MicroWind Tutorial Mine
MicroWind Tutorial Mine
MicroWind Tutorial Mine
1 File Menu
Click on File-> New in order to restart the software with an empty screen. The current design should be saved before asserting this command, as all the graphic information will be physically removed from the computer memory. No Undo is available to disable the New command.
Click on the above icon. In the list, double-click on the file to load. " .MSK " is the default extension thatcorresponds to the layout files. The CIF files " .CIF " can also be loaded. In that case, the appropriate conversion program transforms the input CIF into MSK format.
Insert Layout
The command File -> Insert is used to add a MSK file to the existing files. The inserted layout is fixed at the right lower side of the existing layout. The current file name remains unchanged.
Import CIF
The command File -> Import CIF (Professional version) or File -> Open (with type "CIF file") may be used to import a CIF layout description generated by an other layout tool such as CADENCE, MENTOR, ZUKEN, etc.. The rule file should contain the correspondence between Microwind layers and CIF layers. In the .RUL file, the CIF description syntax is as follows: "CIF <Microwind layer> <import CIF layer> <overetch>". In the example below, the Microwind layer "metal" is described as "mtl1" in the CIF file. All metal boxes are resized with a negative 0.01 m when importing from CIF, and a positive 0.01m when generating the CIF file to export the layout. The overetch is mainly used in the case of contacts, as the 2 lambda basic rule for contact width has been kept standard for all technologies. cif metal mtl1 0.01
Save Layout
Click on File -> Save to save the layout with its current name. The default name is "EXAMPLE.MSK".
Save As
In the case of "Save As", a new window appears, into which you are to enter the design name. Use the keyboard and type the desired file name. Press " Save ". Your design is now registered within the .MSK appendix.
Convert Into
MICROWIND3 converts the layout data into CIF using a specific interface, invoked by "File -> Convert Into -> CIF layout file". The CIF file can be exported to VLSI CAD software. The right table of the screen gives the correspondence between MICROWIND2 layers and CIF layers, the number of boxes in the layout and the corresponding over-etch. The overetch is used to modify the final size of the CIF boxes in order to fit the exact design rules. Click on " Convert to CIF " to start conversion. Some parts of the result appear in the left window. The main unit is 1nm. You may change it to fit the requirements of the target CAD tool. For CMOS 0.25m rule file (cmos025.RUL), notice the overetch applied to contact and via. This overetch is mandatory to obey the final design rules, while keeping the user-friendly and portable lambda-based design. MICROWIND3 can also convert the layout data into a SPICE netlist using the command "File -> Convert Into -> SPICE netlist". Your design is then translated into a SPICE compatible description. The circuit extractor included in the software generates the equivalent circuit diagram of the layout and a spice
compatible netlist ready to be simulated. You may select the model you will be using for simulation. The choice lies between model 1, model 3 and BSIM4. The SPICE description includes the list of n-channel and p-channel transistors and their associated width & length extracted from the layout. The text file also details the node names, parasitic capacitances, and device models. The SPICE filename corresponds to the current filename with the appendix .CIR
Select Foundry
Click on File -> Select Foundry. The list of available processes appears. The default design rule file is written in bold characters. Various technologies are available from 1.2m down to 45nm. Click on the rule file name and the software reconfigures itself in order to adapt to the new process.
Chip (mm)
5x5 7x7 10x10 15x15 17x17 20x20 22x20 25x20 25x20
Switch to monochrome: the layout is drawn in black and white. This type of drawing is convenient to build monochrome documentation. Press "Alt"+"Print Screen" to copy the screen to the clipboard. Then, open "Word", click "Edit-> Paste". The screen is inserted into the document. White background. The layers appear with a palette of colors on a white background.
The command File -> Properties provides some information about the current technology, the percentage of memory used by the layout and the size of the layout plus its detailed contents. If the layout has previously been extracted or if you click " extract now ", the number of devices and nodes will be updated.
Print Layout
Click on File ->Print Layout to transfer the graphical contents of the screen to the printer. Alternatively, you can make a copy of the window into the clipboard in order to import the screen into your favorite text editor by pressing <Alt>+<Print Screen>. In the text editor or in the graphic editor, simply click on " Edit >Paste ". We recommend that you switch to monochrome mode first by invoking the function File -> Colors -> Switch to Monochrom. In that case the layout will be drawn in a white background color using gray levels and patterns.
Leave Microwind3
Click on File -> Leave Microwind3 in the main menu. If you have made a design or if you have modified some data, you will be asked to save it. After confirmation, you can return to Windows.
View Menu
Redraws the layout.
Unselect All
Click on View -> Unselect All (or <ESC>) to unselect the layout. This command is useful to draw the layout back into its default colors after commands such as View Interconnect or View Node which highlight one single node.
View All
Click View -> View All to fit the screen with all the graphical elements currently on display.
Lambda Grid
A lambda grid appears in the editing window by default. Depending on the scale, the grid is drawn for 1, 5, 10, 50, etc.. lambda integer value. The correspondance between the grid and the micron is given in the left upper corner of the drawing window. You may remove the lambda grid using this command.
Mos List
Click "View -> MOS List" to get the list of n-channel and p-channel MOS devices currently edited in the layout. The MOS list is displayed in the navigator window. Click the desired MOS in the list to zoom at the corresponding location in the layout.
Navigator window
Palette of Layers
The palette is located on the right side of the screen. A little tick indicates the current layer. The selected layer by default is a polysilicon (PO). The list of layers is given below. If you remove the tick on the right side of the layer, the layer is switched to protected mode. The Cut, Stretch and Copy commands no longer affect that layer. Use "View->Protect all" to protect all layers. The ticks are erased. Use "View->Unprotect all" to remove the protection. All layers can be edited.
Edit Menu
The Undo command (Edit -> Undo) is useful to not take into account the last editing command. It is possible to undo the commands Cut, Paste, Copy, Move, Stretch, Edit and Compile.
Click on the Cut icon. Move the cursor to the design window, and delimit the active area with the mouse. Consequently, all the graphics included in this area are erased. Click on Undo to fix those elements back into the design. A layer is protected from erasing if you remove the tick in the palette twice. In the palette, an empty square to the right of the layer indicates a protected layer. A layer is unprotected from erasing if you select it again in the palette. A tick in the square to the right of the layer indicates an unprotected layer. One box only can be erased by a click inside that box when the cut command is active. The box is then erased.
Click on the Copy icon. Move the cursor to the design window, and delimit the active area with the mouse. Consequently, all the graphics included in this area are copied. The external shape of the copied elements appears. Fix those copied elements at the desired location by a click on the mouse. Click on Undo to cancel the copy command.
All the graphics previously deleted or copies may be fixed again on the layout at the desired location by a click on the mouse.
The library contains a set of predefined layout macros such as contacts, devices and pads. Those cells are built according to design rules, and contain size parameters. To invoke the cell library click Edit -> Generate. The "Draw Box" icon is the default icon. It creates a box in the selected layer. The default layer is polysilicon. If the "Draw Box" icon is not selected, click on it. Then, move the cursor to the display window and fix the first corner of the box with a press of the mouse. Keep pressed and drag the mouse to the opposite corner of the box. Release the mouse and see how the box is created. The active layer is selected in the palette. The red color indicates the active layer. The tick specifies that all boxes using the layer can be erased, stretched or copied. Removing the tick protects the layer. You may also edit the following layout: CONTACTS such as polysilicon/metal, n-diffusion/metal, p-diffusion/metal and metal/metal2 metal2/Metal3,(etc..), or stacked contacts can be obtained here. You may also click the icon in the palette. Multiple contacts can be generated when entering number of contacts in X and Y greater than one. You may also generate a polarization seal around the contact to create a pad diode protection for example. MOS. This macro generates either a n-channel or a p-channel transistor. The parameters of the cell are the channel length (default value is given by the design rules), its width, and the number of gates. Once those parameters are defined, the device outline appears. Click on the mouse to place it in the appropriate place. PADS. It is possible to add various items such as a single pad, a test pad (usually 30x30 m), or even a set of pads all around and to the layout using the VDD and VSS power rings. In the last case (adding more than one pad), give the number of pads each side of the chip and if need be modify the width of the VDD and VSS tracks, as well as the number of VDD/VSS pad pairs.
PATH. This command generates a path of interconnects using one single layer. The path width can be changed, as well as the alignment to the routing grid. A set of contacts can also be placed at both ends of the path. This command is very useful for VDD and VSS supply drawing and single layer interconnects. BUS. This command generates a set of parallel lines with user-defined layer, width and spacing. This command is useful to build coupled interconnects, or bus path used in the final routing of a chip. INDUCTOR. This command generates a coil made from use-defined metal layers. This item is used for very-high frequency oscillators. In MICROWIND2, this inductor is viewed as a simple interconnect as it does not handle inductance.
Virtual RLC
Three virtual elements may be added to the layout: resistance, capacitance and inductance. RESISTANCE. Adding a resistance in the layout is interesting to handle the interconnect resistance effect in analog simulation. In practice, resistance are added in the layout of some analog circuits such as analog-to-digital converters (See ADC.MSK). To insert a resistance, do as follows: Delete a thin portion of the metal or poly interconnect in order to create two separate layers. Click the resistance symbol in the palette or invoke "Edit -> Virtual RLC -> Resistance" Insert the resistance in order to make the electrical bridge between the two nodes. When adding a resistance, you give either a fixed value (For example 1200), or a keyword: R(poly),R(metal), or R(All). In that case, at extraction, Microwind updates the value of the resistance according to the layout and current technology. CAPACITANCE. Adding a virtual capacitance is interesting to investigate the behavior of a circuit when loaded by a capacitance charge, without performing its implementation. INDUCTANCE. An inductance may be added in the layout to simulate the effect of integrated inductance, in resonant circuits for example.
Duplicate XY
The command " Duplicate XY " is very useful to generate an array of identical cells such as RAM cells for example. Click on Edit -> Duplicate XY, include the elements to duplicate in an area defined by the mouse, and the following screen appears. In both X and Y, the default multiplication factor is x 2. You may adjust the space between cells. By default, the cells touch each other. Selected boxes appear in yellow on the screen.
Layer Connection
Use "Connect Layers" to create the appropriate contacts between two layers at the specific cursor location. The command works for any layer from the diffusion up to the highest metallization. For example, if poly and metal 3 boxes are present at the cursor location, a stack of poly/metal, metal/Metal2 and metal2/metal3 contacts will be added to the layout.
Simulate Menu
Run simulation
The "Run Simulation" icon or the command Simulate -> Start Simulation both give access to the automatic extraction and analog simulation of the layout. Click on Voltage vs Time to obtain the transient analysis of all visible signals. The delay between the selected start node and selected stop node is computed at VDD/2. You can change the selected start node in the node list, in the right upper menu of the window. You can do the same for the selected stop node. Click on Voltage and Currents so as to make all voltage curves appear in the lower window, and the VDD, the VSS and the desired MOS currents appear in the upper window. In that mode, the dissipated power within the simulation is also displayed. Click on Voltage vs. Voltage to obtain transfer characteristics between the X-axis selected node and the Y-axis selected node. Initially the start node is the first clock or pulse of the node list, and the stop node is the first varying node. This mode is useful for the computing of the Inverter characteristics (commutation
point), the DC response of the operational amplifier, or for the Schmitt trigger to see the hysteresis phenomenon. The first simulation computes the value of the stop node for start node varying from 0 to VDD. The second click on " Simulate " computes the same for start node varying from VDD to 0. Click on Frequency & Voltages so as to make all voltage curves appear in the lower window, and to plot the variation of the switching frequency of one selected signal. This mode is very useful for monitoring the output signal of oscillators. NOTE : You can modify the minimum simulation step t, but it may be dangerous. If you increase t the simulation speed improves but the numerical error may lead to unstable simulations. If you decrease t, the simulation speed is decreased too but the numerical precision is improved. The risk of computing divergence is reduced.
Using Models
Select the model you wish to use to perform simulations. By default, the MOS model is BSIM4. Add a text on the layout starting by "LEVEL1" if you wish to use permanently the MOS level1, "LEVEL3" if you wish to use permanently the MOS level31, "BSIM4" if you wish to use permanently BSIM4. Note: previous versions of Microwind used LEVEL3 as a default model. This was changed for the shake of accuracy.
Simulation Parameters
The default extraction includes the removal of redundant boxes (Purge) and the removal of overlaps (Merge). The fast extraction does not handle Purge nor Merge operations. The MOS level can be chosen between level 1,3 and BSIM4. See the user's manual for more details about those models. Other options concern the computation of lateral capacitance and vertical crosstalk capacitance. The temperature may be changed in this screen.
Simulation on Layout
The simulation is performed directly on the layout with a palette of colors. The most interesting layout files to be simulated in this mode are analog blocks such as the DAC.
With Crosstalk
Crosstalk is a parasitic effect that affects long lines routed close from each other. The proximity of the interconnects creates a coupling effect that provokes crosstalk between the affector and victims. By default, the analog simulator do not consider the crosstalk capacitance. Use the command "Simulate" -> "With crosstalk" to perform analog simulation including the crosstalk capacitance extraction and simulation. Click "Evaluate Min/max" to compute on the screen the maximum amplitude of the crosstalk There are three types of capacitance for interconnects: capacitance to substrate body, inter-layer capacitance and lateral crosstalk capacitance. The inter-layer capacitance refers vertical coupling between layers, while lateral crosstalk capacitance refer to adjacent interconnect coupling. The crosstalk capacitance value per unit length is given in the design rule file for a predefined interconnect width (w=4 ) and spacing (d=4 ). In Microwind, the computed crosstalk capacitance is not dependant on the interconnect width w. The computed crosstalk capacitance value is proportional to 1/d where d is the distance between interconnects. Example: The demonstration of crosstalk can be made with the circuit CrosstalkBig.MSK. The schematic diagram of the circuit corresponds to two strong inverters, and strongly coupled interconnects. We used one interconnect "victim" fixed to Vss, surrounded by two aggressors which are switching, to exhibit the crosstalk effect.
Simulation parameters
The simulation icons add properties to the nodes. Properties are applied to the electric nodes of the circuit in order to serve as simulation guides. You must specify which node is assigned to which voltage before starting the analog simulation. VDD & VSS. The node is pushed to the power supply voltage with icon Vdd, and pulled to the ground 0V with icon Vss.
CLOCK. When a node becomes a clock, the parameters of the latter are divided as follows : rise time, level one, fall time, and level zero. All values are expressed in nan-second (ns). If you ask for a second clock, the period will be multiplied by two. You may alter level 0 and level 1 by entering a new value with the keyboard. To generate a clock starting from VDD instead of VSS, click on Invert L/H. Use Period * 2 to multiply the clock period by two. Use Period /2 to divide the clock period by two. PULSE. The pulse switches from "Level 0" (0 by default) to "Level 1" (VDD by default" depending on the user-defined time table. Enter the string "0101100" and press "Insert". The time-table is updated Click "Erase": all lines situated after the selected element of the time-table are erased. SINUS. The sinusoidal waveform parameters are the amplitude, the offset, frequency and phase. VISIBLE NODE. Click on the "eye" and click on the existing text in the layout to make the chronograms of the node appear. Initially, all nodes are invisible, but the clocks and impulse nodes are subsequently made visible.
UV Exposure
This command simulates the discharge of floating gates due to a very long exposure to ultra violet light (in practice around 20mn). As a result, all charges stored in floating polysilicon gates are discharged.
MOS Characteristics
Click on the "Mos characteristics" icon situated in the main menu. The Id/Vd curve of the default MOS (W=20m, L=L minimum) appears. You may select the MOS level 1, MOS level 3 or MOS BSIM4 models. See the use's manual for more information about these models. The effects of the changing of the model parameters can be seen directly on the screen by a click on the little arrows (Up/down) , which change the parameter values. Click "Id vs. Vg" to highlight the threshold voltage Click "Id(log) vs. Vg" to see the sub-threshold behavior. Click "Threshold voltage" to see the evolution of Vt with the channel length (Specially interesting with BSIM4). Click "Capacitance" to see the capacitance models for Cgs and Cgd Add measurements by selecting a " .MES " file Skip from NMOS to PMOS device by a click on the corresponding button Select the size of the device in the lower list menu.
Process Section in 2D
Click on the "Process View" icon or "Simulate-> Process Section in 2D" to access process simulation. A mouse-operated line is given and embodies the cross section. The screen below appears. The arrows can be used to move the cross-section to the right or to the left in the X axis, and forward and backward in the Y axis. Zooms in and out are available. Remove the layer names by removing the tick in front of "Layer infos".
Process Steps in 3D
Click the "3D icon" or "Simulation -> Process Steps in 3D" to see the 3-dimentionnal aspect of your circuit. Click "Next step" to watch how the layout currently edited on the screen will be fabricated using the selected technology. Use the arrow to shift the displayed portion. Zooms in and out are available. In demo mode, the steps of the CMOS process are illustrated in sequence.
Compile Menu
Compile one line The cell compiler is a specific tool designed for the automatic creation of CMOS cells from logic description. Click on Compile -> Compile One Line. The menu below appears. The default equation corresponds to a 3 input NOR gate. If needed, one can use the keyboard in order to modify the equation and then click on Compile. The gate is compiled and its corresponding layout is generated. The first item of the one-line syntax corresponds to the output name. The letter is followed by the sign " = ", the optional sign not " ~ ", and by the list of input names separated by the operators AND " & " or OR " | ". If need be, parenthesis can be added. The input and output names are 8 character strings maximum. Cell Inverter NAND gate 3 Input OR 3 Input NAND AND-OR Gate CARRY Cell Formula out=~in n=~(a&b) s=a|b|c out=~(a&b&c) cgate=a&(b|c) cout=(a&b)|(cin&(a|b))
TRANSISTOR SIZE. The default device size is given by the design rules. You may change the nMOS and pMOS width in the option menu before clicking on PILE. IMPLEMENTATION. The p-channel transistors are located on the top of the n-channel transistor net. If some layout already exists near those icons, the cell origin is moved to the right until enough free space is found. If the '~' NOT operator has not been specified after the '=' sign, an inverter is added at the right hand side of the compiled cell. That is why an AND gate is compiled as a NAND gate followed by an inverter. Compile Verilog File The cell compiler can handle layout generation from a primitive-based VERILOG description text into a layout form automatically. Click on Compile -> Compile Verilog File. Select a VERILOG text file and click on "Generate". The list of primitives is given below. PRIMITIVE dreg Inv, not and nand or nor xor Nmos NODES EXAMPLE Inputs : Data,RESET, CLOCK; dreg reg1(d,rst,h,q,nq); Outputs: Q, nQ Inputs : IN; Outputs: OUT inv inv1(s,e); // both inv and not can be used Inputs : 2 to 4; Outputs: S and and1(s,a,b,c,d); // limit inputs to 4 Inputs : 2 to 4; Outputs: S nand nand1(s,a,b,c,d); Inputs : 2 to 4; Outputs: S or or3(s,a,b,c); Inputs : 2 to 4; Outputs: S nor my_nor4(s,a,b,c,d); Inputs : a,b; Outputs: S xor xor_gate(xor_out,d0,d1); Inputs: gate, source; Outputs: nmos nmos1(d,s,g); drain
Analysis Menu
Design Rule Checker The design rule checker (DRC) scans all the design and verifies that all the minimum design rules are respected. Click on the icon above or on Analysis ->Design Rule Checker to run the DRC. The errors are highlighted in the display window, with an appropriate message giving the nature of the error. Details about the position and type of the errors appear on the screen. To obtain more information about the design rules, click Help -> Design Rules, or the user's manual. Parametric Analysis The parametric analysis within Microwind is a powerful tool for rapid investigation of the effect of some parameter variation on the behavior of the circuit. An example of analysis may be the effect of the load capacitance on the delay of a gate. The parametric analyzer will increase automatically the capacitance, run a set of simulations and plot the result on the screen. Click on Analysis -> Parametric Analysis Select the desired output node on which the delay measurement or frequency measurement is performed, then. Click on a cell output node in the layout. The parametric analysis window appears. In the parameter menu, choose the item "node capacitance". Give the appropriate range of analysis. In the measurement menu you may choose to monitor the rise and fall delay, the power consumption, or the frequency. Click on " Start Analysis ". An iterative procedure will conduct simulations and extract the relevant parameters. Example results may show the evolution of the cell delay when its output node capacitance has been changed, or the influence of temperature variations on the final value of a polarization voltage. Measure Distance The ruler gives the horizontal and vertical measurements (dx and dy) between two points, directly on the screen in lambda and in micron. The algebraic distance (d) is also given in m. The ruler is simply erased any command of the View menu (Like View -> Refresh ) or by a press of <ESC>. Resonant Frequency Use this command to compute the resonant frequency and characteristic impedance of a couple of inductor and capacitor. The resonnant frequency is 2.pi.1/sqrt(L.C), the characteristic impedance is sqrt(L/C), where sqrt is the square root operator. Furthermore, the impedance of the inductor and capacitor is estimated at a given frequency. Interconnect Analysis with FEM Use this command to compute the R,L,C value of a given interconnect per unit length. The screen includes a Finite-Element Module that computes the electrical field between one or two conductors (Select the configuration using the four buttons on the right upper corner of the screen) and the ground plane. The conductor section, height, thickness corresponds to the metal 1 layer. These parameters are configured by the RUL file (By default DEFAULT.RUL). You may change the values and see the effect of R,L and C. The capacitance is computed using Delorme formulations (Inductance and capacitance analytic formulas for VLSI interconnects, Electronic letters, vol 32, n11, pp 996-997, May 1996). The plate capacitance (eps0. epsr.surface/distance) is also given. The low K parameters refers to the interlayer dielectric permittivity. Curefers to copper material, while Al refers to aluminum.
Help Menu
Design Rules
Gives the list of main design rules associated to each layer. Also provides the list of most important electrical characteristics for each material.