Abstract: Dental professionals in the are exposed and saliva to of a the wide variety of
microorganisms may cause infectious diseases. The use of effective infection control procedures and universal precautions in the dental office and the dental laboratory will prevent cross contamination that could extend to dentists, dental office staff, dental techinicians and patients. This review of literature has attempted to appraise the different protocols designed to protect the dentist and laboratory technician from potential infection as well as to protect the patients from cross contamination. Key words: Dental infection, Dental Clinical, Dental Laboratory,
Disinfectant, Sterilization.
Journal of Dental Sciences & Research 2:1: Pages 93-107
techniques. Recently, dental materials have been disinfected using effective techniques. Hence, this literature review is undertaken to upgrade our
appreciation of the potential for disease transmission in the dental clinic and laboratory. The most efficient method of implementing conscientious infection control for our collective protection is to
knowledge on the pros and cons of all the available procedures and techniques in the field of
Infection Control in Prosthodontics infection control in dental office and laboratory. For convenience, the literature was reviewed under following only patient
Volume 2 Issue1 February 2011 Patient evaluation Any treatment is performed after a comprehensive This is
achieved by a medical history specially patients in particularly designed who to are identify either to
dental laboratories. Infection office: Prosthodontic patients are a high-risk group relative to their potential to transmit infectious diseases as to well as their them. must control in dental
infection or who are at risk of transmitting infection, known as carriers of disease or by being in a high-risk category.
Personal protection Dentist can best manage patients infected with HepatitisB viruses (HBV) and protect
assume that every patient treated is a risk of cross infection and to adopt appropriate control measure.(5) The cycle of cross contamination
themselves, and in turn other patients, by being vaccinated with HBV vaccine. Clare Connors
report has shown that the vaccine is safe and highly efficacious, protection with a
success rate of more than 95%. In June 1982, the council on dental therapeutics adopted a
resolution recommending that all dental personnel having patient contact including dentists, dental students personnel, 94 Journal of Dental Sciences and Research and dental all auxiliary dental
decontamination It is generally recognized that disposable equipment should be used whenever possible. All other instruments that have been used in the oral cavity should be cleaned ultrasonic thoroughly bath before
The vaccination programme must certainly be considered the most effective cross infection
control measure to protect dental personnel disease.(5,12) A longsleeved, highand in turn their
an being
sterilized in an autoclave.
Disinfectants must be used to decontaminate non-sterilable apparatus (e.g. Shade & mould guides, mixing spatula, wax
must be considered essential to reduce cross contamination with in prosthodontic practice . Dental personnel should wear eye shields and a facemask covering the nose and mouth to when there is and
knifes, occiusal plane indicators, articulators, face bows, and other maxillo mandibular
procedures as mandatory for the control of infectious disease in dental practice. These commonly recommended procedures are as follows
cuts and abrasions on the skin should be covered with adhesive dressings Pregloving beneath the gloves. confers
gloves. Hands should be washed using a disinfectant hand wash agents such as povidone-iodine or chlorhexdine.
gloves during patient treatment. * All dental treatment personnel should wear masks covering the
Infection Control in Prosthodontics nose and mouth during patient treatment. * All dental treatment personnel should wear protective eyewear during patient treatment. * All items used in the oral cavity should be sterilized in a heat or heat pressure sterilizer whenever possible. * All touch & splash surface should be disinfected with an EPA registered. ADA accepted disinfectant is not silicone, polyvinyl immersing
glutaraldehyde solution and (b) the effect on acrylic resin after sterilizing by immersion when
acrylic resin trays with impression were used in clinical practice. Their results indicated that the polyether was affected
dimensionally by immersing in the disinfectant (as they shrunk when dry and swelled when in
solutions.) The dimensions of two silicon - tray resin assemblies were not greatly changed and the adhesive used was not degraded by disinfectant. S. A. Belt et al
whenever possible.
sterilization Presently
studied the
organisms on denture base acrylic resin strips in the presence of 10% horse serum organic
material in 1989. They concluded that, the chlorine dioxide achieved complete
1987 conducted a study (a) to measure and compare the linear dimensional changes of five
atomization was examined by D. G. Drennon et al(7) in 1989 for possible dimensional distortion of elastomeric impression materials namely polyether, polysulfide and addition silicone. Chlorophenol, a 0.25% acid glutaraldehyde, an iodophor, a phenyl phenol and a phenol sodium phenate used.It spray was
dimensional change or decreased strength in heat processed poly (methylmethacrylate) material. Two types of methylmethacrylate cranial implants were tested, heat heatimplant
activated The
also shown that the disinfectants applied by spray atomization were effective on the surface of an elastomeric impression material contaminated with selected test organisms. In 1990, J. 0. Look et at
polymerized resin was tested and processed, following autoclaving. It was compared to an
autopolymerising methylmethacrylate strength. They concluded that, there was no significant change in strength between processed and non-sterilize methyl heatfor impact
action of germicides against an enveloped virus on an irreversible hydrocolloid surface.The that dipping authors or impression concluded is
strongly preferred to spraying, to avoid inhalation of an aldehyde. The 0.5% sodium hypochlorite
autopolymerising methylmethacrylate cranioplasty. A significant linear distortion of 1.211% was measured between
Infection Control in Prosthodontics the heat methylmethaciylate autoclaved and non-sterile processed was found
Volume 2 Issue1 February 2011 Full strength sodium hypochlorite was the most effective
determined the efficacy of eight disinfectant solutions viz sodium hypochloride (undiluted), sodium hypochloride (diluted), Alcide
chlorine dioxide procedure. In 1994, R. S. Schwartz et al(20) evaluated the effectiveness of four disinfectants i.e., 0.525% sodium hypochlorite, OMC 11,
L.D., OMC II, Biocide, Sporicidin, Lysol, Impresept and sterile water (control) when used as for
immersion and a spray against three microorganisms (S. aureus, M. Phlei and Bacillus subtilis) and normal mixed oral flora on the surface of irreversible
Alcide L.D and lodofive, against five different microorganisms S.choleraesuis, M.bovis or
(S.aureus, P.aeruginosa,
hydrocolloid impressions. This study concluded that, Alcide L.D., Lysol spray, OMC II and Biocide were relatively ineffective against the three microorganisms tested and on mixed oral flora. Full strength sodium hypochlorite and Impresept were essentially equal in effectiveness against S. Aureus, M. phlei and mixed oral flora. sodium Sporicidin and diluted were
B.subtilis) and mixed oral flora on irreversible impressions. The hydrocolloid impressions
were cultured after immersion in one of the disinfectanta This study concluded that Alcide L.D achieved greater reduction of all test organisms, 0.525% sodium was
effective against S. aureus, S. choleraesuis, P. aeruginosa and mixed oral flora. lodofive and
of the new mechanical torque wrench system and for implant the
exposure to microwave energy, which in turn was more effective than leaving the lining material dry overnight. Because sodium hypochioride some use, solution in presents clinical soaking
procedures on the accuracy of the wrenches. The results that of this study wrench will
disadvantages including a
period, bleaching and corrosive effects energy on metals, microwave can be and
concluded system
disinfections an
result in recordings close to target values. Autoclave and chemiclave sterilization increased the range of torque values as compared with values recorded before
effectiveness and
sterilization. produced
disinfection of Coe Soft and Coe Comfort denture liners by using chlorine dioxide. Specimens made of soft denture liners attached to acrylic resin bases with E were coli, S
torque values for the 10 Ncm Dyna Torque wrench. The effectiveness of microwave energy in the disinfection of
aureus and Candida albicans. They dioxide concluded was that, chlorine against steel
effective stainless
Infection Control in Prosthodontics recommended 3 minutes time of disinfection. technique was The more immersion effective
Volume 2 Issue1 February 2011 genera of fungi present in used dental laboratory pumice. In 1988 M. .J. McGowan et al
than the spray technique, but the difference was not significant.
1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5.25% concentrations hypochlorite on of sodium and
They recommended that coe soft and coe comfort denture liners be removed before entering the
Vitallium alloys. The result of this study indicated that the short term exposure of both Ticonium and Vitallium alloys to either a 2% sodium
laboratory. These materials, even adhering to proper disinfection procedures still contain sufficient microorganisms contamination laboratory. In the year 2000, T. Larsen et al
to of the
cause clean
hypochlorite solution for a period of 5 minutes or a 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution for a period of 3 minutes will produce no harmful effects on these metals. C. Shen et al(3) in 1989, studied the effect of two alkaline
radiation for the disinfection of dental impressions and occlusal records. The results in this study
glutaraldehyde base disinfectants, (one alkaline and the other an alkaline with a phenolic buffer,) on a heat cured denture base resin. From this study they concluded that, phenolic-buffered
concluded that the UV radiation delivered by the device did not produce a sufficient bacterial
reduction for the disinfection of dental impressions and occlusal records. Infection control in dental
denture base resin should not contain chemicals that may cause
Infection Control in Prosthodontics dissolution, swelling, pitting or crazing of the resin. The effects of a 2% concentration of ID 210 solution on impression compound, impression plaster
in 1991
studied the effects of chemical disinfecting agents like Sodium hypochlorite, Exspor, Cidex and Wescodyne-D, on color stability of denture acrylic resins. The tested resins were CH Lucitone, Triad VLC and Trulinear. This study concluded that, both 1% sodium hypochlorite and 2% Cidex disinfectant produced the least color change in the samples tested. Polyzois Yannikakis G.L,
and zinc oxide eugenol impression material Wafter was investigated & by P.
G.Fong(8)(1990). This laboratory study evaluated the dimensional stability, surface detail reproduction and assessed the penetration of the disinfectant into the impression materials and the transfer of the disinfectant from impressions to stone casts. 1% aqueous toluidine blue dye was chosen for assessment of the penetration of disinfectant. The results of a this study
(1995), evaluated
the effect of the glutaraldehyde and method microwave on the disinfection dimensional
stability, hardness and flexural properties of a heat polymerized denture base acrylic resin. The results showed exhibited that all
immersion in 2% ID 210 solution had no adverse effects on the dimensional stability or surface detail reproduction of the rigid impression materials. The dyed disinfectant impression penetrated plaster and into also
unaffected during all disinfectant procedures. They concluded that microwave method is a useful
Volume 2 Issue1 February 2011 and water. The addition of an antiseptic product that contained
Octenidine as active agent to conventional pumice reduced the number of microorganisms by 99.999%. The mix of steribim with water reduced the number of bacteria by 99%.
studied the number of microorganisms in two different combinations of pumice and disinfectant and compared with a conventional mixture of pumice
In the light of the current knowledge disinfection protocol can be summerised as:Burs - carbon, steel, diamond points. Dapen dishes Glass slabs Dry heat oven-ie 60C for 1 hour, Chemical vapour-20 minutes at 270 F. Ethylene oxide-450-800 mg/l. Steam autoclave-121C for 15 to 20 minutes at 15 lb pressure/square inch, Ethylene oxide-450-800 mg/l. Steam autoclave- 121C for 15 to 20 minutes at 15 lb pressure/square inch, Dry heat oven-160C for 1 hour, Chemical vapour-20 minutes at 270 F. Ethylene oxide-450-800 mg/l. Dry heat oven-l60C for 1 hour, Chemical vapour-20 minutes at 270 F. Ethylene oxide450-800 mgJl. Steam autoclave- 121C for 15 to 20 minutes at 15 lb pressure/square inch, Dry heat oven-I 60C for 1 hour, Chemical vapour-20 minutes at 2700 F. Ethylene oxide-450-800 mg/l. According to manufactures recommendation. Ethylene oxide-450-800 mg/I. Steam autoclave- 121C for 15 to 20 minutes at 15 lb pressure/square inch.
Stainless steel
Hand pieces
Impression trays, Aluminum metal tray, Chrome plated tray, Custom acrylic
Steam autoclave- 121C for 15 to 20 minutes at 15 lb pressure/square inch, Chemical vapour-20 minutes at 270 F. Ethylene oxide-450-800 mg/l.
Infection Control in Prosthodontics resin tray, Plastic tray, Irreversible hydrocolloid Reversible hydrocolloid
Tissue retraction Pluggers Polishing wheels and disks Saliva evacuators, Ejectors Stones
Ethylene oxide-450-800 mg Dry heat oven Chemical vapour-20 minutes at 270 F. Ethylene oxide450-800 mg/I. Discard; do not reuse Dry heat oven-160C for 1 hour, Chemical vapour-20 minutes at 2700 F. Ethylene oxide-450-800 mg/l. Steam autoclave- 121C for 15 to 20 minutes at 15 lb pressure/square inch, Dry heat over-160C for 1 hour, Chemical vapour-20 minutes at 270 F. Ethylene oxide-450-800 mg/I. Ethylene oxide-450-800 mg/I. Ethylene oxide-450-800 mg/l. Chemical vapour-20 minutes at 270 F. Steam autoclave- 121C for 15 to 20 minutes at 15 lb pressure/square inch, Dry heat oven-l60C for 1 hour, Chemical vapour-20 minutes at 270 F. Ethylene oxide-450-800 mg/I Ethylene oxide-450-800 mg/I, According to manufacture recommendation. Immersed in 2% ID 210 solution for 20 minutes Immersed for 10 minutes in 2% glutaraldehyde. Spray with sodium hypochlorite, rinse, spray again and stand under damp gauze or in sealed bag for 10 minutes. Immersed in 2% glutaraldehyde for 10 minutes Spray with sodium hypochlorite, rinse, spray again and stand under damp gauze for 10 minutes Rinsed for 45 seconds with water and immerse for 30 minutes in 2% glutaraldehyde. Immersed for 15 minutes in 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution and rinsed in water.
Infection Control in Prosthodontics Addition reaction silicone materials Condensation reaction silicone materials Polyether
Immersed in 2% glutaraldehyde for 1 hour, rinse in sterile water Immersed in 2% glutaraldehyde for 10 minutes and washed with sterile water Immersed in 2% glutaraldehyde for 1 hour at room temperature, rinsed with sterile water for 45 seconds and dried for 10 minutes Rinsed under running water, cleaned for debris in an ultrasonic cleaner and immersed for 12 hours in alkaline glutaraldehyde disinfection solution. Rinsed under running water, 4% chlorhexdine scrub for 15 seconds followed by a 3 minutes contact time with chlorine dioxide. Sterilized by ethylene oxide gas-450-800 mg/I.
Addition of antiseptic product containing Octenidine to conventional pumice, Addition of benzoic acid to conventional pumice, Working pumice should be discarded after each use. Immersed 3 minutes in 5.25% sodium Hypochlorite solution and rinsed in water.
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