Electronic Devices and Circuits: Andhra Pradesh, India
Electronic Devices and Circuits: Andhra Pradesh, India
Electronic Devices and Circuits: Andhra Pradesh, India
2019 – 20
II Year - I Semester L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are
To learn and understand the basic concepts of semiconductor physics.
Study the physical phenomena such as conduction, transport mechanism and
electrical characteristics of different diodes.
To learn and understandthe application of diodes as rectifiers with their operation
and characteristics with and without filters arediscussed.
Acquire knowledge about the principle of working and operation of Bipolar
Junction Transistor and Field Effect Transistor and theircharacteristics.
To learn and understandthe purpose of transistor biasing and itssignificance.
Small signal equivalent circuit analysis of BJT and FET transistor amplifiers
and compare differentconfigurations.
UNIT-I:Review of Semi Conductor Physics: Hall effect, continuity equation, law of junction,
Fermi Dirac function, Fermi level in intrinsic and extrinsic Semiconductors
Junction Diode Characteristics : energy band diagram of PN junction Diode, Open circuited p-
n junction, Biased p-n junction, p-n junction diode,current components in PN junction Diode,
diode equation, V-I Characteristics, temperature dependence on V-I characteristics, Diode
resistance, Diode capacitance.
Special Semiconductor Devices: Zener Diode, Breakdown mechanisms, Zener diode
applications, LED, Varactor Diode, Photodiode, Tunnel Diode, UJT, PN-PN Diode, SCR.
Construction, operation and V-I characteristics.
Rectifiers and Filters: Basic Rectifier setup, half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, bridge
rectifier,derivations of characteristics of rectifiers, rectifier circuits-operation, input and output
waveforms, Filters, Inductor filter(Series inductor), Capacitor filter(Stunt inductor), π-
Filter,comparison of various filter circuits in terms of ripple factors.
1.Integrated Electronics-J. Millman, C. Halkias,Tata Mc-Graw Hill, SecondEdition,2009
2.Electronic Devices and Integrated Circuits – B.P. Singh,Rekha , Pearson publications,
3.Electronic Devices and Circuits-Salivahanan, Kumar, Vallavaraj, Tata Mc-Graw Hill,
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course the student will be able to
Apply the basic concepts of semiconductor physics.
Understand the formation of p-n junction and how it can be used as a p-n junction
as diode in different modes of operation.
Know the construction, working principle of rectifiers with and without filters
with relevant expressions and necessary comparisons.
Understand the construction, principle of operation of transistors, BJT and FET
withtheir V-I characteristics in different configurations.
Know the need of transistor biasing, various biasing techniques for BJT and FET
and stabilization concepts with necessary expressions.
Perform the analysis of small signal low frequency transistor amplifier circuits using
and encoder ,decoder, configurations.
in different multiplexer and demultiplexers, Implementation of higher
R-19 Syllabus for ECE - JNTUK w. e. f. 2019 – 20
Note: The students are required to perform the experiment to obtain the V-I characteristics and
to determine the relevant parameters from the obtained graphs.
Equipment required:
1. Regulated Powersupplies
2. Analog/Digital StorageOscilloscopes
3. Analog/Digital FunctionGenerators
4. DigitalMulti-meters
5. Decade RésistanceBoxes/Rheostats
6. Decade CapacitanceBoxes
7. Ammeters (Analog orDigital)
8. Voltmeters (Analog orDigital)
9. Active & Passive ElectronicComponents