Bridge Engineering
Bridge Engineering
Bridge Engineering
51. No Page No.
1. Syllabus
2. Unit - 1 1
Analysis and Design of Concrete Bridges:
3. Unit - 2 29
Steel Bridges: Steel superstructure:
4. Unit - 3 55
Substructure and Foundations:
5. Unit - 4 80
Construction and Maintenance:
6. Unit - 5 104
Case Studies:
Analysis And Design of Concrete Bridges: Loading standards: IRC and Railway
loadings Reinforced concrete briqge decks: slab, T-beam and slab, arch, bow string
girder types Prestressed concrete bridges: simple spans, continuous decks; cantilever
construction; anchorage of tendons ;grounding oftendons.
Steel Bridges: Steel superstructure: Plate girder, box girder truss and arch types Cable
stayed bridges and suspension bridges; principles of design, aerodynamic stability and
vibrations; simplified designs.
Substructure And Foundations: Substructure design: piers and abutments of different
types Foundations: Shallow foundations, deep foundations, piles, wells and pneumatic
caisons River training works.
Construction And Maintenance: Bearing; metallic and elastomeric types; fixed and
movable bearings Joints: expansion joints; Contraction jOints; joint seals Innovative
construction methods; incremental push launching; cantilever construction; erection of
precast elements Bridge maintenance management: inventory, inspection and
Case Studies: Case studies of recently constructed major bridges Critical studies of
failure of major bridges.
1. While designing road bridges and culvert, which of the following load is not
a) Dead Load
b) Live Load
c) Machine Load
d) Snow Load
2. From consideration of safety and effective utilization of carriageway, it is desirable
to provide footpath of atleast
a) 1.5m
b) 2.0m
c) 2.5m
d) 3.0m
3. What is the weight oftracked vehicle considered in IRC Class M Loading:
a) 500kN
b) 600kN
c) 700kN
d) None of the above
4. What is the weight of wheeled vehicle considered in IRC Class M Loading:
a) 300kN
b) 400kN
c) 500kN
d) 600kN
5. What is the weight of tracked vehicle considered in IRC Class 70R Loading:
a) 500kN
b) 600kN
c) 700kN
d) None ofthe above
6. What is the weight of wheeled vehicle considered in IRC Class AA L,oading:
a) 500kI\J
b) BOOkN
c) 1000 kN
d) 1200kN
7. What is the value of Impact Factor for concrete bridge of 3m span?
a) 0.5
b) 0.6
c) 0.7
d) O.B
B. What is the value of Impact Factor for steel bridge of 3m Span?
a) 0.525
b) 0.545
c) 0.565
d) None ofthe above
9. On whatfactorthe actual Impact Factor will depend:
a) load on the bridge
b) span ofthe bridge
c) spring constant ofthe bridge
d) none ofthese
10. No live load is considered to be acting on the bridge, ifthe wind velocity at the deck
a) 100km/h
b) 130km/h
c) 150km/h
d) 200km/h
Answer Key:
1.c I 2.8
3.c 4.b S.c 6.c
7.8 8. b 9. c 1
0. b I
2 BCO-3.12
1 . A member is referred as post tensioned member, if the tendons are stressed and
anchored at each end of the member after the concrete has been cast and has
attained sufficient strength.
2. A special type of concrete arch bridges has been developed by Robert Maillart.
3. A fixed arch is statically determinate structure.
4. The rigid connections results in more stable supports, than possible with
independent piers of comparable dimensions.
5. The continuous girder bridge suffers less vibration and deflection
Answer Key:
1. T 2.T 3.F 5. T
3 BCO-3.12
01 : What are the various loads considered in designing the road bridge?
Ans: While designing road bridges and culverts, the following loads, should be
considered, where applicable:
(a) Dead load
(b) Live load
(c) Snow load
(d) Impact or dynamic effect due to vehicles
(e) Impact due to floating bodies or vessels
(f) Wind load
02: What are the various forces considered in designing the road bridge?
Ans: While designing road bridges, the following forces should be considered:
(a) Longitudinal forces caused by the tractive effort of vehicles or by braking of
(b) Longitudinal forces due to frictional resistance of expansion bearings.
(c) Centrifugal forces due to curvature.
(d) Horizontal forces due to water currents.
(e) Buoyancy
(f) Earth pressure, including live load surcharge.
(g) Forces and effects due to earthquake
03: What is the role of IRC in designing the road bridges?
Ans: The Indian Road Congress (IRC) has formulated Standard Specifications and
Codes of Practice for road bridges with a view to estab.lish a common procedure
for the design and construction of road bridges in India. The specifications are
collectively known as the Bridge Code. Prior to the formulation of the IRC Bridge
Code, There was no uniform code for the whole country. Currently, we would follow
the IRC Bridge Code.
04: What are the different types of IRC Standards Live Load considered during the
design of road bridge?
Ans: There are four types of Standard Loadings for which road bridges are designed:
a) IRCClassAALoading
b) IRC Class 70 R Loading
c) IRCClassALoading
d) IRC Class B Loading
4 BCO-3.12
05: What are the different types of gauges used on Indian Railways?
Ans: There are three gauges used on Indian Railways with the width of track between
the inner faces of rails as indicated below:
Broad Gauge (BG)
Metre Gauge (MG)
Narrow Gauge (NG)
06: What are the various standards the r a i ~ w a y bridges are to be built to conform to the
I ndian Railway Standard laid down by the Ministry of Railways?
Ans: Railway bridges in India are to be built to conform to the Indian Railway Standards
(IRS) laid down by the Ministry of Railways, Government of I ndia, as below:
(a) The loads to be considered in design are given in IRS Bridge Rules.
(b) The details of design of steel bridge should conform to IRS Steel Bridge
(c) The details of design of bridge members in plain, reinforced and prestressed
concrete should be in accordance with IRS Concrete Bridge Code.
(d) Masonry ad plain concrete arch bridges should be detailed so as to conform
to IRS Arch Bridge Code.
(e) The substructure for bridges should be in accordance with IRS Bridge
Substructure Code.
07: What is the role of Admixture in Concrete?
Ans: Admixtures are available for increasing the workability of concrete (plasticizers)
facilitating the reduction of water cement ratio and for retardation of setting of
cement during hot weather concreting. Concrete properties such as durability,
strength and service life can be enhanced by use of suitable mineral and chemical
os: What are the various component of RMC Plant?
Ans: A typical RMC plant has the following components:
(i) Central batching plant with a capacity of 30 to 200m
of concrete per hour;
Transit mixer trucks to transport concrete to construction sites with the help
of rotating type transit mixers of capacity about 6 m
; and
Concrete pumps and conveyors to deliver concrete at the work sites.
What do you mean by Ready Mix Concrete?
At many bridge sites, speCially in urban areas, preparation of concrete at the
construction site becomes difficult due to non-availability of adequate space for
storage and handling of the constituent materials and for mixing operations. When
5 BCO-3.12
the construction activities in a city are of such magnitude as to assure a sustained
demand for large volume of concrete, it is desirable to establish ready mixed
concrete (RMC) plants in the outskirts of the city and to transport the concrete in
special transit mixer trucks to the construction site at the right time. Though the use
of RMC is not yet widespread in many Indian cities, this development is inevitable in
the near future.
010: What are the different types of Concrete Bridges?
Ans: The usual types of reinforced concrete bridges are:
1. Slab brtdges;
2. Girder and slab (T-beam) bridges;
3. Hollow girder bridges;
4. Balanced cantilever bridges;
5. Rigid frame bridges;
6. Arch bridges;
7. Bow string girder bridges.
011 : What are the different components of T-beam bridge?
Ans: The T-beam superstructure consists ofthefollowing components:
(i) Deck slab
(ii) Cantilever portion
(iii) Footpaths; if provided, kerbs and handrails
(iv) Longitudinal girders, considered in design to be ofT-section
(v) Cross beams or diaphragms
(vi) Wearing course.
012: What are the disadvantages of Continuous Girder Bridge?
Ans: (a) Uneven settlement of foundations may lead to disaster. Hence this type of
structures should not be used in situations where unyielding foundations
cannot be obtained at a reasonable cost.
(b) The detailing and placing of reinforcements need extra care.
(c) The sequence of placing concrete and the sequence of removing formwork
have to be carefully planned.
(d) Being statically indeterminate, the design is more complicated than simple
013: What are the various consideration taken into account in case of arch axis?
Ans: The arch axis is generally governed by three considerations:
6 BCO-3.12
(a) span and rise from the road gradient and navigation or traffic clearances
(b) the economical shape from point of view of saving of materials, and
(c) the beauty ofthe intrados.
0.14. What do you mean by post-tensioning?
Ans. A member is referred as post-tensioned member, if the tendons are stressed and
anchored at each end of the member after the concrete has been cast and attained
sufficient strength to withstand the prestressing force.
015: What is the role oftendons in pretensioning?
Ans: The tendon provides a pre compression force to reduce cracking under service
load and also serves as tension reinforcement under the ultimate load condition.
The integrity of the grout duct and the surrounding concrete governs the corrosion
protection of the high-strength, low ductility steel tendon. Grouting also helps to
avoid fatigue failure in the steel at the anchorages.
016: What are the various conditions which meet the prestressing force?
Ans: The prestressing force must meet two conditions:
1. It must provide sufficient compressive stress to offset the tensile stresses
which will be caused by the bending moments.
2. It must not induce either tensile or compressive stresses which are in excess
ofthose permitted by the specifications.
7 BCO-3.12
Q. 1. What are the various loads, forces & stresses to be considered in designing road
bridge & culverts?
Ans. While designing road bridges and culverts, the following loads, forces and
stresses should be considered, where applicable:
(a) Dead load
(b) Live load
(c) Snow load
(d) Impact or dynamic effect due to vehicles
(e) Impact dueto floating bodies or vessels
(f) Wind load
(g) Longitudinal forces caused by the tractive effort of vehicles or by braking of
(h) Longitudinal forces due tofrictional resistance of expansion bearings.
(i) Centrifugal forces due to curvature.
(j) Horizontal forces due to water currents.
(k) Buoyancy
(I) Earth pressure, including live load surcharge.
(m) Temperature effects
(n) Deformation effects
(0) Secondary effects
(p) Erection stresses
(q) Forces and effects dueto earthquake
(r) Grade effect (for design of bearings for bridges built in grade or cross fall)
(s) Wave pressure.
The basic philosophy governing the design of bridges is that a structure should be
designed to sustain with a defined probability all actions likely to occur within its
intended life span. In addition, the structure should maintain stability during
unprecedented actions and should have adequate durability during its life span.
Typical combinations of loads and forces to be considered in design and allowable
increases in permissible stresses for certain are given in the Code. It
will be necessary to ensure that when steel members are used, the maximum
stress under any combination does not exceed the yield strength of the steel.
Based on observations from recorded earthquakes, it is not considered probable
that wind load and earthquake will occur simultaneously.
8 BCO-3.12
Q.2. Describe the IRC Class M loadings and indicate the conditions under which it
should be used.
Ans. (a) IRC Class AA Loading. This loading consists of either a tracked vehicle of
700 kN or a wheeled vehicle of 400 kN with dimensions as shown in Fig. 1.1.
The tracked vehicle simulates a combat tank used by the army. The ground
contact length of the track is 3.6 m and the nose to tail length of the vehicle is
7.2 m. The nose to tail spacing between two successive vehicles shall not be
less than 90 m. For two-lane bridges and culverts, one train of Class M
tracked or wheeled vehicles whichever creates severer conditions shall be
considered for every two-lane width. No other live load shall be considered
on any part of the above two-lane carriageway when the Class M train of
vehicles is on the bridge. The Class M loading is to be adopted for bridges
located within certain specified municipal localities and along specified
highways. Normally, structures on National Highways are provided for these
loadings. Structures designed for Class M loading should also be checked
for Class A loading, since under certain conditions, severe stresses may be
obtai ':led under Class A loading.
I I <.i5 ,fi
Xt .
i.----J---..- 1---. 3GC<\ ---:L-W .
oc 000 MIN 7200 S<l t>:lQ MtN
I--__ MI:UM
< 5.3 I 0 3
I 1 2
s:! :?:.' I I I
:;! _
Fig. 1.1 IRC Class AA Loading.
9 BCO-3.12
Q.3. Give a critical review of IRC loading for Bridges.
Ans. Review of IRC Loadings
Thomas has reported a comparative study of the I RC loadings with the loadings of
seven other countries. He has shown that the IRC loading is the most severe for a
single lane bridge, but is less severe than the French, German, Japanese and
British loadings for a two-lane bridge. Further, the loadings are complicated in
application to design, especially if Class 70R, Class AA and Class A loadings are to
be considered in the design to determine the severest effects.
Very little information is available on the basis for the IRC loadings. While
considerable refinement in the methods of analysis and design has been
achieved, studies on the accuracy and adequacy of the assumptions of loadings
have been neglected. The laborious computations involved in applying the IRC
loadings to an actual design may create an impression that the design moments
are being assessed precisely. In fact, the IRC loadings have little relation to the
vehicles currently in use in the country. The Class AA tracked vehicle load of 700 kN
is by no means an accurate representation of present military tanks, and a
specified tail-to-nose distance of 90 m is not likely to be observed in the event of
any emergency. Similarly, axle loads and spaCing specified for wheel trains need
not be exact. While trucks manufactured in our country could perhaps be
controlled, imported vehicles may not satisfy these specifications. Thus the design
moments and shears assessed from these hypothetical loadings after laborious
computations can at best be only approximate. The value of refinement of
knowledge and accuracy of prediction of the behavior of structures under load is
considerably diminished if it is not matched by corresponding precision of
estimation of the loadings that cause that behavior.
Even basic anomalies exist in the prescribed loadings. For example, the nose to tail
spaCing between two successive vehicles of Class AA tracked vehicle is 90 m while
that for Class 70R is 30 m, though the vehicles are very similar in both cases.
Further, the justification for. the use in India of severer loadings than in advanced
countries deserves serious consideration. In view of the above, the author strongly
advocates the dropping of Class 70R loading and the development of simpler and
more realistic loadings.
With a view to stimulate efforts towards development of simplified standard
loadings, it was proposed in 1968 equivalent simplified loadings applicable for
slab bridges up to 7.6 m. The proposed loading consisted of a uniformly
distributed load applied in conjunction with a knife edge load. The magnitudes
were indicated for heavy loading, standard loading and light loading,
corresponding to IRC Class AA, Class A and Class B loadings. Thomas has
subsequently evolved a new loading standard on similar lines but justified in
greater detail and over a wider span range.
10 BCO-3.12
The basis for IRC provisions regarding impact is not clear. The actual impact factor
will depend on the bridge span, the surface characteristics of the bridge and the
spring constant of the vehicle. Systematic studies are needed to derive realistic
impact factor for conditions in our country. Field experiments in Britain by Mitchell
indicated that the impact effort need not be considered for the full live load but
need only be applied to the heaviest axle or the pair of adjacent wheels causing the
maximum moment or shear. Based on the above study, and practice in some other
countries, Thomas has advocated that the impact allowance be taken as 30 per
cent and that this allowance be applied only on the heaviest axle or the pair of
adjacent wheels, which produces the greatest bending moment or shear as the
case may be.
. Q. 4. List the Indian Railway Standard to be followed in the design of Railway Bridges.
Ans. Indian Railway have been pioneers in the construction of bridges. Currently, there
are about 116000 bridges of all types and spans on the Indian Railways, making an
average of two bridges per route km. Nearly 20% of the bridges are girder bridges,
while arch bridges account for about 19%, followed by slab culverts at 25% and
others at 19%.
Railway bridges in India are to be built to conform to the Indian Railway Standards
(IRS) laid down by the Ministry of Railways, Government of India, as below:
(a) The loads to be considered in design are given in IRS Bridge Rules.
(b) The details of design of steel brides should conform to IRS Steel Briqge
(c) The details of design of bridge members in plain, reinforced and prestressed
concrete should be in accordance with IRS Concrete Bridge Code.
(d) Masonry and plain concrete arch bridges should be detailed so as to
conform to IRS Arch Bridge Code.
(e) The substructure for bridges should be in accordance with IRS Bridge
Substructure CodE?
Railway tracks are classified according to the width oftrack (gauge) and according
to the importance ofthe line.
There are three gauges used on Indian Railways with the width of track between
the inner faces of rails as indicated below:
(a) Broad Gauge (BG) 1676 mm (5'6")
(b) Metre Gauge (MG) 1000 mm (3'3-3/8")
(c) Narrow Gauge (I\IG) 762 mm (2'6")
The tracks are also classified according to the importance and traffic intensity as :
(i) Main line
(ii) Branch line.
11 BCO-3.12
Q.5. State howthe dynamic effect is considered in Railway Bridge design.
Ans. Dynamic Effect
When a train moves over a bridge, an additional impact load is caused due to
factors such as fast travel of the load, uneven track, rough joints, imperfectly
balanced driving wheels and lateral sway. The increase in load due to dynamic
effects should be considered by adding a load equivalent to a coefficient of
dynamic augment (COA) multiplied by the live load giving the maximum stress in
the member under consideration. Values of COA, applicable for speeds up to 160
km/h in BG and 100 km/h in MG, can be computed as indicated below:
(a) For steel bridges on BG and MG
(i) For single track spans
COA =0.15 + 8/(6 + L) < 1.0
where L is loaded length of span in m for the position of the train giving the
maximum stress in the member under consideration ; 1.5 times the cross girder
spacing in the case of stringers. (rail bearers) ; and 2.5 times the cross girder
spacing in the case of cross girders.
(ii) For main girders of double track spans with two girders .
. COA = 0.72 [OJ 5 + 8/(6 + L)] < 0.72
(iii) For intermediate girders of multiple track spans
COA =0.60 [0.15 + 8/(6 + L)] < 0.60
(iv) For cross girder carrying two or more tracks
COA =0;72 [0.15+ 8/(6 + L)] < 0.72
(b) Steel bridges on narrow gauge
COA =91.5/(91.5 + L)
(c) Railway pipe culverts, arch bridges, concrete slabs and concrete girders for
all gauges
(i) When the depth offill is less than 900 mm
COA = 0.5 (2 d/0.9) [0.15 + 8/(6 + L)] (i)
where d = depth offill, and
[0.15 + 8/(6 + L)] < 1.0
(ii) When the depth offill is 900 mm
COA =0.5 [0.15 + 8/(6 + L)] < 0.5 (ii)
(iii) When the depth of fill exceeds 900 mm, the coefficient of dynamic
augment should be uniformly decreased to zero within the next 3 m of
the fill.
Fill is the distance from the underside of the sleeper to the crown of an arch or the
top of a slab or pipe. The COA values from Equations (i) and (ii) are applicable to
12 BCO-3.12
both single and multiple track bridges. On multiple track arch bridges of spans
exceeding 15 m, two-thirds ofthe above impact shall be allowed.
(d) Foot bridges
No impact allowance need be made.
Q.6. What are the various components of concrete? What is the role of each
Ans. Components of Concrete
Cement concrete is produced by mixing cement, sand (fine aggregate), crushed
stone (coarse aggregate) and water in suitable proportions. Approved admixtures
may be added to enhance any desired property ofthe concrete.
Cement used for bridge construction is normally anyone of the following : (a)
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), 33 grade, conforming to 18:269 ; (b) OPC, 43
grade, conforming to 18:8112; (c) OPC, to 18:12269; and (d)
Rapid Hardening Portland Cement in accordance with 18:8041. Cement
conforming to 18:8112 and 18:12269 are nowadays used for structural concrete for
bridges. The age of cement at the time of use should not be more than 90 days for
reinforced concrete and not more than 60 days for prestressed concrete.
All coarse and fine aggregates shall conform to 18:383 .. Coarse aggregates shall
consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, non-porous and durable pieces of crushed
stone, gravel or shingle. The maximum size ofthe coarse aggregate should be less
than one-quarter of the minimum size of the member or 10 mm less than the
minimum lateral clearance between individual reinforcement or 10 mm less than
the minimum clear cover to any reinforcement. The preferred nominal size of
coarse aggregate is 20 mm for reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete. For
plain concrete, the preferred nominal size may vary from 20 mm to 40 mm. Fine'
aggregates shall consist of hard, strong, durable, clean pieces of natural sand,
crushed stone or gravel to size passing 4.75 mm sieve. Grading of aggregates
shall be such as to produce a dense concrete of the speci"fied strength with
adequate workability, to enable placement in position without segregation and
without the use of excessive water content.
Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from materials harmful to
concrete or reinforcement. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for
mixing concrete. As per IRC:21, solidsin water should not exceed the limits as
below: organic 200 mg/lit, inorganic 3000 mg/I, sulphates 500 mg/I, chlorides 200
mg/I and suspended matter 2000 mg/I. The pH value shall not be less than 6.
Curing of concrete by water prevents drying up of the intrinsic moisture inside the
capillaries ofthe concrete and thus aids hydration of cement (to gain strength) and
reduces shrinkage cracking.
13 BCO-3.12
Admixtures are available for increasing the workability of concrete (plasticizers)
facilitating the reduction of water cement ratio and for retardation of setting of
cement during hot weather concreting. Concrete properties such as durability,
strength and service life can be enhanced by use of suitable mineral and chemical
Q. 7. What do you mean by Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) ? What are the advantages of
Ans. Ready Mixed Concrete
At many bridge sites, specially in urban areas, preparation of concrete at the
construction site becomes difficult due to non-availability of adequate space for
storage and handling of the constituent materials and for mixing operations. When
the construction activities in a city are of such magnitude as to assure a sustained
demand for large volume of concrete, it is desirable to establish ready mixed
concrete (RMC) plants in the outskirts of the city and to transport the concrete in
special transit mixer trucks to the construction site at the right time. Though the use
of RMC is not yet widespread in many Indian cities, this development is inevitable in
the near future.
A typical RMC plant has the following components:
(i) Central batching plant with a capacity of 30 to 200m
of concrete per hour;
(ii) Transit mixer trucks to transport concrete to construction sites with the help
of rotating type transit mixers of capacity about 6 m
; and
(iii) Concrete pumps and conveyors to deliver concrete at the work sites.
Use of ready mixed concrete has several advantages. Firstly, the quality of the
concrete is assured with lower standard deviation for the compressive strength.
The automatic batching plant can be of the state-of-the-art technology. All the
operations are carried out under strictly controlled conditions, as there is usually a
quality control laboratory attached to the plant. Concrete grade and cement type
could be specified. Secondly, the construction contractor is relieved of the
inconvenience of procuring different materials at the required time. Thirdly, stock
piling of huge quantities of materials like aggregates and cement at the
construction site is eliminated, resulting in cleaner and less polluted surroundings
at the work site. Fourthly, the use of RMC facilitates speedy construction through
continuous mechanical operations including placement of concrete by pumping.
Fifthly, the concreting operations can be managed with much less labour force,
which also results in avoidance of unauthorized hutment colonies around the work
14 8CO-3.12
Q. 8. State the usual types of Reinforced Concrete Bridges and Indicate the Span Range
in which each typewould be applicable.
Ans. Reinforced concrete is well suited for the construction of highway bridges in the
small and medium span range. The usual types of reinforced concrete bridges are:
Slab bridges;
Girder and slab (T-beam) bridges;
Hollow girder bridges; .
Balanced cantilever bridges;
Rigid frame bridges;
Arch bridges; and
Bow string girder bridges.
For slab bridges of spans longer than 10m, the dead load can be reduced by
adopting voided slab design using circular polystyrene void formers. In this case, it
is important to ensure that the void formers and the reinforcement are held firmly in
the formwork during construction. The void diameter is usually less than 0.6 of the
slab thickness. In order to cater to shear stresses, the voids are stopped some
distance away 'from the supports to leave a solid section at the supports.
Typical T-beam bridge of 14.5 m effective span, is the most frequently used type.
The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India (also referred as
MORTH) has specified that for bridges on National Highways with total length less
than 30 m the overall width between the outermost faces of the railing kerb be
adopted the same as the roadway width of the adjoining road, i.e. at 12.0 m for
two-lane carriageway plus shoulders carriageway of 7.5 m with kerbs of 600 mm
on either side, giving a total width of the bridge of 8.7 m. Such a width will be
applicable for State Highways and also for NH in rural sections for a T-beam bridge
of multiple spans resulting in a total length in excess of 30 m. The procedure used
therein could be adapted for other types with suitable modifications.
The total cost is usually the governing factor in the selection of the proper type of
concrete bridge in any particular case. However, the problem is sometimes
complicated by special requirements, such as aesthetics, navigational or traffic
clearance below the bridge, limited time for construction, and restrictions on
provision offormwork.
15 BCO-3,12
Q.9. What are the different types of arrangements provided in bridge
7500 --------1
Cal No cross meml>9(
ie) ClOSS I l e . 3 m ~
Fig. 1.2. Typical Cross Sections of T-beam Bridges.
The superstructure may be arranged to conform to one of the followi ng three types,
as also shown in Fig. 1.2
(a) Girder and slab type, in which the deck slab is supported on and cast
monolithically with the longitudinal girders. No cross beams are provided. In
this case, the deck slab is designed as a one-way slab spanning between
the longitudinal girders. The system does not possess much torsional rigidity
and the longitudinal girders can spread laterally at the bottom level. This type
is not adopted in recent designs.
(b) Girder, slab and diaphragm type, wherein the slab is supported on and cast
monolithically with the longitudinal girders. Diaphragms connecting the
longitudinal girders are provided at the support locations and at one or more
intermediate locations within the span. But the diaphragms do not extend up
to the deck slab and hence the deck slab behaves as an one-way slab
spanning between the longitudinal girders. This type of superstructure
possesses a greater torsional rigidity than the girder and slab type.
(c) Girder, slab ad cross beam type, in which the system has at least three cross
beams extending up to and cast monolithically with the deck slab. The
16 BCO-3.12
panels of the floor slab are supported along the four edges by the
longitudinal and cross beams. Hence the floor slab is designed as a tWo-way
slab. This leads to more efficient use of the reinforcing steel and to reduced
slab thickness and consequently to reduced dead load on the longitudinal
girders. The provision of cross beams stiffens the structure to a considerable
extent, resulting in better distribution of concentrated loads among the
longitudinal girders. With two-way slab and cross beams, the spacing of
longitudinal girders can be increased, resulting in less number of girders and
reduced cost offormwork.
Q. 10. What are the various components ofT-Beam Bridge?
Ans. Components of aT-Beam Bridge
The T-beam superstructure consists ofthe following components as also indicated
in Fig. 1.3.
(vii) Deck slab
(viii) Cantilever portion
(ix) Footpaths; if provided, kerbs and handrails
(x) Longitudinal girders, considered in design to be ofT-section
(xi) Cross beams or diaphragms
(xii) Wearing course.
- - ~ - - - - 3 ~ ~ - - - - ~
1-----_.,--- ".......KI... 10 ~ _
Fig. 1.3. Components of T-beam Bridge with Typical Dimensions for 20 m Clear Span.
Standard details are used for kerbs and hand rails. The width of the kerb may vary
from 475 mm to 600 mm. Wearing course can be of asphaltic concrete of average
17 BCO-3.12
thickness 56 mm or of cement concrete of M30 grade for an average thickness of
75 mm. Foot paths of about 1.5 m width are to be provided on either side for
bridges located in municipal areas; these may be omitted for bridges on rural
stretches of roads. It is, however, desirable to provide footpaths even for a bridge
on a rural section, ifthe overall length ofthe bridge is large.
Q. 11. Discuss in Detail the balanced cantilever bridges.
Ans. Balanced Cantilever Bridges:
If continuous spans are used, the governing bending moments can be minimized
and hence the individual span lengths can be increased. But unyielding supports
are required for continuous construction. If supports settle, the net moments get
modified in magnitude as well as in sense, resulting in distress to the structure.
Hence for medium spans in the range of about 35 to 60 m, a combination of
supported spans, cantilevers and suspended spans may be adopted as shown
schematically in Fig. 1.4. The bridge with this type of superstructure is known as
balanced cantilever bridge .
: :
;. .-_.. '.. ..
~ !
! SPAN :
...._._---_._....._._---_....._..._-_.._..._......._..._-_.................-.--_........._............_...__ ._-------_.._...
Fig. 1.4 Schematic DIagram of Balanced Cantilever Bridge.
The connection between the suspended span and the edge of the cantilever is
called as articulation. The bearings at articulations should be alternatively of fixed
and expansion types and can be in the form of sliding plates, roller-rocker
arrangement or elastomeric pads. Elastomeric bearings form the preferred option
in recent constructions. The expansion joint should be filled with mastic filling at the
wearing course level, though the other parts can be left open. Defects at
articulations have been reported in many of the balanced cantilever bridges so far
built in India. The articulations should be competently designed, properly built,
frequently inspected and carefully maintained.
The cantilever span is usually about 0.20 to 0.25 of the supported span. The
suspended span is designed as a simply supported span with supports at the
articulations. The reinforcements at the ends of the suspended span should be
carefully detailed so as to carry the shear safely. For the design of the main span,
the maximum negative moment at the support would occur when the cantilever
18 BCO-3,12
and suspended spans are subjected to full live load with no live load on the main
span. The maximum positive moment atthe midspan would occur with full live load
on the main span and no live load on the cantilever or suspended span. Similarly,
the governing shears at the different sections are computed using influence lines.
The bearings at the piers will be alternately of fixed and expansion types.
The cross section of a balanced cantilever bridge can be ofT-beam or hollow girder
type. Since the negative moments are usually larger in magnitude than the positive
moment at midspan, the depth at support will be greater than at midspan. The soffit
can be arranged to be on a parabolic profile or as two inclined lines with a central
horizontal line.
Q.12. What are the advantages & disadvantages of Continuous girder bridges over
simply supported bridges?
Ans. Continuous girder bridges have the following advantages over Simply supported
girder bridges:
(a) The depth of decking at midspan will be much smaller. This is particularly
important in the case of over bridges where the headroom available is
generally restricted.
(b) As a corollary to the above, the quantities of steel and concrete will be less,
resulting in reduced cost. Also reduced depth of deck leads to decrease in
cost of approach ramps and
(c) Fewer bearings are required. At each pier, only one bearing is needed, as
against two bearings required for simply supported deSigns. Hence the piers
can be narrower. Although the cost of individual bearings will be higher, the
total cost on bearings will be lower.
(d) Fewer expansion joints will be required. For a continuous girder design, only
two jOints are needed at the ends, while the simply supported girder design
will require one joint on each abutment and pier. Elimination of joints
enhances the riding quality over the bridge.
(e) Since the bearings are placed on the center lines of the piers, the reactions of
the continuous girder are transmitted centrally to the piers.
(f) The continuous girder bridge suffers less vibration and deflection.
The disadvantages of continuous girder designs over the simply supported girder
designs may be listed as below:
(a) Uneven settlement of foundations may lead to disaster. Hence this type of
structures should not be used in situations where unyielding foundations
cannot be obtained at a reasonable cost.
(b) The detailing and placing of reinforcements need extra care.
(c) The sequence of plaCing concrete and the sequence of removing formwork
have to be carefully planned.
(d) Being statically indeterminate, the design is more complicated than simple
0.13. Give the design consideration of Arch Bridges.
Ans. The arch axis is generally governed by three considerations: (a) span and rise from
the road gradient and navigation or traffic clearances below, (b) the economical
shape from point of view of saving of materials, and (c) the beauty of the intrados.
The most important parameter is the rise-span ratio, the economical value of which
lies between 0.30 and 0.20. A large rise reduces the thrust and leads to thinner arch
section. Flatter arches lead to more aesthetic structures. The usual profiles
adopted in practice are parabolic, segmental and elliptical. Parabolic arches will be
admirably suited in rugged country with exposed solid rock for abutments. In
plains, and particularly for a spandrel filled arch, a segmental profile may be more
satisfactory. Elliptical shape is not much favored, except in cases where clearance
requirements need an almost vertical surface of the soffit near the springing. A
parabolic profile is first assumed and the thrust lines are drawn for the dead load
and for dead load plus live load. The final profile is adjusted to result in minimum
flexural stresses in the arch section.
Arches are designed by trial and error. First, the preliminary dimensions are
assumed. For solid ribbed arches, the span-depth ratio is generally in the range of
70 to 80. Influence lines for horizontal thrust and bending moments are
constructed using first principles. The resulting stresses are then checked against
allowable stresses, and the sections are redesigned, if necessary.
For arches of large spans, the arch cross section is typically of box type with two or
three cells. The arch width and depth are chosen from stability considerations. For
ease in construction, the outer dimensions of the arch cross section are kept
constant. The diaphragms under the spandrel columns are kept vertical.
0.14. Discuss the construction procedure used in pre-tensioning as applied to bridge
Ans. Pretensioning is a method of prestressing in which the steel tendons are tensioned
before the concrete has been placed in the moulds. In this technique, the tendons
(wires or strands) are tensioned by hydraulic jacks bearing against strong
abutments between which the moulds are placed. After the setting and hardening
of the concrete, the tendons are released from the tensioning device and the forces
in the tendons are transferred to concrete by bond. Mould for pretension work
should be sufficiently strong and rigid to withstand, without distortion, the effects of
placing and compacting concrete, as well as those of prestressing.
Special attention is needed from the pOint of view of production technology. Steam
curing is often used to acc,elerate the hardening process so that the release of
wires may be advanced and the formwork reused. The steam curing cycle has to
be evolved at the particular site. A 12-hour cycle has been used at Pam ban bridge
for accelerated curing of precast girders (post-tensioned in this case) .. The cycle
20 BCO-3.12
consisted of 1.5 hours presteaming period, raising of temperatures from
atmospheric to 70C in 2 hours, keeping temperature constant at 7C for about 6
hours and cooling from 70C to atmospheric temperature in 2 hours. It was
possible to attain a concrete strength of about 35 Mpa within 12 hours of
concreting with high strength ordinary portland cement. The application of this
technique to bridge construction will be economical only if a large number of
identical girders are to be cast.
The tendons used in pretensioned girders must be of small diameter, since the
transfer of stress from the tendon to the, concrete is by bond. For a given cross
sectional area, which determines the forces possible in a tendon, the bond area
available per unit length increases with decease in diameter. It is preferable to use
seven-wire strands (1 0 to 13 mm nom i nal diameter) instead of wires as tendons for
bridge girders. Where wires are used, they should invariably be of the indented
type. The increase in bond resistance for indented wire of 7 mm diameter over a
smooth wire ofthe same diameter is, however, not very significant. Crimping ofthe
wires at the ends (approximately 2 mm crimp with a pitch of 40 mm) will improve the
bond characteristics very significantly over the smooth wire. The author has found
crimping to be very effective in imparting pre-tension to short beam specimens
used for torsion research in the laboratory ; there was no detrimental effect on
ultimate strength.
It is usual to attempt placing of the prestressing wires or stands spaced closely
together in regular grid pattern on a cross section and in a straight profile. Such
arrangement would lead to correct positioning at midspan, but unfavorable
placement at the supports causing tensile stresses at top. This situation can be got
over by providing a few prestressing tendons atthe top ofthe beam.
Deflected strands are employed by manufacturers to precast girders in USA. The
use of deflected tendons leads to reduced concrete sections and hence reduced
dead load. However, additional investment on the plant is necessary to provide for
hold-downs and special equipment for raising the tendons. It is possible to avoid
tensile stresses at the top of supports by preventing bond for some of the tendons
for a computed length near the ends by covering the tendons with plastic tube or
by greasing. Butthis latter procedure is not generally favored.
End blocks can be omitted for pretensioned girders, if straight tendons are used.
When deflected tendons are used, care should be taken to avoid distinct
concentration of the top cables at a distance away from the bottom cables. The
occurrence of two large concentrations of prestress atthe ends has been known to
induce hairline cracks in the end block even with additional mild steel
reinforcement. Nominal transverse reinforcement should be provided for a length
of 0.4 of depth of girder, the minimum being 0.5 per cent of the cross section ofthe
21 BCO-3.12
0.15. What do you mean by post-tensioning? What are the basic difference between
pretensioning and post-tensioning from the point of view of bridge construction?
Ans. A member is referred as post-tensioned member, if the tendons are stressed and
anchored at each end of the member after the concrete has been cast and attained
sufficient strength to withstand the prestressing force. The post-tensioning method
basically requires the following steps: (i) the prestressing tendon is assembled in a
flexible metal sheath and anchor fittings are attached to its ends; (ii) the tendon
assembly isplaced in the form ~ n d tied in place, along with other un tensioned and
auxiliary reinforcement; (iii) concrete is plaGed in the form and allowed to cure to
the specified strength; (iv) tendons are stressed to computed extent and anchored
; (v) the space around the tendon within the sheath is grouted under pressure with
cement grout; and (vi) anchor fittings are covered with a protective coating. The
tendon provides a pre compression force to reduce cracking under service load
and also serves as tension reinforcement under the ultimate load condition. The
integrity of the grout duct and the surrounding concrete governs the corrosion
protection of the high-strength, low ductility steel tendon. Grouting also helps to
avoid fatigue failure in the steel at the anchorages. A significant part of the
prestressing force can be imparted using external tendons, with the duct grouted
with grease or petroleum wax to give a soft, flexible filler.
From the point of view of bridge construction, the basic differences between
pretensioning and post-tensioning are listed below:
(a) Post-tensioning is well suited for prestressing at a construction site without
the need for costly factory-type installations.
(b) Cast-in-place structures can be conveniently stressed by post-tensioning,
which would not be possible with pretensioning.
(c) With post-tensioning, tendons can have curved trajectories, which lead to
structural advantages, particularly for shear resistance.
(d) The need for individual tensioning, special anchorages, sheath and grouting
results in a higher un'it cost (cost per kN of effective prestressing force) for
post-tensioning than for pretensioning.
(e) Many of the psot-tensioning devices are covered by patents, restricting the
user to purchase materials and equipment from the patent holders. This
difficulty is not present in pretensioning .
. (f) It is possible to fabricate a beam with a number of precast elements, which
are post-tensioned together to form one structural unit.
0.16. Discuss the erection procedure of precast girders.
Ans. Erection of Precast Girders
An essential requirement for the use of precast members in bridge construction is
the economic availability of erection equipment. Depending on site conditions,
22 BCO-3.12
precast bridge members may be erected using truck cranes, crawler cranes,
floating cranes or grider launchers. Crane erection is a popular method adopted
for short-span or simple-span bridges. In case of river bridges, cranes mounted on
floating barges may be used. When the range of tides in a tidal river is
considerable, precast girders may be floated on barges during high tide and
allowed to rest on the pier supports during low tide.
The launching truss is of steel or aluminum alloy, and is approximately 1.75 times
the length of the girder to be 'launched. The truss has a triangular profile and is
provided with a central and a front trestle. It moves over rails laid along the center
lines of the webs of beams already launched into position in the previous span.
When the launcher is to be moved, a precast girder is attached to the rear end to
serve as a counter weight. The launching truss and the girder are moved such that
the front trestle rests on the forward pier. The launcher is now in position and ready
to erect the girder. The front end of the girder to be launched is then pulled forward
with the front end suspended from the truss and the rear end still supported on rail
mounted bogies. As the front end ofthe girder advances sufficiently, the rear end is
also hooked up to the underside of the truss. The girder is then pulled forward
further till it is just above the bearings in the span. It is then lowered on to the
bearings on the pier.
Precast girders may also be erected using false work in case of bridges with low
heights above dry ground. The girders may be precast in segments, assembled,
stressed and grouted on false work. They are then slid transversely into place.
Q.17. What are the precautions to be observed by the prestressed concrete bridge?
Ans. Precautions to be Observed by the prestressed concrete bridge engineer
The presetressed concrete bridge engineer should have a thorough
understanding of the behavior of prestressed concrete structures and should be
fully familiar with the technique of prestressing, besides properties of the materials
used. He would do well to observe the following precautions at the design state
and during construction in orderto ensure a satisfactory completed bridge.
(a) The desjgner should familiarize himself with the details and sequence of the
construction procedure proposed to be adopted. He should take into
accountthe erection stresses.
(b) The design should provide for shortening of the structure in the direction of
prestreSSing, as prestreSSing can compress the concrete only when
shortening is possible.
(c) Adequate provision should be made in design to cater to radial forces due to
change in cross section along the length of the member. Draped cables and
splay of cables in plan near supports cause radial forces when the cables are
tensioned. Change in the direction of the centroidal axis of the concrete
member leads to unbalanced forces which act transverse to the member.
23 BCO-3.12
The design calculations and structural detailing should take these into
(d) The high permissible compressive stresses in concrete can be utilized only if
the stiff concrete can be placed and vibrated properly to obtain the designed
strength in the field. To ensure proper placement and compaction, special
care should be devoted to the choice ofthe cross sectional dimensions of the
concrete and the detailing ofthe untensioned steel and the tendons.
(e) Tensile stresses should be avoided under dead load. It is prudent in bridge
design not to depend on the tensile strength of concrete.
(f) Untensioned steel should be provided in the longitudinal direction to caterto
ultimate load conditions, and transverse to the tendons, and specially in the
anchorage zones to take care ofthe concentration offorces.
(g) Prestressing steel should be handled carefully, positioned accurately, and
held securely. Prestressing steel is highly sensitive to corrosion, notches,
kinks and heat. In thin webs, precise lateral positioning of cables is critical.
Lack of preciSion in the positioning of cables may lead to serious problems
due to friction during tensioning.
(h) The design of the formwork and the technique of concreting should be
planned with utmost care to ensure adequate vibration of the concrete and to
avoid cracking of the young concrete due to deflection of the formwork
during concreting. The formwork should be checked for leaks at joints to
avoid honeycombing in concrete.
(i) The alignment of ducts should be checked after threading of cables.
Excessive wraping with tape of sheathing at joints should be avoided,
particularly in the vicinity of the anchorage.
(j) The sheathing of cables should be leak proof, as othetwise the tensioning of
cables will be difficult.
(k) Before commencing the tenSioning of cables, it should be checked to see
that the structure can move in the direction of tensioning to permit
shortening. For reasons of safety, the cable line extended on each side
should be kept free of persons.
(I) Prestressing of tendons in long members should be taken up in stages. The
first stage should be aimed at providing moderate compression to prevent
concrete cracks due to shrinkage and temperature. Full pre stress should be
applied only when the concrete has attained its designed strength. It is worth
remembering that the highest stresses in concrete usually occur during
tensioning ofthe cables.
(m) While tenSioning, the cable force should be ascertained from both jack
pressure and the cable extension. Records of the tensioning operations
should be preserved carefully.
24 BCO-3.12
Q.18. What are the various steps to be involved in designing the simply supported
Ans. The steps involved in the design generally include the following:
(i) List the properties of the materials used such as grade of concrete, high
tensile steel and untensioned steel. Usually, concrete of grade M40 is used
for post-tensioned girders.
(ii) Assume preliminary dimensions, based on experience. The overall depth is
usually about 75 to 85 mm for every metre of span. The thickness of deck slab
is about 150 to 200 mm with transverse prestressing and about 200 to 250
mm in composite construction. The minimum thickness of web of precast
girder is 150 mm plus the diameter of cable duct. The bottom width of the
precast beam may vary from 500 to 800 mm.
(iii) Compute section properties. It is permissible to compute these based on the
full section without deducting for the cable ducts.
(iv) Compute dead load moments and stresses for girders.
(v) Calculate live load moments and stresses for girders for the severest
applicable condition of loading. Any rational method may be used for load
distribution among the girders.
(vi) Determine the magnitude and location of the prestressing force at the pOint
of maximum moment. The prestressing force must meet two conditions:
1. It must provide sufficient compressive stress to offset the tensile
stresses which will be caused by the bending moments.
2. It must not induce either tensile or compressive stresses which are in
excess of those permitted by the specifications.
(vii) Select the prestressing tendons to be used and work out the details of their
locations in the member. Avoid grouping of tendons, as grouting of some
after first stage prestressing may lead to leakage of grout into the remaining
as yet un grouted ducts if the sheaths are not leak proof. If unavoidable, use
group of two cables one vertically above the other. Allow a minimum clear
cover of 50 mm to the cables. Ensure that a normal needle vibrator can reach
almost to the bottom row of cables while placing the concrete for the girder.
(viii) Determine the profile of the tendons, and check the stresses at critical pOints
along the member under initial and final conditions. The following two
combinations of conditions should be considered:
1 ; Initial prestress plus dead load only ..
2. Final prestress plus full design load.
25 BCO-3.12
0.19. What are the advantages of Segmental Cantilever Method of Construction of
Prestressed Concrete Bridges?
Ans. The segmental cantilever method of construction of prestressed concrete bridges
has the following advantages: (a) Centering and false work are avoided, enabling
construction of structures with tall piers and over deep valleys ; (b) The speed of
construction is enhanced, typically at 1 m per day per CFT for cast-in-place
construction and possibly 3 m per day with the use of prefabricated segments; (c)
Enhanced levels of quality and workmanship are facilitated due to mechanization
of repetitive tasks; and (d) the cost of construction permits competition with
alternative design of a steel of long span. Precasting of segments
has additional advantages : (i) Shrinkage effects are avoided due to age of
concrete at the time of erection; (ii) Creep in concrete is less due to age at time of
initial loading ; (iii) Saving in construction time as segments can be precast during
construction of substructure; and (IV) Protection from weather during concreting
as precasting is performed in a factory.
However, the design computations are more complex and voluminous, as a large
number of sections have to be checked for safety and stability during the various
stages of construction. Further the effects of creep of concrete and relaxation ofthe
prestressing steel have to be duly accounted for even during stages of
construction to ensure effective control ofthe girder profile.
0.20. Discuss in detail about external post-tensioning including its application,
advantages and area of its application.
Ans. External Post-tensioning
External prestressing refers to the method of post-tensioning where prestressing
tendons are placed outside the concrete section. The prestressing force is
transferred to a structural member through anchorages and deviators. There are
three types of applications of external prestressing. (a) The tendons comprise the
total prestressing force, e.g. segmental construction of bridge with external cables
; (b) Unbounded tendons supply part ofthe total prestressing force, while the other
part is provided by the bonded tendons embedded in concrete, as in repair,
rehabilitation or strengthening of existing bridges; and (c) The tendons apply
external load to counter subsequent live load, as in strengthening of RCC
structures to relieve part ofthe dead load effects.
In external prestressing,'the tendons are unbonded. The tendons may be straight
or draped to suit the required combination of axial load and bending. The tendons
are outside the concrete section and are attached to it at discrete pOints of
anchorages and deviators. The tendons are straight between pOints of attachment.
Though the tendons and the concrete elements behave as different components of
the overall structure, they act in unison by virtue of the connection at anchorages
and deviators, thereby contributing to overall strength. External tendons are
accessible, easy to inspect and, if necessary, to replace. It is possible to provide
reliable corrosion protection to external tendons by covering with grease and
encasing in high density polyethylene (HOPE) ducts.
26 BCO-3.12
(a) Alignment of Tendons
- (;-}:t8
ClOSS Section
(b) Arrangement of Deviators
Fig. 1.5 Tendon Alignment, Anchorages and Deviators for New Construction
There is greater freedom in positioning the tendons inside the box section, though
additional effort is needed to design the deviators to maintain the tendon profile.
External post-tensioning is applicable to bridges as an aid to reducing construction
time. Typical alignment of tendons and arrangement of deviators for new
construction are shown in Fig. 1.5. External prestressing is ideal for strengthening
existing structures, in which case the deviator may consist of a structural steel
bracket or saddle on the soffit of the member or bolted to the stem of the member.
Success in external post-tensioning will depend on the design of the anchorage and
the method of transfer of the tendon forces to the concrete at the anchorage
locations. The tendons may be anchored at existing diaphragms or at the ends of the
existing beams. The concrete should be sound and free from chloride contamination.
From the point of view of flexure capacity, externally prestressed bridges are less
efficient than internally prestressed ones. This is because the eccentricity is less and
due to tendons being l;Inbounded the strain in the tendons does not increase at the
same rate as the strain in the adjoining concrete. However, this situation may not be
very significant in deep box girders. Though corrosion protection from surrounding
concrete is not available, the external tendon facilitates better access for inspection
and replacement.
Consequent on the failure of the Mandovi first bridge, the MORTH have stipulated
that the design and detailing of prestressed concrete bridges should provide for
imparting additional prestressing force to the extent of 20% ofthe design prestress in
the form of internal or external prestressing at a later date.
Externally prestressed cables are adopted for the continuous box girder deck of the
Delhi Noida Toll Bridge, where cables pass through the inside of the box. Another
recent application of external prestressing is the New Medway bridge in UK, where
the design provided for both limit states even with one tendon removed for
27 BCO-3.12
0.1 Name the loads that are considered while designing road bridges and culverts?
0.2 What type of properties are enhanced using admixtures?
0.3 What is the need of RMC?
0.4 What is the width of track in case of broad gauge and narrow gauge?
0.5 Why continous girder bridges are avoided?
0.6 Who gave a report on comparative study 01' IRC loading?
0.7 Classify tracks according tothe importance and traffic intensities?
0.8 What should be the properties of water used for curing?
0.9 What are the components of RMC?
0.10 What is the effect of RMC on the speed of construction?
28 BCO-3.12
1. The Howrah bridge at Calcutta is a splendid example of:
a) Concrete Construction
b) Steel Construction
c) Wooden Construction
d) None ofthe Above
2. Girder Bridges are adopted for simply supported spans:
a) less than 10m
b) lessthan20m
c) less than 50 m
d) all the above
3. Steel bridges could be a preferred option in Build Operate Transfer projects,
a) speed is crucial
b) economy is crucial
c) quality is crucial
d) none ofthe above
4. Steel bridges have been adopted in the past for major bridges on the;
a) Highways
b) Railways
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
5. Truss bridges are suitable for the span range of :
a) 40 to 375 rn
b) 30to250m
c) 20to300m
d) Any ofthe above
29 BCO-3.12
6. For Long Spans such as above 800 m, which type of bridge is provided?
a) Beam Bridges
b) Cantilever Bridges
c) Truss Bridges
d) Suspension Bridges
7. Orthotropic Plate Deck was originally developed in;
a) America
b) Germany
c) Australia
d) England
8. The depth of superstructure can be shallower using which type of bridge?
a) Box Girder Bridge
b) Beam Bridges
c) Truss Bridges
d) Arch Bridges
9. Orthotropic Plate Decks are used for:
a) Plate Girder Bridges
b) Box Girder Bridges
c) Movable Bridges
d) All the above
10. Which type of bridge is easily adaptable to composite construction?
a) Box Girder Bridge
b) Beam Bridges
c) Truss Bridges
d) Arch Bridges
Answer Key:
1. b I 2. c 3. a I 4. c 1 5. a I 6. d I 7. b I 8. a 1 9. d 1
. a I
30 BCO-3.12
1. Compared to concrete construction, steel superstructure will be of lighter weight
and will facilitate faster construction.
2. The Howrah Bridge atCa:lcutta is a splendid example of Steel Construction
3. Steel Bridges require less maintenance attention than concrete bridges.
4. Cantilever bridges have been built with success with main spans upto 200 m.
5. Steel structures may also prove advantageous for urban flyover/elevated road
Answer Key:
1. T 2.T 3.F 4.F S.T
31 BCO-3.12
1. What are the advantages of Steel Bridge over the Concrete Bridge?
Ans: Compared to concrete construction, steel superstructure will be of lighter weight,
and will facilitate faster construction. Further the construction operations at the
bridge site can be reduced with steel superstructure by prefabricating parts of the
components at a nearby factory. In the span range of 120 to 140 m, for which
prestressed concrete cantilever bridges are being adopted, steel construction can
lead to time savings, as in the rail-cum-road bridge across Brahmaputra river at
Jogigoppa in Assam.
2. Name the different types of Steel Bridges commonly used.
Ans: Steel bridges can be classified under the following groups:
(a) Beam bridges;
(b) Plate girder bridges;
(c) Box girder bridges;
(d) Truss brides;
(e) Arch bridges;
(f) Cantilever bridges;
(g) Cable stayed bridges; and
(h) Suspension bridges.
3. Give the range of Span in meters for which Truss, Cantilever and Cable Stayed
Bridges are used and found economical.
Ans: Following Table gives the range of span in meters for different types of Bridges:
S.No. Type Of Bridge Span Range
1. Truss Bridge 100-200m
2. Cantilever Bridge 320-549m
3. Cable Stayed Bridge 200-800m.
4. Under what conditions, Steel Bridges are generally used?
Ans: Steel bridges could be preferred option in Build Operate Transfer (BOT) projects,
where speed in construction is crucial. Steel structures may also prove
advantageous for urban flyover/elevated road projects as they cause fewer
disturbances to traffic through faster construction and possible prefabrication.
32 . BCO-3.12
~ .
.. " ~ " " " " " " , ,
5. What are the different types of Plate Gi rder Bridges? Where they are preferred?
Ans: Plate girder bridges are oftwo types:
(a) deck type; and
(b) half-through type.
Deck type is normally preferred. Half-through type is adopted when the cost of
additional embankment to raise the rail level is high. A plate girder highway bridge
will consist of the deck slab (normally of reinforced concrete) and stringers running
longitudinally and resting on transverse floor beams, which in turn rest on the plate
girders. .
6. Write a short note on Truss Bridges.
Ans: Truss bridges have been used economically in the span range of 100 to 200 m. A
bridge truss derives its economy from its two major structural advantages: (a) the
primary forces in its members are axial forces, and (b) greater overall depths
permissible with its open web construction leads to reduced self weight when
compared with solid web systems.
7. What are the differentforms of Box Girders used for Box Girder Bridges?
Ans: Typical forms of box girders are given below:
(a) Rectangular box with wide cantilevering span on either side;
(b) Trapezoidal box sections;
(c) Two box sections which are connected together by bracing for the integral
action ofthe deck;
(d) One wide box section subdivided into three cells;
(e) Two box sections kept wide apart ; an
(1) One middle box section with one longitudinal girder on either side.
8. When and where Cable Stayed Bridge was developed?
Ans: It was developed in Germany in the postwar years in an effort to save steel which
was then in short supply. Since then many cable stayed bridges have been built all
over the world, chiefly because they are economical over a wide range of span
lengths and they are aesthetically attractive.
9. What are the different forms of Towers used in Cable Stayed Bridges?
Ans: The towers may take anyone of the following forms:
(a) Single free standing tower, as in Norderelbe bridge;
(b) Pair offree standing tower shafts,as in Dusseldort North bridge;
(c) Portal frame, as in Stromsund bridge and Second Hooghly bridge;
(d) A-frame as in Severins bridge or inverted V-shape as in Yangpu bridge;
(e) Diamond configuration as in Globe Island bridge, Sydney.
33 BCO-3.12
10. What are different components of Suspension Bridges?
Ans: The components of a suspension bridge are:
(a) flexible main cables,
(b) t o w e r s ~
(c) anchorages,
(d) hangers,
(e) deck, and
(f) stiffening systems
11. What is the role of Towers in Suspension Bridges?
Ans: The towers support the main cables and transfer the bridge loads to the
foundations. Besides the primary structural function, the towers have a secondary
function in giving the entire bridge a robust, graceful and soaring visual image.
While earlier briqges had steel towers, concrete towers have been used in the
Humber bridge and the Great Belt East bridge. Anchorages are usually massive
concrete structures which resistthe tension ofthe main cables.
12. What are the different Component of Cable Stayed Bridges?
Ans: The main components of a cable stayed bridge are:
(0 Inclined cables,
(ii) Towers (also referred as Pylons), and
(iii) Deck.
In a simple form, the cables provided above the deck and connected to the
towers would permit elimination of intermediate piers facilitating a larger
width for purposes of navigation.
13. Write a Short Note on Arch Type Bridge.
Ans: The arch form is best suited to deep gorges with steep rocky banks which furnish
efficient natural abutment to receive the heavy trust exerted by the ribs. In the
absence of these natural conditions, the arch usually suffers a disadvantage,
because the construction of a suitable abutment is expensive and time
14. Discuss some detail about Howrah Bridge.
Ans: Howrah bride with a main span of 457 m was the third longest span cantilever
bridge in the world at the time of its construction (1943). The bridge was erected by
commencing at the two anchor spans and advancing towards the center with the
use of creeper cranes moving along the upper chord. The closure at the middle
was obtained by means of sixteen hydraulic jacks of 800 t capacity each. The
construction was successfully completed with very close precision.
34 BCO-3.12
O. 1. What is the difference between Concrete &Steel Construction in Case of Bridges?
Ans. Steel bridges have been adopted in the past for major bridges on the highways and
more commonly on the railways. The Howrah bridge at Calcutta is a splendid
example of steel construction. In view of the shortage of steel, not many steel
bridges have been built in India in the recent past.
Compared to concrete construction, s ~ e e l superstructure are of lighter weight,
and facilitate faster construction. Further the construction operations at the bridge
site can be reduced with. steel superstructure by prefabricating parts of the
components at a nearby factory. In the span range of 120 to 140 m, for which
prestressed concrete cantilever bridges are being adopted, steel construction can
lead to time savings, as in the rail-cum-road bridge across Brahmaputra river at
Jogigoppa in Assam. Steel bridges require greater maintenance attention then
concrete bridges. For example, the Forth railway bridge needs continuous
painting; ittakes three years to complete one coat and the process is repeated.
Steel bridges could be preferred option in Build Operate Transfer (BOT) projects,
where speed in construction is crucial. Steel structures may also prove
advantageous for urban flyover/elevated road projects as they cause less
disturbance to traffic through faster construction and possible prefabrication.
O. 2. List the different types of Steel Bridges, and indicate the span range applicable to
each type.
Ans. Steel bridges can be classified under the following groups:
(a) Beam bridges;
(b) Plate girder bridges;
(c) Box girder bridges;
(d) Truss bridges;
(e) Arch bridges;
(f) Cantilever bridges;
(g) Cable stayed bridges; and
(h) Suspension bridges.
Beam bridges are used for culverts, using rolled steel joists as the main supporting
members. Girder bridges are adopted for simply supported spans less than 50 m
and for continuous spans up to 260 m. Truss bridges are suitable for the span
range of 40 to 375 m. Arch bridges are competitive for the medium span range of
200 to 500 m. Cantilever bridges have been built with success with main spans of
35 BCO-3.12
320 to 549 m. Cable stayed bridges are economical when the span is about 200 to
800 m. For long spans above 800 m, suspension bridges provide the most
economical solution.
Q.3. Design a steel beam culvert with a clear span of 5 m to carry a broad gauge single
track on main line.
Ans. (a) Dead Load effects
Assume 2 R.S. joints placed at 2.0 m centers as shown in Fig. 2.1. The dead load
due to track can be assumed at 7.5 kN/m and this is equally shared by the two
joists. Self weight ofthe joist may be estimated as (0.2L + 1.0) kN/m, where L is the
clear span in m.
Total dead load = 7.5 +(O.2x 5+1.0)=5.75 kN/m
. 2
Max. B.M. = 5.75x5
/8 = 18 kN.m
Max. shear = 5.75x5 =14.4kN
(b) Live Load effects
Equivalent uniform load due to live load for bending moment =741 kN
Equivalent u.d.1. for shear = 888kN
Coefficient of dynamic augment (CDA) =0.877
Impactfactor = 1.877
B.M.duetOL.L] 741 5
=-x-xI.877 =435kN.m
including impact 2 8 .
Shear due to L.L] 888 1
=-x -x1.877 = 417 kN
including impact 2 2
(c) Design
Design moment =18 + 435 = 453kN.m
Designshear =14+417=431 kN
36 BCO-3.12
Permissible bending stress =0.62 fy =155 Mpa
Modulus of section required = 453 x 1000 xl 00 = 2923 cm
Adopt ISWB 600 at 1.31 kN/m
Modulus of section available =3540 cm
Permissible shear stress =0.38 fy =95 MPa
Shear stress = 431 xl 000 =64 MPa < 95 Mpa
600 x 11.2
The bracings shown Fig. 2.1 will be adequate to take up wind loads.
Fig. 2.1 Cross Section of a Railway Culvert of Clear Span of 5.0 m.
Q.4. What are the different types of Plate girder bridges? What are its components in
case of Highway & Railway Bridge?
Ans. Since the days of early steel bridge construction, there has been a marked
preference for the plate girder bridge system, in view of the elegant aesthetics
obtainable with this type and also the convenience in maintenance. Plate girder
bridges are of two types: (a) deck type; and (b) half-through type. Deck type is
normally preferred. Half-through type is adopted when the cost of additional
embankment to raise the railleve! is high. A plate girder highway bridge will consist
of the deck slab (normally of reinforced, concrete) and stringers running
longitudinally and resting on transverse floor beams, which in turn rest on the plate
In the case of a railway bridge, the plate girders carry the wooden sleepers over
which the steel rails are fastened. The girder bridges will be braced laterally at the
level of the top flange and the bottom flange, besides cross bracings to resist the
lateral load due to wind. The cross bracings consist of angles and are provided at
the ends and at intervals of about 4 to 5 m.
There is usually a' choice available between (a) using two widely spaced
longitudinal girders, with the cross girder system supporting the deck, and (b)
providing multiple longitudinal girders with small spacing. In the first case, the
cross girder system may consist of closely spaced cross girders alone or cross
girders supporting a system of longitudinal stringers. The two-girder system
necessitates deeper girders and may lead to economy in certain circumstances.
For the deck type, the distance between the two girders is kept slightly larger than
the gauge of the track to reduce the severity of the impact loads on the girders. In
the half-through type of bridge, the railway load is carried at the lower flange.
Q. 5. Discuss Orthotropic plate decks &its components.
Ans. Modern highway bridges of moderate and long spans increasingly adopt
orthotropic plate decks, shown in a simplified form in Fig. 2Z The
deck consists of a stiffened deck plate over which a thin layer of asphaltic concrete
wearing course is directly laid. The steel plate is stiffened in two orthogonal
directions : longitudinally by closed rib systems and transversely by the floor
beams. Since the stiffness in two orthogonal directions are different, the behavior
of the deck is said to be anisotropic. This type of deck with orthogonally (ortho)
placed stiffeners and with anisotropiC (tropic) behavior is known as 'orthotropic
plate deck'. Originally developed in Germany in the 1950s, this system has since
been used in many bridges worldwide, resulting in substantial savings in materials
and cost. The successful application of orthotropic plate decks is mainly due to
advances in mechanized welding.
38 BCO-3.12
Floot .......
Fig. 2.2 Orthotropic PlateDecking for Bridges.
Essentially, the deck consists of a flat deck plate, stiffened by welded (closed)
longitudinal ribs, which span between transverse floor beams, which in turn span
between the main girders. The components are interconnected and together form
a complex structural system. The deck plate acts as a continuos member
supporting the concentrated wheel loads placed between ribs and transfers the
reactions to the ribs. The ribs are usually of trapezoidal shape. The deck plate also
functions as the top flange of the ribs, the floor beams and the main longitudinal
girders. The deck is paved with a wearing course to provide a durable and skid
resistant surface for vehicular traffic. orthotropic plate decks are used for a wide
variety of steel bridges such as plate girder bridges, box girder bridges, movable
bridges, cable stayed bridges and suspension bridges. The orthotropic plate deck
scheme results in reduced weight for the deck, a condition of special importance
for long span bridges. It also in shallower sections and leads to economy in
the required length of approaches. ather advantages include faster construction
due to lighter components.
Q. 6. Explain Box Girder Bridges in detail.
Ans. Developments in welding technology and precision gas cutting techniques in the
post second worldWarperiod facilitated the economical fabrication of monolithic
structural steelforms such as steel box girders characterized by the use of thin
stiffened plates and the dosed form of cross section. A box girder is built up using a plate, vertical Of inclined webs and a bottom plate. The deck plate carries the
heavy traffic loads and so needs stiff stringers and transverse beams to transfer the
loads to the box webs by bending. The box webs are subjected to bending and
shear stresses. The bottom plate acts as a chord member for bending and also
gets axialtspsion or compression. It should be well stiffened against buckling
under axial c0itlpre.ssion. The box girder deck can have single cell or cells,
the latter bejng uneconomical for short spans. .
39 BCO-3.12
(e) c:::'f=FC u =t=rr
Fig. 2.3 Typical Forms of Box Girders.
Typical forms of box girders are shown in Fig. 2.3 and they are detailed below:
(a) Rectangular box with wide cantilevering span on either side;
(b) Trapezoidal box sections ;
(c) Two box sections which are connected together by bracing for the integral
action ofthe deck;
(d) One wide box section subdivided into three cells;
(e) Two box sections kept wide apart; an
(f) One middle box section with one longitudinal girder on either side.
Box girder bridges have exceptional torsional rigidity resulting in better transverse
load distribution. The depth of superstructure can be shallower with this type of
construction, leading to lower gradients on approaches. The intermediate
supports of such construction can be individual slender columns connected to
40 BCO-3.12
hidden cross frames, saving substructure costs and erection time. These girders
can be conveniently used for curved and/or continuous bridges, and often provide
an aesthetically pleasing solution for urban highway structures like flyovers.
Box girders are easily adaptable to composite construction, for which only narrow
top flanges are needed. For short spans,entire girders can be fabricated in the
shop, enabling maximum use of shop welding. For other cases, large portions can
be shop fabricated and connected together by site splicing. Cost of maintenance
of this type of bridge is low, since there are fewer vulnerable corners susceptible to
corrosion. Modern steel box girder bridges invariably incorporate orthotropic plate
deck and continuous spans.
The steel box girder is generally acknowledged as an efficient, economical and
elegant form of bridge deck. Box girders would be economical only for long spans,
e.g. the Rio-Niteroi bridge across the Guanabara Bay in Brazil, with 200 to 300 to
200 m spans. Box girder section is also appropriate if only one central girder is
required to be supported on a narrow pier for functional or aesthetic
A recent innovation in connection with welded box girders is to dehumidify the
interior of the box girder as corrosion protection. Since all the stiffeners are placed
in the interior of the girder, the major part of the total exposed surface area is
protected from corrosion without the need for frequent painting. The humidity
inside is kept below 40%. This innovation is being applied also to box section
decking of cable supported bridges.
Q. 7. Discuss the different types oftrusses used in Bridge Construction.
Ans. Truss bridges have been used economically in the span range of 100 to 200 m. A
bridge truss derives its economy from its two major structural advantages: (a) the
primary forces in its members are axial forces, and (b) greater overall depths
permissible with its open web construction leads to reduced self weight when
compared with solid web systems. The erection of a truss bridge is considerably
simplified because ofthe'relative lightness of the component members.
Types and Components
The major types of bridge trusses are shown in Fig. 2.4. The most common form is
the Warren truss, shown in Fig. 2.4 (a) and (b) for the through and deck types,
respectively. The Pratt truss shown in Fig. 2.4 (c) is considered to be advantageous
in that the longer diagonals are in tension, while the shorter verticals are in
compression. Some of the panels towards the middle may be provided with
counters ifthere is a possibility of reversal of stress in the diagonals. The diagonals
of the Pratt truss slope downward towards the center, whereas the diagonals of the
Warren truss alternate between down ward toward the center and downward away
from the center. Panels of a Warren truss may be sub-divided as in F i g ~ 2.4 (d) in
orderto provide a better supportforthe deck, the arrangement shown referring to a
41 BCO-3.12
. ~
Fig. 2.4 Typical Bridge Trusses.
through truss. SUb-division reduces the unsupported length by half and hence
leads to more slender members, especially in compression. The K-bracing system
shown in Fig. 2.4 (e) is convenient when the depth of a bay is ofthe order of twice its
length. The top chords may be curved in case of longer spans, as in Fig. 2.4 (f) and
Q. 8. What are Cable,Stayed Bridges? Give the History of it.
Ans. A cable stayed bridge is a bridge whose deck is suspended by multiple cables that
run down to the main girder from one or more towers. The cable stayed bridge is
specially suited in the span range of 200 to 900 m and thus provides a transition
between the continuous box girder bridge and the stiffened suspension bridge. It
was developed in Germany in the postwar years in an effort to save steel which was
then in short supply. Since then many cable stayed bridges have been built all over
the world, chiefly because they are economical over a wide range of span lengths
and they are aesthetically attractive. The wide application of the cable stayed
bridge has been greatly facilitated in recent years by the availability of high
42 BCO-3.12
strength steels, the adoption of orthotropic decks using advanced welding
techniques and the use of electronic computers in conjunction with rigorous
structural analysis of highly indeterminate structures. The beauty and visibility of a
cable stayed bridge at night can be enhanced by innovative lighting schemes. The
early cable stayed bridges were mainly constructed using steel for stay cables,
deck and towers. In some of the recent constructions, the deck and towers have
been constructed in structural concrete or a combination of steel and concrete.
~ ~ ~
Fig. 2.5. Types of Cable Stayed Bridges.
Q.9. What are the different types of Cable Stayed Bridges? Explain with the help of
Ans. The main components of a cable stayed bridge are: (i) Inclined cables, (ii) Towers
and (iii) Qeck. In a simple form, the cables provided above the deck and connected
to the towers would permit elimination of intermediate piers facilitating a larger
width for purposes of navigation, as shown in Fig. 2.5 (a).
When the number of stay cables in the main span is between 2 and 6 as in Fig. 2.5
(a and b). the spans between the stay supports tend to be large (between 30 and
60 m) requiring large bending stiffness. The stay forces are large and the
43 BCO-3.12
anchorages of cables become complicated. The erection of such bridges involves
use of auxiliary structures. On the other hand, the use of multiple stay cables as in
Fig. 2.5 (c to e) would facilitate smaller distances between points of supports
(between 6 and 10m) for the deck girders, resulting in reduced structural depth
and facilitating erection by free cantilever method without auxiliary supports. The
multiple stay cable system also permits easy replacement of cables if needed and
enhances aerodynamic stability through increased damping capacity.
The deck can be supported by a number of cables in a fan form (meeting in a
bunch at the tower) as in Fig. 2.5 (b and c) 'or in a harp form Goining at different
levels on the tower) as in Fig. 2.5 (d). Fig. 2.5 (e) shows a typical fan-shaped cable
arrangement with the anchorages at the tower distributed vertically down a certain
length (modified fan form). This arrangement facilitates easy replacement of
cables at a later date in case of accidents. The fan type configuration results in
minimum axial force in deck girders. The harp form requires larger quantity of steel
for the cables, higher compressive axial forces in the deck, and causes
bending moments in the tower. While the fan shape is superior from a structural
and economical view, the harp shape possesses enhanced aesthetics. The harp
configuration cables also permits erection of the tower and the deck to progress at
the same time. Because of the damping effect of inclined cables of varying lengths,
the cable stayed decks are less prone to wind-induced oscillations than
suspension bridges.
Based on the span arrangement, the cable stayed bridge can be one of four types:
(a) Bridge With. an eccentric tower, e.g. Hoescht bridge on Main River ; (b)
Symmetrical two-span bridge, e.g. Ottmarshein bridge in France; (c) Three-span
bridge, e.g. Brotonne bridge, France ; and (iv) Multi-span bridge, e.g. Millau
viaduct, France.
Q.10. HowtheCablesarearranged in Cable Stayed Bridge.
Ans. The cables may be arranged in one central plane (axial suspension) as in
Norderelbe bridge, in two vertical planes with twin-leg tower as in Stromsund or
Dusseldorf North bridges, or in two inclined planes as in Severins bridge (lateral
suspension). The single-plane system has the advantage that the anchorage at
deck level can be accommodated in the traffic median resulting in the least value of
required total width of deck. With the two-plane system, additional widths are
needed to accommodate the towers and deck anchorages. Aesthetically, the
single-plane system is more attractive as this affords an unobstructed view on one
side for the motorist. Other notable examples of single-plane system are the Rama
IX bridge (1987) in Bangkok. Thailand, the Sunshine Skyway bridge (1987) in
Florida, USA and the Normandie bridge (1994) in Frane. In the case of a two-plane
system of cables, a side view of the bridge would give the impression of
intersection of the cables. The choice of the cable arrangement should be done
with care and diligence, so as to ensure an enhanced aesthetic quality of the
44 BCO-3.12
bridge through a system in harmony with the environment.
The two inclined plane system of cables with the cables radiating from the apex of
an A-frame as in Severins bridge facilitates the three-dimensional structural
performance of the superstructure and reduces the torsional oscillations of the
deck due to wind, thus enhancing the aerodynamic stability of the bridge. The
torque due to eccentric concentrated loads would necessitate the use of box
section orthotropic deck for the Single-plane system. The decking is generally of
orthotropic plate system with box girders for the two-plane system also, but can be
of prestressed concrete girders as in Maracaibo bridge in Vanezuela and Hoescht
bridge over Main river in Germany. The Rama VIII bridge in Bangkok uses a
combination of two-plane and single plane systems. Using an inverted-Ypylon, the
300 m main span in supported with twin inclined stays while the back span has a
single plane system of stays.
Q. 11. Explain the Construction of Cable Stayed Bridge by Cantilever Method.
Ans. The cantilever method is normally adopted for the construction of long span cable
stayed bridges. Here the towers are built first. Each new segment is built at site or
installed with precast segment, and then supported by one new cable or a pair of
new cables which balances its weight. The stresses in the girder and the towers are
related to the cable tensions. Since the geometric profile of the girder or elevation
of the bridge segments is mainly controlled by the cable lengths, the cable length
should be set appropriately at the erection of each segment. During construction,
monitoring and adjustment of the cable tension and geometric profile require
special attention.
A notable example of construction of a major cable stayed bridge by cantilever
method is the Yangpu bridge in Shanghai, China, built in 1994 with a main span of
602 m. The composite girders of this bridge consisted of prefabricated, wholly
welded steel girders and precast reinforced concrete deck slab.
Depending on the bridge site, cable stayed bridges can have anyone of four
general layout of spans: (a) Cable stayed bridges with one eccentric tower,
eccentric with respect -to the gap to be bridged, e.g. Severins bridge; (b)
Symmetrical two-span cable stayed bridges, e.g. Akkar bridge; (c) Three-span
cable stayed bridges, e.g. Second Hooghly bridge, Stromsund bridge; (d) Multi
span cable stayed bridges, e.g. Millau viaduct. Of these the most common type is
the three-span cable stayed bridge, consisting of the central main span and the
two side spans. Temporary stability during construction is a major problem,
particularly just prior to closure at midspan. The structure must be able to
withstand the effects due to wind and accidental loads due to mishaps during
erection. When intermediate piers are provided in the side spans, the stability is
very much enhanced. In this case, the side spans are built first on the intermediate
supports, and later the long cantilevers in the main span.
45 BCO-3.12
Q.12. Discuss the Detail of Cable used in Cable Stayed Bridge.
Ans. The stay cables constitute critical components of a cable stayed bridge, as they
carry the load of the deck and transfer it to the tower and the back stay cable
anchorage. So the cables should be selected with utmost care. The main
requirements of stay cables are: (a) High load carrying capacity; (b) High and
stable Young's modulus of elasticity; (c) Compact cross section; (d) High fatigue
resistance; (e) Ease in corrosion protection ; (f) Handling convenience; and (g)
Low cost. The ultimate tensile strength of wire is of the order of 1600 MPa. While
locked coil strands have been used in early bridges (e.g. Stromsund bridge), the
recent preference is towards the use of cables with bundles of parallel wires or
parallel long lay strands. The sizes of cables are selected to facilitate a reasonable
spacing at the deck anchorages. Parallel wire cables using 7 mm wires of high
tensile steel have been adopted in Second Hooghly bridge. Corrosion protection
of the cables is of paramount importance. For this. purpose, the steel may be
housed inside a polyethylene (PE) tube which is tightly connected to the
anchorages. The cables are anchored at the deck and at the tower. The anchorage
at the deck is fixed and has a provision for a neoprene pad damper to damp
oscillations. The length adjustment is done atthe tower end.
The cables are prestressed by introducing additional tensile force in the cables in
order to improve the stress in the main girder and tower at the completion stage, to
prevent the lowering of rigidity due to sagging of cable, and to optimize the cable
condition for the erection. The magnitude of the prestress is determined by taking
into consideration the following factors: 0) the horizontal component of each cable
tension is balanced such that there is no in-plane bending of the tower due to
unbalanced horizontal force due to dead load at the completion stage; and (ii) the
net force on the main girder member at the connection of the cable at the
completion stage be zero.
Currently the steel used for cables have ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the order
of 1600 MPa. Carbon fibre cables having UTS of about 3300 MPa are under
development. The latter cables are claimed to have negligible corrosion and to
possess high fatigue resistance. However, carbon fibre cables are presently very
46 BCO-3.12
Q. 13. What are Cantilever Bridges? Explain in detail using examples.
Ans. A cantilever bride with a single main span consists of an anchor arm at either end
between the abutment and the pier, a cantilever arm from either pier to the end of
the suspended span. Such an arrangement permits a long clear span for
navigation and also facilitates erection of steel work without the need for
supporting centering from below.
Steel cantilever bridges came into general uSe for long span railway bridges,
- because of their greater rigi.dity compared with suspension bridges. Three well
known examples are shown in Figure 2.Q. The Firth of Forth bridge with two main
spans of 521 m each became a milestone in bridge construction on its completion
in 1889. The designers, John Fowler and Benjamin Baker, used tubular members
of fairly large size with riveted construction for the arch ribs to withstand wind
pressures of 2.68 kN/m2. Though the tubes were large in size, the weight per linear
metre ofthe bridge was still less than that of Quebec bridge;
1 1
Fig. 2.6 Typical Cantilever Bridges
The design of Quebec bridge was first entrusted to Theodore Cooper, who was
then well known for his specifications for railway bridges. The plan envisaged a
main span of 549 m with anchor spans of 157 m each, making this bridge the
longest span in the world. The first attempt to. construct the bridge ended in
47 BCO-3.12
complete collapse of the south arm killing 75 men (1907). The failure was due to
miscalculation of dead load and wrong design of compression members, which
errors were not noticed in time. The design was revised by H.A. Voutelet and the
structure was reconstructed in 1917 with the same main span.
Howrah bridge with a main span of 457 m was the third longest span cantilever
bridge in the world at the time of its construction (1943). The bridge was erected by
commencing at the two anchor spans and advancing towards the center with the
use of creeper cranes moving along the upper chord. The closure at t h ~ middle
was obtained by means of sixteen hydrau,lic jacks of 800 t capacity each. The
construction was successfully completed with very close precision.
Osaka Port bridge was completed in 1974 with a clear span of 51 0 m. The bridge is
double decked and is currently the world's third largest span cantilever bridge. The
construction has been achieved without accidents and with great precision,
testifying to the great advance in technology in bridge construction.
The weight of the structure and the labour involved in the construction of a
cantilever bridge are large compared with a cable stayed bridge of the same clear
span. Hence the cantilever bridge is not very popular at present.
O. 14. How the Cable Stayed Bridge is Analysed?
Ans. The cable stayed bridge with the multi-stay configuration is a statically
indeterminate structure with a high order of indeterminacy. The deck acts as a
continuous beam on elastic supports of varying stiffness. Bending moments in the
deck and pylons increase due to second order effects due to deflection of the
structure. The effects of creep and shrinkage during construction and service life
should be considered for concrete and composite decks. The internal force
distribution in the deck and tower can be managed to be compression with
minimum bending, by adjustment of the forces in the stay cables. A rigorous
analysis considering three-dimensional space action is quite complex.
Approximate designs can ,be made using a two-dimensional approach. Though
the cable stays show a non-linear behavior due to large displacements, sag in
cables and moment-axial force interactions in stays, girders and towers, an
approximate analysis assuming linear behavior leads to satisfactory girders and
towers, an approximate analysis assuming linear behavior leads to satisfactory
results in most cases. However, a non-linear analysis is essential for very long span
O. 15. Give Statistics of Selected Suspension Bridges.
Ans: Some statistics of selected suspension bridges are shown in Table 2.1. It ca be
seen that the Span/Depth ratio has steadily increased "from 94 for the Brooklyn
bridge (1863) to 168 for the Golden Gate bridge (1937). The Tacoma Narrows I
bridge adopted a ratio of 350 with stiffening plate girders, and it failed due to
48 BCO-3,12
aerodynamic instability. Conservatism dictated the use of a ratio of 85 for the
replacement structure. With gaining of confidence with the conventional stiffening
truss design, the Span/Depth ratio again increased to 177 for the Verrazano
Narrows bridge (1964). The Severn bridge (1966) pioneered the all-welded closed
box deck with inclined suspenders, and the innovative design achieved a
Span/Depth ratio of 324. This was also followed in the Great Belt East bridge with a
ratio of 406. The Akashi Kaikyo bridge, which has the longest span of 1991 m, has
adopted the conventional design for stiffening trusses and thus maintained a ratio
of 142. The aerodynamic stability will to be investigated thoroughly by
detailed analysis as well as wind tunnel tests on models.
Table 2.1 Some Statistics on Selected Suspension Bridges
Name of I Year of Main Depth of Width Span! SpanJ
Bridge i Completion
Span in Stiffening between Deptb Width
m Truss! cables in
Girder in m
Brooklyn 1863 486 5.2 25.9 94 19
Ambassador 1929 564 6.7 18.1 84 31
George 1931 1067 9.1 32.3 117 33
Golden Gate 1937 1280 7.6 27.5 168 47
Tacoma 1940 853 2.4 11.9 350 72
Tacoma 1950 853 \0.1 18.3 85 47
Mackinac 1957 1158 11.6 20.7 100 56
Verrazano 1964 1298 7.4 31.4 177 41
Forth 1964 1006 8.4 23.8 120 42
Severn 1966 988 3.0 22.9 324 43
Humber 1981 1410 4.5 22.0 313 64
Akashi Kaikyo 1998 1991 14.0 35.5 142 56
Great Belt East 1998 1624 4.0 31.0 406 52
49 BCO-3.12
O. 16. Write a Short Note on Deck Structure in cable stayed bridge.
Ans. While the deck is merely supported by the cables in a suspension bridge, the deck
of a cable stayed bridge is an integral part of the structure resisting the axial force
and bending induced by the stay cables. For bridge width greater than 15 m and
spans in excess of 500 m, the need to reduce dead weight prompts the use of all
steel orthotropic plate deck, as adopted for the Normandie bridge and the Tatara
bridge. Torsion box deck sections in prestressed concrete have been used with
single-plane systems, as in Brotonne bridge and the Sunshine Skyway bridge.
Composite deck sections have been employed in the Second Hooghly bridge at
Kolkata, India and the Second Severn Crossing, UK. Special attention should be
devoted to the anchorage of cables to the deck. The superstructure of the main
span is normally constructed using the segmental cantilever method.
The ratio of the side span (Ls) to the main span (Lm) for the case of a bridge with
towers on both sides of the main span usually lies between 0.3 and 0.45. The ratio
Ls/Lm can be 0.42 for concrete highway bridge decks and not more than 0.34 for
railway bridges. This ratio influences the changes in stress in the back stay cables
due to variation of live load. It further influences the magnitude of vertical forces at
the anchor pier, the anchor force decreasing with increasing Ls/Lm. The choice of
Ls/Lm depends also on the local conditions of water depth and foundation.
0.17. What is the role of Towers in Case of Cable Stayed Bridge? Also discuss the
differentforms ofTowers in Detail.
Ans. Towers carry the forces imposed on the bridge to the ground. They are not
replaceable during the life of the bridge. Hence they should be designed to be
structurally strong, constructible, durable and economical.
The towers may take anyone of the following forms:
(a) Single free standing tower, as in Norderelbe bridge;
(b) Pair offree standing tower shafts, as in Dusseldort North briqge ;
(c) Portal frame, as in Stromsund bridge and Second Hooghly bridge;
(d) A-frame as in Severins bridge or inverted V-shape as in Yangpu bridge;
(e) Diamond configuration as in Globe Island bridge, Sydney.
When the stay cables are in one plane, a single free standing tower may be
adopted. In this case, the pier below the box girder should be sufficiently wide for
bearings to resist the torsional moments of the superstructure. For bridges with
cables in two planes, the towers can be a free standing pair, or a portal frame with a
slender bracing. An additional bracing may be introduced below the deck. The A
shaped tower and the inverted V-shaped tower have been favoured for 10l1g
bridges having shallow box girder decks in regions of strong wind forces. The land
take at the base can be reduced by adopting a diamond configuration, as used in
the Tatara bridge.
50 BCO-3.12
Since the tower is the most conspicuous component in a cable stayed bridge,
besides structural considerations, aesthetics plays a prominent part in the
selection of the paticular shape ofthe tower. For example, the proximity of Cologne
cathedral influenced the adoption of the A-frame for the Severins bridge.
Sometimes, an additional height is provided for the tower above the point of
connection of the cable for architectural reasons, as in Norderelbe bridge (in this
case, as a tribute to the city fathers). Anchorage of cables atthe tower should follow
good order. Since the cables at the deck level are anchored along a line along the
edges or at the middle of the deck, it is natural that these should end along a
vertical line at the tower head. In the case of A-shaped tower, the anchorage line
can be parallel to the tower leg. It is not desirable to spread the anchorages
transversely in one layer at the tower.
0.18. What are the various examples of Suspension Bridges? Also give some detail of it.
Ans. The suspension bridge is currently the only solution for spans in excess of 900 m,
and is regarded as competitive for spans down to 300 m. The Wheeling
suspension bridge across the Ohio river in USA built by Charles Ellet in 1849 with a
span of 308 m and rebuilt by John Roebling in 1854 after tornado damage was the
first long-span wire-cable suspension bridge in the world. The Brooklyn bridge in
New York designed by Roebling was completed in 1886 with a central span of 486
m. This was followed by other notable bridges such as the George Washington
bridge with a main span of 1067 m (1931), the Golden Gate bridge with a central
span of 1280 m (1937), the Mackinac bridge with a span of 1158 m (1957), the
Verrazano Narrows bridge of span 1298 m (1964), the Severn bridge with a span of
988 m (1966), the Humber bridge of span 1410 m (1981), and the Tsing Ma bridge
in Hong Kong (1997) with a span of 1377 m. The Rodenkirschen bridge in
Germany, designed and built by Fritz Leonhardt in 1941 with a modest span of 378
m, is an example of structural elegance.
The world's longest span briqge at present is the Akashi Kaikyo bridge across
Akashi Straits in Japan with a main span of 1991 m. The second longest span
bridge is the East Bridge across the Great Belt Waterway in Denmark with its main
span of 1624 m. The Bosporus bridge at Istanbul, Turkey, completed in 1973 with a
central span of 1 074 m, provided the first permanent highway link between Europe
and Asia.
O. 19. What are the various components of Suspension Bridges? Explain with the help of
Ans.. The components of a suspension bridge, as shown in Fig. 2.7, are: (a) flexible
main cables, (b) towers, (c) anchorages, (d) hangers, (e) deck, and (1) stiffening
51 BCO-3.12
~ I -
systems. The main cables carry the stiffening trusses by hangers and transfer the
loads to the towers. The cable normally consists of parallel wires or parallel wire
ropes of high tensile steel. The Akashi Kaikyo bridge has two main cables. Each
cable, 1122 mm in diameter, consists of 290 parallel wire ropes, each containing
127 high strength (UTS = 1800 MPa) wires of 5.23 mm diameter. Thus each cable
contains 36830 parallel wires.
The towers support the main cables and transfer the bridge loads to the
foundations. Besides the primarY structural function, the towers have a secondary
function in giving the entire bridge a robust; graceful and soaring visual image.
While earlier bridges had steel towers, concrete towers have been used in the
Humber bridge and the Great Belt East bridge. Anchorages are usually massive
concrete structures which resist the tension of the main cables. The hangers
transfer the load from the deck to the cable. They are made up of high tensile wires.
The hangers are usually vertical, as also adopted in Akashi Kaikyo bridge. Only
three major suspension bridges, namely S e v e ~ n , Bosporus and Humber, have
inclined hangers.
The deck is usually orthotropic with stiffened steel plate, ribs or troughs and floor
beams. The deck may be of strong steel trusses or of streamlined steel box girder.
The stiffening system, usually consisting of trusses, pinned at the towers, serves to
control aerodynamic movements and to limit the local angle changes in the deck. If
the stiffening system is inadequate, torsional oscillations due to wind might result
in the collapse of the structure.
~ ....
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Fig. 2.7 Components of a Suspension Bridge.
What are the various conditions under which Arch Bridge is provided ? Also
discuss some other advantages & disadvantages of Arch Bridge.
Arch Bridges. The arch form is best suited to deep gorges with steep rocky banks
which furnish efficient natural abutment to receive the heavy thrust exerted by the
ribs. In the absence of these natural conditions, the arch usually suffers a
disadvantage, because the construction of a suitable abutment is expensive and
time consuming.
52 BCO-3.12
~ I
' .
Fig. 2.B. Typical Steel Arch Bridges.
The arch form is aesthetically the most pleasing and has been used in steel bridges in the
span range of 100 to 250 m. Typical steel arch bridges are shown in Fig. 2.8. Deck type
open spandrel arches can be particularly attractive as in the case of Rainbow bridge across
the Niagara river at Niagara Falls. The arch profile is intended to reduce bending moments
in the superstructure and will be economical in material when compared with an equivalent
straight simply supported girder or truss. The efficiency is made possible by the horizontal
reactions provided by the supports and hence the site has to be suitable. The fabrication
and erection of an arch bridge would pose more difficult problems than a girder bridge, and
should be properly taken into account by the designer. Arch ribs can be hingeless as in the
case of the Rainbow bridge; or may have one, two or three hinges. The arch rib can consist
of a box section as in Rainbow bridge, oftubular section as in Askeroford bridge in Sweden
or a trussed form as in Runcorn-Widnes bridge near Liverpool in England. The rise-span
ratio of arches varies widely, but for most arches the value lies in the range of 1 :4.5 to 1:6.
53 BCO-3.12
0.1 Where was the orthotropic plate deck developed?
0.2 Name a splendid example of steel construction?
0.3 Why do steel structures also prove advantageous for urban fly overs?
0.4 Where is half through type plate girder bridges preferred?
0.5 What is the main span of Howrah bridge?
0.6 When and where cable stayed bridge developed?
0.7 What is the main structural advantages of truss bridge?
O.B Name the bridge used for culverts?
0.9 What are the main requirements of stay cable?
0.10 Why steel bridges are not preferred in India?
54 BCO-3.12
1 . The portion of the bridge structure below the level of the bearing and above the
foundation is referred as:
a) Super-Structure
b) Sub-Structure
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
2. The block resting over the top of the pier or the abutment is:
a) piercap
b) abutment cap
c) bridge seat
d) any of the above
3. The concrete used for Pier Cap should be:
a) M15
b) M20
c) M25
d) M30
4. For longer spans, the minimum thickness of cap should be:
a) 225mm
b) 250mm
c) 300mm
d) 350mm
5. Piers and abutments are constructed with:
a) Masonry
b) Mass Concrete
c) Reinforced Concrete
d) Any ofthe above
55 BCO-3.12
6. The general shape and features of a pier depend to a large extent on:
a) type of superstructure
b) size of superstructure
c) dimensions
d) all the above
7. Which type of pier is commonly used in urban elevated highway application?
a) Single column
b) cellular type
c) trestle type
d) All the above
8. Which type of Pier permits the saving in the quantity of concrete?
a) Single column
b) cellular type
c) trestle type
d) All the above
9. What are the components of Abutments from the following options?
a) Breast Wall
b) Wing Wall
c) Back Wall
d) All the Above
10. What are the various forces considered for the design of abutment?
a) Longitudinal Forces.
b) Thrust on the abutment
c) Live load on the structure
d) All the above
Answer Key:
1. b 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. d 6. d 7. a 8. b 9. d 11 O. d I
56 BCO-3.12
1. The portion of the bridge structure below the level of the bearing and above the
foundation is referred as super structure
2. Pier Cap provides the immediate bearing surface for the support of the
superstructure at the pier.
3. The Pier Cap should be constructed with a minimum grade of M30.
4. The Cap is provided with nominal reinforcement of not less than 1 percent steel.
5. Concrete construction of Piers or abutments will be economical in situations where
good stones for masonry and skilled stone masons are not available.
Answer Key:
1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T S.T
57 BCO-3.12
1. What is Pier? What is the function of Pier?
Ans. Piers are structures located at the ends of bridge spans at intermediate points
between the abutments. The function ofthe piers is two-fold: to transfer the vertical
loads to the foundation, and to resist all horizontal forces and transverse forces
acting on the bridge. Being o n ~ of the most visible components of a bridge, the
piers contri bute to the aesthetic appearance .of the structu reo
2. Why the use of Single column pier is increasing day by day?
Ans: Single column piers are increasingly used in urban elevated highway
applications, and also for river crossings with a skew alignment. In an urban
setting, single column piers provide an open and free-flowing perception to the
motorists using the road below. Such piers when used for a skew bridge across
a river results in least obstruction to passage of flood below the bridge
3. What are Abutment? What is the role of it?
Ans. An abutment is the substructure which supports one terminus of the
superstructure of a bridge and, at the same time, laterally supports the
embankment which serves as an approach to the bridge. For a river bridge, the
abutment also protects the embankment from scour of the stream. Bridge
abutments can be made of masonry, plain concrete or reinforced concrete.
4. What are the various forces considered in designing the abutment?
Ans: In abutment design, the forces to be considered are:
a) Dead load dueto superstructure.
b) Live load on the superstructure.
c) Self weight ofthe abutment.
d) Longitudinal forces due to tractive effort and braking and due to temperature
variation and concrete shrinkage.
e) Thrust on the abutment due to retained earth and effect of live loads on the fill
at the rear of the abutment.
5. What are the various conditions under which we prefer pile foundations?
Ans. Pile foundations may be considered appropriate for bridges in the following
(a) When the founding strata underlies deep standing water and soft soil;
(b) When the foundation level is more than 30 m below the water level, so that
pneumatic sinking of wells is difficult;
58 BCO-3.12
(c) When suitable founding strata is available below a deep layer of soft soil; and
(d) in conditions where pile foundations are more economical than wells.
6. What are the different types of Cast in Situ Piles?
Ans: Cast-in-place concrete piles are constructed in their permanent position by filling
with concrete the holes which have been formed in the ground in various ways for
the purpose. There are two types:
(a) the shell pile, in which Q. steel shell is first driven with a mandrel and concrete
is placed, leaving the shell in place, i;lnd
(b) the shell-less pile, in which the pipe and mandrel used for making the hole are
removed as the concrete is filled in.
7. What do you mean by Well Foundation?
Ans: Well foundation (open caisson) is the most commonly adopted foundation for
major bridges in India. This type evolved in India, and has been adopted for the Taj
Mahal. Since then, many major bridges across wide rivers have been founded on
wells. Well foundation is preferable to pile foundation when the foundation has to
resist large lateral forces, the river bed is prone to heavy scour, heavy floating
debris are expected during floods and when boulders are embedded in the
8. What are the different Shapes of Well used in case of their foundation?
Ans: The shape of wells may be circular, double-D, square, rectangular, dumb-bell, etc.
The circular well has the merit of simplicity for construction and sinking. Double-D,
rectangular and dumb-bell shapes are used when the bridge has multi-lane
carriageway. For piers and abutments of very large size used in cantilever, cable
stayed or suspension bridges, large rectangular wells with multiple dredge holes
of square shape may be used.
9. What are the various factors considered in designing the thickness of steining.
Ans: The following factors are to be considered while determining the thickness of the
(a) It should be possible to sink the well without excessive kentledge.
(b) The wells should not get damaged during sinking.
(c) If the well develops tilts or shifts during sinking, it should be possible to rectify
the tilts and shifts without damaging the well.
(d) The well should be able to resist safely the earth pressure developing during
asand blow that may occur during sinking.
(e) At any level of the steining, the stresses under all conditions of loading that
may occur during sinking or during service should be within permissible
59 BCO-3.12
10. What is the role of Bottom Plug in well Foundation?
Ans: A bottom plug is essential to transfer the load from the well steining to the base soil.
It is usually provided for a thickness of about half the diameter of the dredge hole.
In practice the bottom plug is provided up to a height of 0.3 m above the top of well
curb. The concrete used is of M20 grade, the richness of the mix being
necessitated by the possibility of loss of part of the cement due to under-water
placing ofthe concrefe.
11. Explain the different types of Caisson
Ans: Caisson foundations are of two types:
(a) Open caissons (also known as well foundations in India) ; and
(b) Pneumatic asissons.
An open caisson is one that has no top or bottom cover during its sinking. It is more
popularly known as well foundation. A pneumatic caisson is a caisson with a
permanent or temporary roof near the bottom so arranged that men can work in
the compressed air trapped under it. Pneumatic caisson can be used for a depth of
about 30 m below water level, beyond which pile foundations would have to be
resorted to.
12. Give the values of permissible compressive and tensile stresses of the materials
used for bridges.
Ans: The following table gives the detail of specification of materials:
Material Maximum
Stress MPa
T ensile Stress in
Mass concrete 1 :3.6 mix by volume
Plain concrete M 20
Coursed rubble granite lD cement
Sound brick in cement mortar
Sound brick in limemortar
60 BCO-3.12
Q. 1. What are Pier and Abutment Caps? Give the specHication for Constructing Pier
and Abutment Caps.
Ans. Pier and Abutment Caps
The pier cap or abutment cap (also known as bed block or bridge seat) is the block
resting over the top of the p i ~ r or the abutment. It provides the immediate bearing
surface for the support of the superstructure at the pier or abutment location, and
disperses the strip loads from the bearings to the substructure more evenly. The
pier cap should cover the entire area of the top of the pier and should project 75
mm beyond the pier dimensions. This offset prevents rain water from dripping
down the sides and ends of the pier and also improves the appearance of the pier.
The top of the pier cap except at bearings should have suitable slope towards the
The cap should be of M20 concrete with a minimum thickness of 225 mm up to a
span of 25 m and 300 rnm for longer spans. The thickness is reduced at the end
over the cutwaters. The cap is provided with nominal reinforcement of not less than
1 per cent steel distributed equally at top and bottom and provided in two
directions both at top and bottom. The reinforcement along the shorter side is in
the form of hoops, extending for the full width of the pier cap. The reinforcement
along the length of the pier should extend from end to end of the pier cap. In
addition, provision should be made for local strengthening of the cap with two
layers of mesh reinforcement one at 20 mm from top and the other at 100 mm from
top of pedestal or pier cap each consisting of 6 mm bars at 75 mm centers in both
directions placed directly under the bearings.
Q. 2. What are the Material used for Constructing Piers and Abutments ? Give the
specifications of Material used for its construction along with values of Permissible
Ans. Materials for Piers and Abutments
Piers and abutments may be constructed with masonry, mass concrete or
reinforced concrete. Masonry piers or abutments may use stone masonry
(Granite) in cement mortar, or composite construction with stone masonry facing
and mass concrete hearting. Concrete construction will be economical in
situations where good stones suitable for masonry and skilled stone masons are
not available locally.
Stone masonry used for the pier construction should be of coursed rubble
masonry, first sort, in cement mortar 1 :4. In the past mass concrete was adopted in
some cases, using 1 :3.6 mix by volume with 38 mm size aggregate. It was then
61 BCO-3.12
permissible to add 'plums', i.e., stones of 100 to 150 mm size, up to a volume of
about 20% of the mass concrete in order to save cost. Such stones had to be
placed by hand not closer than 300 mm centers. However, in recent practice,
concrete of grade M20 with nominal surface reinforcement is being adopted. For
reinforced concrete piers, especially sil1gle column piers, the concrete grade used
may correspond to M25 to M35. Typical values of permissible stresses for mass
concrete and masonry are given in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 Permissible Stresses for Substructure
S. Material Maximum Maximum
Compressive Tensile Stress in
Stress MPa BendingMPa
I. Mas..'! concrete I :3.6 mix by volume 2.7 0.28
2. Plain concrete M 20 5.0 0.50
3. Coursed rubble granite III cement 1.5 0.10
4. Sound brick in cement mortar 1.0 0.10
5. Sound brick in lime mortar 0.6 0.12
Note: 1 MPa = 1000 kN/m2
Q.3. What is Pier? What is the function of Pier? What are the different shapes of Piers?
Explain their utility also.
Ans. Piers are structures located at the ends of bridge spans at intermediate pOints
between the abutments. The function of the piers is two-fold: to transfer the vertical
loads to the foundation, and to resist all horizontal forces and transverse forces
acting on the bridge. Being one of the most visible components of a bridge, the
piers contribute to the aesthetic appearance of the structure.
The general shape and features of a pier depend to a large extent on the type, size
and dimensions of the superstructure and also on the environment in which the
pier i ~ located. Piers can be solid, cellular, trestle or hammerhead types (Fig. 3.2).
Solid and cellular piers for river bridges should be provided with semicircular
cutwaters to facilitate streamlined flow and to reduce scour. Other designs such as
reinforced concrete framed type has also been used. Solid piers can be of mass
concrete or of masonry for heights up to about 6 m and spans up to about 20 m. It is
permissible to use stone masonry for the exposed portions and to fill the interior
with lean concrete. This would save expenses on shuttering and would also
enhance appearance. The stone layers should be properly bonded with the
interior with bond stones.
62 BCO-3.12
Single column piers are increasingly used in urban elevated highway applications,
and also for river crossings with a skew alignment. In an urban setting, single
column piers provide an open and free-flowing perception to the motorists using
the road below. Such piers when used for a skew bridge across a river results in
least obstruction to passage offlood 'below the bridge.
Cellular, trestle, hammerhead and single column types use reinforced concrete
and are suitable for heights above 6 m and spans over 20 m. The cellular type
permits saving in the quantity of concrete, but usually requires difficult shuttering
and additional labour in placing reinforcements. The thickness of the walls should
not be less than 300 mm. The lateral reinforcement of the walls should be more
than 0.3 per cent of the sectional area of the wall of the pier, and the quantity should
be distributed as 60 percent on the outer face and 40 per cent on the innerface.
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Fig. 3.2. TYpical Shapes of Piers.
The trestle type consists of columns (usually circular or octagonal) with a bent cap
at the top. In some recent designs, concrete hinges have been introduced
between the top of the Column and the bent cap in order to avoid moment being
transferred from deck to the columns. For tall trestles, as in flyovers and elevated
roads, connecting diaphragms between the columns may also be provided. The
hammerhead type provides slender substructure and is normally suitable for the
elevated roadways. When used for a river bridge, e.g., Jawahar Setu across Sone
river at Dehri, this design leads to minimum restriction of the waterway. The
construction procedure should be arranged such that the construction jOints are
minimized, by adopting continuous concreting or by use of slip form technique to
the extent possible. Simple geometry of the pier leads to reduced construction
63 BCO-3.12
Q.4. How the Width &Length of Pier is Selected? Explain.
Ans. The top width of the pier depends on the size of the bearing plates on which the
superstructure rests. It is usually kept at a minimum of 600 mm more than the Qut
to-out dimension of the bearing plates, measured along the longitudinal axis of the
superstructure. The length of the pier at the top should not be less than 1.2m in
excess of the out -to-out dimension of the bearing plates measured perpendicular
to the axis of the superstructure. The bearing plates are so dimensioned that the
bearing stress due to dead and live loads does not exceed 4.2 MPa.
When the length of a pier is narrower in plan than the width of bridge deck carried
so that the deck cantilevers beyond the pier edges, the pier is called an inboard
pier. Such piers are used in a multi-span urban interchange featuring a I1yover and
ground level slip roads, wherein the adoption of inboard piers offers considerable
saving in the use of costly urban land that would have been required when full
width piers are adopted. In addition, inboard piers for urban interchanges facilitate
improved sight lines for vehicles passing the piers and enhance the overall
appearance. Other innovative designs for piers to suit urban site requirements
include H-shaped piers flaring atthe top, which provide wider base at the top ofthe
pier for stability of the deck and limited use of space at the base of the pier at the
ground level.
The bottom width of pier is usually larger than the top width so as to restrict the net
stresses within the permissible values. It is normally sufficient to provide a batter of
1 in 25 on all sides for the portion of the pier between the bottom of the bed block
andthetop ofthewell orpilecap or foundation footing, as the case maybe.
In the case of river bridges, the portion ofthe pier located 'between wind and water',
that is, the portion ofthe masonry surface which lies between the extreme high and
extreme low water, is particularly vulnerable to deterioration and hence needs
special attention. This surface is subject to damage due to the impact of floating
debris, the erosive action of the current, waves, and in the case of sea water or
chemical environment to chemical attack.
Q.5. What are the various loads and forces to be considered in the Design of Piers?
Ans. The load and forces to be considered in the design of piers are as below:
(1) Dead load of superstructure and the pier itself.
(2) Live load oftraffic passing over the bridge. The effect of eccentric loading due
to the live load occurring on one span only should be considered.
(3) Impact effect for the top 3 m ofthe pier only.
(4) Buoyancy of submerged part of substructure. If the pier is anchored to rock
by dowels, it is permissible to neglect the effect of buoyancy.
(5) Effect of wind on moving loads and on the superstructure.
(6) Force due to water current
64 BCO-3.12
(7) Force due to water action, if applicable.
(8) Longitudinal force due to tractive effort of vehicles.
(9) Longitudinal force due to braking of vehicles.
(10) Longitudinal force due to resistance in bearings. In order to reduce the net
longitudinal force in bearing, it is usual to make bearings of two spans
located on a pier to be of the same type, i.e., expansion bearings or fixed
bearings. Still a variatio.n of about 10 per cent in the frictional coefficients of
sliding bearing may be assumed., Also, the resistance in two adjacent
bearings would differ when live load occupies only one of the two adjacent
(11) Seismic effects
(12) Force due to collision by barges for piers in navigable waters.
Q.6. Explain the effect of forces dueto Wave Action and Collision in case of Bridge Piers.
Ans. Forces due to Wave Action and Collision
There may be situations where the bridge pier is subjected to the action of waves,
thereby experiencing additional hydrodynamic forces due to wave action. A typical
example is the Pamban bridge connecting the Rameswaram island with the Indian
mainland. Also, if the bridge spans across a tidal river or an estuary, wave forces
become significantly large.
The wave motion is essentially an unsteady fluid flow. The fluid particles are
subjected not only to a velocity in the horizontal and vertical directions, but also to
accelerations in these directions. Since the piers are normally rigidly fixed at the
bottom, the horizontal forces only are of interest to the designer. The fluid particle
velocity and acceleration induce a horizontal drag force and an inertial force which
taken together may be considerably large.
In the case of major bridges in wide navigable waters, it is necessary to provide for
the possibility of boats, barges and vessels colliding with the piers during storms
and foggy weather. For example, Mandavi and Zuari bridges on National Highway
No. 17 in Goa have to allow very heavy barge traffic in the rivers to transport iron are
for export. Collision of the barges with the piers should be prevented to the extent
possible, to avoid damage to both the bridge and the barge. The best protection
from the point of view of safety to the barge is a fender of wooden piles around the
pier. However, such wooden piles have not been effective in the case of Mandavi
first bridge. Hence, more complicated concrete fenders were adopted for the Zuari
bridge. The determination of the magnitude and direction of the collision force to
be provided for in the design is difficult, requiring considerable engineering
judgment, and Gan best be done after conducting model tests and theoretical
assessment of probability of occurrence of collision. When barge impact is to be
provided for, only solid type piers are to be adopted.
65 BCO3.12
Q.7. What are Abutment? What are the various components of it? Also discuss the
forces considered for its design.
Ans. An abutment is the substructure which supports one terminus of the
superstructure of a bridge and, at the same time, laterally supports the
embankment which serves as an approach to the bridge. For a river briqge, the
abutment also protects the embankment from scour of the stream; Bridge
abutments can be made of masonry, plain concrete or reinforced concrete.
An abutment generally consists ofthe following three distinct structural elements:
(i) the breast wall which directly supports the dead and live loads of the
superstructure, and retains the filling of the embankment in its rear ; (ii) the wind
walls, which act as extensions of the breast wall in retaining the fill though not
taking any loads from superstructure; and (iii) the back wall (also known as dirt
wall), which is a small retaining wall just behind the bridge seat, preventing the 1'low
of material from the fill on to the bridge seat.
In abutment design, the forces to be considered are:
(1) Dead load due to superstructure.
(2) Live load on the superstructure.
(3) Self weight ofthe abutment.
(4) Longitudinal forces due to tractive effort and braking and due to temperature
variation and concrete shrinkage.
(5) Thrust on the abutment due to retained earth and effect of live loads on the fill
at the rear of the abutment. The latter effect is considered in design as an
equivalent surcharge. The Bridge Code (Clause 714.4) requires all
abutments to be designed for a live load surcharge of 1.2 m height of earth fill.
Of the above forces, the earth pressure is the most dif1icult to compute correCtly.
The magnitude of earth pressure varies with the character of the material used for
back fill and the moisture content. The earth pressure is important in abutment
construction to place the' fill material carefully and to arrange for its proper
drainage. A good drainage system may be secured by placing rock fill immediately
behind the abutment.
The braking force is usually larger than the tractive effort and is taken as 0.2 of the
weight of the design vehicle. The other longitudinal forces due to temperature
variation and concrete shrinkage at the bearing level may be conservatively
assumed as 10% ofthe dead load from superstructure.
Q. 8. State how the backfill behind an abutment is to be constructed.
Ans. Backfill behind abutment
The design and construction of the backfill and drainage behind the abutment
should be carefully attended to. A layer of filter material well packed to a thickness
66 BCO-3.12
of 600 mm should be provided over the entire surface behind the abutment, with
smaller size towards the soil and the larger size towards the wall. Adequate
number of weep holes should be provided to prevent any accumulation of water
and building up of hydrostatic pressure behind the walls. The weep holes may be
of 100 mm diameter with 1 in 20 slope placed at about 1.0 m spacing in both
directions above the low water level.
The backfill should be of clean broken stone, gravel, sand or any other pervious
material of adequate length to form a wedge of cohesion less backfill. The fill
should be compacted in layers. Cohesive backfill should be compacted in layers
by rollers to maximum dry density at optimum moisture content. The sequence of
filling behind the abutment should be controlled to conform to the assumptions
made in the design. For example, if the earth pressure in front of the abutment
(normally ignored) has been assumed in design, the front filling should be done
along with the filling behind the abutment layer by layer. Similarly, if the design
assumes that the dead load of the superstructure exists when the earth pressure
due to embankment is applied, the filling behind the abutment should be deferred
till the placement of the superstructure.
Q.9. What are the different types offoundations used in bridge structures?
Ans. The foundations used in bridge structures may be broadly classified as :
(i) Shallow foundations, and
(ii) Deep foundations.
A shallow foundation is defined as one whose depth is smaller than its width. And
can be prepared by open excavation, and a deep foundation is one which cannot
be prepared by open excavation. Footings and raft foundations are examples of
shallow foundations. Shallow foundations transfer the load to the ground by
bearing at the bottom of the foundation. In the case of a deep foundation, the load
transfer is partly by point bearing at the bottom of foundation and partly by skin
friction with the soil arouQd the foundation along its embedment in the soil.
Deep foundations are classified as :
(a) Pile foundations, and
(b) Caisson foundations.
A pile is defined as a column-support type of foundation which may be precast or
formed at site. Caisson (well) foundation is a structure with a hollow portion, which
is generally built in parts and sunk through the ground to the prescribed depth and
which subsequently becomes an integral part ofthe permanentfoundation.
Caisson foundations are of two types:
(a) Open caissons (also known as well foundations in India) ; and
(b) Pneumatic asissons.
67 BCO-3.12
An open caisson is one that has no top or bottom cover during its sinking. It is more
popularly known as well foundation. A pneumatic caisson is a caisson with a
permanent or temporary roof near the bottom so arranged that men can work in
the compressed air trapped under it. Pneumatic caisson can be used for a depth of
about 30 m below water level, beyond which pile foundations would have to be
resorted to.
The selection of the foundation system for a particular site depends on many
considerations, including the nature of subsoil, the presence of boulders, buried
tree trunks, etc., and the availability of expertise the region where the bridge work is
located. Generally, piles would be suitable when a thick stratum of soft soil
overlays a hard soil. Caissons are preferred in sandy soils.
O. 10.' Under what conditions we can use Shallow Foundations?
Ans. Shallow foundations can be laid using open excavation by allowing natural slopes
on all sides. This is convenient above the water table and is practicable up to a
depth of about 5 m. For larger depths and for work under water, it would be
necessary to use shoring with sheet piles or to resort to the provision of
cofferdams. The purpose of shoring and cofferdams is to permit excavation with
minimum extra width over the foundation width and to facilitate working on the
foundation "in the dry", using suitable water pumping arrangements. In case of
shoring, sheathing with timber planks supported by wales and struts is provided as
the excavation proceeds. The size of the excavation at the bottom should be
sufficiently large to permit adequate space for fixing formwork around the footing
and to leave a working space of about 300 mm all around. The limiting depth of
coefferdams is normally about 10m. When the excavation reaches the foundation
level, the exposed area of the bottom of the pit is leveled and compacted by
ramming. In case pumping of water is necessary, a sump is provided to drain the
water. A leveling course of about 150 mm thickness with lean concrete (1 :3.6 or
1 :4:8 by volume) is laid. The plan of the pier is marked on the top of the leveling
course, and construction is ,commenced.
A shallow foundation usually consists of spread footings in concrete or coursed
rubble masonry. The bottom most footing over the leveling course is of plain
concrete 1:3:6 mix or of reinforced concrete of suitable thickness. The depth of
foundation should be such that the foundation rests on soil with adequate bearing
capacity. The maximum pressure on the foundation should be checked to ensure
adequate factors of safety for different combinations of loads as specified in the
IRC Code. The area around the footing due to excavation should be carefully
backfilled with riprap stone and not with erodible soil.
O. 11. Under what Condition we can use Pile Foundation? What are the different types of
piles according to material?
Ans. Pile foundations are used for bridges in the following situations : (a) when the
founding strata underlies deep standing water and soft soil; (b) when the
68 BCO-3,12
foundation level is more than 30 m below the water level, so that pheumatic sinking
of wells is difficult; (c) when suitable founding strata is available below a deep layer
of soft soil; and (d) in conditions where pile foundations are more economical than
Pile foundations may be divided into two groups:
(i) Foundations with friction piles, and
(ii) Foundations with point bearing piles.
A friction pile develops bearing capacity to a major extent by skin friction, Le., it
transfers the load to the adjacent soil by friction along the embedded length of the
pile. Friction piles are driven in ground whose strength does not increase
appreciably with depth. A point bearing pile transfers practically all of its load by
end bearing to a hard stratum on which it rests. It should be ensured that the strata
beneath the bearing layer are not too weak to carry the additional loads. The load
carrying capacity of the pile is the lesser of the values of its structural capacity and
the capacity of the supporting soil to carry the load. For an economical design, the
dimensions of the pile should be so chosen that the structural capacity of the pile is
nearly equal to the estimated supporting capacity of the soil for the pile. The pile tip
should be rested on hard strata having a thickness of about twelve times the
diameter or side of the pile. The minimum spacing of piles should be 2.5 to 3.0
times the diameter ofthe larger pile.
Piles can be of timber, steel, reinforced concrete or prestressed concrete. Timber
piles are not used for bridges nowadays, due to lack of suitable logs of long length,
and due to susceptibility to damage by rot, borers, etc. H-section steel piles can be
used, but they are not common in India due to shortage of steel. Reinforced
concrete piles are in general use. Prestressed concrete tubular piles of diameter
1.5 to 6.0 m have been used in USA and Japan, in view of better ductility and high
axial compressive capacity.
Concrete piles can be precast or cast-in-situ. Each type has advantages as well as
disadvantages. Since bridge structures involve foundations under water or in soil
with a high water table, precast piles are often preferred. Precast piles can be made
to high quality with respect to dimensions, reinforcement disposition and concrete
strength, and hence the structural capacity of these piles can be relied upon.
However, the length of pile is limited to about 20 m depending on the driving
equipment. The main advantage of an in-situ pile is that there is no wastage of
concrete and no chance of damage to pile during driving exists. Also, the soil
occurring at the foundation level is seen prior to placing the concrete for the pile. A
serious disadvantage is the possibility of inadequate curing due to chemical attack
in aggressive subsoil water, which condition is likely to go undetected during
construction. Further, the occurrence of necking of concrete during removal ofthe
forming shell and mixing of the concrete with the surrounding soil should be
carefully guarded against.
69 BCO-3.12
Q. 12. How will you calculate the load carrying capacity of pile group?
Ans. Load carrying capacity of pile group
For point bearing piles, the safe load per pile when used in a group can be taken
nearly the same as that obtained from a load test. In the case of friction piles, the
bearing capacity of an individual pile in a group of piles is less than the individual
capacity under identical conditions of the soil and depth of embedment. In other
words, the efficiency of the pile in a group is less than 100 per cent. This is because
most ofthe soil which assists in supporting a single pile by radial distribution of the
load through vertical shear will also be required to assist in the support of other
piles driven nearby. Increase in spacing of piles will tend to improve the efficiency,
but will also necessitate larger size of pile cap. The minimum spacing on centers is
generally taken as three times the size of the pile or 1 m, whichever is greater.
The efficiency factor F, by which the bearing capacity of a single pile is to be
multiplied to arrive at the capacity of a friction pile in pile group, is frequently
obtained from Converse-Labarre formula, given by Equation.
1-9 (n-l)M+(m--l)n
Where n = number of piles per row
m = number of rows
e = arctan (dis), in degrees
d = diameter of pile
s = spacing of pile centers.
Vertical piles are generally adopted. Batter piles (also known as ranking piles) are
more efficient to carry horizontal forces occurring at abutments and piers.
However, batter piles are difficult to drive with accuracy on the slope. These also
need special equipment and expertise. The maximum rake permitted for precast
driven piles is 1 in 4. When using a combination of vertical and batter piles, the
analysis should consider the total system of the pile group with the pile cap,as
these act together.
Q. 13. Explain cast-in-place concrete piles along with advantages and disadvantages.
Ans. Cast-in-place concrete piles are constructed in their permanent position by filling
with concrete the holes which have been formed in the ground in various ways for
the purpose. There are two types:
70 BCO-3.12
(a) the shell pile, in which a steel shell is first driven with a mandrel and concrete
is placed, leaving the shell in place, and
(b) the shell-less pile, in which the pipe and mandrel used for making the hole are
removed as the concrete is filled in. Reinforcement is provided for the entire
length of the pile, the minimum area being 0.4 per cent of the gross cross
section area of the pile. The shell type is suitable for long piles, e.g. the
Raymond cast-in-situ closed end pipe pile 114 m long under one of the
monorail piers at Walt Di.sney World, Florida. The shell-less type can be used
only in firm soil or in conjunction with Bentonite slurry. Most of the methods
used for cast-in-place piles are either covered by patents or specialized by
particular firms.
A recent innovation is the use of rotary drilling rigs for cast-in-place piles for the
flyovers at Mumbai. Compared to the traditional percussion boring, the rotary
drilling method is faster, facilitates smooth working without vibrations transmitted
to the surrounding properties, permits use of 4 mm thick liner plates instead of 6
mm plates normally required and ensures proper anchorage atthetip ofthe pile.
The placing of concrete in the cast-in-place pile should be performed with utmost
care. Where possible, the concrete should be placed in a clean dry hole through a
funnel connected to a pipe such that the flow of concrete is directed and the end of
the pipe penetrates the concrete placed just previously.
Special precautions are necessary when placing concrete under water. When the
hole is bored with the use of drilling mud (bentonite), concreting should be done
after ensuring that the specific gravity of the slurry is less than 1.2. The slurry
should be maintained 1.5 m above the ground water level if casing is not used. The
concrete should have cement content not less than 400 kg/m
and a slump of
about 150 mm. The concrete must be placed by the tremie method, and must be
completed in one continuous operation. The trernie pipe, should have a minimum
diameter of 150 mm for 20mm aggregate. The pipe should always penetrate well
into the placed concrete. The top of the concrete in a pile should be brought above
the cut-off level so that the pile will have good concrete after removal of laitance
and weak concrete before pile cap is laid.
Q. 14. State the principles of design of a pile foundation for a bridge pier and sketch the
detail of a typical foundation.
Ans. A typical pile foundation for a bridge pier is shown in Fig. 3.3, wherein sixteen
precast R.C. piles have been used. The foundation relates to a pier for a bridge with
18 m clear spans and caters to a load of 5000 kN, occurring along with a moment of
1400 kN. M at pile cap level. The piles are of point bearing type resting on firm
The total reaction on any pile due to vertical reaction and moment is computed
from Equation.
71 BCO-3.12
p= l:V + l:M1d1+ l:M
n - L d ~ - l:di
where P = total pile reaction resulting from moment and direct load
LV = sum ofthe vertical loads acting on the foundations
LM = sum of moments aboutthe center of gravity ofthe group, the
subscript denoting the centroidal axis about which the moment
n = number of piles in the group
d = distance from the center ofthe gravity of the group to the pile in
question, the subscript indicating the centroidal axis about which
the moment acts.
= sum ofthe squares of distances to each pile from the center of
gravity of the group, the subscript denoting the corresponding
centroidal axis.
The individual piles are checked for the maximum and minimum pile reaction.
Handling stresses are to be computed and checked for two cases: (a) hoisting
from ground by one-point slinging, the slinging point being at 0.293 L from the top
end, and (b) lifting by two-point slinging, the support points being located at 0.207
Lfrom either end, Ldenoting the overall length ofthe pile.
1'\,0" ... _
Fig. 3.3 Typical Pile Foundation.
72 BCO-3.12
If the pile is to function as a bearing pile, the column strength should also be
investigated. The volume of lateral ties used in the body of the pile will be about
0.4% ofthe gross volume ofthe pile. At the two ends, the spacing will be reduced to
half the normal spacing for a length of about two times the side or diameter of the
A pile cap is needed to distribute the load from the pier to the piles. Normally, a
thickness of about 0.9 m will be adequate. The pile head will be stripped and the
longitudinal bars embedded inside the cap for a length of about 0.6 m. As the base
of the pier covers all the pile heads, the cap need not be checked for bending and
shear. However, nominal reinforcement of 18 mm diameter bars at 300 m m centers
will be provided as shown in Fig. 3.3.
Q. 15. Discuss the Well Foundation in detail along with its basic shapes.
Ans. Well foundation (open caisson) is the most commonly adopted foundation for
major bridges in India. This type evolved in India, and has been adopted for the Taj
Mahal. Since then, many major bridges across wide rivers have been founded on
wells. Well foundation is preferable to pile foundation when the foundation has to
resist large lateral forces, the river bed is prone to heavy scour, heavy floating
debris are expected during floods and when boulders are embedded in the
The basic shapes adopted for wells are shown in Fig. 3.4. The foundation may
consist of a single large diameter well or of a group of smaller wells of circular or
other shapes. The shape of wells may be circular, double-D, square, rectangular,
dumb-bell, etc. The circular well has the merit of simplicity for construction and
Two circular
(00 (Q:Q)
Fig. 3.4. Shapes of Wells in Plan.
73 BCO-3.12
sinking. Double-D, rectangular and dumb-bell shapes are used when the bridge
has multi-lane carriageway. For piers and abutments of v:;ry large size used in
cantilever, cable stayed or suspension bridges, large rectangular wells with
multiple dredge holes of square shape may be used. The size of the dredge hole is
decided so as to facilitate ease of construction and inspection ofthe foundation.
Q. 16. Draw a typical section through well foundation and indicate the different
II" \-. ,I "CAP
R.C. WEll
CC M15
J,' I. 0= 2 5.2!L.
, I
I: .
Oelll.1 01
Fig. 3.5 Typical Foundation Well.
Q. 17. Which material is used for constructing well steining ? What factors are considered
to determine the thickness ofthe Steining?
Ans. The steining is normally of reinforced concrete. The concrete used for steining
should be M15 for normal exposure. In areas of marine or adverse exposure, the
concrete for steining should be at least M20 with cement content not less than 310
74 BCO-3.12
'" "'
: ! ' l' SOQ _
I" :1
: 4- 180
... '
C.C M20
of concrete with water/cement ratio not more than 0.45.
The following factors are to be considered while determining the thickness of the
(a) It should be possible to sink the well without excessive kentledge.
(b) The wells should not get damaged during sinking.
(c) Ifthe well develops tilts or shifts during sinking, it should be possible to rectify
the tilts and shifts without damaging the well.
(d) The well should be abte to resist safely the earth pressure developing during
a sand blow that may occur during sinking.
(e) At any level of the steining, the stresses under all conditions of loading that
may occur during sinking or during service should be within permissible
The thickness of concrete steining should not be less than 500 mm nor less than
that given by Equation.
where t = minimum thickness of concrete steining in m
o = external diameter of circular well or dumb bell shaped well
smaller plan dimension of twin 0 well in m
L = depth of well in m below L.W.L. or top of well cap
whichever is greater
K = a constant depending on the nature of subsoil and
steining material (taken as 0.030 for circular well and 0.039
for twin-D well for concrete steining in sandy strata and 10%
more than the corresponding value in the case of clayey soil)
Q. 18. Write a Short Note on
(a) Well Curb
(b) Bottom and Top Plug
Ans. (a) Well Curb. The well curb carries the cutting edge for the well and is made up
of reinforced concrete using controlled concrete of grade M25. The cutting edge
usually consists of a mild steel equal angle of side 150 mm. The angle will have one
side projecting downward from the curb as shown in Fig. 3.5 for soils where
boulders are not expected. In soils mixed with boulders, the angle will have the
vertical leg embedded in the steining in such a manner that the horizontal leg ofthe
angle is flush with the bottom of the curb. The reinforcement in a well curb will be
arranged as shown in Fig. 3.5, assuring a minimum quantity of steel of 72 kg/m
75 BCO-3.12
concrete. The angle as shown in the figure will be normally about 30 degrees and
will be less for stiff strata. In case blasting is anticipated, the outer face of the well
curb should be protected with 6 mm thick steel plate for half the height of the curb
and the inner face should have 10 mm plate up to the top of the curb and 6 mm
plate further up to a height of 3 m above the top of the curb. The steel plates are to
be properly anchored to the concrete. In such a case, the curb and the steining for
a height of 3 m above the top of curb should have additional hoop steel.
(b) Bottom Plug, Filling and TC?P Plug. A bottom plug is essential to transfer the
load from the well steining to the base soil. It is usually provided for a thickness of
about half the diameter of the dredge hole. In practice the bottom plug is provided
up to a hejght of 0.3 m above the top of well curb. The concrete used is of 1\1120
grade, the richness of the mix being necessitated by the possibility of loss of part of
the cement due to under-water placing of the concrete. The concrete is usually
placed in one continuous operation by the tremie method, i.e., pouring through a
funnel and tube whose bottom end is kept immersed in concrete in plastic state
placed just earlier or very near the bottom at start. When wells are founded on bed
rock, it is normal to provide anchor bars of 32 mm diameter to anchor the bottom
plug into the rock by about 2.0 m depth.
A top plug of M15 concrete is generally provided for a thickness of about 0.6 m
beneath the well cap and on top ofthe compacted sand filling.
The space inside the well between the bottom of the top plug and the top of the
bottom plug is usually filled with clean sand, so that the stability of the well against
overturning is increased. While this practice is good in case of wells resting on
sand or rock, the desirability of sand filling for wells resting on clayey strata is
doubtful, as this increases the load on the foundation and may lead to greater
settlement. In the latter case, the sand filling is done only for the part of the well up
to scour level and the remaining portion is left free.
Q. 19. Discuss the design procedure for a single well sunk in sandy strata.
Ans. The depth offoundation is decided so as to provide adequate grip length below the
maximum scour level and to rest on a suitable bearing strata. This is <;:hecked for
. two conditions of stability: (i) the maximum soil reaction from the sides cannot
exceed the maximum passive pressure at any depth, and (ii) the soil pressure at
the base should be compressive throughout and the maximum pressure should
not exceed the allowable pressure on the soil atthe base.
The first condition will be satisfied if
MIl is not greater than w (k
- k
where M =total applied moment about base of well
76 BCO-3.12
w = density of soil, submerged density to be taken when under
water or below water table
K., =coefficient of passive earth pressure
cos <p
sin (<p + z) sin <p ]
, cosz
K" = coefficient of active earth pressure
cos <p
sin z)sin
=angle of internal 'friction of soil
z =angle offriction between well and soil, to be taken as 0.67
limited to 22.5 degrees
=Ib + Iv (1 +2a. tan z)
Ib =moment of inertia of base about the axis normal to direction of
horizontal forces paSSing through the center of gravity ofthe base
Iv = moment of inertia ofthe projected area in elevation of the soil mass
offering resistance
= 12
L =projected width of soil mass offering resistance multiplied bythe
appropriate value of shape factor, which is 0.9 for circular well and
1.0 for rectangular well
D =depth of well below scour level
aD =0.5 base width for rectangular wells orO.318 diameter for circular
If the above condition is not satisfied, the grip length required is determined by
putting MIl =w(k
- k
) and the revised value is adopted.
77 BCO-3.12
For the second condition, the maximum and minimum soil pressures at base are
computed from Equation.
where 0'10'2 maximum and minimum base pressures, respectively
W =net downward load acting atthe base of well, including the self
weight of well and the upward vertical force equal to P. tan z due
to wall friction and the total horizontal soil reaction P
A =area ofthe base of well
B = width of base of well in the direction offorces and moments.
Ifthe above condition is not satisfied, the well will have to be redesigned suitably.
Q.20. What do you mean by sinking of wells.
Ans. Well sinking is a specialized operation requiring considerable skill. When a
concrete well is to be sunk on shore or with shallow water depth, it is usual to sink
the well up to about 6 m by excavating the soil in the dredge hole by employing
skilled divers, and after dredging, pumping out water from the sump to induce
sinking. A tripod and a mechanical grab operated by a power winch may also be
used. The sinking of the well through the soil is resisted by skin friction along the
external surface of the well and by bearing on the cutting edge at the bottom. These
resistances are overcome by the dead weight of the well steining reduced by the
buoyancy of the submerged portion. If the side friction is 50 great as to retard the
sinking under its own weight, additional load (known as kentledge) is added at the
top of the steining to aid sinking. When addition of kentledge is inadequate, a
practical remedy is to suspend dredging for a brief period to allow the water in the
dredge hole to reach its normal level, and to pump out the water under observation
50 that the resulting differential head reduces the skin friction leading to better
sinking (as done in the Vasista bridge in Andhra Pradesh). The average rate of
sinking per day for a medium sized well will be about 900 mm in sandy strata and
about 500 mm in clayey strata. For large sized wells, the rate of sinking per deW may
be about 600 mm in sandy strata and about 400 mm in clayey strata.
For water depth less than 7 m and the stream velocity less than 2 mis, an artificial
temporary island may be built at the pier location and the curb of the caisson can
be built on this island. For depths of water 7 to 10m and velocity in excess of 2 mis,
a cofferdam made from wooden poles, bamboo matting and clay filling is used to
protect the sand island. This method would facilitate accurate location of the curb
of the well for sinking.
78 BCO-3.12
0.1 What is the minimum thickness of concrete used for pier cap?
0.2 What are the materials used for the construction Of piers and abutments?
0.3 Name the type of foundation used in Taj Mahal?
0.4 Name the various forces considered in designing the abutment?
O.S What is the value of depth upto which pneumatic caisson is used?
0.6 What is the importance of bottom plug in well foundation?
0.7 On which factor does top width of pier depends?
0.8 What is the diameter of weep holes?
0.9 Why are timber piles not used nowadays?
0.10 What is cast in place concrete piles?
79 BCO-3.12
1. The component of bridge provided to transmit the load from the superstructure to
the substructure is:
a. Foundation
b. PierCap
c. Bearing
d. All the above
2. A Fixed bearing at one end and an expansion bearing at the other is provided in
case of:
a. Simply supported beams
b. Continuous beams
c. Overhanging beams
d. None ofthe above
3. The bearing which allow rotation but restricttranslation is:
a. Expansion bearing
b. Fixed bearing
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None ofthe above
4. Which of the following is the type of expansion bearing?
a. Steel hinge
b. Rocker bearing
c. Sliding plate bearing
d. All the above
5. Which of the following is the type offixed bearing?
a. Sliding plate bearillg
b. Elastomeric bearing
c. R.C. rocker fixed bearing
d. All the above.
80 BCO-3.12
6. Metallic bearings is to be provided for skew bridges with skew angle;
a. less than 20 degrees
b. more than 20 degrees
c. more than 30 degrees
d. none ofthe above
7. Which type of bearing is provided for girder bridges of spans upto span of 15 m?
a. Rocker Bearing
b. Sliding plate bearing
c. sliding cum rocker bearing
d. all the above
8. Which type of bearing permits longitudinal movement by rolling and
simultaneously allows rotational movement?
a. Reinforced Concrete Rocker Expansion Bearing
b. Steel Roller-Cum- Rocker Bearing
c. Elastomeric Bearing
d. All the above
9. Which type of bearing is used only for long span bridges in view oftheir cost?
a. Rocker Bearing
b. Cast Steel Hinge
c. Mild Steel Rocker Bearing
d. Elastomeric Bearing
10. Which type of bearing accommodates both rotation and translation through
deformation ofthe elastomer?
a. Rocker Bearing
b. Cast Steel Hinge
c. Mild Steel Rocker Bearing
d. Elastomeric Bearing
Answer Key:
1. c 2. a I 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. d 9. c 1 10. d I
81 BCO-3.12
1. Bearings are provided in bridges to transmit the load from the superstructure to the
2. Fixed bearing allows both rotation and translation.
3. The design of bearing depends upon the type of superstructure, type of supports,
and also on.the length of support.
4. A simply supported beam requires fixed bearing on both the supports.
5.Atwo span girder would have a fixed bearing atthe central support and expansion
bearing at the two abutments. .
Answer Key:
1. T 2.F 3.T 4.F S.T
82 BCO-3.12
1. What are the functions of bearing in bridges?
Ans: Bearings are provided in bridges to transmit the load from the superstructure to the
substructure in slJch a manner that the bearing stresses induced in the
substructure are within permissible limits. They also accommodate certain relative
movements between the superstructure and the substructure.
2. What are the different types of expansion bearing?
Ans: Expansion bearings for girder bridges are ofthe following types:
(a) Sliding plate bearing
.(b) Sliding-cum-rocker bearing
(c) Steel roller-cum-rocker bearing
(d) R.C. rocker expansion bearing
(e) Elastomeric bearing
3. Give the range of movement of bridge structure, expressed as a proportion of the
expansion length.
Ans: For the purpose of preliminary estimates, the maximum range of movement due to
all causes, expressed as a proportion ofthe expansion length, may be assumed as
In-situ reinforced concrete 0.0009
Precast reinforced concrete 0.0007
In-situ prestressed concrete 0.0016
Precast prestressed concrete 0.0011
Steel 0.0009
Composite steel and concrete 0.0008
4. What are the advantages of Elastomeric Bearing over the other type of Bearing?
Ans: Since metallic bearings are expensive in cost and maintenance, the recent trend is
to favour elastomeric bearings. An elastomeric bearing accommodates both
rotation and translation through deformation of the elastomeric. These bearings
are easy to install, low in cost and require practically no maintenance. They do not
freeze, corrode or deteriorate. Barring an earthquake, the only probable causes for
failure of an elastomeric bearing are inferior materials, incorrect design or
improper installation. Elastomeric bearings can tolerate loads and movements
exceeding the design values.
83 BCO-3.12
What are the properties of elastomer used for bearing?
The elastomer used for bearings should have the hardness and tensile elongation
properties as below:
Hardness (lRHO) 55 to 65 degrees, on International Rubber Hardness
Ultimate tensile strain:
(The IRHO scale extends from 0 to 100, an eraser being
around 30 and a cartyre about 60 IRHO)
400 per cent minimum
Whatdo you mean by Joints?
The joint is the weakest and most vulnerable area in bridge design. Unless
properly designed, the distress at bridge jOints will lead to many maintenance
problems, ranging from spelling of concrete edges at the jOint to deterioration of
pier caps. With the extremely high density of traffic occurring on most major
bridges, maintenance work on the bridge should be restricted to a minimum length
of time. Hence the jOints on a bridge should be so designed as to perform
satisfactorily for a long time without requiring repair or replacement.
What are the different types of Joints?
Three types of jOints occur on a bridge structure:
(a) construction joint,
(b) expansion jOint, and
(c) contraction jOint.
8. What are the various causes of reconstruction?
Ans: The main causes of reconstruction include:
inadequate carriageway forthe volume oftraffic;
structural inadequacy due to deterioration or increase in design loadings;
insufficient waterway for river bridges and
inadequate clearances for road under bridges.
What is the difference between the expansion and contraction joint?
Expansion jOints and contraction joints are provided to take care of deformations
due to change in temperature. The difference between the two types is in the depth
of the joint and also in the width. Contraction jOints, where provided, will be only for
a part of the depth of the slab and will often be of smaller width. Expansion joints
will bethefull depth of the member.
84 BCO-3.12
10. What is the role of providing a construction joint?
Ans: Construction joint is necessary whenever the placement of concrete has to be
stopped temporarily before the completion of the entire monolithic portion under
construction. Such temporary suspension of concrete placement may sometimes
be unexpected, if it is due to failure of machinery such as concrete mixer, vibrator,
etc. But oftf3n, it may be scheduled to facilitate addition of reinforcements for a top
portion, as in the case ofthe stem of a retaining wall. When foundations of adjacent
parts of the structure are at different levels, as in the case of the junction between
the abutment and the wing wall, a construction joint should be provided.
11. What is the purpose of providing wearing course over concrete bridge deck?
Ans: A wearing course (sometimes referred as wearing coat) is provided over concrete
bridge decks to protect the structural concrete from the direct wearing effects of
traffic and also to provide the cross camber required for surface drainage. The
wearing course may be of asphaltic concrete or cement concrete.
12. What does Quality Assurance Includes?
Ans: Quality Assurance (QA) includes all those planned actions necessary to provide
adequate confidence that the product (in this case, the bridge) will meet the
requirements, and is essentially a system of planning, organizing and controlling
human skills to assure quality. Quality Control (QC) deals with operational
techniques of controlling quality.
13. What are the factors considered while planning and deSigning formwork?
Ans. The following factors should considered while planning and designing formwork.
(a) Strength..
(b) Stiffness.
(c) Repetition.
(d) Durability.
(e) Strippability..
(f) Cost.
14. Why guide bunds are provided across the major bridges?
Ans: Guide bunds are provided to channel the flow of flood waters in the river towards
the ventway of the bridge and to afford protection to the road embankment from
flange attack during floods. Spurs are provided fortraining the river along a desired
course by attracting, deflecting or repelling the flow of a channel
85 BCO-3.12
Q. 1. What is the Function of Bearings in Bridges?
Ans. Bearings are provided in bridges to transmit the load from the superstructure to the
substructure in such a manner that the bearing stresses induced in the
substructure are within permissible limits. They should also accommodate certain
relative movements between the superstructure and the substructure. The latter
are usually due to one or more of the following;
(a) longitudinal movement due to temperature variation;
(b) rotation due to deflection ofthe girders; and
(c) vertical movement due to sinking ofthe supports.
In addition, there can be movements due to shrinkage, prestressing or creep. The
movement and rotations may be reversible or irreversible. The reversible effects
are usually cyclic and are due to temperature changes and live loads. Effects due
to settlement of supports, prestressing, creep or shrinkage are irreversible.
The magnitude of thermal movement depends on the coefficient of lir:-tear
expansion and the temperature range to which the member is subjected. For the
purpose of preliminary estimates, the maximum range of movement due to all
causes, expressed as a proportion of the expansion length, may be assumed as
In-situ reinforced concrete 0.0009
Precast reinforced concrete 0.0007
In-situ prestressed concrete 0.0016
Precast prestressed concrete 0.0011
Steel 0.0009
Composite steel and concrete 0.0008
The end rotation of a beam of uniform section may be estimated for initial
assessments as four times the maximum permissible midspan deflection divided
by the span.
Q.2. What are the different types of expansion bearings for girder bridges? state the
circumstances under which each would be appropriate.
Ans. Girder bridges should be provided with fixed and expansion bearing. Fixed
bearings should have provision for rotation and expansion bearings should be
able to allow longitudinal movements as well as rotation. During construction,
expansion bearings should be properly aligned to correct for the temperature
prevailing at the time of erection. For bridges in gradient, the bearing plates are to
be placed in a horizontal plane.
86 BCO-3.12
In seismic areas, suitable guides should be incorporated in the bearings to prevent
the roller and rocker from being displaced during earthquakes.
For skew bridges with skew angle less than 20 degrees, the metallic bearings to be
provided are placed at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the bridge. When the
skew angle is more than 20 degrees and the span length along the longitudinal
axis is less than 10m, arrangement for sliding should be made at both supports. If
the span length exceeds 10m, the fixed bearing is provided at the obtuse corner of
the bridge. Since the axis of rotation and the direction of longitudinal movement
are not perpendicular, the fixed bearing should be capable of allowing rotation in
any direction, and the free bearing should allow movement and rotation in any
direction. In the case of curved bridges, bearings which allow movement and
rotation in any direction are used.
Expansion bearings for girder bridges are ofthe following types:
(e) Sliding plate bearing
en Sliding-cum-rocker bearing
(g) Steel roller-cum-rocker bearing
(h) R.C. rocker expansion bearing
Q.3. What are the considerations for the design of an elastomeric bearing for a girder
Ans. The dimensioning of the bearing and the number of internal layers of elastomer
chosen are arranged in such a manner that the following design criteria are
(i) The plan dimensions shall conform to 'preferred numbers' R'20 series of IS:
1076,e.g., 10, 12, 14, 16, 18,20,22,25,28,32,36,40,45,50,56,63,71,80,
(ii) The effective area of the bearing (equal to plan area of the laminate) should
be adequate such that the average normal stress is less than the permissible
contact pressure for the concrete structure.
(iii) The ratio of overall length to breadth is equal to or less than 2.
(iv) The total elastomer thickness is between one-fifth and one-tenth of the
overall breadth ofthe bearing.
(v) Translation: The thickness of the elastomer in the bearing should be
adequate to restrict the shear strain due to horizontal load and horizontal
movement due to creep, shrinkage and temperature to a value less than 0.7.
In the absence of more accurate analysis, the longitudinal translation due to
creep, shrinkage and temperature can be computed assuming a total
longitudinal strain of 5x10-4 for common R.C. bridge decks. The shear
modulus of the elastomer is assumed as 1 N/mm2. [1 RC : 83 permits the
value of shear modulusto be between 0.8 N/mm2. and 1.2 N/mm2.]
87 BCO-3.12
(vi) The thickness of an internal layer of elastomer hi' the thickness of a laminate
h. and the elastomer cover at top and at bottom he are related as below:
10 12 16
h,.mm 3 3 4 6
he,mm 4 5 6 6
(vii) The side cover of elastomer for the steel laminates is 6 mm on all sides.
(viii) The shape factor S is between 6 and 12.
The shape factor may be computed from Equation
S (a- 2c)(b -2c)
2 (a + b' 4c) hi
(i) Rotation:
The n umber of elastomer layers provided shall satisfy the relation
U ~ ~ .n,ubi,max
where a =angle of rotation, which may be taken as 400. Mmax. L/(EI). 10
Mmax = maximum midspan bending moment in superstructure
L =effective span of superstructure
i =moment of inertia of superstructure section
E = elastic modulus of concrete in superstructure (which may be
taken as half the normal elastic modulus to cater for creep effects
due to permanent loads)
n ' =number of elastomer layers
For calculating a bi, max' (J m may betaken as 10 Mpa.
= 10 MPa
(x) Friction: Under any critical loading, the following limit shall be satisfied, to
ensure adequate friction.
Shear strain < 0.2 + 0.1 (Jm
10MPa> (Jm > 2MPa
88 BCO-3.12
(xi) Total shear stress:
The total shear stress due to normal load, horizontal load and rotation should
be less than 5 MPa.
Shear stress due to normal load = 1.5 O"m IS MPa
Shear stress due to horizontal load assuming shear modulus as 1 MPa
= (Shear strain) MPa
Shear stress due to rotation = 0.5 (b/hr ubi MPa
Q.4. Under what condition elastomeric bearing is provided ? Explain in details its
components & salient feature.
Since metallic bearings are expensive in cost and maintenance, the recent trend is
to favour elastomeric bearings. An elastomeric bearing accommodates both
rotation and translation through deformation of the elastomeric. These bearings
are easy to install, low in cost and require practically no maintenance. They do not
freeze, corrode or deteriorate. Barring an earthquake, the only probable causes for
failure of an elastomeric bearing are inferior materials, incorrect design or
improper installation. Elastomeric bearings can tolerate loads and movements
exceeding the design values.
Further, elastomeric bearings need no positive fixing like metallic bearings. The
height of bearings is minimum and much less than roller or rocker bearings, thus
contributing to reduction in cost of approaches. Removal and replacement, if
necessary, can be achieved easily. Since replacement of bearings during the
service life ofthe bridge may become necessary, the bridge design should provide
for suitable recesses to insert jack for lifting the deck along with the necessary
additional local strengthening in the superstructure.
An elastomer is any member of a class of polymeric substances obtained after
vulcanization and possessing characteristics similar to rubber, especially the
ability to regain shape almost completely after large deformation. Out of the many
forms of synthetic rubbers available, polychloroprene rubber known as 'neoprene'
is the best known and best tested in use. Natural rubber has many shortcomings. It
has only moderate weathering resistance, is inflammable and is vulnerable to
attacks by oxygen, ozone, oil and fuels. Elastomer has better weathering
resistance and is flame resistant. By adding antioxidants and antiozonants, its
resistance to attack by oxygen and ozone can be increased. Natural rubber
bearings are not permitted. Only elastomer is allowed for use in bridge bearings.
89 BCO-3.12
The elastomer used for bearings should have the hardness and tensile elongation
properties as below:
Hardness (IRHO) 55 to 65 degrees, on International Rubber Hardness
scale (The IRHO scale extends from 0 to 100, an
eraser being around 30 and a car tyre about 60
Ultimate tensile strain: 400 per cent minimum
Besides the above, other tests for adhesion to metal, compression set, ozone
resistance, ageing resistance, and low temperature stiffness are also prescribed.
0.5. Explain the process of installing Elastomeric Pad Bearings.
Ans. For in-situ construction, the bearing pad should be placed at the correct location
with proper alignment. The bearing should be protected to avoid grout or concrete
encasing or damaging the sides of the bearing. This can be achieved by
surrounding the bearing with expanded polystyrene and taping adequately
between the top surface of the bearing and the polystyrene. After the structure has
been cast, the polystyrene should be carefully removed.
When precast concrete girders are seated on the pad bearings, the bearings
should be first placed at the correct location with proper alignment. The lowering of
the precast girdes and seating should be done gradually without any jerk.
Movement of the bearing during seating of the girder should be carefully
prevented. This can be done by using epoxy-based resin bedding mortar below
the bearing to provide sufficient bond between the bearing and the pedestal. In
addition, a skim coating layer of mortar can be placed above the bearing prior to
beam seating to allow for minor irregularities between the two surfaces. Though
the design permits the bearing to be placed without any mortar, it will be prudent to
apply the epoxy mortar as above. All bearings installed along a Single line of
support should be of identical dimensions moderate bulging is to be expected and
allowed. The bulging becomes unacceptable if it is excessive, uneven among
layers and accompanied by cracks of the elastomer.
O. 6. What is a Joint? What are the different types of joints used in construction of bridge?
Ans. The joint is the weakest and most vulnerable area in bridge design. Unless
properly designed, the distress at bridge joints will lead to many maintenance
problems, ranging <from spalling of concrete edges at the joint to deterioration of
pier caps. With the extremely high density of traffic occurring on most major
90 BCO-3.12
bridges, maintenance work on the bridge should be restricted to a minimum length
of time. Hence the joints on a bridge should be so designed as to perform
satisfactorily for a long time without requiring repair or replacement.
Three types of jOints occur on a bridge structure : (a) construction jOint, (b)
expansion joint, and (c) contraction joint. Construction joint is necessary whenever
the placement of concrete has to be stopped temporarily before the completion of
the entire monolithic portion under construction. Such temporary suspension of
concrete placement may sometimes be unexpected, if it is due to failure of
machinery such as concrete mixer, vibrator, etc. But often, it may be scheduled to
facilitate addition of reinforcements for a top portion, as in the case ofthe stem of a
retaining wall. When foundations of adjacent parts of the structure are at different
levels, as in the case of the junction between the abutment and the wing wall, a
construction joint should be provided. Construction joints should be positioned to
minimize the effects of discontinuity on the durability, structural integrity and
appearance of the structure. Joints should be located away from regions of
maximum stress caused by loading, particularly where shear and bond stresses
are high.
Expansion joints and contraction jOints are provided to take care of deformations
due to change in temperature. The difference between the two types is in the depth
of the jOint and also in the width. Contraction joints, where provided, will be only for
a part of the depth of the slab and will often be of smaller width. Expansion joints
will bethefull depth ofthe member.
91 BCO-3.12
Q.7. Give the suitability criteria for different types of expansion joints along with
expected service life.
Ans. Table 4.1 Suitability Criteria for Different Types of Expansion Joints
SI. Type of Suitability Expected Special Considerations
Joint No.
Buried Joint Simply supported
spans with
movement up to 1 0
2. Filler Joint Simply supported
spans with
movement up to 10
3. Single Strip Movement up to 80
Seal Joint mm
4. Modular Movement over 80
StriplBox mm
Seal Joint
Finger Joints Movement between
80 mm ~ n d 200 mm
6. Special Joints Movement between
80 mm and 200 mm
. ,
Life, Years
Only for decks with
wearing course
Joint filler may need
replacement if found
Elastomeric seal may need
replacement during
service life
Elastomeric seal may need
replacement during
service life.
Not suitable for joints
involving differential
vertical movements. Joint
requires sound anchorage
with deck.
Joints in high seismic
zones. Special design to
accommodate large
longitudinal movements.
92 BCO-3.12
State the performance criteria for an effective jOint sealing system.
An effective joint sealing system for a long span bridge must satisfy the following
performance criteria.
(i) It must have the capability to successfully respond to any combination of the
many types of movement that might occur on a particular bridge, e.g. straight
distance change between the joint interfaces, racking distortion from the many
variations of skews, horizontal, angular, vertical and articulation motion patterns,
differential vibration of slab ends, impact, and warping.
(ii) It must seal out the entry of all foreign material with a potential for producing
restraint. It should guarantee that bearing seats, pier caps and bends do not
receive accumulations of these materials along with chemicals deleterious to the
performance life of steel or concrete.
(iii) It must seal out the entry of free water.
(iv) It must be capable of absorbing the various types and ranges of movement
within itself without being extruded above or expelled from the joint opening.
(v) With respect to the riding surface of the sealing system, it must be constructed of
materials which have a capability to withstand wear and impact from repetitive
and heavy traffic loadings, besides durability against petroleum products, and
(vi) It should have a long service life, ideally equal to the life of the bridge. Short lived
sealing solutions should have provision for simple and easy replacement with
minimum cost.
Howwould you provide kerbs for asubmersible bridge.
In the case of submersible bridges, handrails, if provided, should be collapsible
.1- . 8
::t=J I
-;-.......-_. I
i '" 49:
: :
: :
" ---..J 1 '
_I....L..-.. ,. :v.. : : ;1
l :::';; -1j
- .; tons
loA seCTION lit
Fig. 4.1 Typical R.C. Perforated Kerbs and Guideposts for Submersible Bridges.
93 BCO-3.12
during foods, so as to minimize obstruction to flow of water and passage of floating
debris. It is however, preferable to provide perforated kerbs along with diamond
shaped guide posts as shown in Fig. 4.1.
O. 10. Describe the provisions of guide bunds for a major river at a bridge site.
Ans. In case of major bridges across wide rivers, river training works such as guide
bunds, spurs and approach road protection works may sometimes be required.
Guide bunds are provided to channel the flow of flood waters in the river towards
the ventway of the bridge and to afford protection to the road embankment from
flange attack during floods. Spurs are provided for training the river along a desired
course by attracting, deflecting or repelling the flow of a channel. Approach
embankments may require protection of slopes by pitching along the slopes and a
short apron at the bed level. Detailed guidelines for the design and construction of
river training works are available in IRC : 89.
Guide bunds can be straight or elliptical with circular head and tail. Typical details
of an elliptical bund are shown in Fig. 4.2. Elliptical bund results in more uniform
flow through the bridge as compared to straight guide bund. The ratio of major to
minor axis is generally kept between 2.0 and 3.5. The length of the guide bund is
usually 1.0 to 1.25 L on the upstream side and about 0.2 L on the downstream side,
where L is the length of the bridge. The pitching on the river side should be made
with stones having minimum weight of 0.4 kN. The thickness of pitching is
computed from Equation.
t 0.06033
where t =thickness of pitching in m
o =design discharge in m
The thickness of stone pitching computed as above is checked to be between 0.3
m and 1.0 m. A filter is provided under the slope pitching to prevent the escape of
embankment material through the voids in the pitching.
An apron (known as launching apron) is provided at the toe of the river side slope
for the protection of the toe. The size of the stone should be such as to resist the
mean design velocity as given by Equation.
d= 0.042"
where d =diameter of stone in m
v =mean deSign velocity in m/s.
94 BCO-3.12
\00 I ...
' ... 0.3 -0$'2
-I.. , e ........
(tI) C!!tt !I5!ior! pi I!o!!!d
Fig. 4.2 Details of Guide Bund.
The minimum weight of stone used for apron is 0.4 kN. The width of launching
apron is generally taken as 1.5 d, where d is the maximum anticipated scour depth
below the bed level. The thickness ofthe apron is kept at 1.5t atthe inner end and at
2.25 t atthe outer end, as shown in Fig.
Q. 11 . What is the purpose of providing wearing course over concrete bridge deck?
Explain along with its different types.
Ans. A wearing course (sometimes referred as wearing coat) is provided over concrete
bridge decks to protect the structural concrete from the direct wearing effects of
traffic and also to provide the cross camber required for surface drainage. The
wearing course may be of asphaltic concrete or cement concrete. Asphaltic
concrete wearing course permits the use of buried expansion jOint for short spans
facilitating a smooth transition between the bridge and the approaches for the
riding surface. The thickness of the wearing course is kept uniform and the top of
the deck slab is adjusted to facilitate the cross camber for surface drainage.
(a) Asphaltic concrete wearing course
Asphaltic wearing course of 56 mm uniform thickness is desirable when the road
pavement on the approach on either side ofthe bridge is of asphaltic concrete. The
wearing course consists of the following: (i) A coat of mastic asphalt 6 mm thick .
with a prime coat over the deck slab ; and (ii) 50 mm thick asphaltic concrete
wearing course in two layers of 25 mm each.
95 BCO-3.12
(b) Cement concrete wearing course
Cement concrete wearing course of 75 mm uniform thickness in M30 concrete
over concrete deck slab may be adopted in case of isolated bridges where use of
asphaltic concrete is inconvenient. The wearing course should be reinforced with
6 $ 200 clc in both directions where the deck slab is in compression and with 6 ~
100 clc in both directions where the deck slab is tension. The reinforcement is
placed at the middle of the wearing course. The free ends of the reinforcement at
panel joints should be bent down to protect the ends ofthe joints.
The cement concrete wearing course should be laid in two longitudinal strips with
casting of alternate panels of equal length in each strip. The joints ofthe panels in
the two strips shall be staggered. While concreting the left out panels, bituminous
papers will be placed at the joints with the previously placed panels in orderto get a
separation between the panels. Shuttering will have to be provided at the free ends
for ensuring vertical face and also to attain good compaction.
Q. 12. Discuss how the construction method affects the total cost of a bridge.
Ans. The final cost of a bridge is the sum of the cost of permanent materials, the
proportionate cost to the project of plant and temporary works and the cost of
labour. The cost of permanent materials can be estimated reasonably correctly.
With experience, a bridge contractor can deal competently with the cost of plant
and temporary works. But the labour cost does not lend itself to exact analysis.
Recent competitive deSigns have attempted to introduce innovations in
construction methods with a view to effect economy in the cost on labour by
reducing temporary works and by minimizing the duration of site work.
The suitable techniques of construction of bridge superstructure will vary from site
to site, and will depend on the spans and length of the bridge, type of the bridge,
materials used and site conditions. For cast-in-situ concrete construction could be
adopted for short spans up to 40 m, ifthe river bed is dry for a considerable portion
of the year, whereas free cantilever construction with prestressed concrete
decking would be appropriate for long spans in rivers with navigational
requirements. The current trend is towards the avoidance of staging as much as
possible and to use precast or prefabricated components to the maximum extent.
Also, construction machinery such as cranes and launching girders are coming
into wider use. In the case of bridges across wide rivers, considerble saving in
construction cost has been achieved by innovative use of barge mounted cranes
for erection of one span at a time, as in the Delhi Noida bridge, and by adopting the
incremental push launching method as in Yamuna bridge for Delhi Metro. There
are greater savings to be effected by paying attention to the method of
construction even from the design stage than by attacking permanent materials.
96 BCO-3.12
Q.13. What is meant by quality assurance for bridge construction? Also list the four
classes of Quality Assurance.
Ans. The performance of a bridge is dependent on the strength and durability of its
components. These in turn depend on the quality attained at various stages of
development from planning, design and construction to maintenance to meet the
needs of the users. Quality in bridge engineering has to be achieved through
innovative planning, diligent design, intelligent direction, competent construction
and timely maintenance. For major bridges, it is desirable to prepare a quality
assurance manual for compliance during design and construction stages. The
most effective method of reducing maintenance costs is the implementation of a
efficient quality assurance procedure during the initial construction. The designer
should ensure that the structure could be built with ease and reliability under the
prevailing site conditions. In the case of reinforced concrete and prestressed
concrete bridges, special attention should be devoted to the "4-Cs", i.e.,
Constituents, Compaction, Cover and Curing.
Quality Assurance (QA) includes all those planned actions necessary to provide
adequate confidence that the product (in this case, the bridge) will meet the
requirements, and is essentially a system of planning, organizing and controlling
human skills to assure quality. Quality Control (QC) deals with operational
techniques of controlling quality.
Four classes of quality assurance are specified : (i) Q-1 Nominal QA ; (ii) Q-2
Normal QA ; (iii) Q-3 High QA ; and (iv) Q-4 Extra High QA. For bridge structures,
only the three classes Q-2, Q-3 and Q-4 are acceptable. Class Q-2 may be adopted
for bridges in reinforced concrete up to 60 m length with individual spans not
exceeding 20 m. Class Q-3 may be adopted for reinforced concrete bridges and
prestressed concrete bridges having length more than 60 m with individual spas
not exceeding 45 m. Q-4 class is applicable for bridges with innovative designs or
materials or construction techniques. The requirements of quality control and
degree of control for the different classes of quality for project preparation, design
and drawings, contractual aspects, construction organization, materials and
workmanship are specified in IRC:SP:47-1998. The compliance ofthe guidelines
in the above publication will be a step towards obtaining ISO: 9000 Quality
Q. 14. What are the activities involved during the inspection of bridge construction ?
Enlist the responsibilities of inspector for quality assurance inspection.
Ans. Inspection of activities during bridge construction aids better quality assurance
and promotes safety. Construction inspection includes checking of materials,
operations to produce various components, and the temporary structures such as
shoring systems, form work & false work. Material inspection should cover
checking of the concrete reinforcement and structural steel for conformance 10
97 BCO3,12
specifications. Operation inspection relates to ensuring that the structure is being
built at the correct locations, alignments and elevations according to the project
plans. The inspector should ensure that the ready-mixed concrete meets the
specifications and it is placed in the forms with proper vibration and consolidation.
Reinforcements should be placed as required in the plans in terms of grade, size
and location. Precast mortar blocks of proper quality and dimensions should be
used to ensure correct cover.
The inspector is responsible for the quality assurance inspection of all welding.
The welding equipment, procedures and techniques should be in accordance with
the relevant specifications. Component inspection involves checking of the
various components during construction for dimensions and finish. Temporary
structures need special attention to prevent distortions to final structures. During
placement of concrete, formwork should be inspected to prevent excessive
settlement and distortion of bracings. The forms should be mortar-tight and should
be strong enough to prevent excessive deflection. Safe working environment and
practices should be maintained at the construction site. In addition to construction
inspection, the inspector should also maintain an accurate record of work
performed by contractors.
0.15. Explain the construction of short span bridges.
Ans. For bridges involving spans up to about 40 m, the superstructure may be built on
staging supported on the ground. Alternatively, the girders may be precast for the
full span length and erected using launching girders or cranes, if the bridge has
many equal spans. In the latter procedure, the additional cost on erection
equipment should be less than the saving in the cost of formwork and the labour
cost resulting from faster construction. Precast concrete bridge construction
facilitates speedy erection. Hence it is one of the most favoured construction
techniques for bridge decks of small and medium spans.
An example of efficient site organization using precast prestressed girders and
special erection procedures is the Sone bridge at Dehri comprising 93 spans of
32.9 m each. Here the beams for the superstructure were precast in a casting yard
at one end of the bridge. After prestressing, each beam in proper sequences was
loaded on a tractor-trailer by a traveling gantry, moved to the span by the tractor
trailer and picked up and placed in position by a launching gantry. The repetitive
nature of work and. the extensive use of precast components carefully
incorporated in the design and the use of special machinery, helped to cut down
construction time considerably.
O. 16. Whatfactors should be considered while planning and designing formwork?
Ans. The following factors should be given careful consideration while planning and
designing formwork.
98 BCO-3.12
Strength. The formwork should be capable of carrying the pressure of
concrete and the weight of labour and plant engaged in its placement and
compaction. The pressure due to concrete will vary depending on whether
the formwork is horizontal or vertical. The factors affecting the pressure are:
density of concrete, workability of the mix, rate of placing, method of
concrete discharge into the forms, temperature of the concrete, extent of
vibration, height of lift, dimensions of the section cast, reinforcement details
and stiffness of the formwork structure. In the absence of detailed
calculations, the pressure can be calculated as that due to a liquid weighting
26 kN/m3 for horizontal surfaces and for vertical surfaces up to depth of 1.8 m.
For vertical surfaces deeper than 1.8 m, the stress may be increased up to
depth of 1.8 m. For vertical surfaces deeper than 1.8 m, the stress may be
increased at 4 kN/m2 for every additional metre. Construction loads may be
taken approximately at 3.6 kN/m2 acting vertically.
Stiffness. The forms should be rigid enough to ensure that deflection of the
completed work should not exceed 0.003 of the span and that the deflection
ofthe form itself in anyone span should not be more than 3 mm.
Repetition. The forms should be designed in such a manner that
components are easy to handle and will be reused a number of times in the
same work. Since formwork cost is a considerable part of the total cost of
concrete work, this aspect requires careful analysis.
Durability. In order to ensure maximum economy, it is essential to provide for
repetitive uses of the formwork. Hence careful consideration should be given
to the use of durable materials so that the formwork. Can be used and
handled without undue wear. With proper handling and care, timber form
panels should give about ten repetitive uses without major repair. Many more
reuses should be possible with steel forms.
Strippability. The ease of stripping without damage to the concrete or the
forms is a requirement deserving speCial attention. Wedges and special
insertions of smaller clOSing pieces are arranged to facilitate removal of forms
from enclosed spaces. Unless easy stripping is ensured, the gains due to
repetitive use of forms may be lost in costly repairs.
Cost. The final cost of forming an area of concrete is the sum of the cost of
materials for the forms, the cost of labour in erecting, stripping, cleaning and
carrying forward to next use, and the cost of expendable material such as
form ties. The aim in design is to keep the total cost to a minimum. It is usually
difficult to estimate the cost of formwork reliably. With the universal rise in
prices and wages, it would be well for a contractor to study the labour content
of the formwork cost.
99 BCO-3.12
Q.17. What is meant by 'routine inspection' in-depth inspection & special inspection?
Ans. The inspections may be classified as (i) routine inspection; (ii) in-depth inspection
; and (iii) special inspection. The routine inspection is particularly applicable to
short span bridges. It usually involves a general examination of the structure,
conducted on a regular basis, to look for obvious outward physical evidence of
distress that might require repair or maintenance attention. An in-depth inspection
requires a detailed visual examination of all superstructure and substructure
elements. This is particularly necessary in the case of old bridges and structures of
major proportions where structural failure could result in catastrophic
consequence. The in-depth inspection may be scheduled once in three to five
years. The special inspection is undertaken after special events such as
earthquake, cyclone or passage of unusually heavy loads. For bridges subject to
the constant action of the forces of nature, such as the daily ravages of a river,
frequent expert inspection is essential. An inspection should be thorough and it
must be conducted by knowledgeable investigators for the evaluation to be
Q. 18. What is the importance of maintenance work? Explain the different types of bridge
Ans. Maintenance is the work necessary to keep a bridge in operating condition and to
prevent potential deterioration in the futu re. SystematiC maintenance is essential to
ensure long term conservation of bridge structures. To be effective, maintenance
should be based on adequate inspection, besides monitoring and assessment
procedures. Maintenance solutions are normally evolved based on experience.
There are four types of bridge maintenance: (A) Routine; (b) Preventive; (c)
Repairs; and (d) Strengthening/Replacement. All the above options are important.
The appropriate measure to be adopted at a given time for a particular bridge
would depend on the circumstances. Thus preventive maintenance to protect
against corrosion would only apply to a bridge where corrosion has not yet started.
A combination of the methods would be needed in a case where the bridge shows
corroding reinforcement ; the actions to include repair the damage, arrest the
corrosion process and to use a preventive measure to guard against further
corrosion. The most effective way to reduce bridge maintenance costs is to include
life cycle maintenance planning from the initial conceptual design through all
phases of design, construction and operation, and to devote special attention to
quality construction.
Q. 19. What do you mean by Repairs ? What are the main defects in bridges requiring
repairs ?
Ans. Repair refers to action taken to correct damages or deterioration of structural
elements to restore the structures to an acceptable condition with respect to
strength and serviceability.
100 BCO-3.12
The main defects in bridges requiring repairs are normally of the following types:
(a) Defects in substructure and foundation, including scour and cracks in
Scoured portions may be filled with boulders and, if necessary, aprons may be
provided. Cracks in masonry may be repaired by grouting under pressure with
cement grout or with epoxy grout. When the substructure shows spalling of
concrete, the substructure may be strengthened by guniting with cement sand
mixture under air pressure or by jacketing with additional thickness of concrete
and provision of dowel bars of 20 4> at about 450 mm spacing both horizontally and
vertically to bond with the existing structure.
(b) Defects in concrete decks
An understanding of the cause of deterioration is essential for effective repair of
concrete decks. The most frequent cause is the corrosion of reinforcement, which
is influenced by the cover, the quality of the concrete and the environment. The
repair interventions may comprise mortar repair, crack sealing and structural crack
repair. The aim in repairing cracks is to prevent water or chemicals intruding into
concrete and to restore the appearance of the structure. Cracks in R.C. decks can
be repaired by injecting epoxy grout under pressure for cracks below 0.25 mm
wide, and by filling with cement groutfor cracks widerthan 0.25 mm.
(c) Excessive vibrations and deflections in prestressed concrete decks
This condition generally indicates loss of prestress, and can be repaired by
introducing external prestreSSing.
(d) Cracks and corrosion in steel work in superstructure
If the cracks are located in isolated places, cover plates may be added by riveting
or welding. If similar cracks are noted in identical locations in all the spans in a
multi-span bridge, the design should be checked. Patch repair may be attempted
when corrosion is local in a girder. The defective member may be replaced by a
new member when convenient.
(e) Deterioration of Kerbs and Railings
Kerbs and railings suffer damage due to vehicle collision, cracking and spalling,
corrosion and poor original design details. Collision related damage should be
attended to immediately after the event. For deterioration due to cracking and
corrosion, repairs as for similar d e f ~ c t s in the superstructure are to be adopted.
Q.20. Write a Short Note on the Following:
(i) Retrofitting
(ii) Reconstruction
Ans. Retrofitting of a highway bridge involves procedures to improve the function of an
existing bridge for a better performance or to increase the load carrying capacity.
101 BCO-3.12
For example, many existing suspension bridges were strengthened with additional
stays to reduce vibrations after the Tacoma collapse. Fairings were attached to the
stiIfening plate girders in the Deer Isle suspension bridge in USA and these were
found to be very effective in enhancing the aerodynamic behavior of the structure.
Some cable stayed bridges were provided with dampers on the stays to reduce
vibrations in the cables. Addition of external prestressing to existing prestressed
concrete bridges to reduce deflections and vibrations is another example of
retrofit, as accomplished in the strengthening and rehabilitation of the Zuari river
...~ : ~ bridge on NH-17 in Goa .
Based on observations of seismic vulnerability of bridges in a number of
earthquakes such as the 1971 San Fernando quake and the 1995 Kobe quake,
many existing bridges have been retrofitted to improve their performance. The
seismic retrofit projects included jOint restrainers, confinement jackets to columns
to ensure ductile behaviour, and modifications to column footings and pile caps.
Bearing retrofits often involve replacement of steel rocker-type bearings with LRB
elastomeric bearings along with provision of guides and seat extenders to prevent
unseating of the spans.
Reconstruction of an existing bridge may become necessary when it fails to satisfy
its functional requirements. The main causes of reconstruction include : (a)
inadequate carriageway for the volume of traffic; (b) structural inadequacy due to
deterioration or increase in design loadings; (c) insufficient waterway for river
bridges and (d) inadequate clearances for road under bridges. Of these causes,
the predominant reason for replacement of an existing bridge is the inadequate
width to carry the planned volume of traffic.
Q.21. Howthe maintenance of submersible bridges carried out?
Ans. Submersible bridges should be devoted greater maintenance attention than
comparable high level bridges. The duration of submergence and number of traffic
obstruction during every flood should be noted. The scour around foundations
during and immediately after submergence should be recorded. The bearings
should be inspected before and after submergence. When the deck is of box
section, water holes are provided in the deck to allow for passage of water during
the submergence. These holes should be kept clean before floods. After the
submergence, the entire superstructure should be cleaned of the silt deposit and
the water holes should be cleaned free of debris. The superstructure should be
carefully examined for any signs of distress or cracks and any remedial measures
necessary should be implemented early. The expansion jOints should be
inspected and maintained. During flood, collapsible railing, if provided, should be
lowered in time.
102 BCO-3.12
0.1 A Fixed bearing at one end and an expansion bearing at the other is provided in case
of which beam?
0.2 Which type of bearing accommodates both rotation and translation through
deformation ofthe elastomer?
0.3 Why do we provide bearings in a bridge?
0.4 What is the maximum range of movement due to all causes, in case of Precast
reinforced concrete?
O.S Why do we favour Elastomeric Bearing over the other type of Bearing?
0.6 What is the value of Ultimate tensile strain of Elastomeric used for Bearing?
0.7 What is the weakest and most vulnerable area in bridge design?
0.8 Where do we provide construction joint?
0.9 Name the type of joints used in Girder bridges?
0.10 Name the type of Expansion bearings for girder bridges?
103 BCO-3.12
1. A serious failure of bridges will often result in:
a. loss of lives
b. interruption to vital traffic
c. costly repairs
d. all the above
2. Failure that refers to the collapse ofthe bridge is called;
a. Total failure
b. Partial failure
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None ofthese
3. Major causes of bridge failure includes;
a. Defective design
b. Erection errors
c. Accidents
d. Any ofthe above
4. A sudden failure of a steel member is a case of;
a. Brittle Failure
b. Ductile Failure
c. Scour Failure
d. None ofthe above
5. What is the major cause of damage to bridges during floods?
a. Falsework failure
b. Erection failure
c. Scour Failure
d. None ofthe above
104 BCO-3.12
6. Injaka bridge in South Africa. which resulted in 14 deaths including that of the
designer ofthe bridge is, which type offailure?
a. Falsework failure
b. Erection failure
c. Scour Failure
d. None ofthe above
7. The collapse of the Tay Bridge in 1879 and Chester over Missisipi in 1944 was due
a. Earthquake Failure
b. Failureduetowind
c. Fatigue Failure
d. None ofthe above
8. Failure of Nishinomiya bridge in 1995 in Japan and Showa bridge in 1964 in Japan
a. Earthquake Failure
b. Failure due to wind
c. Fatigue Failure
d. None ofthe above
9. The collapse of Point Pleasant bridge in West Virginia, USA is dueto:
a. Earthquake Failure
b. Failureduetowind
c. Fatigue Failure
d. None ofthe above
10. What are the major parts offlyover?
a. Main Span
b. Obligatory Span
c. Viaduct portion
d. All the above
Answer Key:
1. d I 2. a I 3. d I 4. a I 5. c I 6. b I 7. b I 8. a \ 9. c 1
. d I
105 BCO-3.12
1. The bridge engineer should take every possible precaution to avoid failures.
2. Total failure results to the collapse ofthe bridge.
3 . Major causes of failure includes Defective design, Erection errors, Accidents,
.... : ~ ,
Fatigue and corrosion.
4. The foundation should be taken to the depth above the scour level to ensure
adequate anchorage.
5. A recent innovation combining the principles of cable stayed bridges and
prestressed concrete box girders is the evolution of intradosed bridges.
Answer Key:
1. T 2.T 3.T 4.F S.F
106 BCO-3.12
1. Whatdoyou mean by Total Failure and Partial Failure?
Ans: Total failure refers to the collapse of the bridge. Partial failure, on the other hand,
involves deficiencies in meeting the intended requirements, necessitating reduced
load limit, decreased speed, and implementation of substantial repair and
rehabilitation. Total failures generally attract attention. But partial failures also merit
careful study to avoid recurrence of the defects
2. What do you mean by False Work?
Ans: Falsework is a temporary structure designed and erected to last long enough to
support the final structure during construction. Traditionally, this has been left to
the contractor and as an economic necessity, the formwork construction needs to
use secondhand materials to the extent possible, thus lacking the finesse of a finely
designed structure.
3. What are the results ofthe failure offalse work?
Ans: Failures of falsework can result in loss, injury, death and interruption of traffic as
much as bridge collapse. Falsework failure can cause excessive settlement and
deflection, besides the catastrophiC collapse of the superstructure. While flood,
storm winds and earthquakes may contribute to failure, most falsework failures are
attributable to human error.
4. How the risk of corrosion can be reduced in concrete bridges?
Ans: The risk of corrosion for concrete bridges may be reduced by adoption of a
combination of preventive measures such as provision of adequate concrete
cover, use of high performance concrete, application of admixtures to inhibit
corrosion, use of corrosion resistant reinforcement, such as epoxy-coated bars,
and exercise of good quality control.
5. What are the various preventive measures taken against the earthquake failure of
Ans: The preventive measures taken can be, heavier and closer spaced spiral
reinforcement should be provided for columns. Such reinforcement would retain
the concrete in the core and prevent collapse. Restraint should be provided at
expansion jOints and articulations such that ordinary expansion due to
temperature is permitted but larger movements under earthquake are restrained.
No splices are to be allowed in columns of less than 6 m height, as lapped splices
of column bars have been found to be ineffective under earthquakes. Approach
slab with one end resting on abutment should be provided to permit a smooth
transition in case of settlement of approaches due to liquefaction ofthe fill.
107 BCO-3.12
6. What is extrados bridge? Give any example of it.
Ans: A recent innovation combining the principles of cable stayed bridges and
prestressed concrete box girders in the span range of 100 to 275 m is the evolution
of extradosed bridges, a concept attributed to Mathivat in France. These bridges
are similar to cable stayed bridges as both use stay cables for strengthening. They
differ in that the extradosed bridges generally use lower tower heights, usually
about halfthat normally used for cable stayed bridges.
7. What is the need of designing High Performance concrete (HPC)?
Ans: HPC can be designed to achieve specific requirements such as: enhanced
durability; high strength greater than M60; high early gain in strength for precast
bridge components ; high impermeability to withstand marine exposure ; air
entrainment to improve resistance to freezing and thawing ; and special
applications like spraying, pumping and placement under water.
8. What is the result of corrosion of reinforcement in reinforcing concrete bridges?
Ans. Corrosion of reinforcement in a reinforced concrete bridge may lead to cracking
and spalling of concrete, rendering the bridge unsafe for modern traffic. Potential
damage due to corrosion in a backwater area can be prevented only by careful
attention to concrete cover to reinforcement, by proper placement and
compaction of concrete to avoid honeycombing, and by proper curing with
potable water.
9. What do you mean by fatigue? Give the example offatigue failure of bridge.
Ans: Fatigue may be defined as the gradual weakening of a structure due to repetitive
loading and is accompanied by spreading of a crack. If the steel is corroded at the
tip of the crack, progression of the crack is accelerated. An example of fatigue
failure is the 1967 collapse ofthe Point Pleasant Bridge in WestVirgina, USA.
10. Give the example of failure of bridge due to erection.
Ans: A recent example of errors in erection procedures is the failure in 1998 ofthe Injaka
bridge in South Africa, which resulted in 14 deaths including that of the designer of
the bridge. The prestressed concrete bridge of box section collapsed during
erection by incremental launching method, mainly due to wrong placement of
temporary bearings, which punched through the inadequately designed soffit
slab. The disaster highlighted the importance of proper erection procedures.
11. What do you mean by durability of concrete?
Ans: Durability of concrete may be defined as its ability to resist deterioration from
weathering action, chemical attack, abrasion and other degradation processes.
Concrete should be durable in order to provide the desired performance in the
108 BCO-3.12
conditions of exposure during its service life. It should maintain its integrity and
should afford protection from corrosion to the embedded reinforcement.
12. What are the constituents of High Performance concrete (H PC)?
Ans: The constituents of HPC are the same as in normal concrete, but proportioned and
mixed (with appropriate materials such as super-plasticizer, flyash, blast furnace
slag and silica fume) so as to yield a stronger and more durable product. The
cement content of concrete inclusive of any mineral admixtures should not be less
than 380 kg/m
, and the cement content excluding any mineral admixtures should
not exceed 450 kg/m
13. How we can achieve better durability in concrete?
Ans: Concrete durability can be enhanced by careful selection of materials to control
and optimize their properties; reducing variability in the mixing, transport,
placement and curing of concrete ; and creating and using more performance
based specifications to evaluate in-place concrete.
14. What are the major causes of bridge failure?
Ans: About sixty per cent of the bridge failures are due to natural phenomena, i.e. due to
flood, earthquake and wind. Other major causes of failure include: Defective
design; Erection errors; Accidents (barge impact) ; Fatigue; and Corrosion. The
failure of a bridge is normally due to combination of several effects and errors.
109 BCO-3.12
o. 1. Discuss the major causes of bridge failure.
Ans. The absolute safety is unattainable and inevitably and there are risks of collapse
associated with any bridge. However, the bridge engineer should take every
possible precaution to avoid failures, as serious failures of bridge will often result in
loss of lives, interruption to vital traffic and costly repairs. As bridge spans grow
longer, and complex designs aim to result in lighter structures, the bridges tend to
become more vulnerable to failures. Complex designs necessitate sophisticated
checks to ensure careful layout and detailing of the various members by the
designers and correct compliance by the construction team. Lack of
communication among the various key personnel involved in the design and
construction, and lapse in respect for natural forces have often proved disastrous.
The failure may be total or partial. Total failure refers to the collapse of the bridge.
Partial failure, on the other hand, involves deficiencies in meeting the intended
requirements, necessitating reduced load limit, decreased speed, and
implementation of substantial repair and rehabilitation. Total failures generally
attract attention. But partial failures also merit careful study to avoid recurrence of
the defects. Every major bridge failure would normally result in revisions to the
standard specifications governing bridge design.
About sixty per cent ofthe bridge failures are due to natural phenomena, i.e. due to
flood, earthquake and wind. Other major causes of failure include : Defective
design; Erection errors; Accidents (barge impact) ; Fatigue; and Corrosion. The
failure of a bridge is normally due to combination of several effects and errors.
0.2. Discuss aboutfalseworkfailures in bridges.
Ans. Failures of falsework can result in loss, injury, death and interruption of traffic as
much as bridge collapse. Falsework failure can cause excessive settlement and
deflection, besides the catastrophic collapse of the superstructure. While flood,
storm winds and earthquakes may contribute to failure, mostfalsework failures are
attributable to human error. The problem of avoiding falsework failures is not easy
to solve because of many economic and administrative factors. Falsework is a
temporary structure deSigned and erected to last long enough to support the final
structure during construction. Traditionally, this has been left to the contractor and
as an economic necessity, the formwork construction needs to use secondhand
materials to the extend possible, thus lacking the finesse of a finely designed
structure. With increased spans of bridges, falsework design has become more
complicated. The bridge falsework design should be prepared by a competent
engineer, should be checked by the government engineers and its erection should
be under proper supervision. Immediately prior to and during the placing of
110 BCO-3.12
concrete, the constructed falsework should be carefully checked for jOint fits,
bracing, stiffness, overturning possibilities, foundation settlement and general
adequacy. By improved methods of construction and constant vigilance, falsework
failures can be avoided.
Q.3. What are the various causes of erection failures? Explain with example.
Ans. The erection of a major bridge involves special risks, which could lead to injuries
and loss of lives. A major cause of erection failures is the underestimation of the
construction loads and their effects on the unfinished structure. The failure during
erection of the first Quebec cantilever bridge in 1907 highlighted the need for
reviewing the erection stresses in the bridge members for strength and stability at
each critical stage of erection. The bottom chords of the side span failed in
compression at an advanced cantilever erection stage. This failure also evidenced
the essentiality of the design engineer to constantly interact with the construction
engineers in order to initiate timely remedial action should any defects be noticed
during erection.
The failures during erection of steel box girder bridges during 1970-71 were
basically due to instability of thin steel plates in compression and secondary
stresses arising from minor geometric imperfections. At the West Gate bridge in
Australia, the failure of the 112 m long steel box girder span resulting in the loss of
35 lives was triggered due to premature removal of 37 top flange splice bolts in an
effort to facilitate connection of the two longitudinal halves of the top flange. At
Koblenz, geometric imperfections caused critical secondary stresses resulting in
buckling of the bottom flange. The design derived from sophisticated analysis
should be tempered with realistic allowances for construction methods and
erection tolerances.
A recent example of errors in erection procedures is the failure in 1998 of the Injaka
bridge in South Africa6, which resulted in 14 deaths including that of the designer
of the bridge. The prestressed concrete bridge of box section collapsed during
erection by incremental launching method, mainly due to wrong placement of
temporary bearings, which punched through the inadequately designed soffit
slab. The disaster highlighted the irnportance of proper erection procedures.
Q.4. State the precautions you would take in design and construction to protect a
bridge against impact from ships passing below.
Ans. Damages to bridges across navigable rivers caused by barges or ships are on the
increase. During the period 1960 to 1998, there were 30 major bridge collapses
worldwide due to ship or barge collision with a total loss of 321 lives. A familiar
example is the 1980 collapse of the Sunshine Skyway bridge in Florida, USA
causing the loss of 35 lives as a result of collision by a bulk carrier. Another example
is the damage to Tasman bridge in Australia in 1975. Barge tows often hit the piers
111 BCO-3.12
across waterways, e.g. the 2002 collapse of the 1-40 bridge over the Arkansas river
at Webber Falls, Oklahoma, USA.' The vessels may be adrift or may hit the piers
under power. The damage to the bridge can be minimized by providing properly
designed protective fendering.
When potential damage due to barge impact exists, it is prudent not to use pile
foundation with exposed piling above the river bed. In such cases, sturdy well and
heavy caisson foundation with protective fendering will be desirable, as adopted
for the new Sunshine Skyway bridge in Florida, USA and also the Zuari bridge in
Goa. Bridge design for barge collision is not based on the worst-case scenario due
to economic and structural constraints. A certain amount of risk is' considered
acceptable. The risk acceptance criteria are specified in codes with consideration
of the probability of occurrence of a vessel collision and the consequences of the
It is advisable to incorporate protection against vessel collision in the initial design.
The horizontal . and vertical clearances of the navigation span have to be
determined based on a study of the anticipated vessel movements. For Storebelt
East suspension bridge with a main span of 1624 m and 1800 vessel passages per
year, vessel impact has been the governing criterion for the design of piers and
probability based criteria were derived from comprehensive vessel simulations
and collision analysis.
Q.5. What type of failures have been noticed during earthquakes? Also suggest some
preventive measures against Earthquake.
Ans. Several types of bridge failures have been noticed during earthquakes. A common
failure was by span shortening. Decks slid off their supports due to violent shaking
as in Showa bridge in the 1964 Niigata earthquake (m = 7.5) and the Nishinomiya
bridge in the 1995 Kobe earthquake (m = 6.9) in Japan. As abutments and piers
moved together, some decks bucked, some were crushed and some collapsed.
This problem is critical for bridges with simply supported spans located in soft soil.
Another type was the horizontal displacement of piers due to movement of piles in
liquefied soils subjected to lateral loading. A third type involved differential
settlement of piers and abutments due to differences in soil characteristics due to
liquefaction. Liquefaction of approach fills have resulted in settlement of fills in
relation to abutments, causing accidents to motor vehicles by impact against the
abutment backwall.
Columns in substructure have been found to suffer extensive damage during
earthquakes. The damage is mainly attributable to inadequate detailing, which
limits the ability of the column to deform inelastically. In concrete columns,
inadequate ductility results from insufficient reinforcement to achieve confinement
of concrete within the core. Termination of longitudinal bars at mid height led to
splitting failure or shear failure near the end cutoff pOint in a few bridges, as noticed
112 BCO-3.12
in the 1995 Kobe earthquake. Column failures by crushing of concrete due to
extreme torsion have also been noticed. In steel columns, local buckling may
cause inadequate ductility.
Several preventive measures that can be adopted are, heavier and closer spaced
spiral reinforcement should be provided for columns. Such reinforcement would
retain the concrete in the core and prevent collapse. Restraint should be provided
at expansion joints and articulations such that ordinary expansion due to
temperature is permitted but larger movements under earthquake are restrained.
No splices are to be allowed in columns of less than 6 m height, as lapped splices
of column bars have been found to be ineffective under earthquakes. Approach
slab with one end resting on abutment should be provided to permit a smooth
transition in case of settlement of approaches due to liquefaction ofthe fill.
0.6. Discuss the bridge failure occured due to wind.
Ans. Bridge failures have occurred due to wind. Major examples include the collapse of
the Tay bridge in 1879, and Chester bridge over Missisipi in 1944. Tay bridge
consisted of eighty-five though-lattice-truss spans of malleable iron supported
26.8 m above the water level. The bridge failed due to aerostatic instability, as the
design of cross bracing and its fastenings was inadequate to sustain wind forces,
though the design was otherwise in conformity with contemporary practice. Sir
Thomas Bough, the designer, was unjustly blamed.
The main channel stretch of Chester bridge was a 408.8 m through truss,
continuous over two equal spans. This stretch was blown off into the river during a
tornado. While very little can be done to save a structure from the direct attack of a
severe tornado, the damage can be minimized by providing proper anchorage of
the deck with the substructure. Tacoma Narrows first bridge (1940) failed due to
aerodynamic instability. The recurrence of these types of failures can be avoided
through streamlining the deck and adequate stiffening.
0.7. Why corrosion is important in maintenance of prestressed concrete
Ans. Corrosion of reinforcement in a reinforced concrete bridge may lead to cracking
and spalling of concrete, rendering the bridge unsafe for modern traffic. Potential
damage due to corrosion in a backwater area can be prevented only by careful
attention to concrete cover to reinforcement, by proper placement and
compaction of concrete to avoid honeycombing, and by proper curing with
potable water. The risk of corrosion for concrete bridges may be reduced by
adoption of a combination of preventive measures such as provision of adequate
concrete cover, use of high performance concrete, application of admixtures to
inhibit corrOSion, use of corrosion resistant reinforcement, such as epoxy-coated
bars, and exercise of good quality control.
113 BCO-3.12
In pretensioned structures, corrosion prevention is mainly accomplished through
the use of high performance concrete and the addition of corrosion-inhibiting
admixtures. In post-tensioned concrete bridges, special care should be devoted to
ensuring integrity of the duct and grouting of prestressing cables soon after
stressing. Delayed grouting and inadequate grouting of tendons especially near
the anchorage may cause corrosion of the tendons, contributing to the failure of a
prestressed concrete bridge. Corrosion of tendons may remain undetected until
the loss of strength to a significant level results in major evidence of deterioration or
even a sudden failure. The failure of the Mandovi first bridge at Panjim, Goa, in 1986
"':..: ....
is attributed to corrosion of prestressing )5teel.
Corrosion of prestressing tendons also caused the failure of the single span Yuys
y-Gwas bridge in Wales, UK in 1985. This bridge built in 1953 on a minor road was a
segmental post-tensioned structure of 18.3 m span with thick mortar joints and
defective grouting for tendons. The corrosion took place at the transverse joints
between precast segments at which chloride-containing water could penetrate.
Grouting deficiencies have contributed to distress of several post-tensioned
bridges in many countries. Such failures have shown the importance of durability
design, besides the load and resistance based structural design. Modern
segmental construction, however, uses matchcastjoints sealed with epoxy.
0.8. List the modified design criteria adopted for recent flyovers in Mumbai and
Ans. Some of the modified criteria, as followed successfully for the construction of
flyovers in Mumbai and Chennai, are indicated below:
(a) The flyovers need not be designed for IRC Class 70R loading, as such heavy
vehicles can take the ground level road if at all they are encountered.
(b) Continuous superstructures are encouraged as foundations are generally
rested on rock. Continuity results in lower depth of deck and also enhances
riding comfort due to reduction in the number of expansion joints. Besides
unsatisfactory performance, most bridge expansion joints leak and
contribute to deck and substructure corrosion damage and hence their
reduction promotes durability.
(c) When precast prestressed girders are used, continuity may be achieved by
cast in situ concrete transverse beams at or near the piers. The continuity
connection may consist of a wide in situ integrated crosshead over the pier
providing 1 m embedment ofthe beams. The reinforcement in the composite
deck slab provides longitudinal continuity. One set of bearings is adequate.
Alternatively, a narrow in situ integral cross head may be adopted ; but this
will need two sets of bearings on the pier. Another type of continuity
connection relies on the deck slab flexing to accommodate the rotations of
the simply supported deck beams. Here the slab is separated from the
114 BCO-3.12
support beams for about 1.5 m by a layer of compressible material. Two sets
of bearings are required.
(d) High strength concretes of grade M 40 and above only are used for the deck.
The permissible compressive and tensile stresses are adopted as 0.33 fck
and 0.033 fck respectively without the ceiling on the stresses. When high
performance concrete is adopted, the permissible stresses are allowed with
the characteristic strength scaled down by 10 MPa, as a conservative
(e) For prestressed concrete superstructure, partial prestressing has been
permitted with the proviso that there will be no tension under 'Dead load +
60%. Live load' condition. Under full design load, tensile stress in concrete is
limited to 1.0 MPa for severe exposure and 2.0 MPa for moderate exposure.
(f) As a precaution against corrosion of steel, corrosion resisting steel
reinforcement or steel rods coated with anti-corrosive treatment are used.
The minimum clear cover is kept at 40 mm, 50 mm and 75 mm for
reinforcement in components above ground level, components below
ground level and for prestressing cables, respectively.
(g) Since durability of the structure is of paramount importance, the minimum
concrete grades adopted are M30, M35 and M40 for plain cement concrete,
reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete, respectively, with water
cement ratio limited to 0.45,0.40 and 0.40, respectively.
(h) Approach embankment height is restricted to be less than 3.0 m. The sides of
the embankment are retained with reinforced earth retaining structures
avoiding massive wing walls.
(i) Pile foundations with hydraulically operated rotary drilling equipment are
encouraged. Pile caps are so arranged as to have the top of the pile cap at
500 mm below the ground level.
G) Crash barriers are essential to achieve vehicle containment. For the Mumbai
flyovers, the crash barriers were designed for impact of 300 kN vehicle at 64
km/h at an angle of 20at the top of the crash barrier, and R.C. crash barriers
laid with kerb laying machinery are provided. Steel barriers are adopted in
Chennai and Bangalore.
Q.9. What are the measures adopted for innovative construction techniques?
Ans. Emphasis on high quality and fast construction of recent flyovers necessitated the
adoption of innovative construction techniques. Typical measures are as follows.
(a) Pile foundations using rotary pile driving machines were made mandatory.
Besides faCilitating speedy construction, the method was economical. The
liner plates were of 4 mm thickness instead of the usual 6 mm thicknes. Also
the seating ofthe pile on the rock was assured.
115 BCO-3.12
(b) Since space was not available around the flyover sites for storing and
handling of materials for concrete production, use of ready mixed concrete
was made compulsory. This led to many spin-off benefits in quality
assurance and reduction in construction joints due to fast and continuous
placement of concrete.
(c) Precast prestressed concrete girders were used extensively in flyovers in
Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai. For Sirsi flyover at Bangalore, precast segments
of box shape were used for the entire bridge. The adoption of precast
elements for the superstructure results in considerably saving in time, as the
foundations and precasting can be started simultaneously, and the
superstructure beams/ segments are ready for placing in position by the time
the substructure is completed.
(d) To improve riding comfort, the number of expansion joints was reduced. In
the case of the girder and slab system, this was achieved by providing
continuity of the deck slab over the supports. For some of the flyovers, the
flexibility of the deck slab in the longitudinal direction was increased by
introducing neoprene pads of 12 mm thickness between the slab and the
girders for a length of 1.0 to 1.5 m near the bearings. This continuity in the
deck slab is not likely to reduce the total positive moment in the girders to any
appreciable extent.
(e) Use of automatic casting machine was made compulsory for casting kerbs
and crash barriers for the Mumbai flyovers. For Delhi flyovers, precast crash
barriers with shear keys for interlocking were used.
Q. 10. What are the special features of extradosed bridges?
Ans. A recent innovation combining the principles of cable stayed bridges and
prestressed concrete box girders in the span range of 100 to 275 m is the evolution
of extradosed bridges, a concept attributed to Mathivat in France. These bridges
are similar to cable stayed bridges as both use stay cables for strengthening. They
differ in that the extradosed bridges generally use lower tower heights, usually
about half that normally used for cable stayed bridges. In the case of cable stayed
bridges, the prestressed concrete box deck structure is suspended from stay
cables. Most of the load, such as the dead load and the live load, is carried through
the stay cables to the top of the towers and then down to the foundation. On the
other hand, in an extradosed bridge both the box deck and the stay cables share
the load, with the box deck carrying the major part of the dead load and the stay
cables supporting the live load and a portion of the dead load. Its structural
behaviour is close to that of a girder bridge. For this reason, the relation between
the center span and the end span for an extradosed bridge should be similar to that
of a normal prestressed concrete girder bridge. Also for a three-span bridge, the
stay weight will be ofthe order of 1 0 to 20 kg/m
for an extradosed bridge compared
116 BCO-3.12
with 40 to 50 kg/m
for a corresponding cable stayed bridge.
The stay cables may be in two planes or in a single plane. The vertical component
of cable stay force is low, especially for cables in two planes. This would facilitate
easy construction, reducing the need for structural diaphragms at the stay
anchorages. The cable stays in extradosed bridges in Japan are stressed to 0.60
fy, in view ofthe low fatigue stress range in the cables of such bridges. In the case of
single plane scheme, inclined web members in the middle of the cross section may
be used for transfer of stay forces to the main girder.
Q.11. Discuss the advantages of using High Performance Concrete (HPC) for Bridges.
Ans. High Performance Concrete (HPC) is increasingly adopted in bridge construction
as a high quality concrete choice for high strength, durability and optimum life
cycle costs. HPC is designed to achieve specific requirements such as : enhanced
durability; high strength greater than M60 ; high early gain in strength for precast
bridge components ; high impermeability to withstand marine exposure ; air
entrainment to improve resistance to freezing and thawing ; and special
applications like spraying, pumping and placement under water. Limited quantities
(up to about seven per cent of cement) of microsilica (which is much finer than
cerment) can be added to produce HPC. Microsilica (also known as silica fume)
and cement together constitute the binding material. The water-binder ratio of HPC
is in the range of 0.3 to 0.4. The production and use of HPC demands stringent
quality control to ensure a high degree of uniformity between batches and efficient
The constituents of HPC are the same as in normal concrete, but proportioned and
mixed (with appropriate materials such as super-plasticizer, flyash, blast furnace
slag and silica fume) so as to yield a stronger and more durable product. The
cement content of concrete inclusive of any mineral admixtures should not be less
than 380 kg/m
, and the cement content excluding any mineral admixtures should
not exceed 450 kg/m
HPC structures are likely to last longer and suffer less
damage from traffic and climatic conditions, resulting in reduced cost on repairs in
the long run. Thus the present goals are to achieve durability and economical long
term maintenance along with economical construction. When HPC with silica fume
is used for bridge piers, curing should be done with extra care to avoid surface
shrinkage cracks.
Q. 12. What are the precautions to be taken in bridge design and construction to enhance
durability? .
Ans. Durability of concrete may be defined as its ability to resist deterioration from
weathering action, chemical attack, abrasion and other degradation processes.
Concrete should be durable in order to provide the desired performance in the
conditions of exposure during its service life. It should maintain its integrity and
117 BCO-3.12
should afford protection from corrosion to the embedded reinforcement. Concrete
durability can be enhanced by careful selection of materials to control and optimize
their properties; reducing variability in the mixing, transport, placement and curing
of concrete ; and creating and using more performance-based specifications to
evaluate in-place concrete. A predominant characteristic influencing the durability
of concrete is its impermeability to the ingress of water, carbon-dioxide, oxygen,
chlorides, sulphates and other potentially deleterious substances. Low
permeability is achieved by using proper cement content, low water-cement ratio
and dense concrete obtained by thorough compaction and efficient curing.
The importance of durability of concrete bridge structures has gained better
recognition in recent years, based on the experience of deterioration of the existing
bridges mainly due to corrosion of prestressing steel and untensioned
reinforcement. Presently it is realized that high quality concrete with the required
strength and good durability can be produced with a little extra care in mix design
and construction. The precautionary measures in design and construction,
including the following :
(a) Dimensions of structural elements are increased to avoid congestion of
(b) Concrete of low permeability is being adopted, with the use of pozzolonic
(c) High performance concrete is increasingly specified, with water/cement ratio
(d) The minimum concrete cover for all structural elements is increased, typically
to 50 mm in superstructure and up to 100 mm for foundation in marine
(e) Enhanced quality control is exercised in the various construction processes
such as batching, mixing, transporting, placing, consolidation, finishing and
While the current codes and standards attempt to achieve durability through a set
of prescriptive specifications, the future trend is to include additional
considerations such as design life, life cycle costs and specifications for planned
maintenance and repair.
118 BCO-3.12
0.1 What is the major cause of damage to bridges during floods?
0.2 What was the reason for The collapse of the Tay Bridge in 1879 and Chester over
Missisipi in 1944?
0.3 Name the major parts of flyover?
0.4 What is partial failure?
0.5 What is the result offailure offalse work?
0.6 How can we prevent corrosion in case of concrete bridge?
0.7 Give an example of Extrados Bridge?
0.8 What are the requirements of HPC?
0.9 What is the span range for Extradosed Bridges?
0.10 Why are dimensions of structural elements increased in case of bridge design to
enhance durability?
119 BCO-3.12
(BCQ 3.12)
Assume any missing data if necessary.
Date: 25th June 2009 Time: 10:00 AM to 1 :00 PM Max. Marks: 100
Section A
Choose the correct or the best alternative in the following.
Each question carries two marks.
1. The number of seismic zones in which the country (India) has been divided is
2. Deep foundation are classified as
(a) pile foundation
(c) both (a) &(b)
Caisson foundation
none of the above
3. Drops are provided in flat slab to resist
(a) bending
(c) torsion
4. The minimum width of carriage way in vehicular traffic in multi-lane bridge is .
(a) 7.5m (b) 3.5m
(c) 7.5m + 3.5mforeveryadditionallane (d) 8m
5. The effective underway is given by
Kenndy's theory
Lacey's theory
Khosla's theory
None of the above
6. In case of well foundation, the minimum size of dredge hole is
(a) 2.0 m (b) 2.5 m
(c) 3.0 m (d) 3.5 m
7. The most suitable foundation for heavy load in black cotton soil, is
(a) simple pile (b) under reamed pile
(c) spread foundation (d) none of the above
8. On major bridge construction project, the management technique is
(a) PERT (b) GERT
(c) CPM (d) APM
120 BCO-3.12
9. Well foundation is a
(a) shallow foundation (b) deep foundation
(c) a type of pile foundation (d) none of the above
10. For the bridges the inspections are classified as
(a) routine inspection (b) In depth inspection
(c) Special inspection (d) all ofthe above
Section B
Choose True/False in the following.
Each question carries one mark.
1. The flood discharge from a catchment is given by Q = A2/3
2. As per SIS 18931984 and IRC 61966, India is divided into five zones for the determination of
earth quake forces
3. Howrah bridge is a type of cantilever bridge.
4. In pneumatic Caissons the air pressure cannot be more than 3.5 atmospheres.
5. In elastomeric bearing the elastomers are used which should have hardness and tensile
Section C
. Answer any five questions out of eight questions.
Each question carries five marks
Maximum limit 150 words per question.
1. How afflux is estimated.
2. What do you mean by racking force?
3. Define culvert and discuss its various types.
Discuss types of steel bridges
1. What do you mean by quality assurance of a bridge construction?
2. Discuss the process used in prestress concrete.
3. Give neat sketches of an abutment and a wing wall.
4. Differentiate pile, pier and well foundations with a suitable example.
121 BCO-3.12
Section D
Answer any five questions out of eight questions.
Each question carries ten marks.
1. Write a note on IRC loading for bridges.
2. Explain Balanced cantilever bridge & Arch bridge.
3. Discuss the design steps of a plate girder steel bridge.
4. Explain with neat sketches pneumatic caissons.
5. Distinguish between form work and false work.
6. Describe critical studies offailure of major bridges.
7. What are the advantages of a military floating bridge over a fixed bridge?
8. What is the function of shear connectors in composite construction?
120 BCO-3.12
(BeQ 3.12)
Assume any missing data if necessary.
Date: 22nd Dec 2009 Time: 10:00 AM to 1 :00 PM Max. Marks: 100
Section A
Choose the correct or the best alternative in the following.
Each question carries two marks.
1. If the loaded length of span in meters of railway steel bridge carrying a single track is less
than 6 m, then impactfactor is taken as
(a) 0.0
(b) 0.5
(c) 1.0
(d) 7
2. In order to design the foundation for a bridge, the designer must determine
(a) the maximum likely scour depth
(b) the minimum grip length
(c) the soil pressure atthe base
(d) all ofthe above
3. When the secondary stresses are taken into account along with primary stresses then the
allowable stress is increased by
(a) 16-%
(b) 25%
(c) 50%
(d) 75%
4. The Centre to Centre spacing of main girders should not be less than, if the span is 100 m
(a) 4m
(b) 5m
(c) 2m
(d) 6m
123 BCO-3.12
5. The component of a culvertwith R.e. deck slab are
(a) Deck slab
(b) abutments
(c) foundations
(d) all ofthe above
6. The beam bridge carries vertical load by
(a) shear
(b) flexure
(c) both (a) &(b)
(d) none ofthe above
7. In order to minimize bending moment due to handling, toggle holes with sleeves are
usually provided at KLfrom either end for lifting where L is length of pile and Kis
(a) 0.307
(b) 0.207
(c) 0.293
(d) 0.393
8. The sliding plate bearing is the simplestform of
(a) fixed bearing
(b) hinged bearing
(c) expansion bearing
(d) contraction bearing
9. The hardness of elastomer used for bearing should have following value of hardness on
international rubber hardness scale
(a) 45-55
(b) 55-65
(c) 65-75
(d) 75-100
10. Well foundation is a
(a) shallow, foundation
(b) deep foundation
(c) a type of pile foundation
(d) none of the above
124 BCO-3.12
Section B
Choose True/False In the following.
Each question carries one mark.
1 . The flood discharge from a catchment is given by Q A2/3
2. Modulus of elasticity of concrete is given by Ec =4700. Jcr ck
3. In case of sandy soil under reamed piles are provided.
4. Sliding plate bearing is a type of expansion bearing.
5. In elastomeric bearing the elastomers are used which should have hardness and tensile
Section C
Answer any five questions out of eight questions.
Each question carries five marks.
Maximum limit 150words per question.
1. List IRC codes which are used forthe design of road bridges.
2. Discuss types of steel bridges.
3. Why timber bridges are designated as temporary bridges?
4. Describe the various types offixed bearing.
5. How afflux is estimated?
6. What is the difference between pre-tensioning and post tensioning?
7. What is the function of bearing in bridges?
8. Define culvert and discuss its various types.
Section D
Answer any five questions out of eight questions.
Each question carries ten marks.
1. What is economical span of bridge? Define the condition for an economical span. State the
assumptions made.
2. Design a RC slab culvert for state highway. Given width of bridge = 12 m, no footpath is
provided, exposure modulate. Use M-35 concrete & Fe 415 steel, clear span 5m, height of
vent 3.0 m, depth offoundation 1.5 m, wearing course = 56 mm.
125 BCO-3.12
3. Explain with neat sketches pneumatic caissons.
4. Write a note on IRC loading for bridges.
5. What are the traffic aspects of highway bridges?
6. Explain Balanced cantilever bridge & Arch bridge.
7. Distinguish between form work and false work.
8. What is the function of sheer connectors in composite construction?'
126 BCO-3.12
(BeO 3.12)
Assume any missing data if necessary.
Date: 28th June 2010 Time: 10:00 AM to 1 :00 PM Max. Marks: 100
Section A
Choose the correct or the best alternative In the following.
Each question carries two marks.
1. The number of seismic zones in which the country has been divided are
(a) 3 (b) 5
(c) 6 (d) 7
2. Hudson's formula gives the dead weight of a truss bridge area
(a) bottom chord area (b) top chord area
(c) effective span of bridge (d) noneoftheabove
3. The pin of a rocker bearing in a bridge is designed fOr
(a) bearing and shear (b) bending and shear
(c) only shear (d) shear, bending and bearing
4. Extent of plate girder spans which need not be cambered
(a) 35m (b) 25m
(c) 40m (d) 20m
5. Reinforced concrete slab culverts are economical for spans up to about
(a) 2.5m (b) 6m
(c) 8m (d) 4m
6. The component of a bridge structure are
(a) decking (b) and piers
(c) handrails (d) all ofthe above
7. Modulus of elasticity of concrete is given by
3700 -Jack
(b) 4700 -Jack
(c) 5700 -Jack (d) none ofthe above
where ck is characteristic strength of concrete
127 BCO-3.12
8. The minimum width of carriage way in vehicular traffic in single lane bridge is
(a) 4.25m (b) 4.15m
(c) 5.12m (d) 4.20m
9. On major bridge construction projectthe managementtechnique is
(a) PERT (b) GERT
(c) CPM (d) APM
10. The load distribution technique is adopted in which ofthe following method
(a) Courbon's method (b) HindryJaegar method
(c) Morice & Little method (d) all ofthe above
Section B
Choose True/False in the following.
Each question carries one mark.
1 . A bridge is said to be major bridge ifthe total length between inner faces of dirt walls is more
2. The aim of application of prestress is to avoid cracking of concrete due to flexural air
principal tensile stressed under service load.
3. Howrah bridge is a type of cantilever bridge
4. Tilting of wells is a common hazard in well sinking which can never be removed.
5. False work may be defined as temporary support work necessary to support a portion of a
permanent structure during erection until it is capable of supporting itself.
Section C
Answer any five questions out of eight questions .
Each question carries five marks.
Maximum limit 150 words per question.
1 . Discuss the characteristics of an ideal site for a major bridge across a stream.
2. What is the difference between pre tensioning and post tensioning.
3. Discuss the types of trusses used in bridge construction
4. Discuss in briefthe salientfeatures of a recently constructed major bridge.
128 BCO-3.12
5. List IRe loads which are used for the design of road bridge.
6. What is meant by racking force? Explain
7. Discuss relative merits and demerits of precast and cast in-situ concrete piles.
8. What do you mean by quality assurance in bridge construction?
Section 0
Answer any five questions out of eight questions.
Each question carries ten marks.
1. Write a note on wheel loads and equivalent uniformly distributed loads for railway bridges.
2. Explain Balanced cantilever bridge and Arch bridge.
3. What do you mean by routine inspection and in depth inspection?
4. What is box culvert? Define the various terminologies used in box culvert.
5. Discuss the design steps of plate girder steel bridge.
6. Explain with neat sketches pneumatic caissons.
7. Discuss the design steps ofT beam bridges with suitable example.
8. Describe critical studies offailure of two Major bridges.
129 BCO-3.12
22nd December, 2010 Roll No......
(BeQ 3.12)
Time: 10:00 AM to 1 :00 PM Max. Marks: 100
Each question carries equal marks in each section.
Each Section should be answered at the same place and not at different places.
Assume data, if necessary.
Section A
20 Marks
Choose the correct or the best alternative in the following.
1. In orderto design the foundation for a bridge, the designer must determine
(a) the maximum likely scour depth
(b)' the minimum grip length
(c) the soil pressure atthe base
(d) all ofthe above
2. The number of seismic zones in which the country has been divided are
(a) 3 (b) 5
(c) 6 (d) 7
3. The minimum size of dredge hold provided in well foundation is
00 ~ ~ ~ ~
(c) 1m (d) 1.5m
4. For a prestressed concrete bridge beam, minimum clear spacing ofthe cable should be
(a) 25mm (b) 40mm
(c) 30mm (d) 50mm
5. The width ofthe median should not be less than
(a) 2m (b) 1.2m
(c) 1.8m (d) 1m
6. The beam bridge carries vertical load by
(a) shear (b) flexure
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none ofthe above
130 BCQ3.12
7. The prestressed concrete design is based on
(a) BIS 456 (b) BIS800
(c) IS 1343 (d) BIS875
8. In order to minimize bending moment due to handling, toggle holes (with s lee v e s ) are
usually provided at KL from either end for lifting where L is length of pile and K is
(a) 0.307 (b) 0.207
(c) 0.293 (d) 0.393
9. Steel roller cum rocker bearing permits
(a) longitudinal movement (b) rotational movement
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of the above
10. For the bridges the inspections are classified as
(a) routine inspection (b) In depth inspection
(c) Special inspection (d) all of the above
Section B
5 Marks
Choose True/False in the following.
1 . IRC bridge code is available in nine sections.
2. It is desirable to provide a Kerb of 600m x 225m in either side of the road way on the bridge.
3. The reinforced concrete hollow girder bridges are economical in the span range of below
4. The group efficiency of pile group depends upon number of piles in rows and columns
5. In quality assurance of RCC & prestressed concrete bridge, the special attention should be
devoted to 4C i.e. constituents, compaction, cover and curing.
Section C
25 Marks
Answer any five questions.
1. How afflux is estimated.
2. Discuss the posses in prestress concrete.
3. What is the function of bearings in bridges?
4. Discuss in briefthe recently constructed major bridge.
131 BCO-3.12
5. Explain different types of steel bridges.
6. What do you mean by racking and shocks force.
7. Differentiate between the following:
(i) Short span and long span bridge.
(ii) Arch and box culvert.
8. Write an explanatory note on the rigid frame bridges.
Section D
50 Marks
Answer any five questions.
1. Write a note on IRC loading for bridges.
2. Explain: Balanced cantilever bridge & Arch Bridge.
3. What are tilt and swift? Discuss their remedial measures.
4. Distinguish between form work and false work.
5. What is culvert? Define the various terminologies used.
6. Design a R.C. slab culvert for National Highway.
Width of bridge 14m with footpath provided
Clear span 6m
Height of vent 3.3m
Depth offoundation 1.77m
Wearing course 60mm
Use M40 concrete and Fe500 steel
7. What are the advantages of a military floating bridge over a steel fixed bridge?
8. Explain critical studies of failure of major bridges.
132 BCO-3.12