Tws 6 Reflection
Tws 6 Reflection
Tws 6 Reflection
I taught a lesson on classifying triangles based on their angle lengths. We classified these triangles as right, acute, or obtuse triangles. I feel that this lesson was affective in teaching my goal objective. I prepared a great deal for the lesson. If I was to reteach this lesson I may find a way to present the information in a more fun and inviting way. I would try to see if there was a short math video or Envision clip to go with this lesson. The students respond very well to the Envision clips and find them interesting and usually can hold their attention. I would also have the students create the triangles using a different material that is easier to work with. I would ideally like for the students to create these triangles in a portfolio where they create the triangles using any material that they wish. If time would permit I might would take the students outside and have them collect natural materials that they could construct these triangles out of. This would help to keep students that are easily side tracked on task and give them a specific, real, and tangible goal to work toward. This would also help the tactile learners to see exactly what each triangle looks like and how they are constructed. I really liked that the students were allowed to talk with partners and share their ideas before they shared with the whole class. This time gave each student a chance to think through their answers fully and to discuss any ideas that they are not sure about with someone on the same ability level as themselves. I also like that the students used physical items to create these shapes. This concept can be one that many students find difficult to understand and to grasp, but by allowing each student to physically create all of the triangles it helps them to visualize and to fully comprehend this concept. I felt that my engagement activity, of asking the students to create angles using their arms and bodies, is one that the students enjoyed. It allowed them to get moving first thing in the morning. It also gave me an idea of what students knew
about angles before we started the lesson. This physical activity gave the students time to transition their brains and thoughts from their morning work and breakfast to math and geometry. For the three students I focused on for my lesson I would have not done much different. Each of these students showed improvement or understood the concept from the beginning of the lesson. The lower achieving student still needed some more time to process this information or more one on one scaffolding assistance. I would like to take more time to work one on one with this student and to make sure that she is able to physically make and identify each of these triangles. She also needed a little more assistance with identifying angles. If I had more time I would like to call her to the table to work with her before we start the lesson. Math Lesson 2: I taught another math, geometry lesson on classifying triangles that was similar to this lesson. This lesson focused on classifying triangles based on their side lengths. I have similar suggestions for this lesson because it was so closely related to my first math lesson plan. I would like to present the information in a more fun and inviting way to the students. In this lesson students were asked to create different types of triangles by using a ruler to make sure that each of the triangles fit the criteria for equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles. If I could reteach this lesson I would like to allocate time at the beginning of the lesson to make sure that the students are comfortable with using a ruler and can use it accurately to draw lines of a specific length. I really like that the students used a hands on engaging activity to work with and show their gain in knowledge. English Lesson 1: This lesson I taught was on making inferences using a text to support your reasoning. This lesson went rather smoothly. I was originally going to teach this lesson on Thursday, but due to an unforeseen circumstance I was asked to teach this lesson a day early. I
feel positively about how well engaged the students were with the story as I was reading it. They stayed seated and quiet on the rug. The students were even connecting with the text and asking questions. I found the questions that I asked the students to help them make an inference really helped them. They were all able to make an inference about the text when given a prompt. If I was able to teach this lesson again I would have another book that I would read to the students, but have them make inferences about it as we read in their notebooks and would then collect it. This would let me know if all the students understand how to make inferences when they are not given a prompt. Science Lesson 1: This was the first lesson that I taught during immersion, so I was a little nervous, but this lesson was still rather successful. The lesson focused on quick land changes. I feel strongly about letting the students connect with the lesson in some way so the students illustrated an example for each of the land changes in their notebooks. I think this helped the students to remember what each of the land changes looked like and that they occurred quickly. If I taught this lesson again I would use sticks to call names rather than asking for volunteers to answer my questions to make sure that all students are on task. I would also like to find a hands on way to demonstrate each of these changes. At the least I would like to find over the top videos to show exactly how severe each of these land changes can be. Science Lesson 2: This lesson focused on relative position and understanding reference points. I think the part of the lesson where the students were asked to get under their desk to show the position word under was very successful because it got the students moving and it seemed to be a memorable activity for the students. If I was to re-teach this lesson I would have each of the students come to the front of the classroom where I would give them and item and ask the students to place that object around the room using the specific position word given.
Then I would have the class construct the relative position sentence and identify the reference point. Professional Goals: One goal that I have as a future teacher is to keep working on developing my management plan and style within the classroom. Since I am such a small and soft-spoken individual I need to be conscious of my management style and find a balance that works well for both me and the students. I plan to be a caring, understanding teacher who does not need to scream and yell to control the class. I would also like to keep working on how to incorporate hands on activity for almost all lessons that I teach. I believe that students learn best from hands on activities and this also keeps them engaged and focused on a task. I believe if I am able to accomplish this then my students will have less behavioral issues because they will be engaged and will respect me more as a teacher.