Is SP 72 2010
Is SP 72 2010
Is SP 72 2010
Road lighting has always been an effective tool for promoting a city. It is not only a functional requirement which
provides safety and security to motorists and residents as well as pedestrians, but it helps in creating an identity and
Fixed lighting of public ways for both vehicles and pedestrians can create a night time environment in which people
can see comfortably, and can quickly and accurately identify objects on the roadway being travelled. Roadway lighting
can improve traffic safety, achieve efficient traffic movement, and promote the general use of the facility during
darkness and under a wide variety of weather conditions.
As a supplement to vehicular headlight illumination, fixed lighting can enable the motorist to see details more distinctly,
locate them with greater certainty, and react safely to roadway and traffic conditions present on or near the roadway
facility. Pedestrians must be able to see with sufficient detail to readily negotiate the pedestrian facilityand recognize
the presence of other pedestrians, vehicles, and objects in their vicinity. Road lighting shall not be solely based on
providing a recommended amount of light to a roadway. Energy-effective street lighting design integrates efficient
lamp technologies, optimum pole spacing, efficient luminaire distribution and pleasing aesthetics.
The following Indian Standards are a necessary adjunct to this part of the code.
IS No. Title
1944(Part 1) and (Part 2): 1970 Code ofpractice for lighting 'of public thoroughfares: Part
1 and 2 for main and secondary roads (Group A and B)
F flashed area of the luminaire; and background for objects towards the edge of the
C colour factor (dependent on the lamp type). carriageway to be revealed. It also helps the driver to
NOTE - For low pressure sodium vapour lamps,
anticipate the movement of pedestrians about to cross
C = 0.4, for others = o. the road. It is important in curved roads where the
Typical values for G are shown in Table 1.. surround forms the greater part ofthe background against
which objects are seen. The surround ratio is formally
Table 1 Typical Values of G . defined as the ratio of the average illumination on strips
(Clause 4.2.4) 5 m wide, or less if space does not permit, which are
Sl. No. G Assessment adjacent to the edge of both sides of the carriageway to
(1) (2) (3)
the average illumination on the adjacent strips, 5 m wide
i) <3 Bad or half the width of the carriageway,whichever is the smaller
ii) 5 Moderate in the carriageway.
iii) >7 Good For dual carriageways, both carriageways together are
treated as a single carriageway unless they are separated
The formula for G is valid for the followingranges of values: by more than about one-third the carriageway width and
a) 50 < 180<7000 (cd); there are obstructions such as trees.
b) 1 <1 8/188<50; The surround ratio is usually determined by calculating
the illuminance on a regular array of points on the strips
c) 0.007 < F < 0.4 (m');
and finding the average. In a situation where the surround
d) 0.3 <L a<7(cd/m2) ; ratio is applicable, a value of 0.5 is recommended.
e) 5<h<20(m);and 4.2.6 Visual Guidance
f) 20<p< 100. This can be effectively created by the following principles
Number ofluminaire rows = 1 or 2 (see Fig. 2a to Fig. 2d):
4.2.5 Surround Ratio a) Positioning of poles;
b) Using different lamp colours; and
The function of the Surround Ratio (SR) is to ensure that
sufficient light falls on the surrounds to provide a bright c) Use of high masts (> 20 ill).
NOTE - Single sided left preferred to right for a curve to the right
Fig.2c Fig.2d
NOTE -Opposite arrangement preferred to stagger for a curve.
6.3.1 Single-sided Arrangement (see Fig. 7a)) 6.3.4 Twin Central Arrangement (see Fig. 7 d)]
Mounting Height =W
~I Fig.7a
I" Width ~I
6.3.2 Opposite-Sided Arrangement (se e Fig. 7b)]
I~ ~I
Width Fig.7c
240 T IO L LIGlIT G 00
SP 72 : 2010
where Housing
Optical System 'Luminaire
Lav = Average luminance;
U 0 = Overall uniformity;
U L = Longitudinal uniformity; and
Ignitor Control gear
TI = Threshold increment. Capacitor
b) Ballast type (basic, encapsulated, constant The IP of a luminaire basically influences the selection of
wattage); the maintenance factor (see Table 5).
For example, an IP 65luminaire in a medium polluted area
c) Ignitor system (semi-parallel, superimposed!
with a cleaning interval of 24 months should have a
series, parallel);
maintenance factor of 0.89. For design calculation, this is
d) Required power factor; a major contributing factor.
e) Insulation class; 9.2 Lamps
f) Special features (dimming, photocell); and 9.2.1 Selection Criteria
g) Wiring requirements (mains and internal). a) Colour temperature (T);
Table 5 Maintenance Factor
(Clause 9.1.8)
Sl. No. Cleaning interval MIN IP 6X
in months
Pollution Category
b) Colour rendering(CRI); sunrise and sunset. As such these switches do not need
c) Lumen output; readjustment.
d) Lamp efficacy; Computerized switches
e) Lumen depreciation; and The advent of microprocessors has also added a device
for streetlighting applications. Some pioneers have
f) Lamp life (hours).
manufactured programmable timers which can store the
For road lighting generally high efficacy (117,132, data of sunrise and sunset over the entire year. These are
141 lm/W),high pressure sodiumvapour lamps (150, 250, more dependable and comparatively inexpensive. Many
400 W) are being used. But nowadays for better colour of these have additional optional contacts whifh can be
appearance (CRI > 80)atjunctionsand citycentres, ceramic used for alternate functions including energy conservation
discharge metal halide lamps (efficacy,90 lm/W) are also by switching on additional lamps at evening peak traffic
being used to make a differentiation in lighting colour times.
9.5.2 Step Dimming
9.3 Gear Unit Material and Process Options
High intensity discharge lamp dimming is used to save
9.3.1 Metal energy during lean periods in the case of outdoor lighting,
a) Pressed steel; and such as, streetlighting,tunnel lightingand lightingofrnany
b) Pressed, deep drawn or cast aluminium. public places. During the period when the traffic is less,
the required lighting level can be reduced. Lights can be
9.3.2 Plastic dimmed to deliver 50 percent ofthe nominal light output
a) Glass fibre reinforced polyester; and by reducing the input power by 40 percent.
b) Nylon. A step dimming system can be applied by one or more of
the following combinations:
9.4 Mounting Unit Options
a) Step dimming ballast;
a) Integral part of the luminaire housing;
b) Preprogrammed timer;
b) The rear part of the housing is shaped to mount
the spigot. This construction is usually for side c) Power factor improvement capacitor; and
entry only; and d) Semi-parallel ignitor.
c) Mountingdeviceisfixedto thehousingwithbolts. 9.5.3 Telemanagement
9.5 Control Points This enables individual light points to be switched on or
Streetlights are spread over long distances and it is off at any given time, or to be set to any dimming level
difficultto operatethese individually. One ofthe important that the lamp allows, ensuring maximumflexibilityfor the
links is the use ofunderground cables or special overhead lighting installation. For example, one section can be
wires to form a group control point. switchedoff, anotherdimmedto 90 percentand yet another
to 40 percent, without any special electrical connections
9.5.1 Control Switch
being required. It is also possible program scenarios so
The contactor can be operated manually if the switch is that the lighting installation modifies its output depending .
installed in a manned control point. However, such an on programmed times, weather sensors and/or traffic
operation is subject to human error. It is recommended measurementdevices. Telemanagement systemsare based
that instead of that, an automatic switching device be on the LON protocol. This protocol i~ open and' is
adopted. A few ofthese are given in to supported by a multiple of media and sensors. This makes Time switch integrationwith complextraffic managementsystemsand
This has beenthe most widelyused devicein street lighting geographicalinformation systemseasierand morereliable.
for quite a number of years. These switches are either The management softwareoffersexceptional flexibility and
operated by a mechanicallywound clock or electricallyby .easy configuration in a user-friendly graphical interface
a synchronous motor. The former requires weeklyrewinding. and performs a swift analysis ofthe situation with a map-
The latter are acceptable as long as the mains supply based interpretation of the installation (see Fig. 9).
frequency is stable over a reasonable period of time, The salient features of the software system are as follows: Photoelectric switch a) Software is used to configure the automatic
The other useful device is the photoelectric switch. These control ofthe lighting installation and to provide
switches have the inherent advantage of being linked to feedback of information;
b) Re fractor;
c) Diffuser;
d) Filter; and
e) Screening Device.
These clements (eventually u ed in combination) define
the light di tribution.
.............,...,.....,......--------.. . $-------,...,.....,......--..
-_._ __._.... ---...
12 CalculationGrid
c d) Reliable, longer life gear; spacing does not exceed 50 m, there should be 10 evenly
spaced transverse rows of calculation points over its
e) Luminaire with high Il' rating; and
length, while for luminaire spacing greater than 50 m, the
f) Luminaire which is easy to ~aintain. number of transverse rows should be such that the
distance between two successive rows does not exceed
5 m (See Fig. 12).
12.1 For some roads technical specs are the first priority
and for some other roads, aesthetics are the first priority. The calculation grid as proposed by Clf; (1976a):
S = Spacing; d = longitudinal spacing between calculation
Technicalspecificationsare required for the followingroads:
points; n = no. of transverse rows. For, S ~ 50 m, n = 10;
a) Ring roads/peripheral expressways; S > 50 m, n = smallest integer giving d ~ 5 m.
b) City roads, main vehicular traffic; and Finally the erE also recommends that there should be 5
c) Residential r~ads. points across each traffic lane, with 1 point positioned on
Aesthetics are required for the following roads: the centre line of each lane. It is stated' that where the
uniformity is good, Uo~ 0.4, subsequent calculations may
a) Heritage roads/celebration routes; and
be based on 3 points instead of 5.
b) City centre/shopping areas/pedestrian plazas.
The aesthetics can be achieved by selecting one or more 13.2 Field Measurements
of the following procedures: For practical on-site measurements, the 9 point method is
a) Different lighting levels; most acceptable. Fig. 13 illustrates the layout of a 9 point
b) Different shape of luminaires; measuring grid ofthe kind sometimes used when checking
new road lighting installations. The formula above the figure
c) Different pole design; and
gives the weighting procedure that should be followed
d) Different pole arrangement.
when calculating the average lighting level. Where extreme
13 LIGIITING MEASUREMENTS accuracy is required, the erE recommends using as many
measuring points as specified earlier. .
13.1 CIEMethod
A "11" . P1-tP3+P7+P9 P2+P4+P6+P8 P5
The Clfi (1976a) recommends that where the luminaire verage I ummance Eav = 16 + 8 + 4""
1 span
P1 P4 P7
i i.
~ ....~-----~--
I P5 I
"I'--~-~---~- . . . . I-'
I I ...,
P3 P6 P9
Fig~ Regular Nine-point Measuring Grid
Energy saving in lighting became a top priority all over the world with the tremendous energy crunch in the 1970s. For
India, it has been considered even more important, as the demand for electricity is going up every year, what with the
need for rapid industrialization and all-round growth. With the rise in demand and depleting natural resources, energy
will be dearer and scarcer. On the other hand, the cost ofsetting up electric power generating capacity is also going up,
making funding extremely difficult.
The total consumption for lighting in all the sectors; domestic, industrial, commercial and public utilities is quite
As energy prices continue to increase, energy legislation is enacted and energy codes become more restrictive, energy
efficiency in design and practice has become essential to a successful lighting system. It has also created lucrative
investment opportunities for corporations and institutions, who can make capital investments to upgrade their existing
lighting systems to generate energy savings that provide an economic return.
The concept behind energy efficiency is simple. Iflighting design goals can be achieved using equipment and approaches
that use less energy during operation, then the owner will save money on an ongoing basis. Or put another way, the
ongoing cost of operating an inefficient system can be avoided. The catch is that for some equipment types, the initial
cost is higher and for some, such as controls, some installation expertise is required. While some energy efficient
lighting may present a higher initial cost, the owner will realize savings that will pay for this investment over time, the
most desirable time period generally being from one to three years. Advanced lighting controls, for example, can
reduce energy consumption by as much as 50 percent. In fact, ifone looks at the life cycle cost ofthe system, including
initial cost plus operating and maintenance costs, energy efficient lighting becomes an investment in profitability with
an excellent return on investment.
I" SCOPE Even the best lamp and ballast combination may not give
the ideal.result if used in luminaires which are poorly
This part of the code describes the energy conservation
designed: A:lotDflightwill be wasted in such luminaires.
measures in any lighting installation and lighting system.
It is imperative- today to look into all the aspects of
application and selectthe most optimum solution for all
lighting installations. For example, luminaires with mirror
The definitions given in Part Iof'this code shall apply. optics" and widespread light distrfbutions vsave
approximately 25 to 33 percent energy for the same lighting
3 ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES level in offices. Similarly, road lighting luminaires using
pot optics and tubular HPSV lamps achieve the same
3.1" The incandescent lamp (GLS) is used as a major
lighting parameters with 30 percent less number of poles
light source in India. These lamps have an efficacy of 10
and luminaires than the conventionally designed
to 20 1m/\\! and a life of 1 000 burning hours, There are
luminaires. The associated energy and material savings
varieties of gas discharge lamps with efficacies ranging
are enormous.
between 50 and 200 ImIW and having a life between 5 000
and 15 000 burning hours. These gas discharge lamps are: 3.2 There are enormous saving opportunities in almost
all the sectors of lighting if following steps are taken:
a) Tubular fluorescent lamps;
a) Incandescent lamps replaced with fluorescent
b) " Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs); lamps, retrofit compact florescent lamps and non-
c) High pressure mercury vapour lamps (HPMV); retrofit compact fluorescent lamps;
b) Conventional" fluorescent lamps replaced with
d) . High pressure sodium vapour lamps (HPSV); and
T5 fluorescent lamps;
e) Metal halide lamps. c) Electronic ballasts installed in place of
CFL lamps are available in lumen packages, so that they electromagnetic ballasts;
can replace GLS lamps of equivalent lumen output. The d) High pressure sodium vapour lamps and ballasts
fluorescent lamps have been made further energy effective used instead of high pressure mercury vapour
with the use of triband phosphors instead of the lamps and ballasts; and
conventional fluorescent powder. The luminous efficacy e) Metal halide lamps used in place ofhigh pressure
ofthis new family oflamps is 35 percent higher. mercury vapour lamps and tungsten halogen
There is another area, which can give good energy saving. lamps.
"Every gas discharge lamp needs a ballast, Today, most of With proper implementation of energy-effective lighting
these ballasts are the conventional electromagnetic type. design and good engineering practices, it is possible to
All these ballasts, when the lamp is in operation, consume conserve energy.
electric power known as ballast loss. With proper design,
the ballast loss can be substantially reduced. Use of such 4 . MEfRlCS
"low loss ballasts can result in a lot of energy saving. All lighting equipment requires electric power, measured
in Watts (W). As the lighting system operates over time,
However, the best solution in this area is to gradually
it consumes energy, which is expressed as kilowatt hours
introduce electronic ballasts. These ballasts, not only have
very low losses because of electronic components, but (kWh). One kWh is 1 000 W utilized for one hour. Power
increase the luminous efficacy of fluorescent lamps and energy are the two major products that the electric
because ofhigh frequency operation. The overall luminous utility charges for; the total electrical load ofthe building
efficacy of an electronic ballast and high frequency in kW and the amount of energy consumed in kWh.
fluorescent lamp combination is 25 percent higher than Therefore, in any lighting upgrade the goal will be to reduce
that of a conventional ballast and fluorescent lamp the amount of power the lighting system requires and,
combination. when possible, the hours of operation.
4.1 Demand Charge . Lighting system efficacy (lumens per watt or LPW)
This is the monthly cost based on the connected electrical = System lumen output -+- Input wattage;
load of the building. Actual demand is metered by the Light power density (W/m') = Total system input wattage (W)
utility and the charge is based on the month's demand -+- Total area (square
peak. With this in mind, it not only pays to reduce wattage, Watts (W) = Volts (V) x Current in amperes. (A)
but reduce consumption during the day's peak load period, x Power-factor (pf); and
which is typically at midday. The utility may also impose
Voltage (V) = Current in amperes (A) x Impedance (Ohms)
a ratchet clause based on demand, locking in the demand
[This is called Ohm 's Law].
charge at maximum demand for the recent past.
180 -
160 -
140 -
100 -
- I
m ~ ~
~ ,
7.3 Typical Fluorescent Luminaire Upgrades c) Daylight dimming systems that measure ambient
Lighting system upgrade options for fluorescent lighting daylight and dim light levels accordingly,
systems include: producing energy savings;
a) T5 and T8 lamp and ballast systems; d) Illuminance maintenance dimming systems;
b) Low loss electromagnetic ballasts and electronic e) Electronic time clocks;
ballasts (full output, dimmable, light-level
f) Occupancy sensors; and
switching and low wattage); and
g) Manual, step-level and panel-level dimming
c) Optics upgrade.
7.4 Typical Incandescent Luminaire Upgrades
7.7 Typical Exit Sign Upgrades
Lighting upgrade options for incandescent fixtures
include: Upgrade options for exit sign fixtures include:
a) Compact fluorescent lamps; a) Light emitting diodes (LEDs);
b) Halogen lamps; b) Electroluminescent panels;
c) Low wattage metal halide lamps; and c) Light panels;
d) New luminaires that offer a higher efficiency. d) FTL cold cathode lamps; and
7.5 Typical High Intensity Discharge (HID) Lighting e) New exit signs.
Lighting system upgrade options for HID lighting systems 8 ECONOMICS
include: 8.1 When upgrading an existing installation, a capital
a) Switching to metal halide or high pressure investment is made that produces energy savings, which
sodium vapour from high pressure mercury deliver a payback and return on the investment. There are
vapour lamps; several ways of using economics to compare lighting
b) Dimming ballasts; and systems. The most popular for screening purposes are
c) New luminaires that offer a higher efficiency. simple payback and return on investment.
a) First, determine the initial cost ofthe new lighting
7.6 Typical Control Upgrades
system, and then compare energy usage to the
Upgrades for lighting controls include: existing system to determine energy savings.
a) Lighting management systems;
Initial Cost (Rs) = Equipment Cost
b) Dimmable fluorescent and HID systems; + (Installation Hours x Labour Rate); and
Annual Energy Savings = (A - B) x Energy Rate Cost ofLight/Lumen Hour = (Initial Cost + Total Operating
charged by utility Cost) + (Total Lumens Delivered x Hours of Operation).
where Total Operating Cost and Hours of Operation are set for
any period of time that the specifier or owner wishes to
A = {Existing system wattage (kW) x Annual
operating hours (h)]; and
Simple Life Cycle Cost = Initial Cost + (Annual Operating
B.= [New system wattage (kW) x annual operating
hours (h)]. Cost x Life of System in Years). Annual Operating Cost is
Annual Energy Cost + Annual Maintenance Cost, with
b) Now determine simple payback, five year cash
the annual maintenance cost assuming all labour costs,
flow and simple return on investment.
replacement components, etc. The life of the system in
Simple Payback on an Investment (Years) years must be estimated. The owner can participate in
=Initial Cost (Rs) + Annual Energy Savings (Rs); determining this figure, but otherwise one could assume
5 Year Cash Flow (Rs) = 5 Years- Payback (Years) 20 years.
x Annual Energy Savings (Rs); and Once simple values are achieved, one can determine which
Simple Return on Investment (%) lighting system makes the most economic sense to replace
= [Annual Energy Cost Savings (Rs) the existing system with. Then one can conduct a full
+ Net Installation Cost (Rs)] x 100. economic analysis, including life cycle costing and return
c) Another method of comparing lighting systems on investment that takes into account many economical
is to look at the cost efficacy of the system, factors such as the future value of money.
expressed as rupees per lumen hour, and the total
cost of ownership for the system over its life.