Yam-O-Gram Winter13
Yam-O-Gram Winter13
Yam-O-Gram Winter13
Winter 2013
Super KidsFest TAM YAM Camp 2013 Blue Flame Bluegrass Band Evening Music Program Kathy Gravely - Staff Member Jennifer Bryan- Volunteer Sweet Potato Pie Kids
Pancake Breakfast
Thanks to all who have supporter the pancake breakfast fundraisers in previous months. Please join us on Saturday, March 9th and Saturday, April 13th and well do it again. If youd like to help out by volunteering to bus tables or by collecting money/ tickets for 45 minutes or more, you will get a free breakfast! Please contact Betty McDaniel at 878-4257 if you can help.
also be having a Jr Counselor Program for students in rising 9th-12 grades. They will take part in some activities as a camper and assist the counselors/instructors in other activities. There will be no charge for camp for Jr Counselors but these positions must be applied for. For campers with more music experience but in middle school, they can assist in some music activities but take part as a camper in others. The tuition rate for these music assistants will be less. Campers will be chosen on a first-come, first-served basis. If your child is interested, please contact Betty McDaniel by phone at 864-878-4257 or by e-mail at mcdanibw@bellsouth.net.
A Welcomed Opportunity
In the first part of 2009, Mrs. Kathy Brazinski, principal at A. R. Lewis Elementary, asked me if I would help with some kind of music program she was looking into starting at A. R. Lewis during our afterschool program. I just casually said yes without thinking anything else about it. Then in the Spring of 2009, I was asked to sit in on a meeting with Dr. Libba Floyd, principal at Pickens Middle; Mrs. Brazinski; Kerry Tucker, our afterschool director; and Betty McDaniel to discuss the possibilities of writing a music program into a 21st century afterschool grant that Pickens Middle and A. R. Lewis were going to share. It was then that I began to wonder what I had gotten myself into! Ive often thought about why Mrs. Brazinski asked me to be a part of this. I sing at church, but I dont play any instruments! The only thing I could ever come up with is that I was already working in the afterschool program and I am the most country sounding person at A. R. Lewis! Whatever the reason, I sure am glad Mrs. Brazinski asked me because it certainly has been a great experience. This is my fourth year as program director and my second year as YAM newsletter editor. Ive enjoyed getting to know some very talented people!
By Kathy Gravely
Kathy Gravely enjoys helping out as the program director with the YAM after school program at A. R. Lewis.
By Jennifer Bryan
requests keep coming. I think this year will be even busier than last. Thankfully, my son Myles and husband, Mike are very supportive of my efforts to be involved with the YAM program and very patient about my crazy schedule. I have also been involved with designing and producing this YAM newsletter that comes out four times a year. I enjoy getting the word out to the community about the wonderful YAM program and how it is positively affecting so many lives. Thank you to all that support it. Jennifer Bryan hanging out with the Sweet Potato Pie Kids at practice.
YESIYAM is a booster club dedicated to promoting community interest and cultivating support for the Young Appalachian Musician program. At a time when many school systems are cutting programs, YAM is reconnecting children with their musical heritage by teaching them to play in the traditional way of the Southern Appalachians, by ear. The program has experienced phenomenal growth and your contribution will help ensure the continuity of the excellent instruction the children have come to expect. Individual/Family Membership $50 Business Membership $125 Instrument Donor $250 Benefactor $1000 Corporate Sponsor $1000 (and above)
sent to Mrs. Betty McDaniel on the loss of her father on February 28th. instructor at A. R. Lewis Elementary and Liberty Elementary! Matt had been experiencing some health problems but is feeling much better.
Depending on contribution level, benefits include special recognition in POSAM event programs, the YAM Newsletter and other privileges. Application forms and additional details are available from Betty McDaniel at 864.878.4257 or by emailing yam.upstate@gmail.com.
This newsletter dedicated to supporting the Young Appalachian Musician program is provided at no charge to all YESIYAM members. The letter is published through volunteer efforts and the support of Preserving Our Southern Appalachian Music, Inc. and other sponsors. Editor: Kathy Gravely Designer: Jennifer Bryan Photography: Jeff Catlin and Jennifer Bryan
The Young Appalachian Musician program is sponsored by Preserving Our Southern Appalachian Music, Inc. (POSAM) a charitable non-profit organization and all contributions are tax deductible. To join the booster club, YESIYAM, or otherwise contribute to the program, donations may be sent to: POSAM, c/o Betty McDaniel, 792 Holly Springs School Road, Pickens, SC 29671. For further information call 864.878.4257 or e-mail yam.upstate@gmail.com.