Belt Sander
Belt Sander
Belt Sander
take up belt s&kness, but it has no aline- as the sander is pulled toward you. Some
ment &vicehence the importance of get- workers use a sweeping, circular motion,
ting the spindles squarely mounted to start but the beginner will do best to stick to
with. The rear pulley spindle is fixed solid; straight strokes. A certain amount of prac-
thh forward spindle arm is housed in a f/4- tice is necessary for the successful opera-
in. pipe t& which can be readily reamed tion of any belt sander-don't work on a
out t~ the required size. A close fit is es- finished product until you learn a thing or
sential. The shoulder on the short arm of two from practice on scrap stock.
the pipe tee is machined off and then The bearings should'be kept well lubri-1
-threaded so that it can be held in place cated, and, if you are udng a h i g h - s p d
with a suitable nut, as shown in the inset. motor,. the sander should not be kept in
A good fit is necessary between the slot- continuous operation for longer thaq haffi
ted end of the crank and. the supporting hour periods.
angle iron. A wooden shoe is fitted to the
underside of the framework. This supplies
the actual-sanding surface, and, for aver- Hypo Silver Plates Metal
age work, should be slightly curved. A Acid hypo pho-
straight shoe is useful for rough work with to-fixing solu-
mars0 belts. Curved shoes can be used for tions t h a t have
working on concave surfaces. All shoes become too ex-
should be hardwood .and carefully polished hausted for fur-
to minimize .friction. ther photographic
Power is an important item. The object work contain sil-
sought for is a light motor with sufficient ver dissolved from
strength to meke the & k r ~go. 6- of the nopativan a n d
larger vacuum-sweeper motors work well, prints that can be
using a 1 to 2% reduction with a belt deposited on b r w
drive. The motor should develop sufficient and iron by sim-
po-r so that the sander will "walk away" ply immersing the work in it for several
in the familiar tractor fashion. The motor minutes.