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Belt Sander

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SIMPLE and inexpensive to build the

power sander described here finds hun-

dreds of uses around the shop, especially
in surfacing large .areas such as boa
-. interior floors, and the larger 1
furniture projects. The sander can be
readilv fitted with a bench stand for edg-
ing &d jointing straight stock. It tak& BELT

frame carries the two

pulleys and their respec-
tive supporting arms.
These are made from bi-
cycle pedals and cranks
in a manner which should
be fairly apparent from
the pictures. Each pulley
is made from hardwood
and to the same dimen-
sions, with the exception
that the rear pulley has-a
groove at one end to take
the WO-in. sewing-ma-
chine belt.
the standard 3 by 2Pin. sanding belt, and Considerable machining is necessary on
a large variety of grits for wood or metal the two pulley arms. These can be made
cutting can be obtained. from the original pedal cranks or made up
The framewark im made &om a length of trom suitable stock In any case I t 1%im-
2%-in. angle iron to which is welded a portant that the pulley spindle and the
shorter metal plate of the same width to supporting arm be perfectly square, and a
make a U-shaped frame. A length of constant check should be kept to see that
channel iron or a casting to the same gen- everything lines up right. The sander,
eral dirnetlgians could also be used. The whw &ai&e&, bas a spring tensioner to
must have right hand or clockwise rota-
tion as viewed from the pulley end.
Sweeper motors of,high speed should be
avoided since they cannot be geared low
enough to supply the power required.
In operation, the belt sander is held
1 much like a plane, with the notable excep-
tion that the cutting stroke is always made

Photo above rhows bow the front pulley-

tensioner spring is compressed with the
hands to permit the belt (o be slipped
into position; the detail at the right
shows the general comtfudion

take up belt s&kness, but it has no aline- as the sander is pulled toward you. Some
ment &vicehence the importance of get- workers use a sweeping, circular motion,
ting the spindles squarely mounted to start but the beginner will do best to stick to
with. The rear pulley spindle is fixed solid; straight strokes. A certain amount of prac-
thh forward spindle arm is housed in a f/4- tice is necessary for the successful opera-
in. pipe t& which can be readily reamed tion of any belt sander-don't work on a
out t~ the required size. A close fit is es- finished product until you learn a thing or
sential. The shoulder on the short arm of two from practice on scrap stock.
the pipe tee is machined off and then The bearings should'be kept well lubri-1
-threaded so that it can be held in place cated, and, if you are udng a h i g h - s p d
with a suitable nut, as shown in the inset. motor,. the sander should not be kept in
A good fit is necessary between the slot- continuous operation for longer thaq haffi
ted end of the crank and. the supporting hour periods.
angle iron. A wooden shoe is fitted to the
underside of the framework. This supplies
the actual-sanding surface, and, for aver- Hypo Silver Plates Metal
age work, should be slightly curved. A Acid hypo pho-
straight shoe is useful for rough work with to-fixing solu-
mars0 belts. Curved shoes can be used for tions t h a t have
working on concave surfaces. All shoes become too ex-
should be hardwood .and carefully polished hausted for fur-
to minimize .friction. ther photographic
Power is an important item. The object work contain sil-
sought for is a light motor with sufficient ver dissolved from
strength to meke the & k r ~go. 6- of the nopativan a n d
larger vacuum-sweeper motors work well, prints that can be
using a 1 to 2% reduction with a belt deposited on b r w
drive. The motor should develop sufficient and iron by sim-
po-r so that the sander will "walk away" ply immersing the work in it for several
in the familiar tractor fashion. The motor minutes.

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