Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
The S.E. Sitapur/Kheri Circle, U.P.P.W.D. on behalf of Governor of Uttar Pradesh invites the
percentage rate bids online from the eligible and approved Road Signage work class “A”. Bidders are
advised to note the minimum qualification criteria specified in Clause 4 of the Instructions to Bidders to
qualify for the award of the contract.
SL Name of Work Estimated Bid Tender Time of Address Address Address
No cost Security Cost Completion of of of Chief
1 Circle Zone
Chauraha, Mehandipurwa, 108.70 7.43 2715.00 05 Months Sitapur
Singhnapur, Lakhbeda Sitapur Lucknow
Puliya, Reusa Mod and
The Rates adopted in the BOQ are excluding GST.
All works shall be executed after adopting safety measures for infection of COVID-19.
3. Time allowed for completion of Whole work is Col. 7including rainy season.
4. The bids shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of 90 daysfrom the last date of submission of bids. Bids once submitted
cannot be withdrawn.
5. According to the provisions of Government Order no. 26/2017/2778/78-2-2017-97 IT/2017 TC Date 05-09-2017 and E-in-C
circular number 155 camp/CE (HQ-1)/Circular/2019-20 Dated 22.04.2019 the Bids must be accompanied with the copy of UTR
(Unique Transaction Receipt) bid security (EMD) and tender cost of the amount specified for the work in the table. Bid security
and Tender Cost should be deposited online as per follows :-
Cost of Bid Document :as per column 6 (non-refundable) To be deposited in the account of UP e-tender online Account
through e-tender portal. All concerned please note that the bidding process will not move onward if the bid document’s Cost
(Tender Fee) is not paid through e-tender portal.
Bid Security (EMD) :Bids must be accompanied with security of the amount specified for the work in the table as per column-
5. Bid security will be deposited in the account of UP e-tender online Account through e-tender portal. All concerned please
note that the bidding process will not move onward if the bid Security (EMD) is not paid through e-tender portal. No other form
of bid security will be accepted.
6. Bids can be downloaded online from date 15.06.2024 to 21.06.2024 at 12:00 PM and bid can be submitted online on or before
21.06.2024 at 12:00 PM. The technical bids will be opened online on date 21.06.2024 at 12:30 PM.If the office happens to be
closed on the date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened online on the next working day, respectively, at
the same time and validity of bid will be considered from the original date. The date and time of opening of the financial bid
shall be notified on website. The Financial bids shall be accordingly opened online.
7. A pre-bid meeting will be held for each work 18.06.2024 at 12.00 PM at OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER,
SITAPUR/KHERI CIRCLE, PWD, SITAPUR corresponding to the respective package to clarify the issues andto answer
questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage as stated in Clause 9.2 of ‘Instructions to Bidders’ of thebidding
8. Bids must be accompanied with security of the amount specified for the work in the table. Bid security will have to be in anyone
of the forms as specified in the bidding document and shall be valid for 45 days beyond the validity of the bid. Bidsecurity
pledged in favor of “Superintending Engineer, Sitapur/Kheri Circle, PWD, Sitapur. Bid Security and tender cost be
accepted only by E-Tender portal. In the event of non submission of original document by the bidder, the appropriate action will
be taken in accordance with the provisional of G.O.
9. A bidder shall not be permitted to bid for works in the Circle responsible for award and execution of contracts in which hisor his
spouse’s near relatives (defined as first blood relations, and their spouses) is posted as Divisional Accountant or as anofficer in
any capacity between the grades of Superintending Engineer and Junior Engineer (both inclusive).
10. No Engineer of Gazetted rank or other Gazetted officer employed in Engineering or Administrative duties in an
EngineeringDepartment of the State / Central Government is allowed to work as a Contractor for a period of two years after
hisretirementfrom Government service, without Government permission. This contract is liable to be cancelled if either the
Contractor orany of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the
Government asaforesaid before submission of the tender or engagement in the Contractor’s service.
11. Bid documents and other details consisting of qualification information and eligibility criterion of bidders, plans,specifications,
drawings, the schedule of quantities of the various classes of work to be done and the set of terms &conditionsof contract to be
complied with by the Contractor can be seen in the office of the Executive Engineer mentioned in column 11 of the table
corresponding to the respective package between hours of 11.00 am and 04.00 pm on any working day between 15.06.2024 to
12. Any bidder who is having criminal record is not allowed to participate in the bidding process.
13. Any bidder who is registered with the state Bar Council is not allowed to participate in the bidding process.
14. Each bidder is required to furnish an affidavit online on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/-giving all information on
prescribed Performa required for evaluation of the bidding capacity of the bidder.
15. Bidder must submit information/document on prescribed Performa ie. T4, T5, T6 with each bid.
16. GST shall be deducted / paid as per GST Rules from Contractor Bill.
17. According to the provisions of Government Order no. 1/2018/3070/78-2-2018/42 IT/2017 (22) Date 03-01-2018 after opening
of the technical and financial bids, the bidder has to submit original documents personally in department/ office. In the event of
non submission of original documents by the bidder, the appropriate action will be taken in accordance with the provisions of
18. According to the instructions given by ENC’s letter 339Camp/CE(HQ-1)/19 dated 07.09.2019, the tenderers are required to
upload the tender information on the e-tendering website of NIC Along with that uploading on Chanakya software of Public
Works Department is also mandatory.
19. Successful bidder has to provide extra performance security as per G.O. No. 622 / 23-12-2012-2 Audit/08 TC -2 dated
20. In PWD technical evaluation of tenders is to be done by Prahari Software. URL for Prahari is http://wms.uppwd.gov.in/Prahari/
.On opening of the website Prahari login page will open in which user type Contractor is to be selected. User name and
password for login on Prahari shall be same as used for contractor’s registration on Chnakaya Portal. Bidders have to upload all
the basic information and required document on Prahari. If a bidder does not upload information and document on Prahari
technical evaluation of the tender shall not be done and the bidder will be responsible for that.
21. After uploading all the information & documents on Prahari bidders shall have to download technical sheet E1, after submitting.
Scan copy of technical sheet E1 shall be then uploaded on e-tender portal http:/etender.up.nic.in by the bidder. Bidder shall not
upload any document other than technical sheet E1 on e-tender portal. If the bidder is uploading any document other than
technical sheet E1 on e-tender portal, the document uploaded on e-tender portal shall not be considered for technical evaluation
and claim of contractor in this regard shall not be entertained.
22. Bidders are expected to upload all the informations and documents well before submission date and time to avoid problem
caused by slow internet speed/problem related to Prahari. Any claim of contractor in this regard shall not be entertained after
23. Some informations/documents to be uploaded by bidders on Prahari have to be approved by the department for final
submission. Bidders are advised to contact any Division/Circle of department after uploading on Prahari such
informations/documents with original documents and ensure its approval from the authority of the department.
Superintending Engineer
Sitapur/KheriCircle , P.W.D, Sitapur