq. in.) (lb./ft.)
TRANSVERSE SPACING English Metric 4" 102 mm 6" 152 mm 8" 203 mm 12" 305 mm 16" 406 mm ROLL LENGTHS English Metric 300' 91.4 m 325' 99.1 m 350' 106.7 m 375' 114.3 m 400' 121.9 m 450' 137.2 m 500' 152.4 m 600' 182.9 m
CIRCUMFERENTIAL WIDTHS English Metric 68" 1727 mm 70" 1778 mm 87" 2210 mm 88" 2235 mm 90" 2286 mm 92" 2337 mm 93" 2362 mm 94" 2388 mm 95" 2413 mm 96" 2438 mm 97" 2464 mm 98" 2489 mm 108" 2743 mm 141" 3581 mm 142" 3607 mm
W2.0 W2.5 W3.0 W3.5 W4.0 W4.5 W5.0 W5.5 W6.0 W6.5 W7.0 W7.5 W8.0 W8.5 W9.0 W9.5 W10.0 W10.5 W11.0 W11.5 W12.0 MW13 MW16 MW19 MW23 MW26 MW29 MW32 MW35 MW39 MW42 MW45 MW48 MW52 MW55 MW58 MW61 MW65 MW68 MW71 MW74 MW77
OVERHANGS English Metric 1/2" 13 mm 3/4" 19 mm 1" 25 mm 1 1/4" 32 mm 1 1/2" 38 mm 1 3/4" 44 mm 2" 51 mm
CONVERSION FACTORS X 25.4 = mm X 6.45 = MW - Number X 0.3048 = meters X 0.03937 = inches X 0.155 = W - Number X 3.28 = feet
2 X 8 - W8.5 X W3.5 94" (+1,+0) X 375' ROLL metric conversion using tables above 51 X 203 - MW55 X MW23 2388mm (+25,+0) X 114.3 m ROLL
TF 306-R-03 Page 16
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0
0.160 0.178 0.195 0.211 0.226 0.239 0.252 0.265 0.276 0.288 0.299 0.309 0.319 0.329 0.339 0.348 0.357 0.366 0.374 0.383 0.391 0.399 0.407 0.415 0.422 0.430 0.437 0.444 0.451 0.458 0.465 0.472 0.479 0.485 0.492 0.498 0.505
0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.050 0.055 0.060 0.065 0.070 0.075 0.080 0.085 0.090 0.095 0.100 0.105 0.110 0.115 0.120 0.125 0.130 0.135 0.140 0.145 0.150 0.155 0.160 0.165 0.170 0.175 0.180 0.185 0.190 0.195 0.200
0.068 0.085 0.102 0.119 0.136 0.153 0.170 0.187 0.204 0.221 0.238 0.255 0.272 0.289 0.306 0.323 0.340 0.357 0.374 0.391 0.408 0.425 0.442 0.459 0.476 0.493 0.510 0.527 0.544 0.561 0.578 0.595 0.612 0.629 0.646 0.663 0.680
TF 311-M-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Fig. 1
Reinforced concrete pipe is manufactured in accordance with ASTM C-76 & 76M (CSA Standard A-257.2 M). The strength of concrete pipe is stated in terms of D-load which is the load in newtons per linear meter per millimeter of diameter (poundsforce per linear foot per foot of diameter). Concrete pipe that is Top C tested by the three-edge-bearing method is classified accordInner Circular Cage . . ing to the D-load that produces a 0.3 mm crack, and the high. . . . . . .. Elliptical Cage . . T er D-load that will produce minimum ultimate strength. The D. . Outer Circular load strength concept and the statistical evaluation of test Cage results are the basis for the ASTM and CSA Standards that govern the manufacture of concrete pipe. ASTM C76 & C76M T T C C (CSA A-257.2 M) lists design tables for 5 Classes of reinforced concrete pipe (i.e. 40-D through 140-D) showing the pipe diameter, wall thickness, compressive strength of concrete and the T amount of circumferential reinforcement required for each . . . . class. The steel areas listed are typically minimum required if . . . . designed by C76 specifications, however, the overriding C Fig. 2 acceptance factor is normally the three-edge-bearing test. For some larger pipe sizes where the ASTM & CSA Standards do not list steel areas, the pipe manufacturer may employ the indirect design method as a guide to selecting steel areas. As an alternate to the designs requiring both inner and outer circular cages, the reinforcement may be positioned and proportioned with combinations of circular cages, elliptical cages and quadrant steel mats within the minimum limits specified. Figure 2 illustrates a typical reinforcement pattern for large diameter pipe combining an inner and outer cage with an elliptical cage for optimum positioning of tensile steel.
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This publication is furnished as a guide for the selection of welded wire reinforcement with the understanding that while every effort has been made to insure accuiracy, neither the Wire Reinforcement Institute, Inc., nor its member companies make any warranty of any kind respecting the use of the publication for other than informational purposes.
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Page 2 TF 311-M-03
Steel Reinforcement Circular reinforcing wire cages are fabricated from pre-manufactured welded wire reinforcement which is rolled or rerolled into the required cage diameter and tack welded. The wire used in pipe fabric is produced from controlled-quality, low carbon hot rolled steel rods. These rods are cold worked through a series of dies to reduce the rod diameter to the specified wire diameter, thus increasing the overall strength of the steel. A deformation roll is added to produce deformed wire. Chemical composition is carefully selected to give proper welding characteristics in addition to desired mechanical properties. Welded wire reinforcement is produced on automatic welding machines which are designed for long, continuous operation. Longitudinal wires are straightened and fed continously through the machine. Transverse wires, entering from the side or from above the welder, are resistance welded to the longitudinal wires each time the longitudinal wires advance through the machine. Wire and welded wire pipe fabric reinforcement is tested in strict conformance with ASTM A370 requirements. Wire Size Designation Individual wire (plain and deformed) size designations are based on the cross-sectional area of a given wire. The "W" prefix designates plain wire and "D" designates deformed. The number following the letter gives the cross-sectional area of the wire (for customary units, in hundredths of a square inch). For example, W4 would indicate a plain wire with a cross-sectional area of 0.04 in2. D4 would indicate a deformed wire with an area of 0.04 in2. When describing metric welded wire a prefix "M" is added with the number following the letters "MW" or "MD" denoting the steel area in mm2. For example MW or MD26 refers to an area of 26 mm2. The enclosed pipe fabric Table 4 lists typical W and equivalent MW wire sizes along with wire areas, diameters & mass (weight) per unit length of wire. Designating Style Of Welded Wire Reinforcement Spacings and sizes of wires in welded wire reinforcement are identified by "style". A typical style designation is 2x8 - W12xW5. Here is a description of the numbers in the style: Spacing of longitudinal wire = 2" (51 mm) Spacing of transverse wires = 8" (203 mm) Size of longitudinal wires = W12 size (77 mm2) Size of transverse wires = W5 size(32 mm2) The equivalent metric (call out) designation would be 51x203 - MW77xMW32. Note both wire spacings and wire sizes are soft metricated, then rounded to whole numbers. Calculating Weights (Mass) from Actual Wire Dimensions When figuring widths, lengths and weights of pipe fabric use the actual metric soft conversions for wire spacings and sizes in Table 4. Due to the approximation of conversion factors and multipliers, when soft converting from metric styles to inch-pound styles or vice versa, calculated weights (mass) and areas of finished products, e.g., rolls and sheets, may vary by as much as 1%. Where there is a variance, the inch pound calculations govern. An example follows: Inch-pound Style 2x8 - W12xW5 Metric (call-out) Style 51x203 - MW77xMW32 Metric (Actual) Style 50.8x203.2 - MW77.4xMW32.3
Consider the following inch-pound call-out width and length for calculating weights (mass) in this example: width = 92" + 1/2" + 1/2" overhangs (2337mm + 13mm + 13mm overhangs) length = 600 feet including 4" overhangs (183m incl. 102mm overhangs) When figuring weights (mass) of total products, e.g., rolls or sheets use actual (soft converted) wire spacings and sizes, width and length. Example: Wire Size Mass (kg/m) .607 .253 x x No. of Wires Length (L) or Total Mass Overall Width (OW) L=182.88m = = 5217.38
537.37 5754.75
2336.8=46spc.(47wires) x 50.8
Page 3 TF 311-M-03
Specifications Welded wire reinforcement and wire for the manufacture of pipe fabric is produced in accordance to ASTM and CSA specifications as listed in Table 1. You will note that plain and deformed welded wire reinforcement have a minimum yield strength equal to 450MPa (65ksi) and 485 MPa (70ksi), respectively. Higher yield strengths, improved weldability, pre-manufactured quality control and fabricating efficiencies are the primary advantages of welded wire reinforcement. Table 1 Specifications Covering Welded Wire Reinforcement
U.S. Specification ASTM A 82 ASTM A 185 ASTM A 496 ASTM A 497 Canadian Specification CSA G 30.3 CSA G 30.5 CSA G 30.14 CSA G 30.15 Title* Steel Wire, Plain, For Concrete Reinforcement Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, For Concrete Reinforcement Steel Wire, Deformed, For Concrete Reinforcement Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Deformed, For Concrete Reinforcement
Information Tables 2, 3 and 4 See Tables 2, 3 and 4 for load/force conversion factors, a common list of typical wire spacings converted to metric dimensions and a table on properties of wire for welded wire reinforcement for pipe fabric. Table 2 Length, Area, Mass and Load/Force Conversion Factors or Multipliers
From inches feet in 2 in2/foot lbs/ft 2 lbs in2(area) lbs/ft(weight) mm2 (area) lbs(force) lbs/lin. feet (plf) lbs/in 2 X 25.4 0.3048 645 2116.7 4.882 0.45359 3.4 1.488 0.007849 4.448 14.5931 0.006897 To mm meters mm 2 mm 2/meter kg/m 2 kg lbs/foot(weight) kg/m(mass) kg/m(mass) N(Newtons) N/m(Newtons/meter) MPa(mega Pascals) 2 3 6 8 50.8 76.2 152.4 203.2 51 76 152 203
*When figuring weights (mass) use actual wire spacing dimension and actual wire sizes from Table 4.
Figure 3
Industry Method of Designating Style: Example - 51x203-MW77xMW32 (2x8 W12xW5) Longitudinal Longitudinal wire spacing wire size Transverse Transverse wire spacing wire size
End Overhangs-The sum of the end overhangs should equal one transverse wire space. Unless otherwise specified, each end overhang equals one-half of a transverse space.
Side Overhangs may be varied as required and do not need to be equal. Overhang lengths limited only by overall sheet width.
*(referred in the concrete pipe industry as circumferential wire) (referred in the concrete pipe industry as longitudinal wire)
Page 4 TF 311-M-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Table 4
Metric Wire Areas, Diameters & Mass With Equivalent Inch-Pound Units 3
Metric Units1 Call-out Size4 (MW=Plain) (mm 2) MW122 MW116 MW103 MW90 MW84 MW77 MW74 MW71 MW68 MW65 MW62 MW58 MW55 MW52 MW48 MW45 MW42 MW39 MW36 MW32 MW29 MW26 MW23 MW19 MW16 MW13 MW11 Actual size or Area (mm 2) 122 116 103 90.3 83.9 77.4 74.4 71.0 67.9 64.5 61.3 58.1 54.9 51.6 48.4 45.2 42.1 38.7 35.5 32.3 28.9 25.8 22.6 19.4 16.2 12.9 11.3 Diameter (mm) 12.46 12.17 11.46 10.72 10.33 9.93 9.73 9.50 9.30 9.07 8.84 8.59 8.36 8.10 7.85 7.60 7.32 7.01 6.73 6.40 6.07 5.74 5.36 4.97 4.54 4.05 3.79 Mass (kg/m) .958 .910 .809 .708 .658 .607 .583 .556 .533 .506 .481 .456 .430 .405 .379 .354 .329 .304 .278 .253 .228 .202 .177 .152 .126 .101 .089 Actual Size4 Area (W=Plain) (in2x100) W19 W18 W16 W14 W13 W12 W11.5 W11 W10.5 W10 W9.5 W9 W8.5 W8.0 W7.5 W7.0 W6.5 W6.0 W5.5 W5.0 W4.5 W4.0 W3.5 W3.0 W2.5 W2.0 W1.75 Inch-Pound Units 2 Diameter (in) .491 .479 .451 .422 .407 .391 .383 .374 .366 .357 .348 .339 .329 .319 .309 .299 .288 .276 .265 .252 .239 .226 .211 .195 .178 .160 .149 Weight (lbs./ft.) .643 .612 6/0 .544 5/0 .476 .442 4/0 .408 .391 .374 .357 3/0 .340 .323 .306 2/0 .289 .272 .255 1/0 .238 .221 1 .204 .187 2 .170 3 .153 .136 .119 .102 6 .085 8 .068 .059 10
1 Metric wire sizes can be specified in 1 mm 2 increments. 2Inch-pound sizes can be specified in 0.001 in2 increments. 3 -For other available wire sizes, consult other WRI publications 4 -Wires may be deformed, use prefix MD or D.
Gage Guide
Note I -Pipe fabric is provided in rolls or coils, but may be made in sheets
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
102 1196 1137 1010 885 823 759 729 696 666 632 601 570 538 506 475 443 413 379 348 317 283 253 222 190 159 126 111
152 803 763 678 594 552 509 489 467 447 424 403 382 361 339 318 297 277 255 234 213 190 170 149 128 107 85 74
203 601 571 507 445 413 381 366 350 334 318 302 286 270 254 238 223 207 191 175 159 142 127 111 96 80 64 56
1 Metric wire sizes can be specified in 1 mm 2 increments. 2Inch-pound sizes can be specified in 0.001 in2 increments. 3For other available wire sizes, consult other WRI publications 4Wires may be deformed, use prefix MD.
Note - Pipe fabric is provided in rolls or coils, but may be made in sheets.
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
in 0.491 0.479 0.451 0.422 0.407 0.391 0.383 0.374 0.366 0.357 0.348 0.339 0.329 0.319 0.309 0.299 0.288 0.276 0.265 0.252 0.239 0.226 0.211 0.195 0.178 0.160 0.149
lbs./lin. ft. 0.643 0.612 0.544 0.476 0.442 0.408 0.391 0.374 0.357 0.340 0.323 0.306 0.289 0.272 0.255 0.238 0.221 0.204 0.187 0.170 0.153 0.136 0.119 0.102 0.085 0.068 0.059
2" 1.13 1.08 0.96 0.84 0.78 0.72 0.69 0.66 0.63 0.60 0.57 0.54 0.51 0.48 0.45 0.42 0.39 0.36 0.33 0.30 0.27 0.24 0.21 0.18 0.15 0.12 0.105
3" 0.76 0.72 0.64 0.56 0.52 0.48 0.46 0.44 0.42 0.40 0.38 0.36 0.34 0.32 0.30 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.07
4" 0.57 0.54 0.48 0.42 0.39 0.36 0.345 0.33 0.315 0.30 0.285 0.27 0.255 0.24 0.225 0.21 0.195 0.18 0.165 0.15 0.135 0.12 0.105 0.09 0.075 0.06 0.053
6" 0.38 0.36 0.32 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.035
8" 0.28 0.27 0.24 0.21 0.195 0.18 0.173 0.165 0.157 0.15 0.142 0.135 0.127 0.12 0.113 0.105 0.098 0.09 0.083 0.075 0.068 0.06 0.053 0.045 0.038 0.03 0.026
1 Metric wire sizes can be specified in 1 mm 2 increments. 2Inch-pound sizes can be specified in 0.001 in2 increments. 3For other available wire sizes, consult other WRI publications
or discuss with welded wire reinforcement manufacturers. 4Wires may be deformed, use prefix D. Note - Pipe fabric is provided in rolls or coils, but may be made in sheets.
TF 700-R-03 Update
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
March, 1996 Prepared for: Copyright, Wire Reinforcement Institute Wire Reinforcement Institute 942 Main Street Hartford, CT 06103 Phone (800) 522-4WRI [4974] Fax (860) 808-3009 Authored By: Walter L. Snowden, P.E. Austin, TX 512-338-0431 or 512-338-1804
This report is furnished as a guide to industry practice. The Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI) and Its members make no warranty of any kind regarding the use of this report for other than informational purposes. This report Is intended for the use of professionals competent to evaluate the significance and the limitations of its content and who will accept the responsibility for the application of the material it contains. WRI provides the following material as a matter of information and, therefore, disclaims any and all responsibility jot application of the stated principles or the accuracy of the sources other than material developed by the Institute.
In 1981 DESIGN OF SLAB-ON-GROUND FOUNDATIONS, A Design, Construction & Inspection Aid for Consulting Engineers was first published. The design procedure set forth in that publication had at that time been in use by the author for about 15 years. After this publication, it was subsequently adopted by the Uniform Building Code (UBC) as Standard 29-4(I). Copies of this work have been distributed by WRI for 22 years to consultants all across the nation. Feedback has been most favorable with no comments of design inadequacy. In a few cases there have been suggestions that this procedure produced extra conservative designs, but this guide is intended to always produce a safe, serviceable foundation. Engineers who care to are free to exercise their judgement and to adjust the results in either direction.
site investigation has been done? That is another name for a guess. What remains true is that the performance of the slab is influenced primarily by the underlying soil. If the severity of the soil is underestimated, the foundation will not be satisfactory. It is therefore essential to know what type soil conditions exist, and that can only be known through an adequate site investigation.
For one, two, and even three story wood frame construction such as homes and small commercial buildings, the assumption of uniform load works well with the design equations. If there are large concentrated loads or numerous columns, attention must be paid to the location of stiffening beams or thickened areas of the slab so that the load can be spread out. Buildings which are carried totally on columns need a different analysis from a uniform loading assumption.
It is still mandatory that soils investigation be made on any site to set out the necessary conditions for design. The original recommendation of a minimum of one boring for each isolated site is still valid, but many insuring agencies have specified at least two borings in areas where expansive clay is found. Large sites and subdivisions will need a specific planned program utilizing several borings. Subdivisions will usually average about one boring for every 3 or 4 contiguous lots. Borings should be a minimum of 15 feet deep in most cases, and in some instances will need to be deeper. The soils Engineer should be sure to obtain adequate information to cover any grading changes which can be anticipated. Fill should be identified and noted. Uncompacted fill placed on a site, and improper drainage have been found to be the largest contributors to unsatisfactory foundation performance. Either one or both are guarantees of foundation problems. During the last 22 years, many alternatives to an adequate on-site investigation have been proposed; soils maps, adjacent data, guesses, and something called a max design. A max design is supposedly a design for the maximum soil condition in the area. How is that known unless an on-
The design procedure presented originally by The Building Research Advisory Board (B.R.A.B.) in their Report 33, assumed a loss of support at the edges (Fig 1a) and a loss of support at the center (Fig 1b).
Figure 1
Center Heave
Center Settlement
Edge Settlement
These conditions approximated the conditions of center heave or edge settlement and center settlement or edge heave as shown in Figure 2. By making some simplifying assumptions it was possible to analyze the foundation slab by applying the loading conditions in both the long and short directions (Figure 3).
a. Cantilever
BRAB utilized the Climatic rating (see Figure 4) of the locality to reflect the stability of the moisture content in an expansive soil. While there are other methods of accounting for the seasonal moisture change potential, this system has seemed to work well.
Looking at the various loading conditions above and slabs in the field, it became apparent that the foundations were very sensitive to the changes at the edges. It was decided that a cantilever distance, (Ic) would be used as a basis for this design procedure to replace the L(1-C) utilized by BRAB. Figure 5 gives a cantilever design length for a given soil condition (PI) in a given climatic rating (Cw).
Figure 5
It seems apparent that the size of the foundation must also be considered. The values given in Figure 5 for the cantilever length are for large slabs. Figure 6 gives a modification coefficient which will adjust the cantilever length for smaller slabs depending on the slab size.
This weighing method gives more attention to the upper soils where the soil would have the opportunity for more activity, and reduces the activity potential with depth due to confining pressure and protection from seasonal moisture changes, etc. This is not the only way to weight this effect, but it has proved to be very satisfactory, and must be used for this procedure. There are instances where this weighing system might give unconservative results. One would be where the underlying formations might contain sand stringers or are overlaid by porous sand which would provide quick, easy routes for water to reach any underlying or interbedded expansive clays. A second case would be where highly expansive clays overlaid a rock formation. Using a zero (0) PI. for these rock layers can reduce the equivalent P.I. excessively, making it appear to be a very stable site. It is recommended that to eliminate this problem, a minimum P.I. of 15 be used for any layers which have little or no P.I.
Figure 6
The design procedure shown in this report is based on the use of the effective P.I. (PIo). It has long been known that the Plasticity Index (PI) of the soil can be used as an indicator of the Potential Volumetric Activity of a given soil. It has the added advantage of being a test which is familiar and inexpensive to perform. Obviously, different soils have different Pls, and the Pl may change with depth at any one location. To account for this, the design procedure first calculates an equivalent or weighted PI. It is necessary to use the weighing system shown in Figure 7 to be compatible with this design procedure.
Figure 8
Figure 7
Most houses can be subdivided into several rectangles and each section then be analyzed and then overlaid as shown in Figure 10. To begin the analysis the number of beams must be determined. Sometimes the geometry of the house will dictate the number of beams (N) required, sometimes the following equation will be used.
Unconfined Compressive Strength (qu) TSF
Figure 9
The effective PI then is: PIo=equivalent PI x C5 x Co Where: C5 is the slope correction coefficient Co is the consolidation correction coefficient As an example: assume Equivalent (or weighted) PI = 30 10% ground slope C5 (Fig. 8) = 1.1 6 TSF Unconfined Co (Fig. 9) = 1.2 PIo = 30 x 1.1 x 1.2 = 39.6 Use an Effective Plasticity Index of 40 for design purposes HOUSE GEOMETRY AND LOADS It is best to calculate the total weight of house and foundation, but in lieu of that, or as a starting point it is possible to use the following for most conventional wood frame houses with no unusual features (tile roofs, floors, high masonry loads, etc). 1 story - 200 lb/sq.ft. 2 story - 275 lbs/sq.ft. 3 story - 350 lbs/sq.ft.
3 d=
664 MlC B
Where:d = Beam depth, in (mm) B = Sum of all widths, in (mm) M = Moment, kip-ft (N-m) lC = Cantilever length, ft (m)
Where: S = Spacing ft (m) from Fig. 5 L' N = S +1 L' = width of slab, ft (m) Once N is known, a very good first approximation of the depth of the beams can be determined by the equation: Using these equations yields a starting point with N number of beams, b inches wide and d inches deep which will give a Moment of Inertia (Iin4) adequate to limit deflection to the order of magnitude of 1/480. This deflection ratio is greater than the usual 1/360, but it usually furnishes beam depths which allow the reinforcing requirement to be two or three bars of moderate size top and bottom. Of course, if the reinforcing requirement is still extremely large, try deepening all or some of the beams to lessen the reinforcing required. In calculating the actual I of the slab, the sections shown in Figure 11 should be used. As can be seen, the exterior beams can be deepened, or all beams can be deepened. It is felt that deeper exterior beams are more effective, but as long as the slab is kept symmetrical it does not seem to matter.
Slab 1
Figure 10
Figure 11
DESIGN CALCULATIONS Now that the conditions have been defined, the following formulas can be used to calculate the moment, deflection and shear. M= = V= wL (lc)2 2 w (lc)4 L 4EcI wL lc beam spacings are near those shown in Figure 5, the minimum reinforcing shown also in Figure 5 is usually adequate. While this will not prevent shrinkage cracking, it will provide adequate reinforcing to hold cracks to a minimum width during deflection. In the field, actual deflection is a function of the expansive nature of the soil, and the stiffness of the slab, so the soil and the beam spacing together influence the deflection. Since the beam spacing is based on the soil (PI) and climate (Cw), the minimum slab reinforcement can also be based on the same factors. HIGH STRENGTH WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT The use of welded wire reinforcement in concrete has a long history. For this procedure it is strongly recommended that sheets of welded wire, plain or deformed be used. This will provide positive placement in the slab. Welded wire reinforcement sheets can be placed with the same degree of accuracy as tied reinforcing bars. Sheets with larger wires and wider spacing are more readily available, and are easily positioned. The use of high strength welded wire has been accepted by code and some real economies can now be realized, not only in material costs, but in placement costs. Use of WWR actually provides the engineer a large number of choices as can be seen by the comparison below. Assuming a moderate soil condition and climatic conditions noted, the reinforcing in Chart 1 would be acceptable. On higher PI soils, it would seem advisable to go to heavier slab reinforcing, even though the stiffness of the slab should be such that cracks would not tend to open any more than at lower PIs. To see how that would look for a higher PI soil, compare Chart 1 to Chart 2.
Where: M = Moment + or -, kip-ft (N.m) = Deflection, in (mm) V = Total shear, lbs (kg) w = Unit weight, psf (kg/m2) L = Width of slab, ft (m) 1c = Cantilever, (lc k) ft (m) Ec = Creep Modulus of Elasticity of concrete, psi (MPa)
I = Moment of Inertia, in4 (mm4) Naturally, these calculations will be performed in both the long and short directions.
Cw = 18 Size (W -D)
W6.4 W5.9 W5.5 W5.1 W4.8
12"O.C. 12"O.C. 12"O.C. 12"O.C. 12"O.C.
Cw = 18 Size* A8
W8.6 W8.0 W7.4 W6.9 W6.5
Chart 1
Chart 2
These values will approximate requirements of ACI 318, which allows for designs with yield strength up to 80,000 psi. Use of the higher yield strengths will result in savings due to steel weight. Further savings can be realized by utilizing small edge wires closely spaced as shown in Figure 12. Savings will vary with specific areas, but some studies have shown that for each 5000 psi increase in f y, about 8% in steel weight is reduced. The use of small edge wires closely spaced can save an additional 3% or more. Perhaps the greatest saving will be in placing where costs have been reported to be reduced 50% and more over other conventional steel reinforcing.
Half-sized wires @ half spacing
A DESIGN EXAMPLE This design example utilizes welded wire reinforcement for slab-on-ground foundations over soils with high PI values:
Given: PI = 60 Cw=18 A8fy = 5200 lbs (fy = 75,000psi) Slab Thickness = 4" Then: A8 = 0.0018 x 60,000 x (4 x12) = 0.069 in.2/ft of concrete cross section 75,000 Check strength level required: A8fy = 75.000 x 0.069 = 5175 = 5200 OK
CONCLUSIONS This design procedure, which has been in use about 37 years at this time, has produced satisfactory foundations for single family housing and small commercial applications. This update is meant to make it easier for the consultant to use by combining several tables into one (Fig 5). The Effective Pl, and the Climatic Rating are all that need be known to obtain a cantilever length for design.
Transverse wires
This paper is a condensation of more detailed work. Engineers may obtain copies of the original work by contacting the WRI. Copyright, Wire Reinforcement Institute Wire Reinforcement Institute 942 Main Street, Suite 300, Hartford, CT 06103 Phone: 800 522-4WRI(4974) Fax: 860 808-3009 THE AUTHOR Walter L. Snowden, P.E. Austin, TX, 512-338-0431 or 512-338-1804
* W = plain wire, also can be prefix D for deformed wire. ** Wire spacings are available in 2 to 18 in either or both longitudinal and traverse directions. Contact individual welded wire producers for specific styles and spacings of WWR
TF 702-R-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Supports Are Needed for Long-Term Performance of Welded Wire Reinforcement In Slabs-On-Grade
With its cost-efficiency and superior performance attributes, welded wire reinforcement (WWR) frequently is the reinforcing steel of choice for slabs-ongrade. However, WWRs full benefits in controlling cracking and reducing maintenance can only be realized when it is accurately positioned with properly installed supports. One of the primary causes for an under-performing slab-on-grade is the inadequate positioning or complete absence of supports. Yet, there is no justification for improper placement or inadequate support of WWR, particularly since the process is relatively easy and inexpensive to accomplish. This report, which is directed largely to architects, engineers and contractors, encourages the use of proper supports for WWR in slabs-on-grade, including industrial floors, light commercial floors, residential floors, parking lots, sidewalks and, in general, all concrete flat work. It supplements the Wire Reinforcement Institutes Tech Fact 705, Innovative Ways to Reinforce Slabs-On-Ground. WWR is used primarily to control cracking due to shrinkage, thermal stresses and other effects, and thus reduces future maintenance while helping to produce a higher quality slab. However, WWR also may be designed and used as structural reinforcement for the slab.
Tying WWR is very quick and easy simply tie at overlaps and a few ties may be required at supports.
The design of slabs-on-grade is less straightforward and less restricted by building codes than is the case for supported slabs. While these less prescriptive requirements have led to a variety of practices in the field, it has also allowed significant innovations by designers and constructors of slabs-on-grade. Whatever the case, however, reinforcement must be properly detailed on the project drawings, and then be accurately located and securely tied before and during concrete placement. It may be necessary with light WWR styles to place supports and properly position reinforcement as the concrete is being screeded. With heavier styles or wide wire spacings the supports could be placed before concrete placement. These steps are absolutely necessary for the reinforcement to perform its intended function. When WWR (deformed or plain wire) is specified, the combination of wire diameters and wire spacings should be selected to maintain the WWRs proper position during the construction process. Moreover, WWR always should be supported as described in this report.
Welded wire reinforcement placed on welded wire supports.
A number of phrases are used to describe a slab-ongrade, including a grade slab, a floating slab and, simply, a slab. The key point is that such a concrete slab
Wire Reinforcement Institute, Inc. 2003
Page 2 TF 702-R-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Welded wire reinforcement for highway paving and whitetopping is being specified more today properly supported WWR helps protect against damaging transverse and longitudinal cracking.
has continuous contact support with a prepared base or subgrade material. The report by ACI Committee 360 defines a slab-on-grade as a slab which is continuously supported by ground, may be of uniform or variable thickness, and may also have stiffening elements such as ribs or grade beams.
When two layers of reinforcement are used, the question of cover applies to both layers. The upper layer should beplaced at least 1 inch below the top surface of the slab. However, it should not be positioned too close to the top surface due to the variation in flatness created when that surface is finished. The specified depth of any saw cut must also be considered and the upper layer placed below that saw cut. In the case of
Wide spaced wires and wide support spacings are cost effective while maintaining proper positioning of reinforcement.
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the lower layer, when the concrete slab is placed on a well-constructed base course (normally graded, compacted and porous), many who design floors consider 11/ 2 of clear cover below the steel to be adequate. Additional cover should not be necessary unless the governing building code requires a bottom cover of up to 3 inches.
Two-course slab construction is occasionally used in airport and paving work where the slab is thicker than normally encountered in industrial plants, commercial buildings, and residential buildings. The WWR is placed on the first course of low slump concrete and the remainder of the concrete is then placed. This two-course technique is not common in building construction; when it is used the resultant position of the reinforcing steel may not be as accurate as when supports are used.
Although this report concentrates on slabs-on-grade, supports are also used for foundation mats and supported slabs. Some are shown in Figure 1 but these and others are well described in support manufacturers brochures. For a particular project, the supports should be selected taking into account the size and weight of the welded wire reinforcement, the stiffness and strength of the base or subgrade, the specified position of the reinforcing steel including the number of layers, and the construction process to be used for placement of the concrete. The supports selected must properly position the reinforcing steel so it remains in place during the construction process and until the concrete hardens. Supports must be compatible with the concrete and be positioned firmly on the top of the base surface or subgrade. It is not necessary to stagger supports. Generally, vibration of the concrete is specified to obtain adequate consolidation of the concrete materials and would be sufficient to encase the supports, thus preventing voids.
WWR is placed on the first course of low slump concrete in this airport taxiway.
The supports selected must properly position the welded wire reinforcement and provide adequate support until the concrete cures.
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be required under a slab due to special circumstancesor conditions. For example, the floors in cold storage or freezer warehouses are usually placed upon insulation boards. The selected supports must not penetrate the insulation board.
wire reinforcement. There are several factors to consider before determining support spacings. These factors include the diameter and spacing of the reinforcement (larger wire diameters with wider support spacings will allow workers to step through rather than on the reinforcement); and general recognition of any construction loads that will be applied before and during concrete placement. The welded intersections of WWR provide a very rigid sheet of reinforcement.
Properly positioned steel below the saw cut control joint allows concrete to crack the full depth and adds load transfer capacity across the joint.
Examples of some types of supports are shown in Figure 1. Generally these supports are spaced 2 to 6 (or more) feet apart, depending on the stiffness and weight of the WWR being supported. Between the supports, the reinforcement must not deflect or sag excessively. While there are no criteria for limiting this deflection, the reinforcement must not deflect beyond any required clearances. There is limited information available on requirements for support spacings for welded
A variety of wire and plastic supports are available many are made especially for welded wire reinforcement. Adequate spacing of supports depends on the style and size of wires. Spacings of supports varies from 2 - 6 feet and more depending on wire sizes and spacings.
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The suggested spacings of supports in Table 1 may be used for estimating and construction. However, the preceding factors should be considered.
*Spacing of supports for WWR with wires larger than W or D9 could possibly be increased over the spacings shown depending on the construction loads applied. **Consider using additional rows of supports when large deflections or deformations occur also spacing of supports may be increased provided supports are placed and properly positioned as concrete is screeded.
Slab bolster with base plate (one layer of reinforcement) All plastic high chair
This report is furnished as a guide to industry practice. The Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI) and its members make no warranty of any kind regarding the use of this report for other than informational purposes. This report is intended for the use of professionals competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and who will accept the responsibility for the application of the material it contains. WRI provides the foregoing material as a matter of information and, therefore, disclaims any and all responsibility for application of the stated principles or the accuracy of the sources other than material developed by the Institute.
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As ready mix trucks leave after tailgating the concrete in strip pours, supports are placed to stay ahead of the laser screed on this project . . .
. . . Iaser screed rides easily over supported welded wire without excessive displacement or distortion.
For welded wire reinforcing sheets, spacings of the individual wires should be a consideration to avoid permanent displacement due to workers walking on the reinforcement. This spacing should be 12 inches or more (up to 18 inches may be specified). If the design requirements do not allow larger spacings, then the wire stiffness and the support strength and spacings must be adequate to carry all anticipated construction loads. The strength of the supports and their spacings required to carry construction loads, other equipment and workers must also be considered. There are no exact guidelines, but the requirement for strength and stability cannot be ignored. The applicability of the suggested spacings in Table 1 may best be confirmed by conducting on-site testing of the proposed arrangement of supports. Loadings caused by personnel and equipment can be checked with minimum expense before proceeding with construction of the slab.
1. Innovative Ways to Reinforce Slabs-OnGround, Wire Reinforcement Institute Tech Fact TF 705, 1996. 2. Design of Slabs On Ground (ACI 360R-92), American Concrete Institute, 1992. 3. Manual of Standard Practice, 5th Edition, Wire Reinforcement Institute, 1999. 4. Structural Detailing Manual, Wire Reinforcement Institute, updated 1994. 5. How to Specify, Order and Use Welded Wire in Light Construction, Tech Fact TF 202, Wire Reinforcement Institute, 1991. 6. Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction (ACI 302.1R-96), American Concrete Institute, 1996. 7. Designing Floor Slabs on Grade, the Aberdeen Group, 1992, Authors - Boyd C. Ringo and Robert B. Anderson. 8. Kohls Tech Fact, TF 294 Wire Reinforcement Institute, 1994. Based on a contribution by Boyd C. Ringo, P.E.
More cost-effectiveness and ease in placing can be achieved with step-through styles of WWR (12x12 and larger).
TF 703-R-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Synthetic and Steel Fibers Are Not Concrete Reinforcement Codes & Guides Specifying Concrete Reinforcement
ACI 318 Approves . . . . . . . . . . . YES ACI 301 Approves . . . . . . . . . . . YES ACI 302 Approves . . . . . . . . . . . YES ACI 360 Approves . . . . . . . . . . . YES ANSI/ASCE 3-91Design of Composite Slabs Approves . . . . YES ANSI/ASCE 9-91 Construction of Composite Slabs Approves . . YES
TF 703
Call or write us about projects that prove performance and efficiency with WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT.
* Approves use but not replacement for conventional reinforcementment
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942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
Delayed Ettringite Formations and Alkali-Silica Formations Will Focus More Attention on Steel Reinforced Concrete Designs
Welded Wire Reinforced concrete is most important today and should be given serious consideration for all concrete construction. Since WWR products have a history of reducing cracking, crack widths and displacement at cracks due to plastic shrinkage, drying shrinkage, thermal expansion and contraction and now the more recent findings of delayed ettringite formations or DEF, which cause expansion and cracking around aggregates and the more typical alkali-silica reaction or gel formations causing cracking through aggregates, Welded Wire Reinforced concrete should be specified more than ever before. If you want to reduce maintenance costs due to excessive cracking, wide cracks and displacement at cracks,Welded Wire Reinforcing is the answer.
Without Welded Wire Reinforcement, cracks can be very wide and could cause excessive maintenance costs.
When Welded Wire Reinforcement is specified and used for concrete reinforcement, wide cracks and displacement are reduced and corner cracking due to curling is minimized. Remember, Welded Wire Reinforced concrete offers a contingency benefit it adds reserve strength to assist in supporting loads placed on the concrete.
TF 704-R-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
" With welded wire you don't have to prepare it i t is already welded together you pick it up and set it in place and continue the pour'' - Dave Smith, Project Manager, Murphy & Sons,General Contractor
Here is an example of a recent project: A 6 (152 mm) slab on ground1,2 requiring an area of steel in a single layer to be 0.094 in.2/ft. (200 mm2/m} requires the following steel reinforcing:
2) WWR 12 X 12 - D7.5 x D7.5 [fy = 75,000 psi (520 MPa) Wt. = 52 Ib./CSF (2.54 kg/m2) or 3) WWR 16 x 16 - D10 x D10 [fy = 75,000 psi {520 MPa)] Wt. = 52 Ib./CSF (2.54 kg/m2)
Both welded wire solutions saves approximately 20% of the weight over rebar3 [up to 80,000 psi (550 MPa) yield strength WWR can save up to 25%]. In most cases the weight savings will result in an overall savings of material delivered over rebar4 since it is necessary to consider the cost of tying rebar in place or in mats. Further, the cost to handle the rebar is more labor intensive and that added cost must also be factored into the cost comparisons. Incidentally, support costs for WWR are the same costs used for rebar. Overall, when you design and specify high strength welded wire reinforcement, the bottom line material in-place savings of up to 25% can be achieved over rebar. In many cases #3, #4 and #5 rebar will only be available in Grade 60 material.
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Youre going to save a substantial amount in labor costs when you place welded wire. Compare that cost with having to prepare another product such as rebar . . . where you have to tie it and place it Dave Smith, Project Manager, Murphy & Sons, General Contractor.
References: 1) WRI TF705, Innovative Ways to Reinforce Slabs on Ground Robert Anderson, 1996 2) Designing Floor Slabs on Grade, Boyd Ringo and Robert Anderson, 1992, 1996 3) WRI Structural WWF Detailing Binder, 10 Chapters, Section 2 has tables comparing areas and weights of rebar and WWR with various strengths 4) Video, A Visit to a Distribution Center Construction Site, A Contractors Views, 1995 5) WRI Manual of Standard Practice, WWF 500, 1992 6) Tests to Determine Performance of Deformed Welded Wire Fabric Stirrups, ACI Structural Journal, 91-S22, Griezic, Cook & Mitchell 7) Evaluation of Joint-Shear Provisions for Interior Beam-Column-Slab Connections using High-Strength Materials, ACI Structural Journal, 89-S10, Guimaraes, Kreger, Jirsa 8) Ductility of Wire Reinforcing - Industry Evaluation of WWR Elongation and Reduction of Area, 1992
TF 705-R-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
In elevated concrete structures, the purpose of reinforcement is fairly well understood as being necessary to control positive and negative moment and to control shear. Since concrete has little tensile strength, all tensile components are expected to be serviced by the tensile capacity of the reinforcing in these elevated structures. In slab-on-ground design, slab thickness is a function of the modulus of rupture of the concrete. This brings us to the evident conclusion that the concrete is not supposed to crack. Since the normal role of steel reinforcement hinges on the fact that the concrete must crack for the steel to perform, the designer is faced with a paradox. It is therefore necessary to define both the purpose of reinforcing slabs-on-ground and how this is effectively accomplished. There are three primary purposes for reinforcing slabs-on-ground and they are as follows: 1. Shrinkage Control 2. Temperature Control 3. Moment Capacity Some may consider increased joint spacing as a purpose, but this is simply an extension of shrinkage control.
WWR sheets retain their flatness and do not deflect when placed on appropriately spaced supports, even during concrete placement.
The suggested range of maximum joint spacings for concrete floors on ground is determined relative to slab thickness. The author believes reinforcement designed by subgrade drag theory should be limited to slabs with joints in this range.
Figure 1
Source "What Every Floor Designer Should Know About Concrete" Concrete Construction, February 1981.
The suggested range of maximum joint spacings for concrete floors on ground is determined relative to slab thickness. The author believes reinforcement designed by subgrade drag theory should be limited to slabs with joints in this range.
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Singularly, shrinkage control is the greatest concern in the design of slabs-on-ground. WWR along with joint spacing offer the two primary elements that can be effective in controlling shrinkage cracks. Figure 1 indicates graphically the ratio of slab thickness to joint spacing for effective shrinkage control. The crosshatched area indicates the range where welded wire in conjunction with joint spacing should be used to control shrinkage. Undersizing the amount of welded wire needed for this purpose is all too often commonplace. Optimum control of shrinkage and thereby providing microcracking (or aggregate interlock) takes over 1% steel area, a value seldom used.
Since concrete is brittle, it is all too susceptible to additional fracturing due to a change in temperature. This change in temperature is commonly referred to as a temperature gradient. Welded wire reinforcing assists in a two-fold manner in resisting stresses caused by a change in temperature. First, the laws of nature have been favorable in permitting both concrete and steel to have essentially the same coefficient of thermal expansion. This is a value of approximately 6.5 X 10-6 in/in/F. Second, welded wire is ductile, thereby modifying the thermal shock experienced by the concrete. This permits the designer to calculate a distinct area of steel for a quantifiable thermal gradient.
Slab-on-ground design procedures usually provide the designer with a slab thickness. This thickness is generally a function of loading, subgrade modulus, modulus of rupture of the concrete, and slab stiffness. Since thickness and stiffness are interrelated, an iterative-process or the use of nomographs are commonplace in thickness determination. Once this is determined, the slab moment capacity can be determined as simply the modulus of rupture of the concrete multiplied by the section modulus of a given section. If the designer wishes to provide this capacity with a sufficient amount of welded wire reinforcing, once again an area of steel can be calculated. When the concrete cracks to permit the steel to function, the section becomes more flexible. This changes the problem in a small degree. Thus a lesser area of steel would be necessary. This is reflected in the confirmed capacity design procedure.
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F= L=
the friction factor, use a range of 1.5 - 2, use 2 distance in feet between joints (the distance between the free ends of the slab that can move due to shrinkage contraction or thermal expansion)
W = dead weight of the slab, psf, usually assumed to be 12.5 psf per inch of thickness The value of two in the denominator is not a safety factor. It is based on the theory that the slab panel will move an equal distance from each end toward the center. This may not always be the situation (thus the expanded definition of L). F, the friction factor, can vary from 0.5 upwards. A value of 2 should be used when further information is not available. Values of the coefficient of friction can vary substantially as seen in Figure 2. In selecting a value, it is always advisable to be conservative since subgrades can often be uneven resulting in a greater subgrade friction.
or the designers computer analysis. These procedures result in a thickness selection capable of resisting a determined positive and negative moment based on design input such as subgrade modulus, magnitude and location of loads and other factors. The bottom line is that the slab must be capable of resisting a certain internal moment, possibly either positive or negative. In the vicinity of a shrinkage crack, this capacity has been compromised in the past, if reinforcing such as welded wire reinforcing is not present. The needed moment capacity of the slab is simply the modulus of rupture multiplied by the section modulus. The minimum reinforcing is therefore likely to be the steel area that has an ultimate capacity equal to the design moment. This moment value would be the section modulus multiplied by the working stress. Working stress is defined as the MOR divided by the safety factor. If we were to assume that a single layer of welded wire reinforcing were located in the middle of the slab, the problem is simplified because the capacity is equal for both positive and negative moment capacity. If we were to assume the 6 thickness used in the previous procedure and the working stress of the modulus of rupture were 4 fc the problem is further simplified. With these assumptions, the confirmed capacity procedure simplifies to the following formula: As = 14.5 fy
where As = cross-sectional area in square inches of steel per lineal foot of slab width t= fy = thickness of the slab in inches yield stress of the reinforcement (psi) fc = compressive strength of the concrete (psi)
Variation in values of coefficient of friction for five-inch slabs on different bases and subbases.
Source: Design and Construction of Post-Tensioned Slabs on Ground, Post-Tensioning Institute, 1991.
A designer should consider the confirmed capacity procedure as a reasonable minimum cross-sectional area for reinforcement of slabs-on-ground, as it will secure a minimum moment capacity regardless of shrinkage joint or crack location. Another version: As = 4.4 x MOR x t fy (SF)
Note: SF is normally taken as 2. The first reference noted on page 7 will provide the designer more background on safety factors.
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T = range of temperature the slab is expected to be subjected to (F) = thermal coefficient of concrete (in/inF) Es = modulus of elasticity of steel (psi) The normal range of the coefficient of thermal expansion () of concrete is 5 - 7 x 10 -6 in/ inF. The intent is to minimize shrinkage crack frequency and width based on anticipated temperature changes. The use of a thermal gradient of less than 40F is not recommended even in environmentally controlled conditions.
A procedure available for the control of crack size in slabs-on-ground can be found in the temperature control method. Concrete slabs-on-ground will, more than likely, crack. Limiting the size of cracks can be effected by placing sufficient welded wire reinforcing in the slab to address the maximum change in temperature the slab is likely to experience. Climate controlled industrial slabs-on-ground should normally be designed for a minimum temperature differential or temperature gradient of 40F. Slabs designed for extreme exposure should be designed for the maximum extremes the climate dictates. This could produce a thermal gradient of 100F or greater. This procedure does not reduce cracking; however, it should assist significantly in controlling crack widths to maintain aggregate interlock. The temperature method for checking the required reinforcement is stated as: As = fr x 12 x t 2(fs -TEs) where As = the cross-sectional area in square inches of steel per lineal foot of slab width t= thickness of slab in inches fr = tensile strength of concrete (psi) (calculated at 0.4 x MOR) fs = working stress in reinforcement (psi)
As = cross-sectional areas in square inches of steel per lineal foot of slab width t = thickness of the slab in inches fc = compressive strength of the concrete (psi) fs = working stress in reinforcement (psi) This method produces a significantly higher steel percentage than normally encountered. Use of this procedure will significantly reduce the frequency of cracks in the 40-mill width range. It will not eliminate them completely, however. Applications for this design procedure are highway paving, airport taxiways and runways and industrial building slabs and truck ramps, parking and roadways. See the list of references for other sources of recommendations.
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dependent on the shrinkage potential of the concrete. For most industrial floors this can be taken as: As = 9360t fy where As = cross-sectional area in square inches of steel per lineal foot of slab width t= thickness of the slab in inches fy = yield strength of steel reinforcing This formula is the result of equating unit concrete shrinkage to a steel cross sectional area capable of resisting this potential change in length. This procedure would be applied primarily to food processing operations, hospitals and other applications requiring more restraint of microcracking, which works out to 1% of the slab cross sectional area. A simple derivation of the crack restraint formula can be found in Appendix 2. It is recommended that the designer at least check the subgrade drag equation and the confirmed capacity equation in selecting welded wire reinforcing for slabs-on-ground. The greater value of the two procedures is suggested to be a minimum crosssectional area requirement. It is important for the designer to keep in mind that unless joint spacings are extremely close, concrete will crack. It is therefore necessary to provide the owner with the security that the slab will function with minimal maintenance when cracks and crack widths are kept to a minimum. Confirmed capacity design offers this security to the owner, contractor and the design professional.
These high-strength WWR sheets of 12 x 12 - D16 x D16 compares to #4@12 rebar and can be used for slab ongrade, paving and parking lots.
Note that two smaller close-wedge wires provide greater splice efficiency.
Subgrade Drag Procedure
Note: Larger styles are used when joint spacings and slab thicknesses are larger than shown in the example. fy of 65,000 psi min. is used for standard styles of WWR i.e., 4x4 and 6x6 spacings with W1.4 to w4 wire sizes.
It only takes two workers to easily carry two 8x 15 sheets of WWR, while rebar requires more expense to tie and place the material.
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Workers walk on or into wide spaced welded wire reinforcement without deflecting or displacing it during concrete placement.
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Having described five different methods for the sizing of concrete WWR, it would be of interest to compare the findings, given the similar basic data. The following input was used in the comparison table below: Slab thickness = 4 or 6 F = 2 (coefficient of friction) Panel length = 20 feet fc = 4000 psi Reinforcement to be plain or deformed welded wire with yield strengths from 65,000 to 80,000 psi. Temperature gradient = 50F Coefficient of thermal expansion = 6.5 x 10 -6 Es = 29 x 10 6 See Appendices for examples and derivation of formulas.
Designing Floor Slabs on Grade, Boyd Ringo and Robert Anderson, 1992, 1996. WRI Structural WWR Detailing Binder, 10 Chapters, section 2 has tables comparing areas and weights of rebar and WWR with various yield strengths of wire. Video, A Visit to a Distribution Center Construction Site, A Contractors Views,1995. WRI Manual of Standard Practice, WWR 500, 1992, includes metric wire sizes and WWR styles, 1995. Tests to Determine Performance of Deformed Welded Wire Fabric Stirrups, AC/ Structural Journal, 91-S22, Griezic, Cook & Mitchell. Evaluation of Joint-Shear Provisions for Interior BeamColumn-Slab Connections Using High-Strength Materials, AC/ Structural Journal, 89-S10, Guimaraes, Kreger, Jirsa. Ductility of Wire Reinforcing - Industry Evaluation of WWR Elongation and Reduction of Area, 1992. Means Concrete & Masonry Cost Data, 1996. Some Observations on the Physical Properties of Wire for Plain and Deformed Welded Wire, A.B. Dove, AC/ Journal Technical Paper, 1983.
Note: The last 4 procedures can utilize W (plain) or D (deformed) wires or a combination of both.
Contributed by: Robert B. Anderson, P.E., Consulting Engineer, New Orleans, LA
ASTM Volume 01.04 - Steel Reinforcing, A370, A4. Round Wire Products, A4.4.2. AC/, Design and Construction of Concrete Slabs on Grade, SCM-11 (86) with PCAs Concrete Floors on Ground, Third Edition inserted, p.10 Design Procedure, Vehicle Loads, and p.12 High-RackStorage-Leg Loads. PCA, Design of Concrete Airport Pavement, Chapter 5, Steel in Jointed Pavements, Distributed Steel, Robert G.Packard. CRSI, Placing Reinforcing Steel, 6th Edition, Chapter 15, Highway and Airport Pavement, Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement and Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement.
This report is furnished as a guide to industry practice. The Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI) and its members make no warranty of any kind regarding the use of this report for other than informational purposes. This report is intended for the use of professionals competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and who will accept the responsibility for the application of the material it contains. WRI provides the foregoing material as a matter of information and, therefore, disclaims any and all responsibility for application of the stated principles or the accuracy of the sources other than material developed by the Institute.
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Note: The above listing of plain wire sizes represents wires normally selected to manufacture welded wire reinforcement styles to specific areas of reinforcement. Wires may be deformed using prefix D, except where only W is required on building codes (usually less than W4). Wire sizes other than those listed above may be available if the quantity required is sufficient to justify manufacture. *The number following the prefix W identifies the cross-sectional area of the wire in hundredths of a square inch. The nominal diameter of a deformed wire is equivalent to the diameter of a plain wire having the same weight per foot as the deformed-wire. Refer to ACI 318 for The ACI Building Code requirements for tension development lengths and tension lap splices of welded wire reinforcement. For additional information see Welded Wire Reinforcement Manual of Standard Practice and Structural Welded Wire Reinforcement Detailing Manual, both published by the Wire Reinforcement Institute.
WWR 400-R-03
942 Main Street Suite 300 Hartford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4WRI [4974]
WWR 400-R-03
942 M ain S treet S uite 300 H artford, CT 06103 (800) 552-4 WRI [4974]
Table of Contents
I. Introduction II. Equipment III. Welded Wire Reinforcement: Nomenclature and Production IV. Design Codes and Specifications V. Advantages of Bending Welded Wire Reinforcement VI. Bent Welded Wire Reinforcement: Many Applications VII. Design Tables 3 4 6 7 8 9 12
Original Copyright 1981 Wire Reinforcement Institute Manual WWR-400-R Printed in U.S.A. 10th Publishing, 2003
This manual is furnished as a guide for the selection of welded wire reinforcement with the understanding that, while every effort has been made to assure accuracy, neither Wire Reinforcement Institute, Inc., nor its member-companies, makes any warranty of any kind respecting the use of the manual for other than informational purposes.
Where construction requires the repetitious bending and shaping of reinforcement, welded wire reinforcement has resulted in faster and more economical production. The development of new hydraulic equipment now simplifies the production of reinforcement cages made form sheets of welded wire. Research and construction experience using wire reinforcement with its design strength equivalent to or greater than grade 60 reinforcing bars, show excellent time savings and sound design performance. The fabrication and placement of large sections of reinforcement made from welded wire reinforcement provide optimum use of labor and simplify project supervision and inspection. Formed into shapes for beam stirrups, column ties, corner reinforcement and other configurations, welded wire has increased
savings in placement time in both pre-case and cast-in-place construction. During recent construction of a high rise office building the contractor converted from individual bar stirrups to welded wire reinforcement for stirrup cages and experienced a 75% savings in time and labor for the reinforcement placement. In forming cages for utility vaults, precasters have cut assembly time from three hours, using rebars, to only 40 minutes, using welded wire reinforcement. Contractors have found that reinforcement, used as shear reinforcement for prestressed double tees, may be easily and confidently positioned without fear of the reinforcement shifting during tensioning and concrete placement. In planning your next project consider the advantages of bent welded wire reinforcement as outlined in the following pages.
The fabrication of welded wire reinforcement into various structural shapes is readily accomplished with two basic pieces of portable equipment, a bending machine and a cutting device. The bending machine provides the flexibility of adjusting to various wire spacings, angles of bend and bending radii. This equipment is manufactured in sizes ranging in length from 8 to 40 feet. Capacities range from the small wire sizes used primarily in precast operations to heavy W45 structural wires, 0.757 in. diameter. The sheets of welded wire are bent on the machine by an arm which rotates through an angle of 0 to 180, shaping the wires around the mandrels. This arm can be preset to stop at any angle and the mandrels can be varied to meet the design requirement for bend radius and wire spacing. The cutting equipment can be a simple hand tool capable of cutting one wire at a time or larger powered equipment which cuts the full width of a sheet in one operation. This powered equipment allows the use of more economically manufactured sheets of wire reinforcement. The bending and cutting equipment are comparatively low cost investments which require no special skills for efficient operation. Both machines, operating on electric power, can be conveniently
Various mandrel sleeve diameters can be used to obtain desired bending radii.
moved from one project to another, lending themselves very readily to on-site construction, precast operations and use in fabricating shops.
3RD BEND: Sheet has been advanced into machine and now another 90 bend has been made.
4TH BEND: Bending arm is rotating and putting the final 90 bend into fabric shape.
1ST & Bending arm (left) is rotating and 2ND BENDS: putting 90 bend into end of sheet. Other end of sheet next will be shaped identically.
COMPLETION: Stirrup is completed and ready for removal from the machine.
O ve
ll ra
Longitudinal wire Transverse wire End Overhangs may differ.The sum of the end overhangs, however, should equal the transverse wire spacing.
Side Overhangs may be varied as required and do not need to be equal. Overhang lengths limited only by overall sheet width. Industry Method of Designating Style Example 6x12 W16 x W8 Transverse wire spacing Longitudinal wire spacing Transverse wire size
W id
W th id
Steel Wire and Welded Wire for Reinforcement (ASTM A 884) (Ref. ACI 318, Section
d/4 maximum Minimum of 2 (51mm) d/4 maximum 8 wire diameter bend (minimum) d/4 maximum
Consecutive crossties engaging the same longitudinal bars shall have their 90-deg hooks on opposite sides
Detail C B
Transverse Reinforcement Detailing Required for Seismic Applications (Ref. ACI 318, Chapter21)
20 10
2 Welded Wire for Web ReinforcementBeam Tests," report by Arthur Anderson, ABAM Engineers, Inc., Tacoma, Wash.
BENDING AND PLACEMENT TIME REDUCED Fabrication and placement of individual rebars as stirrups takes up to five times longer than bent units of welded wire, depending on the stirrup spacing.2 Only when stirrup spaces were greater than 30 in. were the individual bars found more economical.
Placing Stirrup
The preshaping and assembly of welded wire reinforcement is a natural time saver in the production of precast/ prestressed products: The precaster of utility vaults, box culverts and other underground precast products BOX SECTION achieved a significant savings in reinforcing case assembly time by using welded wire reinforcement. The assembly of the reinforcement for a typical manhole structure 6'x12'x6' once required three hours to assemble from bars. With welded wire this same cage takes 40 minutes. The use of shaped welded wire reinforcement results in similar savings of time and money in the production of prestressed box beams and single and double-tee beams.
Welded wire reinforcement, shaped to the contours of 3tiered risers for a large stadium, helped the precaster of these prestressed components to achieve assembly line efficiency by reducing handling and placement time for the reinforcement. The wire reinforcing's rigidity assured correct position in the riser forms and correct concrete cover.
Table 1: Sectional Areas of Welded Wire Reinforcement
(Areasq. in. per ft. of width for various spacings)
2.70 1.86 1.80 1.68 1.56 1.44 1.32 1.20 1.08 .96 .84 .72 .66 .63 .60 .57 .54 .51 .48 .45 .42 .39 .36 .33 .30 .27 .24 .21 .18 .174 .15 .12 .084
1.80 1.24 1.20 1.12 1.04 .96 .88 .80 .72 .64 .56 .48 .44 .42 .40 .38 .36 .34 .32 .30 .28 .26 .24 .22 .20 .18 .16 .14 .12 .116 .10 .08 .056
0.45 .31 .30 .28 .26 .24 .22 .20 .18 .16 .14 .12 .11 .105 .10 .095 .09 .085 .08 .075 .07 .065 .06 .055 .05 .045 .04 .035 .03 .029 .025 .02 .014
Note: Wire sizes other than those listed above may be produced provided the quantity required is sufficient to justify manufacture.
D10 D9