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Kunci Look Ahead

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UNIT 1 GETTING STARTED A. LETS TALK 1.A goose and a golden egg. 2.Students own idea 3.

Students own idea B. ACTIVE LISTENING 1.a countryman 2.the nest of his goose 3.an egg all yellow 4.second thought 5.an egg of pure gold 6.the same thing 7.all the gold Find out: 1.The countrymans goose. 2.In the nest of his goose. 3.All yellow and glittering. 4.Because he thought a trick had been played upon him. 5.It was an egg of pure gold. 6.His richness. 7.No, he didnt. 8.Being over greedy is dangerous for you and others. 9.Found, took, going to, throw, give, killed, opened, find, learn. D. ENJOY THIS 1.To tell a story. 2.Students own idea 3.Because he doesnt want her sister to wake him up in the middle of the nightanymore. 4.She says, I give you my word. 5.George says, Youd better keep your promise or I wont tell you storiesanymore. GET IT RIGHT A. THINK ABOUT IT 1.They are two lovers. 2.She wants the man to promise her that he will lover her forever. B. TRY THIS 1. There are two people 2. They are friends 3. Near the river 4. The lover 5. because he wanted his friend to eat the fish with him 6. The lovers friend turned into a fish 7. The lover D. ENJOY THIS

1.wonder 2.wondering 3.wondering 4.really 5.strange Find out: 1.They two lovers. 2.They are talking about their plan to see the mans parents. 3.Because he is wondering about something. 4.His parents reaction. 5.She asks him if he is worried about his parents reaction. MOVING FORWARD A. THINK ABOUT IT 1.Students own idea. 2.a pet 3.dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. 4.dog B. FIRST CHALLENGE a piece of meata running brookhis own shadowanother dog with another piece of meata snap at the shadowthe piece of meat Noun Phrases Describe the noun withmore details small, delicious, red clear, narrow, blue bigger, more handsome similar, bigger A new description of nounphrases A small red delicious meat A narrow blue clear running brook His own bigger morehandsome shadow Another dog with bigger similar piece of meat A quick snap at the shadow The big delicious piece of meat

1. a piece of meat 2. a running brook 3. his own shadow 4. another dog with another piece of meat 5. a snap at the shadow 6. the piece of meat

quick big, delicious

Find out: 1.A piece of meat. 2.He had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. 3.The dogs own shadow. 4.No, he didnt. Because he opened his mouth and his piece of meat fell down anddropped into the water. 5.keep, steal, carry, cross, look, reflect, make, open, drop. D. THIRD CHALLENGE

1 . f o u n d 2 . g e t t i n g 3 . f l a y e d 4 . t h r o w n 5 . p u t 6 . s t r o l l e d 7 . f o l l o w 8 . l e a d i n g 9 . m a d e 10.succeeded Find out: 1.He found great difficulty in getting at the sheep. 2 . T h e s k i n o f t h e s h e e p h a d b e e n f l a y e d a n d t h r o w n aside. 3.He led a lamb a little apart and soon made a meal off her. 4.Students own idea . F. FIFTH CHALLENGE Find out: 1.The Faithful Lovers refers to the maiden and the hunter. 2.A gigantic turtle. 3.When he sprang into the river and lay down in the water. The friend came andwas amazed to see that the lover was now a fish from his feet to his middle. 4.She mourned for her lovers as for a husband. 5.Students own idea 6.The two lovers. 7.The maiden would never get married and the man left the river so that the peoplemight descend in their canoes. 8 . I n t h e p a s t t i m e . T h e s t o r y b e g i n s w i t h : There once lived. 9.The following story, each of you, real meaning of love, many admirers, all theyoung men, her skin bucket, a young man, a good hunter, a mean family, a longtime, a war party of seven, six other young men, a beautiful lake, the foot of agreen knoll, green grass, one of the lovers friends, the top of the knoll, a giganticturtle, a few moments, heavy hearts, some days, The following day, a fish whichhe had cleaned, all the water that he could drink, great mourning, the death of thefive young men, the lost lover, a great fish, great labor, the chiefs daughter, her mothers tepee, lots of things, three pairs of moccasins, three pairs of leggings,three belts, three shirts, three head dresses with beautiful feathers, sweet smellingtobacco, the great fish, his broad spine. 10.Yes. HAND IN HANDA. FIRST PROJECT Find out: 1.Every morning, the bear would call over to the rabbit and ask the rabbit to takehis bow and arrows and come with the bear to the other side of the hill. The rabbit,fearing to arouse the bears anger by refusing, consented and went with the bear.The rabbit shot enough buffalo to satisfy the bears family. Indeed, he shot andkilled so many that there was lots of meat left after th e bear and his family hadloaded themselves and packed all they could carry home.

However, the bear was so greedy and evil that he didnt allow the rabbit to get any of the meat. The poor r a b b i t c o u l d n o t e v e n t a s t e t h e b l o o d f r o m t h e b u t c h e r i n g , a s t h e b e a r w o u l d throw earth on the blood and dry it up. The poor rabbit would have to go homehungry after his hard days work. 2.The youngest boy of the bear. 3.Students own idea 4.Students own idea 5.Orientation: Once upon a time there lived as neighbors, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbitw a s a g o o d s h o t a n d t h e b e a r , b e i n g v e r y c l u m s y, c o u l d n o t u s e a n a r r o w t o a good advantage. Complication: The bear was very unkind to the rabbit. Every morning, the bear would c a l l o v e r t o t h e r a b b i t a n d a s k t h e r a b b i t t o t a k e h i s b o w a n d a r r o w s a n d c o m e with the bear to the other side of the hill.The rabbit, fearing to arouse the bears anger by refusing, consented andwent with the bear. The rabbit shot enough buffalo to satisfy the bears family.Indeed, he shot and killed so man y that there was lots of meat left after the bear and his family had loaded themselves and packed all they could carry home.However, the bear was so greedy and evil that he didnt allow the rabbit tog e t any of the meat. The poor rabbit could not even taste the blood from t h e butchering, as the bear would throw earth on the blood and dry it up. The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard days work. Resolution: The bear was the father of five children. The youngest boy was very kindto the rabbit. Knowing that the youngest boy was a very hearty eater, the mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of meat. Instead of eating this extra meat, the youngest bear would take the meat outside and pretend to play ball withi t , k i c k i n g i t t o w a r d t h e r a b b i t ' s h o u s e , a n d w h e n h e g o t c l o s e t o t h e d o o r h e would give the meat such a great kick that it would fly into the rabbit's house. In this way the poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to the papa bear. CULTURAL AWARENESS Find out: 1.Halloween. 2.Every year. 3.The annual cycle of seasons in Europe is spring, summer, winter and fall or autumn. 4.According to the second paragraph Samhain was the spirit of those who haddied. 5.The spirit of those who had died in the preciding year roamed the earth. 6.People. 7.The main idea of paragraph 3 is the mixture between local Samhain customs andtheir pagan harvest festival. 8.Paragraph 4 tells us about small magical beings in Halloween mischief. 9.The story of symbols of Halloween had a close relationship with the images of witches. 10.Students own idea 3.The annual cycle of seasons in Europe is spring, summer, winter and fall or autumn.4.According to the second paragraph Samhain was the spirit of those who haddied.5.The spirit of those who had died in the preciding year roamed the earth.6.People.7.The main idea of paragraph 3 is the mixture between local Samhain customs andtheir pagan harvest festival.8.Paragraph 4 tells us about small magical beings in

Halloween mischief.9.The story of symbols of Halloween had a close relationship with the images of witches.10. Students own idea . STAGE 2 GETTING STARTED A. LETS TALK What do you think? 1.Students own idea 2.Picture 1 describes the wind while picture 2 describes the sun. 3.The wind blows, while the sun shines.The wind is cold and the sun is hot. 4.Students own idea .5.Students own idea. B. ACTIVE READING Find out: 1.The Sun. 2.They want to be the strongest. 3.They want to take off the travelers cloak using their strength. 4.Because he couldnt take off the travelers cloak even though he had blown veryhard

5.The lesson we can learn from the story is KINDNESS IS MORE EFFECTIVE THAN SEVERITY . C. YOUR TURN Well, one day the Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger. 1. What happened first? The Wind and the Sun saw a traveler coming down the road. 2. What happened after that? The Sun said that he saw a way to decide their dispute. Whichever of them could causethat traveler to take off his cloak should be regarded as the stronger. 3. What happened next? So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could uponthe traveler. 4. What happened then? But the harder he blew the more closely did the traveler wrap his cloak round him, till atlast the Wind had to give up in despair. 5. Finally? Then the Sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveler, who soon found it toohot to walk with his cloak on.

6. Who was the winner then? None. E. ENJOY THIS Find out: 1.The Man, The Boy, and The Donkey. 2.The man, the boy, the donkey, a countryman, two women, a group of men, the passers, the laughers, an old man. 3.Because they were walking along by the donkey. 4.Because he thought the countryman was right that a donkey was to ride upon. 5.No, its not true that the boy let his father walk while he rode. 6.The main purpose of the story is to tell us that sometimes we dont need to listento what people say. GRAMMAR IN ACTION B.Students own idea. Examples: 1.The man should have let the donkey stay at home. 2.The man could have made his son go to the market alone.Possible answers: 3.The mans son should have got his father not to listen to others. 4.The donkey should have should have got his master go to the market alone 5.A group of men should have let the man do whatever he wanted to. 6.Two women should have let the man ride the donkey alone 7.The passer by should have let them solve their own problem 8.The boy should have got his donkey sold. 9.The old man should have let people say whatever they wanted to say. 10.The man and his son should have got the donkey to stay at home. C. Saying verbs: calling out, complained, saidThinking verbs: thought, pleased, worry,Action verbs: tended, rushed, came, stayed, tried, help, made E 1.I wish I knew his name. 2.Id rather you went now. 3.I would have helped you if only I heard about your trouble. 4.If only he did not eat so much garlic! 5.If only he hadnt eaten so much chili last night. 6.I felt as if my head had been on fire last night. 7.The countryman acted as though he had been a wise man. 8.The man wished he hadnt killed the Goose. 9.The dog wouldnt have dropped his meat if only he had not opened his mouth. 10.He acted as if he had never met her. F. Direct Speech 1.good news, good news! he cried. 2.Why, what is that? said the Cock. 3.King Lion has declared a universaltruce.

Indirect Speech 1.He cried good news twice 2.The Cock asked why and what was that 3.The Fox said that King Lion hasdeclared a

No beast may hurt a birdhenceforth, but all shall dwelltogether in brotherly friendship. 4.Why, that is a good news, saidthe Cock., and there I see someonecoming, with whom we can sharethe good tidings. 5.What is it you see? said the Fox. 6. It is only my masters dog that iscoming towards us. Hey, why areyou going so soon?.

universal truce. And no beast might hurt a bird henceforth, but all should dwell together in brotherly friendship. 4.The Cock said why that was a goodnews and he saw someone coming,with whom they could share thegood tidings. 5.The Fox asked what it was the Cock saw .6.The Cock said that it was only hismasters dog that was comingtowards them and asked why theFox was going so soon.

G 1.Why do I have to eat these awful vegetables? Alison asked. 2.Our medicine is unfavorable, said their leader at last. We shall have to returnhome. 3.No, said the young lover. It looks mysterious. Sit still and finish your smoke. 4.Oh, come on. Whos afraid? said the jester laughing. 5.I will sleep awhile, he said, for I am weary and worn out. 6.Help us, drag us away, they cried. 7.I will go down to the water and see if I can get some fish. 8.No, you eat it. Let me rest, said the lover. 9.Very well, said the lover. I will eat the fish with you, but you must first makeme a promise. 10.Oh, I am tired. Cant you go to the river by yourself? asked his friend. MOVING FORWARD A. THINK ABOUT IT 1.Students own idea 2.Students own idea 3.Students own idea B. FIRST CHALLENGE Find out: 1.Jack, Jacks mother, a butcher, the giant. 2.a. Jacks mother: a poor woman, soft, kind Jack: a foolish boy, naughty A butcher: smart, rich The giant: rich, very big, 3.Jack never paid attention to anything she said. 4.Because Jack exchanged the cow for a few paltry beans. 5.The beans grew very fast. 6.Students own idea .a.In the beginning, Jack ran downstairs into the garden. b.Then, he climbed the beanstalk. c.At the top, he saw a castle with a huge door and pushed it. d.After that, he opened it and saw lots of delicious food and ate it.

e.While eating, Jack heard someone snoring loudly, then he jumped andgrabbed some coins from the floor. f.Then, he ran fast and climbed back down the beanstalk. g.etc. 7.I wish I could buy a better house. I wish my mother were happy to have lots of coins. I would buy my mother lots of good food if it could make her happy. C. SECOND CHALLENGE 1.To entertain or amuse the readers. 2.Yes, it does. 3.Orientation (paragraph 1) Complication (paragraph 2,4,6,,8,10, 11, 12, 13, 14) Resolution (paragraph 3,5,7,9, 15) 4.Students own idea 5.In the past time. 6.Sell, exchange, made, kicked, etc. 7.The days of King Alfred, an only child, the consequence of her blind, etc. 8.In the days of King Alfred, For the first time in her life, for a few paltry, beans,etc. 9.Yes, said, calling aloud, asked, etc. 10.Possible answers:Direct speech: Jack called out, Help! Help! Mother, quick, bring the axe!Indirect speech: The butcher inquired why he was taking the cow from home.

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