Student Name: ______________
Evaluators Name: ____________________ Date Completed: ____________
Grade Level: _______ Rm No. ___________
Sources of information utilized to develop an IEP Input from all mandated IEP participants is critical. Therefore, in preparation for the IEP meeting, parents, current teachers, related service providers, and others who know the student should complete an IEP Planner to ensure that a wellrounded picture of the whole student is available at the IEP meeting. In addition, class work, homework, projects, teacher-made tests, district assessments, state wide assessments, quarterly report cards, attendance records, and other cumulative records are all connected to the students participation and progress in the general education curriculum and program.
Area of Reading Score What is the students oral reading uency? What is the students independent reading grade level? What is the students reading comprehension test average? Student Strengths, Additional Information:
Area of Writing What is the students writing rubric average? Please answer yes/no by checking the appropriate box. Does the student write in complete sentences? Does the student use appropriate punctuation? Does the student utilize age-appropriate spelling?
Please provide more information about the students writing below: Student Strengths, Additional Information:
2 Area of Math
if n/a please indicate
What is the students addition facts percentage? What is the students subtraction facts percentage? What is the students multiplication facts percentage? What is the students division facts percentage? What is the students math test average score? Student Strengths, Additional Information:
What communication/speech errors do you hear most often, if any? How do you feel this impairs him/her in the classroom? Any additional comments related to communication:
Please check as appropriate In the classroom or playground setting, does the student.
3 Area of Behavior/Social/Emotional
classroom or playground setting, does the student. Please check as appropriate. In the
Does the student respect property and others? Does the student follow classroom and playground rules? Does the student have friends at school? Does the student have appropriate social skills? Has the student had any referrals this school year?
Is class work/homework completed in the appropriate time frame? If not, please describe below:
Are there any signicant issues (absences, tardiness, etc.) that have not been discussed previously on these present levels? Please feel free to list additional student strengths or celebrations in this area, as well.
Thank you for your input. Your perspective is very valuable as we develop a plan to target your students goals!