Fairies, Dwarfs, Trolls, and Puppies, Oh Boy
About this ebook
The fairy stories began with fairy gardens in my backyard.
The author C.S. Lewis and his brother wrote fictional stories about elves and fairies, and we all loved them.
I love the Warwick Goble illustrations C.S. Lewis mentions. We all search for a purpose in our life, and so do the fairies in my stories.
Jamie Willard
When I began writing fairy stories, I had my friends children read them, and they seemed delighted. The children even gave me ideas to make the stories better. After writing medical articles this was so much fun. I live in northern Illinois. I am a retired data base manager. My grandchildren are now in college. I see the stories everywhere and hope you enjoy them too.
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Fairies, Dwarfs, Trolls, and Puppies, Oh Boy - Jamie Willard
Copyright © 2015 Jamie Willard.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-2955-2 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-2956-9 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015903946
Balboa Press rev. date: 4/3/2015
10233.pngThank you to my friend, Jerry, for taking pictures and encouragement.
Thank you to my friend, Gayle, for giving me ideas.
Thank you to Julie Vogt for helping with the illustrations.
Thank you to Iris for reading my stories and liking them!
One day while looking out my kitchen window, I saw an old bird house needing repair. The story about the Great Bird War of 1965 came to mind.
I had to sit down and write it. That was the beginning of my journey into fantasy writing.
Chapter 1 When Fairies First Met Dwarfs
Lesson: Everyone needs help at some time even fairies with special powers. While looking out for others, you will be looked after when you are in need.
Chapter 2 The Fairy Queen Meets The Great I Am
Lesson: Finding Our Purpose or Joy in Life Brings Happiness
Chapter 3 The Enchanted Everglade
Lesson: Keep communication open
Chapter 4 The Great Fairy and Bird War of 1965
Lesson: Win-Win situations help solve problems that make the best solutions in most circumstances.
Chapter 5 The Westie and the Lost Troll
Lesson: Pay attention and you will find delight in helping others.
Chapter 6 Angus and the Kitchen Fairy That Got Packed
Lesson: Keep Your Eyes Open to Help Others
Chapter 7 Zoe and the Fairy Trickster
Lesson: Just for Fun
Chapter 8 Lexi and Poncho Predict a Storm
Lesson: Animals sense weather changes
Chapter 1
elfs.jpgOur story starts many centuries ago when Russia and North America were connected by a land bridge. Some say the American Indians originated from the people crossing the land bridge and populating North America. Many fables and stories about fairies and dwarfs were carried over the land bridge by the Russian people. The story of Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs is a fairy tale by The Brothers Grimm. This story of how the fairies met the dwarfs took place long before Snow White fell for the ruby apple trick.
A group or clan of dwarfs lived in the forests of Russia. They were miners and lived together in