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Scope of Work Contract

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Main Mechanical Plant

Pulverized fuel boiler, including boiler drum & all necessary relating pressure parts, coal mills & feeders, electrostatic precipitators, fans, air pre-heaters, low NOx burners, sootblowers, ductwork, dampers, complete start up fuel system and all other associated ancillary plant, utilizing a enclosed structure complete with coal bunkers. Steam turbine plant complete with condensers, on-load condenser cleaning equipment, air extractions equipment, direct once through sea water cooling water systems, and all other associated ancillary plant and equipment. Feedwater pumping and pre-heating system, including deaeration equipment, and chemical dosing equipment, to transfer and condition condensate from the steam turbine condenser hot well to provide boiler feed water suitable for the boiler. Materials handling systems for coal, ash, dust, with environmental control systems, including: coal unloading equipment and associated facilities. coal stockyard equipment for stockpile management and environmental control measures. The system is to be capable of simultaneously off-loading and feeding the power station bunkers conveyor system from coal stockyard to boiler bunkers coal sampling system pneumatic transfer system for fly ash storage facility for off site sales, plus conditioning plant and transfer system for disposal of fly ash into ash lagoon. Handling and transportation of furnace bottom ash for disposal to ash lagoon Lorry loading facilities for furnace bottom ash / fly ash Mobile plant, including dozers and front end loaders for coal and ash management, etc.

Facilities for the import, transfer, storage, handling and supply systems for fuel oil for boiler start up and combustion support operation, including trace heating etc. Flue gas exhaust system with continuous emission monitoring systems including ducting and a chimney for final exhaust Electro Static Precipitator (ESP) plant for particulate removal Auxiliary steam system, complete with auxiliary steam boiler and pipework Main once-through cooling water (CW) system including inlet filtration and, screening, pipework, pumping, chemical dosing, and associated equipment All isolation, non return and control valves necessary to effect safe operation and maintenance of the main CW system Cooling water systems for auxiliary plant Water treatment plant and condensate storage facilities to produce and store boiler quality feed water for boiler make-up, and provide adequate

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storage to prevent disruption of either the water treatment plant or the water supply
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Service water supply and storage for the power station Potable water supply and storage for the power station Electro-chlorination and dosing system to control biological fouling of cooling water systems Waste water treatment system Hydrogen Plant, storage and supply system Condensate polishing system

Other Mechanical
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Air Conditioning and Ventilating System Air compression and conditioning plant to supply instrument quality air to the boiler and steam turbine plant and other auxiliary plant General service compressed air system Station inert gas systems, (N2, H2, CO2, etc.) Boiler preservation systems Station vacuum cleaning systems for pf/particulate removal from main power station building. Fire protection systems, including fire detection panel in the station control room, together with fire water pumps and main, and fire fighting vehicles Laboratory & laboratory equipment to enable the operator to monitor the water circuits and all necessary sampling / monitoring activities that are required for the operation of Power Station All necessary fixed and mobile crane age and handling equipment for plant operation and maintenance. Elevators for personnel access in boiler house All necessary lagging and cladding of pipework and vessels Pipework, valves and fittings for all systems Workshop and garage machinery, tools and mobile lifting equipment

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All mechanical works specified above shall be furnished complete with pipings, valves, fittings, support and hangers, insulation and lagging where ever necessary for a complete and functional unit.

CIVIL WORK The scope of the civil work comprises the design and construction of all necessary buildings, foundations, superstructure and infrastructure required for the complete operating power station and including but not limited to:

Security fencing, temporary and permanent, access gates and security house gate. Soil Investigation, Topography and Bathymetry and hydro oceanography survey. Preparing works including clearance, leveling, upgrading of site access from existing roadway , provision of causeway onto the site, necessary soil improvement works, hard standings, storage facilities, and temporary/permanent materials/plant unloading jetty. Dredging work associated with construction of the jetty, CW intake and outfall. Pile supply and construction Main steam boiler structural works and foundations. Main steam turbine building including, Deaerator and Coal Bunker bay. Turbine house, weatherproofed and ventilated, suitable for location of the steam turbine generator and auxiliary equipment with suitable areas for plant laydown during periods of major plant maintenance. Electrostatic Precipitator Structures and foundation. Chemical storage buildings. 150 kV Substation Building. Administration building suitable for station managerial and operational staff. Mosque. Fire station building for storage of mobile fire fighting equipment. Coal conveyor structures and foundations, preparation of coal storage area, foundations and structures for coal shed, coal water settling pond, crusher house, coal conveying gantry. Foundations & structures for Fuel Oil tanks and bund walls. Transformer compound partitioning, blast walls, soak pits & associated galvanized fencing/gated. Supports of pipe work, instrumentation and electrical cabling. Air Compressor house structure, foundation and vessel bases.

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Reinforced concrete chimney structure and foundation. Temporary site supplies for construction and commissioning phases including water, electricity and telephone. Construction of all necessary temporary roads and hard standing. Temporary RE office including furniture, office equipment and services for the Employer during site construction, with covered parking for 50 cars. Removal of temporary works after construction is completed and reinstatement of the site. Cooling water systems, culverts and pipelines (including offshore abstraction and offshore discharge arrangements), dewatering do watering systems with draining, pipework, and culverts for maintenance and venting facilities. Temporary unloading wharf (if required). Jetty structure. Associated navigational aids/buoys. fixed mooring equipment and channel

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Central control room building, including an administration area (fully equipped with integrated control system including SCADA facilities for the plant) complete with air conditioning. Turbine house, weatherproofed and ventilated, suitable for location of the steam turbine generator and auxiliary equipment with suitable areas for plant laydown during periods of major plant maintenance. Buildings and enclosures for other facilities and auxiliary plant. Passenger and goods lifts as required for safe and efficient operation in addition to maintenance of the plant and equipment. Hard standing for permanent storage, laydown and vehicle parking areas. Site roads and pedestrian paving, car park. Removal of temporary works after main works are completed and reinstatement of the site. Landscaping within site boundary to included both hard and soft landscaping, comprising trees, shrubs and plants. Import of necessary topsoil. Site wastewater management system including coal stockpile runoff storm/general drain systems, ash pond drainage system. Raw water/service water storage and distribution system.

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Potable water system treatment and distribution system, desalination structure and associated structures. Preparation of ash disposal area including rainwater drainage system and ash water re-circulation system. Bottom ash conveyor system complete with foundations/structures. Process drains, blow down and effluent collection tanks, conditioning and treatment systems for the steam turbine, boiler and water treatment equipment complete with discharge connection to the nominated termination point. Foul, storm water, coal and station effluent systems. Foul drains system including a sewage treatment facility to cater for permanent work force, and for an additional maintenance staff during overhaul periods. Clean drains collection, tanks and pumps. Oil/water separation systems. Workshops and equipment required for essential maintenance of electrical, mechanical and instrumentation systems, also building repairs. Fully equipment laboratory for testing of coal, fuel oil, distillate, water, lube oil; etc. Station garage including gasoline storage facilities and vehicle compound. Permanent stores warehouse facility and other storage building. Others as required by Contractors.

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Electrical and Control and Instrumentation works Electrical and Control and Instrumentation works shall be as specified in Technical Requirements Part 4.6 (Electrical Works) and Part 4.7 (Control and Instrumentation, and not be limited to:
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Generators complete Generator Transformers and Unit Auxiliary Transformers complete Generator Circuit Breakers complete (if required by system design) Station Service/Reserve Auxiliary Transformer complete (if required by system design) Plant Electrical AC and DC Distribution System complete Emergency Diesel Generator complete Uninterruptible Power Supply System complete Grounding and Lightning Protection System complete Lighting and Telecommunication System complete Cathodic Protection System complete

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CCTV System complete Protection and Monitoring System complete Plant Control and Instrumentation System complete 150 kV Substation, one and a half breaker scheme (3 diameters: for 2 generator incoming and 2 transmission line outgoing) complete Complete clock system

Miscellaneous Services Operation and Maintenance Training for Owners personnel at manufacturers work and site as described in Part 4 Subsection 4.3A.2.13.
Supply of Spare Parts as described in Part 4 Subsection 4.3A.2.11. Maintenance tools and Test equipment as described in Part 4 Subsection 4.3A.2.10.

Supply of all consumable required during erection, commissioning test and one year warranty period including initial charge of all lubricating oils and greases, fuses, indicating lamps, filters, lubricants, chemicals and condenser tube cleaning balls etc. The items and quantities shall be listed and submitted with the offer. Manufacture and Shop test inspection for Owners personnel. Plant inspection and test at the end of warranty period prior to final acceptance. Design, Operating, Maintenance and Systems manuals for all systems and equipment supplied, as described in Part 4 Subsection 2.10. Reports, Documents, as built drawings on completion for record purposes, etc. Arrangements of Permit Letter application from the Gov. of Indonesia Concerning: Building Construction Permit (IMB) Heavy Equipment Transport Other permits

Terminal Points and Interfaces

150 kV Outgoing Transmission Lines The interface point is at the 150 kV at substation gantry tower for the outgoing transmission line feeders. SCADA The Contractor shall wire all signal required for SCADA to the SCADA marshalling cabinet to be provided by the contractor installed at the Substation Control Building. All required transducers, cabling and other accessories shall be provided.

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