Scrum Handbook
Scrum Handbook
Scrum Handbook
Jeff Sutherlands
This book is dedicated to Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank for originating microenterprise development and the Accion International Presidents Advisory Board, responsible for much of microenterprise development in the western hemisphere. The strategy for bootstrapping the poor out of poverty has been a model for freeing hundreds of thousands of software developers from developer abuse caused by poor management practices. Thanks to the reviewers of the text who include among many others: Tom Poppendieck Henrick Kniberg Rowan Bunning Clifford Thompson
Executive Summary
Scrum is an agile method designed to add energy, focus, clarity, and transparency to project planning and implementation. Today, Scrum is used in small, mid-sized and large software corporations all over the world. Properly implemented, Scrum will: Increase speed of development Align individual and corporate objectives Create a culture driven by performance Support shareholder value creation Achieve stable and consistent communication of performance at all levels Enhance individual development and quality of life This manual gives some basic information on how to get started with Scrum, and also describes some cases in point. It is based on The Scrum Papers, formerly published by The Scrum Training Institute (see
Preface 1. Scrum at a glance 2. The Scrum Roles 3. Getting Started with Scrum 4. Scrum Cases 5. The SirsiDynix Case 6. Can Scrum projects fail? 5 6 14 18 38 46 59
Scrum has risen from being a method used by a number of enthusiasts at the Easel Corporation in 1993, to one of the worlds most popular and well-known frameworks for development of software. The continued expansion of the global rollout of Scrum is testimony to the fact that Scrum delivers on its promise. While it is often said that Scrum is not a silver bullet, Scrum can be like a heat-seeking missile when pointed in the right direction. Its inspect and adapt approach to continuous quality improvement can do serious damage to outmoded business practices. By focusing on building communities of stakeholders, encouraging a better life for developers, and delivering extreme business value to customers Scrum can release creativity and team spirit in practitioners and make the world a better place to live and work. Scrum has emerged from a rough structure for iterative, incremental development to a refined, well-structured, straightforward framework for complex product development. Ive worked with others to adjust, test, and adjust it again until it is solid. This framework is fully defined in the Scrum Guide at, where Ken Schwaber and I sustain and help it emerge further. The manual you are holding has been compiled from papers and compendiums which have been used at the Scrum Training Institute (The Scrum Papers). We hope that it may serve both as an inspiration and a source of information for those readers who intend to start their first Scrum projects in their organizations. Seasoned Scrum users may also find some nuggets of wisdom. In any case, we appreciate all kinds of feedback. The Scrum adventure has just begun for us all!
Yours faithfully,
Jeff Sutherland
Chairman, Scrum Training Institute Co-Creator of Scrum Boston, USA July 2010
Scrum at a Glance
Scrum is an iterative, incremental framework for projects and product or application development. Scrum structures development in cycles of work called Sprints. These iterations are less than one month in length, and usuallly measured in weeks. Sprints take place one after the other. The Sprints are of fixed duration they end on a specific date whether the work has been completed or not, and are never extended. Hence, they are said to be timeboxed. At the beginning of each Sprint, a cross-functional team selects items (customer requirements) from a prioritized list. They commit to complete the items by the end of the Sprint. During the Sprint, the chosen items do not change. Every day the Team gathers briefly to replan its work to optimize the likelihood of meeting committments. At the end of the Sprint, the team reviews the Sprint with stakeholders, and demonstrates what they have built. People obtain feedback that can be incorporated in the next Sprint. Inspect & adapt Scrum emphasizes a working product at the end of the Sprint that is really done; in the case of software, this means code that is: integrated fully tested potentially shippable A major theme in Scrum is inspect and adapt. Since development inevitably involves learning, innovation, and surprises, Scrum emphasizes taking a short step of development, inspecting both the resulting product and the efficacy of current practices, and then adapting the product goals and process practices. Repeat forever. Agile Development and Scrum Scrum is, as the reader supposedly knows, an agile method. The agile family of development methods evolved from the old and wellknown iterative and incremental life-cycle approaches. They were born out of a belief that an approach more grounded in human reality and the product development reality of learning, innovation, and change would yield better results.
Agile principles emphasize building working software that people can get hands on quickly, versus spending a lot of time writing specifications up front. Agile development focuses on crossfunctional teams empowered to make decisions, versus big hierarchies and compartmentalization by function. It also focuses on rapid iteration, with continuous customer input along the way. Often when people learn about agile development or Scrum, theres a glimmer of recognition it sounds a lot like back in the start-up days when we just did it. Scrum was strongly influenced by a 1986 Harvard Business Review article on the practices associated with successful product development groups; in this paper the term Scrum was introduced, relating successful development to the game of Rugby in which a self-organizing (self-managing) team moves together down the field of product development. The first Scrum team was created at Easel Corporation in 1993 by Dr. Jeff Sutherland (the author of this manual) and the Scrum framework was formalized in 1995 by Ken Schwaber. Used at major companies Today, scrum is used by companies large and small, including: Yahoo! Microsoft Google Lockheed Martin Johns Hopkins APL Siemens Nokia Motorola, SAP Cisco GE CapitalOne US Federal Reserve Teams using Scrum report significant improvements, and in some cases complete transformations, in both productivity and morale. For product developers many of whom have been burned by the management fad of the month club this is significant. Or to put it plain: Scrum is just simple and powerful!
Part I
Scrum Basics
1 The Product Backlog A Scrum project is driven by a product vision compiled by the Product Owner, and expressed in the Product Backlog. The Product Backlog is a prioritized list of whats required, ranked in order of value to the customer or business, with the highest value items at the top of the list. The Product Backlog evolves over the lifetime of the project, and items are continuously added, removed or reprioritized. 2 The Sprint Scrum structures product development in cycles of work called Sprints, iterations of work which are typically 14 weeks in length. The Sprints are of fixed duration and end on a specific date whether the work has been completed or not; they are never extended. 3 Sprint Planning At the beginning of each Sprint, the Sprint Planning Meeting takes place. The Product Owner and Scrum Team (with facilitation from the ScrumMaster) review the Product Backlog, discuss the goals and context for the items, and the Scrum Team selects the items from the Product Backlog to commit to complete by the end of the Sprint, starting at the top of the Product Backlog. Each item selected from the Product Backlog is designed and then broken down to a set of individual tasks. The list of tasks is recorded in a document called the Sprint Backlog. 4 Daily Scrum Meeting Once the Sprint has started, the Scrum Team engages in another of the key Scrum practices: The Daily Stand-Up Meeting. This is a short (15 minutes) meeting that happens every workday at an appointed time. Everyone on the team attends. At this meeting, the information needed to inspect progress is presented. This information may result in replanning and further discussions immediately after the Daily Scrum. 5 Sprint Review and Retrospective After the Sprint ends, there is the Sprint Review, where the Scrum Team and stakeholder inspect what was done during the Sprint, discuss it, and figure out what to do next. Present at this meeting are the Product Owner, Team Members, and ScrumMaster, plus customers, stakeholders, experts, executives, and anyone else interested. Following the Sprint Review, the team gets together for the Sprint Retrospective which is an opportunity for the team to discuss whats working and whats not working, and agree on changes to try.
A. The Product Owner Takes the inputs of what the product should be and translates them into a product vision or a Product Backlog.
C. The Scrum Master Does whatever it takes to make the Scrum Team successful,such as removingorganizational impediments, facilitating meetings, acting as a gatekeeperso no one unnecessary interrupts the team's work.
Daily Scrum
24 hrs
Sprint Backlog
Sprint Backlog
Sprint Retrospective
Product Backlog
Product Owner
Creativity is inhibited
This approach requires that the good ideas all come at the beginning of the release cycle, where they can be incorporated into the plan. But as we all know, good ideas appear throughout the process in the beginning, the middle, and sometimes even the day before launch. A process that does not permit change will stifle this innovation. With the waterfall, a great idea late in the release cycle is not a gift, its a threat.
Bad timing
Something else that happens when you have humans involved is the handson aha moment the first time that you actually use the working product. You immediately think of 20 ways you could have made it better. Unfortunately, these very valuable insights often come at the end of the release cycle, when changes are most difficult and disruptive in other words, when doing the right thing is most expensive, at least when using a traditional method.
No crystal balls
Humans are not able to predict the future. For example, your competition makes an announcement that was not expected. Unanticipated technical problems crop up that force a change in direction. Furthermore, people are particularly bad at planning uncertain things far into the future guessing today how you will be spending your week eight months from now is something of a fantasy. It has been the downfall of many a carefully constructed Gantt chart.
Sub-optimized results
A rigid, change-resistant process produces mediocre products. Customers may get what they first ask for (at least two translation steps removed), but is it what they really want once they see the product? By gathering all the requirements up front and having them set in stone, the product is condemned to be only as good as the initial idea, instead of being the best once people have learned or discovered new things. Many practitioners of a sequential life cycle experience these shortcomings again and again. But, it seems so supremely logical that the common reaction is to turn inward: If only we did it better, it would work, and if we just planned more, documented more, resisted change more, everything would work smoothly. Unfortunately, many teams find just the opposite: the harder they try, the worse it gets! There are also management teams that have invested their reputation and many resources in a waterfall model; changing to a fundamentally different model is an apparent admission of having made a mistake. And Scrum is fundamentally different ...
The Team
The Team builds the product that the customer is going to use: the application or website, for example. The team in Scrum is cross-functional and includes all the expertise necessary to deliver the potentially shippable product each Sprint. It is also self-organizing (self-managing), with a very high degree of autonomy and accountability. Hence, there is no team manager or project manager in Scrum. Instead, the Team members decide what to commit to, and how best to accomplish that commitment. The Team is selforganizing. Dedicated team The Team in Scrum is seven plus or minus two people. For a software product the Team might include programmers, interface designers, and testers. The Team develops the product and provides ideas to the Product Owner about how to make the product great. In my experience, it is essential that the Team is 100 percent dedicated to the work for one product during the Sprint; multitasking across multiple products or projects will severely limit performance. Stable Teams are associated with higher productivity, so changing team members should also be avoided. Application groups with many people are organized into multiple Scrum teams, each focused on different features for the product, with close coordination of their efforts. Since one Team does all the work (planning, analysis, programming, and test) for a complete customer-centric feature,
Scrum teams are also known as feature teams. In very technically complex programs and products, Ive seen Teams organized by architectural layer - such as when product family architectures are employed. However, integration prior to the end of the Sprint is more difficult when Teams are so structured.
managing the team, they will need to significantly change their mindset and style of interaction for the team to be successful with Scrum. In the case that an ex-manager transitions to the role of ScrumMaster, it is best to serve a team other than the one that previously reported to the manager, otherwise the social or power dynamics are in potential conflict.
Getting Started
Initiating a Scrum project is not hard, as long as one takes one step at a time, and makes sure that everyone feels included.
The Product Backlog leads the way ahead for the Scrum Team. It is maintained by the Product Owner.
research work (investigate solutions for speeding up credit card validation), performance and security requirements, and, possibly, known defects (diagnose and fix the order processing script errors), if there are only a few problems. (A system with many defects usually has a separate defect tracking system.) Many people like to articulate the requirements in terms of user stories - concise, clear descriptions of the functionality in terms of its value to the end user of the product. In more demanding environments, such as FDA life critical applications, Use Cases are often used. The subset of the Product Backlog that is intended for the current release is known as the Release Backlog, and in general, this portion is the primary focus of the Product Owner. The Product Backlog is continuously updated by the Product Owner to reflect changes in the needs of the customer, new ideas or insights, moves by the competition, technical hurdles that appear, and so forth. The team provides the Product Owner with estimates of the effort required for each item on the Product Backlog. In addition, the Product Owner is responsible for assigning a business value estimate to each individual item. This is usually an unfamiliar practice for a Product Owner. As such, it is something a ScrumMaster may help the Product Owner learn to do. With these two estimates (effort and value) and perhaps with additional risk estimates, the Product Owner prioritizes the backlog (actually, usually just the Release Backlog subset) to maximize ROI (choosing items of high value with low effort) or secondarily, to reduce some major risk. As will be seen, these effort and value estimates may be refreshed each Sprint as people learn; consequently, this is a continuous re-prioritization activity and the Product Backlog is everevolving. Scrum does not mandate the form of estimates in the Product Backlog, but it is common to use relative estimates expressed as points rather than absolute units of effort such as person-weeks. Over time, a team tracks how many relative points they implement each Sprint; for example, averaging 26 points per Sprint. With this information they can project a release date to complete all features, or how many features will likely be completed by a date. Standard deviations around the average points will indicate least likely and most likely possibilities.The points completed per Sprint is called the
velocity of the team. A realeastic release plan is always based on the velocity of the team. The items in the Product Backlog can vary significantly in size or effort. Larger ones are broken into smaller items during the Product Backlog Refinement workshop or the Sprint Planning Meeting, and smaller ones may be consolidated.
Team Planning
A key practice in Scrum is that the team decides how much work they will commit to complete, rather than having it assigned to them by the Product Owner. This makes for a more reliable commitment because the team is making it based on their own analysis and planning, rather than having it made for them by someone else.
Sprint Planning
At the beginning of each Sprint, the Sprint Planning Meeting takes place. It is divided into two distinct sub-meetings, the first of which is called Sprint Planning Part One. In Sprint Planning Part One, the Product Owner and Team (with facilitation from the ScrumMaster) review the high-priority items in the Product Backlog that the Product Owner is interested in implementing this Sprint. They discuss the goals and context for these high-priority items on the Product Backlog, providing the Team with insight into the Product Owners thinking. The Product Owner and Team also review the Definition of Done that all items must meet, such as, Done means coded to standards, reviewed, implemented with unit test-driven development (TDD), tested with 100 percent test automation, integrated, and documented. This definition of done ensures transparency and quality fit for the purpose of the product and organization. Part One focuses on understanding what the Product Owner wants. According to the rules of Scrum, at the end of Part One the (always busy) Product Owner may leave although they must be available (for example, by phone) during the next meeting. However, they are welcome to attend Part Two... Sprint Planning Part Two focuses on detailed task planning for how to implement the items that the team decides to take on. The Team selects the items from the Product Backlog they commit to complete by the end of the Sprint, starting at the top of the Product Backlog (in others words, starting with the items that are the highest priority for the Product Owner) and working down the list in order. While the Product Owner does not have control over how much the team commits to, he or she knows that the items the team is committing to are drawn from the top of the Product Backlog in other words, the items that he or she has rated as most important. The
Jeff Sutherlands Scrum Handbook
team has the authority to also select items from further down the list in consultation with the Product Owner; this usually happens when the team and Product Owner realize that something of lower priority fits easily and appropriately with the high priority items. The Sprint Planning Meeting should be timeboxed to four hours for a four-week Sprint and two hours for a two-week Sprint. In order to do this, the team must help the Product Owner by estimating the size of stores before the Sprint Planning meeting the team is making a serious commitment to complete the work, and this commitment requires careful thought to be successful. A Team bases its commitments on its past velocities. If a Team is new, new to the technology or domain, it may not have reliable, stable velocities until it has worked together for three or four Sprints. In making its commitment, the Team factors in any vacations, new organizational demands, and other items that may reduce its past velocity. Once the Team capacity available is determined, the Team starts with the first item on the Product Backlog in other words, the Product Owners highest priority item and working together, breaks it down into individual tasks, which are recorded in a
document called the Sprint Backlog (see below). As mentioned, the Product Owner must be available during Part Two (such as via the phone) so that clarifications and decisions regarding alternative approaches is possible. The team will move sequentially down the Product Backlog in this way, until its used up all its capacity. At the end of the meeting, the team will have produced a list of tasks with estimates (typically in hours or fractions of a day). The list is a starting point, but more tasks will emerge as the Team addresses each Product Backlog item during the Sprint. The Team will work on a technical design that will be implemented using Sprint Backlog tasks. The team choses the ordering of Sprint Backlog tasks to maximize the velocity of production and quality of done functionality. Scrum encourages multi-skilled workers, rather than only working to job title such as a tester only doing testing. In other words, team members go to where the work is and help out as possible. If there are many testing tasks, then all Team members may help. This does not imply that everyone is a generalist; no doubt some people are especially skilled in testing (and so on) but Team
No Changing Goals
There are powerful, positive factors that arise from the team being protected from changing goals during the Sprint: First, the team gets to work knowing with absolute certainty that its commitments will not change, thus reinforcing the teams focus on ensuring completion. Second, it disciplines the Product Owner into really thinking through the items he or she prioritizes on the Product Backlog and offers to the team for the Sprint.
Many teams also make use of a visual task-tracking tool, in the form of a wall-sized task board where tasks (written on Post-It Notes) migrate during the Sprint across columns labeled Not Yet Started, In Progress, and Done.
members work together and learn new skills from each other. Pairing has proven a valuable approach to sharing knowledge. All that said, there are rare times when a Team member may do a particular task because it would take far too long or be impossible for others to learn perhaps he or she is the only person with any artistic skill to draw pictures. Other Team members could not draw a stick man if their life depended on it. In this rare case and if it is not rare and not getting rarer as the Team learns, there is something wrong it may be necessary to ask if the total planned drawing tasks that must be done by this certain Team member are feasible within the short Sprint. One of the pillars of Scrum is that once the Team makes its commitment, any additions or changes must be deferred until the next Sprint. This means that if halfway through the Sprint the Product Owner decides there is a new item he or she would like the Team to work on, he cannot make the change until the start of the next Sprint. If an external circumstance appears that significantly changes priorities, and means the Team would be wasting its time if it continued working, the Product Owner or the team can terminate
the Sprint. The Team stops, and a new Sprint Planning meeting initiates a new Sprint. The disruption of doing this is usually great; this serves as a disincentive for the Product Owner or team to resort to this dramatic decision. By following these Scrum rules the Product Owner gains two things. First, he or she has the confidence of knowing the Team has made a commitment to complete a realistic and clear set of tasks they have chosen. Over time a Team can become quite skilled at choosing and delivering on a realistic commitment. Second, the Product Owner gets to make whatever changes he or she likes to the Product Backlog before the start of the next Sprint. At that point, additions, deletions, modifications, and re-prioritizations are all possible and acceptable. While the Product Owner is not able to make changes to the selected items under development during the current Sprint, he or she is only one Sprints duration or less away from making any changes. Gone is the stigma around change change of direction, change of requirements, or just plain changing your mind and it may be for this reason that Product Owners are usually as enthusiastic about Scrum as anyone.
Daily Scrum
Once the Sprint has started, the Team engages in another of the key Scrum practices: The Daily Scrum. This is a short (15 minutes or less) meeting that happens every workday at an appointed time and place. Everyone on the Team attends. To keep it brief, it is recommended that everyone remain standing. It is the Teams opportunity to report to each other and inspect each others progress and obstacles. In the Daily Scrum, one by one, each member of the team reports three (and only three) things to the other members of the team: (1) What they were able to get done since the last meeting; (2) what they are planning to finish by the next meeting; and (3) any blocks or impediments that are in their way. Note that the Daily Scrum is not a status meeting to report to a manager; it is a time for a self-organizing Team to share with each other what is going on, to help it coordinate its work and optimize its likelihood of meeting its commitments. Someone makes note of the blocks, and the ScrumMaster is responsible for helping team members resolve them. There is no discussion during the Daily Scrum, only reporting
60 burndown line
New estimate of work remaining
Sprint Burndown Chart. While the Sprint Burndown chart can be created and displayed using a spreadsheet, many teams find it is more effective to show it on paper on a wall in their workspace, with updates in pen; this low-tech/high-touch solution is fast, simple, and often more visible than a computer chart.
answers to the three questions; if discussion is required it takes place immediately after the Daily Scrum in a follow-up meeting, although in Scrum no one is required to attend this. This follow-up meeting is a common event where the Team adapts to the information they heard in the Daily Scrum: in other words, another inspect and adapt cycle. It is generally recommended not to have managers or others in positions of perceived authority attend the Daily Scrum. This risks making the Team feel monitored under pressure to report major progress every day (an unrealistic expectation), and inhibited about reporting problems and it tends to undermine the Teams selfmanagement, and invite micromanagement. It would be more useful for a stakeholder to instead reach out to the team following the meeting, and offer to help with any blocks that are slowing the Teams progress.
3. Reduce the scope of work. 4. Abort the Sprint. It is important that the ScrumMaster coach the Team to take action early rather than drifting into Sprint failure. Some ScrumMasters insist that a Team reduce its commitments in early Sprints. Successful Teams consistently improve by building on success. Failing Teams stay stuck at low velocity.
to achieve a rhythm for the work; this is often referred to as the heartbeat of the team in Scrum
to pick one duration for Sprints (say, two weeks) and not change it. A consistent duration helps the Team learn how much it can accomplish, which helps in both estimation and longer-term release planning. It also helps the Team achieve a rhythm for their work; this is often referred to as the heartbeat of the team in Scrum.
Sprint Review
After the Sprint ends, there is the Sprint Review, where the team reviews the Sprint with the Product Owner. This is often mislabeled the demo but that does not capture the real intent of this meeting. A key idea in Scrum is inspect and adapt. To see and learn what is going on and then evolve based on feedback, in repeating cycles. The Sprint Review is an inspect and adapt activity for the product. It is a time for the Product Owner and key stake-holders to learn what is going on with the product and with the Team (that is, a review of the Sprint); and for the Team to learn what is going on with the Product Owner and the market. Consequently, the most important element of the Review is an in-depth conversation and collaboration between the Team and Product Owner to learn the situation, to get advice, and so forth. The review includes a demo of what the Team built during the Sprint, but if the focus of the review is a demo rather than conversation, there is an imbalance. Present at this meeting are the Product Owner, Team members, and ScrumMaster, plus customers, stakeholders, experts, executives, and anyone else interested. The demo portion of the Sprint Review is not a presentation the team gives there is no slideware. A guideline in Scrum is that as little time as possible should be spent on preparing for the Sprint Review; Scrum suggests no more than 2 hours. It is simply a demo of what has been built. Anyone present is free to ask questions and give input.
Sprint Retrospective
The Sprint Review involves inspect and adapt regarding the product. The Sprint Retrospective, which follows the Review, involves inspect and adapt regarding the process. This is a practice that some teams skip which is unacceptable, because self-organization requires the frequent regular reflection provided by the Retrospective. Its the
main mechanism for taking the visibility that Scrum provides into areas of potential improvement, and turning it into results. Its an opportunity for the entire ScrumTeam to discuss whats working and whats not working, and agree on changes to try. Sometimes the ScrumMaster can act as an effective facilitator for the retrospective, but it may be better to find a neutral outsider to facilitate the meeting; a good approach is for ScrumMasters to facilitate each others retrospectives, which enables cross-pollination among teams.
Release Sprint
The perfection vision of Scrum is that the product is potentially shippable at the end of each Sprint, which implies there is no wrap up work required, such as testing or documentation. Rather, the
Change Thyself!
One common mistake teams make, when presented with a Scrum practice that challenges them, is to change Scrum, not change themselves. For example, teams that have trouble delivering on their Sprint commitment might decide to make the Sprint duration extendable, so they never run out of time and in the process, ensure they never have to learn how to do a better job of estimating and managing their time. In this way, without coaching and the support of an experienced ScrumMaster, organizations can mutate Scrum into just a mirror image of its own weaknesses and dysfunction, and undermine the real benefit that Scrum offers: making visible the good and the bad, and giving the organization the choice of elevating itself to a higher level.
implication is that everything is completely finished every Sprint; that you could actually ship it or deploy it immediately after the Sprint Review. However, many organizations have weak development practices and cannot achieve this perfection, or there are other extenuating circumstances (such as, the machine broke). In this case, there will be some remaining work, such as final production environment integration testing, and so there will be the need for a Release Sprint to handle this remaining work. A goal of any Scrum Team is to minimize the number of Release Sprints for completing undone work. Undone work tends to accumulate exponentially and causes poor product quality.
Product Owner will do release planning, refining the estimates, priorities, and content as they learn. Some releases are date-driven; for example: We will release version 2.0 of our project at a trade-show on November 10. In this situation, the team will complete as many Sprints (and build as many features) as is possible in the time available. Other products require certain features to be built before they can be called complete and the product will not launch until these requirements are satisfied, however long that takes. Since Scrum emphasizes producing potentially shippable code each Sprint, the Product Owner may choose to start doing interim releases, to allow the customer to reap the benefits of completed work sooner. Since they cannot possibly know everything up front, the focus is on creating and refining a plan to give the release broad direction, and clarify how tradeoff decisions will be made (scope versus schedule, for example). Think of this as the roadmap guiding you towards your final destination; which exact roads you take and the decisions you make during the journey may be determined en route. Most Product Owners choose one release approach. For example, they will decide a release date, and will work with the team to estimate the Release Backlog items that can be completed by that date. In situations where a fixed price / fixed date / fixed deliverable commitment is required for example, contract development one or more of those parameters must have a built-in buffer to allow for uncertainty and change; in this respect, Scrum is no different from other approaches. The advantage of Scrum is that new requirements can easily be added into the release at sprint boundaries as long as low prority requirements scheduled later can be removed and still keep the project on time and on budget.
Scrum is hard, but it sure is a whole lot better than what we were doing before!
four-week Sprints, until the product or application is retired. All necessary project management work is handled by the Team and the business ownerwho is an internal business customer or from Product Management. It is not managed by an IT manager or someone from a Project Management Office. Scrum can also be used for true projects that are one-time initiatives (rather than work to create or evolve long-lived applications); still, in this case the team and Product Owner do the project management. What if there is insufficient new work from one or more existing applications to warrant a dedicated long-lived Team for each application? In this case, a stable long-lived Team may take on items from one application in one Sprint, and then items from another in the next Sprint; in this situation the Sprints are often quite short, such as one week. Occasionally, there is insufficient new work even for this last solution, and the Team may take on items from several applications during the same Sprint; however, beware this solution as it may devolve into unproductive multitasking across multiple applications. A basic productivity theme in Scrum is for the Team to be focused on one product or application for one Sprint.
Common Challenges
Scrum is not only a concrete set of practices rather, and more importantly, it is a framework that provides visibility to the Team, and a mechanism that allows them to inspect and adapt accordingly. Scrum works by making visible the dysfunction and impediments that are impacting the Product Owner and the Teams effectiveness, so that they can be addressed. For example, the Product Owner may not really know the market, the features, or how to estimate their relative business value. Or the Team may be unskilled in effort estimation or development work. The Scrum framework will quickly reveal these weaknesses. Scrum does not solve the problems of development; it makes them painfully visible, and provides a framework for people to explore ways to resolve problems in short cycles and with small improvement experiments.
Suppose the team fails to deliver what they committed to in the first Sprint due to poor task analysis and estimation skill. To the team, this feels like failure. But in reality, this experience is the necessary first step toward becoming more realistic and thoughtful about their commitments. This pattern of Scrum helping make visible dysfunction, enabling the team to do something about it is the basic mechanism that produces the most significant benefits that teams using Scrum experience. Another common mistake is to assume that a practice is discouraged or prohibited just because Scrum does not specifically require it. For example, Scrum does not require the Product Owner to set a long-term strategy for his or her product; nor does it require engineers to seek advice from more experienced engineers about complex technical problems. Scrum leaves it to the individuals involved to make the right decision; and in most cases, both of these practices (along with many others) are well advised.
Strategies for distributed Scrum teams (adapted from Takeuchi and Nonaka).
Part II
Scrum At Work
Scrum cases
This chapter serves as a retrospective on the origins of Scrum, its evolution in different companies, and a few key learnings along the way. It will provide a reference point for further investigation and implementation of Scrum.
Peter DeGrace & Leslie Hulet Stahl Yourdon Press Series ISBN: 013590126X
The team attained this level of productivity by intensive interaction in daily meetings with project management, product management, developers, documenters, and quality assurance staff.
Two developers deliver the entire system together. This is been shown to deliver better code (in terms of usability, maintainability, flexibility, and extendability) faster than work delivered by larger teams. The challenge is to achieve a similar overall productivity effect with an entire team and then with teams of teams. Our team-based All-at-Once model was based on both the Japanese approach to new product development, Sashimi, and Scrum. We were already using production prototyping to build software. It was implemented in slices (Sashimi) where an entire piece of fully integrated functionality worked at the end of an iteration. What intrigued us was Hirotaka Takeuchi and Hujiro Nonakas description of the team-building process in setting up and managing a Scrum. The idea of building a self-empowered team in which everyone had a global view of the product on a daily basis seemed like the right idea. This approach to managing the team, which had been so successful at Honda, Canon, and Fujitsu, resonated with the systems thinking approach being promoted by Peter Senge at MIT. We were also impacted by recent publications in computer science. As I alluded above, Peter Wagner at Brown University demonstrated that it was impossible to fully specify or test an interactive system, which is designed to respond to external inputs (Wegner's lemma). Here was mathematical proof that any process that assumed known inputs, as does the waterfall method, was doomed to failure when building an object-oriented system. We were prodded into setting up the first Scrum meeting after reading James Coplien's paper on Borland's development of Quattro Pro for Windows. The Quattro team delivered one million lines of C ++ code in 31 months, with a four person staff growing to eight people later in the project. This was about a thousand lines of deliverable code per person per week, probably the most productive project ever documented. The team attained this level of productivity by intensive interaction in daily meetings with project management, product management, developers, documenters, and quality assurance staff.
Software Evolution and Punctuated Equilibrium Our daily meetings at Easel were disciplined in a way that we now understand as the Scrum pattern. The most interesting effect of Scrum on Easel's development environment was an observed "punctuated equilibrium effect." A fully integrated component design environment leads to rapid evolution of a software system with emergent, adaptive properties, resembling the process of punctuated equilibrium observed in biological species. By having every member of the team see every day what every other team member was doing, we began to see how we could accelerate each other's work. For instance, one developer commented that if he changed a few lines in code, he could eliminate days of work for another developer. This effect was so dramatic that the project accelerated to the point where it had to be slowed down. This hyperproductive state was seen in several subsequent Scrums, but never went so dramatic as the one at Easel. Achieving a Sustainable HyperProductive State The key to entering a hyperproductive state was not just the Scrum organizational pattern. It was a combination of: The skill of the team The flexibility of a Smalltalk development environment The implementation of what are now know as XP engineering practices The way we systematically stimulated production prototypes that rapidly evolved into a deliverable product. Furthermore, in the hyperproductive state, the initial Scrum entered what professional athletes and martial artists call "the zone." No matter what happened or what problems arose, the response of the team always was far better than the response of any individual. It was reminiscent of the Celtics basketball team at their peak, when they could do no wrong. The impact of entering the zone was not just hyperproductivity. Peoples personal lives were changed. Team members said they would never forget working on the project, and they would always be looking for another experience like it. It induced open, team-oriented, fun-loving behavior in unexpected persons. Those individuals who could not function well in an open, hyperproductive environment self-selected themselves out of the team by finding other jobs. This reinforced positive team behavior
Jeff Sutherlands Scrum Handbook 40
similar to biological systems, which select for fitness to the environment, resulting in improved performance of individual organisms.
Case 2: VMARK
releases of one of the products in a single quarter. It was the fact that Scrum eliminated several hours a day of senior management meeting time starting the day that Scrum began, within a week of my arrival at the company. Because Individual had just gone public at the beginning of the Internet explosion, there were multiple competing priorities and constant revision of market strategy. As a result, the development team was constantly changing priorities and unable to deliver product. The management team was meeting daily to determine status of priorities that were viewed differently by every manager. These meetings were eliminated and the Scrum meetings became the focus for all decision making. It was incredibly productive to force all decisions to occur in the daily Scrum meeting. If anyone wanted to know the status of specific project deliverables or wanted to influence any priority, he or she could only do it in the daily Scrum meeting. I remember the senior VP of marketing sat in on every meeting for a couple of weeks sharing her desperate concern about meeting Internet deliverables and timetables. The effect on the team was not to immediately respond to her despair. Over a period of two weeks, the team selforganized around a plan to meet her priorities with achievable technical delivery dates. When she agreed to the plan, she no longer had to attend any Scrum meetings. The Scrum reported status on the Web with green lights, yellow lights, and red lights for all pieces of functionality. In this way, the entire company knew status in real time, all the time. This transparency of information has become a key characteristic of Scrum.
The approach at IDX was to turn the entire development group into an interlocking set of Scrums. Every part of the organization was team based including the management team, which included two vice presidents, a senior architect, and several directors. Front-line Scrums met daily. A Scrum of Scrums, which included the team leaders of each Scrum in a product line, met weekly, The management Scrum met monthly. The key learning at IDX was that Scrum scales to any size. With dozens of teams in operation, the most difficult problem was ensuring the quality of the Scrum process in each team, particularly when the entire organization had to learn Scrum all at once. IDX was large enough to bring in productivity experts to monitor throughput on every project. While most teams were only able to double the industry average in function points per month delivered, several teams moved into a hyperproductive state, producing deliverable functionality at four to five times the industry average. These teams became shining stars in the organization and examples for the rest of the organization to follow. One of the most productive teams at IDX was the Web Framework team that built a web front-end infrastructure for all products. The infrastructure was designed to host all IDX applications, as well as seamlessly interoperate with end user or third party applications. It was a distributed team with developers in Boston, Seattle, and Vermont who met by teleconference in a daily Scrum meeting. The geographic transparency of this model produced the same high performance as co-located teams and has become the signature of hyperproductive distributed/outsourced Scrums. The innovation and quality of this teams work continued to be demonstrated ten years later when IDX was acquired by GE Healthcare. The web framework was selected as the standard for GE applications.
company. He was the 21st employee, and the development team grew from a dozen people to 45 people in six months. PatientKeeper deploys mobile devices in healthcare institutions to capture and process financial and clinical data. Server technology synchronizes the mobile devices and moves data to and from multiple back-end legacy systems. A robust technical architecture provides enterprise application integration to hospital and clinical systems. Data is forward-deployed from these systems in a PatientKeeper clinical repository. Server technologies migrate changes from our clinical repository to a cache and then to data storage on the mobile device. PatientKeeper proves that Scrum works equally well across technology implementations. The key learning at PatientKeeper involved the introduction of eXtreme Programming techniques as a way to implement code delivered by a Scrum organization. While all teams seem to find it easy to implement a Scrum organizational process, they do not always find it easy to introduce XP. We were able to do some team programming and constant testing and refactoring, particularly as we migrated all development to Java and XML. It was more difficult to introduce these ideas when developers were working in C & C++. After a year of Scrum meetings in all areas of development, processes matured enough to capitalize on Scrum project management techniques, which were fully automated. Complete automation and transparency of data allowed PatientKeeper to multithread Sprints through multiple teams. That in combination with implementing a MetaScrum of senior stakeholders in the company allowed PatientKeeper to run from top to bottom as a Scrum and become the first Scrum company to enter the hyperproductive state, delivering over 45 production releases a year of a large enterprise software platform. This became the prototype for the All-at-Once, or Type C Scrum, implemented in at least five companies by 2006. PatientKeeper was the first company to achieve a hyperproductive revenue state driven by Scrum in 2007. Revenue quadrupled from 13M to 50M in one year.
The companies
SirsiDynix has approximately 4,000 library and consortia clients, serving over 200 million people through over 20,000 library outlets in the Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific. Jack Blount, President and CEO of Dynix and now CTO of the merged SirsiDynix company, negotiated an outsource agreement with StarSoft who staffed the project with over 20 qualified engineers in 60 days. Significant development milestones were completed in a few weeks and joint development projects are efficiently tracked and continue to be on schedule. StarSoft Development Labs, Inc. is a software outsourcing service provider in Russia and Eastern Europe. Headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, StarSoft operates development centers in St.
Petersburg, Russia and Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, employing over 450 professionals. StarSoft has experience handling development efforts varying in size and duration from just several engineers working for a few months to large-scale projects involving dozens of developers and spanning several years. StarSoft successfully uses Agile development and particularly XP engineering practices to maintain CMM Level 3 certification and was acquired by Exigen Services in 2007.
SSCI complexity drivers are described as: Increasing problem complexity shifting focus from requirements to objective capabilities that must be met by larger teams and strategic partnerships. Increasing solution complexity which shifts attention from platform architectures to enterprise architectures and fully integrated systems. Increasing technical complexity from integrating standalone systems to integrating across layers and stacks of communications and network architectures. Increasing compliance complexity shifting from proprietary to open standards. Increasing team complexity shifting from a single implementer to strategic teaming and mergers and acquisitions. SirsiDynix faced all of these issues. Legacy products were difficult to sell to new customers. They needed a new product with complete functionality for the library enterprise based on new technologies that were highly scalable, easily expandable, and used the latest computer and library standards,
The unique way in which SirsiDynix and StarSoft implemented an Integrated Scrums model carefully addressed all of these issues.
Team Formation
The second major challenge for large projects is process management, particularly synchronizing work between sites. This was achieved by splitting teams across sites and fine tuning daily Scrum meetings. Teams at SirsiDynix were split across the functional areas needed for an integrated library system. Half of a Scrum team is typically in Provo, Utah, and the other half in St. Petersburg. There are usually 3-5 people on the Utah part of the team and 4 or more on the St. Petersburg portion of the team. The Search and Reporting Teams are smaller. There are smaller numbers of team members in Seattle, Denver, St. Louis, and Waterloo, Canada.
Scrum Meetings
Teams meet across geographies at 7:45am Utah time which is 17:45 St. Petersburg time. Teams found it necessary to distribute answers to the three Scrum questions in writing before the Scrum meeting. This shortens the time needed for the join meeting teleconference and helps overcome any language barriers. Each individual reports on what they did since the last meeting, what they intend to do next, and what impediments are blocking their progress.
Email exchange on the three questions before the daily Scrum teleconference was used throughout the project to enable phone meetings to proceed more smoothly and efficiently. These daily team calls helped the people in Russia and the U.S. learn to understand each other. In contrast, most outsourced development projects do not hold formal daily calls and the communication bridge is never formed. Local sub-teams have an additional standup meeting at the beginning of the day in St. Petersburg. Everyone uses the same process and technologies and daily meetings coordinate activities within the teams. ScrumMasters are all in Provo, Utah or Waterloo, Canada, and meet in a Scrum of Scrums every Monday morning. Here work is coordinated across teams. Architects are directly allocated to production Scrum teams and all located in Utah. An Architecture group also meets on Monday after the Scrum of Scrums meeting and controls the direction of the project architecture through the Scrum meetings. A Product Owner resident in Utah is assigned to each Scrum team. A chief Product Owner meets regularly with all Product Owners to assure coordination of requirements. SirsiDynix achieved strong central control of teams across geographies by centrally locating ScrumMasters, Product Owners, and Architects. This helped them get consistent performance across distributed teams.
Sprints are two weeks long on the SirsiDynix project. There is a Sprint planning meeting similar to an XP release planning meeting in which requirements from User Stories are broken down into development tasks. Most tasks require a lot of questions from the Product Owners and some tasks take more time than initial estimates. The lag time for Utah Product Owner response to questions on User Stories forces multitasking in St. Petersburg and this is not an ideal situation. Sometimes new tasks are discovered after querying Product Owners during the Sprint about feature details. Code is feature complete and demoed at the end of each Sprint. Up until 2006, if it met the Product Owners functional requirement, it was considered done, although full testing was not completed. It
was not deliverable code until SirsiDynix strengthened its definition of done to include all testing in 2006. Allowing work in progress to cross Sprint boundaries introduces wait times and greater risk into the project. It violates the lean principle of reducing work in progress and increases rework.
Product Specifications
Requirements are in the form of User Stories used in many Scrum and XP implementations. Some of them are lengthy and detailed, others are not. A lot of questions result after receiving the document in St. Petersburg which are resolved by daily Scrum meetings, instant messaging, or email. For this project, St. Petersburg staff like a detailed description because the system is a comprehensive and complex system designed for specialized librarians. As a result, there is a lot of knowledge that needs to be embedded in the product specification. The ways libraries work in St. Petersburg are very different than English libraries. Russian libraries operate largely via manual operations. While processes look similar to English libraries on the surface, the underlying details are quite different. Therefore, user stories do not have sufficient detail for Russian programmers.
Story for Simple Renewals Use Case: Patron brings book or other item to staff to be renewed. Patron John Smith checked out "The Da Vinci Code" the last time he was in the library. Today he is back in the library to pick up something else and brings "The Da Vinci Code" with him. He hands it to the staff user and asks for it to be renewed. The staff user simply scans the item barcode at checkout, and the system treats it as a renewal since the item is already checked out to John. This changes the loan period (extends the due date) for the length of the renewal loan. Item and patron circulation history are updated with a new row showing the renewal date and new due date. Counts display for the number of renewals used and remaining. The item is returned to Patron John Smith. Assumptions: Item being renewed is currently checked out to the active patron No requests or reservations outstanding Item was not overdue Item does not have a problem status (lost, etc) No renew maximums have been reached No block/circulation maximums have been reached Patron's subscriptions are active and not within renewal period No renewal charges apply No recalls apply Renewal is from Check Out (not Check In) Staff User has renewal privileges Verification (How to verify completion): Launch Check Out Retrieve a patron who has an item already checked out but not yet overdue Enter barcode for checked out item into barcode entry area (as if it is being checked out), and press <cr>. System calculates new due date according to circulation rules and agency parameters. The renewal count is incremented (Staff renewal with item) If user views "Circulation Item Details", the appropriate Renewals information should be updated (renewals used/remaining) Cursor focus returns to barcode entry area, ready to receive next scan (if previous barcode is still displayed, it should be automatically replaced by whatever is entered next) A check of the item and patron circulation statistics screens shows a new row for the renewal with the renewal date/time and the new due date.
Developers write unit tests. The Test team and Product Owners do manual testing. An Automation Test team in Utah creates scripts for an automated testing tool. Stress testing is as needed. During the Sprint, the Product Owner tests features that are in the Sprint backlog. Up until 2006, testers received a stable Sprint build only after the Sprint demo. The reason for this was a lower tester/ developer ratio than recommended by the Scrum Alliance. There are 30 team members in North America and 26 team members in St. Petersburg on this project. The St. Petersburg team has one project leader, 3 technical team leaders, 18 developers, 1 test lead, and 3 testers. This low tester/developer ratio initially made it impossible to have a fully tested package of code at the end of the Sprints. The test-first approach was initially encouraged and not mandated. Tests were written simultaneously with code most of the time. GUIs were not unit tested.
Reserve Book Room Check that items from Item List is placed under Reserve with Inactive status 1. User has right to place Items under Reserve 2. At least one Item List exists in the system 3. Default Reserve Item Status in Session Defaults is set to Inactive Launcher is opened No specic data 1. Reserve > Reserve Item 2. Select Item Search icon 3. Select Item List in the Combo box list of search options and enter appropriate Item list name 4. Press Enter 5. Select all Items which appear in the Item Search combo box and press OK 1. Items that were in Item list should appear in the list in Reserve Item 2. Status of all items that has been just added should be shown as Inactive 3. Save button should be inactive 4. All corresponding Items should retain their original parameters
Expected Results
In the summer of 2006, a new CTO of SirsiDynix, Talin Bingham, took over the project and introduced Test Driven Design. Every Sprint starts with the usual Sprint Planning meeting and teams are responsible for writing functional tests before doing any coding. Once functional tests are written and reviewed, coding starts. Testfirst coding is mandated. When coding is complete, developers run unit tests and manually pass all the functional tests before checking in changes to the repository. Automation testing is done using the Compuware TestPartner tool, but there is still room for improvement of test coverage.
Configuration Management
SirsiDynix was using CVS as source code repository when the decision was made to engage an outsourcing firm. At that time, SirsiDynix made a decision that CVS could not be used effectively because of lack of support for distributed development, largely seen in long code synchronization times. Other tools were evaluated and Perforce was chosen as the best solution. StarSoft had seen positive results on many projects using Perforce. It is fast, reliable and offers local proxy servers for distributed teams. Although not a cheap solution, it has been very effective for the SirsiDynix project. Automated builds run every hour with email generated back to developers. It takes 12 minutes to do a build, 30 minutes if the database changes. StarSoft would like to see faster builds and true concurrent engineering. Right now builds are only stable every two weeks at Sprint boundaries.
On this project, these three engineering practices were used with Scrum as the primary project management methodology.
Measuring Progress
The project uses the Jira <> issue tracking and project management software. This gives everyone on the project a real-time view into the state of Sprints. It also provides comprehensive management reporting tools. Data from Jira can be downloaded into Excel to create any requested data analysis. High velocity projects need an automated tool to track status across teams and geographies. The best tools support bug tracking and status of development tasks in one system and avoid extra work on data entry by developers. Such tools should track tasks completed by developers and work remaining. They provide more detailed and useful data than time sheets, which should be avoided. Time sheets are extra overhead that do not provide useful information on the state of the project, and are de-motivating to developers.
SirsiDynix Horizon 8.0 Project Dashboard showing the Sprint burn-down chart, a snapshot of Earned Business, and a synopsis of bug status.
Other companies like PatientKeeper have found tools that incorporate both development tasks and defects that can be packaged into a Sprint Backlog are highly useful for complex development projects. Thousands of tasks and dozens of Sprints can be easily maintained and reviewed real-time with the right tool.
Scrum Person Months Java LOC Function Points FP per dev/ month 54 50.083 959 17.8
Capers Jones of Software Productivity Research has published extensive tables on average number of function points per lines of code for all major languages. Since the average lines of code per function point for Java is 53, we can estimate the number of function points in the Scrum application. The waterfall implementation is known to have fewer function points. Distributed teams working on Horizon 8.0 generated 671,688 lines of code in 14.5 months with 56 people. During this period they radically refactored the code on two occasions and reduced the code base by 275,000. They have not been penalized for refactoring as that is rarely done in large waterfall projects in the database from which Capers derived his numbers. They have also not been rewarded for refactoring even though reducing lines of code is viewed as important as adding new code on well-run Agile projects. Jones has also shown from his database of tens of thousands of projects that industry average productivity is 12.5 function points per developer/month for a project of 900 function points and that this drops to 3 for a project with 13000 function points. Some of this is due to 4GL and other code-automation tools used on small projects, many of which are not implemented in third generation languages like Java. The SirsiDynix project is almost as productive as the small Scrum project with a collocated team of 4.5 people. For a globally dispersed team, it is one of the most productive projects ever documented at a run rate of five times industry average.
Harvard Professor John Kotter notes that 70% of change processes fail, primarily due to a lack of sense of urgency among the leadership.
task-based planning is implemented along with overtime and weekend work. Most agile development practices are abandoned. reverted to type. There was an extensive analysis of root causes and lessons learned on this project. The bottom line is failure of management to understand agile practice and failure of management commitment to implement Scrum made it impossible to remove impediments at the first sign of trouble.
capacity, the project would take 25 two-week sprints and be delivered a year late. In order to improve the date, the size of the backlog needs to be reduced and the velocity needs to be increased. However, the root cause of the current problem is management lack of focus. A companywide meeting is held and the top priority project is clearly explained to the entire staff. They are told not to disrupt the team, to help them whenever they can, and that this project is really the top priority for the company. The team systematically removes impediments and triples their velocity to 30 points per sprint. They deliver an early release to the customer in the same quarter as the original schedule. The customer is both surprised and happy. They deliver a final incremental release during the next quarter. While the project was several months late, it was six months earlier than the waterfall Scrum would have delivered it. The lesson here is that even a failed project can be rescued at the eleveth hour by Scrum if management and the team will actually implement Scrum.
The lesson here is that even a failed project can be rescued at the eleveth hour by Scrum if management and the team will actually implement Scrum.
Appendix 1
eXtreme Programming a decade later. These were all incorporated into the first Scrum. The Creative Initiative Foundation worked with Silicon Valley volunteers to help make the world a better place, the underlying motivation driving the founders of Scrum. This connected the CoCreators of Scrum with the early systems thinking of MIT Professor Peter Senge who later wrote The Fifth Discipline. Capers Jones and his productivity experts at Software Productivity Research analyzed and reanalyzed the output of early Scrum teams, as well as many of the software products built with Scrum during 1994-2000. These analyses allowed the first Scrum team to provide a money-back guarantee that users would double productivity during the first month using tools created by the first Scrum. The first Scrum team John Scumniotales (ScrumMaster), Don Roedner (Product Owner), Jeff McKenna (Senior Consultant), Joe Kinsella (object-relational mapping), Laurel Ginder (QA), and three Danish developers - Grzegorz Ciepiel, Bent Illum, and John Lindgreen. They endured repeated failure, depressing analysis of these failures in front of their technical peers from other companies, and transcendence of their missteps. They were the first Scrum team to achieve the hyperproductive state for which Scrum was designed and their product, Object Studio, was reported as industry leader by computer trade journals. Little did they know that Scrum would be their greatest contribution. PatientKeeper, Inc., the first company to fully implement an All at Once or Type C Scrum involving the entire company in Scrum practice. This innovation in process design has been documented by Mary and Tom Poppendieck in their book on Lean Software Development. I find that the vast majority of organizations are still trying to do too much stuff, and thus find themselves thrashing. The only organization I know of which has really solved this is Patient Keeper.
Christopher Alexander coined the phrase quality without a name (QWAN) something that many Scrum practitioners experience. The phrase was used in the book The Timeless Way of Building, where Alexander describes a certain quality that we seek, but which cannot be named. This may be the most important feature of Scrum and can only be spoken of as a set of core values openness, focus, commitment, courage, and respect. It could be viewed as the speed of trust or one of the sources of ba often seen on Scrum teams. Ba is the Japanese term for the creative flow of innovation described by Takeuchi and Nonaka.
Appendix 2
For a complete list of Jeff Sutherland papers, please visit
C. Jakobsen and J. Sutherland, Scrum and CMMI Going from Good to Great: are you ready-ready to be done-done?, in Agile 2009, Chicago, 2009. K. Schwaber and J. Sutherland. The Scrum Guide., 2010. A. Sutherland, J. Sutherland, and C. Hegarty, Scrum in Church: Saving the World One Team at a Time, in Agile 2009, Chicago, 2009. J. Sutherland, Future of Scrum: Parallel Pipelining of Sprints in Complex Projects, in AGILE 2005 Conference Denver, CO: IEEE, 2005. J. Sutherland and I. Altman, Organizational Transformation with Scrum: How a Venture Capital Group Gets Twice as Much Done with Half the Work, in 43rd Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems, Kauai, Hawaii, 2010. J. Sutherland, S. Downey, and B. Granvik, Shock Therapy: A Bootstrap for a HyperProductive Scrum in Agile 2009, Chicago, 2009. J. Sutherland, G. Schoonheim, and M. Rijk, Fully Distributed Scrum: The Secret Sauce for Hyperproductive Offshored Development Teams, in Agile 2008, Toronto, 2008. J. Sutherland and K. Schwaber, The Scrum Papers: Nuts, Bolts, and Origins of an Agile Method. Boston: Scrum, Inc., 2007. J. Sutherland, A. Viktorov, J. Blount, and N. Puntikov, Distributed Scrum: Agile Project Management with Outsourced Development Teams, in HICSS'40, Hawaii International Conference on Software Systems Big Island, Hawaii: IEEE, 2007. H. Takeuchi and I. Nonaka, The New New Product Development Game, Harvard Business Review, 1986.
Author Jeff Sutherland Ph.D, created the first Scrum in 1993 and formalized the Scrum development process with Scrum Co-Creator Ken Schwaber. Jeff is Chairman of the Scrum Training Institute, CEO of Scrum, Inc. and Senior Advisor and Agile Coach to OpenView Venture Partners.