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Car Park Policy For Campbelltown Hospital Campus

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Car parking review :

Created by Vincent Marty February 2010

The car parking has been an issue for some time now at Campbelltown Hospital
The situation can no longer be ignored or postponed. With the redevelopment
approaching there is a sense of urgency to get the matter under control as soon as
The current situation allows room for incidents and accidents and it is only a matter of
time before a serious issue occurs, placing the organisation at risk of law suit.

After observation of the current parking habits of staff, patients, visitors, I came to the
conclusion that the following steps are urgently needed:

- The drafting of a comprehensive car park policy and all the procedures needed to
support it.(as currently only a small outdated paragraph in the security procedures is
- The training of all or at least several security and patient services officers on
infringement notice issuing.
- The daily monitoring of car park activities via patrols and issuing of warning and
infringement notices.
- The centralised issuing of the various car parking pass.
- An audit on signage needed.
- An effective campaign to educate staff, patients but most of all staff on the car park
policy. Emphasis should be made on the safety , security but most of all on how
convenient it will be for all when there are well define rules. This could be done using
various tools such as :
- online messages on the intranet.
- emails to all Macarthur staff
- posters to be placed in area where staff spend some time such as lifts
lobbies, café / cafeteria, tea rooms, lockers areas.
- staff meeting should be used to convey the message as well, via
managers approaching the issue and when possible by a member of the security and
patient services staff to present the policy and associated procedures and answer
questions on the matter.
- Mention of the bus services available.

Infringement notices, as per previous trial could easily add up to over $1500/day.
It must be noted that within a week the revenue from the infringement notices will
pay for the training of 15 SAPS, on the infringement notices issuing.

In addition, it may be in the Organisation interest to plan for a car parking flat fee for
the patients & visitors car park. The overflow car park under the methadone clinic
could as well as the DSU car park , be all made paying car park. A small flat fee such
as $2 will ensure the funding of the car park maintenance and payment of the officers
for the time they spend monitoring them. It could be worthwhile having a full time
parking staff.

Prepared & presented by

(Security And Patient Services)

February 2010

Campbelltown’s car parking policy seeks to clarify the regulations and restrictions for
the benefit of our patients, staff, students and visitors.

The car parking policy requires permits to be displayed on the motor vehicles of all
staff, who park in Campbelltown hospital restricted car parks during the period of
6:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Disabled staff and students require to display
the Campbelltown hospital parking Green pass on their vehicle dashboard to enable
them to park within restricted car park zone

The policy applies to all staff, patients, students, contractors and visitors and covers
the parking of all motor vehicles on Campbelltown hospital grounds.


Like many other HospitalS our premises are inadequate to provide parking for all
staff, students and visitors who wish to drive, therefore the parking area have been
divided in area for staff parking (that includes students, staff, and some contractors),
visitors & patient parking and area allocated to certain services only and their direct
visitors and patients. This policy has been developed to ensure fair and orderly access
to all car parks.


Car parking spaces are provided at the following sites for permit holders only:

Waratah Gna Ka PACS Burunji Cancer VMO

Lum Therapy
House Car park
Blue Pink White Green Yellow Red permit
permit permit permit permit permit

The Manager of each unit is responsible to accept the initial permit request. Each
manager will only accept the issuing of a certain number of permits. Those permits
are provided on the first come first served basis.

Permit holders need to display their permit on their vehicle dashboard at all times.
Staff are to use the staff car park located at the back of the Hospital. staff are to park
in the hospital front car park (visitors & patients only), only after 14:00 and if spaces
are available.

Staff who are eligible for a parking permit must apply annually . Permit effective for
the period 1 February to 31 January. The number of staff permits available is
restricted and these are issued on a first come first served basis.

Application can be obtained from each unit Manager and must be forwarded to the
security department for processing.

Note that permits are NOT transferrable and CANNOT be passed on to another
person and are only valid for the vehicle registered on the permit.

Permits must be surrendered when leaving the employment, or where car parking
rights are relinquished.

Students are to park in the staff car park areas and must not park in the visitors &
patients car parks.


The front car park of the Hospital is a visitors and patients only car park from 06:00
am to 14:00. Staff must not to park in this car park until 14:00, unless they have a
temporary or permanent disability in which case they must display the permit on their

Visitors and patients must not use the staff car park areas .

Parking on dirt or grassy areas:

It is not permitted to park on the dirt and /or grassy area. Doing so is not legal and
may incurs a fine but most of all it represent an unsafe area where fall/ trip may
happen and using those areas is at the driver & passengers own risks.

It should be noted however that parking is very limited and visitors are
encouraged to come by public transport wherever possible.
Contractor and Consultant parking permits are held by the maintenance’ reception.
All main contractors working at Campbelltown Hospital are allowed one vehicle to
park in the Hospital car parks. Permits must be collected and returned daily. On
collection of a permit this must be clearly displayed in the vehicle windscreen. Failure
to display a valid permit will result in a $84 infringement notice.

Contractors and Consultants must comply with Hospital Parking Regulations, this is
outlined on the reverse of the permit. Contractor parking is strictly prohibited in:

• Spaces reserved for a named person

• Spaces reserved for Hospital vehicles
• Spaces reserved for Disabled drivers
• Areas cordoned off by the Hospital
• Yellow cross-hatched areas or areas with double yellow lines or stripes
marked on kerb edges
• VMO' car park in front of the Hospital
• Visitor & Patient's spaces
• Spaces marked 'Reserved'
• Parking other than in a designated parking space
• An area where this may cause an obstruction

The parking of private vehicles owned by employees of contractors and sub-

contractors is discouraged in the Hospital car parks. Employees should use the
publicly available on-street parking surrounding the Hospital

All Contractors must obtain and display a valid Parking Permit clearly in the
windscreen of their vehicle within 15 minutes of parking.

Disabled members of staff and students can park in any available car space as long as
they display their RTA mobility permit clearly. A disabled parking permit is not a
guarantee of a disabled space but entitles the holder to use such spaces when they are

Members of staff and students with a temporary mobility problem may apply for a
temporary disabled permit (orange permit). A permit may be issued following an
assessment by the security manager and the return to work coordinator. There is no
fee involve in the process.

Campbelltown Hospital provides a number of disabled parking spaces and request

from staff with disability to try to park in close by available car space and leave those
disable car spaces available for daytime visitors and patients. Disabled permit holders
who park on Campbelltown Hospital are not entitled to park on the following:

• Spaces reserved for a named person

• Spaces reserved for Hospital vehicles
• Areas cordoned off by the hospital
• Yellow cross-hatched areas or areas with double yellow lines or stripes
marked on kerb edges
• Spaces marked 'Reserved'
• Parking other than in a designated parking space
• An area where this may cause an obstruction

Disabled driver only parking spaces are provided in all car parks.

All vehicles are parked on Hospital sites at the owner's risk and the Hospital accepts
no liability for the safety and security of such vehicles and/or their content.

Most car crime is opportunist and you can put thieves off with vigilance and by taking
the following simple precautions:

• Never leave a car door unlocked or a window/sun roof open

• Do not leave any belongings on display in your car (lock them in the boot)
• Security mark your stereo and if its removable, always take it with you
• If you have a Satellite Navigation device ensure you not only remove the
device but also remove any tell tale ring mark on your windscreen
• Do not leave credit cards or cheque books in a glove compartment
• Never leave your vehicle documents in your car
• Double check that all doors and windows are locked before leaving the car
• Security, patrol all areas of the Hospital throughout the day and night and
there is an extensive CCTV (with digital video recording) system for your
safety. The incidence of car crime on Campus is extremely low.

Permit holders are expected to observe the Hospital's parking restrictions. An
infringement notice of $84.00 (subject to change) will be imposed in respect of any of
the following offences.

• Parking in a car park for which a permit is not valid;

• Parking on double or crosshatched yellow lines;
• Parking where there are triple yellow stripes marked on the kerb edges;
• Parking without a valid disabled permit;
• Causing an obstruction;
• Parking in a location in which a notice clearly prohibiting parking is
displayed, for example outside emergency exits or plant rooms or near
delivery doors;
• Unauthorised parking in a reserved space or in an area clearly marked as
temporarily or permanently allocated for use by visitors or, for example, in
connection with maintenance or construction work;
• Parking other than in a designated parking space;
• Exceeding the stipulated waiting time where parking is restricted to 10
minutes only e.g. collecting / dropping
• Failing to display clearly a valid permit; (All motor vehicles in Hospital car
parks must display a valid parking permit on the front windscreen at all times
between the hours of 6:00 am and 5:30pm Monday to Friday)

It is a requirement of the Hospital car parking terms and conditions that permit
holders strictly observe the above parking restrictions. This ruling applies to all car
parks on the Hospital Campus. Contravention of these restrictions could lead to the
issue of a $84.00 infringement notice.

Hospital Car Park Attendants and Security Staff have the authority to direct traffic on
campus, regulate entry to the car parks, exercise control over parking and ensure
compliance with the Hospital's parking regulations.

Car Park Attendants and Security Staff are empowered to affix infringement notice's
to motor vehicles parked in contravention of the parking regulations.

Car Park Attendants and Security Staff are responsible for enforcing the parking
regulations, under the direction of the Security Manager.

Appeals can be processed with the infringement notice bureau.


Any change of vehicle must be notified immediately to the Hospital security and a
“change of vehicle form” completed. A temporary permit must be obtained from
Richmond Reception Desk to display on the windscreen while the change of vehicle
form is being processed.

No vehicle should be parked on Hospital restricted car parks without clearly

displaying a valid permit on the windscreen.

Where a vehicle has been damaged and or serviced and you are provided with a
courtesy vehicle a temporary permit must be obtained from the security department
and clearly displayed on the windscreen immediately.

Permit holders must not place permits from an existing vehicle and/or notes into any
replacement vehicle which is not valid. Failure to notify such a change immediately
could result in an infringement notice and or withdrawal of permit.
These regulations apply to all staff, students, contractors and visitors to all Hospital
car parks.

These regulations form part of the application for the issue of a parking permit and as
such applicants are deemed to have read and agreed to abide by the regulations.

Anyone contravening these regulations will receive an infringement notice of $84.00.

Any holder of a parking permit who contravenes these regulations may also have their
permits withdrawn at the discretion of the Security Manager.

Any contravention of these regulations by a member of staff or a student may lead to

disciplinary steps being taken by the Hospital.

• All motor vehicles in Hospital restricted car parks must display a valid parking
permit on the front windscreen at all times between the hours of 6:00 am and
5:30 pm Monday to Friday
• All users must abide by any traffic signs and notices, whether permanent or
temporary and any instructions given by our Car Park Attendants and Security
• The speed limit on all Hospital property is 10kms and drivers must proceed
with caution. This limit must be adhered to at all times due to the large number
of pedestrians
• It is prohibited to park in a car park for which a permit is not valid
• Motor vehicles must be parked in a designated parking area and in clearly
marked parking spaces. No vehicle must occupy more than one space.
• All information provided on applications for a parking permit must be true and
accurate. Where false information is found to have been provided, this will
result in withdrawal of the permit and possible disciplinary action being taken.
• Permit holders must immediately inform Security of any changes to their
motor vehicle details (for example following the purchase of a new car)
• It is prohibited to alter, tamper, duplicate or forge a parking permit in any way
- Penalty for contravention - removal of permit and pursuit of criminal charges
through the courts for fraud.
• It is prohibited for an able-bodied person to park in a disabled drivers space
• It is prohibited to park in a reserved space if you are not the named individual
for that space
• It is prohibited to exceed the stipulated waiting time where parking is
restricted to 10 minutes only e.g. collecting/dropping zones.
• It is prohibited to cause an obstruction
• It is prohibited to park on triple or double yellow lines (also identified on some
paving and car park edges) and on cross-hatched areas
• It is prohibited to park in a location in which a notice prohibits any parking,
for example outside emergency exits, plant rooms or delivery zones
• It is prohibited to park in an area marked as temporary or permanently
allocated for use by visitors or in connection with maintenance or construction
• It is prohibited to park outside of a designated parking space, for example on
grassed verges or on pavements
• It is prohibited to transfer a permit to another vehicle unless that vehicle has
been registered with the security department.
• Permits must be returned to Security if holders cease working or studying at
the Hospital or if the permits are no longer required
• The Hospital reserves the right to refuse permit holders access to spaces from
time to time, in order to accommodate bona fide visitors for an organised
• Visitors contravening these regulations will be liable to be issued with an
infringement notice. Permits must not be altered or defaced in any way. Where
permits are found to be altered or defaced they will be treated as invalid and a
$84.00 infringement notice will be issued.

Permits will last for twelve months from the date of issue. Permit holders will be
required to renew their twelve months permits by application to the Security
Administrator on forms which will be provided for that purpose.

Any parking permit holder changing a registered vehicle will need to apply for a
permit for the new vehicle on a form available from the Security Administrator. There
will be no charge for the issue of a new permit in these circumstances; however,
permit holders will be required to surrender their existing permits before new permits
are issued.
Hospital LOGO here



Please circle the type of permit you wish to apply for:

Waratah Gna Ka PACs Burunji Cancer Temporary

House Lum Therapy


Applicant full name:…………………………………………………………………….

Applicant driver licence number:………………………………………………………

Car registration plates:…………………………….

Date of application:……………………………….

Reason for applying:……………………………………………………………………


Unit Manager name:…………………………………………………

Unit Manager signature:……………………………date:……………………………

HSLHN/MHS/ Camp.Hosp/Security/parkingpermit2011-01

Hospital LOGO here



Applicant full name:…………………………………………………………………….

Applicant driver licence number:………………………………………………………

Applicant contact number/email:……………………………………………………….

Car registration plates on permit to be changed:…………………………….

New car registration:…………………………………………………………

Date of application:…………………………………………………………..

Reason for changes:……………………………………………………………………


Please note that if you need a different area permit you need to fill in the appropriate
form and have it accepted by the area unit manager.
HSLHN/MHS/ Camp.Hosp/Security/parkingpermit2011-02

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