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Project Report

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Submitted By:

Mahalunkar Abhijit S ……….…………..060401

Noah Dionisio Silveira…………………...060422
Nikhil Rajiv Kakodkar…..…………………060443

Page no.

1. Objective..…………………………………………
2. Circuit Diagram…………………………………

3. Operation……………………………………………

4. Component List with Respective Prices………


5. Appendix……………………………………………

7. References…………………………………………


The main motive behind the building of this project:

• To design an effective Security System with
minimal Budget.

• By Utilizing this Device, one can check for

intruders on site, within a specific range.

• The designed device is affordable to the





The circuit described here is so sensitive that it will

detect a moving person at a distance of few metres in
daylight or under electric lighting without
cumbersome alignment of light beam. It requires
virtually no set up, and may be simply placed within
the line-of-sight of almost any light source including
ambient day light or fluorescent electric light. The
beep generated from the circuit will be loud enough to
detect the entry of a person in the room or the
protected area being guarded. The circuit uses a
voltage comparator and a monostable timer to give
the warning alarm on detecting a moving person. IC
μA741 (IC1) is used as a voltage comparator with two
potential dividers in its inverting and non inverting
inputs. Resistors R1 and R2 provide half-supply
voltage of 4.5 volts to its inverting input (pin 2). LDR1
and preset VR1 form another potential divider to
provide a variable voltage input to the non-inverting
input(pin 3). If VR1 is properly adjusted for the
required light level, the output of IC1 will be high,
which drives pnp transistorT1 out of conduction. This
is due to the high potential at the base of T1. The
emitter voltage of T1 will be high in this condition,
which inhibits IC2 from oscillation and LED1 from
lighting. IC2 is wired as a monostable timer. R6 and
C2 provide a preset time delay.
As a person crosses the protected area, his shadow
will be sensed by LDR1 due to change in the light
intensity level and the voltage at the non-inverting
input of IC1 will drop momentarily. The output of IC1
suddenly becomes low, allowing T1 to conduct. This
triggers the monostable (IC2) and the alarm sounds.
Assemble the circuit on a common PCB and house in a
plastic case. Keep LDR1 inside a black tube to
increase its sensitivity.
Adjust preset VR1 until LED1 turns off at the particular
light level. Keep LDR1 facing the entrance of the room
or the area to be protected. Sensitivity of the circuit
depends on the proper adjustment of VR1. If VR1 is
correctly adjusted, the circuit can detect a moving
person from a distance of about three metres. _
Components Qty. Price (Rs.)

NE555 1 10
Μa741 1 15

0.01μF 1 1
1μF 1 1

BC557(pnp) 1 3

10kΩ 2 0.5*2=1
1kΩ 2 0.5*2=1
470Ω 1 0.5

0Ω-47kΩ pot 1 10
0Ω-1MΩ pot 1 15
Tack board 1 10
Piezo Buzzer 1 25
LDR 1 10
LED 1 1

Grand Total: 103.5

1) IC μA741

The μA741 is a general-
purpose operational
amplifier featuring offset-
voltage null capability.
The high common-mode
input voltage range and the
absence of latch-up make
the amplifier ideal for voltage-follower applications.
The device is short-circuit protected and the internal
frequency compensation ensures
stability without external
components. A low value
potentiometer may be connected
between the offset null inputs to
null out the offset voltage as
shown in Figure 2. The μA741C is characterized for
operation from 0°C to 70°C. The mA741I is
characterized for operation from –40°C to 85°C.The

μA74 1M
characterized for operation over the full military
temperature range of –55°C to 125°C.

2) IC-NE555 Monostable

The 555 monolithic timing
circuit is a highly stable
controller capable of producing
accurate time delays, or
oscillation. In the time delay
mode of operation, the time is
precisely controlled by one external resistor and
capacitor. For a stable operation as an oscillator, the
free running frequency and the duty cycle are both
accurately controlled with two external resistors and
one capacitor. The circuit
may be triggered and
reset on falling
waveforms, and the
output structure can
source or sink up to 200
• Turn-off time less than
2 ms
• Max. operating
frequency greater than
500 kHz

• Timing from microseconds to hours
• Operates in both astable and monostable modes
• High output current
• Adjustable duty cycle
• TTL compatible
• Temperature stability of 0.005% per °C
• Precision timing
• Pulse generation
• Sequential timing
• Time delay generation
• Pulse width modulation

Trigger Pulse Width Requirements and Time

Due to the nature of the trigger circuitry, the timer

will trigger on the negative going edge of the input
pulse. For the device to time out properly, it is
necessary that the trigger voltage level be returned to
some voltage greater than one third of the supply
before the time out period. This can be achieved by
making either the trigger pulse sufficiently short or by
AC coupling into the trigger. By AC coupling the
trigger, see Figure 6, a short negative going pulse is
achieved when the trigger signal goes to ground. AC
coupling is most frequently used in conjunction with a
switch or a signal that goes to ground which initiates
the timing cycle. Should the trigger be held low,
without AC coupling, for a longer duration than the
timing cycle the output will remain in a high state for
the duration of the low trigger signal, without regard
to the threshold comparator state. This is due to the
predominance of Q15 on the base of Q16, controlling
the state of the bi-stable flip-flop. When the trigger
signal then returns to a high level, the output will fall
immediately. Thus, the output signal will follow the
trigger signal in this case. Another consideration is the
“turn-off time”. This is the measurement of the
amount of time required after the threshold reaches
2/3 VCC to turn the output low. To explain further, Q1
at the threshold input turns on after reaching 2/3 VCC,
which then turns on Q5, which turns on Q6. Current
from Q6 turns on Q16 which turns Q17 off. This allows
current from Q19 to turn on Q20 and Q24 to given an
output low. These steps cause the 2 ms max. delay as
stated in the data sheet.
Also, a delay comparable to the turn-off time is the
trigger release time. When the trigger is low, Q10 is
on and turns on Q11 which turns on Q15. Q15 turns
off Q16 and allows Q17 to turn on. This turns off
current to Q20 and Q24, which results in output high.
When the trigger is released, Q10 and Q11 shut off,
Q15 turns off, Q16 turns on and the circuit then
follows the same path and time delay explained as
“turn off time”. This trigger release time is very
important in designing the trigger pulse width so as
not to interfere with the output signal as explained


The idea of the project was taken from

•EFY (Electronics For You),
which posed as a big help in getting the components
and the directions for doing this project,
Besides this, we utilized the net as an aid in helping
us understand the working of the various components
we used in building this project. We give credit even
to the individuals who we might not even know, who
rendered us this information by uploading their
knowledge onto the site, Below are the sites visited to
obtain the Data Sheets as well as info on the various
1) www.efymag.com
2) www.datasheetcatalog.com
3) www.kpsec.freeuk.com
4) www.basicelec.com
And I would not like 2 forget the search engines that
made it possible for us to filter down from massive
web servers, the data we actually wanted.

Our GEC Library helped us in obtaining the apt

information for understanding the functioning of the
components, below are the books used:
1) Op-Amps and Linear Integrated circuit –
Ramakant Gayakwad

Now last but not the least, I would like to thank our
ever inspiring professors who motivated us to do the
project, thus strengthening our basics, as well as
expanding our knowledge to the practical applications
of the components, which we study everyday during
our lectures.
1)Mr. Samarth Borkar
2)Mr. Shahjahan Kutty


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