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Concrete Pavement

600 Concrete Pavement

Section 600

Concrete Pavement


Concrete Pavement 601 601.1 DRY LEAN CEMENT CONCRETE SUB-BASE Scope

Section 600

601.1.1 The work shall consist of construction of dry lean concrete sub-base for cement concrete pavement in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The work shall include furnishing of all plant and equipment, materials and labour and performing all operations, in connection with the work, as approved by the Engineer. 601.1.2 The design parameters of Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) sub-base, viz., width, thickness, grade of concrete, details of joints, if any, etc. shall be as stipulated in the Contract drawings. 601.2 Materials

601.2.1 Source of Materials : The Contractor shall indicate to the Engineer the source of all materials with relevant test data to be used in the dry lean concrete work sufficiently in advance and the approval of the Engineer for the same shall be obtained at least 45 days before the scheduled commencement of the work in trail length. If the Contractor later proposes to obtain the materials from a different source, he shall notify the Engineer for his approval at least 45 days before such materials are to be used. 601.2.2 Cement : Any of the following types of cement may be used with prior approval of the Engineer: S. No. i) ii) iii) iv)
Note: 1) Fly ash upto 20 percent by weight of Cement may be used in 53 Grade Cement. No fly ash shall be used in any other grade of Cement other than 53 Grade. The fly ash shall conform to IS:3812 (Part-I). Site mixing of fly ash shall be permitted only after ensuring availability at site, uniform blending through a specific mechanical facility with automated process control like batch mix plant conforming to IS:4925 and IS:4926. 249

Type Ordinary Portland Cement 43 Grade Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement Portland Pozzolana Cement Ordinary Portland Cement 53 Grade

Conforming to IS:8112 IS:455 IS:1489-Part I IS:12269


Section 600

Concrete Pavement
Mix design will be done as per IRC:SP:49. The OPC content shall not be less than 135 kg/cu.m in case of blending at site. The curing period may be suitably enhanced (by atleast about 2 days).

If the sub-grade is found to consist of soluble sulphates in a concentration more than 0.5 percent, cement used shall be sulphate resistant and shall conform to IS:6909. Cement to be used may preferably be obtained in bulk form. It shall be stored in accordance with stipulations contained in Clause 1014 and shall be subjected to acceptance test prior to its immediate use. 601.2.3 Aggregates

601.2.3.1 Aggregates for lean concrete shall be natural material complying with IS:383. The aggregates shall not be alkali reactive. The limits of deleterious materials shall not exceed the requirements set out in IS:383. In case the Engineer considers that the aggregates are not free from dirt, the same may be washed and drained for at least 72 hours before batching, or as directed by the Engineer. 601.2.3.2 Coarse aggregates : Coarse aggregates shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, non-porous and durable pieces of crushed stone or crushed gravel and shall be devoid of pieces of disintegrated stone, soft, flaky, elongated, very angular or splintery pieces. The crushed gravel/aggregate shall have atleast one fracture faces. The maximum size of the coarse aggregate shall be 31.5 mm. The coarse aggregate shall comply with Clause 602.2.4.2. 601.2.3.3 Fine aggregates : The fine aggregates shall consist of clean, natural sand or crushed stone sand or a combination of the two and shall conform to IS:383. Fine aggregate shall be free from soft particles, clay, shale, loam, cemented particles, mica, organic and other foreign matter. The fine aggregate shall comply with Clause 602.2.4.3. The fine aggregate shall not contain deleterious substances more than the following: Clay lumps Coal and lignite Material passing IS Sieve No.75 micron i) Natural sand (Uncrushed) ii) Crushed sand 601.2.3.4 manner: 1.0 percent 1.0 percent 3.0 percent 8.0 percent

The coarse and fine aggregates may be obtained in either of the following i) In separate nominal sizes of coarse and fine aggregates and mixed together intimately before use.


Concrete Pavement ii)

Section 600 Separately as 31.5 mm nominal, 25 mm nominal single size, 12.5 mm nominal size graded aggregates and fine aggregate of crushed stone dust or sand or a combination of these three. They shall be mixed together in prescribed proportion before use. Combined flakiness and elognation index shall not be more than 35 percent.


The material after blending shall conform to the grading as indicated in Table 600-1. Table 600-1 Aggregate Gradation for Dry Lean Concrete Sieve Designation 31.5 mm 26.50 mm 19.0 mm 9.50 mm 4.75 mm 600.00 micron 75.00 micron Percentage by weight passing the Sieve 100 90-95 80-90 55-75 35-60 10-35 0-8

601.2.4 Water : Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, salt, acid, vegetable matter or other substances harmful to the finished concrete. It shall meet the requirements stipulated in IS:456. 601.2.5 Storage of materials : All materials shall be stored in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1014 of these Specifications and other relevant IS Specifications. All efforts must be made to store the materials in proper places so as to prevent their deterioration or contamination by foreign matter and to ensure their satisfactory quality and fitness for use in the work. The storage place must also permit easy inspection, removal and storage of materials. All such materials even though stored in approved godowns must be subjected to acceptance test immediately prior to their use. The requirements of storage yard specified in Clause 602.2.9 shall also be applicable. In case of aggregates, the storing place must be elevated from the ground atleast by 150 mm and should be a pucca paved platform i.e. cementitious treated GSB or soil or any other granular material or brick paving. 601.3 Proportioning of Materials for the Mix

601.3.1 The mix shall be proportioned with a maximum aggregate cement ratio of 15: 1. The water content shall be adjusted to the optimum as per Clause 601.3.2 for facilitating compaction by rolling. The strength and density requirements of concrete shall

Section 600

Concrete Pavement

be determined in accordance with Clause 601.6 by making trial mixes. Care should be taken to prevent one fraction of aggregate falling into the other fraction of the hopper of the feeding bin while loading the individual fraction of aggregates into the bins. 601.3.2 Moisture content : The right amount of water for the lean concrete in the main work shall be decided so as to ensure full compaction under rolling and shall be assessed at the time of rolling the trial length. Too much water will cause the lean concrete to be heaving up before the wheels and picked up on the wheels of the roller and too little will lead to inadequate compaction, a low in-situ strength and an open-textured surface. The optimum water content shall be determined and demonstrated by rolling during trial length construction and the optimum moisture content and degree of compaction shall be got approved from Engineer. While laying in the main work, the lean concrete shall have a moisture content between the optimum and optimum +2 percent, keeping in view the effectiveness of compaction achieved and to compensate for evaporation losses. 601.3.3 Cement content : The minimum cement content in the lean concrete shall be 150 kg/cu.m of concrete. In case flyash is blended at site as part replacement of cement, the quantity of flyash shall not be more than 20 percent by weight of OPC cement and the content of OPC shall not be less than 135 kg/cu.m. If this minimum cement content is not sufficient to produce concrete of the specified strength, it shall be increased as necessary by the Contractor at his own cost. 601.3.4 Concrete strength : The average compressive strength of each consecutive group of 5 cubes made in accordance with Clause 903.5.1.1 shall not be less than 10 MPa at 7 days. In addition, the minimum compressive strength of any individual cube shall not be less than 7.5 MPa at 7 days. The design mix complying with the above Clauses shall be got approved from the Engineer and demonstrated in the trial length construction. 601.4 Sub-grade

The sub-grade shall conform to the grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings and shall be uniformly compacted to the design strength in accordance with these Specifications. The dry lean concrete sub-base shall not be laid on sub-grade softened by rain after its final preparation; surface trenches and soft spots, if any, must be properly back-filled and compacted to avoid any weak or soft spot. As far as possible, the construction traffic shall be avoided on the prepared sub-grade. DLC shall not be laid directly on any sub-grade. Dry Lean Concrete acting as sub-base to the Paving Quality Concrete (PQC) shall be laid only on a granular sub-base/drainage layer as per Table 400-1. A day before placing of the subbase/drainage layer, the sub-grade surface shall be given a fine spray of water and rolled with one or two passes of a smooth wheeled roller. If Engineer feels it necessary, another fine spray of water may be applied just before placing drainage layer. If the

Concrete Pavement

Section 600

subgrade CBR is less than 8 percent, the subgrade shall be stabilized with lime, cement or any other stabilizer accredited by IRC or by mechanical stabilization so as to raise the CBR to not less than 15 percent in the field. 601.5 Construction

601.5.1 General : The pace and programme of the Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) subbase construction shall be matching suitably with the programme of construction of the PQC over it. The DLC sub-base shall be overlaid with PQC only after 7 days of sub-base construction. 601.5.2 Batching and mixing : The batching plant shall be capable of proportioning the materials by weight, each type of material being weighed separately in accordance with Clause 602.9.3.2. The cement from the bulk stock shall be weighed separately from the aggregates. The capacity of batching and mixing plant shall be at least 25 percent higher than the proposed capacity for the laying arrangements. The batching and mixing shall be carried out preferably in a forced action, central batching and mixing plant having necessary automatic controls to ensure accurate proportioning and mixing. Other types of mixing plant shall be permitted subject to demonstration of their satisfactory performance during the trial length. The type and capacity of the plant shall be got approved by the Engineer before commencement of the trial length. The weighing balances shall be calibrated by weighing with large weighing machine or in a weigh bridge. The accuracy of weighing scales of the batching plant shall be within 2 percent in the case of aggregates and 1 percent in the case of cement, fly ash, ground granulated slag and water. The design features of Batching Plant should be such that the shifting operations of the plant will not take long time when they are to be shifted from place to place with the progress of the work. 601.5.3 Transporting : Plant mix lean concrete shall be discharged immediately from the mixer, transported directly to the point where it is to be laid and protected from the weather by covering the tipping trucks with tarpaulin during transit. The concrete shall be transported by tipping trucks, sufficient in number to ensure a continuous supply of material to feed the laying equipment to work at a uniform speed and in an uninterrupted manner. The lead of the batching plant to paving site shall be such that the travel time available from mixing to paving as specified in Clause 601.5.5.2 will be adhered to. Tipping truck shall not have old concrete sticking to it. Each tipping truck shall be washed with water jet before next loading as and where required after inspection. 601.5.4 Placing : Lean concrete shall be placed by a paver with electronic sensor on sub-base/base as per Clause 400. The equipment shall be capable of laying the material in one layer in an even manner without segregation, so that after completion the total thickness is as specified. The paving machine shall have high amplitude tamping bars to give good initial compaction to the sub-base. One day before placing of the dry

Section 600

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lean cement concrete sub-base, the surface of the untreated granular sub-base/drainage layer shall be given a fine spray of water and rolled with a smooth wheeled roller. The laying of a two-lane road sub-base may preferably be done in full width. In case of unavoidable situation lane by lane laying may be done. Preferably the lean concrete shall be placed and compacted across the full width of the road, by constructing it in one go or in two lanes paved forward simultaneously. No joints shall normally be constructed in Dry Lean Concrete construction except in the following situations. Transverse butt type joint shall be provided at the end of the construction in a day. Longitudinal construction joint shall be provided only when lane by lane construction is done or in case of multiple lane exceeding two-lane, where pavers of adequate width capable of paving in one go are not available. Transverse joints in PQC shall not be co-terminous with the construction butt type joint of DLC. It shall be staggered from the construction butt type joint in DLC by 800-1000 mm. Longitudinal joint in DLC shall be similarly staggered by 300-400 mm from the longitudinal joint of PQC. The DLC shall be laid in such a way that it is atleast 500 mm wider on each side than the proposed width including paved shoulders of PQC. 601.5.5 Compaction

601.5.5.1 The compaction shall be carried out immediately after the material is laid and levelled. In order to ensure thorough compaction, rolling shall be continued on the full width till there is no further visible movement under the roller and the surface is closed. The minimum dry density obtained shall be 98 percent of that achieved during the trial length construction vide Clause 601.7. The densities achieved at the edges i.e. 0.5 m from the edge shall not be less than 96 percent of that achieved during the trial construction vide Clause 601.7. 601.5.5.2 The spreading, compacting and finishing of the lean concrete shall be carried out as rapidly as possible and the operation shall be so arranged as to ensure that the time between the mixing of the first batch of concrete in any transverse section of the layer and the final finishing of the same shall not exceed 90 minutes when the temperature of concrete is between 250C and 300C, and 120 minutes if less than 250C. This period may be reviewed by the Engineer in the light of the results of the trial run but in no case shall it exceed 120 minutes. Work shall not proceed when the temperature of the concrete exceeds 300C. If necessary, chilled water or addition of ice may be resorted to for bringing down the temperature. It is desirable to stop concreting when the ambient temperature is above 35C. After compaction has been completed, roller shall not stand on the compacted surface for the duration of the curing period except during commencement of next days work near the location where work was terminated the previous day.

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Section 600

601.5.5.3 Double drum smooth-wheeled vibratory rollers of minimum 80 to 100 kN static weight are suitable for rolling dry lean concrete. In case any other roller is proposed, the same shall be got approved from the Engineer, after demonstrating its performance. The number of passes required to obtain maximum compaction depends on the thickness of the dry lean concrete, the compatibility of the mix and the weight and type of the roller used. In-Situ density in green concrete by sand replacement method shall be determined and it will not be less 98 percent of the density in the trial length. The requirement of number of rollers shall be determined from the scale of the work to be undertaken. 601.5.5.4 In addition to the number of passes required (4-6) for compaction there shall be a preliminary pass without vibration to bed the Dry Lean Concrete down and again a final pass without vibration to remove roller marks and to smoothen the surface. Special care and attention shall be exercised during compaction near joints, kerbs, channels, side forms and around gullies and manholes. In case adequate compaction is not achieved by the roller at these locations, use of plate vibrators shall be made, if so directed by the Engineer. 601.5.5.5 The final lean concrete surface on completion of compaction and immediately before overlaying, shall be well closed, free from movement under roller and free from ridges, low spots, cracks, loose material, pot holes, ruts or other defects. The final surface shall be inspected immediately on completion and all loose, segregated or defective areas shall be corrected by using fresh lean concrete material laid and compacted as per Specifications. For repairing honeycombed/hungry surface, concrete with aggregates of size 10 mm and below shall be spread and compacted. It is necessary to check the level of the rolled surface for compliance. Any level/thickness deficiency should be corrected after applying concrete with aggregates of size 10 mm and below after roughening the surface. Similarly the surface regularity also should be checked with 3 m straight edge. 601.5.5.6 Segregation of concrete in the tipping trucks shall be controlled by moving the dumper back and forth while discharging the mix into the same or by any appropriate means. Even paving operation shall be such that the mix does not segregate. 601.5.6 drawings. Joints : Construction and longitudinal joints shall be provided as per the

At longitudinal or transverse construction joints, unless vertical forms are used, the edge of compacted material shall be cut back to a vertical plane where the correct thickness of the properly compacted material has been obtained. 601.5.7 Curing : As soon as the lean concrete surface is compacted, curing shall commence. One of the following two methods shall be adopted: a) Where water is available, curing may be done by covering the surface by gunny bags/hessian, which shall be kept wet continuously for 7 days by sprinkling water.

Section 600 b)

Concrete Pavement Where water is scarce, one of the following may be used i) The initial curing shall be done by spraying with white pigmented liquid curing compound conforming to ASTM-C 309-81. The curing compound shall be white pigmented or transparent type with water retention index of 90 percent when tested in accordance with BS:7542. Curing compound shall be sprayed immediately after rolling is completed. As soon as the curing compound has lost its tackiness, the surface shall be covered with wet hessian for four days. ii) Wax-based white pigmented curing compound with water retention index of 90 percent shall be used to cure the dry lean concrete. The curing compound shall conform to BS:7542. The compound shall be applied uniformly with a mechanical sprayer and with a hood to protect the spray from the wind. The curing compound shall be applied over the entire exposed surface of the DLC, including sides and edges, at the rate of 0.2 liters/sq.m. The first application, referred to as curing application shall be applied immediately after the final rolling of DLC is completed. As soon as the curing compound loses tackiness, the surface shall be covered with wet hessian for four days. The second application of curing compound also referred to as the debonding application, shall be applied 24 to 48 hours prior to the PQC placement. Any damaged DLC shall be corrected prior to the second application. Normally, the manufacturers instructions shall be followed for its application. After the second applications, no polythese separation membrane may be required.


Trial Mixes

The Contractor shall make trial mixes of dry lean concrete with moisture contents like 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5 and 7.0 percent using cement content specified and the specified aggregate grading but without violating the requirement of aggregate-cement ratio specified in Clause 601.3.1. Optimum moisture and density shall be established by preparing cubes (150 mm x 150 mm) with varying moisture contents. Compaction of the mix shall be done in three layers with vibratory hammer fitted with a square or rectangular foot as described in Clause 903.5.1.1. After establishing the optimum moisture, a set of six cubes shall be cast at that moisture for the determination of compressive strength on the third and the seventh day. Trial mixes shall be repeated if the strength is not satisfactory either by increasing cement content or using higher grade of cement. After the mix design is approved, the Contractor shall construct a trial section in accordance with Clause 601.7.


Concrete Pavement

Section 600

If during the construction of the trial length, the optimum moisture content determined as above is found to be unsatisfactory, the Contractor may make suitable changes in the moisture content to achieve the satisfactory mix. The cube specimens prepared with the changed mix content should satisfy the strength requirement. Before production of the mix, natural moisture content of the aggregate should be determined on a day-to-day basis so that the moisture content could be adjusted. The mix finally designed should neither stick to the rollers nor become too dry resulting in ravelling of surface. 601.7 Trial Length

601.7.1 The trial length shall be constructed at least 14 days in advance of the proposed date of commencement of work. At least 30 days prior to the construction of the trial length, the Contractor shall submit for the Engineers approval a Method Statement giving detailed description of the proposed materials, plant, equipment, mix proportions, and procedure for batching, mixing, laying, compaction and other construction procedures. The Engineer shall also approve the location and length of trial construction which shall be a minimum of 100 m length laid in two days and for full width of the pavement. The trial length shall contain the construction of at least one transverse construction joint involving hardened concrete and freshly laid D.L.C. sub-base. The construction of trial length shall be repeated till the Contractor proves his ability to satisfactorily construct the D.L.C. subbase. 601.7.2 Trial mixes shall be prepared as per Clause 601.6 in order to determine and demonstrate the optimum moisture content which results in the maximum dry density of the mix compacted by the rolling equipment and the minimum cement content that is necessary to achieve the strength stipulated in the drawing. 601.7.3 After the construction of the trial length, the in-situ density of the freshly laid material shall be determined by sand replacement method with 200 mm dia density cone. Three density holes shall be made at locations equally spaced along a diagonal that bisects the trial length, average of these densities shall be determined. These main density holes shall not be made in the strip 500 mm from the edges. The average density obtained from the three samples collected shall be the reference density and is considered as 100 percent. The field density of regular work will be compared with this reference density in accordance with Clauses 601.5.5.1 and 903.5.1.2. Atleast three (evenly spread) cores of minimum 100 mm dia per km shall be cut to check segregation or any other deficiency like strength etc. 601.7.4 The hardened concrete shall be cut over 3 m width and reversed to inspect the bottom surface for any segregation taking place. The trial length shall be constructed after making necessary changes in the gradation of the mix to eliminate segregation of the

Section 600

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mix. The lower surface shall not have honey-combing and the aggregates shall not be held loosely at the edges. 601.7.5 The trial length shall be outside the main works and shall not be less than 100 min length; laid in two days. The main work shall not start until the trial length has been approved by the Engineer. After approval has been given, the materials, mix proportions, moisture content, mixing, laying, compaction plant and construction procedures shall not be changed without the approval of the Engineer. 601.8 Tolerances for Surface Regularity, Level, Thickness, Density and Strength

The tolerances for surface regularity, level, thickness, density and strength shall conform to the requirements given in Clause 903.5. Control of quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance with Section 900. 601.9 Traffic

No heavy commercial vehicles like trucks and buses shall be permitted on the dry lean concrete sub-base after its construction. 601.10 Measurement for Payment

The unit of measurement for dry lean concrete pavement shall be in cubic metre of concrete placed, based on the net plan area for the specified thickness shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. 601.11 Rate

The Contract unit rate payable for dry lean concrete sub-base shall be for carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all labour, materials and equipment, mixing, transport, placing, compacting, finishing, curing, rectification of defective surface testing and incidentals to complete the work as per Specifications, all royalties, fees, storage and rents where necessary and all leads and lifts.


Concrete Pavement 602 602.1 CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT Scope

Section 600

602.1.1 The work shall consist of construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades and cross sections shown on the drawings. The work shall include furnishing of all plant and equipment, materials and labour and performing all operations in connection with the work, as approved by the Engineer. 602.1.2 The design parameters, viz., thickness of pavement slab, grade of concrete, joint details etc. shall be as stipulated in the drawings. 602.2 Materials

602.2.1 Source of materials : The Contractor shall indicate to the Engineer the source of all materials to be used in the concrete work with relevant test data sufficiently in advance, and the approval of the Engineer for the same shall be obtained at least 45 days before the scheduled commencement of the work in trial length. If the Contractor subsequently proposes to obtain materials from a different source during the execution of main work, he shall notify the Engineer, with relevant test data, for his approval, at least 45 days before such materials are to be used. 602.2.2 Cement : Any of the following types of cement capable of achieving the design strength may be used with prior approval of the Engineer. S.No. i) ii) iiI) iv)
Note: 1) Fly ash upto 20 percent by weight of cement may be used in ordinary portland cement 53 Grade. No fly ash shall be used in any other grade of Cement other than 53 Grade. The fly ash shall conform to IS:3812 (Part I). Ground Granulated Blast Furnance Slag (GGBFS) obtained by grinding granulated slag conforming to IS:12089. GGBFS shall not be used in any other grade of cement except 53 grade. The content of GGBFS shall be upto 50 percent by weight of Ordinary Portland Cement 53 grade. 259

Type Ordinary Portland Cement 43 Grade Portlant Slag Cement Portland Pozzolana Cement Ordinary Portland Cement 53 Grade

Conforming to IS:8112 IS:455 IS:1489-Part I IS:12269


Section 600

Concrete Pavement
Site mixing of fly ash and ground granulated slag shall be permitted only after ensuring availability of the equipments at site for uniform blending through a specific mechanized facility with automated process control like batch mix plants conforming to IS:4925 and IS:4926. Site mixing will not be allowed otherwise. Mix design will be done as per IRC:44. The OPC content shall not be less than 310 kg/cu.m in case of blending at site. The curing period may be suitably enhanced by at least about 2 days. The Portland Pozzolana Cement produced in factory shall not have fly ash content more than 25 percent. The Portland Pozzolana Cement produced in factory with fly ash content more than 25 percent shall not be used. Certificate from the manufacturer to this effect shall be procured before use.



If the soil around PQC has soluble salts like sulphates in excess of 0.5 percent, the cement used shall be sulphate resistant and shall conform to IS:12330. Guidance may be taken from IRC:44 for ascertaining the compressive/flexural strength of cement concrete required to match with the prescribed design strength of concrete. Cement to be used may preferably be obtained in bulk form. If cement in paper bags is proposed to be used, there shall be bag-splitters with the facility to separate pieces of paper bags and dispose them off suitably. No paper pieces shall enter the concrete mix. Bulk cement shall be stored in accordance with Clause 1014. The cement shall be subjected to acceptance test just prior to its use. 602.2.3 Chemical Admixtures : Admixtures conforming to IS:9103 and IS:6925 shall be permitted to improve workability of the concrete or extension of setting time, on satisfactory evidence that they will not have any adverse effect on the properties of concrete with respect to strength, volume change, durability and have no deleterious effect on steel bars. The particulars of the admixture and the quantity to be used, must be furnished to the Engineer in advance to obtain his approval before use. Satisfactory performance of the admixtures should be proved both on the laboratory concrete trial mixes and in the trial length paving. If air entraining admixture is used, the total quantity of air in air-entrained concrete as a percentage of the volume of the mix shall be 51.5 percent for 31.5 mm nominal size aggregate. 602.2.3.1 Fibers : Fibers may be used subject to the provision in the design/approval by the Engineer to reduce the shrinkage cracking and post-cracking. The fibers may be steel fiber as per IRC:SP:46 or polymeric Synthetic Fibres within the following range of specifications: Effective Diameter Length 10 micron 1.0 mm 6-48 mm

Concrete Pavement Specific gravity Suggested dosage more than 1.0 0.6-2.0 kg/cu.m (0.2 -0.6 % by weight of cement in mix).

Section 600

Usage will be regulated as stipulated in IRC:44/IS:456 or any other specialist literature. Water absorption less than 0.45 percent

Melting point of this fiber shall not be less than 160C. The aspect ratio generally varies from 200 to 2000. These synthetic fibers will have good alkali and UV light resistance. When fibers are used, the mix shall be so designed that the slump at paving concrete is 3015 mm site. 602.2.4 Aggregates

602.2.4.1 Aggregates for pavement concrete shall be natural material complying with IS:383 but with a Los Angeles Abrasion Test result not more than 35 percent. The limits of deleterious materials shall not exceed the requirements set out in Table 600-2. The aggregates shall be free from chert, flint, chalcedony or other silica in a form that can react with the alkalies in the cement. In addition, the total chlorides content expressed as chloride ion content shall not exceed 0.06 percent by weight and the total sulphate content expressed as sulphuric anhydride (SO3) shall not exceed 0.25 percent by weight. In case the Engineer considers that the aggregates are not free from dirt, the same may be washed and drained for atleast 72 hours before batching, as directed by the Engineer. 602.2.4.2 Coarse aggregates : Coarse aggregates shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, non-porous and durable pieces of crushed stone or crushed gravel and shall be devoid of pieces of disintegrated stone, soft, flaky, elongated, very angular or splintery pieces. The maximum size of coarse aggregate shall not exceed 31.5 mm for pavement concrete. Continuously graded aggregates shall be used as per Table 600-1, No aggregate which has water absorption more than 2 percent shall be used in the concrete mix. The aggregates shall be tested for soundness in accordance with IS:2386 (Part-5). After 5 cycles of testing, the loss shall not be more than 12 percent if sodium sulphate solution is used or 18 percent if magnesium sulphate solution is used. The combined flakiness and alognation index of aggregate shall not be more than 35 percent. Dumping and stacking of aggregates shall be done in an approved manner.

Section 600

Concrete Pavement

602.2.4.3 Fine aggregates : The fine aggregates shall consist of clean natural sand or crushed stone sand or a combination of the two and shall conform to IS:383. Fine aggregate shall be free from soft particles, clay, shale, loam, cemented particles, mica and organic and other foreign matter. 602.2.5 Water : Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amount of oil, salt, acid, vegetable matter or other substances harmful to the finished concrete. It shall meet the requirements stipulated in IS:456. 602.2.6 Mild steel bars for dowels and tie bars : i) ii) Dowel Bar shall be of plain mild steel conforming to IS:432 and will have yield stress of Fe-240. Tie bar shall be of TMT steel conforming to IS:1786 and will have yield stress of Fe-500.

Table 600-2 Permissible Limits of Deleterious Substances in Fine and Coarse Aggregates
Sl. Deleterious Substance No. (1) i) ii) iii) (2) Coal and lignite Clay mumps Mateirals finer than 75 IS Sieve Soft fragments Shale Method of Test Fine Aggregate Percentage by Weight, (Max) (4) (5) Uncrushed* Crushed 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 8.00 Coarse Aggregate percentage by Weight (Max) (6) (7) Uncrushed* Crushed 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00

(3) IS:2386 (Part II) -1963 do IS:2386 (Part I) - 1963 IS:2386 (part II) - 1963 IS:2386 (part II) - 1963

iv) v) vi)


3.00 -

Total of percentages of all deleterious materials (except mica) including Sl No. (i) to (v) for col 4, 6 and 7 and Sl No. (i) and (ii) for col 5 only -





* Crushed aggregate at least one face fractured Note: The presence of mica in the fine aggregate has been found to reduce considerably the durability and compressive strength of concrete and further investigations are underway to determine the extent of the deleterious effect of mica. It is advisable, therefore, to investigate the mica content of fine aggregate and make suitable allowances for the possible reduction in the strength of concrete or mortar; in cases where the stretch of the project road passes through micacious belt. 262

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602.2.7 Premoulded joint filler : Joint filler board for expansion joints shall be used only at abutting structures like bridges and shall be of 20-25 mm thickness within a tolerance of 1.5 mm and of a firm compressible material and complying with the requirements of IS:1838, or BS:2630 Preformed Joint Filler. It shall be 25 mm less in depth than the thickness of the slab within a tolerance of 3 mm and provided to the full width between the side forms. It shall be in suitable lengths which shall not be less than one lane width. Holes to accommodate dowel bars shall be accurately bored or punched out to give a sliding fit on the dowel bars. 602.2.8 Joint sealing compound : The joint sealing compound shall be of hot poured, elastomeric type or cold polysulphide/polyurethene/silicon type having flexibility, resistance to age hardening and durability as per IRC:57. Manufacturers certificate shall be produced by the Contractor for establishing that the sealant is not more than six months old and stating that the sealant complies with the relevant standard as in Clause 602.2.8. The samples shall meet the requirements as mentioned in IRC:57. Hot applied sealant shall be as per IS:1834. Cold poured sealant shall be as under : i) ii) iii) Polysulphide Polyurethene Silicon BS:5212, IS:11433 BS:5212 ASTM 5893-96

602.2.9 Storage of materials : All materials shall be stored in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1014 of the Specifications and other relevant IS Specifications. All efforts must be made to store the materials in proper places so as to prevent their deterioration or contamination by foreign matter and to ensure their satisfactory quality and fitness for the work. The platform where aggregates are stock piled shall be on a levelled platform elevated from the ground atleast by 150 mm. This platform will be a pucca paved platform. The area shall have slope and drain to drain off rain water. The storage space must also permit easy inspection, removal and storage of the materials. Aggregates of different sizes shall be stored in partitioned stack-yards. All such materials even though stored in approved godowns must be subjected to acceptance test as per Clause 903 of these Specifications immediately prior to their use. 602.3 Proportioning of Concrete

602.3.1 After approval by the Engineer of all the materials to be used in the concrete, the Contractor shall submit the mix design based on weighed proportions of all ingredients for the approval of the Engineer. The mix design shall be submitted at least 30 days prior to the paving of trial length and the design shall be based on laboratory trial mixes using the approved materials and methods as per IRC:44 or IS:10262 (Recommended Guidelines for Mix Design). The target mean strength for the design mix shall be determined as

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indicated in Clause 602.3.3.1. The mix design shall be based on the flexural strength of concrete. 602.3.2 Cement content : When Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) is used the quantity of cement shall not be less than 360 kg/cu.m. In case fly ash grade I (as per IS:3812) is blended at site as part replacement of cement, the quantity of fly ash shall be upto 20 percent by weight of cement and the quantity of OPC in such a blend shall not be less than 310 kg/cu.m. The minimum of OPC content in case ground granulated portland blast furnace is used, shall also not be less than 310 kg/m3. If this minimum cement content is not sufficient to produce concrete of the specified strength, it shall be increased as necessary by the Contractor at his own cost. 602.3.3 Concrete strength

602.3.3.1 The characteristic flexural strength of concrete shall not be less than 4.5 MPa (M 40 Grade). Target mean flexural strength for mix design shall be more than 4.5 MPa + 1.65*s, where s is standard deviation of flexural strength derived by conducting test on minimum 30 beams. While designing the mix in the laboratory, correlation between flexural and compressive strengths of concrete shall be established on the basis of at least thirty tests on samples. However, quality control in the field shall be exercised on the basis of flexural strength. It may, however, be ensured that the materials and mix proportions remain substantially unaltered during the daily concrete production. The water content shall be the minimum required to provide the agreed workability for full compaction of the concrete to the required density as determined by the trial mixes or as approved by the Engineer and the maximum free water cement ratio shall be 0.45 when only OPC is used and 0.50 when blended cement (Portland Pozzolana Cement or Portland Slag Cement or OPC blended with fly ash or Ground Granulated Blast Furnance Slag at site) is used. 602.3.3.2 The ratio between the 7 and 28 day strength shall be established for the mix to be used in the slab in advance, by testing pairs of beams and cubes at each stage on at least six batches of trial mix. The average strength of the 7 day cured specimens shall be divided by the average strength of the 28 day specimens for each batch, and the ratio R shall be determined. The ratio R shall be expressed to three decimal places. If during the construction of the trial length or during some normal working, the average value of any four consecutive 7 day test results falls below the required 7 day strength as derived from the value of R then the cement content of the concrete shall, without extra payment, be increased by 5 percent by weight or by an amount agreed by the Engineer. The increased cement content shall be maintained at least until the four corresponding 28 day strengths have been assessed for in conformity with the requirements as per Clause 602.3.1. Whenever the cement content is increased, the concrete mix shall be adjusted to maintain the required workability.

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602.3.4.1 The workability of the concrete at the point of placing shall be adequate for the concrete to be fully compacted and finished without undue flow. The optimum workability for the mix to suit the paving plant being used shall be determined by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. The control of workability in the field shall be exercised by the slump test as per IS:1199. 602.3.4.2 The workability requirement at the batching and mixing plant and paving site shall be established by slump tests carried during trial paving. These requirements shall be established from season to season and also when the lead from batching and mixing plant site to the paving site changes. The workability shall be established for the type of paving equipment available. A slump value in the range of 30 15 mm is reasonable for paving works but this may be modified depending upon the site requirement and got approved by the Engineer. These tests shall be carried out on every truck/dumper at batching and mixing plant site and paving site initially when the work commences but subsequently the frequency can be reduced to alternate trucks or as per the instructions of the Engineer. 602.3.5 Design mix

602.3.5.1 The Contractor shall carry out laboratory trials of design mix with the materials from the approved sources to be used. Trial mixes shall be made in presence of the Engineer or his representative and the design mix shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. They shall be repeated, if necessary, until the proportions, that will produce a concrete which complies in all respects with these Specification, and conform to the requirements of the design/drawings. 602.3.5.2 The proportions determined as a result of the laboratory trial mixes may be adjusted, if necessary, during the construction of the trial length. Thereafter, neither the materials nor the mix proportions shall be varied in any way except with the written approval of the Engineer. 602.3.5.3 Any change in the source of materials or mix proportions proposed by the Contractor during the course of work shall be assessed by making laboratory trial mixes and the construction of a further trial length unless approval is given by the Engineer for minor adjustments like compensation for moisture content in aggregates or minor fluctuations in the grading of aggregate. 602.4 Sub-base

The cement concrete pavement shall be laid over the DLC sub-base constructed in accordance with the relevant drawings and Specifications contained in Clause 601. The DLC will be laid on GSB as per Clause 400. If the DLC sub-base is found damaged at

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some places or it has cracks wider than 10 mm, it shall be repaired with fine cement concrete or bituminous concrete before laying separation membrane layer. Prior to laying of concrete it shall be ensured that the separation membrane as per Clause 602.5 is placed in position and the same is clean of dirt or other extraneous materials and free from any damage. Mixing and Granular sub base material or in a pug mill shall be done mechanically in a separate yard through motor grader to ensure uniform mixing. Mix-in-place method will normally not be allowed except in exceptional situation, with the approval of the Engineer. The DLC sub-base/WMM/base (treated with cement etc.) of grading specified in the Contract shall be spread on the prepared sub-grade with the help of a motor grader of adequate capacity, its blade having hydraulic controls suitable for initial adjustment and for maintaining the required slope and grade during the operation or other means as approved by the Engineer. The surface levels and surface regularity shall be as per provision contained in IRC:SP:16. Emerging literature suggests alternative for both DLC and separation membrane. Due to lack of indigeneous experience available, the same are not provided in these Specifications. It is, however, felt that these alternative Specifications may be tried atleast on experimental basis, by consulting specialist literature. Some of such possible alternatives are laying PQC on base course like WMM, soil treated with cement (cementitious material) as instead of DLC. Design of PQC in such cases, shall include checking against pumping/erosion besides fatique. Two courses of wax based curing compound or two coats of bitumen or 5 mm thick non-woven geo-fabric sheet, instead of polythene film are some of the emerging alternatives for membrane. DLC sub-base shall be laid with paver and not with grader. 602.5 Separation Membrane

A separation membrane shall be used between the concrete slab and the sub-base. Separation membrane shall be impermeable PVC sheet 125 micron thick transparent or white in colour laid flat with minimum creases. Before placing the separation membrane, the sub-base shall be swept clean of all the extraneous materials using air compressor. Wherever overlap of plastic sheets is necessary, the same shall be at least 300 mm and any damaged sheathing shall be replaced at the Contractors cost. The separation membrane may be nailed to the lower layer with concrete nails. 602.6 Joints

602.6.1 The locations and type of joints shall be as shown in the drawing. Joints shall be constructed depending upon their functional requirement. The location of the joints should be transferred accurately at the site and mechanical saw cutting of joints done as per stipulated dimensions. It shall be ensured that the required depth of cut is made from

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edge-to-edge of the pavement. Transverse and longitudinal joints in the pavement (PQC) and DLC sub-base shall be staggered so that they are not coincident vertically and are at least 800 to 1000 mm and 300 to 400 mm apart respectively. Sawing of joints shall be carried out with diamond studded blades soon after the concrete has hardened to take the load of the sawing machine and personnel without damaging the texture of the pavement. Sawing operation could start as early as 5-6 hours after laying of PQC but not later than 18 to 20 hours depending upon the ambient temperature, wind velocity and relative humidity and required maturity of concrete achieved for this purpose. When the kerb is cast integrally with the main pavement slab, the joint cutting shall also be extended to the kerb. When on instructions of the Engineer, the use of maturity meter is specified, sawing should not be initiated when the compressive strength of the concrete is less than 2 MPa and 1 3 should be completed before it attains the compressive strength of 7 MPa. 602.6.2 Transverse joints

602.6.2.1 Transverse joints shall be contraction and expansion joints constructed at the spacing described in the drawings. Transverse joints shall be straight within the following tolerances along the intended line of joints which is the straight line transverse to the longitudinal axis of the carriageway at the position proposed by the Contractor and agreed to by the Engineer, except at road junctions or roundabouts where the position shall be as described in the drawings: i) ii) iii) iv) Deviations of the filler board in the case of expansion joints from the intended line of the joint shall not be greater than 10 mm. The best fit straight line through the joint grooves as constructed shall be not more than 25 mm from the intended line of the joint. Deviations of the joint groove from the best fit straight line of the joint shall not be greater than 10 mm. Transverse joints on each side of the longitudinal joint shall be in line with each other and of the same type and width. Transverse joints shall have a sealing groove which shall be sealed in compliance with Clause 602.11.

602.6.2.2 Contraction joints : The contraction joints shall be placed transversely at pre-specified locations as per drawings/design using dowel bars. These joints shall be cut as soon as the concrete has undergone initial hardening and is hard enough to take the load of joint sawing machine without causing damage to the slab.


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Contraction joints shall consist of a mechanical sawn joint groove, 3 to 5 mm wide and th to 1 3 rd depth of the slab 5 mm or as stipulated in the drawings and dowel bars complying with Clause 602.6.5. Contraction joint shall be widened subsequently accommodate the sealant as per Clause 602.11, to dimensions shown on drawings or as per IRC:57. 602.6.2.3 Expansion joints : The expansion joints shall consist of a joint filler board complying with Clause 602.2.7 and dowel bars complying with Clause 602.6.5 and as detailed in the drawings. The filler board shall be positioned vertically with the prefabricated joint assemblies along the line of the joint within the tolerances given in Clause 602.6.2.1 and at such depth below the surface as will not impede the passage of the finishing straight edges or oscillating beams of the paving machines. The adjacent slabs shall be completely separated from each other by providing joint filler board. Space around the dowel bars, between the sub-base and the filler board shall be packed with a suitable compressible material to block the flow of cement slurry. 602.6.3 Transverse construction joint : Transverse construction joint shall be placed whenever concreting is completed after a days work or is suspended for more than 30 minutes. These joints shall be provided at location of constructing joints using dowel bars. The construction joints may preferebly coincide with the pre-specified location of contruction joints by properly planning the day to day concreting work of PQC. The joint shall be made butt type. At all construction joints, steel bulk heads shall be used to retain the concrete while the surface is finished. The surface of the concrete laid subsequently shall conform to the grade and cross sections of the previously laid pavement. When positioning of bulk head/stop-end is not possible, concreting to an additional 1 or 2 m length may be carried out to enable the movement of joint cutting machine so that joint grooves may be cut and the extra 1 or 2 m length is cut out and removed subsequently after concrete has hardened. Like contraction joint, the construction joint shall also be widened to dimensions shown on drawing or as per IRC:57, not before 14 days curing of PQC. 602.6.4 Longitudinal joint

602.6.4.1 The longitudinal joints shall be saw cut as per details of the joints shown in the drawing or as per dimensions given in IRC:57. The groove may be cut after the final set of the concrete. Joints should be sawn to at least 1 3 rd the depth of the slab 5 mm as indicated in the drawing. 602.6.4.2 Tie bars shall be provided at the longitudinal joints as per dimensions and spacing shown in the drawing and in accordance with Clause 602.6.6.


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Logitudinal joint shall also be widened to dimensions shown on drawing or as per IRC:57, not before 14 days curing of PQC. 602.6.5 Dowel bars

602.6.5.1 Dowel bars shall be mild steel rounds in accordance with Clause 602.2.6 with details/dimensions as indicated in the drawings and free from oil, dirt, loose rust or scale. They shall be straight, free of irregularities and burring restricting slippage in the concrete. The sliding ends shall be sawn or cropped cleanly with no protrusions outside the normal diameter of the bar. To remove any protrusions, the ends of the dowel bars shall be suitably grounded. The dowel bar shall be supported on cradles/dowel chairs in pre-fabricated joint assemblies positioned prior to the construction of the slabs or mechanically inserted with vibration into the plastic concrete by a method which ensures correct placement of the bars besides full re-compaction of the concrete around the dowel bars. Modern slip form pavers are equipped with automatic dowel bar inserter (DBI). 602.6.5.2 Unless shown otherwise on the drawings, dowel bars shall be positioned at mid depth of the slab within a tolerance of 20 mm, and centered equally about intended lines of the joint within a tolerance of 25 mm. They shall be aligned parallel to the finished surface of the slab and to the centre line of the carriageway and to each other within tolerances given hereunder, the compliance of which shall be checked as per Clause 602.10.7. i) For bars supported on cradles prior to the laying of the slab: a) All bars in a joint shall be within 3 mm per 300 mm length of bar b) 2/3rd of the number of bars shall be within 2 mm per 300 mm length of bar c) No bar shall differ in alignment from an adjoining bar by more than 3 mm per 300 mm length of bar in either the horizontal or vertical plane d) Cradles supporting dowel bar shall not extend across the line of joint i.e. no steel bar of the cradle assembly shall be continuous across the joint. ii) For all bars inserted after laying of the slab the tolerance for alignment may be twice as indicated in (i) above.

602.6.5.3 Dowel bars, supported on cradles in assemblies, when subject to a load of 110 N applied at either end and in either the vertical or horizontal direction (upwards and downwards and both directions horizontally) shall conform to be within the limits given in Clause 602.6.5.2.

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602.6.5.4 The assembly of dowel bars and supporting cradles, including the joint filler board in the case of expansion joints, shall have the following degree of rigidity when fixed in position:i) For expansion joints, the deflection of the top edge of the filler board shall be not greater than 13 mm, when a load of 1.3 kN is applied perpendicular to the vertical face of the joint filler board and distributed over a length of 600 mm by means of a bar or timber packing, at mid depth and midway between individual fixings, or 300 mm from either end of any length of filler board, if a continuous fixing is used. The residual deflection after load shall be not more than 3 mm. The joint assembly fixing to sub-base shall not fail under the 1.3 kN load applied for testing the rigidity of the assembly but shall fail before the load reaches 2.4 kN. The fixings for contraction joint shall not fail under 1.3 kN load and shall fail before the load reaches 2.6 kN when applied over a length of 600 mm by means of a bar or timber packing placed as near to the level of the line of fixings as practicable. Fixings shall be deemed to fail when there is displacement of the assemblies by more than 3 mm with any form of fixing, under the test load. The displacement shall be measured at the nearest part of the assembly to the centre of the bar or timber packing.




602.6.5.5 Dowel bars in the contraction joints, construction joints and expansion joints shall be covered by a thin plastic sheath. The sheath shall be not more than 125 micron thick and shall be tightly fitted on the bar for at least two-thirds of the length from one end for dowel bars in contraction joints or half the length plus 50 mm for expansion joints. The sheathed bar shall comply with the following pull-out tests: i) Four bars shall be taken at random from stock and without any special preparation shall be covered by sheaths as required in this Clause. The ends of the dowel bars which have been sheathed shall be cast centrally into concrete specimens 150 mm x 150 mm x 600 mm, made of the same mix proportions to be used in the pavement, but with a maximum nominal aggregate size of 20 mm and cured in accordance with IS:516. At 7 days a tensile load shall be applied to achieve a movement of the bar of at least 0.25 mm. The average bond stress to achieve this movement shall not be greater than 0.14 MPa.

602.6.5.6 For expansion joints, a closely fitting cap 100 mm long consisting of waterproofed cardboard or an approved synthetic material like PVC or GI pipe shall be placed over the sheathed end of each dowel bar. An expansion space (about 25 mm) at least equal in length to the thickness of the joint filler board shall be formed between the

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end of the cap and the end of the dowel bar by using compressible sponge. To block the entry of cement slurry between dowel and cap it shall be taped. 602.6.6 Tie bars

602.6.6.1 Tie bars in longitudinal joints shall be deformed steel bars of strength 500 MPa complying with IS:1786 and in accordance with the requirements given in this Clause. The bars shall be free from oil, dirt, loose rust and scale. 602.6.6.2 Tie bars projecting across the longitudinal joint shall be protected from corrosion for 75 mm on each side of the joint by a protective coating of bituminous paint with the approval of the Engineer. The coating shall be dry when the tie bars are used. In the case of coastal region, tie bars shall be epoxy coated as per IS:13620. 602.6.6.3 Tie bars in longitudinal joints shall be made up into rigid assemblies with adequate supports and fixings to remain firmly in position during the construction of the slab. Alternatively, tie bars at longitudinal joints may be mechanically or manually inserted into the plastic concrete from above by vibration using a method which ensures correct placements of the bars and recompaction of the concrete around the tie bars. The modern slip form pavers are equipped with automatic tie bar inserter (TBI). 602.6.6.4 Tie bars shall be positioned to remain within the upper middle third of the slab depth as indicated in the drawings and approximately parallel to the surface and approximately perpendicular to the line of the joint, with the centre of each bar on the intended line of the joints within a tolerance of 50 mm, and with a minimum cover of 30 mm below the joint groove. 602.7 Weather and Seasonal Limitations

602.7.1 Concreting during monsoon months : Concreting should be avoided during rainy season. However, when concrete is being placed during monsoon months and when it may be expected to rain, sufficient supply of tarpaulin or other waterproof cloth shall be provided along the line of the work. Any time when it rains, all freshly laid concrete which had not been covered for curing purposes shall be adequately protected. Any concrete damaged by rain shall be removed and replaced. If the damage is limited to texture, it shall be retextured in accordance with the directions of the Engineer. 602.7.2 Temperature limitation

No concreting shall be done when the concrete temperature is above 30C. Besides, in adverse conditions like high temperature, low relative humidity, excessive wind velocity, imminence of rains etc., tents on mobile trusses may be provided over the freshly laid concrete for a minimum period of 3 hours as directed by the Engineer. The temperature of the concrete mix on reaching the paving site shall not be more than 30C. To bring down

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the temperature, if necessary, chilled water or ice flakes should be made use of. When the ambient temperature is more than 350C, no concreting shall be permitted. No concreting shall be done when the concrete temperature is below 50C and the temperature is further falling. 602.8 Side Forms, Rails and Guidewires

602.8.1 Side forms and rails : These shall be provided in case of fixed form paving. All side forms shall be of mild steel of depth equal to the thickness of pavement or slightly less to accommodate the surface regularity of the sub-base. The forms can be placed in series of steel packing plates or shims to take care of irregularity of sub-base. They shall be sufficiently robust and rigid to support the weight and pressure caused by a paving equipment. Side forms for use with wheeled paving machines shall incorporate metal rails firmly fixed at a constant height below the top of the forms. The forms and rails shall be firmly secured in position by not less than 3 stakes/pins for every 3 m length so as to prevent movement in any direction. Forms and rails shall be straight within a tolerance of 3 mm in 3 m and when in place shall not settle in excess of 1.5 mm in 3 m while paving is being done. Forms shall be cleaned and oiled immediately before each use. The forms shall be bedded on a continuous bed of low moisture content lean cement mortar or concrete and set to the line and levels shown on the drawings within tolerances 10 mm and 3 mm respectively. The bedding shall not extend under the slab and there shall be no vertical step between adjacent forms of more than 3 mm. The forms shall be got inspected by the Engineer for his approval before 12 hours on the day before the construction of the slab and shall not be removed until at least 12 hours afterwards. 602.8.2 At all times sufficient forms shall be used and set to the required alignment for at least 300 m length of pavement immediately in advance of the paving operations, or the anticipated length of pavement to be laid within the next 24 hours whichever is more. 602.8.3 Use of guidewires

602.8.3.1 Where slip form paving is proposed, a guidewire shall be provided along both sides of the slab. Each guidewire shall be at a constant height above and parallel to the required edges of the slab as described in the contract/drawing within a vertical tolerance of 3 mm. Additionally, one of the wires shall be kept at a constant horizontal distance from the required edge of the pavement as indicated in the contract drawing within a lateral tolerance of 10 mm. 602.8.3.2 The guidewires shall be supported on stakes not more than 6 m apart by connectors capable of fine horizontal and vertical adjustment. The guidewire shall be tensioned on the stakes so that a 500 gm weight shall produce a deflection of not more than 20 mm when suspended at the mid point between any pair of stakes. The ends of the

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guidewires shall be anchored to fixing point or winch and not on the stakes. On the curves, the stakes shall be fixed at not more than 3 m centre-to-centre. 602.8.3.3 The stakes shall be positioned and hammered into the ground and the connectors will be maintained at their correct height and alignment from 12 hours on the day before concreting takes place until 12 hours after finishing of the concrete. The guidewire shall be erected and tensioned on the connectors at any section for at least 2 hours before concreting that section. 602.8.3.4 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval of line and level, the stakes and connectors which are ready for use in the length of road to be constructed by 12 hours on the working day before the day of construction of slab. Any deficiencies noted by the Engineer shall be rectified by the Contractor who shall then re-apply for approval of the affected stakes. Work shall not proceed until the Engineer has given his approval. It shall be ensured that the stakes and guidewires are not affected by the construction equipment when concreting is in progress. 602.9 Construction

602.9.1 General : A systems approach may be adopted for construction of the pavement, and the Method Statement for carrying out the work, detailing all the activities, indication of time-cycle, equipment, personnel etc., shall be got approved from the Engineer before the commencement of the work. This shall include the type, capacity and make of the batching and mixing plant besides the hauling arrangement and paving equipment. The capacity of paving equipment, batching plant as well as all the ancillary equipment shall be adequate for a paving rate of atleast 500 m in one day. The desirable paving speed of slipform pavers is 1.0 m per minute, but it shall not be less than 0.6 m per minute average. The concreting should proceed continuously without stop & start. 602.9.2 Batching and mixing : Batching and mixing of the concrete shall be done at a central batching and mixing plant with automatic controls, located at a suitable place which takes into account sufficient space for stockpiling of cement, aggregates and stationary water tanks. This shall be, however, situated at an approved distance, duly considering the properties of the mix and the transporting arrangements available with the Contractor. The dose of plasticizer/super plasticizer shall be added in the end of input of all ingredients i.e. when cement, aggregate, fly ash and water etc. have been thoroughly mixed. Proper dispersal of plasticizer/super plasticizer and air entraining agent (when used) shall be ensured. Tipping trucks shall be washed at a regular frequency as prescribed by the Engineer to ensure that no left-over mix of previous loading remains stuck. Desirably each tipping truck shall be washed with water jet before next loading.

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Concrete Pavement Equipment for proportioning of materials and paving

602.9.3.1 Proportioning of materials shall be done in the batching plant by weight, each type of material being weighed separately. The cement from the bulk stock may be weighed separately from the aggregates. Water shall be measured by volume. Specified percentage of plasticizer in volume will be added by weight of cement. Wherever properly graded aggregate of uniform quality cannot be maintained as envisaged in the mix design, the grading of aggregates shall be controlled by appropriate blending techniques. The capacity of batching and mixing plant shall be at least 25 percent higher than the proposed capacity of the laying/paving equipment. 602.9.3.2 Batching plant and equipment : 1) General : The batching plant shall include minimum four bins, weighing hoppers, and scales for the fine aggregates and for each size of coarse aggregate. If cement is used in bulk, a separate scale for cement shall be included. The weighing hoppers shall be properly sealed and vented to preclude dust during operation. Approved safety devices shall be provided and maintained for the protection of all personnel engaged in plant operaion, inspection and testing. The batch plant shall be equipped with a suitable non-resettable batch counter which will correctly indicate the number of batches proportioned. Bins and hoppers : Bins with minimum number of four adequate separate compartments shall be provided in the batching plant. Automatic weighing devices : Batching plant shall be equipped to proportion aggregates and bulk cement by means of automatic weighing devices using load cells. Mixer : Mixers shall be pan type, reversible type or any other mixer capable of combining the aggregates, cement, and water into a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass within the specified mixing period, and of discharging the mix, without segregation. Each stationary mixer shall be equipped with an approved timing device which will automatically lock the discharge lever when the drum has been charged and release it at the end of the mixing period. The device shall be equipped with a bell or other suitable warning device adjusted to give a clearly audible signal each time the lock is released. In case of failure of the timing device, the mixer may be used for the balance of the day while it is being repaired, provided that each batch is mixed in 90 seconds or as per the manufacturers recommendation. The mixer shall be equipped with a suitable non-resettable batch counter which shall correctly indicate the number of batches mixed.

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Section 600 The mixers shall be cleaned at suitable intervals. The pic-kup and throw-over blades in the drum or drums shall be repaired or replaced when they are worn down 20 mm or more. The Contractor shall (1) have available at the job site a copy of the manufacturers design, showing dimensions and arrangements of blades in reference to original height and depth, or (2) provide permanent marks on blade to show points of 20 mm wear from new conditions. Drilled holes of 5 mm diameter near each end and at midpoint of each blade are recommended. Batching Plant shall be calibrated in the beginning and thereafter at suitable interval not exceeding 1 month.


Control cabin : An air-conditioned centralized computer control cabin shall be provided for automatic operation of the equipment.

602.9.3.3 Paving equipment : The concrete shall be placed with an approved fixed form or slip form paver with independent units designed to (i) spread, (ii) consolidate, screed and flat-finish, (iii) texture and cure the freshly placed concrete in one complete pass of the machine in such a manner that a minimum of hand finishing will be necessary and so as to provide a dense and homogeneous pavement in conformity with the plans and Specifications. The paver shall be equipped with electronic sensor controls to control the line and grade from either or both sides of the machine. Vibrators shall operate at a frequency of 8000-10000 impulses per minute under load at a maximum spacing of 600 mm. The variable vibration setting shall be provided in the machine. 602.9.3.4 Concrete saw : The Contractor shall provide adequate number of concrete saws with sufficient number of diamond-edge saw blades. The saw machine shall be either electric or petrol/diesel driven type. A water tank with flexible hoses and pump shall be made available in this activity on priority basis. The Contractor shall have at least one standby saw in good working condition. The concreting work shall not commence if the saws are not in working condition. 602.9.4 Hauling and placing of concrete

602.9.4.1 Freshly mixed concrete from the central batching and mixing plant shall be transported to the paver site by means of tipping trucks of sufficient capacity and approved design in sufficient numbers to ensure a constant supply of concrete. Covers shall be used for protection of concrete against the weather. While loading the concrete trucks shall be moved back and forth under the discharge chute to prevent segregation. The tipping trucks shall be capable of maintaining the mixed concrete in a homogeneous state and discharging the same without segregation and loss of cement slurry. The feeding to the paver is to be regulated in such a way that the paving is done in an uninterrupted manner with a uniform speed throughout the days work.

Section 600 602.9.4.2 Placing of concrete

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Concrete mixed in central mixing plant shall be transported to the site without delay and the concrete which, in the opinion of the Engineer has been mixed too long before laying will be rejected and shall be removed from the site. The total time taken from the addition of the water to the mix, until the completion of the surface finishing and texturing shall not exceed 120 minutes when concrete temperature is less than 25C and 90 minutes when the concrete temperature is between 25C and 30C. Tipping trucks delivering concrete shall normally not run on plastic sheathing nor shall they run on completed slabs until after 28 days of placing the concrete. The placing of concrete in front of the PQC paver should preferably be from the side placer to avoid damage to DLC by concrete tipping trucks. In case of unavoidable situation, truck supplying PQC concrete to the paver may be allowed to ply on the DLC with the approval of the Engineer. The paver shall be capable of paving the carriageway as shown in the drawings, in a single pass and lift. Equipments or accessory to support the edges of conceret by means of steel plates shall be maintained in position by screwed jacks. 602.9.4.3 Where fixed form pavers are to be used, forms shall be fixed in advance as per Clause 602.8. Before any paving is done, the site shall be shown to the Engineer, in order to verify the arrangement for paving besides placing of dowels, tie-bars etc., as per the relevant Clauses of these Specifications. The mixing and placing of concrete shall progress only at such a rate as to permit proper finishing, protecting and curing of the concrete in the pavement. 602.9.4.4 In all cases, the temperature of the concrete shall be measured at the point of discharge from the delivery vehicle. 602.9.4.5 The addition of water to the surface of the concrete to facilitate the finishing operations will not be permitted except with the approval of the Engineer when it shall be applied as a mist by means of approved equipment. 602.9.4.6 If considered necessary by the Engineer, the paving machines shall be provided with approved covers to protect the surface of the slab under construction from direct sunlight and rain or hot wind. 602.9.4.7 While the concrete is still plastic, its surface shall be textured by brush or tines as per the instructions of the Engineer in compliance with Clause 602.9.8. The surface and edges of the slab shall be cured by the application of a sprayed liquid curing membrane in compliance with Clause 602.9.9. After the surface texturing, but before the curing compound is applied, the concrete slab shall be marked with the chainage at every 100 m interval by embossing.

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602.9.4.8 As soon as the side forms are removed, edges of the slabs shall be corrected wherever irregularities have occurred by using fine concrete composed of one part of cement to 3 parts of aggregate [1:1:2, cement : sand : coarse agg (10 mm down) ] and fine aggregates under the supervision of the Engineer. 602.9.4.9 If the requirement of Clause 902.4. for surface regularity fails to be achieved on two consecutive working days, then normal working shall cease until the cause of the excessive irregularity has been identified and remedied. 602.9.5 Construction by fixed form paver

602.9.5.1 The fixed form paving train shall consist of separate powered machines which spread, compact and finish the concrete in a continuous operation. 602.9.5.2 The concrete shall be discharged without segregation into a hopper spreader which is equipped with means for controlling its rate of deposition on to the sub-base. The spreader shall be operated to strike off concrete upto a level requiring a small amount of cutting down by the distributor of the spreader. The distributor of spreader shall strike off the concrete to the surcharge adequate to ensure that the vibratory compactor thoroughly compacts the layer. If necessary, poker vibrators shall be used adjacent to the side forms and edges of the previously constructed slab. The vibratory compactor shall be set to strike off the surface slightly high so that it is cut down to the required level by the oscillating beam. The machine shall be capable of being rapidly adjusted for changes in average and differential surcharge necessitated by changes in slab thickness or crossfall. The final finisher shall be able to finish the surface to the required level and smoothness as specified, care being taken to avoid bringing up of excessive mortar to the surface by over working. 602.9.6 Construction by slip form paver

602.9.6.1 The slip form paving train shall consist of power machine which spreads, compacts and finishes the concrete in a continuous operation. The slip form paving machine shall compact the concrete by internal vibration and shape it between the side forms with either a conforming plate or by vibrating and oscillating finishing beams. The concrete shall be deposited without segregation in front of slip form paver across the whole width and to a height which at all times is in excess of the required surcharge. The deposited concrete shall be struck off to the necessary average and differential surcharge by means of the strike off plate or a screw auger device extending across the whole width of the slab. The equipment for striking-off the concrete shall be capable of being rapidly adjusted for changes of the average and differential surcharge necessitated by change in slab thickness or crossfall. 602.9.6.2 The level of the conforming plate and finishing beams shall be controlled automatically from the guide wires installed as per Clause 602.8 by sensors attached at

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the four corners of the slip form paving machine. The alignment of the paver shall be controlled automatically from the guide wire by at least one set of sensors attached to the paver. The alignment and level of ancillary machines for finishing, texturing and curing of the concrete shall be automatically controlled relative to the guide wire or to the surface and edge of the slab. 602.9.6.3 Slip-form paving machines shall have vibrators of variable output, with a maximum energy output of not less than 2.5 KW per metre width of slab per 300 mm depth of slab for a laying speed upto 1.5 m per minute. The machines shall be of sufficient mass to provide adequate reaction during spreading and paving operations on the traction units to maintain forward movements during the placing of concrete in all situations. 602.9.6.4 If the edges of the slip formed slab slump to the extent that the surface of the top edge of the slab does not comply with the requirements of Clause 602.14, then special measures such as fixing of side forms held in position by screwed jacks or any other suitable device approved by the Engineer shall be taken to support the edges to the required levels and work shall be stopped until such time as the Contractor can demonstrate his ability to slip form the edges to the required levels. Pavers with adequate width to pave the entire carriageway width in one go will be employed. Paving in part width will be avoided, except in unavoidable circumstances. In case of part width paving, care will be taken to ensure that while paving the next lane bond between the old concrete and newly laid concrete is properly formed to develop adequate bond strength between tie bars and concrete as specified in IRC:58 (Appendix-4 of IRC:58). Care shall be taken to avoid damage to the previous lane. Work on next lane shall be permitted when the previously paved lane is cured for at least 14 days and is in a position to bear the weight of paving machines. When the wheels or crawler tracks are to ply on the already paved surface, necessary precautions shall be taken by placing protective pads of rubber or similar material so that texture is not damaged. The wheel or track shall be reasonably away from the edge to avoid damage to the previously paved slab. Upon the instructions of the Engineer, Contractor shall scrape the concrete surface when in plastic state with a 3 m long tube float fixed with a long and stable handle before texturing. Tube float shall be of an alloy steel tube of 50 to 60 mm diameter with a long and stable handle. The length of tube float shall preferably be longer than half the length of slab i.e., half the distance between two transverse contraction joints. This operation shall be done to improve surface irregularity caused due to varied causes like frequent stoppages of work, surface deformation due to plastic flow etc. The tube float shall be placed at the centre of the slab parallel to longitudinal joint and pulled slowly and uniformly towards the edges. After the use of float tube, it shall be frequently cleaned before further use. The slurry removed shall be discarded. This activity shall be advanced laterally by providing an overlap of half the length of tube float. The removal of the cement slurry from the surface

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shall be sufficient enough such that the texture is formed on a firm surface and is more durable. This operation, however, shall be carried out after removing bleeding water. This operation shall be done in the case of pavement construction using fixed form or slip form paving technique. 602.9.7 Semi-Mechanised and Labour-Oriented Construction Technique : Areas in which hand-guided methods of construction become indispensable shall be got approved by the Engineer in writing in advance. Such work may be permitted only in restricted areas in small lengths. Work shall be carried out by skilled personnel as per methods approved by the Engineer. The acceptance criteria regarding level, thickness, surface regularity, texture, finish, strength, of concrete and all other quality control measures shall be the same as in the case of machine laid work. Guidelines on the use of plants, equipment, tools, hauling of mix, compaction floating, straight edging, texturing, edging etc. shall be as per IRC:15 (Clause 9.10). 602.9.8 Transition slabs : At the interface of rigid and flexible pavement, at least 3 m long reinforced buried slab should be provided to give a long lasting joint at the interface. The details shall be as given in IRC:15 (Clause 9.10.11, Fig. 3). 602.9.9 Anchor beam and terminal slab beam adjoining bridge structures : Cement concrete slabs will expand during hot season and this will result in the building up of horizontal thrust on adjoining bridge structure. To contain this thrust RCC anchor beams are to be provided in the terminal slab. The terminal slab also needs to be provided with reinforcement to strengthen it. A typical arrangement of anchor beam and the terminal slab are shown in Fig. 2 IRC:15. In case of culverts, etc. where the concrete slabs are provided above the superstructure, there is no need to construct anchor beams and terminal slab. In case the concrete slab abuts with culvert structure, the construction of anchor beam and terminal slab will be necessary. The details of anchor beams/terminal slab beam shall be as given in IRC:15 (Clause 8.5.2, Fig. 2). 602.9.10 The treatment of PQC on Culverts : The PQC shall be taken over the culverts. At both ends of the abutment walls, expansion joint with 12 mm thick synthetic board shall be provided. When the span of the culvert is long and normal contraction joint is necessitated between these expansion joint the same shall be provided. 602.9.8 Surface texture

602.9.8.1 Tining : After final floating and finishing of the slab and before application of the liquid curing membrane, the surface of concrete slabs shall be textured either in the transverse direction (i.e., at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the road) or in longitudinal direction (i.e., parallel to the centreline of the roadway). The texturing shall be done by tining the finished concrete surface by using rectangular steel tines. A beam or a bridge mounted with steel tines shall be equipped and operated with automatic sensing and control devices from main paver or auxiliary unit. The tining unit shall have facility for adjustment of

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the download pressure on the tines as necessary to produce the desired finish. The tining rakes shall be cleaned often to remove snots of slurry. The tines will be inspected daily and all the damaged and bent tines shall be replaced before commencing texturing. Tined grooves shall be 3 mm wide and 3 to 4 mm deep. Before commencing texturing, the bleeding water, if any, shall be removed and texturing shall be done on a firm surface. Normally, transverse tining will be preferred. Transverse tining : When the texturing is specified in transverse direction, a beam of at least 3 m length mounted with tines shall be moved in transverse direction to produce the texture. The grooves produced shall be at random spacing of grooves but uniform in width and depth. The spacing shall conform to a pattern shown below: Random spacing in mm 10 14 16 11 10 13 15 16 11 10 21 13 10

The above pattern shall be repeated. Texturing shall be done at the right time such that the grooves after forming shall not close and they shall not get roughened. Swerving of groove patterns will not be permitted. The completed textured surface shall be uniform in appearance. Longitudinal tinning : Longitudinal tinning shall be done, if specified in the Contract. The texturing bridge shall be wide enough to cover the entire width of the carriageway but within 75 mm from the pavement edge. The centre to centre spacing between the tins shall be 18 to 21 mm. The width of tine texture shall be 3 mm and depth shall be 3 to 4 mm. 602.9.8.2 Brush Texturing : Alternatively on the instructions of the Engineer, the brushed texturing shall be applied. The brushed surface texture shall be applied evenly across the slab in one direction by the use of a wire brush not less than 450 mm wide but wider brushes normally of 3 m length are preferred. The brush shall be made of 32 gauge tape wires grouped together in tufts placed at 10 mm centres. The tufts shall contain an average of 14 wires and initially be 100 mm long. The brush shall have two rows of tufts. The rows shall be 20 mm apart and the tufts in one row shall be opposite the centre of the gap between tufts in the other row. The brush shall be replaced when the shortest tuft wears down to 90 mm long. 602.9.8.3 The texture depth shall be determined by the Sand Patch Test as described in the Clause 602.12. This test shall be performed at least once for each days paving and


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wherever the Engineer considers it necessary at times after construction as under: Five individual measurements of the texture depth shall be taken at least 2 m apart anywhere along a diagonal line across a lane width between points 50 m apart along the pavement. No measurement shall be taken within 300 mm of the longitudinal edges of a concrete slab constructed in one pass. 602.9.8.4 Texture depths shall not be less than the minimum required when measurements are taken as given in Table 600-3 nor greater than a maximum average of 1.25 mm. Table 600-3 Texture Depth Time of Test Number of Measurements Required Texture Depth (mm) Specified Tolerance Value 1.00 0.25


Between 24 hours and 7 days after An average of the construction, of the slab or until 5 measurements the slab is first used by vehicles. Not later than 6 weeks before the road is opened to traffic. An average of 5 measurements



+0.25 -0.35

602.9.8.5 After the application of the brushed texture, the surface of the slab shall have a uniform appearance. 602.9.8.6 Where the texture depth requirements are found to be deficient, the Contractor shall make good the texture across the full lane width over length directed by the Engineer, by retexturing the hardened concrete surface in an approved manner. 602.9.9 Curing

602.9.9.1 Immediately after the surface texturing, the surface and sides of the slab shall be cured by the application of approved resin-based aluminized reflective curing compound which hardens into an impervious film or membrane with the help of mechanical sprayer. Curing compounds shall contain sufficient flake aluminium in finely divided dispersion to produce a complete coverage of the sprayed surface with a metallic finish. The compound shall become stable and impervious to evaporation of water from the surface of the concrete within 60 minutes of application and shall be of approved type. The curing compounds shall have a water retention efficiency index of 90 percent in accordance with BS Specification No. 7542 or ASTM-C-309-81, type-2.

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602.9.9.2 The curing compound shall not react chemically with the concrete and the film or membrane shall not crack, peel or disintegrate within three weeks of application. Immediately prior to use, the curing compound shall be thoroughly agitated in its containers. The rate of spread shall be in accordance with the manufacturers instructions checked during the construction of the trial length and subsequently whenever required by the Engineer. The mechanical sprayer shall incorporate an efficient mechanical device for continuous agitation and mixing of the compound during spraying. To give continuous covering , the curing compound may be sprayed in two layers. 602.9.9.3 In addition to spraying of curing compound, the fresh concrete surface shall be protected for at least 3 hours by covering the finished concrete pavement with tents as described in Clause 602.7.2, during adverse weather conditions as directed by the Engineer. After three hours, the pavement shall be covered by moist hessian laid in two layers and the same shall then be kept damp for a minimum period of 14 days after which time the hessian may be removed. The hessian shall be kept continuously moist. All damaged/torn hessian shall be removed and replaced by new hessian on a regular basis. 602.9.9.4 The Contractor shall be liable at his cost to replace any concrete damaged as a result of incomplete curing or cracked on a line other than that of a joint as per procedure in IRC:SP:83. 602.10 Trial Length

602.10.1 The trial shall be constructed at least one month in advance of the proposed start of concrete paving work. At least one month prior to the construction of the trial length, the Contractor shall submit for the Engineers approval a detailed method statement giving description of the proposed materials, plant, equipment and construction methods. All the major equipments like paving train, batching plant, tipping trucks etc., proposed in the construction are to be approved by the Engineer before their procurement. No trials of new materials, plant, equipment or construction methods, nor any development of them shall be permitted either during the construction of trial length or in any subsequent paving work, unless they form part of further approved trials. These trial lengths shall be constructed away from the carriageway but with at least a subbase layer below it. 602.10.2 The Contractor shall demonstrate the materials, plant, equipment and methods of construction that are proposed for concrete paving, by first constructing a trial length of slab, at least 100 m but not more than 300 m long for mechanised construction and at least 50 m long for hand guided methods. If the first trial is unsatisfactory, the Contractor shall have to demonstrate his capability to satisfactorily construct the pavement in subsequent trials. 602.10.3 The trial length shall be constructed in two parts over a period comprising at least part of two separate working days, with a minimum of 50 m constructed each day for mechanised construction and a minimum of 25 m on each day for hand guided construction.

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The trial length shall be constructed at a paving rate (speed, around 1 m/hr similar) to that which is proposed for the main work. 602.10.4 Transverse joints and longitudinal joints of each type that are proposed for dowel-jointed unreinforced concrete slabs in the main work shall be constructed and assessed in the trial length. If in the trial length the construction of expansion joint and longitudinal joint is not demonstrated, the first 2 expansion joints and at least the first 150 m of longitudinal construction joint for mechanized paving in the main work, shall be considered as the trial length for these joints. 602.10.5 The trial length shall comply with the Specifications in all respects, with the following additions and exceptions: 602.10.5.1 Surface levels and regularity a) In checking for compliance with Clause 902.3 the levels shall be taken at intervals at the locations specified in this Clause along any line or lines parallel to the longitudinal centre line of the trial length. The maximum number of permitted irregularities of pavement surface shall comply with the requirements of Clause 902.4. shorter trial lengths shall be assessed pro-rata based on values for a 300 m length.



Joints c) Alignment of dowel bars shall be inspected as described in Clause 602.10.7 in any two consecutive transverse joints. If the position or alignment of the dowel bars at one of these joints does not comply with Clause 602.6.5, if that joint remains the only one that does not comply after the next 3 consecutive joints of the same type have been inspected, then the method of placing dowels shall be deemed to be satisfactory. In order to check sufficient joints for dowel bar alignment without extending the trial length unduly, the Contractor may, by agreement with the Engineer, construct joints at shorter intervals than the normal spacing required in the Contract. If there are deficiencies in the first expansion joint that is constructed as a trial, the next expansion joint shall be a trial joint. Should this also be deficient, further trial expansion joints shall be made as part of the trial length which shall not form part of the permanent works, unless agreed by the Engineer. Direction of Dowel bars/Tie bars : The direction of dowel bars/tie bars at the curve portion shall be in such a way that these shall be radially in the direction of the radii and parallel to the top surface.



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Concrete Pavement These shall also be perpendicular to the direction of transverse joint and longitudinal joint at the middle of the slab depth respectively. The direction of bonded portion of the dowel bars shall preferably be in approaching side of the traffic and unbonded portion shall be on the side where traffic is leaving the joint.



In-situ density in trial length shall be assessed as described in Clause 903.5.2.2 from at least 3 cores drilled from each part of the trial length when the concrete is not less than 7 days old. Should any of the cores show honey-combing in the concrete, the trail length shall be rejected and the construction in the main carriageway shall not be permitted until further trials have shown that modification has been made which would result in adequate compaction. 602.10.5.4 Position of tie bars

Compliance with Clause 602.6.6 for the position and alignment of tie bars shall be checked by drilling additional cores from the slab unless they can be determined from cores taken for density. 602.10.5.5 Minimum of thirty (30) beams for flexural strength and thirty (30) cubes for compressive strength shall be prepared from the concrete delivered in front of the paving plant. Each pair of beams and cubes shall be from the same location/batch but different sets of beams and cubes shall be from different locations/batches. Compressive and flexural strength shall be tested after 28 days water curing in the laboratory. At the age of 28 days, thirty (30) cores with diameter 150 mm shall be cut from the pavement slab when the thickness of PQC is more than 300 mm. In case the PQC thickness is less than 300 mm, the dia of core shall be 100 mm. The cores shall be suitably cut at both ends to provide a specimen of plain surface on both ends. The dia to height ratio of core shall be 1 to 2. (for cylindrical specimen of PQC of dia 150 mm, the variation in dia shall be + 0.5 mm, a tolerance on height shall be + 1 mm for a specimen of cylindrical height 300 mm or more). The test shall be conducted as per IS:516. Concrete in the member represented by a core test shall be considered acceptable, if the average equivalent cube strength of the cores is equal to at least 85 percent of the cube strength (characteristic strength) of the grade of the concrete specified for the corresponding age (28 days) and no individual core has a strength less than 75 percent. 602.10.6 Approval and acceptance

602.10.6.1 Approval of the materials, plant, equipment and construction methods shall be given when the trial length complies with the Specifications. The Contractor shall not proceed with normal working until the trial length has been approved. If the Engineer does not notify the Contractor of any deficiencies in any trial length within 10 days after the completion of that trial length, the Contractor may assume that the trial length, and the

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materials, plant, equipment and construction methods adopted are acceptable after accepting the 28 days strength test cubes and cores intracted from trial length. 602.10.6.2 When approval has been given, the materials, plant, equipment and construction methods shall not thereafter be changed, except for normal adjustments and maintenance of plant, without the approval of the Engineer. Any changes in materials, plant, equipment, and construction methods shall entitle the Engineer to require the Contractor to lay a further trial length as described in this Clause to demonstrate that the changes will not adversely affect the permanent works. 602.10.6.3 Trial lengths which do not comply with the Specifications, with the exception of areas which are deficient only in surface texture and which can be remedied in accordance with Clause 602.9.8.6 shall be removed immediately upon notification of deficiencies by the Engineer and the Contractor shall construct a further trial length. 602.10.7.1 Inspection of dowel bars

602.10.7.1 Compliance with Clause 602.6.5. for the position and alignment of dowel bars at construction and expansion joints shall be checked by measurements relative to the side forms or guide wires. 602.10.7.2 When the slab has been constructed, the position and alignment of dowel bars and any filler board shall be measured after carefully exposing them in the plastic concrete across the whole width of the slab. When the joint is an expansion joint, the top of the filler board shall be exposed sufficiently in the plastic concrete to permit measurement of any lateral or vertical displacement of the board. During the course of normal working, these measurements shall be carried out in the pavement section at the end of days work by extending slab length by 2 m. After sawing the transverse joint groove, the extended 2 m slab shall be removed carefully soon after concrete has set to expose dowels over half the length. These dowels can be tested for tolerances. 602.10.7.3 If the position and alignment of the bars in a single joint in the slab is unsatisfactory then the next two joints shall be inspected. If only one joint of the three is defective, the rate of checking shall be increased to one joint per day until the Engineer is satisfied that compliance is being achieved. In the event of non-compliance in two or more successive joints, the Contractor shall revert to the construction of fresh trial lengths and make any necessary alteration to concrete mix, paving plant or methods until the dowel bar position and alignment are satisfactory. 602.10.7.4 After the dowel bars have been examined, the remainder of the concrete shall be removed over a width of 500 mm on each side of the line of the joint and reinstated to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The dowels shall be inserted on both sides of the 1 m wide slab by drilling holes and grouting with epoxy mortar. Plastic sheath as per Clause 602.6.5.5 shall be provided on dowels on one of the joints. The joint groove shall be widened and sealed as per Clause 602.11.

Section 600 602.11 602.11.1 Preparation and Sealing of Joint Grooves General

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All transverse joints in surface slabs shall be sealed using sealants described in Clause 602.2.8 and as for IRC:57. 602.11.2 Preparation of joint grooves for sealing

602.11.2.1 Joint grooves usually are constructed in first instance to provide the minimum width specified in the drawings when saw cut joints are adopted. They shall be widened subsequently by sawing before sealing. Depth/width gauges shall be used to control the dimension of the groove. Grooves are constructed in first instance just to provide a minimum width (3-5 mm) to facilitate development of cracks at such locations. Subsequently before sealing, grooves are widened by sawing as per the dimensions in the drawing. Dimension of the grooves shall be controlled by depth/width gauge. 602.11.2.2 If rough arrises develop when grooves are made, they shall be ground to provide a chamfer approximately 5 mm wide. If the groove is at an angle upto 10o from the perpendicular to the surface, the overhanging edge of the groove shall be sawn or ground perpendicular. If spalling occurs or the angle of the former is greater than 10 degree, the joint sealing groove shall be sawn wider and perpendicular to the surface to encompass the defects upto a maximum width, including any chamfer, of 20 mm for transverse joints and 10 mm for longitudinal joints. If the spalling cannot be so eliminated then the arrises shall be repaired by an approved thin bonded arrises repair using cementitious materials. 602.11.2.3 All grooves shall be cleaned of any dirt or loose material by air blasting with filtered, oil-free compressed air. The Engineer shall instruct cleaning by pressurized water jets. Depending upon the requirement of the sealant manufacturer, the sides of the grooves shall be sand blasted to increase the bondage between sealant and concrete. 602.11.2.4 The groove shall be cleaned and dried at the time of priming and sealing.

602.11.2.5 Before sealing the temporary seal provided for blocking, the ingress of dirt, soil etc., shall be removed. A highly compressible heat resistant paper-backed debonding strip as per drawing shall be inserted in the groove to serve the purpose of breaking the bond between sealant and the bottom of the groove and to plug the joint groove so that the sealant may not leak through the cracks. The width of debonding grip shall be more than the joint groove width so that it is held tightly in the groove. In the case of longitudinal joints, heat resistant tapes may be inserted to block the leakage through bottom of the joint. When hot poured sealant is used. When cold poured sealant is used a debonding tape of 1.0-2.0 mm thickness and 6 to 8 mm width shall be inserted to plug the groove so that the sealant does not enter in the initially cut groove.

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602.11.3.1 When sealants are applied, an appropriate primer shall also be used if recommended by the manufacturer and it shall be applied in accordance with his instructions. The sealant shall be applied within the minimum and maximum drying times of the primer recommended by the manufacturer. Priming and sealing with applied sealants shall not be carried out when the naturally occurring temperature in the joint groove to be sealed, is below 7C. 602.11.3.2 If hot applied sealant is used (MAF more than 10 percent) it shall be heated and applied from a thermostatically controlled, indirectly heated preferably with oil jacketed melter and pourer having recirculating pump and extruder. For large road projects, sealant shall be applied with extruder having flexible hose and nozzle. The sealant shall not be heated to a temperature higher than the safe heating temperature and not for a period longer than the safe heating period, as specified by the manufacturer. The dispenser shall be cleaned out at the end of each day in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and reheated material shall not be used. 602.11.3.3 Cold applied sealants with chemical formulation like polysulphide/ polyurethene/silicon as per IRC:57 shall be used when requirement of MAF is 25 percent or more. These shall be mixed and applied within the time limit specified by the manufacturer. If primers are recommended they shall be applied neatly with an appropriate brush. 602.11.3.4 The sealants applied at contraction phase of the slabs would result in bulging of the sealant over and above the slab. Therefore, the Contractor in consultation with the Engineer, shall establish the right temperature and time for applying the sealant. Thermometer shall be hung on a pole at the site for facilitating control during the sealing operation. 602.11.3.5 Sealant shall be applied, slightly to a lower level than the slab with a tolerance of 3 1 mm. 602.11.3.6 During sealing operation, it shall be seen that no air bubbles are introduced in the sealant either by vapours or by the sealing process. The sealant after pouring, shall be allowed to cured for 7 days or for a period as per instructions of manufacturers. 602.12 602.12.1 Measurement of Texture Depth Sand Patch Method The following apparatus shall be used: i) ii) A cylindrical container of 25 ml internal capacity; A flat wooden disc 64 mm diameter with a hard rubber disc, 1.5 mm thick, next to one face, the reverse face being provided with a handle;

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Concrete Pavement Dry natural sand with a rounded particle shape passing a 300 micron IS sieve and retained on a 150 micron IS sieve.

602.12.2 Method : The surface to be measured shall be dried, any extraneous mortar and loose material removed and the surface swept clean using a wire brush both at right angles and parallel to the carriageway. The cylindrical container shall be filled with the sand, tapping the base 3 times on the surface to ensure compaction, and striking off the sand level with the top of the cylinder. The sand shall be poured into a heap on the surface to be treated. The sand shall be spread over the surface, working the disc with its face kept flat in a circular motion so that the sand is spread into a circular patch with the surface depressions filled with sand to the level of peaks. 602.12.3 The diameter of the patch shall be measured to the nearest 5 mm. The texture depth of concrete surface shall be calculated from 31000/(DxD) mm where D is the diameter of the patch in mm. The dimensions of Tining i.e. width, depth and landwidth shall be controlled by depth/width guage. Measurrement of Texture Depth - Tining The following apparatus shall be used : i) Tire Tread Depth Guage A stainless steel tire trea depth gauge with graduations with least count of 1.0 mm. The gauge end may be modified to measure depth of tine texture. ii) A stainless steel calipper to measure spacing of tines. If necessary the calipper may be modified to measure the spacing and width of tine texture. The guage shall be used after making necessary calibration. Wire brush Coborundum stone Steel straight edge to remove snots etc. sticking to be surface. The straight edge may be of 6 x 25 x 300 mm size.

iii) iv) v) 602.12.4.2

Test Section

A unit of testing shall be 75 m per lane. If the length of constructiobn is less than 75m it shall be taken as one unit. 602.12.4.3 Test Procedure

In each 75 m section, along the diagonal line, 10 points shall be selected for making checks

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of depth, width and spacing of tine grooves. The surface where tests are to be conducted shall be cleared carefully with a wire brush or a steel straight edge or using a corborundum to remove any upward projection of concrete. When the base plate of the gauge is in contact with the concrete surface, the gauge shall be pressed to the bottom of groove shall also be measured and recorded at this location. At the same location, the spacing of tines shall be measured to verify whether the pattern recommended in Clause 602.9.9.2 is complied or not. 602.12.4.4 Calculation

The average of depth and width at 10 locations shall be calculated and recorded to the nearest 1mm. The spacing of spectrum measured at 10 locations shall be recorded separately. 602.12.5 The average depth shall be within 3 to 4 mm. When the depth is less than 2.5mm and in excess of 4.5 mm, the Contractor shall stop concreting till he corrects his tine brush or replaces it. The sensors associated with work shall be again calibrated to achieve the required texture. The textured groove less than 2.5 mm shall be re-grooved using concrete saw at the cost of Contractor variation in texture width in the range of 3+1 mm and 3 - 0.5 mm will be acceptable. Variation of width in excess of this range, the cotractor shall stop his work to correct his brush and technique. When the spacing of spectrum is not satisfactory, the contractor shall replace the entire brush. 602.13 Opening to Traffic

No vehicular traffic shall be allowed to ply on the finished surface of a concrete pavement within a period of 28 days of its construction and until the joints are permanently sealed. The road may be opened to regular traffic after completion of the curing period of 28 days and after sealing of joints is completed including the construction of shoulder, with the written permission of the Engineer. 602.14 Acceptance Criteria in Quality and Distress i) Tolerances for Surface Regularity, Level, Thickness and Strength : The tolerances for surface regularity, level, thickness and strength shall conform to the requirements given in Clause 903.5. Control of quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance with Section 900. ii) Tolerances in Distress : The acceptance criteria with regard to the types of distresses in rigid pavement shall be as per IRC:SP-83. Guidelines for Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation of Cement Concrete Pavements. The cracks (of severity rating not more than 2) which

Section 600

Concrete Pavement may appear during construction or before completion of Defect Liability Period shall be acceptable with suggested treatments as given in Table :600-4 .

In case of PQC slabs having cracks of severity rating more than 2 i.e. cracks of width more than 0.5 mm for single discrete cracks, multiple and transverse cracks and cracks of width more than 3 mm in case of longitudinal cracks and of depth more than half of the PQC slabs, shall be removed and replaced. 602.15 Measurements for Payment

602.15.1 Cement Concrete pavement shall be measured as a finished work in square metres with specified thickness. The volume to be paid for will be calculated on the basis of thickness and plans shown on the drawings and adjusted for the deficiency in thickness. No additional payment shall be made for extra thickness of the slab. The full payment will be made for this item after 28 days strength of the concrete is found to be satisfactory. Interim payment may be made after 14 days of curing. The unit for measurement for concrete pavement shall be the cubic metre of concrete placed, based on the net plan areas for the specified thickness shown on the drawings or directed by the Engineer. The rate shall include all provisions of these Specifications and shall include the provision of all materials, their storage, polythene film, concrete,mixing, transport, placing, compacting, finishing, curing together with all formwork, and including testing and submission of test certificates and records . The unit rate as entered in the Bill of Quantities shall also include all costs of contraction, expansion, construction, and longitudinal joints. It shall also include provision of joint filler, caulking rod, debonding strip, sealant primer, joint sealant, dowel bar and tie rod. 602.15.2 Pavement thickness

All precautions and care shall be taken to construct pavements having uniform thickness as shown on the plans. A days work is considered as a lot for calculating the average thickness of the slab. Average thickness of the slab shall be within tolerence limits prescribed in Table 900-1. No extra payment shall be made for the thickness more than the thickness prescribed in the drawing. 602.16 Rate

The Contract unit rate for the construction of the cement concrete shall be payment in full for carrying out the operations required for the different items of the work as per these Specifications including full compensation for all labour, tools, plant, equipments, testing and incidentals to complete the work as per Specifications, providing all materials i.e. aggregates, dowel bars, tie bars, PVC membrane, cement, stabilizers (lime, cements or

TABLE 600-4


Concrete Pavement

S.No. 3 w = width of crack L = length of crack d = depth of crack D = depth of slab w = width of crack L = length of crack d = depth of crack D = depth of slab w = width of crack L = length of crack d = depth of crac D = depth of slab w = width of crack L = length of crack d = depth of crack D = depth of slab 0 1 2 2 0 1 0 1 2 2 w=0.2-0.5 mm, discernible from slow-moving car Nil, not discernible w < 0.2 mm, hair cracks w = 0.2 - 0.5 mm, discernible from slow vehicle Nil, not discernible w < 0.5 mm, discernable from slow moving vehicle w = 0.5 - 3.0 mm, discernible from fast vehicle Nil, not discernible w < 0.2 mm, hair cracks w = 0.2 - 0.5 mm, discernible from slow vehicle 0 1 Nil, not discernible w<0.2 mm, hair cracks 4 5 No Action 6

Type of Distress

Measured Parameter

Degree of Severity

Assessment Rating

Repair Action for the case d<D/2


Single Discrete Crack Not intersecting with any joint

Seal without delay No Action Route and Seal with epoxy No Action Seal with epoxy, if L>1 m Route seal and stitch if L>1m No Action Seal, and stitch if L>1 m


Single Transverse (or Diagonal) Crack intersecting with one or more joints

Single Longitudinal Crack intersecting with one or more joints

Multiple Cracks intersecting

with one or more joints

or cracks

Section 600

Section 600


Type of Distress

Measured Parameter Degree of Severity 0 1 2 r = 2 10% Nil, not discernible r < 2%

Assessment Rating

Repair Action for the case d<D/2 No action Local repair of areas damaged and liable to be damaged.


SURFACE DEFECTS Ravelling or Honeycomb r = area damaged type surface surface/total surface of slab (%) h = maximum depth of damage 0 1 2 r = 2 - 10% Nil, not discernible r < 2%



r = damaged surface/total surface of slab (%) h = maximum depth of damage

No action. Local repair of areas damaged and liable to be damaged.


* 5 level rating system : 0-Not Discernale, 1 Minor, 2 Moderate, 3 Major, 4 Extreme and 5 Unsafe / Unserviceable

Concrete Pavement

Concrete Pavement

Section 600

any other stabilizers accredited by IRC) etc. to be incorporated in the work including all royalties, fees, storage, rents where necessary and all leads and lifts. No separate payment will be made for construction of trial length and the tests carried out on the same. 602.17 Strengthening of Existing Pavement with Rigid Pavement

IRCSP:17 and IRC:SP: 76 may be referred for the design and construction of rigid pavement over rigid and flexible pavements including White Topping (WT), Thin White Topping (TWT) and Ultra Thin White Topping (UTWT) for different types of traffic (low to heavy), details of which are given in Section 604. 602.18 Maintenance : IRC:SP:83 covers the detailed methodology for repair and maintenance of Rigid pavements including full depth and partial depth repair methodology. 603 ROLLED CEMENT CONCRETE BASE Deleted. 604 604.1 WHITETOPPING Scope

604.1.1 Whitetopping is a Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) overlay constructed on the top of an existing bituminous pavement. It is, thus, a rehabilitation or structural strengthening alternative of a bituminous pavement. This emerging concept has found real extended application for rehabilitating the old bituminous pavements. This provides an effective remedy where rutting or other failure of bituminous pavement is a recurring problem. This composite type pavement provides a cost effective rehabilitation for aging bituminous pavements of the country. 604.1.2 Whitetopping upto a thickness of 100 mm is known as Ultra Thin Whitetopping. For a thickness from 100 mm upto 200 mm is called Thin Whitetopping and for a thickness of more than 200 mm is called Conventional Whitetopping. Ultra Thin Whitetopping relies upon the bonding between underlined bituminous layer and overlaid Portland Cemente Concrete (PCC) layer by milling the existing bituminous layer. These are normally suitable for parking lot or very low volume roads. Thin Whitetopping may be suitable for medium volume roads and Conventional Whitetopping is for moderate to heavy trafficked roads. For details of different types of Whitetopping IRC:SP:76 can be referred.


Section 600 604.2 604.2.1 Materials Cement

Concrete Pavement

Any of the following types of cement capable of achieving the design strength may be used with prior approval of the Engineer: i) ii) iii) iv) Ordinary Portland Cement, 43 Grade, IS:8112 Ordinary Portland Cement, 53 Grade, IS:12269 Portland Pozzolana Cement, IS:1489 Portland Slag Cement, IS:455

Preference should, however, be to use 43/53 Grade cement, as the grade of required concrete is more than M 40. While using 53 Grade Cement, fly ash upto 20 percent by weight of cementitious material may be added. The mix shall be designed as per IRC:44 or IS:10262. If ground granulated blast furnace slag as per IS:10289 is used, it shall be upto 50 percent by weight of Ordinary Portland Cement. Slag shall be added only in Ordinary Portland Cement (53 Grade). Site mixing of fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag shall be permitted only after ensuring availability of the equipments at site for uniform blending through a specific mechanized facility with automated process control like batch mix plants conforming to IS:4925 and IS:4926. Site mixing will not be allowed otherwise. If the soil around has soluble salts like sulphates in excess of 0.5 percent, the cement used shall be sulphate resistant and shall conform to IS:12330. Guidance may be taken from IRC: 44 for ascertaining the compressive/flexural strength of cement concrete required to match with the prescribed design strength of concrete. Cement to be used may preferably be obtained in bulk form. If cement in paper bags is proposed to be used, there shall be bag-splitters with the facility to separate pieces of paper bags and dispose them off suitably. No paper pieces shall enter the concrete mix. Bulk cement shall be stored in accordance with Clause 1014. The cement shall be subjected to acceptance test just prior to its use. 604.2.2 Chemical Admixture

Admixtures conforming to IS:9103 and IS:6925 may (upto 2 percent by weight of cement as per IS:456) be used to improve workability of the concrete or extension of setting time, on satisfactory evidence that they will not have any adverse effect on the properties of concrete with respect to strength, volume change and durability.

Concrete Pavement 604.2.3 Aggregates

Section 600

604.2.3.1 Aggregates for pavement concrete shall be natural material complying with IS:383 with a Los Angeles (LA) Abrasion not more than 35 percent. The limits of deleterious materials shall not exceed the requirements set out in Table 600-2. Furhter these will meet the requirements laid down in Clause 602. 604.2.4 Coarse aggregate : Coarse aggregates shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, non-porous and durable pieces of crushed stone or crushed gravel and shall be devoid of pieces of disintegrated stone, soft, flaky, elongated, very angular or splintery pieces. Aggregates should normally be rough textured and cubical in shape. Use of modern crushing technology for producing aggregates is considered desirable. The maximum size of coarse aggregates shall not exceed 31.5 mm in case of TWT/Conventional Whitetopping and 25 mm in case of UTWT. The flakiness and elongation index of aggregates shall be less than 35 percent. No aggregates which has water absorption more than 2 percent shall be used in the concrete mix. The aggregates shall be tested for soundness in accordance with IS:2386 (Part V). After 5 cycles of testing, the loss shall not be more than 12 percent if sodium sulphate solution is used or 18 percent if magnesium sulphate solution is used. If aggregates are doubtful for alkali aggregate reactivity, IS:456 may be referred for guidance. If aggregates are not free from dirt, the same may be washed and drained for at least 72 hours before batching. In such a situation the absorbed moisture content shall be carefully taken into account while calculating water content in the mix. 604.2.5 Fine aggregate : The fine aggregates shall consist of clean natural sand or crushed stone sand or a combination of the two and shall conform to IS:383. Fine aggregates shall be free from soft particles, clay, shale, loam, cemented particles, mica and organic and other foreign matter. The fine aggregates shall not contain deleterious substances within the limites given in Table 600-2. The mix produced in the laboratory and the field should be satisfactory in all respects and should comply with the requirement of these Specifications. 604.2.6 Water : Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amount of oil, salt, acid, vegetable matter or other substances harmful to the finished concrete. It shall meet the requirements stipulated in IS:456. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing and curing. 604.2.7 Mineral admixtures : In case of Conventional Whitetopping, Ultra Thin Whitetopping and Thin Whitetopping following materials may be added as mineral admixtures as per their availability: i) Fly ash grade I (as per IS 3812-2003)

Section 600 ii) iii)

Concrete Pavement Ground Granulated blast furnace slag (as per IS:12089) Silica fume (as per IS:15388-2003, IS:456-2000 and IRC:SP:70)

The silica-fume as per design is used where high performance concrete is the requirement of the design. It shall be added in suitable dozes normally @ 3-10 percent by weight of cementitious material. To improve the ductility and fatigue resistance of high performance/high strength concrete, polymeric fiber may be added in the concrete 0.2-0.4 percent by weight of cement and/or steel fiber as per IRC:SP:46. Polymeric fiber shall have water absorption less than 0.3 percent and shall not affect the properties of concrete (i.e. reduction in the strength not more than 5 percent). Entrapped air content in the concrete shall not be more than 3 percent except where freezing and thawing is taking place. 604.2.8 Fibers

Fibers may be used subject to the provisions in the design/approval by the Engineer to reduce the shrinkage cracking and post-cracking. The fibers may be steel fiber as per IRC:SP:46 or polymeric Synthetic Fibers shall meet the specification laid down in Claused 602.2.3.1. 604.2.9 Storage of materials

All materials shall be stored in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1014 of the Specifications and other relevant IS Specifications as laid down in Clause 602.2.9. 604.2.10 Mix proportioning and strength of concrete

Following designed concrete mixes may be used for construction of all types of whitetopping (Conventional/TWT/UTWT): i) ii) iii) Conventional cement concrete Fiber Reinforced concrete using fibers viz. polypropylene, polyethylene, nylon, polyester, steel (IRC:SP:46) etc. High Performance concrete using silica fume upto 3-10 percent by weight of cementitious material with and without using fly ash (upto 20 percent) or slag up to 50 percent by weight of cement, (IRC:SP:70) High Performance fiber reinforced concrete using specified fibers and mineral admixtures as per IS:456 using a doze of chemical admixture @ upto 2.0 percent by weight of cement.


Concrete mixes used are so proportioned that the concrete mix generally produces concrete of minimum characteristic compressive strength M 40 or more than M 40 at 28 days. High

Concrete Pavement

Section 600

performance concrete of compressive strength M 50 is normally preferred. The high strength high performance concrete is essential for fast track construction which is achieved by using early setting cements with microsilica as an essential additive. UTWT/TWT projects are generally constructed with concrete of mix, having lower water/ cement ratio, less than 0.40. It is, however, preferable to have a water/cement ratio around 0.28 to 0.30. The workability/slump requirement (25-50 mm) may be conveniently achieved by the use of plasticizer. Rich mixes may have higher cement content (but not greater than 540 kg/m3). Extra precautions are required while using very high cement content with regard to the heat of hydration. High cement content will lead to extra heat of hydration and cracking. The minimum cement content is 360 kg/m3. The higher strength is derived not by increasing the cement content but by reduced water content. A typical mix proportion for academic interest is given in Table 604.6 which may be used as a guidance to achieve characteristic compressive strength of M 50. Table 600.6 is only for the guidelines and help in the mix design. The same mix proportions may be adopted in case of Conventional Whitetopping with precautions of curing, ambient temperature, slump and temperature of concrete. When designing concrete pavements, the flexural strength (modulus of rupture) of concrete is used rather than its compressive strength, as concrete fails in flexure rather than in compression. The mixes shall be designed as per IRC:44 or IS:10262. The minimum flexural strength or modulus of rupture (Third point loading) of the concrete shall be 45 kg/cm2 for responding to the minimum grade of concrete i.e. M 40 at 28 days. However, it is preferred to have a flexural strength of 50-60 kg/cm2 (third Point Loading) as per IS:516. 604.3 Trial Length

604.3.1 The trial length shall be constructed at least one month in advance of the proposed work. Before doing actual construction of Conventional Whitetopping, Thin Whitetopping, Ultra Thin Whitetopping, a trial length of 50 m is essential as per the guidelines similar to Conventional rigid pavement (602.10). 604.4 Construction

604.4.1 The steps of constructions for Conventional Whitetopping, Thin Whitetopping and Ultra Thin Whitetopping are given as under: i) Milling : The milling of the existing asphalt pavement provides removal of rutting. The depth of milling (2550 mm) depends upon the types and severity of distress.


Section 600 Table 600.6 Typical Mix Proportions Sl. No. Ingredients 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ordinary Portland Cement 43 or 53 Grade Coarse Aggregate Fine Aggregate (Natural) Polymeric Fibers Water/Cement Ratio Water Fly ash Silica fume Chemical Admixture

Concrete Pavement

Weight in kg 440 947 596 0.9 0.28 (desirable, but not more than 0.40) 170 liter or kg 88 59 0.5% by weight of cement (desirable but not more than 2%)


1) 2) 3)

Crushed sand may also be used conforming to IS:383-1970. As per IS:383 permissible limit of 150 micron IS sieve is increased to 20%. Crushed sand blended with river sand can also be used.


Repair to Existing Pavement : The milled pavement shall be repaired in respect of cracks etc. The surface of the asphalt shall be flushed with water to aid in cleaning, before overlay is applied. Needed profile correction course may be applied as per IRC:SP:76. Cleaning : After milling or providing the profile correction course, atop the existing asphalt pavement, the top surface is cleaned to ensure bonding between the existing asphalt pavement and the new concrete overlay. After the milling operation/laying profile correction course, form work using steel channels or girder are fixed and stability of these is ensured simultaneously. Concrete is placed, finished textured and cured using conventional paving techniques and materials. After the laying of PCC, runner beam shall simultaneously be provided without causing vibration/disturbance to the newly laid UTWT/TWT. Use of semi mechanized method, slip form paver or fixed form paver may be adopted as per IRC:15 based on size of project and availability of the space and equipment.




Concrete Pavement

Section 600 Curing compound/water should be applied twice the normal rate. The timing of the texturing operation is important.


For low speed, municipal or urban projects, a burlap drag, turf drag, or coarse broom texture is sufficient. For high-speed interstate and other primary routes, tining provides excellent long-term skid resistance.

604.4.2 Drainage : Drains, inlets and manholes must be raised to match the elevation of the new pavement. 604.4.3 Joints

The locations and type of joints shall be as shown in the drawing. Joints shall be constructed depending upon their functional requirement as detailed in the IRC:SP 76. The location of the joints should be transferred accurately at the site and mechanical saw cutting of joints done as per stipulated dimensions. It should be ensured that the full required depth of cut is made from edge to edge of the pavement. Sawing of joints shall be carried out with diamond studded blades soon after the concrete has hardened to take the load of the sawing machine and personnel without damaging the texture of the pavement. Sawing operation could start as early as 5-6 hours after laying of Whitetopping but not later than 18 to 20 hours depending upon the ambient temperature, wind velocity and relative humidity and required maturity of concrete achieved for this purpose. If the kerb is cast integrally with the main pavement slab, the joint cutting shall also be extended to the kerb. Sawing should not be initiated when the compressive strength of the concrete is less than 2 MPa and should be completed before it attains the compressive strength of 7 MPa. The ratio of the length (longest dimension) to width (shortest dimension) of any given panel is recommended to be not more than 1.20. Conventional types of joints are being adopted in the construction of conventional whitetopping. In the case of UTWT/TWT, construction of these joints is slightly modified as: i) ii) iii) iv) Contraction Joints Expansion Joint Construction Joint Longitudinal Joints

Initially, 3-5 mm joint may be cut within 5-20 to a depth of 1/3 of the slabs depth.

Section 600

Concrete Pavement

Short joint spacing is critical for the good performance of UTWT/TWT projects. Details of the joints and their sealing with sealant or preformed seals as shown in IRC:SP:76. No expansion joint is required, in case of UTWT/TWT, however, at every 15 m length, a wooden board of 10 mm may thickness be used as construction butt joint with 3 tie bars in each panel with maximum joint spacing of 1.0 m. When width of UTWT/TWT lane is more than 1.25 m, a longitudinal joint is required. 604.4.4 Surface Levels, Regularity and Surface Unevenness : The levels of sub-base/base and wearing course shall be within + 6 mm. The number of irregularity shall be as per Table 900-2(b) and 900-2(c). 604.5 Opening to Traffic

The traffic can be opened when the UTWT/TWT has attained the desired strength depending on the traffic loading condition. Usually, traffic may be opened after 28 days (or at the age at which characteristic strength minimum 280 kg/cm2 is achieved) of casting Paving Quality Concrete (PQC)/PCC slabs. 604.6 Acceptance Criteria : Concrete Beams of size, 100 mm x 100 mm x 500 mm and concrete cubes (100 mm) as per IS:516 shall be cast for each 150 cum of concrete or on each days work. Average compressive and flexural strength of specimen = +1.65 x s Where s is the standard deviation In case of doubt 50 mm dia cores for Ultra Thin Whitetopping and 100 mm dia cores for Thin Whitetopping and Conventional Whitetopping may be cut and strength of these cores shall be conforming to Clause 602.3.3. 604.7 Measurement for Pavement characteristic strength

Conventional Whitetopping, Thin Whitetopping and Ultra Thin Whitetopping shall be measured as a finished work in square metres with specified thickness. The volume to be paid for will be calculated on the basis of thickness and plans shown on the project drawings. No additional payment shall be made for extra thickness of the slab. Thickness less than the prescribed shall be acceptable as under: UTWT, TWT, Conventinal 5 mm is not more than in two continuous panels 8 mm in not more than two panels 10 mm is not more than in two continuous panels

Concrete Pavement

Section 600

The full payment will be made to this item after 28 days strength of the concrete is found to be satisfactory. Interim payment may be made after 14 days curing the measurement shall be made as per Clause 602.15.1. 604.8 Pavement Thickness

All precautions and care shall be taken to construct pavements having uniform thickness as called for on the plans. Thickness of the whitetopping shall be calculated on the basis of level data of the cement concrete pavement and the underlying sub-base taken on a grid of 5 m x 3.5 m. While calculating average thickness, the thickness greater than 6 mm shall be considered as 6 mm. A days work is considered as a lot for calculating the average thickness of the slab. Average thickness of the slab shall be within the tolerance limits prescribed in Table 900-I. No extra payment shall be made for thickness more than 6 mm. 604.9 Rate

The Contract unit rate for the construction of the cement concrete shall be payment in full for carrying out the operations required for the different items of the work as per these Specifications including full compensation for all labour, tools, plant, equipments, testing and incidentals to complete the work as per Specifications, providing all materials i.e aggregates, dowel bars, tie bars, PVC sheet, cement, stabilizers (lime, cements or any other stabilizers accredited by IRC) etc to be incorporated in the work including all royalties, fees, storage, rents where necessary and all leads and lifts. No separate payment will be made for construction of trial length and tests carried out on the same.


Section 600

Concrete Pavement


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