Bachelor of Engienering
Subject Code: 3110005
1st Year
Prerequisite: NA
Rationale: Electricity has been the main source of energy for the developing and developed countries. Per
capita consumption of electricity of a country can be considered as an indicator of the development of the
country. In view of this, it is essential for all engineering graduates to know the basic aspects of electrical
engineering. This subject deals with basic circuit solution methods, introduction to electrical machines and
basics of domestic electrical installations.
1 DC Circuits: 8 20
Electrical circuit elements (R, L and C), voltage and current sources,
Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws, analysis of simple circuits with dc
Superposition, Thevenin and Norton Theorems.
Time-domain analysis of first-order RL and RC circuits.
2 AC Circuits 10 25
Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, peak and RMS values, Phasor
representation of AC quantities, real power, reactive power, apparent
power, power factor.
Analysis of single-phase ac circuits consisting of R, L, C, RL, RC, RLC
combinations (series and parallel),
Series and parallel resonance.
Three phase balanced circuits, voltage and current relations in star and
delta connections, Power measurement in three phase circuits.
3 Transformers 8 15
Magnetic materials, BH characteristics.
Construction and working principle of single phase and three phase
Ideal and practical transformer.
Auto-transformer and its applications.
4 Electrical Machines 8 20
Generation of rotating magnetic fields.
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Bachelor of Engienering
Subject Code: 3110005
Construction and working of following machines:
Three-phase induction motor
Single-phase induction motor.
Separately excited DC motor.
Synchronous generators.
5 Electrical Installations 8 20
Components of LT Switchgear: Switch Fuse Unit (SFU), MCB, ELCB,
Types of Wires and Cables.
Earthing – Types of earthing and its importance.
Safety precautions for electrical appliances.
Types of Batteries, Important Characteristics for Batteries.
Elementary calculations for energy consumption.
Basics of power factor improvement.
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
Course Outcomes
List of Experiments:
(1) Introduction and use of measuring instruments – voltmeter, ammeter, multi-meter, oscilloscope.
Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors.
(2) To verify the DC circuit currents and voltages by calculations and actual measurements.
(3) To verify the Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws.
(4) To verify the Network theorems.
(5) To obtain sinusoidal steady state response of R-L and R-C circuits – impedance calculation and
verification. Observation of phase differences between current and voltage.
(6) Measuring the steady-state and transient time-response of R-L, R-C, and R-L-C circuits to a step
change in voltage (transient may be observed on a Digital Storage Oscilloscope).
(7) To verify the resonance in R-L-C circuits.
(8) To measure the power in three phase circuits using two wattmeter method.
(9) To verify the current and voltage relationships in three phase star and delta connections.
(10) Demonstration of cut-section models and charts of various machines.
(11) Demonstration of domestic installations like MCB, ELCB, MCCB etc.
(12) Understanding of various safety precautions for electrical installations.
(13) Demonstration of various types of wires and cables.
(14) Understanding of various electricity bills and calculations for energy consumption.
(15) To verify the power factor improvement in single phase AC circuit.
Major Equipment:
Ammeters, Voltmeters, Wattmeters, Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors of appropriate rating. Multimeters,
Digital storage oscilloscope, Cut section models/charts of various machines, Demo units for MCB, ELCB,
MCCB etc, Samples of wires and cables. Charts for earthing and safety precautions.
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3110006
Semester – I/II
Subject Name: Basic Mechanical Engineering
Sr Total
# Hrs.
Introduction: Prime movers and its types, Concept of Force, Pressure, Energy, Work, Power,
1 System, Heat, Temperature, Specific heat capacity, Change of state, Path, Process, Cycle, Internal 4
energy, Enthalpy, Statements of Zeroth law and First law
Energy: Introduction and applications of Energy sources like Fossil fuels, Nuclear fuels, Hydro,
2 3
Solar, Wind, and Bio-fuels, Environmental issues like Global warming and Ozone depletion
Properties of gases: Boyle's law, Charles's law, Gay-Lussac’s law, Avogadro’s law, Combined gas
3 law, Gas constant, Relation between cp and cv, Various non-flow processes like constant volume 5
process, constant pressure process, Isothermal process, Adiabatic process, Polytropic process
Properties of Steam: Steam formation, Types of steam, Enthalpy, Specific volume, Internal energy
4 6
and dryness fraction of steam, use of steam tables, steam calorimeters
Heat Engines: Heat engine cycle and Heat engine, working substances, Classification of heat
5 5
engines, Description and thermal efficiency of Carnot; Rankine; Otto cycle and Diesel cycles
Steam Boilers: Introduction, Classification, Cochran, Lancashire and Babcock and Wilcox boiler,
6 -
Functioning of different mountings and accessories
Internal Combustion Engines: Introduction, Classification, Engine details, four-stroke/ two-stroke
7 4
cycle Petrol/Diesel engines, Indicated power, Brake Power, Efficiencies
8 Pumps: Types and operation of Reciprocating, Rotary and Centrifugal pumps, Priming 3
Air Compressors: Types and operation of Reciprocating and Rotary air compressors, significance
9 3
of Multistage
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning: Refrigerant, Vapor compression refrigeration system, Vapor
10 4
absorption refrigeration system, Domestic Refrigerator, Window and split air conditioners
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3110006
Couplings, Clutches and Brakes: Construction and applications of Couplings (Box; Flange; Pin
11 type flexible; Universal and Oldham), Clutches (Disc and Centrifugal), and Brakes (Block; Shoe; -
Band and Disc)
Transmission of Motion and Power: Shaft and axle, Different arrangement and applications of Belt
12 -
drive; Chain drive; Friction drive and Gear drive
Engineering Materials: Types, properties and applications of Ferrous & Nonferrous metals, Timber,
13 4
Abrasive material, silica, ceramics, glass, graphite, diamond, plastic and polymer
Note: Topic No. 6, 11 and 12 of the above syllabus are to be covered in Practical Hours.
Reference Books:
1. Elements of Mechanical Engineering by N M Bhatt and J R Mehta, Mahajan Publishing House
2. Basic Mechanical Engineering by Pravin Kumar, Pearson Education
3. Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering by G.S. Sawhney, PHI Publication New Delhi
4. Elements of Mechanical Engineering by Sadhu Singh, S. Chand Publication
5. Introduction to Engineering Materials by B.K. Agrawal, McGraw Hill Publication, New Delhi
Course Outcome:
Sr. CO statement Marks %
No. weightage
CO-1 Discuss the various sources of energy and basic terminology of Mechanical 14
CO-2 Make calculations for commonly used working fluids i.e. ideal gases and steam 22
CO-3 Analyze various heat engine cycles and understand construction and working of IC 20
CO-4 Discuss working and applications of steam boilers and various energy conversion 28
CO-5 Discuss various power transmission elements 08
CO-6 Discuss properties of various engineering materials and their applications 08
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3110006
List of Experiments:
1. To understand construction and working of various types of boilers.
2. To understand construction and working of different boiler mountings and accessories.
3. To understand construction features of two/four stoke petrol/diesel engines
4. To determine brake thermal efficiency of an I. C. Engine.
5. To understand construction and working of different types of air compressors.
6. To demonstrate vapor compression refrigeration cycle of domestic refrigerator OR window air
conditioner OR split air conditioner.
7. To understand construction, working and application of clutches, coupling and brakes
8. To understand different arrangement and application of various power transmission drives
Major Equipment: Models of Cochran, Lancashire and Babcock and Wilcox boilers, models of various
mountings and accessories, Models of various types of IC engines, Single cylinder two stroke /four stroke
petrol/ diesel engine, models of pumps, compressors, Domestic refrigerator/window air conditioner/split air
conditioner, models of various types of brakes, coupling, clutches, drives
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3110002
Rationale: The rationale of the curriculum is to help students refresh their knowledge of English
language. It also targets the understanding of grammar, focusing on comprehension, and reading,
speaking and writing skills. This would be developed through balanced and integrated tasks.
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3110002
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
(i) Technical English, Dr. M. Hemamalini, Wiley. 2014
(ii) Practical English Usage, Michael Swan, OUP. 1995
(iii) Remedial English Grammar, F.T. Wood, Macmillan. 2007
(iv) Oxford Language Reference, (Indian Edition) OUP
(v) On Writing Well, William Zinsser, Harper Resource Book. 2001
(vi) Study Writing, Liz Hamp-Lyons and Ben Heasly, Cambridge University Press. 2006
(vii) Communication Skills, Sanjay Kumar and Pushp Lata, Oxford University Press. 2011
(viii) Exercises in Spoken English, Parts. I-III. CIEFL, Hyderabad. Oxford University Press
(ix) The Study of Language, George Yule, CUP, 4th Edition. 2010
(x) A Course in English Phonetics, T R Kansakar, Orient Longman. 1998
(xi) Spoken English, R K Bansal and J B Harrison, Orient Longman. 2013
CO1 Use various forms of vocabulary in varied situations in oral and 10%
written communication.
CO2 Understand the phonetics and the transcription pattern to learn correct 10%
CO3 Comprehend the dynamics of various rules of grammar and check its 20%
validation while they speak and write language correctly.
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3110002
List of Experiments:
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Induction Program
The goal of engineering education is to train engineering graduates well in branch of admission,
have a holistic personality and must have desire to serve society and nation. It is expected that an
engineering graduate work for solving the problems of society using the modern technologies
and practices. That needs the broad understanding of the society and relationships. It is needed to
cultivate the human values in engineering graduates to fulfil his responsibilities as an engineer, a
citizen and a human being.
Considering the various social backgrounds and whether a student comes from the urban or rural
areas they differ in many of the life skills and their abilities and thinking. There branch of
admission may be due to rush; their interest in subject is question. They are facing the issues like
hostel and settlements, pressures from peers and many related issues. To overcome such issues, it
is necessary to create an environment for students so that they feel comfortable, find their interest
and explore their inner beings, create bonding with other students, establish relation with
teachers, work for excellence, get a broader view of life and practice human values to build
characters. The Induction Program covers the various activities which enables them to overcome
all such issues and motivates them to perform well in their chosen branch of admission.
Sr No Phase and Activities Heads Weightage
1. Initial Phase 1 day (6 Hrs)
2 Regular Phase 13 Days
a) Physical activity 24 Hours
b) Creative Arts 12 Hours
c) Universal Human Values 12 Hours
d) Literary 12 Hours
e) Proficiency Modules 6 Hours
f) Lectures by Eminent People 3 Hours: 3 Expert Lectures, One per Week
g) Visits to local Areas or Industry 1 Day
h) Innovations 3 Hours
3 Closing Phase 1 Day (6 Hrs)
Total 90 Hours
Phases, Modules, Activities and Guidelines:
The activity during Induction Program would have an Initial Phase, a Regular Phase and a
Closing Phase. The initial and closing phaseswould be one day each. The following is the
guidelines indicating the possible activities under eachphaseof the Induction Program.
● Half an hour Yoga/Pranayam followed by physical activities including various games.
● Refer this link for Yoga/Pranayam https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ministry-
Use any activities leading to creative thing and practice.
Show the video demonstrating the creative ideas and thinking.
Show the video demonstrating phenomenon performance using innovation in different
areas of humanity and social science.
Demonstrate the story of leaders with the context of how with their creative vision,
with all odds they achieved success.
Use the video lectures to literate students in different skills needed for day-to-day life
and need.
Motivate students to create the nature of inquiry and reading habits.
Arrange the various competitions like Elocution, Essay writing, Storytelling, Book
reviews etc.
Writingthe review ofthe well known books, movies etc and sharing.
● An MCQ test of 45 minutes should be conducted covering basic grammar and
● Group the students in three groups based on test result in three proficiency levels:
○ Unsatisfactory
○ Satisfactory
○ Good
● Following activities are to be used to uplift proficiency levels of students.
● Motivational movies, documentary
● Language games
● Essay/story writing
● Ice breaking games.
● Separate set of activities from suggested list should be used for different groups.
● 3 expert lectures each of 1 hour per week.
● Multiple divisions can be combined in an expert lecture.
● External expert should be invited.
● Expert can be from academic, industry, research organization, social organization etc.
● An individual successful person in any of the field can be invited.
● The aspect to be addressed may be social / economical / engineering / entrepreneurship/
spiritual/ humanity science.
Video lectures from leaders and innovators.
TeDx Talks.
Government Policy documents for different schemes.
General Regulations:
a) Every student has to maintain a daily diary. Format of the diary is already given.
b) After completion of the Induction program student has to prepare a report based on
activities performed during the Induction program. Diary will be attached as Appendix in
c) 75% Attendance is require during Induction Program.
d) This program will be noncredit subject but it will reflect in 1st Semester Marksheet as
e) Institute should appoint a mentor for a group of 20 to 30 students. Mentor can take help of
senior students.
f) If student gets admission transfer in other college during Induction Program the diary will
be continued from previous college to new college.
g) If student gets admission in middle of the Induction Program or student gets admission
after Induction Program, it is responsibility of the institute to fulfill the criteria of the
Induction Program.
h) If student fails in the Induction program the student has to clear the same during
subsequent Semester
Evaluation Pattern:
1. Induction Program is Mandatory course for each branch of Engineering.
2. It is mandatory for each student to clear Induction Program with PASS grade.
3. Grades for Induction Program are either PASS or FAIL and have no credits. Evaluation
for Induction Program is based on the Induction Program Report prepared by a student
from Student diary and student will be declared PASS or FAIL.
4. Student has to submit the Induction Program Report at the end of first semester dully
approved by Mentor and HOD.
5. Evaluation of Induction Program will be done along with first Semester Term-Work
6. The evaluation is carried out by Internal Examiner from institute itself. The entry on the
GTU portal will be PASS or FAIL, not marks.
7. The students who will FAIL have to reappear again after every 6 months as remedial
Name of Student:
Day …… Date:
Rationale: The study of rate of changes, understanding to compute area, volume and express the
function in terms of series, to apply matrix algebra.
Reference Books:
(1) Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass, Thomas' Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 13e, Pearson, 2014.
(2) Howard Anton, Irl Bivens, Stephens Davis, Calculus, 10e, Wiley, 2016.
(3) James Stewart, Calculus: Early Transcendentals with Course Mate, 7e, Cengage, 2012.
(4) Anton and Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra, Applications version,, Wiley India Edition.
(5) T. M. Apostol, Calculus, Volumes 1 & 2,, Wiley Eastern.
(6) Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley India Edition.
(7) Peter O'Neill, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th Edition, Cengage.
Course Outcomes
The objective of this course is to familiarize the prospective engineers with techniques in calculus,
multivariate analysis and matrices. It aims to equip the students with standard concepts and tools at an
intermediate to advanced level that will serve them well towards tackling more advanced level of
mathematics and applications that they would find useful in their disciplines.
To apply the various tests of convergence to sequence, series and the tool of
2 power series and fourier series for learning advanced Engineering 30
Sr. Topics Teaching Module
No. Hours Weightage
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3110003
Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory):
Distribution of Theory Marks
R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level
20 30 30 20 0 0
Legends: R: Remembrance; U: Understanding; A: Application, N: Analyze and E: Evaluate C:
Create and above Levels (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)
Reference Books:
1. Programming in ANCI C, Seventh edition, by Balagarusamy E, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited
2. Programming with C, Second edition, by Gottfried, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
3. Star C Programming, Pub: STAR Certification
4. C Programming language, Second edition, by Kernighan B W and Ritchie D M Prentice Hall,
5. Let us C, Fifth edition, by Kanetkar Y. P., BPB Publication
6. Fundamentals of Computing and Programming in C, First Edition, Oxford University Press,
2009 by Pradip Dey, Manas Ghosh,
7. “Computer programming”, Pearson Education, 2007 by Ashok N. Kamthane.
8. “How to Solve it by Computer”, Pearson Education, Fourth Reprint, 2007 by R.G. Dromey.
9. Programming in C, Reema Theraja, Oxford.
Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. CO statement Marks % weightage
CO-1 Formulate algorithm/flowchart for given arithmetic and logical 10
CO-2 Translate algorithm/flowchart into C program using correct syntax 10
and execute it
CO-3 Write programs using conditional, branching, iteration, and 40
CO-4 Decompose a problem into function 20
CO-5 Develop an application using the concepts of array, pointer, 20
structure, and file management to solve engineering and/or
scientific problems
List of Experiments:
1. Write a program to that performs as calculator ( addition, multiplication, division,
2. Write a program to find area of triangle(a=h*b*.5)
a = area
h = height
b = base
3. Write a program to calculate simple interest (i = (p*r*n)/100 )
i = Simple interest
p = Principal amount
r = Rate of interest
n = Number of years
4. Write a C program to interchange two numbers.
5. Write a C program to enter a distance in to kilometre and convert it in to meter, feet, inches
and centimetre
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3110003
6. Write a program to compute Fahrenheit from centigrade (f=1.8*c +32)
7. Write a C program to find out distance travelled by the equation d = ut + at^2
8. Write a C program to find that the accepted number is Negative, or Positive or Zero.
9. Write a program to read marks of a student from keyboard whether the student is pass or fail(
using if else)
10. Write a program to read three numbers from keyboard and find out maximum out of these
three. (nested if else)
11. Write a C program to check whether the entered character is capital, small letter, digit or
any special character.
12. Write a program to read marks from keyboard and your program should display
equivalent grade according to following table(if else ladder)
Marks Grade
100 - 80 Distinction
79 - 60 First Class
59 - 40 Second Class
< 40 Fail
13. Write a c program to prepare pay slip using following data.
Da = 10% of basic, Hra = 7.50% of basic, Ma = 300,
Pf = 12.50% of basic, Gross = basic + Da + Hra + Ma, Nt = Gross – Pf.
14. Write a C program to read no 1 to 7 and print relatively day Sunday to Saturday.
15. Write a C program to find out the Maximum and Minimum number from given 10
16. Write a C program to input an integer number and check the last digit of number is even
or odd.
17. Write a C program to find factorial of a given number.
18. Write a program to reverse a number.
19. Write a program to generate first n number of Fibonacci series
20. Write a program to find out sum of first and last digit of a given number.
21. Write a C program to find the sum and average of different numbers which are accepted
by user as many as user wants
22. Write a program to calculate average and total of 5 students for 3 subjects (use nested for
23. Read five persons height and weight and count the number of person having height
greater than 170 and weight less than 50,
24. Write a program to check whether the given number is prime or not.
25. Write a program to evaluate the series 1^2+2^2+3^2+……+n^2
26. Write a C program to find 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+....+1/n.
27. Write a C program to find 1+1/2!+1/3!+1/4!+.....+1/n!.
28. Write a program to evaluate the series sum=1-x+x^2/2!-x^3/3!+x^4/4!......-x^9/9!
29. Write a program to print following patterns :
i * ii * iii *****
** * * ****
*** * * * ***
**** * * * * **
***** * * * * * *
30. Write a program to print following patterns :
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3110003
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3110003
56. Write a C program to print the address of character and the character of string using
57. Write a program to access elements using pointer.
58. Write a program for sorting using pointer.
59. Write a program to write a string in file
60. A file named data contains series of integer numbers. Write a c program to read all
numbers from file and then write all odd numbers into file named “odd” and write all
even numbers into file named “even”. Display all the contents of these file on screen
List of Open Source Software/learning website : Students must refer to following sites to enhance
their learning ability.
1) Vlabs.iitb.ac.in
2) NPTEL tutorials
3) www.coursera.org
4) www.udacity.com
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