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MT103 Ubs PDF

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ab SWIFT Formatting Guide. Meeting STP standards.

The key element of payment services is high-quality service at low-cost. In order to achieve this goal, we have implemented a state-of-the-art payment processing system. The system set-up enables both of us you as our partner bank and us as your strategic service provider to share the low-cost advantages of our fully automated and standardized processes. In conjunction with the Swiss domestic clearing system SIC (Swiss Interbank Clearing) and direct connections to the EUR clearing infrastructure, we provide services which ensure swift, reliable, and efficient processing of payment orders throughout Switzerland and Europe. It is worth mentioning that our straight-through criteria are based on the SWIFT straight-through processing (STP) guidelines. In order to promote the highest level of process automation, we provide you with the necessary information regarding the formatting of SWIFT payment orders. We have prepared this leaflet to help you improve your quality of payment orders.

Unqualified payments: A payment order will fall into this category unless it complies with SWIFT standards and UBS formatting requirements.

Meeting STP standards for MT103 This message type is sent by or on behalf of the financial institution of the ordering customer, directly or through (a) correspondent(s), to the financial institution of the beneficiary customer. The ordering or the beneficiary customer, or both, are non-financial institutions from the perspective of the Sender. We recommend that, as an account holder, you should send your payment order to the Nostro agent where your account is held, e. g. if your agent is UBS in Zurich, send your order to UBSWCHZH80A. Note: Highlight applicable for MT103 (MT103core and MT103+). UBS STP standards regarding account formatting for private and corporate UBS customers require that the following sequence of digits, letters and /or symbols is maintained: a domestic bank clearing number, a dash ('-'), an account number, a full stop ('.') and control digits or letters. The only possible separators are the dash symbol '-' and a full stop '.'. The placement of the separators should be preserved as indicated in the examples. The rules are explained in more detail in the following tables.

Categories of payments UBS defines two types of payments which are pricerelevant. The price of a payment depends on the category under which a payment falls. Qualified payments: To qualify for this category a payment order has to meet the following requirements: it must be sent via SWIFT or UBS KeyLink, it must be formatted according to SWIFT standards, it must adhere to UBS formatting requirements, such as the format of a beneficiarys account number. Clearing number Format I Format II 0230 0230 Dash

Account number 123456 P0345678

Full stop . .

Account no. extension 78A 9

Format I and II can be displayed in the official IBAN formats: Format I CH350023023012345678A Format II CH3500230230P03456789

The above formats are integrated in the following examples in field 59.

Customer Transfer (MT103core) Overview of an MT103core format: Status Tag M O M O O M O O M O O O 20 13C 23B 23E 26T 32A 33B 36 50a 51A 52A 53a Field name Transaction Reference Number Time indication Bank Operation Code Instruction Code Transaction Type Code Value Date, Currency Code, Amount Currency / Instructed Amount Exchange Rate Ordering Customer Sending Institution Ordering Institution Senders Correspondent Meeting STP standards 16x /8c /4!n1!x4!n CRED Accepted code words SDVA, INTC or CORT 1 Not to be used 6!n3!a15d 3!a15d 12d Option A with BEI 2 Option K Not be used Option A with BIC code Option A with BIC code Option B with UBS account number in a 21-digit format in the account number line. Example: if an account number is 0230-12345.67A then the 21-digit format of this account is 02300000012345670000A. No separators must be used. Option A with BIC code Option A with BIC code Option A with BIC code Option A with BIC code 3 Option D with //SWXXXXXX (BC code) in the account number line, followed by banks name and address in the next lines. Possible formats of a UBS customers account number a) IBAN b) BBAN CH350023023012345678A 0230-123456.78A IBAN a must for payments 0230-P0345678.9 to EU countries. All format options should be followed by a name and address of the beneficiary in the next lines. 4*35x Accepted code words BEN or SHA or OUR If 71A contains BEN or SHA If 71A contains OUR Not to be used (Accepted code word is INS, with SWIFT BIC) 4 3*35x Not to be used


54A 55A 56A 57a

Receivers Correspondent Third Reimbursement Institution Intermediary Account with Institution


Beneficiary Customer


70 71A 71F 71G 72 77B 77T

Remittance Information Details of Charges Senders Charges Receivers Charges Sender to Receiver Information Regulatory Reporting Envelope Contents

Status: M = Mandatory O = Optional UBS does not offer services associated with the following code words: PHOB, TELB, PHON, TELE, PHOI, TELI, BONL, REPA. If field option 50A and /or 59A is used, it must contain a BEI (Business Entity Indentifier), which looks like a SWIFT BIC with a '1' in the eight position and is used to indentify non-financial institutions. BEI codes are listed in the yellow section of the BIC Directory. 3 This field specifies the financial institution or its branch which services the beneficiary customer. 4 Field 72 must never be used for information for which another field is intended.
1 2

Example of correctly formatted MT103core Customer Transfer without cover (MT103core) A medical company BIOMEDIC in Amsterdam (with SWIFT BEI BIMENL31) orders ABCD Bank to pay CHF 1000 to Meeting STP standards Sender: Receiver: :20: :23B: :32A: :50A: :53B: :57A: :57D: ABCDDEFFXXX UBSWCHZH80A TRN0001 CRED 030906CHF1000, /B138-12 BIMENL31 /02300000012233040000X CRESCHZZ70A or //SW04175 CREDIT SUISSE Chur /123456 Hans Meier Alpengasse 1, Chur SHA

Hans Meier, Alpengasse 1, Chur, account number 123456 with Credit Suisse, Chur, for value date September 6, 2003. ABCD Bank holds two CHF accounts with UBS Zurich one main and one special. The special account to be debited reads 0230-12233.04X. 5


In those cases where there are multiple direct account relationships in the currency of the transaction between the Sender and the Receiver e.g. one main account and other special accounts and one of these special accounts is to be used, the account to be debited must be indicated in this field. The account number needs to be expressed in a 21-digit format. When there is a single direct account relationship in the currency of the transaction between the Sender and the Receiver, field 53B must not be present. Additionally, if the sender is different from the account owner, 53A or 53B must be filled out. Such cases are subject to a separate agreement.


This example also applies to domestic payments in EUR.

Customer Transfer (MT103core) with a cover payment (MT202) A manufacturing company FACTORY orders a Spanish Bank to pay USD 1000 to Peter Schweizer, Thun, account MT103 Sender: :20: :23B: :32A: :50K: :53A: :54A: Receiver: :57A: :59: Meeting STP standards SPBKESESXXX TRN0001 CRED 030906USD1000, FACTORY, Madrid SPBKUS33 USBKUS33 UBSWCHZH80A UBSWCHZH30A / 0235-110220.60X or IBAN /CH350023523511022060X Peter Schweizer Alpengasse 1, Thun SHA

number 0235 -110220.60X with UBS Bern. Cover is provided through the American branch of the Spanish Bank in favour of UBS Zurichs USD account held with US Bank in New York. MT202 Sender: :20:


:21: 32A: Receiver: :57A: :58A:

Always mention the respective bank or branch (even if the receiver and the servicing branch is the same bank) where the beneficiary holds the account. This is applicable even if field 59 contains an IBAN. Field should be populated with an account number of the beneficiary in UBS STP format or a valid IBAN, as well as the full name and address.


NOTE: For commercial payments in CHF to Switzerland do not use the cover payment method, but the serial one.

Customer Transfer (MT103+) Overview of an MT103+ format: The code STP must be indicated in the header of the SWIFT message in the validation flag field 119. Status Tag M O M O O M O O M O O 20 13C 23B 23E 26T 32A 33B 36 50a 52A 53a Field name Transaction Reference Number Time indication Bank Operation Code Instruction Code Transaction Type Code Value Date, Currency Code, Amount Currency / Instructed Amount Exchange Rate Ordering Customer Ordering Institution Senders Correspondent Meeting STP standards 16x /8c /4!n1!x4!n CRED Accepted code words SDVA, INTC or CORT 6 Not to be used 6!n3!a15d 3!a15d 12d Option A with BEI 7 Option K Option A with BIC code Option A with BIC code Option B with UBS account number in a 21-digit format in the account number line. Example: if an account number is 0230-12345.67A then the 21-digit format of this account is 02300000012345670000A. No separators must be used. Option A with BIC code Option A with BIC code Option A with BIC code Option A with BIC code 8 Possible formats of a UBS customers account number a) IBAN b) BBAN CH350023023012345678A 0230-123456.78A IBAN a must for payments 0230-P0345678.9 to EU countries. All format options should be followed by a name and address of the beneficiary in the next lines. 4*35x Accepted code words BEN or SHA or OUR If 71A contains BEN or SHA If 71A contains OUR Not to be used 3*35x


54A 55A 56A 57a 59

Receivers Correspondent Third Reimbursement Institution Intermediary Account with Institution Beneficiary Customer


70 71A 71F 71G 72 77B

Remittance Information Details of Charges Senders Charges Receivers Charges Sender to Receiver Information Regulatory Reporting

Status: M = Mandatory O = Optional UBS does not offer services associated with the following code word: REPA. If field option 50A and /or 59A is used, it must contain a BEI (Business Entity Indentifier), which looks like a SWIFT BIC with a '1' in the eight position and is used to indentify non-financial institutions. BEI codes are listed in the yellow section of the BIC Directory. 8 This field specifies the financial institution or its branch which services the beneficiary customer.
6 7

Example of a correctly formatted MT103+ Customer Transfer (CHF) ABCD Manufacturing Company, New York (BEI = ABCDUS31) instructs US Bank New York to make Meeting STP standards Sender: Receiver: 119 :20: :23B: :32A: :50A: :57A: :59: BANKUS33 UBSWCHZH80A STP 123456ABCDE78910 CRED 001122CHF300000, / 987654 ABCDU531 UBSWCHZH90A /CH350025425498765401J Meyer & Co. Hauptstrasse 1, St.Gallen CLAIM KM6766 SHA

a CHF 300 000 payment to Meyer & Co., Hauptstrasse 1, St. Gallen, account 254-987654.01J with UBS, St. Gallen. The reason for payment is to settle claim number KM6766.

To trigger the MT103+ format validation, the user header of the message (block 3) is mandatory and must contain the code STP in the validation flag field 119.

Always mention the respective bank or branch (even if the receiver and the servicing branch is the same bank) where the beneficiary holds the account. This is applicable even if field 59 contains an IBAN. It is recommended that an IBAN should be specified, i.e. ISO-13616 standard, in the mandatory account number line of this field and the name and address of the beneficiary in the following lines.

:70: :71A:

Customer Transfer of EUR to Switzerland via EBA (Euro-1) A manufacturing company Helli in Helsinki instructs Helsi Bank, Helsinki to make a EUR 300 000 payment to Hans Muster, Hauptstrasse 1, St. Gallen, account Meeting STP standards Sender: Receiver: 119 :20: :23B: :32A: :33B: :50K: :57A: :59: HELSBANK UBSWDEFF STP 123456HELSI78910 CRED 001122EUR300010, EUR300000, Helli AG Helsinki CRESCHZZ80A /CHXXXXXXXXXX987654156 Hans Muster Hauptstrasse 1, St.Gallen CLAIM KM6766 OUR EUR10,

987654156 with CS, Zurich. The reason for payment is to settle claim number KM6766. Transfer charges are to be borne by the sender (OUR option). There is no direct account connection between Helsi Bank and UBS. UBS is used as a EUR gateway to Switzerland.

Always mention the respective bank or branch (even if the receiver and the servicing branch is the same bank) where the beneficiary holds the account. This is applicable even if field 59 contains an IBAN. It is recommended that an IBAN should be specified, i.e. ISO-13616 standard, in the mandatory account number line of this field and the name and address of the beneficiary in the following lines. STP payment with BEN or OUR in field 71A must also contain data in fields 71F of 71G respectively.

:70: :71A: :71G:

Meeting STP standards for MT2xx Financial Institution Transfer for its Own Account (MT200) This message type is sent by an account owner to one of its account servicing institutions. It is used to request the movement of funds from an account that the Receiver services for the Sender to an account that the Sender has, in the same currency, with another financial institution. Overview of an MT200 format: Status Tag M M O 20 32A 53a Field name Transaction Reference Number Value Date, Currency Code, Amount Senders Correspondent Meeting STP standards 16x 6!n3!a15d Option A with BIC code Option B with UBS specific account number in a 21-digit format in the account number line. Example: if an account number is 0230-12345.67A then the 21-digit format of this account is 02300000012345670000A. No separators must be used. Option A with BIC code Option A with BIC code 9 Not to be used


56A 57A 72

Intermediary Account with Institution Sender to Receiver Information

Status: M = Mandatory O = Optional


This field identifies the financial institution to which the funds (owned by the Sender and originally placed with the Receiver) are to be transferred.

Example of a correctly formatted MT200 US Bank New York maintains a CHF account with UBS Zurich. US Bank has to transfer CHF 12 000 to the account it holds with BNP Paribas (Suisse) S.A., Basel. (BIC ID: UEBGCHGG40A) Meeting STP standards Sender: Receiver: :20: :32A: :57A: USBKUS33XXX UBSWCHZH80A TRN12345 030103CHF12000, UEBGCHGG40A

General Financial Institution Transfer (MT202) This message is sent by or on behalf of the ordering institution directly, or through (a) correspondent(s), to the financial institution of the beneficiary institution. It is used to order the movement of funds to the beneficiary institution. Overview of an MT202 format: Status Tag M M O M O O 20 21 13C 32A 52A 53a Field name Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Time Indication Value Date, Currency Code, Amount Ordering Institution Senders Correspondent

This message may also be sent to a financial institution servicing multiple accounts for the Sender to transfer funds between these accounts. In addition it can be sent to a financial institution to debit one of the Senders accounts which is serviced by the Receiver or to credit an account owned by the Sender at an institution specified in field 57a.

Meeting STP standards 16x 16x / 8c /4!n1!x4!n 6!n3!a15d Option A with BIC code Option A with BIC code Option B with UBS account number in a 21-digit format in the account number line. Example: if an account number is 0230-12345.67A then the 21-digit format of this account is 02300000012345670000A. No separators must be used. Option A with BIC code Option A with BIC code Option A with BIC code Option A with BIC code Not to be used (The only accepted code word is INS followed by SWIFT BIC) 10


54A 56A 57A 58A 72

Receivers Correspondent Intermediary Account with Institution Beneficiary Institution Sender to Receiver Information

Status: M = Mandatory O = Optional


Field 72 must never be used for information for which another field is intended. For instance, it is not correct to include '/BNF/ for further credit to UBSWGB22' in this field. This information must be included in field 58A. NOTE: UBS does not offer the services associated with the following codes in field 72: /PHONBEN/, / TELE /, / TELEBEN /, /PHON/, /PHONIBK/, / TELEIBK/.

Example of a correctly formatted MT202 Financial Institution Transfer (CHF) US Bank New York holds a CHF account with UBS Zurich. US Bank has to transfer CHF 12 000 to BNP Paribas (Suisse) S.A., Basel, in favour of BNP Paris. Senders and Receivers reference is TRN 12345. Meeting STP standards Sender: Receiver: :20: :21: :32A: :57A: :58A: USBKUS33XXX UBSWCHZH80A TRN12345 TRN12345 030103CH12000, UEBGCHGG40A BNPAFRPP

Should you need to mention an account held by the beneficiary institution which is to be credited, please do so in the account number line of field 58A. If the beneficiary is a customer of UBS (57A: SWIFT BIC of a relevant UBS branch) and has more than one account with UBS main and special and for any reason, you wish the special account to be credited, only then mention the account in the account number line and the SWIFT BIC of the beneficiary in the second line. In order to credit the main account, please state the SWIFT BIC of the beneficiary institution ONLY.

Financial Institution Transfer (EUR) US Bank New York holds a EUR account with UBS Frankfurt. US Bank has to transfer EUR 12 000 to BNP Paris. The funds are to be paid via Target. Meeting STP standards Sender: Receiver: :20: :21: :32A: :57A: :58A: USBKUS33XXX UBSWDEFF TRN0001 TRN12345 990323EUR12000, //RT BNPAFRPP BNPAFRPP

General information SWIFT BIC codes can be found in the BIC Database Plus provided by SWIFT at the following web page: www.swift.com . The SIC numbers of UBS branches can be found in the current directory www.sic.ch. This website is available in German, English and French. On the first page select Online Services from the top menu line. Then select Inquiry BC Number from the submenu on the left-hand side. The SWIFT BIC can be used as a search criterion.

Contact Should you have any questions related to these UBS STP standards, please contact your Account Manager directly or write to the following address: UBS AG Financial Institutions P.O. Box CH-8098 Zurich Switzerland e-mail: b4b-clearing@ubs.com Internet: www.ubs.com / b4b
January 2004, 80729 E

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