Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 1. Introduction
INTRODUCTION The Skybus project was envisioned while looking at the pathetic roadcondition created by the metro infrastructure put in place on the wide roads whichhas caused enormous hardship and delays, traffic jams for the daily road users. Theconcept of metro as the solution to the city traffic jams as well as to handle large people movement from one area of the city to the other end seems very bright whenlooked upon from the surface level, whereas in reality people who owned the cars aswell as the public transport bus system operated by the government will not evaporateovernight on the inauguration of metro.The government may reduce a few number of buses in specific routes toaccommodate the metro. Whereas private car owners under no circumstance wouldlike to part with their personal cars, viewing this scenario traffic congestion in metroroutes is not going to reduce substantially. Whereas installation and commissioningof metro has eroded road space by placing pillars along the road to run the metrooverhead on the elevated platform. This concept of eroding road space will under allcircumstances create narrow spaces on the important roads for car and bus utility. If the metro was put in place at least a decayed ago many city dwellers would have notgone in for purchase of personal four wheelers. With this in mind we thought aboutto build a system where the space erosion by a mask rapid transport system should provide extra road facility to improve the traffic conditionas well as provide alternatetransport system as metro.