Study Program: (International Students)
Study Program: (International Students)
Study Program: (International Students)
(International students) Profile: Study program: Duration of studies Number of credits: Previous education: Degree: Telecommunications Bachelor Study Programme 3 years 122 Credit Point or 183 ECTS Secondary Education Bachelor Degree of Engineering Sciences in Electrical Science RTU program code AEBC0
1. DMF101 2. MFA101 3. RRE102 4. DIM205 5. DMS212 6. V 109 7. REA103 8. RTR105 9. RTR108 10. RTR207 11. RTR223 12. RTR215 13. RTR220 14. REA204 15. REA202 16. RTC106 17. RAE261 18. RAE362 19. RAE361 20. RDE301 21. RDE303 22. RAE306 23. RDE302 24. RRI100
B. B.1.
Mathematics Physics Electricity and Magnetism Supplementary Mathematics (for electrical engineering) Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics General Chemistry Fundamentals of Materials Science Computer Studies (basic course) Computer Studies (special course) Computerization of Mathematical Tasks in Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Theory Circuit Theory Basics of Signal Theory Electron Devices Electrical Measurements Commercial Operations (Distance Learning e-Course) Digital Electronics and Computer Architecture Digital Devices and Systems Digital Devices of Telecommunications Systems Telecommunications Theory Transmission Systems Digital Switching Systems Transmission Media Introduction to Study Field
86 CP
9 CP 6 CP 2 CP 2 CP 2 CP 2 CP 2 CP 3 CP 2 CP 3 CP 6 CP 5 CP 4 CP 3 CP 3 CP 2 CP 3 CP 3 CP 3 CP 5 CP 4 CP 4 CP 6 CP 1 CP
OPTIONAL SUBJECTS OF LIMITED CHOICE Specialization Courses 1.1. REA302 Materials, Components, Microelectronics 1.2. RRI349 Analog and Digital Integrated Circuits 1.3. RAE202 Computer Technology for Telecommunications
22 CP 15 CP 3 CP 3 CP 3 CP
Teletraffic Theory Electrical Measurements in Telecommunications Telecommunications and Computer Networks I Distributed Systems in Telecommunications Humanities / Social and Management Courses History and Culture of Latvia Basic Ethics Political System of Latvia Sociology of Personalities and Small Groups Sociology of Management General Sociology Languages Latvian Language SUBJECTS OF FREE OPTION STATE EXAMINATION Bachelor Thesis TOTAL:
3 CP 3 CP 3 CP 3 CP 4 CP 2 CP 2 CP 2 CP 2 CP 2 CP 2 CP 3 CP 3 CP 4 CP 10 CP 10 CP 122 CP