Training and Testing Neural Networks
Training and Testing Neural Networks
Training and Testing Neural Networks
Introduction When Is the Neural Network Trained? Controlling the Training Process with Learning
Iterative Development Process Avoiding Over-training Automating the Process
Introduction (1)
Training a neural network
perform a specific processing function
1) parameter? 2) how used to control the training process 3) management of the training data - training process ?
Development Process
1) Data preparation 2) neural network model & architecture 3) train the neural network
neural network function Application trained
Introduction (2)
Learning Parameters for Neural Network Disciplined approach to iterative neural network development
Introduction (3)
threshold limit
Category A Category B Category C Category A 0.6 Category B 0.25 Category C 0.15 0.25 0.45 0.3 0.15 0.3 0.55
reset(randomize) weight and start again training parameter data representation model architecture
Time-series forecasting
long-term trend
influenced by cyclical factor etc.
random component
variability and uncertainty
neural network are excellent tools for modeling complex time-series problems
recurrent neural network : nonlinear dynamic systems
no self-feedback loop & no hidden neurons
Controlling the Training Process with Learning Parameters (2) - Supervised training
Pattern Neural Network Prediction
1) How the error is computed 2) How big a step we take when adjusting the connection weights
Desired Output
Controlling the Training Process with Learning Parameters (3) - Supervised training
Learning rate
magnitude of the change when adjusting the connection weights the current training pattern and desired output
large rate
giant oscillations
small rate
Controlling the Training Process with Learning Parameters (4) - Supervised training
filter out high-frequency changes in the weight values oscillating around a set values Error
Error tolerance
how close is close enough 0.1
net input must be quite large?
selection for the number of outputs
granularity of the segmentation (clustering, segmentation)
the area around the winning unit, where the non-wining units will also be modified roughly half the size of maximum dimension of the output layer 2 methods for controlling
square neighborhood function, linear decrease in the learning rate Gaussian shaped neighborhood, exponential decay of the learning rate
the number of epochs parameter important in keeping the locality of the topographic amps
control how picky the neural network is going to be when clustering data discriminating when evaluating the differences between two patterns close-enough Too-high Vigilance
use up all of the output units
Data representation
key parameter is not scaled or coded key parameter is missing from the training data experience
Keeping the hidden layers as this as possible, get the best results
Avoiding Over-training
pattern cannot generalize pattern switch between training and testing data