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Nutrition 3

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13 Section B Bahagian B [40 marks] [40 markah] Answer any two questions from this section. Jawab mana-mana dua soalan daripada bahagian ini.


(a) Diagram 6.1 shows three processes involved before the food substances taken in are able to be incorporated into the body cells of humans. Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan tiga proses yang terlibat sebelum bahan makanan yang diambil dapat disepadukan ke dalam sel-sel badan manusia. Breakfast Menu / Menu Sarapan White bread / Roti putih Butter / Mentega Fresh milk / Susu segar Digestion / Pencernaan Complex food molecules Molekul makanan kompleks Hydrolysis / Hidrolisis Simple food molecules Molekul makanan ringkas Absorption Penyerapan P Assimilation Asimilasi

Hepatic vein Vena hepar

Small intestine Usus kecil

Diagram 6.1 Rajah 6.1 Explain the digestion of butter before it is absorbed by P. Terangkan pencernaan mentega sebelum diserap oleh P. [4 marks] [4 markah]

(b) Describe the absorption and assimilation of the food taken in during breakfast. [10 marks] Huraikan proses penyerapan dan asimilasi bahan makanan yang diambil semasa sarapan pagi. [10 markah] (c) About 50% of the small intestine of a man is cut and removed due to cancer. Explain the effect to the function of structure P and to the amount of stored carbohydrates in his organ Q. [6 marks] Hampir 50% usus kecil seorang lelaki telah dipotong dan dikeluarkan akibat kanser. Terangkan kesan ke atas fungsi struktur P dan ke atas jumlah karbohidrat simpanan dalam organ Q beliau. [6 markah]


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Question 6 No (a)


Criteria Able to explain the digestion of butter. Sample answer: (Butter) contains lipids / fats Digestion occurs in the duodenum / ileum The bile salts emulsify the fats / turn into tiny droplets (Catalyses by enzyme) lipase By hydrolysis Fat into fatty acids and glycerol Any 4 Able to describe the absorption and assimilation of the food taken in during breakfast. Sample answers: Absorption Products of digestion; glucose, amino acids, fatty acids and glycerols. Glucose and amino acids enters the blood capillaries of villi Fatty acids and glycerols enters lacteal of villi Any two Assimilation (i) Glucose Used by cells to produce energy // Cellular respiration Excess glucose is converted into glycogen And stored in the liver / muscles (When liver is saturated with glycogen) glucose is converted into fats. Any 3 (ii) Amino acids Used to make proteins / enzymes / cell cytoplasm / muscle cells Used in growth / cell repairs Excess amino acids converted into urea And eliminate in the urine Excess may be converted into fats (iii) Fats Any 4 Used in building plasma membrane / cell membranes Excess fats are stored in adipose tissues Any 1

Marks 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 10


1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 6


Able to explain the effect to the function of villi and to the amount of glycogen in the liver when 50% of the ileum is removed.. Sample answer: To the function of villi Less digested food is absorbed Because total surface area decrease / less Less digested food transported Because less blood capillaries / lacteals To the amount of glycogen in the liver Less glycogen (stored in the liver) No excess glucose Absorbed by villi Glucose absorbed (by villi) does not meet the body needs Any 6 TOTAL

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 20



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