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National Highways Authority of India (Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India) Notice Inviting Bid (Invitation For RFP)

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National Highways Authority of India


Notice Inviting Bid
(Invitation for RFP)

NIT No: NHAI/UP/2019/Panipat-Kotwali/NH709AD/PKGIII&IV/AE Dated: 07.03.2019

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) (the ‘Employer’) invites proposals from
eligible consultant for engaging Authority’s Engineer (AE) on the basis of International
Competitive Bidding for the following contract package in the State of Uttar Pradesh.


Sl. Project Stretch NH Length/ Assignment Period

No No. Project Cost
1 Improvement and
Upgradation of Highway 30.600 km/ Construction period 24
starting from junction with NH- 557.64 Cr. months plus maintenance
NH-44 at Panipat connecting 709A period 60 months
Kairana, Shamli, D
Muzaffarnagar, Mairanpur,
Bijnor and terminating at its
junction with Nh-74 at
Kotawali to Two/four lane
with paved shoulder
Muzaffarnagar to Miranpur
pkg.-III of NH-709AD in the
State of Uttar Pradesh under
2 Improvement and NH- 21.620 km/ Construction period 24
Upgradation of Highway 709A Rs 216.77 Cr. months plus maintenance
starting from junction with D period 60 months
NH-44 at Panipat connecting
Kairana, Shamli,
Muzaffarnagar, Mairanpur,
Bijnor and terminating at its
junction with Nh-74 at
Kotawali to Two/four lane
with paved shoulder
configuration–Bijnor to
Kotwali pkg.-IV of NH-
709AD in the State of Uttar
Pradesh under NHDP Phase-
VII on EPC Mode
Total 52.220km & Rs.774.41 Cr.
The RFP shall be received through “INFRACON” (www.infracon.nic.in) and will be
evaluated based on details furnished on “INFRACON”. As such before submitting the
proposal, the Consultant (the firm and all key personnel) shall mandatorily register
and enlist themselves, on the MoRT&H portal “INFRACON” and upload all relevant
information to enable correct evaluation of RFP. All the bidders registered on
“INFRACON” which should be assigned unique INFRACON Team ID. Bidders while
submitting the RFP proposal shall furnish registration details including INFRACON Team
ID. A copy of INFRACON Operation Procedure is enclosed for bidder’s reference.
The interested consultancy firms may view/download the RFP document from the e-
procurement portal of NHAI i.e. https://etenders.gov.in from 07.03.2019 to
06.05.2019 (upto 1100 hrs IST). RFP of Bid must be submitted online at
https://etenders.gov.in in or before 06.05.2019 (upto 1100 hrs IST). RFP of bids
received online shall be opened on 07.05.2019 (at 11:30 hrs IST).

Bid submitted through any other mode shall not be entertained. However, proof of
payment of cost of bid document, Power of Attorney and Joint Bidding Agreement etc.
as specified in the RFP shall be submitted physically by the Bidder on or before
07.05.2019 (at 1100 hours IST), Please note that the National Highways Authority of
India reserves the right to accept or reject all or any of the BIDs without assigning any
reason whatsoever.

Officer In-charge
Sh. Arun Jagga
General Manager (T)
National Highways Authority of India,
G-5&6, Sector-10,Dwarka, New Delhi-110075
Phone:011 25074100/200 (Extn. – 1719)
e-mail: arunjagga@nhai.org

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by ARUN JAGGA
Date: 2019.03.07 16:45:25 IST
Location: eProcurement System for
Central PSUs

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