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FM 25-5

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25 January 1985

DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Field Manual No. 25-5

FM 25-5 Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC, 25 January 1985


At some point in the future, the US Army maybe called upon to go to war. The Army must be prepared to win that war. The cornerstone of preparedness is training. Mobilization is bringing the total Army force to a state of readiness for war or for other national emergencies. Mobilization considerations are an inseparable part of peacetime (premobilization) training. Training is the key to combat readiness. Mobilization planning is based on the concept that Active Component (AC) units maintain overseas commitments, respond to contingencies at short notice, and provide initial surge units until the Reserve Component (RC) units can be mobilized and deployed. Peacetime planning involves training to improve proficiency in mission-essential individual and collective tasks to maintain high combat readiness. This manual is intended for use by commanders and staffs within the training bases, major Army commands (MACOMs), and units. It provides guidance regarding training doctrine for all elements of the Army upon mobilization and war. This manual outlines the mobilization process, the training requirements for the total Army force facing mobilization, the institutional and unit training, and the training support that will be available. This manual is one in a series of training manuals that includes FM 25-1, FM 25-2, FM 25-3, and FM 25-4. FM 25-1 provides the overall training concept for the US Army. It is written for leaders in the unit, in the training base, and in the agencies that develop training support materials. FM 25-2 provides commanders with a management process to plan training, to acquire needed resources, and to evaluate soldier and unit proficiency, training, and training management. FM 25-3 provides unit leaders, especially noncommissioned officers (NCOs) and company-level officers, with an effective method for planning and conducting training. FM 25-4 describes how to plan, conduct, and control training exercises. The proponent for this publication is the US Army Command and General Staff College. Submit changes for improving this publication on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) and forward it to Commandant, US Army Command and General Staff College, ATTN: ATZL-SWP, Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-6900. Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine or feminine gender is used, both are intended. 1


An Overview
Mobilization requires advanced planning, skillful execution, and good training. The major challenges will be individual training in the institutional training base, individual and collective training in units, training for newly organized units, and responsive training support.

The Department of Defense (DOD) mobilizes all or part of the armed forces as authorized bylaw or congressional resolution and when directed by the President. The extent of the emergency governs the level of mobilization.

Mobilization Levels Selective Mobilization The expansion of the active force which results when Congress and/or the President activates Reserve Component units and associated support In response to a domestic emergency which does not result from external threat. Presidential Call-Up of 100,000 Selected Reservists The augmentation of the active force which results when the President directs activation of units and up to 100,000 personnel of the selected reserve (all services)for 90 days to meet the requirements of an operational mission. Partial Mobilization The expansion of the active force resulting from a congressional or presidential directive to activate Reserve Component units and the Individual Ready Reserve (lRR). It involves up to one million personnel for periods up to 24 months to meet the limited requirements for war or other contingencies Involving an external threat to national security. Full Mobilization The expansion of the active force resulting from a congressional and presidential directive to activate all Reserve Component units in the existing approved force structure. This includes unmanned and unequipped units (Component 4), IRRs, selective recall of military retirees, and associated support to meet the requirements for war or other contingencies involving an external threat to national security. Total Mobilization The expansion of the active force resulting from a congressional and presidential directive to increase personnel strengths and unit inventories beyond the existing force structure (Component 6). It also mobilizes ail national resources to support the total requirements for war or other contingencies Involving an external threat to national security.

The total Army force required during mobilization and war has a number of elements as shown. These elements are derived from the following existing and planned components: Component 1. Active Component units located in a theater of operations in the continental United States (CONUS) or outside the continental United States (OCONUS). Component 2. Army National Guard (ARNG) units. Component 3. United States Army Reserve (USAR) units. Component 4. Unmanned and unequipped units for which a requirement is identified in the total Army analysis (TAA). Component 4 represents the portion of the approved current force structure requirement that is not affordable within the Armys peacetime budget. Component 6. Units outside the Armys force structure that must be formed and trained upon total mobilization. Department of the Army (DA) has established a force structure, by number and type of units, for total mobilization planning purposes. 3

Chapter 1 An Overview

The general relationship of the total Army force elements to the various components is shown below. Each element has special training requirements. These training requirements are based on a variety of factors such as mission, location, collective versus individual training, and the availability of training personnel. The requirements become apparent when looking at the total Army

force components. The training needs of RC units will differ from those of AC units. The training of Components 4 and 6 units, when activated, will differ from those of the current force structure units. Despite the variety of factors to be considered, the common thread that runs through the force, from units deployed overseas to training of new recruits, is training.

TRAINING SUPPORT will remain overseas as theater training Upon mobilization, the Army will do more individual and collective training, while assets. equipment and key resources become increasThe US Army Wartime Replacement ingly constrained. Therefore, greater use System is centrally managed at HQDA by the must be made of substitutions, training aids, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and devices, simulators, and simulations. The Plans (DCSOPS) and is implemented challenge will be to allow trainers to continue through decentralized execution within the to train individuals and units to the required MACOMs. It will provide units and standards. individual replacements and teams to a During peacetime, training support plans theater of operations. The system depends on must be documented in the mobilization real or projected attrition factors and the programs of instruction (MOB POI) to allow needs of the commander. For instance, prior for the smoothest transition to wartime to M-day, casualty estimates are the primary training. Once MOB POI are established, source for forming stand-by personnel training support plans, materials, and requests. However, the push system provides services will be produced to support both for individual replacements to the theater. training realism and training standards. Training support materials and services, The push system will be based on scenarioboth in quality and quantity, are essential for driven computer projections. It will continue a successful mobilization. Forming new units to be used throughout the war and will be and sustaining proficiency require training revised based on the total Army requirements support. Training support will be based on and information received by the theater the procedures given below. commanders. The United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) will identify the Individual replacements and teams from training support needs of the expanded the institutional training base will deploy training base. RC commanders will identify through a CONUS replacement center. Flagtheir training support needs to their mobilizabearing units from the United States Army tion station as part of their RC postmobilizaForces Command (FORSCOM) will deploy tion training plan. Installation mobilization directly from their CONUS station or will be planners will purge or validate requirements integrated into a larger deploying force. and forward them to the installation training Within the theater, individuals and teams and audiovisual support officer (TASO). In will be processed and deployed by the Theater turn, the TASO will forward the requirements Army Replacement System (TARS). Trainto the MACOM for entry into the Armywide ing policies will be established to support the Devices Automated Management (ADAM) needs of the replacement system. System. With a listing of all installation inventories on the ADAM system, mobilization requirements can be correlated against holdings and excesses and shortfalls identified with holdings and requirements continually being updated. Upon mobilization, inventories can be redistributed and shortages can be identified by type, quantity, and location so that procurement action can begin. Deploying AC units will turn in their training support material to their installations training and audiovisual support center (TASC). Training devices held overseas prior to mobilization

Chapter 1 An Overview

Based on the military occupational specialty (MOS), system, or unit, the proponent service schools support RC training by developing training plans, products, and services. The proponent service schools determine the overall training strategy for the support of each MOS, system, or unit based on a critical analysis of each. This strategy is based on the needs of units and the following RC considerations before plans or products are initiated: The response to the needs of AC and RC units. The impact of the limited time available for RC training. The unique requirements of those MOSs which are predominately RC-heavy such as civil affairs, rail transportation, light gun, air defense, graves registration, and terminal operations. Training plans are used to conduct and support training. The y consist of An individual training plan (ITP). A set of documents which collectively constitutes the proponents plan to analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate an individual resident or unit training program. An individual and collective training plan (ICTP). A plan which supports development of new or revised individual and collective training programs and the use of these programs in institutions and units. A collective training plan. A grouping of six separate but related elements: the Army training and evaluation programs (ARTEPs), drills, simulations, weapon systems training, support systems training, and transition training. When combined, these elements support collective training in units. An MOS training plan. The plan is a guide for conducting individual training in units

and is included in each trainers guide or soldiers manual. Training products, referred to. as training support materials, include devices and related items which enhance, supplement, or reinforce the training process. These products include Extension training material catalogs. Many trainers will have limited prior experience; therefore, these catalogs will provide an important material reference applicable to units. Training Extension Course (TEC) lessons. Mobilization may limit the scope for TEC materials in the combat arms. However, a need will continue in combat support (CS) and combat service support (CSS) MOSs, especially those where communicative technology such as interactive video discs can provide high-quality training. Army Correspondence Course Program. Like TEC lessons, this program may have limited mobilization value. Therefore, it should have a lower priority. Field manuals, field circulars, and training circulars. These will continue to provide the foundation on which all other training products are based. However, a rapid revision and distribution cycle will be necessary. Technical manuals. These will be needed for the operation and maintenance of equipment, especially for new equipment and systems. Their availability upon mobilization is essential. Manuals applicable to formerly obsolete but reintroduced equipment will also be required. The above products also apply to the ACs. Training services include mobile training teams, branch training teams, new equipment training teams, and new organization training teams. These teams provide service school expertise to the field.


Institutional Training
The primary tasks for institutional training are to plan for expansion and to expand rapidly to meet the needs of the total Army. The major mobilization challenge will be to produce well-trained and MOS-proficient soldiers to fill the requirements in newly organized units.


The training base will be expanded through the use of USAR training divisions, training brigades, and schools; IRRs; recalled military retirees; and civilians with applicable skills. USAR reception stations (RECSTAs) will be activated to augment existing stations and to provide new reception locations. Civilian contractors, industry, schools, vocational technical schools, and community colleges will also be used to expand the base. The training base will provide for NCO and officer courses and necessary specialty training such as ranger or parachutist training.

Upon full mobilization, MOBPOI will form the basis of all courses included in the mobilization Army program for individual training (MOB ARPRINT). Some technical courses will be condensed and accelerated. Those not included will be terminated and students will return to their units. All remaining courses will be accelerated to provide fully

trained soldiers and unit packages as soon as possible. Trained fillers and unit packages will be made available to newly organized units to permit their assimilation into unit training. Thus, follow-on integration or transition training in the unit would be minimal. 7

Chapter 2 Institutional Training

INITIAL ENTRY TRAINING Upon mobilization, the training base conducts initial entry training (IET). The aim of IET is to produce a combat-ready and MOS-qualified soldier as an individual filler or as part of a unit package. IET will transition to MOB POI on M-day or as soon thereafter as practical. Although approved and validated before mobilization, programs will be modified, and the lessons learned will be infused depending on the operational requirements and the available resources. All instructions will be based on the tasks, conditions, and standards in the relevant MOS soldiers manual. Although the training will be accelerated, there will be no deviation from the demand for high standards of training. Peacetime Preparation To meet the training requirements and to assist the training base in its mobilization role USAR training divisions and separate training brigades must sustain their proficiency in conducting MOB POI. They must train periodically at the installation where they will mobilize. Therefore, close and continuous planning with those installations is necessary. Affiliation with the appropriate TRADOC proponent school and Army training center (TC) during inactive duty and annual training will assist in planning and in sustaining proficiency. USAR schools must sustain their proficiency for validated mobilization missions in accordance with CAPSTONE alignments in the TRADOC Mobilization and Operations Planning System (T MOPS). Validated USAR school missions are to reinforce USAR training divisions, TRADOC service schools, and TCs. The retiree recall program preassigns CONUS military retirees to CONUS mobilization stations against the mobilization tables of distribution and allowances (TDA) and the nondeploying modification table of organization and equipment 8

(MTOE) requirements. Installation mobilization planners must include these personnel assets in their plans for expansion. Planners must also make maximum use of these assets before considering deployable assets. TRADOC service schools. upon mobilization, must consider using qualified civilian instructors, either as members of their staffs or under contract. Guidelines In compliance with the provisions of current public law, all new personnel must receive at least 12 weeks of military or equivalent training prior to deployment. Training will be directed at proficiency in those tasks necessary for combat readiness and survivability on the battlefield. However, there will still be a requirement to acclimate personnel and to impart instruction on recent lessons learned. Individual tasks resulting from the lessons learned will be added to soldier training publications (STPs) by the service schools. There will also be a requirement for some collective training. IET will be aligned as much as possible with the needs of the projected force. The input to the training base should be aligned with the mobilization training base output requirement (MOB TBOR). This will meet the Armys time-phased requirement for trained personnel to fill and sustain the force. The MOB ARPRINT prescribes the input of students and trainees to training base courses required to satisfy the MOB TBOR. IET companies will start training as soon as they are filled. However, within a battalion, no attempt will be made to establish a common start or graduation date. All onestation-unit-training (OSUT) companies can conduct separate basic and advanced individual training (AIT) courses in designated career management fields (CMFs). Ongoing classes for which a mobilization requirement has not been established will be terminated. Students who have completed IET will be returned to their units or reported as available for reassignment in accordance

Chapter 2 Institutional Training

with the United States Army Military Personnel Center (MILPERCEN) guidance. Those who have not completed IET will be diverted to other training according to MILPERCEN guidance. Although the primary mission of TRADOC is individual training, some individual training, due to the work load, will have to be conducted when the soldier gets to his unit. A decision to expand the training base IET capacity by using units within the operating forces in an institutional training role will be made at HQDA. Detailed coordination between all agencies involved is required To determme which courses will be conducted and how many personnel will be trained in each course. To identify the units which will do the training, to determine how many will be trained by each unit, and to establish whether the training will be conducted on a train-andpass or a train-and-retain basis. To provide for training and support resource requirements. To establish detailed procedures for managing recruits into the units and for tracking their progress through training. These procedures will include entering them into the replacement stream or assigning them to another unit of the operating force. To establish technical assistance responsibilities between course proponents, training base elements which are conducting the courses, and the tactical units which will conduct the training. Expansion Mobilization plans for the training base will be designed to provide a graduated response to the successive levels of mobilization, but will allow for expansion to meet any mobilization requirement. The training base expansion for IET will occur in three phases: Phase I. The MOBARPRINT will direct the expansion of the existing TRADOC TC. This will be done by expanding the current operating structure. USAR RECSTAs and training organizations will be mobilized,

expanding or establishing these activities at TRADOC installations. Phase II. The number of installations at which RECSTAs and TCs will be located is increased by the addition of six FORSCOM installations: Forts Bragg, Campbell, Hood, Lewis, Oral, and Polk. USAR RECSTAs and training organizations will be assigned to these installations. Phase III. The number of installations which conduct recruit training will be increased. Additional TCs and RECSTAs will be established in conjunction with FORSCOM deployment and unit activation schedules and as required resources become available. Work Load The MOB ARPRINT will list all courses for the training work load. Training inputs into the current MOB ARPRINT will be based on the number of personnel required to provide the force with qualified fillers and replacements for the first six months of full mobilization. MOB TBOR will provide the training requirements for the first 90 days of mobilization. It provides training guidance for the transition period between the peacetime ARPRINT and the MOB ARPRINT. The sources of additional personnel are IET trainees and students in those MOSs required to fill out the force. Filled MOSs whose members can be reclassified into MOSs with shortages. NCO and officer training courses which cover known and anticipated deficiencies. Military orientation training for those civilians who have skills needed by the Army. Upon mobilization, the training load will increase. Each military entrance processing station (MEPS) will process and classify recruits. Based on MOB ARPRINT requirements, recruits will be identified with a training course and a RECSTA. Automatic data processing (ADP) at each MEPS and RECSTA will be used to manage the increase in recruits. ADP will effectively allocate 9

Chapter 2 Institutional Training

recruits to training centers and schools. Recruits will be assigned to courses according to service needs and their aptitudes and backgrounds. Those with skills of immediate value will be identified. In order to meet deployment criteria, they will undergo the appropriate basic training (BT) and AIT. They will be assigned an MOS on par with their civilian skills. Responsibility for the management of accessions into BT, AIT, and OSUT will be transferred from MILPERCEN to TRADOC. As mobilization proceeds and the training system settles after the conversion to MOB POI, hard data will become available on which to base the adjusted MOB ARPRINT. Training loads will then be adjusted to best meet operational requirements. Constraints Initial training base capabilities will be dictated by the on-hand structure, cadre, equipment, facilities, and locally available assets. Following M-day, total resource requirements to expand the training base may not be available.

TRADOC service schools will include all of the training innovations, techniques, and resource conservation measures possible in their respective MOB POI. So structured, MOB POI require the minimum essential level of resources to train one course of a given MOS or BT. The MOB POI then becomes a key document for the installation mobilization planner. The MOB POI serves as a resource document. The installations MOB ARPRINT load determines the number of courses. Together they allow the installation planner to build a picture of the total resource requirements for conducting IET. At this point and with all other installation missions in mind, the installation planner will apply training strategies to stretch the known resources as far as possible. Detailed strategies and planning assumptions for expanding the training base are contained in the TMOPS. Key considerations that address how to overcome equipment and facility shortages are described below. While these considerations will be specifically aimed at IET, they can apply to all training on an installation.

Resource Strategy SOLUTION Make maximum use of training aids, devices, and simulators. Use equipment pooling and collocation of temporary equipment pools at high-density training sites Equipment Use commercial substitute equipment. Use obsolete equipment compatible with training portions or all current tasks Use double-shifting. Make use of pooling to enhance scheduling flexibility. Weapons Use facsimiles for all training not requiring functional weapons. Use the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES). Use double-shifttng of ranges, and make use of expedient range facilities. Ranges Use hasty ranges in lieu of normal range facilities Use multipurpose ranges Constructing a 25-meter Iine on applicable ranges allows for zone firing with Immediate transition to follow-on Instruct Ion.

Continued 10

Chapter 2 Institutional Training

Resource Strategy Continued SHORTAGE SOLUTION Cease all nonessential firing demonstrations, that demonstrations.




Establish tight controls covering ammunition turn-in procedures to ensure that unused ammunition IS available for immediate reissue. Use subcaliber ammunition, where feasible. Use training aids and devices, that is, Rimfire adaptors, Weaponeer, MILES. Lease and/or rent nontactical vehicles.


Use the ten mile (one-way) walk or ride rule in computing vehicle transportation requirements. This distance may be reduced to five miles where lost training time becomes a degrading factor. Establish mobile maintenance teams to perform on-site repairs. Reduce driver training by 25 percent, and conduct training concurrently with other training activities Use austere, temporary facilities, such as foam domes and hutments, until support facilities can be set up to mobilization requirements. Reduce the minimum square feet per person authorized as prescribed by the surgeon general. The planning square feet per person is 72 square feet for BT and hospital patients and 55 square feet for all other personnel.


Lease and/or rent civilian facilities. Use spartan training facilities, including outdoor facilities, weather permittng. Schedule training facilities to achieve maximum use. Schedule classrooms or laboratories on a 24-hour multishift basis, as necessary Schedule outdoor facilities on a first-to-last Iight basis. Make round-robin use of training sites.

NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER AND OFFICER TRAINING The major requirement in NCO and officer training will be to sustain the flow of fully trained, deployable, noncommissioned and junior commissioned officers to units. Upon mobilization, the NCO and officer portion of the institutional training base will be restructured. Noncommissioned Officers During mobilization most NCOs will be needed in units for individual and collective training; therefore, few NCOs will be released

for resident training. Those in deployed units will not return to CONUS for training. NCO courses will concentrate on MOSspecific and leadership training. For instance, following IET, selected combat arms soldiers with NCO potential will attend the Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC) and the Basic NCO Course (BNCOC) for their MOS. Following AIT, but prior to being assigned to the unit, potential CS and CSS NCOs will attend the PLDC and, if available, the appropriate primary or basic technical course. 11

Chapter 2 Institutional Training

Upon declaration of full mobilization, ARNG and USAR students attending Noncommissioned Officer Education System (NCOES) courses in an active duty training (ADT) status will return to their units. Likewise, AC students attending NCOES courses that are cancelled will report to their CONUS units. Students on temporary duty (TDY) en route to CONUS or OCONUS will be reassigned by MILPERCEN. Students on permanent change of station (PCS) orders will also be reassigned by MILPERCEN. NCOES courses will be held at selected NCO academies and service schools. Courses at all other locations will be terminated at full mobilization. However, each Army training center will operate a drill sergeants school. Warrant Officers The expansion of warrant officer (WO) training will be based on the force requirements during mobilization. Emphasis upon mobilization will be placed on identifying and procuring qualified soldiers for WO vacancies. WO training will be limited to those entry level (limited MOSs and advanced courses necessary to meet force requirements. Officers The United States Military Academy (USMA) and military colleges and institutions will graduate the senior class as soon as possible and then reduce their programs to three years. At nonmilitary colleges and institutions, Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) programs will be suspended when full mobilization is called and mobilization tasks are completed. ROTC cadets who have completed the ROTC advanced camp will be commissioned immediately upon receipt of instructions from HQDA and will attend the appropriate officer basic course (OBC). However, ROTC cadets who are under contract and have completed basic camp or MS II training will be ordered to active duty as enlisted reservists to attend an officer candidate school (OCS). All other contract students will be ordered to active duty immediately as enlisted reservists to attend 12

BT. If they complete BT and demonstrate officer potential, they may be offered the OCS option. Upon full or total mobilization, State Army National Guard military academies will accelerate completion of the OCS classes in session. The assigned cadre will be reassigned to TRADOC and earmarked as OCS faculty. OCS graduates will attend an appropriate OBC. Infantry, armor, field artillery, and engineers will establish branch-specific OCS programs. Others may be added as required. However, branch-immaterial OCS programs will be established at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Fort Bliss, Fort Gordon, Camp Robinson, and Fort McClellan with an input of 200 per week beginning at M+5 weeks. These programs will supply second lieutenants to OBC programs being conducted at other branch schools. Qualified individuals with or without prior military service will be procured by HQDA as temporary commissioned officers in the Army of the United States (AUS). They will report for immediate active duty to meet mobilization requirements for those personnel who cannot be provided from the Reserve Components. Lieutenants. At full mobilization, each proponent school will continue OBC at an accelerated pace. Captains. Officer advance courses (OACs) in session will be terminated on M-day. Students will be reassigned by MILPERCEN. On order from HQDA DCSOPS, the OAC cadre will prepare to resume courses using the MOB POI. However, the Combined Arms and Service Staff 3 School (CAS ) will terminate upon full mobilization. Majors and Lieutenant Colonels. On full mobilization, courses in session at Fort Leavenworth will be terminated, and students will be reassigned by MILPERCEN. Cadre and instructors will prepare to implement the Command and General Staff College (CGSC) MOB POI.

Chapter 2 Institutional Training

The RC division refresher courses will also be terminated. However, two one-week mobilization refresher courses will be implemented for division and brigade commanders and for their principal staff officers and NCOs. One course will focus on tactics and the other on logistics. The courses will be oriented to the collective training of mobilizing staffs. These courses will be supplemented with individual refresher programs, as required. Late deploying, new, or reconstituted division and brigade personnel will be prime candidates for these courses. The course instructors will remain TRADOC assets to support the training base expansion. All other courses at the college will be conducted in accordance with AMOPS, Volume III, Chapter 12. Lieutenant Colonels and Colonels. With the exception of branch resident phases, all resident and nonresident phases of the Precommand Course (PCC) will be terminated. Those officers not in Phase II will proceed to their assigned unit or unit of assignment as determined by DA. The branch resident phase will convert to an MOB POI and the PCCs will be conducted as required. Upon completing the course, officers will proceed to their assigned units. Colonels and Above. Upon full mobilization, the Arm y War College will convert to an MOB POI. The National Defense University will continue training as determined by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). However, it may be necessary to withdraw selected students from these courses to meet the Army requirements. SPECIAL TRAINING The following people will require special training at training centers and schools: Individual ready reservists. Individual mobilization augmenters (IMAs). Prior service personnel. Civilians with needed skills. Military retirees. Foreign students.

Individual Ready Reservists Those individuals who did not complete IET and who left the service under the trainee discharge program will be required to undergo IET. With a zero MOS skill level, these individuals will be treated as new accessions. However, if still unable to perform up to par, they will be discharged in accordance with current regulations. All other IRR members will be earmarked in peacetime for specific units by a unit identification code. The Mobilization Personnel Processing System matches IRR resources with mobilization personnel requirements. Upon mobilization, IRR members will report to designated mobilization stations. Unless reassigned by the mobilization station commander against a higher priority requirement, they will be assigned to a designated unit or organization. The type and amount of postmobilization training required will be the responsibility of the gaining unit or organization commander. Individual Mobilization Augmenters These soldiers are assigned to a specific unit or agency in peacetime. IMAs perform annual training with that organization performing those functions they will be expected to assume upon. mobilization. There will be no school training requirement for these individuals. Prior Service Personnel Refresher and, possibly, reclassification training will be required for personnel with prior enlisted service. They will be quickly requalified or reclassified and sent to units as fillers. Civilians With Needed Skills Some CSS MOS codes and officer specialty codes have similar, if not direct, civilian counterparts, especially in mid- and hightechnology areas. For instance, skills such as railway transportation are not maintained in the Active Components. However, those that are, such as engineers, will be required in far greater numbers. Mobilization planning must ensure the speedy assimilation into the Army of all civilians who have applicable 13

Chapter 2 Institutional Training

and needed skills. This will be achieved in the following ways: Proponents working with MILPERCEN will identify those MOSs with a critical mobilization shortage. Proponents will identify civilian occupations that require proficiency in the same or similar skills as those required by a particular MOS as found in AR 611-201. Proponents should then conduct a job analysis to determine the common core skills. Programs of instruction will be used for the additional training needed to attain skill level proficiency in an MOS. However, the content of the training will depend on the civilian occupation. Training can be held in a classroom or be self-paced. For some occupations, a proficiency test will establish the starting point for training. Recruits with needed civilian skills will be identified at each MEPS and allocated to an appropriate RECSTA for basic training. Total mobilization will demand a greater use of civilians having skills of value to the Army for assignments within CONUS. For individuals such as computer specialists and transportation and procurement personnel, the basic training content of military orientation courses will be minimal. Military Retirees Refresher training for military retirees will fall into the following categories:

Functional refresher training for assignments that are not specialty skill identifier (SSI) specific or MOS specific and that would be open to a number of specialties. One example would be a mobilization version of the Army logistics Management Centers Director of Industrial Operations (DIO) course for officers with a DIO mobilization assignment. SSI and MOS refresher training for officers and NCOs assigned to positions that are either technical in nature or require SSI and MOS refresher training. One example would be a CMF 11 refresher course for an NCO assigned to an Army TC committee or a training group. No refresher training for retirees in civilian occupations having a direct application to mobilization assignments. One example would be a practicing civil engineer assigned to an installation Director of Facility Engineers (DFE) position. Foreign Students Foreign students enrolled in courses on Mday will be kept until graduation unless attendance is terminated by their governments, by the US government, or by attrition. Additional courses may be established at selected installations to train foreign students in accordance with interservice or security assistance training agreements. Training foreign students will continue during mobilization in accordance with contractual agreements and where it is in the national interest.


Training support for the training base will take on a greater importance during mobilization because of the increased training work load requirements, time constraints, and the projected initial shortage of resources to do the training. Training support materials and services will be the key alterna14 tive means of overcoming many of the time and resource constraints. Mobilization plans throughout the training base will identify and document the training support needed to meet the surge in training requirements. Where mobilization training materials can aid the peacetime training base, procurement

Chapter 2 Institutional Training

action will be taken. However, if peacetime budget constraints make procurement impossible, requisition details will be completed and pre-positioned at installation TASCs. MATERIALS All courses for individuals in the training base will take place in accordance with the course content, schedule, and training support as stated in the MOB POI prepared prior to mobilization by proponent schools. MOB POI will prepare graduates for immediate deployment to the combat zone. There they must be capable of surviving under combat conditions and of performing their assigned duties without additional training. In peacetime, gaining units conduct some individual training. The same occurs upon mobilization depending on the particular MOS. Many installation TASCs with their graphic arts, photo, and television production capabilities, in concert with in-house printing plants, will produce lesson plans, lesson materials, graphic training devices, and video tapes for shipment where needed. The TASC training aids fabrication capability will also be used to build many items such as subcaliber devices, targets, simulator games, map-reading aids, and marksmanship aids. Training devices and simulators will be used heavily. Thus, plans for making their repair parts and train-the-trainer packages available should be made prior to mobilization. Initial distribution of available assets will begin upon determination of an effective date (M-day or other designated date), based on preidentified requirements in the ADAM system in accordance with Annex J, Installation Mobilization Plans. Training support resource allocations will be adjusted by installations, based on new ARPRINT data. SERVICES The US Army Training Support Center (USATSC), Fort Eustis, VA, has the primary responsibility for managing training support

services and material. Upon mobilization, USATSC will provide .. Training support assets of the AC tO theRC through the TASCs. These assets are preplanned in the TMOPS and the FORSCOM Mobilization and Deployment System (FORMDEPS). Consolidated training support production requirements to the United States Army Materiel Command (AMC). Field liaison teams to assist commanders in solving training support problems created by the simultaneous training of deploying forces and expanding the training base. USATSC will also consolidate TASC device requirements for production and distribution. At installation level, mobilization planners will identify training support materials and locally produced training devices and mockups to the servicing TASC. The TASOs at training centers, service schools, and Forts Bragg, Campbell, Hood, Lewis, Oral, and Polk will Produce training support material locally where production is possible but cannot be resourced. Plan for the production of locally produced devices and mock-ups by having plans and specifications on file. Ensure that needed Class IX items will be available. Identify, in accordance with Annex J, Installation Mobilization Plans, all mobilization training support material that is beyond local production capability. For full and total mobilization, outside contractors will be used for as many of the following tasks as possible: Detailed preparation of all training literature. Instruction in those military tasks and skills with civilian counterparts, especially in high technology, low-density MOSs. Development and management of devices, simulations, and simulators. 15

Chapter 2 Institutional Training

Management of an ADP capability to support the training base in its expanded mobilization responsibilities. Conduct new equipment and new organization training. Lessons learned from the combat theater of operations will play an important part in the training bases ability to keep individual and collective training abreast of current techniques and operations. To accomplish this,

the flow of information back to CONUS must be timely. The information will be gathered in-theater by teams (normally one per corps) of a military historical detachment (MHD). The MHD will collate, analyze, and prepare lessons learned to be forwarded through the theater chain of command. In conjunction with immediate use in-theater, the lessons learned will be sent back to CONUS for distribution to the integrating centers, service schools, and units in training.


CHAPTER 3 Unit Training Filler personnel and unit packages should have been trained to acceptable levels of proficiency in the institution. Initially, however, some transition training in the unit should be expected. Factors such as changes in mission; new or different equipment; organizational and doctrinal changes; new or changed techniques, tactics, and procedures relayed from the battlefield will impact on the training held in units. Through sustainment training programs, unit training must embed those skills learned into effective collective task performance. Premobilization training sustains high combat readiness in missionessential individual and collective tasks. Both AC and RC units must concentrate on mission-essential soldiers manuals, military qualification standards (MQS) manuals, and ARTEP tasks. RC units may not reach the same standards in all tasks as would their active counterparts because of the limited training time, equipment shortages, and facility constraints. The Army CAPSTONE Program (AR 11-30) seeks to take advantage of AC and RC associations based on wartime missions to enhance RC training.


ARMY TRAINING AND EVALUATION PROGRAM The ARTEP is the foundation of unit training. It gives each service school commandant overall training strategy to achieve combat readiness in accordance with established doctrine for the unit. The ARTEP is the umbrella program, with the ARTEP mission training plans (MTPs) and drills forming the actual training documents used by the unit for collective training. The ARTEP Mission Training Plan ARTEP MTPs are developed for each echelon of a unit (battalion, company, platoon). The MTPs describe how to train and what to train. The MTPs are flexible, unitmodifiable training plans for typical unit missions and training requirements. These plans call for situational training exercises (STXs). STXs are short, flexible exercises designed to train a single task or a group of closely related tasks. Each plan is capped by a field training exercise (FTX). During the realistic, simulated combat conditions of an FTX, the unit executes the tasks for which it has trained. It is evaluated on its ability to execute them. The STXs and FTXs can be executed with a minimum of modification to fit unit requirements. MTPs also include Matrixes which show the relationship of FTXs, STXs, drills, leader tasks, and individual soldiers manual tasks. Matrixes facilitate planning training in detail. Integrated leader training for each unit task. Detailed training and evaluation outlines (T&EOs). Drills Drills are standardized techniques or procedures. Each specifies the method by which it is to be trained. Drills serve as links between individual and collective proficiency. They are intended for small units (squad, section, platoon) and establish as doctrine the manner of executing a collective task. Drills are published as training circulars and are referenced in MTPs. In the detailed T&EOs, a drill for a particular task is the standard. 17

Chapter 3 Unit Training

The ARTEP Unit Test The unit test is a part of the MTP. It is a performance-oriented test using the detailed T&EOs of the MTPs and drills as performance standards. It provides the chain of command with a means of determining a units level of training readiness based on a demonstrated ability to meet the standards. CAPSTONE The Army CAPSTONE Program establishes an AC and RC organizational structure for developing peacetime planning and training associations. These associations enable units to plan and, where feasible, to train in peacetime with the organization they will be aligned with in wartime. The Army CAPSTONE Program further provides for improving Mobilization and wartime planning, mission capability, and deployability. Wartime mission-oriented training.

The management of the total Army by focusing actions taken under other programs on wartime mission accomplishments. These other programs include mutual support (AR 11-22), overseas deployment training (AR 350-9), and joint exercise. The readiness of the total Army through the alignment of AC and RC units to meet total Army wartime requirements and the needs of the CONUS sustaining base, in harmony with the TAA. CAPSTONE does not establish requirements; rather, it displays alignments which are established by the existing force development process. The organizational alignments allow commanders to enter into cohesive planning and training associations with their designated wartime command. These associations permit thorough and continuous mobilization planning and preparation to facilitate rapid wartime deployment and employment.


Existing units are AC and RC units in the current force structure which are manned and equipped (Components 1, 2, and 3). These units must continue to concentrate on sustainment training throughout the transition from peacetime to wartime. However, transition training in some units will also be required prior to deployment. SUSTAINMENT The tasks, conditions, and standards listed in the relevant ARTEPs and soldiers manuals remain the basis for all training. The primary mode of training will be multiechelon training. Time and resource constraints will limit the amount of time spent on FTXs and the availability of dedicated opposing forces. All training will use the training support materials available. As a goal to ensure quality control, deployment overseas of all but early deploying units should be subject to satisfactory performance during a unit test. Proficiency must be sus18 tained while awaiting deployment and upon arrival overseas. Training programs will concentrate on acclimation, battle indoctrination, and the infusion of applicable lessons learned. This should occur during theater-sponsored battle indoctrination training. Deployed units must continue to sustain proficiency, even when actively involved in a theater of operations. Weaknesses not previously known will be revealed in combat, and remedial action will be required. Additionally, units may have to train for future operations requiring mission unique, untrained tasks. TRANSITION Mobilization plans may require a number of RC units, and possibly some AC and RC individuals designated as fillers, to draw equipment for which they have received little or no prior training. Service schools, in consultation with installation commanders, will continually review mobilization plans

Chapter 3 Unit Training

for their type units to establish the need for such transition training. For individuals, an exportable package reinforced by supervised on-the-job training might be appropriate. An ITP should be established based on the status of soldiers manual skills at mobilization. The Army individual training evaluation program (ITEP) results can be used to focus on this effort. This program should define individual training and small unit training requirements for RCs during the period of mobilization at home station per Phase III, FORMDEPS, Volume II, Part I. For units, it may be necessary for the training base to provide a mobile training team to conduct a condensed but intensive course. As the war continues and new equipment, doctrine, and organizations are introduced, there will be a continuing need for transition training. New equipment and new organization training teams will provide much of the necessary predeployment training for units. But in some circumstances, individual and collective training may be best done in the training base. The base may also need to train unit cadre. Transition training requirements will be determined as overall Army modernization plans are developed. DEPLOYMENT The period between mobilization and deployment may be minimal. Therefore, intensive training must occur in the predeployment period. It must concentrate on correcting training shortfalls or deficiencies existing in the unit. Early Deploying Units These are units deploying with a latest arrival date (LAD) earlier than 30 days. They will comprise both AC and RC units, many of the latter being CS and CSS units. In the premobilization period, their training program must sustain their proficiency in missionessential tasks. These are selected by the commander, based on higher level directives, specific missions provided by wartime gaining commanders, or contingency plans. In most cases, equipment ship dates will precede personnel dates. Unit commanders

must plan on conducting as much equipmentintensive training as possible immediately upon arrival at the mobilization station. Nonessential administrative processing, nonequipment intensive training, and training that can be conducted within mobilization station resources should be deferred until after the equipment ship date. Unit commanders must consider this in developing their postmobilization training plan. Units may be required to assimilate fillers who need one or more of the following: Refresher training. Cross-training. Transition training. Instruction on unit standing operating procedures and other techniques peculiar to the unit. When mobilization fillers have been identified to units, commanders should map out an ITP that relates to the soldiers mobilization duties. Mobilization assistance teams from the readiness groups and mobile training teams from TRADOC service schools can assist by conducting intensive, short-duration courses. Supervised on-the-job training is another technique. Any special training support requirements should be identified, communicated, and updated to the mobilization installation. Deploying unit commanders must take into consideration the training time available en route to the theater of operations. The type of movement, air or sea, will constrain the type and amount of training that may be carried out. However, plans should provide individual refresher and command and staff training en route to war. Late Deploying Units These are units deploying with a LAD of 30 days or more. In the period before deployment, the goals should be to attain and to sustain proficiency in wartime missions. Late deploying units may suffer an initial reduction in unit strengths and trainer levels. 19

Chapter 3 Unit Training

If this occurs, installation commanders have the following options: Limit the scope of multiechelon training in units to maintain proficiency in core skills such as those skills most often used to execute essential missions. Where there is a shortage of junior leaders, concentrate on developing potential NCOs. Redistribute subelements of units and train on tasks to standards with full-up teams, crews, and squads. For example, on training exercises an eight gun artillery battery might be restricted to six guns with the other two simulated. Maintain the unit in a skeletal form with emphasis on proficiency in command and control procedures using command post or similar exercises. As fillers become available, they must be integrated into the unit, although the need for training in high density, combat arms MOSs will diminish as graduates of courses using MOB POI reach the units. For some MOSs,

particularly those involving high technology or low soldier densities, there may be a need to conduct training in the unit. The main source of fillers will be graduates of courses in the training base. Others will arise from a turnover of staff in the training base, the CONUS base, and from previously ineligible individuals such as those recovered from illnesses or combat wounds. Some of these individuals may require refresher or transition training. For example, an individual who has been trained on the Ml tank might join a unit with the M48A5 or M60A3. Where numbers are significant, a service school mobile team might provide the necessary training, or alternatively, a unit cadre might be trained at the school. Late deploying units will also have the benefit of lessons learned in the theater of operations. These lessons must be incorporated into training. Late deploying unit commanders must address the same planning considerations for en route and in-theater training as do early deploying unit commanders.

TRAINING FOR NEWLY ORGANIZED UNITS For full mobilization, Component 4 units will be activated. For total mobilization, Component 6 units will be activated. The planning considerations for manning, equipping, and training both types of newly organized units are essentially the same. ASSUMPTIONS The following outlines some considerations necessary to train personnel in newly organized units: Filler personnel will be trained to mobilization Skill Level 1 qualifications in the training base. Cadres will be trained to acceptable levels of proficiency prior to activation of units. Cadre refresher training in both technical proficiency and leadership will be incorporated into unit training programs. 20 The goal for personnel fill will be 100 percent. Commanders will begin training when unit fill reaches C-3. Nuclear capable units will be qualified to perform their nuclear mission prior to deployment. This qualification will be accomplished in accordance with established DOD or service system qualifications for the type unit being activated. MACOM RESPONSIBILITIES MACOM responsibilities for newly organized units are as follows: FORSCOM activates and organizes units, as directed by DA, and plans for their commitment to perform wartime missions. FORSCOM obtains and manages resources to support the units. It performs assigned

Chapter 3 Unit Training

missions to train units in conjunction with other MACOMs. TRADOC provides trained indlvlduals and unit packages to the newly organized units. It provides training support materials and services. AMC requisitions, funds, assembles, and ships all Class VII and Class IX items to units. CONSIDERATIONS The following considerations will form the basis for training newly organized units: Unit training programs will be built on existing training programs; for example, ARTEPs, drills, MTPs, STPs ITEPs, and MQSs. As a minimum, the training week will be six ten-hour days. Additional and/or remedial training will be conducted based on unit performance, advancement, and cohesion to meet the projected deployment dates. Internal ARTEP evaluation of units will be continuous with remedial and/or corrective training scheduled to correct deficiencies throughout the training period. Multiechelon training (from individual through battalion) will start as early as possible in the training schedule. Unit training must incorporate maximum use of training aids, devices, simulators, and simulations. Collective training for newly organized units will focus on battalion or separate company and below. Training for team and/or crew, section, squad, and platoon will be based on the appropriate drill(s) in the ARTEP MTP. For planning purposes, training is categorized into training drills to describe team and/or crew through platoon and into unit-proficiency training to describe company, battalion, and combined arms training. While the activation and initial training of newly organized units may begin with training drills, it must progress into multiechelon training as rapidly as possible. Several factors will allow this rapid progression to multiechelon training. The first is the

production of unit packages in the institutional training base. The arrival of these units will allow commanders to bypass those low-level collective tasks which the unit packages are proficient in and move to higher level collective tasks and multiechelon training. As units increase in collective proficiency, the training pace will quicken allowing an early entry into multiechelon training. The key goal will remain unit combat readiness based on a demonstrated ability to meet the standards of the table of organization and equipment (TOE) missions and ARTEP tasks. The assistance of the training base will also be required for the training of battalion and higher level staffs in the application of current tactical doctrine. At the appropriate time, battalion and higher level staffs will integrate with their units in field, combined arms, and live-fire exercises. The creation of new units after mobilization will be significantly affected by the availability of unit cadre. Immediate sources of designated cadre should include personnel in less critical jobs. These include Peacetime TDA positions. Officer and NCO students in both military and civilian schools. Prior service volunteers who have attained an officer or NCO grade. Later sources of designated cadre should include combat returnees, hospital dischargers, soldiers rotating from the training base, and graduates of courses in the training base. The formation of a newly organized unit is also dependent on the availability of those CS and CSS MOSs that have long production times. It might be possible to produce some critical long lead time MOSs in the required numbers by an emphasis on the quick adaptation of civilian skills by rapid induction and training of civilians. Notwithstanding these options, some divisions may have to be fielded with a degraded capability because soldiers possessing the required skills just cannot be trained in the available time. Equipment shortfalls will have a 21

Chapter 3 Unit Training

similar effect. While it may be anticipated that Component 6 units will progressively have less combat capability than earlier deploying units, the intent is to deploy Component 6 units at the same or greater capability. Newly constituted units can anticipate overseas deployment following the successful completion of unit training based on the relevant ARTEP tasks as demonstrated in the appropriate unit tests. Although time is a prime constraint, the quality of training is also important. It must be tough, demanding, and intensive. Commanders will establish training objectives designed to achieve maximum levels of proficiency prior to deployment. In an emergency, it is possible that circumstances might require the overseas deployment of major units before they complete all of their training program. These

units would complete necessary training as part of en route and/orin-theater acclimation and battle indoctrination training. Unit activation, formulation, and training flow diagrams (see Appendixes A and B) give the sequence of events, event relationships, and decision points for preparing newly organized units for deployment to a theater of operations. Beyond full mobilization, planning provides that the National Training Center at Fort Irwin will be used for organizing, activating, and training heavy divisions (Component 6) in support of total mobilization. Upon deployment, support units may be essential to meet deployment requirements. Thus, mobilization plans must retain the National Training Centers training role.

TRAINING FOR IN-THEATER UNITS Deployed units must continue to sustain The training focus would be to train-up crews and units on critical weapon systems rapidly. proficiency, even when actively involved in a The training center would have the theater of operations. Responsibility for the capability to forward crew and unit packages planning and conduct of in-theater training will lie with the theater commander. This (team, section, squad, and platoon) with responsibility will involve providing for equipment to divisions for assistance in reconstitution. The divisions would incorrefrcsher, reconstitution, sustainment, and porate these trained packages into their transition training as required and as the reconstitution training programs, speeding tactical situation permits. However, some individual training may be incorporated into the process of regaining combat readiness. the TARS. When a combat unit or remnant returns from the front lines, regeneration by refresher If the war continues beyond D+180, an intraining programs will be implemented to upgrade it. Finally, the training center would theater training center will become essential be the focal point for transition training. It to assist units in accomplishing required would assist theater Army units throughout training. The theater training center would the period of in-theater operations. receive individual and unit package combat replacements and equipment for training. TRAINING FOR HEAVY DIVISIONS The individual training of CS and CSS receive not only individual training in the training base, but also unit training. For soldiers will remain the training base responsibility, as may some aspects of their example, air defense units and military intelligence units might better be trained by collective training. Technological levels, service schools. Their arrival in the division systems complexity, and training support availability may require certain units to should be timed to enable their participation 22

Chapter 3 Unit Training

in the combined arms phase of unit training. All divisional CS and CSS proponents must examine the practicality of their units being able to undergo training programs under divisional control. If not practicable, service

schools and training centers must base their mobilization plans on assuming this responsibility. Therefore, unit training conducted in the division must still be supported by the proponent service school.

TRAINING SUPPORT FOR UNIT TRAINING Required training support materials Individual Training and Evaluation Programs should be developed, packaged, and distributed, thereby permitting their immediate These will continue to be used to measure issue to mobilizing units. All pre-positioned soldier proficiency on critical MOS and compackages will be tailored to meet specific unit mon tasks. The skill qualification test (SQT) and training base requirements based on and common task test (CTT) will be disconapproved mobilization plans. Master copies tinued except where the SQT is part of the of reproducible products will be kept at TASC. certification process to ensure proficiency in They will be updated, reproduced, and issued a designated critical MOS. The commanders to meet mobilization requirements. The evaluation using soldiers manuals will conrequired training support services must be tinue to be used. identified in mobilization plans to include peacetime services that will change to ARTEPs wartime functions, as well as wartime funcThe tasks, conditions, and standards in tions that have no peacetime counterpart and ARTEPs will remain the foundation of collecmust be created. tive training. MATERIALS Training Packages Soldiers Manuals The content of these packages will be based The tasks, conditions, and standards in the on a proponent service schools or centers common and MOS-specific soldiers manuals knowledge of their type units mobilization will continue to be used in units. requirements. They will include MOB POI, relevant STPs, ARTEPs, Army training programs (ATPs), and other publications. Job Books Training packages will be required upon mobilization for These will be an integral part of mobilization training management so that trainers Refresher training. and leaders can track individual proficiency Reclassification training. and identify the skills that have not been mastered. Cross-training. Transition training. Trainers Guides Train-up training. Future trainers guides will identify specific Military indoctrination. individual tasks associated with a given duty position. Commanders should use this Theater of operations orientation. information to schedule only applicable tasks Prior to mobilization, newly organized unit for training. Additionally, efficient crossstraining packages should be planned for each training and train-up training can be contype unit and contain the following: ducted by scheduling only those tasks which MOB POI where individual training will the individual has not mastered that are part take place in the unit. of the cross-train and train-up duty position. 23

Chapter 3 Unit Training

ARTEP, MTP, and ARTEP unit test (ATP if ARTEP is not available) for the particular unit. POI for cadre training. NCO academy POI for the PLDC and the BNCOC. Training packages for those involved in base operations. These packages should also contain the associated STPs and other publications required for training such as technical manuals and training circulars. Devices and Simulators Devices and simulators represent an alternate means of training individuals and crews to the required levels of proficiency. They are also more resource efficient. Accurate inventories that cite quantities and locations and a mobilization distribution plan are necessary because equipment shortages are likely. SERVICES Mobile Training Teams Proponent schools will continue to provide these teams on an as-required basis. A demand for mobile training teams to conduct retraining and transition training will occur just after mobilization. They will also be used to monitor the standardization of training. Mobilization Assistance Teams These teams are constituted from the peacetime resources of the CONUSA readiness groups and maneuver training commands. They will be attached to each mobilization station. They will assist units in collective training and evaluation of section, platoon, company, or battalion ARTEP tasks and missions. New Equipment and New Organization Training Teams These teams will function upon mobilization in a fashion similar to that during premobilization. 24

Integration and Standardization Training Teams These teams can be used by integrating centers and proponent schools to obtain feedback from field units regarding their areas of responsibility. However, mobilization manpower shortages may restrict their use and the training base may be more dependent on reportsespecially lessons learned through the normal chain of command. Contractors Contractors will conduct new equipment training. RESOURCES Training Land and Ranges The guidelines in TC 25-1 and TC 25-2 describe the planning for training land and ranges. A large number of newly activated installations such as semiactive, stateowned, and new acquisitions will be necessary to support total mobilization. Thus, it may not be possible to provide all areas with the training land and ranges that ideally are needed. Those new ranges that are constructed should be multipurpose and adaptable for at least low-level collective training. Maximum use should also be made of existing ranges and training areas. Low-cost upgrading or adaptation of ranges and training areas may be necessary to maximize training options. Ammunition Although TC 25-3 gives valid guidance regarding the quantities of ammunition required to attain individual proficiency with particular weapons, these figures will require a reduction upon total mobilization. Suggested figures will be included as part of the MOB POI. The maximum use of subcaliber and training unique ammunition will also be made. Basic marksmanship and crew-served weapons engagement techniques should use subcaliber ammunition when possible. Service ammunition should be reserved for later combat proficiency training.


Formation and Training Flow for a Typical Component



Fold this out for Appendix A, page 25

Formation and Training Flow for Type-Immaterial Component 6 Division

APPENDIX B Formation and Training Flow for Type- immaterial Component 6 Division



Mobilization Unit Production Times

CONCEPT The postmobilization training concept is to use an intensified, accelerated program to produce TOE units in the shortest possible time. A training concept for divisional and nondivisional units to be activated during full mobilization will have been prepared. This concept identifies the mode and level of training, training guidelines, and time allotted for activating, organizing, training, and preparing for overseas deployment. Because of the intensified nature of postmobilization training, unit training programs must follow a multiechelon concept. Unit training within each echelon progresses as rapidly as tasks are done. COMPUTATION The computation of production times is necessary to determine the need for additional facilities following the station loads of total mobilization. TOE unit production times are essential for time-phasing the use of currently available facilities. These production times assume that training will be conducted at a minimum of six days per week, ten hours per day. Two weeks is the most frequent time projected for activation and organization with an additional week for preparation for overseas movement (POM) of battalion-size combat and CS type units. See the following chart for projected unit production times in weeks of training for different types of units. Unit training has been subdivided into training drills and unit proficiency training. The training drills consist of team, section, squad, and platoon training. The unit proficiency training consists of company, battalion and combined arms training, and FTXs.





REMARKS Add two weeks for gunnery training in M2 units. Add two weeks for gunnery training in armor units. Nuclear training for artillery units will be accomplished concurrently with the unit training. Nuclear qualification will be accomplished prior to deployment in accordance with established DOD or service system qualifications for the type unit being activited.


Drill training is concurrent with battalion training. UPT is necessary for FTXs and CPXs.

2 1 1 2

8 4 2 6

4 0 0 4

2 1 1 2

UPT is in conjunction with FTXs. Training drills are at individual and team levels. UPT for these units is in CPXs and FTXs with appropriate type HHC elements.


Appendix C Mobilization Unit Production Times

Weeks Required For Intensive Training (Projected) Continued ACTIVITY/ ORGANIZATION 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 TRAINING DRILLS 6 2 2 2 4 6 6 2 2 4 UNIT PROFICIENCY TRAINING 2 2 2 4 4 4 PREPARATION FOR OVERSEAS MOVEMENT 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 The four weeks are for support of the div, gp, bale, CPX, and FTX periods. UPT for these units is in the CPX and FTX mode with appropriate type HHC elements. UPT for these units is in the CPX and FTX mode with appropriate type HHC elements UPT for these units is in the CPX and FTX mode with appropriate type supported elements. Convoy training is part of the training drill UPT. 1 3 1 1 Add two weeks for gunnery training.



2 1 4






A AC ADA ADAM ADP ADT AG AIT AMC ammo AMOPS AR ARNG ARPERCEN ARPRINT ARTEP AS ATP AUS Active Component air defense artillery Armywide devices automated management automatic data processing active duty training adjutant general advanced individual training United States Army Materiel Command ammunition Army Mobilization and Operations Planning System Army regulation Army National Guard Army Reserve Personnel Center Army program for individual training Army training and evaluation program active service Army training program Army of the United States CA 3 CAS cbt cdr CEWI CFX CGSC civ CMF co con CONUS CONUSA CPX CRC CS CSH CSS CTT C combat arms Combined Arms and Service Staff School combat commander combat electronic warfare intelligence command field exercise United States Army Command and General Staff College civilian career management field company control continental United States continental United States Army command post exercise CONUS reporting center combat support combat support hospital combat service support common task test D DA DCSOPS DCSPER det DFE DIO Department of the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel detachment Director of Facility Engineers Director of Industrial Operations

B bde bn BNCOC BT btry 30 brigade battalion basic noncommissioned officer course basic training battery



division Department of Defense direct deploying unit E



evacuation F

initial entry training individual mobilization augmentee individual inactive National Guard individual ready reserve individual training evaluation program individual training plan J


fire coordination exercise field manual FORSCOM Mobilization and Deployment System United States Army Forces Command field training exercise G


Joint Chiefs of Staff

K KS Kansas L LAD LFX latest arrival date live-fire exercise M MACOM M-day maint MAPEX mech MEPS MHD MI major Army command mobilization day maintenance map exercise mechanized military entrance processing station military historical detachment military intelligence 31


group H

hel HHC HHD hosp HQ hvy

helicopter headquarters and headquarters company headquarters and headquarters detachment hospital headquarters heavy I


individual and collective training plan



Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System United States Army Military Personnel Center mobilization military occupational specialty movement military qualification standards mobilization troop base stationing plan modification table of organization and equipment mission training plan N


package primary leadership development course platoon port of debarkation port of embarkation program(s) of instruction preparation for overseas movement personnel service company R


Reserve Component reception station Reserve Officers Training Corps S


noncommissioned officer Noncommissioned Officer Education System O SM Spt sqdn SQT SSI STP STX


officer advance course officer basic course outside continental United States officer candidate school officer operation one-station-unit-training P

soldiers manual support squadron skill qualification test specialty skill identifier soldier training publication situational training exercise T


PCC PCS petrl 32

precommand course permanent change of station petroleum

total Army analysis tactical atomic demolition munition training and evaluation outline theater army replacement system



training and audiovisual support center training and audiovisual support officer training base output requirement training center training circular training drill tables of distribution and allowance temporary duty Training Extension Course tactical exercise without troops trainers guide team terminal TRADOC Mobilization and Operations Planning System training table(s) of organization and equipment United States Army Training and Doctrine Command

trans trf trk

transportation transfer truck U


unit proficiency training United States Army Reserve United States Army, Europe United States Army Training Support Center United States Military Academy V

VA vol

Virginia volume W

WO wpn

warrant officer weapon

Definitions collective training commanders evaluation Training to prepare cohesive teams and units to accomplish the mission of their combined arms and services on the integrated battlefield. Commanders and the chain of command select common and MOSspecific tasks which support the unit mission and evaluate the performance of soldiers using evaluation guides in soldiers manuals. Evaluation may be done in conjunction with individual and collective training (before, during, and after) or it may be done to sample training status. A field training exercise with reduced troop and vehicle density, but with full command and control and CSS elements. It involves the commander, staff, communications within and between headquarters, and key elements of participating units. 33

command field exercise


common task test

A hands-on test used to evaluate proficiency on critical common tasks specified in the Soldiers Manual of Common Task. Alternate written tests are provided if equipment required for hands-on testing is not available. This relates to the operation of a piece of TOE equipment by more than one soldier, especially the operation of a crew-served weapon. Crew drills are practiced until a high level of proficiency and speed is achieved. A task which is essential for accomplishment of the unit mission, successful individual skill performance, and/or survival in battle. It requires training and evaluation. The systematic training of the soldier on tasks related to another job within the same MOS or tasks related to a secondary MOS within the same skill level. RC units that deploy directly from home station to an overseas theater of operations. An exercise conducted in the field under simulated combat conditions. A scaled down live-fire exercise wherein entire command and control systems are fielded with nominal weapon systems. The program provides the diagnostic tools needed to evaluate soldier proficiency in performing soldiers manual tasks. The ITEP is administered in accordance with AR 350-37. It includes SQT, CTT, and commanders evaluation. Training conducted in schools (Army service school, USAR school, NCO academy) or Army training centers. Institutions which conduct this training are part of the training base. The completion of IET in Skill Level 1 tasks for an individual newly arrived in a unit, but limited specifically to tasks associated with the mission, organization, and equipment of the unit to which the individual is assigned. It may be conducted by the unit using training materials supplied by TRADOC, by troop schools, or by in-service or contract mobile training teams. In all cases, this training is supported by the TRADOC school proponent.

crew drill

critical task


direct deploying units field training exercise fire coordination exercise individual training evaluation program institutional training integration training



live-fire exercise M-day

An exercise designed to allow a team and/or unit to engage targets with its organic weapons and support. The day the Secretary of Defense directs a mobilization (partial, full, or total) based on the decision by the President, or Congress, or both. All mobilization planning (for example, alert, movement, transportation, and deployment or employment) is based on this date. (AMOPS, Volume I, Annex B.) Training that prepares an NCO to supervise one or more different MOSS at lower skill levels when the soldier advances in skill level in his career management field. The framework of the officer education and training program which provides officer candidates, cadets, lieutenants, and captains with career development goals in the attainment of military skills and professional military knowledge. That portion of a program of instruction that establishes the content and training support requirements for individual training during MOB POI document describes peacetime and mobilization requirements, with the major difference being integration training in the unit environment. A technique whereby training is simultaneously accomplished at more than one echelon. The tasks trained are individual, collective, or both, and are not necessarily related. For example, soldiers may receive individual training on soldiers manual tasks from NCOs at the squad, crew, or team level, while other NCOs and officers sharpen leader skills in a CPX. Training that qualifies a soldier in a new MOS. A representation of a portion of a system, the operation of the system, the environment in which the system operates and in which command and staff are trained to perform wartime functions. The generic term for systems-specific devices that train individuals or crews in system use and maintenance. A soldier training publication listing the critical tasks for each skill level of an MOS and common skills. It provides the performance steps, the conditions under which the task is performed, and the standards which must be met. All tasks in the SQT are in the soldiers manual. 35

merger training

military qualification standards mobilization programs of instruction

multiechelon training

reclassification training simulation

simulators soldiers manual


skill evaluation evaluation test

A performance-oriented written test used to evaluate soldier MOS and skill level proficiency in performing soldiers manual tasks. Results provide a source of objective information for the commander on soldier strengths and weaknesses for training management decisions. Replaces field manuals as the publication medium for soldiers manuals, trainers guides, and job books. A program that contains those operational, tactical, logistical, administrative, and training tasks, drills, and procedures performed in a single prescribed manner throughout the total Army. The provision of instruction for practice to ensure that individual or collective task proficiency is maintained at a required level. The frequency will vary with individual and collective tasks; the role, location, and personnel to fill the unit; and the desires of the commander. The trainers guide section of the soldiers manual/trainers guide gives commanders and trainers information needed to plan individual training in units for soldiers in a specific MOS. It includes an MOS training plan, a reproducible hands-on evaluation form, and in some cases, a field-expedient squad book. The process of increasing the skills and knowledge of an individual to a higher skill level in an MOS. It may involve certification. Unit training that is responsive to changes in equipment, doctrine or organization. It has three parts: training of individuals assigned to the unit prior to the change; training of individuals assigned to the unit after the change and without prior experience; and embedding in the units training program the sustainment training of required individual and collective skills. Training (individual, collective, and joint or combined) conducted in a unit.

soldier training publication standardization program sustainment training

trainers guide (formerly commanders manual) train-up training transition training

unit training


References References

Required publications are sources that users must read in order to understand or to comply with this publication. FIELD MANUALS (FMs) 12-16 25-1 25-2 25-3 25-4 Replacement Operations Training Unit Training Management Training in Units How to Conduct Training Exercises

TRAINING CIRCULARS (TCs) Training Lands 25-1 Training Ranges 25-2 Training Ammunition 25-3

Related publications are sources of additional information. They are not required in order to understand this publication. ARMY REGULATIONS (ARs) 11-22 Mutual Support and Equipment Sharing Program 11-30 CAPSTONE Program Army Training and Audiovisual Support 108-2 Army Training 350-1 350-9 Reserve Component Overseas Deployment Training with Active Components Commands Army Individual Training Evaluation Program 350-37 351-1 Individual Military Education and Training OTHER PUBLICATIONS AMOPS (Army Mobilization and Operations Planning System) Army Training 1990 (TRADOC) FORMDEPS (FORSCOM Mobilization and Deployment Planning System) TMOPS (TRADOC Mobilization and Operations Planning System) Total Mobilization Concept Study (FORSCOM)
The five publications immediately above can be obtained from HQ TRADOC, ATTN: PO&M, Fort Monroe, VA 23651-5000.



Collins, Arthur S. Jr. Common Sense Training. Presidio Press: San Rafael, California, 1978. Palmer, Robert K., Bell I. Wiley, and William R. Keast. Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops. Department of the Army: Washington, DC, 1948.





FM 25-5 25 JANUARY 1985 By Order of the Secretary of the Army: JOHN A. WICKHAM, JR. General, United States Army Chief of Staff Official: DONALD J. DELANDRO Brigadier General, United States Army The Adjutant General

DISTRIBUTION: Active Army, ARNG, and USAR: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-11A, Requirements for Military Training Management (Qty rqr block no. 158). Additional copies may be requisitioned from the US Army Adjutant General Publications Center, 2800 Eastern Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21220.

6 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1996 - 406-421 (52264)

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