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2 Density Gradient Estimation: Dorin Comaniciu Peter Meer

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Mean Shift Analysis and Applications

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8058, USA fcomanici, meerg@caip.rutgers.edu A nonparametric estimator of density gradient, the mean shift, is employed in the joint, spatial-range (value) domain of gray level and color images for discontinuity preserving ltering and image segmentation. Properties of the mean shift are reviewed and its convergence on lattices is proven. The proposed ltering method associates with each pixel in the image the closest local mode in the density distribution of the joint domain. Segmentation into a piecewise constant structure requires only one more step, fusion of the regions associated with nearby modes. The proposed technique has two parameters controlling the resolution in the spatial and range domains. Since convergence is guaranteed, the technique does not require the intervention of the user to stop the ltering at the desired image quality. Several examples, for gray and color images, show the versatility of the method and compare favorably with results described in the literature for the same images. Low level computer vision tasks are misleadingly difcult and often yield unreliable results, since the employed techniques rely upon the correct choice by the user of the tuning parameter values. Today, it is an accepted fact in the vision community that the execution of low level tasks should be task driven, i.e., supported by independent high level information. To be able to successfully complement this paradigm, the low-level techniques must become more autonomous. In this paper we propose such a technique for image smoothing and for segmentation. The mean shift estimate of the gradient of a density function and the associated iterative procedure of mode seeking have been developed by Fukunaga and Hostetler in 7]. Only recently, however, the nice properties of data compaction and dimensionality reduction of the mean shift have been exploited in low level computer vision tasks (e.g., color space analysis 4], face tracking 1]). In this paper we describe a new application based on the theoretical results obtained in 5]. We show that high quality edge preserving ltering and image segmentation can be obtained by applying the mean shift in the combined spatial-range domain. The methods 1

Dorin Comaniciu

Peter Meer


we developed are conceptually very simple being based on the same idea of iteratively shifting a xed size window to the average of the data points within. Details in the image are preserved due to the nonparametric character of the analysis which does not assume a priori any particular structure for the data. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the estimation of the density gradient and denes the mean shift vector. The convergence of the mean shift procedure is proven in Section 3 for discrete data. Section 4 de nes the processing principle in the joint spatial-range domain. Mean shift ltering is explained and ltering examples are given in Section 5. The proposed mean shift segmentation is introduced and analyzed in Section 6. Let fxi gi=1:::n be an arbitrary set of n points in the d-dimensional Euclidean space Rd. The multivariate kernel density estimate obtained with kernel K (x) and window radius h, computed in the point x is de ned as 13, p.76] 1 f^(x) = nhd
n X

2 Density Gradient Estimation

1 Introduction

The optimum kernel yielding minimum mean integrated square error (MISE) is the Epanechnikov kernel 1 ;1 T T 2 KE (x) = 0 cd (d + 2)(1 ; x x) if x x < 1 otherwise (2) where cd is the volume of the unit d-dimensional sphere 13, p.76]. The use of a di erentiable kernel allows to de ne the estimate of the density gradient as the gradient of the kernel density estimate (1) n X ^ rf (x) rf^(x) = 1 rK x ; xi : (3)

K x ; xi : h i=1


nhd i=1 h Conditions on the kernel K (x) and the window radius h to guarantee asymptotic unbiasedness, mean-square
consistency, and uniform consistency are derived in 7]. For the Epanechnikov kernel (2) the density gradient estimate (3) becomes + X x ; x] ^ rf (x) = n(h1 c ) d h2 2 i dd xi 2Sh (x)

1 X x ; x]A (4) nx + = n(hd c ) d h2 2 @ n i d x x 2S (x) i h where the region Sh (x) is a hypersphere of radius h having the volume hdcd , centered on x, and containing nx data points. The last term in (4) X X M (x) 1 x ; x] = 1 x ;x (5)

8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 5 0 5 10

nx xi 2Sh (x) i

nx xi 2Sh (x) i

is called the sample mean shift. Using a kernel di erent from the Epanechnikov kernel results in a weighted mean computation in (5). n The quantity n(hdxcd) is the kernel density estimate f^(x) computed with the hypersphere Sh (x) (the uniform kernel), and thus we can write (4) as ^ (6) rf (x) = f^(x) d + 2 M (x) which yields

Figure 1: Successive computations of the mean shift de ne a path leading to a local density maximum. The convergence of the mean shift has been justi ed as a consequence of relation (7), (see 2]). However, while it is true that the mean shift vector Mh(x) has the direction of the gradient of the density estimate at x, it is not apparent that the density estimate at locations fyk gk=1 2::: is a monotonic increasing sequence. Moving in the direction of the gradient guarantees hill climbing only for in nitesimal steps. The following theorem asserts the convergence for discrete data. n o Theorem 1 Let f^E = f^k (yk KE ) k=1 2::: be the sequence of density estimates obtained using Epanechnikov kernel and computed in the points fyk gk=1 2::: de ned by the successive locations of the mean shift procedure with uniform kernel. The sequence is convergent. Proof Since the data set fxi gi=1:::n has nite car^ dinality n, the sequence fE is bounded. Moreover, we ^E is strictly monotonic increasing, i.e., will show that f ^ ^ if yk 6= yk+1 then fE (k) < fE (k +1), for all k = 1 2 : : :. Let nk , nk , and nk with nk = nk + nk be the number of data points falling in the d-dimensional windows (Figure 2) Sh(yk ), Sh 0 (yk ) = Sh (yk ) ; Sh 00 (yk ), and T Sh 00 (yk ) = Sh (yk ) Sh (yk+1 ). Without loss of generality we can assume the origin located at yk . Using the de nition of the density estimate (1) with the Epanechnikov kernel (2) and noting that kyk ; xi k2 = kxi k2 we have f^E (k) = f^k (yk KE ) X K yk ; xi = 1
0 00 0 00


2 ^f Mh (x) = d h 2 r^ (x) : + f (x )


The expression (7) was rst derived in 7] and shows that an estimate of the normalized gradient can be obtained by computing the sample mean shift in a uniform kernel centered on x. The mean shift vector has the direction of the gradient of the density estimate at x when this estimate is obtained with the Epanechnikov kernel. Since the mean shift vector always points towards the direction of the maximum increase in the density, it can de ne a path leading to a local density maximum, i.e., to a mode of the density (Figure 1). The mean shift procedure, obtained by successive computation of the mean shift vector Mh (x) translation of the window Sh (x) by Mh(x), is guaranteed to converge, as it will be shown in the next section.

3 Convergence

Let fyk gk=1 2::: denote the sequence of successive locations of the mean shift procedure. By de nition we have for each k=1,2. . . X x (8) y = 1

nk xi 2Sh (y


where y1 is the center of the initial window and nk is the number of points falling in the window Sh (yk ) centered on yk . 2

nhd xi 2Sh (y ) E h k 2 X d+ = 2n(hd2 ) 1 ; kxi2k : cd xi 2Sh (y ) h



Since the kernel KE is nonnegative we also have f^E (k + 1) = f^k+1 (yk+1 KE )

Being bounded and strictly monotonic increasing, ^ the sequence fE is convergent. Note that if yk = yk+1 ^ then yk is the limit of fE , i.e., yk is the xed point of the mean shift procedure. An image is typically represented as a 2-dimensional lattice of r-dimensional vectors (pixels), where r is 1 in the gray level case, 3 for color images, or r > 3 in the multispectral case. The space of the lattice is known as the spatial domain while the gray level, color, or spectral information is represented in the range domain. However, after a proper normalization with s and r , global parameters in the spatial and range domains, the location and range vectors can be concatenated to obtain a spatial-range domain of dimension d = r + 2. The main novelty of this paper is to apply the mean shift procedure for the data points in the joint spatialrange domain. Each data point becomes associated to a point of convergence which represents the local mode of the density in the d-dimensional space. The process, having the parameters s and r , takes into account simultaneously both the spatial and range information. A similar idea was exploited di erently in 16]. In Section 5.4 we will compare the two approaches. The output of the mean shift lter for an image pixel is de ned as the range information carried by the point of convergence. This process achieves a high quality, discontinuity preserving spatial ltering. For the segmentation task, the convergence points su ciently close in the joint domain are fused to obtain the homogeneous regions in the image. The proposed spatial-range ltering and segmentation are described in the sequel with results shown for both gray level and color images. The perceptually uniform L*u*v* space has been used to represent the color information, while for the gray level cases only the L* component has been considered. Let fxj gj=1:::n and fzj gj=1:::n be the d-dimensional original and ltered image points in the spatial-range domain. The upperscripts s and r will denote the spatial and range parts of the vectors, respectively. The original data is assumed to be normalized with s for the spatial part and r for the range. Mean Shift Filtering For each j = 1 : : : n 1. Initialize k = 1 and yk = xj . P 2. Compute yk+1 = n1k xi 2S1 (yk ) xi , k k + 1 till convergence. 3. Assign zj = (xs yr ). j conv 3

4 Processing in Spatial-Range Domain

Figure 2: The d-dimensional windows used in the proof of convergence: Sh(yk ), Sh 0 (yk ), and Sh 00 (yk ). The point yk+1 is the mean of the data points falling in Sh (yk ).


00 xi 2Sh (yk

d+2 = 2n(hdc )


KE yk+1h; xi )

d x 2S (y ) i h k

kyk ; xi k : (10) h
+1 2 2

Hence, knowing that nk = nk ; nk we obtain f^E (k + 1) ; f^E (k) 2n(d + 2)h2 hdcd 2 3

6 X kxi k ;X kyk ; xi k ; nk h 7 4 5

xi 2Sh (yk )

xi 2Sh (yk )



where the last term appears due to the di erent summation boundaries. Also, by de nition kyk+1 ; xi k2 h2 for all xi 2 Sh (yk ), which implies that


xi 2Sh (yk )

kyk ; xi k

nk h2 :


Finally, employing (12) in (11) and using (8) we obtain f^E (k + 1) ; f^E (k) 2n(d +c 2)h2 hd d 2 3

5 Filtering

4 X kxi k ;X kyk ; xik 5 xi 2Sh yk x 2 i2Sh yk 3 X d + 2 42yT = 2n(hdc )h xi ; nk kyk k 5 k d

2 +1 2 ( ) ( ) 2 +1

The last item of the relation (13) is strictly positive except when yk = yk+1 = 0.

= 2n(d + 2)h2 nk kyk+1 k2: hdcd

xi 2Sh (yk )



The last assignment speci es that the ltered data at the spatial location of xj will have the range components of the point of convergence yconv . The number of points in the window S1 (yk ) of radius 1 and centered on Yk is nk . The unit radius of the window is due to the normalization.

5.1 Arithmetic Complexity

In a practical implementation the lattice structure of the spatial domain is used for the e cient search of the points xi 2 S1 (yk ). This search can obviously be limited to a rectangular window of size 2 2 in the normalized space, which corresponds to (2b s c + 1)2 image pixels, where b c is the down-rounded integer. By denoting with kc the mean number of iterations needed for convergence, the arithmetic complexity of the mean shift ltering is about kc (2b s c + 1)2 ops per image pixel.


5.2 Normalization Constants

The value of s is related to the spatial resolution of the analysis while the value of r de nes the range (color) resolution. An asymptotically optimal (in the MISE sense) gradient estimate is obtained when the distribution in the joint space is normal. The radius of the searching window is a function of the number of data points n 12, p.152]. In our case, however, the data is far from being normal. Therefore, no theoretical constraints can be imposed on the values of s and r , which are task dependent and in practical settings their choice should incorporate a top-down, knowledge driven component. A challenging issue not considered in this paper is the adaptive de nition of the normalization constants. To take into account the nonstationarity of the input adaptive kernel estimation techniques were proposed in the statistical literature 15], however for less complex data. Beside exploiting a priori information (often available for low level vision) robust image understanding methods can also be helpful.

(b) Figure 3: Cameraman image. (a) Original. (b) Mean shift ltered ( s r ) = (8 4). was very low, around 3, due to the relatively small number of data points falling in the searching window. To illustrate the e ectiveness of the ltering process, the region marked in Figure 3a is represented in three dimensions in Figure 4a. In Figure 4b the mean shift paths associated with each pixel from the central plateau and the line are shown. Note that the convergence points (black dots) are situated in the opposite direction relative to the edge, while the shifts on the line remain on it. As a result, the ltered data (Figure 4c) shows clean quasi-homogeneous regions. A second ltering example is given in Figure 5b. The original, 512 512 color image baboon has been processed with a mean shift lter having ( s r ) = (16 16). While the texture of the fur has been cleaned, 4

5.3 Experiments

Mean shift ltering with ( s r ) = (8 4) has been applied to the often used 256 256 gray level cameraman image (Figure 3a), the processed image being shown in Figure 3b. The regions containing the grass eld have been almost completely smoothed while details such as the tripod and the buildings in the background were preserved. The entire processing time was a few seconds on a standard laptop with a 233 MHz Pentium II processor. We used a Java implementation of the algorithm. The mean number of iterations necessary for convergence



(a) (c) (d) Figure 4: A 40 20 window from the image cameraman. (a) Original data (rotated and ipped over for better visualization). (b) Mean shift paths for the points in the central and top (white) plateaus. (c) Filtering result ( s r ) = (8 4). (d) Segmentation result (see Section 6 for details). the details of the eyes and the whiskers remained crisp.

5.4 Comparison to Bilateral Filtering

We note here two important di erences between the mean shift and bilateral ltering proposed by Tomasi and Manduchi 16]. Both methods are based on the same principle, the simultaneous processing of both the spatial and range domains. However, while the bilateral ltering uses a static window in the two domains, the mean shift window is dynamic, moving in the direction of the maximum increase in the density gradient. Therefore, the mean shift ltering has a more powerful adaptation to the local structure of the data. In addition, the ltering iterations proposed in 16] do not have a stopping criterion. After a su cient number of iterations, the processed image collapses to a at surface. The same observation is valid for other adaptive smoothing techniques 10, 11]. The process de ned by mean shift is run till convergence and maintains the structure of the data.

(b) Figure 5: Baboon image. (a) Original. (b) Mean shift ltered ( s r ) = (16 16).

fLj gj
1. 2. 3. 4.

6 Segmentation

The mean shift segmentation in the spatial-range domain has the same simple design as the ltering process. Again, we assume the input data to be normalized with ( s r ). Let fxj gj=1:::n be the original image points, fzj gj=1:::n the points of convergence, and 5

Mean Shift Segmentation For each j = 1 : : : n run the mean shift procedure for xj and store the convergence point in zj . Identify clusters fCp gp=1:::m of convergence points by linking together all zj which are closer than 0:5 from each other in the joint domain. For each j = 1 : : : n assign Lj = fp j zj 2 Cp g. Optional: Eliminate spatial regions smaller than M pixels.


:::n a set of labels (scalars).

The rst step of the segmentation is a ltering process. However all the information about the ddimensional convergence point is stored now in zj , not

only its range part. Note also that the number of clusters m is controlled by the parameters ( s r ). The arithmetic complexity of the segmentation is similar to that of the mean shift ltering, its rst step being the most computationally expensive.

6.1 Experiments

We employed the algorithm described above with ( s r M ) = (8 7 20) to segment the 256 256 gray level image MIT (Figure 6a). The segmentation is presented in Figure 6b with the associated contours in Figure 6c. A number of 225 homogeneous regions were identi ed. The high quality contours allow the delineation of the walls, sky, steps, inscription on the building, etc. Compare the segmentation in Figure 6 with the segmentations of the same image through clustering 4, Figure 4] or using Gibbs random eld 9, Figure 7]. Returning to the cameraman image, Figure 7 shows the reconstructed image after the regions corresponding to the sky and grass were replaced with white. Observe the preservation of the details. The mean shift segmentation has been applied with ( s r M ) = (8 4 10). Figure 4d shows the segmentation (with the same parameters) of the selected rectangular window in Figure 3a. The segmentation with ( s r M ) = (16 7 40) of the 512 512 color image lake is shown in Figure 8b. Compare this result with that of the multiscale approach in 14, Figure 11]. Finally, one can compare the contours of the color image hand presented in Figure 9 with those from 17, Figure 15] obtained through a complex global optimization.


6.2 Discussion


It is interesting to contrast the mean shift segmentation with those based on the attraction force eld 14] and edge ow propagation 8]. While all the three methods employ a vector eld to detect regions in the spatial domain, only the mean shift based segmentation has strong statistical foundations. Our method associates the current pixel with a mode of the density located in its neighborhood (measured in both spatial and range domains). The attraction force eld de ned in 14] is computed at each pixel as a vector sum of pairwise a nities between the current pixel and all other pixels. No theoretical evidence of the existence of such a force eld is given. The edge ow in 8] is obtained at each location for a given set of directions as the magnitude of the gradient of a smoothed image. The quantization of the edge ow direction, however, may introduce artifacts. 6

(c) Figure 6: MIT image. (a) Original. (b) Segmented ( s r M ) = (8 7 20). (c) Contours.

Figure 7: Segmentation with ( s r M ) = (8 4 10) and reconstruction of the cameraman image after the elimination of regions representing sky and grass. Recall that, by contrast, the direction of the mean shift is dictated solely by the data.


7 Conclusions

This paper suggests that e ective image analysis can be implemented based on the mean shift procedure. The nonparametric estimation of the density gradient in the spatial-range domain is a useful tool for bottomup computer vision tasks such as edge preserving ltering and segmentation. The methods we proposed can be easily extended to the processing of other low level image features like the texture or optical ow.


This research was supported by the NSF under the grant IRI-9530546.

(b) Figure 8: Lake image. (a) Original. (b) Segmented ( s r M ) = (16 7 40).


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Figure 9: Hand image. (a) Original. (b) Contours ( s r M ) = (16 19 40). 7

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