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MATHEMATICS, JOINT SCHOOLS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Specimen Test One Issued March 2009 Time allowed: 2 1 hours 2
For candidates applying for Mathematics, Mathematics & Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics & Computer Science, or Mathematics & Philosophy Write your name, test centre (where you are sitting the test), Oxford college (to which you have applied or been assigned) and your proposed course (from the list above) in BLOCK CAPITALS. NOTE: Separate sets of instructions for both candidates and test supervisors are provided, which should be read carefully before beginning the test.


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Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Total

1. For ALL APPLICANTS. For each part of the question on pages 37 you will be given four possible answers, just one of which is correct. Indicate for each part AJ which answer (a), (b), (c), or (d) you think is correct with a tick (X) in the corresponding column in the table below. Please show any rough working in the space provided between the parts.





A. The area of the region bounded by the curves y = x2 and y = x + 2 equals (a)
7 3


7 2


9 2


11 2

B. The smallest value of the function f (x) = 2x3 9x2 + 12x + 3 in the range 0 x 2 is (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 7

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C. What is the reection of the point (3, 4) in the line 3x + 4y = 50? (a) (9, 12) (b) (6, 8) (c) (12, 16) (d) (16, 12)

D. The equation x3 30x2 + 108x 104 = 0 (a) no real roots; (b) exactly one real root; (c) three distinct real roots; (d) a repeated root.

E. The fact that 6 7 = 42, is a counter-example to which of the following statements? (a) the product of any two odd integers is odd; (b) if the product of two integers is not a multiple of 4 then the integers are not consecutive; (c) if the product of two integers is a multiple of 4 then the integers are not consecutive; (d) any even integer can be written as the product of two even integers.

F. How many values of x satisfy the equation 2 cos2 x + 5 sin x = 4 in the range 0 6 x < 2? (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

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G. The inequalities x2 + 3x + 2 > 0 and x2 + x < 2, are met by all x in the region: (a) x < 2; (b) 1 < x < 1; (c) x > 1; (d) x > 2.

H. Given that log10 2 = 0.3010 to 4 d.p. and that 100.2 < 2 it is possible to deduce that (a) 2100 begins in a 1 and is 30 digits long; (b) 2100 begins in a 2 and is 30 digits long; (c) 2100 begins in a 1 and is 31 digits long; (d) 2100 begins in a 2 and is 31 digits long.

(a) x2

10 I. The power of x which has the greatest coecient in the expansion of 1 + 1 x is 2 (b) x3 (c) x5 (d) x10

J. A sketch of the curve with equation x2 y 2 (x + y) = 1 is drawn in which of the following diagrams?





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2. For ALL APPLICANTS. (i) Show, with working, that x3 (1 + cos + sin ) x2 + (cos sin + cos + sin ) x sin cos , equals (x 1) x2 (cos + sin ) x + cos sin 1, (ii) Give the roots when = . 3 (iii) Find all values of in the range 0 6 < 2 such that two of the three roots are equal. (iv)What is the greatest possible dierence between two of the roots, and for what values of in the range 0 6 < 2 does this greatest dierence occur? Show that for each such the cubic (1) is the same. cos , sin . (1)

Deduce that the cubic in (1) has roots

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Computer Science applicants should turn to page 14.



In this question we shall consider the function f (x) dened by f (x) = x2 2px + 3 where p is a constant. (i) Show that the function f (x) has one stationary value in the range 0 < x < 1 if 0 < p < 1, and no stationary values in that range otherwise. In the remainder of the question we shall be interested in the smallest value attained by f (x) in the range 0 6 x 6 1. Of course, this value, which we shall call m, will depend on p. (ii) Show that if p > 1 then m = 4 2p. (iii) What is the value of m if p 6 0? (iv) Obtain a formula for m in terms of p, valid for 0 < p < 1. (v)Using the axes opposite, sketch the graph of m as a function of p in the range 2 6 p 6 2.


p p p p p p 6 p p p p p p


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Maths & Computer Science and Computer Science applicants should turn to page 14.

A triangle ABC has sides BC, CA and AB of sides a, b and c respectively, and angles at A, B and C are , and where 0 6 , , 6 1 . 2 (i) Show that the area of ABC equals 1 bc sin . 2 Deduce the sine rule a b c = = . sin sin sin

(ii) The points P, Q and R are respectively the feet of the perpeniculars from A to BC, B to CA, and C to AB as shown. Prove that Area of P QR = 1 cos2 cos2 cos2 (Area of ABC) . cos2 + cos2 + cos2 = 1 hold?

(iii) For what triangles ABC, with angles , , as above, does the equation



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5. For ALL APPLICANTS. Songs of the Martian classical period had just two notes (let us call them x and y) and were constructed according to rigorous rules: I. the sequence consisting of no notes was deemed to be a song (perhaps the most pleasant); II. a sequence starting with x, followed by two repetitions of an existing song and ending with y was also a song; III. the sequence of notes obtained by interchanging xs and ys in a song was also a song. All songs were constructed using those rules. (i) Write down four songs of length six (that is, songs with exactly six notes). (ii) Show that if there are k songs of length m then there are 2k songs of length 2m + 2. Deduce that for each natural number there are 2n songs of length 2n+1 2. Songs of the Martian later period were constructed using also the rule: IV. if a song ended in y then the sequence of notes obtained by omitting that y was also a song. (iii) What lengths do songs of the later period have? That is, for which natural numbers n is there a song with exactly n notes? Justify your answer.



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Alice, Bob and Charlie are well-known expert logicians. (i) The King places a hat on each of their heads. Each of the logicians can see the others hats, but not his or her own. The King says Each of your hats is either black or white, but you dont all have the same colour hat. All four are honest, and all trust one another. The King now asks Alice Do you know what colour your hat is?. Alice says Yes, its white. What colour are the others hats? [Hint: think about how Alice can deduce that her hat is white.] (ii) The King now changes some of the hats, and again says Each of your hats is either black or white, but you dont all have the same colour hat. He now asks Alice Do you know what colour your hat is?. Alice replies No Can Bob work out what colour his hat is? Explain your answer. [Hint: what can Bob deduce from the fact that Alice cant tell what colour her hat is?] (iii) The King now changes some of the hats, and then says Each of your hats is either black or white. At least one of you has a white hat. He now asks them all Do you know what colour your hat is?. They all simultaneously reply No. What can you deduce about the colour of their hats? Explain your answer. (iv) He again asks Do you know what colour your hat is? Alice says No, but Bob and Charlie both say Yes (all three answer simultaneously). What colour are their hats? Explain your answer.



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7. For APPLICANTS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE ONLY. The game of Oxip is for one player and involves circular counters, which are white on one side and black on the other, placed in a grid. During a game, the counters are ipped over (changing between black and white side uppermost) following certain rules. Given a particular size of grid and a set starting pattern of whites and blacks, the aim of the game is to reach a certain target pattern. Each move of the game is to ip over either a whole row or a whole column of counters (so one whole row or column has all its blacks swapped to whites and vice versa). For example, in a game played in a three-by-three square grid, if you are given the starting and target patterns Start: k { k Target: k k k
{k{ kkk kkk kkk kkk {k{ kkk

a sequences of three moves to achieve the target is:

{k{ k{k {k{

ip rst row =

k{k k{k {k{

ip middle column =

kkk kkk {{{

ip third row =

There are many other sequences of moves which also have the same result. (i) Consider the two-by-two version of the game with starting pattern
{k k{

Draw, in the blank patterns below, the eight dierent target patterns (including the starting pattern) that it is possible to obtain.
kk kk kk kk kk kk kk kk

What are the possible numbers of white counters that may be present in these target patterns?

kk kk

kk kk

kk kk

kk kk


(ii) In the four-by-four version of the game, starting with pattern

k{k{ {k{k k{k{ {k{k

explain why it is impossible to reach a pattern with only one white counter. [Hint: dont try to write out every possible combination of moves.]

(iii) In the ve-by-ve game, explain why any sequence of moves which begins
{k{k{ k{k{k {k{k{ k{k{k {k{k{

and ends with an all-white pattern, must involve an odd number of moves. What is the least number of moves needed? Give reasons for your answer.


End of Last Question






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