R18B TECHECEIIYearSyllabus
R18B TECHECEIIYearSyllabus
R18B TECHECEIIYearSyllabus
S. No. Course Title L T P Credits
1 EC301PC Electronic Devices and Circuits 3 1 0 4
2 EC302PC Network Analysis and Transmission 3 0 0 3
3 EC303PC Digital System Design 3 1 0 4
4 EC304PC Signals and Systems 3 1 0 4
5 EC305ES Probability Theory and Stochastic 3 0 0 3
6 EC306PC Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab 0 0 2 1
7 EC307PC Digital System Design Lab 0 0 2 1
8 EC308ES Basic Simulation Lab 0 0 2 1
9 *MC309 Constitution of India 3 0 0 0
Total Credits 18 3 6 21
S. No. Course Title L T P Credits
1 MA401BS Laplace Transforms, Numerical Methods & 3 1 0 4
Complex Variables
2 EC402PC Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 3 0 0 3
3 EC403PC Analog and Digital Communications 3 1 0 4
4 EC404PC Linear IC Applications 3 0 0 3
5 EC405PC Electronic Circuit Analysis 3 0 0 3
6 EC406PC Analog and Digital Communications Lab 0 0 3 1.5
7 EC407PC IC Applications Lab 0 0 3 1.5
8 EC408PC Electronic Circuit Analysis Lab 0 0 2 1
9 *MC409 Gender Sensitization Lab 0 0 2 0
Total Credits 15 2 10 21
*MC – Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of the Course, the students will be able to:
Know the characteristics of various components.
Understand the utilization of components.
Understand the biasing techniques
Design and analyze small signal amplifier circuits.
Diode and Applications: Diode - Static and Dynamic resistances, Equivalent circuit, Load line
analysis, Diffusion and Transition Capacitances, Diode Applications: Switch-Switching times.
Rectifier - Half Wave Rectifier, Full Wave Rectifier, Bridge Rectifier, Rectifiers with Capacitive and
Inductive Filters, Clippers-Clipping at two independent levels, Clamper-Clamping Circuit Theorem,
Clamping Operation, Types of Clampers.
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT): Principle of Operation, Common Emitter, Common Base and
Common Collector Configurations, Transistor as a switch, switching times, Transistor Biasing and
Stabilization - Operating point, DC & AC load lines, Biasing - Fixed Bias, Self Bias, Bias Stability, Bias
Compensation using Diodes.
Junction Field Effect Transistor (FET): Construction, Principle of Operation, Pinch-Off Voltage, Volt-
Ampere Characteristic, Comparison of BJT and FET, Biasing of FET, FET as Voltage Variable Resistor.
Special Purpose Devices: Zener Diode - Characteristics, Voltage Regulator. Principle of Operation -
SCR, Tunnel diode, UJT, Varactor Diode.
Analysis and Design of Small Signal Low Frequency BJT Amplifiers: Transistor Hybrid model,
Determination of h-parameters from transistor characteristics, Typical values of h- parameters in CE, CB
and CC configurations, Transistor amplifying action, Analysis of CE, CC, CB Amplifiers and CE Amplifier
with emitter resistance, low frequency response of BJT Amplifiers, effect of coupling and bypass
capacitors on CE Amplifier.
FET Amplifiers: Small Signal Model, Analysis of JFET Amplifiers, Analysis of CS, CD, CG JFET
Amplifiers. MOSFET Characteristics in Enhancement and Depletion mode, Basic Concepts of MOS
1. Electronic Devices and Circuits- Jacob Millman, McGraw Hill Education
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits theory– Robert L. Boylestead, Louis Nashelsky, 11th Edition,
2009, Pearson.
1. The Art of Electronics, Horowitz, 3rd Edition Cambridge University Press
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits, David A. Bell – 5th Edition, Oxford.
3. Pulse, Digital and Switching Waveforms –J. Millman, H. Taub and Mothiki S. Prakash Rao, 2Ed.,
2008, Mc Graw Hill.
Course Objectives:
To understand the basic concepts on RLC circuits.
To know the behavior of the steady states and transients states in RLC circuits.
To understand the two port network parameters.
To study the propagation, reflection and transmission of plane waves in bounded and
unbounded media.
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
Gain the knowledge on basic RLC circuits behavior.
Analyze the Steady state and transient analysis of RLC Circuits.
Know the characteristics of two port network parameters.
Analyze the transmission line parameters and configurations.
Network Topology, Basic cutset and tie set matrices for planar networks, Magnetic Circuits, Self and
Mutual inductances, dot convention, impedance, reactance concept, Impedance transformation and
coupled circuits, co-efficient of coupling, equivalent T for Magnetically coupled circuits, Ideal
Transient and Steady state analysis of RC, RL and RLC Circuits, Sinusoidal, Step and Square
responses. RC Circuits as integrator and differentiators. 2nd order series and parallel RLC Circuits,
Root locus, damping factor, over damped, under damped, critically damped cases, quality factor and
bandwidth for series and parallel resonance, resonance curves.
Two port network parameters, Z, Y, ABCD, h and g parameters, Characteristic impedance, Image
transfer constant, image and iterative impedance, network function, driving point and transfer
functions – using transformed (S) variables, Poles and Zeros. Standard T,, L Sections,
Characteristic impedance, image transfer constants, Design of Attenuators, impedance matching
Transmission Lines - I: Types, Parameters, Transmission Line Equations, Primary & Secondary
Constants, Equivalent Circuit, Characteristic Impedance, Propagation Constant, Phase and Group
Velocities, Infinite Line Concepts, Lossless / Low Loss Characterization, Types of Distortion,
Condition for Distortion less line, Minimum Attenuation, Loading - Types of Loading.
Transmission Lines – II: Input Impedance Relations, SC and OC Lines, Reflection Coefficient, VSWR.
λ/4, λ/2, λ/8 Lines – Impedance Transformations, Smith Chart – Configuration and Applications,
Single Stub Matching.
1. Network Analysis – Van Valkenburg, 3rd Ed., Pearson, 2016.
2. Networks, Lines and Fields - JD Ryder, PHI, 2nd Edition, 1999.
1. Electric Circuits – J. Edminister and M. Nahvi – Schaum’s Outlines, Mc Graw Hills Education,
2. Engineering Circuit Analysis – William Hayt and Jack E Kemmerly, MGH, 8th Edition, 1993.
3. Electromagnetics with Applications – JD. Kraus, 5th Ed., TMH
4. Transmission Lines and Networks – Umesh Sinha, Satya Prakashan, 2001, (Tech. India
Publications), New Delhi.
Course Objectives:
To understand common forms of number representation in logic circuits
To learn basic techniques for the design of digital circuits and fundamental concepts used in
the design of digital systems.
To understand the concepts of combinational logic circuits and sequential circuits.
To understand the Realization of Logic Gates Using Diodes & Transistors.
Course Outcomes: Upon completing this course, the student will be able to
Understand the numerical information in different forms and Boolean Algebra theorems
Postulates of Boolean algebra and to minimize combinational functions
Design and analyze combinational and sequential circuits
Known about the logic families and realization of logic gates.
Number Systems: Number systems, Complements of Numbers, Codes- Weighted and Non-weighted
codes and its Properties, Parity check code and Hamming code.
Boolean Algebra: Basic Theorems and Properties, Switching Functions- Canonical and Standard
Form, Algebraic Simplification, Digital Logic Gates, EX-OR gates, Universal Gates, Multilevel
NAND/NOR realizations.
Minimization of Boolean functions: Karnaugh Map Method - Up to five Variables, Don’t Care Map
Entries, Tabular Method,
Combinational Logic Circuits: Adders, Subtractors, Comparators, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers,
Encoders, Decoders and Code converters, Hazards and Hazard Free Relations.
Sequential Circuits Fundamentals: Basic Architectural Distinctions between Combinational and
Sequential circuits, SR Latch, Flip Flops: SR, JK, JK Master Slave, D and T Type Flip Flops,
Excitation Table of all Flip Flops, Timing and Triggering Consideration, Conversion from one type of
Flip-Flop to another.
Registers and Counters: Shift Registers – Left, Right and Bidirectional Shift Registers, Applications
of Shift Registers - Design and Operation of Ring and Twisted Ring Counter, Operation of
Asynchronous and Synchronous Counters.
Sequential Machines: Finite State Machines, Synthesis of Synchronous Sequential Circuits- Serial
Binary Adder, Sequence Detector, Parity-bit Generator, Synchronous Modulo N –Counters. Finite
state machine-capabilities and limitations, Mealy and Moore models.
Realization of Logic Gates Using Diodes & Transistors: AND, OR and NOT Gates using Diodes
and Transistors, DCTL, RTL, DTL, TTL, CML and CMOS Logic Families and its Comparison,
Classification of Integrated circuits, comparison of various logic families, standard TTL NAND Gate-
Analysis & characteristics, TTL open collector O/Ps, Tristate TTL, MOS & CMOS open drain and tri-
state outputs, CMOS transmission gate, IC interfacing- TTL driving CMOS & CMOS driving TTL.
1. Switching and Finite Automata Theory - Zvi Kohavi & Niraj K. Jha, 3rd Edition, Cambridge,
2. Modern Digital Electronics – R. P. Jain, 3rd Edition, 2007- Tata McGraw-Hill
1. Digital Design- Morris Mano, PHI, 4th Edition,2006
2. Introduction to Switching Theory and Logic Design – Fredriac J. Hill, Gerald R. Peterson, 3rd
Ed, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
3. Fundamentals of Logic Design- Charles H. Roth, Cengage Learning, 5th, Edition, 2004.
4. Switching Theory and Logic Design – A Anand Kumar, PHI, 2013
Course Objectives:
This gives the basics of Signals and Systems required for all Electrical Engineering related
To understand the behavior of signal in time and frequency domain
To understand the characteristics of LTI systems
This gives concepts of Signals and Systems and its analysis using different transform
Course Outcomes: Upon completing this course, the student will be able to
Differentiate various signal functions.
Represent any arbitrary signal in time and frequency domain.
Understand the characteristics of linear time invariant systems.
Analyze the signals with different transform technique
Signal Analysis: Analogy between Vectors and Signals, Orthogonal Signal Space, Signal
approximation using Orthogonal functions, Mean Square Error, Closed or complete set of Orthogonal
functions, Orthogonality in Complex functions, Classification of Signals and systems, Exponential and
Sinusoidal signals, Concepts of Impulse function, Unit Step function, Signum function.
Fourier series: Representation of Fourier series, Continuous time periodic signals, Properties of
Fourier Series, Dirichlet’s conditions, Trigonometric Fourier Series and Exponential Fourier Series,
Complex Fourier spectrum.
Fourier Transforms: Deriving Fourier Transform from Fourier series, Fourier Transform of arbitrary
signal, Fourier Transform of standard signals, Fourier Transform of Periodic Signals, Properties of
Fourier Transform, Fourier Transforms involving Impulse function and Signum function, Introduction to
Hilbert Transform.
Signal Transmission through Linear Systems: Linear System, Impulse response, Response of a
Linear System, Linear Time Invariant(LTI) System, Linear Time Variant (LTV) System, Transfer
function of a LTI System, Filter characteristic of Linear System, Distortion less transmission through a
system, Signal bandwidth, System Bandwidth, Ideal LPF, HPF, and BPF characteristics, Causality
and Paley-Wiener criterion for physical realization, Relationship between Bandwidth and rise time,
Convolution and Correlation of Signals, Concept of convolution in Time domain and Frequency
domain, Graphical representation of Convolution.
Laplace Transforms: Laplace Transforms (L.T), Inverse Laplace Transform, Concept of Region of
Convergence (ROC) for Laplace Transforms, Properties of L.T, Relation between L.T and F.T of a
signal, Laplace Transform of certain signals using waveform synthesis.
Z–Transforms: Concept of Z- Transform of a Discrete Sequence, Distinction between Laplace,
Fourier and Z Transforms, Region of Convergence in Z-Transform, Constraints on ROC for various
classes of signals, Inverse Z-transform, Properties of Z-transforms.
Sampling theorem: Graphical and analytical proof for Band Limited Signals, Impulse Sampling,
Natural and Flat top Sampling, Reconstruction of signal from its samples, Effect of under sampling –
Aliasing, Introduction to Band Pass Sampling.
Correlation: Cross Correlation and Auto Correlation of Functions, Properties of Correlation
Functions, Energy Density Spectrum, Parsevals Theorem, Power Density Spectrum, Relation
between Autocorrelation Function and Energy/Power Spectral Density Function, Relation between
Convolution and Correlation, Detection of Periodic Signals in the presence of Noise by Correlation,
Extraction of Signal from Noise by Filtering.
1. Signals, Systems & Communications - B.P. Lathi, 2013, BSP.
2. Signals and Systems - A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky and S.H. Nawabi, 2 Ed.
1. Signals and Systems – Simon Haykin and Van Veen, Wiley 2 Ed.,
2. Signals and Systems – A. Rama Krishna Rao, 2008, TMH
3. Fundamentals of Signals and Systems - Michel J. Robert, 2008, MGH International Edition.
4. Signals, Systems and Transforms - C. L. Philips, J.M.Parr and Eve A.Riskin, 3 Ed., 2004, PE.
5. Signals and Systems – K. Deergha Rao, Birkhauser, 2018.
Course Objectives:
This gives basic understanding of random signals and processes sing
Utilization of Random signals and systems in Communications and Signal Processing areas.
To known the Spectral and temporal characteristics of Random Process.
To Learn the Basic concepts of Noise sources
Course Outcomes: Upon completing this course, the student will be able to
Understand the concepts of Random Process and its Characteristics.
Understand the response of linear time Invariant system for a Random Processes.
Determine the Spectral and temporal characteristics of Random Signals.
Understand the concepts of Noise in Communication systems.
Probability & Random Variable: Probability introduced through Sets and Relative Frequency:
Experiments and Sample Spaces, Discrete and Continuous Sample Spaces, Events, Probability
Definitions and Axioms, Joint Probability, Conditional Probability, Total Probability, Bay’s Theorem,
Independent Events, Random Variable- Definition, Conditions for a Function to be a Random
Variable, Discrete, Continuous and Mixed Random Variable, Distribution and Density functions,
Properties, Binomial, Poisson, Uniform, Gaussian, Exponential, Rayleigh, Methods of defining
Conditioning Event, Conditional Distribution, Conditional Density and their Properties.
Operations On Single & Multiple Random Variables – Expectations: Expected Value of a
Random Variable, Function of a Random Variable, Moments about the Origin, Central Moments,
Variance and Skew, Chebychev’s Inequality, Characteristic Function, Moment Generating Function,
Transformations of a Random Variable: Monotonic and Non-monotonic Transformations of
Continuous Random Variable, Transformation of a Discrete Random Variable.
Vector Random Variables, Joint Distribution Function and its Properties, Marginal Distribution
Functions, Conditional Distribution and Density – Point Conditioning, Conditional Distribution and
Density – Interval conditioning, Statistical Independence.
Sum of Two Random Variables, Sum of Several Random Variables, Central Limit Theorem, (Proof
not expected). Unequal Distribution, Equal Distributions. Expected Value of a Function of Random
Variables: Joint Moments about the Origin, Joint Central Moments, Joint Characteristic Functions,
Jointly Gaussian Random Variables: Two Random Variables case, N Random Variable case,
Properties, Transformations of Multiple Random Variables, Linear Transformations of Gaussian
Random Variables.
Random Processes – Temporal Characteristics: The Random Process Concept, Classification of
Processes, Deterministic and Nondeterministic Processes, Distribution and Density Functions,
concept of Stationarity and Statistical Independence. First-Order Stationary Processes, Second-
Order and Wide-Sense Stationarity, (N-Order) and Strict-Sense Stationarity, Time Averages and
Ergodicity, Mean-Ergodic Processes, Correlation-Ergodic Processes, Autocorrelation Function and Its
Properties, Cross-Correlation Function and Its Properties, Covariance Functions, Gaussian Random
Processes, Poisson Random Process. Random Signal Response of Linear Systems: System
Random Processes – Spectral Characteristics: The Power Spectrum: Properties, Relationship
between Power Spectrum and Autocorrelation Function, The Cross-Power Density Spectrum,
Properties, Relationship between Cross-Power Spectrum and Cross-Correlation Function. Spectral
Characteristics of System Response: Power Density Spectrum of Response, Cross-Power Density
Spectrums of Input and Output.
Noise Sources & Information Theory: Resistive/Thermal Noise Source, Arbitrary Noise Sources,
Effective Noise Temperature, Noise equivalent bandwidth, Average Noise Figures, Average Noise
Figure of cascaded networks, Narrow Band noise, Quadrature representation of narrow band noise
& its properties. Entropy, Information rate, Source coding: Huffman coding, Shannon Fano coding,
Mutual information, Channel capacity of discrete channel, Shannon-Hartley law; Trade -off between
bandwidth and SNR.
1. Probability, Random Variables & Random Signal Principles - Peyton Z. Peebles, TMH, 4th
Edition, 2001.
2. Principles of Communication systems by Taub and Schilling (TMH),2008
1. Random Processes for Engineers-Bruce Hajck, Cambridge unipress,2015
2. Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes – Athanasios Papoulis and S.
Unnikrishna Pillai, PHI, 4th Edition, 2002.
3. Probability, Statistics & Random Processes-K. Murugesan, P. Guruswamy, Anuradha Agencies,
3rd Edition, 2003.
4. Signals, Systems & Communications - B.P. Lathi, B.S. Publications, 2003.
5. Statistical Theory of Communication – S.P Eugene Xavier, New Age Publications, 2003
List of Experiments -
1. Realization of Boolean Expressions using Gates
2. Design and realization logic gates using universal gates
3. Generation of clock using NAND / NOR gates
4. Design a 4 – bit Adder / Subtractor
5. Design and realization of a 4 – bit gray to Binary and Binary to Gray Converter
6. Design and realization of an 8 bit parallel load and serial out shift register using flip-flops.
7. Design and realization of a Synchronous and Asynchronous counter using flip-flops
8. Design and realization of Asynchronous counters using flip-flops
9. Design and realization of 8x1 MUX using 2x1 MUX
10. Design and realization of 4 bit comparator
11. Design and Realization of a sequence detector-a finite state machine
All the experiments are to be simulated using MATLAB or equivalent software
Minimum of 15 experiment are to be completed
List of Experiments:
1. Basic Operations on Matrices.
2. Generation of Various Signals and Sequences (Periodic and Aperiodic), such as Unit
Impulse, Unit Step, Square, Saw tooth, Triangular, Sinusoidal, Ramp, Sinc.
3. Operations on Signals and Sequences such as Addition, Multiplication, Scaling, Shifting,
Folding, Computation of Energy and Average Power.
4. Finding the Even and Odd parts of Signal/Sequence and Real and Imaginary parts of Signal.
5. Convolution for Signals and sequences.
6. Auto Correlation and Cross Correlation for Signals and Sequences.
7. Verification of Linearity and Time Invariance Properties of a given Continuous/Discrete
8. Computation of Unit sample, Unit step and Sinusoidal responses of the given LTI system and
verifying its physical realiazability and stability properties.
9. Gibbs Phenomenon Simulation.
10. Finding the Fourier Transform of a given signal and plotting its magnitude and phase
11. Waveform Synthesis using Laplace Transform.
12. Locating the Zeros and Poles and plotting the Pole-Zero maps in S-plane and Z-Plane for the
given transfer function.
13. Generation of Gaussian noise ( Real and Complex), Computation of its mean, M.S. Value and
its Skew, Kurtosis, and PSD, Probability Distribution Function.
14. Verification of Sampling Theorem.
15. Removal of noise by Autocorrelation / Cross correlation.
16. Extraction of Periodic Signal masked by noise using Correlation.
17. Verification of Weiner-Khinchine Relations.
18. Checking a Random Process for Stationarity in Wide sense.
The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. Parliament of India cannot make any
law which violates the Fundamental Rights enumerated under the Part III of the Constitution. The
Parliament of India has been empowered to amend the Constitution under Article 368, however, it
cannot use this power to change the “basic structure” of the constitution, which has been ruled and
explained by the Supreme Court of India in its historical judgments. The Constitution of India reflects
the idea of “Constitutionalism” – a modern and progressive concept historically developed by the
thinkers of “liberalism” – an ideology which has been recognized as one of the most popular political
ideology and result of historical struggles against arbitrary use of sovereign power by state. The
historic revolutions in France, England, America and particularly European Renaissance and
Reformation movement have resulted into progressive legal reforms in the form of “constitutionalism”
in many countries. The Constitution of India was made by borrowing models and principles from many
countries including United Kingdom and America.
The Constitution of India is not only a legal document but it also reflects social, political and
economic perspectives of the Indian Society. It reflects India’s legacy of “diversity”. It has been said
that Indian constitution reflects ideals of its freedom movement; however, few critics have argued that
it does not truly incorporate our own ancient legal heritage and cultural values. No law can be “static”
and therefore the Constitution of India has also been amended more than one hundred times. These
amendments reflect political, social and economic developments since the year 1950. The Indian
judiciary and particularly the Supreme Court of India has played an historic role as the guardian of
people. It has been protecting not only basic ideals of the Constitution but also strengthened the same
through progressive interpretations of the text of the Constitution. The judicial activism of the Supreme
Court of India and its historic contributions has been recognized throughout the world and it gradually
made it “as one of the strongest court in the world”.
Course content
1. Meaning of the constitution law and constitutionalism
2. Historical perspective of the Constitution of India
3. Salient features and characteristics of the Constitution of India
4. Scheme of the fundamental rights
5. The scheme of the Fundamental Duties and its legal status
6. The Directive Principles of State Policy – Its importance and implementation
7. Federal structure and distribution of legislative and financial powers between the Union and
the States
8. Parliamentary Form of Government in India – The constitution powers and status of the
President of India
9. Amendment of the Constitutional Powers and Procedure
10. The historical perspectives of the constitutional amendments in India
11. Emergency Provisions: National Emergency, President Rule, Financial Emergency
12. Local Self Government – Constitutional Scheme in India
13. Scheme of the Fundamental Right to Equality
14. Scheme of the Fundamental Right to certain Freedom under Article 19
15. Scope of the Right to Life and Personal Liberty under Article 21
Course outcomes: After learning the contents of this paper the student must be able to
Use the Laplace transforms techniques for solving ODE’s
Find the root of a given equation.
Estimate the value for the given data using interpolation
Find the numerical solutions for a given ODE’s
Analyze the complex function with reference to their analyticity, integration using Cauchy’s
integral and residue theorems.
Taylor’s and Laurent’s series expansions of complex Function
Laplace Transforms 10 L
Laplace Transforms; Laplace Transform of standard functions; first shifting theorem; Laplace
transforms of functions when they are multiplied and divided by‘t’. Laplace transforms of derivatives
and integrals of function; Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transforms; Laplace transforms of Special
functions; Laplace transform of periodic functions.
Inverse Laplace transform by different methods, convolution theorem (without Proof), solving ODEs
by Laplace Transform method.
Numerical Methods – I 10 L
Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations – Bisection method, Iteration Method, Newton-
Raphson method and Regula-Falsi method.
Finite differences- forward differences- backward differences-central differences-symbolic relations
and separation of symbols; Interpolation using Newton’s forward and backward difference formulae.
Central difference interpolation: Gauss’s forward and backward formulae; Lagrange’s method of
Numerical Methods – II 08 L
Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8 rules.
Ordinary differential equations: Taylor’s series; Picard’s method; Euler and modified Euler’s methods;
Runge-Kutta method of fourth order.
Complex Variables (Differentiation) 10 L
Limit, Continuity and Differentiation of Complex functions. Cauchy-Riemann equations (without proof),
Milne- Thomson methods, analytic functions, harmonic functions, finding harmonic conjugate;
elementary analytic functions (exponential, trigonometric, logarithm) and their properties.
Complex Variables (Integration) 10 L
Line integrals, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s Integral formula, Liouville’s theorem, Maximum-Modulus
theorem (All theorems without proof); zeros of analytic functions, singularities, Taylor’s series,
Laurent’s series; Residues, Cauchy Residue theorem (without proof)
1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 36th Edition, 2010.
2. S.S. Sastry, Introductory methods of numerical analysis, PHI, 4th Edition, 2005.
3. J. W. Brown and R. V. Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications, 7th Ed., Mc-Graw Hill,
1. M. K. Jain, SRK Iyengar, R.K. Jain, Numerical methods for Scientific and Engineering
Computations , New Age International publishers.
2. Erwin kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,2006.
Course Objectives:
To learn the Basic Laws, Concepts and proofs related to Electrostatic Fields and
Magnetostatic Fields, and apply them to solve physics and engineering problems.
To distinguish between static and time-varying fields, and understand the significance
and utility of Maxwell’s Equations and Boundary Conditions, and gain ability to provide
solutions to communication engineering problems.
To analyze the characteristics of Uniform Plane Waves (UPW), determine their
propagation parameters and estimate the same for dielectric and dissipative media.
To conceptually understand the waveguides and to determine the characteristics of
rectangular waveguides, microstrip lines .
Course Outcomes: Upon completing this course, the student will be able to
Get the knowledge of Basic Laws, Concepts and proofs related to Electrostatic Fields and
Magnetostatic Fields.
Distinguish between the static and time-varying fields, establish the corresponding sets of
Maxwell’s Equations and Boundary Conditions.
Analyze the Wave Equations for good conductors, good dielectrics and evaluate the
UPW Characteristics for several practical media of interest.
To analyze completely the rectangular waveguides, their mode characteristics, and
design waveguides for solving practical problems.
Electrostatics: Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field Intensity – Fields due to Different Charge Distributions,
Electric Flux Density, Gauss Law and Applications, Electric Potential, Relations Between E and V,
Maxwell’s Two Equations for Electrostatic Fields, Energy Density. Convection and Conduction
Currents, Dielectric Constant, Isotropic and Homogeneous Dielectrics, Continuity Equation,
Relaxation Time, Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations, Capacitance – Parallel Plate, Coaxial, Spherical
Magnetostatics: Biot-Savart’s Law, Ampere’s Circuital Law and Applications, Magnetic Flux Density,
Maxwell’s Two Equations for Magnetostatic Fields, Magnetic Scalar and Vector Potentials, Forces
due to Magnetic Fields, Ampere’s Force Law.
Maxwell’s Equations (Time Varying Fields): Faraday’s Law and Transformer EMF, Inconsistency of
Ampere’s Law and Displacement Current Density, Maxwell’s Equations in Different Forms, Conditions
at a Boundary Surface - Dielectric-Dielectric and Dielectric-Conductor Interfaces.
EM Wave Characteristics: Wave Equations for Conducting and Perfect Dielectric Media, Uniform
Plane Waves – Definitions, Relation between E & H, Sinusoidal Variations, Wave Propagation in
Lossless and Conducting Media, Conductors & Dielectrics – Characterization, Wave Propagation in
Good Conductors and Good Dielectrics, Polarization.
Reflection and Refraction of Plane Waves – Normal and Oblique Incidences for both Perfect
Conductor and Perfect Dielectrics, Brewster Angle, Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection,
Surface Impedance, Poynting Vector and Poynting Theorem.
Waveguides: Electromagnetic Spectrum and Bands. Rectangular Waveguides – Solution of Wave
Equations in Rectangular Coordinates, TE/TM mode analysis, Expressions for Fields, Characteristic
Equation and Cut-off Frequencies, Dominant and Degenerate Modes, Sketches of TE and TM mode
fields in the cross-section, Phase and Group Velocities, Wavelengths and Impedance Relations,
Equation of Power Transmission, Impossibility of TEM Mode. Microstrip Lines – Zo Relations,
Effective Dielectric Constant.
1. Engineering Electromagnetics – William H. Hayt Jr. and John A. Buck, 8th Ed.,
2. Principles of Electromagnetics – Matthew N.O. sadiku and S.V. Kulkarni, 6th Ed., Oxford
University Press, Aisan Edition, 2015.
1. Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems – E.C. Jordan and K.G. Balmain, 2ndEd.,
2000, PHI.
2. Engineering Electromagnetics – Nathan Ida, 2nd Ed., 2005, Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd., New
Course Objectives:
To develop ability to analyze system requirements of analog and digital communication
To understand the generation, detection of various analog and digital modulation techniques.
To acquire theoretical knowledge of each block in AM, FM transmitters and receivers.
To understand the concepts of baseband transmissions.
Course Outcomes: Upon completing this course, the student will be able to
Analyze and design of various continuous wave and angle modulation and demodulation
Understand the effect of noise present in continuous wave and angle modulation techniques.
Attain the knowledge about AM , FM Transmitters and Receivers
Analyze and design the various Pulse Modulation Techniques.
Understand the concepts of Digital Modulation Techniques and Baseband transmission.
Amplitude Modulation: Need for modulation, Amplitude Modulation - Time and frequency domain
description, single tone modulation, power relations in AM waves, Generation of AM waves -
Switching modulator, Detection of AM Waves - Envelope detector, DSBSC modulation - time and
frequency domain description, Generation of DSBSC Waves - Balanced Modulators, Coherent
detection of DSB-SC Modulated waves, COSTAS Loop, SSB modulation - time and frequency
domain description, frequency discrimination and Phase discrimination methods for generating SSB,
Demodulation of SSB Waves, principle of Vestigial side band modulation.
Angle Modulation: Basic concepts of Phase Modulation, Frequency Modulation: Single tone
frequency modulation, Spectrum Analysis of Sinusoidal FM Wave using Bessel functions, Narrow
band FM, Wide band FM, Constant Average Power, Transmission bandwidth of FM Wave -
Generation of FM Signal- Armstrong Method, Detection of FM Signal: Balanced slope detector,
Phase locked loop, Comparison of FM and AM., Concept of Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis.
Transmitters: Classification of Transmitters, AM Transmitters, FM Transmitters
Receivers: Radio Receiver - Receiver Types - Tuned radio frequency receiver, Superhetrodyne
receiver, RF section and Characteristics - Frequency changing and tracking, Intermediate frequency,
Image frequency, AGC, Amplitude limiting, FM Receiver, Comparison of AM and FM Receivers.
Pulse Modulation: Types of Pulse modulation- PAM, PWM and PPM. Comparison of FDM and TDM.
Pulse Code Modulation: PCM Generation and Reconstruction, Quantization Noise, Non-Uniform
Quantization and Companding, DPCM, Adaptive DPCM, DM and Adaptive DM, Noise in PCM and
Digital Modulation Techniques: ASK- Modulator, Coherent ASK Detector, FSK- Modulator, Non-
Coherent FSK Detector, BPSK- Modulator, Coherent BPSK Detection. Principles of QPSK,
Differential PSK and QAM.
Baseband Transmission and Optimal Reception of Digital Signal: A Baseband Signal Receiver,
Probability of Error, Optimum Receiver, Coherent Reception, ISI, Eye Diagrams.
1. Analog and Digital Communications – Simon Haykin, John Wiley, 2005.
2. Electronics Communication Systems-Fundamentals through Advanced-Wayne Tomasi, 5th
Edition, 2009, PHI.
1. Principles of Communication Systems - Herbert Taub, Donald L Schilling, Goutam Saha, 3rd
Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2008.
2. Electronic Communications – Dennis Roddy and John Coolean , 4th Edition , PEA, 2004
3. Electronics & Communication System – George Kennedy and Bernard Davis, TMH 2004
4. Analog and Digital Communication – K. Sam Shanmugam, Willey ,2005
Course Objectives:
Learn the concepts of high frequency analysis of transistors.
To give understanding of various types of amplifier circuits such as small signal, cascaded,
large signal and tuned amplifiers.
To familiarize the Concept of feedback in amplifiers so as to differentiate between negative
and positive feedback
To construct various multivibrators using transistors and sweep circuits.
Course Outcomes: Upon completing this course, the student will be able to
Design the multistage amplifiers and understand the concepts of High Frequency Analysis of
Utilize the Concepts of negative feedback to improve the stability of amplifiers and positive
feedback to generate sustained oscillations
Design and realize different classes of Power Amplifiers and tuned amplifiers useable for
audio and Radio applications.
Design Multivibrators and sweep circuits for various applications.
Multistage Amplifiers: Classification of Amplifiers, Distortion in amplifiers, Different coupling
schemes used in amplifiers, Frequency response and Analysis of multistage amplifiers, Casca RC
Coupled amplifiers, Cascode amplifier, Darlington pair.
Transistor at High Frequency: Hybrid - model of Common Emitter transistor model, fα, f β and unity
gain bandwidth, Gain-bandwidth product.
Feedback Amplifiers: Concepts of feedback – Classification of feedback amplifiers – General
characteristics of Negative feedback amplifiers – Effect of Feedback on Amplifier characteristics –
Voltage series, Voltage shunt, Current series and Current shunt Feedback configurations – Simple
Oscillators: Condition for Oscillations, RC type Oscillators-RC phase shift and Wien-bridge
Oscillators, LC type Oscillators –Generalized analysis of LC Oscillators, Hartley and Colpitts
Oscillators, Frequency and amplitude stability of Oscillators, Crystal Oscillator.
Large Signal Amplifiers: Class A Power Amplifier- Series fed and Transformer coupled , Conversion
Efficiency, Class B Power Amplifier- Push Pull and Complimentary Symmetry configurations,
Conversion Efficiency, Principle of operation of Class AB and Class –C Amplifiers.
Tuned Amplifiers: Introduction, single Tuned Amplifiers – Q-factor, frequency response of tuned
amplifiers, Concept of stagger tuning and synchronous tuning.
Multivibrators: Analysis and Design of Bistable, Monostable, Astable Multivibrators and Schmitt
trigger using Transistors.
Time Base Generators: General features of a Time base Signal, Methods of Generating Time Base
Waveform, concepts of Transistor Miller and Bootstrap Time Base Generator, Methods of Linearity
1. Integrated Electronics, Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias, McGraw Hill Education.
2. Electronic Devices Conventional and current version -Thomas L. Floyd 2015, Pearson.
1. Electronic Devices and Circuits, David A. Bell – 5th Edition, Oxford.
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits theory– Robert L. Boylestead, Louis Nashelsky, 11th Edition,
2009, Pearson
Course Outcomes: Upon completing this course, the student will be able to
A thorough understanding of operational amplifiers with linear integrated circuits.
Attain the knowledge of functional diagrams and applications of IC 555 and IC 565
Acquire the knowledge about the Data converters.
Integrated Circuits: Classification, chip size and circuit complexity, basic information of Op-amp,
ideal and practical Op-amp, internal circuits, Op-amp characteristics, DC and AC Characteristics, 741
op-amp and its features, modes of operation-inverting, non-inverting, differential.
Op-amp and Applications: Basic information of Op-amp, instrumentation amplifier, ac amplifier, V to
I and I to V converters, Sample & hold circuits, multipliers and dividers, differentiators and integrators,
comparators, Schmitt trigger, Multivibrators, introduction to voltage regulators, features of 723
Active Filters & Oscillators: Introduction, 1st order LPF, HPF filters, Band pass, Band reject and all
pass filters. Oscillator types and principle of operation - RC, Wien and quadrature type, waveform
generators - triangular, sawtooth, square wave and VCO.
Timers & Phase Locked Loops: Introduction to 555 timer, functional diagram, monostable and
astable operations and applications, Schmitt Trigger. PLL - introduction, block schematic, principles
and description of individual blocks of 565.
D-A and A-D Converters: Introduction, basic DAC techniques, weighted resistor DAC, R-2R ladder
DAC, inverted R-2R DAC, and IC 1408 DAC, Different types of ADCs - parallel comparator type ADC,
counter type ADC, successive approximation ADC dual slope integration type ADC, DAC and ADC
1. Linear Integrated Circuits, D. Roy Chowdhury, New Age International(p) Ltd.
2. Op-Amps & Linear ICs, Ramakanth A. Gayakwad, PHI
1. Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits, R.F. Coughlin & Fredrick F. Driscoll, PHI.
2. Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits: Theory & Applications, Denton J. Daibey,
3. Design with Operational Amplifiers & Analog Integrated Circuits, Sergio Franco, McGraw Hill.
4. Digital Fundamentals - Floyd and Jain, Pearson Education.
Minimum 12 experiments should be conducted:
All these experiments are to be simulated first either using MATLAB, COMSIM or any other
simulation package and then to be realized in hardware
List of Experiments:
1. (i) Amplitude modulation and demodulation (ii) Spectrum analysis of AM
2. (i) Frequency modulation and demodulation (ii) Spectrum analysis of FM
3. DSB-SC Modulator & Detector
4. SSB-SC Modulator & Detector (Phase Shift Method)
5. Frequency Division Multiplexing & De multiplexing
6. Pulse Amplitude Modulation & Demodulation
7. Pulse Width Modulation & Demodulation
8. Pulse Position Modulation & Demodulation
9. PCM Generation and Detection
10. Delta Modulation
11. Frequency Shift Keying: Generation and Detection
12. Binary Phase Shift Keying: Generation and Detection
13. Generation and Detection (i) DPSK (ii) QPSK
Experiments marked with * has to be designed, simulated and verified in hardware.
Minimum of 9 experiments to be done in hardware.
This course offers an introduction to Gender Studies, an interdisciplinary field that asks critical
questions about the meanings of sex and gender in society. The primary goal of this course is to
familiarize students with key issues, questions and debates in Gender Studies, both historical and
contemporary. It draws on multiple disciplines – such as literature, history, economics, psychology,
sociology, philosophy, political science, anthropology and media studies – to examine cultural
assumptions about sex, gender, and sexuality.
This course integrates analysis of current events through student presentations, aiming to
increase awareness of contemporary and historical experiences of women, and of the multiple ways
that sex and gender interact with race, class, caste, nationality and other social identities. This course
also seeks to build an understanding and initiate and strengthen programmes combating gender-
based violence and discrimination. The course also features several exercises and reflective activities
designed to examine the concepts of gender, gender-based violence, sexuality, and rights. It will
further explore the impact of gender-based violence on education, health and development.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will have developed a better understanding of important issues related to gender in
contemporary India.
Students will be sensitized to basic dimensions of the biological, sociological, psychological and
legal aspects of gender. This will be achieved through discussion of materials derived from
research, facts, everyday life, literature and film.
Students will attain a finer grasp of how gender discrimination works in our society and how to
counter it.
Students will acquire insight into the gendered division of labour and its relation to politics and
Men and women students and professionals will be better equipped to work and live together as
Students will develop a sense of appreciation of women in all walks of life.
Through providing accounts of studies and movements as well as the new laws that provide
protection and relief to women, the textbook will empower students to understand and respond to
gender violence.
Note: Since it is Interdisciplinary Course, Resource Persons can be drawn from the fields of
English Literature or Sociology or Political Science or any other qualified faculty who has
expertise in this field from engineering departments.