BI Trans Routines Example
BI Trans Routines Example
BI Trans Routines Example
0 Transformations
Applies to:
SAP BI 7.0. For more information, visit the Business Intelligence homepage.
This paper gives an overview about the different routines available in SAP BI 7.0 Transformation . In particular the paper highlights when and where an appropriate routine has to be used and shows how to implement .The paper explains the concepts based on a simple scenario for all the routines. The paper also gives the sample code and results at the end of each routine. Author: Vamsi Kiran Talluri
Author Bio
The author works for Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. His expertise includes SAP BI and ABAP.
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Scenario .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Characteristic or Field Routine ........................................................................................................................... 4 Definition ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Approach to Scenario...................................................................................................................................... 4 How to Implement ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Sample Code .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Output.............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Start Routine ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Definition ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Approach to Scenario...................................................................................................................................... 8 How to Implement ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Sample Code ................................................................................................................................................ 10 Output............................................................................................................................................................ 11 End Routine ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Definition ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 Approach to Scenario.................................................................................................................................... 12 How to Implement ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Sample Code ................................................................................................................................................ 13 Output............................................................................................................................................................ 14 Expert Routine .................................................................................................................................................. 15 Definition ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 Approach to Scenario.................................................................................................................................... 15 How to Implement ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Sample Code ................................................................................................................................................ 18 Output............................................................................................................................................................ 18 Related Content ................................................................................................................................................ 19 Disclaimer and Liability Notice .......................................................................................................................... 20
Routines are used to define complex transformation rules. In most of the cases data wont be coming directly in desired form before sending to the target. In some cases output needs to be derived on some incoming data. In such cases we need to go for writing of routines at the transformation level. There are four types of Routines available Characteristic or Field Routine Start Routine End Routine Expert Routine
The routine which we need to go for depends on when it needs to be executed. Suppose if some logic needs to be implemented before transformation then the start routine needs to be implemented. This Paper presents in detail about each of the above Routine.
The Scenario is for each incoming record comes up with unique key job number with its Start and End Date. At the output there is one key figure Total no of days which is the difference of End and Start Dates and based on the key figure value Total no of days. This same scenario is taken to explain each routine.
In the above screen shot all the source fields are mapped one to one to the target.
We have mapped start and end date to the key figure and now double click on the equal to symbol
Once clicked u can see the source fields start and end dates because we have mapped them. Now choose Rule Type as Routine. Once clicked routine it will take to the editor
We need to write the logic there. Once written it will take to the result which is nothing but total no of days.
The logic is written it is end date minus start date. Syntax is checked it showed no errors. Save the Routine and activate the transformation. Sample Code RESULT = SOURCE_FIELDS-/BIC/RT_ENDT - SOURCE_FIELDS-/BIC/RT_SRTDT. Output
Start Routine
Definition The start routine is run at the start of the transformation. The start routine has a table in the format of the source structure as input and output parameters. It is used to perform preliminary calculations and store these in a global data structure or in a table. This structure or table can be accessed from other routines. You can modify or delete data in the source_package . Approach to Scenario For field routine it will act on each record but in start routine it will have all the data in source_package . In Start routine we will have the structure of the source fields. So in this scenario the key figure is not available in source. So in Start routine we calculate the total no of days for each record with its unique key job number and store them in an internal table. The internal table is global and it can be accessed every where. So we have to write a field routine for key figure total no of days mapped with job number. Using this job number we will read the value of key figure total no of days from internal table and update the result i.e. total no of days key figure. How to Implement
Click on start routine and it will take to the editor. In the start routine there will be table source_package which contains all the data and has the structure of source. Here we will read the job number from source_package and update it into internal table and total no of days key figure value into internal table using start and end dates.
Once this is done the value of key figure is in internal table and from there we need to get into target . So for that a field routine needs to be written to read from value from internal table. The key to internal table to get unique value is job number so job number is mapped to key figure.
Here Job number is mapped to the key figure. And a field routine is written to read the total no of days using this job number.
By this code we has populated the internal table and we has to get the values for the age profile and total no of days for this by using the key for the table ie job number
This is the code in the field routine which gets the value from the internal table and populates when the job number in the internal table is same as the coming job number
read table itab into wa_itab with key job_numb = SOURCE_FIELDS-/BIC/RT_JOBNO. if sy-subrc = 0. Result = wa_itab-profile. endif.
End Routine
Definition An end routine is a routine with a table in the target structure format as input and output parameters. You can use an end routine to postprocess data after transformation on a package-by-package basis. Data is stored in result_package. Approach to Scenario End Routine is processed after start routine, mappings, field routines and finally before the values is transferred to the output. End routine has the structure of the target and result_package contains the entire data which finally is the output. For our scenario we have one to one mapping for all the fields except total no of days so in result_package it will not have the value for each record. So in End Routine we will calculate the key figure value for each record and modify the result_package and there by the output will also contain the key figure. How to Implement
In transformation all are mapped one to one. Click End Routine at the top it will take to the editor. There we have to modify the result_package with the key figure value updated.
In the end routine we will loop over the result_package and using the start and end dates of each record the key figure value is calculated and updated again into the result_package. Check the routine and save the routine and activate the transformation. Sample Code Data: wa_RESULT_PACKAGE type _ty_s_TG_1. Loop at RESULT_PACKAGE into wa_RESULT_PACKAGE. wa_RESULT_PACKAGE-/BIC/RT_WKYDY1 = wa_RESULT_PACKAGE-/BIC/RT_ENDT wa_RESULT_PACKAGE-/BIC/RT_SRTDT.
if wa_RESULT_PACKAGE-/BIC/RT_WKYDY1 le 10 . wa_RESULT_PACKAGE-/BIC/RT_PRFL = '(0-10)'. Else if wa_RESULT_PACKAGE-/BIC/RT_WKYDY1 gt 10 and wa_RESULT_PACKAGE-/BIC/RT_WKYDY1 le 20. wa_RESULT_PACKAGE-/BIC/RT_PRFL = '(10-20)'. else. wa_RESULT_PACKAGE-/BIC/RT_PRFL = '(20-NN)'. endif. modify RESULT_PACKAGE from wa_RESULT_PACKAGE. End loop.
Expert Routine
Definition An Expert routine is a routine with contains both the source and target structure. we can use Expert routine if there are not sufficient functions to perform transformation. Approach to Scenario For Expert Routine every things needs to be written using coding. In simple an expert routine performs all the actions of Start Routine, Mappings, Field and End Routines.
In Expert Routine we will read from source_package which contains all the data and update into result_package which should be the output and when doing we will calculate the key figure total no of days. How to Implement
Click Transformation and go to edit and click the expert routine. If clicked it asks to confirm the transformation mappings will be deleted and will be taken to coding part editor.
Here we can see that both the source fields and result fields are available because the expert routine has to take care of every thing. It should cover the transformation mappings, start and end routine codes. The code given below is implemented in the editor of expert routine and shown in below screenshot.
After check the consistency and save and activate as we do for start and end routine.
Then the transformation will have only one mapping from source to target saying expert routine .See that start and end routine are also disabled. And activate the transformation.
Sample Code
Data : wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE type _ty_s_SC_1. * creating work areas* data : wa_RESULT_PACKAGE type _ty_s_TG_1. loop at SOURCE_PACKAGE into wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE . *transformation mappings mappings in code * move wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE -/BIC/RT_JOBNO to wa_RESULT_PACKAGE-/BIC/RT_JOBNO. move wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE -/BIC/RT_STGNO to wa_RESULT_PACKAGE-/BIC/RT_STGNO. move wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE -/BIC/RT_SRTDT to wa_RESULT_PACKAGE-C/RT_SRTDT. move wa_SOURCE_PACKAGE -/BIC/RT_ENDT to wa_RESULT_PACKAGE-/BIC/RT_ENDT.
1) In Expert Routine we will fetch the values from source_package into work area of source_package . 2) Move this work area to the output work area i.e. to result_package (This step is nothing but transformation mapping in code) 3) Append the work area to the result_package (which actually is the output). 4) Continue Steps 1-3 until all the records are transferred from source to target. ( taken care by loop statement) Output
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