Lathe-Milling Attachment
Lathe-Milling Attachment
Lathe-Milling Attachment
HERE ARE CASTINGS for a popular 9" lathe OPPOSITE TYPE of castings will fit a popu-
having the dovetail post on the underside of lar 10" lathe, which has the dovetail post on
its compound rest and a recess in the top of top of the cross slide and a recess to fit it in
the cross slide. The base casting (at left the compound rest. The base casting (at left
above) therefore has metal for a similar above) therefore has a cored recess. Vise cast-
post, while the vise casting to right of it has ing has metal for a post. Kits include screws
a cored hole to be bored out for a recess. and stock for vise jaw and locking pins.
GRIP THE BASE in a four-jaw chuck if avail- TURN A 60° POINT on a 3/8" rod. Chuck the
able, centering it to make round end run base casting, centerdrill deeply, and support
fairly true. A universal chuck can be used by it with the pointed rod in the tailstock. Bore
laying a bar of suitable thickness across two recess a close fit on the cross-slide post. For
jaws. Centerdrill the outer end deeply and the offset tool shown, clamp a bit with a
engage the tailstock center to support it. setscrew in a hole drilled across a 3/8" bar.
ROUGH OUT with a fairly deep cut at low FACE OFF with a cut straight across from re-
speed to get under casting scale. Swing the cess to rim. Be careful not to remove much
compound rest to 30° and turn post to same metal after first deep cut to get under scale,
shape as that on the compound. Face off the or recess may become too shallow for the
bottom to leave post the same height also. post. Recess is cored deeply enough not to
Finally, turn outer rim of the base true. require facing inside if carefully machined.
you down. The castings are plenty rugged, What makes construction easy is the neat
and there is only I" overhang between the trick of using the compound rest for the
outside of the vise and the base. This re- vertical milling feed. The base casting fits
markably small offset reduces the tendency on the cross slide, the compound is clamped
to chatter, which otherwise means milling on it in an upright position and the vise is
at a snail's pace with light cuts, or getting mounted on the compound. Castings are
a rough finish. available* for 9" and 10" lathes, and for
The jaws are 3 1/2" wide and they open both the common compound mountings. To
to 2". Both the vise and the base can be check yours, just take off the compound-.
swiveled for angular milling, as shown in •Sold by Fiord McGu •kin, 314 N. Monroe Ave., Ridgeiaoml,
the large photo on page 214. N.J.; 57.50 postpaid.
VISE CASTING can be gripped with chuck OTHER TYPE of vise casting is first center-
jaws either outside as above, or inside its drilled for tailstock support. Then the com-
own jaws as at right. Bore the recessed type pound is swung to 30° for turning the post
a close fit for the compound post. Then face to a duplicate of the one on the cross slide.
off, taking care to leave recess deep enough. Facing (above) completes work on this side.
MOUNT POST-TYPE BASE on the drill press as clamp the vise on the base to drill screw holes
above, align drill on the slope and set the through the bosses provided (right above).
depth stop short of it. Clamp the vise on as The recess type of base is itself tapped for
in the center photo. Drill 5/16", remove vise screws. Cut and shape locking pins, chamfer-
to drill into recess, and tap 3/8 "-16. Then re- ing 60° corners to prevent burring.
MOUNT THE BASE on the cross slide with lock- by advancing the cross feed (left above).
ing pins and screws, web side toward the With a big drill or a fly cutter, make a hole
spindle and square to the ways. Chisel a mark to fit the lathe tool post in the center of the
at zero and any other graduations wanted. Set faced side. Then drill a No. 7 hole 3/8 " from
a fly cutter to swing just above the webs. Face each edge as at right above and tap 1/4"-
TURN TWO BUTTONS from steel rod to just
enter the narrow part of the compound slot. MOUNT THE VISE on the compound rest, its
Drill them 1/4 " and recess for the screws that jaw horizontal. With a milling or a fly cut
hold them on the faced upright, as below. ter, face the inside as shown below, using
Slip the tool post through the large center slow speed and feed. A straight milling cutter
hole from the headstock side. Then slide the is good for machining the lower jaw. To at
compound slot over the buttons and the foot tach a movable jaw to the vise screws (han
of the post as in the bottom photo. Tighten dier than a loose piece) grind the screw ends
the tool post against a tool holder slipped flat to get under casehardening. Then drill
into its slot on the right-hand side. and tap them 8-32. Drill, counterbore and
countersink the jaw piece as shown. END