1005bhhjkn18433 Activity Sbi Life
1005bhhjkn18433 Activity Sbi Life
1005bhhjkn18433 Activity Sbi Life
Submitted To Jiwaji University Gwalior For the partial fulfillment of the award of Master of Business Administration (2011-2013) Submitted By (Pradeep Dubey)
I am Pradeep Dubey, student of MBA IInd semester of Prestige Institute of Management Gwalior; hereby declare that the Summer Training Report entitled Marketing Strategies Activity In Sbi life Insurance in Gwalior (M.P) is submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Master of Business Administration Degree.
I assure that this summer training report is the result of my own efforts and that any other institute for the award of any degree or diploma has not submitted it.
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