Military Parade 1
Military Parade 1
Military Parade 1
extremely difficult. The Ka 50 can sideslip at 80 km/h or move backwards at 90 km/h. It only takes a few seconds to reverse flight direction. Ka 50 is the only craft in the world which can hover motionlessly for twelve hours in succession! The priorities of the "Kamov" company extend far beyond its unsurpassed experience in the theory and practice of building coaxial rotor helicopters. In 1965, the company started using fibre glass rotor blades in their heli copters ten years before the rest of the world. Similar fourth gen eration blades are now being installed in Ka 50. One of the Ka 50's rotor blades sustained 30 holes caused by automatic gun fire to test the helicopter's surviv ability. The craft continued flying for 80 accident free hours. The Ka 50's combat power is based essentially on anti tank guided missiles and cannon fire. Frequently, when a helicopter attacks tanks, it becomes a good enemy target. Ka 50 is able to counter this menace with its "Vikhr" supersonic anti tank mis siles, with a maximum range of 10 km. This weapon helps reduce the time spent by the helicopter in the firing zone, exceeding at the same time the effective range of enemy anti aircraft missiles. The combination warhead of the supersonic missile includes sev eral different fuzes. All these fac tors, combined with a high accu racy jam proof guidance system, ensures effective engagement of different targets, including armored targets (with dynamical ly protected armor up to 900 mm thick) as well as airborne targets flying at a speed of up to 800 km/h, using the same type of ammunition. The missile is renowned for its stealth: the enemy only detects the attack 1
Sergey Reznichenko
he "Kamov" company start ed developing the advanced Ka 50 combat helicopter in 1977. At that time the fleet of the Soviet Army's combat helicopters was made up of Mi 24s. In terms of performance they could not challenge the new American AH 64 "Apache" fire support heli copter, which was at that time being developed. Several heli copter configurations were stud ied, as "Kamov" designers tried to create a new superior combat machine. The experience of Vietnam and Afghanistan had dis closed the low survivability of the classic single rotor helicopter due to its vulnerable tail rotor and extended rotor drive. The advantages of an aerody namically symmetrical coaxial main rotor came to the fore. Such
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a rotor assures easier helicopter control both in the manual and, more importantly, automatic mode, excellent maneuverability, take off and landing in windy weather. Furthermore, the coaxial rotor considerably improves heli copter survivability, makes the rotor drive more compact and substantially reduces engine power losses. Today, Ka 50 is the world's best helicopter in terms of efficient use of engine power. Many of us no doubt recall Russia's MiG 29 and its world famous stunt aerobatics nick named "the bell", or Su 27's "Pugachov cobra", which shock both experts and spectators. Ka 50 also has its own aerobatic tour de force: no other machine can execute the so called "funnel" as perfectly as Ka 50. In actual fact , the "funnel" is an element of aerobatics, ensuring concentra tion of helicopter fire on pinpoint targets. Moreover, continuous displacement of the helicopter in the "funnel" in azimuth and eleva tion makes enemy aiming
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"If a single pilot in our helicopter succeeds in doing what it takes two pilots to do in a rival machine, our victory will be assured."
when hit. This weapon is char acterized by power reserves, which may well be used to enhance its combat capabili ties. Extensive firing tests have proved the excellent qualities of the automatic guidance sys tem: small size targets are defeated at maximum ranges far more effectively. The powerful 30 mm gun was borrowed from the Army and in terms of ammunition fully standardized with the one used in the BMP 2 mechanized infantry vehicle. The 2A42 gun has a selectable rate of fire and permits selective ammunition supply from two boxes loaded with armor piercing and high explosive rounds. Such design increases gun efficiency by more than 30
per cent in fire against light armor or air borne targets. The barrel life permits one to fire the complete 500 round load unin terruptedly without intermediate cooling. The BMP 2's and the Army combat heli
copter's gun mount has proved reliable in conditions of extreme dust. The gun arrangement in Ka 50 is quite unusual. To preserve high accuracy of fire along with other remarkable prop erties, the gun is installed in the helicopter's center of gravity. This ensures strength requirements and eliminates any need for addi tional reinforcement of the structure. In addition, this factor helps reduce the recoil effect, helicopter weight and retain the center of gravity, as the rounds are expended. The electrohydraulic servo drive provides for the vertical and hori zontal movements of the barrel to main tain the line of fire. The 2A42 gun mount 2
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and the "Vikhr" missiles are designed by a team of weapon designers headed by A.G. Shipunov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Various Ka 50 armament ver sions have been proposed to bet ter adapt the craft to the existing fleet of army combat helicopters and enable firing against different targets. Ordnance items are attached to four suspension fit tings, which can receive virtually any airborne weapon: pylon locks' load carrying capacity constitutes the only limitation. To use the whole ordnance range, no changes in the design or algo rithm of the weapons control sys tem are required. The weapon pylons can be tilted. Owing to a 10 degree downward deflection, the pylons can impart, to a certain extent, new properties to the convention al weapons suspended on them. Fuel tanks may be mounted on all suspension fittings, whenever necessary. For combat helicopter group operations, Ka 50 has the requi site equipment and receives reconnaissance data from various
guidance systems. The received data are also displayed on the windshield indicator. To ensure high accuracy in the operation of airborne weapons, the human operator was replaced by an automatic guidance system. The human fac tor, liable to emotions and stress es, was eliminated from the most critical element of the system thanks to the high standard of the national defense industry and the long term experience gained by
reduced to the minimum: it con sists of a single pilot. From the very start the heli copter featured enhanced surviv ability. On the one hand, a com pact single pilot craft was easier to protect, while at the same time the protection should be reliable enough to safeguard the single crewman. Unlike its counterpart "Apache", the Ka 50's essential units are considerably smaller in size. Complete elimination of the tail rotor, together with its con
3. Front view of the flight compartment 4. The Ka 50 in the mountains 5. Before night flight
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"Kamov" experts in the develop ment and operation of avionics. The contract for an integrated electronic weapons control and avionics system was awarded to a specialized company, which developed similar systems for MiG and Su single seat fighters. The Ka 50's crew was thereby
6. The Ka 50 delivering fire 7. The coaxial rotor unit 8. The infrared and radar decoy cluster 9. The ejection seat 10. The pilot's station
Now foreign companies, which received orders for Army combat helicopters must meet customer requirements to provide a machine at least as good as Kamov 50.
operational and combat proper ties of the combination steel armor. The latter is part of the fuselage's basic structure, pro viding it with additional strength. Due to improved countershell resistance of such armor the pilot
is protected from direct hits of several 20 mm shells. The cockpit design and layout restrict changes to 10 15% of the flight compartment's internal volume upon impact with the ground. No helicopter components can pene 4
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trols and gear box, means that tail boom damage can be sus tained without serious implica tions. Measures taken to improve both the craft's and crew's sur vivability ensured the successful solution of at least twenty six problems. They include continu ous operation of the rotor drive despite a damaged oil system, assisted emergency escape, an extensive fire extinguishing sys tem and many others. Composite materials consti tute thirty five per cent of the
helicopter's load carrying struc ture. They do not simply reduce the craft's weight. When hit by bullets or shells, the composites do not produce secondary effects (splinters, splashes) characteris tic of a metal surface. Particular care has been taken to protect the flight com partment and fuel system. The Ka 50's pilot is seated in a com pletely armored and screened cockpit weighing a little over 300 kg. Multiple tests of various pro tection materials proved the high
11. Control equip ment and auto matics compart ments 12. Missiles attached to external fit
ejection system. The system operates reliably in any critical situation. The single seat heli copter concept ensures maximum pilot survivability. The K 37 seat designed at the firm "Zvezda" by the team headed by G.I. Severin, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, allows pilot ejection at all alti tudes and velocities, including zero. The pilot can also bail out without ejection. A number of consecutive operations is per formed on board the craft as the system is actuated. They include jettisoning the main rotor blade
followed by the opening of the cockpit panel and actuation of the ejection rocket motor. The afore mentioned system is most conve nient for a single seat helicopter, owing to the lack of time available
during the escape at minimum altitudes. The problem of time and effort needed by the ground per sonnel to prepare the craft for combat was also solved success fully for the Ka 50. As the heli copter is armed on the ground, electric hoists built in the pylons ensure easy suspension of weapons weighing up to 500 kg. The supersonic missiles are loaded as an integral block; the stowage process of the belted ammunition in the boxes is sim plified and mechanized. Arrangement of the equipment in
tings 13. Servicing Ka 50 helicopter sys tems 14. Mi 24 and Ka 50 helicopters 15. Helicopter's pilot
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trate into the cockpit, when their attachment parts are destroyed. The new helicopter's landing gear and fuselage are designed to absorb ground impact over loads. The fuel system arrange ment prevents any possibility of fire after any rough landing of the craft. If one of the two engines is damaged, the Ka 50 can continue the flight on one operating engine. The rotor swash plate control rods will remain opera tional, even if one has sustained two large caliber machine gun shot holes. The assisted emergency escape system deserves special attention. It is the world's first usable helicopter pilot rescue
16. Cluster of 80 mm unguided rockets 17. Cluster of anti tank guided missiles 18. Ammunition to the 30 mm gun
the helicopter ensures the opera tion of several specialists at a time. The equipment is easily accessible, owing to the large cowl openings. The Ka 50's peculiar features include grease free Teflon hinges used in all bearings of the mechanical sys tem. They enjoy a service life at least ten times as long as regular bearings. The Army's Ka 50 is designed for prolonged service from unprepared landing grounds located far from the main bases. According to Air Force spe cialists and foreign experts, Ka 50 is not merely another good combat craft: it constitutes a new trend in helicopter construction and Army Aviation tactics. Designed initially to "neutralize" the US AH 64A "Apache" attack helicopter, Ka 50 has outper formed its rival in every respect. Now foreign companies, which received orders for Army combat helicopters must meet customer requirements to provide a machine at least as good as Kamov 50. (
Ka 50 Gun: caliber, mm ammunition load, rounds rate of fire, rds/min 30 500 single 200 300/800 115 AP and HE (selective) 3 980 1,000 8 10 supersonic 12 combination, anti tank 80 40
AH 64A 30 1,200 550 57 HE (continuous) 1.5 550 380 6 subsonic 8 air/anti tank
firing range, km projectile initial velocity, m/s weight of projectile, g Antitank guided missile: launching range, km velocity basic load, missiles warhead Unguided rocket: caliber, mm basic load, rockets
70 38
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Oleg Anatolyev
This unique weapon system has hit 38 real targets at a range of 15 km, using 40 "Krasnopol" precision projectiles. Operating in a high rate of fire mode, the howitzer made 10 11 shots per minute, displaying high accuracy against a target located seven kilometers away.
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he newest Russian weapon system the MSTA S 152 mm self propelled howitzer was introduced to the public for the first time at the IDEX 93 international weapons and equipment exhibi tion in the capital of the United Arab Emirates. This unique weapon system has hit 38 real targets at a range of 15 km, using 40 "Krasnopol" precision projectiles. Operating in a high rate of fire mode, the howitzer made 10 11 shots per minute, displaying high accuracy against a target located seven kilometers away. This could not have been achieved by a similar foreign weapon system. In Abu Dhabi Russian weapons revealed their high effi ciency. Russia was awarded first firing prize. This up to date weapon sys tem was produced at URAL TRANSMASH Production Association. Led by its Designer General Yu. Tomashev, the asso ciation staff managed to develop high class weaponry, which is rightly regarded as one of the world's best. The MSTA S became operational in 1989: since then such self propelled howitzers have been delivered to the Army. It should be noted here
1. Advancing to the fir ing position 2. Front view of the howitzer 3. Firing over sights
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1. Commander 2. Shell loader 3. Charge loader 4. Mechanized ammunition stowage racks 5. Ground stowed projectiles feeding mechanism 6. Powerplant compartment 7. Hydraulic shock absorber 8. Driver 9. Elevating mechanism 10. Sight 11. Gunner
that this weapon gained the immediate backing of military specialists. The self propelled howitzer can hit nuclear targets, artillery and mortar batteries, tanks and other armored targets. The MSTA S is based on a track lay ing chassis unified with that of T 72 and T 80 medium tanks and is propelled with a V84A multifuel 573.5 kW (780 hp) engine. The running gear includes a torsion bar suspension and hydraulic shock absorbers, which dampen oscillations both on the move and during firing. The weapon system can negotiate a 2.8 m wide trench, 0.5 m high wall and ford a water obstacle as deep as 1.5 m. It has a 500 km fuel endurance. The powerful engine makes it possible to attain a maximum traveling speed of 60 km/h. The turret accommodates a 152 mm howitzer 2A64 complete with laying and sighting systems. It has a maximum range of fire of 24.7 km. The turret provides a 360 traverse and elevation from 4 to +68. During firing the ele vation is adjusted automatically: the layer controls only the tra verse. The weapon system has a crew of five (or a crew of seven when loaded from the ground). The howitzer breech end sealing system prevents fumes from entering into the fighting compartment. The design of this
weapon has one definite advan tage: it incorporates an automat ic loader, which enables firing at such a high rate of fire. The MSTA S is equipped with an automated projectile feeding sys tem (including a conveyer for feeding projectiles from the ground) and an angle coordinat ing actuator, used to carry pro jectiles from the stowage in accordance with a preset pro gram. Thanks to compact arrange ment of internal equipment the howitzer can carry a basic load of 50 rounds. The turret carries a PZU 5 anti aircraft machine gun mount with a "Utes" 12.7 mm AA machine gun, remotely controlled from the turret. It has an aiming range of fire equal to 2,000 m. Since the mount is rigidly secured on the turret by a so called "firm bed", increased recoil during fire provides opti mum spread of bullets, thereby increasing the probability of hit ting airborne targets. It merely needs to direct the machine gun toward the target. The large cal iber machine gun fires at a rate of 700 to 800 rounds per minute. The total number of rounds car ried is 300. The high combat capabilities of the 152 mm 2A64 howitzer, powerful engine and wide range of accessories make the self pro pelled howitzer a really formida ble weapon. The MSTA S has deep wading equipment (DWE), enabling it to negotiate water obstacles 5 m deep and up to 1,000 m wide. Using a built in
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4. Tail section of the weapon system 5. In an emplacement
The MSTA S became operational in 1989: since then such self propelled howitzers have been delivered to the Army. It should be noted here that this weapon gained the immediate backing of military specialists.
dozer, the self propelled how itzer is capable of digging out within a few minutes a trench of practically any depth. The how itzer can fire over the sights or from the defilade, including fir ing in the mountains. The filter ing/ventilation unit helps the crew deliver fire in the contami nated area. The smoke genera tor used to put up a camouflage smoke screen permits the crew to act stealthily even in open country and thereby improve considerably the performance of the combat vehicle. The MSTA S has a ground power supply with an independent fuel system and a communications system, containing an intercom, external wire and radio commu nication means. All these ele ments, coupled with a large ammunition allowance and high reloading rate, contribute to a substantial reduction in the time needed to prepare the howitzer
for action. Here the Russian weapon considerably surpasses its foreign counterparts. It takes only 1 2 minutes to transfer the weapon system from traveling to combat position and back. In actual fact, the design of the MSTA S combines the best technical achievements of Russian artillery and Soviet tank construction. The MSTA S can use all types of 152 mm stan dard ammunition and homing precision projectiles. During fir ing in Abu Dhabi the MSTA S used a "Krasnopol" homing artillery projectile, provided with a semi active laser beam guid ance system. The projectile can be used in the most up to date cannons, such as 2S19 MSTA S and Giatsint 2S5, and old self propelled and towed systems 2S3M and D 20. It can hit small size moving and station ary targets (tanks, trucks, artillery pieces, reinforced fire
emplacements, etc.) with a high probability (0.9), when firing at a range of 18,000 m. To illumi nate the target by laser beam, a portable laser target indicator, mounted on a tripod, is used. The illuminator can also be accommodated on the heli copter. The maximum range of illu mination of a tank type target is about 5,000 m, with illumination lasting 6 to 15 seconds. When fired at a maximum range, the homing head of the projectile is capable of locking on targets, illuminated by the laser, within a 1 km radius. In test firing, the weapon system managed to hit three different targets with one laser target indicator operating within 30 seconds. The projectile mass is 50 kg, with the warhead weighing 20.5 kg. The firing is possible with a wind velocity of 25 m/s. Compared to the conventional
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152 mm projectile, such a hom ing projectile reduces the expen diture on ammunition 40 50 fold, while target is hit 3 5 times as fast. The high performance of the self propelled, howitzer 2S19 can be achieved by a well trained crew, which displays teamwork in the preparation and conduct of fire. To train teams and maintain their performance standards at a high level, provision is made for special trainer 2X51, which per mits training of personnel quickly and efficiently in classroom con ditions, thereby saving the ser vice life of the howitzer and ammunition (including practice firing at the maximum rate). The trainer comprises a simulator, instructor's console and power supply with connection circuit, projectile and case accumulators. The battle stations in the trainer simulator are identical to those of crewmen in the 2S19 howitzer. The turret traverse, which can be observed in the sight's field of view, is produced by a rotating drum of the traversing mecha nism. Several photographs are attached to the drum's inner sur face, comprising terrain pictures, which help solve specific training problems. The "weapon"'s laying accu racy is controlled from the instructor's console. The instruc tor can inform the crew of initial firing data, similar to that trans mitted by the battery's senior officer from the command vehicle under field conditions. The console is equipped with control units of the main systems of the 2S19 self propelled how itzer: the guidance system, load ing mechanisms and communica tion means. To train the crews in opera tions, involving the delivery of rounds from the ground, the 4
42 5 (7 when loaded from ground) 500 60 2.8 0.5 1.5 1,000 5 1 2 5,000 152 24,700 360 4 to +68 7 8 100 60 50 12,7 2,000 700 800 60 3 to +70 300
780 (573.5) 350 7 1 individual, torsion bar with shock absorbers triple action automatic, with control equipment 3ETs 11 2 2 98 40 60 V84A engine smoke generator, smoke grenade launching system (six launchers) 2
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turing, in particular, artillery sys tems of the ground forces. As it was used in the defence indus try, the staff was made up of qualified specialists. The staff includes many tal ented inventors, whose creative concepts were actually realized at the factory. The pride of the factory is our unique self pro pelled howitzer 2S19. Six years have already passed since the day when we actually tested our first weapon the self propelled howitzer, which proved from the very start that it was a modern combat vehicle. In the postwar years large defence enterprises in our coun try enjoyed a stable financial position and exerted a consider able effect on the infrastructure of the inhabited areas, where they were located. We were no exception. The factory helped finance the constructing of the city's airport and a comfortable hotel. We want to carry on equip ping Sterlitamak with modern amenities and improving its pop ulation's living standards. However, this depends to a great extent on the factory's develop ment prospects. Recently our enterprise has started producing agricultural processing machines: potato conveyers, water purifying plants, high power jar washer machines. The factory manufac tures goods using the most up to date know how. We also pro duce home appliances. However, we pin our main hopes on exports of the 2S19 self pro pelled howitzer. (
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trainer is additionally served by two more crewmen as this takes place on the 2S19 self propelled howitzer. For training purposes, inert projectiles and specially equipped cases are used which are normally employed in the 152 mm artillery systems. After preparation on the trainer, the crew of the 2S19 howitzer is capable of providing a high rate of fire (up to 8 9 rounds per minute). Victor Sukhanov, director of the Sterlitamak Machine Building Factory, where the 2S19 MSTA S are mass produced, stressed in an interview: "STERLITAMAK Machine Building Factory, unlike many other enterprises of the defence complex, was built from the very start as a military plant manufac
bore gun capable of delivering fire at a distance of up 1,000 meters to hit armored vehicles, including old generation tanks. It was set up no other tasks. After long debates during the produc tion process and comparative tests of several vehicles, propo nents of automatic armament for the vehicle gained the upper hand: it was equipped with a 30 mm automatic gun and the anti tank guided missile (ATGM) "Konkurs", designed by the Instrument Design Bureau in the town of Tula. This considerably expanded the scope of its combat missions and enhanced the com bat capabilities of the vehicle as a whole. But it remained a lot to be
Sergey Roshchin
arly in the 1960s, a group of designers, head ed by P. Isakov, developed the widely known mechanized infantry combat vehicle, BMP 1. It was designed primarily to enhance troop combat mobility and offer armor protection to infantrymen fighting with tank support. This combat vehicle gave birth to new trends in world tank building and initiated new
approaches to tactical employ ment of motorized infantry sub units. Combat vehicles intended for similar combat tasks were adopted by foreign armies much later. At first their combat employ ment was much discussed. Some analysts shared views that the MICVs should be used as a means of armored transportation designed to move infantrymen to the battlefield to follow up after tanks and capture combat areas. However, it was considered expe dient to equip them with some armament. The main armament of the BMP 1 was a 73 mm smooth
done to find a final concept for the vehicle's combat employ ment, its missions and general appearance. This was achieved during further development of the BMP 3 and its armament. The Instrument Design Bureau in Tula was the leading developer of the BMP 3 armament system while the machine building plant in the town of Kurgan developed the vehicle. An armament system able to cope with a full range of combat missions assigned to infantry subunits, was developed after research findings. For the first time the MICV was equipped with a 30 mm automatic gun, a 1
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This combat vehicle gave birth to new trends in world tank building and initiated new approaches to tactical employ ment of motorized infantry subunits.
100 mm gun with moderate bal listics and a 7,62 mm machine gun (MG). A 100 mm gun fired both HE (High Explosive) shells and guid ed missiles. The very choice of ballistic solution (Vo=250 m/sec) provided for the development of a small weight gun and ensured that the shell met the target at major angles, thereby increasing the area of destruction and decreasing range errors and their dependence on the range of fire. The cannon launch of guided missiles in conjunction with a laser beam gun laying control system and an independent two plane aiming line stabilizer ensured launch of ATGMs on the move, a high rate of fire, noise The high combat effective ness of the armament system and capability to act independently on the battlefield is ensured by a great range of ammunition, including eight guided missiles, forty HE shells, 500 rounds for an automatic gun and 6,000 car tridges for machine guns. There are four compartments in the hull of the vehicle: driver's compartment, fighting compart ment, troop compartment and powerplant compartment. The driver's compartment is arranged in the front part of the hull. There are three stations: one for the dri ver in the middle and two for the machine gunners on both sides of the driver's seat. The fighting compartment is
immunity and safety of the crew. The rigid coaxiality of a 30 mm gun and the barrel of a 100 mm gun, coupled with the high precision and dynamic character istics of the powerful stabilizer ensure high accuracy in its firing. For the first time in national and world practice the MICV was equipped with an automatic fire control system, which provided automatic angles of sight and lead, as well as precise correc tions within a wide range of angles of elevation and the firing of all types of weapons from the stationary position, on the move and afloat.
arranged in the middle of the hull where the stations for a comman der and gunner are located. The main armaments are mounted in the turret. The gun ammunition supply is stowed in an stowage rack under the turntable. The armament control equipment includes: a sight (laying unit), a ground and air fire sight, a com bined vision (day and night vision) device, ballistic computer. Machine guns mounted autonomously in the front part of the vehicle comprise a sight with a fiber optical pipper display sys tem. The main armaments are stabilized in two planes. There is
also terrain navigation equip ment. The commander's station is equipped with a radio transmit ter, R 173, and a radio receiver, R 173P. The seven seat troop com 2
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access to the engine and power transmission assemblies. The vehicle's track and sus pension system comprises six road wheels and support rollers. The road wheels have double disks with externally cushioned rubber supports. The indepen dent hydropneumatic suspension has a big dynamic road wheel travel. Thanks to such design it has proved possible to maintain the vehicle's smooth movement in the off road conditions at any speed without jerking and swing ing. The track and suspension system of the BMP 3 has a large safety margin, enabling its use in a number of various purpose vehicles. The BMP 3 moves in water via hydrojets and not by track drive systems as was the case with the BMP 1 and BMP 2. The outstanding performance of the BMP 3 was demonstrated dramatically during its field tests in the Arabian desert as recount ed by two participants, first deputy chief of the Armor Department of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General N. Zhuravlev and deputy chief designer of the Tula Instrument Design Bureau, Doctor of Technical Sciences, S. Berezin. On July 27, 1991 a giant air craft, the "Ruslan", landed in Abu Dhabi airport. Four BMPs 3 rolled off, accompanied by curi ous glances of the army officers of the United Arab Emirates. This didn't signify that the combat vehicles had been chosen by the Arab authorities and had become lawful "residents" of that country. On the contrary, it was only the beginning of the road to recogni tion of Russian armaments by a country, which traditionally bought English or other Western weaponry. The first acquaintance of the top brass of the UAE with Russian vehicles didn't bring much cause for optimism to our specialists. The Arab military knew a lot about the combat capabilities of similar classes of vehicles produced by the NATO countries and were not very much sanguine with the "know how" of the BMP 3. More
5. Performing recon naissance mission 6. Firing
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partment is arranged behind the fighting compartment. Two are individual seats and five are group seats located near the engine compartment bulkhead. There are air ducts here to pro vide clean air for the troops. There are also boxes with daily rations for the personnel and SPTA boxes. Armored firing port holes are located in the vehicle's hull sides. Three hatches are provided in the front part of the vehicle and two hatches on the turret both for the crew and troop. There are three hatches in the front part of the vehicle and two hatches on the turret both for the crew and troops. There are also rear doors and hinged front cov ers in the hull. The powerplant compartment is arranged directly after the troop compartment. Both compartments are separat ed by an inner soundproof wall. The powerplant compartment houses an engine, power trans mission assemblies and corre sponding systems. Removable covers and ports provide easy
"Forward!" A 200 hundred kilo meters race began at full speed along earth roads. The vehicles were stretched to the limit of their capabilities. Arab officers who drove our BMPs were determined to reveal weak spots in the vehi cle's design. The march contin ued for three days in violation of all operational manuals and other regulatory documents. Racing continued at maximum speeds for 16 17 hours a day. Stops for respite and check ups were made after 5 7 hours of contin ued movement. Exhausted per sonnel were allowed only a short rest at night. The inspecting com mission concluded that the BMP 3 surpassed similar vehicles of the NATO countries in terms of cruising capabilities. Nevertheless, we had only won half of the battle. Now we had to fire all sorts of armament at targets of opportunity at vari ous ranges. Convinced of the weaponry, our specialists agreed to all the terms set by the Arab officers. However, when they reached the firing range they realized that a lot had to be done on the spot from scratch. Firing had to be executed only on the move. The vehicles had to move along two circles sit uated on both sides by an "imag inary" control tower. The firing had to be made from any points at any targets located at various ranges. The firing started with missiles launched at maximum ranges. After the first six missiles had been launched, Brigadier General and the leader of the Russian delegation inspected the targets. We noted that every tar get had been hit three times. The General was experienced enough to know that there were no com bat vehicles in the world, which could cannon launch anti tank missiles on the move. The com
than that: they predicted its fail ure during the forthcoming field tests. The "D day" for the tests was repeatedly postponed. Specialists caviled at study of the vehicle's design and meticulously scheduled the forthcoming tests. All suggestions by our side were politely rejected, while, according to unofficial information, every thing was made ready for tests of the American MICVs "Bradley" and English "Warrior". At last the test day came. The Brigadier General, head of the Arab inspection group, assigned the mission in the following way: he would drive his Rover "Toyota", while our column should closely follow along the sand hills. The first phase of the test would be considered per formed, if our BMPs managed to follow his Rover. The ambient temperature was +60C. The sand blizzards began to blow. The sand clogged the eyes and ears, cut at the neck and face. The engines worked on the brink of stalling. The vehicles had to negotiate sand hills at 30 and "dive" from them at 80. The vehicles became stuck in the canyons. In such cases we had to tow the machine via the other three vehicles linked together in tandem. Sometimes it looked as if one more problem would arise and that neither materiel or personnel could survive any longer. It seemed a mere miracle, when after a seven hours march our column finally reached an earth road. We were happy to learn that our BMP 3 had managed to over come terrain, which proved unsurpassable for all other MICVs, including the famous "Bradley". After inspecting the column the Brigadier General said: "O.K." and issued an order:
Model Weight, combat loaded, tons Capacity, men: crew mounted infantry Maximum speed, km/h: on roads forward (backward) afloat Cruising range on roads, km Armament: 100 mm cannon/missile launcher 2A70 30 mm automatic gun 2A72 7.62 mm machine gun PKT (3 machine guns) Practical rate of fire from the 2A70, rnds/min Rate of fire from the 2A72, min., rounds/min Maximum range of fire, m: 100 mm cannon 2A70 (rounds) 30 mm gun 2A72 Angles of fire, deg.: traverse elevation Ammunition allowance, pc: rounds for 100 mm cannon rounds for 30 mm automatic gun: HE tracer and HE incendiary AP T ATGM cartridges for machine guns (in belts) Engine, UTD 29 BMP 3 18.7 3 7 70 (20) 10
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10 300 4,000 4,000 360 6 to +60 40 305 195 8 6,000 diesel engine, four stroke, liquid cooled, 368 kW (500 hp) one stage type
maximum power
bat capabilities of other types of the armaments were well known to him and were demonstrated at the firing range by both Russian and Arab experts. The high com bat effectiveness of all types of armament and their trouble free operation during firing and train
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their Arab clients. All this was taken into consideration by the commission in its report on the BMP 3 tests and their views on future cooperation with Russia in the military domain. Russian specialists drew the attention of their clients to the light weight of the BMP 3, its ability to easily cross various water obstacles, fire anti tank missiles on the move, and its air transportability. The Arab military highly appraised the vehicle as a whole and asked that it be adapted to meet the requirements of their region, namely to improve troop apartment conditions, to update the cooling system of the engine, and to put rubber grousers. Finally, the Russian delega tion was received by the President of the UAE. He said that the BMP 3 had been highly appraised by the military, despite the fact that it had been tested to failure. This reason had compelled him to take a vital political decision to coop erate with Russia in the military field. This marked the end of the field tests in the Arab desert, where our combat materiel dis played the high quality of Russian weapons and "defend ed" its world reputation. (
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ing made members of the com mission voice their support for the BMP 3. Numerous meetings with the military of the UAE were marked by considerable ten sion, but were conducted in an atmosphere of sincerity, com petence and mutual esteem. The Russian delegation was well aware that the Government of the UAE had decided in the wake of the Gulf War to tailor a modern army of their own equipped with state of the art weaponry. Naturally, Western countries were eager to offer their aircraft, tanks, anti aircraft artillery and other materiel to
The most popular AD weapon developed by the Bureau is the system Strela. More than 30 countries have ordered this weapon for their armed forces. Some of these countries have bought licenses to produce the Strela. The last version of the Strela 10 is the updated generation of the AD missile system Strela 10MZ.
1. Air defence gun and missile battery comprising the Strela 10M and Shilka ZSU 23 4 weapon systems 2. The Strela 10M delivering fire
he Tochmash Design Bureau is the leader in Russia's defence complex. The spir it of this firm is displayed in its reliable and effi cient weapon sys tems. They are simple to learn and easy to main tain. Alexander Noodleman, the firm's head before World War II, is widely known as the creator of powerful aircraft gunnery. The aircraft guns NS 23, NS 37 and NS 45 developed under Noodleman during World War II were second to none in power and rate of fire in our country and abroad. The NS 45 is still the most powerful air weapon in the world. There was also the proto
type of an N 57, a 57 mm can non, successfully developed but never brought into the arsenal. After the war, the Design Bureau continued its work to develop small caliber automatic guns for the Navy and aviation. But the demand arose for a new product alongside the old. This new weapon included guided missile systems for air defence and anti tank defence, as well as guided missiles and unguided rockets. The specialists took upon themselves the task of designing a sophisticated weapon saturated with electronics and with auto matic control systems based on new know how. The Tochmash creation was the first of its kind to go into ser vice with the Soviet Army. Armaments developed by the Bureau were tested in a number
of wars and conflicts in various climates and regions of the world and won popularity among the highest military men. The Bureau's product was exported abroad and became a success in the weapons marketplace. The most popular AD weapon developed by the Bureau is the system Strela. More than 30 countries have ordered this weapon for their armed forces. Some of these countries have bought licenses to produce the Strela. The last version of the Strela 10 is the updated genera tion of the AD missile system Strela 10MZ. This light missile system deployed in combat formations of motorized and tank regiments is able to protect them effectively from enemy aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles and drones. The combat systems 9A35MZ and 1
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9A34MZ are mounted on the multi purpose light armor amphibious personnel carrier (MTLB). It was chosen to protect troops fighting from the move and on the march. Its light weight permits the vehicle to move easi ly along soft roads and off roads, swamps, sands and virgin terrain. It can ford water obstacles at its maximum speed of 60 km/h on land and 6 km/h on water. The combat vehicle features modular design. The launcher with control equipment is mount ed in the turret, which may be mounted on any other transport means with a load capacity of over 3 tons. It's convenient for prospective buyers to use their own vehicles more suitable to their needs, capabilities and ways of combat employment. The very design of the launcher increases the cross country capacity of the combat vehicle. The launcher is collapsi ble, unlike all other known AD missile systems. It is folded when traveling; its height doesn't exceed 2,220 mm. The system is not conspicuous on the march and it may be easily shipped by modern transport aircraft. It takes only 40 sec to be transferred from traveling to combat position, so folding the system doesn't affect its combat readiness. The target acquisition system operates on the "find and fire" principle. The launcher operator surveys the air situation through the bullet proof glass with a broad sector of vision (90 x 120) or through the sight (15 or 30). Target acquisition means also comprise a passive optical three band seeker. One of the four vehicles of the system 9A35MZ is equipped with a passive radio direction finder to detect and dis play in the field of operator's vision the objects equipped with pulsed radio engineering sys tems. Such objects might be radar bomb sights, airborne for ward looking radars and other emitters. The other three vehicles of the system 9A34MZ have no direction finders. They receive target data over radio from the commander vehicle. In addition, all vehicles are equipped with a central target designation system to receive target data from other AD units over data transmission wire communications lines. Upon receipt of such data, all launchers are automatically rotated in the direction of the target from as far as 30 km. Rotation continues during the target's flight after it's locked on by the homing head of the mis sile. The target acquisition and guidance systems of the Strela 10MZ are devoid of active emis sion means, making it less vul nerable to enemy detection and destruction systems, which oper ate on the principle of acquisition and guidance of emitting targets. It thereby provides survivability against battle damage, an impor tant factor against low flying enemy targets. This advantage distinguishes it from weapons with command guidance lines and target acquisition radars. The four combat ready mis siles in launcher containers are located on the tipping part of the combat launcher. Another four missiles in similar containers are stowed in the rear of the vehicle. The tipping part is always stable regardless of the number of mis siles in it because their centres of mass remain on the axis of the tilt. It takes three minutes for a trained crew to reload the launch er. The relatively small size and weight of the missiles allows test, reload, stowage and storage pro cedures without special trans port loading means. The missile engines work on solid propellant and are controlled by signals generated in a three channel optical homing head. Targets are defeated by high explosive war heads, rod type, weighing 5 kg. Reliable destruction of targets, large or small, is achieved by direct hit or by fragments of the detonated missile within 3 m of the target; the warhead is equipped with a contact proximity fuze. It is well to mention the hom 2
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meters and their readiness for combat employment are automat ically tested according to a preset program. The maintenance vehi cle is intended for maintenance, repair, and testing of combat vehicle's equipment in the field. In addition to these two auxiliary vehicles, there is also a gasoline engine operated generator to save the service life of diesel engines of the combat vehicles in the stationary operation. It gener ates electricity for four combat vehicles at a time. Despite its ease of operation, designers have developed special trainers for combat crews, name ly commanders and operators, to keep the system in constant com bat readiness and to teach them target acquisition and designa tion. Thus combat crews acquire a team sense in combat coopera tion. They learn how to determine visually the parameters of the tar gets, how to lock on maneuvering targets, to track them and fire on them. This allows them to extend the service life of combat materiel and to train personnel to accom plish various tasks. Combat crews can also train themselves with hands on equip ment, using dummy missiles and real aircraft. At last comes the highest form of combat training:
ing head of a missile that has a number of advantageous features compared to earlier versions. As previously noted, the warhead has three channels: photo con trast channel, infra red channel and interference channel. Such a choice of sensors enables the weapon to lock on and guide mis siles to their targets in combat under adverse atmospheric con ditions as well as through optical and heat decoys fired by the enemy from any directions. The operator selects the proper chan nel of the homing head before the missile launching, taking into consideration the real interfer ence situation. The photo contrast and infra red channels assure target destruction on head on or pursuit course during combat. The American AD system Chaparral similar to Strela 10MZ has only an infra red channel, so it is capable of hitting targets only on pursuit courses. The superiority of the Russian system may play an important role in modern, highly maneuverable defence of troops. To avoid firing at friendly air craft and at targets beyond the kill zone, the system features a "friend or foe" device and zone evaluation equipment. The first
Killing range, max., m Killing height, m Detection and employment method Missile guidance method Basic load, missiles Crew, men Operating temperature range, C Weight, kg Maximum speed, km/h Fuel endurance, km Launcher laying angles, deg: traverse elevation Launcher laying rates, deg/s: elevation azimuth
5,000 25 to 3,000 find fire fire forget 8 3 50 to +50 12,300 61.5 500 unlimited 5 to +80 0.3 to 50 0.3 to 100
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determines the target's national identity at a distance of 12 km and at a height of 25 to 5,000 m. The second automatically deter mines the target location relative to launching zone limits and pre vents launches at targets beyond the kill zone. It also computes lead angles prior to launching. Trouble free operation of the Strela 10MZ is a key to its extreme combat efficiency. Years long service in the field and trials in various climatic con ditions have demonstrated validi ty of declared specifications: time to failure of the equipment of at least 500 hours and a missile's service life of some 20 years. The test vehicle is intended to check up technical condition of the missiles. The missiles' para
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combat firing on simulated air targets. To conclude, we inform you that the Strela 10MZ is produced in cooperation with a number of enterprises at the Saratov plant. This plant is equipped with state of the art machinery for machin ing sophisticated parts from vari ous metal alloys, as well as for carrying out the precise assembly of updated electronics, using automated methods of dense packed, point to point wiring and welding. Laboratories carry out complex mechanical, electrical and climatic tests of the equip ment in the most rigorous envi ronment. (
Yury Stepanov
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n the mid 1970s, many armies started operat ing such precision offensive weapon as unmanned aircraft, drones, heat homing missiles with infrared and radio beam homing devices, TV guided aeri al bombs and rockets. So the anti aircraft defence designers were commissioned to create
more effective and reliable air defence. The research and pro duction association "Antey", the world leader in AA missile build ing, was commissioned to fulfill this mission. The firm had already produced such world famous AA systems as "KRUG" (nicknamed by NATO countries as SA 4 "Ganef") and "OSA" (SA 8 "Gecko"). On their adoption by the Armed Forces, they were the most effective army weapons in
Exercises carried out in the European part of Russia showed that two flights of fighter bombers flown by experienced pilots were unable to penetrate without reinforcement the air defence zone guarded by a Tor AA defence battery.
their class. Even now the "OSA" system continues to maintain the upper hand over its foreign oppo nents. Highly competent scien tists and designers of "Antey" managed to develop over a short period of time AA missile systems capable of locating, identifying and defeating state of the art air assault weaponry. They include a mobile AA system S 300B with two types of missiles SA 12a "Gladiator" and SA 12b "Giant" and an all weather AA system "TOR" (SA 15). Later on, "TOR M1" emerged from the modern ization of the system "TOR". The all weather AA missile system "TOR M1" is intended to accomplish AA defence missions at division level. It provides reli able AA defence for military and civilian objects against enemy surprise attacks by cruise mis siles, guided bombs, aircraft, helicopters, drones and remotely controlled aerial striking means. This system is capable of accomplishing combat missions in all climates. The salient feature of the "TOR M1" concerns its maneuverability, mobility, fast response, automation of combat
operations and effectiveness of fire against various types of tar gets. Exercises carried out in the European part of Russia showed that two flights of fighter bombers flown by experienced pilots were unable to penetrate without reinforcement the air defence zone guarded by a "Tor" AA defence battery. A presentation of the AA mis sile system "TOR M1" was held in Summer 1992, at the Mosaeroshow 92. Already in win ter 1993, this system was dis played at the international exhibi tion of armaments and combat materiel IDEX 93. Its combat capabilities were demonstrated to members of many foreign military delegations at the special firing range some 40 km from Abu Dhabi. The results of the missile launches proved convincing, when all eight missiles hit their targets. Valentin Osipov, Deputy Chief Designer, said that prior to these launches the Russian delegation defied French and Canadian designers of the identical AA mis siles systems CROTALE and ADATS to participate in joint firing to compare competing AA sys tems. However, they refused to do so. Firing was carried out on rocket targets MD 20 (rocket projectiles of legendary "Katusha" BM 13) flying at a speed of 600 700 m/sec. Those projectiles were 1 m long. They were launched from closed posi tions, located behind the sand hills 17 km from "TOR M1" mis sile systems. The targets followed a ballistic path but they simulated
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with indicators. The target acquisition radar is a three coordinate Doppler circu lar scanning radar incorporating multi channel digital signal pro cessing means. Working together with a computer, it can detect up to 48 targets at a range of 25 km and then track the most danger ous ten. These targets are divid ed into priority sequence in terms of the danger they represent. The firing data is prepared on the most "dangerous" ones. Information on these targets is fed into both the commander's console and air tracking and guidance radar. The tracking and guidance radar is a mono pulse
"cruise missiles" or "gliding bombs" in terms of their radio technical characteristics. Valentin Osipov recalls: "Upon completion of the firing, the crew of the Canadian AA mis sile system ADATS approached us. They said: "You've got an excellent weapon. We were all watching. All eight missiles hit their targets. One hit its target at a height of 16 m from the ground. Excellent results". The "TOR M1" includes: a combat vehicle (9A331), a trans porter loader (9T244) and main tenance and repair means. The combat vehicle is mounted on a tracked chassis (GM 355) with adjustable clearance. The hydro mechanic transmission and hydropneumatic suspension ensure high off road capacity, good maneuverability and smooth movement on rugged terrain. The combat vehicle of the "TOR M1" AA system could be shipped by all means of transportation, includ ing aviation (mass of the chassis 34,250 kg, maximum speed on paved roads 65 km/h). The combat vehicle accom modates information and com mand means, control mecha nisms, means of communication and navigation, two transport launch containers with four AA guided missiles each, and a self contained electric power genera tor. The information and com mand means ensure target detection, measurement of target coordinates and guidance of mis siles. These means include target acquisition, tracking and guid ance radars. They also include target iden tification equipment and means of secondary processing of radar information, a missile lock on and terminal guidance radar, a digital fast acting specialized computer SAVER as well as control console
Doppler radar with a phased antenna array and electronic beam control. This radar refines target data, performs a four coordinate measurement of the target's parameters and ensures tracking of this target. The maxi mum operating range is 25 km. The coordinates of two targets and the two missiles used to destroy these targets are mea sured simultaneously in the work ing sector. The targets are arranged in classes according to trajectory and signal data. These data are fed into the missile con trol system to optimize its flight mode. Data are processed and the missile units are controlled by a digital computer.
Thanks to the gyrostabiliza tion of the acquisition radar's antenna's system, one can detect targets and assess the air situa tion, while the combat vehicle of the system "TOR M1" is on the move in the combat formations of troops being covered. It stops only to fire missiles. The radar antenna can be folded for travel. In case of intensive enemy jam ming (active electronic counter measures of the enemy) and when the targets fly at minimum altitudes, .the back up TV track ing channel may be used. The launching tube is mount ed inside the rotating turret. It also houses two vertically sta tioned transporting loading con
1. A combat vehicle of the Tor M1 system 2. A transporter loader in action 3. Loading missiles into the combat vehicle
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porter's manipula tor. It takes 18 min to load a basic unit. Missiles can be loaded from a conven tional transportation vehicle using a crane. The navigation, position area tie in and orientation system automatically establishes the combat vehicle's position and plots the bearing of its move ment. It also provides tie in to other combat means to exchange data on air situation. Electric power supply is provided by a built in generator, driven from the gas turbine engine or from the power take off system of the chassis's diesel engine. A built in automatic function control system is used to maintain the system combat ready and ensure reliable assessment of the real condition the system equipment. In the event of break down, this system performs the troubleshooting and even detects damages accurate to a group of the panels. The "TOR M1" system is capable of executing combat mis sions independently or as a part of an automated AA defence sys tem of a division. The battery command post, "Ranzhir" or "Kasatelnaya" coordinates its work within this system. Information is exchanged via data transmission radio channels. The equipment is produced with state of the art technology and offers enhanced functional con trol, which ensures high opera tional reliability. The crew of the AA self propelled mount consists of a commander, operator and driver. The crew is protected from the weapons of mass destruction. Special equipment is used to cre ate within the turret normal con ditions for the work. It should be noted that a spe cial trainer has been designed to train an operator. This trainer imi tates the interior and the main control console of the combat vehicle to simulate various air sit uations and all necessary data procured by the equipment to be used by an operator in combat. Simulation of air situations is set up in programmed mode or man ually in dialogue mode. The train ing provides for potential changes in operational air situa tion to allow for simulation of a "duel". The system designers maintain that an operator acquires the necessary skills in two and a half hours of training. The complete training course is scheduled for 20 hours. (
1 12 10 6,000 5 8 8 2 65
4. The battery's com mand post 5. Missile 9M331 and transporting launching container
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tainers with missiles. The single stage solid propellant AA guided missile 9M331 uses a canard configuration. The high explosive (HE) warhead contains high den sity alloy fragments. The active radio fuze detonates the missile. The missile is guided by radio commands. It is highly maneuver able (permissible load factor is up to 30 g). This allows defeating fast, low flying, small size and armored targets, maneuvering with 12 g loads. The missile 9M331 is delivered to the armed forces combat ready and doesn't require any maintenance for 10 years. The missile is vertically launched by catapult. After leav ing the launcher, it is turned towards the target by jet controls, housed in the head. Then the engine is started. The self con tained wide angle direction finder locks on the missile and then injects it into the beam of the guidance radar. The missiles are loaded by the loader trans
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or a long time the intelligence service agents of the NATO countries sought any piece of infor mation on the Soviet sniper Dragunov rifle (SVD). It was only during the war in Afghanistan that the first rifles began to appear by hook or by crook in the W e s t . Consequently, Western experts were able to thoroughly study and test the weapon, which had previ ously been hidden behind a veil of top secrecy. The rifle was high ly praised by the experts. The mere look of the rifle was strik ing: "The rifle is funny in appear ance, even mythical." (Armee et Defence) Not to mention its combat characteristics: "NATO standards prescribe for sniper rifles maxi mum dispersion at cross section equal to 15 inches at a distance of 600 yards at the rate of fire of 10 rounds per minute. The Soviet sniper Dragunov rifle easily over
Igor Yatsenko
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The SVD in its Motherland is the widely acknowledged as a top rate weapon. It has been in service for more than 30 years without any noticeable update.
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laps these specifications. The recoil load despite powerful rounds is moderate. The SVD rifle operates reliably in the toughest conditions." (Schweizer Waffen Magazin). The experts inevitably noted the finish of some parts of this rifle. "The inner part of the barrel and gas piston have a chrome coating. This dramatically facilitates the cleaning of the weapon after firing. One cleaning removes the hardest residuals of burnt powder." (Visier) The SVD in its Motherland is the widely acknowledged as a top rate weapon. It has been in service for more than 30 years without any noticeable update. The Mosin rifle (1891/1930) was operational with the Red Army and then with the Soviet Army (since 1931). The sniper version of the rifle differs from its infantry counter part owing to improved machin ing of the barrel bore, the optical sight, and hooked down bolt han dle. Numerous attempts were made to replace the Mosin rifle with a more updated sniper ver
sion, but all to no avail, as all new versions were inferior in terms of specifications and reliability. In April 1940, another attempt was made to develop a competi tive sniper rifle. By that time, the automatic weapon had already enjoyed indisputable popularity with the Army. So the designers were eager to arm sharpshooters with a sniper rifle. The sniper ver sion was developed on the basis of the Tokarev rifle (SVT 40). This rifle used a bracket to mount an optical sight and had smaller tol erance for a barrel bore. But as a result of the combat employment of this rifle it turned out that it suffered 1,5 times more disper sion during firing compared to the Mosin rifle. Therefore in October 1942, its production was stopped. After the Great Patriotic War, weapon designers resumed work on sniper rifle. The Simonov car bine, SKS adopted version, failed in terms of consistency of fire. So the Mosin rifle continued to be operational. It's safe to say that most sharpshooters all over the world continued to employ maga
1. Degtyarev rifle. 1930 2. Tokarev SVT 40 rifle. 1940 3. Sniper Dragunov (SVD) rifle. 1963
zine fed rifles. Foreign designers faced similar technical problems as their Russian counterparts, namely they had to ensure the high fire consistency of the auto matic weapons. The year 1958 witnessed the resumption of work to develop the sniper rifle, chambered for the 7.62x54 cartridge. Weapon designers were commissioned to develop a version of the rifle, which would be as reliable and simple as conventional rifles, and as accurate and consistent as special ones. Weapon designers S. Simonov, A. Konstantinov and E. Dragunov were involved in the development of such a rifle on competitive basis. The first version of the sniper rifle, nicknamed at that time SSV 58 offered by Dragunov for firing test, immediately. attracted attention of the experts owing to its technical characteristics in
terms of consistency of fire. These characteristics surpassed the requirements of rated specifi cation. But it remained a lot to be done: the "raw" version of the rifle suffered many malfunctions, including break up of some parts. It took four years of hard work to refine the rifle. Simonov withdrew his rifle from tests because of the poor consistency of fire in 1961. So in 1962 the rifle designs of Dragunov and Konstantinov were chosen on a competitive basis for all sided tests in the field in vari ous climates. The tests were held in Turkestan, Odessa and Moscow military districts. The prototype of the Dragunov rifle successfully passed all tests and became operational in the Army in 1963. It was the first successful attempt to develop a special, original
weapon for snipers. Earlier infantry rifles were modified for that purpose. E. Dragunov, a talented designer of sporting weapons and a sharpshooter himself, managed to combine in his SVD rifle the high accuracy of the sporting rifle and reliability of the combat rifle. He incorporated many original innovations. To ensure the failure free fir ing from this rifle in sandy condi tions, he increased clearances along slides of the receiver frame. This could have resulted in poor consistency of fire due to increased rocking of the movable parts of the rifle during fire. Dragunov eliminated this prospective drawback by driving a rivet in the ejector. This helped block the side rocking of the bolt carrier in the forward position. The automatic Dragunov sniper rifle is a gas operated 2
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Length, mm Length complete with bayonet, mm Barrel length, mm Weight unloaded, kg Weight complete with sight, kg Muzzle velocity, m/sec 1,225 1,370 620 3.67 4.3 830
weapon. The gas actuates moving parts coming through side holes in the chromed barrel. The three lug bolt locks the cartridge chamber turning counter clock wise. Dragunov had achieved a similar design in his earlier ver sions of sporting rifles. In the Kalashnikov sub machine gun (AK), the cartridge chamber is locked by a two lug bolt, turning clockwise. So in Dragunov's lay out the cartridge follower was used as an extra third lug. This helped increase the area of com bat lugs without increasing the cross cut areas of the bolt and its turn angles. Thus, three support ing surfaces secured the position of the bolt, which in turn ensured high consistency of fire. The main part of the automat ic system in the rifle is provided by the bolt carrier, actuated by the gas of the cartridge powder coming throughout the gas cylin der piston and the operating rod. These parts return in the forward position after pushing the bolt carrier to the backward position. The bolt handle is produced apiece with the bolt carrier. The return mechanism is produced
with two springs. A rather light, albeit solid receiver frame is fabricated from sheet metal stampings. The firing mechanism is hammer type. The trigger mechanism provides for single fire only. The safety is of double action type. It stops the trigger and blocks the bolt carri er by pressing the bolt handle. Firing takes place with a com pletely locked barrel. The firing mechanism is assembled in a separate casing. The flash suppressor with five longitudinal grooves is secured to the muzzle end of the barrel. Two of them are arranged at the bot tom, and three, at the top. Due to these grooves the discharged gases stabilize the rifle in opera tion. The flash suppressor makes firing invisible during night com bat operations and prevents for eign matter from entering the barrel. The bayonet knife for close quarters combat is also secured to the rifle's barrel. The butt stock has a recess to form up a hand grip. The sniper rifle is rigged with both mechanical (open) and opti cal sighting devices. The first
device consists of the foresight and rear sight. The other sighting device (4X) PSO 1 incorporates a range scale. This optical sight has a luminescent screen capable of detecting infrared emitters. It also comprises a mechanism to correct range and direction. The scale is lit up at night by a 2.5 W battery built in the rear strut of the sight bracket. The special 7.62 mm car tridge was developed for this sniper rifle. Its bullet is similar to a conventional steel core one and has better accuracy. Ten car tridges are housed in a staggered pattern in a box type detachable magazine. According to many experts, the rifle is well designed in terms of ergonomics. This rifle will please a sharpshooter in action. It is fully reliable and well balanced combat weapon. It's convenient to grip when aiming at a target. The automatic sniper Dragunov rifle has a high rate of fire. Some experts maintain that one can fire 30 accurate rounds per minute from a Dragunov rifle compared to five from a conven tional sniper magazine fed rifle. The SVD Dragunov rifle may well have been produced for a long time without any modifica tions owing to its original perfec tion. It was only in 1991 that designers from the "Izhmash" plant developed a modernized version of this rifle, namely the SVD S. This version incorporates a more updated automatic sys tem, more massive barrel and the 3
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receiver frame. A hinged thermo plastic fixed cheek buttstock can be folded to the right side. The Dragunov SVD served as the basis for the development of many versions of hunting rifles. In 1962 the self loading carbine "Medved" (Bear) was developed. The main operating part of the SVD was used to develop the aforesaid carbine. Previously the carbine fired 9x53 cartridges, was then chambered for the 7.62x51 cartridge. Earlier in the 70s, the carbine "Tigr" (Tiger) for hunting was also developed on the basis of the SVD rifle. At first it was produced by individual orders. However, since 1992 it has been mass produced. (
Sergey Yegorov
The new interceptor was a success, meeting all require ments. It also transpired that the aircraft could defeat all types of aerodynamic targets ranging from small cruise mis siles and slow flying helicopters to high altitude fast air craft, such as the US Lockheed SR 1.
owing to friction. Stainless steel constitutes 50% of its airframe, with the rest made up of titanium (16%), aluminum alloys (33%) and other construction materials (1%). The MiG 31 powerplant con 1
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n 1972 the A. Mikoyan Design Bureau started modifying the MiG 25, known for its excellent altitude speed charac teristics, which was undergoing flight test ing at that time. The development of a new machine was dictated by the need to improve the combat capabilities of air defence aircraft
and the desire to reduce the number of types of in service interceptors. The new aircraft was desig nated the MiG 31. It was designed to defeat high and low flying air targets both in the for ward and rear hemispheres, in the open space and against the earth, at any weather and round the clock. It was also meant to counteract enemy jamming. The new interceptor was a
success, meeting all require ments. It also transpired that the aircraft could defeat all types of aerodynamic targets ranging from small cruise missiles and slow flying helicopters to high altitude fast aircraft, such as the US Lockheed SR 1. In this way the MiG 31 received the name of a multi pur pose interceptor. In 1975 test pilot A. Fedotov flew the first MiG 31. Mass pro duction was launched in 1979. Unlike its predecessor, the new interceptor is manned by a two man crew: a pilot and navi gator operator in the cockpit with a tandem configuration. Structurally, the MiG 31 resembles the MiG 25. Like other high altitude high speed machines, the MiG 31 structure can withstand mechanical over load and kinetic heating arising
sists of two D 30F6 engines man ufactured at the Perm Scientific Production Association 'Aviadvigatel' led by P. Solovyev. According to experts, this engine caused a sensation when it was exhibited at the 1990 Paris Air Show. Another "surprise", unveiled by the MiG 31 at the Paris Air Show, was the Zaslon phased array fire control radar. Although the radar is over 15 years old it is still unique. The stationary anten na is 1.1 meters in diameter. Thanks to this powerful radar, the MiG 31 is the only mass pro duced interceptor with a phased array antenna, which has elec tronic scanning. The maximum detection range of a bomber target is 200 km. The tracking range of an AWACS type aircraft is 260 km and of a fighter type aircraft, 90 km for the forward hemisphere. The standard field of view of the Zaslon radar is 140. Its vertical field of view has the span of 70 The radar facilitates the detection of targets both in the upper hemi sphere and against the earth, simultaneously tracking up to 10 targets and guiding missiles to four of them. Unlike the American Grumman F 14 Tomcat fighter, which can track and guide Phoenix missiles to targets in a relatively narrow sector, the MiG 31's radar can perform such tasks in its whole field of view. An infrared search and track (IRST) system is installed in the fighter's nose on a semi recessed hinge suspension, which provides for its extension into the operating position during flight. With the help of the IRST, the aircraft is able to stealthily seek out targets, attack them and effectively operate under inten sive radar countermeasures. The pilot's cockpit is
The pilot's
equipped with a color attack and pilot display on the windshield. Manufactured at the Voskhod Design Bureau, this instrument has no mass produced foreign counterparts. The radio navigation equip ment can lead the interceptor to the designated area within an accuracy of 0.13 to 4 km practi cally at any point of the globe. The MiG 31's on board equip ment enables one to use the air craft individually or in a group of
similar airplanes. It can also be operated as aircraft leader to assist less sophisticated fighters.
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the interceptor's basic version the missiles are mounted semi recessed on four underfuselage suspension fittings. The missile can hit air targets at altitudes ranging from 25 to 50 meters over any type of surface to 26 to 28 km. The speed of the target can reach M=3.5. This missile can simultaneously hit four tar gets flying at different altitudes and ranges. The MiG 31 is also armed with two medium range R 40T (known in the West as AA 6 Acrid) or modified missiles R 46TD. These missiles, mounted on underwing pylons, are provided with an IR seeker and have a range of approximately 70 km. They can be substituted with four short range missiles, like the
5. Performing pre flight maintenance 6. Rear view 7. Attaching the missile weaponry 8. Landing
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The long operational range of the on board radar required the development of an appropriate missile. The standard missile armament of the MiG 31 com prises R 33 guided missiles (known in the West as AA 9 Amos) with a range of 120 km. In
highly maneuverable R 60, R 60M (classified in the West as AA 8 Aphid). Passive omnidirectional IR homing, together with com bined aerodynamic and jet con trol, ensure high maneuverability of the missiles. Absolutely autonomous, the missiles do not impose restrictions in terms of the initial launch conditions and can destroy aerodynamic targets at altitudes of over five meters. The missiles can be used at day and night under all weather con ditions against an earth or water surface in the presence of natur al disturbances or organized enemy jamming. The interceptor is armed with a GSh 6 23 six barrel cannon, which has a rate of fire of 6,000 rounds per minute and is mount ed under the fuselage. The pro jectiles weigh 200 g and have an initial velocity of 700 m per sec ond. The ammunition load is 260 rounds. The use of drum fed ammunition supply instead of a cartridge belt reduces consider ably loading time. When not in operation, the cannon port is closed by streamlined flaps. A group of four MiG 31s can control up to 800 to 900 km of the air space. Their secure digital communi cations system ensures safe exchange of radar information within the group at a distance of up to 200 km. The same system is used to maintain, contact with ground command posts. This enables the MiG 31 interceptor to attack in stealth a target tracked by another aircraft, which transmits from a safe distance to the attacking aircraft. The MiG 31 is a low mainte nance aircraft. Its built in self test system can rapidly assess the serviceability of the on board equipment. The reliability of the aircraft and its systems exceeds
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the standard indices and up to date world level. The MiG 31 multi purpose interceptor has been modified: the MiG 31 M has a more power ful radar. The weaponry has also been augmented, consisting of six long range missiles mounted under the fuselage in the same fashion as the missiles on the MiG 31. The R 40T medium range missiles have given way to more sophisticated R 73 (known in the West as AA 11 Archer) and R 77 missiles with an active radar homing head (similar to the American AIM 120 AMRAAM). The R 77 can defeat targets ranging from helicopters, hover ing in the air or resting on the ground, to air to surface and air to air missiles. The all weather omnidirectional missile is immune to radar countermeasures, oper ates on the fire and forget princi ple with multichannel firing. The short aerodynamic planes, cou pled with four grated control sur faces, improve guidance effec tiveness and reduce the effective area, thereby concealing use of the missile. Now a more powerful missile with an estimated range
70 24/6
of 150 km and over is being developed. In terms of function and com bat capabilities the US Navy car rier based F 14 Tomcat intercep tor may be considered as a coun terpart of the MiG 31. It is sur passed, however, by the Russian fighter in terms of maximum speed and ceiling. The latter has approximately the same cruising range and higher capabilities of weapons control systems. Until 1990, the F 14s employed the Harris communications system for the automatic exchange of information between the aircraft and the carrier command post or
the E 2C AWACS aircraft, which acted as a retransmitter between the F 14's on board radar and other interceptors in the same group. The secure digital data system, which enables four inter ceptors to automatically exchange information without "go betweens", was only intro duced on the F 14 aircraft at the end of 1991. Consequently, the MiG 31's combat capabilities, plus the unique features of its on board radar, make this multirole inter ceptor really incomparable. (
Su 25
Konstantin Trubetskoy
Three main principles formed the basis of the attack aircraft concept: high survivability in combat, good maneuverability and possible operation on unimproved airfields.
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n the mid 50's, after the famous IL 10 piston engined attack aircraft had been removed from service, the USSR Air Force was deprived of special purpose attack aviation. During a fairly long period, the job of an attack aircraft was carried out by light bombers and fighters
with stronger armor protection and more powerful weaponry. However, life generated a need to develop a new "flying tank". Three main principles formed the basis of the attack aircraft con cept: high survivability in combat, good maneuverability and possi ble operation on unimproved air fields. After winning the competi tion among army aviation machines, the Su 25 attack air
craft developed by the P.O. Sukhoi Design Bureau, headed by General Designer M.P. Simonov, entered service as a mass produced aircraft in 1978. To realize the concept of a battlefield aircraft, the pilot and critical units of the vehicle are reliably protected and duplicated. The pilot is seated in an all weld ed titanium alloy cockpit, afford ing protection against hits from the main directions. The armor box and weld joints withstand at least 50 hits without any cracks or spalls. The armor box walls are 10 to 24 mm thick, while the transparent front armor block is 57 mm thick. The cockpit's front glazing withstands direct fire hits from the large calibre machine gun. About 40 experimental and research operations were carried out and approximately 600 sam ples and mockups were tested during the development of the Su 25. Over 2,000 shots were fired at the machine from large calibre machine guns and can nons with a calibre of up to 40 mm. The effect inflicted by high
velocity missile fragments was also tested. As a result, the armor protection and aircraft's layout were improved considerably. The total weight of armor used to pro tect the pilot amounts to approxi mately 500 kg, while means sup porting the aircraft's survivability weigh about 1,500 kg. The aircraft control linkages are duplicated and spaced apart, running along the fuselage. Large diameter linkages remain intact, even when hit by 12.7 mm bul lets. The hydraulic and power sup ply systems are also duplicated. Fuel tank walls are coated on the outside with quick swelling pro tector plates, which skin over bul let holes and practically stop fuel leakage. Compartments adjacent to the fuel tanks are filled with elastic porous materials. To pre vent any hit on the engines by a single missile, the former are spaced apart. For the same pur pose, containers with 120 decoy thermal targets are mounted in the tail end of the airframe. The wheels of the three leg landing gear are fitted with wide pneumatic tires, which enable the aircraft to operate on unimproved airfields. There were cases when the Su 25 was able to take off from the sodden landing strips, whereas the fuel servicer couldn't
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approach it. This may be the rea son why the West nicknamed it Frogfoot. To ensure its self contained operation from the staging air fields at a small distance from the front line, the aircraft can carry
all necessary ser vice means. Four special outboard containers were developed to do this. The machine
1. Large calibre gun 2. External fuel tank 3. AS 7 Kerry A/G guided missile 4. AT guided missile 5. Rocket pod 6. Cluster bomb 7. Self defence AAM (AA 8)
bombs and containers for small cargo, including an airborne mine laying system. The onboard laser illumination and range finder sys tem Klen PS enables the fighter to carry type X 25ML air to sur face guided missiles (known in the West as AS 10) or more sophisticated X 29L missiles. Various purpose unguided rock ets S 8, S 13, S 24 and S 25 with calibres from 80 to 340 mm are commonly used. The small arms weaponry of the Su 25 consists of a 30 mm twin cannon with an ammunition load of 250 cartridges. If neces sary, it can be augmented by external containers with 33 mm flexible cannons, each with a load of 260 cartridges. The bomb load weighs 4,000 kg. According to military experts, the Su 25 is a low maintenance, simple machine. If the need aris es, diesel fuel can be used instead of aviation kerosene. The Su 25 was used as a basic vehicle to design a target towing aircraft, trainer and carrier trainer. The last modification is designated Su 25TK. This machine, equipped with a more power armament and sophisticat ed electronic equipment, can defeat small size moving targets. In the Russian Air Force it is called "tank killer". Chief Designer at the bureau, V.P. Bobak, told that the Su 25TK's design was based on experience of the combat employment of basic aircraft in Afghanistan. For example, the strength of the fuselage's central section is increased, the engine's infrared signature is considerably reduced, the cockpit is better protected. The R 195 engines produced by the aforementioned manufacturer enjoy a high power rating.
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has high maneuvering and speed characteristics. The maximum g load is 6.5 g, and the maximum flight speed, 950 to 1,000 km/h. The production type aircraft are equipped with R95Sh engines produced by the Ufa motor build ing association. These are the most reliable aviation engines in the world, with mean time to fail ure equal to 1,400 hours. To accomplish ground sup port missions the Su 25 is config urated with a variety of powerful ordnance, suspended on ten attachment fittings. The two extreme fittings are used, as a rule, to carry type R 60 air to air missiles specially intended for dogfights. Other pylons can accommodate 100 500 kg aerial bombs, expandable cassette
Thanks to the aircraft's auto mated control system, it can hit a target in any weather, day and night, boasting a high degree of accuracy. New attack aircraft are equipped with an I 251 aiming complex manufactured by the Krasnogorsk Zenith factory. It can identify and track automatically small size and moving targets. It also furnishes target data, directs guided missiles and controls the fire of unguided rockets and can nons. The aiming complex compris es a day time opto electronic aiming system Shkval with TV and laser channels, which provides a hitting accuracy of 1 2 m. It also ensures automatic target track ing, target designation for guided missiles, control of antitank mis siles, etc. For night operations, the aiming complex is supple mented by a Mercury night opto television system, arranged in an outboard container. The daytime TV system detects and locks onto targets at a range of 10 to 15 km while the night system does the same job at a smaller range. TV information is displayed on the monochrome TV indicator. In the Su 25TK, all navigation and target attack operations are automated to a maximum. The pilot can intervene in control, only to confirm that the selected target should be attacked and ini tiate a command, if necessary, to attack the target for the second time, or immediately before land ing. The rest, right from the arrival in the designated area and target search to the application of weapons and return to the base, is carried out by the onboard automatic control equipment. According to the designers, the Su 25TK equipped with such aiming complex is 5 6 years ahead of its foreign counterparts. The defensive means of the Su
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25TK aircraft comprise an elec tronic complex for the reconnais sance, identification, suppression and destruction of radars. To jam the infrared and radar guided missiles, the tail portion of the fuselage accommodates contain ers with 192 decoy infrared tar gets and chaff. It is supplement ed by an infrared generator, located in the same place, as well as airborne decoy targets fired away from the B 13 cluster units. In addition to the items perti nent to the basic Su 25 aircraft, the new range of armament includes other weapons, includ ing X 58 antiradar guided mis siles. Sixteen missiles of the Vikhr antitank system, similar to those installed on the Ka 50 attack heli copter, are also unique and con stitute part of any armament load of the Su 25TK. These superson ic missiles, developed by the Shipunov firm, can penetrate the front armour of all modern tanks. Owing to their high velocity, sev eral targets may be killed during a single approach. To destroy air borne targets, this missile also has a fragmentation warhead. The attack aircraft is also armed with a precise rocket, developed specially for this type of aircraft on the basis of S 25 unguided large calibre ammuni tion. The S 25L model has a laser guidance system. The more destructive X 29 missiles, equipped with laser and TV guid ance systems can also be used. The bomb load of the new attack aircraft is augmented by homing aviation bombs with a calibre of up to 500 kg. The built in armament con sists of a twin 30 mm cannon with an ammunition supply of 200 pro jectiles. The cannon armament
can be supplemented by two out board 30 mm cannon pods with a total ammunition supply of 300 projectiles. To date the new Su 25TK attack aircraft developed by the P.O. Sukhoi design bureau is considered the best attack air plane in the world. Orders have been placed by a number of countries. (
Take off weight, kg: maximum normal Payload, kg Combat radius with payload, km: at low altitude at high altitude Maximum speed at low altitude, km/h Maximum g loading Dynamic ceiling, m Take off/landing run, m Engines: two turbojet engines with total thrust, kg Armament Air to ground laser beam guided missiles Air to ground unguided rockets mounted on eight racks Built in 30 mm cannon with 250 projectiles Suspension flexible 23 mm gun mount Air to air homing missiles 17,600 14,600 4,400 750 1,250 975 6.5 7,000 600 9,000
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Maximum take off weight, kg Amount of fuel in internal tanks, kg Maximum payload, kg Number of armament suspension points Maximum speed, km/h Maximum altitude, m Maximum g loading Combat radius with 2 ton payload, km at sea level at optimum altitude Ferry range with external fuel tanks, km Take off run on unimproved landing strip, m
19,500 3,840 4,360 10 950 10,000 6.5 400 700 2,500 600 700
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Yuri Mukhin
The newest model of the long range bomber eliminates certain weaknesses in its immediate predecessor the TU 22M2. The TU 22M3 aircraft can operate over longer distances, carrying a specified ordnance payload, at high altitudes and supersonic speeds as well as at low altitudes and high subsonic speeds.
n 1981 a new model of the TU 22M3 bomber (known in the West as Backfire C) became operational with the USSR long range bomber and naval mis sile carrying air force. Previous modifications the prototype TU 22M, the pre batch production TU 22M1 and the TU 22M2 adopted by the Air Force in 1975 marked the first long range variable geometry wing bombers. All M indexed aircraft consider
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ably differed in design and con tent from the base model TU 22. The newest model of the long range bomber eliminates certain weaknesses in its immedi ate predecessor the TU 22M2. The TU 22M3 aircraft can operate over longer distances, carrying a specified ordnance payload, at high altitudes and supersonic speeds as well as at low altitudes and high subsonic speeds. Improved operational properties achieved thanks to a radical restructuring of the aircraft enable the bomber to increase combat radius and stealthily
approach targets on the terminal leg of the route. The aircraft can operate 24 hours a day under favorable and adverse weather conditions, under strong enemy fire and electronic countermea sures. Naturally, this aircraft catego ry was fitted with all the equip ment needed to carry nuclear payloads. For that reason the TU 22M3 is on the list of weapons, controlled in terms of production and deployment by the SALT 2 Treaty. The aircraft has a crew of four, whose ejection seats ensure
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vertical (unlike the TU 22) ejec tion in case of emergency. The automated ejection system stipu lates sequenced and forced bail out. The crew includes two pilots, a navigator and tail gun operator, who also acts as radio operator. The bomber's wing leading edge sweep can vary within a 20 to 65 range. The 20 sweep is usually used for take off and landing, the 38 sweep for long range flights, while the 65 sweep is characteristic of high altitude and supersonic speed or low alti tude and high subsonic speed flights. Effective wing mechanics
ensure excellent take off and landings. The stationary section of the wing close to the pivot is fitted with wing fences to prevent air flow along the wing surfaces. The wing section is thin, thereby reducing the drag and allowing attainment of supersonic speeds. The tail unit is also notable: it boasts a dorsal fin, which increases the vertical tail area and enhances the aircraft's aero dynamic characteristics. The all moving stabilizer provides the pitch control and duplicates the functions of the roll control in case of its failure. The ogee sta bilizer ensures smooth flow around at full deflection. The long range bomber's power plant consists of two NK 25 engines: each has a nominal thrust of 14,500 kgf and an after burner thrust of 25,000 kgf. Generally speaking, the power plant has high operational and economical characteristics. The bomber has nine groups of fuel tanks with a total capacity of 50,000 kg, which take a mere 30 minutes to fill. The main landing gear with its six wheel units enables the air craft to operate from the lowest grade airfield runways. The bomber take off run is 1,920 m,
although it can be shortened by additional powder boosters. The landing run depends on the land ing weight and speed as well as the efficiency of the brakes and varies from 1,250 to 1,450 m. The aircraft disposes of impressive fire power, based on missiles and bombs. The X 22 long range guided missile (the adopted Western designation is AS 4 Kitchen) fitted with a liquid propellant engine is mounted under the fuselage in the semi recessed position. Two more mis siles are carried on the underwing stations. Depending on the type and character of the target, the missile may be equipped with one of three guidance systems. The X 22 missile is used to destroy stationary area and multiple water borne targets and pene trate the enemy's air defence. This missile has been used by the army for a long time. Experts believe that its warhead power fully compensates for its fairly low striking accuracy. The revolver type launcher positioned inside the fuselage in the central weapon bay can carry six X 15 short range guided mis siles (known in the West as AS 16 Kickback) or their air to ground modifications. Developed by the
Raduga Design Bureau, this hypersonic aeroballistic missile has a takeoff weight of 1,200 kg. In external appearance the mis sile resembles the American AGM 69 SRAM, mounted on B 52, B 1B and B 2 bombers. The X 15 has a launching range of 60 to 150 km. After launch the mis sile flies at a cruising supersonic speed, using aerodynamic lift. At the terminal phase of flight it fol lows ballistic trajectory at a speed equal to M=5. This promising weapon is equipped with an inter esting guidance system. The X 15 missile uses an inertial guid ance system at the cruising leg of the trajectory and a terminal homing system incorporating an active radar operating at millime ter wavelengths. The 24,000 kg total bomb load is suspended in the bomb bay and under the wings and fuselage. The aircraft can carry up to 69 bombs, each weighing 250 kg, and up to eight 1,500 kg bombs at virtually the speed of sound. It also offers other pay load variants. Low altitude bomb ing accomplished at high flight speeds looks really impressive. For this purpose the bombers use low altitude 500 kg bombs fitted with a delay action fuze and parachute braking gear. This type of bombing is widely employed to hit extensive targets such as run ways or columns of combat vehi cles on march. The aircraft also comprises a defensive modified GSh 23 can non manufactured at the V.A. Degtyarev state enterprise. The cannon is mounted in the tail end of the fuselage to protect the bomber from behind. The two barrels fire alternately at a rate of 4,000 rounds per minute. The cannon's fire unit consists of high explosive, armor piercing and armor piercing incendiary
Maximum take off weight, kg Maximum take off weight with boosters on, kg Maximum speed, km/h Cruising speed, km/h Ferry range, km Radius of action (high altitude flight, partially at supersonic speed), km Service ceiling (at M=1,3), m Maximum g loading 124,000 126,400 2,300 900 7,000 2,200 14,000 2.5
2. Landing
projectiles. The continuous belt type ammunition supply makes it possible to load all types of pro jectiles interchangeably. The can non operator is seated in the common flight compartment, controlling the cannon remotely. The aft cannon aiming system comprises TV and radar channels. The low level of defensive armament by modern warfare standards is conditioned by a
number of reasons. On the one hand, the combat employment of this aircraft category stipulates prior use of penetration airplanes to neutralize the enemy's air defence. On the other hand, long range bomber formations must be covered in the air by Su 27 type fighters capable of pro viding a long range escort. The airborne fire control sys tem includes a long range radar,
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ed point and, upon accomplish ment of the mission, return it to one of the airfields assigned for landing. The electronic countermeasure systems include active jamming means, a passive electronic recon naissance system, as well as an infrared search and attack warning unit. The TU 22M3 bomber is mass produced by the Kazan aircraft manufacturer, in accordance with the protocol on the SALT 2 Treaty signed by the USSR and the US, its production is restricted to 30
which operates in both navigation and aiming modes, and a precision inertial navigation system adopted by the long range navigation. The automatic flight control system keeps the aircraft on its chosen course and makes it follow the ter rain at a set altitude. Bombing is facilitated by state of the art opti cal sight. All on board weaponry is controlled by a digital computer system. When the target coordinates are known in advance, the air craft's avionics can automatically bring the bomber to the designat
bombers per year. Unlike the American B 1B bomber produced by the Rockwell company, the TU 22M3 has no automatic terrain following system, which limits its capabilities at mini mum altitudes. The combat aircraft classification system, adopted in the Russian Air Force, places the TU 22M3 and B 1B in different categories. Consequently, one should not compare them. A recent model of the Tupolev design bureau the TU 160 Blackjack A is a worthy counterpart of the American strategic bomber. (
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1 10,16 antennas of various radioelectronic means; 11 rocket launchers; 12 30 mm automatic gun AK 630M; 13 130 mm twin automatic gun AK 130; 14 helicopter's landing site; 15,19
Igor Dubrovin
The name "carrier killer" was coined by foreign observers for the cruiser "Slava", a new type of ship. And this is no mere chance. The missile cruiser aims to destroy the enemy's large surface ships, including aircraft carriers.
launchers of S 300F and OSA M AD missile systems; 17 torpedo door; 18 decoy launchers; 20 twin launchers of primary anti ship defence system
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intended to fight the submarines of a potential enemy. However, it also planned to build a larger ship. This led to the commissioning in 1962 of the missile cruiser, "Grozny", deriving its name from the leg endary destroyer of the North Fleet. Then nine more warships of the same class were planned, with the main weapons comprising fore and aft four container launchers for anti ship missiles P 35. These missiles were intended to engage targets at a maximum distance of 300 km. In addition, each cruiser of this class would carry two 76 mm turret gun mountings, a medi um range anti aircraft missile sys tem "Volna", anti aircraft machine guns and two triple torpedo tubes to fire anti submarine torpedoes. However, after the addition of the fourth ship, "Variag", to the Pacific Fleet, and owing to the Soviet leadership's changing attitudes on the role played by the country's Navy, the construction of this series of missile carriers was halt ed. After 1964, a long lull was wit nessed in the missile cruiser build ing programme, apart from the so called anti submarine ships class "Admiral Zozulya" armed with ship to ship winged missile systems, although the ship builders carried on various projects for large sur face missile carriers. Then V.
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anks of seamen standing stock still at the sound of the national anthem, watching the man of war ensign rise slowly up the flag pole, as if announcing to the world the birth of another fighting ship... This picture springs to mind, when we recall how the first pur pose built new style missile carry ing cruiser joined with the Soviet Navy twelve years ago. Since then the cruiser has been one of the most up to date warships of the Russian Navy. The name "carrier killer" was coined by foreign observers for the cruiser "Slava", a new type of ship. And this is no mere chance. The missile cruiser aims to destroy the enemy's large surface ships, including aircraft carriers. The ship was conceived in the days when the creation of the country's oceanic shield was on the agenda. The USA started con verting their artillery cruisers into missile carrying ships as far back as 1959, and commissioned the first nuclear powered ship, "Long Beach", in 1961. The Soviet Union initially built anti submarine ships
Mutikhin was appointed Chief Designer of the "Slava" class cruis er. A draft design of the ship saw the light of day in 1973, followed by a detailed design in 1974. The first ship entered the Black Sea Fleet in 1982, the second ship, "Marshal Ustinov" (the North Fleet) was completed in 1986, and the third one, "Chervona Ukraina" (the Pacific Fleet), in 1989. According to foreign sources, the cruiser "Slava" is one of the best ships of its class, possessing equivalent power. It should be noted here that only the Russian and American Navies possess such missile carrier fleets (the reference is to the "Tikonderoga" class series of 27 missile cruisers, started in 1980). The "Slava" class cruisers have a displacement, twice that of
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the "Grozny" type. With the length of 186 m and beam of 20 m, their standard displacement is over 9,000 tons, and the full one, over 11,000 tons. With the full displace ment, their mean draught is 6.27 m. It is manned by a crew of 500, including 60 officers. engines for economy speed and four main engines used in combat. Total power reaches 115,000 hp, thereby enabling the cruiser to develop a full speed of about 32 knots (58 km/h). The economy speed is 18 knots with a cruising range, at this speed, of about mid ocean for a long time. The main weapon of the "Slava" is the anti ship cruise mis siles. The missiles are accommo dated in 16 single launchers mounted on the foredeck, eight on each side. After launch, short range guidance is pre pro
2. A launcher for the AD guided missiles 3. The S 300F AD missile sys tem
The main propulsion system of the "Slava" is a gas turbine, two shaft plant. It comprises two cruise
6,000 miles (11,000 km). The sea endurance of the "Slava" class cruisers allows them to operate in
grammed for such a missile before the active terminal homing. Targets may be sought out and designated from another ship, from aircraft and space. To protect the naval forces against modern and promising air craft, cruise missiles and other air attack means, including those capable of maneuvering and flying at minimum altitudes over the water surface, the "Slava" class cruisers use anti aircraft collec tive defence missile systems "S 300F". The "S 300F" system can 3
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weighing 130 kg, which may be used against both air and surface targets. In tracking mode, the mis sile is guided to the target by its transceiving hardware. This guid ance method assures reliable tar get lock on against deception jam ming. The missile is set off by a proximity fuze. The system also includes an under deck drum type launcher. The missiles stored in shipping/launching containers are set vertical in the drum's guides. Each missile is launched vertically from the container sited under the launching hatch. The sustainer motor is started right after lift off, thereby guarding the magazine against fire and explosion haz ards. After the missile has cleared the launcher, the drum revolves, bringing a reload missile on the launching line. The vertical launch of missiles eliminates the need to lay the launcher in the desired direction. The direction and inclination angle of the missile after lift off are determined by a program, entered in the missile during the pre launch preparation phase. The launcher includes a load ing device, which delivers the ship ping/launching containers with missiles in them from the ship's deck to the magazine and places them on the drum's guides. Consequently, the operation of loading a missile into the magazine is almost completely mechanized, thereby materially reducing the time needed to load the missiles on board the ship. The missiles are delivered and stored in the launch ers inside the shipping/launching containers and do not require reg ular check outs and alignments for 10 years of service. The anti aircraft collective defence missile system receives the target designation from the
simultaneously track up to six tar gets and guide up to 12 missiles to them. According to specialists, the presence in the formation of a cruiser carrying such a system allows delivery of interdictory fire at the enemy without entering the zone covered by his aircraft. A great effective range of missiles, combined with a fast response of the control system and high rate of fire of the launchers are responsi ble for the high effectiveness of the system in repelling massive air attacks. A multi functional phased antenna array, constituting part of the system, is mounted on a rotary pedestal. It is therefore possible to engage targets in virtually all direc tions. The rigidity of the antenna post structure and electronic antenna beam stabilization capa bility allow the system to fire mis siles from a rolling ship, without affecting the guidance accuracy. The control system of the "S 300F" uses multiprocessor com puters with diagnostics devices, built in functional test equipment to monitor the components of the system, and a simulator to train the operator. The system sets the modes and controls the function ing of the components, processes and displays the information, inter changing it with the peripherals. The entire equipment displayed its reliability during the ship's long endurance cruise. A multi func tional radar, included in the control system, assures high target track ing and missile guidance accuracy in the active and passive jamming environment. The system's fast response is achieved through a high degree of automatization of the system. The "S 300F" uses a single stage solid propellant missile: its maximum effective range for air targets reaches 90 km. The missile is fitted with a powerful warhead
4. The 130 mm twin automatic gun AK 130 5. The 30 mm gun mounting AK 630M
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ship borne facilities via an inter face used as part of the control system. In independent target search mode, the system scans space and seeks out targets within the prescribed sector. The inter face also couples the system with the ship borne roll, pitch, yaw and speed sensors. The maximum slant range for targets detected at 2 km up to the aircraft's service ceiling is 90 km; for altitudes equal or below 25 km, it is 25 km. The missiles can hit tar gets flying at a maximum speed not below 4,200 km/h. The rate of fire of the "S 300F" system (i. e., the minimum interval between launches) is 3 s. To detect, identify, track and engage anti ship cruise missiles, as well as low flying air and surface targets in the nearby zone, the "Slava" class cruiser uses a ship borne anti aircraft missile system, type "OSA M". It should be noted here that this system has gained good reputation over many years of service and is now installed on practically all types of Russian sur face warships. The stern of the missile cruiser comprises two twin under deck elevating launchers, type ZIF 122, to fire anti aircraft remotely controlled missiles, type 9M33M5 (R3 13, (9M33M). The anti aircraft missile system engages targets flying at various altitudes, with an effective area not in excess of 0.1 rn2 at a distance of 1.2 to 10 km. The missile sys tem includes a launcher and cen tral and antenna posts. Its control system consists of acquisition, tracking and sighting radars, a command transmitting station, a control desk for three operators, and drive interface and control devices. The missiles are guided to the target by radio commands. The warhead is set off either by a prox imity fuze (the main mode) or radio commands, if the target is detect ed at an extremely low altitude. The radars of the missile system operate in the SHF band and incor porate noise protection circuits. The ship's first line of defence against anti ship missiles is provid ed by six 30 mm gun mountings 5
6. A launcher for the anti ship cruise missiles 7. Missile system command station
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rounds: HE/fragmentation with an impact fuze, HE/fragmentation with a radio fuze and HE/fragmen tation with a remote controlled fuze. The muzzle velocity of the shell is 850 m/s. The mass of one round is 53 kg, that of the shell, 32 kg. The complement is 180 rounds. The fire arc of the gun mountings is fairly wide. The train ing angle is +200 deg., while the elevating angle ranges from minus 10 to 80 deg., and the training rate is 25 deg/s. The "MR 184" fire director, which forms part of the artillery complex, ensures accurate measurement of the motion para meters of air, sea and on shore targets, fire adjustment against a sea target by reference to the splashes, the automatic tracking of the artillery shell and the determi nation of metrological corrections from the results of own shell track ing. The fire director is fitted with moving target indication and noise protection apparatus. The rate of fire of the universal artillery system may reach 86 rounds per minute: this feature makes it a formidable weapon against air and large sea targets. To safeguard the cruiser against enemy weapons, the ship is provided with window dispensers PK 10 (six dispensers per side) and PK 2 (two dispensers per side). The radar and optronic shells of these dispensers are capable of setting decoy targets and passive jamming screens, enabling the ship to hide from hostile detection. In terms of anti submarine warfare, the cruiser "Slava" car ries, under the aft superstructure, two quintuple torpedo tubes for anti submarine torpedoes, and rocket launchers on top of the superstructure. The "Slava" class cruisers are some of the most up to date naval warships. They are impressive, both in terms of the size and power of their weapons and the beauty of its streamlined architectural forms. (
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AK 630M, with a high rate of fire of up to 5,000 rounds per minute. Given this rate of fire, together with an insignificant shell dispersion (80% of the shells have a scatter of up to +5.5 mrad), the AK 630M may engage targets with a high degree of probability. As the elevation angle varies from minus 25 to +90 deg., and the training angle is +180 deg., the self defence capability of the cruiser against approaching cruise missiles covers all the arcs. The complement of one mounting is 2,000 HE/fragmentation and HE/tracer rounds. To provide self defence against low flying anti ship mis siles, a universal ship borne artillery system, "AK 130", is sited on the foredeck of the cruiser. Its twin 130 mm mounting can also be used to engage sea and on shore targets, and support landing operations by fire. Its horizontal effective range is over 20 km. The gun uses several types of fixed
Y. Mineev, Designer of "Piranha"
Nikolai Belashov
he title does not mean, of course, that this warm water predator has taken over the cold waters of the Baltic Sea. This exotic name has been given to a small diesel powered Project 865 subma rine designed by spe cialists from the St. Petersburg Marine Engineering Bureau "Malachite" under the supervision of Y.K. Mineev. It shares a common feature with its aggressive name sake: both of them have very sharp "teeth". This small "predator" has far more weaponry per ton of weight than anyone else in the world. It car ries on board mines, torpedoes and, most effective of all, diver saboteurs equipped with everything they need to carry out a wide range of tasks. Incidentally, some specialists hold that in a war one well trained and equipped saboteur is capable of accomplishing more than a whole division. The "Piranha" has a corrosion resistant, non magnetic body.
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Thanks to unique production tech nologies, the "Piranha" is extremely toughly built and almost completely silent. Its non magnetic body rules out any potential damage by mines. Excellent conditions are provided for the submariners' work. Two out board hermetic containers comprise a broad assortment of special equip ment for their work, including indi vidual devices for movement about underwater. Divers remain in con tact with the submarine, which can keep them supplied with oxygen for breathing, warmth and electricity and also ensure the functioning of hydroinstruments. Thanks to its excellent naviga tional qualities, high maneuverability and extremely simple running, the "Piranha" is indispensable for carry ing out special tasks and combating enemy warships in off shore regions. It is capable of moving eas ily all over the Black, Baltic and Red seas, for example. The existence of efficient modern means of naviga tion, communications, hydro acoustics and radar and the high degree of automation of the controls (the submarine is operated by one person only) mean that the "Piranha" has the same potential as
far bigger ships. It can "see", "hear" and "get its bearings" just as well as they can. Due to its small displace ment, it can penetrate areas where other ships would not even attempt to go. Despite its small dimensions, the inside of the submarine provides excellent living conditions for the crew and frogmen thanks to the non traditional design, the high den sity of accommodation, miniaturiza tion of internal equipment, and the location of weaponry and transport containers outboard. For example, instead of three ballast tanks it has only one, which works in turn in dif ferent modes. The "Piranha" has high sea endurance. The charging of lead acid storage batteries (1,200 kW/h) and the replenishment of com pressed air supplies can be effected at sea by the submarine in only eight hours. It only needs to call in at a depot to replenish the ten day sup plies of fuel and lubricants, food, fresh water, means of regenerating the air and also drain the tanks of dirty oil, faecal and waste water. The submarine may be sta tioned at any point of anchorage with an equipped pier. To save on
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Incidentally, some specialists hold that in a war one well trained and equipped saboteur is capable of accomplishing more than a whole division.
the service life of its equipment, the submarine should be supplied from the shore with the following: direct current voltage of 190 320 V, 10 25 kW; alternating current voltage of 220 V, 4 kW, 400 Hz; compressed air under a pressure of 200 MPa; and cooled or warmed clean ventila tion air. In general, the "Piranha" is not expensive to run. As well as ships which have passed a whole series of trials and become operational, Russia today also has an excellent training research complex to train crews for the "Piranha". It is equipped with the most up to date electronic equip ment, making it possible to train specialists in conditions as close to real combat as possible. However, the submarine enjoys one major advantage over foreign models: it can now be mass pro duced at Russian shipyards. In other countries submarines with such characteristics are still only on the drawing board and may not be man ufactured until the 21st century. This applies to the small submarines S300CC and TR 300, designed by Italian and German companies respectively. The "Piranha 2" is already being designed at "Malachite".
The "Piranha" has already been displayed in model form and designs in the Persian Gulf at the IDEX 93 exhibition in Abu Dhabi and in Turkey at the IDEF 93 exhibition in Ankara. It caused a real sensation among specialists. Take this fact, for example. In Abu Dhabi apart from Russia only Italians and Germans exhibited small submarines (pro jects). In Ankara they did not bring them. Had the clear advantages of the existing Russian model con vinced them that there was no need to demonstrate the designs for the S300CC and the TR 300? A unique aim requires for its realization unique minds capable of creating unique technologies. "Malachite" has such minds at its disposal. It is no accident that this
bureau produced the design for the country's first nuclear submarine and many other unique projects. Working on the "Piranha", Mineev's team was able to solve many prob lems, which are holding up such projects abroad. Yuri Mineev is emphatic about this point. He believes, and it is hard not to agree, that the creation of this submarine only became possible thanks to a radical break with the old stereotype design of such boats, a fundamental revision of the theory of their tactical use and the elaboration of entirely new, original methods and require ments. The Russian government has now decided to sell the "Piranha" to foreign buyers. "Malachite" is offer ing various types of cooperation in 2
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A chart showing the internal layout of the Triton
this connection: the sale of ready made boats with optional additions (for example, shore equipment and instruments may be included if required); hiring (joint use); design and building; joint building; sale of building license; and training of crews. As well as the "Piranha", its younger sister, the super mini "Triton" submarine, has taken part in international exhibitions. It was also the brain child of "Malachite" and is an autonomous device for military divers, designed for the clandestine delivery and laying of mines, the delivery, landing and return of diver reconnaissance personnel and their cargoes, underwater patrols, the search for and destruction of under water diver saboteurs and the examination of underwater objects and ships' hulls. The boat is equipped with all the requisite tech nical devices, which ensure the implementation of these tasks and conform to the highest nautical safe
ty standards. The "Triton" is easily navigated and highly maneuverable. It has a corrosion resistant hull and is equipped with up to date means of navigation, communication, auto matic control and a stationary respi ratory system. The sea endurance of the boat is six hours, and the maxi mum underwater speed, six knots. The boat can be carried to its base or place of use by any form of freight transport. The "Triton" package also contains a special automobile trailer. One merely needs any crane with a two ton capacity to launch it into water. This mini submarine is also offered for sale to foreign buyers. According to the encyclopedia, a piranha fish loses its aggressive qualities when kept in a small aquar ium. Drawing a parallel with its exot ic Russian namesake, we can say that under the conversion of military production the "Malachite" special ists have also managed to "tame" their "Piranha", by finding some exclusively peaceful applications.
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For example, one version, called the "Nelma", is an excursion submarine capable of making one day under water trips to a depth of 100 meters in off shore waters of seas and oceans. Its attractive salon complete with air conditioning can take 40 passengers in comfortable seats by port holes, offering a view of the fascinating underwater world. There is also a steward and excursion guide, as well as a buffet and toilet facilities. The strong hull, the duplicated systems guarantying movement, submergence surfacing and opera
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Standard displacement, m3 Maximum submersion depth, m Length, m Underwater speed, knots: maximum cruising in search mode Sea endurance, days: full without surfacing Cruising range, miles Crew, men
tion, the perfect equipment for navi gation and communications, and also the set of efficient emergency and life saving devices, ensure that the "Nelma" conforms to the safety standards required by the Maritime Registers. Another version compris es two berth cabins, which makes it possible to extend the duration of the excursion to six or seven days with a maximum of twelve passen gers. Another project at the "Piranha" base has been called the "Researcher", as this submarine is intended for ecological, oceano graphic and geological research on the shelf, study of potential new cable and pipe line routes on the sea bed, the collection of rock samples, drilling, search for submerged objects, and filming at a depth of up to 150 meters. In addition, the "Researcher" can assist the work of divers at depths of up to 60 meters. Retaining all the finest qualities
of their military double, the peaceful "Nelma" and "Researcher" have acquired, thanks to the efforts of Y. Mineev's designers, a number of new features, enabling them to be used most effectively to tackle vari ous commercial undertakings. At the same time their cost and production period are minimal, because they have been designed with the exist ing basic military submarine and available technological and produc
tion capacities. The peaceful version of the "Triton" needs no alterations. In each particular case it is assem bled according to the nature and specific features of the tasks which it has to perform. It can be used to inspect and repair underwater pipelines and structures, study the sea bed, gather pearls and carry out rescue operations. (
and test launch of the START 1 transportable launch vehicle was a complete success. The launch itself was preceded by a long chain of events, dating back to the mid 60s, when staff from the Moscow Thermal Engineering Institute (MIT) began developing the RSD 10 strategic bal listic missile (known in the West as the SS 20 missile) and the associat ed ground mobile system. Research and development activities were led by Chief Designer Alexander Nadiradze, MIT's Director and out standing scientist and research orga nizer, the future Academician, Lenin and State prize winner, who was twice awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor. In the early 70s, after successful tests, the first missile systems entitled Pioneer were deployed. At that time the strategic mobile ground missile system was unique. The strategic missile launcher mobil ity concept was first implemented here to ensure a high degree of sur vivability of the missile group. It has been modified considerably. When the two stage SS 20 mis sile was removed and destroyed under the Intermediate Range and Shorter Range Missile Treaty, it could deliver three nuclear warhead units over a range of 5,500 km. The warhead units were designed to independently strike pre selected targets. The ground control system performed short duration pre launch and launch procedures, supplement ed by efficient missile/warhead con trol, ensuring high accuracy. The reliability of the missile and ground complex components was demonstrated by an unprecedented run of more than two hundred acci dent free launches. All the 72 SS 20 missiles subject to destruction by launch under the Intermediate Range and Shorter Range Missiles Treaty were launched successfully! Using the experience gained during the development, test fire and 1
Alexei Nedelin
1. The Topol mobile ground missile system (launch er) at a field launch site
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The reliability of the missile and ground complex components was demonstrated by an unprecedented run of more than two hundred acci dent free launches. All the 72 SS 20 missiles subject to destruction by launch under the Intermediate Range and Shorter Range Missiles Treaty were launched successfully!
Yuri S. Solomonov Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Director of COMPLEX Research and Technical Center arch 25, 1993... The quiet snow capped forest near Plesetsk is disturbed by the roar of a missile launch... This happens regu larly in such places. The Plesetsk space launch site is the world's busiest space port, accounting for 87% launches in the USSR. However, the engine opera tion at this particular launch seemed unusual for a launch vehicle and resembled that of a ballistic missile launch. One bang of the solid pro pellant gas generator and the missile emerges from the launching trans porting container, hovers for a frac tion of a second, the solid propellant sustainer engine starts up and the missile disappears into the clouds in the twinkling of an eye. It takes the ground launch control system only a few minutes to process the telemetry and trajectory measurement data, and then a report is issued: launch vehicle and payload systems are nor mal and the satellite goes into sched uled curcumterrestrial orbit. Later on the satellite communication sessions confirm that the first demonstration
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operation of the missile systems, the MIT designers took on the more complicated task of developing a mobile land based ICBM and suc ceeded. In the late 80s, the Armed Forces commissioned the RS 12M (SS 25) missile system known as Topol (Poplar). The RS 12M was more refined than the RSD 10 (SS 20) and marked another achieve ment of the Thermal Engineering Institute and its sub contractors. Compared to the RSD 10, the more powerful three stage solid pro pellant RS 12M (SS 25) missile was able to deliver a single nuclear war head over a range of up to 10,500 km. The advanced design and con figuration concepts improved the system's operational readiness and reliability. The missile system became more mobile and the struc ture of its firing units more compact.
It could be launched at any point on the route. At present the Topol mobile ground missile system consti tutes the basic grouping of the Strategic Rocket Forces. New times came, the "Cold War" came to an end. International obliga tions assumed by the USSR, and subsequently by Russia, limited the development and deployment of new missile systems. The Defence Ministry's R&D funds were reduced. Major teams of experts, with unique experience in the creation of the most sophisticated weapons, ended up standing idle. In these circum stances, the problem of conversion of the MIT's scientific and technolog ical potential became crucial. How should the vast experience and com prehensive knowledge of designers of formidable missile weaponry be exploited for peaceful projects?
Could missile technology be convert ed? These were the burning issues which the MIT's staff had to resolve. The successful launch of the START 1 launch vehicle on March 25, 1993 in Plesetsk proved a truly convincing answer. Space research was selected as a domain liable to missile technology conversion. The MIT scientific research center COMPLEX began designing a series of START launch
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4. A transporting launching container (tail section) mounted on the launching stand 5. An experimental spacecraft linked up with the launch vehicle
START missile systems stand out, as the launch is made from a trans portable ground launching complex, which does not require a stationary launch site or additional capital con struction. Consequently, the cus tomer can launch his satellite from his own territory, whether a station ary site is available or not.
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vehicles, using accumulated scientif ic and industrial potential. According to space services market research, carried out in the early 90s, the suc cess gained in satellite equipment miniaturization small size space vehi cles could be the most promising area of research. A similar US pro gram is known as the "Light Sats". Feasibility studies on light satel lites in space communications and information exchange, space research, the solution of technologi cal tasks in advanced material and
medicine production proved the profitability of the program. A single, fairly simple satellite would cost far less than a heavy high orbit vehicle, taking at least five to seven years to develop and three to ten years' active orbit. Such a protracted life cycle can make the equipment morally obso lete even before the end of its service life. The small spacecraft are designed for shorter active service life. They should be able to carry sim plified equipment and weigh less than a ton. The low cost and simplicity of small spacecraft facilitate high launch rates and the consequent creation of mobile and flexible orbital groups. This is becoming economically inex pedient to use heavy launch vehicles to put lighter payloads into low orbit owing to their dependence on the existing launch pad, sophisticated launching equipment and durable preparation, not to mention their high cost. Moreover, one failure of a heavy launch vehicle used to put into orbit several small payloads might jeopardize several satellite missions. Particular attention has been accounted to the environmental aspect. The utilization of launch vehi
cles, operating on high boiling pro pellant components (propellant fuel hydrazine derivatives, propellant oxi dizer nitrogen tetroxide), for many current and future missiles (including Cosmos, Cyclone, Burlak, Ariane, Titan III) adversely affects the atmos phere, in particular, the ozone layer. These propellants are both intricate and dangerous to store or use. Solid propellant missiles, however, don't suffer from such disadvantages: the Moscow Thermal Engineering Institute has made considerable advances with the development of such rockets, as proved by the out standing performance of the SS 20 and SS 25. START 1 launch vehicle was designed during the first develop ment stage. The system was com missioned for commercial service after successful tests in March, 1993. The four stage, solid propel lant missile can launch a 320 350 kg payload into orbit with an inclination of 90 and height of 400 to 700 km. A more powerful and sophisticat ed START launch vehicle will be developed during the second stage, which is nearing completion. This five stage vehicle has a launching weight of approximately 60 tons and is 29 m long. It can put a 750 kg pay load into a 700 km high circular polar orbit. Both missiles are technically reli able owing to the high degree of standardization with the base models of combat ballistic missiles. At the same time, a number of specific "space" problems were solved suc cessfully during the rocket develop ment, for example, in software and algorithmic support and also in the
The relatively small amount of tech nological and launching equipment is mainly determined by the advan tages of launch vehicle's solid pro pellant engines. The missile is launch ready as of its delivery from the factory. This simplifies to a maxi mum on site preparation proce dures. The launch vehicles are kept in launching transporting containers, which protect them from any mechanical damage during trans portation or re loading and maintain the required temperature and humidity. At launch the container is vertically erected by the elevating mechanism hydraulic cylinder to ensure the rocket's "cold" launch. The missile is ejected from the con tainer by the pressure of the solid propellant gas generator, which affects the first stage engine bottom. The system comprises all the equipment needed to make the rock et transportable. It provides for the tie in to the launching site, rocket's azimuthal guidance and aiming, flight mission computation, systems con trol during individual and overall tests, and the supply of power for the rocket system. Rocket flight control is provided by the on board control system. If a coordinated decision needs to be taken, the rocket system may be equipped with a mobile telemetry instrumentation center. It thereby transpires that START transportable space rocket system developed by the scientific research center "Complex" constitutes an economically viable and competitive way of putting small spacecraft into low orbit. The experience gained by START designers suggests that a variety of additional services can be offered to customers, including the installation of special purpose equip ment on the utility space platform, the development of the spacecraft as a whole and its individual systems, etc. This work reflects a good exam ple of effective application of the defense complex design potential in the interest of the national economy and peaceful space research. START high tech system offers an excellent chance to demonstrate the vast potential of the conversion process in the domain of missile technology. (
Start 5
Available payload volume, m3 Injected payload weight, max., kg Range of circular polar orbit heights, max., km Launch vehicle Dimensions: length, m diameter, m Date of initial launch Commercial service date
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functional and design compatibility of spacecraft and launch vehicle. START missile systems stand out, as the launch is made from a transportable ground launching complex, which does not require a stationary launch site or additional capital construction. Consequently, the customer can launch his satellite from his own territory, whether a sta tionary site is available or not. It is only necessary to coordinate the characteristics of the anticipated launch area, the spacecraft's orbital elements, orbital injection accuracy, the areas where rocket's detachable sections will be dropped, as well as some issues related to the launch preparation techniques, the mating of the payload and launch vehicle, security measures, etc. As well as launch vehicles, START multi purpose transportable space rocket system includes the final assembly and transportation equipment for the rocket, as well as launching equipment used to sup port pre launch procedures and actual launch. The latter contains a launch stand and instrumentation module.
1. The "Mir" station 2. The "Mir" station today: the "Progress M" transport ship (at the upper left) has separated from the station, freeing the link up unit for the "Soyuz TM" space craft
n Kaliningrad, a subur ban town near Moscow, you will come across on the main avenue a mon ument depicting a stocky man walking at a brisk pace and clenched mouth. The inscription on the pedestal reads curtly, "Academician S.P. Korolev". Probably everybody interested in space exploration knows this name. His engineer ing talent, determination, out standing administrative and sci entific potential paved the way to outer space for mankind. The thunderbolts of the Baikonur launchers, which set the world agape, were prepared right here, by the organization now entitled the S. P. Korolev Research and Production Association (RPA) "Energia". However, for a long time to come, specialists and journalists will refer to it by using shorter and more meaningful
Presently, "Energia" carries out R & D and design work in a number of areas related to mastery of outer space and adjacent fields. It has focussed on the creation of a long life orbital station "Mir 2" to supersede in the second half of the 1990s the first "Mir" station, which has performed admirably in orbit.
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Andrei Vadimov
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terms, such as "The Korolev Design Bureau" or "The Korolev firm". The Design Bureau was founded in 1946, when Korolev was appointed Chief Designer. It is responsible for the creation of a number of ballistic missiles then in service with the Soviet Army, including the first intercontinental missile in the world, the R 7. However, the firm gained world renown owing to its achievements in space exploration. Here one always uses the word "first". For it did indeed devise the first arti ficial earth satellite, the first orbital flight piloted by Yuri Gagarin, the first long time orbital station, the first flight around the moon, expeditions to planets in the solar system. At present, "Energia" is head
ed by Yuri Pavlovich Semyonov, Director General, Chief Designer, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
and Permanent Member of the International Astronautics Academy. The company includes, as well as the head design office, an experimental machine build
ing works, two subsidiaries (in Samara and Leningradsky Region) and a number of small structural departments. The com pany has an experimental base, an airport and is founder or par ticipant in a number of interna tional associations and joint ven tures, such as "Lokheed Energia Khrunichev", "Energia Maraphon", "Energia USA" and others. The company employs approximately 20,000 highly qualified specialists. The follow ing data may provide a better idea of its intellectual potential: over 10,000 graduate engineers and at least 400 doctors and can didates of science. In co opera tion with other companies, they have developed unique sophisti cated experimental, production, transport, trial and operational (launching, control and search and rescue) complexes, which can be used to accomplish all kinds of operations with aero space missile equipment. The company's scientists, designers and engineers consti tute the world's pioneers in a number of areas, where they gained theoretical and practical achievements, including those in the following domains: ballistics and celestial mechanics; compu tation mathematics; control of motion about the center of mass es; theory of automatic control; dynamics of rarefied gas; high temperature physical mechanics. The company's staff develops missile engines (sustainers for missiles and reusable low thrust motors designed for the orienta tion of spacecraft in outer space). Good results have been achieved in the development of electro jet and nuclear missile engines. Presently, "Energia" carries out R & D and design work in a number of areas related to mas 2
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tery of outer space and adjacent fields. It has focussed on the cre ation of a long life orbital station "Mir 2" to supersede in the sec ond half of the 1990s the first "Mir" station, which has per formed admirably in orbit. It also plans to develop spaceships, including those put in orbit by the new launch vehicle "Zenit", pre pare the "Energia M" for tests, and design promising inter orbital tugs. It is also researching the construction of small piloted reusable spaceships and hyper sonic single stage space carriers, utilizing the atmosphere to create lift and to produce oxidizer for the engines. In the present socio econom ical situation, the state cannot afford to finance of the Russian space programs. Consequently "Energia", as well as the rest of the aerospace sector, has turned to other, extra budgetary, sources of financing for realiza tion of their programs. Attempts are being made to introduce the market economy into space pro grams, solve some of the prob lems by attracting foreign invest ment, provide paid services and develop joint projects. The latter method is of inter est to both Russian companies and potential foreign partners. It has become clear that NASA (National Aeronautic and Space Agency) faces similar financing problems for worth while pro jects. Space research is becom ing an increasingly expensive lux ury even for the powerful American economy. This is an obvious solution: the leading space nations should pool their efforts to accomplish expensive projects, such as the construction of a new generation of low orbit stations, inhabited bases on the Moon and, finally, expeditions to Mars.
On September 3, 1993, the representatives of the Russian Federation and the United States of America, Prime Minister V. Chernomyrdin and Vice President A. Gore, signed in Washington a statement on pooling efforts to produce a new space station, combining the advantages of for mer national projects. This joint project will make it possible to integrate the national programs of both parties without breaking the international commitments of either side. The American aero space corporation "Boeing" and the leading Russian aerospace company, the S.P. Korolev Research and Production Association "Energia" have been selected as general contractors to build the new station. It should be noted here that the joint orbital station project may be named a mutual compro mise of the partners. The American party has assumed the additional burden of delivering payloads into orbit at a higher level than originally planned, at an inclination of 51.6. At the same time, however, they enjoy the chance to dispose of the
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achievements of Russian space technology, thereby reducing their own expenses. By reviewing its previous orbit plan, the Russian party looses the chance to observe some territory of the country, but at the same time receives the hard currency it needs so badly. As a corollary, anticipated expenses on the sta tion will not increase the level of space appropriations allocated in past years in Russia. As was stated above, the sta tion will enter orbit at an inclina tion of 51.6 and 450 km high. The Russian project stipulated a slightly different inclination angle
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of 65, and the same height, which would have guaranteed observation of virtually planet's entire surface, apart from the polar caps. Therefore, the exper iments to be conducted on board the station will focus on research into new materials and bioagents in a state of weightlessness con ditions. Observation of the earth's surface and objects in the Universe still constitutes an important component of the sta tion's functioning program. The project's realization also offers the. chance for the engineers of the two countries to share a unique experience in creating sophisticated spacecraft and mastering new operational meth ods and techniques in the cur cumterrestrial space. Prolonged operation of the object in orbit (the station will function for at least 10 years) will supply practi cal evidence confirming the feasi bility of a piloted inter planetary expedition. In accordance with the agreed order of assembly, the Russia's manned module will be the first in orbit. In terms of size and major structural components, it will resemble the operational station "Mir". However, its interi or, equipment, life and energy support systems represent a new generation in this type of equip ment. This event will take place, as planned, in 1996. Throughout one year, two universal docking modules fitted with androgynous (i.e., used as both passive and active members) assemblies and airlock module will be succes sively mated with the basic com ponent. The androgynous dock ing devices boast the same inter active design: they were the first ones to be developed by special ists from the USSR and the USA to ensure the docking of the two countries' spaceships during an
3. The "Mir" station main control center 4. Ground based indus trial installations as viewed from space 5. Cosmonaut working aboard the "Mir" sta tion
experimental "Apollo Soyuz" flight in 1975. From the power standpoint, the two spaceships differed slightly: the Soviet design was based on the electro mechanical principle, while the American one was hydraulic. During the two last decades, both countries refrained from direct technical co operation in space: the docking modules did not find practical application and were not installed on spacecraft. During the past few years, when a num ber of agreements on joint space experiments were signed, joint work on the androgynous docking modules received a further devel opment boost. Thus the special ists from "Energia" modernized these modules and installed them on the "Crystal" module of the "Mir" orbital complex. This has facilitated the docking of a "Space Shuttle" with a "Mir" sta tion. Such a docking is planned
for 1995 during the realization of the "Shuttle Mir" program, which stipulates the presence of a cos monaut on an American space ship, and an astronaut on a Russian station. Later on, when they start to create a joint space station, an American transport vehicle will deliver to the airlock module, which is to be the dockside for the "Space Shuttle" ships, American, European and Japanese design inhabited mod ules. As well as the modules, the station will also include multi meter truss based designs. These will be used to accommo date the powerful solar electric plants to support energy con suming experiments on the pro duction of new materials and bioagents as well as the vital activity of the crew and equip ment. The solar powerplants will dif 4
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fer. The Russian party plans to use concentrators with gas tur bine converters, whereas the American party has chosen solar batteries with a large usable area. In addition, the trusses are sup posed to carry heat sinks to remove surplus heat and low consumption motors for orienta tion. Powered gyroscopes will be used as actuators of the precise orientation system. Regular launches of the station will be carried out by both liquid propel lant rocket motors in the station and the engines of the transport vehicles. The crew of the multi module structure will comprise 2 3 cos monauts and 4 6 astronauts. To provide them with normal livings conditions, a certain amount of water and air for breathing must be provided on board. The deliv ery of these items to orbit by "Progress" type cargo ships will result in significantly smaller pay loads. Therefore, the American side has displayed a keen interest in our ability to regenerate gas
and water. The USA specialists recognize the predominance of "Energia'''s development of life, support and temperature control systems used in longtime space flights, appreciate the vast expe rience of the design bureau's organization of record long expe ditions and practical recovery of the vital systems after serious accidents. They are reviewing the potential application of the ideas of the Russian party in the field of on board systems of space sta tions to American modules. European and Japanese special ists have also displayed interest. The inclination of the orbit which the station will be assem bled in provides for delivery of crews and payloads by the national orbital means of both Russia and the United States. Each country can realize, in the process, the advantages of their space transport systems: Russia plans to use expendable, relative ly cheap and well tested, two and three stage missiles with "Progress" transport vehicles and
"Soyuz TM" piloted vehicles, whereas the USA wants to try out a park of four reusable "Space Shuttle" ships. Urgent cargoes will be returned to earth with the aid of Russian design ballistic capsules "Raduga". The American ships may return from the orbit large units and, when necessary, whole station modules. A modi fied Russian "Soyuz TM" craft equipped with an androgynous unit will be used as a salvaging ship. Each partner can work inde pendently on its part of the sta tion, as long as it ensures this independence without breaking international commitments. At any stage of assembly, the sta tion's design will allow each party to act independently in its respective hemisphere of influ ence. The use of the Russian group of modules in the project as the basis for the initial deploy ment of the American part of the station in no way affects the national status of the loads deliv ered to the station. This is an
INTERNATIONAL ORBITAL STATION 1. Japanese module 2. US modules 3. European module 4. Solar gas turbine units (Russia) 5. Solar batteries (USA) 6. Basic unit (Russia) 7. Piloted spacecraft (Russia) 8. Russian modules
6. Checking the onboard systems of the "Soyuz TM" spacecraft in the shop
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original form of space service. What valuable technological developments and "know how" will "Energia'"s designers employ
in the Russian part of the future joint orbital station? There are a number of them. Therefore a detailed discussion of each
development in one article is impossible. Consequently, we shall dwell on the most interest ing ones. Let us first make it clear that many ideas have already been researched and verified on the ground, and have even been used in space as experimental units. The new station will incor porate them as standard systems. At present, the length of time a man may stay in space depends to a large extent on the progress made in the regeneration of waste gases and water. Aboard the "Mir" station, Russian spe cialists have successfully tested experimental unit "Electron", which regenerates oxygen from waste water. Another system regenerates water for technical purposes from waste. Clearly, this know how will reduce materi ally the regular flow of cargo into orbit. According to recent experi ence, a fairly large amount of such cargo traffic was normally taken up by the propellant used for the orientation of motors, which maintained the desired attitude of the station in space. The new orientation system does not require propellant for this purpose. A disturbing torque will be neutralized by sets of gyro dynes or vacuumed power gyro scopes, which will maintain the stations with modules in the desired position. Ensuring the multiple switch on/switch off function, which is very important for space liquid propellant engines, the sustainer engines of the station, used to perform various maneuvers and launch on a regular basis the sta tion into standard orbit, will also possess one more unique fea ture, namely, its potential multi ple refueling in conditions of weightlessness. This problem was solved after a long study of the 6
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structural members. A dramatic breakthrough in this field may be achieved by using an original fea ture: solar reflector concentrators with gas turbine converters. Comparable to solar batteries in terms of the amount of energy, these devices have appreciably smaller dimensions, the charac teristics may prove decisive in the architecture of the orbital com plex. Recent achievements in the field of space materials will also be applied aboard the station. It is well known that plastics and metals are exposed to severe attacks of such factors as a deep vacuum, ultraviolet radiation, aggressive products of missile engine exhaust gases and others. In addition, they must retain their functional properties for years. "Energia'''s specialists have devised a number of unique
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behavior of the liquid in condi tions of weightlessness, with the aid of the "Volna" installation, which could simulate various con ditions in transparent tanks, recording the processes on video. This allowed for the design of special mobile intra tank devices, precluding the penetra tion of the bubbles into the engine's pipelines. The problem of supplying power to orbital colonies is also very topical. Prior experience indicates that simple enlargement of the solar battery area does not solve the problem radically. Application of folding, turning trusses to accommodate the bat teries as well as platforms, which turn the latter in two planes, with out reorienting the station, solves this problem only partially. It becomes increasingly difficult to prevent mutual shadowing of the
developments in this field, includ ing self lubricating anti friction materials and coatings, based on the use of metallopolymers, fluo roplastics and polyurethane elas tomers, heat resistant materials made from high temperature non organic glass textolites, screen vacuum heat insulation, heat proof coatings. Many of these materials may find or have already found extensive applica tion both in space and on the ground. To sum up, it should be noted that the joint Russian American orbital station project promotes, to a large extent, the progress of space exploration. The main gain from its realization resides in the real transition of the two largest countries in the world from rivalry to partnership. This will also allow other nations to become involved in the mastery of outer space. (
After exhausting the speed potential of vessels, which depend for their motion on the use of hydrostatic ("Archimedes") forces, the ship builders tried to employ so called hydrodynamic support forces, appearing on special hulls at high speeds of movement, to move ships. Consequently, a planing boat was created, which rises off the water due to hydrodynamic forces, occurring at high speeds, with its small stern resting on its surface. This made it possible to avoid wave drag and considerably increase the speed of the planing boat. However, such vessels did n't find wide application, as their seaworthiness problems (motion on a rippled water surface) were still unsolved. The next step in the speed chase was the hover craft's development. Such a pro ject was realized for the first time in 1935 by a team led by V.I. Levkov, Professor of Moscow Aviation Institute. Attempts were made to increase the vessel's speed still further. Maximum progress in this field was achieved by Russian designer R.E. Alekseev. He scored two revolutionary world breakthroughs. In the late 1940s his design bureau developed
Sergei Borisov
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orld ship builders aim first and fore most to increase the speed of ships. The problem dates back to the time, when the first man made transport v e s s e l s appeared. For centuries the
speed challenge, often enhanced by severe competition, caused the designers to seek out and apply new and sometimes com pletely unusual technical solu tions. However, this problem could not be solved for displace ment vessels until the middle of our century. A number of objec tive physical laws prohibit such vessels from accelerating to a speed over 30 knots (55 km/h). This limit was set in the early 20th century.
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A planing boat, hovercraft, hydrofoil ship these are consecutive stages in the implementation of an idea to raise the fast speed vessel hull from the water in the speed chase. This process was logically complet ed by creating ground effect ships, also produced by the team led by R.E. Alekseev.
hydrofoil torpedo boats for the Navy, which attained a speed of up to 140 km/h and possessed seaworthiness equal to four points. Later on, famous passen ger ships, such as "Raketa", "Meteor", "Kometa", "Chaika" and "Burevestnik", appeared. Now 1,000 hydrofoil ships are operational in the world, with 80% Russian made. The principle behind the motion of these ves sels is based on use of the so called low submerged hydrofoil effect, known in the world as the Alekseev effect. A planing boat, hovercraft, hydrofoil ship these are consec utive stages in the implementa tion of an idea to raise the fast speed vessel hull from the water in the speed chase. This process was logically completed by creat ing ground effect ships, also pro duced by the team led by R.E.
Alekseev. The designer made an invaluable contribution to domes tic and world ship building. He guaranteed Russia's indisputable superiority in the manufacture of hydrofoil ships and, fantastic ekranoplan craft (wing in ground effect machines). A low flying wing was proposed for the motion of ships by R.E. Alekseev in the late 1950s. The effect proper a change in the lifting properties of a wing at low flight altitudes was discovered by fliers. At the outset of aviation, the fliers perceived a sharp increase in the lift and sudden overpres sure under the wings, as they made to land. A dynamic air cushion occurred between the wing and airfield surface. This led to a loss of aircraft stability, an increase in the landing distance and, in a number of cases, air
R.E. Alekseev,
Designer General The Central Design Bureau on Hydrofoils
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accidents and crashes. This detri mental phenomenon for aviation was used by R.E. Alekseev to increase the speed and improve the operational effectiveness of ships. After World War II several countries built small experimental ekranoplan craft (weighing up to 5 tons) on the order of their navies. However, they did not manage to build large vessels.
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The development of an aircraft, which could operate on the boundary between two media the air and sea raised a lot of specific problems, which could only be solved by conducting a whole range of theoretical and experimental studies, design, research and development work and full scale tests. Apparently for this reason the Western firms phased out such work, when the state stopped financing the pro ject. The Grumman's missile car rier, anti submarine ground effect ship RAM1, landing ship RAM2 and others suffered such a fate. However, right at this time (1960s 1980s) prototypes of large combat wing in ground effect machines (rather than light experimental vessels) were being developed, built and tested in the USSR. Naturally, this work was carried out in secrecy. Apparently, owing to a lack of information some foreign publi
cations suggested that this work was carried out by two design bureaus: the G.M. Beriev aviation bureau headed by R.L. Bartini in Taganrog and the Central Ship Building Design Bureau led by R.E. Alekseev in Gorki. Strictly speaking, the craft produced in Taganrog are not wing in ground effect machines. R.L. Bartini proposed use of the ground effect for improving the take off and landing characteris tics of aircraft. In his work he tried to implement the idea of a contact free take off and land ing. According to this concept, two type VVA 14 anti submarine aircraft (vertical take off amphib ian aircraft) were built. One of them is now exhibited in the Air Force Museum located in Monino near Moscow. After the death of R.L. Bartini, this work was dis continued. The R.E. Alekseev Central Design Bureau managed to real
ize the ideas, which were not implemented by foreign special ists. At considerable financial and technical risk, they produced effi cient machines; moreover, they produced them en masse. This work began in the early 1960s, when thorough studies on the aerodynamic qualities of the ekranoplan craft were completed. R.E. Alekseev reached the funda mental and important conclusion that the future lies with large ekranoplan craft. Since 1961 the Central Design Bureau has start ed building and testing self pro pelled piloted models CM 1, CM 2 and others. At that time the work was carried out on the orders of the Navy in several directions: the creation of an attack ship, an anti submarine ekranoplan craft and landing ship. After testing the self pro pelled models and making sure that the operating qualities of a large ekranoplan craft should be 3
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and sank. However, the experience accumulated during the develop ment of the "monster" was exploited for manufacturing the new machines. Consequently, in 1972, a landing craft designated "Orlyonok" (or "Dragon") was built. It had a flight weight of 120 tons, a design load lifting capaci ty of up to 20 tons, a length of 58 m and speed of up to 350 km/h. "Orlyonok" had two booster tur bofan engines, each with a thrust of 98 kN, arranged in the bow, and one cruising turbofan engine (11,300 kW), arranged on the fin. The development of this craft constitutes an interesting and lit tle known page in the machin ery's history. In Autumn 1972, the first flying prototype of "Orlyonok" was brought for underway trials to one of Volga's branches not far from Nizhni Novgorod (at that time Gorki). It was impossible to hide such a giant. Therefore a legend was invented for the local residents, whereby a crashed airplane had been transported to the airfield. After successful river tests were completed, "Orlyonok" was taken apart and shipped to the Caspian Sea, where it was reassembled to resume tests at sea. Here the ekranoplan craft indicated very good results. It accelerated and attained its optimum height of 2 m within 1.5 min, its 90 turn radius made up only 50 m. It was clearly the most updat ed mass produced ekranoplan craft, which would solve first of all landing problems. The survivabil ity of this machine surpassed all expectations. One incident pro vided conclusive evidence of this assertion. During tests in 1975 the machine landed on a rocky bank. The pilot started the boost er engines, the craft glided off onto water, took off and safely returned to the base. The craft hull was damaged during landing, but this remained unnoticed. Subsequent tests were made at rough sea. During take off from water surface the craft's stern, empennage and sustainer broke away after impact on wave crest. Taken by surprise, the pilots throttled back the nose engines. R.E. Alekseev, who stood in the pilot cabin, kept his head and took control. He placed the nose engines in cruising mode and brought the planing craft to shore. The passengers and crew (about 40 people) were fortunate to escape. So military specialists and
better, R.E. Alekseev decided to take a risky and desperate step, i.e. to change immediately from a 3 5 ton piloted model to the con struction of a 500 ton mock up ship (KM). Such a machine was built in 1963 at the "Volga" factory, which belonged to the Central Design Bureau. It was a very large craft with a take off weight of 544 tons. The craft was tested at the Caspian Sea, near the city of Caspiysk. The tests lasted sev eral years. In the West it was called the "Caspian monster". The craft was 92 m long, 22 m high and had a span of 37 m. The front pylon carried eight turbojet booster (lift) engines, each had a thrust of 98 kN. The fin mounted two identical cruising engines. During the first test flight R.E. Alekseev stood, as usual, at the control wheel. The craft flew for about 50 minutes at a height of 3 4 meters. Everything went fine. However, it transpired that the hull strength was insufficient and that the hull should be reinforced. Subsequently, this craft made flights at a speed of 400 to 450 km/h in adverse weather condi tions. Unfortunately, during one of the test flights in 1980, the craft crashed owing to pilot error
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The craft was tested at the Caspian Sea, near the city of Caspiysk. The tests lasted several years, in the West it was called the "Caspian monster". The craft was 92 m long, 22 m high and had a span of 37 m.
prospecting ekranoplan craft), is actually an "Orlyonok" type craft, which features, as well as typical changes (weaponry and landing gear are removed), a low speed propellant with a propeller, mounted in the stern. Special equipment mounted above hinged flaps makes it possible to take soil samples, perform seis mo acoustic, magnetometric and gravimetric surveillance opera tions. In cooperation with the Ukrainian "Antonov" aviation research and production com plex, unique aviation marine res cue system project has been developed. A rescue version of the "Orlyonok" type craft is placed on the "back" of the giant AN 225 aircraft. The parent air craft delivers the ground effect machine to the place of the disas ter, the latter takes off and lands on water near the vessel in dis tress. Thanks to excellent seago ing qualities and great opera tional range, such a rescue craft can function at any point on the World Ocean, including arctic regions, as it can land on ice, too. Now ekranoplan craft have been developed for over 60 years. Past experience, the results of R.E. Alekseev's work, the extent and intensity of mod ern studies in this field give us a reason to hope that soon the ekranoplan craft will be generally recognized. The followers of R.E. Alekseev are doing a great deal to achieve this goal. Nowadays the best spe cialists in the design bureau have united to form the "Technologies and Transport" joint stock com pany, which plans to produce commercial ekranoplan craft. In May 1993, the "Technologies and Transport" company, working in cooperation with the St. Petersburg State Naval Technical University, prepared and held the first international conference on ekranoplan craft. Its results and decisions make us right to face the future with optimism and hope that in the near future pas senger and cargo ekranoplan craft will become as common at sea as conventional ships nowa days. (
5. The KM ekranoplan the Caspian sea monster 6. The "Lun" ekranoplan armed with a Moskit missile system 7. The SM 1 mobile ekranoplan model
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designers witnessed the unprecedented survivability of this craft (just imagine what hap pens when the tail of an aircraft or ship stern breaks off). The hull of three "Orlyonok" type craft was made of less friable material. These machines entered service with the Navy. All in all 120 trans port and landing craft of the "Orlyonok" were scheduled for construction. However, these plans were not realized. The first ship in the series of missile carrying ekranoplan craft of the "Lun" type was launched in 1987. It weighed 400 tons. The second such ship was also meant as a missile carrier, but the con version process underway at that time, introduced some changes. Consequently, this ship is now being completed as a rescue craft. Now, when the situation has sharply changed, the design ers are developing commercial ekranoplan craft on the basis of the existing "Orlyonok" and "Lun". They will create passen ger, cargo, rescue and research ships. One such craft, called MAGE (naval arctic geological
Pyotr Romanov
he Yak 141 fight er was designed by the Yakovlev design bureau as a follow up ver sion of the vertical take off and land ing Yak 36 and the production type Yak 38. A demonstration film on this fight er, shown at the 39th Paris Air Show caused a real sensation. The aircraft surpassed all current Western VTOL aircraft counter parts. Demonstration flights at
the Farnborough Air Show con solidated this vehicle's fame. The Yak 141 is a single seat, multi purpose aircraft designed to intercept air targets, perform aerobatic dogfights and defeat ground and sea borne targets. This unique flying vehicle incor porates the properties of a super sonic fighter and vertical take off aircraft. In the West the Yak 141 was christened "Freestyle", after its performance. The aircraft hov ered, swayed gently like a pendu lum in pitch and roll, moved fin foremost. The wonderful handling qualities of the aircraft are deter
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In the West the Yak 141 was christened "Freestyle", after its performance. The aircraft hovered, swayed gently like a pendulum in pitch and roll, moved fin foremost.
mined by the airframe's aerody namics and the designer's know how. The Yak 141's fuselage has a twin boom configuration. The booms project far beyond the nozzle section of the main cruise engine. Consequently, the verti cal and horizontal stabilizers mounted on them seem to stretch beyond the visual boundary of the body. The powerplant is provided with an electronic control system. The combined powerplant includes two RD 41 lift engines with a thrust of 4,100 kgf each and one lift cruise R 79 engine with a thrust of 15,500 kgf, which enables the aircraft to perform horizontal take offs with a maxi
The anti ship variant group is fitted with X 31A or X 35 missiles. Designed by the Raduga bureau, they can defeat targets under intensive radar countermeasures. In addition, the X 35 (the adopted Western designation is the AS 17) can be applied in stealth operations. Depending on the wave height, it can "steal up" to a tar get at minimum altitudes (3 5 m), thereby complicating consider ably its interception by a ship's anti missile system. The missile carries a 145 kg high explosive warhead with high power explo sives. The variety of armament used to attack ground targets is excep tionally wide. They embrace the X 25 guided missiles (the adopt ed Western designation is AS 10) fitted with high explosive war heads, the X 31P anti radar mis sile capable of destroying all types of existing radars, aerial bombs, mines, unguided rockets and externally mounted guns. Built in armament includes one 33 mm cannon with a load of 120 projectiles. The aiming system of the Yak 141 comprises an airborne digital computer connected to the radar, fire control system, a helmet mounted target designation sys tem and a laser TV guidance sys tem. All the target data and flight information are shown on the windshield display and a multi purpose indicator. The flight navigation system allows one to determine the pre sent position of the Yak 141 in flight using both the ground (ship) based radio engineering and the satellite navigation sys tems. The airborne flight navigation system includes the distance and trajectory aircraft control sys tems, an autonomous navigation
2.The pilot's sta tion 3. The tail unit 4,5. Air intakes of the lift cruise engine
mum take off weight of 19,500 kg. The rotating nozzle of the lift cruise engine is unique in design. The know how is based on process technology and unique nozzle design, as well the elec tronic control system of the com bined powerplant. The pilot is seated in the cockpit in a K 36 LV ejection seat designed by the Severin Zvezda ("The Star") bureau. In case of an in flight emergency, ejection is guaranteed in zero zero condi tions (at zero altitude and zero speed). Such an emergency occurred during the Yak 141 testing. When landing on deck, the aircraft fell from a height of 13 m and caught fire. The pilot successfully bailed out, landing not far from the ship. Such emer gencies are not planned, although accident simulation is necessary to develop the requi site accident prevention system. Practical tests have fully con firmed calculations. The total ordnance payload of Yak 141 amounts to 2,600 kg and is suspended on four under wing pylons. Weaponry variants are formed according to the tar get type and can be divided into three major groups: "air to air", "air to sea", "air to ground". The first group includes the armament variant with R 77 guid ed missiles. This is a highly maneuverable short range guid ed missile (the equivalent of the American AIM 120 AMRAAM) fit ted with an active radar guidance system. Designed by the Vympel design bureau, it can hit any air borne target. The aircraft design stipulates use of R 73 short range and R 27 medium range missiles and modifications to the latter (the corresponding Western designations are AA 11 Archer and AA 10 Alamo).
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computer and many other devices. Compared with conventional take off aircraft, the Yak 141 enjoys certain advantages, which enable it to take off directly from the taxiway shelters which pro vide in turn for a simultaneous take off and employment of a large group of fighters. The VTOL aircraft's advantages mean that the Yak 141 can function on damaged airfields: the demand for such an ability was confirmed during the Gulf War. It also pro vides an opportunity to station this type of aircraft on naval craft and other ships, which lack flight decks. The VTOL Harrier is the British equivalent of the Russian fighter.
Maximum flight speed, km/h: at sea level at H=11,000 m Service ceiling, m Service range: at vertical take off, w/o load, km at sea level at H=10,000 12,000 m at 120 m run with 1 ton load at sea level at H=10,000 12,000 m Combat radius at 120 m run with 2 ton load Loitering time at a range of 100 km, min Maximum payload, kg: at vertical take off at 120 m short run Take off weight, kg: at vertical take off at 120 m short run Maximum fuel load, kg: in internal tanks in external tank Maximum g loading with 50% fuel reserve Yak 141 1,250 1,800 15,000 Yak 141M 1,250 1,600 15,000
650 1,400 1,010 2,100 690 90 1,000 2,600 15,800 19,500 4,400 1,750 7
1,100 2,400 1,100 2,400 900 120 1,000 4,200 15,800 21,500 6,000 1,750 7
In terms of its rate of climb, the Yak 141 leads its counterpart by almost 10 seconds during climb to an altitude of 1.2 km. One should recall that the Yak 141 sets the record in warm weather when fully loaded, i.e. under con ditions which are less favorable for the engines. In actual fact, the aircraft, designed by the Yakovlev bureau, has already set more than a dozen world records in its aircraft class. All the records have been approved by the FAI. Owing to financial difficulties, the Yak 141 has still not been adopted by the Russian Air Force. However, the Yakovlev design bureau is devising new ways of upgrading the fighter. Research is primarily focused on increasing the thrust of the lift cruise engine, perfecting the airframe design and reducing radar con spicuousness. All these improve ments should increase consider ably combat range, the loitering time, the payload weight and other parameters. In addition, researchers seek to enhance the aircraft's operational efficiency
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by expanding the list of weapons and updating fire control sys tems. According to the Yakovlev design bureau, a number of countries have displayed an inter est in the Yak 141 and a desire to acquire it, with other countries proposing cooperation in the air craft manufacture, including
companies from India and China, Argentina and the United Kingdom. On the basis of the Yak 141 aircraft one can create a highly survivable flexible mobile defense system. It can boost the combat potential of the side on the defen sive, in the event of a surprise massive enemy strike. (
bureau started developing search and rescue means to render aid to submarines in distress. The staff had to solve a number of technical and technological problems. This work culminated in the construction of a unique special rescue subma rine. It was equipped with naviga tional and sonar equipment, capa ble of detecting quickly an under water object in distress and guiding there special deep water rescue equipment, carried on board the submarine. Each piece of self con tained equipment can link up with the vessel in distress and take her crew on board. The submarine has all the requisite essentials to render victims emergency medical aid, including the performance of decompression for dozens of peo ple at one time. This submarine can search for and pick up various sunken objects, including explosives. Consequently, it is a unique vessel, which can clean up the sea bed. Currently no other country has at its disposal such a ship capable of operating at all depths, with strong hulls. The creation of the rescue submarine is one of the most outstanding achievements of our domestic designers. The world ocean's depths are hard to reach and, consequently, are an understudied part of the earth. To get to know them well,
Vassili Yemelyanov
or many years Lazurit, the Central Design Bureau, has been helping establish and develop the coun try's modern sub marine fleet. This work began in 1953, when they executed an order to thoroughly modernize a con ventional subma rine. The bureau specialists carried out the task successfully and were commissioned to design a large ocean going diesel engine subma rine with improved sea going quali ties. And they were successful. The "hand" of the bureau is noted for very genuine, daring and simple technical solutions. The bureau was one of the first in the country to design cruise mis sile submarines. Its specialists per formed tests on the use of non tra ditional electric power sources on submarines. The bureau specialists offered the simplest and most com pact nuclear power and propulsion systems. Lazurit was also one of the first to use titanium alloys for sub marine hulls. By virtue of their char
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acteristics the combat submarines designed here are in no way inferi or to the best foreign counterparts and stand for high reliability. In view of the defence industry conversion programs the bureau specialists ruled out from the very start the idea of a complete restruc turing of the enterprise. Instead, they tried to find ways to exploit to the maximum accumulated scientif ic potential and available designs relating to the national economy. Furthermore, the bureau already has some experience in designing so called dual purpose articles, which could be used with equal ease to serve the interests of the Navy, national economy and sci ence. Back in the early 1960s, the
The bureau was one of the first in the country to design cruise missile submarines. Its specialists per formed tests on the use of non traditional electric power sources on submarines. The bureau specialists offered the simplest and most compact nuclear power and propulsion systems.
one must develop special technical resources comparable in terms of complexity with spacecraft. Thanks to Lazurit's scientific potential this problem can be solved on a practi cal scale. A whole set of unique deep water equipment has already been developed here. It can be used to carry out large scale scien tific explorations of ocean depths. Today Lazurit offers manned deep water special purpose equip ment to any interested domestic and foreign organizations. One of them, Bester, has a titanium alloy hull. It is provided with manipula tors and special viewing instru ments, which enable it to carry out various jobs at depths of hundreds of meters. This apparatus is most suitable for use by oceanographers, ichthyologists and sea prospectors. It can also be used to service vari ous sea bed communication lines. The Bester is manned by a crew of three, the operational range is 20 miles. Underwater equipment, designed in the bureau, for divers boasts high technological qualities. It can be used to search for, locate and investigate various objects at depths of up to 500 m, send divers from the carrier ship, ensure their extravehicular activity on the sea bed and supply them with gas res piration mixture, electric power for heating purposes and hydraulic power for divers' instruments. The bureau staff created a unique submersible vessel, which serves as an underwater equipment carrier. It presents a system con taining several mutually associated components mounted on an unusu
SPECIFICATIONS Displacement, 1,200 1,700 m3 Length, m 61 76 Beam, m 12 5 Depth, m 2.5 3.0 Draught, m 11 12 Speed, knots Cruising range, miles 1,000 Endurance, days 30 Crew, men 21 al vessel. It combines the features of a surface ship, submarine, and floating dry dock. It can perform its functions underwater at depths of up to 100 m for long periods of time. A wide range of operations at depths of up to 1000 m is provided via onboard underwater equipment and diver's gear. In addition, the vessel has displacement several times as low as similar surface ships and is cheaper. Lazurit specialists are noted for
1. Complex model 2. The "Lazurit" rescue boat 3,4. The Ocean Shuttle deep water research submarine
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their complex approach to the solu tion of various problems, broad thinking and vision. These qualities were displayed in full measure dur ing the development of a project on the exploitation of Russia's Arctic shelf gas and oil deposits. Another example concerns the projected deep water submarine
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5 7 A working underwa ter craft
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named Ocean Shuttle, devised with the help of the ECS Canadian Group of firms. The submarine is intended for scientific research in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, on the Bahamas, on the western coast of North America, in the Mexican Gulf, but chiefly in the Arctic. Based on long term experience in the development of equipment, the bureau's specialists offered a version of this submarine with non magnetic titanium hull. It will be fit ted with up to date scientific onboard equipment. The latter will comprise two remotely controlled devices, a manned submersible diver's system operating at atmos pheric pressure, outboard manipu lators. The submarine can carry
research equipment with a volume of up to 100 m3 and weight of up to 60 tons, accommodated inside the hull and externally. The design of the Ocean Shuttle makes it possible to install appropriate interchangeable equip ment within a short period of time. Consequently, it can perform a wide range of underwater opera tions. A small manned deep water device with a submersion depth of up to 6,000 m will be provided on board to transport researchers to the place of operation and change the crews of technical underwater modules and laboratories. One of submarine's powerplant versions stipulates the use of 100% environmentally clean electrochem
ical hydrogen oxygen generators, which displayed good performance on the rescue submarine and space shuttle Buran. In this case, under water expeditions can last as long as 30 days. It is also possible to equip the submarine with a Sterling type engine, closed loop diesel engine or nuclear powerplant. It is
In view of the unique potential of the Ocean Shuttle, the Lazurit specialists believe that it is expedient to work out this pro ject as an international under taking under the UNESCO aegis. In this case, it could constitute a valuable element of a global environmental protection pro ject.
be increased to 600 m). The pas senger compartment, which resem bles an international airliner, accommodates 48 passengers. Large clear windows provide a panoramic view. The submarine's powerplant consists of a high speed diesel engine and a storage battery. The provision of a diesel engine makes the vessel autonomous. Therefore, it can deliver independently passengers to the selected underwater area. The storage battery ensures a 12 hour underwater cruise. The sub marine meets all the requirements of the Lloyd international classifica tion company imposed on ships of a similar class, in terms of their safe operation. Additional positive buoy ancy tanks keep her afloat for an unlimited period of time, thereby increasing their reliability. The bureau specialists also designed a deep water craft for 16 passengers (submersion depth of up to 600 m) and an excursion type underwater craft for a cruising liner. A two seat excursion craft is also worth mentioning. It is simple in operation and control and suitable for fast towing. The deck house offers a 360 view. Another unusual project con cerns an underwater restaurant. All the afore mentioned develop ments can be real ized in a short time. The requisite docu ments are available, as are enterprises with appropriate production equip ment. The plans now all depend on customers. Lazurit is also branching out into the design of equip ment for the food and processing industries.
assumed that in such a way an ideal self contained underwater labora tory will be created, which will pro vide scientists with all the neces sary conditions for good work and recreation. The results of an enquiry car ried out by American specialists among potential users of the underwater rescue means reveal that the potential construction of such facilities is widely supported by scientists all over the world. In view of the unique potential of the Ocean Shuttle, the Lazurit specialists believe that it is expedi ent to work out this project as an international undertaking under the UNESCO aegis. In this case, it could constitute a valuable element of a global environmental protec tion project. It would consequently be possible to assess the world ocean's resources, man's activities in inclement Arctic and Antarctic cli mates, and check out the sound ness of many technical ideas. In addition, what is important, the lab oratory's creation will mark an example of friendly cooperation between the scientists of various countries united by a humane idea of disarmament and defence indus try conversion. Lazurit's developments in the so called purely peaceful sphere are equally interesting. They include a KAMAZ truck based fully autonomous mobile baromedical complex. During its development designers had to study a wide spectrum of medical and biological problems. Their experience made it possible to work out and launch the production of a batch of medical pressure chambers. The bureau specialists are ready to develop new samples of medical equipment in the future. Lazurit also offers a projected autonomous excursion submarine. It will travel at a depth of 50 m (in principle the submersion depth can
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Currently Lazurit can design combat submarines, deep water rescue equipment, underwater research vessels, systems for extracting national resources on the sea shelf, and equipment for the food and processing industries. The bureau guarantees potential cus tomers high quality products and is ready to enter into any form of cooperation with firms in Russia and abroad. (
8. A chart showing the use of a submersible underwater technical vessel carrying underwater rescue
hese "wild boars" (in Russian "vepr") are not from the vast forests of Russia: instead, they have emerged from the gateway of a small agricultural machinery repair plant in Bronnitsy, near Moscow. It began producing original wheeled tractors for Russia's farmers a year ago. The designers of this peaceful agri cultural machine chose to call their creation after a strong wild beast for good reason. For the TVK AGRO 1,4 Vepr wheeled util ity tractor is a "domesticated" rel ative of Army combat vehicles. It owes its manufacture to the con version program. The Russian TVK Company and the Chair of Tracked Vehicles of the N. Bauman Moscow State Technical University solved the problem of using military equip ment subject to destruction under international treaties, as well as released defence capacities. They developed the Vepr tractor.
theory burdened experts. For example, they combined a low speed tractor Diesel engine and APC's transmission without modi fying the clutch. The design includes a car gearbox and a transfer case installed to suit high speed movement, whereas the powerful APC final drives are used to ensure the tractor's "plowing" speed range. In view of an engine power of only 44 kW (60 h.p.), the tractor has been officially classified as a traction class 1,4 vehicle. Extreme trac tion values were test registered on a 3 t dynamometer hook. Plant personnel use the Vepr to pull six ton machine tools between plant's shops. Owing to the tractor's syn chronized gearbox, gears can be shifted easily and rapidly even during the performance of vari ous agricultural operations, which is impossible with other similar vehicles. Owing to the hydraulic servo steering and hydraulic brakes the machine is equally excellent on a road at 40 km/h and in cross country driving. Although far from comprehen sive, the list of design features not available with conventional tractor vehicles could be supple mented with the tire pressure control system, which has always constituted the forte of military cross country vehicles (this, actually, makes the Vepr as capa ble of cross country operations as a caterpillar tractor). Farmers, testing the Vepr at their farms, did not face a single problem either with the plowing of water logged plains or work in flooded autumn season fields. The reserve of Vepr's load carrying capacity is high enough to consider the vehicle as a promising carrier for a variety of special configurations, including pipe layer, crane or bulldozer. 1
Veniamin Olshansky
The Russian TVK Company and the Chair of Tracked Vehicles of N. Bauman Moscow State Technical University solved the problem of using military equip ment subject to destruction under international treaties, as well as released defence capacities. They developed the Vepr tractor.
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It is easy to raise such problems. However, serious scientific potential and considerable designs available, not to mention elementary engineering courage is needed to solve them. It might be helpful to note briefly that it took only 75 days to pass from the machine's concept to the actual assembled prototype. In fact, the newly born vehicle passed a two months' trial ses sion at a specialized field test sta tion and was highly appraised during trials at farms. The tractor assembly concept chosen by the Chair laboratory designers was based on chil dren's meccano, comprising immediately available parts and units of wheeled APCs and com bat vehicles. The audacity of this unprecedented approach caused an uproar in official tractor design circles. However, the gifted dilet tantes managed to do something beyond the comprehension of
TRACTION CLASS 1,4 WHEELED FOLDING FRAME UTILITY TRACTOR Wheel arrangement Traction power (min.) Length, mm Wheel base, mm Track, mm Ground clearance, mm Minimum turning radius, m Design speed values: minimum working speed, km/h minimum traveling speed, km/h maximum working speed, km/h maximum traveling speed, km/h Number of gears: forward reverse Running weight, kg Diesel engine power Mean specific ground pressure, kg/cm2 4x4 44 kW 4,350 2,300 1,220 1,520 270 480 3.8 3.1 6.2 20.0 40.1 8 2 3,000 44 kW (60 h.p.) 0.5 2.5
The tractor also inherited a high degree of unit and system relia bility from its military "parents". The design strength of some of the elements, based on the sur vivability of the combat vehicle's parts may even seem excessive. However, this would hardly con stitute a drawback for a rural con sumer, who utilizes the vehicle in adverse conditions. Moreover, Vepr's high technology features do not increase the cost, as the vehicle is essentially assembled from scrap metal intended for remelting. The designers' significant achievements include quasi 80% use of parts and units removed from the disassembled materiel, when practically everything, excluding the armored hull and old engines, is used. For exam ple, even the hydrojet reduction gear found its place in the trac tor's power take off shaft drive. A single armored personnel carrier makes it possible to assemble almost two civilian vehicles. In actual fact, the Vepr was a lucky find for the Bronnitsy Maintenance Plant at a time when the plant's business was stagnat ing owing to a lack of orders caused by a dramatic rise in maintenance costs. Workers pin their hopes on enterprise privati
zation to produce these relatively simple to assemble tractors and believe in their lucky choice. Producers also cooperated close ly. The Rybinsk Motor Building Works engine suppliers dis plays interest in the vehicle. The Kurgan Wheeled Tractor Works, which produced currently destroyed APCs, considers the Vepr production a possible way to re organize released capacities to produce component units. The Bronnitsy Plant believes that Vepr is the guarantor of their further development, independent of supplies of destroyed materiel. Looking into the future, if the Vepr vehicle lives up to its name, it is expected to act as a pioneer in forests: the powerful, highly maneuverable machine with ground clearance adjustable over a wide range suited perfectly forestry operations. An appropri ate tractor modification contract has already been awarded. (
Gennady Petrov
After dropping the explosive charge, the pilot would lead the glider 4 to 6 miles aside and land it on water. Then, the wings would be detached and the glider transformed into a boat. If one recalls the self sac rifice spirit cultivated at that time, one can presume that such pilots might become kamikaze.
ollowing the advent of torpe does, designers tried to adapt them for use in the air force and proposed the launch of gliding torpedoes, pro vided with small wings, from air craft. After sepa ration from the aircraft, the torpedo would glide to the target.
1. A carrier aircraft with gliding torpe does suspended under the wings
In the early 1930s, Solomon F. Valk, a design engineer with the Mine Research Commission of the Naval Research Committee, used this principle as a basis for his gliding torpedo (GT) project. He proposed guid ing the torpedo to a target by infrared rays. Valk contended that such a guided torpedo could not be detected by enemy sound detectors owing to its noiseless flight and would not be intercept ed by enemy aircraft owing to its small size. Work on the project began in 1933 at the Scientific Naval Communication Institute, at Laboratory No. 22, set up spe cially for this purpose. By mid 1933 it became clear that simul taneous development of the GT proper and its teleautomatics was a very complicated process. Consequently, design work on the guidance system was trans ferred to another laboratory spe cializing in infrared techniques, while laboratory No. 22 continued research on the GT proper and its equipment. To check the configuration and design data of engineless torpedoes, 1:10 scale and 1:4 scale models were built. In 1933 1:4 scale models were launched
from an altitude of 1,100 m over a distance of 10 to 11 km. In 1934 the industry was commis sioned to produce test specimens of the gliding torpedo as well as autopilot stabilizers. The labora tory tests confirmed the reliability of the autopilot. To develop spe cial gliding torpedoes for use against ships and coastal bases, an agreement was signed in 1935 with the Special Design Bureau of the Technical Invention Department. The following types of flying torpedoes were developed: engineless gliding torpe does covering a flight range of 30 to 50 km DPT (long range glid ing torpedo), code name "Wolf"; flying torpedoes equipped with an engine (conventional pro peller or rocket engine) with a flight range of 100 to 200 km LTDD (long range flying torpe do); engineless gliding torpe does in a rigid tow BMP (towed mine glider), code name "Wild boar". Based on the results of the experimental work, the industry received an order in 1935 to manufacture the gliding torpedo and auxiliary equipment. The Special Design Bureau of 1
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Leningrad Factory No. 23 was authorized to issue a pilot batch of gliding torpedoes and the Research Institute No. 10 received an order to manufacture the guidance system (code name "Quant"). In 1935 Factory No. 23 produced the first four gliding torpedoes called PSN 1 (special purpose glider) with the following specifications: span 8,000 mm, height 2,020 mm, structural mass 970 kg, payload 1,000 kg. In terms of 1934 strength standards the glider was a third category military aircraft, with a load factor of A 10. In August tests were carried out in Leningrad on towing gliding tor pedoes without any release from the R 5 plane. To perform full scale flight tests on the gliding torpedo, two aircraft, types TB 3 and M 17, were allotted as par ent aircraft, which carried special racks under each wing. An exper imental base for the gliding tor pedoes was established near Novgorod. The nearby lake was chosen as the site for holding towing tests: here gliding torpe does were towed by P 6 type air craft on water and at low alti tudes. These were indeed the first tests in our country. It would also seem that no such experiments on the towing and take off of a gliding torpedo from a water sur face, carrying a load of 75 kg per sq. meter of the lifting area, were carried out elsewhere in the world. The first experimental take off and flight of TB 3 type carrier aircraft, carrying a gliding torpe do with dummy bombs, suspend ed from the right hand wing, was held on August 30, 1935. It is worth mentioning here that as pilot specimens the glid ing torpedoes included a cabin for the pilot, who monitored the
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automatic control equipment dur ing the tests. He did not interfere with the operation of the autopilot and other mechanisms unless he had to. After developing a telemetering guidance system, the production of pilotless gliding torpedoes was planned. Curiously enough, in some publications you come across the term "human torpedo", in active use in 1936. This version of the gliding torpe do was intended for visual guid ance on a large size target (bat tleship or coastal base). After dropping the explosive charge, the pilot would lead the glider 4 to 6 miles aside and land it on water. Then, the wings would be detached and the glider trans formed into a boat. Using the outboard engine, the pilot would
recede from the hit target. If one recalls the self sacrifice spirit cultivated at that time, one can presume that such pilots might become kamikaze. The chronicle of gliding tor pedo tests went as follows. On July 28, 1936 a test flight of the glider was held. It carried a dummy with a 250 kg mass (mass similar mockup of the FAB 250 bomb). Take off, flight, release and water landing opera tions on lake Ilmen were prac ticed. On August 1, 1936 a test flight of the glider carrying a 550 kg load (a high explosive bomb) was performed. On August 2, 1936 the glider made a flight car rying a 1,000 kg load (a high explosive bomb provided with a stabilizer). After its release from
2. A PSN 2 type gliding torpedo 3. A gliding torpedo and FAB 500 bomb dummy suspended under the airplane
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the carrier, the glider dropped a bomb diving at a speed of 340 to 350 km/h. By August 10, 1936 all the tests had been completed and the first four gliding torpe does became operational. Carrying different loads, the glid er covered 27 km on average. It should be said that several versions were suggested involv ing return of the glider to the car rier aircraft. In this case, the glid er was provided with an engine and was thereby transformed into a suspended torpedo carrying aircraft. In 1937 1938 the Naval Forces Department planned to manufacture a small batch of gliding torpedoes to try out flight ballistics during experimental launches from the carrier aircraft. By the beginning of 1938 the
experimental factory of Research Institute No. 12 had made 138 torpedo launches. Flight data obtained during tests confirmed the possibility of torpedo launch es at speeds of up to 270 to 320 km/h, with permissible design speed of the gliders equalling 360 km/h. A number of parameters
were checked, including behavior of the gliding torpedo at banked turns, leveling off and release of torpedoes or other combat pro jectiles, and automatic water landing. The suspension system and equipment responsible for launching torpedoes from the carrier aircraft operated trouble
craft was to be equipped with new special racks as a carrier air craft for the PSN 2 service glid ing torpedoes. Basic tests of both service torpedoes PSN 2 and training torpedoes PSN 1 were planned for 1940. The PSN 1 torpedoes would reduce dispersion ellipses and make launches for firing accuracy. Batch production of service gliding torpedoes was also scheduled for 1940: a deci sion was taken to establish a cen ter to train specialists on servic ing these torpedoes and using them in troops. Factory No. 23 prepared batch production of service torpedoes. At the same time attempts were made to improve the design characteris tics of gliding torpedoes. "Flying wing" type torpedo designs were prepared in two versions: a pilot ed training fully automatic and pilotless fully automatic torpe does. By the beginning of 1940 a design of a pilotless flying torpe do with a flight range of 100 km and over and a flight speed up to 700 km/h for the type DB 3 air craft had been prepared. However, these plans were not implemented owing to the interference of the Second World War. (
free, apart from several cases, caused by errors committed by the technical personnel. In August 1938, a number of test flights were performed involving automatic water land ings. Torpedoes were guided by an infrared beam. For this pur pose, the type TB 3 aircraft was equipped with a special travers ing frame, holding three infrared illuminators. This system was named "Quant". During the testing of the glid ing torpedo, prototype factory No. 23 already received a techni cal assignment to produce a ser vice torpedo. The type TB 3 air
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or the uninitiated the underwater war remains shrouded under a seal of secrecy. Information in the mass media does not reveal the real scope and dramatic nature of frogmen's activities. They date back to ancient times when Mediterranean pirates splendid divers swam stealthily to a galley or merchant ship, climbed a deck and annihilated the crew. Later on the vessels commanders began seek the help of such divers. At the international defence exhibition IDEX 93, held in the capital of the United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi, Russia dis played a wide range of up to date weapons systems and ammuni tion. Both specialists and visitors to this exhibition showed interest in formerly "closed" special pur pose items, in particular, devices to combat frogmen. They include an SPP 1 underwater pistol, APS submachine gun, a DP 64 anti saboteur system, MRG 1 multi tube rocket grenade launcher. The SPP 1 underwater pistol and APS submachine gun were developed in the early 1970s by designers from the Central Research Institute of Precise Machine Building, one of the leading scientific centers on research, development and test ing of small arms (up to 30 mm caliber), sporting rifles, various appliances and ammunition, indi vidual protection means and out fit for special troops. These underwater weapons are now manufactured in small batches at the state owned enterprise Tula
Sergei Samoilyuk
1. A frogman
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Small Arms Factory, classified as "special items". It is intended for diver saboteurs protecting sur face and underwater installations. According to Alexander V. Khinikadze, Director of the Central Research Institute for precise machine building, divers using these underwater weapons in their missions, praised their high efficiency in destroying underwater targets, reliability and ease of handling. Equipped with these unique weapons, Soviet divers ensured the safety of the ships of the Presidents of the two
superpowers, USSR and USA, Gorbachev and Bush off the Malta coast in December, 1989. In terms of design the SPP 1 underwater pistol is really unique. It has four smooth bore barrels, secured in pairs to form an inte gral block. The pistol is equipped with a self loading trigger mecha nism, consequently, you can open fire virtually straight away. The SPP 1 weighs 0.95 kg and is 244 mm long, 25 mm wide and 138 mm high. The front sight is rigidly fixed at the muzzle end. Shots are fired in turn from each
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However, prior to the scientific revolution an extremely limited range of "services" were offered. Dexterity and strength, the volume of lungs, simple gadgets for man to man fighting were gradually over shadowed by new achievements in science and tech nology.
fire, some of gases escape through the side hole in the bar rel wall into the gas chamber, thereby pulling back the piston and, consequently, the breech carrier with the breechblock. The breechblock is locked by turning it to right so that the breechblock lugs engage with the receiver stops. The submachine gun may fire short bursts (3 5 shots), long bursts (10 shots) or in singles. The muzzle velocity of the bullet is 365 m/s. The 5.66 mm MPS cartridges are fed from a box shaped magazine, accommodat ing 26 cartridges. In the front part of the magazine receiver comprises spring catches, which prevent the overturning of car tridges with raised bullets. A plate placed inside the magazine, sep arates two rows of cartridges and prevents any crossover of bullets, when the latter move upward and emerge in the chamber. The barrel has a smooth bore. Its diameter is 5.66 mm. The receiver is provided with a cut off plate. It adjusts the supply of car tridges into the breech chamber. When the upper cartridge is chambered, the cut off plate blocks the path for the next car tridge. The trigger mechanism with a rear sear is made in the
barrel. When this happens, the firing hammer turns each time through 90 clockwise. The muz zle velocity of the bullet in the air is 250 m/s. The SPP 1 is loaded with four 4.5 mm SPS cartridges held together by a clip. During loading the barrel block opens, partially extracting the clip. The complete pistol includes ten car tridge clips, an artificial leather holster, an appliance for loading the clips, a waist strap and three metal containers for loaded clips. In particular, such character istics as consistency and range of fire of the foreign pistol are not on a par with those of the Russian model. The APS underwater subma chine gun is unique. It is designed as a standard weapon for divers and can also be mount ed on their vehicles. Loaded, the submachine gun weighs 3.4 kg, without cartridges and magazine 2.46 kg. It is small even com pared with standard automatic combined arms weapons: it is 614 mm long, 65 mm wide and 187 mm high. The sub machine gun depends for its operation on the energy of powder gases drawn off from the barrel to the piston, secured in the breech carrier, after the bullet's tail passes the barrel port. During
2. APS underwater submachine gun 3. SPP 1 underwater pistol 4. DP 64 anti saboteur system 5. MRG 1 multi tube rocket grenade launcher
form of a detachable unit, held in the receiver by the safety lock and fire selector. For ease of handling, the submachine gun is provided with a butt stock, which can be pulled inside the receiver. The butt stock is made of two
BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF APS UNDERWATER SUBMACHINE GUN 5.66 Caliber, mm Killing range, m: 30 at a depth of 5 m 20 at a depth of 20 m 11 at a depth of 40 m 26 Capacity of magazine, cartridges BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SPP 1 UNDERWATER PISTOL 4.5 Caliber, mm Killing range, m: 17 at a depth of 5 m 11 at a depth of 20 m 6 at a depth of 40 m 4 Capacity of magazine, cartridges BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF DP 64 ANTI SABOTEUR SYSTEM Caliber, mm 45 Weight of grenade, kg 0.65 Operating temperature range, C 50
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to Anatoly S. Obukhov, Designer General and Director of this enterprise, during the develop ment of this weapon the staff had to solve the following problems: effective annihilation of divers and maximum ease of operation. These problems were successful ly solved and in 1990 the DP 64 became operational. Now the state enterprise Bazalt issues this system in small batches. The anti saboteur system is a 45 mm man portable grenade launcher, which fires FG 45 HE and SG 45 signal grenades. The DP 64 is issued for coastal guard units, military and civilian ships, small boats and vessels. The sys tem annihilates divers at a range of up to 400 m and a depth of up to 40 m. The portable anti sabo teur grenade launcher has two vertically arranged barrels. Its weight does not exceed 10 kg. The grenade launcher is equipped with a trigger mecha nism. The sight, provided with a mechanical level, allows both direct and round the cover fire. Shots are fired in turn from each barrel. In this case, the breech block is opened and fire ready grenades FG 45 or SG 45 are placed in each barrel. The HE grenade destroys the target. Prior to fire the mechanical fuze arranged in the nose portion of the FG 45, is set for operating depth. The explosive charge is
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steel rods. Each underwater sub machine gun is provided with two magazines and accessories. To fire the SPP 1 underwater pistol and APS submachine gun, the specialists of the aforemen tioned institute developed and tested in various conditions, both underwater and on the ground, special cartridges provided with an elongated bullet. The latter is a steel rod: the ogive is terminat ed with a blunt end. When moving underwater, the bullet's flight is stabilized by a surrounding cavi tation air hole. In the air the bul let's flight is not stabilized. The SPP 1 pistol fires a 4.5 mm SPS cartridge weighing 21 g and 145 mm long. The APS sub machine gun employs a 5.66 mm MPS cartridge weighing 26 g and 150 mm long. At maximum ranges in underwater firing, this weapon inflicts lethal damage on a diver wearing a water suit with thermal porolone jacket and pen etrates organic glass 5 mm thick. One should also point out that divers can be trained in underwa ter firing with a pistol and subma chine gun on land. For this pur pose, smooth bore barrels are replaced by rifled weapons and standard 5.45 cartridges. Another unique weapon is the DP 64 anti saboteur system developed in 1989 by specialists of the state scientific and produc tion enterprise Bazalt. According
detonated, once the preset depth has been reached. The saboteur is annihilated by a powerful acoustic wave, rather than after effects of the explosion (frag ments, balls, etc.). The destruc tion radius is approximately 14 meters. To designate the location of the detected diver, a SG 45 sig nal grenade equipped with a mechanical contact fuze is used. The fuze ignites extraction charge and pyrotechnic composition of the flare. The flare rises to the surface, illuminating the sur rounding area with a bright light for 50 seconds. The signal and HE grenades have the same dimensions and weight. In addition to these devices, surface ships, small boats, auxil iary vessels and coastal installa tions may be equipped with a MRG 1 multi tube rocket grenade launcher to protect them against diver saboteurs. The grenade launcher is mass pro duced by the Kovrov state enter prise V.A. Degtyarev factory. The MRG 1 grenade launcher has seven 55 mm tubes. It may fire RG 55M rocket grenades both in singles and salvoes. The fire is controlled remotely. The divers may be annihilated at a range from 50 to 500 m. The operating depth of the grenade is 15 or 30 m. (
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l e x a n d e r Sergeyevich Pavlov (37) is definitely a most unusual person. If only for the fact that, contrary to the present Russian fashion, he does not lament his fate and complain about difficulties. "Difficulties? Everyone has them, for goodness sake!" he exclaims. A crank? Perhaps, a little bit. But as experts in social psychology say, it's cranks that make the world go round. Pavlov's claim to fame is that he has brought out in remote Yakutsk, where he lives and works, a reference manual enti tled "The Soviet Navy. 1990 1991." And not only printed it at his own expense, but collected and systematized a vast amount of material. And that's not all either. You may not know that the English artist, historian and writer Frederick Jane (1865 1916), preparing the first edition of what later became his world famous reference work "All the World Fighting Ships" in 1897, did most of the drawings, for the book himself. Alexander went even fur ther, not only sketching projec tions of submarines, but also typesetting, making up and stitching the book himself. Many of the photographs of Soviet ships and vessels are orig inal. Some were taken by Pavlov himself. Others were sent to him by collectors interested in the subject from various parts of the former Soviet Union. Alexander has never actually served in the navy himself. But as a shipbuilding engineer at the Lena Amalgamated River
Shipping Line he is closely con nected with ships, of course. For those interested in the history of the Russian fleet, which will soon be celebrating its ter centenary, Pavlov's book is a real delight. Nothing like it came out during the Soviet period. It sums up, as it were, the whole history of the Soviet Navy. For that navy no longer exists today. Of course, Pavlov's book is typographically not on the same level as "Jane's Fighting Ships", the "Guide to the Soviet Fleet" by the American Norman Polmar or the German "Weyers". Specialists will probably also find inaccura cies, which, however, are explained by the "confidential" nature of the subject. But never theless it is quite unique. Alexander is now preparing a new edition, which is called "The Navy of Russia and the CIS, 1991 1992." It differs consider ably from the first edition in for mat (it will be twice the size) and content. The illustrative material has been greatly expanded by adding exclusive photographs and sketches. The real numbers are quoted of designs for sub marines and surface vessels, their performance data are ampli fied, the technical numbers of a
Alexander Mozgovoy
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vided, as well as the location of their bases. The compiler of the Russian "Jane" has now begun work on a new reference book to cover the ships of the Soviet and Russian navy from 1946 to 1996 which he hopes to bring out in 1996, just in time for the tercentenary of the Russian fleet. This means a colossal amount of work, but Alexander is not afraid of that. "I get help from enthusiasts all over the former Soviet Union," he says. "They send money, pho tographic material, information and sometimes suggestions. I should like to say a big thank you to them all." (
Vladimir M. Parashchenko, aged 57, Director General of the UFA ENGINE INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION Joint Stock Company, graduated from the State Aviation Technical University. He is an engineer by training. Vladimir Parashchenko began his career in 1952 as a worker. Now he is Candidate of Technical Sciences, the author of two scientific inventions and a number research works. Vladimir M. Parashchenko has five honored state awards and a special award of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Vladimir M. Parashchenko is member of the Board of Directors of Aircraft Engine Building Enterprises, the AVIAPROM Russian League, Commercial UFA BANK, the NAUKA Scientific Industrial Association, the SOYUZ Foreign Economic Insurance Association and other companies.
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The Association has well adjusted systems of pro ductional organization, management and marketing. Jointly with dozens of scientific research institutes and higher educational institutions, research and development work is being carried out. This is done to meet all sorts of customer's demand.
he Industrial Association was founded in 1925 as an enterprise producing aircraft engines. In February 1993, the enterprise was reorganized into the Joint Stock Company "UFA Engine Industrial Association" (UMPO) with all rights of the suc cessor reserved. During the years of its existence, the Association produced engines for 40 types of aircraft, including SU 22, SU 25, SU 27, MiG 21, MiG 23, MiG 27. For more than 40 years UMPO has been producing transmission units for helicopters Ka 26, Ka 27, Ka 32, Mi 6, Mi 10, Mi 26. Since 1967, the Association has been producing engines for two automobile plants: AZLK in Moscow, and IZHMACH in Izhevsk. It has produced about 2.5 million one cylinder 4 stroke petrol engines with output of 3.7 KWt, and it still continues produc ing them. In the last three years the enterprise has brought new types of products: the "Rus" multifunc tional snow mobile (rover), the
"Ural" motor unit, the "1Y61" uni versal high precision screw cut ting lathe with a complete set of accessories and cutting tools, the "Tropic" electrical heater, stain less steel table sets and sou venirs. The production complex includes: metallurgical process with all updated methods of producing high quality blanks; welding process, with con structions of various alloys weld ed by 20 methods via diffusion, resistance, electron and laser beam in shielded gases with high level of mechanization; a whole complex of labora tory equipment, permitting to carry out complete chemical, phase and structural analyses of materials, their mechanical prop erties, heat resistance, fatigue strength and corrosion resis tance. This modern production and technological complex make it possible for the UMPO Joint Stock Company to hold its repu tation as a leading manufacturer of aircraft engines. The company has its own aerodrome and spe cial departments dealing with the transportation by rail, water and road; a hundred of transfer, assembly, testing and conveyer
lines, more than 700 N/C machine tools, dozens of produc tion robots and robot applied sys tems, modern stock of PC and other advanced equipment; design and technological departments, shops where tools and technological fixtures are developed, special plants and machines, means of mechaniza tion, advanced processes are being developed. The Association has well adjusted systems of pro ductional organization, manage ment and marketing. Jointly with dozens of scien tific research institutes and high er educational institutions, research and development work is being carried out. This is done to meet all sorts of customer's demand. The invaluable asset of the company is our highly qualified personnel: managers, designers, technologists, workers. The company is fully aware
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that only improvement of serial products and creation of new products in demand can meet the requirements of constantly devel oping market. Presently there are being developed 2 basic aircraft engines to be used in seven types of aircraft, as well as gas genera tor for gas pumping units. The produce of the
Association is used in 35 coun tries of the world. In 1993, the Association has been granted the international award for the Best Trade Name by the Trade Leaders' Club, Madrid. UMPO ENSURES NOT ONLY ITS OWN PROS PERITY, IT ENSURES SUCCESS TO ITS PART NERS!
Victor Chernomyrdin Chairman of the Council of Ministers Government of the Russian Federation
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Yury Antipov Chairman of the Board Director General MILITARY PARADE, Ltd.